Recommendation from the Scientific Committee on


Recommendation from the Scientific Committee on
August 2007
For public consultation
Recommendation from the Scientific Committee on
Occupational Exposure Limits for
Lithium hydride
OEL (8-h TWA):
STEL (15 min):
0.02 LiH mg/m3 (inhalable dust)
Additional classification :
Publications on health effects of lithium hydride are scarce in the scientific literature.
Only three relevant studies, al1 fiom the 50s and 60s, were found in Pubmed in June
This surnmary document is based on a criteria document on lithium and lithium
compounds published by the Nordic Expert Group for Criteria Documentation of Health
Risks fiom Chemicals (Json Lagerkvist and Linde11 2002) and the consensus report fiom
the Swedish Criteria Group for Occupational standards (montelius 2003).
Lithium hydride
CAS Number:
EC Number:
23 1-484-3
Molecular Weight:
Melting point:
Autoignition temperature:
Specific density
Not classified by the European Chemicals Bureau
At 500-700 "C lithium reacts with hydrogen to form lithium hydride. Lithium hydride is
an odourless, off-white to grey crystalline solid or a white powder. The compound can be
melted without decomposition, and used to produce metal hydrides, e.g. lithium
borohydride and lithium aluminium hydride (Arbejdstilsynet 2000, Büchner et al 1989,
Sittig 1998). Lithium hydride decomposes to lithium hydroxide (LiOH) and hydrogen
upon contact with water. Airborne dust clouds of lithium hydride may explode on contact
with heat (Arbejdstilsynet 2000).
Lithium hydride has industrial importance as a hydrogen source, a drying agent, and a
reducing agent in organic synthesis, particularly in the form of its derivates, lithium
aluminium hydride and lithium borohydride (Büchner et al 1989).
Lithium hydride is strongly irritating or even corrosive to the mucosa of the respiratory
tract and eyes and to the skin, mainly due to alkalinity. However, the strong reducing
properties, as with lithium hydride, may als0 contribute to the irritant action. The toxicity
of lithium hydride differs markedly fì-om that of soluble lithium salts because of its great
chemica1 reactivity, particularly with moisture, producing marked irritancy and
corrosiveness to tissues (Arbejdstilsynet 2000, Beliles 1994).
Animal data
Groups of rats, mice, guinea pigs and rabbits were exposed to 5-55 mg ~ i W m
( 4 4~ 8 mg
Li/ m3) at 50% relative hurnidity for 4-7 hours. Al1 concentrations of lithium hydride
caused the animals to sneeze and cough. Levels above approximately 10 mg LiW m3
corroded certain areas of the body fùr and the skin on the legs. Occasionally severe
infiammation and irritation of the eyes were seen and in a few animals the external nasal
septurn was destroyed. These actions were attributed to the alkalinity of the hydrolysis
product, lithium hydroxide (Spiegl et al 1956).
In the Same study some ulceration of nose and forepaws, infiammation of eyes, partial
sloughing of mucosal epithelium of trachea and in some lungs emphysema was seen
following exposure to approximately 5 mg LiW m3 for 5 days (average exposure 4
hours/day), when the animals were killed irnrnediately after or up to days after the end of
exposure. No histopathological changes in the lung attributable to lithium hydride
exposure were noted 2-5 months post-exposure (Spiegl 1956).
Mutagenicity, genotoxicity and cancer
Lithium salts (but not lithium hydride) have been tested in vitro and in vivo for
mutagenicity, DNA damage, chromosomal abberrations and sister chromatid exchanges.
Several studies report genotoxic effects of various lithium compounds at high doses,
whereas many other studies have failed to demonstrate an effect. Considering the
chemica1 properties of the lithium compounds it is unlikely that they act as direct
mutagens. The Nordic Expert Group suggested that a possible explanation to the apparent
genotoxicity may be that it is a secondary effect of increased celÍ survival caused by
lithium's inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (Json Lagerkvist and Lindell 2002).
No cancer studies have been found in the literature.
Reprdouctive toxicity
Reported adverse foetal outcomes (cleft palate in one study) occur only around levels that
are toxic to the mother. Significant inhibition of spermatogenesis and decreased fertility
has been seen in animals at serum lithium levels similar to those reported in patients.
However, the amount of evidence and the quality of the human in vitro studies is
insufficient for a conclusion on the effects on fertility (Json Lagerkvist and Lindell 2002).
Human data
Lithium hydride has been described as highly corrosive and irritant (Birch 1988, Léonard
et al 1995). The only data on this matter found in literature are presented below. In 1964,
Cracovaner called attention to the effect on the mucous membranes by lithium hydride.
He described in detail the case history of a young physicist who had been exposed to
lithium hydride when a cylinder exploded. The patient had been admitted to the hospita1
because of burns of the eyes, larynx, nose, esophagus and trachea and developed severe
constrictions in both trachea and larynx (Cracovaner 1964).
Chemica1 pulmonary oedema was reported in another study in a worker following
inhalation of b e s of a lithium hydride and argon gas combination for approximately 34 minutes (Cordasco et al 1965).
Unpublished studies, referred to by Arbejdstilsynet (2000) and Beliles (1994), report
effects in workers exposed to very low levels of lithium hydride. Unfortunately, the
number of exposed workers and the exposure time are not reported. Beliles (1 994) reports
the results as follows: No effects were observed at the concentration range
of 0-0.025 mg ~ i ~ Atm0.025-0.10
~ .
mg LiW m3, a tickling sensation in the nose was
experienced, along with some nasal discharge. This range of concentrations, however,
was tolerated by those continuously exposed. When the air concentration reached a range
of 0.10-0.50 mg L W m3, a definite nasal irritation with some coughing was experienced
and was not tolerated. At 0.50-1.0 mg L W m3 severe nasal irritation with coughing
occurred, and in some workers, eye irritation. Between 1.0 and 5.0 mg LiW m3, al1
effects were severe, and skin irritation occurred. In warmer weather or when sweating
occurs, skin irritation appears at lower levels (Beliles 1994).
In the ACGIH documentation for Threshold Limit Values (2001) it is stated that,
according to the Arnerican Industrial Hygiene Association hygienic guide series, the
maximum tolerable concentration in air for brief periods is 0.5 mg LiW m3 and workers
readily adapt to 0.05 mg LiW m3, a concentration that is objectionable to unacclimated
individuals. Persons with some degree of adaptation complained of eye and nose
irritation at concentrations above 0.1 mg L W m3 and itching of exposed skin areas above
approximately 0.2 mg LiW m3.
Dose-egeet datafor humans exposed to lithium hydride by inhalation. SummarizedJFom
Arbejdstilsynet (2000) and Beliles (1994).
level (mg/ m3)
No effect
A tickling sensation in the nose, some nasal discharge, tolerated by
those continuously exposed
Workers readily adapt, objectionable to unacclimated individuals
Definite nasal irritation with some coughing, not tolerated
Eye and nose irritation in persons with some degree of adaptation
Itching of exposed skin
Maximal tolerable concentration for brief periods
Severe nasal irritation with coughing, in some workers eye irritation
Severe irritant effects, skin irritation
NIOSH reports on a number of symptoms in workers exposed to alkaline lithium d u t ,
including lithium hydroxide, in a plant producing lithium compounds (Salisbury and
Keenlyside l98 1). Upper respiratory tract complaints (sinus problems, runny nose,
nosebleed, dry throat) were more cornrnon among "exposed" workers compared to "less
exposed". Headache and skin irritation were als0 more cornrnon among the exposed. The
degree of irritation was most severe among workers who bagged lithium hydroxide and
lithium carbonate and several workers complained of skin irritation and painful burns
fiom exposure to lithium hydroxide. The lithium levels in air (in total dust) registered by
personal monitoring in the bagging areas were 0.02 - 0.05 and 0.54 - 1.84 mg ~ i / m
lithium hydroxide and lithium carbonate, respectively. Lithium hydroxide may be formed
fiom lithium hydride under humid conditions.
The lithium concentrations in serum fiom non-patient populations are approximately
1000 times lower than the concentrations found in patients taking medicines. The few
available data on serum values of workers exposed to lithium essentially point in the
sarne direction, that is, very low serum levels of lithium. Occupational exposure to a
relatively high level of 1 mg Li/ m3 for 8 hours may result in a dose of 10 mg Li
(assuming 10 m3 inhaled air and 100% absorption). In comparison the defined daily dose
in Sweden in lithium treatrnent of affective disorders is 167 mg Li. For these reasons,
systernic adverse effects due to lithium (e.g. nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, fine hand
tremor, weight gain, increased thyroid-stimulating hormone level), including effects on
reproduction, are unlikely to occur at occupational exposure to lithium and lithium
The critica1 effect of lithium and compounds is irritation of the airways. For lithium
hydride no irritant effects were seen below 0.025 mg LiW m3, whereas at higher levels a
tickling sensation in the nose was reported along with nasal discharge. At levels above
0.1 mg LiW m3 a definite nasal irritation and coughing was experienced.
Lithium hydroxide may be formed fiom lithium hydride under humid conditions. In
workers exposed to alkaline lithium dust, upper respiratory tract symptoms were
recorded, e.g. during lithium hydroxide bagging at 0.02-0.05 mg Lil m3 in total dust.
In view of the lack of airway irritation below 0.025 mg LiWm3, a STEL of 0.02 mg/m3 is
proposed. There is no data upon which an 8-h OEL can be set, however, based on
experience fiom patients on lithium therapy, systemic adverse effects due to lithium,
including effects on reproduction, are unlikely to occur at any occupational exposure.
No skin notation is necessary.
ACGIH 2001 Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values and the Biologica1 Exposure
Indices. (7th ed.). Cincinnati, OH: Arnerican Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists.
Arbejdstilsynet (2000) Grznsverdier for stoffer og materialer. Arbejdstilsynet,
mbenhavn, 2000, At-vejledning. C.0.1.
Beliles RP (1994). Lithium, Li. In: Clayton GD, Clayton FE, eds. Patty's Industrial
hygiene and toxicology Vol 2.4th ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2087-2097.
Birch NJ (1988) Lithium. In: Seiler HG, Sigel H, Sigel A, eds. Handbook on the toxicity
of inorganic compounds. Marcel Dekker, New York, 383-393.
Buchner W, Schliebs R, Winter G, Buchel KH (1989) Lithium and its compounds. In:
Industrial inorganic chemistry. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, Weinheim, Basel,
Cambridge, New York, 215-218.
Cordasco EM, Kosti H, Vance JW, Golden LN (1965) Pulmonary edema of noncardiac
origin. Arch Environ Health 11:588-596.
Cracovaner AJ (1964) Stenosis after explosion of lithium hydride. Arch Otolaryngol
Json Lagerkvist B, Linde11 B (2002) The Nordic Expert Group for Criteria
Documentation of Health Risks fiom Chemicals. 131. Lithium and lithium
compounds. Arbete och Halsa 16, 1-48.
Léonard A, Hantson P, Gerber GB (1995) Mutagenicity, carcinogenicity and
teratogenicity of lithium compounds. Mutat Res 339: 131- 137.
Montelius J (ed). Scientific Basis for Swedish Occupational Standards. XXIV. Arbete
och Halsa 2003: 16, pp 1-73. National Institute for Working Life, Stockholm.
Salisbury S, Keenlyside R (198 1) Health Hazard Evaluation Report. US Department of
Commerce, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), The
Hazard Evaluations and Technica1 Assistance Branch. Lithium Corporation of
America, Bessemer City @EE80-036-922).
Sittig M (1998) McGraw-Hill Multimedia encyclopedia of science & technology. The
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc
Spiegl CJ, Scott JK, Steinhardt H, Leach LJ, Hodge HC (1956) Acute inhalation toxicity
of lithium hydride. Arch Ind Health 14:468-470.
Page 1 of 2
lundi 19 noveibre 2007 17:23
FW: Projet de loi portant réforme de I'lnspection du travail et des mines Luxembourg
Attachments: courrier MTE 091107.pdf; courrier BIT 270907.pdf; 2e avis complementaire CE.pdf; avis
Van der Pas.pdf; draft report community strategy 2007-2012.pdf
Je vous transfere Ie probleme concernant I'inspection du travail luxembourgeoise qu'on a discuté pendant la
réunion, pour votre information.
From: MOmNHO DE ALMEIDA Maria-Teresa (EMPL)
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 2:56 PM
Subject: FW: Projet de loi portant réforme de I'Inspection du travail et des mines Luxembourg
il s'agit d'un courrier confiedntiel - pouvons-nous en parler lundi prochain ?
From: Paul Weber [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 3:17 PM
Subject: Projet de loi portant réforme de I'Inspection du travail et des mines Luxembourg
Cher Monsieur Biosca,
Chere Madame Moitinho,
Par la présente, je me permets de vous transmettre un courrier a titre personnel suite a votre
transmission du courrier du département des normes internationales du BIT du 27 septembre
II nous importerait notamment d'avoir votre opinion sur les jurisprudences citées ds. Ie cadre du
conflit entre deux normes internationales.
Le deuxieme avis du BIT fera I'objet d'un document parlementaire public.
Lors de la réunion de la Commission de travail de la Chambre votre deuxième avis fut I'objet
d'explications de la part du Ministre et la Chambre a decidé de suivre la proposition du Ministre
de ne pas suivre a la lettre les commentaires du BIT!
Page 2 of 2
Par rapport à I'article 11, para ( l ) alinéa (2):
- Ie Ministre a rappelé I'opposition formelle du Conseil dlEtat en référence a la Convention des
droits de I'homme avec laquelle la Conv. 81 BIT serait en conflit et que ce serait la plus récente
en date qui primerait! (Est-ce-que la postériorité entre deux Conv. émanent d'organisations
différentes peut être invoquée?)
- I' OIT ne pourrait donner que des recommandations
- que la Conv. des droits de I'homme entraînerait Bv. des condamnations par Ie biais de la Cour
de Strasbourg (cf jurisprudences)
- qu'il s'agirait d'éviter tout risque d'entrave aux droits de I'ITM
- qu'une motion de la Chambre à I'adresse du Gouvernement reprendrait ces explications et
- qu'une réponse serait adressée au BIT par Ie Ministre avec Ie texte adopté et la motion
Le 27.1 1.O7 Ie rapport de la Commission de la Chambre sera adopté et Ie vote en pléniere sera
programmé pour la derniere semaine de décembre, de sorte que la loi prendrait effet Ie
Meilleures salutations
Boîte postale 27 L- 2010 Luxembourg
Bureaux :3, rue des Primeurs L- 2361 Strassen
TéI: (00352) 2478-6150
Fax: (00352) 49 14 47
Site Internet :
E- mail : [email protected]

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