

Feuille de Travail
Level 1 Unité 10 Leçon A
A. Match the French name for each body part with its English equivalent.
_____ 1. la jambe
a. the finger
_____ 2. la tête
b. the shoulder
_____ 3. le pied
c. the leg
_____ 4. le corps
d. the back
_____ 5. le bras
e. the foot
_____ 6. le doigt de pied
f. the hand
_____ 7. le genou
g. the arm
_____ 8. le cou
h. the knee
_____ 9. la main
i. the head
_____ 10. l’épaule
j. the body
_____ 11. le doigt
k. the neck
_____ 12. le dos
l. the toe
B. Answer the following questions according to the Enquête culturelle in Leçon A.
1. What is the French equivalent of the proverb “Cold hands, warm heart”?
2. Where is Chamonix located? What is Chamonix famous for?
3. Which sport is more popular among French teens: downhill skiing or cross-country skiing?
4. What is the French word for the way that skiers and tourists get to the top of a mountain?
5. What are les classes de neige?
6. When do French students have winter vacation? How long does it last?
C. Fill in the blank with the correct French word. Make sure the article is correct!
1. On porte des chaussettes sur ____________________________.
2. Marcel met un chapeau sur ______________________________.
3. Je porte une chemise sur __________________________________.
4. Les garçons portent les jeans sur _______________________________.
5. On porte un gant de toilette sur ______________________________.
D. List each of the activities that follow under the appropriate heading.
manger de la salade / regarder la télé / faire du sport / prendre du coca /manger de la glace /
jouer au tennis / prendre de l’eau / manger des frites / manger des fruits / être paresseux
Bon pour la santé
Mauvais pour la santé
E. Using your list from Activity D, write five complete sentences suggesting steps to follow and things to
avoid in order to maintain good health. In each of your recommendations, use the expressions il faut and il
ne faut pas and include one item from each list. Use logical pairs.
1. Il faut ________________________________, mais il ne faut pas _____________________________.
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________.
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________.
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________.