crproducts 4pp:cr-products 4pp brochure


crproducts 4pp:cr-products 4pp brochure
Power Transmission
CR Products is a premium supplier of drive belt
solutions to major manufacturers in Europe, Middle
East and Africa. We have extensive knowledge of
the drive belt industry and a proven track record in
supplying large original equipment manufacturers
and wholesale distributors.
Carlisle Power Transmission Inc., has appointed CR
Products as a premier wholesale route to market for
drive belt products in Europe, Middle East and Africa
enabling us to offer innovative products of unrivalled
quality combined with superior customer service. CR
Products understands that as our customer you require
high quality belts, delivered on time at a competitive
price. In addition our customers benefit from
comprehensive customer support, design and
marketing capabilities for your aftermarket parts,
technical advice during product development and
supply chain management from our ISO 9000
registered distribution facilities based in the UK.
The Industrial Marketplace
We understand that delivering a belt contract
appropriately is not just a simple case of matching
off the shelf requirements but instead requires time
and effort spent in learning from our customers about
their requirements and tailoring the belt specification
appropriately to their products.
Carlisle - a world leader in belt systems
Carlisle Power Transmission is a worldwide supplier
of industrial drive belts. For almost 100 years Carlisle
has adhered to a strict philosophy of supplying
innovative products, unrivalled quality and superior
customer service. Carlisle offers a comprehensive line
of belts that are made in ISO 9001-2000 registered
manufacturing facilities, supported by innovative
research and development and an expert
distribution partner in Europe, Middle East
and Africa - CR Products.
Lawn and Garden
ATV & Snowmobile
We supply some of the most prestigious OEMs in
Europe with Carlisle’s comprehensive range of lawn
and garden belts including the well known ‘XDV’ belt
and double angle belts. In addition we provide an
array of specially constructed OEM belts.
We stock the most comprehensive range of
snowmobile and ATV replacement belts in Europe.
In addition we service notable OEMs from our
distribution hub with the worlds leading recreational
drive belts from Carlisle. Carlisle has earned a strong
reputation for providing maximum performance and
ultimate quality drive belts with its Ultimax belt range.
Heating, Ventilation, Air conditioning &
Transport Refrigeration
Our range of agricultural belts includes variable speed
and double angle belts for all applications from giant
combine harvesters to small agricultural tractors.
Carlisle’s quality and reliability as a product is well
known in the Agricultural Industry where harsh and
demanding operating conditions are the norm.
We provide both OEM and replacement markets with
a wide selection of belts for this industry sector.
The Carlisle belts run smoothly and efficiently under
all kinds of harsh environments for a long period of
time, in addition significant energy savings have been
identified by utilising the unique Carlisle RPP Panther
drive belt systems.
General Industrial
Carlisle’s line of industrial belts is one of the most
complete in the industry allowing us to service all of
your requirements. From machine tools to processing
equipment we offer the full Carlisle range and have
expertise in delivering on time and to specification.
We also have significant experience in providing drive
belts to a number of other applications including
exercise machines, white goods, mixers and the cotton
industry. In addition we offer the full range of Carlisle
pulley and sprocket systems.
CR Products est un fournisseur de premier ordre spécialisé
dans les systèmes à courroies d'entraînement destinés aux
grands manufacturiers et canaux de distribution. Nous
possédons une connaissance étendue de l’industrie des
courroies d'entraînement et bénéficions d’une expérience
prouvée en matière d’approvisionnement des grands
équipementiers OEM et des grossistes. Nous sommes
convaincus que tout contrat de fourniture de courroies ne peut
que bénéficier de l’étude approfondie des besoins de nos
clients et de l’adaptation des caractéristiques des courroies en
fonction de leurs produits. Carlisle Power Transmission Products
Inc., a choisi CR Products comme vecteur d’accès au marché
des courroies d'entraînement en Europe, au Moyen Orient et
en Afrique, nous permettant ainsi d’offrir des produits
novateurs de qualité inégalée. En tant que client vous
bénéficierez :
• De courroies d’entraînement de haute qualité
• D’une gestion de la chaîne d’approvisionnement
• De conseils techniques fournis par des experts
• D’un support clientèle de haut niveau
• D’une stratégie de marque et d’un marketing
CR Products ist ein Qualitätslieferant von
Antriebsriemenlösungen für große Hersteller und
Vertriebswege. Wir besitzen umfangreiche Kenntnisse in
der Antriebsriemenindustrie und beliefern seit langer Zeit
erfolgreich große Erstausstatter und Großhändler. Wir
glauben fest, dass bei einem Auftrag über Riemen Zeit und
Mühe investiert werden sollten, die Anforderungen unserer
Kunden genau zu verstehen und die Riemenspezifikation
entsprechend auf ihre Produkte abzustimmen. Carlisle Power
Transmission Products Inc. unterstützt CR Products als seinen
Weg auf den Markt für Antriebsriemenprodukte in Europa,
im Nahen Osten und in Afrika, sodass wir innovative
Produkte unübertroffener Qualität anbieten können.
Als unser Kunde profitieren Sie von:
• Antriebsriemen hoher Qualität
• Lieferkettenmanagement
• sachkundiger technischer Beratung
• ausgezeichnetem Kundendienst
• maßgeschneidertem Branding und Marketing
• der Innovation des Forschungs- und Entwicklungsteams
von Carlisle
• De la R&D novatrice de Carlisle
CR Products e’ un’azienda leader nel campo delle cinghie di
trasmissione e relativi accessori e fornisce sia i grandi produttori
di attrezzature che i canali di distribuzione. Abbiamo una vasta
conoscenza nel settore delle cinghie di trasmissione ed una
considerevole esperienza nel fornire i grandi produttori di
attrezzature originali nonchè i grossisti. Siamo convinti che un
contratto di fornitura di cinghie richiede tempo e sforzi da dedicare
ai nostri clienti per capire le loro esigenze e per fornire loro un
prodotto con le caratteristiche tecniche più adatte. Carlisle Power
Transmission Products Inc. ha nominato CR Products quale fornitore
ufficiale di cinghie di trasmissione per l’Europa, il Medio Oriente
e l’Africa, consentendoci di offrire prodotti innovativi e di qualita’
superiore. I nostri clienti godono dei seguenti vantaggi:
• cinghie di trasmissione di alta qualita’
• gestione della catena di distribuzione
• assistenza tecnica tramite personale esperto
• altissimo livello di assistenza per i nostri clienti
• marchio e marketing personalizzati
• innovativo centro di ricerca e di sviluppo della Carlisle
CR Products es un proveedor de primera fila para soluciones
de correas de transmisión para fabricantes y canales de
distribución importantes. Tenemos un amplio conocimiento
de la industria de correas de transmisión y un historial
probado en el suministro a grandes fabricantes de equipo
original y mayoristas distribuidores. Creemos que un
contrato de correas requiere dedicar tiempo y esfuerzo para
comprender las necesidades de nuestros clientes y para
diseñar las especificaciones de las correas a la medida de
sus productos. Carlisle Power Transmission Products Inc., ha
avalado a CR Products como su vía directa para el mercado
de las correas de transmisión en Europa, Oriente Medio y
África, lo que nos permite ofrecer productos innovadores de
calidad sin igual. Como cliente nuestro, usted se
beneficiará de:
• Correas de transmisión de alta calidad
• Gestión de la cadena de suministro
• Asesoramiento técnico experto
• Asistencia al cliente superior
• Marcación y marketing personalizados
• El equipo de investigación y desarrollo de Carlisle
Contact us
CR Products Ltd, Cedar House, Sopwith Way,
Daventry, Northamptonshire NN11 8PB
T: +44(0) 1327 701030 F: +44(0) 1327 701031
E: [email protected] W:

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