To the Catholics of the North Bay area I recently had the opportunity


To the Catholics of the North Bay area I recently had the opportunity
To the Catholics of the North Bay area
Aux catholiques de la r6gion de North Bay
I recently had the opportunity to tour All Saints
Mausoleum, which has entered the final phase of
constructionat St. Mary's Cemeteryin North Bay.
The Cemetery Board and Staff along with the
Building Contractor have taken great pride in this
project, making it a true "Tribute to Life" for the
North Bay area. I look forward to the blessingand
official opening of this mausoleum on June 18,
2004at 2:00pm.
J'ai eu I'occasionde visiter r6cemmentle Mausol6e
de la Toussaint que nous avons construit au
cimetidre St. Mary's d North Bay. Le Conseil
d'administration du cimetidre ainsi que le
personnel et l'entrepreneur en construction sont
fiers de cette r6alisation. Le Mausol6e est un
< Tdmoignaged la vie > pour la communaut6de
North Bay. J'aurai le plaisir de b6nir cet 6difice i
l'occasion de I'ouverture officielle, prdvue pour le
18juin prochaina 14h.
"cemetery" comes from the Greek word
The word
Christians believe that
for sleeping place.
cemeteries are a gathering place for a pilgrim
people who have fallen asleepin Christ and who
await the promisedresurrectionof the dead.
Le mot < cimetidre> vient du mot grec qui veut
dire < lieu de repos ). La foi chr6tienneconsiddre
les cimetidrescomme des lieux de rassemblement
pour les membresdu peuplede Dieu en marchequi
dorment dans le Christ et qui attendent la
Catholic Cemeteriescelebratethe life of believers
unbrokenby death. As part of the ministry of the
Church, cemeteriesare signs of our respect and
love for those who have gone before us and are
destinedto eternallife. Whether you chooseto be
buried, cremated or interred above-ground in a
columbarium or mausoleum,I strongly encourage
you to support and make use of your Catholic
Cemeteryand All SaintsMausoleumin North Bay.
If you have any questions, please feel free to
contact the Cemetery Office at 495-8986 or the
MausoleumShowroomat 412-9648.
Les cimetidrescatholiquesc6ldbrentla vie qui n'est
jamais rompue par la mort. Ils sont des signesde
notre respectet de notre amour pour ceux et celles
qui nous ont pr6c6d6s-esdans la vie dternelle. Je
vous encourage fortement ir vous prdvaloir des
servicesofferts par les Cimetidrescatholiqueset le
Mausolde de la Toussaint de North Bay pour
I'enterrement,l'incin6ration ou l'inhumation dans
un columbarium ou dans le mausol6e. Pour plus
veuillez communiqueravec
le Bureau du Cimetidre (495-8986)ou celui du
In closing,I wish to expressmy sinceregratitudeto
the Board and Staff of our Catholic Cemeteriesin
North Bay and to all involved in making the dream
of a Mausoleum in North Bay a reality for the
peopleof Nipissing and the surroundingarea.
En terminant,je tiens ir remerciertrds sincdrement
le Conseil d'administration et le personnel des
Cimetidrescatholiquesd North Bay ainsi que tous
qui ont fait du rdve d'un Mausolde
les responsables
i North Bay une r6alitd pour toute la populationdu
Nipissinget desenvirons.
Bishop of Sault Ste.Marie
Ev0quede Sault Ste-Marie