
January 2014
Office : HE-Arc CR, Espace de l’Europe,11, CH-2000 Neuchâtel
Home : 19 allée du bois coupé, F-60500 Vineuil-Saint-Firmin
mobile : 00 41 (0) 76 557 1900
e-mail : [email protected]
Date of Birth: Nov 21st, 1959
Marital Status: Married, 2 children
Teaching Experience
Since 2011 : Professor HES, Head of studies and research
Haute École Arc Conservation-restauration (HE-Arc CR, Neuchâtel, Switzerland)
Higher Education institution, member of the Swiss Conservation-Restoration Campus (Swiss
CRC) and part of the HES-SO, University of Applied Science of West Switzerland.
since 2008 : Lecturer for the Master and the Bachelor.
Since 1996 : Institut National du Patrimoine (INP-National Institute for Cultural Heritage)
Lectures in Conservation Ethics, History of Restoration, Methodology, Metal making techniques,
Corrosion of metals, Conservation of metal artefacts, Chemistry applied to conservation
1992-1996 : Head of the Department of Metal Restoration
Institut de Formation des Restaurateurs d’Oeuvres d'Art (INP-IFROA), Paris, France.
(part-time) Creation of this new department (opening Oct.94), lectures and practical training in
Conservation of metal artefacts
Since 2009 : École Supérieure d’Art, conservation-restauration department, Avignon (France) :
Lecturer in methodology and ethics of conservation, metal techniques and corrosion.
2001-2011 : Senior Lecturer (Maître de Conférences)
Université Panthéon-Sorbonne Paris I, Paris, Department of Conservation and Restoration
of Cultural Heritage, Faculty of Art and Archaeology (UFR 03),
Lectures in Conservation Ethics, History of Restoration, Methodology, Metal making techniques,
Corrosion of metals, Conservation of metal artefacts, Chemistry applied to conservation.
1995-2001 : Université Panthéon-Sorbonne Paris I, Associate Lecturer (half-time)
1986-1995 : Université Panthéon-Sorbonne Paris I, Teacher in Conservation of metal artefacts,
Workshop practice (part-time)
2009-2012 : Lycée Tolbiac, Paris, Mention Complémentaire Entretien des collections du patrimoine,.
Lecturer in methodology and ethics of conservation, metal techniques and corrosion, climate
control (part-time)
2009-2011 : University of Belgrade (Serbia) : Master of preventive conservation.
Lecturer in methodology and ethics of conservation, preventive conservation in archaeology (parttime)
1992-2001 :Associate Professor and teaching expert, ICCROM, Roma, Italy
PREMA Course "Prévention dans les musées africains" and Generation 2 Program
Lectures in Conservation of metal artefacts and Preventive Conservation in Rome and Benin
Other teaching activities : list on request.
Since 2011 : HE-Arc CR (see supra)
Current Research Interests within academic and European funded projects :
Location of the original surface of archaeological metal objects.
Corrosion mechanisms and corrosion description of metals.
Conservation methodology and the concept of cultural value.
2008-2011 : Centre de Recherche sur la Préservation des biens culturels – Production, réception et
pratique sociale, EA 4100 Histoire culturelle et sociale de l'art, Université Paris 1.
Methodology of conservation-restoration. In collaboration with the Centre de Recherche et de
Restauration des Musées de France (C2RMF) : cleaning techniques of Boulle furniture from the
Louvre Museum.
2001-2006 : Groupe de recherche Archéomatériaux et Prévision de l’Altération, IRAMAT LMC CNRS
UMR5060, Laboratoire Pierre Süe, Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA Saclay) : corrosion
of ferrous metals and location of the limit of the original surface of metallic artefacts.
1992-1995 and 1985 - 1987 : Conservation Scientist
Laboratoire EDF-Valectra, Electricité de France, St Denis (France).
Application of analytical techniques and electrochemical processes to the conservation of cultural
heritage (as part of a cultural patronage policy).
Conservation treatments of the Graeco-Roman bronze statue of Artemis from Petra (Jordan), the
Dead Sea Copper Scroll of Qumran (Palestine), archaeological bronze and iron objects coming
from Mafraq and Jerash (Jordan), cannon guns in bronze, cast iron and wrought iron coming from
underwater sites off French coasts, the medieval astronomical clock of the Bourges Cathedral
« La Conservation en Archéologie », Editor M.C. Berducou, Paris, Masson, 1990
« La Conservation des Métaux », Editor C. Volfovsky, Paris, CNRS Editions, 2001.
« Corrosion of metallic heritage artefacts », sous la direction de P.Dillmann, European Federation of
Corrosion Publications, Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing Ltd-CRC Press, 2007.
Other publications : list on request.
Educational Qualifications
Doctorate [PhD degree] in Archaeology (speciality : Conservation and Restoration), (with distinction),
Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France, defended 2000
Subject : Doctoral thesis on the "Location of the original surface of archaeological metal objects"
(original title : « La limite de la surface d'origine des objets métalliques archéologiques :
caractérisation, localisation et approche des mécanismes de conservation. », distinction : mention
très honorable avec félicitations à l'unanimité du jury)
(http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00331190/fr/ )
Supervisor : Jean-Pierre Sodini, Professor in Archaeology in the Université Paris 1 PanthéonSorbonne
Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies (DEA) [A.Master's degree] in Archaeology (speciality : Conservation
and Restoration) in the Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, pass with 80% upwards,
completed 1986.
Dissertation on "the use of electrochemical techniques in the conservation or archaeological iron
and lead artefacts". (L'application des techniques électrochimiques à la conservation-restauration
des objets archéologiques en fer et en plomb).
Maîtrise de Sciences et Techniques (MST) de Conservation-Restauration des Biens Culturels Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage (speciality : Archaeology)
in the Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, pass with 80% upwards, completed 1985,
(Maîtrise = 4 years in higher education).
DEUG Sciences des Structures de la Matière - Material Science (speciality : Chemistry)
in the Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, Lyon (France) completed 1981,
(DEUG =2 years in higher education).
Conservation Work Experience
1987 - 1992 : Scientific Director
Institut de Restauration et de Recherches Archéologiques et Paléométallurgiques (IRRAP),
Compiègne (France). (Institute for Restoration and Archaeological Researches on Ancient
As scientific director and in addition to the technical and scientific matters , I was also in charge of
the management of the institute and its 7 people staff, its budget, business dealings with museums
and archaeological teams and administrative relationships with the Ministry of Cultural Affairs.
1995 - 2001 : Metal Conservator
IRRAP, Compiègne (France) (half-time)
I returned to IRRAP as a metal conservator when I was offered a part-time job at the Université
Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
1984-1985 : Archaeological objects Conservator
Unité d'Archéologie de Saint Denis, Saint-Denis (France) (2 x 4 months).
Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique, Bruxelles (Belgique) (8 months, internship).
Other conservation works : list on request.
Languages : English (C1-C2), French (mother tongue), German (A2, basic knowledge).
Miscellaneous : climbing, mountaineering, ski, long-distance running (marathons, trails), field hockey
(former member of the French National Team, First League Champion de France, Federal