irregular verb avoir


irregular verb avoir
AVOIR (to have)
Avoir in French means "to have." Unlike the ER verbs, avoir is an irregular
verb. In other words, it does not follow patterns like the ER verbs.!
je + avoir = j'ai!!!!
tu + avoir = tu as!!!!
il + avoir = il a !!!!
elle + avoir = elle a !!!!
qui + avoir = qui a !!!!
nous + avoir = nous avons!
vous + avoir = vous avez!
ils + avoir = ils ont!
elles + avoir = elles ont!
Paul et Marie + avoir = Paul et Marie ont!
What does it mean in English?!
avoir (to have)!
I have...!
I do have...!
I am having...!
Tu as...!
You have...!
You do have...!
You are having...!
Il a...!
He has...!
He does have...!
He is having...!
Elle a...!
She has...!
She does have...!
She is having...!
Qui a...?!!!!
Who has...?!
Who does have...?!
Who is having...?
Nous avons...!
We have...!
We do have...!
We are having...!
Vous avez...!
You have!
You do have...!
You are having...!
Ils ont...!
They have...!
They do have...!
They are having...!
Elles ont...!
They have...!
They do have...!
They are having...!
Paul et Marie ont...!
Paul and Marie have...!
Paul and Marie do have...!
Paul and Marie are having...
More Vocabulary Words
• l'auto (f) = the car"
• le crayon = the pencil"
• la voiture = the car"
• le stylo = the pen"
• le garçon = the boy"
• la gomme = the eraser"
• la fille = the girl"
• la règle = the ruler"
• l'homme (m) = the man"
• le livre = the book"
• la femme = the woman"
• le cahier = the notebook"