Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing: Correction


Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing: Correction
(2007). Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis, 15(1):144-145
In the fall 2006 issue, we published part 2 of Ely Garfinkle's “Towards
Clarity in the Concept of Projective Identification,” which should have
included the following abstract and résumé. We regret the omission.
In the interest of more accurate communication about projective identification,
and notwithstanding the relational dimension to this issue, the author proposes
the adoption of a definition of projective identification restricting it to
unconscious phantasy. As a consequence, any described effects of the
communication of unconscious phantasy from analysand to analyst would not
come under the proper definition of projective identification. Thus events in
the interpersonal space, experiences in the analyst's counter-transference
(whatever their origin), the expression and perception of the analyst's
capacity to receive, process, and digest communications from the analysand
(both conscious and unconscious)—all would be defined separately,
whatever their relation to each other. Using clinical examples, I will try to
show how psychoanalytic authors' differing definitions of projective
identification, where the same term (projective identification) is used to
describe different aspects of the psychic realities of analysand and analyst
(inclusive and exclusive of the interpersonal space), leave the reader devoid
of a common reference point.
L'auteur tente de démontrer que les multiples définitions de l'identification
projective présentes dans la littérature psychanalytique ne sont pas assez
précises pour permettre un dialogue psychanalytique significatif entre
psychanalystes quant à l'essence de la communication humaine. Bien que les
descriptions de divers auteurs portant sur la réalité psychique et
interpersonnelle s'accordent, le consensus s'effrite lorsqu'il s'agit de décrire,
d'une part, différents événements (psychiques ou interpersonnels), et d'autre
part, les diverses facettes de ces mêmes événements.
- 144 [This is a summary or excerpt from the full text of the book or article. The
full text of the document is available to subscribers.]
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