Telopea Topics Les Nouvelles de Telopea


Telopea Topics Les Nouvelles de Telopea
Telopea Topics
Les Nouvelles de Telopea
No.1 - 10 February 2014
Report from the
Le Mot Du
High School
Secondary News
Primary News
School Term Dates
Contact Us
Uniform Shop
After School Care
Community News
Finance Office
Important Dates
Report from the
A very warm welcome to the
new school year! I hope you all
have had relaxing and happy
holidays and that your children
are refreshed to start the new
school year. This has been a
busy week with 83 Kindergarten
children and 200 Year 7 students
joining the school on Monday.
Several students have also
joined in all other years, so that
the school is now over capacity.
It is affirmation of the high
standards that Telopea Park
School demonstrates for families
to move into our area so that
their children can attend the
11 Feb
Primary and Years 8 - 10 Photos
12 Feb
P&C Meeting
17 – 21 Feb
18 Feb
Primary Swimming Carnival
Staff Common Room
Dickson Pool
18 Feb
K-2 Parent Information Evening
18 Feb
Year 7 Meet the Teachers
18 Feb
Mathletics Information Meeting
Sec Library
18 Feb
Year 7 EFS Parent Meeting
Primary Library
Secondary Swimming Carnival
Dickson Pool
19 Feb
19 Feb
Years 3-6 Parent Information Evening
20 Feb
MYP Parent Information Evening
Again this year we will be focussing on our school values of respect, cooperation, honesty and fairness to underpin all that we
do. Academically we would like to see all students doing their best to achieve their potentials. We will focus on improved literacy
and numeracy for all children. In spite of the fact that our NAPLAN results are outstanding, we believe that all students can
improve and grow as they become lifelong learners. This again is a priority in the 2014 Annual Operating Plan.
Another priority is to improve communication both within and outside the school. As parents we ask that you assist us with this.
A new website was launched last year and we hope that this is an improved communication tool for you. This new site allows you
to access all information in either French or English. This year all Directorate (ETD) and school policies and procedures will be on
our website, with as many documents translated as possible.
Please join with me in welcoming the following new teachers to the school:
Primary: Michael Ellis and Sandra Baurele with Maria Lamrani-Raphel and Joanna Staub returning
Elsa Goursolle – EFS/Humanities/French
Ben Yuen – Executive Teacher of PE/Health
John Daniels – Humanities
Frances Kleine – Japanese
Thomas Greig – Science
Term 1
Nick Rothwell – Science
3 February – 11 April
As well as several teachers returning after leave from the school:
Term 2
Andrew Livermore – English
28 April – 4 July
Pat Garratt – English
Melanie Consola – Languages
Term 3
Diana Lawrence - Technology
21 July – 26 September
We wish them a happy and successful time at Telopea Park School.
Term 4
13 October – 17 December
This year you will receive information about the provision of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) in the school. From
time to time teachers access various safe sites for their students. It is now necessary for you to know which sites/programs that
we use and for you to give your approval to do this. Please read the information and return the permission note to the school as
soon as possible. This information will be sent to you in Week 2.
Secondary parents, please see attached to these Topics, this term’s Assessment Calendar. We ask that you work with your
children to plan their time wisely and to be aware that at various times in the term there will be several assessments due.
Reinforcement of good time management and organisational skills are areas where parents and teachers can work together to
support students.
This year in secondary we will be using a program called Turnitin, to ensure that all student work is original. We will brief
students on best practice in research skills.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all members of our school community a happy and rewarding year. I look forward to
working with you so that together we can deliver the best possible education to every child in the school in a safe and caring
Warm regards
Kerrie Blain
Bienvenue en cette nouvelle année scolaire! J’espère que vous avez bien profité de vacances reposantes et satisfaisantes et que
vos enfants sont fin prêts à démarrer cette nouvelle année scolaire. La semaine a déjà été bien remplie avec l’arrivée de 83
enfants en Maternelle et de 200 élèves de Cinquième qui ont rejoint notre école lundi matin. Plusieurs nouveaux élèves ont aussi
rejoint les rangs dans d’autres classes, ce qui fait que notre école fonctionne au maximum. Preuve s’il en faut que le niveau
élevé du Lycée franco-australien encourage les familles à s’installer dans le quartier afin que leurs enfants puissent s’inscrire
dans notre établissement scolaire.
A nouveau cette année nous réaffirmerons les valeurs de l’école, respect, coopération, honnêteté et équité, dans toutes nos
entreprises. Du point de vue académique, nous aimerions voir tous les élèves faire le maximum pour atteindre leur potentiel.
Nous nous concentrerons sur la connaissance du langage et la culture des mathématiques pour tous les enfants. Nos résultats
aux évaluations australiennes (NAPLAN) sont excellents, mais nous estimons que tous les élèves peuvent améliorer leur
performance et progresser pour devenir des apprenants à long terme. Une fois de plus, ceci est une priorité de notre plan
opérationnel annuel pour 2014.
Une autre de nos priorités est l’optimisation de notre communication au sein de l’école et à l’extérieur. Parents nous avons
besoin de votre aide en la matière. Un nouveau site a été lancé sur la toile l’an dernier et nous espérons qu’il sera pour vous un
outil de communication amélioré puisqu’il vous permet l’accès à de nombreuses informations en français et en anglais. Cette
année, l’ensemble des directives et règlements scolaires et départementaux seront présents sur notre site, et la plupart
traduits autant que possible.
Joignez-vous à moi pour accueillir chaleureusement les nouveaux professeurs de notre école :
Dans le primaire: Michael Ellis et Sandra Bauerle, plus Maria Lamrani-Raphel et Joanna Staub qui nous reviennent.
Dans le Secondaire:
Elsa Goursolle (EFS-Historie-Géographie/Letters)
Ben Yuen (professeur principal en Education physique et Santé)
John Daniels (lettres humaines)
Frances Kleine (japonais)
Thomas Greig (sciences)
Nick Rothwell (sciences)
Ainsi que ceux qui nous retrouvent après une période de congé:
Andrew Livermore (anglais)
Pat Garratt (anglais)
Melanie Consola (langues)
Diana Lawrence (technologie)
Nous leur souhaitons un séjour enrichissant et satisfaisant au Lycée franco-australien.
Cette année vous recevrez l’information concernant les Technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) à l’école.
Régulièrement, les professeurs accèdent à des sites sans danger pour leurs élèves. Il est donc nécessaire que vous soyez au
courant de ces sites ou programmes et que vous en donniez votre accord. Nous vous prions de lire cette information et de nous
retourner le plus tôt possible le formulaire d’autorisation. Les documents vous parviendront en semaine 2.
Parents du Secondaire, vous trouverez joint à cette lettre le calendrier des évaluations trimestrielles. Nous vous demandons
d’aider vos enfants à gérer leur temps avec intelligence et de savoir que dans le courant du trimestre plusieurs devoirs sont dus
à diverses échéances. Consolider la gestion du temps et les qualités d’organisation sont deux domaines où parents et
professeurs peuvent travailler ensemble pour le bien des élèves.
Cette année dans le Secondaire nous utiliserons un programme intitulé Turnitin, en vue de nous assurer que toutes les
productions de l’élève sont bien personnelles. Les élèves seront informés des meilleures pratiques de recherche.
Je voudrais profiter de cette opportunité pour souhaiter à tous les membres de notre communauté scolaire une année heureuse
et bénéfique. Je serai heureuse de travailler avec vous pour que nous puissions ensemble offrir la meilleure éducation possible à
chaque enfant de notre école dans un environnement sécurisé et attentionné.
Bien cordialement,
Kerrie Blain
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La Principale
It is now possible for parents/carers to make online payments to the school for amounts requested for various
student activities and contributions. These payments can now be made via a secure payment page hosted by
Westpac. Payments can be made using either a Visa or MasterCard credit or debit card. The payment page is
accessed through the school's website by selecting the Make a Payment link.
Items that can be paid include voluntary school contributions, library trust contributions, subject contributions,
excursions, in school activities and sport. There is also a section for Other, for any other items that you wish to
pay that do not fit under the headings.
When you access Make a Payment you must enter the mandatory fields.
Student details; Student Key, Given name and Surname
Payee details; Family Key, Payee full name and contact details
Fee code and description of payment, this will be provided on excursion notes
Student ID Number (if know), class/Year level will assist the school in receipting funds to your
account more efficiently
If you find the Student Key is not working, add a 0 at the front so that it is a seven digit number.
Payments can also be made by credit card over the phone. For any enquiries regarding the Online Payment
process please contact the School Finance Office on 6205 5570.
This is a secure payment system hosted by Westpac to ensure that your bank branded credit/debit card details
are captured in a secure manner. These details are not passed back to the school.
You have the ability to check and change any details of the payment before the payment is processed. Receipts
can be emailed and/or printed from the web site.
All Information you input will be held by Westpac subject to its Privacy Policy which is available at
Westpac’s payment system will supply all information apart from card details back to the school on a daily basis
to enable the payment to be reconciled against your family’s account. As a receipt has been issued from the
payment website by Westpac, a further receipt will not be issued by the school. If you require a tax receipt
please contact the school office.
School Photos will be taken on Tuesday February 11th in the Secondary Hall. All secondary students should have received their
photo envelope and information note in Pastoral Care today. Year 7 students hand their envelopes in on Tuesday morning to
their PC teacher and Years 8-10 students will hand it in when they get their photos taken. All students Years 8-10 will get their
photos taken. Year 7 had theirs taken on their first day.
We continue to refine our menu with the inclusion of even more healthy and gluten-free options. Our menu includes the
green/amber/red dashboard for all our lunch offerings. Gluten free items are also flagged. We will continue to research and
introduce even more healthy dishes as the year progresses, please keep an eye on our published menu for details.
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Secondary Assessment Calendars and Middle Years Program Career Information Invitation will be emailed on Monday 10
February 2014.
Competitions to enrich Learning
Australian Geography Competition
The Australian Geography Competition is on again! Telopea has a fantastic record of achievement in this competition. To enter,
students simply pay $3.00 to the finance Office by Tuesday February 25. Competition is on Wednesday March 26.
Australian History Competition
Year 8 and Year 10 students can enter the Australian History competition. It is loosely based on the Year 7 and Year 9 history
units that you studied last year. Cost is $6.00 payable to the Finance Office by March 28.
Bands at Telopea have a very big year coming – a 12-day tour to France being the main event of course, but many other
things happening too.
Some reminders about before school bands …
Beginner Band
Commences rehearsals before school on Mondays in
week 4 (Monday 24 February).
Yr 7 EFS band
Rehearsals are on Tuesdays from 8.00am – 8.45am
starting Tuesday 11th Feb (week 2).
Yr 8/9 Before School Band
Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 8.00am –
8.45am starting Wednesday 12th Feb (week 2).
Jazz Band
Rehearsals are on Fridays from 8.00am-8.45am
starting Friday 7th Feb (week 1).
**Could parents please make sure students are dropped off on time for the start of rehearsal.
Band Tour to France
Tour dates are from Friday 26th September to Tuesday October 7th as per draft 7b itinerary
which is current.
The next deposit of $1,000 is due COB Friday 14th February.
All travel insurance data must be in by COB Friday 21st Feb – after this date, all outstanding travel insurance data will be
automatically purchased through the travel agent and the cost added to the final deposit for the tour. Remember, the
Department will not allow anyone to travel overseas on a school excursion without appropriate insurance.
The band fees remain unchanged, they are a vital part of renewing equipment and ensuring that our students are able to make
the best they can with the resources that we have avaialable.
Course costs and materials from the current course outlines:
$45 per student for the semester if the student possesses their own instrument.
$90 per semester for students using a school instrument.
$60 per semester for students using school drums, school guitars or keyboards.
Career Development
As the Career Development Officer at Telopea Park School, my role is to support students to:
- find suitable work experience placements
- gain a tax file number
- access information regarding an ASBA (Australian School Based Apprenticeship)
- seek volunteer opportunities
- provide general career advice
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As a part time officer, I work at Telopea Park School each Wednesday and Thursday. My office is in the Career Development
Room, on the ground floor of the third storey building.
If is always best if students initiate the desire to undertake a work experience placement, an ASBA , seek a tax file number or
volunteer work. However, I understand that parents of Year 9 and 10 students, may also require information concerning Career
Development opportunities for their students. Should any parent wish to contact me, my contact details are below. I look
forward to hearing from you.
Ms Susan Alexander
Career Development Officer
Telopea Park School
Mobile 0407110853
I would like to extend a warm welcome to all students and families of Telopea Park School for Semester 1, 2014. I hope
everyone has settled back after a restful holiday and set achievable goals for themselves this year.
Telopea Park School has four values, Respect, Cooperation, Fairness and Honesty. These values can be demonstrated by the
entire student community by wearing appropriate school uniform, punctual attendance and communication with staff and peers.
The Student Services Team of Telopea Park School is quite extensive and available to provide a wide range of support for
students and their families. Please feel welcome to contact myself, Mrs. Louis (6205 5588), Ms. De Poorter (6205 5588) or the
appropriate Year Co-ordinator to discuss concerns and enable us to facilitate relevant appointments and communication on your
behalf. Year 10, Ms. Megan Taylor (6205 8519), Year 9, Mr. Andrew Barnett (6205 5580), Year 8, Ms. Larissa Shihoff (6205
5582) and Year 7, Mrs. Kirsty Hilson (6205 5575). We also welcome to the Student Services Team Ms. Bev. Carroll (6205 5577)
who will be supporting the Year Coordinators in their busy roles.
Please encourage your student to reflect on their strengths and set achievable goals for 2014. You can assist your student by
requesting to view and sign Unit Outlines for each subject and discuss which items on the Assessment Calendar are relevant to
each child. If you would like assistance with supporting your student in developing successful study skills and meeting
assessment deadlines please contact your student’s Year Co-ordinator. The Homework Club is also available on Wednesday
afternoons from Week 3 for extra study assistance. Please contact Noni See (6205 5300) in Student Services for permission
notes and information on the Homework Club. Mathematics support is also available in the Library on Tuesday lunchtimes for all
Students can demonstrate their membership of the Telopea Park School community by wearing the school uniform. Please be
aware that students are encouraged to wear appropriately coloured clothing, including warm winter clothing, as part of the
school dress code. Black leather shoes are an Occupational Health and Safety requirement of many subjects and students not
adhering to these regulations may be excluded from taking part in classes in; the Arts, Science and Technology. Please refer to
Pages 32-33 of the Telopea Park School Diary for more detail regarding the Uniform Dress Code Policy.
I would encourage all parents/carers to inform Student Services of any change in contact details such as phone numbers or
addresses as soon as possible. It is imperative that the school has up to date information with which to communicate as
Attendance is crucial for students to achieve to their potential and maintain connectivity to the school. School hours are 8.45am
– 3.15pm, Monday – Friday. Students arriving late to school are expected to sign in at Student Services, regardless of time,
with a note explaining their absence. Absences are reported on each student’s record. A parent/carer must contact the school
within five days to explain an absence from school. The most effective way of communicating with the school is via email:
[email protected] or phone: 6205 5576 (with a subsequent letter or email).
Students requiring to leave the school for any reason are required to provide a permission note from a parent/carer, collect a
Leave Pass at Student Services and wait at the Front Office at the requested leaving time. It would be greatly appreciated if
students could gain their Leave Pass as early as possible in the day and are punctual when waiting for their parents/carers.
Parents/carers are also encouraged to enrol in the SMS/email contact that Telopea Park School provides. Parents/carers will be
notified by 11.00am each morning via SMS/email if their student has not attended Pastoral Care Group 8.45-8.55am.
Students are also reminded that they should not be arriving at school before 8.15am. Students arriving before this time are not
supervised nor allowed inside the school buildings.
I wish everyone a successful year at Telopea Park School. Please feel welcome to communicate any information or concerns to
Student Services so we can best assist your student in achieving to his/her potential.
Kylie Louis
A/g SLC Student Services
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It is always a joy to see the children return to school looking rested and refreshed and to see our new students looking so
curious and expectant!
Thank You to Parents
The term has commenced smoothly and we would like to thank you for the role you played in ensuring your child was prepared
for the work ahead. This includes the uniform, black shoes and the stationery items.
Parent Communication with the School
We welcome communication with you. Please contact us if you have any concerns or queries. Please use the Communication
Book to contact your child’s teachers. On Thursdays, the school sends letters, notices and information home. Wherever
possible, this is bilingual.
Should you wish to contact me please call 62055591 or 62055599.
Changes in Primary
As Kerrie Blain has already mentioned earlier we have new staff. Again, welcome to: Michael, Sandy and Maria. Welcome back to
We have had major relocations in Primary and to help you know your way around I will list the changes.
Mrs Solomko’s office is now located in the Year 2 corridor next to the English room.
Kindy 4’s French room is next to the Primary Office in the Year 3 corridor
Year 6 French room (Julien Dugas and Ahmed Chaouche) has been relocated to the EALD room in the new building.
EALD (with Aminah Kazak) is located in the ex-staffroom opposite the Year 6 English room.
Music is now located in the new building in the former Year 6 French classroom.
NB: Of course, these changes also mean that access to the Primary Office and foyer and After School Care from Kindergarten
playground will have to be via the Primary Quad. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.
PIPS for Kindergarten
PIPS is a Kindergarten literacy and numeracy assessment. Inforation about this will be sent home by K-2 Executive Teacher,
Kathy Solomko. Kindergarten students will commence their PIPS assessment in Week 3.
French Book Fair Week 2
There will be French Book Fair during Week 2. This is an opportunity for to build up your child’s collection of French books and
support their bilingual education. An information letter has gone home this week.
‘Todd the Frog and Gribouille la Grenouille’, ‘Un Zeste de Telopea’ and other Publications for Sale
If you have not been able to purchase ‘Todd the Frog and Gribouille la Grenouille’, the story of our bilingual school as told by
the students, then you may still do so! It is an uplifting tale. The cost is $10 and you can purchase it from the Primary Office.
‘Un Zeste de Telopea’ is the cookbook published by the P&C last year to celebrate the anniversaries of the school. It is a
marvellous representation through food, of what we have achieved! You can still buy a copy from the Finance Office for $40.
Telopea Park School Yearbook 2013 is a colourful record of all that was achieved in 2013 by Kindergarten to year 10
students. It is a wonderful souvenir for your child.
Hopefully, you might be able buy one or all of these marvellous publications? I am so proud of them.
I look forward to working with you again this year.
Best wishes,
Kate Sutherland
Deputy Principal
C’est toujours une joie de voir les enfants retourner à l’école frais et dispos et de voir nos nouveaux élèves si curieux et si
Merci aux parents
Le trimestre a débuté sans problème et nous voudrions vous remercier pour le rôle que vous avez joué dans la préparation de
votre enfant en amont du travail qui l’attend, y compris l’uniforme, les chaussures noires et le matériel scolaire.
Communication des parents avec l’école
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Nous sommes heureux de communiquer avec vous. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter en cas de souci ou de questionnement. Pour
cela veuillez utiliser le Cahier de communications pour entrer en contact avec le professeur de votre enfant. Tous les jeudis,
l’école vous fait parvenir lettres, notes et informations. Et dans la mesure du possible en bilingue.
Si vous souhaitez me contacter, appelez les numéros suivants : 62055591 ou 62055599.
Changements dans le primaire
Kerrie Blain l’a déjà mentionné, nous avons de nouveaux enseignants. Bienvenue à: Michael, Sandy et Maria, ainsi qu’à Joanna
qui nous revient.
Nous avons procédé à quelques aménagements dans le primaire et pour vous aider en voici une liste:.
Le bureau de Mme Solomko se trouve désormais dans le couloir des CE1, à côté de la salle d’anglais.
La salle de français de la Maternelle 4 se trouve à côté du secrétariat du primaire dans le couloir des CE2.
La salle de français des Sixième (Julien Dugas et Ahmed Chaouche) se trouve maintenant dans la salle d’anglais
seconde langue (EALD) dans le nouveau bâtiment.
Cette salle d’anglais seconde langue (avec Aminah Kazak) se trouve dans l’ancienne salle des professeurs en face de la
classe d’anglais des Sixième.
La musique est désormais enseignée dans le nouveau bâtiment dans l’ancienne classe de français des Sixième.
N.B.: Tous ces aménagements signifient bien sûr que pour accéder de la maternelle à la réception, au secrétariat du primaire et
au programme périscolaire, il faudra passer par la cour de récréation du primaire. Nous nous excusons d’un tel dérangement.
PIPS pour la maternelle
PIPS est une évaluation en compréhension du langage et culture des mathématiques pour les élèves de maternelle. L’information
à ce sujet sera envoyée aux parents par Kathy Solomko, la professeure principale en charge du second cycle du primaire. Cette
évaluation commencera en semaine 3.
La Foire aux livres français en Semaine 2
Une foire des livres français est prévue en Semaine 2. C’est l’occasion pour vous d’enrichir votre collection de livres en français
et d’apporter votre soutien à leur éducation bilingue. Une lettre d’information à ce sujet a été envoyée cette semaine.
‘Todd the Frog et Gribouille la Grenouille’, ‘Un Zeste de Telopea’ et autres publications en vente
Si vous n’avez pas encore pu le faire, il est encore temps pour vous d’acquérir ‘Todd the Frog et Gribouille la Grenouille’,
l’histoire de notre école bilingue racontée par nos élèves et un conte réjouissant. Il ne coûte que 10 dollars et vous pouvez vous
le procurer auprès du secrétariat du primaire.
‘Un Zeste de Telopea’ est le livre de cuisine publié par l’Association des parents d’élèves l’an dernier pour célébrer les
anniversaires de notre école. C’est une splendide représentation par la voie culinaire de ce que nous avons accompli! Vous
pouvez vous le procurer auprès du secrétariat de l’école pour la modique somme de 40 dollars.
Telopea Park School Yearbook 2013 est un document pittoresque de ce qui a été accompli en 2013 par nos élèves de la
maternelle à la seconde, et en même temps un merveilleux souvenir pour votre enfant.
Vous pouvez vous procurer l’une de ces publications ou toutes pourquoi pas ? J’en suis si fière.
Je suis heureuse de travailler avec vous cette année encore.
Meilleurs vœux,
Kate Sutherland
First meeting of the P&C for 2014
The first P&C meeting of 2014 will be held on Wednesday 12 February at 7pm in the secondary staff room in the main
administration building of the school (via the front entrance). All parents welcome!
Election of positions
This meeting will include the election of positions to the P&C, including the P&C Executive. For a description of the roles, please
For further information, please contact the President, Paul Haesler: [email protected]
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Subscribe to P&C news
If you would like to sign up to P&C communication emails, please subscribe at the P&C website:
How does the P&C help the school?
All parents are automatically a member of the P&C. We work with the school to provide input on a range of issues and to help
improve the school community. Getting involved in the P&C is a great way to have your say on what issues are important to you
and your children at the school.
What we do
In 2013, the P&C hosted a French breakfast, produced the Un Zeste de Telopea Cookbook, helped out with lost property,
represented the school at community events, coordinated the school fete and raffle and worked with the school on increasing
music opportunities for students. The P&C also runs the After School Hours Care Program and holiday program.
In 2014, the P&C allocated around $100,000 to projects and equipment that will help improve the school environment for the
students. This year we will be working with the school and raising funds for improvements to the primary play area. We welcome
parents’ support, ideas and input over the coming year to help develop this new project.
After school music tuition
The P&C is working with the school and Canberra Music Tuition with the aim of offering private music tuition opportunities for
students after school. Further details will be provided shortly.
Best wishes for 2014.
P&C Executive
– 8.30 - 9.30am
– 2.45 - 3.45pm
Thursday – 8.30 - 11.00am
Order and pay securely on the web:
Place your order over the phone/fax 1300794179 (business hours)
Extra Curricular Activities out now!
To enrol your child in their choice of activities, complete our online form at or drop in to the after
school care office and collect a paper form.
Activities start week 3.
Thank you,
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Jottings from ...
The Interact Club (Junior Rotary)
of Telopea Park School.
The Interact Club (Junior Rotary) of Telopea Park School has been a very successful community service
club since 2008. They have undertaken many local and international projects. The students who become
members gain leadership and employability skills, while having fun helping others. Interact is short for
International Action and it is open to all community minded students aged between 12-18 years. If your
child/children are interested in joining, please send me an e-mail.
Trivia Night. Each Interact Club is sponsored by a Rotary Club, and Telopea’s sponsoring club is the,
Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise. This particular Rotary Club is hosting a TRIVIA NIGHT on Friday 28th
Feburary 2014, at the National Press Club in Barton. All funds raised will support the new Boundless
Playground in Canberra and the cost is $25 per person. Please see an attached Trivia Night flyer for more
I am looking at putting together a table of 8-10 people made up of parents from Telopea Park School. Please
contact me if you would like to be part of a Telopea Table.
Ms Alexander, Career Development Officer , Telopea Park School
Mobile 0407110853 [email protected]
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NSW Crescent
Phone: 6205 5599
6205 5572
[email protected]
Proviseur/Head of French Studies
Deputy Principal
Deputy Principal K-6
Kerrie Blain
Emmanuel Texier
Tom Kobal
Kate Sutherland
A/g Deputy Principal 7-10
Michel McLoughlin
Conseillẻre Pédagogique
Muryel Martin
Board Chair
James Popple
P&C President
Paul Haesler
The inclusion of advertisements in this publication is in no way to be interpreted as an endorsement of support by the school.
Readers are responsible for forming their own opinions as to the value or reliability of the information contained in such
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