Official Pharmacy - Vente Cialis Belgique


Official Pharmacy - Vente Cialis Belgique
Davenport Noon Optimist Foundation Meeting
Minutes for 02/03/2010
Present: Bernie Mack, Jim King, Mike Horsfield, Bob Shaw, Molly Mahoney
Excused: John Plank
Minutes from August 26th 2009 approved
Agenda for February 3rd 2010 approved
o Balances on Accounts
 American Bank and Trust $3623.17 (December 31, 2009
 Vanguard $76886.49 ( December 31, 2009)
Unfinished Business
o Budget 2009-2010
 Reviewed and approved (See attached form)
o No change made to By-laws
New Business
o Thank You Letter for 2009 Contributions
 Reviewed/modified and approved
 Mike Horsfield to send out to contributors
o 2007 Fran Ivory Donation
 Made aware that foundation did not donate the $1000 for 2007
 Voted and agreed to amend the budget for an additional $1000
to Fran Ivory Scholarship to make up for this oversight.
o Discussed the true name of foundation
 Bernie to look further into this determination and report to
o Reviewed terms of board members
 John Plank and Bernie Mack through 2012
 Molly Mahoney and Mike Horsfield through 2011
 Jim King and Bob Shaw through 2010
o Officers nominated and elected
 President-Mike Horsfield
 Vice President-Jim King
 Secretary/Treasure (Secretary duties)-Molly Mahoney
 Asst Secr/Treasure (Treasure duties)-Bernie Mack
o Discussed goals for foundation
 Approach the Noon Optimist Club for yearly donation
 Promote foundation as vehicle for memorial and scholarship
 Long term goal to build principle to $250,000 over 8 years.
o IRS Filing
 Bernie Mack filed the required 990-N form online for 2008
 Needs to filed at end of every fiscal year (9/30)
 Acct # and password are contained the binder
Meeting Adjourned
Minutes submitted by Mike Horsfield