the most holy trinity may 26, 2013 - St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church


the most holy trinity may 26, 2013 - St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church
MAY 26, 2013
Olive Wood Carvings on Sale Next Weekend
2560 Tilson Road
Decatur, GA 30032
Main: 404-241-5862
Fax: 404-241-5839
Price Hall : 404-241-1795
Hand carved olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem will be
on sale in the narthex after the Masses the first weekend of June.
Nativity scenes, crucifixes, rosaries, Christmas ornaments, religious figures. Income of the sales go to support the Christian
wood carvers of Bethlehem. You may view these beautiful items
online at
2013 Eucharistic Congress
Archbishop Gregory invites you to join him and Catholics from
across the Archdiocese to gather for this year’s Eucharistic Congress at the Georgia International Convention Center May 31st
and June 1st. In this Year of Faith with the Blessed Mother as our
model of faith personified, the theme of the 2013 Eucharistic
Congress comes from the Gospel of John 2:25: “Do Whatever He
Tells You.” We take this opportunity to reconnect with friends,
spend quiet time in prayer and listen to dynamic speakers such
as Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, Dr. Scott Hahn, Marcellino
D’Ambrosio, and Dr. Elizabeth Lev.
St. Elizabeth Brunch
Dates to Remember
June 16-Man of the Year Announcement
June 16-Baccalaureate Mass
June 22-Welcome Ministers’ Cookout
June 30-Parish Picnic
July 13-Baptism Class
Aug. 24/25-Sunday School Registration
Sept. 8-Sunday School Begins
Sept. 21-Women’s Council Gen. Mtg.
Sept. 21/22-Meet & Greet
Sept. 27-29-Women’s Retreat
Oct. 5-Lectors’ Workshop
Oct. 12-Welcome Ministers’ Workshop
Come have a spot of tea. St. Elizabeth Circle’s brunch with a twist.
Help us celebrate our “Faith, Freedom, & God’s Graces” on Saturday, June 8th at 10:00AM-12:00 noon in Price Hall. Guest
Speaker: Fr. Roy Lee. Donation: $10.
2013 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal Update
Parish Goal: $48,130
Total Committed: $56,909
Amount Pledged: $35,097
Amount Paid: $21,812
(As of May 17, 2013)
If you have questions about your pledge, please contact the Stewardship Office at (404) 920-7600 or [email protected].
Like us on facebook
Parish calendar on website. Click on Events, then Calendar.
Parish Office
(404) 241-5862
Fax (404) 241-5839
Sacramental Emergencies only (678) 561-3676
Rev. Bryan D. Small, Pastor, ext. 102
[email protected]
Rev. Mr. Alfred Mitchell, Deacon
[email protected]
Rev. Mr. Jerry M. Lett, Deacon
[email protected]
Rev. Mr. Augustin Pierre-Louis, Deacon
[email protected]
Rev. Mr. James Anderson, Jr., Deacon
Parish Staff
Gloria George-Patrick, ext. 103
Religious Ed. Director
[email protected]
Ron Whalen, ext. 105
Business Manager
[email protected]
Marie Fujioka, ext. 100
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
William Hutson
May 26, 2013
The Most Holy Trinity
Monday, 27th
8:30AM Communion Service
Wednesday, 29th
6:30PM Mother’s Day Novena
Friday, 31st
8:30AM Mother’s Day Novena
Saturday, 1st
4:30PM Confessions
5:00PM For the people of Sts. Peter and Paul
Sunday 2nd
8:30AM Ira H. Driskell, d’csd
11:30AM Myrtis Taylor, d’csd.
1:30PM Renanve Romelus, d’csd.
& all souls in purgatory
This Coming Week
Monday, 27th Memorial Day
Parish Office Closed
No Women of Faith today
Novena 7:00PM-Chapel
Wednesday, 29th
Bible Study 10:30AM-Parish Office (C)
Choir Rehearsal 6:00PM-Church
Grief Support Group 7:15PM-Religious Ed. Room
Thursday, 30th
Haitian Rehearsal 7:00PM-Church
Friday, 31st
Adoration 9:00-10:00AM-Chapel
Saturday, 1st
Outreach 9:45-11:00AM
Youth Core Team 10:00AM-Parish Office (M)
IT Committee 10:00AM-Parish Office (C)
Holy Land Carvers Sale after Mass-Narthex
St. Elizabeth Circle 6:30PM-Parish Office (C)
Sunday, 2nd
Holy Land Carvers Sale after Masses-Narthex
St. Elizabeth Circle Coffee & Donuts 10:00AM-Price Hall
Jr. Daughters 1:00PM-Parish Office (C)
Jr. Knights 1:00PM-Parish Office (M)
Baccalaureate Mass
To honor our high school and college graduates,
we will hold a Baccalaureate Mass on Sunday,
June 16th at 11:30AM. Wear your caps & gowns (optional).
Please sign-up on the graduate recognition board in the narthex.
Evangelization Workshop
Saturday, June 22nd, St. Pius X Catholic Church in Conyers is
hosting an Evangelization Workshop on helping parish leaders to
reach out and invite their parishioners to become active in the
practice of their faith. Fr. Frank DeSiano, CSP Paulist, President
of the Paulist Evangelization Ministries, will personally lead the
workshop. Time: 9:30AM-3:00PM. Registration: $12 per person
& includes lunch. RSVP required:
[email protected] or contact St. Pius X Church
at (770) 483-3660. The church is located at 2621 Highway 20
SE, Conyers 30013.
Haitian Community, ext. 305
Stewardship-A Disciple’s Response
May 19th $7,642.88
Children’s Offertory $289.35
Building Fund $4,727.33
Pennies from Heaven $12.92
The Bible says God called the world He had created good and
he gave man dominion over it. God still calls us to exercise
dominion over the earth– by exercising restraint in our buying
habits… by being vigilant in our recycling habits… by exercising judgment in our disposal habits. When we do, God calls it
Readings for the Week
Monday, 27th St. Augustine of Canterbury
Sir 17:20-24
Ps 32:1-2,5-7
Mk 10:17-27
Tuesday, 28th
Sir 35:1-12
Ps 50:5-8,14,23
Mk 10:28-31
Wednesday, 29th
Sir 36:1,4-5a,10-17
Ps 79:8-9,11,13
Mk 10:32-45
Thursday, 30th
Sir 42:15-25
Ps 33:2-9
Mk 10:46-52
Friday, 31st The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Zep 3:14-18a
(Ps) Is 12:2-3,4bcd,5-6
Lk 1:39-56
Saturday, 1st St. Justin
Sir 51:12cd-20
Ps 19:8-11
Mk 11:27-33
Sunday, 2nd The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Gn 14:18-20
Ps 110:1-4
1 Cor 11:23-26
Lk 9:11b-17
“Wiggles & Wisdom”
Please pray for the sick of our
parish and those who have asked for
our prayers, especially:
Bill Allen, Porscha Bryant, Jerome &
Lula Bullard, Ephraim Burrell, Jacob
Cautter, Jean Leslie Charles, Marie
Colbert, Stephanie Cooper, Ida Cruse,
Phyllis Daniel, Michael Dash, Patricia
Davis, Jean Driskell, Christine Edwards,
Mary Flournoy, Terresa & Joseph Ford,
Elaine Galbreath, Michelle Giles, Sharon
Giles, Yohannes Hamido, Henry Hans
Sr., Laura Hassell, Willie Hugley,
Brittany Ivory-Brown, Joseph Mario Jean
-Louis, Rosemary Jean-Louis, Benjamin
Jean-Mardy, Yvonne Kage, Dot Lewis,
Andrea Lys, Rita Maag, Beverly
Maxwell, Elsa McBean, Barbara McElrath, Dianna Menefield, Myeshia Moore,
Ronald Pierre, Grace Powers, William
O’Neal, Lynette Reid, Charles & Emma
Reynolds, Lamercie Sanon, Audrey
Shirley, John Sylvester, Tiffany Tidies,
Roland Woods, Donald & Robbie
Wright, Sharon Wyatt
Please help us to keep our prayer list
updated by adding or removing names.
Sacramental Schedule
Altar Servers’
For 6/1-2/13
5:00PM Mass
John Brown
Anthony Ogbonna
8:30AM Mass
Damian Ekpoudom
Payton Griffin
Christopher Johnson
11:30AM Mass
Wilcox “DJ” Dumay
Eric Swain, Jr.
Jordan Williams
1:30PM Mass
Jonathan Chery
Fadlyna Jean-Francois
Sophia Academy presents “Wiggles & Wisdom” training where
preschool teachers can learn how to make wise choices in the
classroom while making learning fun for the
little ones! And earn 4 BFTS credits. “Wiggles
& Wisdom” will be held August 21st, 8:30AM1:30PM at Sophia Academy, 2880 Dresden
Drive, Atlanta 30341. Directors, please sign up
your teachers as a group, if possible, by July 1st.
Registration fee: $35 before July 1st, $40 after that date. Contact
Sophia Academy at [email protected]. Sophia Academy is a Marist-sponsored school seeking Catholic status.
Catholic Engaged Encounter of Atlanta
Catholic Engaged Encounter (CEE) is an international marriage
preparation program which gives engaged couples the ‘gift of
time’ in the form of an entire weekend together to discuss their
relationship with God, each other, and the community at large.
The retreat weekends are presented by a team of two married
couples and a priest or deacon. The cost of the retreat weekend
varies by location, but the contents are identical. For more information and to register for a weekend, please visit our website This program is endorsed by the Archdiocese of
Atlanta and satisfies the Archdiocesan requirement for marriage
Notes from The Catholic Foundation
of North Georgia
Plan before you travel this summer. That includes making sure you have a will or that your will is up to date.
Now you can plan your will online at our website: This is not creating your will, but it
will produce a document that you can take to your attorney to finalize
your will. When thinking about your family, consider how the parish
is part of your family as it was the first place you were taken after
birth to be baptized. You grew up in the parish receiving the other
sacraments. Your social life many times is in the parish and the last
place you will be before your burial will be the funeral mass for you.
So the parish is very much part of your family. In this case, when
planning your will, please consider including the parish endowment
fund in your will. You can leave money, a percent of your estate, an
asset(s), or the remainder of your estate to the parish endowment
fund. For more information on how to do this, please contact Diane
Duquette at [email protected] or (404) 497-9440.
Eucharistic Ministers’ Training
There will be a training session for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy
Communion on Saturday, June 29th, 9:15AM-12:00 noon in the
church. This training is required for all those ministers whose certificates have expired or will expire this year. You may find out what
your status is by contacting Deacon Mitchell or Linda Giles at
[email protected].
Haitian Corner
Fête de la Sainte Trinité
En ce dimanche, nous célébrons la fête de la Sainte Trinité. C'est le
mystère d'un seul Dieu en trois personnes, le Père, le Fils et le Saint
Esprit, Dieu qui est amour. C'est de cet amour de Dieu que nous
nous souvenons chaque fois que nous faisons le signe de la croix.
Tous nos pauvres mots sont bien incapables de cerner ce mystère de
Dieu car il nous dépasse infiniment. Il sera toujours au-delà de tout
ce que nous pourrons en dire. Et pourtant toute la Bible témoigne de
cet effort permanent pour parler de Dieu. La figure de la Sagesse
(1ère lecture) nous suggère que Dieu veut se faire connaître à nous.
Elle est présentée comme assurant le lien entre le ciel et la terre.
C'est une manière de dire que le Seigneur communique avec nous
pour notre bonheur. Il est toujours possible de parler de Dieu car il
entre en alliance avec nous pour nous sauver.
Voilà donc une approche bien limitée du mystère de la Sainte Trinité. Je dirai que c'est un peu comme les vitraux d'une cathédrale : vus
de l'extérieur, ils sont bien gris. Pour voir leur éblouissante lumière,
il faut entrer, il faut franchir la porte. C'est alors que nous découvrons la merveille insoupçonnable. C'est ainsi que Dieu nous révèle
les merveilles de son amour. Il nous ouvre la porte de son cœur pour
nous les partager de l'intérieur. Mais rien n'est possible si nous ne
plongeons pas dans cet océan d'amour qui est en Dieu.
C'est de cela que nous avons à témoigner dans le monde d'aujourd'hui. Nous avons à lui dire que Dieu l'aime et qu'il nous appelle tous
à revenir vers lui. C'est en vue de cette mission que Jésus nous envoie l'Esprit Saint, pour qu'il nous conduise vers la Vérité tout entière. L'important, ce n'est pas d'avoir de grandes qualités intellectuelles, c'est d'être rempli de l'amour de Dieu et de vouloir le communiquer aux autres. Tout commence par le temps où nous venons puiser
à la source dans la prière, l'écoute de la Parole Dieu et surtout l'Eucharistie. C'est à ce prix que nous pourrons être l'Eglise de la Pentecôte.
Bonne fête trinité