

UE43EC2- Devoir 1
Texte 1
Human Trafficking On the Rise in Cambodia
Rory Byrne - 23 March 2009
Every year in Cambodia, hundreds of girls are trafficked and sold into
brothels where they are forced to work as sex slaves. Although precise
figures are unavailable, analysts say that the rate of trafficking is soaring.
Many of the victims endure years of torture and abuse in brothels,
resulting in lasting physical and psychological damage.
Despite recent efforts by the Cambodian authorities to curb the country's
huge illicit sex industry, analysts say it is continuing to thrive. Although
many brothels have closed their front doors, their back doors remains
wide open. Other brothels are using hairdressers or beauty shops to front
their illicit trade.
Although some sex workers do the job to escape poverty, many of those
working in brothels are victims of human trafficking who are held against
their will and forced to work as sex slaves.
Founded by a former sex slave, The Somaly Mam Foundation was set up
in 1996 to rescue and rehabilitate victims of human trafficking.
Since then, the group has rescued more than 5,000 girls from brothels
throughout Cambodia and is now caring for more than 250 former sex
workers, more than half of whom were under 18 years of age.
Somaly Mam says that the trafficking problem is getting worse every
year. She blames organized crime and corrupt officials for running the
She says that criminal networks have set up a structured peopletrafficking system. She says agents go from village to village, looking for
girls whom they lure away with promises of marriage or a good job. She
says that, because many of the victims are poorly educated, they fall for
the trick and when they come to the city they get locked in a brothel.
Vos réponses (seules les pages suivantes sont à détacher et à renvoyer au SEAD)
NOM Prénom :
Texte 1 (10/30)
I (10 points) Questions 1 à 8 : entourez la lettre correspondant à votre
1) Dans le groupe " (1) years of (2) torture and (3) abuse in (4) brothels "
indiquez la hiérarchie du sens en commençant par le mot/groupe le plus
A - (1) (2) (3) (4)
B - (2) (3) (4) (1)
C - (1) (4) (3) (2)
D - (4) (3) (2) (1)
2) Même question pour le groupe " (1) lasting (2) physical and (3)
psychological (4) damage. "
A - (1) (2) (3).(4)
B - (2) (4) (3) (1)..
C - (3) (2) (1) (4)..
D - (4) (3) (2) (1)..
3) Même question pour le groupe " (1) recent (2) efforts by the (3)
Cambodian (4) authorities "
A - (1) (2) (3) .(4)
B - (2) (1) (4) (3)
C - (1) (4) (3) (2)
D - (4) (3) (2) (1)..
4) Même question pour le groupe " (1) the country's (2) huge (3) illicit (4)
sex (5) industry "
A - (1) (5) (4) (3) (2).
B - (1) (2) (3)..(4) (5)
C - (5) (3) (4) (2) (1)..
D - (4) (3) (2) (1)..(5)
E - (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
F - (4) (5) (2) (3) (1)
5) Quel est le mot essentiel (le noyau) dans le groupe suivant.
" the rate of trafficking "
A - the
B - rate
C - of
D - trafficking
6) Même question :
" victims of human trafficking "
A - victims
B - of
C - human
D - trafficking
7) Même question :
" The Somaly Mam Foundation "
A - The
B - Somaly
C - Mam
D - Foundation
8) Même question :
" a structured people-trafficking system "
B - structured
C - people
D - trafficking
E - system
9) Donnez la traduction :
Peter marche depuis une semaine.
Je connaissais Jane depuis quelques années.
II (20/30 pts) : texte 2 (dans le manuel de référence) 2.A " Sign-gestalt
or conditioned reflex ?" de " It appears that what our conditioned
response friends..." jusqu'à la fin "... as I have supposed them to be."
Trouvez, dans le texte, les mots correspondant le mieux aux définitions
suivantes (un mot par définition. EN ECRIRE PLUSIEURS SERA
données dans l'ordre d'apparition des mots dans le texte.
Pour chaque définition
1°) (10/30) Cochez la case correspondant à la nature du mot à trouver
(généralement=nature du noyau de la définition) : Verbe(V) / Substantif
(S)/ Adjectif ou participe jouant le rôle d'adjectif (Ad) / Autre (Au).
2°) (10/30) Ecrivez LE mot tel qu'il apparaît dans le texte (colonne de droite). En
écrire plusieurs sera équivalent à une réponse fausse.
consider only the bad side of a
2- Something that causes growth
or activity.
3- Clear and certain.
4- To make a long very high sound
or cry.
LE mot
5- Tending to express criticisms
about unimportant matters.
6- Able to be used effectively.
7- Coming at a subsequent time or
8- To give someone or something
a name.
something or reaching an aim.
10- To admit that you have done
that you feel guilty or bad about.
Vos commentaires éventuels sur le devoir : (Est-il trop long ? Trop
court ? Connaissez-vous les didacticiels en ligne mis à votre
disposition pour vous y préparer ? Les exercices hebdomadaires ?
Vous conviennent-ils ? Sinon quelles modifications apporter à ces
didacticiels/exercices ? Quels didacticiels/exercices ajouter ?...)

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