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Télécharcher la liste complète des publications
► Année 2014
• Aubry A, Hausswirth C, Louis J, Coutts A, Le Meur Y. Functional overreaching: the key to
peak performance during the taper? Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2014; 46(9):1769–77.
• Calmels, C., Pichon, S., & Grèzes, J. (2014). Can we simulate an action that we cannot
temporarily perform? Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology, 44, 433-445
• Couckuyt, S. (2014). Savoirs d’entraîneurs et temporalités de l’intervention en sport de haut
niveau. Presented at the Colloque “Temps, temporalités et intervention en EPS et en sport”, 8e
Biennale de l’ARIS, Genève, Suisse.
• Doron, J., & Gaudreau, P. (2014). A Point by Point Analysis of Performance in a Fencing
Match: Psychological Processes Associated With Winning and Losing Streaks. Journal of
Sport and Exercise Psychology, 36, 3-13. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1123/jsep.2013-0043
• Doron, J., Trouillet, R., Gana, K., Boiché, J., Neveu, D., & Ninot, G. (2014). Examination of
the hierarchical structure of the Brief COPE: Empirical and theoretical convergences. Journal
of Personality Assessment, 1-9. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00223891.2014.886255
• Doron, J., Trouillet, R., Maneveau, A., Neveu, D., & Ninot, G. (2014). Coping profiles,
perceived stress and health-related behaviors: a cluster analysis approach. Health Promotion
International. doi:10.1093/heapro/dau090
• Farcy S, Nordez A, Dorel S, Hauraix H, Portero P, Rabita G. Interaction between
gastrocnemius medialis fascicle and Achilles tendon compliance: a new insight on the quickrelease method. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2014 Feb 1;116(3):259-66.
• Giroux C, Guilhem G, Chollet D, Rabita G. Is muscle coordination affected by loading
condition in ballistic movements? J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2014 [Epub Ahead of print]
[AERES STAPS – 1e] [ISI-IF: 1.725]
• Giroux C, Guilhem G, Chollet D, Rabita R. Muscle coordination in loaded squat jump.
Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin. 2014;17 Suppl 1:158-9. [AERES STAPS – 1e]
[ISI-IF: 1.793] (PubMed)
• Giroux C, Rabita G, Chollet D, Guilhem G. What is the best method to assess lower limb
force-velocity relationship? Int J Sports Med. 2014. [Epub Ahead of print] [AERES STAPS –
3e] [ISI-IF: 2.424] (PubMed)
• Guilhem G, Giroux C, Couturier A, Maffiuletti NA. Validity of trunk extensor and flexor
torque measurements using isokinetic dynamometry. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2014 [Epub
Ahead of print]. [AERES STAPS – 1e] [ISI-IF: 1.725] (PubMed)
• Guilhem G, Giroux C, Couturier A, Chollet D, Rabita R. Mechanical and muscular
coordination patterns during a high-level fencing assault. Med Sci Sports Exerc.
2014;46(2):341-50. [AERES STAPS – 1e] [ISI-IF: 4.459] ( PubMed)
• Hausswirth C, Louis J, Aubry A, Bonnet G, Duffield R & Le Meur Y. Disturbed sleep and
increased illness in endurance overreached athletes. Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise.
• Lacourpaille L, Nordez A, Hug, F, Couturier A, Dibie C, Guilhem G. Time-course effect of
exercise-induced muscle damage on localized muscle mechanical properties assessed using
elastography. Acta Physiol. 2014;211(1):135-46. [AERES STAPS – 2e] [ISI-IF: 4.251]
• Le Meur Y, Louis J, Aubry A, Guéneron J, Pichon A, Schaal K & Hausswirth C. Maximal
Exercise limitation in functionally overreached endurance athletes: role of cardiac adrenergic
stimulation. Journal of Applied Physiology. Aug 1;117(3):214-22
• Marquet LA, Hausswirth C, Hays A, Vettoretti F, Brisswalter J. Comparison of BetweenTraining Recovery Strategies for World-Class BMX Pilots. Int J Sports Physiol Perform.
2014 Jul 22. [Epub ahead of print]
• Plews D, Laursen P, Le Meur Y, Hausswirth C, Kilding A & Buchheit M. Monitoring
training with heart rate variability: How much compliance is needed for valid assessment?
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 2014 Sep;9(5):783-90
• Rabita G., Dorel S., Slawinski J., Sàez-de-Villarreal E., Couturier A., Samozino P., Morin JB. Sprint mechanics in world-class athletes: A new insight into the limits of human
locomotion.Scand J Med Sci Sports (accepted)
► Année 2013
- Mission 1 : Identification et optimisation des paramètres physiologiques,
psychologiques et sociologiques liés au stress d’entraînement, de compétition ou de
carrière sportive
• Bernier, M., Thiénot, E., Pelosse, E., & Fournier, J. Effects and Underlying Processes of a
Mindfulness-Based Intervention with Young Elite Figure 8 Skaters: Two Case Studies
• Brisswalter, J., Louis, J. Vitamin supplementation benefits in masters athletes. Sports Med,
2013. In press
• Burlot F. l’univers de la boxe anglaise. Sociologie d’une discipline controversée, Paris,
Editions de l’INSEP, 2013
• Debois, N., &Leseur, V. (2013). Athletes’ careers in France : In pursuit of excellence in
sport and life. In N. Stambulova& T. Ryba (Eds), Athletes’ careers across culture. (pp. 90102). New York: Routledge.
• Corrion, K., Gernigon, C., Debois, N., & D’arripe-longueville, F. (2013). Factor validity and
reliability of the resistive self-regulatory efficacy in sport scale (RSRESS) in a French sample,
International Journal of Sport Psychology, 44 (2), 128-144.
• Easthope CS, Nosaka K, Caillaud C, Vercruyssen F, Louis J, Brisswalter J. Reproducibility
of performance and fatigue in trail running. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 2013,
in press
• Hanon C, Dorel S, Delfour-Peyrethon R, Leprêtre P-M, Bishop DJ, Perey S, , Thomas C.
Prevalence of cardio-respiratory factors in the occurrence of the decrease in oxygen uptake
during supra-maximal, constant-power exercise. SpringerPlus 2013, 2:651 (5 December 2013)
• Hausswirth C, Louis J, Aubry A, Bonnet G, Duffield R & Le Meur Y. Disturbed sleep and
increased illness in endurance overreached athletes. Medicine& Science in Sport &Exercise.
Sous presse.
• Hausswirth C, Schaal K, Le Meur Y, Bieuzen F, Filliard J-R, Volondat M, Louis J.
Parasympathetic activity and blood catecholamine responses following a single partial-body
cryostimulation and a whole-body cryostimulation. Plos One, 2013, in press
• Le Meur Y, Hausswirth C, Natta F, Couturier A, Bignet F & Vidal PP. A multidisciplinary
approach to overreaching detection in endurance-trained athletes. Journal of
AppliedPhysiology . 2013;114(3):411-420.
• Le Meur Y, Pichon A, Schaal K, Schmitt L, Guéneron J, Louis J, Vidal PP &Hausswirth C.
Evidence of parasympathetic hyperactivity in the functionally overreached athlete.
Medicine& Science in Sport &Exercise. 2013 Nov;45(11):2061-71
• Louis J, Brisswalter J. Fatigue and recovery in master athletes. In Recovery and
performance in sport : new edition. INSEP, Paris, 2013.
• Macquet, A. –C., & Stanton, N.A. (in press). Do the coach and athlete have the same «
picture » of the situation? Distributed Situation Awareness in an elite sport context. Journal of
Applied Ergonomics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apergo.2013.09.014
• Macquet, A. –C. (2013). Getting on the same page: A method to study the consistency of
coaches‘ and athletes‘ situation understanding during training sessions and competitions. The
Sport Psychologist, 27, 292-295.
• Milazzo N., & Fournier, J. (in press). Effect of individual implicit video-based perceptual
training program on high-skilled karatekas' decision making. Movement& Sport Sciences /
• Plews D, Laursen P, Le Meur Y, Hausswirth C, KildingA&Buchheit M. Monitoring training
with heart rate variability: How much compliance is needed for valid assessment?
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. Sous presse.
• Thienot E, Jackson B, Dimmock J, Grove JR, Bernier M, Fournier JF. Development and
preliminary validation of the mindfulness inventory for sport
- Mission 2 : Déterminants et conséquences physiologiques et psychophysiologiques de la
récupération en sport
• Schaal, K., Le Meur, Y., Louis, J., Filliard, J.R., Hellard, P., Casazza, G., Hausswirth, C.
Whole-body cryostimulation preserves sleep quality and prevents early signs of fatigue
accumulation in elite synchronized swimmers.
• Bieuzen, F., Bleakley, C. M., & Costello, J. T. (2013). Contrast water therapy and exercise
induced muscle damage: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE, 8(4), e62356.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0062356
• Bieuzen, F., Borne, R., Toussaint, J-F., & Hausswirth, C. (2013). Positive effect of specific
low frequency electrical stimulation during short-term recovery on subsequent high intensity
exercise. ApplPhysiolNutrMetab, 0(ja), 130820144307002. doi: 10.1139/apnm-2013-0185
• Bieuzen, F., Brisswalter, J., Easthope, C., Vercruyssen, F., Bernard, T., &Hausswirth, C.
(2013). Effect of Wearing Compression Stockings on Recovery Following Mild ExerciseInduced Muscle Damage. Int J Sports PhysiolPerform, in press.
• Bieuzen, F., Pournot, H., Roulland, R., &Hausswirth, C. (2012). Recovery after highintensity intermittent exercise in elite soccer players using VEINOPLUS sport technology for
blood-flow stimulation. J Athl Train, 47(5), 498-506. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-47.4.02
• Costello, J. T., Baker, P. R. A., Minett, G. M., Bieuzen, F, Stewart, I. B., &Bleakley, C.
(2013). Whole-body cryotherapy (extreme cold air exposure) for preventing and treating
muscle soreness after exercise in adults. Cochrane DatabaseSystRev(10). doi:
• Guilhem, G., Hug, F., Couturier, A., Regnault, S., Bournat, L., Filliard, J. R., & Dorel, S.
(2013). Effects of air-pulsed cryotherapy on neuromuscular recovery subsequent to exerciseinduced muscle damage. Am J Sports Med, 41(8), 1942-1951. doi:
• Hausswirth, C., &Mujika, I. (2013). Recovery for Performance in Sport: Human Kinetics.
• Hausswirth, C., Schaal, K., Le Meur, Y., Bieuzen, F., Filliard, J. R., Volondat, M., & Louis,
J. (2013). Parasympathetic activity and blood catecholamine responses following a single
partial-body cryostimulation and a whole-body cryostimulation. PLoS ONE, 8(8), e72658.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0072658
• Schaal, K., Le Meur, Y., Bieuzen, F., Petit, O., Hellard, P., Toussaint, J. F., & Hausswirth,
C. (2013). Effect of recovery mode on postexercise vagal reactivation in elite synchronized
swimmers. ApplPhysiolNutrMetab, 38(2), 126-133. doi: 10.1139/apnm-2012-0155
- Mission 3 : Caractéristiques et amélioration des facteurs neuromusculaires,
neurophysiologiques et mécaniques du geste sportif.
• Calmels C, Pichon S, Grèzes, J. Can we simulate an action that we cannot temporarily
perform? ClinicalNeurophysiology. In revision.
• Farcy S, Nordez A, Dorel S, Hauraix H, Portero P, Rabita G. Interaction between
gastrocnemius medialis fascicle and Achilles tendon compliance: a new insight on the quickrelease method. Journal of appliedphysiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). 2013.
• Farcy S, Nordez A, Dorel S, Hauraix H, Portero P, Rabita G. Gastrocnemius medialis
fascicle and Achilles' tendon behaviour during a quick-release movement. Comput Methods
Biomech Biomed Engin. 2013;16 Suppl 1:158-60.
• Giroux C, Rabita G, Chollet D, Guilhem G. Validity and reliability of four methods used to
characterize force-velocity relationship in leg extensors. PLoS One. In revision.
• Guilhem G, Cornu C, Maffiuletti NA, Guevel A. Neuromuscular adaptations to isoload
versus isokinetic eccentric resistance training. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2013;45(2):326-35.
• Guilhem G, Giroux C, Couturier A, Chollet D, Rabita G. Mechanical and muscular
coordination patterns during a high-level fencing assault. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2013;Publish
Ahead of Print:10.1249/MSS.0b013e3182a6401b.
• Guilhem G, Giroux C, Couturier A, Maffiuletti NA. Validity of trunk extensor and flexor
torque measurements using a last-generation isokinetic dynamometer. In revision.
• Guilhem G, Hug F, Couturier A et al. Effects of air-pulsed cryotherapy on neuromuscular
recovery subsequent to exercise-induced muscle damage. Am J Sports Med. 2013;41(8):194251.
• Le Meur Y, Thierry B, Rabita G, Dorel S, Honnorat G, Brisswalter J, Hausswirth C. Springmass behaviour during the run of an international triathlon competition. Int J Sports Med.
2013 Aug;34(8):748-55.
• Lacourpaille L, Nordez A, Hug F, Couturier A, Dibie C, Guilhem G. Time-course effect of
exercise-induced muscle damage on localized muscle mechanical properties assessed using
elastography. Acta Physiol (Oxf). In revision.
• Le Meur Y, Hausswirth C, Natta F, Couturier A, Bignet F, Vidal PP. A multidisciplinary
approach to overreaching detection in endurance trained athletes. J ApplPhysiol.
• Le Meur Y, Hausswirth C, Natta F, Couturier A, Bignet F, Vidal PP. A multidisciplinary
approach to overreaching detection in endurance trained athletes. J ApplPhysiol.
• Morin JB, Girard O, Slawinski J, Rabita G, Dalleau G, Brughelli M. Lower limb mechanical
properties: significant references omitted. Sports Med. 2013
• Pradon D, Mazure-Bonnefoy A, Rabita G, Hutin E, Zory R, Slawinski J. The biomechanical
effect of arm mass on long jump performance: A case study of a paralympic upper limb
amputee. Prosthet Orthot Int. 2013 Aug 28;38(3):248-252.
• Rabita G, Couturier A, Dorel S, Hausswirth C, Le Meur Y. Changes in spring-mass behavior
and muscle activity during an exhaustive run at VO. J Biomech. 2013.
► Année 2012
• Bergamini, E., Picerno, P., Pillet, H., Natta, F., Thoreux, P., Camomilla, V. (2012)
Estimation of temporal parameters during sprint running using a trunk-mounted inertial
measurement unit. Journal of Biomechanics, 2012:45, 1123-1126. Lien vers l'article.
• Bieuzen, F., Pournot, H., Roulland, R, Hausswirth, C. (2012) Recovery after highintensity intermittent exercise in elite soccer players using Veinoplus Sport technology for
blood flow stimulation. J Athl Train. Sep;47(5):498-506.Lien vers l'article.
• Calmels, C., Foutren, M., Stam, C.J. (2012) EEG functional connectivity modulation
during the maintenance of motion information in working memory: Importance of the visual
context. Neuroscience, 212, 49-58.
• Debois, N., Ledon, A., Argiolas, C., Rosnet, E. (2012). A lifespan perspective on
transitions during a top sports career : A case of an elite female fencer, Psychology of Sport
and Exercise, 13, 660-668.Lien vers l'article.
• Dorel, S., Guilhem, G., Couturier, A., Hug F. (2012) Adjustment of Muscle Coordination
during an All-Out Sprint Cycling Task. Med Sci Sports Exerc, Jun 6. [Epub ahead of
print].Lien vers l'article.
• El Helou, N., Tafflet, M., Berthelot, G., Tolaini, J., Marc, A., Guillaume, M., Hausswirth,
C., Toussaint, J.F. (2012). Impact of environmental parameters on marathon running
performance. PLoS One, 7(5):e37407.Lien vers l'article.
• Fournier, J., Vuillemin, A., Le Cren, F. (2012). Mesure de la condition physique chez les
personnes âgées. Evaluation de la condition physique des seniors : adaptation française de la
batterie américaine « Senior Fitness Test ». Science et sports.Lien vers l'article.
• Guilhem, G., Cornu, C., Guével, A. (2012). Neuromuscular Adaptations to Isoload versus
Isokinetic Eccentric Resistance Training. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Aug
16. [Epub ahead of print].Lien vers l'article.
• Guilhem, G., Guével, A., Cornu, C. (2012). A methodologic approach for normalizing
angular work and velocity during isotonic and isokinetic eccentric training. Journal of Athletic
Training, 47(2):125-9.Lien vers l'article.
• Hanon, C., Bernard, O., Thomas, C. (2012). Blood lactate and acid-base balance during
two different intervals sprint training regimens. Journal of Strength and Conditioning
Research, 26(6), 1551-1557.
• Hausswirth, C., Duffield, R., Pournot, H., Bieuzen, F., Louis, J., Brisswalter, J.,
Castagna, O. (2012). Postexercise cooling interventions and the effects on exercise-induced
heat stress in a temperate environment. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab., 37: 1-11.Lien vers l'article.
• Le Meur, Y., Dorel, S., Rabita, G., Bernard, T., Brisswalter, J., Hausswirth, C. (2012).
Spring-mass behavior and electromyographic activity evolution during a cycle-run test to
exhaustion in triathletes. J Electromyogr Kinesiol., May 19. [Epub ahead of print].Lien vers
• Le Meur, Y., Hausswirth, C., Mujika, I. (2012). Tapering for Competition : a review.
Science & Sports, 27, 77-87.Lien vers l'article.
• Leprêtre, P.M., Lopes, P., Thomas, C., Hanon C. (2012). Changes in cardiac tone
regulation with fatigue after supra-maximal exercise. Scientific World Journal. 2012:281265.
Epub 2011 Dec 28, 7 pp..Lien vers l'article.
• Louis, J., Hausswirth, C., Easthope, C., Brisswalter, J. (2012). Strength training improves
cycling efficiency in master endurance athletes. Eur J Appl Physiol., 112(3), 631-640.Lien
vers l'article.
• Macquet, A.C., Eccles, D. W., Barraux, E. (2012). What makes an orienteer an expert? A
case study of a highly elite orienteer’s concerns in the course of competition. Journal of
Sports Sciences, 30(1), 91-99.
• Sultana, F., Abbiss, C.R., Louis, J., Bernard, T., Hausswirth, C., Brisswalter, J. (2012).
Age-related changes in cardio-respiratory responses and muscular performance following an
Olympic triathlon in well-trained triathletes. Eur J Appl Physiol., 112(4), 1549-1556.Lien vers
• Thomas, C., Bernard, O., Enea, C., Jalab, C., Hanon, C. (2012). Metabolic and respiratory
adaptations during intense exercise following long-sprint training of short duration. European
Journal of Applied Physiology, 12(2), 667-675.Lien vers l'article.
• Thomas, C., Bishop, D., Lambert, K., Mercier, J., Brooks, G.A. (2012). Effects of acute and
chronic exercise on MCT1 and MCT4 contents in human skeletal muscles. American Journal
of Physiology: Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 302(1):R1-R14.Lien vers
► Année 2011
• Bernier M, Thienot E, Codron R, & Fournier J. (2011) The attentional focus of expert
golfers in training and competition: A naturalistic investigation. Journal of Applied Sport
Psychology, 326-241. Lien vers l'article.
• Brisswalter J, Bouhlel E, Falola JM, Abbiss CR, Vallier JM, Hausswirth C. Effects of
Ramadan intermittent fasting on middle-distance running performance in well-trained
runners. Clin J Sport Med. 2011 Sep;21(5):422-7.Lien vers l'article.
• Calmels C, Foutren M, & Stam CJ. (2011). Influences of instructions and expertise on the
mechanisms involved during a working memory task: an EEG study. J Psychophysiol 25:
105-115.Lien vers l'article.
• Cancello R, Rouault C, Guilhem G, Bedel JF, Poitou C, Di Blasio AM, Basdevant A,
Tordjman J, Clément K, (2011) Urokinase plasminogen activator receptor in adipose tissue
macrophages of morbidly obese subjects. Obes Facts 4(1):17-25. Lien vers l'article.
• Dinu D, Houel N, Dellenbach M, Modélisation du trajet global de la flèche avec différents
types d’équipements. Sport Science Review, vol. XX, No. 1-2, April 2011 25. Lien vers
• Finez L, Berjot S, & Rosnet E. (2011) Déterminants, motifs et cibles des stratégies d’autohandicap comportemental. Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale, 24(3), 5-42. Lien
vers l'article.
• Finez L, Berjot S, Rosnet E, & Cleveland, C. (2011). Do athletes claim handicaps in low
ego-threatening conditions? Re-examining the effect of ego-threat on claimed selfhandicapping. The Sport Psychologist, 25, 288-304. Lien vers l'article.
• Guilhem G, Cornu C, Guével A. (2011) Muscle architecture and EMG activity changes
during isotonic and isokinetic eccentric exercises. Eur J Appl Physiol 111(11):2723-33. Lien
vers l'article.
• Hanon C, Thomas C. Effects of optimal pacing strategies for 400-, 800-, and 1500-m races
on the VO2 response. Journal of Sport Sciences. 2011 29 (9):905-12. Lien vers l'article.
• Hanon C, Rabate M, Thomas C. Effect of expertise on post maximal long sprint blood
metabolite responses. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Sep;25 (9): 2503-9.
2011. Lien vers l'article.
• Hars M, Hars M, Stam CJ, Calmels C. (2011). Effects of visual context upon functional
connectivity during observation of biological motions. PLoS ONE 6(10): e25903. Lien vers
• Hausswirth C, Le Meur Y. Physiological and nutritional aspects of post-exercise recovery:
specific recommendations for female athletes. Sports Medicine 2011, 41(10):6182. Lien vers
• Hausswirth C, Louis J, Bieuzen F, Pournot H, Fournier J, Filliard JR, Brisswalter J.
Effects of Whole-Body Cryotherapy vs. Far-Infrared vs. Passive Modalities on Recovery from
Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage in Highly-Trained Runners. PLoS One.
2011;6(12):e27749. Epub 2011 Dec 7. Lien vers l'article.
• Hellard P, Guimaraes F, Avalos M, Houel N, Hausswirth C, Toussaint JF. Modeling the
association between HR variability and illness in elite swimmers. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011
Jun;43(6):1063-70. Lien vers l'article.
• Hug F, Turpin NA, Couturier A, Dorel S (2011). Consistency of muscle synergies during
pedaling across different mechanical constraints. J Neurophysiol 106(1):91-103. Lien vers
• Le Meur Y, Bernard T, Dorel S, Abbiss CR, Honnorat G, Brisswalter J, Hausswirth C.
Relationships between triathlon performance and pacing strategy during the run in an
international competition. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2011 Jun;6(2):183-94. Lien vers
• Le Meur Y, Dorel S, Baup Y, Guyomarch JP, Roudaut C, Hausswirth C. Physiological
demand and pacing strategy during the new combined event in elite pentathletes. Eur J Appl
Physiol. 2011 Nov 12. Lien vers l'article.
• Lefèvre B, Thiéry P., Les principales activités physiques et sportives pratiquées en France
en 2010, Stat-Info n°11-02, novembre 2011. Lien vers l'article.
• Louis J, Hausswirth C, Easthope C, Brisswalter J. Strength training improves cycling
efficiency in master endurance athletes. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011 (3). 24-37. Lien vers
• Pournot H, Bieuzen F, Duffield R, Lepretre PM, Cozzolino C, Hausswirth C. Short term
effects of various water immersions on recovery from exhaustive intermittent exercise. Eur J
Appl Physiol. 2011 (7):1287-95. Lien vers l'article.
• Pournot H, Bieuzen F, Louis J, Fillard JR, Barbiche E, Hausswirth C. Time-Course of
Changes in Inflammatory Response after Whole-Body Cryotherapy Multi Exposures
following Severe Exercise. PLoS One. 2011;6(7):e22748. Lien vers l'article.
• Rabita G, Couturier A, Lambertz (2011). Intrinsic ankle and hopping leg-spring stiffness
in distance runners and aerobic gymnasts. Int J Sports Med 32:552-8. Lien vers l'article.
• Rabita G, Slawinski J, Girard O, Bignet F, Hausswirth C. Spring-mass behavior during
exhaustive run at constant velocity in elite triathletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011
Apr;43(4):685-92. Lien vers l'article.
• Sultana F, Abbiss CR, Louis J, Bernard T, Hausswirth C, Brisswalter J. Age-related
changes in cardio-respiratory responses and muscular performance following an Olympic
triathlon in well-trained triathletes. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011 Aug 19. DOI 10.1007/s00421011-2115-9. Lien vers l'article.
• Thomas C, Bernard O, Enea C, Jalab C, Hanon C. Metabolic and respiratory adaptations
during intense exercise following long-sprint training of short duration. European Journal of
Applied Physiology Jun 9, 2011. Lien vers l'article.