Pacing Schedule for French 4AP: 2006


Pacing Schedule for French 4AP: 2006
Pacing Schedule for French 4AP: 2006-2007
Primary Resources
Une Fois Pour Toutes; Sturges, Nielsen & Herbst, 2nd Edition
AP French: Preparing for the Language Examination; Ladd & Girard, 2nd Edition
Discovering French Nouveau, Rouge 3; McDougal Littell, Textbook, Chapters 6-10
Discovering French Nouveau, Rouge 3; McDougal Littell, Workbook and Tape Manual
Discovering French Nouveau, Rouge 3; McDougal Littell, Activités pour tous
Discovering French Nouveau, Rouge 3; McDougal Littell, CD Audio Program
Discovering French Nouveau, Rouge 3; McDougal Littell, DVD Program
Discovering French Nouveau, Rouge 3; McDougal Littell, Overhead Transparencies
L’enfant noir; Camara Laye
Littératures En Contexte: Le Monde Francophone; Louise, Fiber, & Luce
Collage: Lectures Littéraires; Baker, Bleuzé et al ; McGraw-Hill
QUARTER 1 : Unité 6, Discovering French ; Leçons 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, Une Fois Pour
I. Unit Outcomes and Skill Set
A. Listening and Speaking: Students will be able to demonstrate comprehension
of spoken French and will be able to express themselves orally in the following
1. Discussing travel plans
a. Deciding where to travel, where to stay and what to see
b. Making reservations in a hotel
c. Asking for services in a hotel
2. Discussing real and/or ideal vacations
3. Comparing vacations in America to vacations in France/Europe
4. Comparing types of lodgings available
5. Comparing people
6. Comparing who or what is best
7. Indicating what belongs to you and what belongs to other people
8. Pointing out specific people or things and asking questions about them
9. Narrating stories and describing details of past events
10. Presentation of Francophone country
11. La Deuxième Guerre Mondiale: L’Occupation, La Résistance
et la Libération; l’Holocauste
12. Video/radio excerpts using authentic materials from internet sources
B. Writing Component: Students will be able to express themselves in writing in
a variety of ways:
1. Descriptive 2 page essay of a favorite vacation spot remembered
2. Poetry: Personal poem in style of Liberté by Paul Eluard
3. Composition: Reflection on topic related to war/consequences of war
4. Journal entries each week on variety of topics incorporating grammar
and new vocabulary
C. Reading Component : Students will be able to demonstrate comprehension
of a variety of reading materials including (but not limited to) the following:
1. Lodging descriptions from travel brochures, the Internet and the Guide
2. Magazine articles on travel spots
3. Une étrange aventure (short story, text)
4. Descriptive accounts of Holocaust survivors
5. Poems : Liberté, Paul Eluard ; selected writings from La Résistance
6. Le Petit Prince, Ch. 1 and 15 (Introduction; L’explorateur)
7. Samedi au Paradis (children’s story)
8. Le petit chaperon rouge, Charles Perrault (fairy tale)
9. Weekly news articles from French newspapers (internet)
D. Cultural Component: Students will demonstrate knowledge of
1. French travel options available to them such as gites, auberges de
jeunesse, terrains de camping, séjours en famille, programmes d’échange,
travail en fermes
2. Historical events during La Deuxième Guerre Mondiale ; La Résistance
II. Grammar and Vocabulary
1. Hotel accomodations and services
2. Vocabulary lists from reading activities
3. Thematic vocabulary from AP Prep book : A l’aéroport, les armes,
au bord de la mer, description des personnes, la géographie
physique, à l’hôtel, à la gare, l’immigration, la météo, les sports,
les transports
4. Definite and indefinite articles
5. Verbes : présent, impératif, passif
6. Les Temps du Passé : le passé récent, le passé composé, règles d’accord,
le passé simple, l’imparfait, le plus-que-parfait, le passif au passé
7. Les Possessifs et les démonstratifs
8. Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns
9. Negation/negative expressions
10. Comparative and superlative constructions
11. Adverbs and adjectives
12. Relative pronouns: lequel and forms, celui and forms,
13. Possessive pronoun le mien and all similar forms
III. Assessment :
1. Vocabulary quizzes
2. Unit 6 test
3. Listening quizzes
4. Speaking activities: oral presentations, telephone messages, cassette entry
5. Lesson tests from Une Fois Pour Toutes
6. Journal entries, essays and creative writing assignments
7. Midterm test to include grammar, vocabulary and cultural elements
QUARTER 2: Unités 7 & 9, Discovering French; Leçons 3, 4, 8, 11, & 12,
Une Fois Pour Toutes; Le Surréalisme
I. Unit Outcomes and Skill Set
A. Listening and Speaking: Students will be able to demonstrate comprehension
of spoken French and will be able to express themselves orally in the following
1. Describing symptoms and explaining what is wrong
to the doctor and dentist and in the emergency ward
2. Giving information about medical history
3. Understanding the doctor’s advice
4. Expressing emotions of joy, sorrow, fear, doubt, disbelief, attitudes
5. Describing degrees of friendship
6. Expressing different feelings towards other people
7. Discussing the state of one’s relationship with other people
8. Congratulating, comforting, and expressing sympathy for other people
9. Describing the various phases of a person’s life
10. Talking about friends and acquaintances
11. Comparing and contrasting the health systems of France and U.S.
12. Discussing the Surrealist movement, its artists and their works
13. Listening and discussing Jean Cocteau’s surrealist film
“La Belle et la Bête”
14. Video/radio excerpts using authentic materials from internet sources
B. Writing Component: Students will be able to express themselves in writing in
a variety of ways:
1. Essay: Description of Community Service hours at SI
2. Weekly journal entries using new vocabulary and grammar
3. Captions to Gary Larson cartoons using subjonctif (Halloween)
4. Greeting card expressing message of congratulations, sympathy, or…
5. Essay: La Belle et la Bête
6. Biography of a famous French person
7. Written activities based on reading selections
C. Reading Component : Students will be able to demonstrate comprehension
of a variety of reading materials including (but not limited to) the following:
1. Magazine/Newspaper articles on health issues in francophone
2. Articles on Médecins Sans Frontières (web site)
3. Articles on national health services in France
4. Poem « Pour faire le portrait d’un oiseau » de Jacques Prévert
5. “Le Bracelet” (text)
6. Les Fables de Jean de la Fontaine
7. « Histoire d’un bon Bramin », Voltaire (short story)
8. « La Parure », Guy de Maupassant
9. « La Bassine », Albert Memmi
D. Cultural Component: Students will demonstrate knowledge of
1. French and francophone health systems
2. Surrealist art movement and connection to La Résistance
3. Médecins Sans Frontières
4. Social service programs in France
II. Grammar and Vocabulary
1. Vocabulary from Unit 7: health; doctor/dentist/hospital visits
2. Vocabulary from Unit 9: personal relationships; phases of life
3. Vocabulary from AP prep: le corps humain, les désastres, les émotions,
la famille, à l’hôpital, les maladies, à la pharmacie,
4. Vocabulary and idiomatic expressions from assigned readings
5. Le futur proche; le futur simple; le futur antérieur
6. Le conditionnel présent; le conditionnel passé; les phrases conditionnelles
7. L’usage du verbe devoir
8. Le Subjonctif; Le Passé du Subjonctif
9. Les verbes comme croire et craindre
10. Les pronoms relatifs
11. Les verbes réfléchis: sens réciproque
12. Les prépositions et conjonctions
13. Les infinitifs et les propositions infinitives
14. Le participe présent et le gérondif
15. Le discours indirect
III. Assessment
1. Vocabulary quizzes
2. Unit Tests
3. Oral Situations/Presentations
4. Cassettes using previous AP exam test questions
5. Quizzes from AP prep book series: dialogues and rejoinders (listening
comprehension), reading, function words, and verbs
6. Lesson Tests from Une Fois Pour Toutes
7. Essays, journal entries, and creative writing assignments
8. Semester Exam: Cumulative exam of first and second quarters
QUARTER 3 : Unité 8 (Discovering French), Litératures en Contexte: Le monde
Francophone; L’Enfant Noir de Camara Laye; AP French Preparing
for the Language Exam
I. Unit Outcomes and Skill Set
A. Listening and Speaking: Students will be able to demonstrate comprehension
of spoken French and will be able to express themselves orally in the following
1. Making a date and fixing the time and place
2. Explaining where one lives and how to get there
3. Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of city life vs. country life
4. Describing your neighborhood
5. Formulating polite requests
6. Hypothesizing about what one would do under certain circumstances
7. Discussing history of colonization in the francophone world;
consequences of colonization and post-colonial struggles;
8. Narrating picture sequences from AP preparation book
9. Rejoinder and Dialogue selections from AP prep book and tapes
10. Discussion of story/themes/characters of L’Enfant noir
11. Listening to and discussing French Rap artists and their songs
12. Excerpts from Banlieue 13—film on Parkours by David Belle
13. Video/radio excerpts using authentic materials from internet sources
B. Writing Component: Students will be able to express themselves in writing in
a variety of ways:
1. Poetry, using selected francophone poems as a point of departure
2. Journal reflections on selected topics related to readings and discussions
3. Essay on colonization
4. Essays from AP blue book with emphasis on development of a thesis
statement, organization, and advanced grammatical elements
C. Reading Component: Students will be able to demonstrate comprehension
of a variety of reading materials including (but not limited to) the following:
1. Les Pêches, André Theuriet (text)
2. Poetry of the francophone world, Aimé César, David Diop, etc.
3. Selected rap songs by current French and francophone artists
4. Articles on Internet regarding the demonstrations in Paris in 1968 and
5. Articles on the genocide in Ruwanda
6. Articles on David Belle’s creation of parkours
7. Excerpts from Peau Noire, Masques Blanches, Franz Fanon
8. L’Enfant Noir, Camara Laye, Chapters 1-7
D. Cultural Component: Students will demonstrate knowledge of
1. French agency SOS Racisme
2. Parkours and its origins in France
3. French political system
4. Algerian War; events leading to the Paris riots of 1968
4. French rap music and its themes
5. History of colonization; consequences of colonization
II. Grammar and Vocabulary
1. Vocabulary from Unité 8: meetings in town; describing your environs
2. Thematic vocabulary lists from AP prep book: les animaux, les arbres, les
fleurs, les insectes, le jardin, les légumes et les herbes, les magasins,
la maison, le gouvernement/la politique
Vocabulary from L’Enfant noir and other short stories and poems
Idiomatic Expressions from readings, AP preparation book
Transition words
Continued emphasis/practice of subjonctif, relative pronouns,
compound tenses, and other areas as needed
Function word and verb fill-ins from AP preparation book
Verbes suivis de à/de + l’infinitif; verbes suivis de l’infinitif sans
préposition ; adjectifs suivis d’une préposition (AP prep book)
III. Assessment:
1. Vocabulary quizzes
2. Unit 8 test
3. Chapter quizzes on L’Enfant noir
4. Cassettes using previous AP exam test questions
5. Quizzes from AP prep book series: dialogues and rejoinders (listening
comprehension), reading, function words, and verbs
6. Debates on varied topics (Racism, Colonization, City/Country, war)
7. Listening/Speaking/Writing/Reading activities
QUARTER 4 : Unité 10 (Discovering French), Litératures en Contexte: Le monde
Francophone; L’Enfant Noir de Camara Laye; AP French Preparing
for the Language Exam
I. Unit Outcomes and Skill Set
A. Listening and Speaking: Students will be able to demonstrate comprehension
of spoken French and will be able to express themselves orally in the following
1. Deciding on a college major; talking about university courses
2. Discussing career options and varied work environments
3. Describing one’s qualifications at a job interview
4. Describing simultaneous actions
5. Explaining the purpose of an action
6. Describing how your actions affect others
7. Discussing story and themes of L’Enfant noir
8. Narrating picture sequences in AP preparation book
9. Rejoinder and Dialogue sections of AP preparation book and tapes
10. Discussion of topics from selected readings listed below
11. Video/radio excerpts using authentic materials from internet sources
B. Writing Component: Students will be able to express themselves in writing in
a variety of ways:
1. Journal reflections on selected topics using appropriate grammar and
2. Essays from selected topics in AP preparation book and from past
AP exams
C. Reading Component: Students will be able to demonstrate comprehension
of a variety of reading materials including (but not limited to) the following:
1. L’Enfant noir, chapters 8-12
3. « Le Portrait » (text)
3. Reading selections from AP prep book
4. “Les Maximes”, François la Rochefoucauld (Littératures en Contextes)
5. « La Dernière Classe », Alphonse Daudet
6. « La Trouvaille », Colette
7. « Les Belles Images », Simone de Beauvoir
D. Cultural Component: Students will demonstrate knowledge of
1. Comparison and contrast of education systems in France and the U.S.
2. Le Bac: Its history and importance
3. The French/European CV (résumé)
4. Introduction to La France et ses Philosophes
II. Grammar and Vocabulary
1. Professions and professional life
2. University courses
3. Job seeking
4. Vocabulary from reading selections
5. Thematic vocabulary lists from AP prep book: le travail, les professions,
la littérature
6. Revision of grammar from Une Fois Pour Toutes as appropriate
7. Function words and verb fill-ins from AP prep book
III. Assessment
1. Unit 10 vocabulary quiz
2. Unit 10 test
3. Test on L’enfant noir including composition topic
4. Speaking: Cassettes using previous exam questions and other picture
5. Listening activities from AP prep book and other authentic sources
6. Journal reflections and other writing assignments; essays
7. Reading quizzes
8. Attendance/participation at 3-hour AP preparation session outside of class
9. Final Exam: Not mandatory for AP class but given as needed for students who
opt to improve grade

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