Curriculum Vitæ - Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux


Curriculum Vitæ - Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux
Curriculum Vitæ
Name: Arnaud Ducrot
Date of Birth: November 30th , 1977
Place of Birth: France
Nationality: French
Address: Université de Bordeaux
UF de Mathématiques et Inteactions
3 ter place de la Victoire
Bat. D, 2ème étage
33076 Bordeaux Cedex, France
Phone: +33 (0)5/57/57/31/56
Fax: +33 (0)5/57/57/10/65
email: [email protected]
Habilitation thesis June 2010, university of Bordeaux
Ph.D. December 2004 at Ecole Centrale de Lyon
M.S. Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (2001)
B.S. Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (1998/2002)
Professional Experience:
09/2008 to 08/2010: Research position, On leave at INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest.
Since 09/2005: Assistant professor, IMB at Université de Bordeaux
09/2002 to 08/2005: Allocataire Moniteur Normalien at École Centrale de Lyon.
Graduate students supervised:
PhD thesis of P. Zongo (University of Ouagadougou; Burkina Faso) Co-adviser with B. Somé
(defended in 2008)
PhD thesis of O. Seydi (University of Bordeaux) Co-adviser with P. magal (defended in
PhD thesis of R. D. Demasse (University of Yaounde 1, Cameroon), doctoral stage.
Coordinator of students’mobility at UF Mathmatiques et Interactions.
Member of Conseil de l’IMB.
Participation at different selection committees of recruitment.
PhD committees
PhD committees (reviewer) of M. Al Haj, June 2014, Université Paris-Est.
PhD committees of A. Le Guilcher, June 2014, Université Paris-Est.
PhD committees (adviser) of O. Seydi, November 2013, Université de Bordeaux.
PhD committees (reviewer) P. Alifrangis, September 2013, Université Montpellier 2.
PhD committees (reviewer) of M. Zorom, September 2012, University of Ouagadougou,
Burkina Faso.
PhD committees of S. Madec, june 2011, University of Rennes 1.
PhD committees (adviser) of P. Zongo, May 2009, University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
- January 2014: University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
- November 2013: Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
- January 2013: University of Tokyo, Japan.
- October 2012: Tamkang University, Taipei, Tawan.
- November 2011: University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
- February 2011: University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
- January 2011: University Gaston Berger, Saint-Louis, Senegal.
- April 2010: National Taiwan Normal University and National Chung Cheng University, Tawan.
- December 2009: Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
- October 2008: University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
- September 2007: University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania.
Research Activities:
Keywords: PDE Analysis, Reaction-diffusion systems, Travelling waves, Elliptic problems,
age structured and delay differential equations, Population dynamics, Mathematical biology.
My researches mainly focuses on PDE analysis of systems arising in population dynamics and more generally in mathematical biology. It is mostly concerned with the spatial
propagation of interacting populations, possibly structured with different kinds of internal
variables, such as age or size with applications in ecology, epidemiology and cells dynamics.
Projects and grants:
• Member of the French-Japanese Associated International Laboratory LIA–197 CNRS,
ReaDiLab, Biomathematics Modelling and Analysis Laboratory.
• Participant PEPS CNRS/Idex Bordeaux ”Epidémiologie évolutive des maladies de la
vigne: des données et des modèles pour gérer durablement les résistances variétales au
mildiou et à loı̈dium”.
• Co-PI with E. Augerau-Véron of PEPS HuMain CNRS GreenNETs, 2014.
• Member PHC CAI YUANPEI, France-China, Mathematical modelling and analysis
for infectious diseases, 2013-14.
• Participant of ANR JCJC IDEE, Interface Dynamics in Evolution Equations, 2010-14.
• Participant of ANR Bimod: Modèles hybrides pour les populations de cellules. Application à la modélisation et au traitement du cancer, 2010-14.
• PI of PHRC Orchid Egide (France-Taiwan), 2010-11.
• Member of PHRC Egide France-China, 2009-10.
[1] J.B. Burie and A. Ducrot, A field scale model for the spread of fungal diseases in
crops: the example of a powdery mildew epidemic over a large vineyard, Mathematical
Methods in the Applied Sciences, to appear.
[2] A. Ducrot, P. Magal et O. Seydi, Persistence of exponential trichotomy for linear operators: A Lyapunov-Perron approach, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations,
to appear.
[3] A. Ducrot, P. Magal et O. Seydi, A finite time condition for exponential trichotomy in
infinite dynamical systems, Canadian Journal Math., to appear.
[4] P. Zongo, A. Ducrot, J.B. Burie and C. Beaumont, Prevalence of Salmonella in flocks
housed in enriched cages, Epidemiology and Infection, to appear.
[5] A. Ducrot et P. Magal, Asymptotic behaviour of a non-local diffusive logistic equation,
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, to appear.
[6] A. Ducrot et G. Nadin, Asymptotic behaviour of travelling waves for the delayed FisherKPP equation, Journal of Differential Equations, 256 (2014), 3115–3140.
[7] A. Ducrot, P. Magal and O. Seydi, A singularly perturbed Delay Differential Equation
modeling nosocomial infections, Differential and Integral Equations, to appear.
[8] A. Ducrot and T. Giletti, Convergence to a pulsating travelling wave for an epidemic
reaction-diffusion system with non-diffusive susceptible population, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 69 (2014), 533–552.
[9] M. Alfaro and A. Ducrot, Propagating interface in a monostable reaction-diffusion equation with time delay , Differential and Integral Equations, 27 (2014), 81–104.
[10] A. Ducrot and M. Langlais, Global weak solution for a singular two component reactiondiffusion system, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, to appear.
[11] A. Ducrot, T. Giletti and H. Matano, Existence and convergence to a propagating
terrace in one-dimensional reaction-diffusion equations, Trans. A.M.S., to appear.
[12] R.D. Demasse and A. Ducrot, An age-structured within-host model for multi-strain
malaria infections, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 73 (2013), 572–593.
[13] A. Ducrot, Convergence to generalized transition waves for some Holling-Tanner preypredator reaction-diffusion system, Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées, 100
(2013), 1–15.
[14] A. Ducrot and S. Madec, Singularly perturbed elliptic system modelling the competitive interactions for a single resource, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied
Sciences, 23 (2013), 1939–1977.
[15] A. Ducrot, M. Langlais and P. Magal, Multiple travelling waves for an SI-epidemic
models, Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 8 (2013), 171–190.
[16] A. Ducrot and J.-S. Guo, Quenching behaviour for a singular predator-prey model,
Nonlinearity, 25 (2012), 2059–2073.
[17] A. Ducrot and M. Langlais, A singular reaction-diffusion system modelling predatorprey interactions: invasion and co-extinction waves, J. Diff. Eq., 253 (2012), 502–532.
[18] C. Beaumont, J.B. Burie, A. Ducrot and P. Zongo, Propagation of Salmonella within
an industrial hens house, SIAM. J. Appl. Math., 72 (2012), 113–1148.
[19] H. d’Albis, E. Augeraud-Véron, E. Djemai and A. Ducrot, The Dispersion of Age Differences between Partners and the Asymptotic Dynamics of the HIV Epidemic, J. Bio.
Dynamics, 6 (2012), 695–717.
[20] J. Arino, A. Ducrot and P. Zongo, Metapopulation modelling and control strategies for
malaria, J. Math. Biol, 64 (2012), 423–448.
[21] A. Ducrot, M. Langlais and P. Magal, Qualitative analysis and travelling wave solutions
for the SI model with vertical transmission, CPAA, 11 (2012), 97–113.
[22] M. Alfaro and A. Ducrot, Sharp Interface limit of the Fisher-KPP equation, CPAA, 11
(2012), 1–18.
[23] A. Ducrot, P. Magal and O. Seydi, Nonlinear boundary conditions derived by singular
perturbation in age structured population dynamics model, Journal of Applied Analysis
and Computation 1 (2011), 373-395.
[24] A. Ducrot and P. Magal, Travelling wave solutions for an infection-age structured epidemic model with external supplies, Nonlinearity, 24 (2011), 2891-2911.
[25] A. Ducrot, M. Marion and V. Volpert, Spectrum of some integro-differential operators
and stability of travelling waves, Nonlinear Analysis TMA, 74 (2011), 4455–4473.
[26] A. Ducrot, F. Le Foll, P. Magal, H. Murakawa, J. Pasquier and G. Webb, An in vitro cell
population dynamics model incorporating cell size, quiescence, and contact inhibition,
M3AS, 21 (2011), 871–892.
[27] M. Alfaro and A. Ducrot, Sharp interface limit of the Fisher-KPP equation when initial
data have slow exponential decay, DCDS B, 16 (2011), 15–29.
[28] A. Ducrot, Travelling waves for a size and space structured model in population dynamics: Point to sustained oscillating solution connections, J. Diff. Eq. 250 (2011),
[29] A. Ducrot, P. Magal and S. Ruan, Projectors on the generalized eigenspaces for partial differential equations with delay, in ”Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems”, J.
Mallet-Paret, J. Wu, Y. Yi, and H. Zhu (eds.), Fields Institute Communications Vol.
64, 353-390.
[30] A. Ducrot, V. Guyonne and M. Langlais, Some remarks on the qualitative properties
of solutions to a predator-prey model posed on non coincident spatial domains, DCDS
S 1 (2011), 67–82.
[31] I. Demin, A. Ducrot and V. Volpert, spatial distribution of cell populations in the
process of erythropoiesis, IEJPAM, 01 (2010), 143–161.
[32] A. Ducrot, P. Magal and S. Ruan, Une introduction aux modèles de dynamique
de populations structurées en âges et aux problèmes de bifurcations, Gazette des
mathématiciens, 125 (2010), 27–40.
[33] A. Ducrot, P. Magal and S. Ruan, Travelling wave solutions for a multi-species age
infection structured epidemic model, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 195 (2010), 311–331.
[34] A. Ducrot, Z. Liu and P. Magal, Projectors on the generalized eigenspaces for neutral
functional differential equations in Lp spaces, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 62
(2010), 74–93.
[35] A. Ducrot, K. Prevost and P. Magal, Integrated semigroup and parabolic equation: Part
I, linear perturbation of almost sectorial operators, J. Evol. Eq. 10 (2010), 263–291.
[36] A. Bonneu, T. Fourcaud, A. Ducrot and M. Langlais, Proposition of a conceptual density
based model to describe fine root networks in tree root systems. Proc. of the Third
International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and
Applications, Li, B., Guo, Y., Jaeger, M. (Eds). Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society
(2010), 18–25.
[37] A. Ducrot, S.B. Sirima, B. Somé and P. Zongo, A mathematical model for malaria
involving differential susceptibility, exposedness and infectivity of human host, J. Biol.
Dyn. 3 (2009), 574–598.
[38] P. Auger and A. Ducrot, A model of fishery with fish stock involving delay equations,
Phi. Trans. Roy. Soc. A 367 (2009), 4907–4922.
[39] J. Chu, A. Ducrot, P. Magal and S. Ruan, Hopf bifurcation for a size structured population dynamics model with random growth, J. Diff. Eq. 247 (2009), 956–1000.
[40] M. Adimy, A. Ducrot and C. Kou, on the dynamics of an impulsive model of
hematopoiesis, MMNP 4 (2009), 68–91.
[41] N. Apreutesei, A. Ducrot and V. Volpert, Travelling Waves for Integro-differential Equations, DCDS B, 11 (2009), 541–561.
[42] A. Ducrot and P. Magal, Travelling wave solutions for an infection-age stuctured model
with diffusion, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edimburg. A 139 (2009), 459–482.
[43] J.B. Burie and A. Ducrot, Travelling waves solution for some models in phytopathology,
Nonlinear Analysis RWA 10 (2009), pp. 2307-2325.
[44] N. Apreutesei, A. Ducrot and V. Volpert, Competition of species with intra-specific
competition, Math. Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 3 (2008), 1–27.
[45] A. Ducrot, M. Marion and V. Volpert, Reaction-diffusion problems with non Fredholm
operators, Adv. Diff
[46] Equations, 13 (2008),A. Ducrot, M. Marion, V. Volpert. Reaction-diffusion waves (with
the Lewis number different from 1). Publibook, Paris (2008). 1151–1192.
[47] A. Ducrot and M. Langlais, Travelling waves in invasion processes with pathogens,
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 18, 325–349 (2008).
[48] A. Ducrot, Z. Liu and P. Magal, Essential growth rate for bounded linear perturbation
of non-densely defined Cauchy problems, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 341, 501–518 (2008).
[49] K. Allali, A. Ducrot, A. Taik and V. Volpert, Convective instability of reaction fronts
in porous media, Math. Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 2, 20–39 (2007).
[50] A. Ducrot and V. Volpert, On a model of leukemia development with a spatial cell
distribution, Math. Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 02 (2007), 101–120.
[51] A. Ducrot, Travelling wave solutions for a scalar age-structured equation, DCDS B, 7
(2007), 251–273.
[52] J.B. Burie, A. Calonnec and A. Ducrot, Singular perturbation analysis of travelling
waves for a model in phytopathology, Math. Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 01, 49–
63 (2006).
[53] A. Ducrot, Multi-dimensional combustion waves for Lewis number close to one, M2AS,
30 (2006), 291–304.
[54] A. Ducrot, M. Marion and V. Volpert, Reaction-diffusion-convection systems with non
Fredholm operators, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math, 27 (2006), 179–204.
[55] A. Ducrot, Structural Stability of Combustion Models with complex chemistry, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 16 (2006), 793–817.
[56] N. Bessonov, A. Ducrot and V. Volpert, Modelling of Leukemia development in the
bone marrow, Proc. of the annual Symposium on ”Mathematics applied in Biology and
Biophysics”, Tome XLVIII, vol.2 (2005), 79–88.
[57] S. Bidali, A. Ducrot, A. Mariani and M. Rustici, Self-ignition of Polymerization fronts
with convection : the “Rainstorm Effect”, e-Polymers, 44 (2005), 1–18.
[58] A. Ducrot, M. Marion and V. Volpert, Systèmes de Réaction-Diffusion sans Propriété
de Fredholm, CRAS, 340 (2005), 659–664.
[59] A. Ducrot and V. Volpert, Modelling of convective heat explosion, Journal of Technical
Physics, 46 (2005), 129–143.
[60] A. Ducrot and M. Marion, Two-dimensional travelling wave solutions of a system modeling near-equi-diffusional flames, Nonlinear Analysis, TMA, 61 (2005), 1105–1134.