Propositions d`aménagements en anglais par Madame Freeman


Propositions d`aménagements en anglais par Madame Freeman
Propositions d’aménagements en anglais par Madame Freeman
Ce document propose des aménagements en anglais. On trouvera la version « ordinaire » et la version aménagée.
Voici les commentaires de Madame Freeman qui a expérimenté cette différenciation, on remarquera que les élèves
dyslexiques ne sont plus stygmatisés par les supports ou par une aide car tout le monde en profite avec des contrats
« Je propose à qui veut une version de l’évaluation avec aide proposée moyennant 2 points déduits sur la
note finale. Les élèves dylexiques n’ont pas ces deux points en moins et l’orthographe ne sera pas prise en
compte de la même façon pour eux.
Cela me semble équitable pour leur rapport collectif à la note. Certains élèves en difficulté prennent l’aide
en entrainement mais pas pour l’évaluation et ont des notes souvent catastrophiques mais je les laisse jauger
et murir l’analyse de leurs difficultés et de leur besoin d’aide … Chaque proposition de ma part donne lieu a
quelques échanges entre eux. De plus en plus d’élèves disent que sans cette aide, ils auraient 0 avec un
devoir ordinaire. Ils choisissent donc le devoir avec aide et sont très satisfaits par le système mis en place.
Je propose également une photocopie agrandie pour tout document distribué et quelques très bons élèves
m’ont dit que c’était beaucoup plus agréable et reposant de travailler sur du A3 et des feuilles plus aérés. Je
distribue donc des documents avec aide en A4 ou A3 et sans aide en A4 et A3. Je pense qu’ils apprécient
aussi la dimension plus individuelle de cette organisation.
Ces 2 travaux arrivent après quelques expérimentations moins réussies mais depuis, une bonne partie de la
classe a progressé en résultats et donc en confiance (en eux et en moi). Leurs productions sont plus
pertinentes. Un bon quart de mes élèves ont vécu une année douloureuse en anglais l’an dernier et sont
arrivés non seulement découragés mais dégoutés. Grâce à ce système, des élèves ont pu retrouver l’estime de
soi en anglais. Je n’ai pas la volonté de les rendre bilingues mais je les vois s’ouvrir, sourire et s’accrocher
de plus en plus. »
Pour d’autres conseils on peut se référer à :
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Review your English without help
(Mathilde SERHAN )
My family
Hi, I am John Dawson. I am 17 years old and I am a student. I go to school in London, England. I can
play football quite well and I love it ! My family is very big !
My father's name is Stuart. He is a fireman so he can drive a fire truck and run very fast. My mother
is Sandra. She is a music teacher. She can sing, play the piano and play the flute too, but she can't
play the guitar. My big sister is Janice. She is a dentist and she has a daughter. She is married to
Karim, a basketball player. Their daughter, my niece, is Leila. She is two and she can walk very well,
but she can't really speak. My big brother is not married. His name is Jack. My small brother is Leo. I
also have a brother and a sister who are twins. Their birthday is on June 14. His name is Kurt and her
name is Courtney. They can sing and dance very well !
That's it for now!
Bye !
1- Fill in the family tree of the Dawson family with first names and jobs, when possible (=remplis l'arbre
généalogique de la famille Dawson avec des prénoms, et des métiers, lorsque c'est possible):
2- Find out (=découvre):
a) What the father can do (=ce que peut faire le père)
The father can .......................................................................................................................
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b) What the mother can do
The mother can .....................................................................................................................
c) What the niece can do
The niece can ........................................................................................................................
d) What the twins can do
The twins can ........................................................................................................................
3- Find words or expressions meaning (=trouve des mots ou des expressions qui signifient):
a) camion de pompier: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
b) elle a : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
c) elle est mariée avec: _ _ _ '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
d) vraiment: _ _ _ _ _ _
e) aussi (find two words): _ _ _ _ _ _ _
f) jumeaux: _ _ _ _ _
g) c'est tout pour le moment: _ _ _ _ '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4- Correct the eight mistakes (=erreurs) in the paragraph (barrez les erreurs en rouge et écrivez la correction en
dessous en rouge)
Hi, I am Jennifer Jordan. I have 19 years old and I live in New York, England. My mother is a
artist. He can sing, dance and paint too, but can't really cook! My father is a policemen. He is
very strong. My brother and my sister are vets. Her name is Jason and his name is Caroline.
Their are really funny!
Centre ressource TSL77
Review your English with help
(Mathilde SERHAN )
My family
Hi, I am John Dawson. I am 17 years old and I am a student. I go to school in London, England. I can
play football quite well and I love it ! My family is very big !
My father's name is Stuart. He is a fireman so he can drive a fire truck and run very fast. My mother
is Sandra. She is a music teacher. She can sing, play the piano and play the flute too, but she can't
play the guitar. My big sister is Janice. She is a dentist and she has a daughter. She is married to
Karim, a basketball player. Their daughter, my niece, is Leila. She is two and she can walk very well,
but she can't really speak. My big brother is not married. His name is Jack. My small brother is Leo. I
also have a brother and a sister who are twins. Their birthday is on June 14. His name is Kurt and her
name is Courtney. They can sing and dance very well!
That's it for now!
Bye !
1- Fill in the family tree of the Dawson family with first names and jobs, when possible (=remplis l'arbre
généalogique de la famille Dawson avec des prénoms, et des métiers, lorsque c'est possible):
2- Find out (=découvre):
a) What the father can do (=ce que peut faire le père)
The father can .......................................................................................................................
b) What the mother can do
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The mother can .....................................................................................................................
c) What the niece can do
The niece can ........................................................................................................................
d) What the twins can do
The twins can ........................................................................................................................
3- Find words or expressions meaning (=trouve des mots ou des expressions qui signifient):
a) camion de pompier: F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ K
b) elle a : S _ _ H _ _ _ _ T
c) elle est mariée avec: S _ _ '_ M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O
d) vraiment: R _ _ _ _ Y
e) aussi (find two words): T _ _ A _ _ O
f) jumeaux: T W _ _ S
g) c'est tout pour le moment: T _ _ _ '_ I T F _ _ _ _ W
4- Correct the eight mistakes (=erreurs) in the paragraph (écrivez la correction en rouge, sous les erreurs soulignées)
Hi, I am Jennifer Jordan. I have 19 years old and I live in New York, England. My mother is a
artist. He can sing, dance and paint too, but can't really cook ! My father is a policemen. He is
very strong. My brother and my sister are vets. Her name is Jason and his name is Caroline.
Their are really funny!
Centre ressource TSL77
Hello Simone,
I’m writing this email because I must ask you to do something for me. My brother, Jason, is coming to visit me for a
few days, he is coming from Paris by train. His train number is 15 64 7, it arrives at 9:10 a.m. in Charing Cross on
Monday. Unfortunately, I must work on that day and I can’t make it. Could you have the kindness to go to the
station and pick him up? I would really appreciate it. Maybe, you could meet with Jason at the little café in front of
the station at 9:15 ?
My brother is not very tall, I think he is 1,65m, so quite short really, he is a little fat, and he has got short grey hair
(he is 56), with a white beard and blue eyes. He likes wearing casual clothes like jeans and a sweater. It won’t be a
problem for you to recognise him. In case you need to reach him, here’s his cell phone number : 015 555 9536.
Let me know quickly if you can do this for me. Thanks.
All the best,
All the best,
NAME : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CLASS : _ _
Document : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
It is from :
Reason for writing :
 to give some news
Who is visiting the author?
 for business
/ 20
 s/he needs some help
Visitor’s name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/ 0.5
Transportation means. By : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
E-mail’s author problem: (Select the correct answer) :
She can / can’t pick his / her
brother / colleague / best friend
at the airport / at the train station
Day and time of arrival : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Suggested meeting* place : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / 2
Centre ressource TSL77
Eyes : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/ 0.5
Hair : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Details :
_______________________________________________________________ ___
NAME : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CLASS : _ _
with help => -2
/ 20
Document :
 a letter  an e-mail  an extract from a novel  an extract from a newspaper
It is from :
 Bill
 Jim
Reason for writing :
 to give some news
 she needs some help
 Simone
 Susan
 for business
Who is visiting the author?
 her mother  her brother  her best friend
 her colleague
Visitor’s name: …………………………….
Transportation means. By :
 plane
/ 0.5
 train  car
 foot
 bike
E-mail’s author problem: (Select the correct answer) :
She can / can’t pick
her brother / colleague / best friend
Day and time of arrival : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
at the airport / the train station
Suggested meeting* place : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Age : _ _ _
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Eyes :  black  green
 blue
 brown
 long
 short
 straight
 curly
 blond
 auburn
 black
 grey
Hair :
Details :
Short / Tall ?
Slim / fat ?
Centre ressource TSL77
/ 0.5
 white
Elegant / casually dressed ?
beard ?

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