bertrand quelin - Studies2


bertrand quelin - Studies2
Bertrand V. Quélin
March 2007
HEC Paris - School of Management
Corporate Strategy & Business Policy Department
F-78351 Jouy-en-Josas Cedex, France
Home page:
Tel.: +33.(0)
Fax: +33.(0)
Secretary: +33.(0)
E-mail: [email protected]
1992: Post-Doctoral Research Certificate in Economics (Habilitation).
1988: Doctorate in Economics (Ph.D.), University of Paris-Nord.
• 2006-2007: Scientific Director – Strategic Management Major (HEC Master)
• 1999-2005: Associate Dean - HEC Ph.D. Program.
• 2002-2005: Invited Member of the Executive Committee - HEC School of Management.
• Main courses:
Strategic Management (graduate)
Industrial Organization Economics (graduate)
Fragmentation of the Firm (MBA elective)
Economics and Organization (Ph.D. seminar)
The Economics of the Firm (Ph.D. seminar)
Winter 2007: Strategy Course - Executive MBA – HEC Lausanne (Switzerland)
Summer 2006: Visiting – University of California – Berkeley.
Spring 2006:
ƒ Strategy Course - Master - Bocconi University (Italy) & Industrial Economics
ƒ Executive MBA - Politechnico di Milano (Italy)
Spring 2006: MBA – HEC Lausanne (Switzerland)
Spring 2005: Corporate Strategy Course – Executive MBA (in English) - CFVG – Hanoi (Vietnam).
Spring 2003: Strategy Course – Executive MBA in English – UFRGS & Claro Digital Cy – San Paolo
1996-1997: Visiting Research Scholar – University of California – Berkeley.
• 1992-2004: Associate Professor with Tenure - HEC Paris School of Management - Corporate Strategy and
Business Policy Department.
• 1996-1997: Visiting Research Scholar – University of California – Berkeley.
• 1989-1992: Assistant Professor - HEC School of Management - Corporate Strategy and Business Policy
• 1986-1988: Head of International Economic Studies Group - France Telecom, Paris.
• 1984-1986: Expert - European Economic Community, Commission, D.G. V, Brussels - Program E.P.O.S.
• 1989-1990: Visiting Associate Professor – Telecom Paris (ENST) - Engineering School in
Telecommunications - Paris.
• 1984-1988: Visiting Assistant Professor - Department of Economics - University of Paris-North.
• 1983-1986: Young Research Fellow - French Ministry of Research.
PUBLICATIONS - Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Š “Complexity of Outsourcing Contracts and ex post Transaction Costs: An Empirical Investigation.” Journal of
Management Studies, December 2006, 43(8): 1775-1797 (with Jérôme Barthélemy).
Š “Innovation, New Market and Governance Choices of Entry: The Internet Brokerage Market Case.” Industry
and Innovation, 2006, 13(2), 173–187, June (with V. Claude-Gaudillat).
Š "La régulation nationale des télécommunications : Une lecture économique néo-institutionnelle", (trad. :
National Regulation of Telecommunications: A new Institutional Approach). Revue Française d’Administration
Publique, 2004, 109: 65-77 (with avec D. Riccardi).
Š "Nouvelles compétences et modes d’accès : L’exemple du courtage en ligne", (trad : New Capabilities and
Access to Competencies: The e-Brokerage Case). Revue Française de Gestion, mars-avril 2004, 149: 133-151
(with V. Claude-Gaudillat).
Š "Bringing Together Strategic Outsourcing and Corporate Strategy: Motives for outsourcing and the risks
involved", European Management Journal, October 2003, 21, 5: 647-661 (with F. Duhamel).
Š "Externalisation stratégique et partenariat: de la firme patrimoniale à la firme contractuelle ?" (trad.: Strategic
outsourcing and partnerships: from the Patrimonial to Contractual Firm?). Revue Française de Gestion, Juin
2003, n° 144.
Š "Network Technology Standardization: Market vs Inter-firm Cooperation." Journal of Economic Surveys,
September 2001, 14, 4:543-569 (with T. Abdessemed, J.-Ph. Bonardi and R. Durand).
Š “The Changing Landscape of the European Financial Services Sector.” Long Range Planning, April 2001, 24,
2: 179-207 (with B. Flier, F.A.J. van den Bosch, H.W. Volberda, C.A. Carnevale, N. Tomkin, L. Melin, M.P.
Š “Resource Creation and Partnership in R&D Consortia.” Journal of High Technology Management Research,
2001, 12: 113-138 (with C. Mothe).
Š “Creating competencies through collaboration: The case of EUREKA R&D consortia.”European
Management Journal, December 2000, 18, 6: 590-604 (with C. Mothe).
Š “Core Competencies, R&D Management and Partnerships.” European Management Journal, October 2000,
18, 5: 476-487.
Š "Creating New Resources through European R&D Partnerships." Technology Analysis and Strategic
Management, 1999, 11, 1: 605-617 (with C. Mothe).
Š "Les variables stratégiques de la compétition technologique : une représentation en trois plans." (trad.: The
Strategic Factors of the Technological Competition). Revue Française de Gestion, March 1998, pp.30-45 (with
R. Durand, J.-P. Bonardi and T. Abdessemed).
Š "L’outsourcing : une approche par la théorie des coûts de transaction." (trad.: Outsourcing: A Transaction
Cost Analysis). Réseaux, Juillet-Août 1997, 84: 67-92.
Š "L'économie des coûts de transaction: un bilan des études empiriques sur l'intégration verticale." (trad.:
Transaction Cost Theory: A Survey of Empirical Studies on Vertical Integration). Revue d'Economie Politique,
1997, mars-avril, 107, 2: 145-181 (with R. Cœurderoy).
Š "Asset Specificity and Organizational Arrangements: The Case of New Communication Services Market."
Industrial and Corporate Change, 1996, 5, 4: 1205-1230 (with E. Brousseau).
Š "Regulation and Transaction Costs in Telecommunications: A Research Agenda." Telecommunications
Policy, 1995, 19, 6: 487-500 (with M. Ghertman).
Š "The Hybrid Forms of Governance Structure: The Case of the Telecommunication Equipment Industry."
Research Policy, 1994, 23, 4: 395-412 (with B. Garrette).
Š "Réglementation internationale et avantages concurrentiels." (trad.: International Regulation and Competitive
Advantage). Annales des Mines-Gérer et Comprendre, 1993, September, 85-94 (with J.-P. Détrie).
Š "User's Knowledge as a Specific Asset: The Case of the Value Added Services." Journal of Information
Technology, 1992, 7: 233-243 (with E. Brousseau).
Š "Trajectoires technologiques et diffusion de l'innovation: l'exemple des équipements de télécommunication."
(trad.: Technological Trajectories and Innovation Diffusion). Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 1992, 59: 132-153.
Š "Stratégies concurrentielles et différenciation." (trad.: Competition and Product Differentiation). Problèmes
Economiques, 1992, #2264: 1-7 (with G. Blanc and P. Dussauge).
Š "Stratégies de coopération et formation d'un marché: les nouveaux services de télécommunication." (trad.:
Strategic Alliances and the Creation of a New Service Market). Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 1991, 56: 71-100
(with E. Brousseau).
Š "Changement technique et diffusion des innovations." (trad.: Technological Change and Innovation
Diffusion). Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 1985, 32: 119-125.
Š "Empleo y nuevas tecnologias." (trad.: Employment and New Technologies). Ekonomiaz, 1985, 1: 159-168 (in
Les Frontières de la Firme (The Frontiers of the firm and Transaction Cost Economics), Coll. Gestion, Economica,
Collective Books
Mezghani L., Quélin B. (éds), Perspectives en management stratégique (vol. 10). Paris : Coll. AIMS, EMS, 2004.
Quélin B., Arrègle J.-L. (eds), Le management stratégique des compétences (The Strategic Management of
Competencies). Paris: Coll. HEC, Ellipses, 2000.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bertrand V. Quélin
Stratégie, Structure, Décision, Identité.
Edited by Strategor (collective name for members of HEC Corporate Strategy and Business Policy Department).
Paris: Vuibert, 2005, 4th edition. Translated in Spanish, Portuguese and Polish.
Book Chapters (see full resume)
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics
Économie Rurale
European Management Review
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (JEBO)
Long Range Planning (LRP)
Management International
Research Policy
Scandinavian Journal of Management (SJM)
Strategic Management Journal (SMJ)
Revue Française de Gestion (RFG)
Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l’Administration (RCSA)
1997-2006: Academy of Management
1990-2006: Strategic Management Society
1991-2006: AIMS (Association Internationale de Management Stratégique)
2006 – 2007 - President
2005 – 2006 - President-Elect
2002 – 2003 - President past – Scientific Committee.
2001 – 2002 - President – Scientific Committee.
2000 – 2001 - President-Elect – Scientific Committee.
1998-2006: International Society of New Institutional Economics (ISNIE)
1991-2003: International Telecommunications Society (ITS)
Bocconi University (Milan) – Spring 2006.
Politecnico di Milano (Italy) – Spring 2006.
HEC Lausanne (Switzerland) – Spring 2006 & Winter 2006-07
University of California (Berkeley) - W. Haas School of Business – 2005 (summer).
University of California (Berkeley) - W. Haas School of Business - I.M.I.O. - 1996-1997 (one academic year).
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bertrand V. Quélin

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bertrand quelin

bertrand quelin • 1999-2005: Associate Dean, HEC Ph.D. Program. • 2002-2005: Invited Member of the Executive Committee, HEC School of Management. • 1994-1999: Joint Scientific Director of Mastère Specialisé "Strat...

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