Department for studies, strategic foresight and statistics


Department for studies, strategic foresight and statistics
Secrétariat général
au développement
et aux affaires
des études,
de la prospective
et des statistiques
for studies,
strategic foresight
and statistics
des études,
de la prospective
et des statistiques
The DEPS (in French, Département des études, de la
prospective et des statistiques) forms part of the national
official statistics system. It is the Ministry of Culture and
Communication’s service for cultural socio-economic studies and its Ministerial statistics service (linked to INSEE).
It is attached to the Delegation for Development and International Affairs.
The DEPS has four main assignments:
• statistics: the DEPS collects and compiles statistics on
culture, with the aim of providing quantitative and qualitative background for national, Community and international cultural policy definition, orientation and decisionmaking;
• study and research: the DEPS’ research and/or studies in the different fields of the social sciences (economics, sociology, history, political science, etc.) contribute
to analysis of cultural situations and institutions;
• forecasting: the DEPS, using its first two tasks as a
starting-point, suggests possible avenues of thought concerning the major cultural, economic, sociological or
political trends of the future;
• methodology: the DEPS’ work requires the application
of statistical, study and research methodologies in collaboration with national (INSEE, CNIL) or Community
(Eurostat) bodies.
The DEPS keeps the government, culture professionals,
researchers and the general public informed of the results
of its work by means of printed or electronic publications,
organised discussions, symposiums and seminars.
The DEPS study programme is determined twice a year
by the Ministerial Studies Council chaired by the Minister
and made up of representatives of the Ministry Directorates
and regional cultural affairs Directorates, along with experts
appointed for a three-year term (www2.culture. fr/deps).
Studies and research are conducted either within the
Department or with the aid of researchers, laboratories and
consultancies under the direction of the DEPS in accordance with Public Markets Code procedures. The studies
and research are underpinned by surveys and statistical data
files. Each study carried out by the DEPS is supervised by
either a studies manager and/or a statistician. The study and
research report is subject to examination by an editorial
committee which decides on the best way to highlight the
results (publication, conference, discussion forum, etc.).
Within the Ministry of Culture and Communication, the
DEPS has the general task of providing expertise and
advice on the production and handling of data.
The DEPS’ study and research work is ordered around
five cross-cutting analytical programmes whose aim is to
shed light on changes occurring in three subject areas: populations (practices, publics, consumption, etc.), supply
(public, commercial, employment, etc.), institutions and
transmission (statutes, social institutions, representations,
transmission), taking into account the forces connecting
them (supply/audience, supply/employment, populations/transmission, etc.).
The DEPS exercises the function of cultural trend-spotting in the social and economic fields by supporting
research programmes and organising seminars.
Key dates
1963 Creation of the
Studies and
Research Service
(SER) within the
national planning
1969 First issue of its
news bulletin
culturel (Cultural
1973 First survey of the
French population’s
cultural practices
1983 First general
statistics yearbook
Des chiffres pour la
culture (Figures on
1984 Creation of a cultural
statistics database
1986 The SER becomes
the Department for
Studies and Future
Trends (DEP)
1974-1975 First survey of
local body cultural
1989 First publication of
Chiffres clés (Key
Figures), a
composite yearbook
of figures concerning
1975-1984 Participation in
statistics programme
1991 Creation of the
Cultural Employment
1995 The DEP holds the
first encounter on
European cultural
statistics, where the
decision is taken to
launch statistical
cooperation in
1997 The DEP takes part
in the Eurostatsponsored working
party on cultural
statistics in Europe
2000 Creation of the
‘Questions de
2004 The DEP becomes
the Department for
Research, Forward
Studies and
Statistics (DEPS)
2007 Compilation, under
contract with
Eurostat, of the first
European cultural
statistics yearbook
2006 The DEPS organises
the Observatory on
Cultural Digital Uses
which brings
experts and public
movers concerned
with the
development of
cultural digital uses
as well as the Group
for Strategic Analysis
of Cultural Industries
2007 Reorganisation and
computerisation of
the publications:
'Culture chiffres’
(Culture Statistics),
'Culture études’
(Culture Studies),
'Culture prospective’
(Culture Strategic
and ‘Culture
(Culture Methods)
Five cross-cutting
analytical programmes
Forces governing activities,
employment and work
Four powerful tendencies and their relations are studied with the support of the statistical data produced: diversification of individuals’ and employers’ activities, knowledge and development of professions and skills, changes
in job nature, job insertion and professionalisation
Changing practices, publics
and consumption
Three subjects have been chosen for study: linkage
between diversification of cultural offerings and diversification of audiences; spread of media and computer practices; effects of population aging and generation renewal.
Modes of transmission
and legitimisation
Changes in practice and consumption cannot be fully
understood without knowledge of how cultural hierarchies
are produced and transmitted or of the role played by family, school, peer groups, cultural institutions and producers. Two subjects have been chosen: cultural taste and
habit formation; cultural diversity and the international
Organisation of creation, production,
dissemination and markets
This programme is aimed at analysing artistic and cultural industries and markets in their technical and international context in order to explain the ways in which creation is promoted, and observe developments in
dissemination and marketing. Three subjects have been
chosen for study: the economic conditions governing
diversity, the particularities of cultural production, and
knowledge of the different cultural domains.
Analysis of policies, government action,
Official culture policies are examined from the territorial angle (national, local, international) and in terms of
the different types of government body intervention: direct
public spending (State, local bodies, public establishments), taxation (patronage, tax rebates, taxes, etc.), and
regulatory machinery (quotas, competition law, literary
and artistic property rights, single pricing of books, etc.).
● ‘Questions de culture’ collection,
in book form, of studies funded by the
DEPS (on sale).
● ‘Chiffres clés. Statistiques de la culture’ (Key
Figures: Culture Statistics) is
published yearly (on sale).
From 2007, it is entirely consultable on line, on the culture.
gouv. fr home page (‘statistics’
tab). An abridged version Key
Statistics in Brief, is available
in French and English.
Four collections of notes (downloadable)
● ‘Culture chiffres’ (Culture
Statistics) sets out the quantitative landmarks of culture and
replaces ‘Notes et études statistiques’ (Statistical Notes and
Studies) and ‘Notes de l’Observatoire de l’emploi culturel’
(Notes of the Cultural Employment Observatory).
● ‘Culture études’ (Culture
Studies) provides a composite
presentation of DEPS-conducted studies or in-house analytical work and replaces
‘Développement culturel’ (Cultural Development).
● ‘Culture prospective’
(Culture Strategic Foresight)
contains DEPS and non-DEPS
work on new subjects, and
details lines of investigation
based on original approaches
that highlight advanced research.
● ‘Culture méthodes’ (Culture Methods) presents methodologies, bibliographies, questionnaires, etc.
These four collections are indexed thematically in
accordance with the five DEPS programmes: employment,
practices, transmission, economics, action and regulation.
The full catalogue may be consulted on the DEPS website:
Philippe CHANTEPIE, Head of Department
Sylvie OCTOBRE, Deputy Head of Department
Josette BEAUDOIN-GLANDIÈRES, Department secretariat
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jean-Cedric DELVAINQUIÈRE (policy/regulation)
Olivier DONNAT (publics/transmission)
Jean-Michel GUY (publics/transmission)
Francine LABADIE (policy regulation)
Yann NICOLAS (cultural economics)
Sylvie OCTOBRE (publics/transmission)
Frédérique PATUREAU (cultural employment)
François ROUET (cultural economics)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Serge DARRINÉ (head)
Nathalie BERTHOMIER (survey processing)
Éric CLÉRON (employment)
Valérie DEROIN (cultural economy and industries)
Bruno DIETSCH (financing and specialised education)
Chantal LACROIX (database)
Marie-Françoise SOTTO (specialised education)
Edwige ZADORA (higher education)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Publications, promotion and archiving
(head of publications)
Anna-Michèle SCHNEIDER
(head of valorisation)
Marie-Laure BÉNISTI
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
The DEPS is aided by two units attached to the Delegation for Development and International Affairs (DDAI):
Département des études, de la prospective et des statistiques
Secrétariat général
Délégation au développement et aux affaires internationales
Ministère de la culture et de la communication
182, rue Saint-Honoré
75033 Paris cedex 1
(33)1 40 15 79 17
(33)1 40 15 79 99
[email protected]
www2.culture. gouv. fr/deps
Conception-fabrication : Transfaire SARL
Documentation unit
[email protected]
(head of the documentation centre)
The centre provides public access to a bibliographic reference base, MNEMO:

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