LMHI Programme By Topic


LMHI Programme By Topic
 Programme final classé par thèmes de conférences
Final Programme classified by conference themes
Un si grand nombre de conférences rend le choix difficile !
Nous avons essayé de regrouper les conférences par thèmes à chaque fois que cela a été possible.
Cependant, la multiplicité des thèmes abordés, les impératifs techniques, la disponibilité des conférenciers
font qu’il n’a pas été possible de pousser cette simplification plus que nous l’avons fait.
C’est la raison pour laquelle nous vous communiquons ce programme classé par thèmes de conférences.
So many talks make the choice difficult! We tried to regroup the talks by topic whenever it was possible.
However, the multiplicity of themes, the technical requirements, the availability of speakers made that it was
not possible to push this simplification more than we did. This is why we provide this programme classified
by conference themes.
Matière médicale, Materia medica
Vous découvrirez dans ces conférences, les principaux symptômes d’un grand nombre de remèdes à travers
des études, des cas cliniques et des provings.
You will find in these talks, the main symptoms of a lot of remedies through studies, clinical cases and
Jeudi 17 Juillet – Thursday 17 July
Amphi Bleu
FIONA, le chat « bulle de savon». Arlette Blanchy, Bruxelles, Belgique Hydrogenum
Un trio de remèdes. Jacques Millemann, Soultz-sous-Forêts, France.Anantherum muricatum. Bungarus
fasciatus. Eichhornia crassipes
Remedy finding by constitution, intuition and guiding symptoms. Leopold Drexler, Feldkirch, Austria.
Salle - Room 251
Cas clinique confirmant l’hypothèse masiste sur Elaps. Marie-José Grangeon Besson, Brives Charensac,
Salle - Room 252 A
Orquideas: Cable a tierra. Hector Hernandez, Lima, Pérou. The use of Vanilla aromatica.
Vendredi 18 Juillet – Friday 18 July
Amphi Bleu
Homeopathy in auto-immune diseases: The use of Lanthanides explained in three cases (Résie Moonen,
Maastricht, Netherlands).
Salle - Room 252 B
08.30 Pele’s Hair – Lava Kilauea: A remedy to treat patients after heavy traumatic disturbances. Christina Ari, Güssing, Austria. 11.30 Amanita rubescens: The homeopathic remedy. Céline Lourette, Luneray, France
12.30 Actinides: The mysteries of the last series. Didier Lustig, Paris, France.
Salle - Room 253
Salix fragilis. Daniel Saelens, Anderlues, Belgique.
Materia medica and verification of symptoms of Salix fragilis. Anna Pla, Barcelona, Spain.
Samedi 19 Juillet – Saturday 19 July
Amphi Bleu
Le long combat d’une vie au travers des ténèbres. Jean-Thierry Cambonie, Carcassonne, France.
Thulium oxydatum,
Natrium silicatum: The remedy for divorce? Petra Cihlarova, Prague, Czech Republic
Troubles du language et dyslexie: Deux exemples d’approche du simillimum (Nuphar luteum & Euphrasia).
Maryvonne Cousin, Equeurdreville, France
When another methodology overcomes the shortcomings of the medical
medica Nicollum metallicum. Yves Maillé, Aix-en-Provence, France.
La maison du chaos Ignis Alcoholis. Jean-Marie Tribouillard, Annecy, France.
Salle - Room 252 B
Building remedy profiles form clinical observation: A short case series of
two ‘minor‘ nosodes (Bowels nosodes). Russell Malcolm, Luton, United Kingdom.
Evaluation of Lappa arctium and Zingiber officinale in treatment of acne vulgaris. Anjali Miglani, New
Delhi, India.
Salle - Room 253
Cuscuta Europea: étude pathogénétique multicentrique française. Hélène Renoux, Villejuif, France. Jean-Marie
Deschamps, France Cuscuta Europea.
09.30 Le fondamental dans la réalisation d’une pathogénésie à partir des expérimentations de 3 arbres africains
(Azadirachta indica, Moringa oleifera et adansonia digitata). Françoise Saint-Didier, Bressuire, France.
11.30 A comparison of the homeopathic drug proving of the venom of the Eastern Green Mamba (dendroaspis
angusticeps) to the proving symptoms of Black Mamba (dendroaspis polylepis) venom. Madhueshwaree
Maharaj, Durban, South Africa.
14.00 Understanding Carcinosinum. Claudio Araujo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
14.30 Proving of Culex Musca. Sergio Segantini, Firenze, Italy.
15.30 Proving of Hekla Lava. Nicolienne Potgieter Steiner, Zug, Switzerland.
Cas cliniques, Clinical cases
Vous découvrirez un grand nombre de remèdes à travers des cas cliniques abordés avec des
stratégies différentes.
You will discover a large number of remedies through clinical cases dealt with different strategies.
Jeudi 17 Juillet - Thursday 17 July
Amphi Bleu
Choix stratégiques et niveaux de guérison illustrés par deux cas cliniques. Part I. Philippe Servais, Paris,
L’homéopathie au quotidien, parfois ultime recours. Françoise Moussier, Besançon, France.
Salle - Room 251
Cas clinique, 6 ans de recul. Pascale Franck, Esneux, Belgique
Vendredi, Friday 18 Juillet - Friday 18 July
Amphi Bleu
Vital sensation – Clinical cases (Hyos, Stann, Naja) Rajan Sankaran, Mumbai, India
Choix stratégiques et niveaux de guérison illustrés par deux cas cliniques – Part II
(Chamomilla, Alloxanum) Philippe Servais, Paris, France.
Case of oesophageal stricture shows true potential of homeopathy. Jawahar Shah, Mumbai, India
L’histoire d’une femme très affectueuse et gentille et sa recherche difficile de soi-même et de sa place dans ce
monde. Paul Van Roey, Deurne, Belgique
Homeopathy in auto-immune diseases: The use of Lanthanides explained in three cases
Résie Moonen, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Homeopathic treatment for gastro oesophagal reflux disease severe and persistant, on a five years old child
gastritis and iron deficiency anemia! Hélène Renoux, Villejuif, France.
Homeopathic management of chronic renal failure: Case discussions from a study conducted at our centre.
Aditya Pareek & R.S. Pareek, Agra, India.
Salle - Room 251
Laissez-moi respirer ! Pascale Daubie, Esneux, Belgique. (according to the analysis of Marc Brunson and the
CLH, based on the tripod raw material - materia medica - clinical cases).
De l’emprisonnement du trop faire à la liberté. Pascal Beghi, Paris, France.
Samedi 19 Juillet -­‐ Saturday 19 July Salle - Room 251
10.00 Ma vie est comme un entonnoir. Marie-France Etre, Aubergenville, France.
Salle - Room 252 A
Treating a post corrosive oesophageal stricture with homeopathy. Piyush Joshy, Vadodara, India.
A case study of chronic chorea in an old man cured by homeopathy. Sheo Murti Singh, Allahabad, India.
A case of Guillain Barré Syndrome cured with homeopathy. A.K. Gupta, New Delhi, India.
Salle - Room 252 B
09.00 Superbug crisis proves vital dynamics, Sanjay Gupta, Bhopal, India.
Salle - Room 253
12.00 A homeopathic approach to treat middle-aged Japanese women with Lachesis muta: Two case reports. Mari Doi,
Hirakata, Japan.
Cancérologie, maladies chroniques et dégénératives
Cancerology / Chronic and degenerative diseases
Toutes ces conférences concernent :
- l’abord de la cancérologie à travers l’homéopathie, que ce soit dans le cadre des soins de support
ou le traitement du patient cancéreux et de sa maladie.
- les maladies chroniques et dégénératives
All these lectures concern oncology through homeopathy,
- either in the context of supportive care
- or the treatment of the cancerous patient and his illness.
Jeudi 17 Juillet - Thursday 17 July
Amphi Bleu
Using hetero-isotherapics in cancer supportive care: The fruit of fifteen years of experience
Jean-Lionel Bagot, Strasbourg, France.
Contributions of homeopathy in modern oncology: Discussions of clinical strategies with case studies. Alok
Pareek, Agra, India
Salle - Room 252 B
Enferma con myeloma múltiple.Eduardo Angel Yahbes, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Vendredi 18 Juillet - Friday 18 July
Salle - Room 251
The cure of oncologic patients with homeopathy.Dario Spinedi, Orselina, Switzerland
Breast cancer: Modern approaches in homeopathic treatment.Tapas Gan, Kolkata, India.
Healing in cancer cases. Heinz Möller, Stuttgart, Germany.
Emphasizing mental and constitutional symptoms concerning cancer and autoimmune disease (Systematic
Order of the Periodic Table, Jan Scholten). Dietmar Payrhuber, Vienna, Austria.
A case of chronic myeloid leukaemia in which span and quality of life was increased by homeopathic
treatment. Sayed Tanvir, Punjab, India.
A case of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Veneeth Sidharthan, Kerala, India.
A case of planum sphenoidal meningioma with aortic stenosis.Pravin Beedkar, Aurangabad, India
How to treat acute condition in end-stage patient with brain malignant tumour. Seyedaghnoor Sadeghi, Tehran,
The treatment of several cancers even terminal cases.Cesar Luis Cremonini, Argentina – Talk given by Rafael
Breast cancer and homeopathy: A therapeutic manual created on the basis of meta-analytical study and
integration of various resources to combat different aspects of the disease
Shruti Shah, Gujarat, India.
A case of carcinoma stomach with infiltration to diaphragm, pancreas and peritoneum.
Veneeth Sidharthan, Kerala, India.
Comparison of healing levels achieved in cancer patients by using the conventional palliative therapy and
individualized homeopathic treatment. Francesca Talarico, City of Catanzaro, Italy.
Homeopathic supportive and palliative approach for cancer patients. Mikako Harada, Kagoshima, Japan.
Salle - Room 252 A
Chronic degenerative diseases and unicist homeopathic therapy. Ankylosing spondylitis in veterinary
medicine. Mauro Dodesini, Cortona, Italy.
Homeopathic approach towards the treatment of advanced cases of thromboangitis obliterans. Rajesh Gupta,
Gwalior, India.
Niveles de curación: Un caso clinico considerando lo miasmátic (Lupus). Maria del Rosario Sanchez
Caballero, Mexico City, Mexico.
Breast tumour reduction: Pre-mastectomy with the Banerji Protocol. Joyce Frye, Philadelphia, United States.
A special case : A case of leukemia treated with homeopathy. Gio Meijer, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Salle - Room 252 B
Health status and satisfaction of patients with breast cancer with or without additive homeopathy. Michael
Frass, Vienna, Austria.
A case of Crohn’s disease: Higher insights with homeopathy. Srinivasa Rao Nyapati, Hyderabad, India.
Samedi 19 Juillet -­‐ Saturday 19 July Amphi Bleu
La thérapeutique homéopathique peut-elle soigner des patients affectés de «maladies de système»? Alain
Sarembaud, Bonneuil sur Marne, France.
Efficacy of alternative medicine (homeopathy) for the relief of cancer pain: A prospective study. Farokh
Master, Mumbai, India.
Salle - Room 251
Un cas de néphrose lipoïdique: Suivi au long cours (1995-2013). Quel niveau de guérison? François Gassin,
Nantes, France.
Integrated medicine in a candidate for liver and kidney transplantation. Giuseppe Fagone, Verona, Italy.
Abcès dentaires et sclérose en plaque. Mathilde Vian, Istres, France.
Salle - Room 252 A
Paralytic ileus after ileocystoplasty in a patient with spinal cord injury. Susanne Pannek-Rademacher, Zug,
Salle - Room 252 B
My experience with end stage renal disease: Limitation of homeopathy. Pankaj Aggarwal, Delhi, India.
Salle - Room 253
Using High LM potencies: Cases of neurodermatitis and Parkinson. Jaume Costa, Trim, Ireland.
Pédiatrie et Obstétrique / Pediatrics and obstetrics
Jeudi 17 Juillet - Thursday 17 July
Salle - Room 251
Valeur des symptômes dans les processus de guérison en pédiatrie. Pierre Popowsky, Montgeron, France.
Histoire de famille. Jacques Rey, Saint-Raphaël, France.
Homeopathy in the treatment of otitis complicated with mastoiditis:
5 case-reports, Françoise Morin, Paris, France.
Périnatalité. Anaïs Atmadjian, Paris, France
Effectiveness of homeopathic medicines as add on to institutional management protocol for Acute Encephalitis
Syndrome (AES) in children: An observational comparative study. Raj Kumar Manchanda, New Delhi, India.
Homeopathy with psychotherapy: A new treatment strategy for behavioural problems and ADHD in children.
Amit Nimbhorkar, Amravati, India.
Homeopathy consultations in pediatric oncology: 5-year Experience at a University Hospital. Klaus von
Ammon, Bern, Switzerland.
Vendredi 18 Juillet - Friday 18 July
Amphi Bleu
Traitement homéopathique pour les enfants prématurés. Didier Grandgeorge, Fréjus, France
Salle - Room 253
Homeoprophylaxis: Educating children – Immune systems as a new public health model. Kate Birch,
Minneapolis, United States.
Samedi 19 Juillet -­‐ Saturday 19 July Salle - Room 251
The use of homeopathy in obstetrics in Switzerland. Martin Frei-Erb, Klaus von Ammon, Bern, Switzerland
Salle - Room 252 A
Clinical efficacy in chorionic hematoma. Karen Allen, Phoenix, United States.
Salle - Room 252 B
Role of homoeopathic medicines in prenatal and antenatal care. Sapna Gupta, Gwalior, India.
Dermatologie et Allergologie / Dermatology and Allergology
Jeudi 17 Juillet - Thursday 17 July
Salle - Room 251
Psoriasis. Pierrette Gengoux, Brussels, Belgium.
Homéopathie et brûlures: mon expérience en service de chirurgie pédiatrique. Isabelle Hofmann,
Mundolsheim, France.
Salle - Room 252 A
The skin of Lorenzo. Andreina Fossati, Napoli, Italy
Role of homeopathy in control and cure of psoriasis.Rajendra Sonawane, Pune, India
How to avoid suppression: The treatment of a case of atopic dermatitis with help of the Hahnemann’s theory of
psora. Ilya Tiraspolskiy, Moscow, Russia
Case reports of acne with long lasting follow up.Michail Michalakis, Thesaloniki, Greece.
Vitiligo en la infancia. Patricia Maria Ybarra, Buenos Aires, Argentine.
By the analysis it was used the method Approach Strategies of Clinic Cases of Dr. Cámpora.
Mica: A wonder remedy in treatment of vitiligo. Mohan Nimbhorkar, Amravati, India
Some ideas regarding treatment of patients with allergoses – Personality idiosyncrasies in persons sensitive to
potentiated progesterone. Iryna Pozmogova, Kiev, Ukraine.
Homeopathic management of diabetic wounds: An option to plastic surgery.Rupa Gaikwad, Aurangabad,
Effective treatment of atopic conditions like urticarial and rhinitis through
wholistic approach: A retrospective clinical finding. Gautam Pal, Kolkata, India.
Vendredi 18 Juillet - Friday 18 July
Salle - Room 252 A
Role of homeopathy in management of respiratory tract allergies. Geeta Arora, New Delhi, India.
Samedi 19 Juillet -­‐ Saturday 19 July Salle - Room 252 B
Evaluation of Lappa arctium and Zingiber officinale in treatment of acne vulgaris. Anjali Miglani, New Delhi,
A clinical study on continuation of action of fiftymillesimal potency after suspending its administration
(Vitiligo). Indrani Chakrabarti, Kolkata, India.
Psychiatrie / Psychiatry
Jeudi 17 Juillet - Thursday 17 July
Amphi Bleu
Place de l’homéopathie uniciste dans le traitement de la crise suicidaire : évaluation diagnostique et stratégie
thérapeutique. William Suerinck, Marseille, Franc
Salle - Room 251
Homeopathy with psychotherapy: A new treatment strategy for behavioural problems and ADHD in children.
Amit Nimbhorkar, Amravati, India
Le monde à part - Un cas d’autisme Asperger. Dominique Paulin, Paris, France.
Salle - Room 252 A
Orquideas: Cable a tierra. (Autism). Hector Hernandez, Lima, Pérou
Vendredi 18 Juillet - Friday 18 July
Salle - Room 252 A
The Herscu analysis methodology in a case of nihilistic adolescent depression Todd Hoover, Philadelphia,
United States.
Samedi 19 Juillet -­‐ Saturday 19 July Salle - Room 251
De l’action homéopathique à l’effet psychothérapique. Pierre Lenthéric, Nîmes, France.
Salle - Room 252 A
How to treat patients with psychiatric disorders. Seyedaghanoor Sadeghi, Tehran, Iran.
Homeopathy for patients with schizophrenia. Ronko Itamura, Tokyo, Japan.
Science / Evidence based medecine
Jeudi 17 Juillet - Thursday 17 July
Amphi Bleu
Moving towards a physical theory of homeopathy. Alexander Tournier, London, United Kingdom.
Salle - Room 252 A
Transport of anti heat shock effect of Cantharis 200 from one plant to another through water. Anirban Sukul,
Kolkata, India.
Salle - Room 252 B
Efficacy of individualized homeopathic treatment and fluoxetine for moderate to severe depression in peri- and
postmenopausal women (HOMDEP-MENOP Study): A randomized, double-dummy, double-blind, placebocontrolled trial. Emma Macías-Cortés, Mexico City, Mexico
Combined analysis of homeopathic high quality clinical cases. Samuel Arrues, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Vendredi 18 Juillet - Friday 18 July
Salle - Room 252 A
Sustainability of homeopathy in everchanging human sufferings. Juhy Gupta, Bhopal, India.
Homeopathy and immunology in infectious diseases: Evidence based medicine Sudhir Batra, Delhi, India.
Médicaments homéopathiques et récepteurs du cerveau. Albert-Claude Quemoun, Paris, France.
Salle - Room 253
Identification of unknown homeopathic remedies by delayed luminescence. Karin Lenger, Offenbach,
Samedi 19 Juillet -­‐ Saturday 19 July Salle - Room 251
An evidence based study on cases of polycystic ovarian disease in response to homeopathic medicines. Girish
Gupta, Lucknow, India.
Place of homeopathy in endocrine diseases. Didier Deswarte, La Madeleine lez Lille, France.
Disease, biologic conflict and simillimum. Giovanni Alvino, Mercato S. Severino, Italy.
Salle - Room 252 A
An evidence based study of homeopathic treatment of adnexal cysts and breast lumps.Sapna Gupta, Gwalior,
Salle - Room 252 B
A clinical study of the influence of homeopathic remedies over autonomic nervous system by measuring of
heart rate variability in a group of 50 patients. Dora Pachova, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Evidence based study: Efficacy of homeopathic drugs in cases of kidney stones. Ritu Raj Agarwala, Burdwan,
Salle - Room 253
Contribution of basic and clinical research to the registration of homeopathic medicine in Europe. Michel Van
Wassenhoven, Chastre, Belgium.
Méthodologie & Théorie ; Histoire / Methodology & Theory; History
Jeudi 17 Juillet - Thursday 17 July
Amphi Bleu
Hasta dónde cura la homeopatía - Silvia Cristina Mercado, Buenos Aires, Argentina
The patient is the master: How symptoms and language of each patient are the guide to the cure - Reflections
about 30 years of experience. Anna Pla, Barcelona, Spain.
Salle - Room 251
Prescribing in genetic diseases homeopathy truly on the move. Exploring the power of homeopathy: How it
helped avoid a renal transplant. Jawahar Shah, Mumbai, India.
Homeopathy in emergency. Pawan Pareek, Agra, India.
Homeopathic approach (integrated) in respiratory and allergic diseases:The experience in the centre of
integrated medicine - hospital of Pitigliano.Rosaria Ferreri, Pitigliano, Italy.
Salle - Room 252 A
How to prescribe homeopathy in hospital. Simonetta Bernardini, Pitigliano, Italy.
Homeopatia texto y arte. Henrique Stiefelmann, São Paulo, Brazil.
Homeopathy and physical reality in the light of a new natural philosophy Michael Hartmann, Speyer,
Level 4-simillimum: Transforming the patient physically, mentally and spiritually - Can we do it? Antonio
Abbate, Rome, Italy.
Salle - Room 252 B
El vínculo dinamizado. Sergio Rozenholc, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Fórmula homeopática de diagnóstico del simillimum: Incurables casos
clínicos curados como evidencia homeopática (I° parte) Carlos Campora, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Fórmula homeopática de diagnóstico del simillimum: Incurables casos
clínicos curados como evidencia homeopática (II° parte)
Fórmula homeopática de diagnóstico del simillimum: Incurables casos clínicos curados como evidencia
homeopática (III° parte)
Una misma enfermedad, diferentes estrategias de abordaje, distintos niveles de curación
Elisabet Susana Aldinger, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Curaciones clínicas utilizando la fórmula homeopática de diagnostico del simillimun y las estrategias de
abordaje de casos clínicos del Dr. Carlos N. Cámpora. Gabriel Crespo, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
La importancia de la aplicación de lo miasmático en la clínica: Caso agudo. Francisco de Asís Moya, Sevilla,
Curación y falsa curación. Antonio Sanchez Caballero, Mexico City, Mexico
Experiencia y eficacia de la LM según los niveles de curación. Raul Gustavo Pirra, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Back to Hahnemann’s principles of cure through the organon leading to a synthetic and miasmatic
prescription.Estrella Torres, Mexico City, Mexico.
“Dass ich erkenne, was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält“ JohannWolfgang Goethe
- Strategy for better understanding of polychrests and smaller remedies. Barbara Bichsel, Schiers, Switzerland.
IGEH Workshop: ‘Chemins divers pour atteindre le même but’ et ‘divers
accès pour comprendre mieux les remèdes’. Barbara Bichsel, Schiers, Suisse.
Salle - Room 253 - Session organised by LUIMO – Part I
15.00 Is it possible to recognize a therapy strategy by analyzing the potencies prescribed? Vincenzo Rocco, Adele Alma Rodríguez, Napoli, Italy 15.30 Homeopathic medicine, ‘autonomous’ method: Requirements for its correct application. Carlo Melodia, Napoli, Italy. 16.30 The multiplicity of healing levels in children. Viviana Rasulo, Napoli, Italy 17.00 A clinical case of a Kawasaki disease. Francesco Siccardi, Napoli, Italy 17.30 A clinical case of Hashimoto autoimmune thyroiditis. Elvira Erman, Adel Alma Rodriguez, Napoli, Italy. 18.00 Symptoms and modalities, clearly specified by the patient allow the pharmacist to intervene in acute with simillimum, confirming the effectiveness of the homeopathic method. Virginia Paribello, Napoli, Italy 18.30 A dedicated web site to report provings for medical homeopathic education -­‐ Vincenzo Rocco, Adele Alma Rodriguez, Napoli, Italy Vendredi 18 Juillet - Friday 18 July
Amphi Bleu
Le masisme, une méthodologie pour aujourd’hui et pour demain au service
de la recherche homéopathique - Cas clinique éclairant la méthode. Marie-Luc Fayeton, Brives Charensac,
Thérapie miasmatique. Bertold Fleig, Mainz, Allemagne
Choix du remède sur les symptômes ou sur la susceptibilité profonde du patient?
Guy Loutan, Genève Thônex, Suisse.
Revision of the so-called miasmatic concepts. Jacques Imberechts, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Salle - Room 251
Méthodologie d’étude des idées et contexte historique de la première édition de l’Organon. Olivier Rabanes,
Paris, France.
Salle - Room 252 A
Choix du remède et de sa dynamisation.Jean Lansmanne, Anderlue, Belgique
The Herscu analysis methodology in a case of nihilistic adolescent depression - Todd Hoover, Philadelphia,
United States.
Salle - Room 252 B
La théorie des cinq cercles. Olivier Soulier, Marcq en Baroeul, France.
The concept of form: A criterion justifying the art of homeopathic healing Some thoughts about the
Hahnemannian legacy between classical philosophy and modern physics. Chiara Merlino, Turin, Italy.
Superficial and deep healing through the miasmatic state. Rene Torres, Mexico City, Mexico.
Atelier masiste. Marie-Luc Fayeton, Brives Charensac, France (until 16.00)
Samedi 19 Juillet-­‐ Saturday 19 July Amphi Bleu
Les niveaux de guérison en homéopathie. Philippe Marchat, Saint-Abit, France
Loi des semblables et la nouvelle posologie du sixième Organon. Edouard Broussalian, Genève, Suisse.
Saving the treasure of (y)our clinical information for all times. Fréderik Schroyens, Isnes, Belgium.
The materia medica pura project: A systematic updating of our materia medica and repertory. André Saine,
Montreal, Canada.
Successful and reliable homeopathic prescribing especially in acute cases using Bönninghausen’s therapeutic
pocketbook with the polarity analysis from Dr. Heiner Frei - Klaus Rentrop, Hamburg, Germany.
Hahnemann: The traveller. Gaby Rottler, Weissenburg, Germany
Hahnemann in Paris. Olivier Rabanes, Paris, France.
Salle - Room 251
Extending the homeopathic paradigm. Anton Popov, Kiev, Ukraine.
Basses dilutions en homéopathie avec observation d’algoneurodystrophie. Claude Jousset, Paris, France.
Salle - Room 252 A
The museum of homeopathy: Italian historical archive. Francesco Eugenio Negro, Rome, Italy.
Salle - Room 252 B
The itch of homeopathy. Gyandas Wadhwani, Delhi, India.
Modern view of homeopathy based on an imbalance of miasms described by Samuel Hahnemann. Kateryna
Tsvyetkova, Kiev, Ukraine.
The role of Italian avant-garde in the diffusion and application of Hahnemann’s medicine in 1800, new
acquisitions on communication. Michela Ridolfi & Gaetano-Maria Miccichè, Rome, Italy.
The concept form: A criterion justifying the art of homeopathic healing – Life force: Game and counter game
of the form between visible signs and invisible symptoms - Nello Fasolino, Turin, Italy
Secrets of evolution of miasms and homoeopathy. Ramabhai A. Patel, New Delhi, India
Epidémiologie / Epidemiology
Jeudi 17 Juillet - Thursday 17 July
Amphi Bleu
16.30 Up-­‐to-­‐date with the possibilities of an individualized homeopathic prevention of malaria for residents in endemic areas. Maurizio Bolognesi, Rome, Italy Salle -­‐ Room 253 14.00 Evaluating the role of homoeopathic medicines along with life style modification in obesity: An open label observational study. Nandani Sharma, New Delhi, India. Vendredi 18 Juillet -­‐ Friday 18 July Salle -­‐ Room 252 A 12.00 Paediatric Homeopathy: A parent proxy-­‐report of their children’s health related Quality of Life using PECSFD in six European countries and Brazil. Michel Van Wassenhoven, Chastre, Belgium. Samedi 19 Juillet -­‐ Saturday 19 July Salle -­‐ Room 251 09.30 Impact of China rubra 7C on the side effects of quinine: A prospective, randomised study comparing China rubra 7C plus quinine vs. quinine only in pregnant women with malaria in Cotonou, Benin. Frédéric Rérolle, Lyon, France. 14.30 L’homéopathie dans la correction des facteurs de risque cardio-­‐vasculaire. Bernard Payrau, Paris, France. 15.30 Traitement homéopathique de l’encéphalomyélite myalgique postmorsure de tique: une étude à propos de 120 cas cliniques. Frédéric Schmitt, Sarlat, France. Salle -­‐ Room 252 A 09.30 Homeopathy on the move: Strategies in Indian rural set up. Mihir Parikh, Vadodara, India. 15.00 Homeopathic treatment of patients attending a rural primary health care clinic in the Valley of a Thousand Hills, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. Cornélia Hall, Durban, South Africa. 15.30 Homeopathic management in depressive episodes: A prospective, unicentric, non-­‐comparative, open label observational study. Praveen Oberai, Delhi, India. Salle -­‐ Room 252 B 18.00 Homeopathy in urban primary healthcare units of the Delhi government: An assessment. Surender Verma, Delhi, India. Expérimentations / Provings
Amphi Bleu Jeudi 17 Juillet - Thursday 17 July
18.30 The new LMHI and ECH guidelines for provings -­‐ Ashley Ross, Durban, South Africa, Jean Pierre Jansen, Groningen, Netherlands, Renzo Galassi, LMHI President, Thomas Peinbauer, ECH President Vendredi 18 Juillet -­‐ Friday 18 July Salle -­‐ Room 252 A 11.30 Proving of Thymus vulgaris. Reinhard Flick, Wien, Austria Salle -­‐ Room 252 B 08.30 Pele’s Hair – Lava Kilauea: A remedy to treat patients after heavy traumatic disturbances. Christina Ari, Güssing, Austria. Samedi 19 Juillet -­‐ Saturday 19 July Salle -­‐ Room 251 12.30 Animal planet: Provings and beyond the provings. Roberto Petrucci, Milan, Italy. Salle -­‐ Room 253 09.00 Cuscuta Europea: étude pathogénétique multicentrique française -­‐Hélène Renoux, France, Jean-­‐Marie Deschamps, France. 09.30 Le fondamental dans la réalisation d’une pathogénésie à partir des expérimentations de 3 arbres africains (Azadirachta indica, Moringa oleifera et adansonia digitata). Françoise Saint-­‐Didier, Bressuire, France. 11.00 Homeopathic pathogenetic trials: A conceptual analysis of the ethics. Ashley Ross, Durban, South Africa. 11.30 A comparison of the homeopathic drug proving of the venom of the Eastern Green Mamba (dendroaspis angusticeps) to the proving symptoms of Black Mamba (dendroaspis polylepis) venom. Madhueshwaree Maharaj, Durban, South Africa. 12.30 Development and refinement of the proving. Gustavo Dominici, Rome, Italy. 14.30 Proving of Culex Musca. Sergio Segantini, Firenze, Italy 15.00 Reporting of homeopathic pathogenetic trails: Main recommendations -­‐ from a first analysis. Jean Pierre Jansen, Groningen, The Netherlands. 15.30 Proving of Hekla Lava. Nicolienne Potgieter Steiner, Zug, Switzerland. Médecine vétérinaire / Veterinary Medicine
Jeudi 17 Juillet - Thursday 17 July
Amphi Bleu
FIONA, le chat « bulle de savon» Arlette Blanchy, Bruxelles, Belgique Hydrogenum
Salle -­‐ Room 252 A 09.00 The value of remedy pictures. Edward De Beukelaer, Malborough, United Kingdom Vendredi 18 Juillet -­‐ Friday 18 July Salle -­‐ Room 252 A 12.30 Treating EGC (Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex) in cats with homeopathic remedies. Ronit Aboutboul, Tel Aviv, Israel. Salle -­‐ Room 253 11.00 L’homme et l’animal: Résumé / Homeopathy, animals and humans. Jacques Millemann, Soultz-­‐Forêts, France. 11.30 The homeopathic unicist technique in unconventional animals: Three clinical cases. Gustavo Picci, Cortona, Italy. 12.00 Évolution conceptuelle de la sixième et septième observation pronostique de Kent. Andrea Brancalion, Parma, Italy. 12.30 Dissertation du Vétérinaire à tous les Homoeopathes Hahnemanniens / Dissertation from the Veterinarian to all Hahnemannian Homoeopaths. Eric Vanden Eynde, Tervuren, Belgium. Immunologie / Immunology
Salle -­‐ Room 253 Jeudi 17 Juillet - Thursday 17 July
11.00 Viral reactivation and micro-­‐immunotherapy: A case report.Tiziana Semplici, Milan, Italy. 11.20 Le virus du papillome humain sans ses différentes manifestations: traitement par la miro-­‐
immunothérapie. Cristina Zemba-­‐Vieytes, Barcelone, Espagne -­‐ Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a DNA virus from the papillomavirus family. 11.40 Micro-­‐immunotherapeutic administration of cytokines ameliorate the clinical symptoms in EAE: An animal model of multiple sclerosis. Anna Camps, Barcelona, Spain 12.00 Multiple sclerosis. Renate Schied, Graz, Austria. 14.30 Expérimentation homéopathique des cytokines, facteurs de croissance cellulaires et nerveux dans le traitement des maladies chroniques autoimmunes -­‐ Jérôme-­‐Louis Robert Malzac, Lecce, Italie. Pharmacie / Pharmacy
Vendredi 18 Juillet - Friday 18 July
Amphi Bleu
12.00 Conférence Boiron -­‐ Valérie Poinsot, Messimy, France ; Gérard Ducerf, Briant, France. Salle -­‐ Room 252 B 16.30 17.00 17.30 18.00 Pharmacopoeia and Hahnemann’s instructions. Izel Botha, Durban, South Africa Conservation des remèdes. Amarilys Cesar, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Testing of plant materials in homeopathic medicine manufacturing. Nishant Jain, New Delhi, India. How to get all homeopathic remedies in France. Laurent Gal, Vailhauques, France Amphi Bleu Samedi 19 Juillet -­‐ Saturday 19 July 18.00 The availability of homeopathic medicines in the EU. Christian Mol, ECHAMP, Brussels, Belgium. Dentisterie / Dentistry
Vendredi 18 Juillet - Friday 18 July
Salle -­‐ Room 253 14.00 Sessions de l’après-­‐midi / Afternoon Sessions 

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