truewhite Advanced Plus 1LED Whitening System


truewhite Advanced Plus 1LED Whitening System
truewhite Advanced Plus
1LED whitening system
1 Molding Your Mouth trays
2 Applying Gel to Mouth trays
Caution: Once the tray is heated it becomes extremely flexible. When placing
it into your mouth, be careful not to allow the edges of the upper rim of the
"U" shaped tray to touch together.
Each 10ml syringe contains 10- 15
treatments, which means you will use
1ml of Teeth
1. Fill a pot with at least 4" of water, so that the entire tray will be submerged
when placed straight down into the water. Bring the water to a boil.
Whitening Gel per treatment. Remove
the syringe cap, retain for storage and
later use. Slowly apply a small amount
(about the size of a match head) of the
gel into each individual tooth
impression in both the upper and
lower side of your mouth tray. You
should use approximately ½ ml of gel
for each side, for a total of 1ml per
treatment. Carefully insert the now
loaded tray into your mouth and
gently bite down until your teeth are
immersed in the gel.
2. Once the water is boiling, remove the pot from the stove. When the boiling
stops completely, grasp the very top of the tray tab and put the tray down
into the water for 6 SECONDS. Do not submerge the tab in the water and be
sure to keep your fingers out of the water at all times. Time 6 seconds
CAREFULLY! (The tray has to be warm enough to mold, but not so pliable that
it loses it's shape. Someone else timing you will make it more accurate and
easier for you.
3. Do NOT WAVE THE TRAY back and forth while it is submerged in water. The
tab is designed for lifting only! It will not support the tray once it is pulled out
of the boiling water, in a horizontal position. Lift the tray straight out of the
water so that the hot water runs off and out of the tray. Support the back of
the tray with the fingers and/or thumb. Be careful to keep the edges of the
upper rim of the tray from touching each other and welding together.
4. Carefully and quickly place the tray around your teeth and immediately
perform the same procedure you practiced previously, being sure to bite
lightly. Be careful not to bite deep into, through, or near the edges of the tray.
5. Keep the tray in position for 30 seconds, then place the tray under cool,
running water to set to a firm shape. NOTE: If you feel a tighter fit is needed,
the tray can be reheated in hot water and the above steps repeated. If you
feel that the tray should be tighter or thinner only over the front teeth, snip
the tab from the tray with scissors, hold the tray by its ends and reheat and
readapt only the front of the tray
6. If the tray feels too long in the back of your mouth or goes too far under
your lips for a comfortable fit, trim off the excess material. Reheat and
readapt JUST THAT AREA. If you inadvertently bite through the tray causing a
hole, reheat just that area, pinch to seal it and readapt the tray.
7. Once satisfied with the fit of th e tray, cut the tab from the tray with
scissors. Make sure the cut is flush with the front surface of the tray. If a rough
place remains, hold the tray by the ends and reheat just that area. Then place
back in your mouth, bite together and smooth away roughness with your
finger. NOTE: The tray will retain its shape by keeping it at room temperature
and by protecting it from direct sunlight.
The Teeth Whitening Gel is a
professional grade formulation, so you
should immediately feel a tingling or
bubbling sensation on the surface of
your teeth. This is absolutely normal
and lets you know that the formula is
doing its job. You should expect to feel
this tingling sensation for a significant
portion of your treatment.
3 Activating LED Light Device
4 Achieving Maximum Results
After inserting mouth tray, take your blue LED light and
place your lips over the clear plastic mouthpiece (or just
hold it if you prefer). Turn the light on by pressing the white
button. Make sure you press button again to turn off after
finishing treatment. Total recommended treatment time
is 12-15 minutes.
Immediately follow with another whitening session
using the above outlined procedure. Please note that the
tingling sensation described above will feel more intense
on your 2nd treatment. Repeat this same procedure
three times, either on consecutive days, or when
convenient to achieve maximum whitening.
At the conclusion of your treatment, remove the mouth
tray and rinse out your mouth. Rinse mouth tray
thoroughly and pat dry with a paper towel. Store in safe
place for future use.
1LED whitening system
Nous n’utilisons que du peroxyde d’hydrogène:
Les gels blanchissants à base de peroxyde de carbamide prennent en moyenne 4 fois plus de temps que le gel au
peroxyde d’hydrogène pur avant d’agir de manière optimale. La réaction chimique du peroxyde de carbamide prend en
moyenne 60 minutes avant de s’effectuer. La force d’action du peroxyde de carbamide est comparable au tiers de celle du
peroxyde d’hydrogène.
Plusieurs trousses de blanchiment dentaire pouvant être utilisées à domicile utilisent encore le peroxyde de carbamide
en tant qu’agent principal de blanchiment, ce qui entraîne des résultats parfois décevants, comparativement aux trousses
utilisant le peroxyde d’hydrogène.
Le système de blanchiment dentaire truewhite whitening system ® n’emploie que le meilleur de la technologie
d’hydrogène de peroxyde et blanchit les dents sans nécessiter l’utilisation des technologies lumineuses que l’on retrouve
dans plusieurs soins dentaires coûteux. L’ajout de potassium de Nitrate à sa formule innovatrice permet de protéger
l’émail des dents et de traiter en toute sécurité les dents les plus sensibles.
Bénéfices :
Des résultats similaires à ceux obtenus dans les cabinets de dentisterie
Les mêmes ingrédients visant à protéger l’émail que ceux utilisés par les dentistes
La trousse vous permet d’effectuer de 5 à 8 traitements de blanchiment
Un blanchiment immédiat, dès la première utilisation!
Conseils d’utilisation pour les gouttières dentaires, les seringues ainsi que la lumière bleue LED
Gouttières dentaires :
Les gouttières dentaires s’adaptent à la forme de votre bouche. Il suffit de les laisser tremper quelques minutes dans un
récipient d’eau chaude, puis de les insérer en bouche une fois refroidies. Nos gouttières dentaires sont conçues
spécialement de manière à se modeler à des températures plutôt basses; nul besoin de les faire tremper dans l’eau
bouillante. Veuillez noter que les gouttières rétréciront de manière importante si laissées trop longtemps à des
températures élevées.
Utilisation de votre nouveau système :
Retirer délicatement les languettes de sécurité sous les batteries. Pour de meilleurs résultats, il est conseillé d’assécher les
dents avec un mouchoir avant d’entamer le traitement. Appliquez 0.5 millilitres de gel sur chacun des arches de la
gouttière (dents du haut et dents du bas). Respectez les mesures; ne pas faire déborder le produit hors de la gouttière.
Insérez la gouttière en bouche et diriger la lumière bleue LED truewhite whitening system ® le plus près possible de la
gouttière pendant 20 minutes. Répétez cette étape jusqu’3 fois ou encore jusqu’à l’obtention des résultats désirés.
L’application répétée du truewhite whitening system ® prolongera l’éclat de votre sourire!
Ingrédients présents dans le gel blanchissant : propylene gycol, glycérine, peroxyde d’hydrogène 12%, carbomer,
trisamine, sodium de saccarine, saveur.
Distribué par Million Dollar SmileMD | 866 231 6813
Medical Warnings
Consult your dental professional before you use this product if you have had oral or gum surgery in the previous 2 months.
Contact your dental professional if excessive bleeding occurs after using this product or bleeding continues to occur after 1 week of use.
If you have a pacemaker or other implanted devices contact your physician or the device manufacturer prior to use.
Consult your physician prior to using the truewhite advanced plus® if you have medical concerns.