French 2 - Syllabus 2015-2016


French 2 - Syllabus 2015-2016
French 2 - Syllabus 2015-2016
Teacher: Marie Van Wynsberge
E-mail: [email protected]
Classroom: B7 (7th grade house)
Course Description:
Students will continue to refine all four language skills –listening, speaking, reading, and writing- acquired
in French I, with emphasis on the ability to communicate orally and in writing. Students will continue to
develop their communicative competence, via an immersion setting that will focus on a variety of topics
meaningful to them. They will remain exposed to primary -yet more complex- features of the language,
and will continue to learn about francophone cultures through exposure to a variety of authentic materials.
Students’ Responsibilities:
Come to class on time and prepared (including studying, even when no written HW is assigned)
Come to class with a positive attitude and willingness to learn
Be respectful, polite and honest
Leave your chewing gums in your locker
Use electronic devices when permitted by the teacher, and for instructional purposes only
 If you choose to keep up with your responsibilities, you will be rewarded with praise, with positive
notes/emails/calls home, as well as with the joy of learning French, being a great classroom
citizen, and being part of a team that works together to learn the language.
 If you choose not to keep up with your responsibilities, you will get a verbal warning, and your
parents/guardians will be contacted. You may also be assigned detention or get a referral,
depending on the gravity of the disruption.
Appropriate attitude, dedication, and participation are vital components of your success in French class.
You will have to work diligently in order to succeed.
My expectations for our French 2 class will be higher than in French 1, as it will require harder work and
dedication for your skills to improve. I will expect all students to use French in class. If you are disciplined
and dedicated to becoming a French speaker, each year will be more rewarding than the previous one!
The quarterly grade will be determined based on various assessments (quizzes, tests, projects and
presentations, written & oral expression), under the following different grade categories:
Spoken Communication
Reading/Listening Comprehension
Each quarter weights 25% of the final grade.
* Note that grades will be updated regularly on PHOENIX *
This is a High School credit course and all students of languages in LCPS will take a midyear and an end
of year assessment. These exams consist of speaking, writing, and listening sections, as well as a multiplechoice test. In addition, the students will take a speaking and a writing CPA assessment each quarter.
In order to help all students experience success, I will offer an opportunity for re-teaching and re-assessing
per SMMS retake practices. Additionally, prior to completing a retake, students must be up-to-date on all
French assignments entered on PHOENIX, they must complete a “World Language Retake Application”
(which I will provide), and must complete additional practice or attend a re-teaching session. By LCPS
policy, retakes are not permitted for CPAs, midyear and end of year assessments.
 2 composition notebooks (wide ruled)
 1 binder (1 inch)
 Loose leaf binder paper
4 dividers
1 four-color pen (Bic) or
4 colored pens (red, green, blue, black)
Recommended Resources:
 For help with reviewing vocabulary: (and/or the phone application!)
Note: All assignments should be your own work. Online translators should NOT be used: they can be
a terrible source and do not help you learn French!
Pacing Guide
First quarter
Second quarter
Contemporary Life
 Sports & Leisure
 Weather, Seasons,
Sports & leisure vocabulary
The verb faire & Expressions with faire
Expression: Il faut
Regular –IR verbs
Irregular –IR verbs: sortir, partir, dormir, servir, courir, sentir
-ER verbs with spelling changes & imperative
Negation (ne… jamais; ne… plus; etc…)
Question formation
Quel, quoi and qu’est-ce que ?
Adverbs of frequency (one time, per day, monthly, etc…)
Weather, seasons, and calendar vocabulary (dates & word order)
Weather expressions with faire; neiger and pleuvoir
Mathematical terms, use of decimal & comma
Contemporary Life
 Holidays &
Celebrations and national holidays vocabulary
Demonstrative pronouns (ce, cet, cette, ces)
Passé composé with avoir of regular –ER and –IR verbs
Irregular past participles: avoir, être, faire, boire, prendre, apprendre,
comprendre, prendre, surprendre, courir, pleuvoir, falloir
Clothing and buying gifts vocabulary
Indirect object pronouns & verbs used with them (demander, donner,
envoyer, montrer, parler, poser une question, prêter, téléphoner… (à))
Present tense and past passé composé of regular -RE verbs (attendre,
descendre (de), entendre, perdre, rendre (à), rendre visite (à), répondre
(à), vendre) and irregular -RE verbs (conduire, construire, détruire,
produire, réduire, traduire, mettre, permettre, promettre, sourire)
Travel & transportation vocabulary
Vocabulary for making vacation plans
Vocabulary for talking about nationality and country of origin
The passé composé with être
Question formation using inversion with passé composé
Direct object pronouns
Prepositions with names of cities and countries
Vocabulary related to hotel features, reservations, and check-ins
Vocabulary related to vacation destinations
Ordinal numbers and sequencing vocabulary
Form and placement of adverbs (time & manner)
Form and use of the imparfait
House, home interiors & furnishings vocabulary
Rental vocabulary
Uses of the passé composé and the imparfait
Chores vocabulary
Household appliance vocabulary
Savoir and connaître
Beauty & Aesthetics
 Clothing & presents
Third quarter
Fourth quarter
Contemporary Life
 Travel
 Transportation
 Vacation
 Countries &
 Hotel
Contemporary Life
 House, home interiors &
 Rental Properties
 Chores & Household
 Common expressions
indicating past tense
Mme Van Wynsberge – French II
2015-2016 Student & Parent Signature Page
I have read the syllabus for the French 2 course at Smart’s Mill Middle School. I understand what is
expected of me every day in class, and I will stay true to my responsibilities.
Please Print Student’s Name
Student’s signature
Please Print Parent/Guardian
Parent/Guardian Signature
Every now and then, Phoenix does not have up-to-date contact information. Thank you for providing
an accurate way to contact you!
Parent/guardian phone ________________________________________________________
Parent/guardian email __________________________________________________________
Please share any additional information that you would like me to know about your child.
Extra-Credit for returning this declaration (signed by you AND your parent/guardian) to
Madame VW on Wednesday, September 2nd (A day) and Thursday, September 3rd (B day).