Bulletin Forum UNESCO - Université et Patrimoine


Bulletin Forum UNESCO - Université et Patrimoine
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I.S.S.N. 1887-1666
Prix CICOP accordé à Forum UNESCO - Université et Patrimoine
Patrimoine archéologique
Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
Patrimoine bâti
Impacts du changement climatique sur le patrimoine culturel et naturel
Patrimoine Culturel
Paysages culturels
Routes et itinéraires culturels (routes, canaux, voies ferrées, fleuves, etc.)
Patrimoine documentaire, audiovisuel et numérique. Archives
Architecture de terre
Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
Généalogie et héraldique
Patrimoine géologique
Législation (nationale et internationale), conventions, chartes et déclarations
Villes et centres historiques. Paysages urbains historiques
Patrimoine scientifique, astronomique, technologique et industriel
Patrimoine immatériel
Langues et toponymie
Biodiversité marine et côtière
Patrimoine culturrl maritime et militaire/défensif
Patrimoine moderne et contemporain
Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Patrimoine naturel et environnement
Recherche en physique et chimie des matériaux
Restauration et conservation
Peinture et art rupestre
Tourisme : tourisme culturel et écotourisme
Patrimoine subaquatique. Archéologie subaquatique
Activités de la Directrice générale dans le domaine du patrimoine
Patrimoine vernaculaire
Patrimoine mondial
Autres versions: anglais - espagnol
Les auteurs sont responsables du choix et de la présentation des faits mentionnés dans cette publication, ainsi que des
opinions exprimées qui ne reflètent pas nécessairement celles de l’UNESCO et ne sauraient par conséquent engager
l’Organisation. Les désignations employées tout au long de cette publication, ainsi que la présentation des informations,
n’impliquent nullement l’expression d’une quelconque opinion de la part de l’UNESCO concernant le statut juridique de
tout pays, territoire, ville ou région, ou de leurs autorités, soit le tracé de leurs frontières.
Camino de Vera s/n
46022 Valencia, SPAIN
tel: (+34) 96 387 77 80
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5 avril 2011
Isabel Tort
Directeur du FUUP
Université Polytechnique de
Valencia (UPV) Espagne
Isabel Tort Ausina
Irene Fornes
John Michael Kirby
Jose Joaquín Lorente
Lupe Navarro
Mª Luz Campos
Marielle Richon
Montse Martínez
Jose Luis Montalvá
Manuel Jesús Ramírez
Concha de Soto
Universitat Politècnica de València
Prix CICOP accordé à Forum UNESCO
– Université et Patrimoine
Le 10 février 2011, le réseau international Forum UNESCO – Université et patrimoine a obtenu le Prix pour la communication et la diffusion du patrimoine culturel de la
Fondation du Centre international pour la conservation du patrimoine (CICOP).
Ce Prix, décerné par un jury international, a été accordé à FUUP pour sa contribution à la protection et à la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel, en promouvant des initiatives dans le domaine de la recherche, des projets pour le développement et l’innovation
culturelle, une mobilité sans précédent parmi les professeurs et les jeunes universitaires du monde entier, et en favorisant l’engagement et l’esprit de coopération consacré à
renforcer les liens internationaux autour de la connaissance du patrimoine culturel de
l’humanité. Depuis sa création par l’UNESCO en 1995, cette plateforme de dialogue et de
partage s’est fortement développée et compte aujourd’hui plus de 2.400 membres individuels provenant de 125 pays et de plus de 725 universités.
I.S.S.N. 1887 - 1666
Université Polytechnique de
Camino de Vera s/n. 46022
Valencia. Espagne
Tlf. 96 387 77 80
Fax. 96 387 77 89
Courriel: [email protected]
Isabel Tort recevant le prix à FUUP des mains de Mme.
Rita Barberá, Maire de Valence
Assistance à la cérémonie des Prix CICOP
Lettre d’information FUUP - http://universiteetpatrimoine.net
D. Rafael Miró
Secrétaire régional pour la culture de la
Generalitat Valencianaciana
Dra. Isabel Tort
Forum UNESCO - Université et Patrimoine
Universitat Politècnica de València
Dr. Jose Luis Montalvá
Forum UNESCO - Université et Patrimoine
Universitat Politècnica de València
La cérémoine de remise des Prix CICOP a eu lieu à l’Universitat Politècnica de València, Espagne,
dont le grand auditorium est devenu le point de rencontre des étudiants, professionnels, personnel universitaire, responsables de diverses institutions et autorités des communautés autonomes des Canaries et de Valence,
qui en ont dépassé la capacité d’accueil. Cela a été pour moi un honneur de recevoir ce prix du nom de FUUP
des mains de Mme Rita Barberá, Maire de Valencia, après l’elogie prononcé par M. Rafael Miró, Secrétaire de
la région autonome pour la Culture. Le Prix reconnaît le parcours professionnel de chacun des 2,400 membres
du réseau, ainsi que celui des institutions affiliées, et il est devenu également un hommage bien mérité à M.
José Luis Montalvá Conesa, qui a été le Directeur du programme FUUP à l’UPV depuis sa création jusqu’en
Voici le message de remerciement que j’ai prononcé devant tous les collègues et amis qui ont pu nous
accompagner au moment de la cérémoine de remise de ce prix, et que nous avons voulu partager aussi avec
tous les membres du Réseau à travers ce bulletin :
« C’est un grand honneur pour moi de recevoir le Prix que Forum UNESCO - Université et Patrimoine reçoit aujourd’hui. Tour d’abord voudrais remercier, la Fondation du Centre international pour la
conservation du patrimoine, qui a bien voulu reconnaître notre travail réalisé dans la communication et la
vulgaris du patrimoine mondial contribuant sans doute à sa sauvegarde. C’est également un plaisir pour moi
de transmettre mes remerciements à M. Rafael Miró, Secrétaire de la communauté autonome pour la Culture,
pour les beaux mots qu’il nous a adressés.
Ausi qu’il a été dit, Forum UNESCO - Université et Patrimoine a été créé par un protocole d’accord entre
l’Universitat Politècnica de València et l’UNESCO. C’est pourquoi, mes mots de remerciement s’adressent
aussi à M. Francesco Bandarin, Directeur du Centre du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO, et au personnel
technique qui conduit ce projet, et particulièrement à Mme Marielle Richon. Je voudrais aussi transmettre
l’expression de ma reconnaissance à M. le Recteur de cette Université, M. Juan Juliá Igual, pour envisager le
grand effort investi par l’UPV dans Forum UNESCO - université et patrimoine comme un objectif prioritaire,
pour son soutien constant, et pour m’avoir nommée Directrice de ce service, responsabilité que j’ai acceptée
dès le début avec un grand plaisir. Je voudrais aussi reconnaître la protection de tous les recteurs de l’UPV
pendant la période d’existence de Forum UNESCO - Université et Patrimoine : M. Javier Sanz et M. Justo
Nieto Nieto, ce dernier ayant été en plus l’un des promoteurs de ce projet.
Je reçois avec plaisir ce prix des mains de notre Maire, Mme Rita Barberá Nolla, que je remercie
d’être aujourd’hui parmi nous, ainsi que de nous avon donné son soutien en accompagnant la délégation de
Lettre d’information FUUP - http://universiteetpatrimoine.net
l’UPV au Siège de l’UNESCO à Paris, étant par conséquent présente au moment de la signature de l’accord
créant Forum UNESCO - université et patrimoine, en 1995. Cette signature a eu lieu en présence de M.
Federico Mayor Zaragoza, alors Directeur général de l’UNESCO je le remercie pour son soutien depuis ce
Pendant ces dernières années, nous avons également eu le soutien inconditionnel de la Commission
nationale espagnol pour l’UNESCO, représentée ici aujourd’hui par sa Secrétaire générale, Mme Consuelo
Vázquez, que je voudrais aussi remercier pour son travail formidable.
Les activités variées du réseau Forum UNESCO - université et patrimoine ont été rendues possibles
grâce au travail de ses plus de 2.400 membres de 125 nationalités différentes. Pour cette raison, je souhaiterais partager ce prix avec tous ces membres, et très particulièrement avec ceux de l’UPV, beaucoup d’euts
présents ici, et avec qui j’ai eu le plaisir de travailler de plus près. La gestion de toutes ces activités entraîne
un effort mené à bien par l’équipe que l’UPV consacre au projet avec une illusion enviable. C’est pourquoi, à
mon équipe, à Luz, Montse, Irene, Lupe, et JJ : merci. Mais en plus, nombreaux ont été les collègues de l’UPV
qui, tout au long du parcours de Forum UNESCO - Université et Patrimoine, ont travaillé par et pour le projet à l’occasion des 12 Séminaires internationaux passés, des nombreux projets, publications, et programmes
d’échanges. Ce prix leur appartient aussi.
Notre rôle dans la sauvegarde du patrimoine ne consiste pas juste à le conserver, mais aussi à le
rapprocher de la société, des communautés, si nous comprenons cette fonction comme celle de creer une
réalité un peu transformée, un peu plus belle, un peu plus développée. Parce que notre vie serait incomplète
sans ce contact avec la réalité, tout comme ces mots seraient incomplets, si je ne nommais pas la personne
qui a été à la tête de Forum UNESCO - université et patrimoine pendant plus de 14 ans : M. José Luis
Montalvá Conesa. Il y a déjà long temps, il m’a dit quelque chose dont je me suis souvent souvenne et qui m’a
aidée aux moments où rien ne va comme il faudrait. Il m’a dit que l’imperfection était le premier pas pour
atteindre l’excellence. Depuis lors, j’ai souvent pensé qu’il y a des moments dans le parcours professionnel
où, en pensant ce que l’on veut faire, le temps nous échappe. C’est pour cela qu’il s’avère plus important ce
qu’on a fait par rapport à ce qu’on voudrait avoirfait. Et l’un des avantages de la maturité est qu’on peut
avoir un panorama de ce qu’on a déjà fait. C’est pourquoi, et pour que tu puisses le voir de ton point de vue,
José Luis, nous te dédions ce Prix en reconnaissance de ton savoir faire. La portée et le potentiel du réseau
Forum UNESCO - université et patrimoine aujourd’hui ne seraient pas une réalité sans ton dévouement.
Nous ne pouvons pas solder cette dette en vers toi, mais nous pouvons te montrer tous nos remerciements,
c’est pourquoi je te demande de me rejoindre sur la scène »
Le Prix reçu reconnaît le travail déjà réalisé, mais il est à la fois un stimulant pour continuer à travailler
dorénavant. Pour cette raison, pour le Prix que nous avons reçu, je voudrais transmetre mes félicitations les
plus sincères à tous et à chacun des membres de FUUP, et leur transmettre mon enthousiasme pour que nous
continuions à conquérir dans l’avenir davantage de réalisations liées à la sauvegarde du Patrimoine Mondial
culturel et naturel.
València, mars 2011
Mme Isabel Tort Ausina. Directrice de FUUP
Universitat Politècnica de València (Espagne)
Lettre d’information FUUP - http://universiteetpatrimoine.net
Architecture de terre
Promoting the potential of the surrounding areas of Borobudur Temple Compounds - Indonesia
The Seminar and Exhibition on the Potential of the surrounding areas/villages of Borobudur Temple Compounds was
organized by PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan, and Ratu Boko on 10 March 2011 in Borobudur, Magelang,
Central Java.
More information: http://portal.unesco.org/geography/en/ev.phpURL_ID=13884&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
Lower Pecos Rock Art Recording and Preservation Project - Texas (USA)
In the latest installment of New Heritage, Conservation & Archaeology, learn about threatened rock art of the Lower Pecos
Canyonlands in southwest Texas and northern Mexico. Rock art recording experts from the Studying Human Use of
Materials, Land, and Art (SHUMLA) School describe the methodology for recording threatened rock art in this area of the
United States. Read about their recording techniques, including site assessment, data collection, processing, and analysis,
and how SHUMLA works to disseminate its research to both the scholarly community and general public.
More information: http://www.archaeological.org/news/hca/4471
Marine Archaeologists Find Whaling Ship from 1823 Wreck Northwest of Honolulu - HAWAI'I - USA
A fierce sperm whale sank the first whaling ship under George Pollard's command and inspired the classic American novel
"Moby-Dick". A mere two years later, a second whaler captained by Pollard struck a coral reef during a night storm and
sank in shallow water.
Marine archaeologists scouring remote atolls 600 miles northwest of Honolulu have found the wreck site of Pollard's second
vessel — the Two Brothers — which went down in 1823.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44913
Catholic Temples Built on Teocallis Give Account of Prehispanic Urban Planning Mexico city - Mexico
During the Conquest period between 1524 and 1529, Spaniards constructed 68 churches on
sacred Prehispanic buildings of Tenochtitlan and Tlatelolco. 20 of these structures raised to
develop the evangelization work among Mexica people, are still standing, while 5 are partially
on foot.
In Tlatelolco, those dedicated to San Francisco Mecamalinco, Santa Ana Atenantitch, Santa
Clara Acozac (Nuestra Señora de los Angeles), San Miguel Nonoalco and La Concepcion
Atenantitlan remain.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45155
Saint Louis Art Museum Files Federal Lawsuit to Keep a 3,200-Year-Old Mummy Mask - SAINT LOUIS MISSOURI - USA
The St. Louis Art Museum has filed a federal lawsuit to try to keep a 3,200-year-old mummy mask that Egypt wants
returned, claiming it was stolen nearly two decades ago.
The museum claims the U.S. government is trying to seize the 20-inch-long funeral mask of Ka-Nefer-Nefer and return it to
Egypt. But the museum says it has legal rights to the mask it purchased from a New York art dealer for $499,000 in 1998.
Egypt officials have claimed the mask was stolen in the early 1990s from a storage room near a pyramid.
The suit, filed in federal court in St. Louis on Tuesday, claims there is no proof the mask was stolen. It also claims that the
statute of limitations has expired for any seizure.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45044
Pirate Henry Morgan's Cannons Found in Panama?
Archaeologists say six cannons recovered from a river in Panama that could have belonged to legendary pirate Henry
Morgan are being studied and could eventually be displayed.
The group of Panamanian and foreign archaeologists say the cannons were found at the mouth of Panama's Chagres River,
the site where Morgan's flagship, the Satisfaction, wrecked in 1671 while carrying him and his pirates to raid Panama City.
The team said Monday that the size and shape of the pieces looks very similar to the characteristics of small iron guns of
the 17th century. The cannons were detected in 2008 and rescued in 2010. The archaeological survey was coordinated by
the Waitt Institute with collaboration with Panama's National Culture Institute.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45419
Hundreds of Egyptian College Students Rally at Iconic Pyramids for Return of Tourists - CAIRO - EGYPT
As hundreds of Egyptian college students rallied at the iconic pyramids of Giza Friday to promote tourism, camel guide
Salah Shabani stood to the side and looked on with sadness.
It's been two weeks since a popular uprising forced President Hosni Mubarak from power, but there has been no return of
the crowds of foreigners who come to gaze at the pyramids and get their picture on a camel.
"I used to make 600 Egyptian pounds ($102) a week, or more," said Shabani, 23, who has given visitors rides on his
camel, Oscar, since he was a teenager. "Now there is nothing. There are no tourists."
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45300
Libya's Roman Sites Unscathed During the Popular Unrest Against Leader Muammar Gaddafi - Libya
Libyans appear determined to safeguard their rich cultural heritage during the popular unrest against leader Muammar
Gaddafi, protecting it from the looting seen in neighboring Egypt's revolution just weeks ago.
Conquered by most of the civilizations that held sway over the Mediterranean, Libya's rich cultural heritage includes Leptis
Magna, a prominent coastal city of the Roman empire, whose ruins are some 130 km (80 miles) east of Tripoli.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45340
Spain's Police Publish Catalog of Stolen Art
Spanish police have published a catalog of high value stolen art and precious objects in the hope of reuniting them with
their rightful owners. Among items retrieved during raids are works by Pablo Picasso, sculpture, rare archaeological
objects, watches, coins and medals. Six Picasso pieces from 1933 entitled "Cardinal Sins" including "Envy" and "Avarice" —
each in a silver frame — feature alongside an Etruscan period bronze sculpture estimated by police to be 2,000 years old
and jewelry made of gold, diamonds and emeralds.
Other items include Roman coins bearing the garlanded head of Emperor Lucius Septimius Severus and a 17th century
tapestry depicting Battle of the Granicus, when Alexander the Great defeated the Persian Empire in 334 B.C.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45912
London's Natural History Museum: Earliest Human Skull-Cups Made in the UK
One of the human skull-cups made by ice age Britons 14,700 years ago unearthed from Gough's Cave. The process
required great skill and knowledge of anatomy. The 3 cups are made out of 14,700-year-old human skulls and were found
in Gough’s Cave in Cheddar Gorge, Somerset. They would have been used by ice age Britons and this is the first evidence
of human skull-cup manufacture in the UK.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45069
An Unknown Son of Pakal II of Palenque has Been Identified by Mexican Archaeologists - MEXICO
Parting from the reintegration of two fragments from the Northern Tableau of the Temple of the Sun Sanctuary, in
Palenque, a new lecture of the glyphic text was conducted in which the name of another son of Pakal II, unknown until
now, may have been mentioned.
Both sculptural fragments were recovered in 1993 by archaeologist Arnoldo Gonzalez, from the National Institute of
Anthropology and History (INAH) and were recently incorporated to the Northern Tableau at the Archaeological Site of
Palenque, in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44881
La Directrice générale demande aux forces militaires engagées en Libye d’épargner le
patrimoine culturel
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a demandé aujourd’hui à la Libye et à la
coalition d’Etats mettant en place une zone d’exclusion aérienne au-dessus du pays de
respecter la Convention pour la protection des biens culturels en cas de conflit armé (La Haye,
1954) et ses deux protocoles (1954 et 1999) et de faire en sorte que les sites culturels ne
soient pas visés par les opérations militaires.
Sur les dix Etats composant la coalition impliquée dans la mise en œuvre de la résolution 1973
du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies (Belgique, Canada, Danemark, Emirats arabes unis, Espagne, Etats-Unis
d’Amérique, France, Italie, Qatar et Royaume-Uni), huit sont parties à la Convention (Belgique, Canada, Danemark,
Espagne, Etats-Unis d’Amérique, France, Italie, Qatar).
Más información: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
Bill Introduced To Create Chimney Rock National Monument. Near Pagosa Springs,
Colorado (USA)
More than 1,000 years ago, archaeologists believe, ancient Pueblo Indians gathered six million
stones to build a Great House at the base of Chimney Rock, a mesa site dominated by twin spires
of stone located 17 miles from Pagosa Springs, Colo. Today that site is part of U.S. Forest Service
land, virtually unprotected and under-funded, unlike many similar Ancestral Puebloan places.
More information: http://www.preservationnation.org/magazine/2011/story-of-the-day/billchimney-rock.html
Piece of silk cloth from the 2nd century AD discovered in Sri Lanka
The Archeological Department of Sri Lanka announced the discovery of a piece of silk cloth belonged to the second century
AD. The piece of silk cloth was excavated from an ancient Buddhist pagoda, Kotavehera Stupa at Daliwala in Rambukkana
of Kegalle district.
Tests conducted by an Australian archeological expert has proven that the piece of cloth belonged to the second century,
said the Archeological Commissioner General Dr. Senarath Dissanayake.
More information: http://www.colombopage.com/archive_11/Mar14_1300117391KA.php
Brazilian slave port ruins unearthed in Rios Olympic facelift - Porto Valongo, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Archaeologists find remains of port where hundreds of thousands of Africans were sold to plantation owners.
It was one of the busiest slave ports in the Americas, a filthy, bustling harbour where hundreds of thousands of Africans
were sold into a life of exploitation and abuse.
Famished, exhausted and with their heads half-shaved, the slaves were herded off ships, groomed in "fattening houses"
and dispatched to sugar and coffee plantations across Brazil.
More information: http://www.archaeologydaily.com/news/201103056223/Brazilian-slave-port-ruins-unearthed-in-RiosOlympic-facelift.html
IS ATLANTIS REAL? - National Geographic
Plato was the first to write about an island paradise populated by an advanced civilization, but did Atlantis really exist?
Explore the evidence with a geologist in Greece, an anthropologist in Mexico and an investigative mythologist in Egypt.
More information: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/series/is-it-real/2699/Overview
More antiquities revealed by Thessaloniki metro. Thessaloniki (Greece)
A 4th-century A.D. chapel that may be the oldest Christian place of worship in Thessaloniki was discovered by
archaeologists beneath an early Christian basilica, itself unearthed during construction of the Sintrivani metro station in the
northern port city.
Among the highlights of the find is a mosaic floor uncovered when structures of the later basilica were removed. This was
showed a white field with a clematis theme, dominated by a phoenix with a halo and 13 rays in the centre. On either side
are a number of birds, of which seven still survive, two of the right and five on the left.
More information: http://www.ana-mpa.gr/anaweb/user/showplain?maindoc=9699879
Ancient treasures threatened by climate change
The University of Edinburgh Business School - News Release
Archaeological treasures that have been frozen for millennia are being destroyed because of climate change, research
suggests. Remains in some of the coldest places on earth are being exposed as warmer temperatures cause ice and
hardened ground to thaw. The fragile materials at risk include ancient tombs, artefacts and human remains. They are often
culturally significant, especially for indigenous populations. Scientists at the University of Edinburgh’s Business School
studied cases of damaged remains in three locations around the world – at permafrost in the Altai Mountains in central
Asia, sea ice in Alaska and glaciers in the Rocky Mountains.
More information: http://www.business-school.ed.ac.uk/waf/news-ng/get_file.php?asset_file_id=158
Revolutionary War Era Fishkill Supply Depot Threatened. Fishkill, New York State (USA)
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1974, New York’s Revolutionary War-era Fishkill Supply Depot historic
archaeological district represents one of the least understood threatened cultural landscapes in the nation.
More information: http://tclf.org/landslides/fishkill-supply-depot-threatened
Launch of Global Heritage Network (GHN) on 15 March 2011
Early Warning and Threat Monitoring System for Cultural Heritage Sites in the Developing World
Major archaeological and cultural heritage sites are being damaged and destroyed at an alarming
rate around the globe, perhaps nowhere as quickly as in developing countries and regions with
limited financial resources or expertise available.
To address this crisis, GHF has established Global Heritage Network (GHN) to:
Act as an early warning and threats monitoring system for endangered archaeological and cultural heritage sites in
developing countries.
Enable the collaboration of experts and conservation leaders to mitigate the threats.
Facilitate a holistic, Preservation by Design® process of planning, science, community and partnerships to preserve
these sites.
More information: http://www.globalheritagefund.org/
UNESCO mobilizes experts and civil society partners to safeguard heritage in Tunisia,
Egypt and Arab Libyan Jamahiriya
UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova has called for the mobilization of all of the
Organization’s partners to ensure the safeguarding of cultural heritage in Tunisia, Egypt and
Libya. The Director-General’s call for action was made at an emergency meeting of expert
groups and individuals working in this domain, which was held at UNESCO’s Paris Headquarters
on the evening of 15 March.
More information: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/media-services/single-view/news/
(en anglais) Field Station Coordinator at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Urbana, Illinois (USA)
Deadline for application: 29 April 2011
The Illinois State Archaeological Survey (ISAS), a Division of the Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability, University of
Illinois at Urbana Champaign, is seeking a Field Station Coordinator at its American Bottom Field Station located in Wood
River, Illinois. This individual will have overall responsibility for managing the field station’s administrative, field, laboratory,
and analytical archaeological activities. The ABFS conducts archaeological activities throughout southwestern Illinois and is
currently conducting the multi-year mitigation excavations at the East St. Louis Metro site as part of the New Mississippi
River Bridge Project. The Field Station Coordinator is the point of contact between the Field Station and the Director.
Manages and organizes all Field Station activities, facilities, and vehicles and is administratively and professionally
responsible for implementing program priorities and setting goals, objectives, and expectations.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/4577
(en anglais) Paid Summer Research Internship in Historical Archaeology - Lynchburg, Virginia (USA) 5 June to
8 July 2011. Deadline for application: 22 April 2011
The Department of Archaeology and Landscapes at Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest is offering one funded research
position for June 5 through July 8 with the potential for an additional five weeks of funding. This internship is intended for
early-phase graduate students and advanced undergraduates who have previous field training and are looking for more
experience conducting fieldwork and supervising field school students in a research-oriented setting.
Poplar Forest is the former retreat home and working plantation of Thomas Jefferson, and is located in the foothills of the
Blue Ridge Mountains near Lynchburg, Virginia. Over the past twenty-five years, archaeologists have uncovered evidence of
Jefferson’s time on the property and the lives of the enslaved laborers who lived and worked on the plantation during the
eighteenth- and nineteenth-centuries.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/4553
(en anglais) Research Archaeologist at the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign, Illinois (USA)
Deadline for application: 22 April 2011
The Illinois State Archaeological Survey (ISAS), a Division of the Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability, University of
Illinois at Urbana Champaign, is seeking two Research Archaeologist Site Supervisors at its American Bottom Field Station
located in Wood River, Illinois. These individuals will assist the Field Director in carrying out multi-year mitigation
excavations at the East St. Louis Metro site as part of the New Mississippi River Bridge Project. Position responsibilities
include archaeological and administrative supervision of field crews (40 to 80 individuals), conducting and supervising
laboratory analysis, and preparing archaeological reports meeting state and federal standards. Other responsibilities may
include conducting Phase I-III archaeological investigations for transportation projects across southwestern Illinois.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/4522
(en anglais) Visiting Assistant Professor at Florida State University - Deadline for application: 4 April 2011
The Department of Classics at the Florida State University announces a Visiting Assistant-In position in the field of Roman
archaeology. This is a definite nine-month post that will begin in August 2011. Ph.D. must be in hand by July 1, 2011 (this
is not negotiable).
The successful candidate will teach three courses per semester at both the undergraduate and graduate level; at least one
of the courses will be a large undergraduate course with broad appeal to non-majors. The candidate will also advise
graduate students in Roman archaeology at both the M.A. and Ph.D. level. Salary is $32,000; benefits are included.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/4576
(en anglais) Visiting Assistant Professor in Classical Archaeology and Art at Brown University - Providence
(USA) Deadline for application: 15 April 2011
The Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World at Brown University invites applications for a visiting
assistant professor position in the field of Classical archaeology and art, with a preference for candidates with research
interests in Classical, Hellenistic or Roman art and architecture. Scholars with museum experience and/or active fieldwork
projects are of particular interest. Teaching will be at both the undergraduate and graduate levels; interdisciplinary
offerings are desirable.
Candidates must be engaged with a promising and developing research program; the Ph.D. must be in hand by July 2011.
Excellence in undergraduate and graduate teaching is essential. The successful candidate will also be expected to take a full
part in the academic life and to contribute to the ongoing development of the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the
Ancient World. This will be a one-year position, beginning on July 1, 2011.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/4581
(en anglais) Was Atlantis in Doñana? - National Geographic
Plato was the first to write about an island paradise populated by an advanced
civilization, but did Atlantis really exist? Explore the evidence with a geologist in Greece,
an anthropologist in Mexico and an investigative mythologist in Egypt.
Plus information en anglais : http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/series/is-itreal/2699/Overview
Atelier des Arkéonautes - Fonds documentaire des Archives audio-visuelles de la recherche (AAR) - France
Le site « Atelier des Arkéonautes - ADA » est produit et développé dans le cadre du projet ANR intitulé Atelier de
Sémiotique Audiovisuelle en Sciences Humaines et Sociales (ASA-SHS). De nombreuses heures de vidéos sélectionnées
parmi le fonds documentaire du site portail des Archives audiovisuelles de la Recherche (AAR) et d'autres, à venir,
alimentent l'atelier ADA. Décrit, enrichi, indexé selon l'organisation cognitive, rhétorique et sémiotique du contenu de
chaque document audiovisuel, ce patrimoine sera traité de façon à l' adapter à différents usages : scientifique,
pédagogique, journalistique, etc.
Plus information : http://semioweb.msh-paris.fr/corpus/ADA/FR/Default.asp
Climat : le réchauffement global menace certains sites archéologiques
Selon une équipe d’universitaires britanniques, qui a évalué trois sites archéologiques situés dans des régions froides du
globe, les effets du réchauffement climatique pourraient dégrader de nombreux vestiges historiques, dont des restes
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/rchauffement-climatique/climat-le-rechauffement-global-menace-certainssites-archeologiques_art13165.html
(en anglais) Conservation of archaeological remains in
Lumbini begins with support from UNESCO and the
Government of Japan - Lumbini (Nepal)
An international team of experts is currently in Lumbini to prepare
for the conservation of archeological remains at the birthplace of
Lord Buddha, a world-renowned Buddhist pilgrimage destination and
a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1997.
The team, led by Italian conservator Costantino Meucci, will prepare
a conservation campaign for the Marker Stone, the Nativity Sculpture and the Ashoka Pillar, which is scheduled to start
later this year.
Earlier this year, an international team of archaeologists lead by Robin Coningham, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Professor of
Archaeology at Durham University, UK, began a three-year survey of the archeological vestiges in Lumbini.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/new/en/kathmandu/about-this-office/single-view/news/
(en anglais) Article: A Culture Written in Stone and Soil - French Polynesia - France
Archaeologists and farmers tell the gritty story of French Polynesia
Walking up the sweltering, steep slopes of Mo‘orea’s gray volcanic peaks, the lumbering banyan
trees, bursts of pink blooms, and iconic views of the South Pacific can mesmerize. But if you
stop to catch your breath and glance down, a whole new set of wonders reveals itself at your
feet. There, at ankle level, meticulously stacked, moss-shrouded stone blocks outline an ancient
way of life on the forest floor.
These are the marae of Mo‘orea, and while now weathered and overgrown, they once were
temples—sometimes covering 4,000 square feet (370 square meters)—where the island’s original settlers, the Maohi, came
to pray to gods, pay respect to chiefs, and meet on tribal matters.
Plus information en anglais : http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/02/110223-biodiversity-cultural-traditionmoorea-archaeology-marae/
(en anglais) Letter from Iraq: The Ziggurat Endures - An American soldier reflects
on his experience at the ancient city of Ur (Iraq)
The city of Ur, once the largest in the world and the crown jewel of one of humanity's first
civilizations, sits in a wasteland at the edge of a war zone. In late spring, the temperature
easily hits 120 degrees as the blazing sun reflects off endless sand flats and yellow Sumerian
brick. A 45-minute walk around the site is exhausting even for a very fit person. The ruins,
which were inhabited from roughly 3000 to 300 B.C., consist mostly of brick walls, some of
which are partially restored, revealing the outlines of monumental complexes such as
shrines, storehouses, and elite residences. The ruins are now abandoned, save for a solitary shopkeeper who sits in a
ramshackle hut marked "Shop Ziggurat," where he sells trinkets and Mesopotamian-themed souvenirs.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeology.org/1103/letter/american_soldier_ur_iraq.html
(en anglais) Conservation and Display of Archaeological Sites and Artefacts - on-line survey - Australia and
New Zealand
The Donald Horne Institute for Cultural Heritage at the University of Canberra is undertaking research on the conservation
and display of colonial (historical) archaeological sites in Australia and New Zealand. If you have visited any archaeological
sites/displays in Australia or New Zealand please take a few minutes to complete the on line survey.
The survey should take about 10 minutes and is completely anonymous. Information gathered from the survey will be
published and made available to heritage agencies and we hope will contribute to improved interpretation and management
of archaeological sites.
If you need any further information please email Tracy Ireland: [email protected]
Thanks very much for participating in and contributing to our research!
Plus information en anglais : http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/3TCPPWV
(en anglais) Finding Atlantis, Featuring Professor Richard Freund, University of
Hartford - Connecticut - USA
The Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies will host an advance screening of the new National
Geographic Channel documentary, Finding Atlantis, on Wednesday, March 9, at 7 p.m., in Wilde
The documentary, which will be broadcast nationally on Sunday, March 13, at 9 p.m., on the
National Geographic Channel, follows a team of experts, led by Greenberg Center Director and
archaeologist Richard Freund, as they use satellite photography, ground-penetrating radar and
underwater technology to look for proof of the fabled lost city of Atlantis.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.hartford.edu/daily/Articles.asp?MainID=10082&Category=1
(en anglais) Study: Early Europeans unwarmed by fire
The logical argument that ancient human ancestors had to have mastered fire before
departing balmy Africa for the often freezing climes of Europe is being challenged by a review
revealing that there is no evidence to support the idea.
Exactly when fire became a tool in the hominin toolbox is a thorny issue. Unlike stone tools,
which hold together reasonably well over the course of time and can be dated as having been
in hominin hands for at least 2.6 million years, the ash and charcoal that are often the only
remains from ancient fires are rare in the fossil record as they are easily destroyed by the
Yet because fire makes food so much more energy efficient to consume and has such a key role in providing warmth, most
anthropologists have agreed that hominins had to have mastered fire before they headed into Europe. "We assumed fire
had to be an element of the human toolkit to survive northern-latitude winters," says archaeologist, Francesco d'Errico at
the University of Bordeaux in France. As logical as the argument seems, the review, published today in Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences, suggests that it is wrong.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.nature.com/news/2011/110314/full/news.2011.158.html
(en anglais) Vietnam designates a national park for Man and Biosphere status - Ba Be - Bac Kan
Province - Vietnam
Located in the Bac Kan Province, Ba Be (10,048 ha; 22°24'N 105°36'E) is a National Park and an ASEAN
Heritage Park. The Man and Biosphere Committee of Viet Nam is currently supporting the designation of Ba
Be as a Biosphere Reserve. As summarised by Marian Gwilliam, Regional Assistant Advisor for AsiaOceania, Ba Be National Park supports the only significant natural mountain lake in Viet Nam and is the
most important wetland in the country’s protected area system because it is the only site that has a
natural lake surrounded by a mountainous karst ecosystem.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsar-news-rs-vietnam/main/ramsar/1-26%
Lancement du Prix Clio 2011 pour la recherche archéologique à l'étranger - Date limite de condidature : 30
avril 2011
Pour la quatorzième année, Clio décernera quatre prix destinés à encourager et soutenir la recherche archéologique
francophone à l’étranger
Leurs lauréats sont choisis par un jury indépendant présidé par Monsieur le professeur Jean-Louis Huot, assisté de Madame
le professeur Françoise Dunand et de Messieurs les professeurs Jean Guilaine, Pierre Chuvin et Olivier Picard, à partir des
dossiers que nous auront fait parvenir les candidats. Les équipes archéologiques qui désirent concourir devront nous
adresser leur dossier de candidature avant le 30 avril 2011.
Plus information : http://www.clio.fr/WM_SITECLIO/nouvellesdeclio/articles/lancement_du_prix_clio_2011
Les lauréats du prix Clio 2010 - Prix spécial du jury : Philippe Brissaud Pour Tanis, une
capitale illustre (Egypte)
Le site de Sân el Hagar où se dressait l'ancienne Tanis, est à coup sûr l'un des plus remarquables
qu'ont eu à fouiller les générations d'archéologues qui se sont penchés sur l'Histoire de l'ancienne
C'est là que le Français Pierre Montet réalisa l'exceptionnelle découverte de six tombeaux royaux
dont plusieurs étaient demeurés inviolés pendant trois millénaires. Ils appartenaient à des
souverains des XXIe et XXIIe dynasties, contemporaines du premier quart du premier millénaire
avant J-C, ce qui correspondait selon le découpage traditionnel de l'Histoire ancienne de l'Egypte à la troisième période
intermédiaire, celle que l'on situe entre le Nouvel Empire et la Basse Epoque. Bijoux, vases et masques d'or ou d'argent ont
suscité l'admiration du public et comptent encore aujourd'hui parmi les principaux trésors du célèbre Musée archéologique
du Caire. Ils sont contemporains d'une époque troublée, marquée par la division du pays entre un royaume établi au nord
et un autre au sud.
Plus information : http://www.clio.fr/WM_SITECLIO/nouvellesdeclio/articles/les_laureats_du_prix_clio_2010.asp
(en anglais) Heritage Conservation Professional (Built Heritage) - Godden Mackay Logan. Sydney, Western
Australia (Australia) Deadline: 1 April 2011
Heritage consulting firm Godden Mackay Logan (GML) is seeking a Research Assistant to join our built heritage team.
GML provides high level heritage advice on a diverse range of projects for both private and public clients. Our multidisciplinary in-house team has expertise in built heritage, conservation planning, archaeology, indigenous heritage and
interpretation, as well as in due diligence and Land and Environment Court matters. GML is the heritage consultant of
choice for many of Australia’s most important government and private organizations engaged with the management and
development of heritage assets. Our unique position within the industry means that GML consulting staff have the
opportunity to work on some of the most interesting heritage conservation projects across Australia. We are also
increasingly engaged in international conservation projects.
Plus information en anglais : http://australia.icomos.org/e-news/australia-icomos-e-mail-news-no-477/#11.
Des experts esquissent des plans pour la préservation du site des Bouddhas à Bamiyan
Des officiels afghans et des experts internationaux ont ébauché des plans pour la future sauvegarde du paysage culturel et
des vestiges archéologiques de la vallée de Bamiyan (Afghanistan) au cours de deux réunions qui se sont tenues à
l’UNESCO, à Paris, du 2 au 4 mars. Ces réunions marquaient le 10ème anniversaire de la tragique destruction des
Bouddhas géants de Bamiyan.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
Les autorités cambodgiennes et thaïlandaises vont se rencontrer le 25 mai à l’UNESCO pour discuter de Preah
Des autorités cambodgiennes et thaïlandaises vont se rencontrer le 25 mai au siège de l’UNESCO, à Paris, afin d’envisager
des moyens de sauvegarder le temple de Preah Vihear.
Cette décision fait suite à une mission à Bangkok et Phnom Penh de l’Envoyé spécial de l’UNESCO pour Preah Vihear,
Koichiro Matsuura. Durant cette mission, l’Envoyé spécial a rencontré les Premiers ministres des deux pays, ainsi que
d’autres officiels, pour discuter de la situation de ce temple du XIe siècle.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
Dix ans après – Commémoration de la tragique destruction des Bouddhas géants de
Bamiyan (Afghanistan)
L'UNESCO va commémorer le 10ème anniversaire de la tragique destruction des Bouddhas
géants de Bamiyan avec un forum et une réunion d'experts qui examineront à Paris pendant
deux jours les moyens de préserver et de présenter au public le paysage culturel et les
vestiges archéologiques de la vallée de Bamiyan.
En amont de ce 10ème anniversaire, la Directrice générale de l'UNESCO, Irina Bokova, - qui
ouvrira les commémorations - a exhorté la communauté internationale à protéger le
patrimoine de l'humanité contre les dommages ou destructions, les troubles, l'appropriation politique et le vol :
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/actualites/718/
40 ans de lutte contre le trafic illicite de bien culturels – Bilan et perspectives de la
Convention de 1970
Le problème aigu des fouilles illicites d’archéologie et du trafic d’œuvres religieuses, l’explosion du
marché de l’art dans le monde, la criminalité liée à la circulation des biens culturels et au
financement d’activités terroristes suscitent une attention médiatique et politique considérables et
placent la Convention de 1970 au cœur de la problématique. L’UNESCO fait le point de la question
avec des personnalités et experts de renommée internationale et ses partenaires traditionnels.
Plus information : http://portal.unesco.org/culture/fr/ev.phpURL_ID=41566&URL_DO=DO_PRINTPAGE&URL_SECTION=201.html
(en anglais) Important Message from the Site Preservation Program
At Umm el-Jimal, an AIA Site Preservation Grant is ensuring that Jordanian children learn about their rich cultural heritage.
The AIA Site Preservation Program supports nine projects around the world, identifies and promotes the best preservation
practices, and advocates for the protection of sites. Next week we will decide on a tenth project. Dozens of applications
have come in from countries all over the world, including Greece, Honduras, Kenya, Mexico, Nevis, Peru, Turkey, Uganda,
and the United States. Your generous support of the Site Preservation Program will allow us to fund more projects and
protect more sites from the destructive impacts of war, irresponsible development, looting, and erosion.
Plus information en anglais : http://archaeological.org/news/currentprojects/1944
(en anglais) Renaissance Defences Rediscovered in Scotland - Scotland - United Kingdom
Archaeologists have discovered fragmentary remains of Stirling Castle’s once-mighty 16th-century outer defences.
Mary of Guise, widow of James V, is believed to have brought in European experts to apply the very latest Italian military
engineering techniques at the castle in the 1540s.
Intermittent warfare with England, battling against Henry VIII, made it essential to have specially-designed fortifications to
protect against the increasingly-sophisticated heavy artillery that could be used in a siege.
Work to extend the castle’s main shop and ticket office have now revealed a section of walling which archaeologists identify
as the remains of these walls.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.historic-scotland.gov.uk/news_article.htm?articleid=30764
Ain Ghazal Interpretation Park / Rasem Kamal - 2009 - Amman - Jordan
Ain Ghazal Interpretation Park is bridge to history that may never be built but its award-winning
design makes a statement about heritage, community and Jordanian architecture.
How to make a new beginning in East Amman? Ain Ghazal is a strategic location that has so far
kept East of Amman intact, an expansion zone that enables the city – even the country – to
modernize itself constantly, to make the tactical adjustments necessary boundaries and nodes
had to be identified. It is a theatre of progress that cradles diverse elements and most
importantly archeological ruins which belongs to 7250BC.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/121137/ain-ghazal-interpretation-park-rasem-kamal/
Archaeologists Discover Saber-Toothed Vegetarian that Lived 260 Million Years Ago
Surprised scientists have discovered the remains of a saber-toothed vegetarian. The leafcrunching animal — about the size of a large dog — lived 260 million years ago in what is
now Brazil, researchers report in Friday's edition of the journal Science. Its upper canine
teeth were nearly 5 inches long.
Such large teeth are more often the mark of a meat-eating animal, used to capture and kill
The enormous canines were likely used by the plant-eating animals to fight each other or
protect against predators, said research leader Juan Carlos Cisneros of the University of Piaui in northeastern Brazil.
For example, they might have fought for territory, resources or females, like the modern musk deer, which also have a pair
of large, tusklike teeth, he said via email.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45998
Discovery of Ancient Stone Tools in Texas Suggests Earlier Settlers in North America
The discovery of ancient stone tools at an archaeological dig in Texas could push back the presence of humans in North
America, perhaps by as much as 2,500 years.
Thousands of artifacts dating to between 13,200 and 15,500 years ago were uncovered by researchers led by Michael R.
Waters of Texas A&M University. They report the discovery in Friday's edition of the journal Science.
The find was located 5 feet below materials left by the well-known Clovis culture, which was once thought to have been the
first American settlers around 13,000 years ago.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45999
INAH's Exhibition (National Institute of Anthropology and History) "Teotihuacan City of Gods" has Been
Visited by 350,000 Europeans
The greatest exhibition ever mounted regarding Teotihuacan continues being popular in Europe: more than 350,000
persons have admired it in museums of France, Switzerland, Germany and Italy, and in March 2011 it will continue visiting
the Spanish cities of Barcelona and Madrid.
Teotihuacan. Ciudad de los Dioses, (Teotihuacan. City of Gods) is integrated by nearly 450 items gathered throughout 100
years of explorations at the Prehispanic site, and is currently open at the Palace of Exhibitions in Rome, until late February
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44919
Archaeologists from INAH (National Institute of Anthropology and History) Conduct
Research at Hoyo Negro Flooded Cave in Quintana Roo - Mexico city - Mexico
The finding of a human skull and bones of Prehistoric mega fauna, among them a
gomphothere, in a flooded cave at the Peninsula of Yucatan, motivated the implementation
of the interdisciplinary research project coordinated by the National Institute of Anthropology
and History (INAH) to continue exploration at the site and the study of these archaeological
vestiges that could be more than 10,000 years old.
Archaeologist Pilar Luna Erreguerena, subdirector of INAH Underwater Archaeology, informed that after the ancient remains
were discovered by 3 specialized speleodivers, a specific project will be formulated for the site known as Hoyo Negro, part
of the Aktun-Ha flooded caves system in Quintana Roo.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45564
Study : Victorian Smokers had Rotten Teeth to Match Lungs - Museum of London - London UK
Smoking was as bad for the Victorians as it is for anyone today, but back in those days it seems it did far more damage to
their teeth. In the mid-19th century, prior to the invention of the cigarette, when tobacco was copiously consumed through
clay pipes, smoking often resulted in nasty dental disfigurement.
A Museum of London study of skeletal remains excavated from a Victorian cemetery in Whitechapel, east London, found
most people had "notches" in at least two, and often four, front teeth made through the habitual holding of pipe stems.
Osteological analysis of 268 adults buried between 1843 and 1854 found that some disfigurement had occurred in 92
percent of adults exhumed, while wear associated with habitual use of pipes was evident in 23 percent.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45602
Stone Tool Troves Point to Highland Neanderthals - Greece
High in the wind-swept mountain ridges of northern Greece, archaeologists have made a surprising discovery: hundreds of
prehistoric stone tools that may have been used by some of the last Neanderthals in Europe, at a time when huntergatherers were thought to have kept to much lower altitudes.
The two sites used between 50,000 to 35,000 years ago were found last summer in the Pindos Mountains, near the village
of Samarina — one of Greece's highest — some 400 kilometers (250 miles) northwest of Athens.
At an altitude of more than 1,700 meters (5,500 feet), the Pindos Neanderthal sites are the highest known so far in
southeastern Europe, although that's probably because nobody thought of searching so high before, archaeologist Nikos
Efstratiou said Wednesday.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45601
First Dinosaur Fossil, a Long-Necked, Plant-Eating Sauropod, Discovered in Angola
Scientists say they have discovered the first fossil of a dinosaur in Angola, and that it's a new
creature, heralding a research renaissance in a country slowly emerging from decades of war.
A paper published Wednesday in the Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences describes a
long-necked, plant-eating sauropod, among the largest creatures ever to have walked the
earth. The international team that found and identified the fossilized forelimb bone say it is
from a previously unknown dinosaur, citing unique skeletal characteristics.
The fossil was found along with fish and shark teeth in what would have been a sea bed 90
million years ago, leading its discoverers to believe the dinosaur might have been washed into the sea and torn apart by
ancient sharks.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45784
Study of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) Says Use of Fire Relatively Recent in Europe
A new study is raising questions about when ancient human ancestors in Europe learned to control fire, one of the most
important steps on the long path to civilization.
A review of 141 archaeological sites across Europe shows habitual use of fire beginning between 300,000 and 400,000
years ago, according to a paper in Tuesday's edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Most archeologists agree that the use of fire is tied to colonization outside Africa, especially in Europe where temperatures
fall below freezing, wrote Wil Roebroeks of Leiden University in the Netherlands and Paola Villa of the University of
Yet, while there is evidence of early humans living in Europe as much as a million years ago, the researchers found no clear
traces of regular use of fire before about 400,000 years ago.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45731
The Art Fund Saves for the United Kingdom Two Treasure Hoards on the Same Day
The Art Fund announced that both the Frome Hoard of Roman coins and the Iron Age Hoard of Gold Torcs, or neck
ornaments, uncovered near Stirling in Scotland have been secured for the UK public with significant assistance from the Art
Fund and the National Heritage Memorial Fund.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45904
China and University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology Resolve Dispute Over Exhibit - Philadelphia Pennsylvania - USA
A Philadelphia museum said Friday that its exhibit on the Silk Road, including a pair of ancient mummies, will go on after it
resolved a dispute with the Chinese government that led to a pared-down event with fake mummies and life-sized photos
of the artifacts.
The exhibit will reopen Feb. 18 with a full complement of mummies and more ancient artifacts from the Tarim Basin in the
autonomous Xinjiang Uyghur region of China, the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology said.
More information: http://www.artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=11&int_new=44929&int_modo=1
(en anglais) Call for Expression Of Interest - Archaeological significance consultancy project - Australian
Museum - Sydney - New South Wales - Australia. Deadline for application 18 March 2011
The Australian Museum is seeking to engage an experienced archaeologist or cultural heritage practitioner to provide
advice on significance assessment criteria for archaeological collections. These will ultimately form part of a set of
guidelines, now under development by the Museum, concerning the lodgement of Indigenous archaeological materials
collected or excavated under the auspices of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974. The consultant will be expected
to engage with a wide range of relevant stakeholders in formulating a set of recommendations.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.australianmuseum.net.au/Archaeological-significance-consultancy/
(en anglais) Technical Officer, Archaeology - Australian Museum - Sydney - New South Wales - Australia.
Deadline for application 11 March 2011
This position is responsible for general collection management duties associated with the Australian Museum’s Indigenous
Australian archaeological collections.
The work will include curation and maintenance of the Australian Indigenous archaeology collections, including data basing
collections; preparing loans; consultation with relevant community groups; pest monitoring; providing access to the
collection for both Museum staff and external stakeholders; conducting tours of the collections; and contributing to a range
of public programs.
Plus information en anglais : http://australianmuseum.net.au/positions/Technical-Officer-Archaeology
(en anglais) Senior Built Heritage Specialist (Architectural Background), Godden Mackay Logan - Sydney Victoria - Australia - Deadline for application 25 March 2011
Heritage consulting firm Godden Mackay Logan (GML) is seeking a senior built heritage specialist to join our team.
GML provides high level heritage advice on a diverse range of projects for both private and public clients. Our multidisciplinary in-house team has expertise in built heritage, conservation planning, archaeology, indigenous heritage and
interpretation, as well as in due diligence and Land and Environment Court matters. GML is the heritage consultant of
choice for many of Australia’s most important government and private organizations engaged with the management and
development of heritage assets. Our unique position within the industry means that GML consulting staff have the
opportunity to work on some of the most interesting heritage conservation projects across Australia. We are also
increasingly engaged in international conservation projects.
Plus information en anglais : http://australia.icomos.org/e-news/australia-icomos-e-mail-news-no-476/#10.
(en anglais) Archaeologist at Louis Berger Group - Marion, Iowa (USA)
The Louis Berger Group, Inc. is seeking applications for an Archaeologist in our Iowa Office. We are looking for a dedicated,
self-motivated individual to pursue quality archaeological research in a cultural resource management context. The
successful applicant will be responsible for designing and implementing archaeological surveys, site evaluations, and site
mitigation projects, supervising field crews, and preparing work proposals and technical reports.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/4470
(en anglais) Staff Archaeologist at Cultural Resource Analysts Inc. - Knoxville, Tennessy (USA)
Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc. is seeking qualified candidates at the Staff Archaeologist level to join our expanding office
in Knoxville, TN. The ideal candidate will have a M.A. in anthropology with a specialization in historical archaeology.
Candidate must have at least three years of cultural resource contracting experience at the field director level and meet the
Secretary of the Interior Standards (36 CFR 61) in archaeology. Other qualifications include excellent writing and verbal
communication skills, strong organizational skills, and technological proficiency that includes some experience working with
databases. A working knowledge of relevant historic preservation legislation and regulations is essential. Applicant will be a
Registered Professional Archaeologist (RPA) or will qualified to submit for registration.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/4144
(en anglais) Lecturer in Ancient Mediterranean Studies in La Trobe University - Melbourne - Victoria - Australia
- Deadline for application 1 May 2011
Full-time, continuing dual position in the Trendall Research Centre for Ancient Mediterranean Studies and the Research
Centre for Greek Studies.
La Trobe University is an internationally recognised leader in tertiary education and training, with strong research and
teaching programs and student exchange networks across more than 40 countries. We are committed to providing
undergraduate and postgraduate teaching of the highest quality, supported by an outstanding research profile.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/4480
(en anglais) Seafront property attracts ancient Californians - California - USA
Ancient island camps in California suggest early Americans were at home by the sea.
Early Americans were no landlubbers. Settlements recently discovered on the Channel Islands off southern California are
littered with the bones and shells of fish, seabirds, and shellfish, as well as worked stone points and blades.
Finds along the Pacific Coast, including a 14,000-year-old settlement in southern Chile, support a coastal migration.
However, the rise in sea level would have erased much of the other evidence of occupation along this route, notes Daniel
Sandweiss, an archaeologist at the University of Maine in Orono, who was not involved in the new study. "Anybody who
was living right along the shore, their sites are now under water."
Plus information en anglais : http://www.nature.com/news/2011/110303/full/news.2011.135.html
(en anglais) The Libyan Arab Jamahiriya's 'extraordinary' archaeology under threat
As the Gadaffi regime continues to massacre citizens, its repression also puts a rich cultural
heritage at risk.
Eleven Italian researchers who were evacuated from Libya in a C-130 Hercules military
aircraft on Saturday are thought to have been among the last foreign archaeologists in the
country. With Libya's people being attacked by forces loyal to the regime of leader Muammar
al-Gaddafi, the scientists were thankful to escape to an air-force base south of Rome.
Researchers have little idea of when they will be able to return. Vincent Michel, an
archaeologist at the University of Poitiers in France who has a decade's experience of working in Libya, is part of a French
archaeological mission that was scheduled to leave next month for the ancient Greek Apollonia site on the Mediterranean
coast. That venture has now been suspended. Di Lernia's mission — itself a legacy of the colonial period — began in 1955
and is the longest-running international mission in Libya, but now he no longer knows "if and when the mission will be able
to work in the area".
Plus information en anglais : http://www.nature.com/news/2011/110302/full/news.2011.132.html
(en anglais) LCCHP (Lawyers' Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation) Calls for the Preservation of
Preah Vihear Temple - Cambodia
We, the undersigned institutions, are greatly concerned by the escalating conflict between the Southeast Asian nations of
Cambodia and Thailand over the ancient temple of Preah Vihear. The sacred Hindu shrine is now a battlefield; the
descendants and heirs of its builders are among those whom the fighting has killed, injured, and displaced. Without
question, continued clashes will lead to increased casualties and will further jeopardize Preah Vihear.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.culturalheritagelaw.org/preahvihear
L'Envoyé spécial de l'UNESCO pour Preah Vihear rencontre des dirigeants thaïlandais et cambodgiens
En visite à Bangkok et à Phnom Penh du 27 février au 1er mars, l'Envoyé spécial de l'UNESCO, Koïchiro Matsuura, a
rencontré des dirigeants thaïlandais et cambodgiens pour discuter des moyens de sauvegarder le site du patrimoine
mondial de Preah Vihear. M. Matsuura s'est rendu dans les deux capitales asiatiques à la demande de la Directrice générale
de l'UNESCO, Irina Bokova, avec laquelle il est resté en contact étroit pendant toute la durée de sa mission.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
(en anglais) Memorandum of Understanding Between Yale and the University of Cusco (Peru)
In this Memorandum of Understanding ("MDE"), Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco ("UNSAAC") of the
city of Cusco, Department of Cusco, Peru and Yale University in the city of New Haven, state of Connecticut, United States
of America, set forth their joint commitment to the creation and development of the UNSAAC-Yale University International
Center for the Study of Machu Picchu and Inca Culture ("Center").
Plus information en anglais : http://opac.yale.edu/peru/english/mou.html
(en anglais) Excavation permits in Turkey maybe revoked unless Hattusa Sphinx is returned
The ongoing battle for repatriation of the Hattusa Sphinx reached a new phase when Turkey’s culture minister demanded
that Germany return the priceless artefact or permits for excavations within the country would be revoked.
Ertugrul Gunay told the Tagesspiegel that German authorities had until the start of the digging season in June to hand back
the sphinx, thought to date back to 1400 BCE. “If there is no commitment (to return the sphinx) by the beginning of the
digging season, I am firmly determined to cancel the excavation licence for Hattusa,” said the minister.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.pasthorizons.com/index.php/archives/02/2011/excavation-permits-mayberevoked-unless-hattusa-sphinx-is-returned
Egypt's Top Archaeologist, Zahi Hawass, Warns of Looting at Country's Antiquity
Egypt's top archaeologist, Zahi Hawass, warned that the country's antiquity sites were being
looted by criminals amid the country's political upheaval as he announced he would no longer
serve in his ministerial post in the government.
Hawass was quoted in the Friday editions of Cairo's dailies as saying he would not participate
in the new government to be led by prime minister designate Essam Sharaf. Hawass, the
longtime head of Egypt's antiquities office, was elevated to Cabinet-level antiquities minister
on Jan. 31, when ousted President Hosni Mubarak named a new government led by longtime friend Ahmed Shafiq.
Shafiq resigned Thursday amid calls by protesters for his removal, and Sharaf has been tasked with naming a new
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45469
Burial Site at Combe Capelle in France is Not as Old as Previously Assumed, by Several Thousands Years Combe Capelle - France
A team of scientists, comprising members from Berlin's Museum of Prehistory and Early History, Universität Greifswald, the
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and the Leibniz Laboratory for Radiometric Dating and Stable
Isotope Research in Kiel, have managed to unlock the secrets surrounding the dating of the burial site of Combe Capelle
that was discovered by the Swiss researcher Otto Hauser in 1909.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45015
Researchers Say Slaves Hid African Charms on Colonial Greenhouse - BALTIMORE -MARYLAND - USA
The greenhouse on the Maryland plantation where famed abolitionist Frederick Douglass spent part of his childhood was not
as uniquely European as once thought: Its furnace was built by slaves, who hid distinctly African touches within it to ward
off bad spirits, researchers said.
A stone pestle to control spirits was concealed in brick ductwork used to heat the orangery — a type of greenhouse used to
shield citrus and other trees from chilly winters — and University of Maryland archaeologists found charms buried at the
structure's entrance, said excavation leader Mark Leone. The greenhouse was long considered a mark of European
sophistication and was a status symbol of the era.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44975
Yale University (USA) and Peruvian Authorities Sign Deal on the Return of
Thousands of Incan Artifacts
Yale University announced Friday that it will send back to Peru thousands of Incan artifacts
removed from the famed Machu Picchu citadel nearly a century ago.
The agreement allowing for the return of the ceramic pieces, animal and human bones, and
metal and stone objects came after Yale and Peru officials announced in November that they
had resolved a long-running dispute over the artifacts.
San Antonio Abad University in Cuzco will create a center to house the more than 5,000
objects and fragments.
The center, to be located in an Incan palace and operated under joint direction by both universities, will include a museum
exhibit for the public and a research area for collaborative investigations by the two institutions and visiting scholars.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44930
(en anglais) Interview: Werner Herzog on the Birth of Art - Cave of Forgotten Dreams. Cave
Chauvet (France)
Last March, preeminent filmmaker Werner Herzog was given unprecedented access to Chauvet Cave in
southeastern France to film the site's Paleolithic art. The result, his film Cave of Forgotten Dreams,
which will be released this spring, is a document of some of humankind's earliest and most
extraordinary paintings. Since the cave was discovered in December 1994, few people, mostly
researchers, have seen the artwork, owing to the cave's extremely delicate climate and concerns about
preserving the ancient paintings. But the film is more than a tour of the cave. It is an exploration of
what the science of archaeology is revealing about the Aurignacian people—Europe's first artists—and the origins of the
modern human mind.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeology.org/1103/features/werner_herzog_chauvet_cave_forgotten_dreams.
(en anglais) Culture and development at the centre of UNESCO Director-General's visit to Cuzco, Peru
Continuing her official visit to Peru through the city of Cuzco, UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova delivered an address
at the Regional Centre for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Heritage of Latin America (CRESPIAL) on 23 February 2011.
She thanked the Peruvian Government and the CRESPIAL for their support and efforts to protect cultural heritage in the
region and keep it alive for future generations.
The Director-General held a meeting with CRESPIAL Director Jaime Urrutia, who presented the CRESPIAL's ongoing work
program and forthcoming projects. For her part, Irina Bokova underlined the important role the CRESPIAL plays to
strengthen the integration and cooperation between member countries with regards to the protection of cultural heritage.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/about-us/who-we-are/director-general/news-singleview/news/culture_and_development_at_the_centre_of_director_generals_visit_to_cuzco_peru/
(en anglais) Society Outreach Grant Program of Archaeological Institute for America - Deadlines for
submission 15 March 2011 and 1 November 2011
The AIA Society Outreach Grant Program encourages societies to plan and implement outreach activities in their local
community. Any event that promotes archaeology, the AIA's mission, and focuses on public outreach and education will be
considered for funding. Attracting new members to the AIA and the society should also be a goal. This grant is meant for
innovative outreach programs, replicable by other societies and beyond the regular lecture program supported by the
national office; therefore, Societies are discouraged from submitting proposals requesting funds to support a lecture.
However, if funds are requested for a lecture, the Society should provide adequate explanation as to how this lecture is
meaningfully different from the routine lecture series (e.g., involvement of new audience, development of new
partnerships, educational programs, visibility in an attractive segment of the community or the like). A portion of the Grant
money is specifically designated for projects with a site preservation aspect. Funds may be used for any expense related to
organizing and conducting the programs, these include but are not limited to materials, travel expenses, honoraria,
advertisements, and publicity. Grant money cannot be used for things like outside management (i.e. hiring an event
planner) or for basic operating costs. The grant is available to any chartered AIA society.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/grants/712
(en anglais) Staff Archaeologist at Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc. - Richmond - Virginia - USA
Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc. is seeking qualified candidates at the Staff Archaeologist level to join our expanding office
in Knoxville, TN. The ideal candidate will have a M.A. in anthropology with a specialization in historical archaeology.
Candidate must have at least three years of cultural resource contracting experience at the field director level and meet the
Secretary of the Interior Standards (36 CFR 61) in archaeology. Other qualifications include excellent writing and verbal
communication skills, strong organizational skills, and technological proficiency that includes some experience working with
databases. A working knowledge of relevant historic preservation legislation and regulations is essential. Applicant will be a
Registered Professional Archaeologist (RPA) or will qualified to submit for registration.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/4144
La plus célèbre cité inca menacée - Machu Picchu. Pérou
Le tourisme, la déforestation, le réchauffement climatique... autant de menaces qui pèsent aujourd'hui sur le Machu Picchu,
ancienne cité inca du XVe siècle, classée au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco. L'organisation veut à tout prix la protéger et
envisage d'en limiter l'accès.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/machu-picchu/la-plus-celebre-cite-inca-menacee_art12708.html
(en anglais) "A Year in the Field" of the Getty Conservation Institute's Field Projects Department
Welcome to the Getty Conservation Institute Field Projects Department’s first issue of A Year in the Field, which provides a
snapshot of our work during the 2009-10 financial year. The department currently has sixteen model
projects under way that aim to meet the GCI’s mission to advance conservation practice internationally.
The departments’ purpose is to advance conservation practice worldwide through the development and implementation of
model field projects that incorporate strong research, planning and educational objectives. In all projects, the GCI works
with local partners to build local knowledge, skills and experience and ensure sustainability.
Plus information en anglais : http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/A-Year-in-the-Field.pdf
(en anglais) Digital Institute for Archaeology Visiting Fellowship at University of Arkansas Center for Advanced
Spatial Technologies (CAST) Fayetteville, Arkansas (USA) Deadline for application: 15 April 2011
These NEH-funded, semester-long residential fellowships at the University of Arkansas provide junior scholars in
archaeology with advanced training in geospatial technologies. Fellows enroll in specialized courses and receive access to
CAST facilities and resources to pursue independent research projects. Fellowships provide tuition, housing, and a stipend
for the semester of residence as well as funding to support participation in field projects.
Qualified applicants should be advanced PhD students or have received a PhD in archaeology within the past five years.
Consult the program website for application information and program details. Direct questions to program director Prof.
Jesse Casana [email protected]
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/3698
(en anglais) 225ALB4000 - ITB for civil works: Rehabilitation of the Archaeological Museum of Apollonia
(Albania) Deadline for Applications : 11 March 2011
United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) hereby invite qualified companies to submit
sealed tenders as follows:
(a) Renovation works related to the rehabilitation of the archaeological museum of Apollonia in Fier, on the basis of
the design prepared by the Architects of the Institute of Monuments of Culture under Ministry of Tourism, Culture,
Youth and Sports of Albania.
(b) The expected timing for execution of works is 3.5 months
(c) Only companies with at least 10 years of certified restoration experience can apply.
(d) The applicants must hold the official certificate for execution of restoration works on the territory of Albania (the
certificate is to be attached along with application)
(e) The purpose of this notice is to provide general information on the requirements for the procurement process
and to inform interested suppliers how to obtain a copy of the Solicitation Documents.
Interested companies who wish to participate in the OIC must request for a complete set of Solicitation Documents,
available free of charge, from UNESCO contact person at the address shown below.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/en/venice/dynamic-content-single-view/news/
(en anglais) The Brooklyn Museum (New York, NY, USA) is Giving About 5,000 Pre-Columbian Artifacts to
Costa Rica
The Brooklyn Museum is preparing to give about 5,000 pre-Columbian artifacts in its collection to Costa Rica as part of a
housekeeping move to trim its vast holdings.
The museum will initially give the National Museum of Costa Rica 983 ceramic vessels and figurines that were legally
acquired by American railroad magnate and banana exporter Minor C. Keith in the late 1800s. It eventually will transfer the
other 4,000 objects from the Keith collection, curator Nancy Rosoff said Thursday.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44891
L’UNESCO demande aux marchands d’art et aux collectionneurs d’être vigilants à propos des
objets volés en Egypte
Des fragments appartenant à la statue de Toutankhamon porté par la déesse Menkaret ont été retrouvés. La
figurine du pharaon reste introuvable.
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a demandé une vigilance accrue aux autorités nationales
et internationales, ainsi qu’aux marchands d’art et aux collectionneurs, suite aux informations sur le vol de
plusieurs pièces importantes du Musée égyptien du Caire et d’autres sites égyptiens.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
(en anglais) International Museums on High Alert for Looted Ancient Egyptian
Artifacts Due to Crisis
International museums are on high alert for looted Egyptian artifacts and some archaeologists
have even offered to fly to the country to help safeguard its ancient treasures, museums said
Egypt has been rocked by an unprecedented nine days of demonstrations against President
Hosni Mubarak's 30-year-rule, and fears are high for the country's priceless heritage after
looters broke into the Egyptian Museum in Cairo last week. The specter of the fall of Baghdad in
2003 looms large in the minds of Egyptologists, when thousands millennia-old artifacts were stolen or smashed by looters
in the chaos following the fall of Saddam Hussein.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44662
Nouveau site web pour Rome: www.spqroma.it - SPQR (Salvaguardia Proteggi Qualifica Roma)
(en italien) E’ nato su iniziativa di 40 volontari, un gruppo di giovani con al massimo ventotto anni, il progetto S.P.Q.R.
(Salvaguardia Proteggi Qualifica Roma), gestito dall’Ufficio di Protezione Civile del Comune di Roma con il supporto del
Delegato del Sindaco per la Tutela e la Valorizzazione del Centro Storico e della Sovrintendenza ai Beni Culturali del
Comune di Roma.
L’obiettivo che ha guidato tale impresa è stato quello di migliorare i sistemi di intervento per il recupero e la salvaguardia
delle opere d’arte in caso di criticità e di valorizzare il patrimonio storico artistico e monumentale del Municipio I – Centro
Storico di Roma.
Plus information : http://www.tafter.it/2011/02/23/www-spqroma-it/
La foudre endommage le temple Pratapur de la Vallée de Katmandou, Népal
Le temple de Pratapur, situé dans la zone de monuments de Swayambhu de la Vallée de
Katmandou, site du patrimoine mondial au Népal, a été endommagé par la foudre vers 5h du
matin le 14 février, au cours d'un violent orage.
Une équipe d'ingénieurs du département d'archéologie du Népal a inspecté le temple dès le
lendemain afin d'établir très rapidement un rapport préliminaire. Les experts du Bureau de
Katmandou, le département népalais d'archéologie ainsi que les autorités nationales se sont
également rendus sur le site afin d'évaluer les dommages.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/en/news/712
(en anglais) Biomolecular Archaeology
Biomolecular Archaeology, the scientific analysis of ancient organic remains, has come of age in the past twenty-five years.
Ancient foods, perfumes, dyes, and other organics, which could only be imagined from ancient writings, can now be
detected and characterized by applying highly sensitive chemical techniques. This supremely interdisciplinary field promises
to open up whole new chapters relating to our bio-cultural transformation over the past three million years, including our
ancestry and genetic development, our cuisines and fermented beverages, and medical practice and other crafts. We are at
the beginning of a process that will transform our understanding of our species and yield spectacular discoveries in the 21st
Plus information en anglais : http://www.penn.museum/research-near-east-section.html
(en anglais) Israeli Archaeologists Find a 1,500-Year-Old Byzantine Church
Southwest of Jerusalem
Israeli archaeologists presented a newly uncovered 1,500-year-old church in the Judean hills on
Wednesday, including an unusually well-preserved mosaic floor with images of lions, foxes, fish
and peacocks.
The Byzantine church located southwest of Jerusalem, excavated over the last two months, will
be visible only for another week before archaeologists cover it again with soil for its own
The small basilica with an exquisitely decorated floor was active between the fifth and seventh centuries A.D., said the dig's
leader, Amir Ganor of the Israel Antiquities Authority. He said the floor was "one of the most beautiful mosaics to be
uncovered in Israel in recent years."
Plus information en anglais : http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44672
(en anglais) INAH Researchers Find 8 Camps Occupied by Nomadic Groups, Some of
Them, 8,000 Years Ago - Ensenada. Baja California (Mexico)
Eight archaeological sites, some of them occupied 8,000 years ago by nomadic groups, were
discovered by archaeologists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) in
the municipality of Ensenada, Baja California. Lithic tools were found at the settlements mainly
made out of obsidian, similar to those discovered in Riverside County, California.
The last would verify obsidian exportation conducted by ancient dwellers of Baja California with
exchange purposes, informed archaeologist Antonio Porcayo, coordinator of the excavation
project at Ensenada, mentioning that several of these sites are located inside caves and were discovered during the recent
archaeological salvage work conducted due to the remodeling of San Felipe-Laguna Chapala highway.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44671
Call for papers-The Archaeology of Interdependence - European Involvement in the Development of a
Sovereign United States-ICAHM
27 November -2 December 2011. Paris, France
Organizers: ICOMOS, International Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.icomos.org/icahm/
Exhibitions: Archaeologists & Travelers in Ottoman Lands - Philadelphia
26 September 2010 - 26 June 2011. Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Organizers: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.penn.museum/current-changing-exhibits/781-archaeologists-a-travelers-in-ottoman-lands.html
Aramus Excavations and Field School
18 August to 15 September 2011. Aramus, Armenia
Deadline for application: 31 May 2011
Organizers: University of Innsbruck
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.uibk.ac.at/alte-geschichte-orient/head/aramus
Field work on Bucinci: Iron Age Necropolis Excavation
22 July - 30 August 2011. Skopje, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Organizers: Archaeological Institute of America
Deadline for application: 1 June 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.archaeological.org/fieldwork/afob/4131
Field school at Dolmens of Rabuje and Alentejo
4 - 29 July 2011. Monforte, Portugal
Organizers: Rui Boaventura (Center for Archaeology, University of Lisbon) and Bridgite Mohr (USA) and Catarina Alves (MA,
University of Lisbon).
Deadpline for application: 31 May 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://portanta.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=37&Itemid=68
Foothill Ecuador Program - Cangahua
3 July to 30 July 2011. Pichincha, Ecuador
Organizers: Foothill College
Deadline for application: 15 June 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.foothill.fhda.edu/anthropology/ecuador.php
COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL "Sociétés Mayas millénaires : crises du passé et résilience"
Organisateur: Charlotte Arnaud, anthropologue (Maison de l'Archéologie et de l'Ethnologie CNRS - UMR 8096 Archéologie
des Amériques-Université de Paris-Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.quaibranly.fr/fr/programmation/manifestations-scientifiques/colloques-et-symposiums.html
'Ayn Gharandal Archaeological Project
30 June - 1 August 2011. Ayn Gharandal, Jordan
Organizers: Department of History, North Carolina State University
Deadline for application: 15 March 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.archaeological.org/fieldwork/afob/4133
Foothill Belize Program - San Ignacio
26 June to 23 July 2011. Cayo District, Belize
Organizers: Foothill College
Deadline for application: 10 June 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.foothill.fhda.edu/anthropology/belize.php
Corso "Il Paesaggio Culturale nell'Archeologia del Mediterraneo" - Marsiliana d'Albegna
26 June - 9 July 2011. Grosseto, Italy
Organizers: University of Naples Federico II and Insegnamento e Laboratorio di Etruscologia e Antichità Italiche [ILEAI]
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
More info: http://www.charcoalab.unina.it/doc/Education.htm
The Pompeii Archaeological Research Project: Porta Stabia
24 June to 4 August 2011. Pompeii, Italy
Organizers: University of Cincinnati
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://classics.uc.edu/pompeii/
EXPOSITION - MAYA: MAYA: de l'aube au crépuscule, collections nationales du Guatemala
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.quaibranly.fr/fr/programmation/expositions/prochainement/maya.html
ADS (Archaeological Development Services) Introduction to Forensic Anthropology
20 June - 29 July 2011. Kells, Ireland
Organizers: ADS (Archaeological Development Services) Training
Deadline for application: 30 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.adsireland.ie/services/training/index.html
Gournia Excavations
18 June to 31 July 2011. Gournia, Greece
Organizers: University at Buffalo (SUNY)
Deadline for application 29 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.archaeological.org/fieldwork/afob/2592
Field work in The Heckleman Archaeological Research Project - Milan
13 June - 15 July 2011. Ohio, USA
Organizers: Archaeological Institute of America
Deadline for application: 6 June 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.archaeological.org/fieldwork/afob/4127
Field School Scholarships Resources for Volunteers Mega-Osteology Program from the Neolithic Tombs of
6 June - 15 July 2011. Lisboa, Portugal
Organizers: Archaeological Institute of America
Deadline for application: 1 May 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.archaeological.org/fieldwork/afob/4126
Volunteer Programme for North American Archaeology/St. Catherines Island
1 June 2011 - 31 August 2011. New York, USA
Organizers: American Museum of Natural History
Deadline for application: 1 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.archaeological.org/fieldwork/afob/2573
Bermuda Archaeological Field School
31 May - 1 July 2011. Bermuda
Organizers: The College of William & Mary
Deadline for application: 1 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.wm.edu/as/anthropology/fieldschools/Bermuda/index.php
Binghamton University Archaeological Field School- Bungalow Site - Lowman
23 May - 1 July 2011. New York State, USA
Organizers: Binghamton University and The Public Archaeology Facility
Deadline for Application: 27 May 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://anthro.binghamton.edu/fieldschool/course.php
Call for application - Ceramic Restoration course at San Gemini Preservation Studies
23 May - 18 June 2011. San Gemini, Italy
Organizers: San Gemini Preservation Studies. International Institute for Restoration and Preservation Studies
Deadline for application: 15 March 2011
Contact: Prof. Elena Raimondi ([email protected]), Prof. Jaye McKenzie-Clark ([email protected])
and Prof. Jane Whitehead ([email protected])
More info: http://sangeministudies.info/programs/list-of-programs/s1-4
Exhibition - Antiquity Revived: Neoclassical Art in the Eighteenth Century - MFA (Museum of Fine Arts)
20 March - 30 May 2011. Houston, USA
Organizers: The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.mfah.org/exhibition/antiquity-revived-neoclassical-art/
El Tajin Columns to Be Exhibited for the First Time
17 March 2011. Mexico DF, Mexico
Organizers: National Museum of Anthropology
More info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45411
EXHIBITION on Cultures of Ancient Nubia - Institute for the Study of the Ancient World - NEW YORK
11 March - 12 June 2011. New York, USA
Organizers: the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW) at New York University
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.nyu.edu/isaw/exhibitions/nubia/
EXHIBITION - Six ancient cities of Mesoamerica. Society and Environment
10 March 2011 - end date unknown. Mexico DF, Mexico
Organizers: National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH)
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.gobiernodigital.inah.gob.mx/mener/index.php?id=33
Pompeii Exhibit at New York City's Discovery Times Square Shines Light on Buried City
4 March - 5 September 2011. New York, U.S.A.
Organizers: Discovery Times Square
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
More info: http://www.discoverytsx.com/pompeii
Exposition: Egypte de pierre de Prisse d'Avennes
2 Mars - 2 Juin 2011. Paris, France
Organizateurs: Musee du Louvre, department of Egyptian Antiquities
Plus info: http://www.louvre.fr/llv/exposition/detail_exposition.jsp
EXPOSITION - Visions d'Égypte. Émile Prisse d'Avennes (1807-1879)
1er mars - 5 juin 2011. Paris, France
Organizateurs: BIBLIOTHEQUE Nationale de France
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.bnf.fr/fr/evenements_et_culture/anx_expositions/f.visions_degypte_prisse_davennes.html
Getty Museum Presents Ancient Cambodian Bronze Masterpieces from the Khmer Empire
Organizers: J. Paul Getty Museum
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.getty.edu/art/exhibitions/gods_angkor/
Olmec: Exhibition of Colossal Masterworks of Ancient Mexico Opens at the de Young - SAN FRANCISCO
Organizers: Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in collaboration with the
Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes-Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia de México.
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://deyoung.famsf.org/deyoung/exhibitions/olmec-colossal-masterworks-ancient-mexico
EXHIBITION - Secrets of the Silk Road - Penn Museum - Philadelphia
18 FEBRUARY - 28 MARCH 2011. Pennsylvania, USA
Organizers: Penn Museum
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.penn.museum/silkroad/?utm_source=General+E-newsletter&utm_campaign=56f16bc445Forward_to_a_Friend_E_newsletter2_16_2011&utm_medium=email
Joint Annual Meeting - Philadelphia
5 January - 8 January 2012. Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Organizers: Archaeological Institute of America
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://aia.archaeological.org/webinfo.php?page=10096
Journal of Conflict Archaeology
Volume 6 (2011), 3 issues per year
Print ISSN: 1574-0773 / Online ISSN: 1574-0781
The Journal of Conflict Archaeology is devoted to battlefield and military archaeology and other
spheres of conflict archaeology, covering all periods with a worldwide scope. Additional fields of
interest include the archaeology of industrial and popular protest, contested landscapes and
monuments, nationalism and colonialism, class conflict, the origins of conflict, forensic applications in
war-zones, and human rights cases.
The Journal is edited from the Centre for Battlefield Archaeology at the University of Glasgow, UK.
The Centre is the first facility of its kind and has earned a reputation as an international centre of
excellence for the burgeoning study of the archaeology of battlefields and other archaeological
manifestations of human conflict.
Archaeology & Heritage news@Maney
Maney delivers personalised service to authors, societies, readers and libraries for the publishing and international
dissemination of high quality, peer-reviewed scholarship and research.
Specialising in print and electronic journal publishing, Maney is committed to technical and editorial innovation combined
with traditional values of quality and collaboration.
Cultivation of cereals by the first farmers was not more productive than foraging - Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the USA
By Samuel Bowles
Edited by Henry T. Wright, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, and approved February 2, 2011 (received for review July
26, 2010)
Did foragers become farmers because cultivation of crops was simply a better way to make a living? If so, what is arguably
the greatest ever revolution in human livelihoods is readily explained. To answer the question, I estimate the caloric
returns per hour of labor devoted to foraging wild species and cultivating the cereals exploited by the first farmers, using
data on foragers and land-abundant hand-tool farmers in the ethnographic and historical record, as well as archaeological
evidence. A convincing answer must account not only for the work of foraging and cultivation but also for storage,
processing, and other indirect labor, and for the costs associated with the delayed nature of agricultural production and the
greater exposure to risk of those whose livelihoods depended on a few cultivars rather than a larger number of wild
species. Notwithstanding the considerable uncertainty to which these estimates inevitably are subject, the evidence is
inconsistent with the hypothesis that the productivity of the first farmers exceeded that of early Holocene foragers. Social
and demographic aspects of farming, rather than its productivity, may have been essential to its emergence and spread.
Prominent among these aspects may have been the contribution of farming to population growth and to military prowess,
both promoting the spread of farming as a livelihood.
Publication of the Comparative Analysis on Archaeology of Hunter-gatherers. Archaeological sites of the
Chinchorro Culture (International Meeting, Arica, Chile, 5-8 January 2010)
The International Meeting "The Chinchorro Culture from a Comparative Perspective ", took place in Arica, Chile, 5-8
January, 2010.
As a result of this meeting the World Heritage Centre is preparing a publication that will work in tandem in support of the
process of the preparation of the nomination file of the Archaeological sites of the Chinchorro culture, Chile, focusing on
identifying the OUV and the comparative analysis of the nomination. The Publication will include eight contributions from
international experts.
American Journal of Archaeology ( AJA ) Bibliography: e-Update of books received in January 2011
A full listing of all books received in the January 2011 issue is available for free download at http://www.ajaonline.org/
Additional open access content can be found in the "Reviews" and "Supplementary Data" sections. Free, downloadable
images supplementing published articles can be found in the "Image Galleries" section.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt
Toby Wilkinson
ISBN-10: 0747599491
The story of Ancient Egypt and the extraordinary civilisation that flourished along the banks of the
River Nile can seem like a gorgeous pageant studded with exceptional events. Among them are the
building of the pyramids, the conquest of Nubia, Akhenaten's religious revolution, the power and
beauty of Nefertiti, the life and death of Tutankhamun, the ruthlessness of Ramesses, Alexander the
Great's invasion, and Cleopatra's fatal entanglement with Rome which led to the fall of Ptolemaic
Egypt. But while three thousand years of pharaonic civilisation have all the ingredients of an epic
novel - glittering courts, dynastic intrigues, murky assassinations and epic battles; individual stories
of heroism and skulduggery, of triumph and tragedy; and, powerful women and tyrannical kings - the
real historical story is even more surprising and far more interesting. The Ancient Egyptians were the
first group of people to share a common culture, outlook and identity within a defined geographical territory governed by a
single political authority - concepts of nationhood that continue to dominate the planet. As the world's first nation-state, the
history of Ancient Egypt is above all the story of the attempt to unite a disparate realm and defend it against hostile forces
from within and without. In this magnificent history, Toby Wilkinson combines grand narrative sweep with detailed
knowledge of hieroglyphs and the iconography of power, to reveal Ancient Egypt in all its complexity. For the first time we
see the relentless propaganda, the cut-throat politics, the brutality and repression that lay behind the appearance of
unchanging monarchy as well as the extraordinary architectural and cultural achievements for which it is justly famous.
Ancient Peoples and Places - The First North Americans - An Archaeological Journey
By Brian Fagan
ISBN 9780500021200
The author traces the origins and development of the Moundbuilder societies of the Eastern
Woodlands, the spectacular Pueblo societies of the Southwest, the flamboyant Mississippian culture of
the South and Southeast and the mounds of the ancient city of Cahokia. New research provides
particular insights into the spiritual beliefs of Mississippian groups.
The book ends with the Algonquian and Iroquoian peoples of the Northeast and St Lawrence Valley,
and an epilogue describes the devastating consequences for Native Americans of European contacts.
Multicisciplinary Perspectives in Archaeological Heritage Management - ICOMOS International Committee on
Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM)
ICAHM is delighted to announce its new book series, which is being published by Springer Press. Books will appear
simultaneously in print in soft cover and on-line within 8-12 weeks of final manuscript receipt.
Volumes will be 50-125 typeset pages (20,000 to 45,000 words), including images and references. The series is ideal for
scholars whose manuscript is too long for an article yet too brief for a full-length book. We welcome single authored, coauthored, or edited submissions. Each volume is peer-reviewed.
The series will address critical contemporary problems and illustrate exemplary work in archaeological heritage
management in countries around the globe. The series will take a broad view of the concepts of archaeology, heritage, and
management in accordance with ICAHM’s mandate itself. Contributing authors will see archaeological heritage management
as a dynamic interface between professional practice, scholary investigation, and the public sphere. We seek manuscripts
that are grounded, practical, applied, theoretically engaged, and problem-solving.
Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
(en anglais) Culture in Motion conference and Public Consultation on a Future EU Culture Programme
The 3rd Culture in Motion conference "Pathways to EU-2020", organised by the European Commission (DG Education and
Culture) saw more than 600 participants coming to Brussels on the 15 and 16 of February.
Nearly 30 cross-borders cultural projects showcased how funding is making a difference on a European level and underlined
the significant role of culture in enhancing smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and supporting other EU policies..
Funding came from the Culture Programme 2007-2013, the Pilot Project for Artists Mobility, and other EU programmes like
the Lifelong Learning Programme, the Citizenship Programme, the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme
and the European Regional Development Programme.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.europanostra.org/news/148/
Amon Carter Museum's Director of Education Named National Educator of the Year
- Amon Carter Museum of American Art - FORT WORTH - TEXAS - USA
The National Art Education Association (NAEA) recently named Stacy Fuller, Amon Carter
Museum of American Art director of education, as the Western Region Museum Art Educator
of the Year. The award will be presented March 18 at NAEA’s national convention in Seattle,
Wash. The NAEA’s mission is to promote art education through professional development,
service, advancement of knowledge and leadership. Founded in 1947, the NAEA is the
leading professional membership organization exclusively for visual arts educators.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45029
(en anglais) Town of Vincent's 2011 Building Design & Conservation Awards - Australia - Deadline for entries:
29 April 2011
Entry is now open for the 2011 Building Design & Conservation Awards.
The Town’s sustainability and ‘sense of place’ can be attributed to the buildings which are designed by architects, realised
by builders and cared for by property owners and organisations. The Building Design and Conservation Awards are
designed to recognise and celebrate the efforts of all those involved in the construction and conservation of Vincent’s
buildings. This year there are three award categories: 1. Building Design Excellence Award, 2. Sustainable Design Award
and 3. Conservation – Municipal Heritage Inventory Award. The following Prizes will be awarded in each category, and will
be presented at an Ordinary Meeting of Council:
* First Prize – a Framed Certificate and $1500
* Second Prize – a Framed Certificate and $500
* Third Prize – a Framed Certificate and $250
For further information and/or for an application form, please contact Senior Strategic Planning Officer Susannah Kendall or
Planning Officer (Strategic) Rachel Marie on (08) 9273 6531 / (08) 9273 6528 or [email protected]
Brochures/application forms are available for download from the Town of Vincent website. Alternatively, brochures are
available from the Administration & Civic Centre and Library & Local History Centre.
Plus information en anglais : http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Building-Design-Conservation-Awards-EntryForm.doc
(en anglais) 2010 Designing The Parks Awards Announced - The Cultural Landscape Foundation - USA
TCLF joins the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, the National Park Service, and the Designing the Parks partnership
in congratulating the winners of the inaugural Designing the Parks Awards 2010. In 2008, TCLF co-sponsored with the
National Park Service, Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, the University of Virginia, Van Alen Institute and George
Wright Society, a bi-coastal conference that explored the past, present, and future of park planning and design. From this
forum, six guiding principles emerged which described a new design future for public parks. Over sixty projects from
twenty states and six countries were submitted to compete in this first awards program; eighteen projects were selected by
the jury for best representing the spirit of the Designing the Parks principles and for raising the bar of excellence in public
park design.
Plus information en anglais : http://tclf.org/news/tclf-news/2010-designing-parks-awards-announced
Appel à candidature pour le Prix Ramsar pour la conservation des zones humides 2012
Le Secrétariat du Ramsar lance un appel à candidature pour la cinquième édition du Prix Ramsar pour la préservation des
zones humides. Le prix sera décerné dans les catégories « Gestion », « Science des zones humides » et « Education ».
Particuliers, organisations ou projets en cours peuvent faire l'objet d'une nomination. Les récompenses seront remises lors
de la 11ème Session de la Conférence des Parties, à Bucarest, Roumanie, en juin 2012.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/evenements/729/
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(en anglais) BBVA (Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria) Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards - Deadline for
application 30 June 2011
The BBVA Foundation expresses the engagement of financial group BBVA with the cause of social responsibility in the
societies where it does business, in pursuit of a better quality of life for all citizens. The central planks of BBVA's corporate
culture and strategy are the promotion of knowledge and innovation, and respect for the ethical principles that characterize
the plural society of the 21st century, which it views as key contributors to ongoing value creation and the opening-up of
new opportunities and choices for individuals and groups.
The BBVA Foundation promotes scientific research of excellence by funding research projects, disseminating the results to
society through diverse channels including symposia, workshops, lectures, publications and exhibitions, and providing
advanced training and research awards. The Foundation also lends active support in other cultural areas, principally
literature and contemporary music.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.fbbva.es/TLFU/tlfu/ing/microsites/premios/fronteras/presentacion/index.jsp
Les plus belles images de science primées aux Wellcome Image awards 2011
Chaque année, les Wellcome Image Awards récompensent les plus belles images de science qui ont
rejoint la collection de la fondation au cours des 18 derniers mois. Les grands lauréats de 2011 ont été
présentés hier à Londres par le jury de spécialistes : 20 extraordinaires images et une animation,
derrière lesquelles se cachent de véritables histoires de science. En exposition à la Wellcome Collection
jusqu'en juillet prochain, les oeuvres ont été réalisées par des scientifiques grâce à des techniques
variées, rendant le résultat encore plus surprenant.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/concours/les-plus-belles-images-de-science-primeesaux-wellcome-image-awards-2011_art12781.html
(en anglais) Western Australian Heritage Awards nominations are open - Deadline for nomination 18 March
The Western Australian Heritage Awards recognise outstanding commitment and contribution to heritage conservation,
adaptive reuse and interpretation in Western Australia.
The Awards honour individuals and organisations whose work has resulted in significant achievements in the promotion and
conservation of our rich cultural heritage.
Now in it's 19th year, the Awards attract extensive media interest, ensuring that the industry, government, owners and
community identify winners with the provision of innovative and best practice standards
In 2011, three new categories have been added to recognise the significant contribution by local government, the
importance of heritage in the tourism industry and the introduction of a new category to foster new talent in the heritage
Plus information en anglais : http://www.heritage.wa.gov.au/western-australian-heritage-awards.html
(en anglais) American Society for Landscape Architects 2001 awards. Deadline for Applications: 6 May 2011
for students
Recognizes: site-specific works of landscape architecture or urban design. Professional entries in this category must be
built; student entries are not required to be built. Typical entries include: public, institutional, or private landscapes of all
kinds (except residential—see residential category); historic preservation, reclamation, conservation; green roofs, storm
water management, sustainable design; design for transportation or infrastructure; landscape art or installation; interior
landscape design; and more. Criteria: The jury will consider the quality of design and execution (for professional entries);
design context; environmental sensitivity and sustainability; and design value to the client and to other designers.
Recognition: The Professional Awards Jury and the Student Awards Jury may each select one Award of Excellence and any
number of Honor Awards in this category. Entry forms and payment for Professional Awards must be received by: Friday,
February 25, 2011 and submission binders by Friday, March 11, 2011. As for Student Awards, entry forms and payment
must be received by Friday, May 6, 2011 and submission binders by Friday, May 20, 2011.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.asla.org/2011awards/rules_entries/index.html
(en anglais) 2011 Cultural Policy Research Award: Call for applications now open! Deadline: 30 May 2011
The European Cultural Foundation (ECF), the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond and ENCATC have launched today the call for
applications for the 2011 Cultural Policy Research Award. The winner of the CPR Award 2011, worth 10.000 Euro, will be
publicly announced on 12 October 2011 at the opening of the 19th ENCATC Annual Conference “CultureForecast” Helsinki,
Finland (12-14 October 2011).
The Cultural Policy Research Award was launched in 2004 by the European Cultural Foundation (ECF) and the Riksbankens
Jubileumsfond, and since 2008, is developed in partnership with and managed by ENCATC. Through the CPRA annual
competition, the programme partners aim to encourage and enable cultural policy researchers to undertake comparative
and cross-cultural applied research that can inform policymaking and benefit practitioners active in the field. The Award is
devoted to research projects which shed light on contemporary European cultural issues and challenges...
Plus information en anglais : http://www.encatc.org/pages/index.php?id=19
(en anglais) Long List for Inaugural £10,000 Clore Award for Museum Learning Announced - United Kingdom
Ten museums across the UK have been long listed for the inaugural £10,000 Clore Award for Museum Learning. The new
award is aimed at championing excellence in museum learning and is run in parallel with the Art Fund Prize, the UK’s
largest arts prize celebrating excellence and innovation in museums and galleries across the UK.
Supported by the Clore Duffield Foundation, the Clore Award for Museum Learning 2011 will be presented on 15 June 2011.
The award recognises quality, impact and innovation in using museums and galleries for learning activities and initiatives.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44677
(en anglais) Ten Museums in Running for £100,000 "Museum of the Year" Art Fund Prize 2011 (United
Kingdom) winner to be announced on 15 June 2011
The long list of ten museums that are in the running for the UK’s largest arts prize – the Art Fund Prize 2011 – will be
revealed on BBC Radio 4’s Front Row. The long list of museums competing for the ‘Museum of the Year’ accolade has been
selected by an independent panel of judges, chaired this year by broadcaster and former cabinet minister Michael Portillo.
The Art Fund Prize 2011 rewards excellence and innovation in museums and galleries in the UK for a project completed or
undertaken in 2010. Following a short list of four museums to be announced on 19 May, the £100,000 cash prize will be
awarded to the ‘Museum of the Year’ at a ceremony on 15 June. This is the fourth year that the Prize has been sponsored
by the Art Fund, the national fundraising charity for works of art that plays a major part in enriching the range and quality
of art on public display in the UK.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44664
Photographer Mitch Epstein Wins the 2011 Prix Pictet Photography Prize for
Environmental Sustainability
Kofi Annan, Honorary President of the Prix Pictet, announced this evening, Thursday 17 March
2011, Mitch Epstein as the winner of the third Prix Pictet photography prize for environmental
The prize is sponsored by the Swiss bank, Pictet & Cie, with a value of 100,000 Swiss Francs
(100,000 dollars, 80,000). The announcement was made at the opening of an exhibition of the
works of the 12 shortlisted photographers at the Paris gallery, Passage de Retz.
Jacques de Saussure, Senior Partner of Pictet, awarded the 40,000 Swiss Francs (40,000 dollars, 30,000) commission to
the US photographer Chris Jordan to undertake a field trip to Northern Kenya where Pictet & Cie is currently supporting the
work of the environmental charity, the Tusk Trust.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45819
The Victoria & Albert Museum Announces the Shortlist for the Jameel Prize 2011
The V&A announce the shortlist for the Jameel Prize 2011 on Thursday 17 March 201 1 at Art
Dubai. Ten artists and designers have been shortlisted for this year’s prize, which is awarded
every two years. They are: Noor Ali Chagani • Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian • Bita
Ghezelayagh • Babak Golkar • Hayv Kahraman • Aisha Khalid • Rachid Koraïchi • Hazem El
Mestikawy • Hadieh Shafie • Soody Sharifi
Almost 200 nominations for the Jameel Prize 2011 were received, from countries as diverse as
the United States, Spain, Nigeria, Egypt and Pakistan. A panel of judges, chaired by V&A
Director, Sir Mark Jones, selected the shortlist of ten artists and designers. Mark Jones said: “The quality of the work
shortlisted for this year’s Jameel Prize is outstanding. The output of the finalists is very varied, reflecting the richness and
diversity of the Islamic traditions that inspired them. The work shows how complex and eloquent the art and design
inspired by this tradition has become.”
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=11&int_new=45809&int_modo=1
Lancement du Prix Clio 2011 pour la recherche archéologique à l'étranger - Date limite de condidature : 30
avril 2011
Pour la quatorzième année, Clio décernera quatre prix destinés à encourager et soutenir la recherche archéologique
francophone à l’étranger
Leurs lauréats sont choisis par un jury indépendant présidé par Monsieur le professeur Jean-Louis Huot, assisté de Madame
le professeur Françoise Dunand et de Messieurs les professeurs Jean Guilaine, Pierre Chuvin et Olivier Picard, à partir des
dossiers que nous auront fait parvenir les candidats. Les équipes archéologiques qui désirent concourir devront nous
adresser leur dossier de candidature avant le 30 avril 2011.
Plus information : http://www.clio.fr/WM_SITECLIO/nouvellesdeclio/articles/lancement_du_prix_clio_2011
Les lauréats du prix Clio 2010 - Prix spécial du jury : Philippe Brissaud Pour Tanis, une
capitale illustre (Egypte)
Le site de Sân el Hagar où se dressait l'ancienne Tanis, est à coup sûr l'un des plus remarquables
qu'ont eu à fouiller les générations d'archéologues qui se sont penchés sur l'Histoire de l'ancienne
C'est là que le Français Pierre Montet réalisa l'exceptionnelle découverte de six tombeaux royaux
dont plusieurs étaient demeurés inviolés pendant trois millénaires. Ils appartenaient à des
souverains des XXIe et XXIIe dynasties, contemporaines du premier quart du premier millénaire
avant J-C, ce qui correspondait selon le découpage traditionnel de l'Histoire ancienne de l'Egypte à la troisième période
intermédiaire, celle que l'on situe entre le Nouvel Empire et la Basse Epoque. Bijoux, vases et masques d'or ou d'argent ont
suscité l'admiration du public et comptent encore aujourd'hui parmi les principaux trésors du célèbre Musée archéologique
du Caire. Ils sont contemporains d'une époque troublée, marquée par la division du pays entre un royaume établi au nord
et un autre au sud.
Plus information : http://www.clio.fr/WM_SITECLIO/nouvellesdeclio/articles/les_laureats_du_prix_clio_2010.asp
(en anglais) Mark Schuster Prize on comparative cultural policy 2011. Deadline for Applications: 30 May 2011
Mark Schuster (1951-2008) was a very distinguished researcher, specializing in comparative cultural policies, urban
planning and cultural economics. This new award wants to recognize the best recently published paper on comparative
cultural policies, presented by a young researcher.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.labforculture.org/es/grupos/open/young-researchers-forum/calls-for-papersfellowships-grants/mark-schuster-prize-on-comparative-cultural-policy-2011
(en anglais) Madavoor Vasudevan Nair awarded by the Government of India the Padsman Bhushan for
performing Kathakali all his life
Vasudevan Nair had the fortune to play Kathakali in very many places all around India and in foreign countries. These
marvelous performances brought him scores of acclaims and awards including the Thulaseevanam Award, Alappuzha
Kathakali Club Award, Keraleeya Kalakshetra Award, Guru Chengannur Memorial Award, Kerala Kalamandalam Award,
Thapasya Abhinandana Pathram, Sangeetha Nataka Akademi Award and many more. In 2011 the Government of India has
honoured this great artist with the Padma Bhushan, the third highest civilian award in the Republic of India.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.keralatourism.org/kerala-article/210/madavoor-vasudevan-nair.php
(en anglais) Stockholm Junior Water Prize
The international Stockholm Junior Water Prize competition brings together the world’s brightest young scientists to
encourage their continued interest in water and the environment. Each year, thousands of participants in over 30 countries
join national competitions for the chance to represent their nation at the international final held during the World Water
Week in Stockholm. During their time in Stockholm, winners of the national competitions receive an opportunity to meet
and learn from the present leaders of the global water community and make life-long friendships with international
compatriots who share a passion for water and science.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.siwi.org/stockholmjuniorwaterprize
(en anglais) Forest Conservation Groups in Nepal and Guatemala Win 2011 Sasakawa Prize
2011 Sasakawa Prize winners bring Forest Management and Sustainable Development to Rural Communities in Latin
America and Asia
Two projects conserving forests and promoting sustainable development in remote rural communities of Latin America and
Asia are the laureates of the 2011 UNEP Sasakawa Prize, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) announced today. The
Asociación Forestal Integral San Andrés, Petén (AFISAP) in Guatemala and the Manahari Development Institute in Nepal
(MDI-Nepal) are the co-winners of this year's award around the theme "Forests for People, Forests for Green Growth" in
support of the 2011 International Year of the Forests.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unep.org/Documents.Multilingual/Default.asp?DocumentID=659&ArticleID=6912
(en anglais) UNWTO (UN World Tourism Organization) Ulysses Prize and Awards. Deadline for Applications: 31
March 2011
The UNWTO Ulysses Prize and Awards are given in recognition for Innovation and Application of Knowledge in Tourism
Recognition is given in the following categories:
The UNWTO Ulysses Prize awards a distinguished scholar for an outstanding contribution to knowledge in tourism.
The UNWTO Ulysses Awards are granted to:
A project of a public institution (government, public-private partnership, etc.) for innovation in tourism,
A project of a tourism enterprise for innovation in tourism,
A project of a non-profit organization (NGO, civil society, etc.) for innovation in tourism.
In awarding these prizes, the UNWTO seeks to recognize and stimulate innovative knowledge creation, dissemination and
application in the area of tourism and to bring to light the latest advances in this area, which has a transversal effect on
governance and society at large.
Plus information en anglais : http://know.unwto.org/en/event/unwto-ulysses-prize-and-awards-2011
OVPM (Organisation des villes du patrimoine mondial) : Composition du jury de la 2e édition du Prix Jean-PaulL'Allier pour le patrimoine
L’OVPM est fière de présenter les membres du jury de la 2e édition du prix Jean-Paul-L’Allier pour le patrimoine. Il s’agit
de :
Madame Bénédicte Selfslagh, Secrétaire générale de l’ICOMOS
Monsieur Ron van Oers, Responsable du programme des Villes du patrimoine de l’UNESCO
Madame Régina Wiala-Zimm, Chef exécutive des Relations internationales de la Ville de Vienne, Ville membre du
conseil d’administration de l’OVPM
Monsieur Bruno Delas, Directeur de projet à la mairie de Lyon, autre Ville membre du conseil d’administration de
Monsieur Denis Ricard, Secrétaire général de l’OVPM
La Ville récipiendaire de ce prestigieux prix international recevra les honneurs lors de la cérémonie d’ouverture du Congrès
mondial de l’OVPM qui se tiendra à Sintra au Portugal du 22 au 25 novembre 2011. Les candidatures des villes doivent
êtres déposées à l’OVPM au plus tard le 31 août 2011. Pour toute information supplémentaire, nous vous invitons à visiter
le site Web de l’OVPM (http://www.ovpm.org) ou encore à communiquer avec la coordonnatrice du prix Jean-Paul-L’Allier
pour le patrimoine, madame Chantale Émond ([email protected]).
Plus information : http://www.ovpm.org/fr/prix_jean_paul_lallier
Bourses de recherce
(en anglais) Prince of Wales' Graduate Fellowships in Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism - Deadline for
application 8 April 2011 (United Kingdom)
The Prince's Foundation for the Built Environment is now inviting applications for the 2011 entry to The Prince of Wales's
Graduate Fellowships in Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism. The deadline for applications for this year’s programme is
8 April 2011.
The Graduate Fellowship will commence in July 2011 and will be hosted by The Prince's Foundation in London, and will
involve placements at The Foundation. Subject to performance, Graduate Fellows will spend a second year in a placement
with committed practitioners in the United Kingdom. The second year in placement attracts a bursary of £20,000pa, subject
to availability and economic conditions.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.intbau.org/news-archive/159-grad-fellowship-2011.html
(en anglais) International Water Law Scholarships for GWP (Global Water Partnership) Partners - Deadline for
application: 30 April 2011
As capacity-building support to its Partner organisations, the Global Water Partnership and the University of Dundee, will
offer scholarships for 30 participants to undertake a module in International Water Law, in Dundee, August 1-19, 2011.
Applications will be accepted from
4 March to 30 April 2011. The module is aimed at persons working in water resources who wish to acquire specialist
knowledge of international water law, especially as it relates to transboundary water challenges in the GWP regions.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.gwp.org/en/gwp-in-action/News-and-Activities/Water-Law-ScholarshipProgramme-for-GWP-Partners/
The American Institute of Architects (AIA) recently announced the recipients of the 2011 Honorary Fellowship (Hon. FAIA).
This is given to architects with distinguished achievements, who display exceptional character and are held in high esteem
by colleagues. Hon. FAIA members are neither U.S. citizens nor U.S. residents, and do not primarily practice architecture
within the domain of the AIA.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/113564/american-institute-of-architects-2011-honorary-fellowshipannounced/
(en anglais) Field work in The Heckleman Archaeological Research Project - Milan
13 June - 15 July 2011. Ohio, USA
Organizers: Archaeological Institute of America
Deadline for application: 6 June 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.archaeological.org/fieldwork/afob/4127
(en anglais) Field School Scholarships Resources for Volunteers Mega-Osteology Program from the Neolithic
Tombs of Lisbon
6 June - 15 July 2011. Lisboa, Portugal
Organizers: Archaeological Institute of America
Deadline for application: 1 May 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.archaeological.org/fieldwork/afob/4126
International Center of Photography (ICP) Awarded "Save America's Treasures" Grant - NEW YORK - NY - USA
The International Center of Photography (ICP) has been awarded a “Save America’s Treasures” grant from the National
Park Service (NPS) and the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities (PCAH). It is one of 61 grants awarded
from a pool of 338 total applicants nationwide and one of only ten made in partnership with the National Endowment for
the Arts (NEA).
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44925
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Appel régional à candidatures 2011-2012 : Bourses de Master - Universités membres de l'Agence universitaire
de la Francophonie (AUF) dans la Caraïbe. Date limite de soumission : 31 mars 2011
La Délégation Caraïbe de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) porte à la connaissance des étudiants et des
enseignants des universités membres de l’AUF dans la Caraïbe, que l’appel régional à candidatures pour les bourses de
mobilité de niveau Master pour l’année académique 2011-2012 est lancé.
Cette offre de mobilité s’adresse aux étudiants pour une formation leur permettant de préparer un diplôme de niveau
Master dans une autre université membre de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF).
Plus information : http://www.auf.org/communication-information/appels-offres/caraibe2011.html?var=lettre_AUF_68
(en anglais) Society Outreach Grant Program of Archaeological Institute for America - Deadlines for
submission 15 March 2011 and 1 November 2011
The AIA Society Outreach Grant Program encourages societies to plan and implement outreach activities in their local
community. Any event that promotes archaeology, the AIA's mission, and focuses on public outreach and education will be
considered for funding. Attracting new members to the AIA and the society should also be a goal. This grant is meant for
innovative outreach programs, replicable by other societies and beyond the regular lecture program supported by the
national office; therefore, Societies are discouraged from submitting proposals requesting funds to support a lecture.
However, if funds are requested for a lecture, the Society should provide adequate explanation as to how this lecture is
meaningfully different from the routine lecture series (e.g., involvement of new audience, development of new
partnerships, educational programs, visibility in an attractive segment of the community or the like). A portion of the Grant
money is specifically designated for projects with a site preservation aspect. Funds may be used for any expense related to
organizing and conducting the programs, these include but are not limited to materials, travel expenses, honoraria,
advertisements, and publicity. Grant money cannot be used for things like outside management (i.e. hiring an event
planner) or for basic operating costs. The grant is available to any chartered AIA society.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/grants/712
(en anglais) Jane C. Waldbaum Archaeological Field School Scholarship - Deadline for application 6 March 2011
Established in honor of AIA Past President Jane Waldbaum, this scholarship is intended to help students who are planning
to participate in archaeological field work for the first time. Students majoring in archaeology or related disciplines are
especially encouraged to apply. The Scholarship Fund provides $1000 each for up to seven successful applicants to help
pay expenses associated with participation in an archaeological field work project (minimum stay one month). The
scholarship is open to students who have begun their junior year of undergraduate studies at the time of application and
have not yet completed their first year of graduate school at a college or university in the United States or Canada.
Applicants must be at least 18 years old and must not have previously participated in archaeological field work. The
committee will consider both academic achievement and financial need in its deliberations. Undergraduate minority
students in Classics or Classical Archaeology are also encouraged apply for the APA-AIA Minority Scholarship Program.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/grants/708
(en anglais) Digital Institute for Archaeology Visiting Fellowship at University of Arkansas Center for Advanced
Spatial Technologies (CAST) Fayetteville, Arkansas (USA) Deadline for application: 15 April 2011
These NEH-funded, semester-long residential fellowships at the University of Arkansas provide junior scholars in
archaeology with advanced training in geospatial technologies. Fellows enroll in specialized courses and receive access to
CAST facilities and resources to pursue independent research projects. Fellowships provide tuition, housing, and a stipend
for the semester of residence as well as funding to support participation in field projects.
Qualified applicants should be advanced PhD students or have received a PhD in archaeology within the past five years.
Consult the program website for application information and program details. Direct questions to program director Prof.
Jesse Casana [email protected]
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/3698
Warehouse for Architectural Recycling (W.A.R.) / Department of Unusual Certainties
Department of Unusual Certainties was recently awarded honorable mention for their submission to Conditions Magazine’s
Tell Them What They Need Competition, a competition which asked people to come up with alternatives for architectural
competition practice. Their submission “Warehouse for Architectural Recycling (W.A.R.)” proposes a global institution which
archives competition submissions and auctions them off to potential buyers elsewhere. A re-purposing of loser ideas. Follow
after the jump for a comprehensive description of W.A.R. from DoUC.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/112978/warehouse-for-architectural-recycling-w-a-r-department-of-unusualcertainties/
(en anglais) International Architectural Competition on the new potential uses of three historic buildings in
Albania - Deadline for applications : 9 May 2011
In the framework of the MDG-F UN Joint Programme “Culture and Heritage for Social and Economic
Development” (CHSED), UNESCO in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports and the Institute
of Monuments of Culture (IMC) is organizing an International Architectural Competition.
The International Architectural Competition intends to elicit and generate ideas on the new potential uses of three historic
buildings, bearing the “Cultural Monument” status, in a way that supports their sustainable preservation and maintenance.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/en/venice/dynamic-content-single-view/news/
Appel à propositions LIFE+ 2011. Data limite : 18 juillet 2011
La Commission invite les entités enregistrées dans l'Union européenne à présenter des propositions pour la procédure de
sélection LIFE+ de 2011. Les propositions doivent être rédigées sur des formulaires de demande spécifiques. Il est possible
de se procurer ces formulaires et le guide de candidature dans lequel figurent des explications détaillées concernant
l'admissibilité et les procédures sur le site web de la Commission. Les propositions doivent être présentées sur CD-ROM ou
DVD. Les propositions de projets doivent être remises aux autorités nationales compétentes avant le 18 juillet 2011. Elles
doivent être transmises à l'autorité nationale de l'État membre dans lequel le bénéficiaire est enregistré. Les autorités
nationales les soumettront ensuite à la Commission avant le 9 septembre 2011.
Plus information : http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/funding/lifeplus2011/call/index.htm
(en anglais) New Soheil Abedian School of Architecture Competition won by CRAB Studio. Gold Coast,
Queensland (Australia)
The competition for the new Soheil Abedian School of Architecture for Bond University in the Gold Coast of Queensland,
Australia has been won by CRAB – the studio of Sir Peter Cook and Gavin Robotham – in association with Brit Andresen.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archdaily.com/112009/new-soheil-abedian-school-of-architecture-competitionwon-by-crab-studio/
IFAG (L'Institut de la Francophonie pour l'Administration et la Gestion): concours d'entrée 2011-2012 Date
limite des candidatures : 14 avril 2011
La campagne de recrutement de candidatures pour l’IFAG pour l’année universitaire 2011-2012 est ouverte.
Plus information : http://www.auf.org/communication-information/appels-offres/ifag-2011.html?var=lettre_AUF_68
Concours : l'Agence universitaire de la Francophonie fête ses 50 ans
L’AUF informe que les résultats des gagnants de ce concours seront communiqués le 20 mars 2011, date commémorative
de la Journée internationale de la Francophonie.
L’annonce des résultats et des gagnants sera effectuée par affichage aussi bien sur le site institutionnel de l’Agence : http://
www.auf.org/ que sur le site du 50ème anniversaire de l’AUF : http://auf-50ans.org/50ans/.
Les gagnants seront informés personnellement par courrier électronique.
Plus information : http://auf-50ans.org/50ans/actualites/50eme2011.html
(en anglais) EU COMMISSION/ CULTURE: Setting up of a European Expert Network on Culture
The European Commission has set up a European Expert Network on Culture (EENC). This new Network will provide advice
and support the European Commission in its policy development and analysis of culture policies and their implications at
national, regional and European levels. Following an open call of tender, a consortium led by Interarts and Culture Action
Europe was tasked with project, which included the following objectives 1) Guiding and advising on ad-hoc questions,
providing clear, concrete and constructive guidance and advice to the European Commission on topics relevant to the
development of cultural policies in the EU, by responding to approximately 30 adhoc questions formulated by the
Commission. 2) Formulating analytical reports and/or studies to enhance the European Commission’s knowledge-base on
specific subjects and support the preparation of important initiatives and policy cooperation activities, by preparing 8 short
analytical reports or 4 longer studies on the basis of demands presented by the Commission. 3) Mapping of experts and
organisations from both Europe and other regions active in the policy areas under the remit of the EENC, through a
qualitative inventory that will be updated quarterly. 4) Disseminate information on the activities of the EENC and other data
of interest in the field of cultural policy research (publications, events, news), through a specific website which will be
regularly updated.
Plus information en anglais : http://ec.europa.eu/culture/news/news3188_en.htm
(en anglais) EU COMMISSION/CULTURE: Results of the 2010 Call for Proposals under the Culture Programme
now out!
The results are now online for the 2010 calls for proposals under the multi-annual projects and cooperation measures
(strand 1.1 and 1.2.1) and for the Support for European Cultural Bodies (Strand 2). Details of all the selected projects, cooperation measures and cultural bodies are now available on the European Commission website.
Concerning strand 1.1, grants were awarded to 10 projects for a total amount of 19.355.875,50 EUR. In total, 61
applications were submitted, an increase of 21, in comparison with 2010. Under strand 1.2.1, grants were awarded to 103
projects for a total amount of 18.000.505,64 EUR. In total 280 applications were submitted. With regard to Strand 2 of the
Culture Programme, a total of 125 applications were submitted in 2010, of which 13 annual and 35 multi-annual
applications were retained. These applicants received annual or multi-annual operating grants for the budget year 2011.
Strand 2 of the Culture Programme co-finances expenditure relating to the long-term work programme of organisations
pursuing an aim of general European interest in the field of culture or an objective forming part of the EU policy in this
area. ENCATC was retained as one of Networks benefitting from the Culture Programme Funds under Strand 2.
Plus information en anglais : http://ec.europa.eu/culture/our-programmes-and-actions/doc2011_en.htm
Appel à candidatures pour des missions d’assistance technique : renforcer la gouvernance de la culture dans
les pays en développement - Dates limites d’envoi des candidatures : 30 avril 2011 ou 30 juin 2011
L’UNESCO lance un appel international à candidatures pour des missions d’assistance technique dans le cadre d’un projet
financé par l’Union européenne (UE) qui vise à consolider le système de gouvernance de la culture dans les pays en
Ces missions seront conçues pour répondre aux besoins et aux priorités spécifiques à ces pays et seront réalisées par des
experts reconnus dans le domaine des politiques culturelles. Les missions soutiendront les pays bénéficiaires dans leurs
efforts de mise en place de cadres juridiques, réglementaires et/ou institutionnels, et/ou de politiques qui prennent en
considération le rôle de la culture dans le développement socio-économique, notamment à travers les industries culturelles.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/themes/2005-convention/technical-assistance/beneficiarycountries/call-for-applications/
Commission européenne : Programme Culturel - Opportunités pour 2011
Les organisations culturelles bénéficient d’un soutien pour des projets visant un travail collectif au-delà des frontières, ainsi
que la création et la réalisation d’activités culturelles et artistiques.
L’idée directrice de ce volet est de favoriser la coopération entre diverses organisations, telles que théâtres, musées,
associations professionnelles, centres de recherche, universités, instituts culturels et autorités publiques, provenant de
différents pays et participant au Programme. Cette coopération devrait permettre à divers secteurs de collaborer et
d’étendre leur portée culturelle et artistique au-delà des frontières.
Ce volet se divise en plusieurs catégories :
1.1: Projets pluriannuels de coopération
1.2.1: Projets de coopération
1.2.2: Projets de traduction littéraire
1.3.5: Projets de coopération avec des pays tiers
1.3.6 : Soutien aux festivals culturels européens
1.3.6 : Partenariat-cadre (trois ans) pour les festivals culturels européens
Plus information : http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/culture/programme/strands1_fr.php
Concours européen des Destinations Touristiques d'Excellence 2011. Date limite de candidatures : 31 mars
Le concours EDEN a été créé par la Commission Européenne pour soutenir l’industrie du tourisme et conserver à l'Europe
sa première place comme destination touristique mondiale.
Le concours vise à promouvoir et à accélérer le développement de destinations européennes moins connues dont la
stratégie touristique repose sur une approche innovante et durable et qui peuvent contribuer à une meilleure répartition
des flux de touristes dans le temps et l’espace. Il est basé sur des compétitions nationales annuelles qui permettent la
désignation d’un lauréat pour chaque pays participant.
C’est donc l’opportunité pour une destination touristique française de rejoindre, autour de principes de durabilité
(économique, sociale et environnementale), un réseau international de destinations touristiques d’excellence.
Plus information : http://www.atout-france.fr/actualite/eden-destinations-touristiques-europeennes-dexcellence
Offres d'emploi
(en anglais) Field Station Coordinator at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Urbana, Illinois (USA)
Deadline for application: 29 April 2011
The Illinois State Archaeological Survey (ISAS), a Division of the Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability, University of
Illinois at Urbana Champaign, is seeking a Field Station Coordinator at its American Bottom Field Station located in Wood
River, Illinois. This individual will have overall responsibility for managing the field station’s administrative, field, laboratory,
and analytical archaeological activities. The ABFS conducts archaeological activities throughout southwestern Illinois and is
currently conducting the multi-year mitigation excavations at the East St. Louis Metro site as part of the New Mississippi
River Bridge Project. The Field Station Coordinator is the point of contact between the Field Station and the Director.
Manages and organizes all Field Station activities, facilities, and vehicles and is administratively and professionally
responsible for implementing program priorities and setting goals, objectives, and expectations.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/4577
(en anglais) Paid Summer Research Internship in Historical Archaeology - Lynchburg, Virginia (USA) 5 June to
8 July 2011. Deadline for application: 22 April 2011
The Department of Archaeology and Landscapes at Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest is offering one funded research
position for June 5 through July 8 with the potential for an additional five weeks of funding. This internship is intended for
early-phase graduate students and advanced undergraduates who have previous field training and are looking for more
experience conducting fieldwork and supervising field school students in a research-oriented setting.
Poplar Forest is the former retreat home and working plantation of Thomas Jefferson, and is located in the foothills of the
Blue Ridge Mountains near Lynchburg, Virginia. Over the past twenty-five years, archaeologists have uncovered evidence of
Jefferson’s time on the property and the lives of the enslaved laborers who lived and worked on the plantation during the
eighteenth- and nineteenth-centuries.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/4553
(en anglais) Research Archaeologist at the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign, Illinois (USA)
Deadline for application: 22 April 2011
The Illinois State Archaeological Survey (ISAS), a Division of the Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability, University of
Illinois at Urbana Champaign, is seeking two Research Archaeologist Site Supervisors at its American Bottom Field Station
located in Wood River, Illinois. These individuals will assist the Field Director in carrying out multi-year mitigation
excavations at the East St. Louis Metro site as part of the New Mississippi River Bridge Project. Position responsibilities
include archaeological and administrative supervision of field crews (40 to 80 individuals), conducting and supervising
laboratory analysis, and preparing archaeological reports meeting state and federal standards. Other responsibilities may
include conducting Phase I-III archaeological investigations for transportation projects across southwestern Illinois.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/4522
(en anglais) Visiting Assistant Professor at Florida State University - Deadline for application: 4 April 2011
The Department of Classics at the Florida State University announces a Visiting Assistant-In position in the field of Roman
archaeology. This is a definite nine-month post that will begin in August 2011. Ph.D. must be in hand by July 1, 2011 (this
is not negotiable).
The successful candidate will teach three courses per semester at both the undergraduate and graduate level; at least one
of the courses will be a large undergraduate course with broad appeal to non-majors. The candidate will also advise
graduate students in Roman archaeology at both the M.A. and Ph.D. level. Salary is $32,000; benefits are included.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/4576
(en anglais) Visiting Assistant Professor in Classical Archaeology and Art at Brown University - Providence
(USA) Deadline for application: 15 April 2011
The Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World at Brown University invites applications for a visiting
assistant professor position in the field of Classical archaeology and art, with a preference for candidates with research
interests in Classical, Hellenistic or Roman art and architecture. Scholars with museum experience and/or active fieldwork
projects are of particular interest. Teaching will be at both the undergraduate and graduate levels; interdisciplinary
offerings are desirable.
Candidates must be engaged with a promising and developing research program; the Ph.D. must be in hand by July 2011.
Excellence in undergraduate and graduate teaching is essential. The successful candidate will also be expected to take a full
part in the academic life and to contribute to the ongoing development of the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the
Ancient World. This will be a one-year position, beginning on July 1, 2011.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/4581
(en anglais) UNESCO Programme Specialist (P-3) - Africa Unit - World Heritage Centre. Deadline for
application: 4 May 2011
Under the authority of the Director of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the Deputy Director for Programme, and
direct supervision of the Chief of Africa Unit, the incumbent shall exercise the function of Programme Specialist in charge of
natural heritage and will work on the implementation of the World Heritage Convention in Africa for cultural and natural
Plus information en anglais : https://recrutweb.unesco.org/pdf/WHC064.pdf
(en anglais) UNESCO Programme Specialist (P-3) - Arab States Unit - World Heritage Centre. Deadline for
application: 16 May 2011
Under the authority of the Director of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the Deputy Director for Programme, and the
direct supervision of the Chief of the Arab States Unit (WHC/ARB), the incumbent serves as the World Heritage Centre
Focal Point for the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage (Category 2 Centre) in Bahrain, as well as cooperate with UN
agencies, on all activities contributing to the implementation of the 1972 World Heritage Convention in the Arab Region for
cultural and natural heritage, working within the Global Strategy adopted by the World Heritage Committee and using
Periodic Reporting and Monitoring Reporting as an efficient conservation tool in line with the strategic objectives adopted by
the World Heritage Committee.
Plus information en anglais : https://recrutweb.unesco.org/pdf/whc026.pdf
(en anglais) Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) - Project Management Coordinator - Museum Operations - Los
Angeles. California (USA)
Coordinates the planning, development, preparation, installation, promotion and documentation of Getty projects. Assists
with developing and finalizing project plans and budgets. Tracks, monitors, and reports on project progress and expenses.
May participate in the development and review of contracts with outside vendors and contractors. Supports and coordinates
the work of outside consultants and various staff members from multiple departments. Coordinates work flow by setting
work schedules and priorities. May review work performed by staff and consultants to ensure compliance with department
quality control standards and federal and state regulations. May research and evaluate alternative processes and methods
to determine the most cost-effective plan for obtaining the highest quality results.
Plus information en anglais : https://jobs-getty.icims.com/jobs/1626/job
(en anglais) Archaeologist at Louis Berger Group - Marion, Iowa (USA)
The Louis Berger Group, Inc. is seeking applications for an Archaeologist in our Iowa Office. We are looking for a dedicated,
self-motivated individual to pursue quality archaeological research in a cultural resource management context. The
successful applicant will be responsible for designing and implementing archaeological surveys, site evaluations, and site
mitigation projects, supervising field crews, and preparing work proposals and technical reports.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/4470
(en anglais) Staff Archaeologist at Cultural Resource Analysts Inc. - Knoxville, Tennessy (USA)
Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc. is seeking qualified candidates at the Staff Archaeologist level to join our expanding office
in Knoxville, TN. The ideal candidate will have a M.A. in anthropology with a specialization in historical archaeology.
Candidate must have at least three years of cultural resource contracting experience at the field director level and meet the
Secretary of the Interior Standards (36 CFR 61) in archaeology. Other qualifications include excellent writing and verbal
communication skills, strong organizational skills, and technological proficiency that includes some experience working with
databases. A working knowledge of relevant historic preservation legislation and regulations is essential. Applicant will be a
Registered Professional Archaeologist (RPA) or will qualified to submit for registration.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/4144
(en anglais) Lecturer in Ancient Mediterranean Studies in La Trobe University - Melbourne - Victoria - Australia
- Deadline for application 1 May 2011
Full-time, continuing dual position in the Trendall Research Centre for Ancient Mediterranean Studies and the Research
Centre for Greek Studies.
La Trobe University is an internationally recognised leader in tertiary education and training, with strong research and
teaching programs and student exchange networks across more than 40 countries. We are committed to providing
undergraduate and postgraduate teaching of the highest quality, supported by an outstanding research profile.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/4480
Avis de vacance des fonctions de Directeur de l’Observatoire Aquitain des Sciences de l’Univers (Université
Bordeaux 1) Bordeaux (France)
Les fonctions de Directeur de l’Observatoire Aquitain des Sciences de l’Univers (Université Bordeaux 1)
seront vacantes le 01 janvier 2012. Le directeur est nommé pour une durée de cinq ans, immédiatement
renouvelable une fois, par arrêté du ministre chargé de l'enseignement supérieur, sur proposition du conseil de
L’Observatoire Aquitain des Sciences de l'Univers (OASU) est à la fois une composante (école interne à
statut dérogatoire "article L713-9") de l’Université Bordeaux 1 (UB1) et un OSU relevant du CNRS (INSU).
Plus information : http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/co/files/direction_oasu_2012.pdf
Appel à candidatures pour la direction du LACy (Laboratoire de l'atmosphère et des cyclones) La Réunion
(France) à compter du 1 janvier 2012
Le Laboratoire de l’atmosphère et Cyclones (LACy, http://lacy.univ-reunion.fr), implanté sur l'île de La Réunion (21°S, 55°
E) bénéficie d'une situation originale dans le contexte de la recherche française: il constitue un point privilégié pour l’étude
de l’atmosphère tropicale. L'articulation entre les tropiques et les latitudes moyennes joue un rôle important dans la
dynamique atmosphérique à grande échelle et la répartition des constituants en traces. Les axes historiques de recherche
du LACy étaient focalisés principalement sur l’étude de la dynamique stratosphérique. Plus récemment des recherches dans
le domaine de la physicochimie troposphérique ont été développées. En effet la situation de La Réunion, sous le vent de
l’Afrique et de Madagascar, permet de suivre l’influence de ces régions en grande mutation sur la composition de
l’atmosphère. L’autre thématique importante, impulsée par Météo-France, est l’étude des cyclones avec un volet de
recherche fondamentale s'appuyant sur des outils de modélisation à haute résolution et investiguant les processus de
fonctionnement des cyclones, et une recherche appliquée pour l’aide à la prévision. Un programme sur l’étude des
précipitations intenses et de leurs impacts a été lancé récemment.
Plus information : http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/co/files/appel_candidatures_lacy.pdf
(en anglais) Position available for Associate Project Specialist at Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) Los
Angeles, California (USA) Deadline for application 15 April 2011
The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), located at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California, works internationally to
advance conservation practice in the visual arts—broadly interpreted to include objects, collections, architecture, and sites.
The Institute serves the conservation community through scientific research, education and training, model field projects,
and the dissemination of the results of both its own work and the work of others in the field.
The GCI’s Field Projects Department is seeking an Associate Project Specialist to fill a two-year, limited-term position.
Plus information en anglais : http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Associate-Project-Specialist-GCI.pdf
(en anglais) Senior Project Specialist (Built/20th century heritage) at Getty Conservation Institute. Los
Angeles, California (USA) Deadline for application 15 April 2011
The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), located at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California, works internationally to
advance conservation practice in the visual arts—broadly interpreted to include objects, collections, architecture, and sites.
The Institute serves the conservation community through scientific research, education and training, model field projects,
and the dissemination of the results of both its own work and the work of others in the field.
Plus information en anglais : http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Senior-Project-Specialist-GCI.pdf
(en anglais) Internships at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. Denver, Colorado (USA) Various deadlines
Internships at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science allow high school and college students to gain hands-on experience
in scientific research, collections and archives, behind-the-scenes in our various administrative departments, and out in the
community. These programs are valuable stepping stones toward careers in the natural sciences.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.dmns.org/about-us/internships
(en anglais) Stanford post-doc in natural and cultural heritage. Stanford, California (USA) Deadline for
Applications: 15 April 2011
The Stanford Archaeology Center announces a postdoctoral position in global heritage that specifically connects natural and
cultural patrimony and conservation.
The main focus of the fellowship will be to work with Stanford Faculty at the Woods Institute for the Environment and the
Stanford Archaeology Center, to create synergies between faculty and students and to link field projects. The candidate
may be called upon to participate in a number of activities during the fellowship such as workshop organization, seminars,
teaching, and international fieldwork and to engage with faculty and graduate students at both Woods and Archaeology. We
expect that the successful candidate will be involved in their own research and field projects and will further develop their
publications while at Stanford. The faculty sponsor of this postdoc will be Prof. Lynn Meskell.
The appointment carries a twelve-month salary commensurate with the University Provost established minimum pay levels
based on research experience. The appointment may be eligible for renewal for up to two years based on satisfactory
performance and the existence of funding.
Postdoctoral scholars are required to be in residence in the Stanford area during the term of the appointment. Applicants
must have received their Ph.D. no earlier than September 1, 2008, and have completed all degree requirements by July 1,
2011. U.S. citizenship is not required.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.awhf.net/images/stories/Stanford_University.pdf
(en anglais) Staff Archaeologist at Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc. - Richmond - Virginia - USA
Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc. is seeking qualified candidates at the Staff Archaeologist level to join our expanding office
in Knoxville, TN. The ideal candidate will have a M.A. in anthropology with a specialization in historical archaeology.
Candidate must have at least three years of cultural resource contracting experience at the field director level and meet the
Secretary of the Interior Standards (36 CFR 61) in archaeology. Other qualifications include excellent writing and verbal
communication skills, strong organizational skills, and technological proficiency that includes some experience working with
databases. A working knowledge of relevant historic preservation legislation and regulations is essential. Applicant will be a
Registered Professional Archaeologist (RPA) or will qualified to submit for registration.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/4144
(en anglais) PhD position: Graduate School of Humanities at University of Groningen - Groningen - Netherlands
- Deadline for application: 16 March 2011
Since its foundation in 1614, the University of Groningen has enjoyed an international reputation as a dynamic and
innovative centre of higher education offering high-quality teaching and research. Balanced study and career paths in a
wide variety of disciplines encourage what are currently 27,000 students and researchers to develop their own individual
talents. Belonging to the best research universities in Europe and joining forces with prestigious partner universities and
networks, the University of Groningen is truly an international place of knowledge.
The university is an equal opportunities employer. Because women are still underrepresented in a number of fields, they
are particularly encouraged to apply.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/4125
The United Nations Environment Programme, established in 1947, is the apex entity of the global
statistical system UNEP is looking for dynamic, creative, forward looking, dedicated and results-oriented
senior managers, environmental experts with outstanding leadership qualities, a track record of
succeeding in a multi-cultural environment, the capacity to bring together and respond to governments,
civil society, the private sector and our other partners in creating opportunities and solutions for
sustainable development...
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unep.org/vacancies/default.asp
Habitat for Urban Wildlife / Ifat Finkelman_Ofer Bilik Architects - BAT-YAM - Israel
Tel-Aviv based designers, Ifat Finkelman_Ofer Bilik Architects, have submitted their competition
winning entry, a Habitat for Urban Wildlife, which repurposes existing Israeli water towers.
The competition ‘Water Tower- new perspectives’ was held between Aug-Dec 2010 and
organized by the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem, Berkeley University and the
Society for Preservation of Israel Heritage Sites (SPIHS). Hundreds of water towers were built
in different periods and styles across Israel, many of which now stand dry, noticeably
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/113280/habitat-for-urban-wildlife-ofer-bilik-architects/
Infrared mapping resolves soft tissue preservation in 50 million year-old reptile skin
N. P. Edwards, H. E. Barden, B. E. van Dongen, P. L. Manning, P. L. Larson, U. Bergmann, W. I. Sellers and R. A. Wogelius
Non-destructive Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) mapping of Eocene aged fossil reptile skin shows that biological control
on the distribution of endogenous organic components within fossilized soft tissue can be resolved. Mapped organic
functional units within this approximately 50 Myr old specimen from the Green River Formation (USA) include amide and
sulphur compounds. These compounds are most probably derived from the original beta keratin present in the skin because
fossil leaf- and other non-skin-derived organic matter from the same geological formation do not show intense amide or
thiol absorption bands. Maps and spectra from the fossil are directly comparable to extant reptile skin.
More information: http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/early/2011/03/12/rspb.2011.0135
Oil Palm the biggest threat to orang-utans (Indonesia)
First study on orang-utan survival in human altered habitat in Indonesia
Rapid oil palm expansion into lowland forest habitats represents the greatest
threat to the critically endangered Sumatran orang-utan.
However, a recent study conducted by Fauna & Flora International (FFI), in
partnership with the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE), has
been the first to investigate whether and how orang-utans are able to survive
in human-altered landscapes where oil palm and other agriculture has
replaced primary habitat, but where remnants of old growth forest also still occur.
More information: http://www.fauna-flora.org/news/oil-palm-the-biggest-threat-to-orangutans/
Scientists back rethink of Brazil forest law, but with biodiversity in mind
Two of Brazil’s most important scientific associations have taken stances in the ongoing debate about proposed alterations
to Brazil’s national forest legislation, saying that while the law needs to be changed, current proposals fall short of what is
needed to protect biodiversity and natural resources.
The Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC) and the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) made their opinion
public following a seven-month study on the issue.
More information: http://wwf.panda.org/wwf_news/?199647/Scientists-back-rethink-of-Brazil-forest-law-but-withbiodiversity-in-mind
FILM SUR LES BONOBOS (Lancement le 30 mars 2011)
Réalisé par : Alain Tixier avec : Claudine André...
Genre : Documentaire
Pays : France
Beni, un jeune bonobo du nord du Zaïre (ex-Congo), est capturé par des braconniers. Sa mère a été
abattue en voulant le protéger. Après avoir vécu quelques mois en captivité comme un animal de foire
dans un bar de Kinshasa, Béni est récupéré en piteux état par Claudine André. Cette Française, émule de
Diane Fossey ou de Jane Goodall, consacre sa vie à la défense de ce grand singe menacé. Elle ramène
alors Beni dans le sanctuaire qu'elle a créé à proximité de Kinshasa. Là, dans ce morceau de jungle, Beni va retrouver goût
à la vie au milieu de ses congénères et peut-être pouvoir être réinséré dans son habitat naturel.
Plus information : http://www.cinemovies.fr/fiche_film.php?IDfilm=20931
Economic adversity doesn't stop Greece protecting biodiversity
The Greek parliament yesterday took the bold step of voting in the country's first national
biodiversity law – setting aside a preoccupation with the current unprecedented economic
crisis to put in place safeguards for the future.
WWF, noting that the economic crisis is putting Greece's natural environment under
increasing pressure, praised the courage and foresight of Greek Minister for Environment,
Energy and Climate Change, Tina Birbili, the goverment and parlimentarians who stood by
the legislation during a grueling debate over several weeks.
More information: http://wwf.panda.org/wwf_news/?199615/Economic-adversity-doesnt-stop-Greece-protectingbiodiversity
Wetlands Matter: Valuing wetland ecosystems in a changing climate
Over 100 government representatives and international experts on wetland science, policy
and management met for a one-day symposium in Edinburgh, UK, on 24 February 2011.
Organised and hosted by the Scottish Government, Scottish Environment Protection Agency,
Scottish Natural Heritage and Wetlands International, the symposium on Wetlands Matter:
Valuing wetland ecosystems in a changing climate, has produced a communiqué linking their
conclusions to some of the key evidence presented during the Symposium. The Call for Action
suggests who the target audiences might be in each case. The symposium was attended by
the Secretariat’s Deputy Secretary General, Nick Davidson.
More information: http://www.wetlands.org/LinkClick.aspx?link=publications
La Réserve de la Biosphère du Mont Ventoux a vingt ans
En juillet 1990, la désignation « Réserve de Biosphère », acte de reconnaissance de la communauté internationale envers
des hommes d'avoir su et pu développer des activités humaines en harmonie avec leur territoire et dans le respect du
vivant est attribuée à ce territoire par l'UNESCO dans le cadre de son programme « Man And Biosphere » (MAB),
programme interdisciplinaire basé sur la recherche et créé dans le but d'étudier et d'améliorer les relations entre l'homme
et son Environnement global.
Plus information : http://www.smaemv.fr/reserve-de-biosphere/mont-ventoux.html
L'Islande doit abandonner la chasse à la baleine
Onze pays se sont associés afin de publier une résolution demandant à l'Islande d'abandonner la chasse
à la baleine commerciale, considérée alors comme cruelle et inutile.
Ils sont onze. Onze pays comme l'Argentine, le Brésil, l'Australie ou les Etats-Unis à avoir signé une
résolution montrant leur opposition à la chasse à la baleine commerciale. Fort de cette résolution, le
Fonds international pour la protection des animaux (IFAW) a alors demandé à l'Islande de stopper cette
chasse aux rorquals, et à rejoindre de ce fait le consensus mondial de protection des baleines.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/baleine/l-039-islande-doit-abandonner-la-chasse-a-labaleine_art13148.html
Le tsunami dans le Pacifique a tué des milliers d’oiseaux marins sur le Midway Atoll National
Wildlife Refuge
Vendredi 11 mars, 4 heures après le terrible séisme survenu au large du Japon, le tsunami a balayé
l’archipel de Midway, en plein Pacifique, au large d’Hawaï, entraînant la mort de milliers d’oiseaux
marins, surpris par le déluge.
Les ornithologues des Refuges nationaux pour la vie sauvage d’Hawaï et des îles du Pacifique ont
constaté les dégâts infligés par le passage du tsunami de vendredi aux colonies d’oiseaux de mer de
l’archipel de Midway, des îles basses situées à 2.000 kilomètres au nord-ouest d’Honolulu. Deux espèces
sont principalement concernées.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/oiseau/le-tsunami-dans-le-pacifique-a-tue-des-milliers-d-oiseaux-marinssur-un-atoll_art13256.html
(en anglais) Leadership in elephants: the adaptive value of age
Karen McComb1, Graeme Shannon, Sarah M. Durant, Katito Sayialel, Rob Slotow, Joyce Poole and Cynthia Moss
The value of age is well recognized in human societies, where older individuals often emerge as leaders in tasks requiring
specialized knowledge, but what part do such individuals play in other social species? Despite growing interest in how
effective leadership might be achieved in animal social systems, the specific role that older leaders may play in decisionmaking has rarely been experimentally investigated. Here, we use a novel playback paradigm to demonstrate that in
African elephants (Loxodonta africana), age affects the ability of matriarchs to make ecologically relevant decisions in a
domain critical to survival—the assessment of predatory threat. While groups consistently adjust their defensive behaviour
to the greater threat of three roaring lions versus one, families with younger matriarchs typically under-react to roars from
male lions despite the severe danger they represent. Sensitivity to this key threat increases with matriarch age and is
greatest for the oldest matriarchs, who are likely to have accumulated the most experience. Our study provides the first
empirical evidence that individuals within a social group may derive significant benefits from the influence of an older
leader because of their enhanced ability to make crucial decisions about predatory threat, generating important insights
into selection for longevity in cognitively advanced social mammals.
Plus information en anglais : http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/early/2011/03/10/rspb.2011.0168#xref-fn-1-1
(en anglais) Vietnam designates a national park for Man and Biosphere status - Ba Be - Bac Kan
Province - Vietnam
Located in the Bac Kan Province, Ba Be (10,048 ha; 22°24'N 105°36'E) is a National Park and an ASEAN
Heritage Park. The Man and Biosphere Committee of Viet Nam is currently supporting the designation of Ba
Be as a Biosphere Reserve. As summarised by Marian Gwilliam, Regional Assistant Advisor for AsiaOceania, Ba Be National Park supports the only significant natural mountain lake in Viet Nam and is the
most important wetland in the country’s protected area system because it is the only site that has a
natural lake surrounded by a mountainous karst ecosystem.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsar-news-rs-vietnam/main/ramsar/1-26%
(en anglais) Ramsar Convention's Scientific & Technical Review Panel (STRP) meets
in Gland - Gland - Switzerland
The Ramsar Convention’s scientific advisory body STRP met for its 16th session from 14-18
February in the Ramsar/IUCN Headquarters in Gland, Switzerland. Over 50 Panel members,
observer organization representatives, STRP National Focal Points and invited experts worked
intensively on three broad issues: a) further drafting and finalizing scientific and technical draft
Resolutions and guidance to be transmitted to Standing Committee and Ramsar COP11 in June
2012; b) review of progress and products under each of the Panel’s 10 Thematic Work Areas;
and c) identification of emerging issues and recommendations for future scientific and technical priorities for the panel for
the 2013-2015 triennium.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsar-news-strp14-report/main/ramsar/1-26%
(en anglais) New conservation and management rules for India's wetlands
The Ministry of Environment and Forests notified the Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2010. These rules
have been drafted by the Ministry of Environment and Forests to ensure better conservation and management and to
prevent degradation of existing wetlands in India. The Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2010 is a positive
step towards conservation of wetlands in India. “This is the first time that legally enforceable Rules are being notified for
such eco sensitive areas in our country. This will go a long way in protecting our wetlands which are under severe threat”
said Mr. Jairam Ramesh, Minister for Environment and Forests.
Plus information en anglais : http://moef.nic.in/downloads/public-information/Wetlands-Rules-2010.pdf
La République kirghize inscrit le lac Son-Kol
La République kirghize, qui a adhéré à la Convention en 2003, vient d'inscrire sa troisième zone
humide d'importance internationale sur la Liste de Ramsar. Le lac Son-Kol (36 869 ha, 41° 50'N
75°07'E) qui fait partie de la Réserve naturelle d'État Karatal-Japyryk et se trouve à plus de
3000 m d'altitude est le plus grand lac d'eau douce de haute altitude du Kirghizistan central. Il
est important pour son rôle de site de repos pour une grande diversité d'oiseaux migrateurs
comme la cigogne noire (Ciconia nigra) mais aussi parce qu'il accueille des populations
reproductrices de goélands (Larus spp), de sternes (p.ex., Sterna hirundo), d'oies (p.ex., Anser
indicus) et de grèbes (p.ex. Podiceps nigricollis).
Plus information : http://www.ramsar.org/cda/fr/ramsar-news-archives-2011-son-kol-lake/main/ramsar/1-26-45-489%
(en anglais) Islamic Republic of Iran designates its 24th Wetland of International
Importance: Kanibarazan
Kanibarazan Wetland is located in the north-west region of the Islamic Republic of Iran and
consists of a freshwater lake surrounded by diverse plant communities. The site is located to
the south of Lake Urmia, and is surrounded by seasonal wetlands which become dry during
summer and autumn. The Kanibarazan Wetland is one of the most important habitats for
waterbirds in the region, supporting more than twenty thousand birds with more than one
hundred bird species recorded at this site, including a number of important species such as the
endangered White-headed Duck (Oxyura leucocephala)...
Plus information en anglais : http://www.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsar-news-rs-iran-kanibarazan/main/ramsar/1-26%
(en anglais) Botswana President welcomes IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) support for
national conservation efforts
IUCN’s Director General, Julia Marton-Lefèvre was received by President Seretse Khama Ian Khama of Botswana recently
for a meeting to discuss the country’s conservation activities.
During the meeting, Ms Marton-Lefèvre gave an update on IUCN activities in Botswana at both country and transboundary
levels. These include providing support to the Okavango Development Management Plan, the Natural Futures Programme,
the Zambezi Basin Wetlands Conservation and Resource Utilization Project, and Community-based Natural Resources
Plus information en anglais : http://www.iucn.org/knowledge/news/?7083/Botswana-President-welcomes-IUCN-support-fornational-conservation-efforts
(en anglais) International Women’s Day – women in forest communities need louder voice
To mark the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day on Tuesday 8 March 2011, IUCN is
calling for women in forest communities to be given more control of the management of forests and
to be involved in decisions relating to them. Women across the developing world are primary users of
forest resources and their sale of non-timber forest products is vital to the livelihood of many families.
Their heavier dependence on forests also means that women have more at stake than men when
forests are cut down or forest access is denied.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.iucn.org/knowledge/news/?7082/International-WomensDay--women-in-forest-communities-need-louder-voice
(en anglais) Celebrations for the 40th anniversary of the Ramsar Convention Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)
The Global Forum on Wetlands for the Future to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands was held in the Islamic Republic of Iran from 5th to
6th March 2011. Organized by the Department of Environment (DOE), I.R. of Iran and
the Ramsar Convention Secretariat, the event brought together some 300 people,
including ministers, ambassadors and senior officials from around 50 countries.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsar-news-archives2011-40th-anniversary-iran/main/ramsar/1-26-45-489%5E25071_4000_0
Le tsunami épargne la faune des Galápagos mais détruit le laboratoire marin
Des dégâts mineurs ont été signalés sur le site du patrimoine mondial des Iles Galápagos suite au séisme et au tsunami qui
ont frappé les côtes du Japon le 11 mars dernier. Le tsunami est survenu à marée haute et s'est manifesté sous forme
d'une houle dépassant de 1.7m le niveau normal de la mer et inondant les bâtiments le long de la côte. Les habitants des
Galápagos avaient été alertés et s'étaient réfugiés dans les hauteurs. Aucun blessé n'est à déplorer.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/actualites/725/
(en anglais) Director-General welcomes suspension of oil prospection at Virunga National Park (Democratic
Republic of the Congo)
The Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, has welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Environment, Nature
Conservation and Tourism of the Democratic Republic of the Congo that the government of the DRC has suspended
prospection for oil at Virunga National Park, inscribed as on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 1979.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/new/en/media-services/single-view/news/
Nouveau site web : Chroniques du plancton
La série "Chroniques du Plancton" marie arts et sciences dévoilant la diversité et la beauté
des organismes marins qui dérivent avec les courants.
Le projet est né à l’initiative de Christian Sardet dans le cadre de l’Expédition Tara Océans,
et de l’Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche-sur-Mer (OOV). Initié avec le CNRS
Images (Meudon) et en coopération avec Parafilms (Montréal), le projet a bénéficié du
soutien des Instituts du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), l’Institut
National des Sciences Biologiques (INSB), et l’Institut National de l’Ecologie et de
l’Environnement (INEE), ainsi que des infrastructures, moyens et équipements mis à disposition par l’Université P et M
Curie (UPMC) et le Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique (GIS) : Infrastructures en Biologie, Santé et Agronomie (IBISA).
Plus information : http://www.planktonchronicles.org/fr
Une gestion unifiée pour la flotte océanographique française
Le CNRS, l’Ifremer, l’Institut Paul Emile Victor (IPEV), et l’Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD) ont mis en
place une entité de gestion unique pour la Flotte Océanographique Française, l’Unité mixte de service "Flotte
océanographique française". Cette unité, créée pour une durée initiale de 4 ans, gérera le budget de fonctionnement et
d’investissement de la Flotte, dont le montant moyen annuel dépasse les 60 Millions d’euros.
Plus information : http://www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/cid55204/une-gestion-unifiee-pour-la-flotteoceanographique-francaise.html
Les lions d'Afrique menacés par les chasseurs américains
Si la chasse menace depuis des années de nombreuses espèces, elle emprunte aujourd'hui un aspect
bien particulier, la quête de trophées. Le lion d'Afrique n'échappe pas à cette cruelle pratique. Cible
favorite des chasseurs américains, il représente un butin considérable.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/lion/les-lions-d-039-afrique-menaces-par-leschasseurs-americains_art12937.html
Epizoochorie : les sangliers et les cerfs sont utiles à nos forêts
L’INRA vient de dévoiler une étude montrant le rôle des ongulés sauvages dans la dispersion des
Plusieurs chercheurs de l’INRA ont mené une enquête, intitulée Diplo, sur la dispersion des graines par
les ongulés. En effet, de nombreuses plantes menacées de disparition ont réussi à recoloniser certaines
forêts de France. Pour découvrir comment elles avaient pu se transporter dans ce nouvel
environnement, les scientifiques ont voulu étudier la piste de l’épizoochorie, la dispersion des graines
par les animaux, qui est déjà utilisée depuis de nombreuses années dans d’autres pays du monde. Dans
l’hexagone, jusqu’à présent, les autorités étaient focalisées sur le rôle néfaste des chevreuils, cerfs et autres sangliers, qui
font des dégâts considérables en dévastant les jeunes plantations d’arbres.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/epizoochorie/epizoochorie-les-sangliers-et-les-cerfs-sont-utiles-a-nosforets_art12826.html
Les tortues sont les animaux les plus menacés d'extinction
A l’instar des tigres et des pandas, les tortues sont elles aussi menacées d’extinction. Sur les 328
espèces connues, la moitié est en grand danger, indique un rapport de l’IUCN (Union internationale pour
la conservation de la nature).
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/tortue/les-tortues-sont-les-animaux-les-plus-menacesd-039-extinction_art12861.html
(en anglais) Smithsonian Institution Galaxy of extinct animals
The thousands of images on this site represent only a small portion of the more than 1.5 million
printed books and manuscripts in the collections of Smithsonian Institution Libraries.
The images available on this site represent a broad cross-section of the Libraries' collections.
Additional images and collections are added regularly.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.sil.si.edu/imagegalaxy/imageGalaxy_collResult.cfm?
Partenariat renouvelé entre Holcim et l’UICN
L’UICN (Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature) et Holcim ont décidé de renouveler un accord de partenariat
ayant pour but de préserver la biodiversité dans les carrières Holcim du monde entier. Le partenariat, lancé en 2007, a été
renouvelé pour une durée de trois ans.
L’extraction de ressources minérales dans les carrières pouvant porter atteinte à la biodiversité dans les zones
avoisinantes, la protection de la biodiversité est un enjeu en évolution constante. Les recommandations d’un groupe
d’experts de l’UICN, après de nombreuses visites de sites, ont abouti à l’élaboration d’une stratégie et d’un dispositif de
gestion de la biodiversité pour le Groupe Holcim. Dans un certain nombre de pays, dont le Sri Lanka, le Vietnam, le Costa
Rica, le Nicaragua, l’Espagne et la Chine, Holcim a également collaboré avec l’UICN sur le plan local.
Plus information : http://www.iucn.org/?7051/2/Partenariat-renouvele-entre-Holcim-et-lUICN
Le puma de l'est américain officiellement déclaré éteint
Les autorités environnementales américaines ont déclaré officiellement éteinte la sous-espèce de puma (ou couguar) dite
"de l’est" hier, après avoir passé en revue documentation scientifique et témoignages sur ce félin, supposé disparu dès les
années 1930.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/puma/le-puma-de-l-039-est-americain-officiellement-declareeteint_art12915.html
(en anglais) The 25 most endangered turtles and tortoises
Without concerted conservation action, many of the planet’s turtles and tortoises, iconic survivors
from the Age of Dinosaurs, will become extinct within the next few decades. That’s according to a new
report from the Turtle Conservation Coalition, a global alliance of conservation groups, including the
IUCN Species Survival Commission's Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group (TFTSG), which
names the world’s 25 most endangered tortoises and freshwater turtles.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.iucn.org/knowledge/news/?7054/The-25-Most-EndangeredTurtles-and-Tortoises
Appel à propositions LIFE+ 2011. Data limite : 18 juillet 2011
La Commission invite les entités enregistrées dans l'Union européenne à présenter des propositions pour la procédure de
sélection LIFE+ de 2011. Les propositions doivent être rédigées sur des formulaires de demande spécifiques. Il est possible
de se procurer ces formulaires et le guide de candidature dans lequel figurent des explications détaillées concernant
l'admissibilité et les procédures sur le site web de la Commission. Les propositions doivent être présentées sur CD-ROM ou
DVD. Les propositions de projets doivent être remises aux autorités nationales compétentes avant le 18 juillet 2011. Elles
doivent être transmises à l'autorité nationale de l'État membre dans lequel le bénéficiaire est enregistré. Les autorités
nationales les soumettront ensuite à la Commission avant le 9 septembre 2011.
Plus information : http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/funding/lifeplus2011/call/index.htm
Appel à candidature pour le Prix Ramsar pour la conservation des zones humides 2012
Le Secrétariat du Ramsar lance un appel à candidature pour la cinquième édition du Prix Ramsar pour la préservation des
zones humides. Le prix sera décerné dans les catégories « Gestion », « Science des zones humides » et « Education ».
Particuliers, organisations ou projets en cours peuvent faire l'objet d'une nomination. Les récompenses seront remises lors
de la 11ème Session de la Conférence des Parties, à Bucarest, Roumanie, en juin 2012.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/evenements/729/
(en anglais) Interview with Susana Sá Fontinha, Biologist and Researcher - University of
Madeira (Portugal)
Susana Sá Fontinha, 45, is a biologist and researcher on the Portuguese island of Madeira, which is in the
Atlantic off the coast of North Africa. I travelled to Madeira on my honeymoon in 2005 and fell in love with
the “Floating Flower Pot” as it is known. Two-thirds of this small, volcanic subtropical island is a national
park and the total number of its terrestrial biodiversity includes more than 7,500 species.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.viewfromthepier.com/peertopier/susana-sa-fontinha-biologist/
(en anglais) New Hope for One of the World's Rarest Chameleons - Madagascar
Conservationists from the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE) at the University
of Kent have discovered a new population of Madagascar's Belalanda chameleon.
The discovery took place just days after the team hosted an international conference to assess
the conservation status of all Madagascar's reptiles, three of which, including the Belalanda, are
already very close to extinction and have been classified as Critically Endangered. The
conference took place in Antananarivo, the nation's capital, from 24 to 28 January.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/02/110228090603.
(en anglais) Fossil bird study describes ripple effect of extinction in animal
kingdom - University of Florida - Gainesville - Florida (USA)
A University of Florida study demonstrates extinction’s ripple effect through the animal
kingdom, including how the demise of large mammals 20,000 years ago led to the
disappearance of one species of cowbird.
The study shows the trickle-down effect the loss of large mammals has on other species, and
researchers say it is a lesson from the past that should be remembered when making
conservation, game and land-use decisions today.
Plus information en anglais : http://news.ufl.edu/2011/03/07/extinction-effects/
(en anglais) Urgent: help stop oil exploration inside one of Africa's most iconic national parks - Democratic
Republic of Congo (DRC)
Democratic Republic of the Congo’s Virunga National Park is Africa’s oldest national park, one of the few places in the world
where gorilla populations are not in steep decline.
The area hosts an incredibly rich biodiversity, including: chimpanzees, hippos, elephants and other rare species.
Yet, several companies plan to explore for oil inside the park, including the UK based companies SOCO and Dominion,
posing a threat to the area’s sensitive balance. If the project goes forward, it will threaten Virunga’s wildlife and jeopardise
decades of costly conservation work.
Plus information en anglais : http://wwf.panda.org/how_you_can_help/campaign/ac_detail.cfm
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(en anglais) Restoring an altered Eden - A UCSC (University of California at Santa Cruz) professor
fosters a happy marriage between academic rigor and on-the-ground conservation to protect and
renew an estuarine gem
As Kerstin Wasson stands at the edge of the rising tide lapping gradually higher, her slight frame bubbles
with enthusiasm and guarded optimism for the sprawling salt marsh around her. "It sends shivers up my
spine sometimes as I'm walking around these mudflats on Elkhorn Slough holding an oyster in my hands,"
says Wasson, an adjunct professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at UC Santa Cruz. "There have been
humans standing in these places holding oysters in their hands for 7,000 to 8,000 years."
It's true. Wasson and her colleagues know that, millennia ago, Native Americans feasted on the petite Olympia oyster from
Elkhorn Slough. The former human residents' trash piles, known as middens to archeologists, are still around today, replete
with bits of the faded half dollar-sized shells.
Plus information en anglais : http://news.ucsc.edu/2010/10/review-fall-2010-eden.html
(en anglais) An Integrated Protection of the Transboundary Prespa Region - Trilateral UNESCO Biosphere
Reserve - (Albania, Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)
The establishment of a trilateral UNESCO Biosphere Reserve at Prespa Lake will be the subject of the upcoming Regional
Conference organized by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MoEPP) from The former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia in cooperation with UNESCO, UNDP, KfW and the Galicica National Park, and with the involvement of the trilateral Prespa Park Management Committee.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/en/venice/dynamic-content-single-view/news/
(en anglais) The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International - Gorilla eNews March 2011
The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International is dedicated to the conservation and protection of gorillas and their habitats in
Africa. We are committed to promoting continued research on the gorillas and their threatened ecosystems and to
providing education about their relevance to the world in which we live. In collaboration with government agencies and
other international partners, we also provide assistance to local communities through education, health, training and
development initiatives.
Here are the March edition of the official Gorilla eNews:
Young Gorilla Mother Raising First Newborn
The gentle young female Tayna has just given birth to her first offspring, in the group formed by silverback Inshuti
about three years ago. Inshuti has remained close to her side, protecting them and ensuring the continued success
of his growing group.
Conservation Education is Working in Rwanda!
Fossey Fund education manager Joseph Karama, who is stationed at the Karisoke Research Center, has developed
special classes for primary school students in towns around Volcanoes National Park. His students show increased
understanding of wildlife and the need for conservation.
Freedom Fence Challenge Extended
Our donor has agreed to keep matching gifts toward the building of the special fence in the forest at the GRACE
gorilla rescue center in Congo. All gifts up to $80,000 will be matched until March 31, so you still have time to
double your donation and make a very special impact in the lives of the orphaned gorillas.
Get Your Gorilla Visa® Platinum Rewards Card
Support the Fossey Fund's work to protect gorillas with every purchase on this special Visa® card, with no annual
fee. Your card will feature a beautiful gorilla photo and the Fossey Fund logo, showing that you care about gorillas
and conservation. An extra $50 donation is made upon your first use of the card. Sign up for your Fossey Fund Visa
Rewards Card here.
Plus information en anglais : http://gorillafund.org/Page.aspx?pid=400
(en anglais) STUDY TOUR 21-26 FEBRUARY 2011 - Montenegrin stakeholders benefit
from knowledge-sharing during study tour to World Heritage sites and Biosphere
Reserves in Italy and Austria
The study tour from 21 to 26 February 2011 was organized by UNESCO Venice Office in the
framework of the UN Joint Programme “Improving the business environment through green jobs
and institution building” and brought together five participants from the Public Enterprise for the
National Parks and the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/en/venice/dynamic-content-single-view/news/
Corail : les récifs pourraient totalement disparaître d'ici 30 ans
Un rapport publié par le centre de réflexion World Resources Institute dresse un constat alarmant quant à l'état de santé
des récifs coralliens à travers le monde. Le document réunit plusieurs études menées sur ce sujet, et prévient que les
coraux pourraient totalement disparaître des fonds marins d'ici les trente prochaines années, si rien n'est entrepris pour les
protéger de l'extinction qui les menace.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/corail/corail-les-recifs-pourraient-totalement-dispara-tre-d-039-ici-30ans_art12747.html
Nomination d'un nouveau Directeur général adjoint de l'UICN
Dr Poul Engberg-Pedersen a été nommé Directeur général adjoint de l'UICN à compter du 16 mai 2011.
Entre 2005 et 2010, Poul Engberg-Pedersen a dirigé la Norad, l'Agence Norvégienne de Coopération pour le
Développement, dépendante du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. Il a conduit le processus de transition de
la Norad d'une agence exécutante à un centre de connaissances sur les politiques d'appui du programme
ambitieux de la coopération au développement de la Norvège, qui comprend notamment diverses
initiatives mondiales sur la biodiversité, les forêts tropicales, le changement climatique et l’énergie propre.
Plus information : http://www.iucn.org/about/union/members/?7011/2/Nomination-dun-nouveauDirecteur-general-adjoint-de-lUICN
TARA OCEANS: Reportage au coeur du Genoscope : L'ADN et l'ARN du plancton sont
décryptés dans ce laboratoire
Vingt-cinq machines ronronnent. Des laborantins s’affairent autour d’un carton d’où s’échappe
une épaisse buée de froid. Ils en extirpent délicatement des boîtes transparentes congelées.
Nous sommes au Genoscope, la plateforme française de séquençage, nouvellement intégrée au
CEA et installée à une trentaine de kilomètres de Paris à Evry.
Plus information : http://oceans.taraexpeditions.org/en/the-genoscope-opens-its-doors.php?
Création du parc naturel marin de la Cote Vermeille (France)
Le projet de parc naturel marin a été soumis à enquête publique du 17 aout au 21 septembre dernier dans les 12
communes littorales de Leucate à Cerbère.
Cette enquête publique concernait le périmètre, les champs d’action et le pilotage du futur parc.
A son issue et à partir des observations et avis qui ont été émis, la commission d'enquête a rendu un avis favorable à ce
Plus information : http://www.mission-cote-vermeille.parc-naturel-marin.fr/
Création du parc naturel marin des estuaires picards (France)
La seconde réunion d’instance de concertation pour l’étude d’un parc naturel marin à l’ouvert des 3 estuaires de la Canche,
de l’Authie et de la Somme a réuni plus de 200 participants à Etaples sur mer le 17 janvier 2011.
Objectif : présenter la synthèse des travaux des cinq groupes thématiques animés depuis un an par la mission d’étude pour
la création d’un parc naturel marin. Ces travaux ont permis de dégager cinq hypothèses présentant des variantes qui
portent sur la définition du périmètre, des orientations de gestion et de la composition du conseil de gestion.
Plus information : http://www.aires-marines.fr/projet-parc-estuaires-picards-hypotheses.html
(en anglais) The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International - Gorilla eNews February 2011
The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International is dedicated to the conservation and protection of gorillas and their habitats in
Africa. We are committed to promoting continued research on the gorillas and their threatened ecosystems and to
providing education about their relevance to the world in which we live. In collaboration with government agencies and
other international partners, we also provide assistance to local communities through education, health, training and
development initiatives.
Here are the February edition of the official Gorilla eNews:
Silverback Gorilla Finds Love with Four Females
The ambitious and handsome silverback Inshuti has just acquired another female for his growing group. Umwana
transferred to him from another group, during an evening encounter between groups.
Rescued Gorilla Kyasa Arrives at GRACE Center
After a month recovering in Goma, Congo, orphaned gorilla infant Kyasa has been transported to the GRACE rescue
center and is doing well. In a few weeks, he will be introduced to the other young gorillas there.
Show Your Love with Our Valentine's E-Cards
We have new e-cards available on our website, just in time for Valentine's Day. Of course, you can also send your
loved ones a gorilla “Adoption.”
Help Meet the Challenge
Six rescued gorillas are moving to GRACE soon. We need to build a special fence in the forest to keep them safe.
This month all gifts up to $80,000 will be matched by an individual donor!
Plus information en anglais : http://gorillafund.org/Page.aspx?pid=400
Exhibition - Our World's Most Precious Natural Resource - Royal Ontario Museum 5
March to 5 September 2011. Toronto, Canada
Organizers: Royal Ontario Museum
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.rom.on.ca/news/releases/public.php?mediakey=w5jgq5wqym
EXHIBITION on Mark Dion's Complete South Florida Wildlife Rescue Unit
11 March - 28 August 2011. Florida, USA
Organizers: Miami Art Museum - Miami
Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
More info: http://www.miamiartmuseum.org/exhibition_Mark%20Dion.asp
TALKING CLAMS - Campagne d’océanographie biologique. Adventfjorden (Longyearbyen, Svalbard) en Norvège
28 mars - 1 avril 2011. Adventfjorden, Norvège
Organizateurs: La campagne TALKING CLAMS est financée par le projet MolluSCAN Eye et la compagnie Statoil au travers
du programme de recherche en Arctique Statoil-ARCTOS.
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/co/talking-clams
29 - 30 MARS 2011. NANTES, FRANCE
Organizateurs: Atelier technique des espaces naturels
Plus info: http://forumdesgestionnaires.espaces-naturels.fr/
Tropical Plant Identification Course - Kew Royal Botanic Gardens
9 - 20 May 2011. London, United Kingdom
Organizers: Kew Royal Botanic Gardens
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
More info: http://www.kew.org/learn/specialist-training/courses-a-z/tropical-plant-family-identification/index.htm
EXHIBITION - PaCE - Plants and Culture: seeds of the cultural heritage of Europe - Museo Cervi
Organizers: Museo Cervi
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.fratellicervi.it/content/view/353/1/
20th International Conference on Bear Research and Management - Ottawa
17 - 23 July - 2011. Ontario, Canada
Organizers: The International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA)
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.wildliferesearch.ca/iba2011/
Campagne océanographique - KEOPS2 - EST DES ILES
Organizateurs: Université Pierre et Marie Curie, L'Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU)
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/co/expeditions-et-campagnes/keops2
What is the real role of National Forest Programmes? - Environmental news alert of the European Comission 24 February 2011
National Forest Programmes (NFPs) aim to incorporate the views of a wide range of stakeholders into the management of
national forests. However, an analysis of NFPs in Bulgaria and Germany found they had little impact on forest policy.
Despite this, stakeholders who took part in the NFP negotiations welcomed the opportunity to contribute to the policymaking process, even though they realised they may have little impact.
Sustainable development of the world's large marine ecosystems during climate change
A commemorative volume to advance sustainable development on the occasion of the presentation of
the 2010 Göteborg Award.
This publication was made possible through support provided by the International Union
for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP), the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and the US DOC National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
ISBN 978-2-8317-1321-2
Conservation made clear from IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) newsletter - 24 January
The latest IUCN newsletter Conservation Made Clear is a special focusing on 'Fabulous Forests'
Des produits chimiques à la pollution atmosphérique, un nouveau rapport du PNUE pointe de multiples
facteurs pour expliquer la disparition progressive de ces pollinisateurs
Plus d'une douzaine de facteurs (allant de la diminution globale du nombre de plantes à fleurs et de l'utilisation
d'insecticides nocifs pour la mémoire des abeilles à la propagation des ravageurs et de la pollution atmosphérique dans le
monde entier) pourraient se cacher derrière le déclin des colonies d'abeilles observé dans de nombreuses régions du globe.
Les scientifiques tirent la sonnette d'alarme. Sans de profonds changements dans la façon dont l'être humain gère la
planète, la disparition des pollinisateurs, indispensable pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire d'une population mondiale
grandissante, risque malheureusement de continuer.
Reconnaître et décoder les traces d'animaux - Manuel d'ichnologie
Par Muriel Chazel et Luc Chazel
ISBN: 978-2-7592-0915-6
Jadis pratique populaire, à présent discipline utilisée en paléontologie, l'ichnologie est l'ensemble des
techniques permettant l'identification des espèces à partir des traces qu'elles laissent.
Véritable manuel d'initiation, ce guide se propose de mettre ce savoir-faire au service du promeneur
par une approche didactique établissant une typologie des empreintes : séquences des membres
antérieurs et postérieurs en fonction de l'allure, aspects des empreintes selon le substrat... II
permettra au naturaliste amateur de " lire " la nature à partir des empreintes laissées par les animaux
dans le sol, mais aussi de leurs excréments et déjections, jusqu'aux traces laissées sur les végétaux
en passant par les cadavres pour ce qui est des grands carnivores.
Outre les passionnés de faune sauvage, cet ouvrage intéressera les professionnels en charge des
inventaires et du suivi des animaux en milieu naturel.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Global re-introduction perspectives 2010: additional case-studies from around the globe
This volume describes 72 case-studies covering invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds,
mammals and plants. It follows the same format as the 2008 volume Global re-introduction
perspectives : re-introduction case-studies from around the globe with vivid color photographs to
illustrate the case studies.
Current economic activity leaves an alien species 'invasion debt' from environment alert of
European Commission 24 February 2011
Past economic activity is more likely to explain the current pattern of biological invasions across Europe than recent human
activities, according to a new study. It can take several decades before a newly introduced species becomes established
and spreads, which may mean that recent invasions caused by current economic activities could create an ‘invasion debt’
for future generations.
Valuing biodiversity through multi-criteria analysis from Environment alert of European Commission 3
February 2011
Social and economic aspects should be considered alongside environmental issues when valuing benefits provided by
ecosystems and biodiversity. A recently published study outlines the use of multi-criteria assessment methods for valuation
that simultaneously take into account a wide variety of economic, social and environmental decision criteria.
England's National Parks: Beacons of Biodiversity - United Kingdom
England’s National Park Authorities have published a new report that demonstrates how National
Parks are central to efforts to halt biodiversity loss. The report comes during the International Year of
Biodiversity, and follows the setting of a European target to halt biodiversity loss by 2020 and
agreements at the international Convention on Biological Diversity Conference held in Nagoya in
October 2010.
An independent review of England’s wildlife sites, the Making Space for Nature review, was published in September. This
recognised the richness of wildlife in National Parks and the potential for National Parks to become exemplars in managing
and connecting habitats for ecological and wider benefits.
Reefs at Risk Revisited
Lauretta Burke, Katie Reytar, Mark Spalding, and Allison Perry
This report provides a detailed assessment of the status of and threats to the world’s coral reefs. It
evaluates threats to coral reefs from a wide range of human activities, and includes an assessment of
climate-related threats to reefs. It also contains a global assessment of the vulnerability of nations
and territories to coral reef degradation.
Patrimoine bâti
Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts / Allied Works Architecture - 2008 Dallas - Texas - U.S.A.
Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts is a building that supports the production of young
artists. Where the school excels in the academic preparation of its students, it aspires to forge rigorous, creative thinkers
and makers in spaces that inspire ideas and provoke experimentation and production. The 200,000 sqf expansion to the
Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, designed by Allied Works Architecture, includes areas
for the core programs of music, dance, theater, and visual arts, as well as spaces for assembly and traditional academic
instruction. The expansion is organized as simple loft spaces of concrete, brick and glass that rotate around and extend
outward from an open-air central amphitheater, known to students as the ‘Green Room’. The program clusters are
contained in distinct volumes that provide individual identity yet overlap adjacent disciplines in plan and section.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/117149/booker-t-washington-high-school-for-the-performing-and-visual-artsallied-works-architecture/
College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, UMINN / Steven Holl
An inspiration to all, the College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture at the University
of Minnesota stands as an intriguing building that glows during the late-night working hours
of its inhabitants. Completed by Steven Holl Architects in 2002, the building has received
much recognition for it’s enlightening and unifying qualities, an example being the
Progressive Architecture Award in 1990.
As is the case when designing an educational facility for an institution, the ideas of
unification and continuity were greatly considered in the design of the CALA (College of Architecture and Landscape
Architecture) expansion. With other main intentions of articulating interior and exterior spaces, Steven Holl Architects
created a form that fits in with it’s environment by day and transforms into a glowing box at night.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/113813/college-of-architecture-and-landscape-architecture-uminn-stevenholl-architects/
AD Classics: The Scottish Parliament / Enric Miralles - 1999-2004 - EDINBURGH - SCOTLAND - United KINGDOM
Widely known for it’s extreme cost of construction, the Scottish Parliament is a remarkable example of incorporating
architecture into it’s surroundings.
“The Parliament sits in the land. We have the feeling that the building should be land, built out of land. To carve in the land
the form of gathering people together… Scotland is a land… The land itself will be a material, a physical building material…”
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/111869/ad-classics-the-scottish-parliament-enric-miralles/
TWA Terminal to transform into a Boutique Hotel - Eero Saarinen - NEW YORK - NY - USA
Eero Saarinen’s decommissioned TWA Terminal has been slated for conversion into a boutique hotel. It seems as though
the Port Authority’s plan is to use the landmark terminal as the gateway to a separate hotel building that will be squeezed
into the crescent of space between Saarinen’s building and JetBlue’s Terminal 5. Along with this proposal, some might think
that creating a boutique out of a classic could contradict what Saarinen had in mind. Many design challenges can arise from
a simple, yet complex transformation.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/110816/twa-terminal-to-transform-into-a-boutique-hotel/
Arizona State University Walter Cronkite School of Journalism & Mass Communication / Ehrlich Architects Phoenix - Arizona - United States of America
Located in downtown Phoenix, the new six-story, 225,000 sqf, 110-foot tall, LEED Silver building has become an integral
part of the fabric of ASU’s energizing downtown campus and a harbinger of Phoenix’s redevelopment. Delivered in a designbuild, fast-track method, work began on design in October 2006 and the school opened its doors in August 2008, 22
months later. School schedules and budgets were both met.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/115170/arizona-state-university-walter-cronkite-school-of-journalism-mass-
Clares Sisters Convent Refurbishment by a3gm - Burgos - Spain
The convent of Poor Clares have a labyrinthine organization with multiple levels joined by stairs which hinder the
development of the older sisters. The cells that serve as accommodations were not fit for habitation: lack of insulation,
aged materials, humidity
Many of the toilets also lacked a decent treatment, beginning with its location that required the use of stairs.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/114319/clares-sisters-convent-refurbishment-a3gm/
Freight House Pedestrian Bridge / BNIM - Kansas city - Missouri - U.S.A.
Once located along the riverfront, the Pencoyd Railroad Bridge was built in 1892 and closed in 1970. Led by BNIM, the
recipient of the 2011 AIA National Architecture Firm Award, this historic bridge was relocated in 2006 to a new home where
it became part of a new pedestrian link spanning the railroad artery separating the revitalized Crossroads district from
popular civic destinations to the south.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/116262/freight-house-pedestrian-bridge-bnim/
Warehouse for Architectural Recycling (W.A.R.) / Department of Unusual Certainties
Department of Unusual Certainties was recently awarded honorable mention for their submission to Conditions Magazine’s
Tell Them What They Need Competition, a competition which asked people to come up with alternatives for architectural
competition practice. Their submission “Warehouse for Architectural Recycling (W.A.R.)” proposes a global institution which
archives competition submissions and auctions them off to potential buyers elsewhere. A re-purposing of loser ideas. Follow
after the jump for a comprehensive description of W.A.R. from DoUC.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/112978/warehouse-for-architectural-recycling-w-a-r-department-of-unusualcertainties/
Manor Farm / Hinton Cook Architects - Wolverton - England - UK
Located in the historic railway town of Wolverton, this project owned by the Parks Trust, creates 13,677ft2 office space
within existing grade II listed structures. Designed by the award winning Hinton Cook Architects, the brief was to renovate
and convert the old farm buildings, contrasting the old with the new and exposing the historic structure creating new
stylish and contemporary offices within. Set within generous mature landscape, attention to landscaping and respect for
context was critical to help the design continue to blend harmoniously within its rural surroundings. Key to the success of
the project was the juxtaposition of modern and traditional elements. The sensitive approach to this historic building
ensured the contrast between old and new forms delivered in a sophisticated way highlighting the contrast between the
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/110711/manor-farm-hinton-cook-architects/
AD Classics: Miller House and Garden / Eero Saarinen -1957 - Columbus - Indiana - U.S.A.
Completed in 1957 for industrialist and philanthropist J. Irwin Miller and his family in Columbus, Indiana, the Miller House
and Garden embodies midcentury Modernism in it’s fullest. Architect Eero Saarinen‘s steel and glass composition has held
together very well, proving the quality and use of materials to be worthy of time.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/116596/ad-classics-miller-house-and-garden-eero-saarinen/
AD Classics: Santa Maria Church de Canaveses / Alvaro Siza - 1996 - MARCO DE CANAVESES - PORTUGAL
As is true with most old churches in Portugal, retaining walls, flights of stairs and large forecourts are designed around a
building to help maintain it’s distance from its surroundings. This general strategy is at play in Santa Maria Church in Marco
de Canaveses, where Alvaro Siza makes use of the sloping site and lifting the building on a 4m high plateau.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/112535/ad-classics-santa-maria-church-de-canaveses-alvaro-siza/
AD Classics: MIT (Massachussetts Institute of Technology) Chapel / Eero Saarinen - 1955 - Cambridge Massachussetts - USA
Eero Saarinen is one of the most respected architects of the 20th Century, often regarded as a master of his craft. Known
for his dynamic and fluid forms, his design for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s chapel takes on a different
typology than his previous works. Completed in 1955, the MIT Chapel is a simple cylindrical volume that has a complex and
mystical quality within. Saarinen’s simple design is overshadowed by the interior form and light that were meant to awaken
spirituality in the visitor.
The non-denominational chapel is intended to be more than just a religious building, rather it’s meant to be a place of
solitude and escape that induces a process of reflections. Located at the heart of MITs campus, the chapel’s cylindrical form
breaks the rigidity of the campus’s orthogonal grid.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/112682/ad-classics-mit-chapel-eero-saarinen/
AD Classics: Unity Temple / Frank Lloyd Wright - Oak Park - Illinois - United States of America
Before the Robie House, Fallingwater, and the Guggenheim, Frank Lloyd Wright’s career was just beginning to take off in
Oak Park, Illinois. One of the most significant projects from his early career is Unity Temple near his home and studio in
Oak Park. Completed in 1908, Unity Temple was a replacement church for Unitarian Universalist Church that had burned
down in 1905. The church is poised as an important work for the Modernist movement in the early 20th Century, but it was
also the foundation from which the Prairie School would originate into Wright’s architectural language.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/112683/ad-classics-unity-temple-frank-lloyd-wright-3/
AD Classics: Wingspread / Frank Lloyd Wright - Wingspread - Wisconsin - USA
One of the many houses designed by architect Frank Lloyd Wright, the Wingspread also known as the Herbert F. Johnson
House represents many of the key themes found in all architecture of Wright.
Designed for Herbert Johnson of the Johnson Wax Company, the house was built only a year before their renown corporate
headquarters in Racine.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/115102/ad-classics-wingspread-frank-lloyd-wright/
AD Classics: Yoyogi National Gymnasium / Kenzo Tange - 1961-1964 - TOKYO - JAPAN
Built for the 1964 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan, the Yoyogi National Gymnasium has become an architectural
icon for its distinctive design. Designed by one of Japan’s most famous modernist architects, Kenzo Tange, the gymnasium
is a hybridization of western modernist aesthetics and traditional Japanese architecture.
Tange’s innovative structural design creates dramatic sweeping curves that appear to effortlessly drape from two large,
central supporting cables. It’s dynamically suspended roof and rough materials form one of the most iconic building profiles
in the world.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/109138/ad-classics-yoyogi-national-gymnasium-kenzo-tange/
Chicago Children's Museum / Krueck & Sexton Architects - CHICAGO - ILLINOIS - USA
Chicago Children’s Museum’s mission is to create a community where play and learning connect. The museum’s primary
audiences are children up through fifth grade including their families, along with school and community groups that support
and influence children’s growth and development. In its current location at Navy Pier, the Museum lacks meaningful
connections to the outdoors and is challenged with the heavyly commercial environment of what has become Illinois’ most
popular tourist attraction.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/113130/chicago-children’s-museum-krueck-sexton-architects/
AD Classics: The Brooklyn Bridge / John Roebling 1867-1883. New York, NY (USA)
Due to the East River, which is not technically a river at all but an exceedingly turbulent tidal strait, New York City and
Brooklyn spent much of the 19th century as separate cities—New York being the 1st largest and Brooklyn the 3rd largest
but the fastest growing. Prior to 1883 the only connection between these two large cities was a system of inefficient,
overcrowded, unsafe, and unreliable ferries. Something needed to be done, and serious talk about bridging the two cities
goes as far back as 1800. No politician or businessman could resist dreaming about uniting the two cities. The Times
reported the bridge would be like a long-needed pressure valve for New York to alleviate overcrowding and crime. For
Brooklyn it would increase its importance, property value and give the people commuting to New York a safe, reliable
alternative to the ferries.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/120412/ad-classics-the-brooklyn-bridge-john-roebling/#more-120412
Elevator In Burgundy / Arcad'26 - 2011 - Burgundy - France
City Louhans (burgundy) has a 19th century building for use as city hall where access was not
suitable for people with disabilities. The reorganization of the premises and the new hierarchy
of functions was subjected to study with their access.
The project, through Demolition of unsightly growths, the pedestrian makes an important
function, creating a passage (traboule) at the rear of the building, thus linking two streets
structuring the island city hosting the town hall.
It took the project to reconcile the issue of a measured expansion (small) under the massive
volume of a 19th century building. The scale of the project is symbolic, it takes its true dimensions by the alternation of
empty and full, dressed in original envelope. The envelope, its porosity can guess the function, it consists, with the light
passing through, an assembly of plans that the building structure.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/118339/elevator-in-burgundy-arcad26/
Wieden+Kennedy Headquarters / Allied Works Architecture - Portland - Oregon - U.S.
The site for this project was within an abandoned warehouse that fills a city block. This allowed
the Wieden+Kennedy advertising agency to occupy a single building for the first time in many
years. The original 1908 building formed a solid, five-story masonry mass with little light – a
perforated box filled with a gridwork of heavy timber and quartered by cruciform masonry walls.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/117164/wiedenkennedy-headquarters-allied-worksarchitecture/
Catholic Temples Built on Teocallis Give Account of Prehispanic Urban Planning Mexico city - Mexico
During the Conquest period between 1524 and 1529, Spaniards constructed 68 churches on
sacred Prehispanic buildings of Tenochtitlan and Tlatelolco. 20 of these structures raised to
develop the evangelization work among Mexica people, are still standing, while 5 are partially
on foot.
In Tlatelolco, those dedicated to San Francisco Mecamalinco, Santa Ana Atenantitch, Santa
Clara Acozac (Nuestra Señora de los Angeles), San Miguel Nonoalco and La Concepcion
Atenantitlan remain.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45155
AD Classics: Chapel of St. Ignatius / Steven Holl Architects - 1997- Seattle - Washington State - U.S.A.
The Chapel of St. Ignatius, designed by Steven Holl Architects, is a Jesuit chapel for Seattle University. A series of light
volume corresponds to a part of Jesuit Catholic worship service, such as the south facing light corresponds to the
procession, a fundamental part of the mass.
The chapel is sited to form a new campus quadrangle green space to the north, the west, and in the future, to the east.
The elongated rectangular plan is especially suited to defining campus space as well as the processional and gathering
space within. Directly to the south of the chapel is a reflecting pond.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/115855/ad-classics-chapel-of-st-ignatius-steven-holl-architects/
AD Classics: Boston City Hall / Kallmann, McKinnell, & Knowles - 1968 - Boston - Massachussetts - U.S.A
As part of an international competition to design Boston’s City Hall in 1962, three Columbia University professors,
Kallmann, McKinnell & Knowles, diverted from the typical sleek, glass and steel structures that were being requested by
popular demand. Rather than basing their design on the material aesthetics, their goal was to accentuate the governmental
buildings connection to the public realm.
Completed in 1968, the Brutalist style city hall bridges the public and private sectors of government through a gradient of
reveal and exposure that allows the public to become integrated, either physically or visually, into the daily affairs of the
governmental process.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/117442/ad-classics-boston-city-hall-kallmann-mckinnell-knowles/
AD Classics: IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) Building / Mies van der Rohe 1973 - Chicago - Illinois - U.S.A.
Completed four years after architect Mies van der Rohe‘s passing, the IBM Building became one of the
cities most prestigious addresses. A pure symbol of the architecture of the time, the almost 700 foot tall
rectangle sits on a raised plinth that helps it to maintain a uniform height given the unevenness of the
site; State Street to the structure’s west inclines steeply.
As architecture, the IBM Building, along with many others designed by Mies van der Rohe, becomes
synonymous with corporate power. Black anodized aluminum and gray-tinted glass are used together to
create a uniform skin that gives the appearance of a single imposing and impressive volume. It’s strength and clarity of
form are distinguishable and appreciated along the Chicago skyline, a tribute to the lifelong study of structural expression,
organizational scale, material simplicity, proportion, and constructive detail.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/117921/ad-classics-ibm-building-mies-van-der-rohe/
Historic New England Protects Important Privately Owned Modern Property - Lincoln - Massachussetts - U.S.A.
The Flansburgh House in Lincoln, Massachusetts, is the latest privately owned historic property protected through a
preservation easement held by Historic New England and is now the second Modern house to enter its nationally recognized
Stewardship Program.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45545
Traditional building apprenticeships are key to Scotland's economic recovery
Culture Minister Fiona Hyslop has announced 30 new traditional building apprenticeships as part of the Government’s
strategy to put traditional building skills at the heart of Scotland’s construction industry and boost economic recovery.
The strategy ‘Traditional Building Skills: A strategy for sustaining and developing traditional building skills in Scotland’ has
been developed by Historic Scotland with Skills Development Scotland, Sector Skills Council and Construction Skills. The
strategy promotes traditional building skills as key to looking after the economic asset that is Scotland’s traditional building
stock, contributing to sustainable economic growth and meeting the Government’s target for carbon reduction.
More information: http://www.historic-scotland.gov.uk/index/news/news_article.htm?articleid=31051
Bill Introduced To Create Chimney Rock National Monument. Near Pagosa Springs,
Colorado (USA)
More than 1,000 years ago, archaeologists believe, ancient Pueblo Indians gathered six million
stones to build a Great House at the base of Chimney Rock, a mesa site dominated by twin spires
of stone located 17 miles from Pagosa Springs, Colo. Today that site is part of U.S. Forest Service
land, virtually unprotected and under-funded, unlike many similar Ancestral Puebloan places.
More information: http://www.preservationnation.org/magazine/2011/story-of-the-day/billchimney-rock.html
Newsletter Fondation du Patrimoine - N° 2, mars 2011
La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine rural non protégé. Maisons,
églises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel… tous les types de patrimoine de proximité sont
éligibles à l'action de la Fondation. Aux côtés de l'Etat et des principaux acteurs du secteur, elle aide les propriétaires
publics et associatifs à financer leurs projets, permet aux propriétaires privés de défiscaliser tout ou partie de leurs
travaux, et mobilise le mécénat d’entreprise.
More information: http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/
Tam O'shanter's Brig O' Doon : Medieval Bridge repairs considered. Scotland (United Kingdom)
Historic Scotland has indicated that it would will support repairs to the medieval bridge which is the setting of the final
verse of Robert Burns’ Tam o’ Shanter.
More information: http://www.historic-scotland.gov.uk/news_article.htm?articleid=31129
Seeing the Invisible at Drayton Hall - Charleston. South Carolina (USA)
Written by John Saunders
“There is much to be learned from what a country chooses to forget” –Lonnie Bunch, Dedication of the African-American
Cemetery at Drayton Hall – 2010
The blustery winter chill of February signals not only the shortest month of the year but also a celebration of stories which
focus on Americans of African ancestry, one of the longest stories of the human family that can be told. These stories
achieve the heights of human accomplishment while at the same time plumbing the depths of human deprivation. Drayton
Hall is part of this narrative, standing boldly as it proclaims the paradoxes of the first being last, the lost being saved and
the lion lying down with the lamb. Each of these metaphorically renders a verse in the African songs that have been sung
and heard at this place over the past 273 years.
More information: http://blog.preservationnation.org/2011/02/22/seeing-the-invisible-at-drayton-hall/
Blue Shield Statement on Christchurch (New Zealand)
Following the recent earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand, the Blue Shield expresses its great sorrow for the loss of
lives and the destructions the city’s cultural heritage sites and institutions suffered.
The city of Christchurch has been rocked by a major earthquake (magnitude 6.3) on last Tuesday, 22 February 2011, half a
year after the 7.1 earthquake of 4 September 2010. Besides the serious casualties, the toll on heritage is to be high. It
appears that there is very important damage to the historic area of the city and its built heritage.
Among others, the Anglican cathedral, the Catholic basilica, and the Victorian Gothic Provincial Buildings, symbols of the
city’s cultural heritage, has been severely damaged. Some major cultural institutions and conservation places, such as
museums, libraries and archives, are also reported to be significantly affected. What happened in Christchurch once again
underlines the vulnerability of cultural institutions, sites and monuments in case of natural disaster.
More information: http://www.blueshield-international.org/images/pressreleases/03-032011_blueshield_pressrelease_christchurch_en.pdf
Aider le Japon par l'ICCROM
Suite au tremblement de terre et au tsunami qui ont touché le Japon le 11 mars dernier, l’ICCROM, en coordination avec
l’UNESCO et d’autres institutions, souhaite mettre en place une stratégie pour participer au sauvetage et à la récupération
du patrimoine culturel du pays.
L’aide humanitaire de base et le sauvetage des personnes touchées par cette catastrophe sont bien sûr actuellement la
priorité ; cependant, la récupération du patrimoine culturel va devenir avec le temps un objectif de plus en plus important.
Alors que nous sommes en train d’identifier ce patrimoine en péril, nous pouvons d’ores et déjà dresser la liste des
institutions concernées et établir les liens utiles à l’information.
Plus information : http://www.iccrom.org/fra/news_fr/2011_fr/various_fr/03_17earthquakeJapan_fr.shtml
(en anglais) UNESCO advisory mission to Pashupati, Kathmandu Valley World
Heritage Property, wraps-up its work (NEPAL)
A one week UNESCO mission of International world heritage experts involving Bruno Deslandes,
from France and Sharif Shas Imon, from Bangladesh, to Pashupati - one of the seven
monument zones within the World Heritage Property of the Kathmandu Valley, ended on
Thursday 17 March 2011.
The experts came to Kathmandu upon the Government of Nepal’s request and they assessed
the proposal of a tunnel road construction in the southern part of the Sleshmantak Forest.
They also held discussions with stakeholders on how best to reconcile the outstanding universal value of the property with
the needs of local communities living around the site.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/new/en/kathmandu/about-this-office/single-view/news/
(en anglais) EUROPEAN COMMISSION VAT CONSULTATION -'Green Paper on the
future of VAT - Towards a simpler, more robust and efficient VAT system'. Deadline:
31 May 2011
All stakeholders affected by this initiative – all citizens, organisations, businesses, public
authorities, tax experts and academics - are invited to provide their views on this matter until
31 May 2011.
Value Added Tax (VAT) constitutes a major source of revenue for national budgets of the
Member States of the European Union. However, the VAT system, which is based on legislation
adopted at European level and applied at national level, suffers from numerous shortcomings which do not make it fully
efficient and compatible with the requirements of a true single market.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.europanostra.org/news/150/
(en anglais) Save Le Corbusier's Chandigarh (India) - PETITION
The Indian city of Chandigarh is one of the world’s greatest architectural treasures.
Described by its architect Le Corbusier as “my crowning work”, it is an exceptionally
ambitious and successful experiment in urban planning that has enriched the lives of the
many people who have lived and worked there.
If the plundering of Chandigarh continues, Le Corbusier’s vision of the city will be destroyed.
This article in The Guardian newspaper explains the gravity of the situation.
A group of local architects and art historians led by Manmohan Nath Sharma, who was Le
Corbusier’s first assistant and later chief architect of Chandigarh, is campaigning to preserve the city’s architectural
integrity. You can help their campaign by signing this petition to urge the Indian government.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.gopetition.com/petition/43893.html
AD Classics: United Nations / Wallace K. Harrison - 1952 - New York - New York
State- USA
Two years after the largest international peacekeeping organization was founded, the United
Nations began searching for the location of their world headquarters. After numerous offers
from cities around North America, the United Nations settled on a 17 acre plot of land on the
banks of the East River in New York City after John D. Rockefeller donated the land. With the
effects of World War II still looming throughout the world, the United Nations decided to
invited prominent architects from the founding nations to work in collaborative, peaceful
manner rather than holding a competition. In 1947, the UN commissioned Wallace K. Harrison to lead the international
design team to create their new world headquarters to be a symbol of the bright, peaceful future ahead that did not dwell
upon the past.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/119581/ad-classics-united-nations-wallace-k-harrison/
(en anglais) Heritage Conservation Professional (Built Heritage) - Godden Mackay Logan. Sydney, Western
Australia (Australia) Deadline: 1 April 2011
Heritage consulting firm Godden Mackay Logan (GML) is seeking a Research Assistant to join our built heritage team.
GML provides high level heritage advice on a diverse range of projects for both private and public clients. Our multidisciplinary in-house team has expertise in built heritage, conservation planning, archaeology, indigenous heritage and
interpretation, as well as in due diligence and Land and Environment Court matters. GML is the heritage consultant of
choice for many of Australia’s most important government and private organizations engaged with the management and
development of heritage assets. Our unique position within the industry means that GML consulting staff have the
opportunity to work on some of the most interesting heritage conservation projects across Australia. We are also
increasingly engaged in international conservation projects.
Plus information en anglais : http://australia.icomos.org/e-news/australia-icomos-e-mail-news-no-477/#11.
(en anglais) Town of Vincent's 2011 Building Design & Conservation Awards - Australia - Deadline for entries:
29 April 2011
Entry is now open for the 2011 Building Design & Conservation Awards.
The Town’s sustainability and ‘sense of place’ can be attributed to the buildings which are designed by architects, realised
by builders and cared for by property owners and organisations. The Building Design and Conservation Awards are
designed to recognise and celebrate the efforts of all those involved in the construction and conservation of Vincent’s
buildings. This year there are three award categories: 1. Building Design Excellence Award, 2. Sustainable Design Award
and 3. Conservation – Municipal Heritage Inventory Award. The following Prizes will be awarded in each category, and will
be presented at an Ordinary Meeting of Council:
* First Prize – a Framed Certificate and $1500
* Second Prize – a Framed Certificate and $500
* Third Prize – a Framed Certificate and $250
For further information and/or for an application form, please contact Senior Strategic Planning Officer Susannah Kendall or
Planning Officer (Strategic) Rachel Marie on (08) 9273 6531 / (08) 9273 6528 or [email protected]
Brochures/application forms are available for download from the Town of Vincent website. Alternatively, brochures are
available from the Administration & Civic Centre and Library & Local History Centre.
Plus information en anglais : http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Building-Design-Conservation-Awards-EntryForm.doc
(en anglais) Prince of Wales' Graduate Fellowships in Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism - Deadline for
application 8 April 2011 (United Kingdom)
The Prince's Foundation for the Built Environment is now inviting applications for the 2011 entry to The Prince of Wales's
Graduate Fellowships in Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism. The deadline for applications for this year’s programme is
8 April 2011.
The Graduate Fellowship will commence in July 2011 and will be hosted by The Prince's Foundation in London, and will
involve placements at The Foundation. Subject to performance, Graduate Fellows will spend a second year in a placement
with committed practitioners in the United Kingdom. The second year in placement attracts a bursary of £20,000pa, subject
to availability and economic conditions.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.intbau.org/news-archive/159-grad-fellowship-2011.html
(en anglais) Senior Built Heritage Specialist (Architectural Background), Godden Mackay Logan - Sydney Victoria - Australia - Deadline for application 25 March 2011
Heritage consulting firm Godden Mackay Logan (GML) is seeking a senior built heritage specialist to join our team.
GML provides high level heritage advice on a diverse range of projects for both private and public clients. Our multidisciplinary in-house team has expertise in built heritage, conservation planning, archaeology, indigenous heritage and
interpretation, as well as in due diligence and Land and Environment Court matters. GML is the heritage consultant of
choice for many of Australia’s most important government and private organizations engaged with the management and
development of heritage assets. Our unique position within the industry means that GML consulting staff have the
opportunity to work on some of the most interesting heritage conservation projects across Australia. We are also
increasingly engaged in international conservation projects.
Plus information en anglais : http://australia.icomos.org/e-news/australia-icomos-e-mail-news-no-476/#10.
(en anglais) LCCHP (Lawyers' Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation) Calls for the Preservation of
Preah Vihear Temple - Cambodia
We, the undersigned institutions, are greatly concerned by the escalating conflict between the Southeast Asian nations of
Cambodia and Thailand over the ancient temple of Preah Vihear. The sacred Hindu shrine is now a battlefield; the
descendants and heirs of its builders are among those whom the fighting has killed, injured, and displaced. Without
question, continued clashes will lead to increased casualties and will further jeopardize Preah Vihear.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.culturalheritagelaw.org/preahvihear
(en anglais) Call for authors - Project MYAL (My Aleppo) (Preliminary Title) - Syrian Arab Republic
The concept of the book MYAL (My Aleppo) corresponds largely with that of the city readers on international metropolises
started in 2008 by esefeld & traub publishers. MYNY (My New York, 2008) and MYMO (My Moscow, 2010) have appeared in
the same series. A publication on Tokyo is panned for 2011 and further one on Sao Paulo for 2012-2013. The size and
layout of the MYAL (My Aleppo) project has not been definitively decided. The decision will be taken by the publishers after
the receipt of the contributions. The MYNY and MYMO publications are to be regarded as feasible examples. The book is
planned in the three or four languages, German, English, French and Arabic.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.edition-et.de/aleppo/e/index.htm
(en anglais) Old Tannery School / Tonkin Zulaikha Greer Architects & Greer Hindmarsh Architects. Waterloo,
New South Wales, (Australia)
The Old Tannery, a stout brick factory-style edifice built for the training of tanners in the 1930s, enjoys no official heritage
status. However, our clients viewed it differently. Kane Construction, a building company that pursues unusual and
inventive building projects, wanted their Sydney office building to reflect this interest.
The main original building is two-storeyed, with robust ironbark trabiated structure, exposed bearers, joists and timber
cross bracing, and handsome oregon trusses. Next to this were a few ad hoc buildings of lesser quality, with single brick
skin in very poor condition.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archdaily.com/112592/old-tannery-school-tonkin-zulaikha-greer-architects-greerhindmarsh-architects
(en anglais) St. Mary Cathedral / Kenzo Tange - 1963-1964 - Tokyo - Japan
There are some buildings that do not belong to any time or age. The Saint Mary Cathedral of
Tokyo by Kenzo Tange is definitely one of these. Of course materials and technologies make it
recognizable as a project of the 20th century, but we could easily say that this project has been
built yesterday the same as 50 years ago. It’s not usual, in terms of the quality of architecture.
And it is not the only quality of this project.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archdaily.com/114435/ad-classics-st-mary-cathedralkenzo-tange/
De jeunes bénévoles au chevet du patrimoine... bilan des chantiers 2010 dans l'Eure (France)
Depuis plusieurs années, la Fondation du Patrimoine soutient les chantiers de jeunes qui s’organisent durant les vacances
scolaires et concernent la restauration du patrimoine bâti des régions françaises. Des châteaux forts, des enceintes
fortifiées, des fermes, des granges, des pigeonniers, des fontaines… et même du patrimoine funéraire, il y en a pour tous
les goûts ! C’est surtout l’occasion pour des jeunes de tout milieu de se rencontrer, de partager avec des professionnels du
bâtiment les savoir faire traditionnels, comme la technique de la taille de pierre par exemple ou la réalisation de vitraux, et
de profiter des vacances pour s’ouvrir à d’autres horizons et susciter parfois des vocations futures !
Plus information : http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/haute-normandie-11/actualites-520/detail-de-jeunes-benevolesau-chevet-du-patrimoine-bilan-des-chantiers-2010-dans-l-eure-189
Alemanys 5 / Anna Noguera - Girona - Spain
Located in the core part of Girona’s medieval quarter, within the scope of the first wall and
overlooking the Plaça de Sant Domènec, is the property Alemanys 5, whose original building
dates from the Sixteenth Century.
Its recent restoration integrates old and new, where sober and clean lines look for the
enjoyment of essential elements such as space, light, shadow, fire, stone, water or silence.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/121082/alemanys-5-anna-noguera/
Cannon Design Regional Offices / Cannon Design - St. Louis - Missouri - USA
After standing vacant for nearly 30 years, the St. Louis Municipal Power House building at 1100
Clark Avenue in downtown St. Louis, opened as the new offices of Cannon Design in September
2008. In 2007, the firm purchased the 19,000 sqf building and provided all design, development,
and construction management services for its restoration, renovation and adaptive reuse—an
investment that represents the firm’s confidence in the future of the city of St. Louis. Constructed
in 1928, the Power House was an original part of the Municipal Service Building complex that still
occupies an entire block of downtown St. Louis—providing parking space for city vehicles, a fire
department and an electric substation. The Power House component of the complex, designated as a landmark by the
National Historic Register, provided coal-fired steam heat to a dozen downtown buildings but was decommissioned by the
City in 1980.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/122043/cannon-design-regional-offices-cannon-design
(en anglais) Senior Project Specialist (Built/20th century heritage) at Getty Conservation Institute. Los
Angeles, California (USA) Deadline for application 15 April 2011
The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), located at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California, works internationally to
advance conservation practice in the visual arts—broadly interpreted to include objects, collections, architecture, and sites.
The Institute serves the conservation community through scientific research, education and training, model field projects,
and the dissemination of the results of both its own work and the work of others in the field.
Plus information en anglais : http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Senior-Project-Specialist-GCI.pdf
Lancement d'une opération rénovation énergétique à l'Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud. Val de Loire (France)
A la suite d'une étude préalable pilotée par la SEM Régionale pour le compte du CCO, la Région a missionné la Société
Publique Régionale des Pays de la Loire pour conduire l'opération de construction d'un pôle technique et énergétique ainsi
que le projet de réhabilitation globale de l'Hôtel Saint Lazare. Objectif : rationaliser l'ensemble et envisager une rénovation
énergétique complète.
Plus information : http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Actualites/Toutes/Lancement-d-une-operation-renovationenergetique-a-l-Abbaye-Royale-de-Fontevraud
Project d'Inventaire des édifices cultuels de France - Recherche de partenaires
La France possède quelques 100 000 édifices cultuels, toutes religions confondues, dont les ¾ , situés dans les campagnes
sont antérieurs à 1789 (Révolution française) et n’ont pas été inventoriés par l’Etat français. Icônes du sacré, témoins de
l’histoire, facteurs identitaires, chefs-d’œuvre de l’architecture française, ils sont l’emblème des villages, villes et provinces
où ils se trouvent et sont menacés par l’évolution contemporaine.
L’OPR a commencé ce recensement en 2006. Il couvre à ce jour 60 départements (carte jointe), soit près de 55 000
sanctuaires, et s’appuie sur une démarche scientifique approuvée et accompagnée par des universitaires de haut niveau.
Afin de mieux défendre ces bâtiments, il faut les connaître et donc commencer par les inventorier.
Si vous pensez que ce projet et éligible à des sources de financement européenne où internationales n’hésitez pas à les
communiquer à : Béatrice de Andia : [email protected].
Plus information : http://www.patrimoine-religieux.fr/
(en anglais) American Society for Landscape Architects 2001 awards. Deadline for Applications: 6 May 2011
for students
Recognizes: site-specific works of landscape architecture or urban design. Professional entries in this category must be
built; student entries are not required to be built. Typical entries include: public, institutional, or private landscapes of all
kinds (except residential—see residential category); historic preservation, reclamation, conservation; green roofs, storm
water management, sustainable design; design for transportation or infrastructure; landscape art or installation; interior
landscape design; and more. Criteria: The jury will consider the quality of design and execution (for professional entries);
design context; environmental sensitivity and sustainability; and design value to the client and to other designers.
Recognition: The Professional Awards Jury and the Student Awards Jury may each select one Award of Excellence and any
number of Honor Awards in this category. Entry forms and payment for Professional Awards must be received by: Friday,
February 25, 2011 and submission binders by Friday, March 11, 2011. As for Student Awards, entry forms and payment
must be received by Friday, May 6, 2011 and submission binders by Friday, May 20, 2011.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.asla.org/2011awards/rules_entries/index.html
Bulletin de l'Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National - ISPAN No 21 - HAITI
L’Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National (ISPAN) est un organisme technique autonome du Ministère de la Culture
et de la Communication. Il a pour mission de dresser l’inventaire et de procéder au classement des monuments, de sites et
d’ensembles historiques de la République d’Haïti, de réaliser des études de projets de protection, de restauration et de mise
en valeur de monuments, de sites et d’ensemble historiques, d’assurer la direction et le contrôle des travaux d’exécution de
tels projets, d’aider à la promotion et au développement d’activités publiques ou privées visant à sauvegarder le Patrimoine
National et, enfin, de recueillir, organiser et diffuser toutes informations et documentations relatives au Patrimoine
architectural et monumental, national et international.
Plus information : http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/ISPAN_No21.pdf
(en anglais) Historic, Three-Year Preservation Project Restores The Landmark Façade
of the New York Public Library. New York, NY (USA)
The New York Public Library has just completed a three-year, $50 million restoration and
preservation of the landmark Stephen A. Schwarzman Building on 42nd Street, which has stood
as an impressive symbol of opportunity and access for the people of New York City and the
world for a century. The unveiling of the newly restored façade represents the start of a yearlong celebration in the building’s honor, which will look back with reverence at all it has meant
to the public while also looking towards a bright and exciting future.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44688
Stadsherstel organise un forum international sur la préservation du patrimoine urbain
31 mars - 2 avril 2011. Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
Organizateur: UNESCO
Contact: [email protected] et [email protected]
Plus info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/events/724/
Nouveau site web pour Rome: www.spqroma.it - SPQR (Salvaguardia Proteggi Qualifica Roma)
(en italien) E’ nato su iniziativa di 40 volontari, un gruppo di giovani con al massimo ventotto anni, il progetto S.P.Q.R.
(Salvaguardia Proteggi Qualifica Roma), gestito dall’Ufficio di Protezione Civile del Comune di Roma con il supporto del
Delegato del Sindaco per la Tutela e la Valorizzazione del Centro Storico e della Sovrintendenza ai Beni Culturali del
Comune di Roma.
L’obiettivo che ha guidato tale impresa è stato quello di migliorare i sistemi di intervento per il recupero e la salvaguardia
delle opere d’arte in caso di criticità e di valorizzare il patrimonio storico artistico e monumentale del Municipio I – Centro
Storico di Roma.
Plus information : http://www.tafter.it/2011/02/23/www-spqroma-it/
La foudre endommage le temple Pratapur de la Vallée de Katmandou, Népal
Le temple de Pratapur, situé dans la zone de monuments de Swayambhu de la Vallée de
Katmandou, site du patrimoine mondial au Népal, a été endommagé par la foudre vers 5h du
matin le 14 février, au cours d'un violent orage.
Une équipe d'ingénieurs du département d'archéologie du Népal a inspecté le temple dès le
lendemain afin d'établir très rapidement un rapport préliminaire. Les experts du Bureau de
Katmandou, le département népalais d'archéologie ainsi que les autorités nationales se sont
également rendus sur le site afin d'évaluer les dommages.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/en/news/712
Nouveau site web du Havre - Patrimoine d'exception. Le Havre (France)
La ville du Havre, au bord de la Manche en Normandie, a été lourdement bombardée pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
La zone détruite a été reconstruite entre 1945 et 1964 d’après le plan d’une équipe dirigée par Auguste Perret. Le site
forme le centre administratif, commercial et culturel du Havre. Parmi les nombreuses villes reconstruites, Le Havre est
exceptionnel pour son unité et son intégrité, associant un reflet du schéma antérieur de la ville et de ses structures
historiques encore existantes aux idées nouvelles en matière d’urbanisme et de technologie de construction. Il s’agit d’un
exemple remarquable de l’architecture et l’urbanisme de l’après-guerre, fondé sur l’unité de méthodologie et le recours à la
préfabrication, l’utilisation systématique d’une trame modulaire, et l’exploitation novatrice du potentiel du béton.
Plus information : http://lehavre.fr/rubrique/patrimoine-dexception
(en anglais) Save the Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia)
Preah Vihear was a crowning achievement of the Khmer Empire, which ruled Southeast Asia from the
9th to 15th centuries and preceded the modern Cambodian state. The site has been the subject of a
border dispute between Cambodia and Thailand since French Indochina collapsed in 1954. In 1962,
the International Court of Justice awarded Preah Vihear to Cambodia, and Thailand relinquished the
temple in 1963. In 2008, at Cambodia’s request, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recognized Preah Vihear as a World Heritage Site of “outstanding
universal value.” Cambodian-Thai relations rapidly deteriorated in the wake of the listing, which was
intended to protect the temple. In the last few years, these political tensions have repeatedly sparked armed clashes, with
Preah Vihear at the frontline. The most recent fighting — and fiercest to date — erupted on 4 February 2011 and has taken
lives, wounded dozens, forced thousands to flee their homes, and damaged the temple.
Plus information en anglais : http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/675086/bbb00a3c24/285206853/1ed564d745/
Exposición itinerante "100 elementos Patrimonio Industrial en España"
22 de Marzo de 2011 - 2012. Madrid, España
Organiza: Comité Internacional para la conservación y defensa del Patrimonio Industrial, TICCIH-España
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://expo100ticcih.blogspot.com/
6th Urban and Regional Planning (URP2011) Seminar: Exploring Historic Urban Landscapes - NED UNIVERSITY
Organizers: The Department of Architecture and Planning, NED University
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.neduet.edu.pk/arch_planning/Seminar-Series/Call%20For%20Papers%20-URP%202011.pdf
International Day for Monuments and Sites event in New South Wales
18 April 2011. Sydney, Australia
Organizers: ICOMOS Australia
Deadline for registration: 28 March 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/International-Day-for-Monuments-and-Sites_2010-events.pdf
Longford Academy Course in Advanced Conservation Techniques
16 - 20 May 2011. Tasmania, AUSTRALIA
Organizers: APT Australasia Chapter
Contact: Dr Donald Ellsmore, Convenor, Australasia Chapter
More info: http://aptaustralasia.wordpress.com/2011/01/30/announcement-second-longford-academy/
Symposium international sur Voûtes plate
26 - 28 mai 2011. Valencia, Espagne
Organizateurs: Universitat Politècnica de València
Contact: Rafael Marín - [email protected]
Plus info: http://bovedastabicadas.upv.es
2nd International Fair of Conservation, Restoration, Restoration of Castles and Historic Buildings - SREMSKA
1 - 3 June 2011. MITROVICA, SERBIA
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
More info: http://www.kulturniforum.com/en/?p=31
19 JUIN 2011. France
Date limite de participation:Mars 2011
Organizateurs: Architectes du Patrimoine, la CAPEB (Confédération de l'Artisanat et des Petites Entreprises du Bâtiment),
Patrimoine-Environnement (Fédération Nationale des Associations de Sauvegarde des Sites et Ensembles Monumentaux),
les Maisons Paysannes de France.
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.journeedupatrimoinedepays.com/index.htm
Call for papers - Vauban's influence throughout the world
Organizers: Réseau des sites majeurs de Vauban
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.sites-vauban.org/Appel-a-communication-L-influence,612
Inaugural ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) Conference on Shared Built Heritage
3 - 8 July 2011. Cape town, South Africa
Organizers: ICOMOS Netherlands and ISC on Shared Built Heritage
Contact: [email protected] and rct.enders@t-online
More info: http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Inaugural-ICOMOS-Conference-on-Shared-Built-Heritage-inAfrica-call-for-papers.pdf
VI° Curso de verano en restauración - La Restauración de la Arquitectura Moderna - Universidad de Ibagué
28 Julio - 16 Agosto 2011. Ibagué - Colombia
Organizers: Universidad de Ibagué
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.esempidiarchitettura.it/ebcms2_uploads/oggetti_news_547_ITA
The "Romiri project" pilot international workshop of Heritage Sciences
15 September to 15 October 2011. Zakynthos, Greece
Organizers: Hellenic Ministry of Culture, in collaboration with the University of York and under the patronage of ICCROM
Deadline for application: 16 May 2011
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
More info: http://www.diadrasis.org/projects/romiri/general_description.html
Architecture @ the Edge: International Conference of the Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia
18 - 20 September 2011. Victoria, Australia
Organizers: Deakin University, Faculty of Science and Technology. School of Architecture and Building, AASA 2011
Deadline for abstract: 30 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.deakin.edu.au/scitech/ab/aasa2011/
2ème symposium international WTA - (International Association for Science & Technology of Building
Maintenance & Preservation of Monuments)
6 - 7 octobre 2011. Brno, République tchèque
Organizateurs: Prof. Ing. Rostislav Drochytka Ph.D.
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.wta-conferences.org/conference/960
Tiles and Architectural Ceramics Society conference
12 November 2011. Stoke-on-Trent, - United Kingdom
Organizers: Tiles and Architectural Ceramics Society to be held at the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery
Deadline for papers: 16 June 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.exportingstoke.org.uk/
OVPM (Organisation des villes du patrimoine mondial ) : XI Congrès mondial de l'OVPM Sintra 2011 Brochures d'information et Appel d'affiches
22 - 25 novembre 2011. Sintra, Portugal
Organizateurs: OVPM (Organisation des villes du patrimoine mondial )
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.ovpm.org/fr/xi_congres_mondial_de_lovpm
"Blanca Montaña. Arquitectura reciente en Chile / White Mountain. Recent architecture in
Editado por Miquel Adriá. Santiago, Chile. Ediciones Puro Chile, 2010
Es un proyecto de Tomás Andreu y Claudia Pertuzé. Recopila los íconos más importantes de la
arquitectura del país. Este libro está editado por el connotado arquitecto Miquel Adrià (actual director
de ARQUINE), quien opina que “La arquitectura chilena es la más interesante y original de todo el
continente americano”.
Esta edición contiene una selección en más de 500 páginas de diseño, fotografía y contenido de lo
más destacado de la arquitectura chilena de los últimos 20 años, en un trabajo de recopilación que
recorre todo el país y que sorprende por la excelencia de las obras que expone, tanto viviendas
unifamiliares a edificios institucionales, pasando prácticamente por todo tipo de programas arquitectónicos.
Fondation Le Corbusier: Publications 2011
AMADO, Antonio
Voiture Minimum. Le
Corbusier and the
The MIT Press,
Cambridge, Londres,
ISBN : 978-0-26201536-3
RAGON, Michel
Ils se croyaient
illustres et immortels...
Éditions Albin Michel,
Paris, 2011
ISBN : 978-2-22621868-1
Der Architekt am
strand. Le Corbusier und
das Geheimnis der
Edition Akzente Hanser,
Munich, 2011
ISBN : 978-3-44623499-4
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Historic districts for all - India: a social and human approach for sustainable revitalisation;
manual for city professionals
Corporate author: UNESCO Office New Delhi
ISBN ISSN: 978-81-89218-36-2
This publication is the outcome of the concerted efforts, under the supervi-sion of Marina Faetanini,
Programme Specialist, Social and Human Sciences, of an evolving UNESCO team comprising the
following members: Shipra Narang Suri and Daniela de Simone, consultants, Shalini Mahajan,
research assistant, Ashita Singh and Nidhi Ralhan, programme assistants, Cathryn Connolly, proofreader, and Lena Michaels, Maud Hainry, Saurabh Tewari and Frederic Riopel, interns. We are
especially thankful to Shipra Narang Suri for producing the first full draft and annex, and to Daniela
de Simone for taking the Manual to its completion.
Experiencias y métodos de restauración en Colombia
Editado por: Rubén Hernández Molina y Olimpia Niglio
ISBN 978–88–548–3909–0
Luego de 93 años de la creación de la Dirección Nacional de Bellas Artes en
1918 y de 53 años de la creación de la ley 163 de 1959 de Diciembre 30 por la
cual se crea una legislación sobre el patrimonio, con una serie de mecanismos y
medidas sobre la defensa y conservación del patrimonio histórico, artístico y
monumentos públicos de la Nación por Congreso de la República, el volumen
“Experiencias y métodos de restauración en Colombia” analiza la situación del
país en el sector de la restauración de los bienes arquitectónicos y artísticos con
referencia al desarrollo registrado en la segunda mitad del siglo XX.Gracias a la
contribución de profesores de varias universidades colombianas, arquitectos y restauradores, así como de historiadores de
arte ha sido posible reconstruir algunas de las experiencias realizadas para valorar y conservar importantes monumentos y
edificaciones de la historia del país. Las obras de restauración analizadas (de los años' 60 del siglo XX a hoy), demuestran
la cultura y la formación en torno a la restauración del patrimonio en Colombia, teniendo importantes y fuertes raíces que
pueden constituirse en una válida referencia metodológica dentro del continente americano con importantes cotejos en
otros países que la puedan referenciar.
Préservation et réhabilitation du bâti traditionnel dans le Val de Loire patrimoine mondial Brochure de la Fondation du patrimoine
Directeur de la publication : Bernard Vella, délégué du Loiret de la Fondation du Patrimoine
Rédacteurs : Mathieu Blandin; Béatrice Bouthier; Bernard Vella; Frédéric Aubanton et Saadia
Cette brochure éditée par Fondation du Patrimoine vise à permettre de mieux connaître et d’identifier
ce patrimoine grâce à une typologie du bâti, un vocabulaire de l’architecture, des conseils pour l’emploi des matériaux
traditionnels dans le but d’entretenir, mettre en valeur ou restaurer un bien immobilier habitable ou non, ainsi que
quelques rappels des règlements d’urbanisme.
Le document précise également les aides financières (subvention et/ou défiscalisation) dont peuvent bénéficier les
propriétaires privés auprès de la Fondation du Patrimoine et des collectivités territoriales qui sont ses partenaires. Un
carnet d’adresses des organismes publics, associatifs ou privés susceptibles d’apporter une aide technique aux particuliers
pour l’élaboration de leur projet de restauration, figure à l’intérieur de ce document.
Islands as crossroads: sustainable cultural diversity in small island developing states
Author: Curtis, Tim
ISBN ISSN: 978-92-3-104181-5
The very notion of a ‘small island’ usually triggers several associations in the minds of continental
dwellers. Remote, isolated, insular, even paradisiacal, are some of the more common imaginings
about islands. Yet small island states and their populations are far from isolated or culturally
homogenous. On the contrary, islands have long been places where peoples of different cultures have
encountered each other and lived in close proximity. Islands are better understood as dynamic
centres of cultural interaction – as ‘crossroads of cultures’.
This book brings together scholars of various disciplines from the three main island regions of the
world – the Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean – to explore the ways in which the peoples of small islands have
lived, and continue to live, in their culturally diverse societies. Leading anthropologists, historians, economists,
archaeologists and others unpack the complexity and dynamics of societies in small island developing states. It reflects the
outcomes of a UNESCO symposium held in the Seychelles in 2007.
Impacts du changement climatique sur le patrimoine culturel et
Wetlands Matter: Valuing wetland ecosystems in a changing climate
Over 100 government representatives and international experts on wetland science, policy
and management met for a one-day symposium in Edinburgh, UK, on 24 February 2011.
Organised and hosted by the Scottish Government, Scottish Environment Protection Agency,
Scottish Natural Heritage and Wetlands International, the symposium on Wetlands Matter:
Valuing wetland ecosystems in a changing climate, has produced a communiqué linking their
conclusions to some of the key evidence presented during the Symposium. The Call for Action
suggests who the target audiences might be in each case. The symposium was attended by
the Secretariat’s Deputy Secretary General, Nick Davidson.
More information: http://www.wetlands.org/LinkClick.aspx?link=publications
Video: Rethinking our Landscapes with Kate Orff - Utilizing oysters as an agent for urban change
Kate Orff shares her vision of ‘oyster-tecture’ utilizing oysters as an agent for urban change. Focusing on the New York
Harbor, Orff, architect and founding principal of Manhattan based studio SCAPE, demonstrates how we can rethink our
landscapes, both the green and blue spaces, linking nature and humanity for mutual benefit.
Eastern oysters being her focus for this TED Talk, she shares how the oyster can improve water quality as a natural bio
filter. Blending urbanism and ecology she proposes an oyster reef for the Gowanus Canal and Governors Island, an
accessible idea that can be implemented immediately.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/110616/video-rethinking-our-landscapes-with-kate-orff/
Patagonie : la fonte d'un glacier engendre des inondations à répétition (CHILI)
Encouragée par le réchauffement climatique, la fonte du glacier Colonia engendre de multiples
inondations dans la région d’Aysen, en Patagonie chilienne. Les habitants de la région vivent sous la
menace d'une catastrophe venant des montagnes qui les entourent.
Cette situation est mise en lumière dans un article publié par la revue Nature, et rapporté par le site
Actualités news environnement. Depuis le printemps 2008, la région d’Aysen a déjà connu sept
évènements catastrophiques, des jökulhlaup, (course de glacier en islandais).
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/inondation/patagonie-la-fonte-d-039-un-glacierengendre-des-inondations-a-repetition_art13413.html
Ancient treasures threatened by climate change
The University of Edinburgh Business School - News Release
Archaeological treasures that have been frozen for millennia are being destroyed because of climate change, research
suggests. Remains in some of the coldest places on earth are being exposed as warmer temperatures cause ice and
hardened ground to thaw. The fragile materials at risk include ancient tombs, artefacts and human remains. They are often
culturally significant, especially for indigenous populations. Scientists at the University of Edinburgh’s Business School
studied cases of damaged remains in three locations around the world – at permafrost in the Altai Mountains in central
Asia, sea ice in Alaska and glaciers in the Rocky Mountains.
More information: http://www.business-school.ed.ac.uk/waf/news-ng/get_file.php?asset_file_id=158
Le climat de la Terre, un dossier CNRS-Sagascience
Tout sur les climats et les phénomènes qui les influencent.
La notion de climat terrestre est parfois difficile à aborder et à comprendre ludiquement et facilement. Le CNRS et
Sagascience propsent un site-dossier spécialisé et complet qui permet d'être ou acteur de sa visite, grâce à un système de
menus, ou bien totalement spectateur si l'on décide de se lancer en mode animation.
Plus information : http://www.cursus.edu/?module=directory&action=get&subMod=PROD&uid=14672
Earth Hour : une heure sans lumière pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique
Samedi, de 20h30 à 21h30, la lumière s'éteindra dans de nombreux lieux emblématiques à travers le monde. Pour la
quatrième fois, le WWF organisera l'Earth Hour, une heure pour la planète et pour lutter contre le réchauffement
climatique. En 2010, plus d'1,2 milliards de personnes participaient à l'Earth Hour, en éteignant pendant une heure leurs
lumières. Cette année, quelques 131 pays se joindront à l'opération, un record pour cette quatrième édition. Citoyens,
entreprises, villes et pouvoirs publics sont invités samedi à se plonger pendant une heure dans l'obscurité, de 20h30 à
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/earth-hour/earth-hour-une-heure-sans-lumiere-pour-lutter-contre-lerechauffement-climatique_art13445.html
(en anglais) Culture in Motion conference and Public Consultation on a Future EU Culture Programme
The 3rd Culture in Motion conference "Pathways to EU-2020", organised by the European Commission (DG Education and
Culture) saw more than 600 participants coming to Brussels on the 15 and 16 of February.
Nearly 30 cross-borders cultural projects showcased how funding is making a difference on a European level and underlined
the significant role of culture in enhancing smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and supporting other EU policies..
Funding came from the Culture Programme 2007-2013, the Pilot Project for Artists Mobility, and other EU programmes like
the Lifelong Learning Programme, the Citizenship Programme, the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme
and the European Regional Development Programme.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.europanostra.org/news/148/
Lancement du projet européen ACCESS (Arctic Climate Change, Economy and
Society) - UPMC (Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie) - Paris (France)
L’UPMC consacre 3 journées de travail au lancement du projet européen, ACCESS (Arctic
Climate Change, Economy and Society).
Ce projet européen est financé en réponse au premier appel d’offres « L’Océan de demain
» du 7e Programme Cadre de Recherche et Développement. Il a officiellement commencé
le 1er mars 2011 et se terminera le 1er mars 2015. Porté par l’UPMC et impliquant 27
Partenaires de 9 pays européens incluant la Russie, l’objectif principal d’ACCESS consiste à
évaluer les impacts du changement climatique sur le transport maritime (y compris le tourisme), les pêches, les
mammifères marins et l’extraction du gaz et du pétrole dans l’Océan Arctique. ACCESS est aussi très concerné par les
options sur la Gouvernance Arctique et les « policy makers ».
Plus information : http://www.upmc.fr/fr/salle_de_presse/communiques/jc_gascard.html
Evolutions climatiques : Approches interdisciplinaires - Colloque au Muséum d'histoire
naturelle, Paris- France (mars 2007)
En réunissant des scientifiques, des experts du Groupe intergouvernemental d'étude du climat
(GIEC), des représentants d'administrations et d'institutions de diffusion de (information
scientifique, le colloque se propose de mettre en évidence comment des disciplines scientifiques
aussi différentes que les sciences de la Terre et de l'atmosphère, les sciences naturalistes et les
sciences économiques, convergent pour estimer les conséquences néfastes du changement
climatique et fournir des éléments de réponse de nature politique pour en atténuer les effets et
permettre les nécessaires adaptations.
Plus information : http://www.archivesaudiovisuelles.fr/EN/Event.asp?id=971&url=/971/accueil.asp
Climat : le réchauffement global menace certains sites archéologiques
Selon une équipe d’universitaires britanniques, qui a évalué trois sites archéologiques situés dans des régions froides du
globe, les effets du réchauffement climatique pourraient dégrader de nombreux vestiges historiques, dont des restes
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/rchauffement-climatique/climat-le-rechauffement-global-menace-certainssites-archeologiques_art13165.html
La Boudeuse va reprendre sa mission Terre-Océan
En mai 2010, le capitaine de la goélette La Boudeuse devait interrompre sa mission Terre-Océan, faute
de financement pour poursuivre cette exploration réalisée sur demande du ministère de
l'Environnement. Mais après avoir passé à Nantes plusieurs mois à quai, le trois-mâts va enfin
reprendre la mer, grâce à l'ONG Acted (Agence d'Aide à la Coopération Technique et au
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/la-boudeuse/la-boudeuse-va-reprendre-sa-missionterre-ocean_art13045.html
(en anglais) New Methodologies and Interdisciplinary Approaches in Global Change Research - Colloquium
held in Porquerolles, France (November 2008)
The European Science Foundation (ESF) and the French Foundation of the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (FMSH) (within
the Entre-Sciences programme) have agreed to jointly develop a new conference series in environmental sciences; an
effort to actively foster exchanges between scientists working in the humanities and social sciences and their colleagues in
the life and natural sciences.
This interdisciplinary conference present the new advances in the modelling of the Global Change that combines
Geosciences and Economics, with a perspective view from history - given the novelty of their interrelations – and from
political science – given the impact of the model outputs in the public sphere. The conference gather together speakers and
attendees from Europe, United States and Asia.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archivesaudiovisuelles.fr/EN/Event.asp?id=1515&url=/1515/accueil.asp
(en anglais) GEO Coastal Zone Community of Practice workshop focuses on the
Caribbean. Puerto Rico (USA) 9-11March 2011
The Third Regional Workshop in the Workshop Series of the GEO Coastal Zone Community of
Practice (CZCP) will focus on the specific needs, challenges and capabilities related to
sustainable tourism in the small island states of the Caribbean. Specific objectives of the
regional workshop will include: using Earth observations to improve sustainability of tourism,
assessing and preparing for climate change and its impact on coastal zones, using observations
to enhance relationships with the environment, and increasing resilience.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/about-us/single-view/news/
Séminaire de restitution et d'avancement des projets ANR (Agence nationale de la recherche) sur les
Changements environnementaux. 22 - 24 mars 2011. Montpellier, France
L'ANR et l'INSU organisent un séminaire de restitution et d'avancement des projets ANR sur les Changements
Environnementaux du 22 au 24 mars 2011 à Montpellier Supagro. Ce séminaire a pour but de présenter les résultats de
projets en lien avec les changements environnementaux, issus des programmes ANR VMC, VMCS, CEP, Blanc et JCJC entre
2006 et 2009.
La problématique du changement global est devenue un enjeu majeur avec à terme de fortes implications
environnementales, sociétales et économiques. La prise en compte conjointe du changement climatique et de la pression
anthropique implique la juste mesure et l’anticipation de ces effets sur l’environnement et l’homme afin de mettre en
œuvre des stratégies d’atténuation et d’adaptation.
Plus information : http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr/magazine/actualites/detail/seminaire-de-restitution-etdavancement-des-projets-anr-sur-les-changements-environnementaux/
En Atlantique Nord, les courants océaniques jouent un rôle plus important que prévu dans l'absorption du
L'océan piège le carbone grâce à deux mécanismes majeurs : une voie biologique et une seconde liée aux courants
océaniques. Des chercheurs du CNRS associés à l'IRD, au Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, à l'UPMC et à l'UBO(1)
viennent de quantifier le rôle de ces deux pompes dans une région de l'Atlantique Nord. Contrairement à leurs attentes, la
pompe physique y serait en moyenne près de 100 fois plus importante que la voie biologique. En enfouissant les masses
d'eau refroidies et enrichies en carbone, la circulation océanique joue donc, dans l'Atlantique Nord, un rôle crucial dans la
séquestration en profondeur du carbone. Ces résultats sont publiés dans la revue Journal of Geophysical Research.
Plus information : http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/a3717,atlantique-nord-courants-oceaniques-jouent-role-plus-important-queprevu-absorption-carbone.html
Antarctique : la glace qui fond regèle en profondeur
Des scientifiques ont découvert que la glace située sous la calotte de l’Antarctique fondait régulièrement et formait des
poches d’eau qui regelaient en profondeur. Cette eau, solidifiée, créerait en fait la moitié de l’épaisseur totale de la glace à
certains endroits.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/glace/antarctique-la-glace-qui-fond-regele-en-profondeur_art12939.html
(en anglais) UNESCO Venice Office and ISMAR (Istituto di Scienze Marine) - CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle
Ricerche) organizes the workshop to discuss the issues on climate change of northern Adriatic Sea and Venice
Lagoon. Venice, Italy
Discussions evaluated the effects of: long term sea level rise in the world ocenas; regional differences in the Mediterranean
and the Adriatic Sea; downscaling climate change studies: from global to local scales; measurements of changing sea level
in Venice; impacts and effects of changing sea level rise for the City of Venice and its Lagoon. The feasible guidelines
identified during this workshop will be integrated into the planned International Conference on "The Future of Venice and its
Lagoon in the context of Global Change" to be held in 2011.
Plus information en anglais : http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001911/191168E.pdf
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------La plus célèbre cité inca menacée - Machu Picchu. Pérou
Le tourisme, la déforestation, le réchauffement climatique... autant de menaces qui pèsent aujourd'hui sur le Machu Picchu,
ancienne cité inca du XVe siècle, classée au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco. L'organisation veut à tout prix la protéger et
envisage d'en limiter l'accès.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/machu-picchu/la-plus-celebre-cite-inca-menacee_art12708.html
Corail : les récifs pourraient totalement disparaître d'ici 30 ans
Un rapport publié par le centre de réflexion World Resources Institute dresse un constat alarmant quant à l'état de santé
des récifs coralliens à travers le monde. Le document réunit plusieurs études menées sur ce sujet, et prévient que les
coraux pourraient totalement disparaître des fonds marins d'ici les trente prochaines années, si rien n'est entrepris pour les
protéger de l'extinction qui les menace.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/corail/corail-les-recifs-pourraient-totalement-dispara-tre-d-039-ici-30ans_art12747.html
Nomination d'un nouveau Directeur général adjoint de l'UICN
Dr Poul Engberg-Pedersen a été nommé Directeur général adjoint de l'UICN à compter du 16 mai 2011.
Entre 2005 et 2010, Poul Engberg-Pedersen a dirigé la Norad, l'Agence Norvégienne de Coopération pour le
Développement, dépendante du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. Il a conduit le processus de transition de
la Norad d'une agence exécutante à un centre de connaissances sur les politiques d'appui du programme
ambitieux de la coopération au développement de la Norvège, qui comprend notamment diverses
initiatives mondiales sur la biodiversité, les forêts tropicales, le changement climatique et l’énergie propre.
Plus information : http://www.iucn.org/about/union/members/?7011/2/Nomination-dun-nouveauDirecteur-general-adjoint-de-lUICN
Organizateurs: Société Météorologique de France et l'Association Française pour la Prévention des Catastrophes Naturelles
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.smf.asso.fr/js2011_changement_climatique.html
Colloque scientifique international sur le climat océanique et écosystèmes marins dans le Pacifique occidental
28 - 31 Mars 2011. Busan, République de Corée
Organizateurs: IOC/WESTPAC
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.kocean.or.kr/westpac_symposium/
Colloque "Changement climatique: un défi pourle patrimoine mondial" - Palais de la découverte
7 - 8 avril 2011. Paris, France
Organizateurs: Le département SACIM de l'université de Versailles Saint-Quentin (UVSQ)
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.patrimoineetclimat.uvsq.fr/
24 - 27 MAY 2011. Orlando, Florida, USA (Pre-Symposium: 23-24 May 2011)
Organizers: University of Florida
Sponsorship Recognition Deadline : 15 APRIL 2011
Contact: Mandy Stage - [email protected]
More info: http://conference.ifas.ufl.edu/CIMR/
Peuples autochtones, populations marginalisées et changement climatique : Vulnérabilité, adaptation et
savoirs traditionnels
19 - 21 juillet 2011, Mexico DF, Mexique
Organisateur: L’Université des Nations Unies (UNU), le Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat
(GIEC), le Secrétariat de la convention sur la diversité biologique (SCBD), le Programme de Développement des Nations
Unies (UNDP) et UNESCO
Contact: [email protected]
Université de East Anglia à court Cours 2011: Changement climatique et développement
31 août au 13 septembre, 2011. NORWICH, Royaume-Uni
Organizateurs: University of East Anglia
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: https://www.uea.ac.uk/dev/co/prodev/ccd
Campagne océanographique - KEOPS2 - EST DES ILES
Organizateurs: Université Pierre et Marie Curie, L'Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU)
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/co/expeditions-et-campagnes/keops2
APPEL D'AFFICHES - pour le 11e Congrès mondial de l'OVPM sur "Les villes du patrimoine mondial et les
changements climatiques"
22 - 25 Novembre 2011. Sintra, Portugal
Organisateur: World Heritage Cities
Contact: Kerstin Manz, [email protected] and [email protected]
Plus info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/actualites/729/
Voyage dans l'anthropocène
Auteur(s) : Laurent Carpentier, Claude Lorius
Edition : Actes Sud
ISBN 978-2-7427-9534-5
Qui transforme aujourd'hui l'atmosphère au point d'en dérégler le climat ? L'homme. Qui charrie plus
de terre que tous les fleuves réunis ? L'homme. Qui acidifie les océans ? L'homme. Qui est en train de
détruire les espèces vivantes qui constituent notre biosphère ? L'homme. C'est en cherchant à percer
les mystères du réchauffement planétaire que les climatologues ont découvert une information
essentielle : l'humain est devenu la principale force géologique sur la planète. Et les stratigraphes
d'aujourd'hui de se réunir pour déterminer comment traiter cette nouvelle ère dont la brièveté est
justement la caractéristique. Car l'Anthropocène est avant tout cela : l'histoire d'une formidable
accélération qui nous questionne aujourd'hui sur notre rôle : serons-nous les gardiens de la Terre ou les spectateurs
impuissants de notre toute-puissance ? Ce livre est le voyage d'un climatologue, Claude Lorius, pionnier des recherches sur
le climat et lauréat du Blue planet prize (l'équivalent du Nobel pour les questions écologistes) et d'un journaliste, Laurent
Carpentier, écrivain et spécialiste de questions environnementales, aux confins de cette nouvelle ère dont nous sommes les
héros. Là où tout finit ? Non, là où tout commence.
Sustainable development of the world's large marine ecosystems during climate change
A commemorative volume to advance sustainable development on the occasion of the presentation of
the 2010 Göteborg Award.
This publication was made possible through support provided by the International Union
for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP), the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and the US DOC National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
ISBN 978-2-8317-1321-2
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CLIMATIC CHANGE JOURNAL
An Interdisciplinary, International Journal Devoted to the Description, Causes and Implications of
Climatic Change
Co-Editor: M. Oppenheimer; G. Yohe
ISSN: 0165-0009 (print version) - ISSN: 1573-1480 (electronic version)
Climatic Change is dedicated to the totality of the problem of climatic variability and change - its
descriptions, causes, implications and interactions among these. The purpose of the journal is to
provide a means of exchange among those working in different disciplines on problems related to
climatic variations. This means that authors have an opportunity to communicate the essence of their
studies to people in other climate-related disciplines and to interested non-disciplinarians, as well as
to report on research in which the originality is in the combinations of (not necessarily original) work
from several disciplines. The journal also includes vigorous editorial and book review sections.
Islands as crossroads: sustainable cultural diversity in small island developing states
Author: Curtis, Tim
ISBN ISSN: 978-92-3-104181-5
The very notion of a ‘small island’ usually triggers several associations in the minds of continental
dwellers. Remote, isolated, insular, even paradisiacal, are some of the more common imaginings
about islands. Yet small island states and their populations are far from isolated or culturally
homogenous. On the contrary, islands have long been places where peoples of different cultures have
encountered each other and lived in close proximity. Islands are better understood as dynamic
centres of cultural interaction – as ‘crossroads of cultures’.
This book brings together scholars of various disciplines from the three main island regions of the
world – the Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean – to explore the ways in which the peoples of small islands have
lived, and continue to live, in their culturally diverse societies. Leading anthropologists, historians, economists,
archaeologists and others unpack the complexity and dynamics of societies in small island developing states. It reflects the
outcomes of a UNESCO symposium held in the Seychelles in 2007.
Patrimoine Culturel
Historic Landmarks in the United Kingdom to Host Olympic Parties in 2012
More than a year before their athletes duel on the track, in the pool and on the playing fields, Olympic committees from
around the world are engaged in a fierce competition in the host city of the 2012 Games.
It has nothing to do with running, jumping or throwing. No medals are at stake.
Yet plenty of prestige and money are on the line as national Olympic committees scramble to snap up some of London's
best-known landmarks for their hospitality houses and pavilions during the games.
From Marble Arch to Alexandra Palace to Somerset House, Olympic bodies have picked historic venues to host fans,
athletes, sponsors and VIPs — and throw a party or two.
Plus information : http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44923
Signature de convention à la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, pour la restauration du Grand Salon de
la Maison des Etudiants de l'Asie du Sud-Est
Grâce au mécénat de la Fondation Total, la Fondation du Patrimoine va apporter un soutien de 200 000 (soit 22% du
montant global des travaux s’élevant à 900 000 euros), à la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, pour la restauration
du Grand Salon de la Maison des Etudiants de l’Asie du Sud-Est.
La signature de la convention de mécénat aura lieu mardi 15 mars 2011, à 18h00, dans le Grand Salon de la Maison des
Etudiants de l’Asie du Sud-Est, en présence des représentants de la Fondation du Patrimoine, de la Fondation Total et de la
Cité internationale universitaire de Paris.
Plus information : http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-signature-de-convention-a-la-citeinternationale-universitaire-de-paris-pour-la-restauration-du-grand-salon-de-la-maison-des-etudiants-de-l-asie-du-sud-est209
Marine Archaeologists Find Whaling Ship from 1823 Wreck Northwest of Honolulu - HAWAI'I - USA
A fierce sperm whale sank the first whaling ship under George Pollard's command and inspired the classic American novel
"Moby-Dick". A mere two years later, a second whaler captained by Pollard struck a coral reef during a night storm and
sank in shallow water.
Marine archaeologists scouring remote atolls 600 miles northwest of Honolulu have found the wreck site of Pollard's second
vessel — the Two Brothers — which went down in 1823.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44913
Catholic Temples Built on Teocallis Give Account of Prehispanic Urban Planning Mexico city - Mexico
During the Conquest period between 1524 and 1529, Spaniards constructed 68 churches on
sacred Prehispanic buildings of Tenochtitlan and Tlatelolco. 20 of these structures raised to
develop the evangelization work among Mexica people, are still standing, while 5 are partially
on foot.
In Tlatelolco, those dedicated to San Francisco Mecamalinco, Santa Ana Atenantitch, Santa
Clara Acozac (Nuestra Señora de los Angeles), San Miguel Nonoalco and La Concepcion
Atenantitlan remain.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45155
Archive of WW II (World War II) Codebreaker Alan Turing Preserved by National Heritage Memorial Fund London - United Kingdom
Papers relating to codebreaker and computer pioneer Alan Turing will go to a British museum after the National Heritage
Memorial Fund stepped in to help buy them for the nation.
The government-backed fund said Friday it had donated more than 200,000 pounds ($320,000) to a campaign to stop the
notes and scientific papers from going to a private buyer.
The fund's chair, Jenny Abramsky, said the collection would be a permanent memorial to "a true war hero."
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45293
Hundreds of Egyptian College Students Rally at Iconic Pyramids for Return of Tourists - CAIRO - EGYPT
As hundreds of Egyptian college students rallied at the iconic pyramids of Giza Friday to promote tourism, camel guide
Salah Shabani stood to the side and looked on with sadness.
It's been two weeks since a popular uprising forced President Hosni Mubarak from power, but there has been no return of
the crowds of foreigners who come to gaze at the pyramids and get their picture on a camel.
"I used to make 600 Egyptian pounds ($102) a week, or more," said Shabani, 23, who has given visitors rides on his
camel, Oscar, since he was a teenager. "Now there is nothing. There are no tourists."
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45300
Clares Sisters Convent Refurbishment by a3gm - Burgos - Spain
The convent of Poor Clares have a labyrinthine organization with multiple levels joined by stairs which hinder the
development of the older sisters. The cells that serve as accommodations were not fit for habitation: lack of insulation,
aged materials, humidity
Many of the toilets also lacked a decent treatment, beginning with its location that required the use of stairs.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/114319/clares-sisters-convent-refurbishment-a3gm/
Freight House Pedestrian Bridge / BNIM - Kansas city - Missouri - U.S.A.
Once located along the riverfront, the Pencoyd Railroad Bridge was built in 1892 and closed in 1970. Led by BNIM, the
recipient of the 2011 AIA National Architecture Firm Award, this historic bridge was relocated in 2006 to a new home where
it became part of a new pedestrian link spanning the railroad artery separating the revitalized Crossroads district from
popular civic destinations to the south.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/116262/freight-house-pedestrian-bridge-bnim/
Warehouse for Architectural Recycling (W.A.R.) / Department of Unusual Certainties
Department of Unusual Certainties was recently awarded honorable mention for their submission to Conditions Magazine’s
Tell Them What They Need Competition, a competition which asked people to come up with alternatives for architectural
competition practice. Their submission “Warehouse for Architectural Recycling (W.A.R.)” proposes a global institution which
archives competition submissions and auctions them off to potential buyers elsewhere. A re-purposing of loser ideas. Follow
after the jump for a comprehensive description of W.A.R. from DoUC.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/112978/warehouse-for-architectural-recycling-w-a-r-department-of-unusualcertainties/
Manor Farm / Hinton Cook Architects - Wolverton - England - UK
Located in the historic railway town of Wolverton, this project owned by the Parks Trust, creates 13,677ft2 office space
within existing grade II listed structures. Designed by the award winning Hinton Cook Architects, the brief was to renovate
and convert the old farm buildings, contrasting the old with the new and exposing the historic structure creating new
stylish and contemporary offices within. Set within generous mature landscape, attention to landscaping and respect for
context was critical to help the design continue to blend harmoniously within its rural surroundings. Key to the success of
the project was the juxtaposition of modern and traditional elements. The sensitive approach to this historic building
ensured the contrast between old and new forms delivered in a sophisticated way highlighting the contrast between the
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/110711/manor-farm-hinton-cook-architects/
United States Government Returns Stolen Trove of Historic Archive Documents to
A trove of historic archive documents dating back to Catherine the Great that were stolen
after the Soviet breakup were returned to Russia by the U.S. on Friday.
The 21 documents include decrees issued by historical figures such as Czar Nicholas II and
Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov. Among them are a top secret paper on the reconstruction of
Russian military airfields in the 1930s; and Catherine the Great's decree to divide command
of forces in Poland during the 18th century partitions of the country.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45301
Libya's Roman Sites Unscathed During the Popular Unrest Against Leader Muammar Gaddafi - Libya
Libyans appear determined to safeguard their rich cultural heritage during the popular unrest against leader Muammar
Gaddafi, protecting it from the looting seen in neighboring Egypt's revolution just weeks ago.
Conquered by most of the civilizations that held sway over the Mediterranean, Libya's rich cultural heritage includes Leptis
Magna, a prominent coastal city of the Roman empire, whose ruins are some 130 km (80 miles) east of Tripoli.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45340
AD Classics: Chapel of St. Ignatius / Steven Holl Architects - 1997- Seattle - Washington State - U.S.A.
The Chapel of St. Ignatius, designed by Steven Holl Architects, is a Jesuit chapel for Seattle University. A series of light
volume corresponds to a part of Jesuit Catholic worship service, such as the south facing light corresponds to the
procession, a fundamental part of the mass.
The chapel is sited to form a new campus quadrangle green space to the north, the west, and in the future, to the east.
The elongated rectangular plan is especially suited to defining campus space as well as the processional and gathering
space within. Directly to the south of the chapel is a reflecting pond.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/115855/ad-classics-chapel-of-st-ignatius-steven-holl-architects/
INAH's Exhibition (National Institute of Anthropology and History) "Teotihuacan City of Gods" has Been
Visited by 350,000 Europeans
The greatest exhibition ever mounted regarding Teotihuacan continues being popular in Europe: more than 350,000
persons have admired it in museums of France, Switzerland, Germany and Italy, and in March 2011 it will continue visiting
the Spanish cities of Barcelona and Madrid.
Teotihuacan. Ciudad de los Dioses, (Teotihuacan. City of Gods) is integrated by nearly 450 items gathered throughout 100
years of explorations at the Prehispanic site, and is currently open at the Palace of Exhibitions in Rome, until late February
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44919
AD Classics: Miller House and Garden / Eero Saarinen -1957 - Columbus - Indiana - U.S.A.
Completed in 1957 for industrialist and philanthropist J. Irwin Miller and his family in Columbus, Indiana, the Miller House
and Garden embodies midcentury Modernism in it’s fullest. Architect Eero Saarinen‘s steel and glass composition has held
together very well, proving the quality and use of materials to be worthy of time.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/116596/ad-classics-miller-house-and-garden-eero-saarinen/
AD Classics: Santa Maria Church de Canaveses / Alvaro Siza - 1996 - MARCO DE CANAVESES - PORTUGAL
As is true with most old churches in Portugal, retaining walls, flights of stairs and large forecourts are designed around a
building to help maintain it’s distance from its surroundings. This general strategy is at play in Santa Maria Church in Marco
de Canaveses, where Alvaro Siza makes use of the sloping site and lifting the building on a 4m high plateau.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/112535/ad-classics-santa-maria-church-de-canaveses-alvaro-siza/
AD Classics: MIT (Massachussetts Institute of Technology) Chapel / Eero Saarinen - 1955 - Cambridge Massachussetts - USA
Eero Saarinen is one of the most respected architects of the 20th Century, often regarded as a master of his craft. Known
for his dynamic and fluid forms, his design for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s chapel takes on a different
typology than his previous works. Completed in 1955, the MIT Chapel is a simple cylindrical volume that has a complex and
mystical quality within. Saarinen’s simple design is overshadowed by the interior form and light that were meant to awaken
spirituality in the visitor.
The non-denominational chapel is intended to be more than just a religious building, rather it’s meant to be a place of
solitude and escape that induces a process of reflections. Located at the heart of MITs campus, the chapel’s cylindrical form
breaks the rigidity of the campus’s orthogonal grid.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/112682/ad-classics-mit-chapel-eero-saarinen/
AD Classics: Unity Temple / Frank Lloyd Wright - Oak Park - Illinois - United States of America
Before the Robie House, Fallingwater, and the Guggenheim, Frank Lloyd Wright’s career was just beginning to take off in
Oak Park, Illinois. One of the most significant projects from his early career is Unity Temple near his home and studio in
Oak Park. Completed in 1908, Unity Temple was a replacement church for Unitarian Universalist Church that had burned
down in 1905. The church is poised as an important work for the Modernist movement in the early 20th Century, but it was
also the foundation from which the Prairie School would originate into Wright’s architectural language.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/112683/ad-classics-unity-temple-frank-lloyd-wright-3/
AD Classics: Wingspread / Frank Lloyd Wright - Wingspread - Wisconsin - USA
One of the many houses designed by architect Frank Lloyd Wright, the Wingspread also known as the Herbert F. Johnson
House represents many of the key themes found in all architecture of Wright.
Designed for Herbert Johnson of the Johnson Wax Company, the house was built only a year before their renown corporate
headquarters in Racine.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/115102/ad-classics-wingspread-frank-lloyd-wright/
AD Classics: Yoyogi National Gymnasium / Kenzo Tange - 1961-1964 - TOKYO - JAPAN
Built for the 1964 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan, the Yoyogi National Gymnasium has become an architectural
icon for its distinctive design. Designed by one of Japan’s most famous modernist architects, Kenzo Tange, the gymnasium
is a hybridization of western modernist aesthetics and traditional Japanese architecture.
Tange’s innovative structural design creates dramatic sweeping curves that appear to effortlessly drape from two large,
central supporting cables. It’s dynamically suspended roof and rough materials form one of the most iconic building profiles
in the world.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/109138/ad-classics-yoyogi-national-gymnasium-kenzo-tange/
Major Research Project Documents for First Time all Ancient Inscriptions from Jerusalem and Surrounding Area
The first installment of a major international research project gathering all the inscriptions ever found in Israel and the
Palestinian Authority from the period of Alexander the Great (4th century C.E) until Mohammed (beginning of the 7th
century A.D.) has recently appeared. The Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palestine (CIIP), as the collection is called, will
eventually encompass nine volumes, and promises to become one of the most important tools of research into this period.
The first volume of the collection includes more than 700 inscriptions from Jerusalem and surrounding areas up until the
destruction of the Second Temple.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45406
Spain's Police Publish Catalog of Stolen Art
Spanish police have published a catalog of high value stolen art and precious objects in the hope of reuniting them with
their rightful owners. Among items retrieved during raids are works by Pablo Picasso, sculpture, rare archaeological
objects, watches, coins and medals. Six Picasso pieces from 1933 entitled "Cardinal Sins" including "Envy" and "Avarice" —
each in a silver frame — feature alongside an Etruscan period bronze sculpture estimated by police to be 2,000 years old
and jewelry made of gold, diamonds and emeralds.
Other items include Roman coins bearing the garlanded head of Emperor Lucius Septimius Severus and a 17th century
tapestry depicting Battle of the Granicus, when Alexander the Great defeated the Persian Empire in 334 B.C.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45912
An Unknown Son of Pakal II of Palenque has Been Identified by Mexican Archaeologists - MEXICO
Parting from the reintegration of two fragments from the Northern Tableau of the Temple of the Sun Sanctuary, in
Palenque, a new lecture of the glyphic text was conducted in which the name of another son of Pakal II, unknown until
now, may have been mentioned.
Both sculptural fragments were recovered in 1993 by archaeologist Arnoldo Gonzalez, from the National Institute of
Anthropology and History (INAH) and were recently incorporated to the Northern Tableau at the Archaeological Site of
Palenque, in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44881
Wilgie Mia Aboriginal Ochre Mine included on the National Heritage List - Western Australia (Australia)
Wilgie Mia is the largest and deepest underground Aboriginal ochre mine in Australia, and has all the features found in
traditional Aboriginal mines: large open-cut pits, excavated caverns and underground galleries that follow ochre seams.
Wilgie Mia was included on the National Heritage List on 24 February 2011.
More information: http://www.environment.gov.au/heritage/places/national/wilgie-mia/index.html
Experience the Silk Road - ITB (Internazionale Turismus Börse/International Tourism Fair) Berlin 2011 UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organisation) Event (9-13 March 2011)
In 2011, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), supported by ITB Berlin, hosted a series of events designed to promote
the Silk Road tourism brand at the world’s leading travel trade show. As part of this programme, the first ever UNWTO Silk
Road Ministers’ Summit took place, bringing together leading decision makers in tourism to discuss opportunities for
developing the Silk Road brand in the context of:
Increasingly competitive economies in Asia and the Middle East
Enhanced connectivity via rail networks linking Central Asia to Europe and beyond
Market trends and growing demand for experience-based, seamless travel
Mobile technologies and the role of social media
Ministers and leading private sector representatives shared experiences and insight from across all corners of the Silk Road,
addressing key issues relating to the three pillars of the UNWTO Silk Road Action Plan: i) Marketing and promotion, ii)
Capacity building and destination management and iii) Travel facilitation.
More information: http://unwto.org/en/event/unwto-silk-road-ministers-summit-itb-berlin-2011
Australia ICOMOS - Canberra Talk Series: Airplanes, Trucks, Tyres and Shipwrecks: Australia's Underwater
Cultural Heritage. Canberra (Australia) 24 March 2011
The Donald Horne Institute for Cultural Heritage at the University of Canberra is undertaking research on the conservation
and display of colonial (historical) archaeological sites in Australia and New Zealand. If you have visited any archaeological
sites/displays in Australia or New Zealand please take a few minutes to complete our on line survey. The survey should
take about 10 minutes and is completely anonymous. Information gathered from the survey will be published and made
available to heritage agencies and we hope will contribute to improved interpretation and management of archaeological
If you need any further information please email Tracy Ireland ([email protected]). Thanks very much for
participating in and contributing to our research!
Survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/3TCPPWV
Traditional building apprenticeships are key to Scotland's economic recovery
Culture Minister Fiona Hyslop has announced 30 new traditional building apprenticeships as part of the Government’s
strategy to put traditional building skills at the heart of Scotland’s construction industry and boost economic recovery.
The strategy ‘Traditional Building Skills: A strategy for sustaining and developing traditional building skills in Scotland’ has
been developed by Historic Scotland with Skills Development Scotland, Sector Skills Council and Construction Skills. The
strategy promotes traditional building skills as key to looking after the economic asset that is Scotland’s traditional building
stock, contributing to sustainable economic growth and meeting the Government’s target for carbon reduction.
More information: http://www.historic-scotland.gov.uk/index/news/news_article.htm?articleid=31051
La Directrice générale demande aux forces militaires engagées en Libye d’épargner le
patrimoine culturel
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a demandé aujourd’hui à la Libye et à la
coalition d’Etats mettant en place une zone d’exclusion aérienne au-dessus du pays de
respecter la Convention pour la protection des biens culturels en cas de conflit armé (La Haye,
1954) et ses deux protocoles (1954 et 1999) et de faire en sorte que les sites culturels ne
soient pas visés par les opérations militaires.
Sur les dix Etats composant la coalition impliquée dans la mise en œuvre de la résolution 1973
du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies (Belgique, Canada, Danemark, Emirats arabes unis, Espagne, Etats-Unis
d’Amérique, France, Italie, Qatar et Royaume-Uni), huit sont parties à la Convention (Belgique, Canada, Danemark,
Espagne, Etats-Unis d’Amérique, France, Italie, Qatar).
Más información: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
Voice from History Exposed by New Zealand Quake - Christchurch - New Zealand
The New Zealand earthquake has exposed potentially historic documents hidden inside a 19th century statue that toppled
in the disaster.
Christchurch Major Bob Parker said Tuesday that a handwritten parchment in a bottle and a sealed copper cylinder believed
to contain documents were discovered inside the statue of the city's founder.
The statue is in the city's main square near its historic cathedral. It fell during the Feb. 22 earthquake that killed at least
155 people. Museum experts were examining the items. They appeared to contain a message from the city's founders
expressing their vision for it. Parker said, "It seems almost providential that they have come to light now to provide the
inspiration we need in this most difficult time."
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45367
AD Classics: The Scottish Parliament / Enric Miralles - 1999-2004 - EDINBURGH - SCOTLAND - United KINGDOM
Widely known for it’s extreme cost of construction, the Scottish Parliament is a remarkable example of incorporating
architecture into it’s surroundings.
“The Parliament sits in the land. We have the feeling that the building should be land, built out of land. To carve in the land
the form of gathering people together… Scotland is a land… The land itself will be a material, a physical building material…”
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/111869/ad-classics-the-scottish-parliament-enric-miralles/
Pirate Henry Morgan's Cannons Found in Panama?
Archaeologists say six cannons recovered from a river in Panama that could have belonged to legendary pirate Henry
Morgan are being studied and could eventually be displayed.
The group of Panamanian and foreign archaeologists say the cannons were found at the mouth of Panama's Chagres River,
the site where Morgan's flagship, the Satisfaction, wrecked in 1671 while carrying him and his pirates to raid Panama City.
The team said Monday that the size and shape of the pieces looks very similar to the characteristics of small iron guns of
the 17th century. The cannons were detected in 2008 and rescued in 2010. The archaeological survey was coordinated by
the Waitt Institute with collaboration with Panama's National Culture Institute.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45419
TWA Terminal to transform into a Boutique Hotel - Eero Saarinen - NEW YORK - NY - USA
Eero Saarinen’s decommissioned TWA Terminal has been slated for conversion into a boutique hotel. It seems as though
the Port Authority’s plan is to use the landmark terminal as the gateway to a separate hotel building that will be squeezed
into the crescent of space between Saarinen’s building and JetBlue’s Terminal 5. Along with this proposal, some might think
that creating a boutique out of a classic could contradict what Saarinen had in mind. Many design challenges can arise from
a simple, yet complex transformation.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/110816/twa-terminal-to-transform-into-a-boutique-hotel/
Bellevue Botanical Garden / Olson Kundig Architects - Bellevue - Washington - United States of America
The Bellevue Botanical Garden improvements, led by Olson Kundig Architects, include a new Visitor Center complex,
renovations of a mid-century residence, and extensive site work. Targeting a minimum of LEED Silver certification, these
improvements will enhance the existing educational program and provide facilities for greater numbers of visitors. “The
Bellevue Botanical Garden has the potential to become one of the finest botanical gardens in the world,” shared Jim Olson,
founder of Olson Kundig Architects. “I grew up in the Northwest and have spent my life exploring ways to bring
architecture and nature closer together, to blur the distinction of indoors and outdoors and to frame nature so that its
beauty is celebrated. This project offers a chance to bring my lifelong exploration to a place where it would encourage
others to love nature as much as I do.”
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/115615/bellevue-botanical-garden-olson-kundig-architects/
Bill Introduced To Create Chimney Rock National Monument. Near Pagosa Springs,
Colorado (USA)
More than 1,000 years ago, archaeologists believe, ancient Pueblo Indians gathered six million
stones to build a Great House at the base of Chimney Rock, a mesa site dominated by twin spires
of stone located 17 miles from Pagosa Springs, Colo. Today that site is part of U.S. Forest Service
land, virtually unprotected and under-funded, unlike many similar Ancestral Puebloan places.
More information: http://www.preservationnation.org/magazine/2011/story-of-the-day/billchimney-rock.html
Piece of silk cloth from the 2nd century AD discovered in Sri Lanka
The Archeological Department of Sri Lanka announced the discovery of a piece of silk cloth belonged to the second century
AD. The piece of silk cloth was excavated from an ancient Buddhist pagoda, Kotavehera Stupa at Daliwala in Rambukkana
of Kegalle district.
Tests conducted by an Australian archeological expert has proven that the piece of cloth belonged to the second century,
said the Archeological Commissioner General Dr. Senarath Dissanayake.
More information: http://www.colombopage.com/archive_11/Mar14_1300117391KA.php
Brazilian slave port ruins unearthed in Rios Olympic facelift - Porto Valongo, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Archaeologists find remains of port where hundreds of thousands of Africans were sold to plantation owners.
It was one of the busiest slave ports in the Americas, a filthy, bustling harbour where hundreds of thousands of Africans
were sold into a life of exploitation and abuse.
Famished, exhausted and with their heads half-shaved, the slaves were herded off ships, groomed in "fattening houses"
and dispatched to sugar and coffee plantations across Brazil.
More information: http://www.archaeologydaily.com/news/201103056223/Brazilian-slave-port-ruins-unearthed-in-RiosOlympic-facelift.html
IS ATLANTIS REAL? - National Geographic
Plato was the first to write about an island paradise populated by an advanced civilization, but did Atlantis really exist?
Explore the evidence with a geologist in Greece, an anthropologist in Mexico and an investigative mythologist in Egypt.
More information: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/series/is-it-real/2699/Overview
More antiquities revealed by Thessaloniki metro. Thessaloniki (Greece)
A 4th-century A.D. chapel that may be the oldest Christian place of worship in Thessaloniki was discovered by
archaeologists beneath an early Christian basilica, itself unearthed during construction of the Sintrivani metro station in the
northern port city.
Among the highlights of the find is a mosaic floor uncovered when structures of the later basilica were removed. This was
showed a white field with a clematis theme, dominated by a phoenix with a halo and 13 rays in the centre. On either side
are a number of birds, of which seven still survive, two of the right and five on the left.
More information: http://www.ana-mpa.gr/anaweb/user/showplain?maindoc=9699879
Signature de la convention de partenariat entre la Fondation du Patrimoine et le Conservatoire du littoral
Mardi 29 mars à 8h30, à la Questure de l’Assemblée Nationale de Paris, Frédéric Néraud, directeur général de la Fondation
et Yves Colombet, directeur du Conservatoire, se réunissent pour formaliser leur partenariat à travers la signature d’une
convention-cadre ; en présence de Charles de Croisset, président de la Fondation du Patrimoine, Jérôme Bignon, président
du conseil d’administration du Conservatoire du Littoral et de plusieurs parlementaires.
Plus information : http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-signature-de-convention-cadreentre-la-fondation-du-patrimoine-et-le-conservatoire-du-littoral-199
Revolutionary War Era Fishkill Supply Depot Threatened. Fishkill, New York State (USA)
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1974, New York’s Revolutionary War-era Fishkill Supply Depot historic
archaeological district represents one of the least understood threatened cultural landscapes in the nation.
More information: http://tclf.org/landslides/fishkill-supply-depot-threatened
The Value of View - Olana National Historic Landmark (NHL) New York, USA
When it comes wowing an audience, few can touch Frederic Edwin Church, the grand master 19th
century Hudson River School painter whose jaw-dropping landscape panoramas rank among the nation’s
great cultural icons. Church’s paintings were big on view—really big on view—with cinematic
showstoppers like “Heart of the Andes” and “Twilight in the Wilderness” and the vertiginous image of a
roiling “Niagara Falls.”
More information: http://tclf.org/content/value-view
Newsletter Fondation du Patrimoine - N° 2, mars 2011
La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine rural non protégé. Maisons,
églises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel… tous les types de patrimoine de proximité sont
éligibles à l'action de la Fondation. Aux côtés de l'Etat et des principaux acteurs du secteur, elle aide les propriétaires
publics et associatifs à financer leurs projets, permet aux propriétaires privés de défiscaliser tout ou partie de leurs
travaux, et mobilise le mécénat d’entreprise.
More information: http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/
Actualidad IAPH (Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico): Recomendaciones técnicas para la
documentación gráfica del patrimonio cultural
El IAPH, entidad científica de la Consejería de Cultura, ha elaborado una serie de recomendaciones técnicas para establecer
un protocolo normalizado para los procesos de captura, gestión y difusión de la documentación gráfica sobre el patrimonio
cultural. Se han definido las fases del proceso, las técnicas a utilizar, los parámetros a ajustar y los estándares aplicables.
Estos documentos vienen a sintetizar la experiencia adquirida durante el proceso de constitución del fondo gráfico del IAPH
y se pueden consultar en el siguiente link.
Más información: http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/iaph/nav/navegacion.jsp
Tam O'shanter's Brig O' Doon : Medieval Bridge repairs considered. Scotland (United Kingdom)
Historic Scotland has indicated that it would will support repairs to the medieval bridge which is the setting of the final
verse of Robert Burns’ Tam o’ Shanter.
More information: http://www.historic-scotland.gov.uk/news_article.htm?articleid=31129
Seeing the Invisible at Drayton Hall - Charleston. South Carolina (USA)
Written by John Saunders
“There is much to be learned from what a country chooses to forget” –Lonnie Bunch, Dedication of the African-American
Cemetery at Drayton Hall – 2010
The blustery winter chill of February signals not only the shortest month of the year but also a celebration of stories which
focus on Americans of African ancestry, one of the longest stories of the human family that can be told. These stories
achieve the heights of human accomplishment while at the same time plumbing the depths of human deprivation. Drayton
Hall is part of this narrative, standing boldly as it proclaims the paradoxes of the first being last, the lost being saved and
the lion lying down with the lamb. Each of these metaphorically renders a verse in the African songs that have been sung
and heard at this place over the past 273 years.
More information: http://blog.preservationnation.org/2011/02/22/seeing-the-invisible-at-drayton-hall/
Blue Shield Statement on Christchurch (New Zealand)
Following the recent earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand, the Blue Shield expresses its great sorrow for the loss of
lives and the destructions the city’s cultural heritage sites and institutions suffered.
The city of Christchurch has been rocked by a major earthquake (magnitude 6.3) on last Tuesday, 22 February 2011, half a
year after the 7.1 earthquake of 4 September 2010. Besides the serious casualties, the toll on heritage is to be high. It
appears that there is very important damage to the historic area of the city and its built heritage.
Among others, the Anglican cathedral, the Catholic basilica, and the Victorian Gothic Provincial Buildings, symbols of the
city’s cultural heritage, has been severely damaged. Some major cultural institutions and conservation places, such as
museums, libraries and archives, are also reported to be significantly affected. What happened in Christchurch once again
underlines the vulnerability of cultural institutions, sites and monuments in case of natural disaster.
More information: http://www.blueshield-international.org/images/pressreleases/03-032011_blueshield_pressrelease_christchurch_en.pdf
Aider le Japon par l'ICCROM
Suite au tremblement de terre et au tsunami qui ont touché le Japon le 11 mars dernier, l’ICCROM, en coordination avec
l’UNESCO et d’autres institutions, souhaite mettre en place une stratégie pour participer au sauvetage et à la récupération
du patrimoine culturel du pays.
L’aide humanitaire de base et le sauvetage des personnes touchées par cette catastrophe sont bien sûr actuellement la
priorité ; cependant, la récupération du patrimoine culturel va devenir avec le temps un objectif de plus en plus important.
Alors que nous sommes en train d’identifier ce patrimoine en péril, nous pouvons d’ores et déjà dresser la liste des
institutions concernées et établir les liens utiles à l’information.
Plus information : http://www.iccrom.org/fra/news_fr/2011_fr/various_fr/03_17earthquakeJapan_fr.shtml
Launch of Global Heritage Network (GHN) on 15 March 2011
Early Warning and Threat Monitoring System for Cultural Heritage Sites in the Developing World
Major archaeological and cultural heritage sites are being damaged and destroyed at an alarming
rate around the globe, perhaps nowhere as quickly as in developing countries and regions with
limited financial resources or expertise available.
To address this crisis, GHF has established Global Heritage Network (GHN) to:
Act as an early warning and threats monitoring system for endangered archaeological and cultural heritage sites in
developing countries.
Enable the collaboration of experts and conservation leaders to mitigate the threats.
Facilitate a holistic, Preservation by Design® process of planning, science, community and partnerships to preserve
these sites.
More information: http://www.globalheritagefund.org/
ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) Appeal to protect and preserve New Zealand's rich
cultural heritage
The destructive earthquake that struck Christchurchm New Zealand on 22 February 2011 has caused unimaginable loss of
life property. Our thoughts are with those who are bearing this grave situation with courage and determination. ICOMOS
supports the use of local and international disaster, preventing access and recovery guidelines which provide guidance on
inmediate assessment and stabilization of the heritage structures.
More information: http://www.international.icomos.org/EXCOM_201103_NZ_Appeal_final_20110315.PDF
L’UNESCO mobilise des experts et des partenaires de la société civile afin de
sauvegarder le patrimoine en Tunisie, Egypte et Libye
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a appelé à la mobilisation de tous les
partenaires de l’Organisation pour garantir la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel en Tunisie,
Egypte et Libye. L’appel de la Directrice générale est intervenu lors d’une réunion d’urgence
d’un groupe d’experts qui s’est tenue le 15 mars au siège de l’UNESCO, à Paris.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
ICOMOS Documentation Centre e-news as of March 2011 - now online
To read the March 2011 issue of the ICOMOS Documentation Centre’s e-newsletter, click here:
(en anglais) Public consultation launched for World Heritage site, New Lanark - United Kingdom
A 13 week public consultation on a Management Plan for the world heritage site at New Lanark was launched today, 21st
March 2011. The New Lanark World Heritage Management Plan was drafted and agreed by a partnership of Historic
Scotland, the New Lanark Trust and South Lanarkshire Council.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.historic-scotland.gov.uk/index/news/news_article.htm?articleid=31108
(en anglais) UNESCO advisory mission to Pashupati, Kathmandu Valley World
Heritage Property, wraps-up its work (NEPAL)
A one week UNESCO mission of International world heritage experts involving Bruno Deslandes,
from France and Sharif Shas Imon, from Bangladesh, to Pashupati - one of the seven
monument zones within the World Heritage Property of the Kathmandu Valley, ended on
Thursday 17 March 2011.
The experts came to Kathmandu upon the Government of Nepal’s request and they assessed
the proposal of a tunnel road construction in the southern part of the Sleshmantak Forest.
They also held discussions with stakeholders on how best to reconcile the outstanding universal value of the property with
the needs of local communities living around the site.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/new/en/kathmandu/about-this-office/single-view/news/
(en anglais) Was Atlantis in Doñana? - National Geographic
Plato was the first to write about an island paradise populated by an advanced
civilization, but did Atlantis really exist? Explore the evidence with a geologist in Greece,
an anthropologist in Mexico and an investigative mythologist in Egypt.
Plus information en anglais : http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/series/is-itreal/2699/Overview
Stone Tool Troves Point to Highland Neanderthals - Greece
High in the wind-swept mountain ridges of northern Greece, archaeologists have made a surprising discovery: hundreds of
prehistoric stone tools that may have been used by some of the last Neanderthals in Europe, at a time when huntergatherers were thought to have kept to much lower altitudes.
The two sites used between 50,000 to 35,000 years ago were found last summer in the Pindos Mountains, near the village
of Samarina — one of Greece's highest — some 400 kilometers (250 miles) northwest of Athens.
At an altitude of more than 1,700 meters (5,500 feet), the Pindos Neanderthal sites are the highest known so far in
southeastern Europe, although that's probably because nobody thought of searching so high before, archaeologist Nikos
Efstratiou said Wednesday.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45601
(en anglais) Blue Shield Statement on Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Following the recent events in Libya, the Blue Shield expresses its great concern about the safeguarding of the country’s
invaluable cultural heritage amid the existing turmoil. The Blue Shield deplores the suffering and loss of life this conflict has
imposed on the Libyan population.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.international.icomos.org/110314_ICBS_Statement_Libya.pdf
(en anglais) Port Arthur Historic Site NEWSLETTER - Port Arthur. Tasmania (Australia)
Since its creation in 1987, the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA) has been responsible for
preserving and maintaining one of Australia’s most important heritage sites and major tourism destinations.
In 2004 the Authority was also given responsibility for the Coal Mines Historic Site, located near Saltwater River, about a
half hour drive from Port Arthur on the Tasman Peninsula.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.portarthur.org.au/file.aspx?id=11885
(en anglais) NET-HERITAGE, increasing Europe's competitiveness through cultrual heritage research. Brussels,
Belgium ( 24 March 2011)
Coordination of national research is the key to cost effective and sustainable funding. This is why the EU 2020 strategy and
the “Innovation Union” ask for increased cooperation. The domain of cultural heritage appears best suited for common
efforts: Climate change, natural disasters and pollution threaten cultural heritage worldwide. Protecting it with innovative
techniques is a grand challenge.
The aim of the conference is to discuss the results of the EU-project NET-HERITAGE with stakeholders and policy makers.
The ERA-NET has laid the foundations to better coordinate national research funding. Programme managers from 14
countries have identified best practise in funding. They have collected ideas on how to foster young talents. For the first
time common research priorities have been identified.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.europanostra.org/coming-events/155/
(en anglais) Civil Society engagement in heritage
The “CSE in Heritage” project kick-off meeting and the European Movement International Congress in Istanbul, February
2011. On 10 February 2011, in conjunction with the European Movement International Congress in Istanbul “CSOs
challenge public authorities”, the European Commission, DG Enlargement, organised in Istanbul the kick-off meeting for the
projects which have received financial assistance from the European Union under the three Instruments for Pre-accession
Assistance (IPA) call for proposals: Support to Partnership Actions between Cultural Organisations, Support to Partnership
Actions to Minorities/Vulnerable Groups Organisations and Socio-Economic Partnership Programme. These projects all aim
to strengthen the role of Civil Society Organisations.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.europanostra.org/news/146/
(en anglais) EUROPEAN COMMISSION VAT CONSULTATION -'Green Paper on the
future of VAT - Towards a simpler, more robust and efficient VAT system'. Deadline:
31 May 2011
All stakeholders affected by this initiative – all citizens, organisations, businesses, public
authorities, tax experts and academics - are invited to provide their views on this matter until
31 May 2011.
Value Added Tax (VAT) constitutes a major source of revenue for national budgets of the
Member States of the European Union. However, the VAT system, which is based on legislation
adopted at European level and applied at national level, suffers from numerous shortcomings which do not make it fully
efficient and compatible with the requirements of a true single market.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.europanostra.org/news/150/
(en anglais) Culture in Motion conference and Public Consultation on a Future EU Culture Programme
The 3rd Culture in Motion conference "Pathways to EU-2020", organised by the European Commission (DG Education and
Culture) saw more than 600 participants coming to Brussels on the 15 and 16 of February.
Nearly 30 cross-borders cultural projects showcased how funding is making a difference on a European level and underlined
the significant role of culture in enhancing smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and supporting other EU policies..
Funding came from the Culture Programme 2007-2013, the Pilot Project for Artists Mobility, and other EU programmes like
the Lifelong Learning Programme, the Citizenship Programme, the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme
and the European Regional Development Programme.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.europanostra.org/news/148/
"Des Pays, des maisons et des hommes en Franche-Comté" : un documentaire de Fabien Ferreri,
soutenu par la Fondation du Patrimoine
Découvrez en avant-première le documentaire de Fabien Ferreri, "Des pays, des maisons et des hommes
en Franche-Comté". La Fondation du Patrimoine a apporté son soutien à la société audiovisuelle Les Films
dans la Lune , qui réalise ici le deuxième documentaire de sa collection "Des pays, des maisons, et des
hommes". Le premier avait été tourné en Bourgogne; cette fois la région Franche-Comté est à l'honneur.
Découvrez la dans toute sa diversité !
Plus information : http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-des-pays-desmaisons-et-des-hommes-en-franche-comte-un-documentaire-de-fabien-ferreri-soutenu-par-la-fondation-du-patrimoine207
Patrimoine & Culture dans l'Oriental (Maroc)
Cette approche tente une introduction au patrimoine culturel d'une Région bordée par
l'Algérie, à l'Est, la Méditerranée au Nord, et qui s'étend aux confins du désert, au Sud,
jusqu'à Figuig, l'oasis la plus proche de l'Europe. Un espace deux fois plus vaste que certains
états européens (la Belgique ou les Pays-Bas). Un milieu écologique comprenant trois
ensembles géographiques, allant du Rif Oriental que borde la Moulouya – seule véritable
rivière pérenne - aux montagnes et plaines méditerranéennes du Nord, aux hauts plateaux
steppiques de la meseta algéro-marocaine où se termine le Haut Atlas oriental.
Plus information : http://www.oriental.ma/main.php?Id=158&lang=fr
Atelier des Arkéonautes - Fonds documentaire des Archives audio-visuelles de la recherche (AAR) - France
Le site « Atelier des Arkéonautes - ADA » est produit et développé dans le cadre du projet ANR intitulé Atelier de
Sémiotique Audiovisuelle en Sciences Humaines et Sociales (ASA-SHS). De nombreuses heures de vidéos sélectionnées
parmi le fonds documentaire du site portail des Archives audiovisuelles de la Recherche (AAR) et d'autres, à venir,
alimentent l'atelier ADA. Décrit, enrichi, indexé selon l'organisation cognitive, rhétorique et sémiotique du contenu de
chaque document audiovisuel, ce patrimoine sera traité de façon à l' adapter à différents usages : scientifique,
pédagogique, journalistique, etc.
Plus information : http://semioweb.msh-paris.fr/corpus/ADA/FR/Default.asp
(en anglais) Save Le Corbusier's Chandigarh (India) - PETITION
The Indian city of Chandigarh is one of the world’s greatest architectural treasures.
Described by its architect Le Corbusier as “my crowning work”, it is an exceptionally
ambitious and successful experiment in urban planning that has enriched the lives of the
many people who have lived and worked there.
If the plundering of Chandigarh continues, Le Corbusier’s vision of the city will be destroyed.
This article in The Guardian newspaper explains the gravity of the situation.
A group of local architects and art historians led by Manmohan Nath Sharma, who was Le
Corbusier’s first assistant and later chief architect of Chandigarh, is campaigning to preserve the city’s architectural
integrity. You can help their campaign by signing this petition to urge the Indian government.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.gopetition.com/petition/43893.html
Machigai no Kyogen (Japon) dans le cadre du Festival de l'Imaginaire
Nés au XIVe siècle, le nô et le kyôgen sont les premières formes proprement théâtrales du Japon. Le kyôgen (littéralement,
« paroles folles ») est le complément comique du nô. Si le nô, dominé par la recherche d’une subtile élégance, est un art
solennel reposant sur des thèmes « élevés », le kyôgen s’inspire au contraire de la vie quotidienne pour présenter sur un
ton comico-satirique des situations construites sur les habitudes et les petits travers des gens du commun. Deux ou trois
personnages suffisent à l’argument, articulé notamment autour du couple maître - valet. Intermèdes délassants, les
comédies kyôgen n’en revêtent pas moins une portée philosophique : en effet, si le nô exprime ce que nous voudrions être,
le kyôgen exprime ce que nous sommes et son acceptation : deux chemins conduisant à la sagesse.
Plus information : http://www.festivaldelimaginaire.com/programme/machigai-no-kyogen.html
Nouveau site internet - Grand Site Saint-Guilhem-le-désert, Gorges de l'Hérault
Le nouveau site internet de l’Office de Tourisme Intercommunal Saint Guilhem le Désert - Vallée de l’Hérault est en ligne
avec la possibilité de découvrir le territoire (paysages, villages), les projets, les animations, une cartographie interactive,
les brochures en téléchargement...
Plus information : http://www.saintguilhem-valleeherault.fr
Fédération des Sites Clunisiens
Dans la foulée de la commémoration du millénaire de la mort de saint Mayeul - qui réunit les trois
villes de Valensole, Cluny et Souvigny - est créée le 18 juin 1994 la Fédération des Sites Clunisiens, à
Souvigny (Allier-France). Vingt sites français et deux suisses s'associent ainsi dans une aventure
culturelle inédite depuis la disparition de l'ordre de Cluny, à la Révolution française.
Le cadre juridique choisi est celui de l'association française de loi 1901. D'emblée, les membres
fondateurs souhaitent une structure qui réunisse toutes les personnalités, quel que soit leur horizon,
motivées par l'histoire et le patrimoine clunisiens. La particularité de la Fédération est ainsi de
rassembler, aux côtés des représentants des sites - qu'ils relèvent d'une collectivité publique ou non -, des représentants
d'associations culturelles et/ou touristiques ainsi que toute personne physique intéressée par son objet.
Plus information : http://www.sitesclunisiens.org/
(en anglais) China adopts first law for intangible cultural heritage protection
China's top legislature Friday passed the country's first law for intangible cultural heritage (ICH) to better preserve the
nations's traditions of historic, literary, artistic or scientific value.
The law, to take effect on June 1, was approved at the end of the three-day bimonthly session of the National People's
Congress (NPC) Standing Committee after the draft version was revised three times since August last year.
Plus information en anglais : http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90782/90873/7300837.html
(en anglais) Letter from Iraq: The Ziggurat Endures - An American soldier reflects
on his experience at the ancient city of Ur (Iraq)
The city of Ur, once the largest in the world and the crown jewel of one of humanity's first
civilizations, sits in a wasteland at the edge of a war zone. In late spring, the temperature
easily hits 120 degrees as the blazing sun reflects off endless sand flats and yellow Sumerian
brick. A 45-minute walk around the site is exhausting even for a very fit person. The ruins,
which were inhabited from roughly 3000 to 300 B.C., consist mostly of brick walls, some of
which are partially restored, revealing the outlines of monumental complexes such as
shrines, storehouses, and elite residences. The ruins are now abandoned, save for a solitary shopkeeper who sits in a
ramshackle hut marked "Shop Ziggurat," where he sells trinkets and Mesopotamian-themed souvenirs.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeology.org/1103/letter/american_soldier_ur_iraq.html
(en anglais) Conservation and Display of Archaeological Sites and Artefacts - on-line survey - Australia and
New Zealand
The Donald Horne Institute for Cultural Heritage at the University of Canberra is undertaking research on the conservation
and display of colonial (historical) archaeological sites in Australia and New Zealand. If you have visited any archaeological
sites/displays in Australia or New Zealand please take a few minutes to complete the on line survey.
The survey should take about 10 minutes and is completely anonymous. Information gathered from the survey will be
published and made available to heritage agencies and we hope will contribute to improved interpretation and management
of archaeological sites.
If you need any further information please email Tracy Ireland: [email protected]
Thanks very much for participating in and contributing to our research!
Plus information en anglais : http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/3TCPPWV
(en anglais) Finding Atlantis, Featuring Professor Richard Freund, University of
Hartford - Connecticut - USA
The Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies will host an advance screening of the new National
Geographic Channel documentary, Finding Atlantis, on Wednesday, March 9, at 7 p.m., in Wilde
The documentary, which will be broadcast nationally on Sunday, March 13, at 9 p.m., on the
National Geographic Channel, follows a team of experts, led by Greenberg Center Director and
archaeologist Richard Freund, as they use satellite photography, ground-penetrating radar and
underwater technology to look for proof of the fabled lost city of Atlantis.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.hartford.edu/daily/Articles.asp?MainID=10082&Category=1
Patrimoine culturel & développement local : Séminaire d'echange d'experiences entre élus à Praia, Cap Vert. 67 décembre 2010
Dans le cadre du projet « Patrimoine culturel & développement local » porté par l’Association Internationale des maires
francophones et dont l’UNESCO-Centre du patrimoine mondial est partenaire à travers la CFU, un séminaire d’échange
régional entre élus à Praia, Cap Vert, s’est tenu les 6 et 7 décembre 2010 sur le thème « l’économie culturelle et le
patrimoine ». Une trentaine d’élus et représentants d’ONG et institutions de formation, provenant de Mauritanie, Bénin,
Cap Vert, Sénégal, Mali et France, ont participé à cet événement qui a réservé une large place aux débats : les échanges se
sont basés sur des interventions d’une sélection d’invités et la participation de tous.
Malheureusement, la fermeture des frontières de la Côte d’Ivoire a empêché la participation d’un ressortissant ivoirien et
de six ressortissants béninois.
Le programme exécuté et les recommandations sont disponibles sur le site de l’AIMF http://www.aimf.asso.fr/default.asp?
AD Classics: United Nations / Wallace K. Harrison - 1952 - New York - New York
State- USA
Two years after the largest international peacekeeping organization was founded, the United
Nations began searching for the location of their world headquarters. After numerous offers
from cities around North America, the United Nations settled on a 17 acre plot of land on the
banks of the East River in New York City after John D. Rockefeller donated the land. With the
effects of World War II still looming throughout the world, the United Nations decided to
invited prominent architects from the founding nations to work in collaborative, peaceful
manner rather than holding a competition. In 1947, the UN commissioned Wallace K. Harrison to lead the international
design team to create their new world headquarters to be a symbol of the bright, peaceful future ahead that did not dwell
upon the past.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/119581/ad-classics-united-nations-wallace-k-harrison/
Discovery of Ancient Stone Tools in Texas Suggests Earlier Settlers in North America
The discovery of ancient stone tools at an archaeological dig in Texas could push back the presence of humans in North
America, perhaps by as much as 2,500 years.
Thousands of artifacts dating to between 13,200 and 15,500 years ago were uncovered by researchers led by Michael R.
Waters of Texas A&M University. They report the discovery in Friday's edition of the journal Science.
The find was located 5 feet below materials left by the well-known Clovis culture, which was once thought to have been the
first American settlers around 13,000 years ago.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45999
First Dinosaur Fossil, a Long-Necked, Plant-Eating Sauropod, Discovered in Angola
Scientists say they have discovered the first fossil of a dinosaur in Angola, and that it's a new
creature, heralding a research renaissance in a country slowly emerging from decades of war.
A paper published Wednesday in the Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences describes a
long-necked, plant-eating sauropod, among the largest creatures ever to have walked the
earth. The international team that found and identified the fossilized forelimb bone say it is
from a previously unknown dinosaur, citing unique skeletal characteristics.
The fossil was found along with fish and shark teeth in what would have been a sea bed 90
million years ago, leading its discoverers to believe the dinosaur might have been washed into the sea and torn apart by
ancient sharks.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45784
The Art Fund Saves for the United Kingdom Two Treasure Hoards on the Same Day
The Art Fund announced that both the Frome Hoard of Roman coins and the Iron Age Hoard of Gold Torcs, or neck
ornaments, uncovered near Stirling in Scotland have been secured for the UK public with significant assistance from the Art
Fund and the National Heritage Memorial Fund.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45904
China and University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology Resolve Dispute Over Exhibit - Philadelphia Pennsylvania - USA
A Philadelphia museum said Friday that its exhibit on the Silk Road, including a pair of ancient mummies, will go on after it
resolved a dispute with the Chinese government that led to a pared-down event with fake mummies and life-sized photos
of the artifacts.
The exhibit will reopen Feb. 18 with a full complement of mummies and more ancient artifacts from the Tarim Basin in the
autonomous Xinjiang Uyghur region of China, the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology said.
More information: http://www.artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=11&int_new=44929&int_modo=1
CONVENTION FRANCE UNESCO: Inde, soutien au Réseau des Villes du Patrimoine : État d'avancement
A la suite du voyage d’étude de septembre 2010, une mission d'experts français s’est rendue au Madhya Pradesh du 13 au
19 décembre 2010. Organisée par l’UNESCO – IHCN, l’ANVPAH, l’Ambassade de France à New Delhi et la Convention
France UNESCO avec le soutien du Ministère de l’urbanisme du Madhya Pradesh et des villes hôtes, cette visite avait pour
ambition de définir les possibilités d’assistance technique de l’expertise française auprès des villes du Madhya Pradesh et de
développer les partenariats entre les villes de Renne/Bhopal et Chinon/Maheshwar dans la perspective des premières
assises de la coopération décentralisées de janvier 2010.
La délégation composée de Jean Michel Galley, représentant de l’ANVPAH, de Fréderic Auclair, architecte des bâtiments de
France et Président de l’Association Nationale des architectes des bâtiments de France, de Vivek Pandhi architecte du
patrimoine, de Sandrine Rossetto urbaniste de la ville de Chinon accompagnée par deux représentants de l’IHCN-F a été
reçue par les villes de Bhopal, Maheshwar et Burhanpur. La mission technique fut organisée autour de discussions et de
visites de terrain centrées sur les thèmes de la planification urbaine, de la réhabilitation des centres villes anciens et de la
gouvernance locale. Un accord de collaboration entre l’IHCN-F et le gouvernement du Madhya Pradesh est en cours de
préparation et l’assistance de la France devrait être prochainement sollicitée en soutien à l’action du réseau des villes
indiennes au Madhya Pradesh.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/partenaires/338/ (Newsletter Nº 18)
CONVENTION FRANCE-UNESCO: Le projet « Niger - Loire : Gouvernance et Culture» se poursuit au Mali.
- Les résultats de l’inventaire du patrimoine culturel (400 fiches d’inventaire) sont en voie de chargement sous mediawiki.
Ce travail est réalisé par les agents de la Direction Nationale du Patrimoine Culturel du Mali (DNPC), qui ont reçu une
formation à cet effet, sous la supervision d’un expert local. Un diagnostic du parc informatique de la DNPC a été établi et
des opérations de maintenance réalisées pour améliorer la fonctionnalité des équipements. Cette expérience innovante vise
à faciliter le stockage et la diffusion en ligne des données par la DNPC, en créant une base de données simple d’utilisation
et facilement actualisable, s’appuyant sur des logiciels libres.
- A Djenné, une cartographie détaillée a été établie, dans le cadre du processus d’élaboration du plan de gestion du site
patrimoine mondial : elle distingue la ville historique, les sites archéologiques et les zones tampons. Elle a permis
d’engager une discussion avec les autorités sur la révision du plan urbain actuel.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/partenaires/338/ (Newsletter N° 18)
CONVENTION FRANCE-UNESCO: Colloque « Patrimoines fluviaux et territoires », Saint-Louis du Senegal, 3-5
mars 2011
Organisé par la Maison du fleuve Sénégal et l’université Gaston Berger, avec l’appui de la CFU, le colloque a rassemblé une
cinquantaine de participants du Sénégal, de Mauritanie, du Mali et de France : chercheurs, directeurs du patrimoine
culturel, professionnels, représentants de collectivités locales ou d’organismes de formation.
Dans la continuité de l’atelier « Fleuves et patrimoines » qui s’est tenu au Sénat le 2 novembre 2009, cette rencontre a
permis de restituer différents travaux de recherche sur les cultures du fleuve, les paysages fluviaux ou les savoir-faire
locaux liés à l’eau. Elle a mis l’accent sur l’importance du processus de reconquête culturelle des fleuves et sa place dans le
développement local, en abordant en particulier les expériences des Maisons du fleuve.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/partenaires/338/ (Newsletter N° 18)
(en espagnol) Apoyo al Atlas de Patrimonio Inmaterial de Andalucia (España)
El Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio (IAPH), entidad de investigación de la Junta de Andalucía,
solicita el apoyo de la ciudadanía para que su trabajo en el “Atlas del Patrimonio Inmaterial
de Andalucía” sea reconocido como Proyecto o Actividad de Buenas Prácticas por UNESCO.
Especialmente pide la colaboración de todos los andaluces, por constituir parte de las
personas, colectivos, comunidades o grupos, protagonistas, de las expresiones culturales
inmateriales registradas en el proyecto del Atlas del patrimonio Inmaterial de Andalucía.
También hace una llamada a aquellos colaboradores directos o partícipes de los objetivos que
persigue este Atlas.
El apoyo, libre adhesión y consentimiento para llevar a cabo esta iniciativa se ha de cumplimentar a través de la
cumplimentación de los formularios disponibles en la página web.
Una vez relleno, es necesario enviar el formulario a: [email protected]
Plus information en espagnol : http://www.iaph.es/nav/inmaterialunesco
Des experts esquissent des plans pour la préservation du site des Bouddhas à Bamiyan
Des officiels afghans et des experts internationaux ont ébauché des plans pour la future sauvegarde du paysage culturel et
des vestiges archéologiques de la vallée de Bamiyan (Afghanistan) au cours de deux réunions qui se sont tenues à
l’UNESCO, à Paris, du 2 au 4 mars. Ces réunions marquaient le 10ème anniversaire de la tragique destruction des
Bouddhas géants de Bamiyan.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
Les autorités cambodgiennes et thaïlandaises vont se rencontrer le 25 mai à l’UNESCO pour discuter de Preah
Des autorités cambodgiennes et thaïlandaises vont se rencontrer le 25 mai au siège de l’UNESCO, à Paris, afin d’envisager
des moyens de sauvegarder le temple de Preah Vihear.
Cette décision fait suite à une mission à Bangkok et Phnom Penh de l’Envoyé spécial de l’UNESCO pour Preah Vihear,
Koichiro Matsuura. Durant cette mission, l’Envoyé spécial a rencontré les Premiers ministres des deux pays, ainsi que
d’autres officiels, pour discuter de la situation de ce temple du XIe siècle.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
Les éoliennes valent-elles le déclassement du Mont Saint -Michel ? (France)
Le Comité exécutif d’ Europa Nostra, Fédération européenne du patrimoine culturel et naturel, s’est rendu samedi 5 mars, à
Argouges (Manche) , commune située sur la ligne de crête qui domine la baie du Mont Saint Michel, pour apprécier le
risque de dégradation du site lié au projet de développement d’installations éoliennes en co-visibilité.
Europa Nostra - qui regroupe plus de 250 associations du patrimoine, actives dans 45 pays d’Europe, dont les vingt-sept
Etats membres de l’Union européenne - a voulu ainsi exprimer son incompréhension face à la décision prise par le préfet de
la Manche accordant un permis de construire pour l’implantation d’éoliennes sur la commune d’Argouges , et ce en dépit de
l’avis défavorable du commissaire enquêteur.
Plus information : http://www.europanostra.org/news/149/
AD Classics: Educatorium / OMA - Rem Koolhaas - 1997 - Utrecht - The Netherlands
Completed in 1997, the Educatorium in Utrecht, Netherlands was OMAs and Rem Koolhaas’ first university project. Part of a
larger masterplan for the campus of De Uithof for Utrecht University to create a more westernized version of a college
campus, the Educatorium was designed to be the new center of campus, not only geographically but socially as well.
Understood to be the encapsulation of the entire university experience in one building, Koolhaas and his team at OMA
conceptualized the Educatorium as a factory for learning in both the traditional formalistic approach as well as the informal
student to student exchange. The Educatorium was designed specifically so that the processes of socialization, learning,
and examination would be entangled within one another blurring the boundaries between lounges, classrooms, and
corridors such that there is a constant redefinition of what it means to learn in a social environment.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/119580/ad-classics-educatorium-oma/
Dix ans après – Commémoration de la tragique destruction des Bouddhas géants de
Bamiyan (Afghanistan)
L'UNESCO va commémorer le 10ème anniversaire de la tragique destruction des Bouddhas
géants de Bamiyan avec un forum et une réunion d'experts qui examineront à Paris pendant
deux jours les moyens de préserver et de présenter au public le paysage culturel et les
vestiges archéologiques de la vallée de Bamiyan.
En amont de ce 10ème anniversaire, la Directrice générale de l'UNESCO, Irina Bokova, - qui
ouvrira les commémorations - a exhorté la communauté internationale à protéger le
patrimoine de l'humanité contre les dommages ou destructions, les troubles, l'appropriation politique et le vol :
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/actualites/718/
40 ans de lutte contre le trafic illicite de bien culturels – Bilan et perspectives de la
Convention de 1970
Le problème aigu des fouilles illicites d’archéologie et du trafic d’œuvres religieuses, l’explosion du
marché de l’art dans le monde, la criminalité liée à la circulation des biens culturels et au
financement d’activités terroristes suscitent une attention médiatique et politique considérables et
placent la Convention de 1970 au cœur de la problématique. L’UNESCO fait le point de la question
avec des personnalités et experts de renommée internationale et ses partenaires traditionnels.
Plus information : http://portal.unesco.org/culture/fr/ev.phpURL_ID=41566&URL_DO=DO_PRINTPAGE&URL_SECTION=201.html
40 ans de lutte contre le trafic illicite de biens culturels - Convention de 1970 concernant les mesures à
prendre pour interdire et empêcher l'importation, l'exportation et le transfert de propriété illicites des biens
Sur le plan économique, le trafic des biens culturels se classe parmi les plus importants au monde, avec les trafics illicites
d’armes et de drogues, selon l’Organisation internationale de police criminelle (Interpol). Certaines sources estiment qu’il
représente un montant annuel de 6 milliards de dollars, même si ce chiffre est difficile à vérifier compte tenu de la nature
illicite de cette activité.
Plus information : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSseNAY7uDg&feature=player_embedded
(en anglais) Important Message from the Site Preservation Program
At Umm el-Jimal, an AIA Site Preservation Grant is ensuring that Jordanian children learn about their rich cultural heritage.
The AIA Site Preservation Program supports nine projects around the world, identifies and promotes the best preservation
practices, and advocates for the protection of sites. Next week we will decide on a tenth project. Dozens of applications
have come in from countries all over the world, including Greece, Honduras, Kenya, Mexico, Nevis, Peru, Turkey, Uganda,
and the United States. Your generous support of the Site Preservation Program will allow us to fund more projects and
protect more sites from the destructive impacts of war, irresponsible development, looting, and erosion.
Plus information en anglais : http://archaeological.org/news/currentprojects/1944
[english] Important Message from the Site Preservation Program
At Umm el-Jimal, an AIA Site Preservation Grant is ensuring that Jordanian children learn about their rich cultural heritage.
The AIA Site Preservation Program supports nine projects around the world, identifies and promotes the best preservation
practices, and advocates for the protection of sites. Next week we will decide on a tenth project. Dozens of applications
have come in from countries all over the world, including Greece, Honduras, Kenya, Mexico, Nevis, Peru, Turkey, Uganda,
and the United States. Your generous support of the Site Preservation Program will allow us to fund more projects and
protect more sites from the destructive impacts of war, irresponsible development, looting, and erosion.
Más información en inglés: http://archaeological.org/news/currentprojects/1944
(en anglais) Kutiyattam : Ammannur Chachu Chakyar Smaraka Gurukulam Kerala - India
A temple of Kutiyattam, the Ammannur Chachu Chakyar Smaraka Gurukulam is a
renowned training and performing centre for this divine art form. The centre is
attached to the Ammannur Chakyar family whose members have been the hereditary
practitioners and custodians of the art of Kutiyattam.Formally registered as a
charitable society the centre started functioning in October 27, 1982, with the support
from Sangeet Natak Academy, New Delhi.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.keralatourism.org/kerala-article/210/ammannur-chachu-chakyar-smarakagurukulam.php
(en anglais) 1st IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) APR (Asia and Pacific Region)
Symposium on Landscape Architecture Education SOLARE 2011 - Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia. 30
March - 2 April 2011
The Asia-Pacific region covers aproximately 2.8 billion hectares, almost a quarter of the world's land area and contains over
half of the world's popularion. While the Asia-Pacific may lag behind Europa and North America in terms of economic
development, it is growing rapidly and fast catching up with the developed world. This region also encompasses a rich
diversity of landscapes and cultures and is home to some of the oldest civilisations in the world.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.ilamalaysia.org/solare/index.html
(en anglais) Renaissance Defences Rediscovered in Scotland - Scotland - United Kingdom
Archaeologists have discovered fragmentary remains of Stirling Castle’s once-mighty 16th-century outer defences.
Mary of Guise, widow of James V, is believed to have brought in European experts to apply the very latest Italian military
engineering techniques at the castle in the 1540s.
Intermittent warfare with England, battling against Henry VIII, made it essential to have specially-designed fortifications to
protect against the increasingly-sophisticated heavy artillery that could be used in a siege.
Work to extend the castle’s main shop and ticket office have now revealed a section of walling which archaeologists identify
as the remains of these walls.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.historic-scotland.gov.uk/news_article.htm?articleid=30764
Ain Ghazal Interpretation Park / Rasem Kamal - 2009 - Amman - Jordan
Ain Ghazal Interpretation Park is bridge to history that may never be built but its award-winning
design makes a statement about heritage, community and Jordanian architecture.
How to make a new beginning in East Amman? Ain Ghazal is a strategic location that has so far
kept East of Amman intact, an expansion zone that enables the city – even the country – to
modernize itself constantly, to make the tactical adjustments necessary boundaries and nodes
had to be identified. It is a theatre of progress that cradles diverse elements and most
importantly archeological ruins which belongs to 7250BC.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/121137/ain-ghazal-interpretation-park-rasem-kamal/
AD Classics: R.W. Lindholm Service Station / Frank Lloyd Wright - 1956-1958 - Cloquet - Minnesota - USA
An architect with upwards of 500 built projects, Frank Lloyd Wright was also recognized for his proposed Utopian vision of a
new urban landscape, known as Broadacre City, which he developed throughout most of his life and described in his book
The Disappearing City in 1932.
This proposition stood as both a planning statement and a socio-political scheme, in which each U.S. family would receive
an acre of land from the federal lands reserves. Wright unveiled a detailed twelve by twelve foot scaled model that
represented a four square mile section of the hypothetical community. The R.W. Lindholm Service Station is the only part
of his Broadacre designs that was realized.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/121884/ad-classics-r-w-lindholm-service-station-frank-lloyd-wright
Brooklin Community Centre And Library / Perkins + Will - 2010 - Brooklyn Ontario - Canada
A remnant forest in the historic village of Brooklin, Ontario provides the setting and
inspiration for this district Library and Community Centre. Each of the key program
areas (library, community centre and gymnasium) are housed in one of three linked
structures whose rooflines and simple forms recall the region’s agrarian roots. A
sophisticated approach to structural articulation, detailing and materiality transforms a
regional inspiration into a sharply articulated response to the design issues of the 21st
century. Porches, breezeways and glazed links provide the common space and allow the three shed volumes to frame
courtyards and views into the surrounding hardwood forest. The programs are accommodated under graceful steel and
timber roofs with mezzanines and interconnected floor spaces allowing visual and spatial interaction between them.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/117462/brooklin-community-centre-and-library-perkins-will/#more-117462
(en anglais) Heritage Victoria's Inherit e-newsletter available online - January-February 2011
Heritage Council of Victoria provides the highest level of legal protection for cultural heritage places and objects in Victoria.
As an independent statutory authority, Heritage Council of Victoria is the State's main decision-making body on cultural
(non-Indigenous) heritage issues. 10 members are appointed by the Governor-in-Council upon the recommendation of the
Minister for Planning. Heritage Council of Victoria receives professional advice and administrative support from Heritage
Victoria, and both organisations work together on a range of committees. The newsletter is available as PDF download or
subscribe [email protected] and receive as a monthly
Plus information en anglais : http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/59297/Inherit-February-11.pdf
Journée Projection-débat 22 mars 2011 pour la création d'une chaîne généraliste de Télévision nationale du
Service public sur la TNT consacrée à tous les patrimoines - France
Le COMITÉ de SOUTIEN pour la création d’une chaîne généraliste de Télévision nationale du Service public sur la TNT
consacrée à tous les patrimoines, Et L’Association « La CHAÎNE DU PATRIMOINE ». Ont le plaisir de vous inviter à notre
prochaine projection-débat Le mardi 22 mars à la SACEM de 14h00 à 23h00. Elle est conçue comme une journée porteouverte, et l’on peut participer à tout ou partie du programme selon ses possibilités.
Plus information : http://www.srcta.fr/
(en anglais) CULTURAL HERITAGE - A Bridge towards a shared future -Venice - Italy - 20 November 2010
An extraordinary meeting of the South-Eastern European Ministries of Culture held at the premises of the Biennale (Ca’
Giustinian) in Venice assessed the state-of-the-art of the implementation of the existing agreements on cultural
cooperation in SEE and discussions were oriented towards the continuation of this cooperation process.
Plus information en anglais : http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001911/191168E.pdf (Page 6)
Dernier bulletin du Programme Global CoE (Centre d'excellence) sur la mitigation des catastrophes du
patrimoine culturel et des villes historiques de l'Université de Ritsumeikan (Kyoto, Japon) - Nº 16
L’objectif premier du Centre est de protéger les valeurs urbaines culturelles des catastrophes, et de concrétiser la
connaissance et la technologie nécessaires pour protéger le patrimoine culturel pour les générations à venir. Jusqu'il y a
peu de temps, la recherche académique concernant la mitigation des catastrophes du patrimoine culturel et des villes
historiques a été peu systématique. Pour cette raison, il est important de mettre en place un système académique détaillé
grâce auquel des experts de plusieurs domaines relatifs, tels : science des catastrophes, génie civil, architecture, sciences
de l'information et humanités, puissent collaborer.
En octobre 2006, une chaire UNESCO a été créée dans notre centre afin de promouvoir des programmes de formation sur
les risques liés à la gestion du patrimoine culturel. Cette chaire nous permet de devenir un réseau névralgique
d'information internationale pour des activités connexes.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.rits-dmuch.jp/dl_files/newsletter16-e.pdf
(en anglais) Seafront property attracts ancient Californians - California - USA
Ancient island camps in California suggest early Americans were at home by the sea.
Early Americans were no landlubbers. Settlements recently discovered on the Channel Islands off southern California are
littered with the bones and shells of fish, seabirds, and shellfish, as well as worked stone points and blades.
Finds along the Pacific Coast, including a 14,000-year-old settlement in southern Chile, support a coastal migration.
However, the rise in sea level would have erased much of the other evidence of occupation along this route, notes Daniel
Sandweiss, an archaeologist at the University of Maine in Orono, who was not involved in the new study. "Anybody who
was living right along the shore, their sites are now under water."
Plus information en anglais : http://www.nature.com/news/2011/110303/full/news.2011.135.html
(en anglais) The Libyan Arab Jamahiriya's 'extraordinary' archaeology under threat
As the Gadaffi regime continues to massacre citizens, its repression also puts a rich cultural
heritage at risk.
Eleven Italian researchers who were evacuated from Libya in a C-130 Hercules military
aircraft on Saturday are thought to have been among the last foreign archaeologists in the
country. With Libya's people being attacked by forces loyal to the regime of leader Muammar
al-Gaddafi, the scientists were thankful to escape to an air-force base south of Rome.
Researchers have little idea of when they will be able to return. Vincent Michel, an
archaeologist at the University of Poitiers in France who has a decade's experience of working in Libya, is part of a French
archaeological mission that was scheduled to leave next month for the ancient Greek Apollonia site on the Mediterranean
coast. That venture has now been suspended. Di Lernia's mission — itself a legacy of the colonial period — began in 1955
and is the longest-running international mission in Libya, but now he no longer knows "if and when the mission will be able
to work in the area".
Plus information en anglais : http://www.nature.com/news/2011/110302/full/news.2011.132.html
(en anglais) Major New Report Illustrates How the Historic Tax Credit Works for Our Economy - Rutgers
University (USA)
Important Update: 2010 data on the economic benefits of historic preservation is available for download. The Historic Tax
Credit Coalition in conjunction with NTCIC has prepared a flyer summarizing the highlights of Rutgers University's research
on the economic benefits of the federal historic tax credit. The flyer precedes the release of the Second Annual Report on
the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit, which is scheduled for release later this spring. This forthcoming
report is a complement to last year's comprehensive report, which analyzed the impact of the federal historic tax credit
program since its inception in 1976.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.preservationnation.org/issues/community-revitalization/jobs/
(en anglais) LCCHP (Lawyers' Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation) Calls for the Preservation of
Preah Vihear Temple - Cambodia
We, the undersigned institutions, are greatly concerned by the escalating conflict between the Southeast Asian nations of
Cambodia and Thailand over the ancient temple of Preah Vihear. The sacred Hindu shrine is now a battlefield; the
descendants and heirs of its builders are among those whom the fighting has killed, injured, and displaced. Without
question, continued clashes will lead to increased casualties and will further jeopardize Preah Vihear.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.culturalheritagelaw.org/preahvihear
Burial Site at Combe Capelle in France is Not as Old as Previously Assumed, by Several Thousands Years Combe Capelle - France
A team of scientists, comprising members from Berlin's Museum of Prehistory and Early History, Universität Greifswald, the
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and the Leibniz Laboratory for Radiometric Dating and Stable
Isotope Research in Kiel, have managed to unlock the secrets surrounding the dating of the burial site of Combe Capelle
that was discovered by the Swiss researcher Otto Hauser in 1909.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45015
Researchers Say Slaves Hid African Charms on Colonial Greenhouse - BALTIMORE -MARYLAND - USA
The greenhouse on the Maryland plantation where famed abolitionist Frederick Douglass spent part of his childhood was not
as uniquely European as once thought: Its furnace was built by slaves, who hid distinctly African touches within it to ward
off bad spirits, researchers said.
A stone pestle to control spirits was concealed in brick ductwork used to heat the orangery — a type of greenhouse used to
shield citrus and other trees from chilly winters — and University of Maryland archaeologists found charms buried at the
structure's entrance, said excavation leader Mark Leone. The greenhouse was long considered a mark of European
sophistication and was a status symbol of the era.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44975
Yale University (USA) and Peruvian Authorities Sign Deal on the Return of
Thousands of Incan Artifacts
Yale University announced Friday that it will send back to Peru thousands of Incan artifacts
removed from the famed Machu Picchu citadel nearly a century ago.
The agreement allowing for the return of the ceramic pieces, animal and human bones, and
metal and stone objects came after Yale and Peru officials announced in November that they
had resolved a long-running dispute over the artifacts.
San Antonio Abad University in Cuzco will create a center to house the more than 5,000
objects and fragments.
The center, to be located in an Incan palace and operated under joint direction by both universities, will include a museum
exhibit for the public and a research area for collaborative investigations by the two institutions and visiting scholars.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44930
Alemanys 5 / Anna Noguera - Girona - Spain
Located in the core part of Girona’s medieval quarter, within the scope of the first wall and
overlooking the Plaça de Sant Domènec, is the property Alemanys 5, whose original building
dates from the Sixteenth Century.
Its recent restoration integrates old and new, where sober and clean lines look for the
enjoyment of essential elements such as space, light, shadow, fire, stone, water or silence.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/121082/alemanys-5-anna-noguera/
Cannon Design Regional Offices / Cannon Design - St. Louis - Missouri - USA
After standing vacant for nearly 30 years, the St. Louis Municipal Power House building at 1100
Clark Avenue in downtown St. Louis, opened as the new offices of Cannon Design in September
2008. In 2007, the firm purchased the 19,000 sqf building and provided all design, development,
and construction management services for its restoration, renovation and adaptive reuse—an
investment that represents the firm’s confidence in the future of the city of St. Louis. Constructed
in 1928, the Power House was an original part of the Municipal Service Building complex that still
occupies an entire block of downtown St. Louis—providing parking space for city vehicles, a fire
department and an electric substation. The Power House component of the complex, designated as a landmark by the
National Historic Register, provided coal-fired steam heat to a dozen downtown buildings but was decommissioned by the
City in 1980.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/122043/cannon-design-regional-offices-cannon-design
New Website - The Hyde Collection - Glens Falls - New York State - USA
The Hyde Collection announced the debut of its new website, aimed at broadening the Museum’s connection with cybervisitors of all ages and interests.
In addition to the new format, which features monthly event and activity highlights, as well as Hyde News on the
homepage, now presents excerpts from the Museum’s new orientation video, along with podcasts featuring personal views
of works from The Hyde’s permanent collection.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45951
L'Envoyé spécial de l'UNESCO pour Preah Vihear rencontre des dirigeants thaïlandais et cambodgiens
En visite à Bangkok et à Phnom Penh du 27 février au 1er mars, l'Envoyé spécial de l'UNESCO, Koïchiro Matsuura, a
rencontré des dirigeants thaïlandais et cambodgiens pour discuter des moyens de sauvegarder le site du patrimoine
mondial de Preah Vihear. M. Matsuura s'est rendu dans les deux capitales asiatiques à la demande de la Directrice générale
de l'UNESCO, Irina Bokova, avec laquelle il est resté en contact étroit pendant toute la durée de sa mission.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
(en anglais) Memorandum of Understanding Between Yale and the University of Cusco (Peru)
In this Memorandum of Understanding ("MDE"), Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco ("UNSAAC") of the
city of Cusco, Department of Cusco, Peru and Yale University in the city of New Haven, state of Connecticut, United States
of America, set forth their joint commitment to the creation and development of the UNSAAC-Yale University International
Center for the Study of Machu Picchu and Inca Culture ("Center").
Plus information en anglais : http://opac.yale.edu/peru/english/mou.html
Le David de Michel-Ange craint les travaux du tunnel du TGV italien. Centre historique - Florence (Italie)
La sculpture de David, réalisée par Michel-Ange entre 1501 et 1504, serait mise en danger par un projet de tunnel pour le
TGV italien qui passerait sous le centre historique de Florence.
Plus information : http://www.artclair.com/site/archives/docs_article/82471/le-david-de-michel-ange-craint-les-travaux-dutunnel-du-tgv-italien.php
(en anglais) Excavation permits in Turkey maybe revoked unless Hattusa Sphinx is returned
The ongoing battle for repatriation of the Hattusa Sphinx reached a new phase when Turkey’s culture minister demanded
that Germany return the priceless artefact or permits for excavations within the country would be revoked.
Ertugrul Gunay told the Tagesspiegel that German authorities had until the start of the digging season in June to hand back
the sphinx, thought to date back to 1400 BCE. “If there is no commitment (to return the sphinx) by the beginning of the
digging season, I am firmly determined to cancel the excavation licence for Hattusa,” said the minister.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.pasthorizons.com/index.php/archives/02/2011/excavation-permits-mayberevoked-unless-hattusa-sphinx-is-returned
Egypt's Top Archaeologist, Zahi Hawass, Warns of Looting at Country's Antiquity
Egypt's top archaeologist, Zahi Hawass, warned that the country's antiquity sites were being
looted by criminals amid the country's political upheaval as he announced he would no longer
serve in his ministerial post in the government.
Hawass was quoted in the Friday editions of Cairo's dailies as saying he would not participate
in the new government to be led by prime minister designate Essam Sharaf. Hawass, the
longtime head of Egypt's antiquities office, was elevated to Cabinet-level antiquities minister
on Jan. 31, when ousted President Hosni Mubarak named a new government led by longtime friend Ahmed Shafiq.
Shafiq resigned Thursday amid calls by protesters for his removal, and Sharaf has been tasked with naming a new
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45469
(en anglais) Call for authors - Project MYAL (My Aleppo) (Preliminary Title) - Syrian Arab Republic
The concept of the book MYAL (My Aleppo) corresponds largely with that of the city readers on international metropolises
started in 2008 by esefeld & traub publishers. MYNY (My New York, 2008) and MYMO (My Moscow, 2010) have appeared in
the same series. A publication on Tokyo is panned for 2011 and further one on Sao Paulo for 2012-2013. The size and
layout of the MYAL (My Aleppo) project has not been definitively decided. The decision will be taken by the publishers after
the receipt of the contributions. The MYNY and MYMO publications are to be regarded as feasible examples. The book is
planned in the three or four languages, German, English, French and Arabic.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.edition-et.de/aleppo/e/index.htm
(en anglais) Series of Round Tables: Management plan for Venice & its Lagoon. Venice - Italy
These interactive round tables with local stakeholders (organized jointly with the City of Venice) were aimed at analyzing
that the current available data relevant to the City of Venice’s urban and territorial planning is coherent with the final
objectives of the Management Plan for this World Heritage Site under preparation.
Plus information en anglais : http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001911/191168E.pdf
(en anglais) Sustainable Indicators in World Heritage Urban Areas. Mexico City - Mexico
A mission was organized from the 30th January - 5th February 2010 in view of strengthening Spanish Funds-in-Trust
technical cooperation, focusing on the Spanish Funds-in-Trust programme for indicators of sustainable development at
World Heritage Historic Centres. The objectives of the mission were:
Guide the roadmap to finalize the management plan of the city, as requested by the World Heritage Committee;
Evaluate the outcomes of the participatory methodology already applied in Xochimilco by UNESCO/WH Centre and
UNESCO Office in Mexico;
Carry out a diagnosis of the State of Conservation as perceived by local inhabitants;
Apply the thematic approach identified in Cuba in April 2009.
The Mexican Authorities expressed their desire to invite the Director-General of UNESCO to the official presentation of the
Management Plan of the Historic Centre in February 2011.
Plus information en anglais : http://whc.unesco.org/en/news/717
(en espagnol) Boletin de Centro Regional para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de America
El 23 de febrero último, el Director General del CRESPIAL, Sr. Jaime Urrutia y su equipo, recibieron la visita de la Directora
General de la UNESCO, Sra. Irina Bokova.
Acompañada de la Representante de la Oficina de la UNESCO en Lima (Perú) Sra. Nilda Anglarill y la Representante
Permanente del Perú ante la UNESCO, Dra. Cecilia Bákula, entre otras autoridades, la reunión tuvo lugar en la Sede del
Centro (Cusco, Perú). En ella, se presentó el trabajo desarrollado por el CRESPIAL así como las actividades programadas a
lo largo del 2011.
La Sra. Bokova felicitó al CRESPIAL al ser un Organismo que ha motivado la creación de otros Centros de Categoría 2
destacando, a su vez, la labor que viene realizando.
Plus information en espagnol : http://www.crespial.org/boletin/boletin_5.php
(en anglais) St. Mary Cathedral / Kenzo Tange - 1963-1964 - Tokyo - Japan
There are some buildings that do not belong to any time or age. The Saint Mary Cathedral of
Tokyo by Kenzo Tange is definitely one of these. Of course materials and technologies make it
recognizable as a project of the 20th century, but we could easily say that this project has been
built yesterday the same as 50 years ago. It’s not usual, in terms of the quality of architecture.
And it is not the only quality of this project.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archdaily.com/114435/ad-classics-st-mary-cathedralkenzo-tange/
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(en anglais) The Latest from LCCHP (Lawyers’ Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation) 16 February 2011
The LCCHP is a nonprofit organization of lawyers, law students and interested members of the public who have joined
together to promote the preservation and protection of cultural heritage resources in the United States and internationally
through education and advocacy. We formed because we perceive a need for greater legal education and advocacy in the
legislative, judicial and policy arenas.
Plus information en anglais : http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/675086/cb6d674565/285206853/df8f5b84a9/
Neopat : les nouveaux patrimoines dans la région des Pays de la Loire (France)
Soutenu par un financement de la région des Pays de la Loire, NEOPAT est un projet de recherche pluridisciplinaire qui
inclut l’histoire, l’histoire de l’art, l’archéologie, l’histoire des sciences et des techniques, la géographie physique et
humaine, le droit et la sociologie, et qui saisit à l’échelle régionale le puissant mouvement social et culturel de la demande
en nouveaux patrimoines.
Plus information : http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Actualites/Toutes/Neopat-les-nouveaux-patrimoines-dans-la-regiondes-Pays-de-la-Loire
La candidature au label Grand Site de France R du Grand Site des Deux-Caps. Pas de Calais (France)
Le Site des Deux-caps est un site emblématique du département. Il a été le premier en France à être classé Grand Site
National (on en compte aujourd’hui 32). "Incontestablement une reconnaissance de la valeur de cet ensemble paysager
que des centaines de visiteurs apprécient chaque année" précise Dominique Dupilet, président du Conseil général du Pasde-Calais. Depuis une décennie, l’Opération Grand Site portée par le Département donne un nouveau visage à ce
patrimoine exceptionnel : "On le protège, on le met en valeur, on l’embellit, on le rend parfois à la nature…" L’OGS
rassemble l’ensemble des acteurs publics du Site des Deux-Caps qui constitue aujourd’hui un linéaire côtier de 23
kilomètres, regroupe huit communes et quatre intercommunalités, comprend 7 000 hectares en site classé et inscrit et trois
sites "Natura 2000".
Plus information : http://www.les2caps.fr/Actualites/La-candidature-au-label-Grand-Site-de-France-R-du-Grand-Site-desDeux-Caps
(en anglais) Culture and development at the centre of UNESCO Director-General's visit to Cuzco, Peru
Continuing her official visit to Peru through the city of Cuzco, UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova delivered an address
at the Regional Centre for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Heritage of Latin America (CRESPIAL) on 23 February 2011.
She thanked the Peruvian Government and the CRESPIAL for their support and efforts to protect cultural heritage in the
region and keep it alive for future generations.
The Director-General held a meeting with CRESPIAL Director Jaime Urrutia, who presented the CRESPIAL's ongoing work
program and forthcoming projects. For her part, Irina Bokova underlined the important role the CRESPIAL plays to
strengthen the integration and cooperation between member countries with regards to the protection of cultural heritage.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/about-us/who-we-are/director-general/news-singleview/news/culture_and_development_at_the_centre_of_director_generals_visit_to_cuzco_peru/
(en anglais) RFP (Request for Proposal) Procurement of services for the activation of the ArcGIS software and
automated system - Turkey. Closing Date for Applications: 14 March 2011
Request for Proposal related to the procurement of services for the activation of the ArcGIS software and automated
system, owned by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism for the collection and management of digital data on
conservation, monitoring and supervision of registered sites and immovable cultural and natural assets in the Province of
Kars (Turkey).
The United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Venice Office hereby invite companies that
satisfy the following minimum criteria (refer to the full notice) to submit sealed tenders for the procurement and installation
of the necessary software, hardware and equipment, and the realisation of training programmes and terrestrial
measurements of cultural heritage sites in the province of Kars (Turkey), owned by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/en/venice/dynamic-content-single-view/news/225tur4000
(en italien) Convegno "Il recupero del patrimonio rurale". Bitonto, Bari /Italia) 25 Febbraio 2011
Non solo palazzi nobiliari, gallerie d’arte e chiese. La valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale passa anche dalla tutela
dell’immensa ricchezza nascosta nelle campagne, fuori le mura: muretti a secco, torri, trulli, masserie, tutti manufatti del
passato da conoscere, tutelare, cominciare a fruire. A questi temi è dedicato il convegno che si terrà il 25 febbraio, dalle
15.30, nella Sala degli Specchi di Palazzo di Città a Bitonto.
Plus information : http://www.tafter.it/2011/02/12/bitonto-ba-convegno-il-recupero-del-patrimonio-rurale-il-25-febbraio/
(en anglais) Interview: Werner Herzog on the Birth of Art - Cave of Forgotten Dreams. Cave
Chauvet (France)
Last March, preeminent filmmaker Werner Herzog was given unprecedented access to Chauvet Cave in
southeastern France to film the site's Paleolithic art. The result, his film Cave of Forgotten Dreams,
which will be released this spring, is a document of some of humankind's earliest and most
extraordinary paintings. Since the cave was discovered in December 1994, few people, mostly
researchers, have seen the artwork, owing to the cave's extremely delicate climate and concerns about
preserving the ancient paintings. But the film is more than a tour of the cave. It is an exploration of
what the science of archaeology is revealing about the Aurignacian people—Europe's first artists—and the origins of the
modern human mind.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeology.org/1103/features/werner_herzog_chauvet_cave_forgotten_dreams.
48th IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) World Congress
27 -29 June 2011. Zurich, Switzerland
Organizers: International Federation of Landscape Architects
First registration deadline: 31 March 2011
Second registration deadline: 23 June 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.ifla2011.com/postcongressprogramme.html
(en anglais) Western Australian Heritage Awards nominations are open - Deadline for nomination 18 March
The Western Australian Heritage Awards recognise outstanding commitment and contribution to heritage conservation,
adaptive reuse and interpretation in Western Australia.
The Awards honour individuals and organisations whose work has resulted in significant achievements in the promotion and
conservation of our rich cultural heritage.
Now in it's 19th year, the Awards attract extensive media interest, ensuring that the industry, government, owners and
community identify winners with the provision of innovative and best practice standards
In 2011, three new categories have been added to recognise the significant contribution by local government, the
importance of heritage in the tourism industry and the introduction of a new category to foster new talent in the heritage
Plus information en anglais : http://www.heritage.wa.gov.au/western-australian-heritage-awards.html
(en anglais) Society Outreach Grant Program of Archaeological Institute for America - Deadlines for
submission 15 March 2011 and 1 November 2011
The AIA Society Outreach Grant Program encourages societies to plan and implement outreach activities in their local
community. Any event that promotes archaeology, the AIA's mission, and focuses on public outreach and education will be
considered for funding. Attracting new members to the AIA and the society should also be a goal. This grant is meant for
innovative outreach programs, replicable by other societies and beyond the regular lecture program supported by the
national office; therefore, Societies are discouraged from submitting proposals requesting funds to support a lecture.
However, if funds are requested for a lecture, the Society should provide adequate explanation as to how this lecture is
meaningfully different from the routine lecture series (e.g., involvement of new audience, development of new
partnerships, educational programs, visibility in an attractive segment of the community or the like). A portion of the Grant
money is specifically designated for projects with a site preservation aspect. Funds may be used for any expense related to
organizing and conducting the programs, these include but are not limited to materials, travel expenses, honoraria,
advertisements, and publicity. Grant money cannot be used for things like outside management (i.e. hiring an event
planner) or for basic operating costs. The grant is available to any chartered AIA society.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/grants/712
Lancement d'une opération rénovation énergétique à l'Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud. Val de Loire (France)
A la suite d'une étude préalable pilotée par la SEM Régionale pour le compte du CCO, la Région a missionné la Société
Publique Régionale des Pays de la Loire pour conduire l'opération de construction d'un pôle technique et énergétique ainsi
que le projet de réhabilitation globale de l'Hôtel Saint Lazare. Objectif : rationaliser l'ensemble et envisager une rénovation
énergétique complète.
Plus information : http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Actualites/Toutes/Lancement-d-une-operation-renovationenergetique-a-l-Abbaye-Royale-de-Fontevraud
(en anglais) UNESCO Venice Newsletter
The UNESCO Venice Office looks forward to continuing joint collaborations with Italy and all the SEE countries to attain
more significant results in the fields of science and culture and to contribute to the creation of added values for people and
the securing of peace and sustainability.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/ulis/cgi-bin/ulis.pl?catno=191168
La plus célèbre cité inca menacée - Machu Picchu. Pérou
Le tourisme, la déforestation, le réchauffement climatique... autant de menaces qui pèsent aujourd'hui sur le Machu Picchu,
ancienne cité inca du XVe siècle, classée au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco. L'organisation veut à tout prix la protéger et
envisage d'en limiter l'accès.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/machu-picchu/la-plus-celebre-cite-inca-menacee_art12708.html
Fondation du Patrimoine (France) Newsletter bi-mensuelle - Mars 2011
La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine rural non protégé. Maisons,
églises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel… tous les types de patrimoine de proximité sont
éligibles à l'action de la Fondation. Aux côtés de l'Etat et des principaux acteurs du secteur, elle aide les propriétaires
publics et associatifs à financer leurs projets, permet aux propriétaires privés de défiscaliser tout ou partie de leurs
travaux, et mobilise le mécénat d’entreprise.
Plus information : http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/newsletter-75
Musée & Jardins Albert-Kahn - La Newsletter - mars 2011. Boulogne-Billancourt (Francia)
Le musée départemental Albert-Kahn est situé à Boulogne-Billancourt, dans les Hauts-de-Seine. Visant à faire perdurer
l'œuvre d'Albert Kahn, il se compose d'une galerie présentant, sous forme d'expositions temporaires, une partie des
collections des « Archives de la Planète » (4 000 plaques stéréoscopiques noir et blanc et 72 000 plaques autochromes
couleur, ce qui en fait la plus importante collection au monde) et de jardins étendus sur près de quatre hectares qui font
partie intégrante des collections du musée.
Plus information : http://www.albert-kahn.fr/
(en anglais) "A Year in the Field" of the Getty Conservation Institute's Field Projects Department
Welcome to the Getty Conservation Institute Field Projects Department’s first issue of A Year in the Field, which provides a
snapshot of our work during the 2009-10 financial year. The department currently has sixteen model
projects under way that aim to meet the GCI’s mission to advance conservation practice internationally.
The departments’ purpose is to advance conservation practice worldwide through the development and implementation of
model field projects that incorporate strong research, planning and educational objectives. In all projects, the GCI works
with local partners to build local knowledge, skills and experience and ensure sustainability.
Plus information en anglais : http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/A-Year-in-the-Field.pdf
Project d'Inventaire des édifices cultuels de France - Recherche de partenaires
La France possède quelques 100 000 édifices cultuels, toutes religions confondues, dont les ¾ , situés dans les campagnes
sont antérieurs à 1789 (Révolution française) et n’ont pas été inventoriés par l’Etat français. Icônes du sacré, témoins de
l’histoire, facteurs identitaires, chefs-d’œuvre de l’architecture française, ils sont l’emblème des villages, villes et provinces
où ils se trouvent et sont menacés par l’évolution contemporaine.
L’OPR a commencé ce recensement en 2006. Il couvre à ce jour 60 départements (carte jointe), soit près de 55 000
sanctuaires, et s’appuie sur une démarche scientifique approuvée et accompagnée par des universitaires de haut niveau.
Afin de mieux défendre ces bâtiments, il faut les connaître et donc commencer par les inventorier.
Si vous pensez que ce projet et éligible à des sources de financement européenne où internationales n’hésitez pas à les
communiquer à : Béatrice de Andia : [email protected].
Plus information : http://www.patrimoine-religieux.fr/
(en anglais) L'UNESCO e la tutela del "Feng Mao"
Cecilia Scoppetta, La Sapienza Università di Roma
The paper concerns the issue of conservation of both tangible and intangible heritage. This enlarged point of view become
particularly relevant in not-western cultural contexts, requiring a multidisciplinary approach. The Chinese case study shows
how conservation should be mainly intended as a process of knowledge construction aimed to a collective awareness of the
local identity.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.esempidiarchitettura.it/articoli.php?
(en anglais) American Society for Landscape Architects 2001 awards. Deadline for Applications: 6 May 2011
for students
Recognizes: site-specific works of landscape architecture or urban design. Professional entries in this category must be
built; student entries are not required to be built. Typical entries include: public, institutional, or private landscapes of all
kinds (except residential—see residential category); historic preservation, reclamation, conservation; green roofs, storm
water management, sustainable design; design for transportation or infrastructure; landscape art or installation; interior
landscape design; and more. Criteria: The jury will consider the quality of design and execution (for professional entries);
design context; environmental sensitivity and sustainability; and design value to the client and to other designers.
Recognition: The Professional Awards Jury and the Student Awards Jury may each select one Award of Excellence and any
number of Honor Awards in this category. Entry forms and payment for Professional Awards must be received by: Friday,
February 25, 2011 and submission binders by Friday, March 11, 2011. As for Student Awards, entry forms and payment
must be received by Friday, May 6, 2011 and submission binders by Friday, May 20, 2011.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.asla.org/2011awards/rules_entries/index.html
Bulletin de l'Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National - ISPAN No 21 - HAITI
L’Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National (ISPAN) est un organisme technique autonome du Ministère de la Culture
et de la Communication. Il a pour mission de dresser l’inventaire et de procéder au classement des monuments, de sites et
d’ensembles historiques de la République d’Haïti, de réaliser des études de projets de protection, de restauration et de mise
en valeur de monuments, de sites et d’ensemble historiques, d’assurer la direction et le contrôle des travaux d’exécution de
tels projets, d’aider à la promotion et au développement d’activités publiques ou privées visant à sauvegarder le Patrimoine
National et, enfin, de recueillir, organiser et diffuser toutes informations et documentations relatives au Patrimoine
architectural et monumental, national et international.
Plus information : http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/ISPAN_No21.pdf
(en francés) Exposition: 'Laboutik Sinoi' - Blue Penny Museum. Port Louis (Mauritius)
L’exposition ‘Maurice en miniature’ à peine achevée, place est donc faite à une autre exposition intitulée ‘Laboutik sinoi’, au
musée Blue Penny Museum.
Le vernissage s’est déroulé mardi soir en présence de nombreux invités dont principalement Bian Yanhua, ambassadrice de
la république de Chine à Maurice et Jean-François Dobelle, ambassadeur de France à Maurice. Avant le vernissage, Melody
Chan a exécuté une danse.
Más información en francés: http://www.lematinal.com/magazine/10072-Laboutik-Sinoi-sexpose-au-Blue-Penny-Museum.
Exposition: 'Laboutik Sinoi' - Blue Penny Museum. Port Louis (Mauritius)
L’exposition ‘Maurice en miniature’ à peine achevée, place est donc faite à une autre exposition intitulée ‘Laboutik sinoi’, au
musée Blue Penny Museum.
Le vernissage s’est déroulé mardi soir en présence de nombreux invités dont principalement Bian Yanhua, ambassadrice de
la république de Chine à Maurice et Jean-François Dobelle, ambassadeur de France à Maurice. Avant le vernissage, Melody
Chan a exécuté une danse.
Plus information : http://www.lematinal.com/magazine/10072-Laboutik-Sinoi-sexpose-au-Blue-Penny-Museum.html
(en anglais) 5 Million Manuscripts, Films and Texts for Europeana
Work begins this week to add over 5 million digital objects, ranging from Spanish civil war photographs and handwritten
letters from philosopher Immanuel Kant, to Europeana from 19 of Europe’s leading research and university libraries. The
project is called Europeana Libraries and it will put many of these treasures online for the first time. It will also add
extensive collections from Google Books, theses, dissertations and open-access journal articles to the 15 million items
amassed in Europeana to date. Providers include some of Europe’s most prestigious universities and research institutes,
including the University of Oxford’s Bodleian Library, Trinity College Dublin and Lund University.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44682
(en anglais) BRUGES DECLARATION (December 2010 - ENCATC - European Network of Cultural Administration
Training Centers)
On 9 December, Claire Girauld-Labalte, ENCATC Representative for Heritage was invited by the Belgian Presidency of the
EU to speak at the Conference “Cultural heritage: a resource for Europe. The benefits of interaction” in Bruges.
The Conference gathered more than 200 participants and resulted in the “Bruges Declaration”, presented by the Flemish
Minister for Immovable Heritage, Geert Bourgeois.
Plus information en anglais : http://heritageconference.rwo.be/Default.aspx?tabid=14663&language=en-US
Summer Programs in Cultural Heritage Law
5 - 24 June 2011. Siena, Italy
Organizers: Tulane University Law School
Deadline for application: 31 May 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.law.tulane.edu/tlsabroad/Siena.aspx
L’UNESCO demande aux marchands d’art et aux collectionneurs d’être vigilants à propos des
objets volés en Egypte
Des fragments appartenant à la statue de Toutankhamon porté par la déesse Menkaret ont été retrouvés. La
figurine du pharaon reste introuvable.
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a demandé une vigilance accrue aux autorités nationales
et internationales, ainsi qu’aux marchands d’art et aux collectionneurs, suite aux informations sur le vol de
plusieurs pièces importantes du Musée égyptien du Caire et d’autres sites égyptiens.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
(en anglais) International Museums on High Alert for Looted Ancient Egyptian
Artifacts Due to Crisis
International museums are on high alert for looted Egyptian artifacts and some archaeologists
have even offered to fly to the country to help safeguard its ancient treasures, museums said
Egypt has been rocked by an unprecedented nine days of demonstrations against President
Hosni Mubarak's 30-year-rule, and fears are high for the country's priceless heritage after
looters broke into the Egyptian Museum in Cairo last week. The specter of the fall of Baghdad in
2003 looms large in the minds of Egyptologists, when thousands millennia-old artifacts were stolen or smashed by looters
in the chaos following the fall of Saddam Hussein.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44662
(en anglais) Historic, Three-Year Preservation Project Restores The Landmark Façade
of the New York Public Library. New York, NY (USA)
The New York Public Library has just completed a three-year, $50 million restoration and
preservation of the landmark Stephen A. Schwarzman Building on 42nd Street, which has stood
as an impressive symbol of opportunity and access for the people of New York City and the
world for a century. The unveiling of the newly restored façade represents the start of a yearlong celebration in the building’s honor, which will look back with reverence at all it has meant
to the public while also looking towards a bright and exciting future.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44688
CULTURE/COMMISSION: 'Comité des Sages' calls for a "Digital Renaissance"
La numérisation de notre patrimoine culturel est une tâche gigantesque qui va nécessiter des fonds importants. Selon une
étude réalisée dans le cadre de notre mission, c’est près de 100 milliards d’euros qui seront nécessaires pour rendre la
totalité de notre patrimoine disponible en ligne. Cette tâche prendra donc nécessairement du temps et les investissements
devront être correctement planifiés et coordonnées afin de parvenir au meilleur résultat de la façon la plus efficace possible.
Plus information : http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/digital_libraries/index_fr.htm
La foudre endommage le temple Pratapur de la Vallée de Katmandou, Népal
Le temple de Pratapur, situé dans la zone de monuments de Swayambhu de la Vallée de
Katmandou, site du patrimoine mondial au Népal, a été endommagé par la foudre vers 5h du
matin le 14 février, au cours d'un violent orage.
Une équipe d'ingénieurs du département d'archéologie du Népal a inspecté le temple dès le
lendemain afin d'établir très rapidement un rapport préliminaire. Les experts du Bureau de
Katmandou, le département népalais d'archéologie ainsi que les autorités nationales se sont
également rendus sur le site afin d'évaluer les dommages.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/en/news/712
(en anglais) Save the Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia)
Preah Vihear was a crowning achievement of the Khmer Empire, which ruled Southeast Asia from the
9th to 15th centuries and preceded the modern Cambodian state. The site has been the subject of a
border dispute between Cambodia and Thailand since French Indochina collapsed in 1954. In 1962,
the International Court of Justice awarded Preah Vihear to Cambodia, and Thailand relinquished the
temple in 1963. In 2008, at Cambodia’s request, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recognized Preah Vihear as a World Heritage Site of “outstanding
universal value.” Cambodian-Thai relations rapidly deteriorated in the wake of the listing, which was
intended to protect the temple. In the last few years, these political tensions have repeatedly sparked armed clashes, with
Preah Vihear at the frontline. The most recent fighting — and fiercest to date — erupted on 4 February 2011 and has taken
lives, wounded dozens, forced thousands to flee their homes, and damaged the temple.
Plus information en anglais : http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/675086/bbb00a3c24/285206853/1ed564d745/
(en anglais) Israeli Archaeologists Find a 1,500-Year-Old Byzantine Church
Southwest of Jerusalem
Israeli archaeologists presented a newly uncovered 1,500-year-old church in the Judean hills on
Wednesday, including an unusually well-preserved mosaic floor with images of lions, foxes, fish
and peacocks.
The Byzantine church located southwest of Jerusalem, excavated over the last two months, will
be visible only for another week before archaeologists cover it again with soil for its own
The small basilica with an exquisitely decorated floor was active between the fifth and seventh centuries A.D., said the dig's
leader, Amir Ganor of the Israel Antiquities Authority. He said the floor was "one of the most beautiful mosaics to be
uncovered in Israel in recent years."
Plus information en anglais : http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44672
Stadsherstel organise un forum international sur la préservation du patrimoine urbain
31 mars - 2 avril 2011. Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
Organizateur: UNESCO
Contact: [email protected] et [email protected]
Plus info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/events/724/
(en anglais) INAH Researchers Find 8 Camps Occupied by Nomadic Groups, Some of
Them, 8,000 Years Ago - Ensenada. Baja California (Mexico)
Eight archaeological sites, some of them occupied 8,000 years ago by nomadic groups, were
discovered by archaeologists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) in
the municipality of Ensenada, Baja California. Lithic tools were found at the settlements mainly
made out of obsidian, similar to those discovered in Riverside County, California.
The last would verify obsidian exportation conducted by ancient dwellers of Baja California with
exchange purposes, informed archaeologist Antonio Porcayo, coordinator of the excavation
project at Ensenada, mentioning that several of these sites are located inside caves and were discovered during the recent
archaeological salvage work conducted due to the remodeling of San Felipe-Laguna Chapala highway.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44671
(en anglais) Ten Museums in Running for £100,000 "Museum of the Year" Art Fund Prize 2011 (United
Kingdom) winner to be announced on 15 June 2011
The long list of ten museums that are in the running for the UK’s largest arts prize – the Art Fund Prize 2011 – will be
revealed on BBC Radio 4’s Front Row. The long list of museums competing for the ‘Museum of the Year’ accolade has been
selected by an independent panel of judges, chaired this year by broadcaster and former cabinet minister Michael Portillo.
The Art Fund Prize 2011 rewards excellence and innovation in museums and galleries in the UK for a project completed or
undertaken in 2010. Following a short list of four museums to be announced on 19 May, the £100,000 cash prize will be
awarded to the ‘Museum of the Year’ at a ceremony on 15 June. This is the fourth year that the Prize has been sponsored
by the Art Fund, the national fundraising charity for works of art that plays a major part in enriching the range and quality
of art on public display in the UK.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44664
EXPOSITION - Le procès des Insurgés de Cayenne, Nantes, Cour d'assises, 1931
9 février au 26 juin 2011. Nantes, France
Organisateur: Archives Départementales de Loire-Atlantique
Contact: [email protected] et [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.loire-atlantique.fr/jcms/cg_92585/le-proces-des-insurges-de-cayenne-renait-aux-archivesdepartementales
Photo exhibition on Wooden architecture yesterday, today and everywhere
22 February - 27 March 2011. Moscow, Russian Federation
Organizers: Shchusev architectural museum
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Wooden-architecture-yesterday-today-and-everywhere.pdf
EXPOSITION - Visions d'Égypte. Émile Prisse d'Avennes (1807-1879)
1er mars - 5 juin 2011. Paris, France
Organizateurs: BIBLIOTHEQUE Nationale de France
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.bnf.fr/fr/evenements_et_culture/anx_expositions/f.visions_degypte_prisse_davennes.html
1 March - 24 June 2011. COPENHAGEN, DENMARK
Organizers: National Gallery of Denmark
Contact: [email protected] and conservator, Troels Filtenborg - [email protected]
More info: http://www.smk.dk/en/explore-the-art/exhibitions/abildgaard-open-studio/
XXI Encuentro Nacional de Facultades y Programas de Arquitectura -"Arquitectura y Ciudades Sostenibles"
3 - 5 marzo 2011. Bogotá, Colombia
Organiza: ACFA - Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de Arquitectura
Contacto: [email protected]
Más info: http://www.arquitecturaacfa.org/
EXHIBITION - Six ancient cities of Mesoamerica. Society and Environment
10 March 2011 - end date unknown. Mexico DF, Mexico
Organizers: National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH)
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.gobiernodigital.inah.gob.mx/mener/index.php?id=33
Third Biennial Conference of Indian Heritage Cities Network (IHCN)- Mysore
13 - 16 March 2011. Karnakata, India
Organizers: UNESCO New Delhi, with the kind support of the Government of Karnataka, the Karnataka Urban Infrastructure
Development and Finance Corporation and the Mysore City Corporation.
Contact: [email protected] ; [email protected]
More info: http://www.ihcn.in/events.html
El Tajin Columns to Be Exhibited for the First Time
17 March 2011. Mexico DF, Mexico
Organizers: National Museum of Anthropology
More info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45411
All's Fair in Art and War: Confiscation of Cultural Property during Times of Armed Conflict - Williamsburg
21 March 2011. Virginia, U.S.A.
Organizers: Andrews Attorneys KURTH
More info: http://www.andrewskurth.com/events-315.html
EXPOSITION : Le hammam ouvre ses portes cachées
22 mars - 10 avril 2011. Fez, Maroc
Organizateurs: Euromed Heritage
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.euromedheritage.net/intern.cfm?lng=fr&menuID=9&submenuID=7&idnews=492
Exposición itinerante "100 elementos Patrimonio Industrial en España"
22 de Marzo de 2011 - 2012. Madrid, España
Organiza: Comité Internacional para la conservación y defensa del Patrimonio Industrial, TICCIH-España
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://expo100ticcih.blogspot.com/
III Seminario "La Recuperación del Patrimonio Histórico-Educativo. Museos de Educación y Espacios
25 marzo 2011. Sevilla, España
Organiza: MUPEAN (Museo Pedagógico Andaluz)
Contacto: [email protected]
Más info: http://www.museopedagogicoandaluz.com/noticias.html
6th Urban and Regional Planning (URP2011) Seminar: Exploring Historic Urban Landscapes - NED UNIVERSITY
Organizers: The Department of Architecture and Planning, NED University
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.neduet.edu.pk/arch_planning/Seminar-Series/Call%20For%20Papers%20-URP%202011.pdf
Réunion du réseau régional du Pacifique pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel
29 - 30 mars 2011. Nuku'alofa - Tonga
Organizateurs: Commission nationale du Tonga pour l'UNESCO, l'Intangible Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
(ICHCAP) avec l'appui de l'UNESCO.
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/events/
8e Journée du Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel TRANSMETTRE, OUI, MAIS COMMENT?
29 - 30 mars 2011. PARIS, FRANCE
Organisateur: Maison des Cultures du Monde et la Commission nationale française pour l'UNESCO
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.festivaldelimaginaire.com/programme/8e-journee-du-patrimoine-culturel.html
Human Rights and Cultural Heritage: From the Holocaust to the Haitian Earthquake
31 March 2011. New York, U.S.A.
Organizers: Benjamin N. Cardozo, School of Law Yeshiva University
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.cardozo.yu.edu/MemberContentDisplay.aspx
Organizateurs: Association Internationale des Maires Francophones
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.aimf.asso.fr/default.asp?id=10&event=60
Curso Gestión sostenible del patrimonio cultural latinoamericano (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia - UPV España y Universidad de la República de Montevideo-UDELAR - Uruguay)
7 - 20 abril 2011. Montevideo, Uruguay
Organiza: Este curso se enmarca en el proyecto “Función social del muralismo uruguayo del siglo XX como vehículo y
modelo de activación patrimonial sustentable del sitio Colonia del Sacramento” subvencionado por la Agencia Española de
Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.cfp.upv.es/formacion-permanente/cursos/gestion-sostenible-del-patrimonio-culturallatinoamericano_idiomaes-menuupvtrue-cid24673.html
Heritage Address 2011 hosted by the Heritage Council of Victoria
13 April 2011. Melbourne, Australia
Organizers: Heritage Council of Victoria
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/heritage/about/heritage-victoria/heritage-council-ofvictoria#Heritage_Council_of_Victoria
Framing the Viewshed: The Transformative Power of Art and Landscape in the Hudson Valley - Hudson
16 April 2011. New York State, USA
Organizers: The Olana Partnership
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://olana.org/pdf/Olana_symposium.pdf
International Day for Monuments and Sites event in New South Wales
18 April 2011. Sydney, Australia
Organizers: ICOMOS Australia
Deadline for registration: 28 March 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/International-Day-for-Monuments-and-Sites_2010-events.pdf
Conférence des Donateurs pour la Culture en Haïti - Faire de la Culture un moteur de reconstruction
19 avril 2011. PARIS, FRANCE
Organizateurs: UNESCO - WHC
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/evenements/725/
I Jornada internacional patrimonio, participación y acción colectiva. Diálogos sobre la ciudad patrimonial de
Colonia del Sacramento (Uruguay)
23 - 26 abril 2011. Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay
Organiza: Estas jornadas se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación “Función social del muralismo uruguayo del siglo XX
como vehículo y modelo de activación patrimonial sustentable del sitio Colonia del Sacramento” subvencionado por la
Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación de
Contacto: [email protected]
Más Info: http://www.coloniacom.com/pag/extendida.php/4249/primera-jornada-internacional-patrimonio-participacion-yaccion-colectiva-dialogos-sobre-la-ciudad-patrimonial-de-colonia-del-sacramento
Talk: History, development and styles of Japanese Gardens at Kew Garden
28 April 2011. London, United Kingdom
Organizers: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.kew.org/visit-kew-gardens/whats-on/history-of-japanese-gardens-28apr2011.htm
Symposium européenne des architectures en terre "Du patrimoine historique à l’architecture contemporaine"
4 - 5 mai 2011. Marseille, France
Organisateurs: l’Ecole d'Avignon et ICOMOS France, en partenariat avec l’Escola Superior Gallaecia (PT), l’Université
Polytechnique de Valencia (SP), l’Université de Florence (IT) et le Conseil en Architecture, Urbanisme et Environnement
(CAUE) de Vaucluse (FR), dans le cadre du projet européen Terra [In]cognita. Architectures de terre en Europe
(Programme Culture 2007-2013).
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.culture-terra-incognita.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13&Itemid=14&lang=en
5 - 10 MAI 2011. BAMAKO, MALI
Cette initiative sera réalisée en synergie avec le projet « Niger-Loire : gouvernance et culture ». Les dates retenues, du 5
au 10 mai prochains, permettront en effet aux participants d'assister également au séminaire final de ce projet.
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/cfu
EXHIBITION - PaCE - Plants and Culture: seeds of the cultural heritage of Europe - Museo Cervi
Organizers: Museo Cervi
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.fratellicervi.it/content/view/353/1/
New Post-graduate course in Economics and Managements of Cultural Organizations and Heritage (EcoCult)
Deadline for Applications: 4 April 2011
Starting 16 May 2011. Ferrara, Italy
Organizers: Università degli Studi di Ferrara
EcoCult will start on May 16th, 2011 and will be held entirely in English; the course is designed for international postgraduate students or professionals working in cultural institutions or interested in improving their preparation and
enhancing their career. It focuses on the managerial and economic aspects of heritage and art management within an
international framework.
Contact: [email protected]
More Info: http://www.ecocult.it/
Symposium international sur Voûtes plate
26 - 28 mai 2011. Valencia, Espagne
Organizateurs: Universitat Politècnica de València
Contact: Rafael Marín - [email protected]
Plus info: http://bovedastabicadas.upv.es
2nd International Fair of Conservation, Restoration, Restoration of Castles and Historic Buildings - SREMSKA
1 - 3 June 2011. MITROVICA, SERBIA
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
More info: http://www.kulturniforum.com/en/?p=31
Historical Lab 2: "Tourism and the Preservation of Art Nouveau Heritage: a source for funding.a source of
4 June 2011. Barcelona, Spain
Organizers: Réseau Art Nouveau Network, Musée Horta
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
More info: http://www.artnouveau-net.eu/get_page.asp?stran=5&jezik=GB
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - PhD Workshop : Understanding Heritage: Challenges and Perspectives for the 21st
14 - 16 June 2011. Cottbus, Germany
Organizers: Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU)
Contact: [email protected]
ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage conference
14 - 16 June 2011. Madrid, Spain
Organizers: ICOMOS ISC20C, Cluster de Patrimonio of the Campus Internacional de Excelencia Moncloa and Escuela
Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid
Contact: Fernando Espinosa de los Monteros ([email protected]) and Sheridan Burke,
([email protected])
More info: http://www.madrid2011.eu.com/
Gournia Excavations
18 June to 31 July 2011. Gournia, Greece
Organizers: University at Buffalo (SUNY)
Deadline for application 29 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.archaeological.org/fieldwork/afob/2592
19 JUIN 2011. France
Date limite de participation:Mars 2011
Organizateurs: Architectes du Patrimoine, la CAPEB (Confédération de l'Artisanat et des Petites Entreprises du Bâtiment),
Patrimoine-Environnement (Fédération Nationale des Associations de Sauvegarde des Sites et Ensembles Monumentaux),
les Maisons Paysannes de France.
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.journeedupatrimoinedepays.com/index.htm
'Jardins de Pierres - Conservation of stone in Parks, Gardens and Cemeteries' conference
22 - 24 JUNE 2011. PARIS, FRANCE
Organizers: L'Institut international de conservation (IIC)
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://sfiic.free.fr/
Foothill Belize Program - San Ignacio
26 June to 23 July 2011. Cayo District, Belize
Organizers: Foothill College
Deadline for application: 10 June 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.foothill.fhda.edu/anthropology/belize.php
'Ayn Gharandal Archaeological Project
30 June - 1 August 2011. Ayn Gharandal, Jordan
Organizers: Department of History, North Carolina State University
Deadline for application: 15 March 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.archaeological.org/fieldwork/afob/4133
Fonds international pour la diversité culturelle
Organisateur: UNESCO
Date limite de réception des demandes : 30 juin 2011, minuit HEC
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/themes/2005-convention/international-fund-for-cultural-diversity/
Inaugural ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) Conference on Shared Built Heritage
3 - 8 July 2011. Cape town, South Africa
Organizers: ICOMOS Netherlands and ISC on Shared Built Heritage
Contact: [email protected] and rct.enders@t-online
More info: http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Inaugural-ICOMOS-Conference-on-Shared-Built-Heritage-inAfrica-call-for-papers.pdf
Foothill Ecuador Program - Cangahua
3 July to 30 July 2011. Pichincha, Ecuador
Organizers: Foothill College
Deadline for application: 15 June 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.foothill.fhda.edu/anthropology/ecuador.php
Call for papers - Vauban's influence throughout the world
Organizers: Réseau des sites majeurs de Vauban
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.sites-vauban.org/Appel-a-communication-L-influence,612
Field work on Bucinci: Iron Age Necropolis Excavation
22 July - 30 August 2011. Skopje, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Organizers: Archaeological Institute of America
Deadline for application: 1 June 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.archaeological.org/fieldwork/afob/4131
VI° Curso de verano en restauración - La Restauración de la Arquitectura Moderna - Universidad de Ibagué
28 Julio - 16 Agosto 2011. Ibagué - Colombia
Organizers: Universidad de Ibagué
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.esempidiarchitettura.it/ebcms2_uploads/oggetti_news_547_ITA
Aramus Excavations and Field School
18 August to 15 September 2011. Aramus, Armenia
Deadline for application: 31 May 2011
Organizers: University of Innsbruck
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.uibk.ac.at/alte-geschichte-orient/head/aramus
VII Seminario Internacional de Conservación del Patrimonio: La investigación como herramienta para la
conservación del patrimonio
25 - 26 agosto 2011. Colima, Mexico
Organiza: Universidad de Colima a través de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño, y el Cuerpo Académico de Arquitectura y
Contacto: [email protected]
Más info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/VIISCPx.pdf
Call for application for International Training Course on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage
10 - 24 September 2011. Kyoto and Kobe, Japan
Organizers: Ritsumeikan University
Deadline for application: 24 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.ritsumei-gcoe.jp/heritagerisknet.dmuch/detail/what/201102/
L'atelier "Romiri project", est un atelier pilote international pour diplômés et jeunes professionnels de
conservation du patrimoine
15 Septembre - 15 Octobre to 2011. Zakynthos, Grèce
Organizateurs: le Ministère Grec de Culture, en collaboration avec l'Université de York et sous le patronage de l'ICCROM
Date limite d'inscription: 16 mai 2011
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.diadrasis.org/projects/romiri/general_description_fr.html
Architecture @ the Edge: International Conference of the Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia
18 - 20 September 2011. Victoria, Australia
Organizers: Deakin University, Faculty of Science and Technology. School of Architecture and Building, AASA 2011
Deadline for abstract: 30 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.deakin.edu.au/scitech/ab/aasa2011/
"The Best in Heritage" conference
22 - 24 September 2011. Dubrovnik, Croatia
Organizers: European Heritage Association
Deadline for registration: 31 August 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.thebestinheritage.com/event/programme/
Exhibitions: Archaeologists & Travelers in Ottoman Lands - Philadelphia
26 September 2010 - 26 June 2011. Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Organizers: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.penn.museum/current-changing-exhibits/781-archaeologists-a-travelers-in-ottoman-lands.html
2nd WTA - (International Association for Science & Technology of Building Maintenance & Preservation of
Monuments) International PhD Symposium
6 - 7 October 2011. Brno, Czech Republic
Organizers: Prof. Ing. Rostislav Drochytka Ph.D.
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.wta-conferences.org/conference/960
Call for papers-The Archaeology of Interdependence - European Involvement in the Development of a
Sovereign United States-ICAHM
27 November -2 December 2011. Paris, France
Organizers: ICOMOS, International Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.icomos.org/icahm/
'Railways and Speed' conference
14 - 16 December 2011. Paris, France
Organizers: SNCF, International Union of Railways, AFFI
Deadline for appllication : 15 May 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Railways-and-Speed-conference.pdf
Exhibition -¡Silk Road and Dunhuang: Journey to the Western Regions with Hyecho¡
18 December 2010 to 3 April 2011. Seoul, Republic of Korea
Organizers: National Museum of Korea
More info: http://www.museum.go.kr/program/board/detail.jsp?menuID=002006006&boardTypeID=80&boardID=15090
Joint Annual Meeting - Philadelphia
5 January - 8 January 2012. Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Organizers: Archaeological Institute of America
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://aia.archaeological.org/webinfo.php?page=10096
5th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam: Making City
April 2012. Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Organizers: The International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR)
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.iabr.nl/images/5eIABR/2011_prep/5th-IABR---Call-for-Projects.pdf
Museos, memoria y turismo
Por Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea. Universidad del País Vasco. 2006
ISBN: 84-8373-862-7
En los últimos años venimos asistiendo a una proliferación importante de museos en nuestros
territorios. Esta proliferación se explica si se vincula con el contexto social y cultura que la impulsa y
legitima. Los trabajos presentados en este libro abordan precisamente la vinculación de los museos
con dos aspectos que legitiman su función social y su significado cultural: por un lado, los museos
como infraestructuras que representan y visualizan la identidad y la memoria de los grupos sociales;
y, por otro, los museos como impulsores y favorecedores del turismo cultural en sus territorios.
Así, desde diferentes planteamientos teóricos y metodológicos, con objetivos y metas diferentes, con
sensibilidades e implicaciones distintas, y valiéndose de diferentes narrativas, los autores de los
trabajos de esta publicación nos presentan sus aproximaciones al mundo de los museos y su relación con esos dos
Patrimonios culturales y museos: más allá de la Historia y del Arte
Por Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea. Universidad del País Vasco. 2007
ISBN: 978-84-9860-000-1
En esta obra se recogen ocho artículos acerca de la activación o puesta en valor de equipamientos
patrimoniales o museísticos. Todos comparten una misma premisa: los proyectos patrimoniales y
museísticos no se activan solamente por criterios definidos desde la Historia o desde el Arte.
Valoraciones económicas, políticas, sociales y, de una u otra manera, identitarias, realizadas por
diferentes agentes, hay que tener también en cuenta, si se quieren abordar en toda su complejidad
su activación o puesta en valor.
El lector no encontrará en este libro reflexiones o planteamientos muy teóricos y abstractos sobre los
fundamentos que legitiman la activación o puesta en valor de dichos equipamientos. Encontrará, por
el contrario, descripciones de casos concretos y reflexiones a partir de dichos casos, realizadas, de un lado, por profesores
de universidad o técnicos de la Administración y, de otro, por agentes locales muy vinculados a las iniciativas patrimoniales
y museísticas que exponen en sus artículos. Éste es el objetivo de esta publicación mostrar desde los casos concretos la
complejidad que presentan las iniciativas patrimoniales y museísticas.
Participación ciudadana, patrimonio cultural y museos: entre la teoría y la praxis
Por Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea. Universidad del País Vasco. 2008
ISBN: 978-84-9860-129-9
Han pasado varias décadas desde que la Nueva Museología revolucionase los campos de los museos y
del patrimonio cultural. Democracia cultural, comunidad, territorio, concienciación, diálogo o
multidisciplinaridad fueron conceptos y principios que los teóricos e ideólogos de esa nueva corriente
fueron incorporando a esos campos, criticando, matizando o reemplazando los que sustentaban la
museología tradicional o el patrimonio histórico-artístico. Transcurridos varios decenios esos principios
revolucionarios están siendo objeto de crítica acerca de su pertinencia y adecuación a los tiempos
De todos esos principios, esta publicación aborda el de la implicación de la comunidad, el de la
participación ciudadana en los proyectos museísticos y patrimoniales, que aquellos teóricos consideraban básico. Hoy en
día, en el plano teórico y discursivo hay unanimidad al respecto. Legislaciones, normas, cartas, recomendaciones
nacionales e internacionales asumen ese principio: las comunidades y los ciudadanos deben tomar parte en las iniciativas
que activan o ponen en valor su patrimonio cultural. En la praxis, por el contrario, la asunción y la concreción de ese
principio están siendo problemáticas. Más en estos tiempos de fomento del individualismo, del consumo compulsivo, de la
espectacularidad, de la simplicidad y de lo efímero. Basados en casos concretos, los actores de esta publicación describen y
analizan los límites, las potencialidades y las posibilidades de la participación ciudadana en los campos museísticos y
Activaciones patrimoniales e iniciativas museísticas ¿Por quién? y ¿para quién?
Por Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea. Universidad del País Vasco. 2009
ISBN: 978-84-9860-059-9
Se suele afirmar que hay dos tipos de patrimonio cultural. Uno, “eterno”, “riguroso”, “irremplazable” o
“global”; el otro, “contingente”, “flexible”; “sustituible” o “local”. El primero es de la “humanidad”; el
segundo, de la “comunidad”. Los trabajos que se presentan en esta publicación, describen y analizan
procesos de activación de ese segundo tipo de patrimonio: los intereses y las valorizaciones que han
conducido a la patrimonialización o puesta en valor de unos bienes culturales; qué agentes han
intervenido en ese proceso; por qué, para qué y cómo lo han llevado a cabo. Se interesan más por el
“modus operandi” que por el “opus operatum”. Escritos por profesores, investigadores, especialistas y
técnicos, los trabajos de esta publicación presentan un conjunto de experiencias europeas y
americanas, mostrando un panorama diverso y complejo del campo patrimonial y museístico, así como distintas
aproximaciones a dicho campo en función de la posición que ocupa el autor respecto a los bienes culturales.
Museos y parques naturales - Comunidades locales, administraciones públicas y
patrimonialización de la cultura y la naturaleza
Por Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea. Universidad del País Vasco. 2010
ISBN: 978-84-9860-448-1
Esta obra consta de tres apartados en los que profesores, investigadores y especialistas disertan
acerca de los procesos de patrimonialización de la cultura y la naturaleza a partir de experiencias
concretas de Europa y América. En la primera parte, son los museos los objetos de análisis, teniendo
en cuenta los siguientes aspectos: en primer lugar, los museos como instrumentos favorecedores del
desarrollo local y fortalecedores de la identidad local; en segundo lugar, el boom de los museos en los
últimos años y su relación con el turismo; y, para concluir, la implementación de redes con todo lo
que ello puede favorecer a la viabilidad de los museos, pero también con los problemas y límites
reales que presenta. En la segunda parte, se aborda la cuestión de los parques naturales y de la vinculación estrecha, se
quiera o no, de la cultura y la naturaleza, y de los patrimonios cultural y natural. En la última parte, se trata de una
cuestión muy específica y muy necesaria en el campo patrimonial y museísticos: la necesidad de estrechar las relaciones y
vinculaciones entre universitarios y agentes locales.
Read the first issue of Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development
(JCHMSD) for free before 30 APRIL 2011
ISSN: 2044-1266
To celebrate the forthcoming official publication of the inaugural issue of the Journal of Cultural Heritage
Management and Sustainable Development (JCHMSD) in June, Emerald is very pleased to offer free online
access to the papers ahead of this date.
The Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development (JCHMSD) stimulates and
encourages research devoted to the sustainable development of cultural heritage and to the positive
contribution of cultural heritage management towards a sustainable environment. JCHMSD develops the skills and
knowledge of the international community working in the field of cultural heritage and sustainable development. It
disseminates the results of innovative research and practices, contributing to the improvement of current practices while
developing and applying new/emerging practices.
To access the papers, please log on to http://www.emeraldinsight.com/2044-1266.htm and enter the following login ID:
Username: JCHMSD / Password: JCHMSD
Dans le cadre du groupe de travail « Gestion de l’espace » du Réseau Rural Français, le Collectif des
États Généraux du Paysage qui regroupe 13 structures nationales.
Ces expériences, allant d’une relecture spatiale de l’exploitation agricole à des projets
d’aménagement à l’échelle d’un pays ou d’un département, ont fait l’objet d’une vingtaine de fiches
rendant compte de leurs conditions d’émergence et de succès.
Pour promouvoir l’approche paysagère comme clé d’entrée pertinente pour la gestion des espaces
ruraux ou périurbain, la journée du 22 novembre 2010 propose de rassembler les acteurs rencontrés
(élus, paysagistes, agriculteurs, aménageurs…) et d’offrir des points de comparaison et de contraste
entre les expériences les plus marquantes. Elles permettront de diffuser auprès d’un large public
quelles échelles de territoires, quels éléments déclencheurs et quels moyens de sensibilisation ont permis leur réalisation,
quels critères d’évaluation sont utilisés, et quels moyens restent à mettre en oeuvre pour éviter la banalisation des
paysages et la consommation effrénée d’espaces agricoles et naturels par l’urbanisation.
Fondation Le Corbusier: Publications 2011
AMADO, Antonio
Voiture Minimum. Le
Corbusier and the
The MIT Press,
Cambridge, Londres,
ISBN : 978-0-26201536-3
RAGON, Michel
Ils se croyaient
illustres et immortels...
Éditions Albin Michel,
Paris, 2011
ISBN : 978-2-22621868-1
Der Architekt am
strand. Le Corbusier und
das Geheimnis der
Edition Akzente Hanser,
Munich, 2011
ISBN : 978-3-44623499-4
A Career In Landscape
by Brenda Colvin - Reviewed by Trish Gibson
ISBN: 9780711231719
Early in her career Colvin visited the USA to see the new civic landscaping projects, especially the
parkways. In England she transformed the landscapes of power stations, reservoirs, industrial sites,
new towns and national parks and worked on private gardens. Her simple planting style and her
ecological approach had enormous influence. Colvin championed the profession of landscape architect
as a founder member and president of the Landscape Institute. Her books Land and Landscape and
Trees for Town and Country remain standard works. Hal Moggridge, who became her partner; has
written the foreword to this book. Trish Gibson has had full access to the archives of Colvin &
Moggridge. She draws on Colvin's personal notebook and uses previously unpublished material. The offices of Covin &
Moggridge continue to thrive at Little Peacocks, Filkins, Gloucestershire, where Colvin's garden is kept as it was in her day.
HEREDITAS - Paisajes Culturales: Nuevas Visiones
Revista nº catorce. Diciembre 2010
ISSN: En trámite
Los paisajes culturales se han convertido en una categoría bastante común para los académicos y
para todos aquellos relacionados con los procesos del Pa trimonio Mundial. Aún así, debido a las
complejida desde esta categoría y su diversidad tipológica, se hacen todavía necesarias una serie de
aclaraciones más vastas y una mejor comprensión de este tema en todos los niveles. A la luz de estas
aserciones, presentamos este nuevo número y esta nueva época de la revista Hereditas, retomando
una línea que había que dado pendiente, con una visión más amplia y multidisciplinaria
del patrimonio, con la voluntad de ser un espacio crítico en el universo del patrimonio mundial, y con
un enfoque que sea el reflejo fiel del pluralismo de nuestro pensamiento.
Actes du 1er Festival des Cultures Immatérielles Méditerranéennes de Nador - Juillet 2007
La publication des actes en est l’un des moyens, que la valeur des contributions suffisait d’ailleurs à
légitimer. La qualité des interventions doit beaucoup à l’expertise du comité scientifique, et aux
synergies vertueuses qu’il a su discrètement construire autour de cet immense patrimoine culturel en
partage, objet de ce Forum. L’Agence de l’Oriental est honorée de s’y associer et de proposer
également leur consultation sur son site.
Par cette édition qui prolonge l’impact de ce premier Festival, l’Agence souhaite donner au Forum
d’Imerqane tout l’écho qu’il mérite en mettant à disposition de tous le savoir ainsi révélé et constitué.
C’est une raison supplémentaire de remercier et d’encourager tous les responsables et les personnes
de bonne volonté qui se sont dévoués pour cette manifestation, afin qu’ils assurent la pérennité du
Festival, de son Forum, et du formidable élan qu’ils ont soulevé.
Journal of Conflict Archaeology
Volume 6 (2011), 3 issues per year
Print ISSN: 1574-0773 / Online ISSN: 1574-0781
The Journal of Conflict Archaeology is devoted to battlefield and military archaeology and other
spheres of conflict archaeology, covering all periods with a worldwide scope. Additional fields of
interest include the archaeology of industrial and popular protest, contested landscapes and
monuments, nationalism and colonialism, class conflict, the origins of conflict, forensic applications in
war-zones, and human rights cases.
The Journal is edited from the Centre for Battlefield Archaeology at the University of Glasgow, UK.
The Centre is the first facility of its kind and has earned a reputation as an international centre of
excellence for the burgeoning study of the archaeology of battlefields and other archaeological
manifestations of human conflict.
Archaeology & Heritage news@Maney
Maney delivers personalised service to authors, societies, readers and libraries for the publishing and international
dissemination of high quality, peer-reviewed scholarship and research.
Specialising in print and electronic journal publishing, Maney is committed to technical and editorial innovation combined
with traditional values of quality and collaboration.
Publication of the Comparative Analysis on Archaeology of Hunter-gatherers. Archaeological sites of the
Chinchorro Culture (International Meeting, Arica, Chile, 5-8 January 2010)
The International Meeting "The Chinchorro Culture from a Comparative Perspective ", took place in Arica, Chile, 5-8
January, 2010.
As a result of this meeting the World Heritage Centre is preparing a publication that will work in tandem in support of the
process of the preparation of the nomination file of the Archaeological sites of the Chinchorro culture, Chile, focusing on
identifying the OUV and the comparative analysis of the nomination. The Publication will include eight contributions from
international experts.
MUSEUM International N°247 Que peut encore l'Art ? (2)
Volume 62, n° 3, 2010
ISSN 1020-2226
Ce numéro de la revue MUSEUM International livre la seconde partie des actes du débat « Que peut
encore l’art ? », organisé en 2009 par le Secteur de la culture de l’UNESCO, en collaboration avec le
Conseil international de la philosophie et des sciences humaines. Le rôle de l’art dans le dialogue des
cultures, le développement et la cohésion sociale a été pris en compte dans les missions de l’UNESCO
dès sa création. Cependant, si l’on reconnaît toujours aujourd’hui la dimension universelle des arts,
sans doute faut-il les repenser en tant que langage commun à toutes les sociétés au regard des liens
qu’ils entretiennent désormais avec les cultures dans un système mondialisé. MUSEUM International N
° 247 examine des thèmes, tels le rôle de l’art et de la mémoire dans les processus de réconciliation,
l’interrogation sur le destin de l’écrit dans les espaces technologiques transnationaux, ou encore l’injonction faite, en
réponse aux bouleversements mondiaux, d’un nouvel humanisme.
(en espagnol) Documental: Enseñando los juegos de los Pueblos Originarios de América
En 2003 la Universidad Nacional del Comahue cumplió 30 años. Como parte de los festejos se
realizaron diferentes actividades a lo largo del año. Invitada a sumarme a los festejos por parte del
Departamento de Deporte dicte dos clases para niños y niñas de 4to grado de escuelas primarias.
Esas clases fueron registradas y de las mismas elabore un documental pedagógico el cual fue editado
en 2010 y enviado al Native Spirit Film and Video Festival of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas
para su proyección como parte de una propuesta de difusión de las culturas de los pueblos originarios
en Europa sobre los cuales aun, en la actualidad, existe un gran desconocimiento sobre su riqueza
Contacto: Mg. Stela Maris Ferrarese Capettini - [email protected]
American Journal of Archaeology ( AJA ) Bibliography: e-Update of books received in January 2011
A full listing of all books received in the January 2011 issue is available for free download at http://www.ajaonline.org/
Additional open access content can be found in the "Reviews" and "Supplementary Data" sections. Free, downloadable
images supplementing published articles can be found in the "Image Galleries" section.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Historic districts for all - India: a social and human approach for sustainable revitalisation;
manual for city professionals
Corporate author: UNESCO Office New Delhi
ISBN ISSN: 978-81-89218-36-2
This publication is the outcome of the concerted efforts, under the supervi-sion of Marina Faetanini,
Programme Specialist, Social and Human Sciences, of an evolving UNESCO team comprising the
following members: Shipra Narang Suri and Daniela de Simone, consultants, Shalini Mahajan,
research assistant, Ashita Singh and Nidhi Ralhan, programme assistants, Cathryn Connolly, proofreader, and Lena Michaels, Maud Hainry, Saurabh Tewari and Frederic Riopel, interns. We are
especially thankful to Shipra Narang Suri for producing the first full draft and annex, and to Daniela
de Simone for taking the Manual to its completion.
Experiencias y métodos de restauración en Colombia
Editado por: Rubén Hernández Molina y Olimpia Niglio
ISBN 978–88–548–3909–0
Luego de 93 años de la creación de la Dirección Nacional de Bellas Artes en 1918 y de 53 años de la
creación de la ley 163 de 1959 de Diciembre 30 por la cual se crea una legislación sobre el
patrimonio, con una serie de mecanismos y medidas sobre la defensa y conservación del patrimonio
histórico, artístico y monumentos públicos de la Nación por Congreso de la República, el volumen
“Experiencias y métodos de restauración en Colombia” analiza la situación del país en el sector de la
restauración de los bienes arquitectónicos y artísticos con referencia al desarrollo registrado en la
segunda mitad del siglo XX.Gracias a la contribución de profesores de varias universidades
colombianas, arquitectos y restauradores, así como de historiadores de arte ha sido posible
reconstruir algunas de las experiencias realizadas para valorar y conservar importantes monumentos y edificaciones de la
historia del país. Las obras de restauración analizadas (de los años' 60 del siglo XX a hoy), demuestran la cultura y la
formación en torno a la restauración del patrimonio en Colombia, teniendo importantes y fuertes raíces que pueden
constituirse en una válida referencia metodológica dentro del continente americano con importantes cotejos en otros países
que la puedan referenciar.
The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt
Toby Wilkinson
ISBN-10: 0747599491
The story of Ancient Egypt and the extraordinary civilisation that flourished along the banks of the
River Nile can seem like a gorgeous pageant studded with exceptional events. Among them are the
building of the pyramids, the conquest of Nubia, Akhenaten's religious revolution, the power and
beauty of Nefertiti, the life and death of Tutankhamun, the ruthlessness of Ramesses, Alexander the
Great's invasion, and Cleopatra's fatal entanglement with Rome which led to the fall of Ptolemaic
Egypt. But while three thousand years of pharaonic civilisation have all the ingredients of an epic
novel - glittering courts, dynastic intrigues, murky assassinations and epic battles; individual stories
of heroism and skulduggery, of triumph and tragedy; and, powerful women and tyrannical kings - the
real historical story is even more surprising and far more interesting. The Ancient Egyptians were the
first group of people to share a common culture, outlook and identity within a defined geographical territory governed by a
single political authority - concepts of nationhood that continue to dominate the planet. As the world's first nation-state, the
history of Ancient Egypt is above all the story of the attempt to unite a disparate realm and defend it against hostile forces
from within and without. In this magnificent history, Toby Wilkinson combines grand narrative sweep with detailed
knowledge of hieroglyphs and the iconography of power, to reveal Ancient Egypt in all its complexity. For the first time we
see the relentless propaganda, the cut-throat politics, the brutality and repression that lay behind the appearance of
unchanging monarchy as well as the extraordinary architectural and cultural achievements for which it is justly famous.
Ancient Peoples and Places - The First North Americans - An Archaeological Journey
By Brian Fagan
ISBN 9780500021200
The author traces the origins and development of the Moundbuilder societies of the Eastern
Woodlands, the spectacular Pueblo societies of the Southwest, the flamboyant Mississippian culture of
the South and Southeast and the mounds of the ancient city of Cahokia. New research provides
particular insights into the spiritual beliefs of Mississippian groups.
The book ends with the Algonquian and Iroquoian peoples of the Northeast and St Lawrence Valley,
and an epilogue describes the devastating consequences for Native Americans of European contacts.
Multicisciplinary Perspectives in Archaeological Heritage Management - ICOMOS International Committee on
Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM)
ICAHM is delighted to announce its new book series, which is being published by Springer Press. Books will appear
simultaneously in print in soft cover and on-line within 8-12 weeks of final manuscript receipt.
Volumes will be 50-125 typeset pages (20,000 to 45,000 words), including images and references. The series is ideal for
scholars whose manuscript is too long for an article yet too brief for a full-length book. We welcome single authored, co-
authored, or edited submissions. Each volume is peer-reviewed.
The series will address critical contemporary problems and illustrate exemplary work in archaeological heritage
management in countries around the globe. The series will take a broad view of the concepts of archaeology, heritage, and
management in accordance with ICAHM’s mandate itself. Contributing authors will see archaeological heritage management
as a dynamic interface between professional practice, scholary investigation, and the public sphere. We seek manuscripts
that are grounded, practical, applied, theoretically engaged, and problem-solving.
Journal of Disaster Research - Protecting Cultural Heritage and Historic Cities from
Kazuyuki Izuno and Takeyuki Okubo, p. 3
Natural disasters have damaged or destroyed many invaluable cultural heritages. How to mitigate
these losses, however, is difficult question. If we cannot save human lives, of course we cannot save
cultural heritages from disasters. This requires more sophisticated countermeasures than
conventional disaster reduction methodologies. This special issue of JDR provides many examples of
such mitigation in historical cities which have expanded with cultural heritages as nuclei.
Cultural heritage disaster mitigation lies somewhere between the fields of cultural preservation and
the disaster mitigation engineering. The first two review papers focus on the importance of protecting
cultural heritage from natural disasters and the history of this issue from the viewpoints of both
engineering and humanities.
World heritage city of Vigan, Philippines: heritage homeowner's preservation manual
Corporate author: UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific;
Philippines. City Government of Vigan
Country: Thailand
Publ Year: 2010
ISBN ISSN: 978-92-9223-319-8 (print); 978-92-9223-320-4 (electronic)
The Vigan Heritage Homeowner’s Preservation Manual was launched by the city government on October 6 in a simple
ceremony but replete with symbolism. The event was made under the roof of one of the best preserved ancestral homes,
the Donato Heritage House, thru the graciousness of the present owner , Ms. Ma. Victoria P. Donato.
Important personalities who could be said to be the progenitors of the book along with Mayor Eva Marie S. Medina were on
hand at the coming out of the book. Dr. Richard Engelhardt and Engr. Ricardo Favis of UNESCO flew in from Bangkok,
Thailand for the launching which coincided also with the UNESCO National Workshop of World Heritage Site Managers. Each
participant was given a copy of the book which will serve to guide them in their own heritage conservation work. Architect
Fatima Rabang, Dean Maryrose Rabang and Dr. Gilbert Arce represented the University of Northern Philippines (UNP). The
United Architects Association of the Philippines (UAAP) was also well represented.
Préservation et réhabilitation du bâti traditionnel dans le Val de Loire patrimoine mondial Brochure de la Fondation du patrimoine
Directeur de la publication : Bernard Vella, délégué du Loiret de la Fondation du Patrimoine
Rédacteurs : Mathieu Blandin; Béatrice Bouthier; Bernard Vella; Frédéric Aubanton et Saadia
Cette brochure éditée par Fondation du Patrimoine vise à permettre de mieux connaître et d’identifier
ce patrimoine grâce à une typologie du bâti, un vocabulaire de l’architecture, des conseils pour l’emploi des matériaux
traditionnels dans le but d’entretenir, mettre en valeur ou restaurer un bien immobilier habitable ou non, ainsi que
quelques rappels des règlements d’urbanisme.
Le document précise également les aides financières (subvention et/ou défiscalisation) dont peuvent bénéficier les
propriétaires privés auprès de la Fondation du Patrimoine et des collectivités territoriales qui sont ses partenaires. Un
carnet d’adresses des organismes publics, associatifs ou privés susceptibles d’apporter une aide technique aux particuliers
pour l’élaboration de leur projet de restauration, figure à l’intérieur de ce document.
Cadre de l’UNESCO pour les statistiques culturelles 2009
Corporate author: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS)
Original Language: English
Other Lang. versions: Arabic, French, Russian, Spanish
ISBN ISSN: 978-92-9189-075-0 (eng); 978-92-9189-085-9 (rus); 978-92-9189-075-0 (ara)
General notes: (Electronic version)
Le Cadre de l’UNESCO pour les statistiques culturelles 2009 vient de paraitre. Il permet la collecte de
données comparables sur la culture en se basant sur des concepts et définitions harmonisées. Il
facilitera également le développement d’indicateurs et la recherche analytique dans ce domaine.
Une mesure plus adéquate de l’impact des politiques culturelles et de leur pertinence doit se baser sur
des données comparables et précises. Le Cadre de l’UNESCO pour les statistiques culturelles 2009 répond à ce besoin en
définissant la culture à des fins statistiques. Ce cadre, développé par l’ISU en étroite collaboration avec le secteur de la
culture de Paris, remplace la version de 1986. Il est le fruit d’une consultation mondiale approfondie de quatre ans et a
bénéficié des apports des chercheurs, des statisticiens et des experts dans le domaine de la culture ainsi que des
représentants de plusieurs ministères de la culture, des bureaux nationaux de statistique, et des organisations
Ayant une application tant au niveau national qu’international, cet outil a pour principal objectif de faciliter la comparaison
grâce à des définitions et des classifications normalisées permettant ainsi une compréhension commune de la culture. Cette
nouvelle version reflète les changements technologiques, notre compréhension des enjeux fondamentaux liés à la culture,
les avancées dans les mesures statistiques et les changements qui sont survenus dans les priorités des politiques
culturelles depuis la version de 1986. Cette méthodologie s’appuie sur des perspectives nouvelles et variées des
statistiques culturelles.
Islands as crossroads: sustainable cultural diversity in small island developing states
Author: Curtis, Tim
ISBN ISSN: 978-92-3-104181-5
The very notion of a ‘small island’ usually triggers several associations in the minds of continental
dwellers. Remote, isolated, insular, even paradisiacal, are some of the more common imaginings
about islands. Yet small island states and their populations are far from isolated or culturally
homogenous. On the contrary, islands have long been places where peoples of different cultures have
encountered each other and lived in close proximity. Islands are better understood as dynamic
centres of cultural interaction – as ‘crossroads of cultures’.
This book brings together scholars of various disciplines from the three main island regions of the
world – the Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean – to explore the ways in which the peoples of small islands have
lived, and continue to live, in their culturally diverse societies. Leading anthropologists, historians, economists,
archaeologists and others unpack the complexity and dynamics of societies in small island developing states. It reflects the
outcomes of a UNESCO symposium held in the Seychelles in 2007.
Paysages culturels
Ansel Adams Gallery Landscape Photographs - 2010 - Washington DC - USA
The Ansel Adams Gallery at The Wilderness Society is the centerpiece of a renovation of the
existing headquarters in Washington, DC. The renovation included and update and
reconfiguration of the office space, energy savings enhancements, new finishes, and the
creation of a special gallery for the society’s treasured collection of Ansel Adams
Plus information : http://www.archdaily.com/119481/ansel-adams-gallery-group-goetzarchitects/?
Signature de la convention de partenariat entre la Fondation du Patrimoine et le Conservatoire du littoral
Mardi 29 mars à 8h30, à la Questure de l’Assemblée Nationale de Paris, Frédéric Néraud, directeur général de la Fondation
et Yves Colombet, directeur du Conservatoire, se réunissent pour formaliser leur partenariat à travers la signature d’une
convention-cadre ; en présence de Charles de Croisset, président de la Fondation du Patrimoine, Jérôme Bignon, président
du conseil d’administration du Conservatoire du Littoral et de plusieurs parlementaires.
Plus information : http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-signature-de-convention-cadreentre-la-fondation-du-patrimoine-et-le-conservatoire-du-littoral-199
Revolutionary War Era Fishkill Supply Depot Threatened. Fishkill, New York State (USA)
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1974, New York’s Revolutionary War-era Fishkill Supply Depot historic
archaeological district represents one of the least understood threatened cultural landscapes in the nation.
More information: http://tclf.org/landslides/fishkill-supply-depot-threatened
Bellevue Botanical Garden / Olson Kundig Architects - Bellevue - Washington - United States of America
The Bellevue Botanical Garden improvements, led by Olson Kundig Architects, include a new Visitor Center complex,
renovations of a mid-century residence, and extensive site work. Targeting a minimum of LEED Silver certification, these
improvements will enhance the existing educational program and provide facilities for greater numbers of visitors. “The
Bellevue Botanical Garden has the potential to become one of the finest botanical gardens in the world,” shared Jim Olson,
founder of Olson Kundig Architects. “I grew up in the Northwest and have spent my life exploring ways to bring
architecture and nature closer together, to blur the distinction of indoors and outdoors and to frame nature so that its
beauty is celebrated. This project offers a chance to bring my lifelong exploration to a place where it would encourage
others to love nature as much as I do.”
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/115615/bellevue-botanical-garden-olson-kundig-architects/
The Value of View - Olana National Historic Landmark (NHL) New York, USA
When it comes wowing an audience, few can touch Frederic Edwin Church, the grand master 19th
century Hudson River School painter whose jaw-dropping landscape panoramas rank among the nation’s
great cultural icons. Church’s paintings were big on view—really big on view—with cinematic
showstoppers like “Heart of the Andes” and “Twilight in the Wilderness” and the vertiginous image of a
roiling “Niagara Falls.”
More information: http://tclf.org/content/value-view
(en anglais) Franklin D. Murphy Sculpture Garden - Los Angeles, California (USA)
The Murphy Sculpture Garden was envisioned in 1960 by University of California, Los Angeles Chancellor Franklin Murphy
to be a public sculpture garden. Its original intent was to expose students and staff to art as a part of daily life. Built as
part of a larger campus expansion plan, UCLA’s supervisory landscape architect Ralph Cornell was commissioned to design
the five-acre rectangular site, a former parking lot nestled among campus buildings.
Plus information en anglais : http://tclf.org/landscapes/franklin-d-murphy-sculpture-garden
(en anglais) Biography of Ralph Dalton Cornell (USA)
Ralph Dalton Cornell was born in Holdrege, Nebraska, on January 11, 1890. When Cornell was 18 his family
relocated to California to take advantage of the anticipated eucalyptus boom on the Western frontier. His
father’s business venture collapsed in the failed eucalyptus market, but Cornell already felt drawn to study
and practice in California, which he would do throughout most of his life.
With recommendation from Baker and $1100 from his own lucrative endeavors in avocado propagation,
Cornell began graduate studies in landscape architecture at Harvard University in 1914. After earning his M.
L.A. in 1917, Cornell declined an offer from the Olmsted Brothers firm in favor of a $10 wage difference per
month with Harries & Hall Architects in Toronto. Soon thereafter, Cornell served in Army combat with the 91st Division in
Belgium and France but remained committed to his professional calling, collecting seeds and writing home to describe the
wildflowers in the foreign countryside...
Plus information en anglais : http://tclf.org/pioneer/ralph-dalton-cornell/biography-ralph-cornell
(en anglais) 2010 Designing The Parks Awards Announced - The Cultural Landscape Foundation - USA
TCLF joins the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, the National Park Service, and the Designing the Parks partnership
in congratulating the winners of the inaugural Designing the Parks Awards 2010. In 2008, TCLF co-sponsored with the
National Park Service, Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, the University of Virginia, Van Alen Institute and George
Wright Society, a bi-coastal conference that explored the past, present, and future of park planning and design. From this
forum, six guiding principles emerged which described a new design future for public parks. Over sixty projects from
twenty states and six countries were submitted to compete in this first awards program; eighteen projects were selected by
the jury for best representing the spirit of the Designing the Parks principles and for raising the bar of excellence in public
park design.
Plus information en anglais : http://tclf.org/news/tclf-news/2010-designing-parks-awards-announced
(en anglais) 1st IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) APR (Asia and Pacific Region)
Symposium on Landscape Architecture Education SOLARE 2011 - Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia. 30
March - 2 April 2011
The Asia-Pacific region covers aproximately 2.8 billion hectares, almost a quarter of the world's land area and contains over
half of the world's popularion. While the Asia-Pacific may lag behind Europa and North America in terms of economic
development, it is growing rapidly and fast catching up with the developed world. This region also encompasses a rich
diversity of landscapes and cultures and is home to some of the oldest civilisations in the world.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.ilamalaysia.org/solare/index.html
'Understanding Place - the resource of landscape' forum - Perth - Western Australia (Australia)
The objective of the forum is to create a multi-disciplinary setting in which the concept of landscape is discussed, and
issues relating to Western Australia’s landscapes are aired.
The intention is to discuss landscape, including social and cultural issues, the garden and the wider landscape, visions,
actions and planning for the future. As the population of the state grows and concentrates in the south west, state planning
initiatives, land and industrial development proposals and private property rights are increasingly likely to conflict. From a
democratic point of view, it is important to share information and perspectives to inform the landscape management
Plus information en anglais : http://www.gardenhistorysociety.org.au/branches/western_australia/
Le Val de Loire, Patrimoine mondial
Le Label Patrimoine Mondial de l’UNESCO attribué au Val de Loire sur une longueur de 280 kilomètres est certainement le
plus bel hommage que l’on pouvait rendre à ce fleuve Loire qualifié de « dernier fleuve sauvage. »
Son parcours est ponctué d’édifices et de villes chargés d’histoire mais aussi de tout ce petit patrimoine, sans protection
juridique particulière, qui fait la beauté et le caractère des contrées qu’il traverse.
Mais le Label accordé par l’UNESCO ne peut prendre sa véritable valeur et conserver sa raison d’être que si l’ensemble de
son patrimoine, qu’il soit protégé ou non, est préservé et mis en valeur.
Plus information : http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/centre-7/actualites-348/detail-le-val-de-loire-patrimoinemondial-99
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Neopat : les nouveaux patrimoines dans la région des Pays de la Loire (France)
Soutenu par un financement de la région des Pays de la Loire, NEOPAT est un projet de recherche pluridisciplinaire qui
inclut l’histoire, l’histoire de l’art, l’archéologie, l’histoire des sciences et des techniques, la géographie physique et
humaine, le droit et la sociologie, et qui saisit à l’échelle régionale le puissant mouvement social et culturel de la demande
en nouveaux patrimoines.
Plus information : http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Actualites/Toutes/Neopat-les-nouveaux-patrimoines-dans-la-regiondes-Pays-de-la-Loire
La candidature au label Grand Site de France R du Grand Site des Deux-Caps. Pas de Calais (France)
Le Site des Deux-caps est un site emblématique du département. Il a été le premier en France à être classé Grand Site
National (on en compte aujourd’hui 32). "Incontestablement une reconnaissance de la valeur de cet ensemble paysager
que des centaines de visiteurs apprécient chaque année" précise Dominique Dupilet, président du Conseil général du Pasde-Calais. Depuis une décennie, l’Opération Grand Site portée par le Département donne un nouveau visage à ce
patrimoine exceptionnel : "On le protège, on le met en valeur, on l’embellit, on le rend parfois à la nature…" L’OGS
rassemble l’ensemble des acteurs publics du Site des Deux-Caps qui constitue aujourd’hui un linéaire côtier de 23
kilomètres, regroupe huit communes et quatre intercommunalités, comprend 7 000 hectares en site classé et inscrit et trois
sites "Natura 2000".
Plus information : http://www.les2caps.fr/Actualites/La-candidature-au-label-Grand-Site-de-France-R-du-Grand-Site-desDeux-Caps
(en anglais) Position available for Associate Project Specialist at Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) Los
Angeles, California (USA) Deadline for application 15 April 2011
The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), located at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California, works internationally to
advance conservation practice in the visual arts—broadly interpreted to include objects, collections, architecture, and sites.
The Institute serves the conservation community through scientific research, education and training, model field projects,
and the dissemination of the results of both its own work and the work of others in the field.
The GCI’s Field Projects Department is seeking an Associate Project Specialist to fill a two-year, limited-term position.
Plus information en anglais : http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Associate-Project-Specialist-GCI.pdf
Circulaire sur la politique gouvernementale des Grands sites de France
Les sites classés les plus renommés et les plus fréquentés font l’objet d’une politique spécifique impulsée par le ministère
en charge des sites depuis une trentaine d’années, en partenariat avec les collectivités locales. Cette politique en faveur
des « Grands Sites » vise à restaurer les sites qui subissent une forte fréquentation et à élaborer des projets qui
permettent de les gérer dans la durée.
Plus information : http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/Qu-appelle-t-on-Grand-Site.html
VITOUR Landscape : 5ème séminaire international dans le Val de Loire - France
Du 30 novembre au 2 décembre 2010, le Val de Loire a accueilli à l’Abbaye royale de Fontevraud et à Savennières le
séminaire du projet européen VITOUR Landscape consacré à la « Protection des paysages viticoles et compétitivité : Outils
innovants portés par des politiques régionales ».
Plus information : http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Actualites/Toutes/VITOUR-Landscape-5eme-seminaire-internationaldans-le-Val-de-Loire
(en anglais) American Society for Landscape Architects 2001 awards. Deadline for Applications: 6 May 2011
for students
Recognizes: site-specific works of landscape architecture or urban design. Professional entries in this category must be
built; student entries are not required to be built. Typical entries include: public, institutional, or private landscapes of all
kinds (except residential—see residential category); historic preservation, reclamation, conservation; green roofs, storm
water management, sustainable design; design for transportation or infrastructure; landscape art or installation; interior
landscape design; and more. Criteria: The jury will consider the quality of design and execution (for professional entries);
design context; environmental sensitivity and sustainability; and design value to the client and to other designers.
Recognition: The Professional Awards Jury and the Student Awards Jury may each select one Award of Excellence and any
number of Honor Awards in this category. Entry forms and payment for Professional Awards must be received by: Friday,
February 25, 2011 and submission binders by Friday, March 11, 2011. As for Student Awards, entry forms and payment
must be received by Friday, May 6, 2011 and submission binders by Friday, May 20, 2011.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.asla.org/2011awards/rules_entries/index.html
(en anglais) AD Classics: Parc Andre Citroen / Alain Provost -1992. Paris (France)
Located on the east bank of the Seine sits one of Paris’ largest urban renewal projects, Parc
Andre Citroen. As part of a competition in 1985, the former site of the Citroen automobile
manufacturing plant would become a new public park that would bridge the urban and rural
areas of Paris. The Citroen plant dates back to 1915; however, it was abandoned in 1970s
when the company moved further outside of Paris. As part of one of the largest urbanization
reclamations in history, Paris began to buy back brownfield sites, in addition renovating others,
as part of a city re-beautification process.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archdaily.com/112685/ad-classics-parc-andre-citroen-alain-provost/
48th IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) World Congress
27 -29 June 2011. Zurich, Switzerland
Organizers: International Federation of Landscape Architects
First registration deadline: 31 March 2011
Second registration deadline: 23 June 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.ifla2011.com/postcongressprogramme.html
(en anglais) The Cultural Landscape Foundation (TCLF) Announcing our 2011 Season of Events
The Cultural Landscape Foundation (TCLF) is the only not-for-profit (501c3) foundation in America dedicated to increasing
the public's awareness and understanding of the importance and irreplaceable legacy of its cultural landscapes. Through
education, technical assistance, and outreach, we broaden awareness of and support for historic landscapes nationwide in
hopes of saving this diverse and priceless heritage for future generations. While TCLF seeks donations to support its efforts,
it is not a membership organization.
Plus information en anglais : http://tclf.org/newsletter/2011/index.html
La foudre endommage le temple Pratapur de la Vallée de Katmandou, Népal
Le temple de Pratapur, situé dans la zone de monuments de Swayambhu de la Vallée de
Katmandou, site du patrimoine mondial au Népal, a été endommagé par la foudre vers 5h du
matin le 14 février, au cours d'un violent orage.
Une équipe d'ingénieurs du département d'archéologie du Népal a inspecté le temple dès le
lendemain afin d'établir très rapidement un rapport préliminaire. Les experts du Bureau de
Katmandou, le département népalais d'archéologie ainsi que les autorités nationales se sont
également rendus sur le site afin d'évaluer les dommages.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/en/news/712
Musée & Jardins Albert-Kahn - La Newsletter - mars 2011. Boulogne-Billancourt (Francia)
Le musée départemental Albert-Kahn est situé à Boulogne-Billancourt, dans les Hauts-de-Seine. Visant à faire perdurer
l'œuvre d'Albert Kahn, il se compose d'une galerie présentant, sous forme d'expositions temporaires, une partie des
collections des « Archives de la Planète » (4 000 plaques stéréoscopiques noir et blanc et 72 000 plaques autochromes
couleur, ce qui en fait la plus importante collection au monde) et de jardins étendus sur près de quatre hectares qui font
partie intégrante des collections du musée.
Plus information : http://www.albert-kahn.fr/
International Conference : "I Know Where I'm Going"; Remote Access to World Heritage Sites from St Kilda to
23 - 24 November 2011. Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Organizers: UNESCO
Deadline for application: 3 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://inspace.mediascot.org/beholder/iknowwhereimgoing
Landscape Architecture Education & Practice in Africa
5 - 7 October 2011. Nairobi, Kenya
Organizers: IFLA
Deadline for abstracts: 1 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.iflaonline.org/index.php?option=com_tevent&view=itm&layout=evt&id=114
Architecture @ the Edge: International Conference of the Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia
18 - 20 September 2011. Victoria, Australia
Organizers: Deakin University, Faculty of Science and Technology. School of Architecture and Building, AASA 2011
Deadline for abstract: 30 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.deakin.edu.au/scitech/ab/aasa2011/
Corso "Il Paesaggio Culturale nell'Archeologia del Mediterraneo" - Marsiliana d'Albegna
26 June - 9 July 2011. Grosseto, Italy
Organizers: University of Naples Federico II and Insegnamento e Laboratorio di Etruscologia e Antichità Italiche [ILEAI]
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
More info: http://www.charcoalab.unina.it/doc/Education.htm
EXHIBITION - Norwegian and Swiss Landscapes from the Lunde Collection
22 June - 18 September 2011. London, United Kingdom
Organizers: National Gallery
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://nationalgallery.org.uk/whats-on/exhibitions/forests-rocks-torrents
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - PhD Workshop : Understanding Heritage: Challenges and Perspectives for the 21st
14 - 16 JUIN 2011. Cottbus, Allemagne
Organizateurs: Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU)
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.tu-cottbus.de/btu/en/gradschool/heritage-studies/news/phd-workshop.html
Le Notre European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools
26 - 28 May 2011. Dessau and Bernburg, Germany
Organizers: Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
Contact: [email protected]
More info:
EXHIBITION - PaCE - Plants and Culture: seeds of the cultural heritage of Europe - Museo Cervi
Organizers: Museo Cervi
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.fratellicervi.it/content/view/353/1/
Semaine nationale Agricultures & Paysages
9 - 15 mai 2011. France
Organisateur: FNCAUE
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.fncaue.fr/spip.php?article1684
Talk: History, development and styles of Japanese Gardens at Kew Garden
28 April 2011. London, United Kingdom
Organizers: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.kew.org/visit-kew-gardens/whats-on/history-of-japanese-gardens-28apr2011.htm
Framing the Viewshed: The Transformative Power of Art and Landscape in the Hudson Valley - Hudson
16 April 2011. New York State, USA
Organizers: The Olana Partnership
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://olana.org/pdf/Olana_symposium.pdf
Cultural Landscapes Continuing Studies Course - University of Victoria
11 - 16 April 2011. Victoria, British Columbia (Canada)
Organizers: University of Victoria
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.uvcs.uvic.ca/aspnet/Course/Detail/?code=HA489G
EXHIBITION - Selection of Its Most Beautiful Drawings and Prints of Dune Landscapes
15 March - 20 June 2011. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
More info: http://www.rijksmuseum.nl/tentoonstellingen/de-hollandse-wildernis?lang=en
EXPOSITION - Nature et idéal : le paysage à Rome, 1600-1650 Carrache, Poussin, Le Lorrain .
9 mars - 6 juin 2011. Paris, France
Organizateurs: Galerie du Grand Palais
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.rmn.fr/paysage-rome/sections
Lecture on Landscape and Meaning - Context for a global discourse on cultural landscapes and intangible
values with some thoughts on Asia
Emeritus Professor Ken Taylor, Research School of Humanities & the Arts
1 March 2011. Camberra, Australia
Organizers: The Australian National University
Contact: [email protected]
More Info: http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Landscape-and-Meaning-paper-presentation.pdf
A Career In Landscape
by Brenda Colvin - Reviewed by Trish Gibson
ISBN: 9780711231719
Early in her career Colvin visited the USA to see the new civic landscaping projects, especially the
parkways. In England she transformed the landscapes of power stations, reservoirs, industrial sites,
new towns and national parks and worked on private gardens. Her simple planting style and her
ecological approach had enormous influence. Colvin championed the profession of landscape architect
as a founder member and president of the Landscape Institute. Her books Land and Landscape and
Trees for Town and Country remain standard works. Hal Moggridge, who became her partner; has
written the foreword to this book. Trish Gibson has had full access to the archives of Colvin &
Moggridge. She draws on Colvin's personal notebook and uses previously unpublished material. The offices of Covin &
Moggridge continue to thrive at Little Peacocks, Filkins, Gloucestershire, where Colvin's garden is kept as it was in her day.
HEREDITAS - Paisajes Culturales: Nuevas Visiones
Revista nº catorce. Diciembre 2010
ISSN: En trámite
Los paisajes culturales se han convertido en una categoría bastante común para los académicos y
para todos aquellos relacionados con los procesos del Pa trimonio Mundial. Aún así, debido a las
complejida desde esta categoría y su diversidad tipológica, se hacen todavía necesarias una serie de
aclaraciones más vastas y una mejor comprensión de este tema en todos los niveles. A la luz de estas
aserciones, presentamos este nuevo número y esta nueva época de la revista Hereditas, retomando
una línea que había que dado pendiente, con una visión más amplia y multidisciplinaria
del patrimonio, con la voluntad de ser un espacio crítico en el universo del patrimonio mundial, y con
un enfoque que sea el reflejo fiel del pluralismo de nuestro pensamiento.
Dans le cadre du groupe de travail « Gestion de l’espace » du Réseau Rural Français, le Collectif des
États Généraux du Paysage qui regroupe 13 structures nationales.
Ces expériences, allant d’une relecture spatiale de l’exploitation agricole à des projets
d’aménagement à l’échelle d’un pays ou d’un département, ont fait l’objet d’une vingtaine de fiches
rendant compte de leurs conditions d’émergence et de succès.
Pour promouvoir l’approche paysagère comme clé d’entrée pertinente pour la gestion des espaces
ruraux ou périurbain, la journée du 22 novembre 2010 propose de rassembler les acteurs rencontrés
(élus, paysagistes, agriculteurs, aménageurs…) et d’offrir des points de comparaison et de contraste
entre les expériences les plus marquantes. Elles permettront de diffuser auprès d’un large public
quelles échelles de territoires, quels éléments déclencheurs et quels moyens de sensibilisation ont permis leur réalisation,
quels critères d’évaluation sont utilisés, et quels moyens restent à mettre en oeuvre pour éviter la banalisation des
paysages et la consommation effrénée d’espaces agricoles et naturels par l’urbanisation.
Multicisciplinary Perspectives in Archaeological Heritage Management - ICOMOS International Committee on
Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM)
ICAHM is delighted to announce its new book series, which is being published by Springer Press. Books will appear
simultaneously in print in soft cover and on-line within 8-12 weeks of final manuscript receipt.
Volumes will be 50-125 typeset pages (20,000 to 45,000 words), including images and references. The series is ideal for
scholars whose manuscript is too long for an article yet too brief for a full-length book. We welcome single authored, coauthored, or edited submissions. Each volume is peer-reviewed.
The series will address critical contemporary problems and illustrate exemplary work in archaeological heritage
management in countries around the globe. The series will take a broad view of the concepts of archaeology, heritage, and
management in accordance with ICAHM’s mandate itself. Contributing authors will see archaeological heritage management
as a dynamic interface between professional practice, scholary investigation, and the public sphere. We seek manuscripts
that are grounded, practical, applied, theoretically engaged, and problem-solving.
Préservation et réhabilitation du bâti traditionnel dans le Val de Loire patrimoine mondial Brochure de la Fondation du patrimoine
Directeur de la publication : Bernard Vella, délégué du Loiret de la Fondation du Patrimoine
Rédacteurs : Mathieu Blandin; Béatrice Bouthier; Bernard Vella; Frédéric Aubanton et Saadia
Cette brochure éditée par Fondation du Patrimoine vise à permettre de mieux connaître et d’identifier
ce patrimoine grâce à une typologie du bâti, un vocabulaire de l’architecture, des conseils pour l’emploi des matériaux
traditionnels dans le but d’entretenir, mettre en valeur ou restaurer un bien immobilier habitable ou non, ainsi que
quelques rappels des règlements d’urbanisme.
Le document précise également les aides financières (subvention et/ou défiscalisation) dont peuvent bénéficier les
propriétaires privés auprès de la Fondation du Patrimoine et des collectivités territoriales qui sont ses partenaires. Un
carnet d’adresses des organismes publics, associatifs ou privés susceptibles d’apporter une aide technique aux particuliers
pour l’élaboration de leur projet de restauration, figure à l’intérieur de ce document.
Routes et itinéraires culturels (routes, canaux, voies ferrées,
Experience the Silk Road - ITB (Internazionale Turismus Börse/International Tourism Fair) Berlin 2011 UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organisation) Event (9-13 March 2011)
In 2011, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), supported by ITB Berlin, hosted a series of events designed to promote
the Silk Road tourism brand at the world’s leading travel trade show. As part of this programme, the first ever UNWTO Silk
Road Ministers’ Summit took place, bringing together leading decision makers in tourism to discuss opportunities for
developing the Silk Road brand in the context of:
Increasingly competitive economies in Asia and the Middle East
Enhanced connectivity via rail networks linking Central Asia to Europe and beyond
Market trends and growing demand for experience-based, seamless travel
Mobile technologies and the role of social media
Ministers and leading private sector representatives shared experiences and insight from across all corners of the Silk Road,
addressing key issues relating to the three pillars of the UNWTO Silk Road Action Plan: i) Marketing and promotion, ii)
Capacity building and destination management and iii) Travel facilitation.
More information: http://unwto.org/en/event/unwto-silk-road-ministers-summit-itb-berlin-2011
Nouveau site internet - Grand Site Saint-Guilhem-le-désert, Gorges de l'Hérault
Le nouveau site internet de l’Office de Tourisme Intercommunal Saint Guilhem le Désert - Vallée de l’Hérault est en ligne
avec la possibilité de découvrir le territoire (paysages, villages), les projets, les animations, une cartographie interactive,
les brochures en téléchargement...
Plus information : http://www.saintguilhem-valleeherault.fr
CONVENTION FRANCE-UNESCO: Le projet « Niger - Loire : Gouvernance et Culture» se poursuit au Mali.
- Les résultats de l’inventaire du patrimoine culturel (400 fiches d’inventaire) sont en voie de chargement sous mediawiki.
Ce travail est réalisé par les agents de la Direction Nationale du Patrimoine Culturel du Mali (DNPC), qui ont reçu une
formation à cet effet, sous la supervision d’un expert local. Un diagnostic du parc informatique de la DNPC a été établi et
des opérations de maintenance réalisées pour améliorer la fonctionnalité des équipements. Cette expérience innovante vise
à faciliter le stockage et la diffusion en ligne des données par la DNPC, en créant une base de données simple d’utilisation
et facilement actualisable, s’appuyant sur des logiciels libres.
- A Djenné, une cartographie détaillée a été établie, dans le cadre du processus d’élaboration du plan de gestion du site
patrimoine mondial : elle distingue la ville historique, les sites archéologiques et les zones tampons. Elle a permis
d’engager une discussion avec les autorités sur la révision du plan urbain actuel.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/partenaires/338/ (Newsletter N° 18)
CONVENTION FRANCE-UNESCO: Colloque « Patrimoines fluviaux et territoires », Saint-Louis du Senegal, 3-5
mars 2011
Organisé par la Maison du fleuve Sénégal et l’université Gaston Berger, avec l’appui de la CFU, le colloque a rassemblé une
cinquantaine de participants du Sénégal, de Mauritanie, du Mali et de France : chercheurs, directeurs du patrimoine
culturel, professionnels, représentants de collectivités locales ou d’organismes de formation.
Dans la continuité de l’atelier « Fleuves et patrimoines » qui s’est tenu au Sénat le 2 novembre 2009, cette rencontre a
permis de restituer différents travaux de recherche sur les cultures du fleuve, les paysages fluviaux ou les savoir-faire
locaux liés à l’eau. Elle a mis l’accent sur l’importance du processus de reconquête culturelle des fleuves et sa place dans le
développement local, en abordant en particulier les expériences des Maisons du fleuve.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/partenaires/338/
Exhibition -¡Silk Road and Dunhuang: Journey to the Western Regions with Hyecho¡
18 December 2010 to 3 April 2011. Seoul, Republic of Korea
Organizers: National Museum of Korea
More info: http://www.museum.go.kr/program/board/detail.jsp?menuID=002006006&boardTypeID=80&boardID=15090
EXHIBITION - Secrets of the Silk Road - Penn Museum - Philadelphia
18 FEBRUARY - 28 MARCH 2011. Pennsylvania, USA
Organizers: Penn Museum
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.penn.museum/silkroad/?utm_source=General+E-newsletter&utm_campaign=56f16bc445Forward_to_a_Friend_E_newsletter2_16_2011&utm_medium=email
EXHIBITION - Afghanistan: Crossroads of the Ancient World at The British Museum
3 March - 3 July 2011. London, United Kingdom
Organizers: The British Museum
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.britishmuseum.org/whats_on/future_exhibitions/afghanistan.aspx
Organisateur: Musée national de Bamako
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/cfu
'Railways and Speed' conference
14 - 16 December 2011. Paris, France
Organizers: SNCF, International Union of Railways, AFFI
Deadline for appllication : 15 May 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Railways-and-Speed-conference.pdf
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------URBAN WATER Series
ISSN 1749-0790
Series Editors: Cedo Maksimovic, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom; J. Alberto TejadaGuibert, UNESCO International Hydrological. Programme, Paris, France; Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa,
UNESCO International Hydrological. Programme, Paris, France
The UNESCO-IHP Urban Water Series, comprising a set of books on urban water management,
addresses fundamental issues related to the role of water in cities and the effects of urbanization on
the hydrological cycle and water resources. Focusing on integrated approaches to sustainable urban
water management, the Series provides valuable scientific and practical information for urban water
practitioners, policy-makers and educators throughout the world.
Nomination d'un nouveau Directeur général adjoint de l'UICN
Dr Poul Engberg-Pedersen a été nommé Directeur général adjoint de l'UICN à compter du 16 mai 2011.
Entre 2005 et 2010, Poul Engberg-Pedersen a dirigé la Norad, l'Agence Norvégienne de Coopération pour le
Développement, dépendante du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. Il a conduit le processus de transition de
la Norad d'une agence exécutante à un centre de connaissances sur les politiques d'appui du programme
ambitieux de la coopération au développement de la Norvège, qui comprend notamment diverses
initiatives mondiales sur la biodiversité, les forêts tropicales, le changement climatique et l’énergie propre.
Plus information : http://www.iucn.org/about/union/members/?7011/2/Nomination-dun-nouveauDirecteur-general-adjoint-de-lUICN
Actes du 1er Festival des Cultures Immatérielles Méditerranéennes de Nador - Juillet 2007
La publication des actes en est l’un des moyens, que la valeur des contributions suffisait d’ailleurs à
légitimer. La qualité des interventions doit beaucoup à l’expertise du comité scientifique, et aux
synergies vertueuses qu’il a su discrètement construire autour de cet immense patrimoine culturel en
partage, objet de ce Forum. L’Agence de l’Oriental est honorée de s’y associer et de proposer
également leur consultation sur son site.
Par cette édition qui prolonge l’impact de ce premier Festival, l’Agence souhaite donner au Forum
d’Imerqane tout l’écho qu’il mérite en mettant à disposition de tous le savoir ainsi révélé et constitué.
C’est une raison supplémentaire de remercier et d’encourager tous les responsables et les personnes
de bonne volonté qui se sont dévoués pour cette manifestation, afin qu’ils assurent la pérennité du
Festival, de son Forum, et du formidable élan qu’ils ont soulevé.
Global re-introduction perspectives 2010: additional case-studies from around the globe
This volume describes 72 case-studies covering invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds,
mammals and plants. It follows the same format as the 2008 volume Global re-introduction
perspectives : re-introduction case-studies from around the globe with vivid color photographs to
illustrate the case studies.
Patrimoine documentaire, audiovisuel et numérique. Archives
Recording Europe's first sound archive of the Gulag - CNRS (Centre international de la
recherche scientifique) and RFI (Radio France International) launch Sound Archives
Online Museum
The story of the Gulag first captured journalist Valérie Nivelon's interest when historian and
academic Alain Blum told her about an old woman, a babushka, whom he met on a trip to
Siberia. Sent to a labour camp in the mid-20th century, she had never returned to her
homeland but built a new life in the far-off region.
More information: http://www.english.rfi.fr/europe/20100315-recording-europes-first-soundarchive-gulag
Color Pictures of San Francisco After 1906 Quake Found at the Smithsonian Institution - San Francisco California - USA
A museum volunteer has unearthed what the Smithsonian Institution believes to be the first — and perhaps only — color
photographs of San Francisco after the 1906 earthquake and fire that nearly leveled the city.
The six never-published images were snapped by photography innovator Frederick Eugene Ives several months after the
April 1906 "Great Quake," the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Most were taken from the roof of the hotel where Ives
stayed during an October 1906 visit.
More information: http://www.artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45624
Historians from Canadian Archivists' Association Want Communist Files Protected
People spied on by Hungary's communist-era secret police could decide the future of the
surveillance reports under a government proposal historians say would damage the country's
ability to know about its past.
The regime's network of informants once kept as many as 1.6 million people under watch,
with relatives and neighbors informing on each other and the secret services compiling over
12 miles worth of files.
The government says it is drafting legislation giving those spied upon the right to decide
whether to save the original documents where they like, keep them for their grandchildren or destroy them.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45477
Major Research Project Documents for First Time all Ancient Inscriptions from Jerusalem and Surrounding Area
The first installment of a major international research project gathering all the inscriptions ever found in Israel and the
Palestinian Authority from the period of Alexander the Great (4th century C.E) until Mohammed (beginning of the 7th
century A.D.) has recently appeared. The Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palestine (CIIP), as the collection is called, will
eventually encompass nine volumes, and promises to become one of the most important tools of research into this period.
The first volume of the collection includes more than 700 inscriptions from Jerusalem and surrounding areas up until the
destruction of the Second Temple.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45406
EXPOSITION - Mise en ligne de l'exposition virtuelle Gallimard, un siècle
d'édition - Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) Paris, France
Les Éditions Gallimard fêtent le centenaire de leur création. À cette occasion, la BnF
ouvre le 22 mars une exposition sur le site François Mitterrand.
L'exposition virtuelle retrace comment l?histoire d?un modeste « comptoir d?édition
» fondé en 1911 a fini par se confondre avec celle de la littérature française du XXe
siècle. Gide, Claudel, Aragon, Breton, Malraux, Joyce, Faulkner, Saint-Exupéry,
Michaux, Sartre, Queneau, Ionesco, Pinter, Camus,Yourcenar, Duras, Kerouac,
Modiano, Le Clézio, Kundera, Tournier... Derrière la célèbre couverture blanche se cache un catalogue d'une richesse
exceptionnelle. S?appuyant sur des documents largement inédits ? manuscrits, photographies, correspondances, fiches de
lecture, affiches ? l?exposition virtuelle parcourt un siècle d?histoire intellectuelle à travers l?itinéraire d?une des plus
prestigieuses maisons d?édition françaises. Réalisée en coédition, elle est accessible sur le site internet de Gallimard
comme sur celui de la BnF, le nom de chaque institution en haut à gauche de l'écran permettant de retrouver l'un ou l'autre
Plus information : http://expositions.bnf.fr/gallimard/
Atelier des Arkéonautes - Fonds documentaire des Archives audio-visuelles de la recherche (AAR) - France
Le site « Atelier des Arkéonautes - ADA » est produit et développé dans le cadre du projet ANR intitulé Atelier de
Sémiotique Audiovisuelle en Sciences Humaines et Sociales (ASA-SHS). De nombreuses heures de vidéos sélectionnées
parmi le fonds documentaire du site portail des Archives audiovisuelles de la Recherche (AAR) et d'autres, à venir,
alimentent l'atelier ADA. Décrit, enrichi, indexé selon l'organisation cognitive, rhétorique et sémiotique du contenu de
chaque document audiovisuel, ce patrimoine sera traité de façon à l' adapter à différents usages : scientifique,
pédagogique, journalistique, etc.
Plus information : http://semioweb.msh-paris.fr/corpus/ADA/FR/Default.asp
United States Government Returns Stolen Trove of Historic Archive Documents to
A trove of historic archive documents dating back to Catherine the Great that were stolen
after the Soviet breakup were returned to Russia by the U.S. on Friday.
The 21 documents include decrees issued by historical figures such as Czar Nicholas II and
Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov. Among them are a top secret paper on the reconstruction of
Russian military airfields in the 1930s; and Catherine the Great's decree to divide command
of forces in Poland during the 18th century partitions of the country.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45301
Gros plan sur le patrimoine de la Mémoire du monde : l’émancipation des femmes
Le 8 mars commémore la Journée internationale de la femme. Le Registre de la Mémoire du
monde de l’UNESCO répertorie des documents relatifs au combat pour l’égalité des femmes,
comme l’obtention du droit de vote des Néo-Zélandaises en 1893. Figurent également des
archives de femmes remarquables, comme la collection sur la vie et l’époque de Dame Ruth Nita
Barrow de la Barbade, une des femmes les plus extraordinaires du XXe siècle.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/communication-and-information/resources/
(en anglais) Google to help digitise Madiba and Tutu archives - South African Republic
A press release regarding grants worth R34 million to get more people and information online in Africa.
Google has today announced a $1,25 million (ZAR 8,6 million rand) grant to the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory, housed
at the Nelson Mandela Foundation, that will help to preserve and give unprecedented digital access to thousands of archival
documents, photographs, and audio-visual materials about the life and times of Nelson Mandela.
Google today also announced three other grants of between $500,000 and $1,250,000, also made through the Google Inc.
Charitable Giving Fund of Tides Foundation, to the Tertiary Education and Research Network of South Africa (TENET)
($750,000 for continued work to assist South African universities with Internet and information technology services), the
Nigeria ICT Forum ($500,000 to support efforts in improving access to Internet infrastructure in tertiary education
institutions in Nigeria), and the Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC) at the University of Oregon ($1,250,000 to
enable more people in numerous African countries to participate in and contribute to the global Internet).
Plus information en anglais : http://www.nelsonmandela.org/index.php/news/article/
International Center of Photography (ICP) Awarded "Save America's Treasures" Grant - NEW YORK - NY - USA
The International Center of Photography (ICP) has been awarded a “Save America’s Treasures” grant from the National
Park Service (NPS) and the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities (PCAH). It is one of 61 grants awarded
from a pool of 338 total applicants nationwide and one of only ten made in partnership with the National Endowment for
the Arts (NEA).
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44925
US Museum Seeks to Identify Children of Holocaust - U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum - Washington Washington DC - USA
The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum is trying to identify more than 1,000 children in photos that date from when they
were scattered across Europe at the end of World War II and taken in by relief agencies.
The museum's "Remember Me" project seeks the public's help in identifying 1,100 children among tens of thousands who
were uprooted by the war. The museum is posting the pictures online and plans to publish many images in newspapers and
online forums. The images come from the Holocaust Museum's collections, as well as the American Jewish Archives and the
Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York.
Museum officials hope to learn who the children are, what happened to them and help reconnect them to relatives who may
also have been scattered.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45970
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mémoire, les images d'archives en région Centre - France
Le 4 novembre 2010, Centre Images, agence régionale du Centre pour le cinéma et l'audiovisuel, a mis en ligne la chaîne
Mémoire sur ciclic.fr. Le site offre un accès libre et gratuit à plusieurs milliers de films amateurs. Tournés principalement
dans les six départements de la région, ces images couvrent près d’un siècle d’histoire (à partir de 1920). L’ambition de ce
site public d’archives audiovisuelles est de constituer et de faire vivre la mémoire collective d’un territoire et de ceux qui y
Plus information : http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Actualites/Toutes/Memoire-les-images-d-archives-en-region-Centre
RE-ORG! récupérer des trésors perdus : nouvel outil de gestion des musées basé sur la technologie web
C’est pour aider les petits musées à atteindre le minimum requis en documentation de leur collections, que l’UNESCO et
l’ICCROM ont commandité deux études auprès de l’Ecole du Patrimoine Africain – EPA. L’une a consisté à faire un état des
lieux des diverses initiatives qui avaient eu lieu ces 20 dernières années dans les petits musées de l’Afrique sub-saharienne
en matière de documentation des collections (manuelle et/ou informatisée), l’autre à faire le point des ressources
existantes sur Internet en documentation, qui pourraient être exploitables par les petits musées afin de les guider dans la
création ou la réorganisation de leur système de documentation. Tout ceci afin de proposer un outil utile à ces mêmes
musées, sous la forme d’un manuel.
Plus information : http://www.re-org.info/fr/
13,2 millions de visiteurs virtuels - Bibliothèque numérique mondiale
(en anglais) That’s how many people around the world have been browsing the unique cultural content of the World Digital
Library since its launch in April 2009 by UNESCO and the US Library of Congress. The number of institutions contributing
manuscripts, maps, books, films, photographs etc to the WDL collection has grown from 25 to 118 in 65 countries. The
WDL works with these partners to digitize materials and make them accessible.
Bibliothèque numérique mondiale
Programme Mémoire du monde
Communiqué de presse (2010)
More information: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/
(en anglais) 5 Million Manuscripts, Films and Texts for Europeana
Work begins this week to add over 5 million digital objects, ranging from Spanish civil war photographs and handwritten
letters from philosopher Immanuel Kant, to Europeana from 19 of Europe’s leading research and university libraries. The
project is called Europeana Libraries and it will put many of these treasures online for the first time. It will also add
extensive collections from Google Books, theses, dissertations and open-access journal articles to the 15 million items
amassed in Europeana to date. Providers include some of Europe’s most prestigious universities and research institutes,
including the University of Oxford’s Bodleian Library, Trinity College Dublin and Lund University.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44682
(en anglais) Historic, Three-Year Preservation Project Restores The Landmark Façade
of the New York Public Library. New York, NY (USA)
The New York Public Library has just completed a three-year, $50 million restoration and
preservation of the landmark Stephen A. Schwarzman Building on 42nd Street, which has stood
as an impressive symbol of opportunity and access for the people of New York City and the
world for a century. The unveiling of the newly restored façade represents the start of a yearlong celebration in the building’s honor, which will look back with reverence at all it has meant
to the public while also looking towards a bright and exciting future.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44688
CULTURE/COMMISSION: 'Comité des Sages' calls for a "Digital Renaissance"
La numérisation de notre patrimoine culturel est une tâche gigantesque qui va nécessiter des fonds importants. Selon une
étude réalisée dans le cadre de notre mission, c’est près de 100 milliards d’euros qui seront nécessaires pour rendre la
totalité de notre patrimoine disponible en ligne. Cette tâche prendra donc nécessairement du temps et les investissements
devront être correctement planifiés et coordonnées afin de parvenir au meilleur résultat de la façon la plus efficace possible.
Plus information : http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/digital_libraries/index_fr.htm
EXPOSITION - Le procès des Insurgés de Cayenne, Nantes, Cour d'assises, 1931
9 février au 26 juin 2011. Nantes, France
Organisateur: Archives Départementales de Loire-Atlantique
Contact: [email protected] et [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.loire-atlantique.fr/jcms/cg_92585/le-proces-des-insurges-de-cayenne-renait-aux-archivesdepartementales
EXHIBITION - Getty Museum Displays Stories to Watch: Narrative in Medieval Manuscripts - LOS ANGELES
Organizers: The J. Paul Getty Trust, Getty Center Drive Los Angeles
Contact: [email protected].
More info: http://www.getty.edu/art/exhibitions/stories_watch/
Journée nationale des mémoires de la traite négrière, de l'esclavage et de leur abolition
Organisateur: cpmhe, Comité pour la Mémoire et l'Histoire de l'Esclavage
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.comite-memoire-esclavage.fr/spip.php?article957
Workshop: Translating the Past
JUNE 2011. Firenze, Italy
Organizers: several prestigious American universities and the Institute for Italian historian of the Middle Ages
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.palazzorucellai.org/
Architecture de terre
Symposium européenne des architectures en terre "Du patrimoine historique à l’architecture contemporaine"
4 - 5 mai 2011. Marseille, France
Organisateurs: l’Ecole d'Avignon et ICOMOS France, en partenariat avec l’Escola Superior Gallaecia (PT), l’Université
Polytechnique de Valencia (SP), l’Université de Florence (IT) et le Conseil en Architecture, Urbanisme et Environnement
(CAUE) de Vaucluse (FR), dans le cadre du projet européen Terra [In]cognita. Architectures de terre en Europe
(Programme Culture 2007-2013).
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.culture-terra-incognita.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13&Itemid=14&lang=en
Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts / Allied Works Architecture - 2008 Dallas - Texas - U.S.A.
Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts is a building that supports the production of young
artists. Where the school excels in the academic preparation of its students, it aspires to forge rigorous, creative thinkers
and makers in spaces that inspire ideas and provoke experimentation and production. The 200,000 sqf expansion to the
Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, designed by Allied Works Architecture, includes areas
for the core programs of music, dance, theater, and visual arts, as well as spaces for assembly and traditional academic
instruction. The expansion is organized as simple loft spaces of concrete, brick and glass that rotate around and extend
outward from an open-air central amphitheater, known to students as the ‘Green Room’. The program clusters are
contained in distinct volumes that provide individual identity yet overlap adjacent disciplines in plan and section.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/117149/booker-t-washington-high-school-for-the-performing-and-visual-artsallied-works-architecture/
Amon Carter Museum's Director of Education Named National Educator of the Year
- Amon Carter Museum of American Art - FORT WORTH - TEXAS - USA
The National Art Education Association (NAEA) recently named Stacy Fuller, Amon Carter
Museum of American Art director of education, as the Western Region Museum Art Educator
of the Year. The award will be presented March 18 at NAEA’s national convention in Seattle,
Wash. The NAEA’s mission is to promote art education through professional development,
service, advancement of knowledge and leadership. Founded in 1947, the NAEA is the
leading professional membership organization exclusively for visual arts educators.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45029
University of Puerto Rico General Studies Building / Toro Ferrer Arquitectos - SAN JUAN - PUERTO RICO - USA
Located in the Northeast quadrant of Campus, the General Studies School has served as threshold to thousands of students
since the late 1960’s. A constantly growing student population called for a substantial addition to the existing faculty
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/115438/university-of-puerto-rico-general-studies-building-toro-ferrerarquitectos/
Perry and Marty Granoff Center for the Creative Arts, Brown University / Diller Scofidio + Renfro - 2011 PROVIDENCE - RHODE ISLAND - USA
The Perry and Marty Granoff Center for the Creative Arts, designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro, recently opened for spring
semester classes at Brown University. Providing performance space, exhibitions, installations, and an outdoor
amphitheater, the Center’s long structural spans, high ceilings, and large floor plates stimulate a necessary collaborative
environment with flexibility. Seeking LEED Gold certification, the exterior venetian blind system and green roof are just a
few of the sustainable features for the Granoff Center.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/112338/perry-and-marty-granoff-center-for-the-creative-arts-brownuniversity-diller-scofidio-renfro/
Faculty of Law, University of Sydney / FJMT - 2009 - SYDNEY - NEW SOUTH WALES - AUSTRALIA
The first university established in Sydney was, with great vision and ambition, thoughtfully sited on a distinct rise
overlooking the city, placing learning and the investigation of knowledge above the city, above mammon. The Neo-Gothic
sandstone towers and cloisters of the East Range and Great Hall, modelled on Oxford, reflected the ambition and
aspirations of the settlement of Sydney.
But this vision and ambition was lost in the pragmatics of post-war development. The dialectical relationship of city and
campus was obscured at the same time as the University’s public domain became a servant to the private motor vehicle.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/109736/faculty-of-law-university-of-sydney-fjmt/
New Post-graduate course in Economics and Managements of Cultural Organizations and Heritage (EcoCult)
Deadline for Applications: 4 April 2011
Starting 16 May 2011. Ferrara, Italy
Organizers: Università degli Studi di Ferrara
EcoCult will start on May 16th, 2011 and will be held entirely in English; the course is designed for international postgraduate students or professionals working in cultural institutions or interested in improving their preparation and
enhancing their career. It focuses on the managerial and economic aspects of heritage and art management within an
international framework.
Contact: [email protected]
More Info: http://www.ecocult.it/
College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, UMINN / Steven Holl
An inspiration to all, the College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture at the University
of Minnesota stands as an intriguing building that glows during the late-night working hours
of its inhabitants. Completed by Steven Holl Architects in 2002, the building has received
much recognition for it’s enlightening and unifying qualities, an example being the
Progressive Architecture Award in 1990.
As is the case when designing an educational facility for an institution, the ideas of
unification and continuity were greatly considered in the design of the CALA (College of Architecture and Landscape
Architecture) expansion. With other main intentions of articulating interior and exterior spaces, Steven Holl Architects
created a form that fits in with it’s environment by day and transforms into a glowing box at night.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/113813/college-of-architecture-and-landscape-architecture-uminn-stevenholl-architects/
Arizona State University Walter Cronkite School of Journalism & Mass Communication / Ehrlich Architects Phoenix - Arizona - United States of America
Located in downtown Phoenix, the new six-story, 225,000 sqf, 110-foot tall, LEED Silver building has become an integral
part of the fabric of ASU’s energizing downtown campus and a harbinger of Phoenix’s redevelopment. Delivered in a designbuild, fast-track method, work began on design in October 2006 and the school opened its doors in August 2008, 22
months later. School schedules and budgets were both met.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/115170/arizona-state-university-walter-cronkite-school-of-journalism-masscommunication-ehrlich-architects/
Training course for the 'Conservation of Collections and Intangible Heritage. Brunei Darussalam - 13 to 27
March 2011
An International Training course for the ‘Conservation of Collections and Intangible Heritage’ was organised by the
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), SEAMEO Regional
Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts (SEAMEO-SPAFA) and the Brunei Museum Department from 13-27 March 2011 in
Brunei Darussalam.
Some 40 cultural heritage professionals working in heritage institutions as directors, curators, conservators, conservation
scientists and collections care staff attended the course. All attendees are directly involved with the daily care and
management of collections and/or the safeguarding of tangible and intangible heritage (ICH). The participants were from
ten countries throughout Southeast Asia: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines,
Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
More information: http://portal.unesco.org/geography/en/ev.phpURL_ID=13872&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
The Third Foundation Course training programme on Underwater Cultural Heritage - Chanthaburi
- Thailand (14 February - 26 March 2011)
The Third Foundation Course training programme on Underwater Cultural Heritage will take place from 14
February – 26 March 2011. Under the Norway-funded project on “Safeguarding the Underwater Cultural
Heritage of Asia and the Pacific,” the course follows the successful first and second Foundation Courses. It is
organized by the Underwater Archaeology Division of the Fine Arts Department of Thailand, to which the
Regional Field Training Centre on Underwater Cultural Heritage is attached.
More information: http://www.unescobkk.org/news/article/third-foundation-course-on-underwater-culturalheritage-of-asia-and-the-pacific-chanthaburi-thaila/
International Course on Conservation of Japanese Paper
29 August - 16 September 2011. Tokyo, Japan
Organizers: National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo and ICCROM
Deadline for application: 31 March 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.tobunken.go.jp/index_e.html
The BBC (British Broadcasting Company) reports on UIS (UNESCO Institute for Statistics) data, indicating that
the number of mobile or international students is expected to rise by an estimated 12% annually.
As reported by Sean Coughlan of the BBC, the final figures for 2009 – which will be released by the UIS in May – are
expected to show the number of internationally mobile students rising to 3.43 million from 2.96 million in 2008. There has
been a huge spike over the past decade, with the global number of mobile students rising by more than 75% since 2000.
The UIS has developed a range of indicators to examine mobility trends from the perspective of countries sending and
receiving students. In particular, the data enable us to track which host countries are the most popular among mobile
More information: http://www.uis.unesco.org/ev_en.php?ID=8282_201&ID2=DO_TOPIC
Call for application - Ceramic Restoration course at San Gemini Preservation Studies
23 May - 18 June 2011. San Gemini, Italy
Organizers: San Gemini Preservation Studies. International Institute for Restoration and Preservation Studies
Deadline for application: 15 March 2011
Contact: Prof. Elena Raimondi ([email protected]), Prof. Jaye McKenzie-Clark ([email protected])
and Prof. Jane Whitehead ([email protected])
More info: http://sangeministudies.info/programs/list-of-programs/s1-4
Calls for application on San Gemini and Carsulae Archaeological Excavations Project
12 June - 13 July 2011.San Gemini and Carsulae, Italy
Organizers: Valdosta State University
Deadline for application 1 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.valdosta.edu/~jwhitehe/Carsulaeweb/Carsulae_home.htm
Columbia University GSAPP (Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and
Preservation) to Launch Studio-X Rio - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP)
will launch Studio-X Rio this week with Dean Mark Wigley in attendance. Studio-X Rio is
GSAPP’s global network of advanced research laboratories for exploring the future of cities.
With locations in Amman, Beijing, Moscow, Mumbai, New York, and now Rio de Janeiro, it is
the first truly global network for real-time exchange of projects, people, and ideas between
regional leadership cities in which the best minds from Columbia University can think
together with the best minds in Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Asia. “Studio-X Rio is the first
genuinely global network for thinking about the future of cities, incubating a whole new kind of conversation in which Rio
de Janeiro will play a leadership role,” said Dean Wigley. “The most creative new ideas will be coming from Rio. Every
urban problem is a fantastic opportunity for new thinking by a new generation.”
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/119406/columbia-university-gsapp-to-launch-studio-x-rio/
Coup d’envoi d’une expérience scolaire mondiale autour de la qualité de l’eau, à l’occasion de la Journée
A l’occasion de la Journée mondiale de l’eau (22 mars), dont la célébration officielle aura lieu au Cap (Afrique du Sud), sera
donné le coup d’envoi de l’Expérience de chimie mondiale, qui invite les élèves du monde entier à tester de manière
scientifique la qualité de l’eau qui les environne.
Présente au Cap comme toutes les agences des Nations Unies membres de l’ONU-Eau, l’UNESCO organise une série
d’événements, notamment le « Big Splash », lancement officiel de l’Expérience de chimie mondiale « l’eau : une solution
chimique ». Du 22 au 25 mars, un millier d’élèves, âgés de 15 à 18 ans, issus d’établissements de la région du Cap en
Afrique du Sud, participeront à cette opération qui consiste à mener des expériences scientifiques sur la qualité de l’eau
(tester sa salinité, son acidité, apprendre à la filtrer, la distiller).
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
Traditional building apprenticeships are key to Scotland's economic recovery
Culture Minister Fiona Hyslop has announced 30 new traditional building apprenticeships as part of the Government’s
strategy to put traditional building skills at the heart of Scotland’s construction industry and boost economic recovery.
The strategy ‘Traditional Building Skills: A strategy for sustaining and developing traditional building skills in Scotland’ has
been developed by Historic Scotland with Skills Development Scotland, Sector Skills Council and Construction Skills. The
strategy promotes traditional building skills as key to looking after the economic asset that is Scotland’s traditional building
stock, contributing to sustainable economic growth and meeting the Government’s target for carbon reduction.
More information: http://www.historic-scotland.gov.uk/index/news/news_article.htm?articleid=31051
Bermuda Archaeological Field School
31 May - 1 July 2011. Bermuda
Organizers: The College of William & Mary
Deadline for application: 1 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.wm.edu/as/anthropology/fieldschools/Bermuda/index.php
(en espagnol) Patrocina Oficina Regional de Cultura para América
Latina y el Caribe de la UNESCO curso para el Caribe sobre Patrimonio
Mundial - Willemstad - Curazao (21 de Marzo - 1 de Abril de 2011)
La Oficina Regional de Cultura para América Latina y el Caribe de la UNESCO
patrocina el Curso para el Caribe sobre Patrimonio Mundial (UNA Caribbean
Heritage Course) que impartirá la Universidad de las Antillas Holandesas (UNA)
en la sede del NAAM (National Archaeological Anthropological Memory
Management) en Willemstad, Curazao, del 21 de marzo al 1º de abril de 2011.
Este proyecto de capacitación se inscribe en el ámbito del Programa de Desarrollo de Capacidades en el Caribe para el
Patrimonio Mundial (CCBP) / Caribbean Capacity Building Programme for World Heritage (CCBP).
El curso da continuidad a acciones de formación precedentes desarrolladas en Cuba y la República Dominicana e
implementará el análisis académico acerca de varios temas abordados durante el Taller Sub-regional del Caribe sobre la
implementación de la Convención del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO, celebrado en septiembre de 2010 en La Habana.
Plus information en espagnol : http://www.unesco.org.cu/noticia_detalle.php?idP=&id=334
Cultural Landscapes Continuing Studies Course - University of Victoria
11 - 16 April 2011. Victoria, British Columbia (Canada)
Organizers: University of Victoria
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.uvcs.uvic.ca/aspnet/Course/Detail/?code=HA489G
(en anglais) Official launch of 2011 WORLD HERITAGE VOLUNTEERS CAMPAIGN (worldwide) 27 March - 29
October 2011
In the framework of the UNESCO World Heritage Education Programme and taking into account the positive results
obtained by the World Heritage Volunteers project in 2008 and 2009, UNESCO World Heritage Centre and CCIVS have
agreed to pursue this initiative launching the: World Heritage Volunteers - "Patrimonito Voluntary Action 2011"
Plus information en anglais : http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/WH_Volunteers2011.pdf
Landscape Architecture Education & Practice in Africa
5 - 7 October 2011. Nairobi, Kenya
Organizers: IFLA
Deadline for abstracts: 1 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.iflaonline.org/index.php?option=com_tevent&view=itm&layout=evt&id=114
L'AUF (Agence universitaire de la francophonie) met à disposition une
bibliothèque numérique francophone dans 40 pays
L’AUF met à disposition depuis le mois de mars 2011 la version francophone de ScholarVox,
une bibliothèque universitaire en ligne qui recense 15 000 ouvrages. Enseignants et
étudiants pourront y avoir accès depuis les 43 "campus numériques" de l’AUF, situés dans
40 pays. Ces centres sont principalement localisés en Afrique francophone (Mali, Côte
d’Ivoire, Tchad, Madagascar...), en Asie du Sud-Est (Vietnam, Cambodge, Laos), au ProcheOrient (Liban, Syrie...) ou en Europe de l'Est (Roumanie, Moldavie...). Il existe également
un centre à Haiti. Toutes les adresses des campus numériques sont disponibles sur le site de l’AUF, ainsi que les horaires
d'ouverture. En revanche, il ne sera pas possible d’accéder à cette base depuis chez soi.
Plus information : http://www.auf.org/actions/reseau-cnf/liste-des-campus-numeriques/accueil.html
Volunteer Programme for North American Archaeology/St. Catherines Island
1 June 2011 - 31 August 2011. New York, USA
Organizers: American Museum of Natural History
Deadline for application: 1 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.archaeological.org/fieldwork/afob/2573
Colloque « Le portugais, l'espagnol, le français, langues d'avenir dans l'enseignement supérieur et la
recherche scientifique » - SAO PAULO - BRESIL - 23 MARS 2011
Le 23 mars 2011, l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, organise avec l’appui de ses partenaires un colloque intitulé «
Le portugais, l’espagnol, le français, langues d’avenir dans l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche scientifique » au
Memorial d’Amérique Latine (São Paulo, Brésil), de 8h30 à 16h45.
Plus information : http://www.auf.org/regions/ameriques/actualites/manifestation-antenne-bresil.html?var=lettre_AUF_68
(en anglais) Volunteer management in European Parks (EUROPARCS)
Protected areas need their local communities and stakeholders to get more involved in their management. Volunteering is a
great way to do this. This project provides an invaluable opportunity to advance existing approaches to Lifelong Learning
through conservation volunteering at a European level and to find means of consolidating these as integrative parts of
protected areas' volunteer management.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.europarc.org/what-we-do/volunteer-management
OBITUARY - Disparition de Monsieur Jean-Marc Léger, l’un des pères fondateurs de la Francophonie
multilatérale (Agence universitaire de la Francophonie et Organisation internationale de la Francophonie).
C’est avec une infinie tristesse et une profonde émotion que l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie et l’Agence
universitaire de la Francophonie ont appris le décès de Monsieur Jean-Marc Léger, survenu à Montréal dans la nuit du 13 au
14 février 2011.
Plus information : http://www.auf.org/communication-information/actualites/deces2011.html?var=lettre_AUF_68
De jeunes bénévoles au chevet du patrimoine... bilan des chantiers 2010 dans l'Eure (France)
Depuis plusieurs années, la Fondation du Patrimoine soutient les chantiers de jeunes qui s’organisent durant les vacances
scolaires et concernent la restauration du patrimoine bâti des régions françaises. Des châteaux forts, des enceintes
fortifiées, des fermes, des granges, des pigeonniers, des fontaines… et même du patrimoine funéraire, il y en a pour tous
les goûts ! C’est surtout l’occasion pour des jeunes de tout milieu de se rencontrer, de partager avec des professionnels du
bâtiment les savoir faire traditionnels, comme la technique de la taille de pierre par exemple ou la réalisation de vitraux, et
de profiter des vacances pour s’ouvrir à d’autres horizons et susciter parfois des vocations futures !
Plus information : http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/haute-normandie-11/actualites-520/detail-de-jeunes-benevolesau-chevet-du-patrimoine-bilan-des-chantiers-2010-dans-l-eure-189
Cours à distance « Tourisme et Patrimoine Culturel » - Camoys Virtuel de l'Université d'El Salvador (USAL),
Le but de cet atelier est d'offrir aux étudiants un panorama général sur les nouvelles tendances et les projections dans le
domaine du tourisme et du patrimoine culturel, ainsi que de « découvrir » ces attraits de l'Argentine encadrés dans la
modalité du « tourisme culturel ». Pour cela, le programme de l'atelier, outre un cadre conceptuel de base, propose un
parcours par les différents sites, habitudes et icones de l'Argentine, comme Buenos Aires et son tango, la campagne et les
coutumes « gauchas », les sites du Patrimoine Mondial, l’héritage culturel immigrant, entre autres.
Plus information en espagnol : http://www.salvador.edu.ar/vrid/ead/turismo.htm
(en anglais) New Soheil Abedian School of Architecture Competition won by CRAB Studio. Gold Coast,
Queensland (Australia)
The competition for the new Soheil Abedian School of Architecture for Bond University in the Gold Coast of Queensland,
Australia has been won by CRAB – the studio of Sir Peter Cook and Gavin Robotham – in association with Brit Andresen.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archdaily.com/112009/new-soheil-abedian-school-of-architecture-competitionwon-by-crab-studio/
IFAG (L'Institut de la Francophonie pour l'Administration et la Gestion): concours d'entrée 2011-2012 Date
limite des candidatures : 14 avril 2011
La campagne de recrutement de candidatures pour l’IFAG pour l’année universitaire 2011-2012 est ouverte.
Plus information : http://www.auf.org/communication-information/appels-offres/ifag-2011.html?var=lettre_AUF_68
Concours : l'Agence universitaire de la Francophonie fête ses 50 ans
L’AUF informe que les résultats des gagnants de ce concours seront communiqués le 20 mars 2011, date commémorative
de la Journée internationale de la Francophonie.
L’annonce des résultats et des gagnants sera effectuée par affichage aussi bien sur le site institutionnel de l’Agence : http://
www.auf.org/ que sur le site du 50ème anniversaire de l’AUF : http://auf-50ans.org/50ans/.
Les gagnants seront informés personnellement par courrier électronique.
Plus information : http://auf-50ans.org/50ans/actualites/50eme2011.html
Appel régional à candidatures 2011-2012 : Bourses de Master - Universités membres de l'Agence universitaire
de la Francophonie (AUF) dans la Caraïbe. Date limite de soumission : 31 mars 2011
La Délégation Caraïbe de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) porte à la connaissance des étudiants et des
enseignants des universités membres de l’AUF dans la Caraïbe, que l’appel régional à candidatures pour les bourses de
mobilité de niveau Master pour l’année académique 2011-2012 est lancé.
Cette offre de mobilité s’adresse aux étudiants pour une formation leur permettant de préparer un diplôme de niveau
Master dans une autre université membre de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF).
Plus information : http://www.auf.org/communication-information/appels-offres/caraibe2011.html?var=lettre_AUF_68
(en anglais) PhD position: Graduate School of Humanities at University of Groningen - Groningen - Netherlands
- Deadline for application: 16 March 2011
Since its foundation in 1614, the University of Groningen has enjoyed an international reputation as a dynamic and
innovative centre of higher education offering high-quality teaching and research. Balanced study and career paths in a
wide variety of disciplines encourage what are currently 27,000 students and researchers to develop their own individual
talents. Belonging to the best research universities in Europe and joining forces with prestigious partner universities and
networks, the University of Groningen is truly an international place of knowledge.
The university is an equal opportunities employer. Because women are still underrepresented in a number of fields, they
are particularly encouraged to apply.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archaeological.org/jobs/4125
(en anglais) African World Heritage fund Newsletter - Jan/Feb 2011
The AWHF strives towards the effective conservation and protection of Africa's natural and cultural heritage. AWHF's
mission is to build the required capacity for increasing the number of African sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Through effective investmnet and sustainable management, Africa's World Heritage Sites will be catalysts in transforming
Africa's image and means to stimulate socio-economic growth and infrastructure development for the benefit of Africa's
Category II Centre under the auspices of UNESCO. AWHF works with a mandate from the African States Parties to the
UNESCO World Heritage Convention and the African Union and implements programmes on the whole African Continent.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.awhf.net/
Signature d'un projet de 12 millions de dollars pour l’utilisation des TIC dans les
universités ouest-africaines
La Directrice générale de l'UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a signé aujourd’hui un accord afin de lancer un
projet d’un montant de 12 millions de dollars destiné à renforcer les capacités des universités
d'Afrique de l'Ouest, notamment grâce à la création d'une bibliothèque virtuelle interconnectée au
niveau régional.
L’accord a été signé par Soumaïla Cissé, Président de la Commission de l'Union économique et
monétaire ouest-africaine (UEMOA), l’organisme qui assure le financement.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
Summer Programs in Cultural Heritage Law
5 - 24 June 2011. Siena, Italy
Organizers: Tulane University Law School
Deadline for application: 31 May 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.law.tulane.edu/tlsabroad/Siena.aspx
'Ayn Gharandal Archaeological Project
30 June - 1 August 2011. Ayn Gharandal, Jordan
Organizers: Department of History, North Carolina State University
Deadline for application: 15 March 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.archaeological.org/fieldwork/afob/4133
Nouveau site web pour Rome: www.spqroma.it - SPQR (Salvaguardia Proteggi Qualifica Roma)
(en italien) E’ nato su iniziativa di 40 volontari, un gruppo di giovani con al massimo ventotto anni, il progetto S.P.Q.R.
(Salvaguardia Proteggi Qualifica Roma), gestito dall’Ufficio di Protezione Civile del Comune di Roma con il supporto del
Delegato del Sindaco per la Tutela e la Valorizzazione del Centro Storico e della Sovrintendenza ai Beni Culturali del
Comune di Roma.
L’obiettivo che ha guidato tale impresa è stato quello di migliorare i sistemi di intervento per il recupero e la salvaguardia
delle opere d’arte in caso di criticità e di valorizzare il patrimonio storico artistico e monumentale del Municipio I – Centro
Storico di Roma.
Plus information : http://www.tafter.it/2011/02/23/www-spqroma-it/
Curso de Especialização Profissional em Gestão de Organizações e Projectos Culturais - 3ª e 4ª edições 2011
Starting 14 March 2011. Museo da Chapelaria - Sao Joao da Madeira - Portugal
Organizers: Cultideias
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.cultideias.com/formacao.php?page=cursos&id=28
III Seminario "La Recuperación del Patrimonio Histórico-Educativo. Museos de Educación y Espacios
25 marzo 2011. Sevilla, España
Organiza: MUPEAN (Museo Pedagógico Andaluz)
Contacto: [email protected]
Más info: http://www.museopedagogicoandaluz.com/noticias.html
Master gratuito in Management per i Beni e le Attività Culturali (MMC) - Universita degli Studi del Piemonte
Organizers: Facoltà di Economia dell’Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro” con il supporto di
Enaip Borgomanero
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.masterbeniculturali.it/
Curso Gestión sostenible del patrimonio cultural latinoamericano (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia - UPV España y Universidad de la República de Montevideo-UDELAR - Uruguay)
7 - 20 abril 2011. Montevideo, Uruguay
Organiza: Este curso se enmarca en el proyecto “Función social del muralismo uruguayo del siglo XX como vehículo y
modelo de activación patrimonial sustentable del sitio Colonia del Sacramento” subvencionado por la Agencia Española de
Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.cfp.upv.es/formacion-permanente/cursos/gestion-sostenible-del-patrimonio-culturallatinoamericano_idiomaes-menuupvtrue-cid24673.html
Tropical Plant Identification Course - Kew Royal Botanic Gardens
9 - 20 May 2011. London, United Kingdom
Organizers: Kew Royal Botanic Gardens
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
More info: http://www.kew.org/learn/specialist-training/courses-a-z/tropical-plant-family-identification/index.htm
Longford Academy Course in Advanced Conservation Techniques
16 - 20 May 2011. Tasmania, AUSTRALIA
Organizers: APT Australasia Chapter
Contact: Dr Donald Ellsmore, Convenor, Australasia Chapter
More info: http://aptaustralasia.wordpress.com/2011/01/30/announcement-second-longford-academy/
Binghamton University Archaeological Field School- Bungalow Site - Lowman
23 May - 1 July 2011. New York State, USA
Organizers: Binghamton University and The Public Archaeology Facility
Deadline for Application: 27 May 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://anthro.binghamton.edu/fieldschool/course.php
Le Notre European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools
26 - 28 May 2011. Dessau and Bernburg, Germany
Organizers: Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
Contact: [email protected]
More info:
Field School Scholarships Resources for Volunteers Mega-Osteology Program from the Neolithic Tombs of
6 June - 15 July 2011. Lisboa, Portugal
Organizers: Archaeological Institute of America
Deadline for application: 1 May 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.archaeological.org/fieldwork/afob/4126
Field work in The Heckleman Archaeological Research Project - Milan
13 June - 15 July 2011. Ohio, USA
Organizers: Archaeological Institute of America
Deadline for application: 6 June 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.archaeological.org/fieldwork/afob/4127
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - PhD Workshop : Understanding Heritage: Challenges and Perspectives for the 21st
14 - 16 JUIN 2011. Cottbus, Allemagne
Organizateurs: Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU)
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.tu-cottbus.de/btu/en/gradschool/heritage-studies/news/phd-workshop.html
Gournia Excavations
18 June to 31 July 2011. Gournia, Greece
Organizers: University at Buffalo (SUNY)
Deadline for application 29 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.archaeological.org/fieldwork/afob/2592
ADS (Archaeological Development Services) Introduction to Forensic Anthropology
20 June - 29 July 2011. Kells, Ireland
Organizers: ADS (Archaeological Development Services) Training
Deadline for application: 30 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.adsireland.ie/services/training/index.html
The Pompeii Archaeological Research Project: Porta Stabia
24 June to 4 August 2011. Pompeii, Italy
Organizers: University of Cincinnati
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://classics.uc.edu/pompeii/
Corso "Il Paesaggio Culturale nell'Archeologia del Mediterraneo" - Marsiliana d'Albegna
26 June - 9 July 2011. Grosseto, Italy
Organizers: University of Naples Federico II and Insegnamento e Laboratorio di Etruscologia e Antichità Italiche [ILEAI]
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
More info: http://www.charcoalab.unina.it/doc/Education.htm
Foothill Belize Program - San Ignacio
26 June to 23 July 2011. Cayo District, Belize
Organizers: Foothill College
Deadline for application: 10 June 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.foothill.fhda.edu/anthropology/belize.php
Foothill Ecuador Program - Cangahua
3 July to 30 July 2011. Pichincha, Ecuador
Organizers: Foothill College
Deadline for application: 15 June 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.foothill.fhda.edu/anthropology/ecuador.php
Field school at Dolmens of Rabuje and Alentejo
4 - 29 July 2011. Monforte, Portugal
Organizers: Rui Boaventura (Center for Archaeology, University of Lisbon) and Bridgite Mohr (USA) and Catarina Alves (MA,
University of Lisbon).
Deadpline for application: 31 May 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://portanta.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=37&Itemid=68
Field work on Bucinci: Iron Age Necropolis Excavation
22 July - 30 August 2011. Skopje, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Organizers: Archaeological Institute of America
Deadline for application: 1 June 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.archaeological.org/fieldwork/afob/4131
VI° Curso de verano en restauración - La Restauración de la Arquitectura Moderna - Universidad de Ibagué
28 Julio - 16 Agosto 2011. Ibagué - Colombia
Organizers: Universidad de Ibagué
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.esempidiarchitettura.it/ebcms2_uploads/oggetti_news_547_ITA
Aramus Excavations and Field School
18 August to 15 September 2011. Aramus, Armenia
Deadline for application: 31 May 2011
Organizers: University of Innsbruck
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.uibk.ac.at/alte-geschichte-orient/head/aramus
Call for application for International Training Course on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage
10 - 24 September 2011. Kyoto and Kobe, Japan
Organizers: Ritsumeikan University
Deadline for application: 24 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.ritsumei-gcoe.jp/heritagerisknet.dmuch/detail/what/201102/
L'atelier "Romiri project", est un atelier pilote international pour diplômés et jeunes professionnels de
conservation du patrimoine
15 Septembre - 15 Octobre to 2011. Zakynthos, Grèce
Organizateurs: le Ministère Grec de Culture, en collaboration avec l'Université de York et sous le patronage de l'ICCROM
Date limite d'inscription: 16 mai 2011
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.diadrasis.org/projects/romiri/general_description_fr.html
Architecture @ the Edge: International Conference of the Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia
18 - 20 September 2011. Victoria, Australia
Organizers: Deakin University, Faculty of Science and Technology. School of Architecture and Building, AASA 2011
Deadline for abstract: 30 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.deakin.edu.au/scitech/ab/aasa2011/
Educación superior, colaboración intercultural y desarrollo sostenible/buen vivir:
experiencias en América Latina
Author: Mato, Daniel. IESALC, 2009
ISBN ISSN: 978-980-7175-05-0
Contribuir a la comprensión de esa diversidad de contextos, políticas y experiencias en la materia es
uno de los propósitos de este libro, y en general del Proyecto del que forma parte. Otro es hacer
visibles estas experiencias más allá de sus contextos inmediatos, para que puedan ser
apropiadamente valoradas y tomadas en cuenta como referencia por otras IES, no como «ejemplos»
a «seguir». Así como brindar elementos de juicio que permitan avanzar en la valorización de la
diversidad cultural y el desarrollo de formas de interculturalidad socialmente equitativas y
académicamente provechosas en todas las instituciones de educación superior.
(en espagnol) Documental: Enseñando los juegos de los Pueblos Originarios de América
En 2003 la Universidad Nacional del Comahue cumplió 30 años. Como parte de los festejos se
realizaron diferentes actividades a lo largo del año. Invitada a sumarme a los festejos por parte del
Departamento de Deporte dicte dos clases para niños y niñas de 4to grado de escuelas primarias.
Esas clases fueron registradas y de las mismas elabore un documental pedagógico el cual fue editado
en 2010 y enviado al Native Spirit Film and Video Festival of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas
para su proyección como parte de una propuesta de difusión de las culturas de los pueblos originarios
en Europa sobre los cuales aun, en la actualidad, existe un gran desconocimiento sobre su riqueza
Contacto: Mg. Stela Maris Ferrarese Capettini - [email protected]
Corruption et éducation
Par Muriel Poisson
ISBN: 978-92-803-2342-9
Ce fascicule traite de la corruption dans le secteur éducatif. Comment la définir ? Comment évaluer
l'ampleur des pratiques frauduleuses dans ce secteur? Comment améliorer la transparence et la
redevabilité dans chaque domaine de la planification de l'éducation et de la gestion concerné
(financement, attribution des marchés publics, gestion des enseignants, examens) ? L'ouvrage répond
à ces questions afin d'aider les pays à développer des stratégies plus appropriées pour détecter,
réduire et contrôler les pratiques de corruption, et contribuer ainsi à rendre les systèmes éducatifs
plus efficaces et plus équitables.
Recueil de données mondiales sur l'éducation 2010: statistiques comparées sur l'éducation
dans le monde
ISBN ISSN: 978-92-9189-089-7
Le Recueil de données mondiales sur l’éducation réaffirme que les objectifs de développement
convenus au niveau international ne seront pas atteints sans une autonomisation des femmes par
J’encourage vivement tous les gouvernements, la communauté internationale, la société civile et les
autres partenaires à faire le point sur les nombreux éléments présentés dans cette publication pour
que l’égalité entre les sexes devienne la pierre angulaire de toutes les politiques éducatives. Il s’agit
de la condition fondamentale pour rendre notre monde plus juste et plus pacifique.
L'Harmathèque : catalogue numérique au service des campus numériques Francophones de l'AUF (Agence
Universitaire de la Francophonie)
Les étudiants et chercheurs des campus numériques francophones de l’AUF ont la possibilité désormais d’accéder en ligne
au catalogue numérique des Editions l’Harmattan. Il s’agit d’une une offre de livres sous forme d’Ebooks, une offre de films
documentaires, captations et fictions en VOD, ainsi qu’une collection de programmes audio.
11 000 titres dans les domaines : Histoire-Géographie, Droit, Economie-Management, Sciences Politiques et Sociales,
Communication-Linguistique et Sciences-Santé sont désormais disponible gratuitement via l’adresse suivante : http://www.
World's poorest billion to gain from managing own forests
The lives of a billion of the world’s poorest people could be improved though investing in
community forest management, according to a recent IUCN study. As the world celebrates
World Forest Day, IUCN urges decision-makers to recognize the various benefits of forests for
forest-dependent communities.
Only a small fraction of the US$ 12 billion spent on the forest sector each year by governments
and aid agencies goes to help communities heavily dependent on forests to control and manage
their resources, the study reveals. As a comparison, the investment in commercial forestry
amounts to US$ 150 billion a year.
More information: http://www.iucn.org/?7139/Worlds-Poorest-Billion-to-Gain-From-Managing-Own-Forests
Oil Palm the biggest threat to orang-utans (Indonesia)
First study on orang-utan survival in human altered habitat in Indonesia
Rapid oil palm expansion into lowland forest habitats represents the greatest
threat to the critically endangered Sumatran orang-utan.
However, a recent study conducted by Fauna & Flora International (FFI), in
partnership with the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE), has
been the first to investigate whether and how orang-utans are able to survive
in human-altered landscapes where oil palm and other agriculture has
replaced primary habitat, but where remnants of old growth forest also still occur.
More information: http://www.fauna-flora.org/news/oil-palm-the-biggest-threat-to-orangutans/
Scientists back rethink of Brazil forest law, but with biodiversity in mind
Two of Brazil’s most important scientific associations have taken stances in the ongoing debate about proposed alterations
to Brazil’s national forest legislation, saying that while the law needs to be changed, current proposals fall short of what is
needed to protect biodiversity and natural resources.
The Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC) and the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) made their opinion
public following a seven-month study on the issue.
More information: http://wwf.panda.org/wwf_news/?199647/Scientists-back-rethink-of-Brazil-forest-law-but-withbiodiversity-in-mind
(en anglais) International Women’s Day – women in forest communities need louder voice
To mark the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day on Tuesday 8 March 2011, IUCN is
calling for women in forest communities to be given more control of the management of forests and
to be involved in decisions relating to them. Women across the developing world are primary users of
forest resources and their sale of non-timber forest products is vital to the livelihood of many families.
Their heavier dependence on forests also means that women have more at stake than men when
forests are cut down or forest access is denied.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.iucn.org/knowledge/news/?7082/International-WomensDay--women-in-forest-communities-need-louder-voice
Les lions d'Afrique menacés par les chasseurs américains
Si la chasse menace depuis des années de nombreuses espèces, elle emprunte aujourd'hui un aspect
bien particulier, la quête de trophées. Le lion d'Afrique n'échappe pas à cette cruelle pratique. Cible
favorite des chasseurs américains, il représente un butin considérable.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/lion/les-lions-d-039-afrique-menaces-par-leschasseurs-americains_art12937.html
Epizoochorie : les sangliers et les cerfs sont utiles à nos forêts
L’INRA vient de dévoiler une étude montrant le rôle des ongulés sauvages dans la dispersion des
Plusieurs chercheurs de l’INRA ont mené une enquête, intitulée Diplo, sur la dispersion des graines par
les ongulés. En effet, de nombreuses plantes menacées de disparition ont réussi à recoloniser certaines
forêts de France. Pour découvrir comment elles avaient pu se transporter dans ce nouvel
environnement, les scientifiques ont voulu étudier la piste de l’épizoochorie, la dispersion des graines
par les animaux, qui est déjà utilisée depuis de nombreuses années dans d’autres pays du monde. Dans
l’hexagone, jusqu’à présent, les autorités étaient focalisées sur le rôle néfaste des chevreuils, cerfs et autres sangliers, qui
font des dégâts considérables en dévastant les jeunes plantations d’arbres.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/epizoochorie/epizoochorie-les-sangliers-et-les-cerfs-sont-utiles-a-nosforets_art12826.html
(en anglais) New Hope for One of the World's Rarest Chameleons - Madagascar
Conservationists from the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE) at the University
of Kent have discovered a new population of Madagascar's Belalanda chameleon.
The discovery took place just days after the team hosted an international conference to assess
the conservation status of all Madagascar's reptiles, three of which, including the Belalanda, are
already very close to extinction and have been classified as Critically Endangered. The
conference took place in Antananarivo, the nation's capital, from 24 to 28 January.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/02/110228090603.
(en anglais) Fossil bird study describes ripple effect of extinction in animal
kingdom - University of Florida - Gainesville - Florida (USA)
A University of Florida study demonstrates extinction’s ripple effect through the animal
kingdom, including how the demise of large mammals 20,000 years ago led to the
disappearance of one species of cowbird.
The study shows the trickle-down effect the loss of large mammals has on other species, and
researchers say it is a lesson from the past that should be remembered when making
conservation, game and land-use decisions today.
Plus information en anglais : http://news.ufl.edu/2011/03/07/extinction-effects/
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(en anglais) STUDY TOUR 21-26 FEBRUARY 2011 - Montenegrin stakeholders benefit
from knowledge-sharing during study tour to World Heritage sites and Biosphere
Reserves in Italy and Austria
The study tour from 21 to 26 February 2011 was organized by UNESCO Venice Office in the
framework of the UN Joint Programme “Improving the business environment through green jobs
and institution building” and brought together five participants from the Public Enterprise for the
National Parks and the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/en/venice/dynamic-content-single-view/news/
Nomination d'un nouveau Directeur général adjoint de l'UICN
Dr Poul Engberg-Pedersen a été nommé Directeur général adjoint de l'UICN à compter du 16 mai 2011.
Entre 2005 et 2010, Poul Engberg-Pedersen a dirigé la Norad, l'Agence Norvégienne de Coopération pour le
Développement, dépendante du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. Il a conduit le processus de transition de
la Norad d'une agence exécutante à un centre de connaissances sur les politiques d'appui du programme
ambitieux de la coopération au développement de la Norvège, qui comprend notamment diverses
initiatives mondiales sur la biodiversité, les forêts tropicales, le changement climatique et l’énergie propre.
Plus information : http://www.iucn.org/about/union/members/?7011/2/Nomination-dun-nouveauDirecteur-general-adjoint-de-lUICN
(en anglais) Forest Conservation Groups in Nepal and Guatemala Win 2011 Sasakawa
2011 Sasakawa Prize winners bring Forest Management and Sustainable Development to Rural
Communities in Latin America and Asia
Two projects conserving forests and promoting sustainable development in remote rural
communities of Latin America and Asia are the laureates of the 2011 UNEP Sasakawa Prize, the
UN Environment Programme (UNEP) announced today. The Asociación Forestal Integral San
Andrés, Petén (AFISAP) in Guatemala and the Manahari Development Institute in Nepal (MDINepal) are the co-winners of this year's award around the theme "Forests for People, Forests for Green Growth" in support
of the 2011 International Year of the Forests.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unep.org/Documents.Multilingual/Default.asp?DocumentID=659&ArticleID=6912
Call for articles : Focus on forests, a natural resource mirroring our time - online issue of the Revue de
Géographie Alpine (RGA)
Organizers: L'Università della Montagna - Studiare "la montagna in montagna"
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.valmont.unimi.it/
What is the real role of National Forest Programmes? - Environmental news alert of the European Comission 24 February 2011
National Forest Programmes (NFPs) aim to incorporate the views of a wide range of stakeholders into the management of
national forests. However, an analysis of NFPs in Bulgaria and Germany found they had little impact on forest policy.
Despite this, stakeholders who took part in the NFP negotiations welcomed the opportunity to contribute to the policymaking process, even though they realised they may have little impact.
Conservation made clear from IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) newsletter - 24 January
The latest IUCN newsletter Conservation Made Clear is a special focusing on 'Fabulous Forests'
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Global re-introduction perspectives 2010: additional case-studies from around the globe
This volume describes 72 case-studies covering invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds,
mammals and plants. It follows the same format as the 2008 volume Global re-introduction
perspectives : re-introduction case-studies from around the globe with vivid color photographs to
illustrate the case studies.
Généalogie et héraldique
Patrimoine géologique
Scientists Dig for Ice Age Fossils - George C. Page Museum - Los Angeles California - USA
With a dental pick in hand, Karin Rice delicately scraped off a clump of asphalt from a pelvic
bone belonging to a horse that roamed Los Angeles tens of thousands of years ago.
Like many unsuspecting creatures of the last Ice Age, the horse probably stopped to take a
sip of spring water only to be ensnared — and later preserved — in a pool of sticky asphalt
that seeped from underground crude oil deposits.
"You're opening up this ancient world and getting to look back in time," Rice said during a
recent dig at the La Brea Tar Pits in the heart of Los Angeles.
For the past three years, scientists have been sifting through a significant trove of bones and a nearly intact mammoth
skeleton discovered in 2006 during the construction of an underground garage next to the tar pits.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45594
Réunion d'information pour les délégations permanentes et observateurs auprès de l'UNESCO sur les activités
de l'UNESCO dans le domaine des Géoparcs
La réunion a pour objectif de résumer les progrès réalisés sur les activités des Géoparcs mondiaux qui ont commencé il y a
11 ans et auxquelles l'UNESCO offre un soutien sur une base ad hoc depuis 2004.
Trois experts externes travaillant activement avec les Géoparcs viendront faire une présentation. Ils viennent d’Europe et
présenteront : ce qu’est un Géoparc, où sont-ils situés ?, pourquoi sont-ils nécessaires ?, Pourquoi sont-ils différents des
autres types de parcs ou désignés comme tels, etc. Ils fourniront également des exemples de Géoparcs en activité situés
dans différentes régions du monde.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/natural-sciences-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]
Patagonie : la fonte d'un glacier engendre des inondations à répétition (CHILI)
Encouragée par le réchauffement climatique, la fonte du glacier Colonia engendre de multiples
inondations dans la région d’Aysen, en Patagonie chilienne. Les habitants de la région vivent sous la
menace d'une catastrophe venant des montagnes qui les entourent.
Cette situation est mise en lumière dans un article publié par la revue Nature, et rapporté par le site
Actualités news environnement. Depuis le printemps 2008, la région d’Aysen a déjà connu sept
évènements catastrophiques, des jökulhlaup, (course de glacier en islandais).
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/inondation/patagonie-la-fonte-d-039-un-glacierengendre-des-inondations-a-repetition_art13413.html
(en anglais) Vietnam designates a national park for Man and Biosphere status - Ba Be - Bac Kan
Province - Vietnam
Located in the Bac Kan Province, Ba Be (10,048 ha; 22°24'N 105°36'E) is a National Park and an ASEAN
Heritage Park. The Man and Biosphere Committee of Viet Nam is currently supporting the designation of Ba
Be as a Biosphere Reserve. As summarised by Marian Gwilliam, Regional Assistant Advisor for AsiaOceania, Ba Be National Park supports the only significant natural mountain lake in Viet Nam and is the
most important wetland in the country’s protected area system because it is the only site that has a
natural lake surrounded by a mountainous karst ecosystem.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsar-news-rs-vietnam/main/ramsar/1-26%
(en anglais) USGS (United States Geological Survey) report details uranium resources and potential effects of
uranium mining near Grand Canyon
As part of the Department of the Interior’s evaluation of whether to segregate nearly 1 million acres of federal lands near
the Grand Canyon from new uranium claims, the United States Geological Survey today released a report on uranium
resources and uranium mining impacts in the area.
The studies contained in the report looked at uranium found in breccia pipe deposits and explored the geological,
hydrological, and biological issues related to uranium mining on Federal lands near the park.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/article.asp?ID=2406
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(en anglais) STUDY TOUR 21-26 FEBRUARY 2011 - Montenegrin stakeholders benefit
from knowledge-sharing during study tour to World Heritage sites and Biosphere
Reserves in Italy and Austria
The study tour from 21 to 26 February 2011 was organized by UNESCO Venice Office in the
framework of the UN Joint Programme “Improving the business environment through green jobs
and institution building” and brought together five participants from the Public Enterprise for the
National Parks and the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/en/venice/dynamic-content-single-view/news/
Nomination d'un nouveau Directeur général adjoint de l'UICN
Dr Poul Engberg-Pedersen a été nommé Directeur général adjoint de l'UICN à compter du 16 mai 2011.
Entre 2005 et 2010, Poul Engberg-Pedersen a dirigé la Norad, l'Agence Norvégienne de Coopération pour le
Développement, dépendante du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. Il a conduit le processus de transition de
la Norad d'une agence exécutante à un centre de connaissances sur les politiques d'appui du programme
ambitieux de la coopération au développement de la Norvège, qui comprend notamment diverses
initiatives mondiales sur la biodiversité, les forêts tropicales, le changement climatique et l’énergie propre.
Plus information : http://www.iucn.org/about/union/members/?7011/2/Nomination-dun-nouveauDirecteur-general-adjoint-de-lUICN
Second Conference of the Asia Pacific Geoparks Network on Geopark and Geotourism for Regional Sustainable
16 - 24 July 2011. Hanoi, Vietnam
Organizers: Department of Science-Technology and International Cooperation Vietnam Institute of Geosciences and Mineral
Resources (VIGMR), Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam
Deadline for abstracts: 25 April 2011
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
More info: http://www.vigmr.vn/Asia_Pacific_Geoparks_Network_2nd_Symposium_2011/
Législation (nationale et internationale), conventions, chartes et
A launching ceremony of Baul Song publications. Dhaka, Bangladesh (2 March
Baul singers are wandering minstrels in West Bengal, India and rural Bangladesh, who sing
their form of folk music and have a reputation for being drifters outside of society. This
constant state of change is what makes the Baul song more vulnerable to extinction and a
valuable intangible heritage.
Baul songs were inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of
Humanity by UNESCO in 2008. On 2 March, UNESCO Dhaka in collaboration with
Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, organized a launching ceremony of the Baul Song publications under the project, “Action
Plan for the Safeguarding of Baul Songs”.
More information: http://www.unescobkk.org/news/article/a-launching-ceremony-of-baul-song-publications/
Australia ICOMOS - Canberra Talk Series: Airplanes, Trucks, Tyres and Shipwrecks: Australia's Underwater
Cultural Heritage. Canberra (Australia) 24 March 2011
The Donald Horne Institute for Cultural Heritage at the University of Canberra is undertaking research on the conservation
and display of colonial (historical) archaeological sites in Australia and New Zealand. If you have visited any archaeological
sites/displays in Australia or New Zealand please take a few minutes to complete our on line survey. The survey should
take about 10 minutes and is completely anonymous. Information gathered from the survey will be published and made
available to heritage agencies and we hope will contribute to improved interpretation and management of archaeological
If you need any further information please email Tracy Ireland ([email protected]). Thanks very much for
participating in and contributing to our research!
Survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/3TCPPWV
Saint Louis Art Museum Files Federal Lawsuit to Keep a 3,200-Year-Old Mummy Mask - SAINT LOUIS MISSOURI - USA
The St. Louis Art Museum has filed a federal lawsuit to try to keep a 3,200-year-old mummy mask that Egypt wants
returned, claiming it was stolen nearly two decades ago.
The museum claims the U.S. government is trying to seize the 20-inch-long funeral mask of Ka-Nefer-Nefer and return it to
Egypt. But the museum says it has legal rights to the mask it purchased from a New York art dealer for $499,000 in 1998.
Egypt officials have claimed the mask was stolen in the early 1990s from a storage room near a pyramid.
The suit, filed in federal court in St. Louis on Tuesday, claims there is no proof the mask was stolen. It also claims that the
statute of limitations has expired for any seizure.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45044
Pirate Henry Morgan's Cannons Found in Panama?
Archaeologists say six cannons recovered from a river in Panama that could have belonged to legendary pirate Henry
Morgan are being studied and could eventually be displayed.
The group of Panamanian and foreign archaeologists say the cannons were found at the mouth of Panama's Chagres River,
the site where Morgan's flagship, the Satisfaction, wrecked in 1671 while carrying him and his pirates to raid Panama City.
The team said Monday that the size and shape of the pieces looks very similar to the characteristics of small iron guns of
the 17th century. The cannons were detected in 2008 and rescued in 2010. The archaeological survey was coordinated by
the Waitt Institute with collaboration with Panama's National Culture Institute.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45419
Spain's Police Publish Catalog of Stolen Art
Spanish police have published a catalog of high value stolen art and precious objects in the hope of reuniting them with
their rightful owners. Among items retrieved during raids are works by Pablo Picasso, sculpture, rare archaeological
objects, watches, coins and medals. Six Picasso pieces from 1933 entitled "Cardinal Sins" including "Envy" and "Avarice" —
each in a silver frame — feature alongside an Etruscan period bronze sculpture estimated by police to be 2,000 years old
and jewelry made of gold, diamonds and emeralds.
Other items include Roman coins bearing the garlanded head of Emperor Lucius Septimius Severus and a 17th century
tapestry depicting Battle of the Granicus, when Alexander the Great defeated the Persian Empire in 334 B.C.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45912
United States Government Returns Stolen Trove of Historic Archive Documents to
A trove of historic archive documents dating back to Catherine the Great that were stolen
after the Soviet breakup were returned to Russia by the U.S. on Friday.
The 21 documents include decrees issued by historical figures such as Czar Nicholas II and
Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov. Among them are a top secret paper on the reconstruction of
Russian military airfields in the 1930s; and Catherine the Great's decree to divide command
of forces in Poland during the 18th century partitions of the country.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45301
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Returns Kingfisher Fort Headdress to Tlingit Tribe of Alaska - Richmond - Virginia
The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts returned a Kingfisher Fort Headdress (late 19th – early 20th century) to the Lúkaaxh.ádi
clan of the Tlingit tribe of Alaska in March. This was the first repatriation of a Native American object by VMFA in
accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) of 1990.
The repatriation ceremony took place at the National Museum of the American Indian’s Cultural Resource Center in
Suitland, Md. During the ceremony, members of the clan shared stories about the headdress and its importance to the
Tlingit tribe.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45662
La Directrice générale demande aux forces militaires engagées en Libye d’épargner le
patrimoine culturel
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a demandé aujourd’hui à la Libye et à la
coalition d’Etats mettant en place une zone d’exclusion aérienne au-dessus du pays de
respecter la Convention pour la protection des biens culturels en cas de conflit armé (La Haye,
1954) et ses deux protocoles (1954 et 1999) et de faire en sorte que les sites culturels ne
soient pas visés par les opérations militaires.
Sur les dix Etats composant la coalition impliquée dans la mise en œuvre de la résolution 1973
du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies (Belgique, Canada, Danemark, Emirats arabes unis, Espagne, Etats-Unis
d’Amérique, France, Italie, Qatar et Royaume-Uni), huit sont parties à la Convention (Belgique, Canada, Danemark,
Espagne, Etats-Unis d’Amérique, France, Italie, Qatar).
Más información: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
Scientists back rethink of Brazil forest law, but with biodiversity in mind
Two of Brazil’s most important scientific associations have taken stances in the ongoing debate about proposed alterations
to Brazil’s national forest legislation, saying that while the law needs to be changed, current proposals fall short of what is
needed to protect biodiversity and natural resources.
The Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC) and the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) made their opinion
public following a seven-month study on the issue.
More information: http://wwf.panda.org/wwf_news/?199647/Scientists-back-rethink-of-Brazil-forest-law-but-withbiodiversity-in-mind
Austria Denies Claim on Hitler's Vermeer, Citing Former Owner's Nazi Ties
It's a beautiful Vermeer, showing the artist from behind as he starts on a painting of his model, who is robed in blue and
whose trumpet and book indicate that she is posing as Clio, the muse of history. If the seller's descendants had won their
claim against the Austrian government, it would have become the only Vermeer painting to be held in private hands
instead of in a museum.
But instead "The Art of Painting," which was purchased for Hitler's planned "Führer's Museum" in 1940, will remain in
Vienna's Kunsthistorisches Museum, as the Austrian Restitution Committee rejected the claim by the seller's descendants
that the sale took place under duress.
More information: http://www.artinfo.com/news/story/37267/austria-denies-claim-on-hitlers-vermeer-citing-formerowners-nazi-ties/
Getty museum returns Venus statue to Italy upon the occasion of Italy's 150th anniversary
A 5th century BC marble statue caught up in a dispute between Italy and the Paul Getty museum in the United States over
stolen art was returned to Italians on Thursday, as they celebrated the country’s 150th anniversary.
The Venus of Morgantina was given back to Italy as part of an agreement made in 2007 with California museum, which
promised to return 40 items Rome believed had been looted by art thieves.
More information: http://www.museum-security.org/?p=5986
Blue Shield Statement on Christchurch (New Zealand)
Following the recent earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand, the Blue Shield expresses its great sorrow for the loss of
lives and the destructions the city’s cultural heritage sites and institutions suffered.
The city of Christchurch has been rocked by a major earthquake (magnitude 6.3) on last Tuesday, 22 February 2011, half a
year after the 7.1 earthquake of 4 September 2010. Besides the serious casualties, the toll on heritage is to be high. It
appears that there is very important damage to the historic area of the city and its built heritage.
Among others, the Anglican cathedral, the Catholic basilica, and the Victorian Gothic Provincial Buildings, symbols of the
city’s cultural heritage, has been severely damaged. Some major cultural institutions and conservation places, such as
museums, libraries and archives, are also reported to be significantly affected. What happened in Christchurch once again
underlines the vulnerability of cultural institutions, sites and monuments in case of natural disaster.
More information: http://www.blueshield-international.org/images/pressreleases/03-032011_blueshield_pressrelease_christchurch_en.pdf
(en anglais) Blue Shield Statement on Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Following the recent events in Libya, the Blue Shield expresses its great concern about the safeguarding of the country’s
invaluable cultural heritage amid the existing turmoil. The Blue Shield deplores the suffering and loss of life this conflict has
imposed on the Libyan population.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.international.icomos.org/110314_ICBS_Statement_Libya.pdf
(en anglais) EUROPEAN COMMISSION VAT CONSULTATION -'Green Paper on the
future of VAT - Towards a simpler, more robust and efficient VAT system'. Deadline:
31 May 2011
All stakeholders affected by this initiative – all citizens, organisations, businesses, public
authorities, tax experts and academics - are invited to provide their views on this matter until
31 May 2011.
Value Added Tax (VAT) constitutes a major source of revenue for national budgets of the
Member States of the European Union. However, the VAT system, which is based on legislation
adopted at European level and applied at national level, suffers from numerous shortcomings which do not make it fully
efficient and compatible with the requirements of a true single market.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.europanostra.org/news/150/
(en anglais) China adopts first law for intangible cultural heritage protection
China's top legislature Friday passed the country's first law for intangible cultural heritage (ICH) to better preserve the
nations's traditions of historic, literary, artistic or scientific value.
The law, to take effect on June 1, was approved at the end of the three-day bimonthly session of the National People's
Congress (NPC) Standing Committee after the draft version was revised three times since August last year.
Plus information en anglais : http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90782/90873/7300837.html
(en anglais) Massive new marine protected area offers oasis and hope for
endagered sharks and sea turtles. Cocos Island (Costa Rica)
Signed by Costa Rican President Laura Chinchilla Miranda in an Executive Decree on
Thursday March 3, the declaration formalizes the creation of the new marine protected area
surrounding Cocos Island National Park to improve the conservation of this unique oceanic
island, conserve an entire marine ecosystem, and protect a group of seamounts (underwater
mountains) southwest of Cocos Island.
"This has been a long journey," added Quesada. "We have worked with a host of national
research, conservation and fisheries organizations to determine the fairest and most environmentally responsible expansion
scenarios. None of this would have been possible without the invaluable scientific and management contributions of the
Cocos National Park Administration, the University of Costa Rica's Center for Marine Investigations, Pretoma, Marviva,
Forever Costa Rica and, above all, the leadership of President Chinchilla, and her ministers."
Plus information en anglais : http://www.conservation.org/newsroom/pressreleases/Pages/New_Cocos
(en anglais) Ramsar Convention's Scientific & Technical Review Panel (STRP) meets
in Gland - Gland - Switzerland
The Ramsar Convention’s scientific advisory body STRP met for its 16th session from 14-18
February in the Ramsar/IUCN Headquarters in Gland, Switzerland. Over 50 Panel members,
observer organization representatives, STRP National Focal Points and invited experts worked
intensively on three broad issues: a) further drafting and finalizing scientific and technical draft
Resolutions and guidance to be transmitted to Standing Committee and Ramsar COP11 in June
2012; b) review of progress and products under each of the Panel’s 10 Thematic Work Areas;
and c) identification of emerging issues and recommendations for future scientific and technical priorities for the panel for
the 2013-2015 triennium.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsar-news-strp14-report/main/ramsar/1-26%
(en anglais) New conservation and management rules for India's wetlands
The Ministry of Environment and Forests notified the Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2010. These rules
have been drafted by the Ministry of Environment and Forests to ensure better conservation and management and to
prevent degradation of existing wetlands in India. The Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2010 is a positive
step towards conservation of wetlands in India. “This is the first time that legally enforceable Rules are being notified for
such eco sensitive areas in our country. This will go a long way in protecting our wetlands which are under severe threat”
said Mr. Jairam Ramesh, Minister for Environment and Forests.
Plus information en anglais : http://moef.nic.in/downloads/public-information/Wetlands-Rules-2010.pdf
La République kirghize inscrit le lac Son-Kol
La République kirghize, qui a adhéré à la Convention en 2003, vient d'inscrire sa troisième zone
humide d'importance internationale sur la Liste de Ramsar. Le lac Son-Kol (36 869 ha, 41° 50'N
75°07'E) qui fait partie de la Réserve naturelle d'État Karatal-Japyryk et se trouve à plus de
3000 m d'altitude est le plus grand lac d'eau douce de haute altitude du Kirghizistan central. Il
est important pour son rôle de site de repos pour une grande diversité d'oiseaux migrateurs
comme la cigogne noire (Ciconia nigra) mais aussi parce qu'il accueille des populations
reproductrices de goélands (Larus spp), de sternes (p.ex., Sterna hirundo), d'oies (p.ex., Anser
indicus) et de grèbes (p.ex. Podiceps nigricollis).
Plus information : http://www.ramsar.org/cda/fr/ramsar-news-archives-2011-son-kol-lake/main/ramsar/1-26-45-489%
(en anglais) Islamic Republic of Iran designates its 24th
Wetland of International Importance: Kanibarazan
Kanibarazan Wetland is located in the north-west region of the
Islamic Republic of Iran and consists of a freshwater lake
surrounded by diverse plant communities. The site is located to the
south of Lake Urmia, and is surrounded by seasonal wetlands which
become dry during summer and autumn. The Kanibarazan Wetland
is one of the most important habitats for waterbirds in the region,
supporting more than twenty thousand birds with more than one hundred bird species recorded at this site, including a
number of important species such as the endangered White-headed Duck (Oxyura leucocephala)...
Plus information en anglais : http://www.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsar-news-rs-iran-kanibarazan/main/ramsar/1-26%
(en espagnol) Apoyo al Atlas de Patrimonio Inmaterial de Andalucia (España)
El Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio (IAPH), entidad de investigación de la Junta de Andalucía,
solicita el apoyo de la ciudadanía para que su trabajo en el “Atlas del Patrimonio Inmaterial
de Andalucía” sea reconocido como Proyecto o Actividad de Buenas Prácticas por UNESCO.
Especialmente pide la colaboración de todos los andaluces, por constituir parte de las
personas, colectivos, comunidades o grupos, protagonistas, de las expresiones culturales
inmateriales registradas en el proyecto del Atlas del patrimonio Inmaterial de Andalucía.
También hace una llamada a aquellos colaboradores directos o partícipes de los objetivos que
persigue este Atlas.
El apoyo, libre adhesión y consentimiento para llevar a cabo esta iniciativa se ha de cumplimentar a través de la
cumplimentación de los formularios disponibles en la página web.
Una vez relleno, es necesario enviar el formulario a: [email protected]
Plus information en espagnol : http://www.iaph.es/nav/inmaterialunesco
Un nouveau plan de conservation pour marquer l'Année du dugong dans le Pacifique
Le Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement (PNUE), les parties à la Convention sur
la conservation des espèces migratoires appartenant à la faune sauvage (CMS) et le Programme
régional océanien de l'environnement (PROE) ont lancé lundi à Palau, une nouvelle initiative
destinée à protéger le dugong, une espèce sous marine menacée de disparition.
Mise en place dans le cadre de « l'Année du dugong dans le Pacifique », il s'agit d'une initiative
visant à alerter l'opinion publique et les responsables politiques et économiques sur les menaces
qui pèsent sur cet animal communément appelé « vache marine ». La campagne a pour but
d'améliorer les moyens de subsistance des communautés de cette île du Pacifique, afin d'empêcher la chasse du dugong ou
sa capture accidentelle lors de campagnes de pêche.
Plus information : http://www.unep.org/Documents.Multilingual/Default.asp?DocumentID=664&ArticleID=8662&l=fr
(en anglais) Celebrations for the 40th anniversary of the Ramsar Convention Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)
The Global Forum on Wetlands for the Future to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands was held in the Islamic Republic of Iran from 5th to
6th March 2011. Organized by the Department of Environment (DOE), I.R. of Iran and
the Ramsar Convention Secretariat, the event brought together some 300 people,
including ministers, ambassadors and senior officials from around 50 countries.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsar-news-archives2011-40th-anniversary-iran/main/ramsar/1-26-45-489%5E25071_4000_0
L’UNESCO célèbre le 40e anniversaire de la Convention de 1970 pour la lutte contre le
trafic illicite des biens culturels
Le 15 mars 2011, lors des commémorations au Siège de l’Organisation du 40ème anniversaire de
la Convention de 1970 concernant les mesures à prendre pour interdire et empêcher l'importation,
l'exportation et le transfert de propriété illicites des biens culturels, la Directrice générale de
l'UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a déclaré : « La Convention de 1970 est le premier instrument juridique
d’application mondiale dédié à la lutte contre le trafic illicite de biens culturels en temps de paix.
Elle incarne la raison d’être de l’UNESCO et son importance n’a jamais été aussi évidente. En 40
ans, d’immenses progrès ont été réalisés. Cet instrument normatif compte aujourd’hui 120 Etats parties. (…) L’enjeu
consiste à nous assurer que [les règles] soient mieux connues, plus vigoureusement appliquées, et qu’elles soient
effectivement respectées. (…) J’en appelle à tous les Etats afin qu’ils continuent à joindre leurs efforts pour accroître le
nombre de ratifications et permettre à la Convention de 1970, et aux instruments qui y sont associés, une pleine efficacité.
La Convention était un instrument novateur il y a 40 ans, elle doit le rester aujourd’hui ».
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/about-us/who-we-are/director-general/
40 ans de lutte contre le trafic illicite de bien culturels – Bilan et perspectives de la
Convention de 1970
Le problème aigu des fouilles illicites d’archéologie et du trafic d’œuvres religieuses, l’explosion du
marché de l’art dans le monde, la criminalité liée à la circulation des biens culturels et au
financement d’activités terroristes suscitent une attention médiatique et politique considérables et
placent la Convention de 1970 au cœur de la problématique. L’UNESCO fait le point de la question
avec des personnalités et experts de renommée internationale et ses partenaires traditionnels.
Plus information : http://portal.unesco.org/culture/fr/ev.phpURL_ID=41566&URL_DO=DO_PRINTPAGE&URL_SECTION=201.html
40 ans de lutte contre le trafic illicite de biens culturels - Convention de 1970 concernant les mesures à
prendre pour interdire et empêcher l'importation, l'exportation et le transfert de propriété illicites des biens
Sur le plan économique, le trafic des biens culturels se classe parmi les plus importants au monde, avec les trafics illicites
d’armes et de drogues, selon l’Organisation internationale de police criminelle (Interpol). Certaines sources estiment qu’il
représente un montant annuel de 6 milliards de dollars, même si ce chiffre est difficile à vérifier compte tenu de la nature
illicite de cette activité.
Plus information : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSseNAY7uDg&feature=player_embedded
(en anglais) Kutiyattam : Ammannur Chachu Chakyar Smaraka Gurukulam Kerala - India
A temple of Kutiyattam, the Ammannur Chachu Chakyar Smaraka Gurukulam is a
renowned training and performing centre for this divine art form. The centre is
attached to the Ammannur Chakyar family whose members have been the hereditary
practitioners and custodians of the art of Kutiyattam.Formally registered as a
charitable society the centre started functioning in October 27, 1982, with the support
from Sangeet Natak Academy, New Delhi.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.keralatourism.org/kerala-article/210/ammannur-chachu-chakyar-smarakagurukulam.php
(en anglais) Major New Report Illustrates How the Historic Tax Credit Works for Our Economy - Rutgers
University (USA)
Important Update: 2010 data on the economic benefits of historic preservation is available for download. The Historic Tax
Credit Coalition in conjunction with NTCIC has prepared a flyer summarizing the highlights of Rutgers University's research
on the economic benefits of the federal historic tax credit. The flyer precedes the release of the Second Annual Report on
the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit, which is scheduled for release later this spring. This forthcoming
report is a complement to last year's comprehensive report, which analyzed the impact of the federal historic tax credit
program since its inception in 1976.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.preservationnation.org/issues/community-revitalization/jobs/
(en anglais) Excavation permits in Turkey maybe revoked unless Hattusa Sphinx is returned
The ongoing battle for repatriation of the Hattusa Sphinx reached a new phase when Turkey’s culture minister demanded
that Germany return the priceless artefact or permits for excavations within the country would be revoked.
Ertugrul Gunay told the Tagesspiegel that German authorities had until the start of the digging season in June to hand back
the sphinx, thought to date back to 1400 BCE. “If there is no commitment (to return the sphinx) by the beginning of the
digging season, I am firmly determined to cancel the excavation licence for Hattusa,” said the minister.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.pasthorizons.com/index.php/archives/02/2011/excavation-permits-mayberevoked-unless-hattusa-sphinx-is-returned
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(en anglais) The Latest from LCCHP (Lawyers’ Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation) 16 February 2011
The LCCHP is a nonprofit organization of lawyers, law students and interested members of the public who have joined
together to promote the preservation and protection of cultural heritage resources in the United States and internationally
through education and advocacy. We formed because we perceive a need for greater legal education and advocacy in the
legislative, judicial and policy arenas.
Plus information en anglais : http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/675086/cb6d674565/285206853/df8f5b84a9/
Yale University (USA) and Peruvian Authorities Sign Deal on the Return of
Thousands of Incan Artifacts
Yale University announced Friday that it will send back to Peru thousands of Incan artifacts
removed from the famed Machu Picchu citadel nearly a century ago.
The agreement allowing for the return of the ceramic pieces, animal and human bones, and
metal and stone objects came after Yale and Peru officials announced in November that they
had resolved a long-running dispute over the artifacts.
San Antonio Abad University in Cuzco will create a center to house the more than 5,000
objects and fragments.
The center, to be located in an Incan palace and operated under joint direction by both universities, will include a museum
exhibit for the public and a research area for collaborative investigations by the two institutions and visiting scholars.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44930
China and University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology Resolve Dispute Over Exhibit - Philadelphia Pennsylvania - USA
A Philadelphia museum said Friday that its exhibit on the Silk Road, including a pair of ancient mummies, will go on after it
resolved a dispute with the Chinese government that led to a pared-down event with fake mummies and life-sized photos
of the artifacts.
The exhibit will reopen Feb. 18 with a full complement of mummies and more ancient artifacts from the Tarim Basin in the
autonomous Xinjiang Uyghur region of China, the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology said.
More information: http://www.artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=11&int_new=44929&int_modo=1
United States Government Demands Saint Louis Art Museum Hand Over Egyptian
Artifact - Saint Louis - Missouri - USA
A fight between the U.S. government and the St. Louis Art Museum over a death mask from
ancient Egypt intensified on Wednesday as the government formally demanded the museum
hand over the disputed object.
The 3,200-year-old mask of Ka-Nefer-Nefer, a 19th Dynasty noblewoman, sits on display in
the basement of the museum. The federal complaint contends the mask was stolen from
Egypt before the museum obtained it for $500,000 in 1998. The complaint, which included a
request for a restraining order preventing the museum from disposing of the mask during the legal proceedings, came a
month after the museum sued the government to try to block the seizure of the mask. U.S. Attorney Richard Callahan said
the dispute was "unfortunate" and would be "resolved by the courts."
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45806
Summer Programs in Cultural Heritage Law
5 - 24 June 2011. Siena, Italy
Organizers: Tulane University Law School
Deadline for application: 31 May 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.law.tulane.edu/tlsabroad/Siena.aspx
(en anglais) CULTURE/ COMMISSION: EU and India launch policy dialogue on culture
José Manuel Barroso, the President of the European Commission, and Catherine Ashton, Vice President of the Commission
and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, joined Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
at a ceremony on 10th December 2010 to mark the signing of a joint declaration to strengthen people-to-people contacts
between India and the EU through a policy dialogue on culture. The joint declaration was signed by Jan Truszczynski,
Director General for Education and Culture of the European Commission, and Jawhar Sircar, Secretary of the Indian
Ministry of Culture. The signing of the declaration formally marks the launch of a culture policy dialogue between the
European Commission and the Indian Government. It shows the growing importance of culture in international relations, in
particular since the adoption of the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural
expressions, to which both the EU and India are parties. Since 2007, the Commission has invested 2 million through the
EU Culture Programme in support of five joint initiatives with India. These included the 'Spice' project which brought
together the Attakalari Centre for Movement Arts in Bangalore and art professionals from Europe. The Culture Programme
also backed '2050 Cultures of Living', an architecture project where the Darpana Academy of Performing Arts and the
Srishti School of Art shared views on design and technology with partners from eight European countries.
Text of Joint Declaration on culture: http://ec.europa.eu/culture/our-policy-development/doc/external_relations/
(en anglais) BRUGES DECLARATION (December 2010 - ENCATC - European Network of Cultural Administration
Training Centers)
On 9 December, Claire Girauld-Labalte, ENCATC Representative for Heritage was invited by the Belgian Presidency of the
EU to speak at the Conference “Cultural heritage: a resource for Europe. The benefits of interaction” in Bruges.
The Conference gathered more than 200 participants and resulted in the “Bruges Declaration”, presented by the Flemish
Minister for Immovable Heritage, Geert Bourgeois.
Plus information en anglais : http://heritageconference.rwo.be/Default.aspx?tabid=14663&language=en-US
L’UNESCO demande aux marchands d’art et aux collectionneurs d’être vigilants à propos des
objets volés en Egypte
Des fragments appartenant à la statue de Toutankhamon porté par la déesse Menkaret ont été retrouvés. La
figurine du pharaon reste introuvable.
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a demandé une vigilance accrue aux autorités nationales
et internationales, ainsi qu’aux marchands d’art et aux collectionneurs, suite aux informations sur le vol de
plusieurs pièces importantes du Musée égyptien du Caire et d’autres sites égyptiens.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
CONVENTION 2005 - Document d’Orientation Politique de les Cités et Gouvernements Locaux Unis "Culture, le
quatrième pilier du développement durable" Disponible en ligne
Alors même qu'il est de notre devoir de promouvoir la pérennité des cultures locales autochtones, les anciennes traditions
rejoignent la nouvelle créativité qui s'exprime tous les jours dans les villes du monde entier, contribuant ainsi à la
préservation de l'identité et de la diversité. Le dialogue interculturel constitue l'un des plus grands défis de l'humanité et la
créativité est identifiée comme une source inépuisable qui permet d'alimenter la société et l'économie.
Plus information : http://agenda21culture.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=44&Itemid=58&lang=fr
Fonds international pour la diversité culturelle
Organisateur: UNESCO
Date limite de réception des demandes : 30 juin 2011, minuit HEC
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/themes/2005-convention/international-fund-for-cultural-diversity/
All's Fair in Art and War: Confiscation of Cultural Property during Times of Armed Conflict - Williamsburg
21 March 2011. Virginia, U.S.A.
Organizers: Andrews Attorneys KURTH
More info: http://www.andrewskurth.com/events-315.html
Réunion du réseau régional du Pacifique pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel
29 - 30 mars 2011. Nuku'alofa - Tonga
Organizateurs: Commission nationale du Tonga pour l'UNESCO, l'Intangible Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
(ICHCAP) avec l'appui de l'UNESCO.
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/events/
8e Journée du Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel TRANSMETTRE, OUI, MAIS COMMENT?
29 - 30 mars 2011. PARIS, FRANCE
Organisateur: Maison des Cultures du Monde et la Commission nationale française pour l'UNESCO
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.festivaldelimaginaire.com/programme/8e-journee-du-patrimoine-culturel.html
Human Rights and Cultural Heritage: From the Holocaust to the Haitian Earthquake
31 March 2011. New York, U.S.A.
Organizers: Benjamin N. Cardozo, School of Law Yeshiva University
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.cardozo.yu.edu/MemberContentDisplay.aspx
Call for Abstract - The Future of the World Heritage Convention: a Nordic perspective WHILD/Vasa 2011
14 - 16 December 2011. Vasa, Finland
Organizers: Åbo Akademi University in Vasa
Contact: [email protected]
More Info: http://blogs.abo.fi/whild2011/
Villes et centres historiques. Paysages urbains historiques
Brazilian slave port ruins unearthed in Rios Olympic facelift - Porto Valongo, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Archaeologists find remains of port where hundreds of thousands of Africans were sold to plantation owners.
It was one of the busiest slave ports in the Americas, a filthy, bustling harbour where hundreds of thousands of Africans
were sold into a life of exploitation and abuse.
Famished, exhausted and with their heads half-shaved, the slaves were herded off ships, groomed in "fattening houses"
and dispatched to sugar and coffee plantations across Brazil.
More information: http://www.archaeologydaily.com/news/201103056223/Brazilian-slave-port-ruins-unearthed-in-RiosOlympic-facelift.html
Murals Brighten City, Depict Philadelphia History - Philadelphia - Pennsylvania - USA
With 3,553 murals Philadelphia boasts the largest public art program in the United States and is a model for other cities
around the world seeking to transform urban landscapes.
While its historic charms, such as the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, are confined to the Old City, the massive art
works that depict local heroes, national legends and community pleasures are dotted throughout the center of a region of
more than 5 million people. The art works have also earned it international praise as the "City of Murals."
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45898
Video: Rethinking our Landscapes with Kate Orff - Utilizing oysters as an agent for urban change
Kate Orff shares her vision of ‘oyster-tecture’ utilizing oysters as an agent for urban change. Focusing on the New York
Harbor, Orff, architect and founding principal of Manhattan based studio SCAPE, demonstrates how we can rethink our
landscapes, both the green and blue spaces, linking nature and humanity for mutual benefit.
Eastern oysters being her focus for this TED Talk, she shares how the oyster can improve water quality as a natural bio
filter. Blending urbanism and ecology she proposes an oyster reef for the Gowanus Canal and Governors Island, an
accessible idea that can be implemented immediately.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/110616/video-rethinking-our-landscapes-with-kate-orff/
City of Campina Urban Remodeling / StudioDue - Campina - Romania
The Greek architectural firm StudioDue has shared with us their entry for the city of
Campina urban remodeling competition. Campina, a city with great past and also
great plans for the future! Our project is based on several studies – and based on the
above research results!
The existing historic zone – the strong character linear of the zone – the imperative of
one new identity – we are proposing some new elements that have been all ready
been include all this time in the composition of the streets and general ennoblement
we found the diamond the basic figure for our composition – that has all this time been governing the ensemble – all this
time all this years – leading to new streets and anew buildings
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/121843/city-of-campina-urban-remodeling-studiodue/
AD Classics: The Scottish Parliament / Enric Miralles - 1999-2004 - EDINBURGH - SCOTLAND - United KINGDOM
Widely known for it’s extreme cost of construction, the Scottish Parliament is a remarkable example of incorporating
architecture into it’s surroundings.
“The Parliament sits in the land. We have the feeling that the building should be land, built out of land. To carve in the land
the form of gathering people together… Scotland is a land… The land itself will be a material, a physical building material…”
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/111869/ad-classics-the-scottish-parliament-enric-miralles/
Catholic Temples Built on Teocallis Give Account of Prehispanic Urban Planning Mexico city - Mexico
During the Conquest period between 1524 and 1529, Spaniards constructed 68 churches on
sacred Prehispanic buildings of Tenochtitlan and Tlatelolco. 20 of these structures raised to
develop the evangelization work among Mexica people, are still standing, while 5 are partially
on foot.
In Tlatelolco, those dedicated to San Francisco Mecamalinco, Santa Ana Atenantitch, Santa
Clara Acozac (Nuestra Señora de los Angeles), San Miguel Nonoalco and La Concepcion
Atenantitlan remain.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45155
MUSEO TORINO. Turin, Italy (Inaugurated on 17 March 2011 on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Italy)
http://www.museotorino.it è il sito del nuovo museo di Torino inaugurato il 17 marzo 2011, in occasione delle celebrazioni
per il 150° anniversario dell’unità d’Italia. Nella sezione di presentazione del Museo si delineano le caratteristiche principali
della struttura, la cui collezione include i luoghi e i paesaggi urbani della città. MuseoTorino è dunque inteso come un spazio
per raccontare la città e la sua storia che viene declinata attraverso la forma del museo “diffuso”, la città, e di museo
virtuale, il sito stesso. In questa sezione vengono anche indicate le varie attività del museo come le forme di partenariato
intraprese e le mostre ed eventi che ne caratterizzeranno lo sviluppo futuro.
More information: http://www.tafter.it/2011/03/23/www-museotorino-it/
Journée mondiale de l’eau : gros plan sur les villes
L’eau pour les villes : répondre aux défis urbains, tel est le thème de la Journée de l’eau (22
mars), dont l’événement principal a lieu dans la ville du Cap (Afrique du Sud). L’UNESCO, qui
participe à cette célébration, organise une série d’événements directement liés au thème de la
Journée. Aujourd’hui, la moitié de la population mondiale vit dans les villes et d’ici une vingtaine
d’années, près de 60% -soit 5 milliards de personnes- seront des citadins. Cette croissance
démographique s’effectuera pour l’essentiel dans les pays en développement. Or, un citadin sur
quatre, soient 789 millions de personnes, n’a pas accès à des infrastructures d’assainissement
améliorées. Aujourd’hui encore, 497 millions de citadins partagent des sanitaires, contre 249 millions en 1990.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/no_cache/media-services/single-view/news/
Blue Shield Statement on Christchurch (New Zealand)
Following the recent earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand, the Blue Shield expresses its great sorrow for the loss of
lives and the destructions the city’s cultural heritage sites and institutions suffered.
The city of Christchurch has been rocked by a major earthquake (magnitude 6.3) on last Tuesday, 22 February 2011, half a
year after the 7.1 earthquake of 4 September 2010. Besides the serious casualties, the toll on heritage is to be high. It
appears that there is very important damage to the historic area of the city and its built heritage.
Among others, the Anglican cathedral, the Catholic basilica, and the Victorian Gothic Provincial Buildings, symbols of the
city’s cultural heritage, has been severely damaged. Some major cultural institutions and conservation places, such as
museums, libraries and archives, are also reported to be significantly affected. What happened in Christchurch once again
underlines the vulnerability of cultural institutions, sites and monuments in case of natural disaster.
More information: http://www.blueshield-international.org/images/pressreleases/03-032011_blueshield_pressrelease_christchurch_en.pdf
ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) Appeal to protect and preserve New Zealand's rich
cultural heritage
The destructive earthquake that struck Christchurchm New Zealand on 22 February 2011 has caused unimaginable loss of
life property. Our thoughts are with those who are bearing this grave situation with courage and determination. ICOMOS
supports the use of local and international disaster, preventing access and recovery guidelines which provide guidance on
inmediate assessment and stabilization of the heritage structures.
More information: http://www.international.icomos.org/EXCOM_201103_NZ_Appeal_final_20110315.PDF
(en espagnol) Patrocina Oficina Regional de Cultura para América
Latina y el Caribe de la UNESCO curso para el Caribe sobre Patrimonio
Mundial - Willemstad - Curazao (21 de Marzo - 1 de Abril de 2011)
La Oficina Regional de Cultura para América Latina y el Caribe de la UNESCO
patrocina el Curso para el Caribe sobre Patrimonio Mundial (UNA Caribbean
Heritage Course) que impartirá la Universidad de las Antillas Holandesas (UNA)
en la sede del NAAM (National Archaeological Anthropological Memory
Management) en Willemstad, Curazao, del 21 de marzo al 1º de abril de 2011.
Este proyecto de capacitación se inscribe en el ámbito del Programa de Desarrollo de Capacidades en el Caribe para el
Patrimonio Mundial (CCBP) / Caribbean Capacity Building Programme for World Heritage (CCBP).
El curso da continuidad a acciones de formación precedentes desarrolladas en Cuba y la República Dominicana e
implementará el análisis académico acerca de varios temas abordados durante el Taller Sub-regional del Caribe sobre la
implementación de la Convención del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO, celebrado en septiembre de 2010 en La Habana.
Plus information en espagnol : http://www.unesco.org.cu/noticia_detalle.php?idP=&id=334
CONVENTION FRANCE UNESCO: Inde, soutien au Réseau des Villes du Patrimoine : État d'avancement
A la suite du voyage d’étude de septembre 2010, une mission d'experts français s’est rendue au Madhya Pradesh du 13 au
19 décembre 2010. Organisée par l’UNESCO – IHCN, l’ANVPAH, l’Ambassade de France à New Delhi et la Convention
France UNESCO avec le soutien du Ministère de l’urbanisme du Madhya Pradesh et des villes hôtes, cette visite avait pour
ambition de définir les possibilités d’assistance technique de l’expertise française auprès des villes du Madhya Pradesh et de
développer les partenariats entre les villes de Renne/Bhopal et Chinon/Maheshwar dans la perspective des premières
assises de la coopération décentralisées de janvier 2010.
La délégation composée de Jean Michel Galley, représentant de l’ANVPAH, de Fréderic Auclair, architecte des bâtiments de
France et Président de l’Association Nationale des architectes des bâtiments de France, de Vivek Pandhi architecte du
patrimoine, de Sandrine Rossetto urbaniste de la ville de Chinon accompagnée par deux représentants de l’IHCN-F a été
reçue par les villes de Bhopal, Maheshwar et Burhanpur. La mission technique fut organisée autour de discussions et de
visites de terrain centrées sur les thèmes de la planification urbaine, de la réhabilitation des centres villes anciens et de la
gouvernance locale. Un accord de collaboration entre l’IHCN-F et le gouvernement du Madhya Pradesh est en cours de
préparation et l’assistance de la France devrait être prochainement sollicitée en soutien à l’action du réseau des villes
indiennes au Madhya Pradesh.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/partenaires/338/ (Newsletter Nº 18)
CONVENTION FRANCE-UNESCO: Élaboration d'un manuel de bonnes pratiques sur la conservation urbaine, en
collaboration avec l'Organisation des Villes du Patrimoine Mondial (OVPM), seminaire de travail, 17 mars
2011, Lyon.
Dans le cadre du projet d’élaboration d’un recueil d’études de cas sur la conservation et la gestion des villes historiques, un
atelier de travail se tiendra le 17 mars 2011 à Lyon. Une vingtaine de participants - équipe de pilotage, experts de l’Agence
d’urbanisme pour le développement de l'agglomération lyonnaise, représentants de deux villes déjà sélectionnées,
Bordeaux et Bruxelles - y prendront part.
Cette journée a comme objectif de présenter l’expérience des villes de Lyon, Bordeaux et Bruxelles, venues exposer leur
politique de conservation urbaine, de partager l’ensemble des documents reçus à ce jour dans le cadre de ce projet et d’en
évaluer la pertinence. Une réunion du comité de pilotage aura lieu le lendemain, 18 mars, à Lyon.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/partenaires/338/ (Newsletter Nº 18)
CONVENTION FRANCE-UNESCO: Colloque « Patrimoines fluviaux et territoires », Saint-Louis du Senegal, 3-5
mars 2011
Organisé par la Maison du fleuve Sénégal et l’université Gaston Berger, avec l’appui de la CFU, le colloque a rassemblé une
cinquantaine de participants du Sénégal, de Mauritanie, du Mali et de France : chercheurs, directeurs du patrimoine
culturel, professionnels, représentants de collectivités locales ou d’organismes de formation.
Dans la continuité de l’atelier « Fleuves et patrimoines » qui s’est tenu au Sénat le 2 novembre 2009, cette rencontre a
permis de restituer différents travaux de recherche sur les cultures du fleuve, les paysages fluviaux ou les savoir-faire
locaux liés à l’eau. Elle a mis l’accent sur l’importance du processus de reconquête culturelle des fleuves et sa place dans le
développement local, en abordant en particulier les expériences des Maisons du fleuve.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/partenaires/338/ (Newsletter Nº 18)
Museum of Liverpool Opening Date Announced - Liverpool - United Kingdom
The Museum of Liverpool will launch 100 years to the very day that its iconic neighbour the
Royal Liver Building opened its doors. The largest newly-built national museum in Britain for
more than a century, the new Museum of Liverpool, will open to the public for the first time
on Tuesday 19 July.
One of the world’s leading history museums and a stunning new addition to the city’s famous
waterfront, the Museum of Liverpool is the first national museum anywhere in the world that
is devoted to the history of a regional city.
Demonstrating Liverpool’s extraordinary contribution to the world, it will showcase popular culture and tackle the social,
historical and contemporary issues of the city.
Professor Phil Redmond CBE, chairman of National Museums Liverpool said: “Liverpool’s waterfront is known the world
over, and we are pleased that we will soon be welcoming visitors to what is undoubtedly a stunning addition to that World
Heritage Site.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45685
Dernier bulletin du Programme Global CoE (Centre d'excellence) sur la mitigation des catastrophes du
patrimoine culturel et des villes historiques de l'Université de Ritsumeikan (Kyoto, Japon) - Nº 16
L’objectif premier du Centre est de protéger les valeurs urbaines culturelles des catastrophes, et de concrétiser la
connaissance et la technologie nécessaires pour protéger le patrimoine culturel pour les générations à venir. Jusqu'il y a
peu de temps, la recherche académique concernant la mitigation des catastrophes du patrimoine culturel et des villes
historiques a été peu systématique. Pour cette raison, il est important de mettre en place un système académique détaillé
grâce auquel des experts de plusieurs domaines relatifs, tels : science des catastrophes, génie civil, architecture, sciences
de l'information et humanités, puissent collaborer.
En octobre 2006, une chaire UNESCO a été créée dans notre centre afin de promouvoir des programmes de formation sur
les risques liés à la gestion du patrimoine culturel. Cette chaire nous permet de devenir un réseau névralgique
d'information internationale pour des activités connexes.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.rits-dmuch.jp/dl_files/newsletter16-e.pdf
Le David de Michel-Ange craint les travaux du tunnel du TGV italien. Centre historique - Florence (Italie)
La sculpture de David, réalisée par Michel-Ange entre 1501 et 1504, serait mise en danger par un projet de tunnel pour le
TGV italien qui passerait sous le centre historique de Florence.
Plus information : http://www.artclair.com/site/archives/docs_article/82471/le-david-de-michel-ange-craint-les-travaux-dutunnel-du-tgv-italien.php
(en anglais) Call for authors - Project MYAL (My Aleppo) (Preliminary Title) - Syrian Arab Republic
The concept of the book MYAL (My Aleppo) corresponds largely with that of the city readers on international metropolises
started in 2008 by esefeld & traub publishers. MYNY (My New York, 2008) and MYMO (My Moscow, 2010) have appeared in
the same series. A publication on Tokyo is panned for 2011 and further one on Sao Paulo for 2012-2013. The size and
layout of the MYAL (My Aleppo) project has not been definitively decided. The decision will be taken by the publishers after
the receipt of the contributions. The MYNY and MYMO publications are to be regarded as feasible examples. The book is
planned in the three or four languages, German, English, French and Arabic.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.edition-et.de/aleppo/e/index.htm
(en anglais) Series of Round Tables: Management plan for Venice & its Lagoon. Venice - Italy
These interactive round tables with local stakeholders (organized jointly with the City of Venice) were aimed at analyzing
that the current available data relevant to the City of Venice’s urban and territorial planning is coherent with the final
objectives of the Management Plan for this World Heritage Site under preparation.
Plus information en anglais : http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001911/191168E.pdf
(en anglais) Sustainable Indicators in World Heritage Urban Areas. Mexico City - Mexico
A mission was organized from the 30th January - 5th February 2010 in view of strengthening Spanish Funds-in-Trust
technical cooperation, focusing on the Spanish Funds-in-Trust programme for indicators of sustainable development at
World Heritage Historic Centres. The objectives of the mission were:
Guide the roadmap to finalize the management plan of the city, as requested by the World Heritage Committee;
Evaluate the outcomes of the participatory methodology already applied in Xochimilco by UNESCO/WH Centre and
UNESCO Office in Mexico;
Carry out a diagnosis of the State of Conservation as perceived by local inhabitants;
Apply the thematic approach identified in Cuba in April 2009.
The Mexican Authorities expressed their desire to invite the Director-General of UNESCO to the official presentation of the
Management Plan of the Historic Centre in February 2011.
Plus information en anglais : http://whc.unesco.org/en/news/717
Stadsherstel organise un forum international sur la préservation du patrimoine urbain
31 mars - 2 avril 2011. Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
Organizateur: UNESCO
Contact: [email protected] et [email protected]
Plus info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/events/724/
Alemanys 5 / Anna Noguera - Girona - Spain
Located in the core part of Girona’s medieval quarter, within the scope of the first wall and
overlooking the Plaça de Sant Domènec, is the property Alemanys 5, whose original building
dates from the Sixteenth Century.
Its recent restoration integrates old and new, where sober and clean lines look for the
enjoyment of essential elements such as space, light, shadow, fire, stone, water or silence.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/121082/alemanys-5-anna-noguera/
48th IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) World Congress
27 -29 June 2011. Zurich, Switzerland
Organizers: International Federation of Landscape Architects
First registration deadline: 31 March 2011
Second registration deadline: 23 June 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.ifla2011.com/postcongressprogramme.html
(en anglais) "A Year in the Field" of the Getty Conservation Institute's Field Projects Department
Welcome to the Getty Conservation Institute Field Projects Department’s first issue of A Year in the Field, which provides a
snapshot of our work during the 2009-10 financial year. The department currently has sixteen model
projects under way that aim to meet the GCI’s mission to advance conservation practice internationally.
The departments’ purpose is to advance conservation practice worldwide through the development and implementation of
model field projects that incorporate strong research, planning and educational objectives. In all projects, the GCI works
with local partners to build local knowledge, skills and experience and ensure sustainability.
Plus information en anglais : http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/A-Year-in-the-Field.pdf
(en anglais) American Society for Landscape Architects 2001 awards. Deadline for Applications: 6 May 2011
for students
Recognizes: site-specific works of landscape architecture or urban design. Professional entries in this category must be
built; student entries are not required to be built. Typical entries include: public, institutional, or private landscapes of all
kinds (except residential—see residential category); historic preservation, reclamation, conservation; green roofs, storm
water management, sustainable design; design for transportation or infrastructure; landscape art or installation; interior
landscape design; and more. Criteria: The jury will consider the quality of design and execution (for professional entries);
design context; environmental sensitivity and sustainability; and design value to the client and to other designers.
Recognition: The Professional Awards Jury and the Student Awards Jury may each select one Award of Excellence and any
number of Honor Awards in this category. Entry forms and payment for Professional Awards must be received by: Friday,
February 25, 2011 and submission binders by Friday, March 11, 2011. As for Student Awards, entry forms and payment
must be received by Friday, May 6, 2011 and submission binders by Friday, May 20, 2011.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.asla.org/2011awards/rules_entries/index.html
Bulletin de l'Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National - ISPAN No 21 - HAITI
L’Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National (ISPAN) est un organisme technique autonome du Ministère de la Culture
et de la Communication. Il a pour mission de dresser l’inventaire et de procéder au classement des monuments, de sites et
d’ensembles historiques de la République d’Haïti, de réaliser des études de projets de protection, de restauration et de mise
en valeur de monuments, de sites et d’ensemble historiques, d’assurer la direction et le contrôle des travaux d’exécution de
tels projets, d’aider à la promotion et au développement d’activités publiques ou privées visant à sauvegarder le Patrimoine
National et, enfin, de recueillir, organiser et diffuser toutes informations et documentations relatives au Patrimoine
architectural et monumental, national et international.
Plus information : http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/ISPAN_No21.pdf
Nouveau site web pour Rome: www.spqroma.it - SPQR (Salvaguardia Proteggi Qualifica Roma)
(en italien) E’ nato su iniziativa di 40 volontari, un gruppo di giovani con al massimo ventotto anni, il progetto S.P.Q.R.
(Salvaguardia Proteggi Qualifica Roma), gestito dall’Ufficio di Protezione Civile del Comune di Roma con il supporto del
Delegato del Sindaco per la Tutela e la Valorizzazione del Centro Storico e della Sovrintendenza ai Beni Culturali del
Comune di Roma.
L’obiettivo che ha guidato tale impresa è stato quello di migliorare i sistemi di intervento per il recupero e la salvaguardia
delle opere d’arte in caso di criticità e di valorizzare il patrimonio storico artistico e monumentale del Municipio I – Centro
Storico di Roma.
Plus information : http://www.tafter.it/2011/02/23/www-spqroma-it/
Nouveau site web du Havre - Patrimoine d'exception. Le Havre (France)
La ville du Havre, au bord de la Manche en Normandie, a été lourdement bombardée pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
La zone détruite a été reconstruite entre 1945 et 1964 d’après le plan d’une équipe dirigée par Auguste Perret. Le site
forme le centre administratif, commercial et culturel du Havre. Parmi les nombreuses villes reconstruites, Le Havre est
exceptionnel pour son unité et son intégrité, associant un reflet du schéma antérieur de la ville et de ses structures
historiques encore existantes aux idées nouvelles en matière d’urbanisme et de technologie de construction. Il s’agit d’un
exemple remarquable de l’architecture et l’urbanisme de l’après-guerre, fondé sur l’unité de méthodologie et le recours à la
préfabrication, l’utilisation systématique d’une trame modulaire, et l’exploitation novatrice du potentiel du béton.
Plus information : http://lehavre.fr/rubrique/patrimoine-dexception
5th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam: Making City
April 2012. Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Organizers: The International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR)
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.iabr.nl/images/5eIABR/2011_prep/5th-IABR---Call-for-Projects.pdf
OVPM (ORGANISATION DES VILLES DU PATRIMOINE MONDIAL) : XI Congrès mondial de l'OVPM Sintra 2011 Brochures d'information et Appel d'affiches
22 - 25 2011. Sintra, Portugal
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.ovpm.org/fr/xi_congres_mondial_de_lovpm
7e Rencontre internationale des jeunes chercheurs en patrimoine
5 - 7 Octobre 2011. Brest, France
Organizers: Institut de Géoarchitecture, Université de Bretagne occidentale
Date limite de soumission: 15 avril 2011
Contact: jeuneschercheurs2011geoarchi.net
More info: http://geoarchi.univ-brest.fr/sited/lire.php?ndf=031217
2nd International Fair of Conservation, Restoration, Restoration of Castles and Historic Buildings - SREMSKA
1 - 3 June 2011. MITROVICA, SERBIA
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
More info: http://www.kulturniforum.com/en/?p=31
I Jornada internacional patrimonio, participación y acción colectiva. Diálogos sobre la ciudad patrimonial de
Colonia del Sacramento (Uruguay)
23 - 26 abril 2011. Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay
Organiza: Estas jornadas se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación “Función social del muralismo uruguayo del siglo XX
como vehículo y modelo de activación patrimonial sustentable del sitio Colonia del Sacramento” subvencionado por la
Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación de
Contacto: [email protected]
Más Info: http://www.coloniacom.com/pag/extendida.php/4249/primera-jornada-internacional-patrimonio-participacion-yaccion-colectiva-dialogos-sobre-la-ciudad-patrimonial-de-colonia-del-sacramento
6th Urban and Regional Planning (URP2011) Seminar: Exploring Historic Urban Landscapes - NED UNIVERSITY
26 March 2011. KARACHI - PAKISTAN
Organizers: The Department of Architecture and Planning, NED University
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.neduet.edu.pk/arch_planning/Seminar-Series/Call%20For%20Papers%20-URP%202011.pdf
Third Biennial Conference of Indian Heritage Cities Network (IHCN)- Mysore
13 - 16 March 2011. Karnakata, India
Organizers: UNESCO New Delhi, with the kind support of the Government of Karnataka, the Karnataka Urban Infrastructure
Development and Finance Corporation and the Mysore City Corporation.
Contact: [email protected] ; [email protected]
More info: http://www.ihcn.in/events.html
XXI Encuentro Nacional de Facultades y Programas de Arquitectura -"Arquitectura y Ciudades Sostenibles"
3 - 5 marzo 2011. Bogotá, Colombia
Organiza: ACFA - Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de Arquitectura
Contacto: [email protected]
Más info: http://www.arquitecturaacfa.org/
Relations entre les musées et les municipalités: publication du Livre blanc!
Quels avantages peut-on retirer de la relation entre les musées et les municipalités ? Comment les
partenariats existants peuvent-ils être améliorés ? Les musées et les municipalités locales font-ils face
à des défis similaires ? Quels sont les mécanismes nécessaires pour rendre ces relations plus
efficaces ?
Voici quelques-unes des questions auxquelles le Livre blanc sur « Les relations entre les musées et les
municipalités en Europe » essaye de répondre. Préparé et rédigé par Anne Krebs (musée du Louvre)
et Xavier Greffe (Université Paris I Sorbonne), ce Livre blanc est le principal résultat des activités
organisées par « Museums et Municipalities », un groupement européen d’analyse politique né de
l’initiative des membres de l’ENCATC en avril 2010 et soutenu par la Commission européenne dans le
cadre du programme Culture. Le document met en évidence les synergies et les différences relatives
à l’analyse de la mission des musées et aux attentes mutuelles des musées et des municipalités.
Interrogation 04 - Writing the City into Being: Essays on Johannesburg 1998-2008
by Lindsay Bremner
ISBN 978-0-9869850-0-3
Writing the City into Being is Bremner's long-awaited collection of essays, spanning more than a
decade of work on Johannesburg. It is both an unflinching analysis of the characteristics of an
extraordinary city and a work of imagination - a bringing of the evasive city into being through
writing. Johannesburg has become a touchstone in critical thinking on the development of the twentyfirst-century city, attracting scholars from around the world who seek to understand how cities are
changing in the face of urban migration in all its myriad forms and the inflow of foreign capital and interest. Bremner is at
the forefront of this scholarship. Her intimate knowledge of the city makes this a deeply personal but authoritative
collection of essays. Writing the City into Being is an important book for those seeking to understand cities in a rapidly
changing and fragmenting world. Lindsay Bremner is an extraordinary guide to the city of Johannesburg, and one of its
most incisive commentators.
Winka Dubbeldam & Archi-Tectonics. Newyorkesi vetrina. Novità editoriale EDA 2011
a cura di Cesare Del Vescovo
ISBN 978–88–548–3910–6
ARACNE EDITRICE, Roma, Febbraio 2011
Passages, paesaggi e presagi : la poetica di Winka Dubbeldam & Archi-Tectonics a New York fa
vetrina di sé, mostra che la dialettica in architettura non è ancora ?in stato d´arresto?. Forme a volte
puriste o altre volte espressioniste generano un doppio colpo d´ala, sdoganano una produzione che si
muove tra ambivalenza e polivalenza, tra forme e superfici strutturali che accendono passages
architetturali d´ultima generazione. Arango, Cibani, Vestry o Dub House ed altro ancora, sono tutte
opere oggi pontiere (termine di recente assai in uso!) di trasposizioni, dislocamenti, trasferimenti,
allestimenti ed interior design.
April issue of 'Urban Morphology' published
The April issue of 'Urban Morphology' is now in print. It is also available online to members of
subscribing institutions. Volume 15.2 of the journal will be published in October.
Join ISUF and subscribe to the journal Urban Morphology - take a look through the journal contents
and article abstracts in the publicly accessible part of 'journal online'. Membership is £25 (£50 for
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Historic districts for all - India: a social and human approach for sustainable revitalisation;
manual for city professionals
Corporate author: UNESCO Office New Delhi
ISBN ISSN: 978-81-89218-36-2
This publication is the outcome of the concerted efforts, under the supervi-sion of Marina Faetanini,
Programme Specialist, Social and Human Sciences, of an evolving UNESCO team comprising the
following members: Shipra Narang Suri and Daniela de Simone, consultants, Shalini Mahajan,
research assistant, Ashita Singh and Nidhi Ralhan, programme assistants, Cathryn Connolly, proofreader, and Lena Michaels, Maud Hainry, Saurabh Tewari and Frederic Riopel, interns. We are
especially thankful to Shipra Narang Suri for producing the first full draft and annex, and to Daniela
de Simone for taking the Manual to its completion.
ISSN 1749-0790
Series Editors: Cedo Maksimovic, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom; J. Alberto TejadaGuibert, UNESCO International Hydrological. Programme, Paris, France; Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa,
UNESCO International Hydrological. Programme, Paris, France
The UNESCO-IHP Urban Water Series, comprising a set of books on urban water management,
addresses fundamental issues related to the role of water in cities and the effects of urbanization on
the hydrological cycle and water resources. Focusing on integrated approaches to sustainable urban
water management, the Series provides valuable scientific and practical information for urban water
practitioners, policy-makers and educators throughout the world.
Multicisciplinary Perspectives in Archaeological Heritage Management - ICOMOS International Committee on
Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM)
ICAHM is delighted to announce its new book series, which is being published by Springer Press. Books will appear
simultaneously in print in soft cover and on-line within 8-12 weeks of final manuscript receipt.
Volumes will be 50-125 typeset pages (20,000 to 45,000 words), including images and references. The series is ideal for
scholars whose manuscript is too long for an article yet too brief for a full-length book. We welcome single authored, coauthored, or edited submissions. Each volume is peer-reviewed.
The series will address critical contemporary problems and illustrate exemplary work in archaeological heritage
management in countries around the globe. The series will take a broad view of the concepts of archaeology, heritage, and
management in accordance with ICAHM’s mandate itself. Contributing authors will see archaeological heritage management
as a dynamic interface between professional practice, scholary investigation, and the public sphere. We seek manuscripts
that are grounded, practical, applied, theoretically engaged, and problem-solving.
Journal of Disaster Research - Protecting Cultural Heritage and Historic Cities from
Kazuyuki Izuno and Takeyuki Okubo, p. 3
Natural disasters have damaged or destroyed many invaluable cultural heritages. How to mitigate
these losses, however, is difficult question. If we cannot save human lives, of course we cannot save
cultural heritages from disasters. This requires more sophisticated countermeasures than
conventional disaster reduction methodologies. This special issue of JDR provides many examples of
such mitigation in historical cities which have expanded with cultural heritages as nuclei.
Cultural heritage disaster mitigation lies somewhere between the fields of cultural preservation and
the disaster mitigation engineering. The first two review papers focus on the importance of protecting
cultural heritage from natural disasters and the history of this issue from the viewpoints of both
engineering and humanities.
World heritage city of Vigan, Philippines: heritage homeowner's preservation manual
Corporate author: UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific;
Philippines. City Government of Vigan
Country: Thailand
Publ Year: 2010
ISBN ISSN: 978-92-9223-319-8 (print); 978-92-9223-320-4 (electronic)
The Vigan Heritage Homeowner’s Preservation Manual was launched by the city government on October 6 in a simple
ceremony but replete with symbolism. The event was made under the roof of one of the best preserved ancestral homes,
the Donato Heritage House, thru the graciousness of the present owner , Ms. Ma. Victoria P. Donato.
Important personalities who could be said to be the progenitors of the book along with Mayor Eva Marie S. Medina were on
hand at the coming out of the book. Dr. Richard Engelhardt and Engr. Ricardo Favis of UNESCO flew in from Bangkok,
Thailand for the launching which coincided also with the UNESCO National Workshop of World Heritage Site Managers. Each
participant was given a copy of the book which will serve to guide them in their own heritage conservation work. Architect
Fatima Rabang, Dean Maryrose Rabang and Dr. Gilbert Arce represented the University of Northern Philippines (UNP). The
United Architects Association of the Philippines (UAAP) was also well represented.
Patrimoine scientifique, astronomique, technologique et industriel
Study of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) Says Use of Fire Relatively Recent in Europe
A new study is raising questions about when ancient human ancestors in Europe learned to control fire, one of the most
important steps on the long path to civilization.
A review of 141 archaeological sites across Europe shows habitual use of fire beginning between 300,000 and 400,000
years ago, according to a paper in Tuesday's edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Most archeologists agree that the use of fire is tied to colonization outside Africa, especially in Europe where temperatures
fall below freezing, wrote Wil Roebroeks of Leiden University in the Netherlands and Paola Villa of the University of
Yet, while there is evidence of early humans living in Europe as much as a million years ago, the researchers found no clear
traces of regular use of fire before about 400,000 years ago.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45731
AD Classics: McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope, Kitt Peak National Observatory / SOM (Skidmore Owings &
Merrill) - 1962 - Kitt Peak - Arizona - USA
Completed in 1962, the McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope designed by SOM is a classic example of great architecture built for
a very specific purpose. It was mainly designed for studying the physical and chemical features of the sun and is the
world’s largest unobstructed aperture optical telescope.
Owned by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, the heliostat weighs almost 50 tons and sits 100 feet
above the ground atop a concrete tower, circular in cross-section. The purpose of the heliostat is to direct the sun’s light
down the long shaft, which continues underground to the telescope’s prime focus, which has a resolution of 2.50 arcsec/
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/121364/ad-classics-mcmath-pierce-solar-telescope-kitt-peak-nationalobservatory-som/
The National Museum of Nuclear Science and History is seeing more visitors since the nuclear accident in
Japan - Albuquerque - New Mexico - USA
The National Museum of Nuclear Science and History is seeing more visitors since a massive earthquake and tsunami in
Japan caused fears for the safety of a nuclear plant.
KRQE television reports workers at the southeast Albuquerque museum say three times more people visited over the
weekend than during on average weekends since last summer.
Museum officials believe fear of a meltdown at the Japanese nuclear reactor is prompting some visits.
Museum president Dick Peebles says a couple of people told him that was a factor in coming in.
The museum was created in 1969 to tell the story of Kirtland Air Force Base and the development of nuclear weapons.
It became the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History in 2009 when it moved to its current location.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45728
St. Joseph's Media / Teeple Architects - 2004 - Toronto - Ontario - Canada
This design for a large media company brings several previously dispersed publications together in a
consolidated location on Queen Street East in Toronto. The site is unusual in that it includes the third and
fourth levels of adjoining 19th-century warehouse buildings. The introduction of a sky lit interior street
unifies the space and the company identity, bringing together over 250 employees of 12 popular
Canadian magazines (including Toronto Life and Saturday Night).
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/116537/st-joseph’s-media-teeple-architects/
Archive of WW II (World War II) Codebreaker Alan Turing Preserved by National Heritage Memorial Fund London - United Kingdom
Papers relating to codebreaker and computer pioneer Alan Turing will go to a British museum after the National Heritage
Memorial Fund stepped in to help buy them for the nation.
The government-backed fund said Friday it had donated more than 200,000 pounds ($320,000) to a campaign to stop the
notes and scientific papers from going to a private buyer.
The fund's chair, Jenny Abramsky, said the collection would be a permanent memorial to "a true war hero."
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45293
Wilgie Mia Aboriginal Ochre Mine included on the National Heritage List - Western Australia (Australia)
Wilgie Mia is the largest and deepest underground Aboriginal ochre mine in Australia, and has all the features found in
traditional Aboriginal mines: large open-cut pits, excavated caverns and underground galleries that follow ochre seams.
Wilgie Mia was included on the National Heritage List on 24 February 2011.
More information: http://www.environment.gov.au/heritage/places/national/wilgie-mia/index.html
Seminar on "Industrial Heritage in Tourism Policies for Sustainable Development"
13 April 2011. Zabrze, Poland
Organizers: Silesian University of Technology
Deadline for application: 1 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://europe.unwto.org/en/event/seminar-industrial-heritage-tourism-policies-sustainable-development
Neopat : les nouveaux patrimoines dans la région des Pays de la Loire (France)
Soutenu par un financement de la région des Pays de la Loire, NEOPAT est un projet de recherche pluridisciplinaire qui
inclut l’histoire, l’histoire de l’art, l’archéologie, l’histoire des sciences et des techniques, la géographie physique et
humaine, le droit et la sociologie, et qui saisit à l’échelle régionale le puissant mouvement social et culturel de la demande
en nouveaux patrimoines.
Plus information : http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Actualites/Toutes/Neopat-les-nouveaux-patrimoines-dans-la-regiondes-Pays-de-la-Loire
(en anglais) Museum of Science Hosts World Premiere of Original Astronomy Show - Charles Hayden
Planetarium. Boston, New Englans (USA)
On February 13, 2011, the Museum of Science, Boston will officially unveil New England's most technologically advanced
digital theater with the world premiere of Undiscovered Worlds: The Search Beyond Our Sun. For the inaugural show of its
newly transformed Charles Hayden Planetarium, the Museum explores a timeless question in a now exploding field: Do
other planets like Earth exist?
Plus information en anglais : http://www.mos.org/visitor_info/museum_news/press_releases&d=4852
Exposición itinerante "100 elementos Patrimonio Industrial en España"
22 de Marzo de 2011 - 2012. Madrid, España
Organiza: Comité Internacional para la conservación y defensa del Patrimonio Industrial, TICCIH-España
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://expo100ticcih.blogspot.com/
EXPOSITION- SCIENCES & curiosités à la cour de Versailles
Prolongation jusqu'au 3 avril 2011. VERSAILLES, FRANCE
Plus info: http://sciences.chateauversailles.fr/index.php?lang=fr
International Day for Monuments and Sites event in New South Wales
18 April 2011. Sydney, Australia
Organizers: ICOMOS Australia
Deadline for registration: 28 March 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/International-Day-for-Monuments-and-Sites_2010-events.pdf
'Railways and Speed' conference
14 - 16 December 2011. Paris, France
Organizers: SNCF, International Union of Railways, AFFI
Deadline for appllication : 15 May 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Railways-and-Speed-conference.pdf
Revue Culture et Musées n°16 - LA (R)EVOLUTION DES MUSEES D'ART
ISBN 978-2-7427-9559-8
Depuis environ trente ans d’importantes transformations ont affecté tous les genres de musées et
leurs expositions. On a pu parler, par exemple, d’une révolution dans les musées de science et le
concept de musée de société est apparu à beaucoup comme une remise en cause majeure des
approches muséographiques classiques.
Qu’en est-il aujourd’hui du côté des musées d’art ?
Patrimoine immatériel
Training course for the 'Conservation of Collections and Intangible Heritage. Brunei Darussalam - 13 to 27
March 2011
An International Training course for the ‘Conservation of Collections and Intangible Heritage’ was organised by the
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), SEAMEO Regional
Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts (SEAMEO-SPAFA) and the Brunei Museum Department from 13-27 March 2011 in
Brunei Darussalam.
Some 40 cultural heritage professionals working in heritage institutions as directors, curators, conservators, conservation
scientists and collections care staff attended the course. All attendees are directly involved with the daily care and
management of collections and/or the safeguarding of tangible and intangible heritage (ICH). The participants were from
ten countries throughout Southeast Asia: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines,
Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
More information: http://portal.unesco.org/geography/en/ev.phpURL_ID=13872&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
A launching ceremony of Baul Song publications. Dhaka, Bangladesh (2 March
Baul singers are wandering minstrels in West Bengal, India and rural Bangladesh, who sing
their form of folk music and have a reputation for being drifters outside of society. This
constant state of change is what makes the Baul song more vulnerable to extinction and a
valuable intangible heritage.
Baul songs were inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of
Humanity by UNESCO in 2008. On 2 March, UNESCO Dhaka in collaboration with
Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, organized a launching ceremony of the Baul Song publications under the project, “Action
Plan for the Safeguarding of Baul Songs”.
More information: http://www.unescobkk.org/news/article/a-launching-ceremony-of-baul-song-publications/
Danses du Manipur au Festival de l'Imaginaire - PARIS - FRANCE - (24-27 mars 2011)
Le Manipur (littéralement pays des joyaux) est l’une de ces lointaines régions du nord-est de
l’Inde, située au pied de l’Himalaya, entre Myanmar et Bangladesh. Dernier état à avoir rejoint
la République de l’Inde, l’ancien royaume du Manipur est une région secrète, encore peu
ouverte sur le monde, et qui recèle de trésors culturels méconnus, où la représentation
scénique fait très souvent lien avec le sacré.
Ranganiketan (littéralement « la maison des arts chatoyants ») est un ensemble à géométrie
variable qui regroupe de grands maîtres et leurs jeunes disciples. Si Ranganiketan a pu
présenter son art dans le monde entier (notamment à Paris, Maison des Cultures du Monde, en 1990), au Manipur elle est
très souvent invitée à participer aux événements culturels locaux et aux fêtes religieuses.
Plus information : http://www.festivaldelimaginaire.com/programme/danses-du-manipur-68.html
Patrimoine & Culture dans l'Oriental (Maroc)
Cette approche tente une introduction au patrimoine culturel d'une Région bordée par
l'Algérie, à l'Est, la Méditerranée au Nord, et qui s'étend aux confins du désert, au Sud,
jusqu'à Figuig, l'oasis la plus proche de l'Europe. Un espace deux fois plus vaste que certains
états européens (la Belgique ou les Pays-Bas). Un milieu écologique comprenant trois
ensembles géographiques, allant du Rif Oriental que borde la Moulouya – seule véritable
rivière pérenne - aux montagnes et plaines méditerranéennes du Nord, aux hauts plateaux
steppiques de la meseta algéro-marocaine où se termine le Haut Atlas oriental.
Plus information : http://www.oriental.ma/main.php?Id=158&lang=fr
Machigai no Kyogen (Japon) dans le cadre du Festival de l'Imaginaire
Nés au XIVe siècle, le nô et le kyôgen sont les premières formes proprement théâtrales du Japon. Le kyôgen (littéralement,
« paroles folles ») est le complément comique du nô. Si le nô, dominé par la recherche d’une subtile élégance, est un art
solennel reposant sur des thèmes « élevés », le kyôgen s’inspire au contraire de la vie quotidienne pour présenter sur un
ton comico-satirique des situations construites sur les habitudes et les petits travers des gens du commun. Deux ou trois
personnages suffisent à l’argument, articulé notamment autour du couple maître - valet. Intermèdes délassants, les
comédies kyôgen n’en revêtent pas moins une portée philosophique : en effet, si le nô exprime ce que nous voudrions être,
le kyôgen exprime ce que nous sommes et son acceptation : deux chemins conduisant à la sagesse.
Plus information : http://www.festivaldelimaginaire.com/programme/machigai-no-kyogen.html
Musiques de fiesta du Mexique
Tradition musicale et poétique des hauts-plateaux du Guanajuato, du Queretaro et de San Luis de Potosi, le son arribeño
présente d’importantes similitudes avec la tradition médiévale des ménestrels et des troubadours européens. Désormais
solidement ancrée dans la culture mexicaine, cette forme d’art s’est épanouie dans les campagnes où elle joue aujourd’hui
encore un rôle social de grande ampleur.
Plus information : http://www.festivaldelimaginaire.com/programme/musiques-de-fiesta.html
(en anglais) China adopts first law for intangible cultural heritage protection
China's top legislature Friday passed the country's first law for intangible cultural heritage (ICH) to better preserve the
nations's traditions of historic, literary, artistic or scientific value.
The law, to take effect on June 1, was approved at the end of the three-day bimonthly session of the National People's
Congress (NPC) Standing Committee after the draft version was revised three times since August last year.
Plus information en anglais : http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90782/90873/7300837.html
(en anglais) Article: A Culture Written in Stone and Soil - French Polynesia - France
Archaeologists and farmers tell the gritty story of French Polynesia
Walking up the sweltering, steep slopes of Mo‘orea’s gray volcanic peaks, the lumbering banyan
trees, bursts of pink blooms, and iconic views of the South Pacific can mesmerize. But if you
stop to catch your breath and glance down, a whole new set of wonders reveals itself at your
feet. There, at ankle level, meticulously stacked, moss-shrouded stone blocks outline an ancient
way of life on the forest floor.
These are the marae of Mo‘orea, and while now weathered and overgrown, they once were
temples—sometimes covering 4,000 square feet (370 square meters)—where the island’s original settlers, the Maohi, came
to pray to gods, pay respect to chiefs, and meet on tribal matters.
Plus information en anglais : http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/02/110223-biodiversity-cultural-traditionmoorea-archaeology-marae/
(en espagnol) Apoyo al Atlas de Patrimonio Inmaterial de Andalucia (España)
El Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio (IAPH), entidad de investigación de la Junta de Andalucía,
solicita el apoyo de la ciudadanía para que su trabajo en el “Atlas del Patrimonio Inmaterial
de Andalucía” sea reconocido como Proyecto o Actividad de Buenas Prácticas por UNESCO.
Especialmente pide la colaboración de todos los andaluces, por constituir parte de las
personas, colectivos, comunidades o grupos, protagonistas, de las expresiones culturales
inmateriales registradas en el proyecto del Atlas del patrimonio Inmaterial de Andalucía.
También hace una llamada a aquellos colaboradores directos o partícipes de los objetivos que
persigue este Atlas.
El apoyo, libre adhesión y consentimiento para llevar a cabo esta iniciativa se ha de cumplimentar a través de la
cumplimentación de los formularios disponibles en la página web.
Una vez relleno, es necesario enviar el formulario a: [email protected]
Plus information en espagnol : http://www.iaph.es/nav/inmaterialunesco
(en anglais) Kutiyattam : Ammannur Chachu Chakyar Smaraka Gurukulam Kerala - India
A temple of Kutiyattam, the Ammannur Chachu Chakyar Smaraka Gurukulam is a
renowned training and performing centre for this divine art form. The centre is
attached to the Ammannur Chakyar family whose members have been the hereditary
practitioners and custodians of the art of Kutiyattam.Formally registered as a
charitable society the centre started functioning in October 27, 1982, with the support
from Sangeet Natak Academy, New Delhi.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.keralatourism.org/kerala-article/210/ammannur-chachu-chakyar-smarakagurukulam.php
(en espagnol) Boletin de Centro Regional para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de America
El 23 de febrero último, el Director General del CRESPIAL, Sr. Jaime Urrutia y su equipo, recibieron la visita de la Directora
General de la UNESCO, Sra. Irina Bokova.
Acompañada de la Representante de la Oficina de la UNESCO en Lima (Perú) Sra. Nilda Anglarill y la Representante
Permanente del Perú ante la UNESCO, Dra. Cecilia Bákula, entre otras autoridades, la reunión tuvo lugar en la Sede del
Centro (Cusco, Perú). En ella, se presentó el trabajo desarrollado por el CRESPIAL así como las actividades programadas a
lo largo del 2011.
La Sra. Bokova felicitó al CRESPIAL al ser un Organismo que ha motivado la creación de otros Centros de Categoría 2
destacando, a su vez, la labor que viene realizando.
Plus information en espagnol : http://www.crespial.org/boletin/boletin_5.php
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tour Reveals Layers of Shanghai's Jewish History - SHANGHAI - CHINA
Not far from the Bund district in Shanghai, with its hordes of tourists and view of the city's
famous skyscrapers across the Huangpu River, is a quiet neighborhood called Hongkou.
Walk here along Zhoushan Road and you'll stumble on a sign that signifies an otherwise
unremarkable building at No. 59 as a landmark.
"During the World War II," the sign reads in imperfect English, "a number of Jewish refugees
lived in this house, among whom is Michael Blumenthal, the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury
of the Carter Government."
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45858
Neopat : les nouveaux patrimoines dans la région des Pays de la Loire (France)
Soutenu par un financement de la région des Pays de la Loire, NEOPAT est un projet de recherche pluridisciplinaire qui
inclut l’histoire, l’histoire de l’art, l’archéologie, l’histoire des sciences et des techniques, la géographie physique et
humaine, le droit et la sociologie, et qui saisit à l’échelle régionale le puissant mouvement social et culturel de la demande
en nouveaux patrimoines.
Plus information : http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Actualites/Toutes/Neopat-les-nouveaux-patrimoines-dans-la-regiondes-Pays-de-la-Loire
(en anglais) Madavoor Vasudevan Nair awarded by the Government of India the Padsman Bhushan for
performing Kathakali all his life
Vasudevan Nair had the fortune to play Kathakali in very many places all around India and in foreign countries. These
marvelous performances brought him scores of acclaims and awards including the Thulaseevanam Award, Alappuzha
Kathakali Club Award, Keraleeya Kalakshetra Award, Guru Chengannur Memorial Award, Kerala Kalamandalam Award,
Thapasya Abhinandana Pathram, Sangeetha Nataka Akademi Award and many more. In 2011 the Government of India has
honoured this great artist with the Padma Bhushan, the third highest civilian award in the Republic of India.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.keralatourism.org/kerala-article/210/madavoor-vasudevan-nair.php
(en anglais) L'UNESCO e la tutela del "Feng Mao"
Cecilia Scoppetta, La Sapienza Università di Roma
The paper concerns the issue of conservation of both tangible and intangible heritage. This enlarged point of view become
particularly relevant in not-western cultural contexts, requiring a multidisciplinary approach. The Chinese case study shows
how conservation should be mainly intended as a process of knowledge construction aimed to a collective awareness of the
local identity.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.esempidiarchitettura.it/articoli.php?
Exposition: 'Laboutik Sinoi' - Blue Penny Museum. Port Louis (Mauritius)
L’exposition ‘Maurice en miniature’ à peine achevée, place est donc faite à une autre exposition intitulée ‘Laboutik sinoi’, au
musée Blue Penny Museum.
Le vernissage s’est déroulé mardi soir en présence de nombreux invités dont principalement Bian Yanhua, ambassadrice de
la république de Chine à Maurice et Jean-François Dobelle, ambassadeur de France à Maurice. Avant le vernissage, Melody
Chan a exécuté une danse.
Plus information : http://www.lematinal.com/magazine/10072-Laboutik-Sinoi-sexpose-au-Blue-Penny-Museum.html
25 janvier - 25 avril 2011. Bamako, Mali
Organisateur: Musée national du Mali
Plus info: http://www.africinfo.org/index.asp?navig=evenement&no=24134
Exposition Polonia, des Polonais en France depuis 1830
Organizers: Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.histoire-immigration.fr/2010/8/polonia-des-polonais-en-france-depuis-1830
EXPOSITION : Le hammam ouvre ses portes cachées
22 mars - 10 avril 2011. Fez, Maroc
Organizateurs: Euromed Heritage
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.euromedheritage.net/intern.cfm?lng=fr&menuID=9&submenuID=7&idnews=492
Réunion du réseau régional du Pacifique pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel
29 - 30 mars 2011. Nuku'alofa - Tonga
Organizateurs: Commission nationale du Tonga pour l'UNESCO, l'Intangible Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
(ICHCAP) avec l'appui de l'UNESCO.
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/events/
8e Journée du Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel TRANSMETTRE, OUI, MAIS COMMENT?
29 - 30 mars 2011. PARIS, FRANCE
Organisateur: Maison des Cultures du Monde et la Commission nationale française pour l'UNESCO
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.festivaldelimaginaire.com/programme/8e-journee-du-patrimoine-culturel.html
2 avril 2011 - 2 décembre 2012. Romanèche-Thorins, France
Organisateurs: Musée déparmental du compagnonnage de Romanèche-Thorins
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://arquifranciachile.blogspot.com/2011/03/expo-victor-auclair.html
Journée d'étude - Le patrimoine passe à table. Patrimoine et gastronomie (Université d'Orléans)
5 avril 2011. Orléans - France
Organisateurs: Master 2 Gestion Locale du Patrimoine Culturel de l'université d'Orléans et leur association Speculos
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.speculos-asso.fr/
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.quaibranly.fr/fr/programmation/expositions/prochainement/dogon.html?S=p
EXHIBITION - Paintings and Calligraphy by Zen Master Hakuin - NEW ORLEANS
Organizers: New Orleans Museum of Art
More info: http://www.noma.org/exhibitions.html
Conférence des Donateurs pour la Culture en Haïti - Faire de la Culture un moteur de reconstruction
19 avril 2011. PARIS, FRANCE
Organizateurs: UNESCO - WHC
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/evenements/725/
Actes du 1er Festival des Cultures Immatérielles Méditerranéennes de Nador - Juillet 2007
La publication des actes en est l’un des moyens, que la valeur des contributions suffisait d’ailleurs à
légitimer. La qualité des interventions doit beaucoup à l’expertise du comité scientifique, et aux
synergies vertueuses qu’il a su discrètement construire autour de cet immense patrimoine culturel en
partage, objet de ce Forum. L’Agence de l’Oriental est honorée de s’y associer et de proposer
également leur consultation sur son site.
Par cette édition qui prolonge l’impact de ce premier Festival, l’Agence souhaite donner au Forum
d’Imerqane tout l’écho qu’il mérite en mettant à disposition de tous le savoir ainsi révélé et constitué.
C’est une raison supplémentaire de remercier et d’encourager tous les responsables et les personnes
de bonne volonté qui se sont dévoués pour cette manifestation, afin qu’ils assurent la pérennité du
Festival, de son Forum, et du formidable élan qu’ils ont soulevé.
Laboutik sinoi / La boutique chinois (PHOTOGRAPHIES) Blue Penny Museum exhibition.
Port-Louis, Mauritius - March 2011
Edité par Christian Le Comte, ce bouquin contient une panoplie de jolies photos prises par Béatrice
L’exposition ‘Maurice en miniature’ à peine achevée, place est donc faite à une autre exposition
intitulée ‘Laboutik sinoi’, au musée Blue Penny Museum. Le vernissage s’est déroulé mardi soir en
présence de nombreux invités dont principalement Bian Yanhua, ambassadrice de la république de
Chine à Maurice et Jean-François Dobelle, ambassadeur de France à Maurice. Avant le vernissage,
Melody Chan a exécuté une danse.
(en espagnol) Documental: Enseñando los juegos de los Pueblos Originarios de América
En 2003 la Universidad Nacional del Comahue cumplió 30 años. Como parte de los festejos se
realizaron diferentes actividades a lo largo del año. Invitada a sumarme a los festejos por parte del
Departamento de Deporte dicte dos clases para niños y niñas de 4to grado de escuelas primarias.
Esas clases fueron registradas y de las mismas elabore un documental pedagógico el cual fue editado
en 2010 y enviado al Native Spirit Film and Video Festival of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas
para su proyección como parte de una propuesta de difusión de las culturas de los pueblos originarios
en Europa sobre los cuales aun, en la actualidad, existe un gran desconocimiento sobre su riqueza
Contacto: Mg. Stela Maris Ferrarese Capettini - [email protected]
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Un savoir-faire de bergers
Coordination éditoriale de Michel Meuret
ISBN: 978-2-7592-0860-9
À l'heure où les politiques publiques cherchent à concilier agriculture et protection de la nature, ce
livre vient rappeler que les bergers ont dans les mains une culture technique respectueuse du Vivant.
Richement illustré, il associe différents points de vue : chercheurs, ingénieurs pastoralistes,
gestionnaires d'espaces naturels, enseignants en écoles de bergers. Mais, avant tout, il donne la
parole à des bergers qui ont contribué aux travaux scientifiques ou exprimé les difficultés rencontrées
dans leur métier.
Langues et toponymie
(en anglais) Article: A Culture Written in Stone and Soil - French Polynesia - France
Archaeologists and farmers tell the gritty story of French Polynesia
Walking up the sweltering, steep slopes of Mo‘orea’s gray volcanic peaks, the lumbering banyan
trees, bursts of pink blooms, and iconic views of the South Pacific can mesmerize. But if you
stop to catch your breath and glance down, a whole new set of wonders reveals itself at your
feet. There, at ankle level, meticulously stacked, moss-shrouded stone blocks outline an ancient
way of life on the forest floor.
These are the marae of Mo‘orea, and while now weathered and overgrown, they once were
temples—sometimes covering 4,000 square feet (370 square meters)—where the island’s original settlers, the Maohi, came
to pray to gods, pay respect to chiefs, and meet on tribal matters.
Plus information en anglais : http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/02/110223-biodiversity-cultural-traditionmoorea-archaeology-marae/
Colloque « Le portugais, l'espagnol, le français, langues d'avenir dans l'enseignement supérieur et la
recherche scientifique » - SAO PAULO - BRESIL - 23 MARS 2011
Le 23 mars 2011, l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, organise avec l’appui de ses partenaires un colloque intitulé «
Le portugais, l’espagnol, le français, langues d’avenir dans l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche scientifique » au
Memorial d’Amérique Latine (São Paulo, Brésil), de 8h30 à 16h45.
Plus information : http://www.auf.org/regions/ameriques/actualites/manifestation-antenne-bresil.html?var=lettre_AUF_68
Major Research Project Documents for First Time all Ancient Inscriptions from Jerusalem and Surrounding Area
The first installment of a major international research project gathering all the inscriptions ever found in Israel and the
Palestinian Authority from the period of Alexander the Great (4th century C.E) until Mohammed (beginning of the 7th
century A.D.) has recently appeared. The Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palestine (CIIP), as the collection is called, will
eventually encompass nine volumes, and promises to become one of the most important tools of research into this period.
The first volume of the collection includes more than 700 inscriptions from Jerusalem and surrounding areas up until the
destruction of the Second Temple.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45406
La langue maternelle et les langues-relais - Langue maternelle et langue véhiculaire
Le séminaire couvre le domaine de l’anthropologie linguistique (au sens américain du terme), de l’anthropologie de la
Parole ou de l’énonciation (performance), en particulier dans les arts vivants (performing arts) comme le théâtre,
l'anthropologie cognitive (ethnoscience) et les interfaces de l'anthropologie sociale et culturelle avec la linguistique, la
philosophie, la théorie littéraire, en particulier la narratologie, et la psychanalyse.
Plus information : http://www.archivesaudiovisuelles.fr/EN/_video.asp?id=341&ress=1178&video=86826&format=68
Lingua franca, une langue méditerranéenne
Dans cet entretien, Jocelyne DAKHLIA nous parle de ses recherches sur la langue franque, ou la lingua franca, un sujet
historique qu’elle a considérablement participé à réhabiliter et à faire connaître.
La langue franque, telle qu’elle la définit, renvoie dans l’histoire de la Méditerranée à un mixte de langues ou à un pidgin
qui, entre le XVIe et le XIXe siècle, a servi de vecteur de communication entre musulmans et chrétiens, mais aussi entre
chrétiens. Sur les domaines d’usage de cette langue franque et l’asymétrie caractérisant sa composition linguistique,
l’historienne nous donne d’importantes indications qui témoignent toutes d'une complexité des rapports irréductible à toute
approche simpliste ou manichéenne.
Plus information : http://www.archivesaudiovisuelles.fr/EN/Event.asp?id=1871&url=/1871/home.asp
Biodiversité marine et côtière
TARA OCEANS: Interview de Michael Pitiot, réalisateur et auteur de la série de documentaire,
Le récit d’une longue expédition comme Tara Oceans (2009-2012) est proche de celui d’une saga. Un mode
narratif qu’on appelle « la quête », au cinéma. Un long chemin plein de péripéties qui mène à une vue
d’ensemble ; somme toute assez comparable à la recherche scientifique ! Ce genre de film nécessite une
phase d’initiation où l’on découvre les héros, le bateau, la mer, et bien sûr le premier aspect de la quête.
C’est ce qu’expose le premier film : le monde caché du phytoplancton et du zooplancton. Dans le deuxième
film, on entre dans ce monde et l’on comprend son organisation. Le troisième film explore comment la
biologie est à la source de notre Terre, de sa géologie, de sa chimie… C’est assez bluffant, en réalité, l’histoire monte en
puissance ! Enfin, le dernier film est celui de la révélation, pour reprendre la terminologie du cinéma. C’est celui où l’on
s’interroge sur « l’homme dans tout ça ». Cette quête se déroule sur fond de navigation parfois délicate dans des coins
extraordinaires. On raconte une odyssée !
Plus information : http://oceans.taraexpeditions.org/fr/interview-de-michael-pitiot-realisateur-et-auteur-de-la-serie-dedocumentaire-tara-oceans-le-monde-secret.php?id_page=622
Signature de la convention de partenariat entre la Fondation du Patrimoine et le Conservatoire du littoral
Mardi 29 mars à 8h30, à la Questure de l’Assemblée Nationale de Paris, Frédéric Néraud, directeur général de la Fondation
et Yves Colombet, directeur du Conservatoire, se réunissent pour formaliser leur partenariat à travers la signature d’une
convention-cadre ; en présence de Charles de Croisset, président de la Fondation du Patrimoine, Jérôme Bignon, président
du conseil d’administration du Conservatoire du Littoral et de plusieurs parlementaires.
Plus information : http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-signature-de-convention-cadreentre-la-fondation-du-patrimoine-et-le-conservatoire-du-littoral-199
Lancement du projet européen ACCESS (Arctic Climate Change, Economy and
Society) - UPMC (Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie) - Paris (France)
L’UPMC consacre 3 journées de travail au lancement du projet européen, ACCESS (Arctic
Climate Change, Economy and Society).
Ce projet européen est financé en réponse au premier appel d’offres « L’Océan de demain
» du 7e Programme Cadre de Recherche et Développement. Il a officiellement commencé
le 1er mars 2011 et se terminera le 1er mars 2015. Porté par l’UPMC et impliquant 27
Partenaires de 9 pays européens incluant la Russie, l’objectif principal d’ACCESS consiste à
évaluer les impacts du changement climatique sur le transport maritime (y compris le tourisme), les pêches, les
mammifères marins et l’extraction du gaz et du pétrole dans l’Océan Arctique. ACCESS est aussi très concerné par les
options sur la Gouvernance Arctique et les « policy makers ».
Plus information : http://www.upmc.fr/fr/salle_de_presse/communiques/jc_gascard.html
TARA OCEANS EXPEDITION - Série de 4 documentaires de 52 minutes intitulée "Un monde secret: Dans les
abysses, il existe un monde secret dont le rôle est capital pour la vie sur terre"
Après avoir publié en septembre 2010 « Biodiversité marine, à, l‘aube de l’exploration des mers et des océans… » qui
mentionnait un programme, le Census of marine life visant à recenser la biodiversité marine, une mission scientifique, Tara
Oceans, s’inscrit dans la recherche scientifique planctonique.
L’équipée scientifique, Tara Oceans, qui mène depuis 2009 une expédition sur tous les océans et mers du globe livrera
quelques clichés la richesse de la diversité planctonique à travers quatre documentaires « le monde secret » qui sera
diffusé sur Planète Thalassa les 15, 22, 29 avril et le 6 mai prochain. Quatre diffusions programmées à 20h40.
Plus information : http://oceans.taraexpeditions.org/uploads/press/dp_tara_ocans_bat_-_.pdf
L'Islande doit abandonner la chasse à la baleine
Onze pays se sont associés afin de publier une résolution demandant à l'Islande d'abandonner la chasse
à la baleine commerciale, considérée alors comme cruelle et inutile.
Ils sont onze. Onze pays comme l'Argentine, le Brésil, l'Australie ou les Etats-Unis à avoir signé une
résolution montrant leur opposition à la chasse à la baleine commerciale. Fort de cette résolution, le
Fonds international pour la protection des animaux (IFAW) a alors demandé à l'Islande de stopper cette
chasse aux rorquals, et à rejoindre de ce fait le consensus mondial de protection des baleines.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/baleine/l-039-islande-doit-abandonner-la-chasse-a-la-baleine_art13148.
Le tsunami dans le Pacifique a tué des milliers d’oiseaux marins sur le Midway Atoll National
Wildlife Refuge
Vendredi 11 mars, 4 heures après le terrible séisme survenu au large du Japon, le tsunami a balayé
l’archipel de Midway, en plein Pacifique, au large d’Hawaï, entraînant la mort de milliers d’oiseaux
marins, surpris par le déluge.
Les ornithologues des Refuges nationaux pour la vie sauvage d’Hawaï et des îles du Pacifique ont
constaté les dégâts infligés par le passage du tsunami de vendredi aux colonies d’oiseaux de mer de
l’archipel de Midway, des îles basses situées à 2.000 kilomètres au nord-ouest d’Honolulu. Deux espèces
sont principalement concernées.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/oiseau/le-tsunami-dans-le-pacifique-a-tue-des-milliers-d-oiseaux-marinssur-un-atoll_art13256.html
Les îles Galapagos affectées par le tsunami - Equateur
Le dévastateur tsunami engendré vendredi au Japon par un violent séisme, a sur son chemin frappé les îles Galapagos.
Plusieurs sites touristiques de l'archipel équatorien, dont Charles Darwin avait étudié la biodiversité, ont été endommagés.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/galapagos/les-les-galapagos-affectees-par-le-tsunami_art13200.html
(en anglais) Massive new marine protected area offers oasis and hope for
endagered sharks and sea turtles. Cocos Island (Costa Rica)
Signed by Costa Rican President Laura Chinchilla Miranda in an Executive Decree on
Thursday March 3, the declaration formalizes the creation of the new marine protected area
surrounding Cocos Island National Park to improve the conservation of this unique oceanic
island, conserve an entire marine ecosystem, and protect a group of seamounts (underwater
mountains) southwest of Cocos Island.
"This has been a long journey," added Quesada. "We have worked with a host of national
research, conservation and fisheries organizations to determine the fairest and most environmentally responsible expansion
scenarios. None of this would have been possible without the invaluable scientific and management contributions of the
Cocos National Park Administration, the University of Costa Rica's Center for Marine Investigations, Pretoma, Marviva,
Forever Costa Rica and, above all, the leadership of President Chinchilla, and her ministers."
Plus information en anglais : http://www.conservation.org/newsroom/pressreleases/Pages/New_Cocos
(en anglais) GEO Coastal Zone Community of Practice workshop focuses on the
Caribbean. Puerto Rico (USA) 9-11March 2011
The Third Regional Workshop in the Workshop Series of the GEO Coastal Zone Community of
Practice (CZCP) will focus on the specific needs, challenges and capabilities related to
sustainable tourism in the small island states of the Caribbean. Specific objectives of the
regional workshop will include: using Earth observations to improve sustainability of tourism,
assessing and preparing for climate change and its impact on coastal zones, using observations
to enhance relationships with the environment, and increasing resilience.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/about-us/single-view/news/
Nouveau site web : Chroniques du plancton
La série "Chroniques du Plancton" marie arts et sciences dévoilant la diversité et la beauté
des organismes marins qui dérivent avec les courants.
Le projet est né à l’initiative de Christian Sardet dans le cadre de l’Expédition Tara Océans,
et de l’Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche-sur-Mer (OOV). Initié avec le CNRS
Images (Meudon) et en coopération avec Parafilms (Montréal), le projet a bénéficié du
soutien des Instituts du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), l’Institut
National des Sciences Biologiques (INSB), et l’Institut National de l’Ecologie et de
l’Environnement (INEE), ainsi que des infrastructures, moyens et équipements mis à disposition par l’Université P et M
Curie (UPMC) et le Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique (GIS) : Infrastructures en Biologie, Santé et Agronomie (IBISA).
Plus information : http://www.planktonchronicles.org/fr
Une gestion unifiée pour la flotte océanographique française
Le CNRS, l’Ifremer, l’Institut Paul Emile Victor (IPEV), et l’Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD) ont mis en
place une entité de gestion unique pour la Flotte Océanographique Française, l’Unité mixte de service "Flotte
océanographique française". Cette unité, créée pour une durée initiale de 4 ans, gérera le budget de fonctionnement et
d’investissement de la Flotte, dont le montant moyen annuel dépasse les 60 Millions d’euros.
Plus information : http://www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/cid55204/une-gestion-unifiee-pour-la-flotteoceanographique-francaise.html
En Atlantique Nord, les courants océaniques jouent un rôle plus important que prévu dans l'absorption du
L'océan piège le carbone grâce à deux mécanismes majeurs : une voie biologique et une seconde liée aux courants
océaniques. Des chercheurs du CNRS associés à l'IRD, au Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, à l'UPMC et à l'UBO(1)
viennent de quantifier le rôle de ces deux pompes dans une région de l'Atlantique Nord. Contrairement à leurs attentes, la
pompe physique y serait en moyenne près de 100 fois plus importante que la voie biologique. En enfouissant les masses
d'eau refroidies et enrichies en carbone, la circulation océanique joue donc, dans l'Atlantique Nord, un rôle crucial dans la
séquestration en profondeur du carbone. Ces résultats sont publiés dans la revue Journal of Geophysical Research.
Plus information : http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/a3717,atlantique-nord-courants-oceaniques-jouent-role-plus-important-queprevu-absorption-carbone.html
Les tortues sont les animaux les plus menacés d'extinction
A l’instar des tigres et des pandas, les tortues sont elles aussi menacées d’extinction. Sur les 328
espèces connues, la moitié est en grand danger, indique un rapport de l’IUCN (Union internationale pour
la conservation de la nature).
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/tortue/les-tortues-sont-les-animaux-les-plus-menacesd-039-extinction_art12861.html
(en anglais) Smithsonian Institution Galaxy of extinct animals
The thousands of images on this site represent only a small portion of the more than 1.5 million
printed books and manuscripts in the collections of Smithsonian Institution Libraries.
The images available on this site represent a broad cross-section of the Libraries' collections.
Additional images and collections are added regularly.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.sil.si.edu/imagegalaxy/imageGalaxy_collResult.cfm?
Gardez intacts les lagons de Nouvelle-Calédonie (France)
Une mission de suivi dont l’UICN est le chef de file visitera les lagons de Nouvelle Calédonie, dans l’archipel français du
Pacifique, pour examiner la gestion du site, évaluer l’impact des activités minières dans la zone tampon et définir des zones
de pêche interdite.
More information: http://www.iucn.org/knowledge/news/?7034/Keep-the-Lagoons-of-New-Caledonia-Intact(en anglais) UNESCO Venice Office and ISMAR (Istituto di Scienze Marine) - CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle
Ricerche) organizes the workshop to discuss the issues on climate change of northern Adriatic Sea and Venice
Lagoon. Venice, Italy
Discussions evaluated the effects of: long term sea level rise in the world ocenas; regional differences in the Mediterranean
and the Adriatic Sea; downscaling climate change studies: from global to local scales; measurements of changing sea level
in Venice; impacts and effects of changing sea level rise for the City of Venice and its Lagoon. The feasible guidelines
identified during this workshop will be integrated into the planned International Conference on "The Future of Venice and its
Lagoon in the context of Global Change" to be held in 2011.
Plus information en anglais : http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001911/191168E.pdf
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(en anglais) Restoring an altered Eden - A UCSC (University of California at Santa Cruz) professor
fosters a happy marriage between academic rigor and on-the-ground conservation to protect and
renew an estuarine gem
As Kerstin Wasson stands at the edge of the rising tide lapping gradually higher, her slight frame bubbles
with enthusiasm and guarded optimism for the sprawling salt marsh around her. "It sends shivers up my
spine sometimes as I'm walking around these mudflats on Elkhorn Slough holding an oyster in my hands,"
says Wasson, an adjunct professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at UC Santa Cruz. "There have been
humans standing in these places holding oysters in their hands for 7,000 to 8,000 years."
It's true. Wasson and her colleagues know that, millennia ago, Native Americans feasted on the petite Olympia oyster from
Elkhorn Slough. The former human residents' trash piles, known as middens to archeologists, are still around today, replete
with bits of the faded half dollar-sized shells.
Plus information en anglais : http://news.ucsc.edu/2010/10/review-fall-2010-eden.html
La candidature au label Grand Site de France R du Grand Site des Deux-Caps. Pas de Calais (France)
Le Site des Deux-caps est un site emblématique du département. Il a été le premier en France à être classé Grand Site
National (on en compte aujourd’hui 32). "Incontestablement une reconnaissance de la valeur de cet ensemble paysager
que des centaines de visiteurs apprécient chaque année" précise Dominique Dupilet, président du Conseil général du Pasde-Calais. Depuis une décennie, l’Opération Grand Site portée par le Département donne un nouveau visage à ce
patrimoine exceptionnel : "On le protège, on le met en valeur, on l’embellit, on le rend parfois à la nature…" L’OGS
rassemble l’ensemble des acteurs publics du Site des Deux-Caps qui constitue aujourd’hui un linéaire côtier de 23
kilomètres, regroupe huit communes et quatre intercommunalités, comprend 7 000 hectares en site classé et inscrit et trois
sites "Natura 2000".
Plus information : http://www.les2caps.fr/Actualites/La-candidature-au-label-Grand-Site-de-France-R-du-Grand-Site-desDeux-Caps
(en anglais) STUDY TOUR 21-26 FEBRUARY 2011 - Montenegrin stakeholders benefit
from knowledge-sharing during study tour to World Heritage sites and Biosphere
Reserves in Italy and Austria
The study tour from 21 to 26 February 2011 was organized by UNESCO Venice Office in the
framework of the UN Joint Programme “Improving the business environment through green jobs
and institution building” and brought together five participants from the Public Enterprise for the
National Parks and the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/en/venice/dynamic-content-single-view/news/
Corail : les récifs pourraient totalement disparaître d'ici 30 ans
Un rapport publié par le centre de réflexion World Resources Institute dresse un constat alarmant quant à l'état de santé
des récifs coralliens à travers le monde. Le document réunit plusieurs études menées sur ce sujet, et prévient que les
coraux pourraient totalement disparaître des fonds marins d'ici les trente prochaines années, si rien n'est entrepris pour les
protéger de l'extinction qui les menace.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/corail/corail-les-recifs-pourraient-totalement-dispara-tre-d-039-ici-30ans_art12747.html
Création du parc marin international des Bouches de Bonifacio (France-Italie)
L'Office de l'Environnement de la Corse conduit le projet de Parc Marin International Corso-Sarde, qui comprendra la
Réserve Naturelle des Bouches de Bonifacio, la réserve naturelle des "Tre Padule de Suartone", les terrains du
Conservatoire du Littoral et le Parc National de l'archipel de la Maddalena.
Astragale de BonifacioLa Réserve Naturelle des Bouches de Bonifacio créée sur initiative du ministère de l’environnement et
de la collectivité territoriale de Corse, vise à préserver et valoriser le patrimoine naturel de ce détroit et prolonge le
programme d’acquisitions foncières engagé par le conservatoire du littoral et le département de Corse du Sud.
Plus information : http://www.parcmarin.com/parc.php?p=pre_fr
Cartographie des champs d’algues du Parc naturel marin d’Iroise (France)
Campagne HALAMACOU, du 1er au 15 septembre 2010
HALAMACOU, campagne coordonnée par l’Ifremer, débutera le 1er septembre 2010. Elle répond à la demande du Parc
naturel marin d’Iroise, financeur de l’opération, de cartographier l’habitat des grandes algues en mer d’Iroise, afin de
développer les connaissances sur les ressources marines et assurer leur bonne gestion. Cette cartographie se décompose
en plusieurs étapes : des survols aériens LIDAR réalisés avec le SHOM et des levés par les navires océanographiques,
Haliotis et Thalia, avec l’Ifremer. Ces données permettront d’établir une carte prédictive du champ d’algues molénais et des
abords d’Ouessant, qui fera ensuite l’objet de « vérification terrains » des fonds par des équipes du Parc et de l’Ifremer.
Plus information : http://www.parc-marin-iroise.gouv.fr/medias/documents/www/contenu/pdf/10_09_CP_Halamacou.pdf
Parc Naturel Marin d'Iroise (France) 1ere Newsletter
Le plan de gestion définit nos grands objectifs de gestion pour la mer d’Iroise.
Pour les atteindre, nous menons de nombreuses actions comme le marquage des bars qui permettra de mieux connaître
cette espèce prisée des pêcheurs professionnels et amateurs. Ces derniers ont participé à des enquêtes sur la pêche de
loisir. En hiver, les surfeurs sont sur les vagues et suivent la qualité de l’eau. C’est aussi la saison de la migration des
oiseaux. Autant de sujets au sommaire de ce premier numéro de la lettre d’information du Parc.
Plus information : http://www.parc-marin-iroise.gouv.fr/medias/documents/www/contenu/lettre_info/Lettre_info_Iroise_1.
Nomination d'un nouveau Directeur général adjoint de l'UICN
Dr Poul Engberg-Pedersen a été nommé Directeur général adjoint de l'UICN à compter du 16 mai 2011.
Entre 2005 et 2010, Poul Engberg-Pedersen a dirigé la Norad, l'Agence Norvégienne de Coopération pour le
Développement, dépendante du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. Il a conduit le processus de transition de
la Norad d'une agence exécutante à un centre de connaissances sur les politiques d'appui du programme
ambitieux de la coopération au développement de la Norvège, qui comprend notamment diverses
initiatives mondiales sur la biodiversité, les forêts tropicales, le changement climatique et l’énergie propre.
Plus information : http://www.iucn.org/about/union/members/?7011/2/Nomination-dun-nouveauDirecteur-general-adjoint-de-lUICN
TARA OCEANS: Reportage au coeur du Genoscope : L'ADN et l'ARN du plancton sont
décryptés dans ce laboratoire
Vingt-cinq machines ronronnent. Des laborantins s’affairent autour d’un carton d’où s’échappe
une épaisse buée de froid. Ils en extirpent délicatement des boîtes transparentes congelées.
Nous sommes au Genoscope, la plateforme française de séquençage, nouvellement intégrée au
CEA et installée à une trentaine de kilomètres de Paris à Evry.
Plus information : http://oceans.taraexpeditions.org/en/the-genoscope-opens-its-doors.php?
Création du parc naturel marin de la Cote Vermeille (France)
Le projet de parc naturel marin a été soumis à enquête publique du 17 aout au 21 septembre dernier dans les 12
communes littorales de Leucate à Cerbère.
Cette enquête publique concernait le périmètre, les champs d’action et le pilotage du futur parc.
A son issue et à partir des observations et avis qui ont été émis, la commission d'enquête a rendu un avis favorable à ce
Plus information : http://www.mission-cote-vermeille.parc-naturel-marin.fr/
Création du parc naturel marin des estuaires picards (France)
La seconde réunion d’instance de concertation pour l’étude d’un parc naturel marin à l’ouvert des 3 estuaires de la Canche,
de l’Authie et de la Somme a réuni plus de 200 participants à Etaples sur mer le 17 janvier 2011.
Objectif : présenter la synthèse des travaux des cinq groupes thématiques animés depuis un an par la mission d’étude pour
la création d’un parc naturel marin. Ces travaux ont permis de dégager cinq hypothèses présentant des variantes qui
portent sur la définition du périmètre, des orientations de gestion et de la composition du conseil de gestion.
Plus information : http://www.aires-marines.fr/projet-parc-estuaires-picards-hypotheses.html
Arctic Sanctuary: Images of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge at the Bruce Museum - Greenwich
5 March - 29 May 2011. Connecticut, U.S.A.
Organizers: Bruce Museum in Greenwich
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://brucemuseum.org/site/exhibitions_detail/arctic_sanctuary_images_of_the_arctic_national_wildlife_refuge/
EXHIBITION on Mark Dion's Complete South Florida Wildlife Rescue Unit
11 March - 28 August 2011. Florida, USA
Organizers: Miami Art Museum - Miami
Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
More info: http://www.miamiartmuseum.org/exhibition_Mark%20Dion.asp
Colloque scientifique international sur le climat océanique et écosystèmes marins dans le Pacifique occidental
28 - 31 Mars 2011. Busan, République de Corée
Organizateurs: IOC/WESTPAC
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.kocean.or.kr/westpac_symposium/
TALKING CLAMS - Campagne d’océanographie biologique. Adventfjorden (Longyearbyen, Svalbard) en Norvège
28 mars - 1 avril 2011. Adventfjorden, Norvège
Organizateurs: La campagne TALKING CLAMS est financée par le projet MolluSCAN Eye et la compagnie Statoil au travers
du programme de recherche en Arctique Statoil-ARCTOS.
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/co/talking-clams
29 - 30 MARS 2011. NANTES, FRANCE
Organizateurs: Atelier technique des espaces naturels
Plus info: http://forumdesgestionnaires.espaces-naturels.fr/
International Symposium on "The future of the 21st century ocean - Marine Sciences and European Research
28 Juin - 1 July 2011. Brest, France
Organizers: Europôle Mer
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.europolemer.eu/en/infrastructures
Campagne océanographique - KEOPS2 - EST DES ILES
Organizateurs: Université Pierre et Marie Curie, L'Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU)
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/co/expeditions-et-campagnes/keops2
International Conference : "I Know Where I'm Going"; Remote Access to World Heritage Sites from St Kilda to
23 - 24 November 2011. Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Organizers: UNESCO
Deadline for application: 3 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://inspace.mediascot.org/beholder/iknowwhereimgoing
Sustainable development of the world's large marine ecosystems during climate change
A commemorative volume to advance sustainable development on the occasion of the presentation of
the 2010 Göteborg Award.
This publication was made possible through support provided by the International Union
for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP), the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and the US DOC National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
ISBN 978-2-8317-1321-2
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reefs at Risk Revisited
Lauretta Burke, Katie Reytar, Mark Spalding, and Allison Perry
This report provides a detailed assessment of the status of and threats to the world’s coral reefs. It
evaluates threats to coral reefs from a wide range of human activities, and includes an assessment of
climate-related threats to reefs. It also contains a global assessment of the vulnerability of nations
and territories to coral reef degradation.
Patrimoine cultural maritime et militaire/défensif
New Owner Sought for Historic Warship in Philly - Philadelphia - Pennsylvania - U.S.A.
The USS Olympia, a one-of-a-kind steel cruiser from the Spanish-American War, needs $2 million to $5 million in
immediate repairs to stabilize it and an additional $10 million to $20 million for dry dock and restoration. The
Independence Seaport Museum says it's looking for someone to take ownership of the National Historic Landmark.
The museum posted a transfer application Monday on its website. It's looking for a state, city or charitable organization
that will assume ownership of the Olympia. Individuals and for-profit groups are not eligible to apply.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45555
(en anglais) Ceremony to Launch the Opening of the Restored World War II Guns on Robben Island - South
On Friday 4th March 2011, Robben Island Museum together with the Department of Public Works, the Department of Arts
and Culture, the SA Navy, MLB Architects and ARMSCOR Dockyard will be celebrating the opening of the restored guns of
the De Waal Battery on Robben Island. The No. 3 gun is almost completely fully restored and is arguably the most
complete of its type in the world today.
The first of the 9.2” guns was installed in November 1940 as a deterrent to surface raiders that intended attacking Allied
shipping in Table Bay, or indeed the City of Cape Town and its harbour. During WWII South African ports were of strategic
importance for Allied shipping en route to North Africa or the East. It was therefore of great importance to protect these
ports. Of the twelve 9.2” guns that were installed to defend South Africa’s coast and ports, three were installed on Robben
Plus information en anglais : http://www.robben-island.org.za/index.php?
Le tsunami épargne la faune des Galápagos mais détruit le laboratoire marin
Des dégâts mineurs ont été signalés sur le site du patrimoine mondial des Iles Galápagos suite au séisme et au tsunami qui
ont frappé les côtes du Japon le 11 mars dernier. Le tsunami est survenu à marée haute et s'est manifesté sous forme
d'une houle dépassant de 1.7m le niveau normal de la mer et inondant les bâtiments le long de la côte. Les habitants des
Galápagos avaient été alertés et s'étaient réfugiés dans les hauteurs. Aucun blessé n'est à déplorer.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/actualites/725/
Sword Bought in Time for Battle Anniversary - Royal Marines Museum - Portsmouth - United Kingdom
The Royal Marines Museum in Portsmouth has acquired an important presentation sword 200 years after the Battle it
commemorates. The steel sword was presented to Captain Robert Torrens following the Battle for Anholt on 27 March
1811. Thanks to a major grant from the Art Fund, the rare item was bought at auction and has gone on display in time for
the Battle’s 200th anniversary.
The sword was bought at auction for £27,170, of which the Art Fund, the national fundraising charity for works of art,
contributed £25,170. It has gone on display with two other presentation swords awarded for the Battle for Anholt.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45962
Neopat : les nouveaux patrimoines dans la région des Pays de la Loire (France)
Soutenu par un financement de la région des Pays de la Loire, NEOPAT est un projet de recherche pluridisciplinaire qui
inclut l’histoire, l’histoire de l’art, l’archéologie, l’histoire des sciences et des techniques, la géographie physique et
humaine, le droit et la sociologie, et qui saisit à l’échelle régionale le puissant mouvement social et culturel de la demande
en nouveaux patrimoines.
Plus information : http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Actualites/Toutes/Neopat-les-nouveaux-patrimoines-dans-la-regiondes-Pays-de-la-Loire
Nouveau site web du Havre - Patrimoine d'exception. Le Havre (France)
La ville du Havre, au bord de la Manche en Normandie, a été lourdement bombardée pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
La zone détruite a été reconstruite entre 1945 et 1964 d’après le plan d’une équipe dirigée par Auguste Perret. Le site
forme le centre administratif, commercial et culturel du Havre. Parmi les nombreuses villes reconstruites, Le Havre est
exceptionnel pour son unité et son intégrité, associant un reflet du schéma antérieur de la ville et de ses structures
historiques encore existantes aux idées nouvelles en matière d’urbanisme et de technologie de construction. Il s’agit d’un
exemple remarquable de l’architecture et l’urbanisme de l’après-guerre, fondé sur l’unité de méthodologie et le recours à la
préfabrication, l’utilisation systématique d’une trame modulaire, et l’exploitation novatrice du potentiel du béton.
Plus information : http://lehavre.fr/rubrique/patrimoine-dexception
Organizateurs: MUSEE DE L'ARMEE
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.invalides.org/pages/program.html and http://www.invalides.org/pages/dp/EDD_20.pdf
2nd International Fair of Conservation, Restoration, Restoration of Castles and Historic Buildings - SREMSKA
1 - 3 June 2011. MITROVICA, SERBIA
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
More info: http://www.kulturniforum.com/en/?p=31
Call for papers - Vauban's influence throughout the world
Organizers: Réseau des sites majeurs de Vauban
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.sites-vauban.org/Appel-a-communication-L-influence,612
Islands as crossroads: sustainable cultural diversity in small island developing states
Author: Curtis, Tim
ISBN ISSN: 978-92-3-104181-5
The very notion of a ‘small island’ usually triggers several associations in the minds of continental
dwellers. Remote, isolated, insular, even paradisiacal, are some of the more common imaginings
about islands. Yet small island states and their populations are far from isolated or culturally
homogenous. On the contrary, islands have long been places where peoples of different cultures have
encountered each other and lived in close proximity. Islands are better understood as dynamic
centres of cultural interaction – as ‘crossroads of cultures’.
This book brings together scholars of various disciplines from the three main island regions of the
world – the Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean – to explore the ways in which the peoples of small islands have
lived, and continue to live, in their culturally diverse societies. Leading anthropologists, historians, economists,
archaeologists and others unpack the complexity and dynamics of societies in small island developing states. It reflects the
outcomes of a UNESCO symposium held in the Seychelles in 2007.
Patrimoine moderne et contemporain
Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts / Allied Works Architecture - 2008 Dallas - Texas - U.S.A.
Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts is a building that supports the production of young
artists. Where the school excels in the academic preparation of its students, it aspires to forge rigorous, creative thinkers
and makers in spaces that inspire ideas and provoke experimentation and production. The 200,000 sqf expansion to the
Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, designed by Allied Works Architecture, includes areas
for the core programs of music, dance, theater, and visual arts, as well as spaces for assembly and traditional academic
instruction. The expansion is organized as simple loft spaces of concrete, brick and glass that rotate around and extend
outward from an open-air central amphitheater, known to students as the ‘Green Room’. The program clusters are
contained in distinct volumes that provide individual identity yet overlap adjacent disciplines in plan and section.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/117149/booker-t-washington-high-school-for-the-performing-and-visual-artsallied-works-architecture/
Arizona State University Walter Cronkite School of Journalism & Mass Communication / Ehrlich Architects Phoenix - Arizona - United States of America
Located in downtown Phoenix, the new six-story, 225,000 sqf, 110-foot tall, LEED Silver building has become an integral
part of the fabric of ASU’s energizing downtown campus and a harbinger of Phoenix’s redevelopment. Delivered in a designbuild, fast-track method, work began on design in October 2006 and the school opened its doors in August 2008, 22
months later. School schedules and budgets were both met.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/115170/arizona-state-university-walter-cronkite-school-of-journalism-masscommunication-ehrlich-architects/
AD Classics: Miller House and Garden / Eero Saarinen -1957 - Columbus - Indiana - U.S.A.
Completed in 1957 for industrialist and philanthropist J. Irwin Miller and his family in Columbus, Indiana, the Miller House
and Garden embodies midcentury Modernism in it’s fullest. Architect Eero Saarinen‘s steel and glass composition has held
together very well, proving the quality and use of materials to be worthy of time.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/116596/ad-classics-miller-house-and-garden-eero-saarinen/
AD Classics: Santa Maria Church de Canaveses / Alvaro Siza - 1996 - MARCO DE CANAVESES - PORTUGAL
As is true with most old churches in Portugal, retaining walls, flights of stairs and large forecourts are designed around a
building to help maintain it’s distance from its surroundings. This general strategy is at play in Santa Maria Church in Marco
de Canaveses, where Alvaro Siza makes use of the sloping site and lifting the building on a 4m high plateau.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/112535/ad-classics-santa-maria-church-de-canaveses-alvaro-siza/
AD Classics: MIT (Massachussetts Institute of Technology) Chapel / Eero Saarinen - 1955 - Cambridge Massachussetts - USA
Eero Saarinen is one of the most respected architects of the 20th Century, often regarded as a master of his craft. Known
for his dynamic and fluid forms, his design for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s chapel takes on a different
typology than his previous works. Completed in 1955, the MIT Chapel is a simple cylindrical volume that has a complex and
mystical quality within. Saarinen’s simple design is overshadowed by the interior form and light that were meant to awaken
spirituality in the visitor.
The non-denominational chapel is intended to be more than just a religious building, rather it’s meant to be a place of
solitude and escape that induces a process of reflections. Located at the heart of MITs campus, the chapel’s cylindrical form
breaks the rigidity of the campus’s orthogonal grid.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/112682/ad-classics-mit-chapel-eero-saarinen/
AD Classics: Unity Temple / Frank Lloyd Wright - Oak Park - Illinois - United States of America
Before the Robie House, Fallingwater, and the Guggenheim, Frank Lloyd Wright’s career was just beginning to take off in
Oak Park, Illinois. One of the most significant projects from his early career is Unity Temple near his home and studio in
Oak Park. Completed in 1908, Unity Temple was a replacement church for Unitarian Universalist Church that had burned
down in 1905. The church is poised as an important work for the Modernist movement in the early 20th Century, but it was
also the foundation from which the Prairie School would originate into Wright’s architectural language.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/112683/ad-classics-unity-temple-frank-lloyd-wright-3/
AD Classics: Wingspread / Frank Lloyd Wright - Wingspread - Wisconsin - USA
One of the many houses designed by architect Frank Lloyd Wright, the Wingspread also known as the Herbert F. Johnson
House represents many of the key themes found in all architecture of Wright.
Designed for Herbert Johnson of the Johnson Wax Company, the house was built only a year before their renown corporate
headquarters in Racine.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/115102/ad-classics-wingspread-frank-lloyd-wright/
AD Classics: Yoyogi National Gymnasium / Kenzo Tange - 1961-1964 - TOKYO - JAPAN
Built for the 1964 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan, the Yoyogi National Gymnasium has become an architectural
icon for its distinctive design. Designed by one of Japan’s most famous modernist architects, Kenzo Tange, the gymnasium
is a hybridization of western modernist aesthetics and traditional Japanese architecture.
Tange’s innovative structural design creates dramatic sweeping curves that appear to effortlessly drape from two large,
central supporting cables. It’s dynamically suspended roof and rough materials form one of the most iconic building profiles
in the world.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/109138/ad-classics-yoyogi-national-gymnasium-kenzo-tange/
Chicago Children's Museum / Krueck & Sexton Architects - CHICAGO - ILLINOIS - USA
Chicago Children’s Museum’s mission is to create a community where play and learning connect. The museum’s primary
audiences are children up through fifth grade including their families, along with school and community groups that support
and influence children’s growth and development. In its current location at Navy Pier, the Museum lacks meaningful
connections to the outdoors and is challenged with the heavyly commercial environment of what has become Illinois’ most
popular tourist attraction.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/113130/chicago-children’s-museum-krueck-sexton-architects/
AD Classics: The Brooklyn Bridge / John Roebling 1867-1883. New York, NY (USA)
Due to the East River, which is not technically a river at all but an exceedingly turbulent tidal strait, New York City and
Brooklyn spent much of the 19th century as separate cities—New York being the 1st largest and Brooklyn the 3rd largest
but the fastest growing. Prior to 1883 the only connection between these two large cities was a system of inefficient,
overcrowded, unsafe, and unreliable ferries. Something needed to be done, and serious talk about bridging the two cities
goes as far back as 1800. No politician or businessman could resist dreaming about uniting the two cities. The Times
reported the bridge would be like a long-needed pressure valve for New York to alleviate overcrowding and crime. For
Brooklyn it would increase its importance, property value and give the people commuting to New York a safe, reliable
alternative to the ferries.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/120412/ad-classics-the-brooklyn-bridge-john-roebling/#more-120412
AD Classics: Sendai Mediatheque / Toyo Ito - 2001 - Sendai-shi - Japan
With the intentions of designing a transparent cultural media center that is supported by a unique
system to allow complete visibility and transparency to the surrounding community, the Sendai
Mediatheque by Toyo Ito is revolutionary in it’s engineering and aesthetic.
Six steel-ribbed slabs slabs, each 15-3/4? thick, appear to float from the street, supported by only
thirteen vertical steel lattice columns that stretch from ground plane to the roof. This striking visual
quality that is one of the most identifiable characteristics of the project is comprable to large trees
in a forest, and function as light shafts as well as storage for all of the utilities, networks and
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/118627/ad-classics-sendai-mediatheque-toyo-ito/
AD Classics: Chapel of St. Ignatius / Steven Holl Architects - 1997- Seattle - Washington State - U.S.A.
The Chapel of St. Ignatius, designed by Steven Holl Architects, is a Jesuit chapel for Seattle University. A series of light
volume corresponds to a part of Jesuit Catholic worship service, such as the south facing light corresponds to the
procession, a fundamental part of the mass.
The chapel is sited to form a new campus quadrangle green space to the north, the west, and in the future, to the east.
The elongated rectangular plan is especially suited to defining campus space as well as the processional and gathering
space within. Directly to the south of the chapel is a reflecting pond.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/115855/ad-classics-chapel-of-st-ignatius-steven-holl-architects/
AD Classics: Boston City Hall / Kallmann, McKinnell, & Knowles - 1968 - Boston - Massachussetts - U.S.A
As part of an international competition to design Boston’s City Hall in 1962, three Columbia University professors,
Kallmann, McKinnell & Knowles, diverted from the typical sleek, glass and steel structures that were being requested by
popular demand. Rather than basing their design on the material aesthetics, their goal was to accentuate the governmental
buildings connection to the public realm.
Completed in 1968, the Brutalist style city hall bridges the public and private sectors of government through a gradient of
reveal and exposure that allows the public to become integrated, either physically or visually, into the daily affairs of the
governmental process.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/117442/ad-classics-boston-city-hall-kallmann-mckinnell-knowles/
TWA Terminal to transform into a Boutique Hotel - Eero Saarinen - NEW YORK - NY - USA
Eero Saarinen’s decommissioned TWA Terminal has been slated for conversion into a boutique hotel. It seems as though
the Port Authority’s plan is to use the landmark terminal as the gateway to a separate hotel building that will be squeezed
into the crescent of space between Saarinen’s building and JetBlue’s Terminal 5. Along with this proposal, some might think
that creating a boutique out of a classic could contradict what Saarinen had in mind. Many design challenges can arise from
a simple, yet complex transformation.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/110816/twa-terminal-to-transform-into-a-boutique-hotel/
AD Classics: IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) Building / Mies van der Rohe 1973 - Chicago - Illinois - U.S.A.
Completed four years after architect Mies van der Rohe‘s passing, the IBM Building became one of the
cities most prestigious addresses. A pure symbol of the architecture of the time, the almost 700 foot tall
rectangle sits on a raised plinth that helps it to maintain a uniform height given the unevenness of the
site; State Street to the structure’s west inclines steeply.
As architecture, the IBM Building, along with many others designed by Mies van der Rohe, becomes
synonymous with corporate power. Black anodized aluminum and gray-tinted glass are used together to
create a uniform skin that gives the appearance of a single imposing and impressive volume. It’s strength and clarity of
form are distinguishable and appreciated along the Chicago skyline, a tribute to the lifelong study of structural expression,
organizational scale, material simplicity, proportion, and constructive detail.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/117921/ad-classics-ibm-building-mies-van-der-rohe/
Historic New England Protects Important Privately Owned Modern Property - Lincoln - Massachussetts - U.S.A.
The Flansburgh House in Lincoln, Massachusetts, is the latest privately owned historic property protected through a
preservation easement held by Historic New England and is now the second Modern house to enter its nationally recognized
Stewardship Program.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45545
Signature de convention à la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, pour la restauration du Grand Salon de
la Maison des Etudiants de l'Asie du Sud-Est
Grâce au mécénat de la Fondation Total, la Fondation du Patrimoine va apporter un soutien de 200 000 (soit 22% du
montant global des travaux s’élevant à 900 000 euros), à la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, pour la restauration
du Grand Salon de la Maison des Etudiants de l’Asie du Sud-Est.
La signature de la convention de mécénat aura lieu mardi 15 mars 2011, à 18h00, dans le Grand Salon de la Maison des
Etudiants de l’Asie du Sud-Est, en présence des représentants de la Fondation du Patrimoine, de la Fondation Total et de la
Cité internationale universitaire de Paris.
Plus information : http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-signature-de-convention-a-la-citeinternationale-universitaire-de-paris-pour-la-restauration-du-grand-salon-de-la-maison-des-etudiants-de-l-asie-du-sud-est209
(en anglais) Save Le Corbusier's Chandigarh (India) - PETITION
The Indian city of Chandigarh is one of the world’s greatest architectural treasures.
Described by its architect Le Corbusier as “my crowning work”, it is an exceptionally
ambitious and successful experiment in urban planning that has enriched the lives of the
many people who have lived and worked there.
If the plundering of Chandigarh continues, Le Corbusier’s vision of the city will be destroyed.
This article in The Guardian newspaper explains the gravity of the situation.
A group of local architects and art historians led by Manmohan Nath Sharma, who was Le
Corbusier’s first assistant and later chief architect of Chandigarh, is campaigning to preserve the city’s architectural
integrity. You can help their campaign by signing this petition to urge the Indian government.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.gopetition.com/petition/43893.html
(en anglais) Old Tannery School / Tonkin Zulaikha Greer Architects & Greer Hindmarsh Architects. Waterloo,
New South Wales, (Australia)
The Old Tannery, a stout brick factory-style edifice built for the training of tanners in the 1930s, enjoys no official heritage
status. However, our clients viewed it differently. Kane Construction, a building company that pursues unusual and
inventive building projects, wanted their Sydney office building to reflect this interest.
The main original building is two-storeyed, with robust ironbark trabiated structure, exposed bearers, joists and timber
cross bracing, and handsome oregon trusses. Next to this were a few ad hoc buildings of lesser quality, with single brick
skin in very poor condition.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archdaily.com/112592/old-tannery-school-tonkin-zulaikha-greer-architects-greerhindmarsh-architects
(en anglais) St. Mary Cathedral / Kenzo Tange - 1963-1964 - Tokyo - Japan
There are some buildings that do not belong to any time or age. The Saint Mary Cathedral of
Tokyo by Kenzo Tange is definitely one of these. Of course materials and technologies make it
recognizable as a project of the 20th century, but we could easily say that this project has been
built yesterday the same as 50 years ago. It’s not usual, in terms of the quality of architecture.
And it is not the only quality of this project.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archdaily.com/114435/ad-classics-st-mary-cathedralkenzo-tange/
AD Classics: Educatorium / OMA - Rem Koolhaas - 1997 - Utrecht - The Netherlands
Completed in 1997, the Educatorium in Utrecht, Netherlands was OMAs and Rem Koolhaas’ first university project. Part of a
larger masterplan for the campus of De Uithof for Utrecht University to create a more westernized version of a college
campus, the Educatorium was designed to be the new center of campus, not only geographically but socially as well.
Understood to be the encapsulation of the entire university experience in one building, Koolhaas and his team at OMA
conceptualized the Educatorium as a factory for learning in both the traditional formalistic approach as well as the informal
student to student exchange. The Educatorium was designed specifically so that the processes of socialization, learning,
and examination would be entangled within one another blurring the boundaries between lounges, classrooms, and
corridors such that there is a constant redefinition of what it means to learn in a social environment.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/119580/ad-classics-educatorium-oma/
Artscience Museum In Singapore / Safdie Architects - 2011 - Singapore
The design of the Museum is composed of two principle parts. The base, which is embedded in the
earth and surrounded by the Bay’s water and a giant lily pond, and a flower-like structure made of
10 petals, generated by the geometry of spheroids of varying radii that seemingly floats above the
landscaped pond base. The petals, or fingers as some refer to them, rise towards the sky with
varying heights, each crowned by a skylight which draws in daylight penetrating the base and
illuminating the galleries within.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/119076/artscience-museum-in-singapore-safdiearchitects/#more-119076
AD Classics: United Nations / Wallace K. Harrison - 1952 - New York - New York
State- USA
Two years after the largest international peacekeeping organization was founded, the United
Nations began searching for the location of their world headquarters. After numerous offers
from cities around North America, the United Nations settled on a 17 acre plot of land on the
banks of the East River in New York City after John D. Rockefeller donated the land. With the
effects of World War II still looming throughout the world, the United Nations decided to
invited prominent architects from the founding nations to work in collaborative, peaceful
manner rather than holding a competition. In 1947, the UN commissioned Wallace K. Harrison to lead the international
design team to create their new world headquarters to be a symbol of the bright, peaceful future ahead that did not dwell
upon the past.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/119581/ad-classics-united-nations-wallace-k-harrison/
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------St. Joseph's Media / Teeple Architects - 2004 - Toronto - Ontario - Canada
This design for a large media company brings several previously dispersed publications together in a
consolidated location on Queen Street East in Toronto. The site is unusual in that it includes the third and
fourth levels of adjoining 19th-century warehouse buildings. The introduction of a sky lit interior street
unifies the space and the company identity, bringing together over 250 employees of 12 popular
Canadian magazines (including Toronto Life and Saturday Night).
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/116537/st-joseph’s-media-teeple-architects/
Wieden+Kennedy Headquarters / Allied Works Architecture - Portland - Oregon - U.S.
The site for this project was within an abandoned warehouse that fills a city block. This allowed
the Wieden+Kennedy advertising agency to occupy a single building for the first time in many
years. The original 1908 building formed a solid, five-story masonry mass with little light – a
perforated box filled with a gridwork of heavy timber and quartered by cruciform masonry walls.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/117164/wiedenkennedy-headquarters-allied-worksarchitecture/
(en anglais) Senior Project Specialist (Built/20th century heritage) at Getty Conservation Institute. Los
Angeles, California (USA) Deadline for application 15 April 2011
The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), located at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California, works internationally to
advance conservation practice in the visual arts—broadly interpreted to include objects, collections, architecture, and sites.
The Institute serves the conservation community through scientific research, education and training, model field projects,
and the dissemination of the results of both its own work and the work of others in the field.
Plus information en anglais : http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Senior-Project-Specialist-GCI.pdf
Up Inc. / Levitt Goodman Architects - 2010 - Toronto - Ontario - Canada
Up Inc. commissioned Levitt Goodman Architects to design the third floor of this historic industrial building to purposely suit
it needs. Up Inc. is a Toronto-based branding, graphic design and communications firm with a reputation for clear and
influential design. The firm had worked with Levitt Goodman Architects over many years, undergoing partial renovations to
accommodate its growing business. The firm desired an environment that would improve operations and convey a
distinctive character, reflective of its clean aesthetic, its proactive service and its knack for influential and economical
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/120596/up-inc-levitt-goodman-architects
Ain Ghazal Interpretation Park / Rasem Kamal - 2009 - Amman - Jordan
Ain Ghazal Interpretation Park is bridge to history that may never be built but its award-winning
design makes a statement about heritage, community and Jordanian architecture.
How to make a new beginning in East Amman? Ain Ghazal is a strategic location that has so far
kept East of Amman intact, an expansion zone that enables the city – even the country – to
modernize itself constantly, to make the tactical adjustments necessary boundaries and nodes
had to be identified. It is a theatre of progress that cradles diverse elements and most
importantly archeological ruins which belongs to 7250BC.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/121137/ain-ghazal-interpretation-park-rasem-kamal/
AD Classics: R.W. Lindholm Service Station / Frank Lloyd Wright - 1956-1958 - Cloquet - Minnesota - USA
An architect with upwards of 500 built projects, Frank Lloyd Wright was also recognized for his proposed Utopian vision of a
new urban landscape, known as Broadacre City, which he developed throughout most of his life and described in his book
The Disappearing City in 1932.
This proposition stood as both a planning statement and a socio-political scheme, in which each U.S. family would receive
an acre of land from the federal lands reserves. Wright unveiled a detailed twelve by twelve foot scaled model that
represented a four square mile section of the hypothetical community. The R.W. Lindholm Service Station is the only part
of his Broadacre designs that was realized.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/121884/ad-classics-r-w-lindholm-service-station-frank-lloyd-wright
Brooklin Community Centre And Library / Perkins + Will - 2010 - Brooklyn Ontario - Canada
A remnant forest in the historic village of Brooklin, Ontario provides the setting and
inspiration for this district Library and Community Centre. Each of the key program
areas (library, community centre and gymnasium) are housed in one of three linked
structures whose rooflines and simple forms recall the region’s agrarian roots. A
sophisticated approach to structural articulation, detailing and materiality transforms a
regional inspiration into a sharply articulated response to the design issues of the 21st
century. Porches, breezeways and glazed links provide the common space and allow the three shed volumes to frame
courtyards and views into the surrounding hardwood forest. The programs are accommodated under graceful steel and
timber roofs with mezzanines and interconnected floor spaces allowing visual and spatial interaction between them.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/117462/brooklin-community-centre-and-library-perkins-will/#more-117462
Nouveau site web du Havre - Patrimoine d'exception. Le Havre (France)
La ville du Havre, au bord de la Manche en Normandie, a été lourdement bombardée pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
La zone détruite a été reconstruite entre 1945 et 1964 d’après le plan d’une équipe dirigée par Auguste Perret. Le site
forme le centre administratif, commercial et culturel du Havre. Parmi les nombreuses villes reconstruites, Le Havre est
exceptionnel pour son unité et son intégrité, associant un reflet du schéma antérieur de la ville et de ses structures
historiques encore existantes aux idées nouvelles en matière d’urbanisme et de technologie de construction. Il s’agit d’un
exemple remarquable de l’architecture et l’urbanisme de l’après-guerre, fondé sur l’unité de méthodologie et le recours à la
préfabrication, l’utilisation systématique d’une trame modulaire, et l’exploitation novatrice du potentiel du béton.
Plus information : http://lehavre.fr/rubrique/patrimoine-dexception
EXHIBITION - Milwaukee Art Museum Offers a Fresh Perspective on Frank Lloyd Wright - MILWAUKEE
Organizers: Milwaukee Art Museum
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.mam.org/frank-lloyd-wright/
Exhibition: Marcel Breuer and Postwar America - Slocum Gallery
15 February to 29 March 2011. New York, USA
Organizers: Syracuse University School of Architecture
More info: http://soa.syr.edu/index.php
Symposium européenne des architectures en terre "Du patrimoine historique à l’architecture contemporaine"
4 - 5 mai 2011. Marseille, France
Organisateurs: l’Ecole d'Avignon et ICOMOS France, en partenariat avec l’Escola Superior Gallaecia (PT), l’Université
Polytechnique de Valencia (SP), l’Université de Florence (IT) et le Conseil en Architecture, Urbanisme et Environnement
(CAUE) de Vaucluse (FR), dans le cadre du projet européen Terra [In]cognita. Architectures de terre en Europe
(Programme Culture 2007-2013).
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.culture-terra-incognita.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13&Itemid=14&lang=en
Symposium international sur Voûtes plate
26 - 28 mai 2011. Valencia, Espagne
Organizateurs: Universitat Politècnica de València
Contact: Rafael Marín - [email protected]
Plus info: http://bovedastabicadas.upv.es
Organizers: Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV)
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://mcmp2011.webs.upv.es/index_en.htm
ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage conference
14 - 16 June 2011. Madrid, Spain
Organizers: ICOMOS ISC20C, Cluster de Patrimonio of the Campus Internacional de Excelencia Moncloa and Escuela
Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid
Contact: Fernando Espinosa de los Monteros ([email protected]) and Sheridan Burke,
([email protected])
More info: http://www.madrid2011.eu.com/
EXHIBITION - Designing Tomorrow: America's World's Fairs of the 1930s
2 October 2010 - 10 July 2011. Washington DC, USA
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.nbm.org/exhibitions-collections/exhibitions/worlds-fairs.html
OVPM (Organisation des villes du patrimoine mondial ) : XI Congrès mondial de l'OVPM Sintra 2011 Brochures d'information et Appel d'affiches
22 - 25 novembre 2011. Sintra, Portugal
Organizateurs: OVPM (Organisation des villes du patrimoine mondial )
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.ovpm.org/fr/xi_congres_mondial_de_lovpm
"Blanca Montaña. Arquitectura reciente en Chile / White Mountain. Recent architecture in
Editado por Miquel Adriá. Santiago, Chile. Ediciones Puro Chile, 2010
Es un proyecto de Tomás Andreu y Claudia Pertuzé. Recopila los íconos más importantes de la
arquitectura del país. Este libro está editado por el connotado arquitecto Miquel Adrià (actual director
de ARQUINE), quien opina que “La arquitectura chilena es la más interesante y original de todo el
continente americano”.
Esta edición contiene una selección en más de 500 páginas de diseño, fotografía y contenido de lo
más destacado de la arquitectura chilena de los últimos 20 años, en un trabajo de recopilación que
recorre todo el país y que sorprende por la excelencia de las obras que expone, tanto viviendas
unifamiliares a edificios institucionales, pasando prácticamente por todo tipo de programas arquitectónicos.
Fondation Le Corbusier: Publications 2011
AMADO, Antonio
Voiture Minimum. Le
Corbusier and the
The MIT Press,
Cambridge, Londres,
ISBN : 978-0-26201536-3
RAGON, Michel
Ils se croyaient
illustres et immortels...
Éditions Albin Michel,
Paris, 2011
ISBN : 978-2-22621868-1
Der Architekt am
strand. Le Corbusier und
das Geheimnis der
Edition Akzente Hanser,
Munich, 2011
ISBN : 978-3-44623499-4
Patagonie : la fonte d'un glacier engendre des inondations à répétition (CHILI)
Encouragée par le réchauffement climatique, la fonte du glacier Colonia engendre de multiples
inondations dans la région d’Aysen, en Patagonie chilienne. Les habitants de la région vivent sous la
menace d'une catastrophe venant des montagnes qui les entourent.
Cette situation est mise en lumière dans un article publié par la revue Nature, et rapporté par le site
Actualités news environnement. Depuis le printemps 2008, la région d’Aysen a déjà connu sept
évènements catastrophiques, des jökulhlaup, (course de glacier en islandais).
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/inondation/patagonie-la-fonte-d-039-un-glacierengendre-des-inondations-a-repetition_art13413.html
La Réserve de la Biosphère du Mont Ventoux a vingt ans
En juillet 1990, la désignation « Réserve de Biosphère », acte de reconnaissance de la communauté internationale envers
des hommes d'avoir su et pu développer des activités humaines en harmonie avec leur territoire et dans le respect du
vivant est attribuée à ce territoire par l'UNESCO dans le cadre de son programme « Man And Biosphere » (MAB),
programme interdisciplinaire basé sur la recherche et créé dans le but d'étudier et d'améliorer les relations entre l'homme
et son Environnement global.
Plus information : http://www.smaemv.fr/reserve-de-biosphere/mont-ventoux.html
Le séisme du Japon a déplacé un glacier de l'Antarctique
Des chercheurs américains se sont aperçus que les violentes secousses du séisme survenu vendredi au
large du Japon, avaient accéléré le déplacement d'un courant glaciaire de l'Antarctique.
Les ondes sismiques auraient déplacé un glacier. C'est ce que viennent tout juste de révéler des
géophysiciens de l'Université de Santa Cruz en Californie, quelques jours après le désastreux séisme qui
a frappé le Japon. Depuis 2007, ces chercheurs utilisent des stations GPS pour surveiller le mouvement
du courant glaciaire des Whillans, un glacier "mouvant" de l'Antarctique.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/sisme-au-japon/le-seisme-du-japon-a-deplace-unglacier-de-l-039-antarctique_art13213.html
Séisme en Nouvelle-Zélande : un énorme iceberg s'est détaché d'un glacier
Mardi dernier, un bloc de glace de plusieurs millions de tonnes s'est détaché d'un glacier de Nouvelle-Zélande quelques
minutes après que le violent séisme de magnitude 6,3 sur l'échelle de Richter a frappé le pays dans la région de
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/iceberg/seisme-en-nouvelle-zelande-un-enorme-iceberg-s-039-estdetache-d-039-un-glacier_art12763.html
(en anglais) NPCA (National Parks Conservation Association) Praises British Columbia Premier Gordon
Campbell for Important Step in Preserving Waterton, Glacier Parks; Looks forward to Next Steps. British
Columbia (Canada)
We look forward to seeing the details of this agreement to halt inappropriate mining in the Canadian wilderness adjacent to
the Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park, and anticipate the introduction of a substantive protective measure for the
Flathead in B.C.’s legislature. We also recognize the leadership of Premier Gordon Campbell as he leaves office, in
continuing to advance a 100-year-old vision to permanently protect one of the world’s most special places. It’s been more
than a century since the first proposal to expand Waterton Lakes National Park into the BC Flathead, and we look forward
to working with the incoming premier to complete this conservation legacy.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.npca.org/media_center/press_releases/2011/npca-praises-bc-premier.html
Nomination d'un nouveau Directeur général adjoint de l'UICN
Dr Poul Engberg-Pedersen a été nommé Directeur général adjoint de l'UICN à compter du 16 mai 2011.
Entre 2005 et 2010, Poul Engberg-Pedersen a dirigé la Norad, l'Agence Norvégienne de Coopération pour le
Développement, dépendante du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. Il a conduit le processus de transition de
la Norad d'une agence exécutante à un centre de connaissances sur les politiques d'appui du programme
ambitieux de la coopération au développement de la Norvège, qui comprend notamment diverses
initiatives mondiales sur la biodiversité, les forêts tropicales, le changement climatique et l’énergie propre.
Plus information : http://www.iucn.org/about/union/members/?7011/2/Nomination-dun-nouveauDirecteur-general-adjoint-de-lUICN
Organizers: International Society for Horticultural Science - ISHS, Section Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Station de
recherche Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil ACW Agroscope Changins‐Wädenswil Research Station ACW, Research
Group Berries and Medicinal and aromatic Plants
More info: http://www.agroscope.admin.ch/mapmountain/index.html?lang=en
Global re-introduction perspectives 2010: additional case-studies from around the globe
This volume describes 72 case-studies covering invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds,
mammals and plants. It follows the same format as the 2008 volume Global re-introduction
perspectives : re-introduction case-studies from around the globe with vivid color photographs to
illustrate the case studies.
Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
The Victoria & Albert Museum Announces the Shortlist for the Jameel Prize 2011
The V&A announce the shortlist for the Jameel Prize 2011 on Thursday 17 March 201 1 at Art
Dubai. Ten artists and designers have been shortlisted for this year’s prize, which is awarded
every two years. They are: Noor Ali Chagani • Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian • Bita
Ghezelayagh • Babak Golkar • Hayv Kahraman • Aisha Khalid • Rachid Koraïchi • Hazem El
Mestikawy • Hadieh Shafie • Soody Sharifi
Almost 200 nominations for the Jameel Prize 2011 were received, from countries as diverse as
the United States, Spain, Nigeria, Egypt and Pakistan. A panel of judges, chaired by V&A
Director, Sir Mark Jones, selected the shortlist of ten artists and designers. Mark Jones said: “The quality of the work
shortlisted for this year’s Jameel Prize is outstanding. The output of the finalists is very varied, reflecting the richness and
diversity of the Islamic traditions that inspired them. The work shows how complex and eloquent the art and design
inspired by this tradition has become.”
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=11&int_new=45809&int_modo=1
New Owner Sought for Historic Warship in Philly - Philadelphia - Pennsylvania - U.S.A.
The USS Olympia, a one-of-a-kind steel cruiser from the Spanish-American War, needs $2 million to $5 million in
immediate repairs to stabilize it and an additional $10 million to $20 million for dry dock and restoration. The
Independence Seaport Museum says it's looking for someone to take ownership of the National Historic Landmark.
The museum posted a transfer application Monday on its website. It's looking for a state, city or charitable organization
that will assume ownership of the Olympia. Individuals and for-profit groups are not eligible to apply.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45555
Saint Louis Art Museum Files Federal Lawsuit to Keep a 3,200-Year-Old Mummy Mask - SAINT LOUIS MISSOURI - USA
The St. Louis Art Museum has filed a federal lawsuit to try to keep a 3,200-year-old mummy mask that Egypt wants
returned, claiming it was stolen nearly two decades ago.
The museum claims the U.S. government is trying to seize the 20-inch-long funeral mask of Ka-Nefer-Nefer and return it to
Egypt. But the museum says it has legal rights to the mask it purchased from a New York art dealer for $499,000 in 1998.
Egypt officials have claimed the mask was stolen in the early 1990s from a storage room near a pyramid.
The suit, filed in federal court in St. Louis on Tuesday, claims there is no proof the mask was stolen. It also claims that the
statute of limitations has expired for any seizure.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45044
Chicago Children's Museum / Krueck & Sexton Architects - CHICAGO - ILLINOIS - USA
Chicago Children’s Museum’s mission is to create a community where play and learning connect. The museum’s primary
audiences are children up through fifth grade including their families, along with school and community groups that support
and influence children’s growth and development. In its current location at Navy Pier, the Museum lacks meaningful
connections to the outdoors and is challenged with the heavyly commercial environment of what has become Illinois’ most
popular tourist attraction.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/113130/chicago-children’s-museum-krueck-sexton-architects/
Amon Carter Museum's Director of Education Named National Educator of the Year
- Amon Carter Museum of American Art - FORT WORTH - TEXAS - USA
The National Art Education Association (NAEA) recently named Stacy Fuller, Amon Carter
Museum of American Art director of education, as the Western Region Museum Art Educator
of the Year. The award will be presented March 18 at NAEA’s national convention in Seattle,
Wash. The NAEA’s mission is to promote art education through professional development,
service, advancement of knowledge and leadership. Founded in 1947, the NAEA is the
leading professional membership organization exclusively for visual arts educators.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45029
Bellevue Botanical Garden / Olson Kundig Architects - Bellevue - Washington - United States of America
The Bellevue Botanical Garden improvements, led by Olson Kundig Architects, include a new Visitor Center complex,
renovations of a mid-century residence, and extensive site work. Targeting a minimum of LEED Silver certification, these
improvements will enhance the existing educational program and provide facilities for greater numbers of visitors. “The
Bellevue Botanical Garden has the potential to become one of the finest botanical gardens in the world,” shared Jim Olson,
founder of Olson Kundig Architects. “I grew up in the Northwest and have spent my life exploring ways to bring
architecture and nature closer together, to blur the distinction of indoors and outdoors and to frame nature so that its
beauty is celebrated. This project offers a chance to bring my lifelong exploration to a place where it would encourage
others to love nature as much as I do.”
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/115615/bellevue-botanical-garden-olson-kundig-architects/
Ansel Adams Gallery Landscape Photographs - 2010 - Washington DC - USA
The Ansel Adams Gallery at The Wilderness Society is the centerpiece of a renovation of the
existing headquarters in Washington, DC. The renovation included and update and
reconfiguration of the office space, energy savings enhancements, new finishes, and the
creation of a special gallery for the society’s treasured collection of Ansel Adams
Plus information : http://www.archdaily.com/119481/ansel-adams-gallery-group-goetzarchitects/?
Recording Europe's first sound archive of the Gulag - CNRS (Centre international de la
recherche scientifique) and RFI (Radio France International) launch Sound Archives
Online Museum
The story of the Gulag first captured journalist Valérie Nivelon's interest when historian and
academic Alain Blum told her about an old woman, a babushka, whom he met on a trip to
Siberia. Sent to a labour camp in the mid-20th century, she had never returned to her
homeland but built a new life in the far-off region.
More information: http://www.english.rfi.fr/europe/20100315-recording-europes-first-soundarchive-gulag
Training course for the 'Conservation of Collections and Intangible Heritage. Brunei Darussalam - 13 to 27
March 2011
An International Training course for the ‘Conservation of Collections and Intangible Heritage’ was organised by the
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), SEAMEO Regional
Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts (SEAMEO-SPAFA) and the Brunei Museum Department from 13-27 March 2011 in
Brunei Darussalam.
Some 40 cultural heritage professionals working in heritage institutions as directors, curators, conservators, conservation
scientists and collections care staff attended the course. All attendees are directly involved with the daily care and
management of collections and/or the safeguarding of tangible and intangible heritage (ICH). The participants were from
ten countries throughout Southeast Asia: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines,
Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
More information: http://portal.unesco.org/geography/en/ev.phpURL_ID=13872&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
Barry Clifford: Underwater Explorer and Discoverer of the Whydah -Denver Museum of Natural
Science - Denver - Colorado - USA ( 22 March 2011)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
One of the world's best-known underwater explorers, Barry Clifford, will present highlights of his more than
two decades of work on the Whydah and other shipwrecks. IMAX: Reception to follow.
More information: http://secure.dmns.org/Products/424-barry-clifford-underwater-explorer-and-discovererof-the-whydah.aspx
Piece of silk cloth from the 2nd century AD discovered in Sri Lanka
The Archeological Department of Sri Lanka announced the discovery of a piece of silk cloth belonged to the second century
AD. The piece of silk cloth was excavated from an ancient Buddhist pagoda, Kotavehera Stupa at Daliwala in Rambukkana
of Kegalle district.
Tests conducted by an Australian archeological expert has proven that the piece of cloth belonged to the second century,
said the Archeological Commissioner General Dr. Senarath Dissanayake.
More information: http://www.colombopage.com/archive_11/Mar14_1300117391KA.php
Spain's Police Publish Catalog of Stolen Art
Spanish police have published a catalog of high value stolen art and precious objects in the hope of reuniting them with
their rightful owners. Among items retrieved during raids are works by Pablo Picasso, sculpture, rare archaeological
objects, watches, coins and medals. Six Picasso pieces from 1933 entitled "Cardinal Sins" including "Envy" and "Avarice" —
each in a silver frame — feature alongside an Etruscan period bronze sculpture estimated by police to be 2,000 years old
and jewelry made of gold, diamonds and emeralds.
Other items include Roman coins bearing the garlanded head of Emperor Lucius Septimius Severus and a 17th century
tapestry depicting Battle of the Granicus, when Alexander the Great defeated the Persian Empire in 334 B.C.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45912
London's Natural History Museum: Earliest Human Skull-Cups Made in the UK
One of the human skull-cups made by ice age Britons 14,700 years ago unearthed from Gough's Cave. The process
required great skill and knowledge of anatomy. The 3 cups are made out of 14,700-year-old human skulls and were found
in Gough’s Cave in Cheddar Gorge, Somerset. They would have been used by ice age Britons and this is the first evidence
of human skull-cup manufacture in the UK.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45069
The Belvedere in Vienna Dedicates Comprehensive Show to Austrian Artist Egon Schiele - BELVEDERE MUSEUM
- Vienna – Austria
The Belvedere dedicates a comprehensive show to Egon Schiele (1890-1918), one of the most outstanding Austrian artists
of the twentieth century; it is the first to concentrate on his selfportraits and portraits.
Beginning with works in the academic style, Schiele succeeded, in a series of revolutionary portraits, in overcoming the
traditional conception of portraiture and redefining the genre. In keeping with early Austrian Expressionism, in his portraits
the artist attempted to give visual form to the mental states of his models. Toward the end of his life he became Vienna’s
most important portraitist, alongside Gustav Klimt.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45062
Archive of WW II (World War II) Codebreaker Alan Turing Preserved by National Heritage Memorial Fund London - United Kingdom
Papers relating to codebreaker and computer pioneer Alan Turing will go to a British museum after the National Heritage
Memorial Fund stepped in to help buy them for the nation.
The government-backed fund said Friday it had donated more than 200,000 pounds ($320,000) to a campaign to stop the
notes and scientific papers from going to a private buyer.
The fund's chair, Jenny Abramsky, said the collection would be a permanent memorial to "a true war hero."
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45293
United States Government Returns Stolen Trove of Historic Archive Documents to
A trove of historic archive documents dating back to Catherine the Great that were stolen
after the Soviet breakup were returned to Russia by the U.S. on Friday.
The 21 documents include decrees issued by historical figures such as Czar Nicholas II and
Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov. Among them are a top secret paper on the reconstruction of
Russian military airfields in the 1930s; and Catherine the Great's decree to divide command
of forces in Poland during the 18th century partitions of the country.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45301
The National Museum of Nuclear Science and History is seeing more visitors since the nuclear accident in
Japan - Albuquerque - New Mexico - USA
The National Museum of Nuclear Science and History is seeing more visitors since a massive earthquake and tsunami in
Japan caused fears for the safety of a nuclear plant.
KRQE television reports workers at the southeast Albuquerque museum say three times more people visited over the
weekend than during on average weekends since last summer.
Museum officials believe fear of a meltdown at the Japanese nuclear reactor is prompting some visits.
Museum president Dick Peebles says a couple of people told him that was a factor in coming in.
The museum was created in 1969 to tell the story of Kirtland Air Force Base and the development of nuclear weapons.
It became the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History in 2009 when it moved to its current location.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45728
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Returns Kingfisher Fort Headdress to Tlingit Tribe of Alaska - Richmond - Virginia
The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts returned a Kingfisher Fort Headdress (late 19th – early 20th century) to the Lúkaaxh.ádi
clan of the Tlingit tribe of Alaska in March. This was the first repatriation of a Native American object by VMFA in
accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) of 1990.
The repatriation ceremony took place at the National Museum of the American Indian’s Cultural Resource Center in
Suitland, Md. During the ceremony, members of the clan shared stories about the headdress and its importance to the
Tlingit tribe.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45662
Smithsonian's National Museum of American History Embarks on Conservation of Jefferson's Bible Washington D.C. - USA
The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History is currently performing a specialized conservation treatment to
ensure the long-term preservation of Thomas Jefferson’s bible, a small handmade book that provides an intimate view of
Jefferson’s private religious and moral philosophy.
At age 77 and living at Monticello in retirement following his two terms as President, Jefferson completed a project he had
long planned and long discussed with others. In 1820 he assembled what he titled “The Life and Morals of Jesus of
Nazareth.” Using excerpts from the Four Gospels of the New Testament, Jefferson arranged the text to tell a chronological
and edited story of Jesus’ life and moral philosophy.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45661
Color Pictures of San Francisco After 1906 Quake Found at the Smithsonian Institution - San Francisco California - USA
A museum volunteer has unearthed what the Smithsonian Institution believes to be the first — and perhaps only — color
photographs of San Francisco after the 1906 earthquake and fire that nearly leveled the city.
The six never-published images were snapped by photography innovator Frederick Eugene Ives several months after the
April 1906 "Great Quake," the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Most were taken from the roof of the hotel where Ives
stayed during an October 1906 visit.
More information: http://www.artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45624
Scientists Dig for Ice Age Fossils - George C. Page Museum - Los Angeles -
California - USA
With a dental pick in hand, Karin Rice delicately scraped off a clump of asphalt from a pelvic
bone belonging to a horse that roamed Los Angeles tens of thousands of years ago.
Like many unsuspecting creatures of the last Ice Age, the horse probably stopped to take a
sip of spring water only to be ensnared — and later preserved — in a pool of sticky asphalt
that seeped from underground crude oil deposits.
"You're opening up this ancient world and getting to look back in time," Rice said during a recent dig at the La Brea Tar Pits
in the heart of Los Angeles.
For the past three years, scientists have been sifting through a significant trove of bones and a nearly intact mammoth
skeleton discovered in 2006 during the construction of an underground garage next to the tar pits.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45594
AD Classics: Sendai Mediatheque / Toyo Ito - 2001 - Sendai-shi - Japan
With the intentions of designing a transparent cultural media center that is supported by a unique
system to allow complete visibility and transparency to the surrounding community, the Sendai
Mediatheque by Toyo Ito is revolutionary in it’s engineering and aesthetic.
Six steel-ribbed slabs slabs, each 15-3/4? thick, appear to float from the street, supported by only
thirteen vertical steel lattice columns that stretch from ground plane to the roof. This striking visual
quality that is one of the most identifiable characteristics of the project is comprable to large trees
in a forest, and function as light shafts as well as storage for all of the utilities, networks and
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/118627/ad-classics-sendai-mediatheque-toyo-ito/
INAH's Exhibition (National Institute of Anthropology and History) "Teotihuacan City of Gods" has Been
Visited by 350,000 Europeans
The greatest exhibition ever mounted regarding Teotihuacan continues being popular in Europe: more than 350,000
persons have admired it in museums of France, Switzerland, Germany and Italy, and in March 2011 it will continue visiting
the Spanish cities of Barcelona and Madrid.
Teotihuacan. Ciudad de los Dioses, (Teotihuacan. City of Gods) is integrated by nearly 450 items gathered throughout 100
years of explorations at the Prehispanic site, and is currently open at the Palace of Exhibitions in Rome, until late February
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44919
Study : Victorian Smokers had Rotten Teeth to Match Lungs - Museum of London - London UK
Smoking was as bad for the Victorians as it is for anyone today, but back in those days it seems it did far more damage to
their teeth. In the mid-19th century, prior to the invention of the cigarette, when tobacco was copiously consumed through
clay pipes, smoking often resulted in nasty dental disfigurement.
A Museum of London study of skeletal remains excavated from a Victorian cemetery in Whitechapel, east London, found
most people had "notches" in at least two, and often four, front teeth made through the habitual holding of pipe stems.
Osteological analysis of 268 adults buried between 1843 and 1854 found that some disfigurement had occurred in 92
percent of adults exhumed, while wear associated with habitual use of pipes was evident in 23 percent.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45602
Stone Tool Troves Point to Highland Neanderthals - Greece
High in the wind-swept mountain ridges of northern Greece, archaeologists have made a surprising discovery: hundreds of
prehistoric stone tools that may have been used by some of the last Neanderthals in Europe, at a time when huntergatherers were thought to have kept to much lower altitudes.
The two sites used between 50,000 to 35,000 years ago were found last summer in the Pindos Mountains, near the village
of Samarina — one of Greece's highest — some 400 kilometers (250 miles) northwest of Athens.
At an altitude of more than 1,700 meters (5,500 feet), the Pindos Neanderthal sites are the highest known so far in
southeastern Europe, although that's probably because nobody thought of searching so high before, archaeologist Nikos
Efstratiou said Wednesday.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45601
Austria Denies Claim on Hitler's Vermeer, Citing Former Owner's Nazi Ties
It's a beautiful Vermeer, showing the artist from behind as he starts on a painting of his model, who is robed in blue and
whose trumpet and book indicate that she is posing as Clio, the muse of history. If the seller's descendants had won their
claim against the Austrian government, it would have become the only Vermeer painting to be held in private hands
instead of in a museum.
But instead "The Art of Painting," which was purchased for Hitler's planned "Führer's Museum" in 1940, will remain in
Vienna's Kunsthistorisches Museum, as the Austrian Restitution Committee rejected the claim by the seller's descendants
that the sale took place under duress.
More information: http://www.artinfo.com/news/story/37267/austria-denies-claim-on-hitlers-vermeer-citing-formerowners-nazi-ties/
Getty museum returns Venus statue to Italy upon the occasion of Italy's 150th anniversary
A 5th century BC marble statue caught up in a dispute between Italy and the Paul Getty museum in the United States over
stolen art was returned to Italians on Thursday, as they celebrated the country’s 150th anniversary.
The Venus of Morgantina was given back to Italy as part of an agreement made in 2007 with California museum, which
promised to return 40 items Rome believed had been looted by art thieves.
More information: http://www.museum-security.org/?p=5986
MUSEO TORINO. Turin, Italy (Inaugurated on 17 March 2011 on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Italy)
http://www.museotorino.it è il sito del nuovo museo di Torino inaugurato il 17 marzo 2011, in occasione delle celebrazioni
per il 150° anniversario dell’unità d’Italia. Nella sezione di presentazione del Museo si delineano le caratteristiche principali
della struttura, la cui collezione include i luoghi e i paesaggi urbani della città. MuseoTorino è dunque inteso come un spazio
per raccontare la città e la sua storia che viene declinata attraverso la forma del museo “diffuso”, la città, e di museo
virtuale, il sito stesso. In questa sezione vengono anche indicate le varie attività del museo come le forme di partenariato
intraprese e le mostre ed eventi che ne caratterizzeranno lo sviluppo futuro.
More information: http://www.tafter.it/2011/03/23/www-museotorino-it/
The Art Fund Saves for the United Kingdom Two Treasure Hoards on the Same Day
The Art Fund announced that both the Frome Hoard of Roman coins and the Iron Age Hoard of Gold Torcs, or neck
ornaments, uncovered near Stirling in Scotland have been secured for the UK public with significant assistance from the Art
Fund and the National Heritage Memorial Fund.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45904
China and University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology Resolve Dispute Over Exhibit - Philadelphia Pennsylvania - USA
A Philadelphia museum said Friday that its exhibit on the Silk Road, including a pair of ancient mummies, will go on after it
resolved a dispute with the Chinese government that led to a pared-down event with fake mummies and life-sized photos
of the artifacts.
The exhibit will reopen Feb. 18 with a full complement of mummies and more ancient artifacts from the Tarim Basin in the
autonomous Xinjiang Uyghur region of China, the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology said.
More information: http://www.artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=11&int_new=44929&int_modo=1
United States Government Demands Saint Louis Art Museum Hand Over Egyptian
Artifact - Saint Louis - Missouri - USA
A fight between the U.S. government and the St. Louis Art Museum over a death mask from
ancient Egypt intensified on Wednesday as the government formally demanded the museum
hand over the disputed object.
The 3,200-year-old mask of Ka-Nefer-Nefer, a 19th Dynasty noblewoman, sits on display in
the basement of the museum. The federal complaint contends the mask was stolen from
Egypt before the museum obtained it for $500,000 in 1998. The complaint, which included a
request for a restraining order preventing the museum from disposing of the mask during the legal proceedings, came a
month after the museum sued the government to try to block the seizure of the mask. U.S. Attorney Richard Callahan said
the dispute was "unfortunate" and would be "resolved by the courts."
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45806
British Museum Announces Acquisition and Display of Ancient Iraqi Ivories London - United Kingdom
The British Museum announced Monday it has acquired 6,000 ancient carved ivories that
were excavated in Iraq with the help of mystery maven Agatha Christie.
The pieces were found at the site of the Assyrian capital of Nimrud between 1949 and 1963
during an expedition led by British archaeologist Max Mallowan. His wife, Christie, was part
of the team and helped clean and preserve the objects when not working on thrillers
including "They Came to Baghdad."
The pieces, which are almost 3,000 years old, once decorated furniture, horse trappings, chariots and containers and would
have been adorned with gold and precious stones.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45539
New gallery for the Victoria & Albert Museum shortlisted designs - London - United Kingdom
The Victoria & Albert Museum has unveiled the seven final projects that will compete to design the museum’s new
underground gallery. The new gallery will take the place of Daniel Libeskind’s project, which was abandoned in 2004. Check
all the designs after the break. Read the original article at The Guardian.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/117339/new-gallery-for-the-va-shortlisted-designs/
Museu da Electricidade Opens Exhibition that Shows Works by Snøhetta - Lisbon - Portugal
Lisbon welcomed the exhibition "Snøhetta - Architecture - Landscape - Interior", that shows some of the major works of
one of the most widely discussed architectural firms in the world today.
The firm has achieved this position primarily by winning two open, international competitions with hundreds of participants
from all over the world: Bibliotheca Alexandrina and Oslo’s new Opera House. The winning designs have become landmarks
in their respective countries.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45516
Rijksmuseum Discovers Unknown Masterpiece at Sotheby's "Juliana Auction" - Amsterdam - The Netherlands
The Rijksmuseum, the Netherlands' national museum, discovered a previously unknown masterpiece at the auction
Property from the estate of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands at Sotheby’s in Amsterdam. Upon closer study, the terracotta
sculpture of two women, still credited to 'Louis Royer's circle' in the auction catalogue, has been attributed to court sculptor
Jean-Louis van Geel, one of the Netherlands' foremost neoclassical sculptors. It is the only example of the artist's work held
by a Dutch museum.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45895
Seeing the Invisible at Drayton Hall - Charleston. South Carolina (USA)
Written by John Saunders
“There is much to be learned from what a country chooses to forget” –Lonnie Bunch, Dedication of the African-American
Cemetery at Drayton Hall – 2010
The blustery winter chill of February signals not only the shortest month of the year but also a celebration of stories which
focus on Americans of African ancestry, one of the longest stories of the human family that can be told. These stories
achieve the heights of human accomplishment while at the same time plumbing the depths of human deprivation. Drayton
Hall is part of this narrative, standing boldly as it proclaims the paradoxes of the first being last, the lost being saved and
the lion lying down with the lamb. Each of these metaphorically renders a verse in the African songs that have been sung
and heard at this place over the past 273 years.
More information: http://blog.preservationnation.org/2011/02/22/seeing-the-invisible-at-drayton-hall/
Aider le Japon par l'ICCROM
Suite au tremblement de terre et au tsunami qui ont touché le Japon le 11 mars dernier, l’ICCROM, en coordination avec
l’UNESCO et d’autres institutions, souhaite mettre en place une stratégie pour participer au sauvetage et à la récupération
du patrimoine culturel du pays.
L’aide humanitaire de base et le sauvetage des personnes touchées par cette catastrophe sont bien sûr actuellement la
priorité ; cependant, la récupération du patrimoine culturel va devenir avec le temps un objectif de plus en plus important.
Alors que nous sommes en train d’identifier ce patrimoine en péril, nous pouvons d’ores et déjà dresser la liste des
institutions concernées et établir les liens utiles à l’information.
Plus information : http://www.iccrom.org/fra/news_fr/2011_fr/various_fr/03_17earthquakeJapan_fr.shtml
(en anglais) Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) - Project Management Coordinator - Museum Operations - Los
Angeles. California (USA)
Coordinates the planning, development, preparation, installation, promotion and documentation of Getty projects. Assists
with developing and finalizing project plans and budgets. Tracks, monitors, and reports on project progress and expenses.
May participate in the development and review of contracts with outside vendors and contractors. Supports and coordinates
the work of outside consultants and various staff members from multiple departments. Coordinates work flow by setting
work schedules and priorities. May review work performed by staff and consultants to ensure compliance with department
quality control standards and federal and state regulations. May research and evaluate alternative processes and methods
to determine the most cost-effective plan for obtaining the highest quality results.
Plus information en anglais : https://jobs-getty.icims.com/jobs/1626/job
Musée national du Mali - Bamako (Mali)
Le musée national du Mal est rattaché à la Direction nationale des Arts et de la culture. Le musée a pour mission la
collecte, la restauration, la conservation et la diffusion du patrimoine culturel national. Le musée national du Mali est un
musée archéologique et ethnologique situé à bamako, capitale du Mali. Il présente différentes expositions permanentes et
temporaires sur la préhistoire au Mali, les costumes, les instruments de musique,les objets rituels des différentes ethnies
vivant au Mali. En 1960, à l’indépendance de la république du Mali, Le musée soudanais devient le musée national du Mali.
Il a alors comme objectifs de renforcer l’unité du pays et de valoriser une culture authentique. La faiblesse des moyens
financiers et l’absence de personnels qualifiés auront comme conséquences la détérioration des collections. Le 8 mars
1982, le musée national s’installe dans de nouveaux locaux construits en banco stabilisé. L’architecte Jean-Loup Pivin
s’inspire de l’architecture traditionnelle. Présentation du musée, de son organisation; informe sur les projets de rénovation
en cours.
Plus information : http://www.mnm-mali.org/
EXPOSITION - Mise en ligne de l'exposition virtuelle Gallimard, un siècle
d'édition - Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) Paris, France
Les Éditions Gallimard fêtent le centenaire de leur création. À cette occasion, la BnF
ouvre le 22 mars une exposition sur le site François Mitterrand.
L'exposition virtuelle retrace comment l?histoire d?un modeste « comptoir d?édition
» fondé en 1911 a fini par se confondre avec celle de la littérature française du XXe
siècle. Gide, Claudel, Aragon, Breton, Malraux, Joyce, Faulkner, Saint-Exupéry,
Michaux, Sartre, Queneau, Ionesco, Pinter, Camus,Yourcenar, Duras, Kerouac,
Modiano, Le Clézio, Kundera, Tournier... Derrière la célèbre couverture blanche se cache un catalogue d'une richesse
exceptionnelle. S?appuyant sur des documents largement inédits ? manuscrits, photographies, correspondances, fiches de
lecture, affiches ? l?exposition virtuelle parcourt un siècle d?histoire intellectuelle à travers l?itinéraire d?une des plus
prestigieuses maisons d?édition françaises. Réalisée en coédition, elle est accessible sur le site internet de Gallimard
comme sur celui de la BnF, le nom de chaque institution en haut à gauche de l'écran permettant de retrouver l'un ou l'autre
Plus information : http://expositions.bnf.fr/gallimard/
Atelier des Arkéonautes - Fonds documentaire des Archives audio-visuelles de la recherche (AAR) - France
Le site « Atelier des Arkéonautes - ADA » est produit et développé dans le cadre du projet ANR intitulé Atelier de
Sémiotique Audiovisuelle en Sciences Humaines et Sociales (ASA-SHS). De nombreuses heures de vidéos sélectionnées
parmi le fonds documentaire du site portail des Archives audiovisuelles de la Recherche (AAR) et d'autres, à venir,
alimentent l'atelier ADA. Décrit, enrichi, indexé selon l'organisation cognitive, rhétorique et sémiotique du contenu de
chaque document audiovisuel, ce patrimoine sera traité de façon à l' adapter à différents usages : scientifique,
pédagogique, journalistique, etc.
Plus information : http://semioweb.msh-paris.fr/corpus/ADA/FR/Default.asp
Tour Reveals Layers of Shanghai's Jewish History - SHANGHAI - CHINA
Not far from the Bund district in Shanghai, with its hordes of tourists and view of the city's
famous skyscrapers across the Huangpu River, is a quiet neighborhood called Hongkou.
Walk here along Zhoushan Road and you'll stumble on a sign that signifies an otherwise
unremarkable building at No. 59 as a landmark.
"During the World War II," the sign reads in imperfect English, "a number of Jewish refugees
lived in this house, among whom is Michael Blumenthal, the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury
of the Carter Government."
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45858
Smithsonian Keeps Meteorite that Fell in Virginia - Smithsonian's Museum of Natural History - Washington DC USA
A small meteorite that crashed through the roof of a Virginia medical office last year is becoming part of the Smithsonian's
Museum of Natural History in Washington.
The Smithsonian paid $10,000 for the meteorite to Marc Gallini and Frank Ciampi, the Lorton, Va. doctors who found it.
They have in turn given the $10,000 check to the Doctors Without Borders charity.
Museum spokesman Randall Kremer said Saturday the meteorite is part of the museum's research collection. The
Smithsonian holds the world's largest collection of natural history specimens and artifacts.
Meteorites are lucrative, and after the tennis-ball-sized rock fell from the sky and landed in an examination room in the
office in January 2010, the landlords at the doctors' building made a legal claim to it. But that claim was later dropped.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45880
Artscience Museum In Singapore / Safdie Architects - 2011 - Singapore
The design of the Museum is composed of two principle parts. The base, which is embedded in the
earth and surrounded by the Bay’s water and a giant lily pond, and a flower-like structure made of
10 petals, generated by the geometry of spheroids of varying radii that seemingly floats above the
landscaped pond base. The petals, or fingers as some refer to them, rise towards the sky with
varying heights, each crowned by a skylight which draws in daylight penetrating the base and
illuminating the galleries within.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/119076/artscience-museum-in-singapore-safdiearchitects/#more-119076
(en anglais) Franklin D. Murphy Sculpture Garden - Los Angeles, California (USA)
The Murphy Sculpture Garden was envisioned in 1960 by University of California, Los Angeles Chancellor Franklin Murphy
to be a public sculpture garden. Its original intent was to expose students and staff to art as a part of daily life. Built as
part of a larger campus expansion plan, UCLA’s supervisory landscape architect Ralph Cornell was commissioned to design
the five-acre rectangular site, a former parking lot nestled among campus buildings.
Plus information en anglais : http://tclf.org/landscapes/franklin-d-murphy-sculpture-garden
Pourquoi la documentation et les inventaires de musée sont-ils si importants face aux situations d’urgence ?
L'Egypte a récemment été secouée par un soulèvement populaire ayant abouti à une révolution politique, qui a entrainé
des incertitudes massives dans le paysage politique international. Un rapport fait état d’attaques contre plusieurs musées
et dépôts archéologiques pendant ces troubles. Certains objets d'une importance historique exceptionnelle ont été portés
disparus du musée du Caire ; un contrôle d'inventaire entier de la collection a été effectué après le cambriolage. Le musée
a ainsi pris la première mesure cruciale en vue d’une restitution aussi légitime que prompte, par l’identification des objets
dérobés via le système de documentation du musée.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/en/media-services/single-view/news/
Lancement du site internet de la Journée internationale des musées 2011 - Thème: Musée
et Mémoire
Le nouveau site internet de la Journée internationale des musées 2011 est désormais en ligne et
présente d’ores et déjà les activités organisées par les musées du monde à cette occasion.
Le Conseil international des musées innove et crée un site internet accueillant et disponible en trois
langues (français, anglais, espagnol). Vous pouvez dès à présent trouver toutes les informations sur la
Journée internationale des musées 2011, son thème, ses actualités, ses activités emblématiques, des
photos de l’édition 2010 ainsi que le calendrier avec les différents programmes autour du monde.
Vous pouvez aussi télécharger l’affiche officielle, déjà disponible dans 26 langues.
Plus information : http://icom.museum/comunicados-de-prensa/comunicado-de-prensa/article/lanzamiento-de-la-paginaweb-del-dia-internacional-de-los-museos-2011/L/1.html
Naissance annoncée du premier musée arabe en Israël en 2016-2017 - UMM AL-FAHM (Israel)
Un musée arabe est programmé dans la ville israélo-arabe d’Umm al-Fahm en Israël. Prévue pour ouvrir d’ici 2016/2017, il
sera le premier musée arabe d’Israël et présentera des expositions d’art, des archives photographiques et des témoignages
d’Arabes provenant de cette région.
Plus information : http://www.artclair.com/site/archives/docs_article/82813/naissance-annoncee-du-premier-musee-arabeen-israel.php
(en anglais) Natural History Museum (London, UK) returns remains to Torres Strait Islands (Australia)
The Trustees of the Natural History Museum in London have agreed to return 138 ancestral remains to the Torres Strait
Islands (TSI), a group of more than 200 islands between the northern coast of Australia and Papua New Guinea.
This is the largest single return of remains to Australia and is a landmark decision for the Museum, bringing a new
collaborative approach to repatriation. The decision builds on 18 months of dialogue with the TSI community and the
Australian government. The Museum and Torres Strait Islanders will now work together to agree how responsibility for the
remains will be transferred and how they will be cared for and accessed for future study.
To deepen the relationship, the Museum has offered a placement for a Torres Strait Islander to work with the Museum to
share both scientific and museum skills, and to develop a better understanding of how indigenous perspectives might
inform the Museum’s future activities.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.nhm.ac.uk/about-us/news/2011/march/museum-returns-remains-to-torres-straitislands95251.html
(en anglais) Heritage Conservation Professional (Built Heritage) - Godden Mackay Logan. Sydney, Western
Australia (Australia) Deadline: 1 April 2011
Heritage consulting firm Godden Mackay Logan (GML) is seeking a Research Assistant to join our built heritage team.
GML provides high level heritage advice on a diverse range of projects for both private and public clients. Our multidisciplinary in-house team has expertise in built heritage, conservation planning, archaeology, indigenous heritage and
interpretation, as well as in due diligence and Land and Environment Court matters. GML is the heritage consultant of
choice for many of Australia’s most important government and private organizations engaged with the management and
development of heritage assets. Our unique position within the industry means that GML consulting staff have the
opportunity to work on some of the most interesting heritage conservation projects across Australia. We are also
increasingly engaged in international conservation projects.
Plus information en anglais : http://australia.icomos.org/e-news/australia-icomos-e-mail-news-no-477/#11.
L’UNESCO célèbre le 40e anniversaire de la Convention de 1970 pour la lutte contre le
trafic illicite des biens culturels
Le 15 mars 2011, lors des commémorations au Siège de l’Organisation du 40ème anniversaire de
la Convention de 1970 concernant les mesures à prendre pour interdire et empêcher l'importation,
l'exportation et le transfert de propriété illicites des biens culturels, la Directrice générale de
l'UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a déclaré : « La Convention de 1970 est le premier instrument juridique
d’application mondiale dédié à la lutte contre le trafic illicite de biens culturels en temps de paix.
Elle incarne la raison d’être de l’UNESCO et son importance n’a jamais été aussi évidente. En 40
ans, d’immenses progrès ont été réalisés. Cet instrument normatif compte aujourd’hui 120 Etats parties. (…) L’enjeu
consiste à nous assurer que [les règles] soient mieux connues, plus vigoureusement appliquées, et qu’elles soient
effectivement respectées. (…) J’en appelle à tous les Etats afin qu’ils continuent à joindre leurs efforts pour accroître le
nombre de ratifications et permettre à la Convention de 1970, et aux instruments qui y sont associés, une pleine efficacité.
La Convention était un instrument novateur il y a 40 ans, elle doit le rester aujourd’hui ».
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/about-us/who-we-are/director-general/
40 ans de lutte contre le trafic illicite de bien culturels – Bilan et perspectives de la
Convention de 1970
Le problème aigu des fouilles illicites d’archéologie et du trafic d’œuvres religieuses, l’explosion du
marché de l’art dans le monde, la criminalité liée à la circulation des biens culturels et au
financement d’activités terroristes suscitent une attention médiatique et politique considérables et
placent la Convention de 1970 au cœur de la problématique. L’UNESCO fait le point de la question
avec des personnalités et experts de renommée internationale et ses partenaires traditionnels.
Plus information : http://portal.unesco.org/culture/fr/ev.phpURL_ID=41566&URL_DO=DO_PRINTPAGE&URL_SECTION=201.html
40 ans de lutte contre le trafic illicite de biens culturels - Convention de 1970 concernant les mesures à
prendre pour interdire et empêcher l'importation, l'exportation et le transfert de propriété illicites des biens
Sur le plan économique, le trafic des biens culturels se classe parmi les plus importants au monde, avec les trafics illicites
d’armes et de drogues, selon l’Organisation internationale de police criminelle (Interpol). Certaines sources estiment qu’il
représente un montant annuel de 6 milliards de dollars, même si ce chiffre est difficile à vérifier compte tenu de la nature
illicite de cette activité.
Plus information : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSseNAY7uDg&feature=player_embedded
(en anglais) Curator, Furniture at Victoria & Albert Museum. London (United Kingdom) Deadline for
application: 28 March 2011
The V&A is the world's leading museum of art and design. We enrich people's lives by promoting the practice of design and
increasing knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of the designed world.
The Furniture, Textiles and Fashion Department is seeking a Curator to form part of the team responsible for the care,
research and interpretation of the Collections within the Department. The successful candidate will have demonstrable
expertise in 19th century furniture with the ability to provide specialist cover for an additional period in British or European
furniture before 1800.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.peoplebank.com/pbank/owa/pbk24w12.main
(en anglais) Curator, Ceramics & Glass at Victoria & Albert Museum - London - United Kingdom - Deadline for
application: 28 March 2011
The V&A is the world's leading museum of art and design. We enrich people's lives by promoting the practice of design and
increasing knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of the designed world.
The Sculpture, Metalwork, Ceramics & Glass Department is seeking a Curator to form part of the team responsible for the
care, research and interpretation of the collection. The V&A’s European ceramics and glass collections are exceptional in
their size, range and quality, and cover the late medieval period until the present day. The successful candidate will be
expected to represent the Museum at a high level and play an active role in the field of 19th-century studies and collecting,
both nationally and internationally.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.peoplebank.com/pbank/owa/pbk24w12.main
US Museum Seeks to Identify Children of Holocaust - U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum - Washington Washington DC - USA
The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum is trying to identify more than 1,000 children in photos that date from when they
were scattered across Europe at the end of World War II and taken in by relief agencies.
The museum's "Remember Me" project seeks the public's help in identifying 1,100 children among tens of thousands who
were uprooted by the war. The museum is posting the pictures online and plans to publish many images in newspapers and
online forums. The images come from the Holocaust Museum's collections, as well as the American Jewish Archives and the
Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York.
Museum officials hope to learn who the children are, what happened to them and help reconnect them to relatives who may
also have been scattered.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45970
New Website - The Hyde Collection - Glens Falls - New York State - USA
The Hyde Collection announced the debut of its new website, aimed at broadening the Museum’s connection with cybervisitors of all ages and interests.
In addition to the new format, which features monthly event and activity highlights, as well as Hyde News on the
homepage, now presents excerpts from the Museum’s new orientation video, along with podcasts featuring personal views
of works from The Hyde’s permanent collection.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45951
Sword Bought in Time for Battle Anniversary - Royal Marines Museum - Portsmouth - United Kingdom
The Royal Marines Museum in Portsmouth has acquired an important presentation sword 200 years after the Battle it
commemorates. The steel sword was presented to Captain Robert Torrens following the Battle for Anholt on 27 March
1811. Thanks to a major grant from the Art Fund, the rare item was bought at auction and has gone on display in time for
the Battle’s 200th anniversary.
The sword was bought at auction for £27,170, of which the Art Fund, the national fundraising charity for works of art,
contributed £25,170. It has gone on display with two other presentation swords awarded for the Battle for Anholt.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45962
Ain Ghazal Interpretation Park / Rasem Kamal - 2009 - Amman - Jordan
Ain Ghazal Interpretation Park is bridge to history that may never be built but its award-winning
design makes a statement about heritage, community and Jordanian architecture.
How to make a new beginning in East Amman? Ain Ghazal is a strategic location that has so far
kept East of Amman intact, an expansion zone that enables the city – even the country – to
modernize itself constantly, to make the tactical adjustments necessary boundaries and nodes
had to be identified. It is a theatre of progress that cradles diverse elements and most
importantly archeological ruins which belongs to 7250BC.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/121137/ain-ghazal-interpretation-park-rasem-kamal/
Appalachian Cultural Museum to close - Appalachian State University - Boone - North Carolina - USA
A North Carolina museum devoted to telling the hardscrabble story of Appalachia is the latest victim of budget cuts that
have hit almost every state in the nation.
The Appalachian Cultural Museum in Boone is closing because of deep budget cuts to higher education that hurt its
affiliated school, Appalachian State University.
The North Carolina university system suffered $170 million in budget cuts last year and more cuts are expected in the next
fiscal year. The museum's annual budget was about $200,000.
Now university officials are trying to find homes for many of the museum's artifacts, which include Native American
arrowheads, quilts, looms, a moonshine still and race cars.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45843
Experts Discover Rare Van Dyck - San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts Madrid - Spain
"The Virgin and Child with Repentant Sinners" was not a copy of Van Dyck and did not
deserve to be in the basement of the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid.
This is a genuine Van Dyck from 1625, the institution took it out of storage today after many
The work was included in the 1964 inventory of the Academy as "an old copy of Van Dyck.
"Once the painting was cleaned and restored, the authenticity of the work of art has been
confirmed according to a press release from the institution released today.
The director of the Academy, Antonio Bonet Correa, appeared before the press to present the work with the teacher and
researcher of History of Art and former curator of the Museo del Prado, Matías Díaz Padrón. The attribution to Van Dyck is
"no longer in doubt”, said the Royal Academy.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45842
The Chillida Family Announces that the Chillida Leku Museum will Close - Hernani Basque Country - Spain
The family of the Basque sculptor Eduardo Chillida announced on Friday the definitive closure
of the Chillida Leku museum in Hernani. In this image: A visitor looks at a sculpture by
Spanish artist Eduardo Chillida at the Chillida Leku Museum in Hernani, Country Basque,
northern Spain, 16 September 2010. Chillida Leku Museum, one of the cultural references in
the Basque Country, celebrates its 10th anniversary.
More information: http://artdaily.org/index.asp?date=03/20/2011#images
(en anglais) UNESCO supports National History Museums in South Eastern Europe - Thessaloniki - Greece - 1819 October 2010
The international conference “National History Museums in South-East Europe: Learning History, building shared
memories”, was organized in cooperation with the Hellenic National Commission for UNESCO, with the support of the
Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, the Museum of Byzantine Culture in Thessaloniki, the ICOM (International Council
of Museums) - Regional Alliance for South-East Europe, the UNESCO Chair in Intercultural Policy (Thessaloniki) and the
UNESCO Venice Officce.
Plus information en anglais : http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001911/191168E.pdf (Page 7)
Les 16 « expositions d'intérêt national » en 2011 - France
Cette année, seize expositions ont reçu le label d’intérêt national, décerné par le ministère de la Culture et de la
Communication. Leurs organisateurs bénéficient en outre d’une subvention.
Le label « exposition d’intérêt national » est apposé chaque année sur des manifestations, organisées par les musées de
France, les plus remarquables par leur qualité scientifique, leurs efforts en matière de médiation culturelle et leur ouverture
à un large public.
Plus information : http://www.artclair.com/site/archives/docs_article/82468/les-16--et160expositions-d-interetnationalet160--en-2011.php
Musée du Quai Branly - Lettre d'information n°63 - mars 2011. Paris (France)
Au cœur du Paris des musées, voisin du Louvre et du musée du quai d’Orsay, à quelques minutes des Grand et Petit Palais,
du Palais de Tokyo et du musée d’art moderne de la Ville de Paris, le musée du quai Branly occupe un site exceptionnel sur
les rives de la Seine, au pied de la tour Eiffel. Les arts d’Afrique, d’Océanie, d’Asie et d’Amérique s’inscrivent dorénavant au
centre du grand circuit historique et artistique de la capitale. Le musée du quai Branly est un établissement culturel
novateur : à la fois musée, centre d’enseignement et de recherche, et espace à vivre pour les publics. Construit sur l’un des
derniers terrains disponibles au cœur de Paris, le concept architectural de ce projet original est signé par Jean Nouvel.
Plus information : http://www.quaibranly.fr/fr/actualites/lettre.html
(en anglais) Call for Expression Of Interest - Archaeological significance consultancy project - Australian
Museum - Sydney - New South Wales - Australia. Deadline for application 18 March 2011
The Australian Museum is seeking to engage an experienced archaeologist or cultural heritage practitioner to provide
advice on significance assessment criteria for archaeological collections. These will ultimately form part of a set of
guidelines, now under development by the Museum, concerning the lodgement of Indigenous archaeological materials
collected or excavated under the auspices of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974. The consultant will be expected
to engage with a wide range of relevant stakeholders in formulating a set of recommendations.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.australianmuseum.net.au/Archaeological-significance-consultancy/
(en anglais) Technical Officer, Archaeology - Australian Museum - Sydney - New South Wales - Australia.
Deadline for application 11 March 2011
This position is responsible for general collection management duties associated with the Australian Museum’s Indigenous
Australian archaeological collections.
The work will include curation and maintenance of the Australian Indigenous archaeology collections, including data basing
collections; preparing loans; consultation with relevant community groups; pest monitoring; providing access to the
collection for both Museum staff and external stakeholders; conducting tours of the collections; and contributing to a range
of public programs.
Plus information en anglais : http://australianmuseum.net.au/positions/Technical-Officer-Archaeology
(en anglais) Memorandum of Understanding Between Yale and the University of Cusco (Peru)
In this Memorandum of Understanding ("MDE"), Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco ("UNSAAC") of the
city of Cusco, Department of Cusco, Peru and Yale University in the city of New Haven, state of Connecticut, United States
of America, set forth their joint commitment to the creation and development of the UNSAAC-Yale University International
Center for the Study of Machu Picchu and Inca Culture ("Center").
Plus information en anglais : http://opac.yale.edu/peru/english/mou.html
Le David de Michel-Ange craint les travaux du tunnel du TGV italien. Centre historique - Florence (Italie)
La sculpture de David, réalisée par Michel-Ange entre 1501 et 1504, serait mise en danger par un projet de tunnel pour le
TGV italien qui passerait sous le centre historique de Florence.
Plus information : http://www.artclair.com/site/archives/docs_article/82471/le-david-de-michel-ange-craint-les-travaux-dutunnel-du-tgv-italien.php
Handicap sensoriel: mieux visiter les musées du Vatican - Saint Siège
Auteur(s) : Agence France Presse pour Handicap.fr
Résumé : Soucieux de permettre aux personnes handicapées d'accéder aux chefs-d'oeuvre, les musées du Vatican ont
institué des visites spéciales à l'attention des personnes sourdes ou mal-voyantes.
Les aveugles et mal voyants découvriront ainsi la Déposition, du Caravage, et L'ange qui joue du luth, détail d'une fresque
de Melozzo da Forli.
Les sourds et malentendants pourront, eux, suivre deux parcours expliqués en langage des signes par des agents sourds
formés par les musées : les chambres de Raphaël et la chapelle Sixtine ou le musée de sculptures Pio Clementino et le chefd'oeuvre de Michel Ange (qui a peint le plafond de la chapelle Sixtine).
"Les oeuvres d'art doivent être accessibles à tous", a déclaré le cardinal Giovanni Lajolo, responsable de l'Etat du Vatican,
en présentant ces nouveautés mardi à la presse.
Plus information : http://informations.handicap.fr/art-news-handicap-2011-737-3779.php
(en anglais) Excavation permits in Turkey maybe revoked unless Hattusa Sphinx is returned
The ongoing battle for repatriation of the Hattusa Sphinx reached a new phase when Turkey’s culture minister demanded
that Germany return the priceless artefact or permits for excavations within the country would be revoked.
Ertugrul Gunay told the Tagesspiegel that German authorities had until the start of the digging season in June to hand back
the sphinx, thought to date back to 1400 BCE. “If there is no commitment (to return the sphinx) by the beginning of the
digging season, I am firmly determined to cancel the excavation licence for Hattusa,” said the minister.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.pasthorizons.com/index.php/archives/02/2011/excavation-permits-mayberevoked-unless-hattusa-sphinx-is-returned
Egypt's Top Archaeologist, Zahi Hawass, Warns of Looting at Country's Antiquity
Egypt's top archaeologist, Zahi Hawass, warned that the country's antiquity sites were being
looted by criminals amid the country's political upheaval as he announced he would no longer
serve in his ministerial post in the government.
Hawass was quoted in the Friday editions of Cairo's dailies as saying he would not participate
in the new government to be led by prime minister designate Essam Sharaf. Hawass, the
longtime head of Egypt's antiquities office, was elevated to Cabinet-level antiquities minister
on Jan. 31, when ousted President Hosni Mubarak named a new government led by longtime friend Ahmed Shafiq.
Shafiq resigned Thursday amid calls by protesters for his removal, and Sharaf has been tasked with naming a new
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45469
(en anglais) Museum of Science Hosts World Premiere of Original Astronomy Show - Charles Hayden
Planetarium. Boston, New Englans (USA)
On February 13, 2011, the Museum of Science, Boston will officially unveil New England's most technologically advanced
digital theater with the world premiere of Undiscovered Worlds: The Search Beyond Our Sun. For the inaugural show of its
newly transformed Charles Hayden Planetarium, the Museum explores a timeless question in a now exploding field: Do
other planets like Earth exist?
Plus information en anglais : http://www.mos.org/visitor_info/museum_news/press_releases&d=4852
(en anglais) Internships at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. Denver, Colorado (USA) Various deadlines
Internships at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science allow high school and college students to gain hands-on experience
in scientific research, collections and archives, behind-the-scenes in our various administrative departments, and out in the
community. These programs are valuable stepping stones toward careers in the natural sciences.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.dmns.org/about-us/internships
RE-ORG! récupérer des trésors perdus : nouvel outil de gestion des musées basé sur la technologie web
C’est pour aider les petits musées à atteindre le minimum requis en documentation de leur collections, que l’UNESCO et
l’ICCROM ont commandité deux études auprès de l’Ecole du Patrimoine Africain – EPA. L’une a consisté à faire un état des
lieux des diverses initiatives qui avaient eu lieu ces 20 dernières années dans les petits musées de l’Afrique sub-saharienne
en matière de documentation des collections (manuelle et/ou informatisée), l’autre à faire le point des ressources
existantes sur Internet en documentation, qui pourraient être exploitables par les petits musées afin de les guider dans la
création ou la réorganisation de leur système de documentation. Tout ceci afin de proposer un outil utile à ces mêmes
musées, sous la forme d’un manuel.
Plus information : http://www.re-org.info/fr/
Ateliers ILAM (Instituto Latinoamericano de Museos y Parques) février-juillet 2011
Organisation non-gouvernementale, à but non lucratif, dont la mission est d'offrir par le biais de la recherche, la
communication, la qualification et le conseil, un soutien concret aux institutions patrimoniales de l'Amérique latine et des
Caraïbes, tout en leur permettant d’être des agents de changement et de développement des communautés auxquelles
elles servent.
Plus information en espagnol : http://capacitacion.ilam.org/
Yale University (USA) and Peruvian Authorities Sign Deal on the Return of
Thousands of Incan Artifacts
Yale University announced Friday that it will send back to Peru thousands of Incan artifacts
removed from the famed Machu Picchu citadel nearly a century ago.
The agreement allowing for the return of the ceramic pieces, animal and human bones, and
metal and stone objects came after Yale and Peru officials announced in November that they
had resolved a long-running dispute over the artifacts.
San Antonio Abad University in Cuzco will create a center to house the more than 5,000
objects and fragments.
The center, to be located in an Incan palace and operated under joint direction by both universities, will include a museum
exhibit for the public and a research area for collaborative investigations by the two institutions and visiting scholars.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44930
Guggenheim Abu Dhabi Could Face Boycott by Artists
Over 130 artists are continuing to call attention to the working conditions at the
site of the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi, despite the recent intervention by the
Guggenheim Foundation and Museum and changes from the Tourism
Development & Investment Company (TDIC). The $800 million museum designed
by Frank Gehry is just beginning construction on Saadiyat Island.
The group of artists talking boycott, including key figures within the Middle
Eastern art world, are threatening to withhold their work as well as refusing
participation in museum events, which could be detrimental to the museum as they are essentially building a collection
from the ground up. In response to the artists proposed boycott, Foundation Director Richard Armstrong issued the
following statement, ”While we share the artists’ concern for the workers, we believe that, in light of the steady progress
that has been made with respect to recruitment fees, the prompt payment of wages, the ability to retain passports, the
provision of health insurance, good living accommodations, and the imminent appointment of an independent monitor in
May, their statement is misinformed. We believe that the Guggenheim Foundation’s work with TDIC has been instrumental
in bringing about this progress. We will continue to remain focused on this critical priority.”
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/121827/guggenheim-abu-dhabi-could-face-boycott-by-artists/
(en anglais) Louvre Museum - iTunes is the world's easiest way to organize and add to your digital media
collection. Paris (France)
L’application iPodTouch-iPhone «Musée du Louvre» comporte cinq sections dont deux consacrées aux oeuvres les plus
significatives du Musée. Bien sur on y trouve «La Joconde», «La Liberté guidant le peuple» et «Le radeau de La Méduse»,
mais aussi des oeuvres de la Perse ou de l’Égypte, du Moyen-Âge, de la Renaissance comme de la Grèce antique ou même
avant; un véritable cours d’histoire de l’Art en condensé.
Le tout avec explications et possibilité de voir le détail des oeuvres. Au total ce sont plus de 60 oeuvres décrites, en plus de
vidéos et une visite du Musée qui sont proposées, de quoi occuper plusieurs heures.
La valeur éducative d’une telle application est indéniable et on ne peut qu’encourager les musées à produire de tels
documents pour toutes leurs collections.
Plus information en anglais : http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/musee-du-louvre/id337339103?mt=8
(en francés) Exposition: 'Laboutik Sinoi' - Blue Penny Museum. Port Louis (Mauritius)
L’exposition ‘Maurice en miniature’ à peine achevée, place est donc faite à une autre exposition intitulée ‘Laboutik sinoi’, au
musée Blue Penny Museum.
Le vernissage s’est déroulé mardi soir en présence de nombreux invités dont principalement Bian Yanhua, ambassadrice de
la république de Chine à Maurice et Jean-François Dobelle, ambassadeur de France à Maurice. Avant le vernissage, Melody
Chan a exécuté une danse.
Más información en francés: http://www.lematinal.com/magazine/10072-Laboutik-Sinoi-sexpose-au-Blue-Penny-Museum.
(en anglais) The Brooklyn Museum (New York, NY, USA) is Giving About 5,000 Pre-Columbian Artifacts to
Costa Rica
The Brooklyn Museum is preparing to give about 5,000 pre-Columbian artifacts in its collection to Costa Rica as part of a
housekeeping move to trim its vast holdings.
The museum will initially give the National Museum of Costa Rica 983 ceramic vessels and figurines that were legally
acquired by American railroad magnate and banana exporter Minor C. Keith in the late 1800s. It eventually will transfer the
other 4,000 objects from the Keith collection, curator Nancy Rosoff said Thursday.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44891
Musée & Jardins Albert-Kahn - La Newsletter - mars 2011. Boulogne-Billancourt (Francia)
Le musée départemental Albert-Kahn est situé à Boulogne-Billancourt, dans les Hauts-de-Seine. Visant à faire perdurer
l'œuvre d'Albert Kahn, il se compose d'une galerie présentant, sous forme d'expositions temporaires, une partie des
collections des « Archives de la Planète » (4 000 plaques stéréoscopiques noir et blanc et 72 000 plaques autochromes
couleur, ce qui en fait la plus importante collection au monde) et de jardins étendus sur près de quatre hectares qui font
partie intégrante des collections du musée.
Plus information : http://www.albert-kahn.fr/
(en anglais) 225ALB4000 - ITB for civil works: Rehabilitation of the Archaeological Museum of Apollonia
(Albania) Deadline for Applications : 11 March 2011
United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) hereby invite qualified companies to submit
sealed tenders as follows:
(a) Renovation works related to the rehabilitation of the archaeological museum of Apollonia in Fier, on the basis of
the design prepared by the Architects of the Institute of Monuments of Culture under Ministry of Tourism, Culture,
Youth and Sports of Albania.
(b) The expected timing for execution of works is 3.5 months
(c) Only companies with at least 10 years of certified restoration experience can apply.
(d) The applicants must hold the official certificate for execution of restoration works on the territory of Albania (the
certificate is to be attached along with application)
(e) The purpose of this notice is to provide general information on the requirements for the procurement process
and to inform interested suppliers how to obtain a copy of the Solicitation Documents.
Interested companies who wish to participate in the OIC must request for a complete set of Solicitation Documents,
available free of charge, from UNESCO contact person at the address shown below.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/en/venice/dynamic-content-single-view/news/
(en anglais) BRUGES DECLARATION (December 2010 - ENCATC - European Network of Cultural Administration
Training Centers)
On 9 December, Claire Girauld-Labalte, ENCATC Representative for Heritage was invited by the Belgian Presidency of the
EU to speak at the Conference “Cultural heritage: a resource for Europe. The benefits of interaction” in Bruges.
The Conference gathered more than 200 participants and resulted in the “Bruges Declaration”, presented by the Flemish
Minister for Immovable Heritage, Geert Bourgeois.
Plus information en anglais : http://heritageconference.rwo.be/Default.aspx?tabid=14663&language=en-US
L’UNESCO demande aux marchands d’art et aux collectionneurs d’être vigilants à propos des
objets volés en Egypte
Des fragments appartenant à la statue de Toutankhamon porté par la déesse Menkaret ont été retrouvés. La
figurine du pharaon reste introuvable.
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a demandé une vigilance accrue aux autorités nationales
et internationales, ainsi qu’aux marchands d’art et aux collectionneurs, suite aux informations sur le vol de
plusieurs pièces importantes du Musée égyptien du Caire et d’autres sites égyptiens.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
(en anglais) Mathaf is open (Arab Museum of Modern Art) Doha, Qatar
Mathaf is pronoinced 'mat-haf' and means "museum". We host exhibitions, programs and events that explore and celebrate
art by Arab artists. We hope you will use us as an inspiring space for dialogue and scholarship about modern and
contemporary art in the region and the Arab diaspora. Our story really begins more than twenty years ago, when our
patron and founder H.E. Sheikh Hassan bin Mohamed bin Ali Al Thani first began to imagine what an Arab Museum of
Modern Art might look like. He started to build a collection that could serve artists and public as a rich and representative
treasure-house of modern Arab art. And he saw this collection as a starting point, to create more opportunities for artists
and for art-lovers in Doha and around the world.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.mathaf.org.qa/
(en anglais) "Museums & Municipalities in Europe: Working relationships, perspectives and management" Report on the December 2010 Conference in Brussels (Belgium)
Organised by the University Paris I Sorbonne, the Louvre Museum and ENCATC, in partnership with the Manchester
Museum (The University of Manchester) and the municipality of Split, the European Policy Grouping “Museums and
Municipalities” Conference brought together eminent museum managers, curators, local authorities, researchers, educators
and experts from across the European continent and abroad.
The relationship between Museums and Municipalities was at the heart of discussions held on 9-10th December 2010 in
Brussels, Belgium at the Bilbiothèque Solvay.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.encatc.org/museums-and-municipalities/
(en anglais) International Museums on High Alert for Looted Ancient Egyptian
Artifacts Due to Crisis
International museums are on high alert for looted Egyptian artifacts and some archaeologists
have even offered to fly to the country to help safeguard its ancient treasures, museums said
Egypt has been rocked by an unprecedented nine days of demonstrations against President
Hosni Mubarak's 30-year-rule, and fears are high for the country's priceless heritage after
looters broke into the Egyptian Museum in Cairo last week. The specter of the fall of Baghdad in
2003 looms large in the minds of Egyptologists, when thousands millennia-old artifacts were stolen or smashed by looters
in the chaos following the fall of Saddam Hussein.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44662
CULTURE/COMMISSION: 'Comité des Sages' calls for a "Digital Renaissance"
La numérisation de notre patrimoine culturel est une tâche gigantesque qui va nécessiter des fonds importants. Selon une
étude réalisée dans le cadre de notre mission, c’est près de 100 milliards d’euros qui seront nécessaires pour rendre la
totalité de notre patrimoine disponible en ligne. Cette tâche prendra donc nécessairement du temps et les investissements
devront être correctement planifiés et coordonnées afin de parvenir au meilleur résultat de la façon la plus efficace possible.
Plus information : http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/digital_libraries/index_fr.htm
(en anglais) Long List for Inaugural £10,000 Clore Award for Museum Learning Announced - United Kingdom
Ten museums across the UK have been long listed for the inaugural £10,000 Clore Award for Museum Learning. The new
award is aimed at championing excellence in museum learning and is run in parallel with the Art Fund Prize, the UK’s
largest arts prize celebrating excellence and innovation in museums and galleries across the UK.
Supported by the Clore Duffield Foundation, the Clore Award for Museum Learning 2011 will be presented on 15 June 2011.
The award recognises quality, impact and innovation in using museums and galleries for learning activities and initiatives.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44677
(en anglais) Ten Museums in Running for £100,000 "Museum of the Year" Art Fund Prize 2011 (United
Kingdom) winner to be announced on 15 June 2011
The long list of ten museums that are in the running for the UK’s largest arts prize – the Art Fund Prize 2011 – will be
revealed on BBC Radio 4’s Front Row. The long list of museums competing for the ‘Museum of the Year’ accolade has been
selected by an independent panel of judges, chaired this year by broadcaster and former cabinet minister Michael Portillo.
The Art Fund Prize 2011 rewards excellence and innovation in museums and galleries in the UK for a project completed or
undertaken in 2010. Following a short list of four museums to be announced on 19 May, the £100,000 cash prize will be
awarded to the ‘Museum of the Year’ at a ceremony on 15 June. This is the fourth year that the Prize has been sponsored
by the Art Fund, the national fundraising charity for works of art that plays a major part in enriching the range and quality
of art on public display in the UK.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44664
Exhibition -¡Silk Road and Dunhuang: Journey to the Western Regions with Hyecho¡
18 December 2010 to 3 April 2011. Seoul, Republic of Korea
Organizers: National Museum of Korea
More info: http://www.museum.go.kr/program/board/detail.jsp?menuID=002006006&boardTypeID=80&boardID=15090
International Conference : "I Know Where I'm Going"; Remote Access to World Heritage Sites from St Kilda to
23 - 24 November 2011. Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Organizers: UNESCO
Deadline for application: 3 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://inspace.mediascot.org/beholder/iknowwhereimgoing
New Installation Spanning the Americas Features Objects From the Southwest
6 November 2009 to 6 May 2012. California, U.S.A.
Organizers: Museum of the American Indian Collection - Los Angeles
More info: http://theautry.org/exhibitions/the-art-of-native-american-basketry
EXHIBITION - Designing Tomorrow: America's World's Fairs of the 1930s
2 October 2010 - 10 July 2011. Washington DC, USA
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.nbm.org/exhibitions-collections/exhibitions/worlds-fairs.html
"The Best in Heritage" conference
22-24 September 2011. Dubrovnik, Croatia
Organizers: European Heritage Association
Deadline for registration: 31 August 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.thebestinheritage.com/event/programme/
Exhibition: "Wives and Sweethearts" Love on the frontline - Uncover 200 years of soldiers' lives and loves
Organizers: National Army Museum
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.nam.ac.uk/exhibitions/special-displays/wives-sweethearts
COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL "Sociétés Mayas millénaires : crises du passé et résilience"
Organisateur: Charlotte Arnaud, anthropologue (Maison de l'Archéologie et de l'Ethnologie CNRS - UMR 8096 Archéologie
des Amériques-Université de Paris-Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.quaibranly.fr/fr/programmation/manifestations-scientifiques/colloques-et-symposiums.html
EXHIBITION - Norwegian and Swiss Landscapes from the Lunde Collection
22 June - 18 September 2011. London, United Kingdom
Organizers: National Gallery
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://nationalgallery.org.uk/whats-on/exhibitions/forests-rocks-torrents
EXPOSITION - MAYA: MAYA: de l'aube au crépuscule, collections nationales du Guatemala
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.quaibranly.fr/fr/programmation/expositions/prochainement/maya.html
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - PhD Workshop : Understanding Heritage: Challenges and Perspectives for the 21st
14 - 16 June 2011. Cottbus, Germany
Organizers: Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU)
Contact: [email protected]
New Post-graduate course in Economics and Managements of Cultural Organizations and Heritage (EcoCult)
Deadline for Applications: 4 April 2011
Starting 16 May 2011. Ferrara, Italy
Organizers: Università degli Studi di Ferrara
EcoCult will start on May 16th, 2011 and will be held entirely in English; the course is designed for international postgraduate students or professionals working in cultural institutions or interested in improving their preparation and
enhancing their career. It focuses on the managerial and economic aspects of heritage and art management within an
international framework.
Contact: [email protected]
More Info: http://www.ecocult.it/
EXHIBITION - PaCE - Plants and Culture: seeds of the cultural heritage of Europe - Museo Cervi
Organizers: Museo Cervi
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.fratellicervi.it/content/view/353/1/
COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL - Exposer l'esclavage : Méthodologie et pratiques
11 - 13 mai 2011. Paris, France
Organisateur: Musée du Quai Branly
Plus info: http://www.quaibranly.fr/fr/programmation/manifestations-scientifiques/colloques-et-symposiums.html
Organisateur: Musée national de Bamako
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/cfu
Journée nationale des mémoires de la traite négrière, de l'esclavage et de leur abolition
Organisateur: cpmhe, Comité pour la Mémoire et l'Histoire de l'Esclavage
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.comite-memoire-esclavage.fr/spip.php?article957
EXHIBITION - Paintings and Calligraphy by Zen Master Hakuin - NEW ORLEANS
Organizers: New Orleans Museum of Art
More info: http://www.noma.org/exhibitions.html
Jornada técnica sobre los nuevos centros de interpretación y los museos de hoy
Más info: http://www.mmb.cat/activitats.php?idm=2&pagina=8&codi_subseccio=3&codi_cat=31&estic=1
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.quaibranly.fr/en/programmation/exhibitions/soon/dogon.html
EXPOSITION- SCIENCES & curiosités à la cour de Versailles
Prolongation jusqu'au 3 avril 2011. VERSAILLES, FRANCE
Plus info: http://sciences.chateauversailles.fr/index.php?lang=fr
2 avril 2011 - 2 décembre 2012. Romanèche-Thorins, France
Organisateurs: Musée déparmental du compagnonnage de Romanèche-Thorins
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://arquifranciachile.blogspot.com/2011/03/expo-victor-auclair.html
III Seminario "La Recuperación del Patrimonio Histórico-Educativo. Museos de Educación y Espacios
25 marzo 2011. Sevilla, España
Organiza: MUPEAN (Museo Pedagógico Andaluz)
Contacto: [email protected]
Más info: http://www.museopedagogicoandaluz.com/noticias.html
EXPOSITION : Le hammam ouvre ses portes cachées
22 mars - 10 avril 2011. Fez, Maroc
Organizateurs: Euromed Heritage
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.euromedheritage.net/intern.cfm?lng=fr&menuID=9&submenuID=7&idnews=492
Exhibition - Antiquity Revived: Neoclassical Art in the Eighteenth Century - MFA (Museum of Fine Arts)
20 March - 30 May 2011. Houston, USA
Organizers: The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.mfah.org/exhibition/antiquity-revived-neoclassical-art/
Exhibition: A Thousand Years of the Persian Book of Kings at the Museum of Islamic Art in Berlin
19 March to 3 July 2011. Berlin, Germany
Organizers: Pergamonmuseum
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.smb.museum/smb/kalender/details.php?objID=17488
EXHIBITION - Paintings by Johannes Vermeer as Part of Its 175th Anniversary
17 March - 19 June 2011. Munich, Germany
Organizers: Alte Pinakothek
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.pinakothek.de/en/kalender/2011-03-17/10530/vermeer-munich-king-max-i-joseph-bavariacollector-old-masters
Paintings Not Seen for More than Half a Century Now on View
17 March 2011 to 15 January 2012. Munich, Germany
Organizers: Alte Pinakothek
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.pinakothek.de/en/kalender/2011-03-17/10532/treasures-depot
El Tajin Columns to Be Exhibited for the First Time
17 March 2011. Mexico DF, Mexico
Organizers: National Museum of Anthropology
More info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45411
Organizateurs: MUSEE DE L'ARMEE
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.invalides.org/pages/program.html and http://www.invalides.org/pages/dp/EDD_20.pdf
EXHIBITION - Selection of Its Most Beautiful Drawings and Prints of Dune Landscapes
15 March - 20 June 2011. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
More info: http://www.rijksmuseum.nl/tentoonstellingen/de-hollandse-wildernis?lang=en
Exhibition of Russian Icons - Chazen Museum of Art Russian Icons Collection - Madison
12 March to 5 June 2011. Wisconsin, USA
Organizers: hazen Museum of Art
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.chazen.wisc.edu/exhibitions/PressRelease.asp?PID=157
Premier Exhibition of the Full Images of the Lukhang Murals of Tibet
11 March 2011 to 31 December 2012. New York, USA
Organizers: Rubin Museum of Art
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.rmanyc.org/nav/exhibitions/view/968
EXHIBITION on Mark Dion's Complete South Florida Wildlife Rescue Unit
11 March - 28 August 2011. Florida, USA
Organizers: Miami Art Museum - Miami
Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
More info: http://www.miamiartmuseum.org/exhibition_Mark%20Dion.asp
Exhibition: Gli occhi di Caravaggio
11 March to 3 July 2011. Milano, Italy
Organizers: Museo Diocesano
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.museodiocesano.it/iniziativaEng.asp?ID=777&sez=3&link=10&Tipo
EXHIBITION on Cultures of Ancient Nubia - Institute for the Study of the Ancient World - NEW YORK
11 March - 12 June 2011. New York, USA
Organizers: the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW) at New York University
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.nyu.edu/isaw/exhibitions/nubia/
EXHIBITION - Six ancient cities of Mesoamerica. Society and Environment
10 March 2011 - end date unknown. Mexico DF, Mexico
Organizers: National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH)
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.gobiernodigital.inah.gob.mx/mener/index.php?id=33
EXPOSITION - Nature et idéal : le paysage à Rome, 1600-1650 Carrache, Poussin, Le Lorrain .
9 mars - 6 juin 2011. Paris, France
Organizateurs: Galerie du Grand Palais
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.rmn.fr/paysage-rome/sections
Exhibition - One Hundred Years of Collecting and Exhibiting Tibetan Art
5 March to 31 December 2011. New Jersey, U.S.A.
Organizers: Newark Museum - Newark
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.newarkmuseum.org/conservationexhibition.html
Arctic Sanctuary: Images of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge at the Bruce Museum - Greenwich
5 March - 29 May 2011. Connecticut, U.S.A.
Organizers: Bruce Museum in Greenwich
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://brucemuseum.org/site/exhibitions_detail/arctic_sanctuary_images_of_the_arctic_national_wildlife_refuge/
Pompeii Exhibit at New York City's Discovery Times Square Shines Light on Buried City
4 March - 5 September 2011. New York, U.S.A.
Organizers: Discovery Times Square
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
More info: http://www.discoverytsx.com/pompeii
EXHIBITION - "42" Women of Sierra Leone: Photography Exhibition
4 March 2011 to 15 April 2012. Liverpool - United Kingdom
Organizers: International Slavery Museum
More info: http://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/ism/exhibitions/42/
EXHIBITION - Afghanistan: Crossroads of the Ancient World at The British Museum
3 March - 3 July 2011. London, United Kingdom
Organizers: The British Museum
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.britishmuseum.org/whats_on/future_exhibitions/afghanistan.aspx
Exposition Polonia, des Polonais en France depuis 1830
Organizers: Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.histoire-immigration.fr/2010/8/polonia-des-polonais-en-france-depuis-1830
Exposition: Egypte de pierre de Prisse d'Avennes
2 Mars - 2 Juin 2011. Paris, France
Organizateurs: Musee du Louvre, department of Egyptian Antiquities
Plus info: http://www.louvre.fr/llv/exposition/detail_exposition.jsp
1 March - 24 June 2011. COPENHAGEN, DENMARK
Organizers: National Gallery of Denmark
Contact: [email protected] and conservator, Troels Filtenborg - [email protected]
More info: http://www.smk.dk/en/explore-the-art/exhibitions/abildgaard-open-studio/
EXPOSITION - Visions d'Égypte. Émile Prisse d'Avennes (1807-1879)
1er mars - 5 juin 2011. Paris, France
Organizateurs: BIBLIOTHEQUE Nationale de France
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.bnf.fr/fr/evenements_et_culture/anx_expositions/f.visions_degypte_prisse_davennes.html
Exhibition - Our World's Most Precious Natural Resource - Royal Ontario Museum 5
March to 5 September 2011. Toronto, Canada
Organizers: Royal Ontario Museum
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.rom.on.ca/news/releases/public.php?mediakey=w5jgq5wqym
Getty Museum Presents Ancient Cambodian Bronze Masterpieces from the Khmer Empire
Organizers: J. Paul Getty Museum
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.getty.edu/art/exhibitions/gods_angkor/
EXHIBITION - Getty Museum Displays Stories to Watch: Narrative in Medieval Manuscripts - LOS ANGELES
Organizers: The J. Paul Getty Trust, Getty Center Drive Los Angeles
Contact: [email protected].
More info: http://www.getty.edu/art/exhibitions/stories_watch/
EXHIBITION - Gods of Angkor: Bronzes from the National Museum of Cambodia
22 February - 14 August 2011. California, USA
Organizers: GETTY CENTER, Los Angeles
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.getty.edu/art/exhibitions/gods_angkor/index.html
Olmec: Exhibition of Colossal Masterworks of Ancient Mexico Opens at the de Young - SAN FRANCISCO
19 February - 8 MAY 2011. CALIFORNIA, USA
Organizers: Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in collaboration with the
Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes-Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia de México.
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://deyoung.famsf.org/deyoung/exhibitions/olmec-colossal-masterworks-ancient-mexico
EXHIBITION - First Major Exhibition in More Than Thirty Years to Examine Tipis of Plains Peoples - BROOKLYN
18 February - 15 MAY 2011. NEW YORK STATE, USA
Organizers: Brooklyn Museum
Contact: [email protected].
More info: http://www.brooklynmuseum.org/exhibitions/tipi/
EXHIBITION - Secrets of the Silk Road - Penn Museum - Philadelphia
18 February - 28 MARCH 2011. Pennsylvania, USA
Organizers: Penn Museum
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.penn.museum/silkroad/?utm_source=General+E-newsletter&utm_campaign=56f16bc445Forward_to_a_Friend_E_newsletter2_16_2011&utm_medium=email
EXHIBITION - The Belvedere in Vienna Dedicates Comprehensive Show to Austrian Artist Egon Schiele
17 February to 13 June 2011
Organizers: Belvedere Museum
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.belvedere.at/jart/prj3/belvedere/main.jart?rel=en&content-id=1281810490126&reserve-
Temporary Installation: See Nero and Seneca by Eduardo Barrón "Converse"
15 February - 24 September 2011. Madrid, Spain
Organizers: Prado Museum
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.museodelprado.es/en/exhibitions/exhibitions/at-the-museum/instalacion-especial-emneron-ysenecaem-de-eduardo-barron-tras-su-restauracion/
Exhibition: Marcel Breuer and Postwar America - Slocum Gallery
15 February to 29 March 2011. New York, USA
Organizers: Syracuse University School of Architecture
More info: http://soa.syr.edu/index.php
EXHIBITION - Milwaukee Art Museum Offers a Fresh Perspective on Frank Lloyd Wright - MILWAUKEE
Organizers: Milwaukee Art Museum
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.mam.org/frank-lloyd-wright/
EXPOSITION - L'Orient des femmes vu par Christian Lacroix
8 Février - 15 mai 2011. Paris, France
Plus info: http://www.quaibranly.fr/fr/programmation/expositions/a-l-affiche/l-orient-des-femmes-vu-par-christian-lacroix.
EXPOSITION- "Ferme les yeux pour voir la préhistoire"
6 février - 26 juin 2011. DORDOGNE, FRANCE
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.maxisciences.com/pr%e9histoire/la-prehistoire-les-yeux-fermes-une-expo-des-plusoriginales_art13406.html
25 janvier - 25 avril 2011. Bamako, Mali
Organisateur: Musée national du Mali
Plus info: http://www.africinfo.org/index.asp?navig=evenement&no=24134
EXHIBITION - Art- Memory - Place - Commemorating the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire
11 January to 26 March 2011 and 12 April to 9 July 2011. New York, United States of America
Organizers: Grey Art Gallery
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.nyu.edu/greyart/exhibits/shirtwaist/shirtwaisthome.html
Museos, memoria y turismo
Por Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea. Universidad del País Vasco. 2006
ISBN: 84-8373-862-7
En los últimos años venimos asistiendo a una proliferación importante de museos en nuestros
territorios. Esta proliferación se explica si se vincula con el contexto social y cultura que la impulsa y
legitima. Los trabajos presentados en este libro abordan precisamente la vinculación de los museos
con dos aspectos que legitiman su función social y su significado cultural: por un lado, los museos
como infraestructuras que representan y visualizan la identidad y la memoria de los grupos sociales;
y, por otro, los museos como impulsores y favorecedores del turismo cultural en sus territorios.
Así, desde diferentes planteamientos teóricos y metodológicos, con objetivos y metas diferentes, con
sensibilidades e implicaciones distintas, y valiéndose de diferentes narrativas, los autores de los
trabajos de esta publicación nos presentan sus aproximaciones al mundo de los museos y su relación con esos dos
Patrimonios culturales y museos: más allá de la Historia y del Arte
Por Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea. Universidad del País Vasco. 2007
ISBN: 978-84-9860-000-1
En esta obra se recogen ocho artículos acerca de la activación o puesta en valor de equipamientos
patrimoniales o museísticos. Todos comparten una misma premisa: los proyectos patrimoniales y
museísticos no se activan solamente por criterios definidos desde la Historia o desde el Arte.
Valoraciones económicas, políticas, sociales y, de una u otra manera, identitarias, realizadas por
diferentes agentes, hay que tener también en cuenta, si se quieren abordar en toda su complejidad
su activación o puesta en valor.
El lector no encontrará en este libro reflexiones o planteamientos muy teóricos y abstractos sobre los
fundamentos que legitiman la activación o puesta en valor de dichos equipamientos. Encontrará, por
el contrario, descripciones de casos concretos y reflexiones a partir de dichos casos, realizadas, de un lado, por profesores
de universidad o técnicos de la Administración y, de otro, por agentes locales muy vinculados a las iniciativas patrimoniales
y museísticas que exponen en sus artículos. Éste es el objetivo de esta publicación mostrar desde los casos concretos la
complejidad que presentan las iniciativas patrimoniales y museísticas.
Participación ciudadana, patrimonio cultural y museos: entre la teoría y la praxis
Por Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea. Universidad del País Vasco. 2008
ISBN: 978-84-9860-129-9
Han pasado varias décadas desde que la Nueva Museología revolucionase los campos de los museos y
del patrimonio cultural. Democracia cultural, comunidad, territorio, concienciación, diálogo o
multidisciplinaridad fueron conceptos y principios que los teóricos e ideólogos de esa nueva corriente
fueron incorporando a esos campos, criticando, matizando o reemplazando los que sustentaban la
museología tradicional o el patrimonio histórico-artístico. Transcurridos varios decenios esos principios
revolucionarios están siendo objeto de crítica acerca de su pertinencia y adecuación a los tiempos
De todos esos principios, esta publicación aborda el de la implicación de la comunidad, el de la
participación ciudadana en los proyectos museísticos y patrimoniales, que aquellos teóricos consideraban básico. Hoy en
día, en el plano teórico y discursivo hay unanimidad al respecto. Legislaciones, normas, cartas, recomendaciones
nacionales e internacionales asumen ese principio: las comunidades y los ciudadanos deben tomar parte en las iniciativas
que activan o ponen en valor su patrimonio cultural. En la praxis, por el contrario, la asunción y la concreción de ese
principio están siendo problemáticas. Más en estos tiempos de fomento del individualismo, del consumo compulsivo, de la
espectacularidad, de la simplicidad y de lo efímero. Basados en casos concretos, los actores de esta publicación describen y
analizan los límites, las potencialidades y las posibilidades de la participación ciudadana en los campos museísticos y
Activaciones patrimoniales e iniciativas museísticas ¿Por quién? y ¿para quién?
Por Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea. Universidad del País Vasco. 2009
ISBN: 978-84-9860-059-9
Se suele afirmar que hay dos tipos de patrimonio cultural. Uno, “eterno”, “riguroso”, “irremplazable” o
“global”; el otro, “contingente”, “flexible”; “sustituible” o “local”. El primero es de la “humanidad”; el
segundo, de la “comunidad”. Los trabajos que se presentan en esta publicación, describen y analizan
procesos de activación de ese segundo tipo de patrimonio: los intereses y las valorizaciones que han
conducido a la patrimonialización o puesta en valor de unos bienes culturales; qué agentes han
intervenido en ese proceso; por qué, para qué y cómo lo han llevado a cabo. Se interesan más por el
“modus operandi” que por el “opus operatum”. Escritos por profesores, investigadores, especialistas y
técnicos, los trabajos de esta publicación presentan un conjunto de experiencias europeas y
americanas, mostrando un panorama diverso y complejo del campo patrimonial y museístico, así como distintas
aproximaciones a dicho campo en función de la posición que ocupa el autor respecto a los bienes culturales.
Museos y parques naturales - Comunidades locales, administraciones públicas y
patrimonialización de la cultura y la naturaleza
Por Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea. Universidad del País Vasco. 2010
ISBN: 978-84-9860-448-1
Esta obra consta de tres apartados en los que profesores, investigadores y especialistas disertan
acerca de los procesos de patrimonialización de la cultura y la naturaleza a partir de experiencias
concretas de Europa y América. En la primera parte, son los museos los objetos de análisis, teniendo
en cuenta los siguientes aspectos: en primer lugar, los museos como instrumentos favorecedores del
desarrollo local y fortalecedores de la identidad local; en segundo lugar, el boom de los museos en los
últimos años y su relación con el turismo; y, para concluir, la implementación de redes con todo lo
que ello puede favorecer a la viabilidad de los museos, pero también con los problemas y límites
reales que presenta. En la segunda parte, se aborda la cuestión de los parques naturales y de la vinculación estrecha, se
quiera o no, de la cultura y la naturaleza, y de los patrimonios cultural y natural. En la última parte, se trata de una
cuestión muy específica y muy necesaria en el campo patrimonial y museísticos: la necesidad de estrechar las relaciones y
vinculaciones entre universitarios y agentes locales.
Laboutik sinoi / La boutique chinois (PHOTOGRAPHIES) Blue Penny Museum exhibition.
Port-Louis, Mauritius - March 2011
Edité par Christian Le Comte, ce bouquin contient une panoplie de jolies photos prises par Béatrice
L’exposition ‘Maurice en miniature’ à peine achevée, place est donc faite à une autre exposition
intitulée ‘Laboutik sinoi’, au musée Blue Penny Museum. Le vernissage s’est déroulé mardi soir en
présence de nombreux invités dont principalement Bian Yanhua, ambassadrice de la république de
Chine à Maurice et Jean-François Dobelle, ambassadeur de France à Maurice. Avant le vernissage,
Melody Chan a exécuté une danse.
Relations entre les musées et les municipalités: publication du Livre blanc!
Quels avantages peut-on retirer de la relation entre les musées et les municipalités ? Comment les
partenariats existants peuvent-ils être améliorés ? Les musées et les municipalités locales font-ils face
à des défis similaires ? Quels sont les mécanismes nécessaires pour rendre ces relations plus
efficaces ?
Voici quelques-unes des questions auxquelles le Livre blanc sur « Les relations entre les musées et les
municipalités en Europe » essaye de répondre. Préparé et rédigé par Anne Krebs (musée du Louvre)
et Xavier Greffe (Université Paris I Sorbonne), ce Livre blanc est le principal résultat des activités
organisées par « Museums et Municipalities », un groupement européen d’analyse politique né de
l’initiative des membres de l’ENCATC en avril 2010 et soutenu par la Commission européenne dans le
cadre du programme Culture. Le document met en évidence les synergies et les différences relatives
à l’analyse de la mission des musées et aux attentes mutuelles des musées et des municipalités.
MUSEUM International N°247 Que peut encore l'Art ? (2)
Volume 62, n° 3, 2010
ISSN 1020-2226
Ce numéro de la revue MUSEUM International livre la seconde partie des actes du débat « Que peut
encore l’art ? », organisé en 2009 par le Secteur de la culture de l’UNESCO, en collaboration avec le
Conseil international de la philosophie et des sciences humaines. Le rôle de l’art dans le dialogue des
cultures, le développement et la cohésion sociale a été pris en compte dans les missions de l’UNESCO
dès sa création. Cependant, si l’on reconnaît toujours aujourd’hui la dimension universelle des arts,
sans doute faut-il les repenser en tant que langage commun à toutes les sociétés au regard des liens
qu’ils entretiennent désormais avec les cultures dans un système mondialisé. MUSEUM International N
° 247 examine des thèmes, tels le rôle de l’art et de la mémoire dans les processus de réconciliation,
l’interrogation sur le destin de l’écrit dans les espaces technologiques transnationaux, ou encore l’injonction faite, en
réponse aux bouleversements mondiaux, d’un nouvel humanisme.
Revue Culture et Musées n°16 - LA (R)EVOLUTION DES MUSEES D'ART
ISBN 978-2-7427-9559-8
Depuis environ trente ans d’importantes transformations ont affecté tous les genres de musées et
leurs expositions. On a pu parler, par exemple, d’une révolution dans les musées de science et le
concept de musée de société est apparu à beaucoup comme une remise en cause majeure des
approches muséographiques classiques.
Qu’en est-il aujourd’hui du côté des musées d’art ?
Multicisciplinary Perspectives in Archaeological Heritage Management - ICOMOS International Committee on
Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM)
ICAHM is delighted to announce its new book series, which is being published by Springer Press. Books will appear
simultaneously in print in soft cover and on-line within 8-12 weeks of final manuscript receipt.
Volumes will be 50-125 typeset pages (20,000 to 45,000 words), including images and references. The series is ideal for
scholars whose manuscript is too long for an article yet too brief for a full-length book. We welcome single authored, coauthored, or edited submissions. Each volume is peer-reviewed.
The series will address critical contemporary problems and illustrate exemplary work in archaeological heritage
management in countries around the globe. The series will take a broad view of the concepts of archaeology, heritage, and
management in accordance with ICAHM’s mandate itself. Contributing authors will see archaeological heritage management
as a dynamic interface between professional practice, scholary investigation, and the public sphere. We seek manuscripts
that are grounded, practical, applied, theoretically engaged, and problem-solving.
Il museo oltre la crisi - Dialogo fra museologia e management
Fabio Donato e Anna Maria Visser Travagli
Editorial Mondadori Electa
ISBN-13: 978-8837077082
The book offers a provocative, a starting point for a fruitful reflection and dialogue around that urgent
cultural heritage that is the first resource, civil identity and growth of our country: the museum. The
public recognition of the value of the museum, a place of dialogue and synthesis between museology
and management.
Fabio Donato from the University of Ferrara in Italy is a Board member of ENCATC.
To buy this book please consult the website: http://www.amazon.it/crisi-Dialogomuseologiamanagement-Electa/dp/8837077084/ref=pd_nr_b_7?ie=UTF8&s=books
Patrimoine naturel et environnement
Photographer Mitch Epstein Wins the 2011 Prix Pictet Photography Prize for
Environmental Sustainability
Kofi Annan, Honorary President of the Prix Pictet, announced this evening, Thursday 17 March
2011, Mitch Epstein as the winner of the third Prix Pictet photography prize for environmental
The prize is sponsored by the Swiss bank, Pictet & Cie, with a value of 100,000 Swiss Francs
(100,000 dollars, 80,000). The announcement was made at the opening of an exhibition of the
works of the 12 shortlisted photographers at the Paris gallery, Passage de Retz.
Jacques de Saussure, Senior Partner of Pictet, awarded the 40,000 Swiss Francs (40,000 dollars, 30,000) commission to
the US photographer Chris Jordan to undertake a field trip to Northern Kenya where Pictet & Cie is currently supporting the
work of the environmental charity, the Tusk Trust.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45819
Infrared mapping resolves soft tissue preservation in 50 million year-old reptile skin
N. P. Edwards, H. E. Barden, B. E. van Dongen, P. L. Manning, P. L. Larson, U. Bergmann, W. I. Sellers and R. A. Wogelius
Non-destructive Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) mapping of Eocene aged fossil reptile skin shows that biological control
on the distribution of endogenous organic components within fossilized soft tissue can be resolved. Mapped organic
functional units within this approximately 50 Myr old specimen from the Green River Formation (USA) include amide and
sulphur compounds. These compounds are most probably derived from the original beta keratin present in the skin because
fossil leaf- and other non-skin-derived organic matter from the same geological formation do not show intense amide or
thiol absorption bands. Maps and spectra from the fossil are directly comparable to extant reptile skin.
More information: http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/early/2011/03/12/rspb.2011.0135
Scientists Dig for Ice Age Fossils - George C. Page Museum - Los Angeles California - USA
With a dental pick in hand, Karin Rice delicately scraped off a clump of asphalt from a pelvic
bone belonging to a horse that roamed Los Angeles tens of thousands of years ago.
Like many unsuspecting creatures of the last Ice Age, the horse probably stopped to take a
sip of spring water only to be ensnared — and later preserved — in a pool of sticky asphalt
that seeped from underground crude oil deposits.
"You're opening up this ancient world and getting to look back in time," Rice said during a
recent dig at the La Brea Tar Pits in the heart of Los Angeles.
For the past three years, scientists have been sifting through a significant trove of bones and a nearly intact mammoth
skeleton discovered in 2006 during the construction of an underground garage next to the tar pits.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45594
World's poorest billion to gain from managing own forests
The lives of a billion of the world’s poorest people could be improved though investing in
community forest management, according to a recent IUCN study. As the world celebrates
World Forest Day, IUCN urges decision-makers to recognize the various benefits of forests for
forest-dependent communities.
Only a small fraction of the US$ 12 billion spent on the forest sector each year by governments
and aid agencies goes to help communities heavily dependent on forests to control and manage
their resources, the study reveals. As a comparison, the investment in commercial forestry
amounts to US$ 150 billion a year.
More information: http://www.iucn.org/?7139/Worlds-Poorest-Billion-to-Gain-From-Managing-Own-Forests
Oil Palm the biggest threat to orang-utans (Indonesia)
First study on orang-utan survival in human altered habitat in Indonesia
Rapid oil palm expansion into lowland forest habitats represents the greatest
threat to the critically endangered Sumatran orang-utan.
However, a recent study conducted by Fauna & Flora International (FFI), in
partnership with the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE), has
been the first to investigate whether and how orang-utans are able to survive
in human-altered landscapes where oil palm and other agriculture has
replaced primary habitat, but where remnants of old growth forest also still occur.
More information: http://www.fauna-flora.org/news/oil-palm-the-biggest-threat-to-orangutans/
Scientists back rethink of Brazil forest law, but with biodiversity in mind
Two of Brazil’s most important scientific associations have taken stances in the ongoing debate about proposed alterations
to Brazil’s national forest legislation, saying that while the law needs to be changed, current proposals fall short of what is
needed to protect biodiversity and natural resources.
The Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC) and the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) made their opinion
public following a seven-month study on the issue.
More information: http://wwf.panda.org/wwf_news/?199647/Scientists-back-rethink-of-Brazil-forest-law-but-withbiodiversity-in-mind
Réunion d'information pour les délégations permanentes et observateurs auprès de l'UNESCO sur les activités
de l'UNESCO dans le domaine des Géoparcs
La réunion a pour objectif de résumer les progrès réalisés sur les activités des Géoparcs mondiaux qui ont commencé il y a
11 ans et auxquelles l'UNESCO offre un soutien sur une base ad hoc depuis 2004.
Trois experts externes travaillant activement avec les Géoparcs viendront faire une présentation. Ils viennent d’Europe et
présenteront : ce qu’est un Géoparc, où sont-ils situés ?, pourquoi sont-ils nécessaires ?, Pourquoi sont-ils différents des
autres types de parcs ou désignés comme tels, etc. Ils fourniront également des exemples de Géoparcs en activité situés
dans différentes régions du monde.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/natural-sciences-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]
TARA OCEANS: Interview de Michael Pitiot, réalisateur et auteur de la série de documentaire,
Le récit d’une longue expédition comme Tara Oceans (2009-2012) est proche de celui d’une saga. Un mode
narratif qu’on appelle « la quête », au cinéma. Un long chemin plein de péripéties qui mène à une vue
d’ensemble ; somme toute assez comparable à la recherche scientifique ! Ce genre de film nécessite une
phase d’initiation où l’on découvre les héros, le bateau, la mer, et bien sûr le premier aspect de la quête.
C’est ce qu’expose le premier film : le monde caché du phytoplancton et du zooplancton. Dans le deuxième
film, on entre dans ce monde et l’on comprend son organisation. Le troisième film explore comment la
biologie est à la source de notre Terre, de sa géologie, de sa chimie… C’est assez bluffant, en réalité, l’histoire monte en
puissance ! Enfin, le dernier film est celui de la révélation, pour reprendre la terminologie du cinéma. C’est celui où l’on
s’interroge sur « l’homme dans tout ça ». Cette quête se déroule sur fond de navigation parfois délicate dans des coins
extraordinaires. On raconte une odyssée !
Plus information : http://oceans.taraexpeditions.org/fr/interview-de-michael-pitiot-realisateur-et-auteur-de-la-serie-dedocumentaire-tara-oceans-le-monde-secret.php?id_page=622
Meeting of the Group of Specialists on the European Diploma of Protected Areas (Strasbourg, France, 14-15
March 2011)
The Group of Experts on European Diploma of Protected Areas meets in Strasbourg on 14-15 March 2011. During this twoday meeting, the Group will work on draft resolutions for renewals of European Diplomas in 11 areas including Piatra
Craiuilui National Park (Romania), Gran Paradiso National Park (Italy), Vanoise National Park (France), Bayerischer Wald
National Park (Germany), Camargue National Reserve (France), Kusçenneti National Park (Turkey).
More information: http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/nature/diploma/news/meeting_EN.asp
FILM SUR LES BONOBOS (Lancement le 30 mars 2011)
Réalisé par : Alain Tixier avec : Claudine André...
Genre : Documentaire
Pays : France
Beni, un jeune bonobo du nord du Zaïre (ex-Congo), est capturé par des braconniers. Sa mère a été
abattue en voulant le protéger. Après avoir vécu quelques mois en captivité comme un animal de foire
dans un bar de Kinshasa, Béni est récupéré en piteux état par Claudine André. Cette Française, émule de
Diane Fossey ou de Jane Goodall, consacre sa vie à la défense de ce grand singe menacé. Elle ramène
alors Beni dans le sanctuaire qu'elle a créé à proximité de Kinshasa. Là, dans ce morceau de jungle, Beni va retrouver goût
à la vie au milieu de ses congénères et peut-être pouvoir être réinséré dans son habitat naturel.
Plus information : http://www.cinemovies.fr/fiche_film.php?IDfilm=20931
Economic adversity doesn't stop Greece protecting biodiversity
The Greek parliament yesterday took the bold step of voting in the country's first national
biodiversity law – setting aside a preoccupation with the current unprecedented economic
crisis to put in place safeguards for the future.
WWF, noting that the economic crisis is putting Greece's natural environment under
increasing pressure, praised the courage and foresight of Greek Minister for Environment,
Energy and Climate Change, Tina Birbili, the goverment and parlimentarians who stood by
the legislation during a grueling debate over several weeks.
More information: http://wwf.panda.org/wwf_news/?199615/Economic-adversity-doesnt-stop-Greece-protectingbiodiversity
Wetlands Matter: Valuing wetland ecosystems in a changing climate
Over 100 government representatives and international experts on wetland science, policy
and management met for a one-day symposium in Edinburgh, UK, on 24 February 2011.
Organised and hosted by the Scottish Government, Scottish Environment Protection Agency,
Scottish Natural Heritage and Wetlands International, the symposium on Wetlands Matter:
Valuing wetland ecosystems in a changing climate, has produced a communiqué linking their
conclusions to some of the key evidence presented during the Symposium. The Call for Action
suggests who the target audiences might be in each case. The symposium was attended by the Secretariat’s Deputy
Secretary General, Nick Davidson.
More information: http://www.wetlands.org/LinkClick.aspx?link=publications
Signature de la convention de partenariat entre la Fondation du Patrimoine et le Conservatoire du littoral
Mardi 29 mars à 8h30, à la Questure de l’Assemblée Nationale de Paris, Frédéric Néraud, directeur général de la Fondation
et Yves Colombet, directeur du Conservatoire, se réunissent pour formaliser leur partenariat à travers la signature d’une
convention-cadre ; en présence de Charles de Croisset, président de la Fondation du Patrimoine, Jérôme Bignon, président
du conseil d’administration du Conservatoire du Littoral et de plusieurs parlementaires.
Plus information : http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-signature-de-convention-cadreentre-la-fondation-du-patrimoine-et-le-conservatoire-du-littoral-199
Evolutions climatiques : Approches interdisciplinaires - Colloque au Muséum d'histoire
naturelle, Paris- France (mars 2007)
En réunissant des scientifiques, des experts du Groupe intergouvernemental d'étude du climat
(GIEC), des représentants d'administrations et d'institutions de diffusion de (information
scientifique, le colloque se propose de mettre en évidence comment des disciplines scientifiques
aussi différentes que les sciences de la Terre et de l'atmosphère, les sciences naturalistes et les
sciences économiques, convergent pour estimer les conséquences néfastes du changement
climatique et fournir des éléments de réponse de nature politique pour en atténuer les effets et
permettre les nécessaires adaptations.
Plus information : http://www.archivesaudiovisuelles.fr/EN/Event.asp?id=971&url=/971/accueil.asp
TARA OCEANS EXPEDITION - Série de 4 documentaires de 52 minutes intitulée "Un monde secret: Dans les
abysses, il existe un monde secret dont le rôle est capital pour la vie sur terre"
Après avoir publié en septembre 2010 « Biodiversité marine, à, l‘aube de l’exploration des mers et des océans… » qui
mentionnait un programme, le Census of marine life visant à recenser la biodiversité marine, une mission scientifique, Tara
Oceans, s’inscrit dans la recherche scientifique planctonique.
L’équipée scientifique, Tara Oceans, qui mène depuis 2009 une expédition sur tous les océans et mers du globe livrera
quelques clichés la richesse de la diversité planctonique à travers quatre documentaires « le monde secret » qui sera
diffusé sur Planète Thalassa les 15, 22, 29 avril et le 6 mai prochain. Quatre diffusions programmées à 20h40.
Plus information : http://oceans.taraexpeditions.org/uploads/press/dp_tara_ocans_bat_-_.pdf
La Réserve de la Biosphère du Mont Ventoux a vingt ans
En juillet 1990, la désignation « Réserve de Biosphère », acte de reconnaissance de la communauté internationale envers
des hommes d'avoir su et pu développer des activités humaines en harmonie avec leur territoire et dans le respect du
vivant est attribuée à ce territoire par l'UNESCO dans le cadre de son programme « Man And Biosphere » (MAB),
programme interdisciplinaire basé sur la recherche et créé dans le but d'étudier et d'améliorer les relations entre l'homme
et son Environnement global.
Plus information : http://www.smaemv.fr/reserve-de-biosphere/mont-ventoux.html
Le séisme du Japon a déplacé un glacier de l'Antarctique
Des chercheurs américains se sont aperçus que les violentes secousses du séisme survenu vendredi au
large du Japon, avaient accéléré le déplacement d'un courant glaciaire de l'Antarctique.
Les ondes sismiques auraient déplacé un glacier. C'est ce que viennent tout juste de révéler des
géophysiciens de l'Université de Santa Cruz en Californie, quelques jours après le désastreux séisme qui
a frappé le Japon. Depuis 2007, ces chercheurs utilisent des stations GPS pour surveiller le mouvement
du courant glaciaire des Whillans, un glacier "mouvant" de l'Antarctique.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/sisme-au-japon/le-seisme-du-japon-a-deplace-unglacier-de-l-039-antarctique_art13213.html
L'Islande doit abandonner la chasse à la baleine
Onze pays se sont associés afin de publier une résolution demandant à l'Islande d'abandonner la chasse
à la baleine commerciale, considérée alors comme cruelle et inutile.
Ils sont onze. Onze pays comme l'Argentine, le Brésil, l'Australie ou les Etats-Unis à avoir signé une
résolution montrant leur opposition à la chasse à la baleine commerciale. Fort de cette résolution, le
Fonds international pour la protection des animaux (IFAW) a alors demandé à l'Islande de stopper cette
chasse aux rorquals, et à rejoindre de ce fait le consensus mondial de protection des baleines.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/baleine/l-039-islande-doit-abandonner-la-chasse-a-labaleine_art13148.html
Le tsunami dans le Pacifique a tué des milliers d’oiseaux marins sur le Midway Atoll National
Wildlife Refuge
Vendredi 11 mars, 4 heures après le terrible séisme survenu au large du Japon, le tsunami a balayé
l’archipel de Midway, en plein Pacifique, au large d’Hawaï, entraînant la mort de milliers d’oiseaux
marins, surpris par le déluge.
Les ornithologues des Refuges nationaux pour la vie sauvage d’Hawaï et des îles du Pacifique ont
constaté les dégâts infligés par le passage du tsunami de vendredi aux colonies d’oiseaux de mer de
l’archipel de Midway, des îles basses situées à 2.000 kilomètres au nord-ouest d’Honolulu. Deux espèces
sont principalement concernées.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/oiseau/le-tsunami-dans-le-pacifique-a-tue-des-milliers-d-oiseaux-marinssur-un-atoll_art13256.html
Les îles Galapagos affectées par le tsunami - Equateur
Le dévastateur tsunami engendré vendredi au Japon par un violent séisme, a sur son chemin frappé les îles Galapagos.
Plusieurs sites touristiques de l'archipel équatorien, dont Charles Darwin avait étudié la biodiversité, ont été endommagés.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/galapagos/les-les-galapagos-affectees-par-le-tsunami_art13200.html
Vers la création d'un Centre national d’alerte aux tsunamis en Méditerranée - France
Les risques de tsunamis n'existent pas seulement dans le Pacifique. La Méditerranée et l'Atlantique nord
sont aussi concernés par la menace de catastrophes telles que celle qui s'est abattue vendredi dernier sur
le Japon. Afin de mieux prévenir ces risques, un centre d’alerte pour les tsunamis dans l’Atlantique nordest et la Méditerranée devrait être créé en mai 2012.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/tsunami/vers-la-creation-d-039-un-centre-national-dalerte-aux-tsunamis-en-mediterranee_art13233.html
La Boudeuse va reprendre sa mission Terre-Océan
En mai 2010, le capitaine de la goélette La Boudeuse devait interrompre sa mission Terre-Océan, faute
de financement pour poursuivre cette exploration réalisée sur demande du ministère de
l'Environnement. Mais après avoir passé à Nantes plusieurs mois à quai, le trois-mâts va enfin
reprendre la mer, grâce à l'ONG Acted (Agence d'Aide à la Coopération Technique et au
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/la-boudeuse/la-boudeuse-va-reprendre-sa-missionterre-ocean_art13045.html
(en anglais) Leadership in elephants: the adaptive value of age
Karen McComb1, Graeme Shannon, Sarah M. Durant, Katito Sayialel, Rob Slotow, Joyce Poole and Cynthia Moss
The value of age is well recognized in human societies, where older individuals often emerge as leaders in tasks requiring
specialized knowledge, but what part do such individuals play in other social species? Despite growing interest in how
effective leadership might be achieved in animal social systems, the specific role that older leaders may play in decisionmaking has rarely been experimentally investigated. Here, we use a novel playback paradigm to demonstrate that in
African elephants (Loxodonta africana), age affects the ability of matriarchs to make ecologically relevant decisions in a
domain critical to survival—the assessment of predatory threat. While groups consistently adjust their defensive behaviour
to the greater threat of three roaring lions versus one, families with younger matriarchs typically under-react to roars from
male lions despite the severe danger they represent. Sensitivity to this key threat increases with matriarch age and is
greatest for the oldest matriarchs, who are likely to have accumulated the most experience. Our study provides the first
empirical evidence that individuals within a social group may derive significant benefits from the influence of an older
leader because of their enhanced ability to make crucial decisions about predatory threat, generating important insights
into selection for longevity in cognitively advanced social mammals.
Plus information en anglais : http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/early/2011/03/10/rspb.2011.0168#xref-fn-1-1
(en anglais) Vietnam designates a national park for Man and Biosphere status - Ba Be - Bac Kan
Province - Vietnam
Located in the Bac Kan Province, Ba Be (10,048 ha; 22°24'N 105°36'E) is a National Park and an ASEAN
Heritage Park. The Man and Biosphere Committee of Viet Nam is currently supporting the designation of Ba
Be as a Biosphere Reserve. As summarised by Marian Gwilliam, Regional Assistant Advisor for AsiaOceania, Ba Be National Park supports the only significant natural mountain lake in Viet Nam and is the
most important wetland in the country’s protected area system because it is the only site that has a
natural lake surrounded by a mountainous karst ecosystem.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsar-news-rs-vietnam/main/ramsar/1-26%
(en anglais) Ramsar Convention's Scientific & Technical Review Panel (STRP) meets
in Gland - Gland - Switzerland
The Ramsar Convention’s scientific advisory body STRP met for its 16th session from 14-18
February in the Ramsar/IUCN Headquarters in Gland, Switzerland. Over 50 Panel members,
observer organization representatives, STRP National Focal Points and invited experts worked
intensively on three broad issues: a) further drafting and finalizing scientific and technical draft
Resolutions and guidance to be transmitted to Standing Committee and Ramsar COP11 in June
2012; b) review of progress and products under each of the Panel’s 10 Thematic Work Areas;
and c) identification of emerging issues and recommendations for future scientific and technical priorities for the panel for
the 2013-2015 triennium.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsar-news-strp14-report/main/ramsar/1-26%
(en anglais) New conservation and management rules for India's wetlands
The Ministry of Environment and Forests notified the Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2010. These rules
have been drafted by the Ministry of Environment and Forests to ensure better conservation and management and to
prevent degradation of existing wetlands in India. The Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2010 is a positive
step towards conservation of wetlands in India. “This is the first time that legally enforceable Rules are being notified for
such eco sensitive areas in our country. This will go a long way in protecting our wetlands which are under severe threat”
said Mr. Jairam Ramesh, Minister for Environment and Forests.
Plus information en anglais : http://moef.nic.in/downloads/public-information/Wetlands-Rules-2010.pdf
La République kirghize inscrit le lac Son-Kol
La République kirghize, qui a adhéré à la Convention en 2003, vient d'inscrire sa troisième zone
humide d'importance internationale sur la Liste de Ramsar. Le lac Son-Kol (36 869 ha, 41° 50'N
75°07'E) qui fait partie de la Réserve naturelle d'État Karatal-Japyryk et se trouve à plus de
3000 m d'altitude est le plus grand lac d'eau douce de haute altitude du Kirghizistan central. Il
est important pour son rôle de site de repos pour une grande diversité d'oiseaux migrateurs
comme la cigogne noire (Ciconia nigra) mais aussi parce qu'il accueille des populations
reproductrices de goélands (Larus spp), de sternes (p.ex., Sterna hirundo), d'oies (p.ex., Anser indicus) et de grèbes (p.ex.
Podiceps nigricollis).
Plus information : http://www.ramsar.org/cda/fr/ramsar-news-archives-2011-son-kol-lake/main/ramsar/1-26-45-489%
(en anglais) Islamic Republic of Iran designates its 24th Wetland of International
Importance: Kanibarazan
Kanibarazan Wetland is located in the north-west region of the Islamic Republic of Iran and
consists of a freshwater lake surrounded by diverse plant communities. The site is located to
the south of Lake Urmia, and is surrounded by seasonal wetlands which become dry during
summer and autumn. The Kanibarazan Wetland is one of the most important habitats for
waterbirds in the region, supporting more than twenty thousand birds with more than one
hundred bird species recorded at this site, including a number of important species such as the
endangered White-headed Duck (Oxyura leucocephala)...
Plus information en anglais : http://www.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsar-news-rs-iran-kanibarazan/main/ramsar/1-26%
(en anglais) Botswana President welcomes IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) support for
national conservation efforts
IUCN’s Director General, Julia Marton-Lefèvre was received by President Seretse Khama Ian Khama of Botswana recently
for a meeting to discuss the country’s conservation activities.
During the meeting, Ms Marton-Lefèvre gave an update on IUCN activities in Botswana at both country and transboundary
levels. These include providing support to the Okavango Development Management Plan, the Natural Futures Programme,
the Zambezi Basin Wetlands Conservation and Resource Utilization Project, and Community-based Natural Resources
Plus information en anglais : http://www.iucn.org/knowledge/news/?7083/Botswana-President-welcomes-IUCN-support-fornational-conservation-efforts
(en anglais) International Women’s Day – women in forest communities need louder voice
To mark the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day on Tuesday 8 March 2011, IUCN is
calling for women in forest communities to be given more control of the management of forests and
to be involved in decisions relating to them. Women across the developing world are primary users of
forest resources and their sale of non-timber forest products is vital to the livelihood of many families.
Their heavier dependence on forests also means that women have more at stake than men when
forests are cut down or forest access is denied.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.iucn.org/knowledge/news/?7082/International-WomensDay--women-in-forest-communities-need-louder-voice
(en anglais) New Methodologies and Interdisciplinary Approaches in Global Change Research - Colloquium
held in Porquerolles, France (November 2008)
The European Science Foundation (ESF) and the French Foundation of the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (FMSH) (within
the Entre-Sciences programme) have agreed to jointly develop a new conference series in environmental sciences; an
effort to actively foster exchanges between scientists working in the humanities and social sciences and their colleagues in
the life and natural sciences.
This interdisciplinary conference present the new advances in the modelling of the Global Change that combines
Geosciences and Economics, with a perspective view from history - given the novelty of their interrelations – and from
political science – given the impact of the model outputs in the public sphere. The conference gather together speakers and
attendees from Europe, United States and Asia.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archivesaudiovisuelles.fr/EN/Event.asp?id=1515&url=/1515/accueil.asp
(en anglais) GEO Coastal Zone Community of Practice workshop focuses on the
Caribbean. Puerto Rico (USA) 9-11March 2011
The Third Regional Workshop in the Workshop Series of the GEO Coastal Zone Community of
Practice (CZCP) will focus on the specific needs, challenges and capabilities related to
sustainable tourism in the small island states of the Caribbean. Specific objectives of the
regional workshop will include: using Earth observations to improve sustainability of tourism,
assessing and preparing for climate change and its impact on coastal zones, using observations
to enhance relationships with the environment, and increasing resilience.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/about-us/single-view/news/
(en anglais) Celebrations for the 40th anniversary of the Ramsar Convention Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)
The Global Forum on Wetlands for the Future to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands was held in the Islamic Republic of Iran from 5th to
6th March 2011. Organized by the Department of Environment (DOE), I.R. of Iran and
the Ramsar Convention Secretariat, the event brought together some 300 people,
including ministers, ambassadors and senior officials from around 50 countries.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsar-news-archives2011-40th-anniversary-iran/main/ramsar/1-26-45-489%5E25071_4000_0
(en anglais) Protected areas increase economic gains in West Africa
Local populations living close to protected areas in West Africa , earn an additional 40% of their
income from activities related to these areas.
This is the result of IUCN’s 2010 survey on the economic benefits of protected areas to households in
West Africa. The study looked at how protected areas affect jobs and revenues and compared the
benefits with the average agricultural income.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.iucn.org/?7104/Protected-Areas-Increase-Economic-Gainsin-West-Africa
Le monde célèbre la Journée mondiale de l'eau (22 mars)
La Journée mondiale de l'eau est tenue annuellement le 22 mars afin d'attirer l'attention sur
l'importance de l'eau douce et soutenir la gestion durable des ressources en eau douce.
Une journée internationale pour célébrer l'eau douce a été recommandée lors de la conférence des
Nations Unies sur l'environnement et le développement en 1992 (UNCED). L'Assemblée générale
des Nations Unies a répondu en désignant le 22 mars 1993 comme première Journée mondiale de
l'eau. Chaque année, la Journée mondiale de l'eau souligne un aspect particulier de l'eau douce.
L'objectif de la Journée mondiale de l'eau de 2011 est d'attirer l'attention internationale sur l'impact
de la rapide croissance démographique urbaine, de l'industrialisation et des incertitudes provoquées par le changement
climatique, les conflits et les catastrophes naturelles sur les systèmes d'eau urbains.
Le thème de cette année, « l'eau pour les villes : répondre au défi urbain », vise à mettre en lumière et encourager les
gouvernements, les organisations, les communautés et les individus à s'engager activement pour relever le défi de la
gestion de l'eau urbaine.
Plus information : http://www.worldwaterday2011.org/
(en anglais) Director-General welcomes suspension of oil prospection at Virunga National Park (Democratic
Republic of the Congo)
The Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, has welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Environment, Nature
Conservation and Tourism of the Democratic Republic of the Congo that the government of the DRC has suspended
prospection for oil at Virunga National Park, inscribed as on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 1979.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/new/en/media-services/single-view/news/
(en anglais) International Water Law Scholarships for GWP (Global Water Partnership) Partners - Deadline for
application: 30 April 2011
As capacity-building support to its Partner organisations, the Global Water Partnership and the University of Dundee, will
offer scholarships for 30 participants to undertake a module in International Water Law, in Dundee, August 1-19, 2011.
Applications will be accepted from
4 March to 30 April 2011. The module is aimed at persons working in water resources who wish to acquire specialist
knowledge of international water law, especially as it relates to transboundary water challenges in the GWP regions.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.gwp.org/en/gwp-in-action/News-and-Activities/Water-Law-ScholarshipProgramme-for-GWP-Partners/
(en anglais) 2010 Designing The Parks Awards Announced - The Cultural Landscape Foundation - USA
TCLF joins the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, the National Park Service, and the Designing the Parks partnership
in congratulating the winners of the inaugural Designing the Parks Awards 2010. In 2008, TCLF co-sponsored with the
National Park Service, Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, the University of Virginia, Van Alen Institute and George
Wright Society, a bi-coastal conference that explored the past, present, and future of park planning and design. From this
forum, six guiding principles emerged which described a new design future for public parks. Over sixty projects from
twenty states and six countries were submitted to compete in this first awards program; eighteen projects were selected by
the jury for best representing the spirit of the Designing the Parks principles and for raising the bar of excellence in public
park design.
Plus information en anglais : http://tclf.org/news/tclf-news/2010-designing-parks-awards-announced
(en anglais) 1st IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) APR (Asia and Pacific Region)
Symposium on Landscape Architecture Education SOLARE 2011 - Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia. 30
March - 2 April 2011
The Asia-Pacific region covers aproximately 2.8 billion hectares, almost a quarter of the world's land area and contains over
half of the world's popularion. While the Asia-Pacific may lag behind Europa and North America in terms of economic
development, it is growing rapidly and fast catching up with the developed world. This region also encompasses a rich
diversity of landscapes and cultures and is home to some of the oldest civilisations in the world.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.ilamalaysia.org/solare/index.html
(en anglais) Kellerwald-Edersee National Part has been recognized as a national park of category II of the
IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) guideline - Bad Wildungen - Germany
The forests in the national park are not used for forestry purposes. Old trees and trees with a risk for breaking are not
removed. Trees may overturn and branches may fall onto the trails. Visiting the national park and using all footpaths is at
your own risk! Do not go into the woods in strong winds, hard rain and snow.
The national park protects our natural heritage. Humans are only guests here. Nature needs your respect. Please follow the
rules of conduct.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.nationalpark-kellerwald-edersee.de/
Les lions d'Afrique menacés par les chasseurs américains
Si la chasse menace depuis des années de nombreuses espèces, elle emprunte aujourd'hui un aspect
bien particulier, la quête de trophées. Le lion d'Afrique n'échappe pas à cette cruelle pratique. Cible
favorite des chasseurs américains, il représente un butin considérable.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/lion/les-lions-d-039-afrique-menaces-par-leschasseurs-americains_art12937.html
Epizoochorie : les sangliers et les cerfs sont utiles à nos forêts
L’INRA vient de dévoiler une étude montrant le rôle des ongulés sauvages dans la dispersion des
Plusieurs chercheurs de l’INRA ont mené une enquête, intitulée Diplo, sur la dispersion des graines par
les ongulés. En effet, de nombreuses plantes menacées de disparition ont réussi à recoloniser certaines
forêts de France. Pour découvrir comment elles avaient pu se transporter dans ce nouvel
environnement, les scientifiques ont voulu étudier la piste de l’épizoochorie, la dispersion des graines
par les animaux, qui est déjà utilisée depuis de nombreuses années dans d’autres pays du monde. Dans
l’hexagone, jusqu’à présent, les autorités étaient focalisées sur le rôle néfaste des chevreuils, cerfs et autres sangliers, qui
font des dégâts considérables en dévastant les jeunes plantations d’arbres.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/epizoochorie/epizoochorie-les-sangliers-et-les-cerfs-sont-utiles-a-nosforets_art12826.html
(en anglais) Conference "Parks as places of experimentation, combining environmental protection and
regional development " - Nardo - Italy - 3 February 2011
With the support of Federparchi – EUROPARC Italy, the Puglia Region in Italy has decided to promote the application of the
European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (ECST) in seven protected areas in the province. The process was made public
with the conference "The European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in protected areas: parks as places of experimentation
to combine environmental protection and regional development", which took place in Portoselvaggio e Palude del Capitano
Regional Park in the town of Nardo on 3rd February.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.european-charter.org/news-and-events/news/conference-parks-as-places-o
Les tortues sont les animaux les plus menacés d'extinction
A l’instar des tigres et des pandas, les tortues sont elles aussi menacées d’extinction. Sur les 328
espèces connues, la moitié est en grand danger, indique un rapport de l’IUCN (Union internationale pour
la conservation de la nature).
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/tortue/les-tortues-sont-les-animaux-les-plus-menacesd-039-extinction_art12861.html
(en anglais) Smithsonian Institution Galaxy of extinct animals
The thousands of images on this site represent only a small portion of the more than 1.5 million
printed books and manuscripts in the collections of Smithsonian Institution Libraries.
The images available on this site represent a broad cross-section of the Libraries' collections.
Additional images and collections are added regularly.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.sil.si.edu/imagegalaxy/imageGalaxy_collResult.cfm?
Le puma de l'est américain officiellement déclaré éteint
Les autorités environnementales américaines ont déclaré officiellement éteinte la sous-espèce de puma (ou couguar) dite
"de l’est" hier, après avoir passé en revue documentation scientifique et témoignages sur ce félin, supposé disparu dès les
années 1930.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/puma/le-puma-de-l-039-est-americain-officiellement-declareeteint_art12915.html
(en anglais) The 25 most endangered turtles and tortoises
Without concerted conservation action, many of the planet’s turtles and tortoises, iconic survivors
from the Age of Dinosaurs, will become extinct within the next few decades. That’s according to a new
report from the Turtle Conservation Coalition, a global alliance of conservation groups, including the
IUCN Species Survival Commission's Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group (TFTSG), which
names the world’s 25 most endangered tortoises and freshwater turtles.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.iucn.org/knowledge/news/?7054/The-25-Most-EndangeredTurtles-and-Tortoises
Appel à propositions LIFE+ 2011. Data limite : 18 juillet 2011
La Commission invite les entités enregistrées dans l'Union européenne à présenter des propositions pour la procédure de
sélection LIFE+ de 2011. Les propositions doivent être rédigées sur des formulaires de demande spécifiques. Il est possible
de se procurer ces formulaires et le guide de candidature dans lequel figurent des explications détaillées concernant
l'admissibilité et les procédures sur le site web de la Commission. Les propositions doivent être présentées sur CD-ROM ou
DVD. Les propositions de projets doivent être remises aux autorités nationales compétentes avant le 18 juillet 2011. Elles
doivent être transmises à l'autorité nationale de l'État membre dans lequel le bénéficiaire est enregistré. Les autorités
nationales les soumettront ensuite à la Commission avant le 9 septembre 2011.
Plus information : http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/funding/lifeplus2011/call/index.htm
Appel à candidature pour le Prix Ramsar pour la conservation des zones humides 2012
Le Secrétariat du Ramsar lance un appel à candidature pour la cinquième édition du Prix Ramsar pour la préservation des
zones humides. Le prix sera décerné dans les catégories « Gestion », « Science des zones humides » et « Education ».
Particuliers, organisations ou projets en cours peuvent faire l'objet d'une nomination. Les récompenses seront remises lors
de la 11ème Session de la Conférence des Parties, à Bucarest, Roumanie, en juin 2012.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/evenements/729/
(en anglais) New Hope for One of the World's Rarest Chameleons - Madagascar
Conservationists from the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE) at the University
of Kent have discovered a new population of Madagascar's Belalanda chameleon.
The discovery took place just days after the team hosted an international conference to assess
the conservation status of all Madagascar's reptiles, three of which, including the Belalanda, are
already very close to extinction and have been classified as Critically Endangered. The
conference took place in Antananarivo, the nation's capital, from 24 to 28 January.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/02/110228090603.htm
(en anglais) Fossil bird study describes ripple effect of extinction in animal
kingdom - University of Florida - Gainesville - Florida (USA)
A University of Florida study demonstrates extinction’s ripple effect through the animal
kingdom, including how the demise of large mammals 20,000 years ago led to the
disappearance of one species of cowbird.
The study shows the trickle-down effect the loss of large mammals has on other species, and
researchers say it is a lesson from the past that should be remembered when making
conservation, game and land-use decisions today.
Plus information en anglais : http://news.ufl.edu/2011/03/07/extinction-effects/
(en anglais) USGS (United States Geological Survey) report details uranium resources and potential effects of
uranium mining near Grand Canyon
As part of the Department of the Interior’s evaluation of whether to segregate nearly 1 million acres of federal lands near
the Grand Canyon from new uranium claims, the United States Geological Survey today released a report on uranium
resources and uranium mining impacts in the area.
The studies contained in the report looked at uranium found in breccia pipe deposits and explored the geological,
hydrological, and biological issues related to uranium mining on Federal lands near the park.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/article.asp?ID=2406
(en anglais) Urgent: help stop oil exploration inside one of Africa's most iconic national parks - Democratic
Republic of Congo (DRC)
Democratic Republic of the Congo’s Virunga National Park is Africa’s oldest national park, one of the few places in the world
where gorilla populations are not in steep decline.
The area hosts an incredibly rich biodiversity, including: chimpanzees, hippos, elephants and other rare species.
Yet, several companies plan to explore for oil inside the park, including the UK based companies SOCO and Dominion,
posing a threat to the area’s sensitive balance. If the project goes forward, it will threaten Virunga’s wildlife and jeopardise
decades of costly conservation work.
Plus information en anglais : http://wwf.panda.org/how_you_can_help/campaign/ac_detail.cfm
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Smithsonian Keeps Meteorite that Fell in Virginia - Smithsonian's Museum of Natural History - Washington DC USA
A small meteorite that crashed through the roof of a Virginia medical office last year is becoming part of the Smithsonian's
Museum of Natural History in Washington.
The Smithsonian paid $10,000 for the meteorite to Marc Gallini and Frank Ciampi, the Lorton, Va. doctors who found it.
They have in turn given the $10,000 check to the Doctors Without Borders charity.
Museum spokesman Randall Kremer said Saturday the meteorite is part of the museum's research collection. The
Smithsonian holds the world's largest collection of natural history specimens and artifacts.
Meteorites are lucrative, and after the tennis-ball-sized rock fell from the sky and landed in an examination room in the
office in January 2010, the landlords at the doctors' building made a legal claim to it. But that claim was later dropped.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45880
(en anglais) Restoring an altered Eden - A UCSC (University of California at Santa Cruz) professor
fosters a happy marriage between academic rigor and on-the-ground conservation to protect and
renew an estuarine gem
As Kerstin Wasson stands at the edge of the rising tide lapping gradually higher, her slight frame bubbles
with enthusiasm and guarded optimism for the sprawling salt marsh around her. "It sends shivers up my
spine sometimes as I'm walking around these mudflats on Elkhorn Slough holding an oyster in my hands,"
says Wasson, an adjunct professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at UC Santa Cruz. "There have been
humans standing in these places holding oysters in their hands for 7,000 to 8,000 years."
It's true. Wasson and her colleagues know that, millennia ago, Native Americans feasted on the petite Olympia oyster from
Elkhorn Slough. The former human residents' trash piles, known as middens to archeologists, are still around today, replete
with bits of the faded half dollar-sized shells.
Plus information en anglais : http://news.ucsc.edu/2010/10/review-fall-2010-eden.html
Neopat : les nouveaux patrimoines dans la région des Pays de la Loire (France)
Soutenu par un financement de la région des Pays de la Loire, NEOPAT est un projet de recherche pluridisciplinaire qui
inclut l’histoire, l’histoire de l’art, l’archéologie, l’histoire des sciences et des techniques, la géographie physique et
humaine, le droit et la sociologie, et qui saisit à l’échelle régionale le puissant mouvement social et culturel de la demande
en nouveaux patrimoines.
Plus information : http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Actualites/Toutes/Neopat-les-nouveaux-patrimoines-dans-la-regiondes-Pays-de-la-Loire
La candidature au label Grand Site de France R du Grand Site des Deux-Caps. Pas de Calais (France)
Le Site des Deux-caps est un site emblématique du département. Il a été le premier en France à être classé Grand Site
National (on en compte aujourd’hui 32). "Incontestablement une reconnaissance de la valeur de cet ensemble paysager
que des centaines de visiteurs apprécient chaque année" précise Dominique Dupilet, président du Conseil général du Pas-
de-Calais. Depuis une décennie, l’Opération Grand Site portée par le Département donne un nouveau visage à ce
patrimoine exceptionnel : "On le protège, on le met en valeur, on l’embellit, on le rend parfois à la nature…" L’OGS
rassemble l’ensemble des acteurs publics du Site des Deux-Caps qui constitue aujourd’hui un linéaire côtier de 23
kilomètres, regroupe huit communes et quatre intercommunalités, comprend 7 000 hectares en site classé et inscrit et trois
sites "Natura 2000".
Plus information : http://www.les2caps.fr/Actualites/La-candidature-au-label-Grand-Site-de-France-R-du-Grand-Site-desDeux-Caps
Séisme en Nouvelle-Zélande : un énorme iceberg s'est détaché d'un glacier
Mardi dernier, un bloc de glace de plusieurs millions de tonnes s'est détaché d'un glacier de Nouvelle-Zélande quelques
minutes après que le violent séisme de magnitude 6,3 sur l'échelle de Richter a frappé le pays dans la région de
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/iceberg/seisme-en-nouvelle-zelande-un-enorme-iceberg-s-039-estdetache-d-039-un-glacier_art12763.html
Appel à candidatures pour le futur parc national de zones humides (France)
Le 2 février dernier, à l’occasion de la journée mondiale des zones humides, la ministre de l’Écologie annonçait le
lancement de l’appel à candidature pour le futur parc national de zones humides, prévu dans le cadre du Grenelle. Les
territoires candidats devront identifier des zones humides permettant la création d’un cœur significatif de plus de 10 000
ha, présentant un intérêt patrimonial important et ayant conservé une fonctionnalité naturelle. L’ambition est de mettre en
place le groupement d’intérêt public, chargé de réaliser les études sur le site qui aura été retenu, fin 2011.
Plus information : http://www.espaces-naturels.info/?q=node/255/actu
(en anglais) An Integrated Protection of the Transboundary Prespa Region - Trilateral UNESCO Biosphere
Reserve - (Albania, Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)
The establishment of a trilateral UNESCO Biosphere Reserve at Prespa Lake will be the subject of the upcoming Regional
Conference organized by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MoEPP) from The former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia in cooperation with UNESCO, UNDP, KfW and the Galicica National Park, and with the involvement of the trilateral Prespa Park Management Committee.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/en/venice/dynamic-content-single-view/news/
(en anglais) The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International - Gorilla eNews March 2011
The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International is dedicated to the conservation and protection of gorillas and their habitats in
Africa. We are committed to promoting continued research on the gorillas and their threatened ecosystems and to
providing education about their relevance to the world in which we live. In collaboration with government agencies and
other international partners, we also provide assistance to local communities through education, health, training and
development initiatives.
Here are the March edition of the official Gorilla eNews:
Young Gorilla Mother Raising First Newborn
The gentle young female Tayna has just given birth to her first offspring, in the group formed by silverback Inshuti
about three years ago. Inshuti has remained close to her side, protecting them and ensuring the continued success
of his growing group.
Conservation Education is Working in Rwanda!
Fossey Fund education manager Joseph Karama, who is stationed at the Karisoke Research Center, has developed
special classes for primary school students in towns around Volcanoes National Park. His students show increased
understanding of wildlife and the need for conservation.
Freedom Fence Challenge Extended
Our donor has agreed to keep matching gifts toward the building of the special fence in the forest at the GRACE
gorilla rescue center in Congo. All gifts up to $80,000 will be matched until March 31, so you still have time to
double your donation and make a very special impact in the lives of the orphaned gorillas.
Get Your Gorilla Visa® Platinum Rewards Card
Support the Fossey Fund's work to protect gorillas with every purchase on this special Visa® card, with no annual
fee. Your card will feature a beautiful gorilla photo and the Fossey Fund logo, showing that you care about gorillas
and conservation. An extra $50 donation is made upon your first use of the card. Sign up for your Fossey Fund Visa
Rewards Card here.
Plus information en anglais : http://gorillafund.org/Page.aspx?pid=400
(en anglais) RFP (Request for Proposal) Procurement of services for the activation of the ArcGIS software and
automated system - Turkey. Closing Date for Applications: 14 March 2011
Request for Proposal related to the procurement of services for the activation of the ArcGIS software and automated
system, owned by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism for the collection and management of digital data on
conservation, monitoring and supervision of registered sites and immovable cultural and natural assets in the Province of
Kars (Turkey).
The United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Venice Office hereby invite companies that
satisfy the following minimum criteria (refer to the full notice) to submit sealed tenders for the procurement and installation
of the necessary software, hardware and equipment, and the realisation of training programmes and terrestrial
measurements of cultural heritage sites in the province of Kars (Turkey), owned by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/en/venice/dynamic-content-single-view/news/225tur4000
(en anglais) Stockholm Junior Water Prize
The international Stockholm Junior Water Prize competition brings together the world’s brightest young scientists to
encourage their continued interest in water and the environment. Each year, thousands of participants in over 30 countries
join national competitions for the chance to represent their nation at the international final held during the World Water
Week in Stockholm. During their time in Stockholm, winners of the national competitions receive an opportunity to meet
and learn from the present leaders of the global water community and make life-long friendships with international
compatriots who share a passion for water and science.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.siwi.org/stockholmjuniorwaterprize
(en anglais) STUDY TOUR 21-26 FEBRUARY 2011 - Montenegrin stakeholders benefit
from knowledge-sharing during study tour to World Heritage sites and Biosphere
Reserves in Italy and Austria
The study tour from 21 to 26 February 2011 was organized by UNESCO Venice Office in the
framework of the UN Joint Programme “Improving the business environment through green jobs
and institution building” and brought together five participants from the Public Enterprise for the
National Parks and the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/en/venice/dynamic-content-single-view/news/
(en anglais) UNESCO Venice Newsletter
The UNESCO Venice Office looks forward to continuing joint collaborations with Italy and all the SEE countries to attain
more significant results in the fields of science and culture and to contribute to the creation of added values for people and
the securing of peace and sustainability.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/ulis/cgi-bin/ulis.pl?catno=191168
(en anglais) NPCA (National Parks Conservation Association) Praises British Columbia Premier Gordon
Campbell for Important Step in Preserving Waterton, Glacier Parks; Looks forward to Next Steps. British
Columbia (Canada)
We look forward to seeing the details of this agreement to halt inappropriate mining in the Canadian wilderness adjacent to
the Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park, and anticipate the introduction of a substantive protective measure for the
Flathead in B.C.’s legislature. We also recognize the leadership of Premier Gordon Campbell as he leaves office, in
continuing to advance a 100-year-old vision to permanently protect one of the world’s most special places. It’s been more
than a century since the first proposal to expand Waterton Lakes National Park into the BC Flathead, and we look forward
to working with the incoming premier to complete this conservation legacy.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.npca.org/media_center/press_releases/2011/npca-praises-bc-premier.html
Circulaire sur la politique gouvernementale des Grands sites de France
Les sites classés les plus renommés et les plus fréquentés font l’objet d’une politique spécifique impulsée par le ministère
en charge des sites depuis une trentaine d’années, en partenariat avec les collectivités locales. Cette politique en faveur
des « Grands Sites » vise à restaurer les sites qui subissent une forte fréquentation et à élaborer des projets qui
permettent de les gérer dans la durée.
Plus information : http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/Qu-appelle-t-on-Grand-Site.html
Ateliers ILAM (Instituto Latinoamericano de Museos y Parques) février-juillet 2011
Organisation non-gouvernementale, à but non lucratif, dont la mission est d'offrir par le biais de la recherche, la
communication, la qualification et le conseil, un soutien concret aux institutions patrimoniales de l'Amérique latine et des
Caraïbes, tout en leur permettant d’être des agents de changement et de développement des communautés auxquelles
elles servent.
Plus information en espagnol : http://capacitacion.ilam.org/
Corail : les récifs pourraient totalement disparaître d'ici 30 ans
Un rapport publié par le centre de réflexion World Resources Institute dresse un constat alarmant quant à l'état de santé
des récifs coralliens à travers le monde. Le document réunit plusieurs études menées sur ce sujet, et prévient que les
coraux pourraient totalement disparaître des fonds marins d'ici les trente prochaines années, si rien n'est entrepris pour les
protéger de l'extinction qui les menace.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/corail/corail-les-recifs-pourraient-totalement-dispara-tre-d-039-ici-30ans_art12747.html
Création du parc marin international des Bouches de Bonifacio (France-Italie)
L'Office de l'Environnement de la Corse conduit le projet de Parc Marin International Corso-Sarde, qui comprendra la
Réserve Naturelle des Bouches de Bonifacio, la réserve naturelle des "Tre Padule de Suartone", les terrains du
Conservatoire du Littoral et le Parc National de l'archipel de la Maddalena.
Astragale de BonifacioLa Réserve Naturelle des Bouches de Bonifacio créée sur initiative du ministère de l’environnement et
de la collectivité territoriale de Corse, vise à préserver et valoriser le patrimoine naturel de ce détroit et prolonge le
programme d’acquisitions foncières engagé par le conservatoire du littoral et le département de Corse du Sud.
Plus information : http://www.parcmarin.com/parc.php?p=pre_fr
Cartographie des champs d’algues du Parc naturel marin d’Iroise (France)
Campagne HALAMACOU, du 1er au 15 septembre 2010
HALAMACOU, campagne coordonnée par l’Ifremer, débutera le 1er septembre 2010. Elle répond à la demande du Parc
naturel marin d’Iroise, financeur de l’opération, de cartographier l’habitat des grandes algues en mer d’Iroise, afin de
développer les connaissances sur les ressources marines et assurer leur bonne gestion. Cette cartographie se décompose
en plusieurs étapes : des survols aériens LIDAR réalisés avec le SHOM et des levés par les navires océanographiques,
Haliotis et Thalia, avec l’Ifremer. Ces données permettront d’établir une carte prédictive du champ d’algues molénais et des
abords d’Ouessant, qui fera ensuite l’objet de « vérification terrains » des fonds par des équipes du Parc et de l’Ifremer.
Plus information : http://www.parc-marin-iroise.gouv.fr/medias/documents/www/contenu/pdf/10_09_CP_Halamacou.pdf
Parc Naturel Marin d'Iroise (France) 1ere Newsletter
Le plan de gestion définit nos grands objectifs de gestion pour la mer d’Iroise.
Pour les atteindre, nous menons de nombreuses actions comme le marquage des bars qui permettra de mieux connaître
cette espèce prisée des pêcheurs professionnels et amateurs. Ces derniers ont participé à des enquêtes sur la pêche de
loisir. En hiver, les surfeurs sont sur les vagues et suivent la qualité de l’eau. C’est aussi la saison de la migration des
oiseaux. Autant de sujets au sommaire de ce premier numéro de la lettre d’information du Parc.
Plus information : http://www.parc-marin-iroise.gouv.fr/medias/documents/www/contenu/lettre_info/Lettre_info_Iroise_1.
Association Sénégalaise des Amis de la Nature (ASAN)
L'Associaton Sénégalaise des Amis de la Nature dite ASAN a été créée le 28 Décembre 1983 au Domaine de NIANING par
des hommes et des femmes de bonne volonté. C'est une organisation apolitique, populaire et à buts non lucratifs reconnue
par arrêté du Ministre de la République du Sénégal.
Elle a pour buts d'aimer, de faire aimer et de protéger la nature contre toutes les agressions dont elle est l'objet, à savoir,
la désertification, les feux de brousse et toutes formes de pollution, de dégradation de notre environnement et
d'appauvrissement de la diversité biologique...
Plus information : http://www.cse.sn/sid/kiosque/asan/presenta.htm
Nomination d'un nouveau Directeur général adjoint de l'UICN
Dr Poul Engberg-Pedersen a été nommé Directeur général adjoint de l'UICN à compter du 16 mai 2011.
Entre 2005 et 2010, Poul Engberg-Pedersen a dirigé la Norad, l'Agence Norvégienne de Coopération pour le
Développement, dépendante du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. Il a conduit le processus de transition de
la Norad d'une agence exécutante à un centre de connaissances sur les politiques d'appui du programme
ambitieux de la coopération au développement de la Norvège, qui comprend notamment diverses
initiatives mondiales sur la biodiversité, les forêts tropicales, le changement climatique et l’énergie propre.
Plus information : http://www.iucn.org/about/union/members/?7011/2/Nomination-dun-nouveauDirecteur-general-adjoint-de-lUICN
TARA OCEANS: Reportage au coeur du Genoscope : L'ADN et l'ARN du plancton sont
décryptés dans ce laboratoire
Vingt-cinq machines ronronnent. Des laborantins s’affairent autour d’un carton d’où s’échappe
une épaisse buée de froid. Ils en extirpent délicatement des boîtes transparentes congelées.
Nous sommes au Genoscope, la plateforme française de séquençage, nouvellement intégrée au
CEA et installée à une trentaine de kilomètres de Paris à Evry.
Plus information : http://oceans.taraexpeditions.org/en/the-genoscope-opens-its-doors.php?
Création du parc naturel marin de la Cote Vermeille (France)
Le projet de parc naturel marin a été soumis à enquête publique du 17 aout au 21 septembre dernier dans les 12
communes littorales de Leucate à Cerbère.
Cette enquête publique concernait le périmètre, les champs d’action et le pilotage du futur parc.
A son issue et à partir des observations et avis qui ont été émis, la commission d'enquête a rendu un avis favorable à ce
Plus information : http://www.mission-cote-vermeille.parc-naturel-marin.fr/
Création du parc naturel marin des estuaires picards (France)
La seconde réunion d’instance de concertation pour l’étude d’un parc naturel marin à l’ouvert des 3 estuaires de la Canche,
de l’Authie et de la Somme a réuni plus de 200 participants à Etaples sur mer le 17 janvier 2011.
Objectif : présenter la synthèse des travaux des cinq groupes thématiques animés depuis un an par la mission d’étude pour
la création d’un parc naturel marin. Ces travaux ont permis de dégager cinq hypothèses présentant des variantes qui
portent sur la définition du périmètre, des orientations de gestion et de la composition du conseil de gestion.
Plus information : http://www.aires-marines.fr/projet-parc-estuaires-picards-hypotheses.html
(en anglais) Forest Conservation Groups in Nepal and Guatemala Win 2011 Sasakawa
2011 Sasakawa Prize winners bring Forest Management and Sustainable Development to Rural
Communities in Latin America and Asia
Two projects conserving forests and promoting sustainable development in remote rural
communities of Latin America and Asia are the laureates of the 2011 UNEP Sasakawa Prize, the
UN Environment Programme (UNEP) announced today. The Asociación Forestal Integral San
Andrés, Petén (AFISAP) in Guatemala and the Manahari Development Institute in Nepal (MDINepal) are the co-winners of this year's award around the theme "Forests for People, Forests for Green Growth" in support
of the 2011 International Year of the Forests.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unep.org/Documents.Multilingual/Default.asp?DocumentID=659&ArticleID=6912
48th IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) World Congress
27 -29 June 2011. Zurich, Switzerland
Organizers: International Federation of Landscape Architects
First registration deadline: 31 March 2011
Second registration deadline: 23 June 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.ifla2011.com/postcongressprogramme.html
(en anglais) The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International - Gorilla eNews February 2011
The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International is dedicated to the conservation and protection of gorillas and their habitats in
Africa. We are committed to promoting continued research on the gorillas and their threatened ecosystems and to
providing education about their relevance to the world in which we live. In collaboration with government agencies and
other international partners, we also provide assistance to local communities through education, health, training and
development initiatives.
Here are the February edition of the official Gorilla eNews:
Silverback Gorilla Finds Love with Four Females
The ambitious and handsome silverback Inshuti has just acquired another female for his growing group. Umwana
transferred to him from another group, during an evening encounter between groups.
Rescued Gorilla Kyasa Arrives at GRACE Center
After a month recovering in Goma, Congo, orphaned gorilla infant Kyasa has been transported to the GRACE rescue
center and is doing well. In a few weeks, he will be introduced to the other young gorillas there.
Show Your Love with Our Valentine's E-Cards
We have new e-cards available on our website, just in time for Valentine's Day. Of course, you can also send your
loved ones a gorilla “Adoption.”
Help Meet the Challenge
Six rescued gorillas are moving to GRACE soon. We need to build a special fence in the forest to keep them safe.
This month all gifts up to $80,000 will be matched by an individual donor!
Plus information en anglais : http://gorillafund.org/Page.aspx?pid=400
Exhibition - Our World's Most Precious Natural Resource - Royal Ontario Museum 5
March to 5 September 2011. Toronto, Canada
Organizers: Royal Ontario Museum
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.rom.on.ca/news/releases/public.php?mediakey=w5jgq5wqym
Seminar Ecosystem Services in Protected Area Management - Kristianstads Vattenrike Biosphere Reserve
3 - 5 March 2011. Sweden
Organizers: EUROPARC Federation 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.europarc.org/whats-on/events/2011/05/03
Arctic Sanctuary: Images of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge at the Bruce Museum - Greenwich
5 March - 29 May 2011. Connecticut, U.S.A.
Organizers: Bruce Museum in Greenwich
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://brucemuseum.org/site/exhibitions_detail/arctic_sanctuary_images_of_the_arctic_national_wildlife_refuge/
GESTION DES RISQUES NATURELS , industriels et sanitaires dans les espaces naturels
Organizateurs: Conservatoires d'espaces naturels (CEN)
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.enf-conservatoires.org/home.php?num_niv_1=1&module=agenda
Colloque scientifique international sur le climat océanique et écosystèmes marins dans le Pacifique occidental
28 - 31 Mars 2011. Busan, République de Corée
Organizateurs: IOC/WESTPAC
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.kocean.or.kr/westpac_symposium/
TALKING CLAMS - Campagne d’océanographie biologique. Adventfjorden (Longyearbyen, Svalbard) en Norvège
28 mars - 1 avril 2011. Adventfjorden, Norvège
Organizateurs: La campagne TALKING CLAMS est financée par le projet MolluSCAN Eye et la compagnie Statoil au travers
du programme de recherche en Arctique Statoil-ARCTOS.
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/co/talking-clams
29 - 30 MARS 2011. NANTES, FRANCE
Organizateurs: Atelier technique des espaces naturels
Plus info: http://forumdesgestionnaires.espaces-naturels.fr/
Call for articles : Focus on forests, a natural resource mirroring our time - online issue of the Revue de
Géographie Alpine (RGA)
Organizers: L'Università della Montagna - Studiare "la montagna in montagna"
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.valmont.unimi.it/
EXHIBITION - PaCE - Plants and Culture: seeds of the cultural heritage of Europe - Museo Cervi
Organizers: Museo Cervi
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.fratellicervi.it/content/view/353/1/
Organizers: International Society for Horticultural Science - ISHS, Section Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Station de
recherche Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil ACW Agroscope Changins‐Wädenswil Research Station ACW, Research
Group Berries and Medicinal and aromatic Plants
More info: http://www.agroscope.admin.ch/mapmountain/index.html?lang=en
Deuxième Conférence du Réseau mondial des Géoparcs pour la région Asie/Pacifique
16 - 24 Juillet 2011. Hanoi, Vietnam
Organizateurs: Department of Science-Technology and International Cooperation Vietnam Institute of Geosciences and
Mineral Resources (VIGMR), Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam
Date limite pour les résumés: 25 avril 2011
Contact: [email protected] et [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.vigmr.vn/Asia_Pacific_Geoparks_Network_2nd_Symposium_2011/
20th International Conference on Bear Research and Management - Ottawa
17 - 23 July - 2011. Ontario, Canada
Organizers: The International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA)
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.wildliferesearch.ca/iba2011/
EUROPARC Conférence annuelle dans la biosphère réserve Schwäbische
21-25 Septembre 2011. Bad Urach, Allemagne
Organizateurs: EUROPARC Federation
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.europarc2011.com/fr/bienvenue.html
Museos y parques naturales - Comunidades locales, administraciones públicas y
patrimonialización de la cultura y la naturaleza
Por Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea. Universidad del País Vasco. 2010
ISBN: 978-84-9860-448-1
Esta obra consta de tres apartados en los que profesores, investigadores y especialistas disertan
acerca de los procesos de patrimonialización de la cultura y la naturaleza a partir de experiencias
concretas de Europa y América. En la primera parte, son los museos los objetos de análisis, teniendo
en cuenta los siguientes aspectos: en primer lugar, los museos como instrumentos favorecedores del
desarrollo local y fortalecedores de la identidad local; en segundo lugar, el boom de los museos en los
últimos años y su relación con el turismo; y, para concluir, la implementación de redes con todo lo
que ello puede favorecer a la viabilidad de los museos, pero también con los problemas y límites
reales que presenta. En la segunda parte, se aborda la cuestión de los parques naturales y de la vinculación estrecha, se
quiera o no, de la cultura y la naturaleza, y de los patrimonios cultural y natural. En la última parte, se trata de una
cuestión muy específica y muy necesaria en el campo patrimonial y museísticos: la necesidad de estrechar las relaciones y
vinculaciones entre universitarios y agentes locales.
A Career In Landscape
by Brenda Colvin - Reviewed by Trish Gibson
ISBN: 9780711231719
Early in her career Colvin visited the USA to see the new civic landscaping projects, especially the
parkways. In England she transformed the landscapes of power stations, reservoirs, industrial sites,
new towns and national parks and worked on private gardens. Her simple planting style and her
ecological approach had enormous influence. Colvin championed the profession of landscape architect
as a founder member and president of the Landscape Institute. Her books Land and Landscape and
Trees for Town and Country remain standard works. Hal Moggridge, who became her partner; has
written the foreword to this book. Trish Gibson has had full access to the archives of Colvin &
Moggridge. She draws on Colvin's personal notebook and uses previously unpublished material. The offices of Covin &
Moggridge continue to thrive at Little Peacocks, Filkins, Gloucestershire, where Colvin's garden is kept as it was in her day.
What is the real role of National Forest Programmes? - Environmental news alert of the European Comission 24 February 2011
National Forest Programmes (NFPs) aim to incorporate the views of a wide range of stakeholders into the management of
national forests. However, an analysis of NFPs in Bulgaria and Germany found they had little impact on forest policy.
Despite this, stakeholders who took part in the NFP negotiations welcomed the opportunity to contribute to the policymaking process, even though they realised they may have little impact.
Sustainable development of the world's large marine ecosystems during climate change
A commemorative volume to advance sustainable development on the occasion of the presentation of
the 2010 Göteborg Award.
This publication was made possible through support provided by the International Union
for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP), the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and the US DOC National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
ISBN 978-2-8317-1321-2
Conservation made clear from IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) newsletter - 24 January
The latest IUCN newsletter Conservation Made Clear is a special focusing on 'Fabulous Forests'
Des produits chimiques à la pollution atmosphérique, un nouveau rapport du PNUE pointe de multiples
facteurs pour expliquer la disparition progressive de ces pollinisateurs
Plus d'une douzaine de facteurs (allant de la diminution globale du nombre de plantes à fleurs et de l'utilisation
d'insecticides nocifs pour la mémoire des abeilles à la propagation des ravageurs et de la pollution atmosphérique dans le
monde entier) pourraient se cacher derrière le déclin des colonies d'abeilles observé dans de nombreuses régions du globe.
Les scientifiques tirent la sonnette d'alarme. Sans de profonds changements dans la façon dont l'être humain gère la
planète, la disparition des pollinisateurs, indispensable pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire d'une population mondiale
grandissante, risque malheureusement de continuer.
Reconnaître et décoder les traces d'animaux - Manuel d'ichnologie
Par Muriel Chazel et Luc Chazel
ISBN: 978-2-7592-0915-6
Jadis pratique populaire, à présent discipline utilisée en paléontologie, l'ichnologie est l'ensemble des
techniques permettant l'identification des espèces à partir des traces qu'elles laissent.
Véritable manuel d'initiation, ce guide se propose de mettre ce savoir-faire au service du promeneur
par une approche didactique établissant une typologie des empreintes : séquences des membres
antérieurs et postérieurs en fonction de l'allure, aspects des empreintes selon le substrat... II
permettra au naturaliste amateur de " lire " la nature à partir des empreintes laissées par les animaux
dans le sol, mais aussi de leurs excréments et déjections, jusqu'aux traces laissées sur les végétaux
en passant par les cadavres pour ce qui est des grands carnivores.
Outre les passionnés de faune sauvage, cet ouvrage intéressera les professionnels en charge des
inventaires et du suivi des animaux en milieu naturel.
Atlas des marées noires - France
2ème édition. Du 1er janvier 2008 au 31 décembre 2010
Publication mars 2011
Les marées noires dans les eaux intérieures sont en augmentation. L’atlas 2004-2007 de Robin des
Bois recensait 561 pollutions soit une moyenne annuelle de 140. L’atlas 2008-2010 en recense 643,
soit une moyenne de 214.
Le fléau des hydrocarbures bat son plein dans les fleuves, les rivières, les canaux et les plans d’eau.
Malgré les orientations et les engagements du Grenelle de l’Environnement et du Grenelle de la Mer,
l’inventaire, la mémorisation, la centralisation et la prise en considération environnementale et pénale
de ces pollutions de tous les jours stagnent et même régressent.
« Le Marais poitevin - Concevoir et gérer nos espaces publics » - Marais Poitevin - France
Un guide pratique indispensable pour l'aménagement des espaces publics. Bien connaître les espaces
publics du Marais poitevin et leurs usages, aménager dans le respect du site, révéler l'identité du
Marais, adopter de nouvelles méthodes de travail... Toutes ces informations utiles sont à découvrir
dans « Le Marais poitevin, concevoir et gérer nos espaces publics ». Le Parc du Marais poitevin
accompagne les communes dans leurs programmes de gestion environnementale. Il a la volonté de
mettre à disposition des élus et des agents techniques des outils nécessaires pour l'aménagement des espaces publics. Il
s'agit de trouver des solutions concrètes pour la conception de nos aménagements de bourgs :
en valorisant l'identité du patrimoine maraîchin,
en facilitant le lien social,
en respectant l'environnement (ne plus utiliser de pesticides).
Un million de visites... Ce chiffre symbolique est presque atteint sur la montagne Sainte-Victoire, 930
000 visites sur une année, c'est le résultat de comptages réalisés entre mars 2009 et avril 2010. Soit
28% d'augmentation par rapport à 1995, date de la précédente étude de fréquentation sur le site. On
apprend aussi que les 3/4 des visiteurs viennent de la région PACA (67 % des Bouches-du-Rhône),
que la plupart sont des habitués, qu'ils viennent pour la randonnée et considèrent que ce site est un
espace paysager exceptionnel qu'il faut conserver, et sur lequel on doit minimiser les aménagements.
Cette enquête bénéficie d'un focus très complet réalisé par le Conseil général sur le domaine
départemental de Roques-Hautes, là où se concentre le 1/4 des visites (une autre quart se fixe autour
du barrage de Bimont).
Zwischen Denkmalschutz und Naturschutz(German only)
Kurzinfo: Leitfaden zur naturverträglichen Instandhaltung von Mauerwerk in der Denkmalpflege
ISBN: 978-3-503-12993-5
Erscheinungsjahr: 2010
Verlag: Erich-Schmidt-Verl.
Autor/en: Beierkuhnlein, Carl ... Töpfer, Lutz [Hrsg.] [u.a.]
Global re-introduction perspectives 2010: additional case-studies from around the globe
This volume describes 72 case-studies covering invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds,
mammals and plants. It follows the same format as the 2008 volume Global re-introduction
perspectives : re-introduction case-studies from around the globe with vivid color photographs to
illustrate the case studies.
England's National Parks: Beacons of Biodiversity - United Kingdom
England’s National Park Authorities have published a new report that
demonstrates how National Parks are central to efforts to halt biodiversity loss.
The report comes during the International Year of Biodiversity, and follows the
setting of a European target to halt biodiversity loss by 2020 and agreements at
the international Convention on Biological Diversity Conference held in Nagoya
in October 2010.
An independent review of England’s wildlife sites, the Making Space for Nature review, was published in September. This
recognised the richness of wildlife in National Parks and the potential for National Parks to become exemplars in managing
and connecting habitats for ecological and wider benefits.
Current economic activity leaves an alien species 'invasion debt' from environment alert of European
Commission 24 February 2011
Past economic activity is more likely to explain the current pattern of biological invasions across Europe than recent human
activities, according to a new study. It can take several decades before a newly introduced species becomes established
and spreads, which may mean that recent invasions caused by current economic activities could create an ‘invasion debt’
for future generations.
Valuing biodiversity through multi-criteria analysis from Environment alert of European Commission 3
February 2011
Social and economic aspects should be considered alongside environmental issues when valuing benefits provided by
ecosystems and biodiversity. A recently published study outlines the use of multi-criteria assessment methods for valuation
that simultaneously take into account a wide variety of economic, social and environmental decision criteria.
Local participation translates environmental monitoring into action from the enviroment news alert of
European Commission - 13 January 2011
The role of scientific research in informing policy is well recognised, but translating that knowledge into decision-making
can still be an issue. In an analysis of over 100 natural resource monitoring schemes, researchers found that involving local
stakeholders speeds up the typical decision implementing process from 3-9 years to less than one year.
Reefs at Risk Revisited
Lauretta Burke, Katie Reytar, Mark Spalding, and Allison Perry
This report provides a detailed assessment of the status of and threats to the world’s coral reefs. It
evaluates threats to coral reefs from a wide range of human activities, and includes an assessment of
climate-related threats to reefs. It also contains a global assessment of the vulnerability of nations
and territories to coral reef degradation.
ISSN 1749-0790
Series Editors: Cedo Maksimovic, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom; J.
Alberto Tejada-Guibert, UNESCO International Hydrological. Programme, Paris,
France; Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa, UNESCO International Hydrological.
Programme, Paris, France
The UNESCO-IHP Urban Water Series, comprising a set of books on urban water
management, addresses fundamental issues related to the role of water in cities
and the effects of urbanization on the hydrological cycle and water resources.
Focusing on integrated approaches to sustainable urban water management, the
Series provides valuable scientific and practical information for urban water practitioners, policy-makers and educators
throughout the world.
Un savoir-faire de bergers
Coordination éditoriale de Michel Meuret
ISBN: 978-2-7592-0860-9
À l'heure où les politiques publiques cherchent à concilier agriculture et protection de la nature, ce
livre vient rappeler que les bergers ont dans les mains une culture technique respectueuse du Vivant.
Richement illustré, il associe différents points de vue : chercheurs, ingénieurs pastoralistes,
gestionnaires d'espaces naturels, enseignants en écoles de bergers. Mais, avant tout, il donne la
parole à des bergers qui ont contribué aux travaux scientifiques ou exprimé les difficultés rencontrées
dans leur métier.
Nouveau rapport du PNUE : Comment 2 % du PIB mondial peuvent à la fois enclencher la
marche vers une croissance plus verte et plus intelligente et lutter contre la pauvreté
Le nouveau rapport du PNUE propose d'engager les politiques publiques et les investissements sur la
voie du développement durable dans la perspective de Rio+20
Selon un nouveau rapport publié aujourd'hui, investir 2 % du PIB mondial dans dix secteurs clés
permettrait de mettre en ouvre la transition vers une économie verte caractérisée par de faibles
émissions de carbone et l'utilisation efficace des ressources.
Soutenu par des politiques nationales et internationales soucieuses de l'avenir, cet investissement
(environ 1,3 mille milliards de dollars par an en moyenne sur la base des chiffres actuels) permettrait
à l'économie mondiale de connaître un taux de croissance à peu près égal, si ce n'est supérieur, aux
prédictions des modèles économiques en vigueur.
Mais sans aggraver les risques, les chocs, les pénuries et les crises de plus en plus inhérents à l'économie « brune »
existante, responsable de l'épuisement des ressources et du niveau élevé des émissions de carbone.
Recherche en physique et chimie des matériaux
(en anglais) Biomolecular Archaeology
Biomolecular Archaeology, the scientific analysis of ancient organic remains, has come of age in the past twenty-five years.
Ancient foods, perfumes, dyes, and other organics, which could only be imagined from ancient writings, can now be
detected and characterized by applying highly sensitive chemical techniques. This supremely interdisciplinary field promises
to open up whole new chapters relating to our bio-cultural transformation over the past three million years, including our
ancestry and genetic development, our cuisines and fermented beverages, and medical practice and other crafts. We are at
the beginning of a process that will transform our understanding of our species and yield spectacular discoveries in the 21st
Plus information en anglais : http://www.penn.museum/research-near-east-section.html
Curso-taller "Romiri project" 2011 - Restauración Arquitectónica
15 septiembre - 15 octubre 2011. Zakynthos, Grecia
Organiza: El Hellenic Ministry of Culture, en colaboración con la University of York, y bajo el patrocinio del ICCROM.
Contacto: [email protected]
Más info: http://www.diadrasis.org/projects/romiri/general_description_es.html
Tiles and Architectural Ceramics Society conference
12 November 2011. Stoke-on-Trent, - United Kingdom
Organizers: Tiles and Architectural Ceramics Society to be held at the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery
Deadline for papers: 16 June 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.exportingstoke.org.uk/
Journal of Disaster Research - Protecting Cultural Heritage and Historic Cities from
Kazuyuki Izuno and Takeyuki Okubo, p. 3
Natural disasters have damaged or destroyed many invaluable cultural heritages. How to mitigate
these losses, however, is difficult question. If we cannot save human lives, of course we cannot save
cultural heritages from disasters. This requires more sophisticated countermeasures than
conventional disaster reduction methodologies. This special issue of JDR provides many examples of
such mitigation in historical cities which have expanded with cultural heritages as nuclei.
Cultural heritage disaster mitigation lies somewhere between the fields of cultural preservation and
the disaster mitigation engineering. The first two review papers focus on the importance of protecting
cultural heritage from natural disasters and the history of this issue from the viewpoints of both
engineering and humanities.
Restauration et conservation
Signature de convention à la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, pour la restauration du Grand Salon de
la Maison des Etudiants de l'Asie du Sud-Est
Grâce au mécénat de la Fondation Total, la Fondation du Patrimoine va apporter un soutien de 200 000 (soit 22% du
montant global des travaux s’élevant à 900 000 euros), à la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, pour la restauration
du Grand Salon de la Maison des Etudiants de l’Asie du Sud-Est.
La signature de la convention de mécénat aura lieu mardi 15 mars 2011, à 18h00, dans le Grand Salon de la Maison des
Etudiants de l’Asie du Sud-Est, en présence des représentants de la Fondation du Patrimoine, de la Fondation Total et de la
Cité internationale universitaire de Paris.
Plus information : http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-signature-de-convention-a-la-citeinternationale-universitaire-de-paris-pour-la-restauration-du-grand-salon-de-la-maison-des-etudiants-de-l-asie-du-sud-est209
Cannon Design Regional Offices / Cannon Design - St. Louis - Missouri - USA
After standing vacant for nearly 30 years, the St. Louis Municipal Power House building at 1100
Clark Avenue in downtown St. Louis, opened as the new offices of Cannon Design in September
2008. In 2007, the firm purchased the 19,000 sqf building and provided all design, development,
and construction management services for its restoration, renovation and adaptive reuse—an
investment that represents the firm’s confidence in the future of the city of St. Louis. Constructed
in 1928, the Power House was an original part of the Municipal Service Building complex that still
occupies an entire block of downtown St. Louis—providing parking space for city vehicles, a fire
department and an electric substation. The Power House component of the complex, designated as a landmark by the
National Historic Register, provided coal-fired steam heat to a dozen downtown buildings but was decommissioned by the
City in 1980.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/122043/cannon-design-regional-offices-cannon-design
Smithsonian's National Museum of American History Embarks on Conservation of Jefferson's Bible Washington D.C. - USA
The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History is currently performing a specialized conservation treatment to
ensure the long-term preservation of Thomas Jefferson’s bible, a small handmade book that provides an intimate view of
Jefferson’s private religious and moral philosophy.
At age 77 and living at Monticello in retirement following his two terms as President, Jefferson completed a project he had
long planned and long discussed with others. In 1820 he assembled what he titled “The Life and Morals of Jesus of
Nazareth.” Using excerpts from the Four Gospels of the New Testament, Jefferson arranged the text to tell a chronological
and edited story of Jesus’ life and moral philosophy.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45661
Historic New England Protects Important Privately Owned Modern Property - Lincoln - Massachussetts - U.S.A.
The Flansburgh House in Lincoln, Massachusetts, is the latest privately owned historic property protected through a
preservation easement held by Historic New England and is now the second Modern house to enter its nationally recognized
Stewardship Program.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45545
TWA Terminal to transform into a Boutique Hotel - Eero Saarinen - NEW YORK - NY - USA
Eero Saarinen’s decommissioned TWA Terminal has been slated for conversion into a boutique hotel. It seems as though
the Port Authority’s plan is to use the landmark terminal as the gateway to a separate hotel building that will be squeezed
into the crescent of space between Saarinen’s building and JetBlue’s Terminal 5. Along with this proposal, some might think
that creating a boutique out of a classic could contradict what Saarinen had in mind. Many design challenges can arise from
a simple, yet complex transformation.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/110816/twa-terminal-to-transform-into-a-boutique-hotel/
City of Campina Urban Remodeling / StudioDue - Campina - Romania
The Greek architectural firm StudioDue has shared with us their entry for the city of
Campina urban remodeling competition. Campina, a city with great past and also
great plans for the future! Our project is based on several studies – and based on the
above research results!
The existing historic zone – the strong character linear of the zone – the imperative of
one new identity – we are proposing some new elements that have been all ready
been include all this time in the composition of the streets and general ennoblement
we found the diamond the basic figure for our composition – that has all this time been governing the ensemble – all this
time all this years – leading to new streets and anew buildings
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/121843/city-of-campina-urban-remodeling-studiodue/
Columbia University GSAPP (Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and
Preservation) to Launch Studio-X Rio - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP)
will launch Studio-X Rio this week with Dean Mark Wigley in attendance. Studio-X Rio is
GSAPP’s global network of advanced research laboratories for exploring the future of cities.
With locations in Amman, Beijing, Moscow, Mumbai, New York, and now Rio de Janeiro, it is
the first truly global network for real-time exchange of projects, people, and ideas between
regional leadership cities in which the best minds from Columbia University can think
together with the best minds in Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Asia. “Studio-X Rio is the first
genuinely global network for thinking about the future of cities, incubating a whole new kind of conversation in which Rio
de Janeiro will play a leadership role,” said Dean Wigley. “The most creative new ideas will be coming from Rio. Every
urban problem is a fantastic opportunity for new thinking by a new generation.”
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/119406/columbia-university-gsapp-to-launch-studio-x-rio/
Clares Sisters Convent Refurbishment by a3gm - Burgos - Spain
The convent of Poor Clares have a labyrinthine organization with multiple levels joined by stairs which hinder the
development of the older sisters. The cells that serve as accommodations were not fit for habitation: lack of insulation,
aged materials, humidity
Many of the toilets also lacked a decent treatment, beginning with its location that required the use of stairs.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/114319/clares-sisters-convent-refurbishment-a3gm/
Freight House Pedestrian Bridge / BNIM - Kansas city - Missouri - U.S.A.
Once located along the riverfront, the Pencoyd Railroad Bridge was built in 1892 and closed in 1970. Led by BNIM, the
recipient of the 2011 AIA National Architecture Firm Award, this historic bridge was relocated in 2006 to a new home where
it became part of a new pedestrian link spanning the railroad artery separating the revitalized Crossroads district from
popular civic destinations to the south.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/116262/freight-house-pedestrian-bridge-bnim/
Warehouse for Architectural Recycling (W.A.R.) / Department of Unusual Certainties
Department of Unusual Certainties was recently awarded honorable mention for their submission to Conditions Magazine’s
Tell Them What They Need Competition, a competition which asked people to come up with alternatives for architectural
competition practice. Their submission “Warehouse for Architectural Recycling (W.A.R.)” proposes a global institution which
archives competition submissions and auctions them off to potential buyers elsewhere. A re-purposing of loser ideas. Follow
after the jump for a comprehensive description of W.A.R. from DoUC.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/112978/warehouse-for-architectural-recycling-w-a-r-department-of-unusualcertainties/
Manor Farm / Hinton Cook Architects - Wolverton - England - UK
Located in the historic railway town of Wolverton, this project owned by the Parks Trust, creates 13,677ft2 office space
within existing grade II listed structures. Designed by the award winning Hinton Cook Architects, the brief was to renovate
and convert the old farm buildings, contrasting the old with the new and exposing the historic structure creating new
stylish and contemporary offices within. Set within generous mature landscape, attention to landscaping and respect for
context was critical to help the design continue to blend harmoniously within its rural surroundings. Key to the success of
the project was the juxtaposition of modern and traditional elements. The sensitive approach to this historic building
ensured the contrast between old and new forms delivered in a sophisticated way highlighting the contrast between the
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/110711/manor-farm-hinton-cook-architects/
Elevator In Burgundy / Arcad'26 - 2011 - Burgundy - France
City Louhans (burgundy) has a 19th century building for use as city hall where access was not
suitable for people with disabilities. The reorganization of the premises and the new hierarchy
of functions was subjected to study with their access.
The project, through Demolition of unsightly growths, the pedestrian makes an important
function, creating a passage (traboule) at the rear of the building, thus linking two streets
structuring the island city hosting the town hall.
It took the project to reconcile the issue of a measured expansion (small) under the massive
volume of a 19th century building. The scale of the project is symbolic, it takes its true dimensions by the alternation of
empty and full, dressed in original envelope. The envelope, its porosity can guess the function, it consists, with the light
passing through, an assembly of plans that the building structure.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/118339/elevator-in-burgundy-arcad26/
Habitat for Urban Wildlife / Ifat Finkelman_Ofer Bilik Architects - BAT-YAM - Israel
Tel-Aviv based designers, Ifat Finkelman_Ofer Bilik Architects, have submitted their competition
winning entry, a Habitat for Urban Wildlife, which repurposes existing Israeli water towers.
The competition ‘Water Tower- new perspectives’ was held between Aug-Dec 2010 and
organized by the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem, Berkeley University and the
Society for Preservation of Israel Heritage Sites (SPIHS). Hundreds of water towers were built
in different periods and styles across Israel, many of which now stand dry, noticeably
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/113280/habitat-for-urban-wildlife-ofer-bilik-architects/
Infrared mapping resolves soft tissue preservation in 50 million year-old reptile skin
N. P. Edwards, H. E. Barden, B. E. van Dongen, P. L. Manning, P. L. Larson, U. Bergmann, W. I. Sellers and R. A. Wogelius
Non-destructive Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) mapping of Eocene aged fossil reptile skin shows that biological control
on the distribution of endogenous organic components within fossilized soft tissue can be resolved. Mapped organic
functional units within this approximately 50 Myr old specimen from the Green River Formation (USA) include amide and
sulphur compounds. These compounds are most probably derived from the original beta keratin present in the skin because
fossil leaf- and other non-skin-derived organic matter from the same geological formation do not show intense amide or
thiol absorption bands. Maps and spectra from the fossil are directly comparable to extant reptile skin.
More information: http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/early/2011/03/12/rspb.2011.0135
Lower Pecos Rock Art Recording and Preservation Project - Texas (USA)
In the latest installment of New Heritage, Conservation & Archaeology, learn about threatened rock art of the Lower Pecos
Canyonlands in southwest Texas and northern Mexico. Rock art recording experts from the Studying Human Use of
Materials, Land, and Art (SHUMLA) School describe the methodology for recording threatened rock art in this area of the
United States. Read about their recording techniques, including site assessment, data collection, processing, and analysis,
and how SHUMLA works to disseminate its research to both the scholarly community and general public.
More information: http://www.archaeological.org/news/hca/4471
Traditional building apprenticeships are key to Scotland's economic recovery
Culture Minister Fiona Hyslop has announced 30 new traditional building apprenticeships as part of the Government’s
strategy to put traditional building skills at the heart of Scotland’s construction industry and boost economic recovery.
The strategy ‘Traditional Building Skills: A strategy for sustaining and developing traditional building skills in Scotland’ has
been developed by Historic Scotland with Skills Development Scotland, Sector Skills Council and Construction Skills. The
strategy promotes traditional building skills as key to looking after the economic asset that is Scotland’s traditional building
stock, contributing to sustainable economic growth and meeting the Government’s target for carbon reduction.
More information: http://www.historic-scotland.gov.uk/index/news/news_article.htm?articleid=31051
Newsletter Fondation du Patrimoine - N° 2, mars 2011
La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine rural non protégé. Maisons,
églises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel… tous les types de patrimoine de proximité sont
éligibles à l'action de la Fondation. Aux côtés de l'Etat et des principaux acteurs du secteur, elle aide les propriétaires
publics et associatifs à financer leurs projets, permet aux propriétaires privés de défiscaliser tout ou partie de leurs
travaux, et mobilise le mécénat d’entreprise.
More information: http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/
Actualidad IAPH (Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico): Recomendaciones técnicas para la
documentación gráfica del patrimonio cultural
El IAPH, entidad científica de la Consejería de Cultura, ha elaborado una serie de recomendaciones técnicas para establecer
un protocolo normalizado para los procesos de captura, gestión y difusión de la documentación gráfica sobre el patrimonio
cultural. Se han definido las fases del proceso, las técnicas a utilizar, los parámetros a ajustar y los estándares aplicables.
Estos documentos vienen a sintetizar la experiencia adquirida durante el proceso de constitución del fondo gráfico del IAPH
y se pueden consultar en el siguiente link.
Más información: http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/iaph/nav/navegacion.jsp
Tam O'shanter's Brig O' Doon : Medieval Bridge repairs considered. Scotland (United Kingdom)
Historic Scotland has indicated that it would will support repairs to the medieval bridge which is the setting of the final
verse of Robert Burns’ Tam o’ Shanter.
More information: http://www.historic-scotland.gov.uk/news_article.htm?articleid=31129
CONVENTION FRANCE-UNESCO: Élaboration d'un manuel de bonnes pratiques sur la conservation urbaine, en
collaboration avec l'Organisation des Villes du Patrimoine Mondial (OVPM), seminaire de travail, 17 mars
2011, Lyon.
Dans le cadre du projet d’élaboration d’un recueil d’études de cas sur la conservation et la gestion des villes historiques, un
atelier de travail se tiendra le 17 mars 2011 à Lyon. Une vingtaine de participants - équipe de pilotage, experts de l’Agence
d’urbanisme pour le développement de l'agglomération lyonnaise, représentants de deux villes déjà sélectionnées,
Bordeaux et Bruxelles - y prendront part.
Cette journée a comme objectif de présenter l’expérience des villes de Lyon, Bordeaux et Bruxelles, venues exposer leur
politique de conservation urbaine, de partager l’ensemble des documents reçus à ce jour dans le cadre de ce projet et d’en
évaluer la pertinence. Une réunion du comité de pilotage aura lieu le lendemain, 18 mars, à Lyon.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/partenaires/338/ (Newsletter Nº 18)
(en anglais) Town of Vincent's 2011 Building Design & Conservation Awards - Australia - Deadline for entries:
29 April 2011
Entry is now open for the 2011 Building Design & Conservation Awards.
The Town’s sustainability and ‘sense of place’ can be attributed to the buildings which are designed by architects, realised
by builders and cared for by property owners and organisations. The Building Design and Conservation Awards are
designed to recognise and celebrate the efforts of all those involved in the construction and conservation of Vincent’s
buildings. This year there are three award categories: 1. Building Design Excellence Award, 2. Sustainable Design Award
and 3. Conservation – Municipal Heritage Inventory Award. The following Prizes will be awarded in each category, and will
be presented at an Ordinary Meeting of Council:
* First Prize – a Framed Certificate and $1500
* Second Prize – a Framed Certificate and $500
* Third Prize – a Framed Certificate and $250
For further information and/or for an application form, please contact Senior Strategic Planning Officer Susannah Kendall or
Planning Officer (Strategic) Rachel Marie on (08) 9273 6531 / (08) 9273 6528 or [email protected]
Brochures/application forms are available for download from the Town of Vincent website. Alternatively, brochures are
available from the Administration & Civic Centre and Library & Local History Centre.
Plus information en anglais : http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Building-Design-Conservation-Awards-EntryForm.doc
(en espagnol) Apoyo al Atlas de Patrimonio Inmaterial de Andalucia (España)
El Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio (IAPH), entidad de investigación de la Junta de Andalucía,
solicita el apoyo de la ciudadanía para que su trabajo en el “Atlas del Patrimonio Inmaterial
de Andalucía” sea reconocido como Proyecto o Actividad de Buenas Prácticas por UNESCO.
Especialmente pide la colaboración de todos los andaluces, por constituir parte de las
personas, colectivos, comunidades o grupos, protagonistas, de las expresiones culturales
inmateriales registradas en el proyecto del Atlas del patrimonio Inmaterial de Andalucía.
También hace una llamada a aquellos colaboradores directos o partícipes de los objetivos que
persigue este Atlas.
El apoyo, libre adhesión y consentimiento para llevar a cabo esta iniciativa se ha de cumplimentar a través de la
cumplimentación de los formularios disponibles en la página web.
Una vez relleno, es necesario enviar el formulario a: [email protected]
Plus information en espagnol : http://www.iaph.es/nav/inmaterialunesco
Des experts esquissent des plans pour la préservation du site des Bouddhas à Bamiyan
Des officiels afghans et des experts internationaux ont ébauché des plans pour la future sauvegarde du paysage culturel et
des vestiges archéologiques de la vallée de Bamiyan (Afghanistan) au cours de deux réunions qui se sont tenues à
l’UNESCO, à Paris, du 2 au 4 mars. Ces réunions marquaient le 10ème anniversaire de la tragique destruction des
Bouddhas géants de Bamiyan.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
Dix ans après – Commémoration de la tragique destruction des Bouddhas géants de
Bamiyan (Afghanistan)
L'UNESCO va commémorer le 10ème anniversaire de la tragique destruction des Bouddhas
géants de Bamiyan avec un forum et une réunion d'experts qui examineront à Paris pendant
deux jours les moyens de préserver et de présenter au public le paysage culturel et les
vestiges archéologiques de la vallée de Bamiyan.
En amont de ce 10ème anniversaire, la Directrice générale de l'UNESCO, Irina Bokova, - qui
ouvrira les commémorations - a exhorté la communauté internationale à protéger le
patrimoine de l'humanité contre les dommages ou destructions, les troubles, l'appropriation politique et le vol :
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/actualites/718/
40 ans de lutte contre le trafic illicite de biens culturels - Convention de 1970 concernant les mesures à
prendre pour interdire et empêcher l'importation, l'exportation et le transfert de propriété illicites des biens
Sur le plan économique, le trafic des biens culturels se classe parmi les plus importants au monde, avec les trafics illicites
d’armes et de drogues, selon l’Organisation internationale de police criminelle (Interpol). Certaines sources estiment qu’il
représente un montant annuel de 6 milliards de dollars, même si ce chiffre est difficile à vérifier compte tenu de la nature
illicite de cette activité.
Plus information : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSseNAY7uDg&feature=player_embedded
(en anglais) Important Message from the Site Preservation Program
At Umm el-Jimal, an AIA Site Preservation Grant is ensuring that Jordanian children learn about their rich cultural heritage.
The AIA Site Preservation Program supports nine projects around the world, identifies and promotes the best preservation
practices, and advocates for the protection of sites. Next week we will decide on a tenth project. Dozens of applications
have come in from countries all over the world, including Greece, Honduras, Kenya, Mexico, Nevis, Peru, Turkey, Uganda,
and the United States. Your generous support of the Site Preservation Program will allow us to fund more projects and
protect more sites from the destructive impacts of war, irresponsible development, looting, and erosion.
Plus information en anglais : http://archaeological.org/news/currentprojects/1944
(en anglais) Old Tannery School / Tonkin Zulaikha Greer Architects & Greer Hindmarsh Architects. Waterloo,
New South Wales, (Australia)
The Old Tannery, a stout brick factory-style edifice built for the training of tanners in the 1930s, enjoys no official heritage
status. However, our clients viewed it differently. Kane Construction, a building company that pursues unusual and
inventive building projects, wanted their Sydney office building to reflect this interest.
The main original building is two-storeyed, with robust ironbark trabiated structure, exposed bearers, joists and timber
cross bracing, and handsome oregon trusses. Next to this were a few ad hoc buildings of lesser quality, with single brick
skin in very poor condition.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.archdaily.com/112592/old-tannery-school-tonkin-zulaikha-greer-architects-greerhindmarsh-architects
Glade House / Frederick Phillips and Associates - 2005. Lake Forest, Illinois (USA)
Built in the historic district of Lake Forest, Illinois, and subject to strict municipal review, this house mediates between the
common and the unexpected. In a community where large traditional houses prevail, this house seeks a return to simple
agrarian forms, colors, and textures typical to the region, but lost long ago.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/121400/glade-house-frederick-phillips-and-associates/
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------St. Joseph's Media / Teeple Architects - 2004 - Toronto - Ontario - Canada
This design for a large media company brings several previously dispersed publications together in a
consolidated location on Queen Street East in Toronto. The site is unusual in that it includes the third and
fourth levels of adjoining 19th-century warehouse buildings. The introduction of a sky lit interior street
unifies the space and the company identity, bringing together over 250 employees of 12 popular
Canadian magazines (including Toronto Life and Saturday Night).
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/116537/st-joseph’s-media-teeple-architects/
Wieden+Kennedy Headquarters / Allied Works Architecture - Portland - Oregon - U.S.
The site for this project was within an abandoned warehouse that fills a city block. This allowed
the Wieden+Kennedy advertising agency to occupy a single building for the first time in many
years. The original 1908 building formed a solid, five-story masonry mass with little light – a
perforated box filled with a gridwork of heavy timber and quartered by cruciform masonry walls.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/117164/wiedenkennedy-headquarters-allied-worksarchitecture/
(en anglais) Position available for Associate Project Specialist at Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) Los
Angeles, California (USA) Deadline for application 15 April 2011
The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), located at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California, works internationally to
advance conservation practice in the visual arts—broadly interpreted to include objects, collections, architecture, and sites.
The Institute serves the conservation community through scientific research, education and training, model field projects,
and the dissemination of the results of both its own work and the work of others in the field.
The GCI’s Field Projects Department is seeking an Associate Project Specialist to fill a two-year, limited-term position.
Plus information en anglais : http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Associate-Project-Specialist-GCI.pdf
(en anglais) Western Australian Heritage Awards nominations are open - Deadline for nomination 18 March
The Western Australian Heritage Awards recognise outstanding commitment and contribution to heritage conservation,
adaptive reuse and interpretation in Western Australia.
The Awards honour individuals and organisations whose work has resulted in significant achievements in the promotion and
conservation of our rich cultural heritage.
Now in it's 19th year, the Awards attract extensive media interest, ensuring that the industry, government, owners and
community identify winners with the provision of innovative and best practice standards
In 2011, three new categories have been added to recognise the significant contribution by local government, the
importance of heritage in the tourism industry and the introduction of a new category to foster new talent in the heritage
Plus information en anglais : http://www.heritage.wa.gov.au/western-australian-heritage-awards.html
Up Inc. / Levitt Goodman Architects - 2010 - Toronto - Ontario - Canada
Up Inc. commissioned Levitt Goodman Architects to design the third floor of this historic industrial building to purposely suit
it needs. Up Inc. is a Toronto-based branding, graphic design and communications firm with a reputation for clear and
influential design. The firm had worked with Levitt Goodman Architects over many years, undergoing partial renovations to
accommodate its growing business. The firm desired an environment that would improve operations and convey a
distinctive character, reflective of its clean aesthetic, its proactive service and its knack for influential and economical
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/120596/up-inc-levitt-goodman-architects
Alemanys 5 / Anna Noguera - Girona - Spain
Located in the core part of Girona’s medieval quarter, within the scope of the first wall and
overlooking the Plaça de Sant Domènec, is the property Alemanys 5, whose original building
dates from the Sixteenth Century.
Its recent restoration integrates old and new, where sober and clean lines look for the
enjoyment of essential elements such as space, light, shadow, fire, stone, water or silence.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/121082/alemanys-5-anna-noguera/
(en anglais) "A Year in the Field" of the Getty Conservation Institute's Field Projects Department
Welcome to the Getty Conservation Institute Field Projects Department’s first issue of A Year in the Field, which provides a
snapshot of our work during the 2009-10 financial year. The department currently has sixteen model
projects under way that aim to meet the GCI’s mission to advance conservation practice internationally.
The departments’ purpose is to advance conservation practice worldwide through the development and implementation of
model field projects that incorporate strong research, planning and educational objectives. In all projects, the GCI works
with local partners to build local knowledge, skills and experience and ensure sustainability.
Plus information en anglais : http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/A-Year-in-the-Field.pdf
Bulletin de l'Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National - ISPAN No 21 - HAITI
L’Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National (ISPAN) est un organisme technique autonome du Ministère de la Culture
et de la Communication. Il a pour mission de dresser l’inventaire et de procéder au classement des monuments, de sites et
d’ensembles historiques de la République d’Haïti, de réaliser des études de projets de protection, de restauration et de mise
en valeur de monuments, de sites et d’ensemble historiques, d’assurer la direction et le contrôle des travaux d’exécution de
tels projets, d’aider à la promotion et au développement d’activités publiques ou privées visant à sauvegarder le Patrimoine
National et, enfin, de recueillir, organiser et diffuser toutes informations et documentations relatives au Patrimoine
architectural et monumental, national et international.
Plus information : http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/ISPAN_No21.pdf
(en anglais) Biomolecular Archaeology
Biomolecular Archaeology, the scientific analysis of ancient organic remains, has come of age in the past twenty-five years.
Ancient foods, perfumes, dyes, and other organics, which could only be imagined from ancient writings, can now be
detected and characterized by applying highly sensitive chemical techniques. This supremely interdisciplinary field promises
to open up whole new chapters relating to our bio-cultural transformation over the past three million years, including our
ancestry and genetic development, our cuisines and fermented beverages, and medical practice and other crafts. We are at
the beginning of a process that will transform our understanding of our species and yield spectacular discoveries in the 21st
Plus information en anglais : http://www.penn.museum/research-near-east-section.html
Temporary Installation: See Nero and Seneca by Eduardo Barrón "Converse"
15 February - 24 September 2011. Madrid, Spain
Organizers: Prado Museum
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.museodelprado.es/en/exhibitions/exhibitions/at-the-museum/instalacion-especial-emneron-ysenecaem-de-eduardo-barron-tras-su-restauracion/
1 March - 24 June 2011. COPENHAGEN, DENMARK
Organizers: National Gallery of Denmark
Contact: [email protected] and conservator, Troels Filtenborg - [email protected]
More info: http://www.smk.dk/en/explore-the-art/exhibitions/abildgaard-open-studio/
EXHIBITION - Six ancient cities of Mesoamerica. Society and Environment
10 March 2011 - end date unknown. Mexico DF, Mexico
Organizers: National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH)
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.gobiernodigital.inah.gob.mx/mener/index.php?id=33
III Seminario "La Recuperación del Patrimonio Histórico-Educativo. Museos de Educación y Espacios
25 marzo 2011. Sevilla, España
Organiza: MUPEAN (Museo Pedagógico Andaluz)
Contacto: [email protected]
Más info: http://www.museopedagogicoandaluz.com/noticias.html
I Jornada internacional patrimonio, participación y acción colectiva. Diálogos sobre la ciudad patrimonial de
Colonia del Sacramento (Uruguay)
23 - 26 abril 2011. Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay
Organiza: Estas jornadas se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación “Función social del muralismo uruguayo del siglo XX
como vehículo y modelo de activación patrimonial sustentable del sitio Colonia del Sacramento” subvencionado por la
Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación de
Contacto: [email protected]
Más Info: http://www.coloniacom.com/pag/extendida.php/4249/primera-jornada-internacional-patrimonio-participacion-yaccion-colectiva-dialogos-sobre-la-ciudad-patrimonial-de-colonia-del-sacramento
Longford Academy Course in Advanced Conservation Techniques
16 - 20 May 2011. Tasmania, AUSTRALIA
Organizers: APT Australasia Chapter
Contact: Dr Donald Ellsmore, Convenor, Australasia Chapter
More info: http://aptaustralasia.wordpress.com/2011/01/30/announcement-second-longford-academy/
Call for application - Ceramic Restoration course at San Gemini Preservation Studies
23 May - 18 June 2011. San Gemini, Italy
Organizers: San Gemini Preservation Studies. International Institute for Restoration and Preservation Studies
Deadline for application: 15 March 2011
Contact: Prof. Elena Raimondi ([email protected]), Prof. Jaye McKenzie-Clark ([email protected])
and Prof. Jane Whitehead ([email protected])
More info: http://sangeministudies.info/programs/list-of-programs/s1-4
Symposium international sur Voûtes plate
26 - 28 mai 2011. Valencia, Espagne
Organizateurs: Universitat Politècnica de València
Contact: Rafael Marín - [email protected]
Plus info: http://bovedastabicadas.upv.es
2nd International Fair of Conservation, Restoration, Restoration of Castles and Historic Buildings - SREMSKA
1 - 3 June 2011. MITROVICA, SERBIA
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
More info: http://www.kulturniforum.com/en/?p=31
Organizers: Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV)
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://mcmp2011.webs.upv.es/index_en.htm
ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage conference
14 - 16 June 2011. Madrid, Spain
Organizers: ICOMOS ISC20C, Cluster de Patrimonio of the Campus Internacional de Excelencia Moncloa and Escuela
Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid
Contact: Fernando Espinosa de los Monteros ([email protected]) and Sheridan Burke,
([email protected])
More info: http://www.madrid2011.eu.com/
VI° Curso de verano en restauración - La Restauración de la Arquitectura Moderna - Universidad de Ibagué
28 Julio - 16 Agosto 2011. Ibagué - Colombia
Organizers: Universidad de Ibagué
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.esempidiarchitettura.it/ebcms2_uploads/oggetti_news_547_ITA
VII Seminario Internacional de Conservación del Patrimonio: La investigación como herramienta para la
conservación del patrimonio
25 - 26 agosto 2011. Colima, Mexico
Organiza: Universidad de Colima a través de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño, y el Cuerpo Académico de Arquitectura y
Contacto: [email protected]
Más info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/VIISCPx.pdf
International Course on Conservation of Japanese Paper
29 August-16 September 2011. Tokyo, Japan
Organizers: National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo and ICCROM
Deadline for application: 31 March 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.tobunken.go.jp/index_e.html
L'atelier "Romiri project", est un atelier pilote international pour diplômés et jeunes professionnels de
conservation du patrimoine
15 Septembre - 15 Octobre to 2011. Zakynthos, Grèce
Organizateurs: le Ministère Grec de Culture, en collaboration avec l'Université de York et sous le patronage de l'ICCROM
Date limite d'inscription: 16 mai 2011
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.diadrasis.org/projects/romiri/general_description_fr.html
2ème symposium international WTA - (International Association for Science & Technology of Building
Maintenance & Preservation of Monuments)
6 - 7 octobre 2011. Brno, République tchèque
Organizateurs: Prof. Ing. Rostislav Drochytka Ph.D.
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.wta-conferences.org/conference/960
Experiencias y métodos de restauración en Colombia
Editado por: Rubén Hernández Molina y Olimpia Niglio
ISBN 978–88–548–3909–0
Luego de 93 años de la creación de la Dirección Nacional de Bellas Artes en 1918 y de 53 años de la
creación de la ley 163 de 1959 de Diciembre 30 por la cual se crea una legislación sobre el
patrimonio, con una serie de mecanismos y medidas sobre la defensa y conservación del patrimonio
histórico, artístico y monumentos públicos de la Nación por Congreso de la República, el volumen
“Experiencias y métodos de restauración en Colombia” analiza la situación del país en el sector de la
restauración de los bienes arquitectónicos y artísticos con referencia al desarrollo registrado en la
segunda mitad del siglo XX.Gracias a la contribución de profesores de varias universidades
colombianas, arquitectos y restauradores, así como de historiadores de arte ha sido posible
reconstruir algunas de las experiencias realizadas para valorar y conservar importantes monumentos y edificaciones de la
historia del país. Las obras de restauración analizadas (de los años' 60 del siglo XX a hoy), demuestran la cultura y la
formación en torno a la restauración del patrimonio en Colombia, teniendo importantes y fuertes raíces que pueden
constituirse en una válida referencia metodológica dentro del continente americano con importantes cotejos en otros países
que la puedan referenciar.
Journal of Disaster Research - Protecting Cultural Heritage and Historic Cities from
Kazuyuki Izuno and Takeyuki Okubo, p. 3
Natural disasters have damaged or destroyed many invaluable cultural heritages. How to mitigate
these losses, however, is difficult question. If we cannot save human lives, of course we cannot save
cultural heritages from disasters. This requires more sophisticated countermeasures than
conventional disaster reduction methodologies. This special issue of JDR provides many examples of
such mitigation in historical cities which have expanded with cultural heritages as nuclei.
Cultural heritage disaster mitigation lies somewhere between the fields of cultural preservation and
the disaster mitigation engineering. The first two review papers focus on the importance of protecting
cultural heritage from natural disasters and the history of this issue from the viewpoints of both
engineering and humanities.
Préservation et réhabilitation du bâti traditionnel dans le Val de Loire patrimoine mondial Brochure de la Fondation du patrimoine
Directeur de la publication : Bernard Vella, délégué du Loiret de la Fondation du Patrimoine
Rédacteurs : Mathieu Blandin; Béatrice Bouthier; Bernard Vella; Frédéric Aubanton et Saadia
Cette brochure éditée par Fondation du Patrimoine vise à permettre de mieux connaître et d’identifier
ce patrimoine grâce à une typologie du bâti, un vocabulaire de l’architecture, des conseils pour l’emploi des matériaux
traditionnels dans le but d’entretenir, mettre en valeur ou restaurer un bien immobilier habitable ou non, ainsi que
quelques rappels des règlements d’urbanisme.
Le document précise également les aides financières (subvention et/ou défiscalisation) dont peuvent bénéficier les
propriétaires privés auprès de la Fondation du Patrimoine et des collectivités territoriales qui sont ses partenaires. Un
carnet d’adresses des organismes publics, associatifs ou privés susceptibles d’apporter une aide technique aux particuliers
pour l’élaboration de leur projet de restauration, figure à l’intérieur de ce document.
Peinture et art rupestre
Lower Pecos Rock Art Recording and Preservation Project - Texas (USA)
In the latest installment of New Heritage, Conservation & Archaeology, learn about threatened rock art of the Lower Pecos
Canyonlands in southwest Texas and northern Mexico. Rock art recording experts from the Studying Human Use of
Materials, Land, and Art (SHUMLA) School describe the methodology for recording threatened rock art in this area of the
United States. Read about their recording techniques, including site assessment, data collection, processing, and analysis,
and how SHUMLA works to disseminate its research to both the scholarly community and general public.
More information: http://www.archaeological.org/news/hca/4471
UNESCO mobilizes experts and civil society partners to safeguard heritage in Tunisia,
Egypt and Arab Libyan Jamahiriya
UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova has called for the mobilization of all of the
Organization’s partners to ensure the safeguarding of cultural heritage in Tunisia, Egypt and
Libya. The Director-General’s call for action was made at an emergency meeting of expert
groups and individuals working in this domain, which was held at UNESCO’s Paris Headquarters
on the evening of 15 March.
More information: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/media-services/single-view/news/
Tourisme : tourisme culturel et écotourisme
Promoting the potential of the surrounding areas of Borobudur Temple Compounds - Indonesia
The Seminar and Exhibition on the Potential of the surrounding areas/villages of Borobudur Temple Compounds was
organized by PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan, and Ratu Boko on 10 March 2011 in Borobudur, Magelang,
Central Java.
More information: http://portal.unesco.org/geography/en/ev.phpURL_ID=13884&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
Le Projet d’amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique dans les hôtels de Thaïlande (PEEK) arrive à son terme
L’OMT et le Ministère du tourisme et des sports de Thaïlande ont officiellement annoncé la fin du projet d’aide des hôtels
sur la côte thaï d’Andaman visant à réduire de façon significative leurs émissions de gaz à effet de serre et leurs coûts
énergétiques en utilisant des technologies à faible consommation d’énergie.
Les hôtels participants ont réussi à réduire leur empreinte carbone et à diminuer leurs coûts énergétiques en mettant en
place des technologies utilisant les énergies renouvelables et à haute efficacité énergétique (ER/EE) dans le cadre du
Programme conjoint OMT/Ministère du tourisme et des sports de Thaïlande pour l’efficacité énergétique à Kho Khao et à
Kho Lak (Projet PEEK).
Plus information :
Hundreds of Egyptian College Students Rally at Iconic Pyramids for Return of Tourists - CAIRO - EGYPT
As hundreds of Egyptian college students rallied at the iconic pyramids of Giza Friday to promote tourism, camel guide
Salah Shabani stood to the side and looked on with sadness.
It's been two weeks since a popular uprising forced President Hosni Mubarak from power, but there has been no return of
the crowds of foreigners who come to gaze at the pyramids and get their picture on a camel.
"I used to make 600 Egyptian pounds ($102) a week, or more," said Shabani, 23, who has given visitors rides on his
camel, Oscar, since he was a teenager. "Now there is nothing. There are no tourists."
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45300
TWA Terminal to transform into a Boutique Hotel - Eero Saarinen - NEW YORK - NY - USA
Eero Saarinen’s decommissioned TWA Terminal has been slated for conversion into a boutique hotel. It seems as though
the Port Authority’s plan is to use the landmark terminal as the gateway to a separate hotel building that will be squeezed
into the crescent of space between Saarinen’s building and JetBlue’s Terminal 5. Along with this proposal, some might think
that creating a boutique out of a classic could contradict what Saarinen had in mind. Many design challenges can arise from
a simple, yet complex transformation.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/110816/twa-terminal-to-transform-into-a-boutique-hotel/
Los Angeles Birthplace Becomes Battleground over History - Los Angeles California - USA
Inside his trinket shop in the city's El Pueblo historic district, Mike Mariscal is surrounded by
painted masks, woven blankets and Day of the Dead figurines he's long sold to tourists.
Mariscal fears his own day of reckoning is near as a series of disputes surround the adobe
buildings, shops and Mexican-era churches in an increasingly trafficked corner of the city's
revitalizing downtown.
One dustup is over Indian graves unearthed during construction of a Mexican-American
cultural center. Another involves a monument to Hispanic war heroes where the original Chinatown once stood.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45718
Experience the Silk Road - ITB (Internazionale Turismus Börse/International Tourism Fair) Berlin 2011 UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organisation) Event (9-13 March 2011)
In 2011, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), supported by ITB Berlin, hosted a series of events designed to promote
the Silk Road tourism brand at the world’s leading travel trade show. As part of this programme, the first ever UNWTO Silk
Road Ministers’ Summit took place, bringing together leading decision makers in tourism to discuss opportunities for
developing the Silk Road brand in the context of:
Increasingly competitive economies in Asia and the Middle East
Enhanced connectivity via rail networks linking Central Asia to Europe and beyond
Market trends and growing demand for experience-based, seamless travel
Mobile technologies and the role of social media
Ministers and leading private sector representatives shared experiences and insight from across all corners of the Silk Road,
addressing key issues relating to the three pillars of the UNWTO Silk Road Action Plan: i) Marketing and promotion, ii)
Capacity building and destination management and iii) Travel facilitation.
More information: http://unwto.org/en/event/unwto-silk-road-ministers-summit-itb-berlin-2011
Traditional building apprenticeships are key to Scotland's economic recovery
Culture Minister Fiona Hyslop has announced 30 new traditional building apprenticeships as part of the Government’s
strategy to put traditional building skills at the heart of Scotland’s construction industry and boost economic recovery.
The strategy ‘Traditional Building Skills: A strategy for sustaining and developing traditional building skills in Scotland’ has
been developed by Historic Scotland with Skills Development Scotland, Sector Skills Council and Construction Skills. The
strategy promotes traditional building skills as key to looking after the economic asset that is Scotland’s traditional building
stock, contributing to sustainable economic growth and meeting the Government’s target for carbon reduction.
More information: http://www.historic-scotland.gov.uk/index/news/news_article.htm?articleid=31051
(en espagnol) Patrocina Oficina Regional de Cultura para América
Latina y el Caribe de la UNESCO curso para el Caribe sobre Patrimonio
Mundial - Willemstad - Curazao (21 de Marzo - 1 de Abril de 2011)
La Oficina Regional de Cultura para América Latina y el Caribe de la UNESCO
patrocina el Curso para el Caribe sobre Patrimonio Mundial (UNA Caribbean
Heritage Course) que impartirá la Universidad de las Antillas Holandesas (UNA)
en la sede del NAAM (National Archaeological Anthropological Memory
Management) en Willemstad, Curazao, del 21 de marzo al 1º de abril de 2011.
Este proyecto de capacitación se inscribe en el ámbito del Programa de Desarrollo de Capacidades en el Caribe para el
Patrimonio Mundial (CCBP) / Caribbean Capacity Building Programme for World Heritage (CCBP).
El curso da continuidad a acciones de formación precedentes desarrolladas en Cuba y la República Dominicana e
implementará el análisis académico acerca de varios temas abordados durante el Taller Sub-regional del Caribe sobre la
implementación de la Convención del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO, celebrado en septiembre de 2010 en La Habana.
Plus information en espagnol : http://www.unesco.org.cu/noticia_detalle.php?idP=&id=334
(en anglais) NET-HERITAGE, increasing Europe's competitiveness through cultrual heritage research. Brussels,
Belgium ( 24 March 2011)
Coordination of national research is the key to cost effective and sustainable funding. This is why the EU 2020 strategy and
the “Innovation Union” ask for increased cooperation. The domain of cultural heritage appears best suited for common
efforts: Climate change, natural disasters and pollution threaten cultural heritage worldwide. Protecting it with innovative
techniques is a grand challenge.
The aim of the conference is to discuss the results of the EU-project NET-HERITAGE with stakeholders and policy makers.
The ERA-NET has laid the foundations to better coordinate national research funding. Programme managers from 14
countries have identified best practise in funding. They have collected ideas on how to foster young talents. For the first
time common research priorities have been identified.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.europanostra.org/coming-events/155/
Patrimoine & Culture dans l'Oriental (Maroc)
Cette approche tente une introduction au patrimoine culturel d'une Région bordée par
l'Algérie, à l'Est, la Méditerranée au Nord, et qui s'étend aux confins du désert, au Sud,
jusqu'à Figuig, l'oasis la plus proche de l'Europe. Un espace deux fois plus vaste que certains
états européens (la Belgique ou les Pays-Bas). Un milieu écologique comprenant trois
ensembles géographiques, allant du Rif Oriental que borde la Moulouya – seule véritable
rivière pérenne - aux montagnes et plaines méditerranéennes du Nord, aux hauts plateaux
steppiques de la meseta algéro-marocaine où se termine le Haut Atlas oriental.
Plus information : http://www.oriental.ma/main.php?Id=158&lang=fr
(en anglais) Ramsar Convention's Scientific & Technical Review Panel (STRP) meets
in Gland - Gland - Switzerland
The Ramsar Convention’s scientific advisory body STRP met for its 16th session from 14-18
February in the Ramsar/IUCN Headquarters in Gland, Switzerland. Over 50 Panel members,
observer organization representatives, STRP National Focal Points and invited experts worked
intensively on three broad issues: a) further drafting and finalizing scientific and technical draft
Resolutions and guidance to be transmitted to Standing Committee and Ramsar COP11 in June
2012; b) review of progress and products under each of the Panel’s 10 Thematic Work Areas;
and c) identification of emerging issues and recommendations for future scientific and technical priorities for the panel for
the 2013-2015 triennium.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsar-news-strp14-report/main/ramsar/1-26%
(en anglais) GEO Coastal Zone Community of Practice workshop focuses on the
Caribbean. Puerto Rico (USA) 9-11March 2011
The Third Regional Workshop in the Workshop Series of the GEO Coastal Zone Community of
Practice (CZCP) will focus on the specific needs, challenges and capabilities related to
sustainable tourism in the small island states of the Caribbean. Specific objectives of the
regional workshop will include: using Earth observations to improve sustainability of tourism,
assessing and preparing for climate change and its impact on coastal zones, using observations
to enhance relationships with the environment, and increasing resilience.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/about-us/single-view/news/
(en anglais) Protected areas increase economic gains in West Africa
Local populations living close to protected areas in West Africa , earn an additional 40% of their
income from activities related to these areas.
This is the result of IUCN’s 2010 survey on the economic benefits of protected areas to households in
West Africa. The study looked at how protected areas affect jobs and revenues and compared the
benefits with the average agricultural income.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.iucn.org/?7104/Protected-Areas-Increase-Economic-Gainsin-West-Africa
(en anglais) Sustainable Tourism Destinations: research and reuse
EUROPARC is very pleased to announce that its project application to the German Federal Agency for Nature Protection has
been successful. ‘The value of the “Charter” in identifying sustainable tourism destinations’ is now one of three projects
that the Federation is involved in concerning the development and promotion of EUROPARC’s European Charter for
Sustainable Tourism.
The Charter destinations project will work with a number of Charter protected areas to find out what additional value the
European Charter brings to those implementing it, with a particular view at being able to promote it to businesses in these
areas better and of course to politicians on a European and National level to create more support and recognition for the
European Charter.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.european-charter.org/charter-network/charter-projects/the-value-of-the-charterin-id2/
(en anglais) STEPPA (Sustainable Tourism in Enterprises, Parks and Protected Areas): Does sustainability
make businesses more successful?
So far over 50 protected areas have signed up to participate in the tourism businesses survey as part of the STEPPA
project. The survey is directed at tourism businesses in and around protected area boundaries and aims to find out the
relation between sustainability and business performance. Information on the survey was sent to all EUROPARC members
last month. Every EUROPARC protected area can participate, whether you are working towards charter status or not.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.european-charter.org/charter-network/charter-projects/steppa-sustainabletourism-i/updates-from-steppa/
Seminar on "Industrial Heritage in Tourism Policies for Sustainable Development"
13 April 2011. Zabrze, Poland
Organizers: Silesian University of Technology
Deadline for application: 1 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://europe.unwto.org/en/event/seminar-industrial-heritage-tourism-policies-sustainable-development
Tour Reveals Layers of Shanghai's Jewish History - SHANGHAI - CHINA
Not far from the Bund district in Shanghai, with its hordes of tourists and view of the city's
famous skyscrapers across the Huangpu River, is a quiet neighborhood called Hongkou.
Walk here along Zhoushan Road and you'll stumble on a sign that signifies an otherwise
unremarkable building at No. 59 as a landmark.
"During the World War II," the sign reads in imperfect English, "a number of Jewish refugees
lived in this house, among whom is Michael Blumenthal, the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury
of the Carter Government."
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45858
Cours à distance « Tourisme et Patrimoine Culturel » - Camoys Virtuel de l'Université d'El Salvador (USAL),
Le but de cet atelier est d'offrir aux étudiants un panorama général sur les nouvelles tendances et les projections dans le
domaine du tourisme et du patrimoine culturel, ainsi que de « découvrir » ces attraits de l'Argentine encadrés dans la
modalité du « tourisme culturel ». Pour cela, le programme de l'atelier, outre un cadre conceptuel de base, propose un
parcours par les différents sites, habitudes et icones de l'Argentine, comme Buenos Aires et son tango, la campagne et les
coutumes « gauchas », les sites du Patrimoine Mondial, l’héritage culturel immigrant, entre autres.
Plus information en espagnol : http://www.salvador.edu.ar/vrid/ead/turismo.htm
Circulaire sur la politique gouvernementale des Grands sites de France
Les sites classés les plus renommés et les plus fréquentés font l’objet d’une politique spécifique impulsée par le ministère
en charge des sites depuis une trentaine d’années, en partenariat avec les collectivités locales. Cette politique en faveur
des « Grands Sites » vise à restaurer les sites qui subissent une forte fréquentation et à élaborer des projets qui
permettent de les gérer dans la durée.
Plus information : http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/Qu-appelle-t-on-Grand-Site.html
(en anglais) UNWTO (UN World Tourism Organization) Ulysses Prize and Awards. Deadline for Applications: 31
March 2011
The UNWTO Ulysses Prize and Awards are given in recognition for Innovation and Application of Knowledge in Tourism
Governance. Recognition is given in the following categories:
The UNWTO Ulysses Prize awards a distinguished scholar for an outstanding contribution to knowledge in tourism.
The UNWTO Ulysses Awards are granted to:
A project of a public institution (government, public-private partnership, etc.) for innovation in tourism,
A project of a tourism enterprise for innovation in tourism,
A project of a non-profit organization (NGO, civil society, etc.) for innovation in tourism.
In awarding these prizes, the UNWTO seeks to recognize and stimulate innovative knowledge creation, dissemination and
application in the area of tourism and to bring to light the latest advances in this area, which has a transversal effect on
governance and society at large.
Plus information en anglais : http://know.unwto.org/en/event/unwto-ulysses-prize-and-awards-2011
Concours européen des Destinations Touristiques d'Excellence 2011. Date limite de candidatures : 31 mars
Le concours EDEN a été créé par la Commission Européenne pour soutenir l’industrie du tourisme et conserver à l'Europe
sa première place comme destination touristique mondiale.
Le concours vise à promouvoir et à accélérer le développement de destinations européennes moins connues dont la
stratégie touristique repose sur une approche innovante et durable et qui peuvent contribuer à une meilleure répartition
des flux de touristes dans le temps et l’espace. Il est basé sur des compétitions nationales annuelles qui permettent la
désignation d’un lauréat pour chaque pays participant.
C’est donc l’opportunité pour une destination touristique française de rejoindre, autour de principes de durabilité
(économique, sociale et environnementale), un réseau international de destinations touristiques d’excellence.
Plus information : http://www.atout-france.fr/actualite/eden-destinations-touristiques-europeennes-dexcellence
du tourisme sur les sites du patrimoine mondial français, questionnements et outils »
L'ambition de la conférence est de poser la question des méthodologies employées, des indicateurs utilisés et des cadres de
pensée qui soutiennent l'élaboration de ces indicateurs, dans leur dimension locale et internationale, pour faire émerger les
conditions d'un développement permettant la sauvegarde de la valeur universelle exceptionnelle.
Contact: [email protected] et [email protected]
Plus info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/cfu
1 Juin 2011. Paris, France
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.coalition-tourisme-responsable.org/accueil.html
Historical Lab 2: "Tourism and the Preservation of Art Nouveau Heritage: a source for funding.a source of
4 June 2011. Barcelona, Spain
Organizers: Réseau Art Nouveau Network, Musée Horta
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
More info: http://www.artnouveau-net.eu/get_page.asp?stran=5&jezik=GB
Deuxième Conférence du Réseau mondial des Géoparcs pour la région Asie/Pacifique
16 - 24 Juillet 2011. Hanoi, Vietnam
Organizateurs: Department of Science-Technology and International Cooperation Vietnam Institute of Geosciences and
Mineral Resources (VIGMR), Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam
Date limite pour les résumés: 25 avril 2011
Contact: [email protected] et [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.vigmr.vn/Asia_Pacific_Geoparks_Network_2nd_Symposium_2011/
"The Best in Heritage" conference
22 - 24 September 2011. Dubrovnik, Croatia
Organizers: European Heritage Association
Deadline for registration: 31 August 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://www.thebestinheritage.com/event/programme/
International Conference : "I Know Where I'm Going"; Remote Access to World Heritage Sites from St Kilda to
23 - 24 November 2011. Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Organizers: UNESCO
Deadline for application: 3 April 2011
Contact: [email protected]
More info: http://inspace.mediascot.org/beholder/iknowwhereimgoing
Museos, memoria y turismo
Por Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea. Universidad del País Vasco. 2006
ISBN: 84-8373-862-7
En los últimos años venimos asistiendo a una proliferación importante de museos en nuestros
territorios. Esta proliferación se explica si se vincula con el contexto social y cultura que la impulsa y
legitima. Los trabajos presentados en este libro abordan precisamente la vinculación de los museos
con dos aspectos que legitiman su función social y su significado cultural: por un lado, los museos
como infraestructuras que representan y visualizan la identidad y la memoria de los grupos sociales;
y, por otro, los museos como impulsores y favorecedores del turismo cultural en sus territorios.
Así, desde diferentes planteamientos teóricos y metodológicos, con objetivos y metas diferentes, con
sensibilidades e implicaciones distintas, y valiéndose de diferentes narrativas, los autores de los
trabajos de esta publicación nos presentan sus aproximaciones al mundo de los museos y su relación con esos dos
Actes du 1er Festival des Cultures Immatérielles Méditerranéennes de Nador - Juillet 2007
La publication des actes en est l’un des moyens, que la valeur des contributions suffisait d’ailleurs à
légitimer. La qualité des interventions doit beaucoup à l’expertise du comité scientifique, et aux
synergies vertueuses qu’il a su discrètement construire autour de cet immense patrimoine culturel en
partage, objet de ce Forum. L’Agence de l’Oriental est honorée de s’y associer et de proposer
également leur consultation sur son site.
Par cette édition qui prolonge l’impact de ce premier Festival, l’Agence souhaite donner au Forum
d’Imerqane tout l’écho qu’il mérite en mettant à disposition de tous le savoir ainsi révélé et constitué.
C’est une raison supplémentaire de remercier et d’encourager tous les responsables et les personnes
de bonne volonté qui se sont dévoués pour cette manifestation, afin qu’ils assurent la pérennité du
Festival, de son Forum, et du formidable élan qu’ils ont soulevé.
Un million de visites... Ce chiffre symbolique est presque atteint sur la montagne Sainte-Victoire, 930
000 visites sur une année, c'est le résultat de comptages réalisés entre mars 2009 et avril 2010. Soit
28% d'augmentation par rapport à 1995, date de la précédente étude de fréquentation sur le site. On
apprend aussi que les 3/4 des visiteurs viennent de la région PACA (67 % des Bouches-du-Rhône),
que la plupart sont des habitués, qu'ils viennent pour la randonnée et considèrent que ce site est un
espace paysager exceptionnel qu'il faut conserver, et sur lequel on doit minimiser les aménagements.
Cette enquête bénéficie d'un focus très complet réalisé par le Conseil général sur le domaine
départemental de Roques-Hautes, là où se concentre le 1/4 des visites (une autre quart se fixe autour
du barrage de Bimont).
EAI (EUROPARC Atlantic Isles) Seminar results: Protected areas are economically
extremely valuable - Oxford - United Kingdom - 10 February 2011
EUROPARC Consulting continues to organise the now well-established series of seminars on behalf of
EUROPARC Atlantic Isles (EAI). This latest seminar Protect and prosper - optimising the economic
benefits of designated landscapes took place on 10th February 2011 in Oxford, UK.
It focused mainly on the economic worth of these special wonderful places - a subject that has taken
on a whole new meaning given current economic challenges. Attended by 35 protected-area and associated professionals
from the UK and abroad, the event mixed practical approaches with rigorous academic thought. Delegates heard how three
protected areas in the north of England alone provide 34,000 jobs and £1.8 billion of sales - as well as incalculable natural
benefits.Active participation, evidenced by a set of future actions, reflected EUROPARC's key strength of working together.
In three workshops, seminar participants discussed a range of ways forward. Their recommendation was that EUROPARC
co-ordinate action to promote the economic worth of protected areas by: building a robust shared evidence base;
identifying and communicating effectively with key audiences; and sharing best practice.
Patrimoine subaquatique. Archéologie subaquatique
Barry Clifford: Underwater Explorer and Discoverer of the Whydah -Denver Museum of Natural
Science - Denver - Colorado - USA ( 22 March 2011)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
One of the world's best-known underwater explorers, Barry Clifford, will present highlights of his more than
two decades of work on the Whydah and other shipwrecks. IMAX: Reception to follow.
More information: http://secure.dmns.org/Products/424-barry-clifford-underwater-explorer-and-discovererof-the-whydah.aspx
Pirate Henry Morgan's Cannons Found in Panama?
Archaeologists say six cannons recovered from a river in Panama that could have belonged to legendary pirate Henry
Morgan are being studied and could eventually be displayed.
The group of Panamanian and foreign archaeologists say the cannons were found at the mouth of Panama's Chagres River,
the site where Morgan's flagship, the Satisfaction, wrecked in 1671 while carrying him and his pirates to raid Panama City.
The team said Monday that the size and shape of the pieces looks very similar to the characteristics of small iron guns of
the 17th century. The cannons were detected in 2008 and rescued in 2010. The archaeological survey was coordinated by
the Waitt Institute with collaboration with Panama's National Culture Institute.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45419
The Third Foundation Course training programme on Underwater Cultural Heritage - Chanthaburi
- Thailand (14 February - 26 March 2011)
The Third Foundation Course training programme on Underwater Cultural Heritage will take place from 14
February – 26 March 2011. Under the Norway-funded project on “Safeguarding the Underwater Cultural
Heritage of Asia and the Pacific,” the course follows the successful first and second Foundation Courses. It is
organized by the Underwater Archaeology Division of the Fine Arts Department of Thailand, to which the
Regional Field Training Centre on Underwater Cultural Heritage is attached.
More information: http://www.unescobkk.org/news/article/third-foundation-course-on-underwater-culturalheritage-of-asia-and-the-pacific-chanthaburi-thaila/
Marine Archaeologists Find Whaling Ship from 1823 Wreck Northwest of Honolulu - HAWAI'I - USA
A fierce sperm whale sank the first whaling ship under George Pollard's command and inspired the classic American novel
"Moby-Dick". A mere two years later, a second whaler captained by Pollard struck a coral reef during a night storm and
sank in shallow water.
Marine archaeologists scouring remote atolls 600 miles northwest of Honolulu have found the wreck site of Pollard's second
vessel — the Two Brothers — which went down in 1823.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44913
Australia ICOMOS - Canberra Talk Series: Airplanes, Trucks, Tyres and Shipwrecks: Australia's Underwater
Cultural Heritage. Canberra (Australia) 24 March 2011
The Donald Horne Institute for Cultural Heritage at the University of Canberra is undertaking research on the conservation
and display of colonial (historical) archaeological sites in Australia and New Zealand. If you have visited any archaeological
sites/displays in Australia or New Zealand please take a few minutes to complete our on line survey. The survey should
take about 10 minutes and is completely anonymous. Information gathered from the survey will be published and made
available to heritage agencies and we hope will contribute to improved interpretation and management of archaeological
If you need any further information please email Tracy Ireland ([email protected]). Thanks very much for
participating in and contributing to our research!
Survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/3TCPPWV
Activités de la Directrice générale dans le domaine du patrimoine
Discurso de la Directora General de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova, con el motivo de la Sesión Solemne en la Alcaldía
Declaración de Huésped Distinguido y recepción de las Llaves de la Ciudad; Cusco, Perú, 23 de febrero de 2011
...Estoy muy honrada por haberme declarado Huésped Distinguido de la ciudad de Cusco y recibir las llaves de una ciudad
tan pletórica de historia. Si ustedes me lo permiten, diré que al recibir las llaves de la ciudad de Cusco, estoy recibiendo las
llaves de tres ciudades al mismo tiempo: la capital del Imperio Inca, la ciudad colonial y la ciudad moderna. En esta
“ciudad – universo”, diferentes épocas y diferentes pueblos se han entrelazado. Esta ciudad fue el primer sitio del Perú
inscrito en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO, junto con Machu Pichu, redescubierta hace exactamente cien
Más información: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001914/191483s.pdf
L’UNESCO célèbre le 40e anniversaire de la Convention de 1970 pour la lutte contre le
trafic illicite des biens culturels
Le 15 mars 2011, lors des commémorations au Siège de l’Organisation du 40ème anniversaire de
la Convention de 1970 concernant les mesures à prendre pour interdire et empêcher l'importation,
l'exportation et le transfert de propriété illicites des biens culturels, la Directrice générale de
l'UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a déclaré : « La Convention de 1970 est le premier instrument juridique
d’application mondiale dédié à la lutte contre le trafic illicite de biens culturels en temps de paix.
Elle incarne la raison d’être de l’UNESCO et son importance n’a jamais été aussi évidente. En 40
ans, d’immenses progrès ont été réalisés. Cet instrument normatif compte aujourd’hui 120 Etats parties. (…) L’enjeu
consiste à nous assurer que [les règles] soient mieux connues, plus vigoureusement appliquées, et qu’elles soient
effectivement respectées. (…) J’en appelle à tous les Etats afin qu’ils continuent à joindre leurs efforts pour accroître le
nombre de ratifications et permettre à la Convention de 1970, et aux instruments qui y sont associés, une pleine efficacité.
La Convention était un instrument novateur il y a 40 ans, elle doit le rester aujourd’hui ».
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/about-us/who-we-are/director-general/
(en anglais) Culture and development at the centre of UNESCO Director-General's visit to Cuzco, Peru
Continuing her official visit to Peru through the city of Cuzco, UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova delivered an address
at the Regional Centre for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Heritage of Latin America (CRESPIAL) on 23 February 2011.
She thanked the Peruvian Government and the CRESPIAL for their support and efforts to protect cultural heritage in the
region and keep it alive for future generations.
The Director-General held a meeting with CRESPIAL Director Jaime Urrutia, who presented the CRESPIAL's ongoing work
program and forthcoming projects. For her part, Irina Bokova underlined the important role the CRESPIAL plays to
strengthen the integration and cooperation between member countries with regards to the protection of cultural heritage.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/about-us/who-we-are/director-general/news-singleview/news/culture_and_development_at_the_centre_of_director_generals_visit_to_cuzco_peru/
Patrimoine vernaculaire
Traditional building apprenticeships are key to Scotland's economic recovery
Culture Minister Fiona Hyslop has announced 30 new traditional building apprenticeships as part of the Government’s
strategy to put traditional building skills at the heart of Scotland’s construction industry and boost economic recovery.
The strategy ‘Traditional Building Skills: A strategy for sustaining and developing traditional building skills in Scotland’ has
been developed by Historic Scotland with Skills Development Scotland, Sector Skills Council and Construction Skills. The
strategy promotes traditional building skills as key to looking after the economic asset that is Scotland’s traditional building
stock, contributing to sustainable economic growth and meeting the Government’s target for carbon reduction.
More information: http://www.historic-scotland.gov.uk/index/news/news_article.htm?articleid=31051
"Des Pays, des maisons et des hommes en Franche-Comté" : un documentaire de Fabien Ferreri,
soutenu par la Fondation du Patrimoine
Découvrez en avant-première le documentaire de Fabien Ferreri, "Des pays, des maisons et des hommes
en Franche-Comté". La Fondation du Patrimoine a apporté son soutien à la société audiovisuelle Les Films
dans la Lune , qui réalise ici le deuxième documentaire de sa collection "Des pays, des maisons, et des
hommes". Le premier avait été tourné en Bourgogne; cette fois la région Franche-Comté est à l'honneur.
Découvrez la dans toute sa diversité !
Plus information : http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-des-pays-desmaisons-et-des-hommes-en-franche-comte-un-documentaire-de-fabien-ferreri-soutenu-par-la-fondation-du-patrimoine207
Manor Farm / Hinton Cook Architects - Wolverton - England - UK
Located in the historic railway town of Wolverton, this project owned by the Parks Trust, creates 13,677ft2 office space
within existing grade II listed structures. Designed by the award winning Hinton Cook Architects, the brief was to renovate
and convert the old farm buildings, contrasting the old with the new and exposing the historic structure creating new
stylish and contemporary offices within. Set within generous mature landscape, attention to landscaping and respect for
context was critical to help the design continue to blend harmoniously within its rural surroundings. Key to the success of
the project was the juxtaposition of modern and traditional elements. The sensitive approach to this historic building
ensured the contrast between old and new forms delivered in a sophisticated way highlighting the contrast between the
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/110711/manor-farm-hinton-cook-architects/
Patrimoine & Culture dans l'Oriental (Maroc)
Cette approche tente une introduction au patrimoine culturel d'une Région bordée par
l'Algérie, à l'Est, la Méditerranée au Nord, et qui s'étend aux confins du désert, au Sud,
jusqu'à Figuig, l'oasis la plus proche de l'Europe. Un espace deux fois plus vaste que certains
états européens (la Belgique ou les Pays-Bas). Un milieu écologique comprenant trois
ensembles géographiques, allant du Rif Oriental que borde la Moulouya – seule véritable
rivière pérenne - aux montagnes et plaines méditerranéennes du Nord, aux hauts plateaux
steppiques de la meseta algéro-marocaine où se termine le Haut Atlas oriental.
Plus information : http://www.oriental.ma/main.php?Id=158&lang=fr
De jeunes bénévoles au chevet du patrimoine... bilan des chantiers 2010 dans l'Eure (France)
Depuis plusieurs années, la Fondation du Patrimoine soutient les chantiers de jeunes qui s’organisent durant les vacances
scolaires et concernent la restauration du patrimoine bâti des régions françaises. Des châteaux forts, des enceintes
fortifiées, des fermes, des granges, des pigeonniers, des fontaines… et même du patrimoine funéraire, il y en a pour tous
les goûts ! C’est surtout l’occasion pour des jeunes de tout milieu de se rencontrer, de partager avec des professionnels du
bâtiment les savoir faire traditionnels, comme la technique de la taille de pierre par exemple ou la réalisation de vitraux, et
de profiter des vacances pour s’ouvrir à d’autres horizons et susciter parfois des vocations futures !
Plus information : http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/haute-normandie-11/actualites-520/detail-de-jeunes-benevoles-
Glade House / Frederick Phillips and Associates - 2005. Lake Forest, Illinois (USA)
Built in the historic district of Lake Forest, Illinois, and subject to strict municipal review, this house mediates between the
common and the unexpected. In a community where large traditional houses prevail, this house seeks a return to simple
agrarian forms, colors, and textures typical to the region, but lost long ago.
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/121400/glade-house-frederick-phillips-and-associates/
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(en italien) Convegno "Il recupero del patrimonio rurale". Bitonto, Bari /Italia) 25 Febbraio 2011
Non solo palazzi nobiliari, gallerie d’arte e chiese. La valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale passa anche dalla tutela
dell’immensa ricchezza nascosta nelle campagne, fuori le mura: muretti a secco, torri, trulli, masserie, tutti manufatti del
passato da conoscere, tutelare, cominciare a fruire. A questi temi è dedicato il convegno che si terrà il 25 febbraio, dalle
15.30, nella Sala degli Specchi di Palazzo di Città a Bitonto.
Plus information : http://www.tafter.it/2011/02/12/bitonto-ba-convegno-il-recupero-del-patrimonio-rurale-il-25-febbraio/
Bulletin de l'Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National - ISPAN No 21 - HAITI
L’Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National (ISPAN) est un organisme technique autonome du Ministère de la Culture
et de la Communication. Il a pour mission de dresser l’inventaire et de procéder au classement des monuments, de sites et
d’ensembles historiques de la République d’Haïti, de réaliser des études de projets de protection, de restauration et de mise
en valeur de monuments, de sites et d’ensemble historiques, d’assurer la direction et le contrôle des travaux d’exécution de
tels projets, d’aider à la promotion et au développement d’activités publiques ou privées visant à sauvegarder le Patrimoine
National et, enfin, de recueillir, organiser et diffuser toutes informations et documentations relatives au Patrimoine
architectural et monumental, national et international.
Plus information : http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/ISPAN_No21.pdf
(en francés) Exposition: 'Laboutik Sinoi' - Blue Penny Museum. Port Louis (Mauritius)
L’exposition ‘Maurice en miniature’ à peine achevée, place est donc faite à une autre exposition intitulée ‘Laboutik sinoi’, au
musée Blue Penny Museum.
Le vernissage s’est déroulé mardi soir en présence de nombreux invités dont principalement Bian Yanhua, ambassadrice de
la république de Chine à Maurice et Jean-François Dobelle, ambassadeur de France à Maurice. Avant le vernissage, Melody
Chan a exécuté une danse.
Más información en francés: http://www.lematinal.com/magazine/10072-Laboutik-Sinoi-sexpose-au-Blue-Penny-Museum.
19 JUIN 2011. France
Date limite de participation:Mars 2011
Organizateurs: Architectes du Patrimoine, la CAPEB (Confédération de l'Artisanat et des Petites Entreprises du Bâtiment),
Patrimoine-Environnement (Fédération Nationale des Associations de Sauvegarde des Sites et Ensembles Monumentaux),
les Maisons Paysannes de France.
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.journeedupatrimoinedepays.com/index.htm
Peuples autochtones, populations marginalisées et changement climatique : Vulnérabilité, adaptation et
savoirs traditionnels
19 - 21 juillet 2011, Mexico DF, Mexique
Organisateur: L’Université des Nations Unies (UNU), le Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat
(GIEC), le Secrétariat de la convention sur la diversité biologique (SCBD), le Programme de Développement des Nations
Unies (UNDP) et UNESCO
Contact: [email protected]
L'atelier "Romiri project", est un atelier pilote international pour diplômés et jeunes professionnels de
conservation du patrimoine
15 Septembre - 15 Octobre to 2011. Zakynthos, Grèce
Organizateurs: le Ministère Grec de Culture, en collaboration avec l'Université de York et sous le patronage de l'ICCROM
Date limite d'inscription: 16 mai 2011
Contact: [email protected]
Plus info: http://www.diadrasis.org/projects/romiri/general_description_fr.html
Actes du 1er Festival des Cultures Immatérielles Méditerranéennes de Nador - Juillet 2007
La publication des actes en est l’un des moyens, que la valeur des contributions suffisait d’ailleurs à
légitimer. La qualité des interventions doit beaucoup à l’expertise du comité scientifique, et aux
synergies vertueuses qu’il a su discrètement construire autour de cet immense patrimoine culturel en
partage, objet de ce Forum. L’Agence de l’Oriental est honorée de s’y associer et de proposer
également leur consultation sur son site.
Par cette édition qui prolonge l’impact de ce premier Festival, l’Agence souhaite donner au Forum
d’Imerqane tout l’écho qu’il mérite en mettant à disposition de tous le savoir ainsi révélé et constitué.
C’est une raison supplémentaire de remercier et d’encourager tous les responsables et les personnes
de bonne volonté qui se sont dévoués pour cette manifestation, afin qu’ils assurent la pérennité du
Festival, de son Forum, et du formidable élan qu’ils ont soulevé.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Préservation et réhabilitation du bâti traditionnel dans le Val de Loire patrimoine mondial Brochure de la Fondation du patrimoine
Directeur de la publication : Bernard Vella, délégué du Loiret de la Fondation du Patrimoine
Rédacteurs : Mathieu Blandin; Béatrice Bouthier; Bernard Vella; Frédéric Aubanton et Saadia
Cette brochure éditée par Fondation du Patrimoine vise à permettre de mieux connaître et d’identifier
ce patrimoine grâce à une typologie du bâti, un vocabulaire de l’architecture, des conseils pour l’emploi des matériaux
traditionnels dans le but d’entretenir, mettre en valeur ou restaurer un bien immobilier habitable ou non, ainsi que
quelques rappels des règlements d’urbanisme.
Le document précise également les aides financières (subvention et/ou défiscalisation) dont peuvent bénéficier les
propriétaires privés auprès de la Fondation du Patrimoine et des collectivités territoriales qui sont ses partenaires. Un
carnet d’adresses des organismes publics, associatifs ou privés susceptibles d’apporter une aide technique aux particuliers
pour l’élaboration de leur projet de restauration, figure à l’intérieur de ce document.
Islands as crossroads: sustainable cultural diversity in small island developing states
Author: Curtis, Tim
ISBN ISSN: 978-92-3-104181-5
The very notion of a ‘small island’ usually triggers several associations in the minds of continental
dwellers. Remote, isolated, insular, even paradisiacal, are some of the more common imaginings
about islands. Yet small island states and their populations are far from isolated or culturally
homogenous. On the contrary, islands have long been places where peoples of different cultures have
encountered each other and lived in close proximity. Islands are better understood as dynamic
centres of cultural interaction – as ‘crossroads of cultures’.
This book brings together scholars of various disciplines from the three main island regions of the
world – the Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean – to explore the ways in which the peoples of small islands have
lived, and continue to live, in their culturally diverse societies. Leading anthropologists, historians, economists,
archaeologists and others unpack the complexity and dynamics of societies in small island developing states. It reflects the
outcomes of a UNESCO symposium held in the Seychelles in 2007.
Patrimoine mondial
Promoting the potential of the surrounding areas of Borobudur Temple Compounds - Indonesia
The Seminar and Exhibition on the Potential of the surrounding areas/villages of Borobudur Temple Compounds was
organized by PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan, and Ratu Boko on 10 March 2011 in Borobudur, Magelang,
Central Java.
More information: http://portal.unesco.org/geography/en/ev.phpURL_ID=13884&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
La Directrice générale demande aux forces militaires engagées en Libye d’épargner le
patrimoine culturel
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a demandé aujourd’hui à la Libye et à la
coalition d’Etats mettant en place une zone d’exclusion aérienne au-dessus du pays de
respecter la Convention pour la protection des biens culturels en cas de conflit armé (La Haye,
1954) et ses deux protocoles (1954 et 1999) et de faire en sorte que les sites culturels ne
soient pas visés par les opérations militaires.
Sur les dix Etats composant la coalition impliquée dans la mise en œuvre de la résolution 1973
du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies (Belgique, Canada, Danemark, Emirats arabes unis, Espagne, Etats-Unis
d’Amérique, France, Italie, Qatar et Royaume-Uni), huit sont parties à la Convention (Belgique, Canada, Danemark,
Espagne, Etats-Unis d’Amérique, France, Italie, Qatar).
Más información: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
Réunion d'information pour les délégations permanentes et observateurs auprès de l'UNESCO sur les activités
de l'UNESCO dans le domaine des Géoparcs
La réunion a pour objectif de résumer les progrès réalisés sur les activités des Géoparcs mondiaux qui ont commencé il y a
11 ans et auxquelles l'UNESCO offre un soutien sur une base ad hoc depuis 2004.
Trois experts externes travaillant activement avec les Géoparcs viendront faire une présentation. Ils viennent d’Europe et
présenteront : ce qu’est un Géoparc, où sont-ils situés ?, pourquoi sont-ils nécessaires ?, Pourquoi sont-ils différents des
autres types de parcs ou désignés comme tels, etc. Ils fourniront également des exemples de Géoparcs en activité situés
dans différentes régions du monde.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/natural-sciences-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]
An Unknown Son of Pakal II of Palenque has Been Identified by Mexican Archaeologists - MEXICO
Parting from the reintegration of two fragments from the Northern Tableau of the Temple of the Sun Sanctuary, in
Palenque, a new lecture of the glyphic text was conducted in which the name of another son of Pakal II, unknown until
now, may have been mentioned.
Both sculptural fragments were recovered in 1993 by archaeologist Arnoldo Gonzalez, from the National Institute of
Anthropology and History (INAH) and were recently incorporated to the Northern Tableau at the Archaeological Site of
Palenque, in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44881
AD Classics: The Scottish Parliament / Enric Miralles - 1999-2004 - EDINBURGH - SCOTLAND - United KINGDOM
Widely known for it’s extreme cost of construction, the Scottish Parliament is a remarkable example of incorporating
architecture into it’s surroundings.
“The Parliament sits in the land. We have the feeling that the building should be land, built out of land. To carve in the land
the form of gathering people together… Scotland is a land… The land itself will be a material, a physical building material…”
More information: http://www.archdaily.com/111869/ad-classics-the-scottish-parliament-enric-miralles/
Catholic Temples Built on Teocallis Give Account of Prehispanic Urban Planning -
Mexico city - Mexico
During the Conquest period between 1524 and 1529, Spaniards constructed 68 churches on
sacred Prehispanic buildings of Tenochtitlan and Tlatelolco. 20 of these structures raised to
develop the evangelization work among Mexica people, are still standing, while 5 are partially
on foot.
In Tlatelolco, those dedicated to San Francisco Mecamalinco, Santa Ana Atenantitch, Santa
Clara Acozac (Nuestra Señora de los Angeles), San Miguel Nonoalco and La Concepcion
Atenantitlan remain.
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45155
Hundreds of Egyptian College Students Rally at Iconic Pyramids for Return of Tourists - CAIRO - EGYPT
As hundreds of Egyptian college students rallied at the iconic pyramids of Giza Friday to promote tourism, camel guide
Salah Shabani stood to the side and looked on with sadness.
It's been two weeks since a popular uprising forced President Hosni Mubarak from power, but there has been no return of
the crowds of foreigners who come to gaze at the pyramids and get their picture on a camel.
"I used to make 600 Egyptian pounds ($102) a week, or more," said Shabani, 23, who has given visitors rides on his
camel, Oscar, since he was a teenager. "Now there is nothing. There are no tourists."
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=45300
INAH's Exhibition (National Institute of Anthropology and History) "Teotihuacan City of Gods" has Been
Visited by 350,000 Europeans
The greatest exhibition ever mounted regarding Teotihuacan continues being popular in Europe: more than 350,000
persons have admired it in museums of France, Switzerland, Germany and Italy, and in March 2011 it will continue visiting
the Spanish cities of Barcelona and Madrid.
Teotihuacan. Ciudad de los Dioses, (Teotihuacan. City of Gods) is integrated by nearly 450 items gathered throughout 100
years of explorations at the Prehispanic site, and is currently open at the Palace of Exhibitions in Rome, until late February
More information: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=44919
Launch of Global Heritage Network (GHN) on 15 March 2011
Early Warning and Threat Monitoring System for Cultural Heritage Sites in the Developing World
Major archaeological and cultural heritage sites are being damaged and destroyed at an alarming
rate around the globe, perhaps nowhere as quickly as in developing countries and regions with
limited financial resources or expertise available.
To address this crisis, GHF has established Global Heritage Network (GHN) to:
Act as an early warning and threats monitoring system for endangered archaeological and cultural heritage sites in
developing countries.
Enable the collaboration of experts and conservation leaders to mitigate the threats.
Facilitate a holistic, Preservation by Design® process of planning, science, community and partnerships to preserve
these sites.
More information: http://www.globalheritagefund.org/
(en anglais) Public consultation launched for World Heritage site, New Lanark - United Kingdom
A 13 week public consultation on a Management Plan for the world heritage site at New Lanark was launched today, 21st
March 2011. The New Lanark World Heritage Management Plan was drafted and agreed by a partnership of Historic
Scotland, the New Lanark Trust and South Lanarkshire Council.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.historic-scotland.gov.uk/index/news/news_article.htm?articleid=31108
(en espagnol) Patrocina Oficina Regional de Cultura para América
Latina y el Caribe de la UNESCO curso para el Caribe sobre Patrimonio
Mundial - Willemstad - Curazao (21 de Marzo - 1 de Abril de 2011)
La Oficina Regional de Cultura para América Latina y el Caribe de la UNESCO
patrocina el Curso para el Caribe sobre Patrimonio Mundial (UNA Caribbean
Heritage Course) que impartirá la Universidad de las Antillas Holandesas (UNA)
en la sede del NAAM (National Archaeological Anthropological Memory
Management) en Willemstad, Curazao, del 21 de marzo al 1º de abril de 2011.
Este proyecto de capacitación se inscribe en el ámbito del Programa de Desarrollo de Capacidades en el Caribe para el
Patrimonio Mundial (CCBP) / Caribbean Capacity Building Programme for World Heritage (CCBP).
El curso da continuidad a acciones de formación precedentes desarrolladas en Cuba y la República Dominicana e
implementará el análisis académico acerca de varios temas abordados durante el Taller Sub-regional del Caribe sobre la
implementación de la Convención del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO, celebrado en septiembre de 2010 en La Habana.
Plus information en espagnol : http://www.unesco.org.cu/noticia_detalle.php?idP=&id=334
(en anglais) Official launch of 2011 WORLD HERITAGE VOLUNTEERS CAMPAIGN (worldwide) 27 March - 29
October 2011
In the framework of the UNESCO World Heritage Education Programme and taking into account the positive results
obtained by the World Heritage Volunteers project in 2008 and 2009, UNESCO World Heritage Centre and CCIVS have
agreed to pursue this initiative launching the: World Heritage Volunteers - "Patrimonito Voluntary Action 2011"
Plus information en anglais : http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/WH_Volunteers2011.pdf
(en anglais) UNESCO Programme Specialist (P-3) - Africa Unit - World Heritage Centre. Deadline for
application: 4 May 2011
Under the authority of the Director of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the Deputy Director for Programme, and
direct supervision of the Chief of Africa Unit, the incumbent shall exercise the function of Programme Specialist in charge of
natural heritage and will work on the implementation of the World Heritage Convention in Africa for cultural and natural
Plus information en anglais : https://recrutweb.unesco.org/pdf/WHC064.pdf
(en anglais) UNESCO Programme Specialist (P-3) - Arab States Unit - World Heritage Centre. Deadline for
application: 16 May 2011
Under the authority of the Director of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the Deputy Director for Programme, and the
direct supervision of the Chief of the Arab States Unit (WHC/ARB), the incumbent serves as the World Heritage Centre
Focal Point for the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage (Category 2 Centre) in Bahrain, as well as cooperate with UN
agencies, on all activities contributing to the implementation of the 1972 World Heritage Convention in the Arab Region for
cultural and natural heritage, working within the Global Strategy adopted by the World Heritage Committee and using
Periodic Reporting and Monitoring Reporting as an efficient conservation tool in line with the strategic objectives adopted by
the World Heritage Committee.
Plus information en anglais : https://recrutweb.unesco.org/pdf/whc026.pdf
(en anglais) UNESCO advisory mission to Pashupati, Kathmandu Valley World
Heritage Property, wraps-up its work (NEPAL)
A one week UNESCO mission of International world heritage experts involving Bruno Deslandes,
from France and Sharif Shas Imon, from Bangladesh, to Pashupati - one of the seven
monument zones within the World Heritage Property of the Kathmandu Valley, ended on
Thursday 17 March 2011.
The experts came to Kathmandu upon the Government of Nepal’s request and they assessed
the proposal of a tunnel road construction in the southern part of the Sleshmantak Forest.
They also held discussions with stakeholders on how best to reconcile the outstanding universal value of the property with
the needs of local communities living around the site.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/new/en/kathmandu/about-this-office/single-view/news/
(en anglais) Was Atlantis in Doñana? - National Geographic
Plato was the first to write about an island paradise populated by an advanced
civilization, but did Atlantis really exist? Explore the evidence with a geologist in Greece,
an anthropologist in Mexico and an investigative mythologist in Egypt.
Plus information en anglais : http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/series/is-itreal/2699/Overview
(en anglais) Blue Shield Statement on Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Following the recent events in Libya, the Blue Shield expresses its great concern about the safeguarding of the country’s
invaluable cultural heritage amid the existing turmoil. The Blue Shield deplores the suffering and loss of life this conflict has
imposed on the Libyan population.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.international.icomos.org/110314_ICBS_Statement_Libya.pdf
(en anglais) Ceremony to Launch the Opening of the Restored World War II Guns on Robben Island - South
On Friday 4th March 2011, Robben Island Museum together with the Department of Public Works, the Department of Arts
and Culture, the SA Navy, MLB Architects and ARMSCOR Dockyard will be celebrating the opening of the restored guns of
the De Waal Battery on Robben Island. The No. 3 gun is almost completely fully restored and is arguably the most
complete of its type in the world today.
The first of the 9.2” guns was installed in November 1940 as a deterrent to surface raiders that intended attacking Allied
shipping in Table Bay, or indeed the City of Cape Town and its harbour. During WWII South African ports were of strategic
importance for Allied shipping en route to North Africa or the East. It was therefore of great importance to protect these
ports. Of the twelve 9.2” guns that were installed to defend South Africa’s coast and ports, three were installed on Robben
Plus information en anglais : http://www.robben-island.org.za/index.php?
(en anglais) Port Arthur Historic Site NEWSLETTER - Port Arthur. Tasmania (Australia)
Since its creation in 1987, the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA) has been responsible for
preserving and maintaining one of Australia’s most important heritage sites and major tourism destinations.
In 2004 the Authority was also given responsibility for the Coal Mines Historic Site, located near Saltwater River, about a
half hour drive from Port Arthur on the Tasman Peninsula.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.portarthur.org.au/file.aspx?id=11885
Réunion des Etats arabes en vue d'établir un programme régional
Entre 2008 et 2010, les Etats arabes parties à la Convention du patrimoine mondial ont mené l'exercice de soumission des
rapports périodiques consistant à évaluer la mise en œuvre de la Convention dans leurs pays respectifs et dans chacun de
leurs sites inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial. Le rapport périodique fut présenté au Comité du patrimoine mondial
lors de sa 34 e session en juillet 2010 à Brasilia, et chaleureusement accueilli. L'étape suivante est désormais d'élaborer un
programme régional sur la base des résultats de l'exercice, en vue d'améliorer la protection et la conservation des sites du
patrimoine mondial dans les Etats arabes.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/actualites/726/
Les îles Galapagos affectées par le tsunami - Equateur
Le dévastateur tsunami engendré vendredi au Japon par un violent séisme, a sur son chemin frappé les îles Galapagos.
Plusieurs sites touristiques de l'archipel équatorien, dont Charles Darwin avait étudié la biodiversité, ont été endommagés.
Plus information : http://www.maxisciences.com/galapagos/les-les-galapagos-affectees-par-le-tsunami_art13200.html
Nouveau site internet - Grand Site Saint-Guilhem-le-désert, Gorges de l'Hérault
Le nouveau site internet de l’Office de Tourisme Intercommunal Saint Guilhem le Désert - Vallée de l’Hérault est en ligne
avec la possibilité de découvrir le territoire (paysages, villages), les projets, les animations, une cartographie interactive,
les brochures en téléchargement...
Plus information : http://www.saintguilhem-valleeherault.fr
(en anglais) Massive new marine protected area offers oasis and hope for
endagered sharks and sea turtles. Cocos Island (Costa Rica)
Signed by Costa Rican President Laura Chinchilla Miranda in an Executive Decree on
Thursday March 3, the declaration formalizes the creation of the new marine protected area
surrounding Cocos Island National Park to improve the conservation of this unique oceanic
island, conserve an entire marine ecosystem, and protect a group of seamounts (underwater
mountains) southwest of Cocos Island.
"This has been a long journey," added Quesada. "We have worked with a host of national
research, conservation and fisheries organizations to determine the fairest and most environmentally responsible expansion
scenarios. None of this would have been possible without the invaluable scientific and management contributions of the
Cocos National Park Administration, the University of Costa Rica's Center for Marine Investigations, Pretoma, Marviva,
Forever Costa Rica and, above all, the leadership of President Chinchilla, and her ministers."
Plus information en anglais : http://www.conservation.org/newsroom/pressreleases/Pages/New_Cocos
(en anglais) Conservation of archaeological remains in Lumbini begins with support
from UNESCO and the Government of Japan - Lumbini (Nepal)
An international team of experts is currently in Lumbini to prepare for the conservation of
archeological remains at the birthplace of Lord Buddha, a world-renowned Buddhist pilgrimage
destination and a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1997.
The team, led by Italian conservator Costantino Meucci, will prepare a conservation campaign
for the Marker Stone, the Nativity Sculpture and the Ashoka Pillar, which is scheduled to start
later this year.
Earlier this year, an international team of archaeologists lead by Robin Coningham, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Professor of
Archaeology at Durham University, UK, began a three-year survey of the archeological vestiges in Lumbini.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/new/en/kathmandu/about-this-office/single-view/news/
CONVENTION FRANCE UNESCO: Appui a la réunion finale du rapport périodique sur l'Afrique, Dôme de
Vredefort, Afriqeu du Sud, 14-17 février 2011
Organisée par le Centre du patrimoine mondial en partenariat avec le Gouvernement du Sénégal, et avec le soutien
financier du Fond africain pour le patrimoine mondial, de la Suisse et de la France à travers la Convention France-UNESCO,
cette réunion a réuni 44 Etats parties à la Convention du patrimoine mondial de la région Afrique, afin de réévaluer l'état
de mise en oeuvre de la Convention en Afrique, et plus particulièrement l'état de conservation et de gestion des biens du
patrimoine mondial de la région. La réunion a permis de partager les outils méthodologiques et stratégiques nécessaires à
la préparation des différents rapports qui seront soumis par les Etats parties. Deux résultats majeurs de la réunion ont été
effectivement l’adoption des résultats de l’analyse des questionnaires et l’adoption des recommandations à présenter à la
prochaine session du Comité du patrimoine mondial (Bahreïn, juin 2011).
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/partenaires/338/ (Newsletter N° 18)
CONVENTION FRANCE-UNESCO: Le projet « Niger - Loire : Gouvernance et Culture» se poursuit au Mali.
- Les résultats de l’inventaire du patrimoine culturel (400 fiches d’inventaire) sont en voie de chargement sous mediawiki.
Ce travail est réalisé par les agents de la Direction Nationale du Patrimoine Culturel du Mali (DNPC), qui ont reçu une
formation à cet effet, sous la supervision d’un expert local. Un diagnostic du parc informatique de la DNPC a été établi et
des opérations de maintenance réalisées pour améliorer la fonctionnalité des équipements. Cette expérience innovante vise
à faciliter le stockage et la diffusion en ligne des données par la DNPC, en créant une base de données simple d’utilisation
et facilement actualisable, s’appuyant sur des logiciels libres.
- A Djenné, une cartographie détaillée a été établie, dans le cadre du processus d’élaboration du plan de gestion du site
patrimoine mondial : elle distingue la ville historique, les sites archéologiques et les zones tampons. Elle a permis
d’engager une discussion avec les autorités sur la révision du plan urbain actuel.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/partenaires/338/ (Newsletter N° 18)
CONVENTION FRANCE-UNESCO: Colloque « Patrimoines fluviaux et territoires », Saint-Louis du Senegal, 3-5
mars 2011
Organisé par la Maison du fleuve Sénégal et l’université Gaston Berger, avec l’appui de la CFU, le colloque a rassemblé une
cinquantaine de participants du Sénégal, de Mauritanie, du Mali et de France : chercheurs, directeurs du patrimoine
culturel, professionnels, représentants de collectivités locales ou d’organismes de formation.
Dans la continuité de l’atelier « Fleuves et patrimoines » qui s’est tenu au Sénat le 2 novembre 2009, cette rencontre a
permis de restituer différents travaux de recherche sur les cultures du fleuve, les paysages fluviaux ou les savoir-faire
locaux liés à l’eau. Elle a mis l’accent sur l’importance du processus de reconquête culturelle des fleuves et sa place dans le
développement local, en abordant en particulier les expériences des Maisons du fleuve.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/partenaires/338/ (Newsletter N° 18)
Des experts esquissent des plans pour la préservation du site des Bouddhas à Bamiyan
Des officiels afghans et des experts internationaux ont ébauché des plans pour la future sauvegarde du paysage culturel et
des vestiges archéologiques de la vallée de Bamiyan (Afghanistan) au cours de deux réunions qui se sont tenues à
l’UNESCO, à Paris, du 2 au 4 mars. Ces réunions marquaient le 10ème anniversaire de la tragique destruction des
Bouddhas géants de Bamiyan.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
Le tsunami épargne la faune des Galápagos mais détruit le laboratoire marin
Des dégâts mineurs ont été signalés sur le site du patrimoine mondial des Iles Galápagos suite au séisme et au tsunami qui
ont frappé les côtes du Japon le 11 mars dernier. Le tsunami est survenu à marée haute et s'est manifesté sous forme
d'une houle dépassant de 1.7m le niveau normal de la mer et inondant les bâtiments le long de la côte. Les habitants des
Galápagos avaient été alertés et s'étaient réfugiés dans les hauteurs. Aucun blessé n'est à déplorer.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/actualites/725/
(en anglais) Director-General welcomes suspension of oil prospection at Virunga National Park (Democratic
Republic of the Congo)
The Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, has welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Environment, Nature
Conservation and Tourism of the Democratic Republic of the Congo that the government of the DRC has suspended
prospection for oil at Virunga National Park, inscribed as on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 1979.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.unesco.org/new/en/media-services/single-view/news/
Les autorités cambodgiennes et thaïlandaises vont se rencontrer le 25 mai à l’UNESCO pour discuter de Preah
Des autorités cambodgiennes et thaïlandaises vont se rencontrer le 25 mai au siège de l’UNESCO, à Paris, afin d’envisager
des moyens de sauvegarder le temple de Preah Vihear.
Cette décision fait suite à une mission à Bangkok et Phnom Penh de l’Envoyé spécial de l’UNESCO pour Preah Vihear,
Koichiro Matsuura. Durant cette mission, l’Envoyé spécial a rencontré les Premiers ministres des deux pays, ainsi que
d’autres officiels, pour discuter de la situation de ce temple du XIe siècle.
Plus information : http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
Les éoliennes valent-elles le déclassement du Mont Saint -Michel ? (France)
Le Comité exécutif d’ Europa Nostra, Fédération européenne du patrimoine culturel et naturel, s’est rendu samedi 5 mars, à
Argouges (Manche) , commune située sur la ligne de crête qui domine la baie du Mont Saint Michel, pour apprécier le
risque de dégradation du site lié au projet de développement d’installations éoliennes en co-visibilité.
Europa Nostra - qui regroupe plus de 250 associations du patrimoine, actives dans 45 pays d’Europe, dont les vingt-sept
Etats membres de l’Union européenne - a voulu ainsi exprimer son incompréhension face à la décision prise par le préfet de
la Manche accordant un permis de construire pour l’implantation d’éoliennes sur la commune d’Argouges , et ce en dépit de
l’avis défavorable du commissaire enquêteur.
Plus information : http://www.europanostra.org/news/149/
Le Centre du patrimoine mondial exprime toute sa solidarité aux victimes de la
tragédie qui frappe le Japon
Le Centre du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO tient à exprimer sa profonde sympathie et toute
sa solidarité aux victimes du séisme et du tsunami dévastateurs qui ont frappé le Japon le 11
mars dernie. Dès l'annonce des événements, Francesco Bandarin, Directeur a.i. du Centre du
patrimoine mondial et Sous Directeur général pour la Culture, a contacté Mr Isao Kiso,
Ambassadeur du Japon auprès de l'UNESCO, afin d'exprimer ses sincères condoléances pour les
vies humaines perdues dans cette tragédie et offrir de mobiliser l'assistance d'urgence afin
d'aider le peuple et le gouvernement japonais.
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/actualites/724/
Dix ans après – Commémoration de la tragique destruction des Bouddhas géants de
Bamiyan (Afghanistan)
L'UNESCO va commémorer le 10ème anniversaire de la tragique destruction des Bouddhas
géants de Bamiyan avec un forum et une réunion d'experts qui examineront à Paris pendant
deux jours les moyens de préserver et de présenter au public le paysage culturel et les
vestiges archéologiques de la vallée de Bamiyan.
En amont de ce 10ème anniversaire, la Directrice générale de l'UNESCO, Irina Bokova, - qui
ouvrira les commémorations - a exhorté la communauté internationale à protéger le
patrimoine de l'humanité contre les dommages ou destructions, les troubles, l'appropriation politique et le vol :
Plus information : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/actualites/718/
Dernier bulletin du Programme Global CoE (Centre d'excellence) sur la mitigation des catastrophes du
patrimoine culturel et des villes historiques de l'Université de Ritsumeikan (Kyoto, Japon) - Nº 16
L’objectif premier du Centre est de protéger les valeurs urbaines culturelles des catastrophes, et de concrétiser la
connaissance et la technologie nécessaires pour protéger le patrimoine culturel pour les générations à venir. Jusqu'il y a
peu de temps, la recherche académique concernant la mitigation des catastrophes du patrimoine culturel et des villes
historiques a été peu systématique. Pour cette raison, il est important de mettre en place un système académique détaillé
grâce auquel des experts de plusieurs domaines relatifs, tels : science des catastrophes, génie civil, architecture, sciences
de l'information et humanités, puissent collaborer.
En octobre 2006, une chaire UNESCO a été créée dans notre centre afin de promouvoir des programmes de formation sur
les risques liés à la gestion du patrimoine culturel. Cette chaire nous permet de devenir un réseau névralgique
d'information internationale pour des activités connexes.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.rits-dmuch.jp/dl_files/newsletter16-e.pdf
(en anglais) Interview with Susana Sá Fontinha, Biologist and Researcher - University of
Madeira (Portugal)
Susana Sá Fontinha, 45, is a biologist and researcher on the Portuguese island of Madeira, which is in the
Atlantic off the coast of North Africa. I travelled to Madeira on my honeymoon in 2005 and fell in love with
the “Floating Flower Pot” as it is known. Two-thirds of this small, volcanic subtropical island is a national
park and the total number of its terrestrial biodiversity includes more than 7,500 species.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.viewfromthepier.com/peertopier/susana-sa-fontinha-biologist/
(en anglais) The Libyan Arab Jamahiriya's 'extraordinary' archaeology under threat
As the Gadaffi regime continues to massacre citizens, its repression also puts a rich cultural
heritage at risk.
Eleven Italian researchers who were evacuated from Libya in a C-130 Hercules military
aircraft on Saturday are thought to have been among the last foreign archaeologists in the
country. With Libya's people being attacked by forces loyal to the regime of leader Muammar
al-Gaddafi, the scientists were thankful to escape to an air-force base south of Rome.
Researchers have little idea of when they will be able to return. Vincent Michel, an
archaeologist at the University of Poitiers in France who has a decade's experience of working in Libya, is part of a French
archaeological mission that was scheduled to leave next month for the ancient Greek Apollonia site on the Mediterranean
coast. That venture has now been suspended. Di Lernia's mission — itself a legacy of the colonial period — began in 1955
and is the longest-running international mission in Libya, but now he no longer knows "if and when the mission will be able
to work in the area".
Plus information en anglais : http://www.nature.com/news/2011/110302/full/news.2011.132.html
(en anglais) LCCHP (Lawyers' Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation) Calls for the Preservation of
Preah Vihear Temple - Cambodia
We, the undersigned institutions, are greatly concerned by the escalating conflict between the Southeast Asian nations of
Cambodia and Thailand over the ancient temple of Preah Vihear. The sacred Hindu shrine is now a battlefield; the
descendants and heirs of its builders are among those whom the fighting has killed, injured, and displaced. Without
question, continued clashes will lead to increased casualties and will further jeopardize Preah Vihear.
Plus information en anglais : http://www.culturalheritagelaw.org/preahvihear
(en anglais) USGS (United States Geological Survey) report details uranium resources and potential effects of
uranium mining near Grand Canyon
As part of the Department of the Interior’s evaluation of whether to segregate nearly 1 million acres of federal lands near
the Grand Canyon from new uranium claims, the United States Geological Survey today released a report on uranium
resources and uranium mining impacts in the area.
The studies contained in the report looked at uranium f

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