Véronique RAIMOND


Véronique RAIMOND
Véronique RAIMOND
Work phone: +33 (0)1 55 93 71 94
Email: [email protected]
36, avenue de la République
F - 93110 Rosny sous bois
Mobile phone: +33 (0)6 82 50 68 06
Member of the Collège des économistes de la santé, France
Health economics and public health evaluation project leader, Haute Autorité de santé, SaintNovember Denis
 Development of methods for economics evaluation in health
Cost and cost-effectiveness studies
Evaluation of the impact of the introduction of new technologies on the health care system
Cost of disease studies
Critical appraisal of cost-effectiveness models submitted to HAS by the pharmaceutical and
medical device industry
Registered as Ph.D. student at Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne University under the joint supervision of
September Pr. Lise Rochaix and Pr. Jean-Michel Josselin (Rennes 1), on ‘Measuring the impact of CE
evaluation on health products regulation in France’
1999-2005 Pricing and reimbursement strategy manager, Pfizer, Paris
As Pfizer Global Health fellow in 2004 (3 months),
Health economics consultant, Perinatal HIV Research Unit, Baragwanath hospital Soweto,
South Africa
Definition of the pricing and reimbursement strategy for anti-infective, respiratory,
rheumatology and urology products
Evaluation of pricing and reimbursement for future products
Preparation of the permanent agreement between the company and the government pricing
Participation in the LEEM (pharmaceutical industry network) workshop
Monitoring of economic and environmental concerns
Junior Consultant, Centre National d'Expertise Hospitalière, Paris
(7 months)  Design of a of methodology and support materials for permanent quality improvement and 5years strategic plans in hospitals
 Follow-up of two medical 5-years strategic plans within a consultant team
Magistère Santé publique et gestion des territoires de santé, Cnam Paris
D.E.S.S. Evaluation et négociation des biens et services de santé, Universités Paris V et Lille II
D.E.S.S. Economie et gestion des systèmes de santé, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
1997 Maîtrise de Sciences Economiques, option analyse et politique économiques, Université Paris I PanthéonSorbonne
V. Raimond, 1
Scientific publications
Raimond V. Josselin JM, Rochaix L. HTA Agencies Facing Model Biases: The Case of Type 2 Diabetes.
PharmacoEconomics: Volume 32, Issue 9 (2014), Page 825-839.
Séroussi B, Falcoff H, Ertel-Pau V, Raimond V, Bouaud J. Online dissemination of clinical practice guidelines as
narrative texts and structured pathways: a case study with the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Stud Health Technol
Inform. 2014;205:28-32.
Launois R, Le Moine JG, Raimond V, Maunoury F, Daher I, Akindele M, Dessaigne A. Évaluation économique a
priori du dépistage de la rétinopathie diabétique par photographies du fond d’œil
Journal d’Économie Médicale 2012, Vol. 30, n° 2, 79-95.
Ricci P, Chantry M, Detournay B, Poutignat N, Kusnik-Joinville O, Raimond V, Thammavong N, Weill A, pour le
comité scientifique d’Entred. Analyse économique des soins des personnes traitées pour diabète (études Entred 2001
et 2007). Pratique et Organisation des Soins, mars 2010, volume 41 n°1.
Ricci P, Chantry M, Detournay B, Poutignat N, Kusnik-Joinville O, Raimond V, et al. Coûts des soins remboursés
par l'Assurance maladie aux personnes traitées pour diabète. Études Entred 2001 et 2007. BEH 2009;(42-43):464-9.
Presentations at international scientific conferences
Where do the limitations in evaluating drugs cost-effectiveness in diabetes come from?
V. Raimond, V. Ertel-Pau, L. Rochaix, JM. Josselin, G. Delande, C. Rumeau-Pichon
International Health Economics Association (iHEA), Sydney, July 2013
HAS methodological framework for cost-effectiveness evaluation
F. Midy, V. Raimond
3rd Joint CES/HESG Workshop, Aix-en-Provence, January 2012
A health economic analysis to help determine the place of computed tomographic colonography in the detection of
colorectal cancer
V. Raimond, P. Potier, D. Tessier-Vetzel
European Conference on Health Economics (ECHE), Helsinki, July 2010
A systematic review of the evidence on cost and health-related quality of life of diabetic retinopathy
V. Raimond, P. Canet, R. Cardoso, A. Dessaigne
Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi), Dublin, June 2010
A health economics analysis to help select the strategy for immunizing cirrhotic patients against hepatitis A virus
V. Raimond., Poullié AI.
Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi), Barcelone, Juillet 2007
Contribution to methodological guidelines
Haute Autorité de Santé. Methodological guidelines. Choices in Methods for Economic Evaluation . Published
October 2011. (available on: http://www.has-sante.fr/portail/upload/docs/application/pdf/201210/choices_in_methods_for_economic_evaluation.pdf)
Latest scientific reports
Haute Autorité de santé. Public Heath report. Place de la stratégie couplant les dosages de la trypsine immunoréactive
(TIR) et de la protéine associée à la pancréatite (PAP) dans le dépistage systématique de la mucoviscidose en France.
V. Raimond, 2
Published February 2015. (available on: http://www.has-sante.fr/portail/upload/docs/application/pdf/201506/place_de_la_strategie_couplant_les_dosages_de_la_tir_et_de_la_pap_dans_le_depistage_systematique_de_la_mu
Haute Autorité de santé. Clinical guidelines. Stratégie médicamenteuse du contrôle glycémique du diabète de type 2.
Published January 2013. (available on: http://www.has-sante.fr/portail/upload/docs/application/pdf/201302/10irp04_argu_diabete_type_2.pdf)
Haute Autorité de Santé. HTA report. Diagnostic biologique direct précoce du chikungunya par détection génomique
du virus avec RT-PCR. Published January 2013. (available on: http://www.hassante.fr/portail/upload/docs/application/pdf/2013-02/rapport_chikungunya_vd.pdf)
Haute Autorité de Santé. HTA report. Diagnostic biologique direct précoce de la dengue par détection génomique du
virus avec RT-PCR. Published January 2013. (available on: http://www.hassante.fr/portail/upload/docs/application/pdf/2013-02/rapport_dengue_vd.pdf)
Haute Autorité de Santé. Public Heath report. Dépistage de la rétinopathie diabétique par lecture différée de
photographies du fond d’œil. Published December 2010. (available on: http://www.hassante.fr/portail/upload/docs/application/pdf/2011-09/argumentaire__depistage_de_la_retinopathie_diabetique_par_lecture_differee_de_photographies_du_fond_doeil.pdf)
Economic evaluation of health products (6 hours)
“Engineering and health” Ecole naiotnale supérieure des mines de Saint-Etienne, France
Health Economic Evaluation at HAS (3 hours)
Health Insurance continuous training, GENES-CEPE santé, Paris
Health Economics Evaluation (3 hours)
“Economic evaluation of health strategies 2” Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers
(CNAM), Paris
Health Economic Evaluation at HAS (3 hours)
DU “Health Economic Evaluation”, Pharmacy faculty, Chatenay-Malabry, France
Pharmaceuticals regulation (5 hours)
“Health Economics” Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Analyse de l’Information (ENSAI)
3rd year, Rennes
French: fluent
English: proficient skill
German: minimal skill
Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, MS Project, SAS system, TreeAge
V. Raimond, 3