Au retour des vacanc..


Au retour des vacanc..
Je raconte ce que j'ai fait pendant les vacances de Noël.
My Christmas holidays
I ______ [eɪt]
I invited [….] my
family and friends
over for dinner.
I decorated […..]
the Christmas ____
I celebrated [….]
I _______
a lot of presents.
a lot of chocolate.
I had a party
I ________
I went out
on December ____
I ________
to 
I went
I ______ [sɔː]
a good film.
I ______
my homework.
I _________
I listened [….]
to music.
I watched [….]
Christmas movies.
I baked [….]
I went __________
a ________
for clothes.
I went
I looked [….]
after my pets.
I __________ a lot.
I _______
I __________
my friends a lot.
I _________
I went
to the ice rink.
I ________[ˈtaɪdɪd]
my bedroom.
I commented
on posts.
I watched
I played on
a good book. [red]
I _________
I _______
photos on
______ on
my _________ .
Je raconte ce que j'ai fait  I + verbe + ed ou bien I + verbe irrégulier
Je dis ce que je n'ai pas fait  I + didn't + verbe sans terminaison (base verbale)
I played football ≠ I didn't _________ football.
N'oublie pas les compléments de temps 
during the Christmas holidays
on New Year's Eve
I went shopping. ≠ I didn't ____ shopping.
on Christmas Eve
on New Year's Day
on Christmas Day
in the morning
in the afternoon
Isabelle Boresy