
Coopérations régulières
 London School of Economics, Warwick Business School (IRRU),
participation au réseau international Industrial Relations
 Coopération avec le LLAKES (Institute of Education, Université de Londres) dans le cadre de l’ANR EDESCO
Chheerrcchheeuurrss aassssoocciiééss aauu LLeesstt
Chercheurs invités
 Glenn MORGAN (2012)
Professeur de management international à la Cardiff Business School (UK), sa venue au LEST a eu lieu dans le cadre
d'une invitation par le LabexMed (Antoine VION).
 Andy Green (2011)
Accueilli au LEST de mai à juin 2011. Andy GREEN est enseignant-chercheur à l’Institut de l’Education de l’Université de
LONDRES. Il est le fondateur et directeur d’un centre de recherche ESRC sur le Life Long Learning (LLAKES). Ses
travaux portent notamment sur l’approche comparative des systèmes de formation, sur les liens éducation / cohésion
sociale. Ce séjour devrait permettre de finaliser plusieurs publications issues du projet ANR EDESCO (Education et
Cohésion Sociale) dont un ouvrage en anglais. Il devrait aussi déboucher sur de futures collaborations entre le Lest et le
 Ian GREER (2010)
He is a Senior Research Fellow at Leeds University Business School within the Centre for Employment Relations
Innovation and Change. He completed his PhD at Cornell University in 2005 and began work at Leeds in 2006. His
research stream concerns trade union strategies in the US, Germany, and UK - international solidarity, outreach to local
communities, and (in Germany) the effects of institutional change. This work began with the PhD project and involves
collaborations with various Cornell colleagues, including Mark Anner (now at Penn State), Virginia Doellgast (LSE),
Marco HAUPTMEIER (Cardiff), and Nathan LILLIE (Groningen), and his PhD supervisor Lowell TURNER. A second
research stream examines service provision in welfare-to-work, in particular the interaction between the governance of
provision, the nature of front-line work, and the experiences of jobless ’clients’.
 Virginia DOELLGAST (2010)
She is a Lecturer in Management at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). She went on study
urban planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and industrial relations at Cornell University where she
completed her PhD in 2006. After two years as a Lecturer at King’s College London, she moved to LSE in 2008. Virginia
has been a visiting scholar at the MPIfG in Cologne, Germany ; the WZB in Berlin, Germany ; FORBA in Vienna, Austria ;
the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. She stayed at LEST between January and May, 2010. Virginia’s
research focuses on comparative employment relations in Europe and the US ; particularly the changing influence of
national institutions and trade union strategies on work reorganization in service industries. Her PhD research compared
the restructuring of frontline service jobs in the US and German telecommunications industries. Findings examined the
effects of market liberalization and changing employer strategies on job quality across firms’ production networks, based
on matched case studies and surveys. At the same time, she participated as a researcher on the Global Call Center
Project (GCC), a comparative study of human resource management and employment relations in the global call centre
industry, together with colleagues from LEST. She is currently beginning work on a 3-year research project funded by the
ESRC (UK), which will examine organizational restructuring strategies and their employment consequences in the
European telecommunications industry. The study will involve establishment-level surveys and case studies in France
and Germany ; as well as a broader comparison of former PTOs in 8 European countries.
 Vaughan ROGERS (2010)
Spécialiste des politiques de santé en France et en Grande Bretagne. Il enseigne à l’Université d'Édimbourg (Écosse).
Depuis le milieu des années 2000, il collabore régulièrement avec Philippe MOSSÉ. Ensemble et avec d’autres ils ont
publié un ouvrage (en 2011) et un article (en 2009). Ses collaborations actuelles se centrent sur “une comparaison
France – Grande-Bretagne de la situation des cadres infirmiers face aux réformes gestionnaires.”
Séjours de chercheurs du Lest
 Paul BOUFFARTIGUE (2011)
Séjour de mai à Juillet au Working Life Research Institute (London Metropolitan University)
 Antoine VION ( IRRU) (2010)
 Saïd HANCHANE ( Institute of Education, Londres) (2008)

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