Mars One Project


Mars One Project
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Mars One Project : Big Brother in Space
(YouTube / ITN, 2014)
If you could go to Mars and never come home, would you?
And if you could appear on Big Brother, would you?
Mars One is a company determined to establish a human colony on Mars. By 2023 they want to have a
rover-built settlement ready for four humans to move into on the red planet, propelled there using existing
or planned SpaceX craft.
The money for the trip would be made by selling media rights, billions of dollars to live stream the
training, landing and life on Mars; creating the biggest reality series ever.
Although new crews would arrive every two years, the trip would be one-way; the colonists would never
come home.
All true exploration is risky and it asks sacrifice from the people who are doing it and this is not just a
trip, it’s the next giant leap for mankind – literally, I think. And it’s something that will come with a lot of
risk, but it will also come with a lot of reward.
And that raises the question: should the perils of exploring space be a source of entertainment or should
people have the right to see humanity move to the stars?
01. Big Brother
02. by 2023
03. a Rover-built settlement
04. to move into
05. propelled there
06. planned SpaceX craft
07. to live stream
08. crews
09. the trip would be one-way
10. the colonists
11. the next ‘giant leap’ for mankind
12. that raises the question
13. the perils
14. entertainment
15. to see humanity move to the stars
programme de téléréalité
d’ici 2023
une colonie fabriquée par des rovers (robots)
y emménager
propulsés jusque là-bas
des vaisseaux spatiaux prévus par la société
pour retransmettre en direct
le voyage serait un aller simple / à sens unique
les colons
le prochain ‘grand pas’ pour l’humanité
(lit. a leap = un bon, un saut)
cela soulève la question
les dangers
le droit de voir l’humanité s’installer/vivre
dans les étoiles
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Mars One Project : Big Brother in Space
(YouTube / ITN, 2014)
Exercise: fill in the blanks with the correct words
If you could go to Mars and never come home, would you?
And if you could appear on Big Brother, would you?
Mars One is a company determined to establish a human colony on Mars. _B____ 2023 they want to
have a rover-built _s___________________ ready for four humans to _________________ on the red
(y) emménager
planet, _p________________ there using existing or planned SpaceX __________.
The money for the trip would be made by selling media rights, billions of dollars to
_l___________s________________ the training, landing and life on Mars; creating the biggest reality
retransmettre en direct
series ever.
Although new _c____________ would arrive every two years, the trip would be _o_____-w_________;
aller simple / à sens unique
the colonists would never come home.
All true exploration is risky and it asks sacrifice from the people who are doing it and this is not just a
trip, it’s the next _g________l_________ for _m______________ – literally, I think. And it’s something
grand pas
that will come with a lot of risk, but it will also come with a lot of reward.
And that _r___________ the question: should the _p_______________ of exploring space be a source of
_e____________________ or should people have the right to see humanity move to the stars?