Correction DS 2 Présents


Correction DS 2 Présents
First name:
Exercice 1 (10 points)
Décrire ce qu'est le présent simple, formes et emplois sans exemple.
Exercice 2 (10 points)
Décrire ce qu'est le présent be+ing, formes et emplois sans exemple.
Exercice 3 (7 points)
Conjuguer les verbes entre parenthèses au présent simple.
1. My job? I sing in a pub.
2. On Sundays, she goes to the swimming pool.
3. He brushes his teeth before going to bed.
4. Does Our baby cry all day long?
5. In the summer, the sun rises early.
6. Do you think M. Mortelette knows everything ?
Exercice 4 (6 points)
Conjuguer les verbes entre parenthèses au présent be+ing.
1. I am playing base-ball.
2. She is looking for her book.
3. You are going to the station.
4. They are speaking with the policeman.
5. We are not doing well for this test.
6. The class is/are hoping to get a good mark.
Exercice 5 (34 points)
Conjuguer les verbes entre parenthèses au temps qui convient et entourer l' (les) indice(s).
1. What lessons does he have on Tuesday mornings?
2. He usually has English.
3. I never wear jeans.
4. Today he is wearing a cap.
5. He often goes shopping alone.
6. Joan plays football every day.
7. My sister collects stamps.
8. Jim says “I am going to school now”
9. I do not remember his name.
10. No, I am not sleeping, I am awake.
11. John! Someone is knocking at the door.
12. Tom always drinks coffee in the morning.
13. Normally, I finish work at 5 o'clock. But this week I am working until 6 o'clock to earn a little
more money.
14. Do you think he is going to work in the garden today?
Exercice 6 (13 points)
Donner tous les adverbes de fréquence avec leur traduction et leur particularité.
Exercice 7 (20 points)
Décrire l'image ci-dessous.
This document is a picture, more exactly a drawing. It
represents a beach. There are fourteen characters on
this beach.
In the foreground, there is a boy on the right, he is
cycling. Next to him, on the left, another boy is
running and on the left, four youngsters are playing
beach volley.
At middle distance on the right, a man is swimming in
the sea while a woman is windsurfing behind him. On
the left, a man is climbing up a rock/stone wall/cliff
while another man on his right is preparing to go scubadiving.
In the background, a woman is waterskiing while
another woman is diving in the ocean and a man is
Exercice 8 (20 points)
Faire des phrases pour décrire la routine de Jane en écrivant les heures en toutes lettres.
Prendre une douche
At quarter to seven am, Jane has a shower.
Brosser les dents
At five to seven am, Jane brushes her teeth.
Brosser les cheveux
At seven am, Jane brushes her hair.
Prendre le petit-déjeuner
Manger des céréales
Boire du thé
At quarter past seven am, Jane has breakfast, she eats
cereals and drinks tea.
Aller à l'école
At half past seven am, Jane goes to school.
Rentrer de l'école
At quarter past five pm, she comes back from school /
comes home.
Ne pas faire ses devoirs
At half past five pm, she does not do her homework.
At twenty to seven pm, Jane has dinner.
Ne pas apprendre ses leçons
At half past seven pm, she does not learn her lessons.
Aller se coucher
At half past nine pm, Jane goes to sleep / bed.