January 2014 SMC Products for Fluid Control Universal Valves for


January 2014 SMC Products for Fluid Control Universal Valves for
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January 2014
Dear Reader.
Is an ecstatic trance a positive enough way of starting 2014?
After a couple of weeks where things do seem to get totally out of control with an overdose of practically everything.... it is time to face
our fate: the beginning of the year´s end world prophecies.
2012 were the Mayans, 2013 the NASA.... guess who is in the house this year? Nostradamus himself. Looks like among his over 1000
predictions, he had some for 2014.
Two sole considerations: firstly, if any of us were to make 1000 predictions probability would be on our side in terms of getting a few
right. Secondly, we categorically refuse to start another year in the shade of a dark shadow. On the contrary, we will borrow something
much more refreshing from the 16th century French physician: the ecstatic trance.
It is believed that for acquiescing the prophecies, Nostradamus induced himself into an ecstatic trance, where he emptied his soul, brain
and heart of all cares and attained a state of tranquillity and stillness of mind.
Because ultimately, the control of our future is in our hands and not in someone else´s, regardless of whether his name is Nostradamus.
So we would like to invite everyone to try the ecstatic trance for facing our day-to-day self control... And, for controlling fluids, just refer to
SMC. Keep on reading and let´s start 2014 together!
The European Marketing Centre
SMC Corporation
Cher Lecteur,
Un état de transe extatique est-il suffisamment positif pour débuter 2014 ?
Après ces dernières semaines où les choses semblaient totalement hors de contrôle, avec leurs excès en tous genres, il est temps
d'affronter notre destin : les premières prophéties de l'année sur la fin du monde.
En 2012, c'était les Mayas, en 2013, la NASA... Et devinez qui est dans la place cette année ? Nostradamus en personne.
Apparemment, parmi ses milliers de prédictions, il en avait une pour 2014.
Maintenant, voici deux considérations simples. Premièrement, si nous faisions des milliers de prédictions, il est probable que quelques
unes se réaliseraient. Deuxièmement, nous refusons catégoriquement de commencer cette nouvelle année dans l'ombre d'idées
macabres. Nous souhaitons au contraire emprunter quelque chose de bien plus rafraîchissant au physicien français du XVIè siècle : la
transe extatique.
On pense que pour faire ses prophéties, Nostradamus se plongeait dans un état de transe extatique ; il vidait son âme, sa pensée et son
cour de tous soucis pour atteindre un état de quiétude et de tranquillité d'esprit.
Parce qu'en définitive, le contrôle de notre avenir repose entre nos mains, et celles de personne d'autre, fût-ce Nostradamus lui-même.
Alors nous vous invitons à essayer la transe extatique en expérimentant chaque jour notre « self-control ». Et pour ce qui est du contrôle
des fluides, faites simplement confiance à SMC. Poursuivez votre lecture et débutons 2014 ensemble !
Le Centre Marketing European
SMC Corporation
SMC Products for Fluid Control
Universal Valves for Various Standard Fluids
Given that Automation sometimes needs a non-pneumatic solution, 2014 introduces you to the first part of our Solutions for Fluid Control: conventional valves
for your day-to-day fluid control requirements.
Direct Operated Valves - 2 Port
The most appropriate option for small diameter piping.
For low to medium flow requirements
Series VDW 10/20 - If you need a basic,
compact and light solution.
Series VX2 - A more complete solution for
medium flow demands
• Air, medium vacuum and fluids.
• Orifice diameter: 1mm to 3.2mm.
• Body material: aluminium, resin (PPS), brass
and stainless steel.
• Seal material: NBR & FKM.
• Fluid temperature: -10ºC to 50ºC
• Air, medium vacuum, steam & fluids.
• Orifice diameter: 2mm to 10mm.
• Body material: aluminium, resin (PBT), brass
and stainless steel.
• Seal material: NBR & FKM.
• Fluid temperature: -10ºC to 180ºC.
For all VDW 10/20 Series information,
please click here >>>>
For all VX2 Series information,
please click here >>>>
Pilot Operated Valves - 2 Port
Pilot Operated Valves allow a greater volume to pass.
For medium to high flow requirements
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Series VXD - The multipurpose compact
fluid valve
Series VXZ - When your application requires
zero differential pressure
• Air, water, oil, heated water (99ºC) &
high temperature oil (99ºC)
• Orifice diameter: 10mm to 25mm
• Body material: aluminium, resin (PBT), brass,
stainless steel
• Seal Material: NBR, FKM, EPDM
• Fluid temperature: -10ºC to 99ºC
• Air, water, oil, heated water (99ºC) & high
temperature oil (99ºC).
• Orifice diameter: 10mm to 25mm.
• Body material: aluminium, resin (PBT), brass,
stainless steel.
• Seal Material: NBR, FKM, EPDM.
• Fluid temperature: -10ºC to 99ºC
For all VXD Series information,
please click here >>>>
For all VXZ Series information,
please click here >>>>
Air Operated Valves - 2 Port
Much more robust and reliable than solenoids.
Air operated valves are the best option for treating viscous fluids or
those which are slightly dirty such as soluble oils.
For large flow requirements
Series VNB - The most versatile solution for
large flow and capable of retaining reverse
• Very comprehensive range of fluids, such as
air, water, oil, inert gas, vacuum, etc.
• Orifice diameter: 7mm to 50mm.
• Body Material: bronze, aluminium & stainless
• Seal material: NBR, FKM & EPR.
• Fluid temperature: -5ºC - 99ºC.
New leaflet available for easy-to-choose,
easy-to-order Fluid Control Valves, including
information on standard stock items.
For new leaflet click here >>>>
For all VNB Series information,
please click here >>>>
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