Français 1 Spoken test (un examen oral) le 13 mai – 33 points


Français 1 Spoken test (un examen oral) le 13 mai – 33 points
Français 1 Spoken test (un examen oral) le 13 mai – 33 points (during the speaking test you will not see the
lines in French, they are printed for you to practice, please adjust the answers to make sure they apply to you)
The same questions will appear on the written part of the final, please practice writing the answers on the
scratch paper to prepare for the written part of the final (the final is closed notes)
1. Say hello and your name. Bonjour, je m’appelle (your name).
2. Say what city you live in. J’habite à Sacramento (Paris, etc.)
3. Say how you are doing today. ça va bien (mal, comme ci, comme ça).
4. Say one thing you have. J’ai un vélo (une montre, un livre, etc.)
5. Say one thing you don’t have. Je n’ai pas de voiture (mobylette, moto, etc.)
6. Say something that you like. J’aime le français.
7. Say something you don’t like. Je n’aime pas les maths. (hint: don’t pronounce hs)
8. Order food and a drink in a French café. Je voudrais un sandwich au jambon et une limonade.
9. Say what day is today. Aujourd’hui c’est ... (lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche).
10. Count to ten. (un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix)
11. Say thanks a lot, good bye, have a good day. Merci beaucoup, au revoir, bonne journée.
12. How do you ask permission to go to the restroom. Est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes?
Français 1 Spoken test (un examen oral) le 13 mai – 33 points (during the speaking test you will not see the
lines in French, they are printed for you to practice, please adjust the answers to make sure they apply to you)
The same questions will appear on the written part of the final, please practice writing the answers on the
scratch paper to prepare for the written part of the final (the final is closed notes)
1. Say hello and your name. Bonjour, je m’appelle (your name).
2. Say what city you live in. J’habite à Sacramento (Paris, etc.)
3. Say how you are doing today. ça va bien (mal, comme ci, comme ça).
4. Say one thing you have. J’ai un vélo (une montre, un livre, etc.)
5. Say one thing you don’t have. Je n’ai pas de voiture (mobylette, moto, etc.)
6. Say something that you like. J’aime le français.
7. Say something you don’t like. Je n’aime pas les maths. (hint: don’t pronounce hs)
8. Order food and a drink in a French café. Je voudrais un sandwich au jambon et une limonade.
9. Say what day is today. Aujourd’hui c’est ... (lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche).
10. Count to ten. (un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix)
11. Say thanks a lot, good bye, have a good day. Merci beaucoup, au revoir, bonne journée.
12. How do you ask permission to go to the restroom. Est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes?