ACTUARIS SA “Le Valvert” 46 bis, chemin du


ACTUARIS SA “Le Valvert” 46 bis, chemin du
“Le Valvert”
46 bis, chemin du Vieux Moulin
69160 TASSIN
The Global Compact Office
United Nations
Room S-1881
New York, N.Y. 10017
Lyon, le 2 novembre 2010
Objet : Communication sur le progrès 2010
Madame, Monsieur,
Conscient de la responsabilité et du rôle que jouent les entreprises dans l’amélioration des
conditions de vie et de travail dans le monde, le cabinet ACTUARIS est fier d’adhérer au
Global Compact des Nations Unies et de promouvoir ses 10 principes directeurs.
Cette initiative des Nations Unies correspondant tout à fait à notre culture d’entreprise et aux
valeurs soutenues par l’équipe dirigeante, l’ensemble des collaborateurs d’ACTUARIS aspire
à perpétuer et développer les actions visant à sensibiliser et responsabiliser les sociétés de
notre secteur d’activité.
C’est donc avec grand plaisir que nous adressons au bureau du Global Compact notre
“Communication sur le Progrès” 2010, reprenant les grandes lignes des initiatives menées à
bien ou soutenues par ACTUARIS.
Vous renouvelant l’assurance de notre engagement, nous vous prions d’agréer, Madame,
Monsieur, l’expression de nos salutations respectueuses et dévouées.
Pierre ARNAL
Actuaire Associé
Directeur Général
ACTUARIS - Global Compact – November 2010
ACTUARIS - Global Compact – November 2010
In 2010, ACTUARIS is proud to number sixty associates with a growing turnover and
exciting international perspectives. Since our last Communication on Progress, and despite
the small size of our organization, ACTUARIS has thought about and implemented several
actions, as in the saying “Little brooks make great rivers”. We explain hereinafter how
ACTUARIS has managed to support and enact two of the United Nations Global Compact
Ten Principles.
“Businesses should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental
responsibility and encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly
This past year, the team has decided to think about a series of work tasks that generate some
waste of paper, of energy and could be easily eliminated. This is why we have subscribed to a
service which withdraws our fax number from mailing lists thus saving an average of 120
sheets of paper per month.
We have also cut the covering letter usually sent with our invoices and brochures in order to
save paper and energy.
The coffee capsules used in the offices (Lyon and Paris) are kept and recycled and specific
trash cans are designated for the supplier to collect them. Alternatively, some have chosen
biodegradable capsules that can be thrown away with regular disposal.
Pushing further these thoughts, we gradually became aware that ACTUARIS is striving to
comply with sustainable and responsible criteria regarding its clients, and had not yet set up a
defined modus operandi with suppliers. Therefore, ACTUARIS has drafted a purchase charter
of ethics, which explains how we take into account environment and responsible behaviours
in our purchasing process.
Please find below the ACTUARIS Purchase Charter of Ethics (“Charte des Achats
ACTUARIS - Global Compact – November 2010
ACTUARIS - Global Compact – November 2010
This document sums up the process that ACTUARIS applies in selecting a supplier and
during on-going business with suppliers/partners. For example, we have selected a lunch box
supplier for meeting which take place during lunch time. This supplier is close to the office,
which allows to save energy and reduce pollution due to transportation, and the material used
for the boxes (cardboard, metal, paper) are all recycled and made from recycled material.
ACTUARIS also has a role to play within the group (ADDING Group) in order to promote
responsible and eco-friendly behaviour in the other companies which belong to the same
holding. On that particular point, we are proud to have sponsored the membership of ADD’IF,
member of ADDING Group, which joins the UN Global Compact in 2010. This company,
which operates in communication and promotional items, has an important part to play in
promoting eco-friendly products or in selecting responsible suppliers worldwide. ADD’IF and
ACTUARIS are today the two companies of ADDING Group which support the Global
KEY WORDS: energy and paper waste, purchase charter of ethics, sponsoring
CONTACT: Sophie GUILLOT - + 33 (0)4 72 18 58 58
ACTUARIS - Global Compact – November 2010