Le mardi 10 mai 2016 MGCM organise l`évènement SCOR


Le mardi 10 mai 2016 MGCM organise l`évènement SCOR
Le mardi 10 mai 2016 MGCM organise
l’évènement SCOR‐EBS
Supply Chain Opera ons Reference – Execu ve Briefing Session
Découvrez le modèle SCOR et les avantages de son implémenta on
 + 30% en rapidité d’implémenta on des systèmes d’informa on
 + 30% en u lisa on des fonc onnalités
 + 20% d’améliora on de la rota on des stocks
 + 25% de fiabilité de livraisons
 + 20% en flexibilité
Le modèle SCOR intègre en un seul système les 4‐Ps : Processus, Performances, Pra ques et People.
Ce référen el occupe une place clé dans la mission de l’APICS Supply Chain Council.
Le programme de l’après‐midi (13h30 à 19h00)
Toutes les présenta ons seront en anglais
13h30 : Accueil
14h : Bienvenue aux par cipants
14h15 à 15h : Découvrir le modèle SCOR : Michael GINAP, Président AVINEO, instructeur et implémenteur SCOR
15h00 à 15h20 : ques ons et réponses
15h20 à 16h00 : Témoignage de Pascal FERNANDEZ, VP Business Development (global) d’AVNET
16h00 à 16h20 : ques ons et réponses
16h20à 16h50 : pause
16h50 à 17h40 : Implémenta on S&OP en s’appuyant sur SCOR, Fabien ROUMEAUX,
Supply Chain Planning Directeur, EMEA, McCormick
17h40 à 18h : ques ons et réponses
18h00 à 19h00 : Conclusion : Michael GINAP et Frédéric GAURIER
Fêtez nos nouveaux locaux avec nous en musique !
19h30 à 21h30
Apéri fs dinatoires avec une soirée musicale animée par :
Marc BONIFAY, CPIM, Président Directeur Général, KXIOP et
Frédéric GAURIER, CPIM, CSCP, SCOR‐P, CDDP, Formateur MGCM et leur groupe de musiciens
Lieu : MGCM, 6 boulevard de Pesaro, 92000 NANTERRE
Le nombre de places étant limité, réservez très vite ! Renvoyez‐nous votre bulle n d’inscrip on
To our 17 000 professionals
in Supply Chain, Opera ons and Lean Management
You are part of MGCM’s community of cer fied professionals and you are CSCP, CPIM, CS&OP, CDDP, CPF, CGBL,
CBBL … clearly the next step in your journey towards supply chain excellence is to discover the SCOR reference and
methodology and all the benefits its implementa on will bring.
The fusion of APICS and APICS Supply Chain Council allows us this huge possibility to construct an enterprise project
with C‐level support and involving all teams.
Don’t wait a single second, join us for our SCOR EBS on May 10. This will be your unique opportunity to listen to real‐
life examples of SCOR implementa ons in France !
And stay on for music and drinks !
About the speakers
“Applying SCOR streamlines communica on and drama cally improves overall effec veness of daily management and targeted
improvement ini a ves. Organiza ons that use the SCOR framework are consistent top performers in their industries, and have
achieved significant cost savings and economic returns on SCOR‐related investments. Get acquainted with SCOR and hear from
prac ce experience.”
Michael GINAP, SCOR‐P, President Avineo – balancing supply chains”, Qualified SCOR‐P instructor and Implementor
Pascal’s presenta on, essen ally pragma c, will be based on several real‐life experiences and business cases. His company,
Avnet, is in one of the most complex supply chains imaginable, subject to intense variability and unpredictability because of the
con nuous and fast‐moving pace of innova on on the part of component suppliers.
What exactly is need to construct a supply chain and how to manage it in such an environment faced with ever‐increasing de‐
mand from key accounts for more and more agility? How does SCOR help ?
Pascal FERNANDEZ, Vice President, Business Development & Global Business Management, Avnet Electronics Marke ng
Building a world‐class supply chain doesn’t happen overnight. Spice maker McCormick & Co. set out to build a truly op ‐
mized global supply chain that would enable collabora on across func ons and facili es—to establish global standards that
would empower employees across the organiza on to lead with con nuous improvement at the forefront of opera ons.
Today, McCormick can reflect on a 10‐year journey that has transformed the supply chain to be a global func on and strate‐
gic asset. By building a globally‐focused leadership team, the company defined an approach aligned with key business goals.
Central to the approach was APICS educa on and the SCOR model to align people, process, organiza on and technology,
and create a global scorecard.
Frédéric GAURIER provides professional services for C‐level Directors and steering commi ees, in small and big companies /
brands, on opera ons, performance improvement and on sustainable progress methodologies. He is one of MGCM’s senior
instructors. Recently cer fied SCOR‐P by APICS Supply Chain Council, he will play a significant role for the development of
the SCOR methodology with MGCM in France.
Michael Ginap, as an experienced prac oner of SCOR, and Frederic Gaurier, as an experienced implementer of perfor‐
mance improvement, will wrap‐up the evening and conclude with their vision on how SCOR’s reference & tools will acceler‐
ate and bring about quicker results.
From the evening’s presenta ons, the audience will share on their current caveats on SCM transforma on projects and
discuss possible ways to overcome possible roadblocks.
Frédéric GAURIER, CPIM, CSCP, SCOR‐P, CDDP, MGCM instructor