publications of patrick brézillon - Cognitions Humaine et Artificielle


publications of patrick brézillon - Cognitions Humaine et Artificielle
Etat au 12/01/05
Statistics December 20, 2004
Total: 21
Total: 74
Total: 98
Total: 51
Grand total: 242
- Important notoriety: 12 - Unique author: 7
- Important notoriety: 25 - Unique author: 15
- Important notoriety: 16 - Unique author: 35
(others + research report, without a review process)
List of 96 co-authors (December 22, 2004):
Abu-Hakima, S.
Adam, F.
Agabra, J.
Alvarez, I.
Araujo, R.
Batanov, D.
Bau, D.-Y.
Bazire, M.
Benerecetti, M.
Berkeley, T.
Borges, M.R.S.
Bouquet, P.
Bourgoin, S.
Bouvet, D.
Callaos, N.
Cambon, B.
Carlsson, S.
Cases, E.
Castellani, F.
Cavalcanti, M.
Cawsey, A.
Charpillet, F.
Cosh, A.
Courbon, J.-C.
Déchamp, L.
Doan, B.-L.
Dodu, J.-C.
Dubost, L.
Dutech, A.
Fauquembergue, P.
Gachet, A.
Ganet, L.
Gentile, C.
Hamon, M.
Hamrouni, K.
Harmand, Y.
Hertz, A.
Humphreys, P.
Jaffray, J.-Y.
Karsenty, L.
Kouadri M., G.
Lacaste, A.
Lefèvre, C.
Leproux, C.
Leroux, P.
Lundberg, A.
Maizener, A.
Marquois-Ogez, E.
Martini-Bigolin, N.
Milhaud, G.
Moine, N.
Montroig, T.
Morello, B.
Morot-Gaudry, Y.
Müller, S.
Naveiro, R.M.
Nguengang, G.
Nottola, C.
Palluat, N.
Pasquier, L.
Pasquier-Rochas, J.
Pelissier, L.
Pérault-Staub, A.-M.
Perrot, L.
Pino, J.M.
Poitrenaud, S.
Pomerol, J.-Ch.
Qian, X.
Racoceanu, D.
Rajkovic, V.
Rasovska, I.
Rosa, M.
Roth-Berghofer, T.
Ryckbosch, J.
Saci, F.
Saker, I.
Sandrin, P.
Santolini, A.
Santoro, F.M.
Schulz, S.
Secron, M.
Serafini, L.
Souza, F.R.
Staub, J.-F.
Stefanuk, V.
Taché, O.
Tijus, Ch.
Tracqui, P.
Turner, E.
Turner, R.
Vaylet, C.
Vicat, C.
Vivet, M.
Widmeyer, G.
Yeu, P.
Zaraté, P.
Etat au 12/01/05
(important papers are marked on the left)
Thèse d'Etat
Brézillon P
Place et rôle du modèle en biologie:
- son intérêt et ses impératifs (Tome I) ;
- son application à l'étude de la représentation compartimentale
des métabolismes de la sérotonine et du calcium (Tome II)
Thèse de Doctorat d'Etat ès Sciences Physiques, Paris VI, 1983.
EDITIONS Total: 21 - Important notoriety: 11 - Unique author: 7
2004 (1, 21)
Applying Context Management. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, (To appear). Guest Editor with T. Roth-Berghofer
and S. Schulz (Special Issue).
2003 (3, 20)
Making context explicit in communicating objects. In: C. Kintzig, G. Poulain, G. Privat, P.-N. Favennec (Eds.):
Communicating with Smart Objects. London: Kogan Page Science, Chap. 21, pp. 273-284 (Book Chapter).
Decision Support Systems in the Internet Age. Journal of Decision Systems, Vol. 12, N° 2. Guest Editor with F.
Adam and J.-C. Courbon (Special Issue).
Chapter 6: Learning and explanation in a context-based representation: Application to incident solving on subway
lines. In: R. Jain, A. Abraham, C. Faucher and J. van der Zwaag (Eds.) Innovations in Knowledge Engineering.
International Series on Advanced Intelligence, pp. 129-149, with Pomerol, J.-Ch. and Pasquier, L. (Book Chapter).
2002 (3, 17)
Decision Making and Decision Support in the Internet Age. Oak Tree Press. with F. Adam, P. Humphreys and J.Ch. Pomerol.
Chapitre 21: Expliciter le contexte dans les objets communicants. In: C. Kintzig, G. Poulain, G. Privat, P.-N.
Favennec (Eds.): Les Objets Communicants. Hermes Science Editions, Lavoisier, pp. 295-303 (2002).
Special Issue “Decision Systems in Action”. Journal of Decision Systems. Guest Editor with P. Humphreys, 2002,
Volume 10, Number 2.
2000 (1, 14)
Book "Decision Support through Knowledge Management". With S. Carlsson, P. Humphreys, B.G. Lundberg, A.
Cosh and V. Rajkovic (Eds.). Akademitryck AB, Edsbruk, Sweden, ISBN 3-901882-11-1 (2000). There is also a
CD Rom version of the Proceedings.
1999 (2, 13)
Proceedings of the 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context, CONTEXT99 (1999). In: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, N° 1688, Springer Verlag (ISBN 3-540-66432-7). With
Benerecetti M., Bouquet P., Castellani F. and Serafini L.
Proceedings of the AAAI-99 Workshop on Modeling Context in AI Applications, Orlando, Florida, USA, July
1999. AAAI Technical Report, ISBN 1-57735-098-7. With Turner R.M., Pomerol J.-Ch. and Turner E.H.
1998 (3, 11)
Book "Context Sensitive Decision Support Systems". Chapman and Hall. With T. Berkeley, V. Rajkovic and G.
Widmeyer (1998).
Book "Context Sensitive Decision Support Systems: Supplement papers". LIP6, Paris, France. With V. Rajkovic,
1998, Research Report 1998.019, <>.
Special Issue on "Modeling and Using Context in Applications". International Journal on Human-Computer
Studies, 1998, 48(3). (Guest editor.)
1997 (2, 8)
Special Issue on Successes and Pitfalls of Knowledge-Based Systems in Real-World Applications. International
Journal "Failures and Lessons Learned in Information Technology Management", 1997, 1(2). (Guest editor.)
Etat au 12/01/05
Proceedings of the First International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context
(CONTEXT-97). Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Publisher, Brazil, 1997, with M. Cavalcanti.
1996 (2, 6)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Successes and Failures of Knowledge-Based Systems in Real-World
Applications. Asian Institute of Technology (Publisher), Bangkok, Thailand, 1996, with D. Batanov.
CD-ROM "Extended Encyclopedia of Systemics, Informatics and Cybernetics", 1996, with N. Callaos.
1995 (1, 4)
Working Notes on the IJCAI-95 Workshop on Modelling Context in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning.
Research Report 95/11, LAFORIA, Université Paris 6, France, 1995, with S. Abu-Hakima.
1993 (2, 3)
Proceedings of the IJCAI-93 Workshop on Using Knowledge in its Context. Rapport de Recherche 93/13,
LAFORIA, Université Paris VI, Paris, France, 1993.
Proceedings of the East-West Conference on Artificial Intelligence. ICSTI, Kuusinena, 21b, 125252, Moscow,
Russia, 1993, with V. Stefanuk.
1992 (1, 0)
Proceedings of the ECAI'92 Workshop on Improving the Use of Knowledge-Based Systems with Explanations.
Vienna, Austria. Research Report 92/21, LAFORIA, University Paris VI, France, 1992.
PAPERS IN JOURNALS AND REVIEWS (with a review process)
‡ Total: 74 - Important notoriety: 25 - Unique author: 15
2005 (4, 74)
Gachet, A. and Brézillon, P. (2005) A context-based representation of knowledge flows in dynamic
organizations. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle. Special Issue on "Applying Context Management". S. Schultz, T.
Roth-Berghofer & P. Brézillon (Eds.) (To appear).
Gachet, A. and Brézillon, P . (2005) Organizational structures and decision making processes: A multi-level
model. Journal of Decision Systems. Special Issue on "New trends in the Design of Intelligent Decision Systems".
A.M. Alimi (Ed.) (To appear).
Brézillon, P. and Araujo, R. (2005) Reinforcing shared context to improve collaborative work. Revue
d'Intelligence Artificielle. Special Issue on "Applying Context Management". S. Schultz, T. Roth-Berghofer & P.
Brézillon (Eds.) (To appear).
Brézillon, P. (2005) Contextualizations in social networks. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle. Special Issue on "
Applying Context Management". S. Schultz, T. Roth-Berghofer & P. Brézillon (Eds.) (To appear).
2004 (2, 70)
Brézillon, P. (2004) Context and virtual communities in a firm. Computing And Informatics (To appear).
Borges, M., Brézillon, P., M., Pino, J. and Pomerol, J.-Ch. (2004) Bringing context to CSCW. In:
Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (Volume II). W. Shen, T. Li, Z. Lin, J.-P. Barthès, W. Zeng, S.
Li and C. Yang (Eds.). International Academic Publishers / Beijing World Publishing Corporation. IEEE Press, pp.
2003 (9, 68)
Brézillon, P., Adam, F. and Pomerol, J.-Ch. (2003) Supporting complex decision making processes in
organizations with collaborative applications - A case study. In: Favela, J. & Decouchant, D. (Eds.) Groupware:
Design, Implementation, and Use. LNCS 2806, Springer Verlag, pp. 261-276.
Adam, F., Brézillon, P. and Courbon, J . - C . (2003) Editorial of the Special Issue "Decision Support
Systems in the Internet Age". Journal of Decision Systems, 12(2): 119-122.
Brézillon, P. (2003) Representation of procedures and practices in contextual graphs. The Knowledge
Engineering Review, 18(2): 147-174.
Brézillon, P. (2003) Focusing on context in human-centered computing IEEE Intelligent Systems, 18(3): 62-66.
Pomerol, J.-Ch. and Brézillon, P . (2003) Context proceduralization in decision making. In: Modeling and
Using Context (CONTEXT-03), P. Blackburn, C. Ghidini, R.M. Turner and F. Giunchiglia (Eds.). LNAI 2680,
Springer Verlag ( pp. 491-498.
Etat au 12/01/05
Brézillon, P. (2003) Context dynamic and explanation in contextual graphs. In: Modeling and Using Context
(CONTEXT-03), P. Blackburn, C. Ghidini, R.M. Turner and F. Giunchiglia (Eds.). LNAI 2680, Springer Verlag
Verlag ( pp. 94-106. (Invited Conference)
Kouadri Mostéfaoui, G. and Brézillon, P . (2003) A generic framework for context-based distributed
authorizations. In: Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT-03), P. Blackburn, C. Ghidini, R.M. Turner and F.
V e r l a g Verlag
( pp. 204-217.
Ganet, L., Brézillon, P . and Tijus, Ch. (2003) Explanations as contextual categorization. In: Modeling
and Using Context (CONTEXT-03), P. Blackburn, C. Ghidini, R.M. Turner and F. Giunchiglia (Eds.). LNAI
2680, Springer Verlag Verlag ( pp. 142-153.
Brézillon, P . and Naveiro, R.M. (2003) Knowledge and context in design for a collaborative decision
making. Journal of Decision Systems. Hermès, 12(3-4): 253-270.
2002 (4, 59)
Humphreys, P. and Brézillon, P . (2002) Combining rich and restricted languages in multimedia: enrichment
of context for innovative decisions. In: F. Adam, P. Brézillon, P. Humphreys and J.-Ch. Pomerol (Eds.) Decision
Making and Decision Support in the Internet Age. Oak Tree Press, pp. 695-708.
Brézillon P ., Pasquier L. and Pomerol J.-Ch. (2002) Reasoning with contextual graphs. European
Journal of Operational Research, 136(2): 290-298.
Naveiro, R.M., Brézillon, P . and Souza, F.R. (2002) Contextual knowledge in design: the SisPro
project. Revue Document Electronique. Numéro Spécial “Espaces Numériques d’Information et de Coopération”, C.
Simone, N. Matta and B. Eynard (Eds.) Hermès, 5(3-4): 115-134.
Pomerol, J.-Ch., Brézillon, P . and Pasquier, L. (2002) Operational knowledge representation for
practical decision making. Journal of Management Information Systems, 18(4): 101-116.
2001 (3, 55)
Humphreys P. and Brézillon P . (2001) Introduction to the special issue on decision systems in actions.
Journal of Decision Systems. P. Humphreys and P. Brézillon (Eds.)!: «!Decision Systems in Actions!». 10(2):
Brézillon P . and Pomerol J.-Ch. (2001) Modeling and using context for system development!: Lessons
from experiences. Journal of Decision Systems. P. Humphreys and P. Brézillon (Eds.)!: «!Decision Systems in
Actions!». 10(2): 265-288.
Pomerol J.-Ch. and Brézillon P . (2001) About some relationships between knowledge and context. In: P.
Bouquet, L. Serafini, P. Brézillon, M. Benerecetti, F. Castellani (Eds.): Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT01). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, N° 1688, pp. 461-464. (Full paper at http://www-
2000 (4, 52)
Brézillon P ., Pomerol J.-Ch., Turner R. and Turner E . (2000) Reasoning in context for AI
Applications. AI Magazine, 21(1): 100, Spring.
Pasquier L., Brézillon P . and Pomerol J.-Ch. (2000) From representation of operational knowledge to
practical decision making in operations. Decision Support Through Kowledge Management. S. Carlsson, P.
Brezillon, P. Humphreys, B.G. Lundberg, A. McCosh and V. Rajkovic (Eds.). Akademitryck AB, Edsbruk,
Sweden, ISBN 3-901882-11-1, 301-320.
Brézillon P , Cavalcanti M., Naveiro R. and Pomerol J-Ch (2000) SART: An intelligent assistant for
subway control. Pesquisa Operacional, Brazilian Operations Research Society, 20(2)!: 247-268.
Brézillon P , Pasquier L. and Pomerol J.-Ch. (2000) Representing operational knowledge by contextual
graphs. Advances in Artificial Intelligence, M.C. Monard and J.S. Sichman (Eds.). Berlin!: Springer. Lecture Notes
in Artificial Intelligence, N° 1952, pp. 245-258.
1999 (7, 48)
Brézillon P (1999) Context in problem solving: A survey. The Knowledge Engineering Review, 14(1): 1-34.
Brézillon P (1999) Context in Artificial Intelligence: I. A survey of the literature. Computer and Artificial
Intelligence, 18(4): 321-340.
Brézillon P (1999) Context in Artificial Intelligence: II. Key elements of contexts. Computer and Artificial
Intelligence, 18(5): 425-446.
Brézillon P and Pomerol J-Ch (1999) Contextual knowledge sharing and cooperation in intelligent assistant
systems. Le Travail Humain, 62, 3, 223-246.
Etat au 12/01/05
Pomerol J.-Ch. and Brézillon P . (1999) Dynamics between contextual knowledge and proceduralized
context. Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT-99). In: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, N° 1688,
Springer Verlag, pp. 284-295.
Pasquier, L., Brézillon, P . and Pomerol J.-Ch. (1999) Context and decision graphs in incident
management on a subway line. Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT-99). In: Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence, N° 1688, Springer Verlag, pp. 499-502.
Brézillon P and Saker I. (1999) Modelling context in information seeking. In: Wilson T.D. and Allen D.K.
(Eds.) Exploring the Contexts of Information Behaviour. London: Taylor Graham Publishing, pp. 479-493.
1998 (4, 41)
Brézillon P and Pomerol J-Ch (1998) Using contextual information in decision making. In: Chapman and
Hall. Widmeyer G., Berkeley D., Brezillon P. and Rajkovic V. Eds.: Context-Sensitive Decision Support Systems,
pp. 158-173.
Brézillon P (1998) Preface of the Special Issue on Using Context in Applications. International Journal on
Human-Computer Studies, 48(3), pp. 303-305.
Brézillon P , Pomerol J-Ch and Saker I (1998) Contextual and contextualized knowledge: An application in
subway control. Special Issue on Using Context in Applications. International Journal on Human-Computer
Studies, 48(3), pp. 357-373.
Brézillon P and Pomerol J-Ch (1998) Use of contextual knowledge in the development of intelligent
assistant systems. Revue Le Travail Humain, 62, 3, 223-246.
1997 (5, 37)
Brézillon P and Pomerol J-Ch (1997) User acceptance of interactive systems: Lessons from Knowledge-Based
and Decision Support Systems. Failures and Lessons Learned in Information Technology Management, June, 1(1):
Brézillon P (1997) Preface of the Special Issue on Successes and Pitfalls of Knowledge-Based Systems in RealWorld Applications. Failures and Lessons Learned in Information Technology Management, June, 1(2), pp. 77-78.
Brézillon P and Pomerol J-Ch (1997) Lessons learned on successes and failures of KBSs. Special Issue on
Successes and Pitfalls of Knowledge-Based Systems in Real-World Applications. Failures and Lessons Learned in
Information Technology Management, June, 1(2), pp. 89-98.
Brézillon P and Cavalcanti M (1997) Modeling and using context: Report on the First International and
Interdisciplinary Conference on Using and Modeling Context in Real-World Applications, CONTEXT-97. The
Knowledge Engineer Review, 12(4): 1-10.
Brézillon P (1997) Successes and Failures of KBSs in Real-World Applications: Report on the International
Conference. International Journal on Knowledge-Based Systems, 10(4): 253-258.
1996 (1, 32)
Brézillon P and Pomerol J-Ch (1996) Misuse and nonuse of knowledge-based systems: The past experiences
revisited. In: Implementing Systems for Supporting Management Decisions, Humphreys P. et al. (Eds.), Chapman
and Hall, ISBN 0-412-75540-8, pp. 44-60.
1995 (4, 31)
Vicat C, Brézillon P and Nottola C (1995) Knowledge validation in the building of a knowledge-based
system. Expert Systems With Applications, 8(3), pp. 391-397.
Karsenty L and Brézillon P (1995) Cooperative problem solving and explanation. Expert Systems With
Applications, 8(4): 445-462.
Brézillon P and Abu-Hakima S (1995) Using Knowledge in its context: Report on the IJCAI-93 Workshop.
AI Magazine, Spring, 16(1): 87-91.
Karsenty L and Brézillon P (1995) Coopération homme-machine et explication. Revue Travail Humain,
1995, 58(4): 289-310.
1993 (2, 27)
Brézillon, P . , Zaraté, P. and Saci, F. (1993) AI approach in analysis of DNA sequences. Biochimie,
Special Issue on "Informatique et Génome", 75(5): 337-345.
Brézillon, P. (1993) Report on the Workshop on Using Knowledge in its context. The Knowledge Engineering
Review, 8(3): 255-257.
Brézillon, P . and Bau, D.-Y. (1993) Diagnostic basé sur un modèle des systèmes de contrôle dans les postes
des réseaux d'énergie: l'expérience SEPT. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, 6(4): 407-430.
1992 (2, 25)
Etat au 12/01/05
Bau, D.-Y. and Brézillon, P . (1992) Model-based diagnosis of power station control systems: the SEPT
experiment. IEEE Expert, pp. 36-44.
Brézillon, P . and Cawsey, A. (1992) Report of the ECAI-92 Workshop on Improving the Use of
Knowledge-Based Systems. AI Communications, 5(4): 209-214.
1990 (1, 23)
Brézillon, P. (1990) Interpretation and rule packet in expert systems. Application to the SEPT expert system.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, N° 444, Knowledge Based Computer Systems. S.Ramani R.Chandrasekar
K.S.R.Anjaneyulu (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, p. 78-87.
1989 (1, 22)
Brézillon, P. (1989) Notion d'interprétation dans le système expert SEPT. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, 3(3)
pp. 7-18.
1988 (6, 21)
Staub J-F, Tracqui P, Brézillon P , Milhaud G and Pérault-Staub A-M (1988) Calcium metabolism
in the rat : a temporal self-organized model. American Journal of Physiology, 254: R134-R149.
Tracqui P, Brézillon P , Staub J-F and Milhaud G (1988) Notion de compartiment et cinétique des
systèmes dynamiques non linéaires: implications dans l'étude de l'évolution temporelle d'un traceur. Vième
Séminaire de l'Ecole de Biologie Théorique. Editions du CNRS, pp. 255-266.
Brézillon P and Fauquembergue P (1988) SEPT : un système expert pour la Surveillance d'Equipements
dans un Poste à très haute Tension. EDF, Bulletin de la Direction des Etudes et Recherches, Série B, Réseaux
Electriques, Matériels Electriques, n° 3, pp. 5-10.
Fauqembergue P and Brézillon P (1988) Vers une utilisation de systèmes experts pour surveiller les équipements des postes électriques à très haute tension. Revue Générale d'Electricité, n° 10, pp. 36-37.
Tracqui P, Brézillon P , Staub J-F and Perault-Staub A - M (1988) Trajectoires stables multiples et
dynamiques temporelles engendrées par un modèle autocatalytique simple. In: Biologie Théorique, Solignac.
Editions du CNRS, Paris, pp. 125-139.
Brézillon P (1988) Contribution à l'étude de l'identifiabilité théorique: cinq exemples de modèles compartimentés
non linéaires. In: Biologie Théorique, Solignac. Editions du CNRS, Paris, pp. 85-97.
1987 (1, 15)
Fauquembergue, P. and Brézillon, P . (1987) SEPT : maquette de système expert pour surveiller le matériel
de contrôle-commande d'un poste à THT. d.e.r.87 faits marquants, EDF-DER (Ed.), pp. 83-84.
1986 (2, 14)
de Labriolle-Vaylet, C., Bouvet, D., Brézillon, P ., Milhaud, G. and Staub, J . - F . (1986) The
kinetics of intestinal calcium absorption in the rat: an analytical and model building study. Proc. of the Society for
Experimental Biology and Medecine, p. 181.
Brézillon, P ., Staub, J.-F., Pérault-Staub, A.-M. and Tracqui, P. (1986) A propos de
l'identifiabilité d'un modèle non linéaire à l'état non stationnaire. In: Régulations Physiologiques: Modèles Récents.
Chauvet G and Jacquez JA (Eds.). Masson, Paris, pp. 45-53.
1984 (5, 12)
Staub J-F, Brézillon P , Tracqui P and Milhaud G (1984) An auto-oscillating model of calcium
metabolism in rat. Calcified Tissues International, Supplément no 2 to Volume 36, pp. S71.
Pérault-Staub A-M, Brézillon P , Tracqui P and Staub J-F (1984) A self-organized temporal model for
rat calcium metabolism: mineral non linear reaction, circadian dynamic and its control. In: Oscillations in
Physiological Systems: Dynamics and Control, The Institute of Measurement and Control (Ed.), London, pp. 5560.
Tracqui P, Brézillon P and Staub J-F (1984) Diversity and complexity in dynamical behaviour of a simple
autocatalytic Brusselator-type model. In: Non-Equilibrium Dynamics in Chemical Systems, Vidal C. and Pacault
A. Ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 245-261.
Tracqui P, Brézillon P , Staub J-F, Pérault-Staub A-M and Milhaud G (1985) Diversité et
complexité des comportements dynamiques temporels d'un modèle auto-catalytique simple. Comptes-Rendus de
l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, 300(II-7): 253-258.
Brézillon P , Tracqui P and Milhaud G (1985) Utilisation d'un traceur dans un système compartimental non
linéaire. Vièmes Séminaire de l'Ecole de Biologie Théorique, Editions du CNRS, pp. 8.
1983 (2, 7)
Etat au 12/01/05
Tracqui P, Brézillon P , Staub J-F, Morot-Gaudry Y, Hamon M and Pérault-Staub A-M (1983)
Model of brain serotonin - I Structure determination, parameter estimation. American Journal of Physiology,
244(13) : R193-R205.
Tracqui P, Morot-Gaudry Y, Staub J-F, Brézillon P , Pérault-Staub A-M, Bourgoin S and
Hamon M (1983) Model of brain serotonin - II Physiological interpretation. American Journal of Physiology,
244(13) : R206-R215.
1981 (2, 5)
Brézillon P , Staub J-F, Pérault-Staub A-M and Milhaud G (1981) Numerical Estimation of the first
order derivative: approximate evaluation of an optimal step. Computer and Mathematics with Applications, 7 :
Staub J-F, Brézillon P , Pérault-Staub A-M and Milhaud G (1981) Non linear modelling of calcium
metabolism - First attempt in the calcium deficient rat. Transactions of the Institute of Control and Measurements,
3(2) : 89-97.
1980 (1, 3)
Brézillon, P ., Hamrouni, K., Pérault-Staub, A.-M. and Staub, J.-F. (1980) A nonlinear model of
calcium metabolism in the rat. Mathematical Modelling of Metabolic and Endocrine Systems. Guilford, United
Kingdom, pp. 147.
1977 (1, 2)
Staub, J.-F., Brézillon, P ., Lefèvre, C., Milhaud, G. and Pérault-Staub, A . - M . (1977)
Variations circadiennes, conception de l'homéostasie et modélisation du métabolisme calcique chez le rat. Rhythmic
Functions in Biological Systems. Lassman G and Seitelberger F (Eds.). Facultas-Verlag, Wien, pp. 169-180.
1975 (1, 0)
Pérault-Staub, A.-M., Lefèvre, C., Staub, J.-F., Brézillon, P . and Milhaud, G. (1975) A timevarying model for calcium metabolism including diurnal variations. Xth Calcified Tissues, Calcium Metabolism,
Bone and Metabolic Bone Diseases. Kuhlencordt F and Kruse HP (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, pp. 25-30.
‡ Total: 99 - Important notoriety: 16 - Unique author: 35
2005 (3, 99)
Brézillon, P. and Tijus, Ch. (2005) Une représentation basée sur le contexte des utilisateurs à travers leurs
pratiques. Proceedings of the EGC-2005 Workshop on "Modélisation de l'Utilisateur et Personnalisation". (To
Brézillon, P. (2005) Role of context in social networks. Proceeding of the 18th International FLAIRS
Conference, Invited Special Track “AI for Social Networks, Social Networks in AI”, Miami, Florida (To appear).
Gachet, A. and Brézillon, P. (2005) A context-based representation of organizational structures. Proceeding of
the 18th International FLAIRS Conference, Invited Special Track “AI for Social Networks, Social Networks in AI”,
Miami, Florida (To appear).
2004 (16, 96)
Doan, B.L. and Brézillon, P. (2004) How the notion of context can be useful to search tools. Proceedings of the
World Conference "E-learn 2004", Washington, DC, USA, Nov. 1-5, 2004.
Araujo, R. and Brézillon, P . (2005) Modeling software organizational knowledge through context. Proceedings
of the IASTED International Conference on “Knowledge Sharing and Collaborative Engineering” (KSCE-2004),
November 22-24, St Thomas, Virgin islands, USA, CD Rom, ISBN: 0-88986-435-7, N° 430-035, pp. 162-167.
Brézillon, P. (2004) A context approach of social networks. Proceedings of the KI 2004 Workshop on Modeling
and Retrieval of Context, September 5-9,, ISSN 1613-0073.
Araujo, R.M., Santoro, F.M., Brézillon, P., Borges, M. & Rosa, M . (2004) Context models for
managing collaborative software development knowledge. Proceedings of the KI 2004 Workshop on Modeling and
Retrieval of Context, September 5-9, ISSN 1613-0073.
Kouadri Mostéfaoui, G., Pasquier-Rocha, J. and Brézillon, P. (2004) Context-aware computing: A
guide for the pervasive computing community. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive
Services (ICPS’2004), Beirut, Lebanon, pp. 39-48.
Etat au 12/01/05
Brezillon, P., Cambon de Lavalette, B., Tijus, Ch., Poitrenaud, S., Leproux, C., Lacaste,
A. and Bazire, M. (2004) External and internal representations of road pictographic signs. Conference on
Computer and Philosophy (CAP2004). Pavia, Italy, June 3-5.
Borges, M., Brézillon, P., M., Pino, J. and Pomerol, J.-Ch. (2004) Bringing context to CSCW.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, Volume II.
W. Shen, T. Li, Z. Lin, J.-P. Barthès, W. Zeng, S. Li and C. Yang (EDs.). International Academic Publishers
World Publishing Corporation. IEEE Press, pp. 161-166.
Brézillon, P. and Zaraté, P. (2004) Introducing IS in organization: A context-oriented view. Proceedings of
the IFIP International Conference on Decision Support Systems (DSS-2004). Decision Support in Uncertain and
Complex World, Meredith, R., Shanks, G., Arnott, D. & Carlsson, S. (Eds.), ISBN: 0 7326 2269 7, pp. 125-133
(CD Rom).
Brézillon, P., Borges, M., Pino, J. and Pomerol, J.-Ch. (2004) Context-awareness in group work:
three case studies. Proceedings of the IFIP International Conference on Decision Support Systems (DSS-2004).
Decision Support in Uncertain and Complex World, Meredith, R., Shanks, G., Arnott, D. & Carlsson, S. (Eds.),
ISBN: 0 7326 2269 7, pp. 115-124 (CD Rom).
Lorins, P., Brézillon, P., and Gonzalez, A. (2004) Context-based decision making: Comparison of
CxBR and CxGs approaches. Proceedings of the IFIP International Conference on Decision Support Systems (DSS2004). Decision Support in Uncertain and Complex World, Meredith, R., Shanks, G., Arnott, D. & Carlsson, S.
(Eds.), ISBN: 0 7326 2269 7, pp. 501-508 (CD Rom).
Brézillon, P. and Kouadri Mostéfaoui, G. (2004) Context-based security policies: A new modeling tool.
PerSec-2004, First IEEE International Workshop on Pervasive Computing and Communication Security, Orlando,
Kouadri Mostéfaoui, G. and Brézillon, P. (2004) Modeling context-based security policies with
contextual graphs. PerCom’04, Workshop on Context Modeling and Reasoning at the 2nd IEE International
Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, Orlando, Florida, pp. 28-32.
Kouadri Mostéfaoui, G. and Brézillon, P. (2004) Context-based approach of security policies. Proceeding
of the 17th International FLAIRS Conference, Invited Special Track “Modeling the Real World Through Context,
Miami, Florida, pp. 594-598. (CD Rom AAAI).
Brézillon, P., Borges, M., Pino, J. and Pomerol, J.-Ch. (2004) Context-based awareness in group
work. Proceeding of the 17th International FLAIRS Conference, Invited Special Track “Modeling the Real World
Through Context, Miami, Florida, pp. 575-580. (CD Rom AAAI)
Brézillon, P. and Marquois, E. (2004) Context-based representation of the task/method paradigm. Proceeding
of the 17th International FLAIRS Conference, Invited Special Track “Modeling the Real World Through Context,
Miami, Florida, pp. 581-586. (CD Rom AAAI).
Brézillon, P. (2004) Context and IT in an organization: Comments on a case study. Workshop “Software
Engineering Methodologies for Emerging Applications”, Proceedings of the ACS/IEEE International Conference on
Pervasive Services (ICPS'2004), Beirut, Lebanon, July 2004 (To appear).
Brézillon, P. and Araujo, R. (2004) Context-based collaborative software development. Workshop “Software
Engineering Methodologies for Emerging Applications”, Proceedings of the ACS/IEEE International Conference on
Pervasive Services (ICPS'2004), Beirut, Lebanon, July 2004 (To appear).
2003 (9, 83)
Bazire, M., Brézillon, P . and Tijus, Ch. (2003) Eléments intervenants dans le contexte d’une activité
finalisée. Symposium “Tâche, Activité et Contexte” (TAC). In: J.M.C. Bastien (Ed.), Actes des Deuxièmes
Journées d’Etude en Psychologie Ergonomique – EPIQUE’2003, INRIA, pp. 281-286.
Brézillon, P . and Marquois, E. (2003) Une approche centrée contexte de l’activité. Symposium “Tâche,
Activité et Contexte” (TAC). In: J.M.C. Bastien (Ed.), Actes des Deuxièmes Journées d’Etude en Psychologie
Ergonomique – EPIQUE’2003, INRIA, pp.263-268.
Brézillon, P. (2003) Représentation de pratiques dans le formalisme des graphes contextuels. In: J.M.C. Bastien
(Ed.), Actes des Deuxièmes Journées d’Etude en Psychologie Ergonomique – EPIQUE’2003, INRIA, pp.263-268.
Brézillon, P. (2003) Context-based modeling of operators’ practices by contextual graphs. Proceedings of HCP2003, the 14th Mini-Euro Conference on Human Centered Processes, R. Bisdorf (Ed.), Fonds National de la
Recherche, Luxembourg, pp. 129-137.
Pomerol, J.-Ch. and Brézillon, P . (2003) Proceduralization of the contextual knowledge for decision
making. Proceedings of the HCP-2003, the 14th Mini-Euro Conference on Human Centered Processes, R. Bisdorf
(Ed.), Fonds National de la Recherche, Luxembourg, pp. 139-147.
Brézillon, P. (2003) Individual and team contexts in a design process. Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii
International Conference on Systems Sciences, HICSS-36, Track "Collaboration Systems and Technology", R.H.
Sprague (Ed.), Los Alamitos: IEEE, CD-Rom.
Etat au 12/01/05
Brézillon, P. (2003) Context-based intelligent assistant systems: A discussion based on the analysis of two
projects. Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, HICSS-36, Track
"Decision Technologies for Management", R.H. Sprague (Ed.), Los Alamitos: IEEE, CD-Rom.
Brézillon, P. (2003) Using context for Supporting Users Efficiently. Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii
International Conference on Systems Sciences, HICSS-36, Track "Emerging Technologies", R.H. Sprague (Ed.),
Los Alamitos: IEEE, CD-Rom.
2002 (2, 74)
Humphreys, P. and Brézillon, P. (2002) Combining rich and restricted languages in multimedia: enrichment
of context for innovative decisions. Proceedings of the International Conference on Decision Making and Decision
Support in the Internet Age, University of Cork, Ireland, July 2002, pp. 695-708.
Brézillon, P. (2002) Hors du contexte, point de salut. Actes des Premières Journées d’Etudes et d’Echanges sur
les “Objets Communicants”. Grenoble, France Télécom RandD, pp. 136-140.
2001 (5, 72)
Pomerol, J.-Ch., Brézillon, P. and Pasquier, L. (2001) Operational knowledge representation for
practical decision making. Thirty-Fourth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-34).
Brézillon, P. and Pomerol, J.-Ch. (2001) Is context a kind of collective tacit knowledge? European CSCW
2001 Workshop on Managing Tacit Knowledge. Bonn, Germany, M. Jacovi and A. Ribak (Eds.), pp. 23-29.
Pomerol, J.-Ch. and Brézillon, P. (2001) Is context another name for knowledge? International Conference
on Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT-01), Dundee, UK, July 2001.
Naveiro, R.M., Brézillon, P. and Borges, M . M . (2001) Learning in context: Contextual libraries in
architecture distance education. XII Simposio Brasileiro de Informatica na Educação. 21-23 de Novembro, Vitoria,
Brasil (to appear).
Naveiro, R.M., Brézillon, P. and Souza, F.R. (2001) Knowledge and cooperation in design: the SisPro
project. CITE-2001, Troyes, France, November 29-30, Université de Technologie de Troyes, France, pp. 247-265.
2000 (4, 67)
Brézillon, P. (2000) Operational knowledge and practical decision making in operations. Proceedings of the
ECAI Workshop on Applied Semiotics: Control Problems. Berlin, August.
Pasquier, L., Brézillon, P. and Pomerol, J.-Ch. (2000) From representation of operational knowledge to
practical decision making in operations. Proceedings of the IFIP WG 8.3 Conference on Decision Support Through
Kowledge Management, Stockholm, Sweden, July 9-11, 2000, pp. 301-320.
Brézillon, P., Pasquier, L. and Pomerol, J.-Ch. (2000) Representing operational knowledge by
contextual graphs. International Joint Conference IBERAMIA'2000-SBIA'2000, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November
Pomerol, J.-Ch. and Brézillon, P. (2000) Scenario dveloppement and practical decision making. In!: F. Ben
Abdelaziz, M. Houari and K. Mellouli (Eds.). Optimisation and Decision. Centre de Publication Universitaire,
1999 (7, 63)
Brézillon P , Pasquier L. and Saker I. (1999) Context-based reasoning and decision graphs: Application in
incident management on a subway line. Seventh European Conference on Cognitive Science Approaches to Process
Control, CSAPC'99, September 20-24, Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes, pp.189-194.
Pomerol J.-Ch. and Brézillon P . (1999) Dynamics between contextual knowledge and proceduralized
context. Proceedings of the 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context,
Trento, Italy, September, pp. 284-295.
Pasquier, L., Brézillon, P . and Pomerol J.-Ch. (1999) Context and decision graphs in incident
management on a subway line. Proceedings of the 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling
and Using Context, Trento, Italy, September, pp. 499-502.
Brézillon P . and Pomerol J.-Ch. (1999) Contextual knowledge and proceduralized context. Proceedings of
the AAAI-99 Workshop on Modeling Context in AI Applications, Orlando, Florida, USA, July. AAAI Technical
Report WS-99-14, ISBN 1-57735-098-7, pp. 16-20.
Brézillon P , Pasquier L. and Saker I. (1999) Context-based decision making in incident management on a
subway line. 10th Mini EURO Conference on Human Centered Processes, HCP'99, September 22-24, P. Lenca
(Ed.), pp. 129-134.
Brézillon P , Pasquier L. and Pomerol J.-Ch. (1999) Modeling decision making with context-based
reasoning and decision graphs: Application in incident management on a subway line. 10th Mini EURO Conference
on Human Centered Processes, HCP'99, September 22-24, P. Lenca (Ed.), pp. 331-336.
Etat au 12/01/05
Pomerol J.-Ch. and Brézillon P . (1999) Scenario development and practical decision making. Francoro,
Editions Hermès (to appear).
1998 (3, 56)
Pomerol J.-Ch. and Brézillon P (1998) From DSSs to cooperative systems: some hard problems still
remain. Proceedings of The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. D.R. Dolk Ed., IEEE Computer
Society, Los Alamitos. Vol. V, pp. 64-71.
Brézillon P and Saker I. (1998) Modeling context in information seeking. International Conference on
Information needs, Seeking and Use in Different Contexts, ISIC'98. Sheffield, UK, August 14-17.
Pomerol J-Ch and Brézillon P (1998) Développement de scénario et pratique de la prise de décision. 2ndes
Journées Francophones de Recherche Opérationnelle, FRANCORO II, Sousse, Tunisie.
1997 (11, 53)
Brézillon P and Pomerol J-Ch (1997) Organizational experiences with multicriteria decision support
systems: Problems and issues. 30th Hawaï International Conference on System Sciences. Wailea, Hawaï, USA.
Pomerol J-Ch and Brézillon P (1997) Multicriteria decision making: A cooperative process explainable in
context. 13th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making. Cap Town.
Martini-Bigolin N and Brézillon P (1997) An experience using context in translation from system's
requirements to conceptual model. First International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using
Context (CONTEXT-97). Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Ed.), pp. 319-330.
Brézillon P , Gentile C, Saker I and Secron M (1997) SART: A system for supporting operators with
contextual knowledge. First International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context
(CONTEXT-97), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Ed.), pp. 209-222.
Brézillon P and Pomerol J-Ch (1997) Contextual issues in the framework of multicriteria decision making.
First International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT-97). Rio de
Janeiro, Brasil, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Ed.), pp. 256-268.
Agabra J, Alvarez I and Brézillon P (1997) Contextual knowledge based system: A study and design in
enology. First International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT-97). Rio
de Janeiro, Brasil, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Ed.), pp. 351-362.
Brézillon P and Pomerol J-Ch (1997) Joint cognitive systems, cooperative systems and decision support
systems: A cooperation in context. Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Cognitive Science (ECCS'97),
pp. 129-139.
Brézillon P (1997) A first step towards the modeling of contexts. Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on
Cognitive Science (ECCS'97), pp. 195-198. (Invited talk)
Brézillon P (1997) Context modeling in real-world applications. Proceedings of the International Workshop on
Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems (DAIMAS-97). Russian Academy of Sciences. SaintPetersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation, pp. 78-83.
Brézillon P (1997) Context in Artificial Intelligence: A survey. Seventh International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence and Information-Control Systems of Robots, Slovakia Academy of Sciences, Slovakia, pp. 91-102.
(Invited talk)
Agabra J., Alvarez I. and Brézillon P (1997) Acquisition et implémentation de connaissances contextuelles
dans un SBC en œnologie. Ingénierie des Connaissances (IC'97), Roscoff.
1996 (4, 42)
Leroux P, Vivet M and Brézillon P (1996) Cooperation between humans and a pedagogical assistant in a
learning environment. 2nd International Conference on Design of Cooperative Systems (COOP-96). INRIA (Ed.),
pp. 391-404.
Leroux P, Vivet M and Brézillon P (1996) Cooperation between a pedagogical assistant, a group of learners
and a teacher. EuroAIED. Lisbon, Portugal.
Pomerol J-Ch a n d Brézillon P (1996) Are interactivity problems in KBSs similar to DSSs ones?
International Conference on Successes and Failures of Knowledge-Based Systems in Real-World Applications.
Asian Institute of Technology (Publisher). Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 1-10.
Brézillon P (1996) Making context explicit for explanation and incremental knowledge acquisition. Intelligent
Systems: A semiotic perspective. Gaithersburg, MD, USA, pp. 253-260.
1995 (6, 38)
Brézillon P and Cases E (1995) Cooperating for assisting intelligently operators. Design of Cooperative
Systems (COOP-95). INRIA (Publisher), pp. 370-384.
Etat au 12/01/05
Brézillon P (1995) Intelligent support to operators through cooperation. 6th Int. Conference on HumanComputer Interaction, Yokohama, Japan, July 1995.
Brézillon P (1995) "Role of explanation in Human-Computer Interaction", 6th Human-Computer Interaction,
Yokohama, Japan.
Abu-Hakima S and Brézillon P (1995) Principles for the application of context in diagnostic problem
solving. IJCAI-95 Workshop on Modelling Context in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Research Report
95/11, LAFORIA, Université Paris 6, France, March, pp. 179-182.
Brézillon P (1995) Intelligent cooperative systems: The generation after expert systems. Retructuring Strategies
for Information Industry. Bangkok, Thailand, April 26-28, 1995.
Brézillon P and Pomerol J-Ch (1995) Multicriteria decision making: A cooperative process explainable in
context. Retructuring Strategies for Information Industry. Bangkok, Thailand, 1995.
1994 (5, 32)
Brézillon P (1994) Design of an intelligent assistant system from various applications. Expert Systems for
Development. Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 228-233.
Brézillon P (1994) Contextualized explanations. Expert Systems for Development. Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 119124.
Perrot L, Taché 0 and Brézillon P (1994) Knowledge acquisition, and configuration for electrical power
systems. 5th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems (ISAP-94). Vol. 2,
pp. 487-494.
Brézillon P (1994) Context needs in cooperative building of explanations. First Cognitive Science in Industry.
Luxembourg, pp. 443-450.
Brézillon P and Karsenty L (1994) Coopération homme-machine et explication. Atelier "Systèmes à base de
connaissances coopératifs", IA'94, Paris.
1993 (3, 27)
Perrot L, Fauquembergue P and Brézillon P (1993) Towards automatic generation of knowledge bases for
diagnosis systems in the field of power systems. 4th Expert System Applications to Power Systems (ESAP'93). La
Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 373-378.
Vicat C and Brézillon P (1993) Knowledge validation in the building of knowledge-based systems.
Brézillon P (1993) Explication et contexte. Journée Explication et cooperation homme-machine : vers la coconstruction d'explications. Rapport de Recherche 105, CNAM, 41 rue Gay Lussac, 75005 Paris, France, 21-27.
1992 (5, 24)
Brézillon P (1992) User's intervention in cooperative explanation. AAAI-92 Spring Symposium on Producing
cooperative explanations. Stanford University, USA, pp. 54-60.
Brézillon P (1992) SEPT: a diagnoser with a simulator. 2nd Expert Systems and Computer Simulation in
Energy Engineering. Erlangen, Germany.
Brézillon P (1992) Building explanation during expert-computer interaction. East-West Human-Computer
Interaction. St Petersburg, CEI, Part II, pp. 378-385.
Brézillon P (1992) Architectural and contextual factors in explanation construction. ECAI'92 Workshop on
Improving the Use of Knowledge-Based Systems with Explanations. Vienna, Austria. Research Report 92/21,
LAFORIA, University Paris VI, France, pp. 65-74.
Brézillon P (1992) Intervention de l'utilisateur dans les explications. 2ème Journées Explication du PRC-GDRIA du CNRS. Sophia Antipolis, pp. 105-113.
1991 (5, 19)
Bau D-Y and Brézillon P (1991) Explanation-based diagnosis with the use of a model in control systems.
Eleventh Expert System and Their Applications. Avignon, France.
Brézillon P (1991) An explanation capability for a structured knowledge-based system. 1-st Human-Computer
Interaction. Moscow, USSR.
Brézillon P (1991) METAL: a language for structured knowledge-based systems. IJCAI-91 Workshop on
Software Engineering for Knowledge-Based Systems. Sydney, Australia, pp. 11-22.
Brézillon P (1991) Who possess an explanation capability? IJCAI-91 Workshop on Explanation Generation for
Knowledge-Based Systems. Sydney, Australia, pp. 5-22.
Brézillon P (1991) Explications utilisant la structuration d'un système à base de connaissances. 8ème Congrès
Reconnaissance des Forme et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA-91), Vol. III, pp. 1167-1176.
Etat au 12/01/05
1990 (3, 14)
Brézillon P (1990) Explanations based on rule packets and interpretation in the METAL langage. 5th Workshop
on Explanations. Manchester, UK.
Brézillon P and Fauquembergue P (1990) La tâche de diagnostic dans le système expert SEPT. Tenth Expert
Systems and Their Applications. Avignon, France, pp. 283-293.
Brézillon P , Bau D-Y, Fauquembergue P, Hertz A and Maizener A (1990) Elaboration of the SEPT
expert system as a coupling of a simulator and a diagnostician. Third Industrial and Engineering Applications of
Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems. Charleston, South Carolina, USA, Vol. I, pp. 54-60.
1989 (3, 11)
Brézillon P (1989) Interpretation and rule packets in an expert system. Expert Systems Theory and Applications
(IASTED). Zurich, Acta Press, Anaheim, pp.38-40.
Brézillon P (1989) Interpretation and rule packet in expert systems. Application to the SEPT expert system.
Knowledge Based Computer Systems. Ramani S, Chandrasekar R and Anjaneyulu KSR (Eds.). Narosa Publishing
House, New Dehli, Bombay (India), pp.78-87.
Brézillon P (1989) Utilisation de la notion d'interprétation dans le système expert SEPT. 7e Congrès
Reconnaissance de Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA89), AFCET. Tome 1, pp.297-305.
1988 (3, 8)
Brézillon P and Fauquembergue P (1988) Development of an expert system for a synthesis of events
occurring in an EHV substation. 12th IMACS. Paris, France.
Fauquembergue P, Brézillon P and Harmand Y (1988) Synthesis of events in an EHV substation : an
expert system approach. IFAC Power Systems, Modelling and Control, Applications. Brussels, pp. 16.6.1- 16.6.5.
Brézillon P , Fauquembergue P and Hertz A (1988) SEPT, an expert system approach for the monitoring
of EVH substation control equipment. Expert Systems Application to Power System. Stockholm-Helsinki. pp.
1984 (2, 5)
Staub J-F, Brézillon P , Tracqui P and Milhaud G (1984) An auto-oscillating model of calcium
metabolism in rat. XVIIIth Calcified Tissues. Angers, France.
Brézillon P , Staub J-F, Pérault-Staub A-M, Tracqui P and Milhaud G (1984) A propos de
l'identifiabilité d'un modèle non linéaire à l'état non stationnaire. 2ième Colloque International de Biologie
Théorique et Médecine. Abbaye de Fontevraud, Angers, A.M.T.B. (Ed.), pp.87-96.
1983 (1, 3)
Brézillon P (1983) Place et rôle du modèle dans une démarche scientifique adaptée à l'étude des systèmes
biologiques. Séminaire Interdisciplinaire sur la Modélisation des Systèmes Vivants et les Interactions avec leur
Environnement, Tours.
1979 (2, 0)
Hamrouni K, Brézillon P and Staub J-F (1979) Vers une généralisation dans l'application de l'analyse
compartimentale: COSMOS système interactif et évolutif de modélisation. Colloque Elaboration et Justification des
Modèles. Application en Biologie. Maloine(Ed.), Tome II, p. 681-699.
Brézillon P , Hamrouni K, Pérault-Staub A-M, Staub J-F and Milhaud G (1979) Premiers essais de
modélisation du métabolisme calcique incluant les variations circadiennes chez le rat. Groupe d'Etudes des Rythmes
Biologiques, 11(1) : 19-20.
‡ Total: 50
2004 (2, 6)
Brézillon, P. and Tijus, Ch. (2004) Une representation basée sur le contexte de la sémantique du verbe: Une
application des graphes contextuels. Journée Scientifique “Sémantique du Verbe et Interprétation de l’Action”,
Université Paris 8, 18 novembre.
Déchamp, L., Dutech, A., Montroig, T., Qian, X., Racoceanu, D., Rasovska, I., Brézillon,
P., Charpillet, F., Jaffray, J.-Y., Moine, N., Morello, B., Muller, S., Nguengang, G . ,
Palluat, N. and Pélissier, L. (2004) On the use of AI for prognosis and diagnosis in the PROTEUS emaintenance platform. Proceedings of the Mechatronics and Robotics Conference (MECHROB-2004), AAchen,
Germany. .
Etat au 12/01/05
2002 (4, 4)
Tijus, Ch., Brézillon P ., Santolini A., Leproux C., Poitrenaud S. et Yeu P . (2002) L'utilisation
contextualisée d'ontologies pour l'accès à la signification pédagogique. Poster présenté au Colloque "Les
Apprentissages et leurs Dysfonctionnements" de l'Ecole et Science Cognitive du Ministère de la Recherche, Paris,
France, 17-18 juin.
Brézillon, P. (2002) Context-based modeling of procedures and practices in business environments. 2nd
COCONET Workshop on "Context-Aware cooperative Environments for Next Generation Business Environments,
Helsinki-Espoo, Finland, December 2-3, 2002 (Invited Talk).
Brézillon, P. (2002) Decision as a contextualized process. Proceedings of the 12th Mini Euro Conference on
DSS. Brussels, Belgium, April 2-5, pp. 19.
Naveiro, R.N. and Brézillon, P. (2002) Knowledge and collective decision in design. Proceedings of the
12th Mini Euro Conference on DSS. Brussels, Belgium, April 2-5, pp. 20.
2003 (1, 39)
Brézillon, P. (2003) L'application SEPT: Bilan d'une expérience.représentation des procédures par les graphes
contextuels. Rapport de Recherche du LIP6, Université P a r i s
France < >.
2002 (2, 38)
Brézillon, P. (2002) L'application SEPT: Bilan d'une expérience.. Rapport de Recherche du LIP6, Université
Paris 6, France < >.
Brézillon, P. (2002) Modeling and using context: Past, present and future. Rapport de Recherche du LIP6
2002/010, Université Paris 6, France. .
2001 (1, 36)
Brézillon, P . and Pomerol, J.-Ch. (2001) Some comments about knowledge and context. Research Report
2001-022, LIP6, Université Paris VI, Paris, France.
1997 (1, 35)
Agabra J., Alvarez I. and Brézillon P (1997) Acquisition et implémentation de connaissances contextuelles
dans un SBC en œnologie. Ingénierie des Connaissances (IC'97), Roscoff, Rapport Interne du LIP6 97/06, juin
1997. (
1996 (3, 34)
Brezillon P and Pomerol J-Ch (1996) User acceptance of interactive systems: Lessons from knowledge-based
and decision systems. Rapport de Recherche 96/16, LAFORIA, Université Paris 6, France, juin.
Brézillon P (1996) Context in Human-Machine problem Solving: A Survey. Rapport de Recherche 96/29,
LAFORIA, octobre, 37 pages. (
Brezillon P (1996) Contexte? Vous avez dit contexte? Actes de la Journée Explications et EIAO du 26 janvier
1996, Rapport de Recherche 96/33, LAFORIA, décembre.
1995 (4, 31)
Brézillon P and Cases E (1995) Cooperating for assisting intelligently operators. Rapport de Recherche 95/04,
LAFORIA, Université Paris VI, Paris, France.
Brezillon P and Abu-Hakima S (1995, eds.) Working Notes on the IJCAI-95 Workshop on Modelling
Context in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Rapport de Recherche 95/11, LAFORIA, Université Paris 6,
France, mars.
Brezillon P and Abu-Hakima S (1995) Using Knowledge in its Context: Report on the IJCAI-93 Workshop.
Rapport de Recherche 95/18, LAFORIA, Université Paris 6, France, mai.
Equipe MUSTIL (1996) Sur la notion de modèle en Informatique. Rapport de Recherche 96/12, LAFORIA,
Université Paris 6, France, juin.
1994 (3, 27)
Brézillon, P . and Abu-Hakima, S . (1994) Knowledge acquisition and explanation for diagnosis in context.
Rapport de Recherche 94/11, LAFORIA, Université Paris VI, Paris, France.
Brézillon, P. (1994) Context needs in cooperative building of explanations. Rapport de Recherche 94/13,
LAFORIA, Université Paris VI, Paris, France.
Etat au 12/01/05
Abu-Hakima, S. and Brézillon, P . (1994) Context in incremental knowledge acquisition and explanation for
diagnosis. Research Report ERB-1042, NRC-CNRC, Canada, September 1994.
1993 (3, 24)
Brézillon, P. (1993) Proceedings of the IJCAI-93 Workshop on Using Knowledge in its Context. Rapport de
Recherche 93/13, LAFORIA, Université Paris VI, Paris, France.
Groupe COOP (1993)
• Modélisation de la coopération homme-machine, bibliographie commentée. Rapport de Recherche EHEI 92-11-2,
1992, EHEI, 45, rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris.
• Modelling of Man-machine co-operation for the design of knowledge-based support system. Rapport de Recherche
LAFORIA 93/25.
• Projet GEOCOOP: Conception d'une méthode d'acquisition des connaissances contextuelles et de modèles de
coopération: Application au développement d'un système géographique d'aide à l'estimation du risque et à la gestion
de crises. M. Zacklad, Groupe COOP, F. Rousseaux, Rapport de Recherche 2052, INRIA.
1992 (6, 21)
Perrot L and Brézillon P (1992) Configurateur de connaissances KA7 - Etat de l'art. Rapport Technique EDF,
153 pages.
Perrot L, Fauquembergue P and B r é z i l l o n ! P (1992) Projet KA7: Spécifications fonctionnelles du
prototype. Rapport Technique EDF, 24 pages.
Brézillon P (1992) Proceedings of the ECAI-92 Workshop W15 on Improving the Use of Knowledge-Based
Systems with Explanations. Rapport de Recherche 92/21, LAFORIA, Université Paris VI, Paris, France.
Brézillon P (1992) Building explanation during expert-computer interaction. Rapport de Recherche 92/26,
LAFORIA, Université Paris VI, Paris, France.
Brézillon P (1992) Contextualized explanations. Rapport de Recherche 92/28, LAFORIA, Université Paris VI,
Paris, France, October 1992.
Brézillon P (1992) Explication et coopération: une contribution bibliographique au travail du groupe COOP:
Modélisation de la coopération homme-machine. Rapport de Recherche 92/31, LAFORIA, Université Paris VI,
Paris, France.
1991 (3, 15)
Brézillon P (1991) Les explications et les systèmes à base de connaissances. Rapport de Recherche N° 21/91,
LAFORIA, Université Paris VI, Paris, France.
Brézillon P (1991) METAL: a language for structured knowledge-based systems. Rapport de Recherche 23/91,
LAFORIA, Université Paris VI, Paris, France.
Brézillon P (1991) Le configurateur de connaissances KA7: Synthèse bibliographique. Rapport de Recherche
22/91, LAFORIA, Université Paris VI, Paris, France.
1990 (3, 12)
Brézillon, P . and Bau, D.-Y. (1990) Elaboration du système expert explicatif SEPT: II. Un simulateur de
poste à Très Haute Tension en METAL. Rapport Interne 548, LRI, Université d'Orsay, France.
Brézillon P (1990) Elaboration du système expert explicatif SEPT: III. Un diagnostiqueur en METAL pour la
surveillance d'équipements dans un poste à Très Haute Tension. Rapport Interne 550, LRI, Université d'Orsay,
Brézillon, P. (1990) Une synthèse bibliographique des travaux de B. Chandrasekaran et de son équipe. Rapport
Interne 575, LRI, Université d'Orsay, France.
1989 (1, 9)
Brézillon P and Bau D-Y (1989) Elaboration du système expert explicatif SEPT: choix du couplage entre le
simulateur et le diagnostiqueur. Rapport Interne n° 508, LRI, Université d'Orsay, France.
1988 (2, 8)
Fauquembergue P, Brézillon P and Harmand Y (1988) Surveillance d'équipements de protection et de
contrôle-commande dans un poste à très haute tension: une approche système expert. Note EDF HR.47.0497.
Fauquembergue P and Brézillon P (1988) SEPT: un système expert pour la surveillance d'équipements dans
un poste à très haute tension. Note EDF HR.47.601, HR.34.1073.
1987 (5, 6)
Etat au 12/01/05
Brézillon, P . and Fauquembergue, P . (1987) Surveillance des dispositifs de protection dans un poste à
T.H.T. et localisation des défauts par analyse des informations fournies par le consignateur d'état. Présentation des
travaux en cours. Note EDF HR.32-0847, HR.47-0264.
Brézillon, P ., Dodu, J.-C. and Ryckbosch, J. (1987) ZEBEST: un outil robuste pour résoudre les
programmes quadratiques à contraintes linéaires. I: Note de méthode. Note EDF HR.31.0874.
Brézillon, P ., Dubost, L. and Sandrin, P. (1987) Compte-rendu du séminaire Orsys: Conception et
programmation par objets.. Note EDF HR.30.0901.
Brézillon, P ., Dubost, L. and Harmand, Y. (1987) Les systèmes et leurs applications. Rapport sur les
7èmes Journées Internationales d'Avignon 1987. Note EDF HR.34.0905.
Brézillon, P . and Fauquembergue, P. (1987) Surveillance des dispositifs de protection et de contrôle
commande dans un poste à T.H.T. par une approche système expert: bilan de l'étude de faisabilité. Note EDF
1976 (1, 0)
Brézillon, P. (1976) Dépouillement sur mini-ordinateur MULTI-20 des mesures du débit sanguin cérébral par une
méthode atraumatique. SES/INTERNE/SERF/76-56.
Etat au 12/01/05
STUDENTS' PAPERS (sans P. Brézillon)
Ganet, L.(2003) Un modèle pour la génération d’explications basé sur la catégorisation contextuelle. Symposium
“Tâche, Activité et Contexte” (TAC). In: J.M.C. Bastien (Ed.), Actes des Deuxièmes Journées d’Etude en
Psychologie Ergonomique – EPIQUE’2003, INRIA, pp.295-301.
Pasquier, L. (2000) Modélisation de raisonnements tenus en contexte et application aux agents d’aide à la gestion
d’incidents de SART. Research Repport 2000/10, LIP6, (1.4 Mo).
Pasquier, L. and Zanarelli, C. (2001) Utilisations de recommandations d’ergonomie dans ule développement d’un
outil d’aide à la régulation de trafic du métro. Plate-Forme AFIA, Ingénierie des Connaissances. pp. 197-214.
Pasquier, L. (2002) Modélisation de raisonnement tenus en contexte. Application à la gestion d’incidents sur une
ligne de métro. Thèse de l’Université Paris 6, juillet.
Zanarelli, C. and Pasquier, L. (2000) Conception centrée sur l'activité réelle : Développement d'un outil d'aide à
la régulation de trafic Métro. Ergonomie et Facteurs Humains dans le transport ferroviaire. Journée satellite de la
SELF (to appear).
Zanarelli, C., Saker, I. and Pasquier, L. (1999) Un projet de coopération ergonomes-concepteurs autour de la
conception d'un outil d'aide à la régulation du trafic du métro. Conférence Ingénierie des Connaissances, AFIA
(Pub.), pp. 161-170.
Fuhrer P., Kouadri Mostéfaoui G. and Pasquier J. (2001): The MaDViWorld Software Framework for
Massively Distributed Virtual Worlds: Concepts, Examples and Implementation Solutions, Department of
Informatics InternalWorking Paper no 01-23, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, July 2001.
Jongwoo, C., Kouadri Mostéfaoui, G . and Mokdong C. (2004) An Adaptive Security Model for
Heterogeneous Networks Using MAUT and Simple Heuristics, ICCSA2004, 14-17 May Perugia, Italy. Lagan, A.;
Gavrilova, M.L.; Kumar, V.; Mun, Y.; Tan, C.J.K.; Gervasi, O. (Eds.). LNAI 3044, Springer Verlag, ISBN 3540-22056-9, pp. 983-993.
Kouadri Mostéfaoui G. (2001) Implementing A Distributed Multi-Player Blackjack Game Using the Java
Shared Data Toolkit, Department of Informatics Internal Working Paper no 01-32, University of Fribourg,
Switzerland, November 2001.
Kouadri Mostéfaoui G. and Kouadri Mostéfaoui S. (2001) Java Shared Data Toolkit for Multi-Player
Networked Games, in the Proceedings of the First International Conference on Application and Development of
Computer Games in the 21st Century, P. 56-60, City University of Hong Kong, China, 22-23 November 2001,
ISBN 962-442-199-4, pp 56-60.
Fuhrer P., Kouadri Mostéfaoui G. and Pasquier J. (2002) MaDVi-World: a Software Framework for Massively
Distributed Virtual Worlds, Software - Practice and Experience, 2002, Vol. 32, Issue 7, pp 645-668.
Kouadri Mostéfaoui G. and Pasquier J. (2002) Evaluating Security Needs in Jini-Based Decision Support
Systems, in the Proceedings of the International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT’02),
University of Doha, Qatar, 16-19 December 2002, pp 578-582.
Kouadri Mostéfaoui G., Pasquier, J. and Gachet A. (2002) Security Models For The Jini Networking
Technology: A Case Study, Department of Informatics InternalWorking Paper no 02-07, University of Fribourg,
Switzerland, May 2002.
Kouadri Mostéfaoui G. (2003) Security in Pervasive Environments, What’s Next? in the proceedings of the
2003 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM’03), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 2003,
ISBN 1-932415-16-5, pp 93-96.
Kouadri Mostéfaoui G. (2003) Security solutions for Jini-Based applications, Volume 1, issue 0 in the
International Arab Journal of Information Technology July 2003, ISSN 1683-3198, pp 18-32.
Kouadri Mostéfaoui S. and Kouadri Mostéfaoui G. (2003) Towards a Contextualization of Service Discovery
and Composition for Pervasive environments, AAMAS workshop on Web Services and Agent-Based Computing
(WSABE’2003) Melbourne, Australia, July 14, 2003
Kouadri Mostéfaoui G. and Pasquier J. (2003) Deterministic Context-Based Security Policies: An ObjectOriented Approach, in the Proceedings of the ACIS 4th International Conference on software Engineering Artificial
Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD’03), Luebeck, Germany, October 2003, ISBN
0-9700776-7-x, pp 160-165.
Kouadri Mostéfaoui, G. (2004) Towards an Architecture and New Modeling Approach for Dynamic Security in
Emerging applications, Doctoral Colloquium, Pervasive2004, 18-23 April Linz, Austria, in Advances in Pervasive
Computing, Alois Ferscha, Horst Hortner, Gabriele kotsis (eds.), ISBN 3-85403-176-9 Austrian Computer Society,
pp 87-92.
Etat au 12/01/05
Kouadri Mostéfaoui, G., Mansoo K. and Mokdong C. (2004) Supporting Adaptive Security Levels in
Heterogeneous Environments, ICCSA2004, 14-17 May Perugia, Italy. Lagan, A.; Gavrilova, M.L.; Kumar, V.;
Mun, Y.; Tan, C.J.K.; Gervasi, O. (Eds.). LNAI 3044, Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-22056-9, pp. 537-546.
Etat au 12/01/05
Brézillon, P. (2004) IT in an organization: A case study analyzed through social network, virtual community and
context paradigms. Proceedings of the Xth International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG-2004), San Carlos,
Costa Rica, September 5-9 (refused MAy 27, 2004).
Papier avec AC Salgado (2004) A context-based analytical environment for CSCL. Proceedings of the Xth
International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG-2004), San Carlos, Costa Rica, September 5-9 (submitted the 9th
of April 2004). Refusé
Bazire, M., Brézillon, P. & Tijus, Ch. (2004) Contextual elements occurring in a finalized activity.
Proceedings of the KI 2004 Workshop on Modeling and Retrieval of Context, September 5-9 (submitted the April
26, 2004). Refusé
Brézillon, P. (2005) Analysis of a case study in terms of social network and context. Proceedings of the ThirtyEighth Annual Hawai’I Intenrational Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38), January 3-6, 2005 (rejected).
Araujo, R. and Brézillon, P. (2005) Using context to manage collaborative software development knowledge.
Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Annual Hawai’I Intenrational Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38),
January 3-6, 2005 (rejected).
Araujo, R. and Brézillon, P. (2005) Considering context for sharing collaborative software development
knowledge. Proceedings of Learning Software Organizations Workshop (LSO-2005), Kaiserslautern, Germany, June
20-21, 2005 (rejected).
Brézillon, P. (2005) A context-based representation of social networks. Proceedings of the XXV International
Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Redondo Beach, Ca, USA, February 16-20, 2005 (Reject).
Araujo, R. and Brézillon, P. (2005) Context-aware software organizational memories. Proceedings of the 27th
International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE-2005), Saint Louis, Missouri, USA, May 15-21, 2005
(submitted August 30, 2004).
Adam, F., Brézillon, P. and Pomerol, J.-Ch. (2005) Collaborative applications for supporting complex group
decision making. Journal of Decision Systems, Special Issue on “Case Studies in Decision Making and Decision
Support in a Complex World”. P. Humphreys and D. Sammon (Eds.) (To appear).
Brézillon, P., Borges, M., Pino, J.A., and Pomerol, J.-Ch. (2005) Context and awareness in group work.
Journal of Decision Systems, Special Issue on “Case Studies in Decision Maling and Decision Support in a
Complex World”. P. Humphreys and D. Sammon (Eds.) (To appear).
Brézillon, P., and Zaraté, P. (2005) Group decision making: A context oriented view. Journal of Decision
Systems, Special Issue on “Case Studies in Decision Maling and Decision Support in a Complex World”. P.
Humphreys and D. Sammon (Eds.) (To appear).
Araujo, R. and Brézillon, P. (2005) Reinforcing shared context to improve collaboration. Proceeding of the 18th
International FLAIRS Conference, Invited Special Track “AI for Social Networks, Social Networks in AI”, Miami,
Florida (submitted October 22, 2004).
Borges, M.R., Brezillon, P., Pino, J. and Pomerol, J.-Ch. (2005) Dealing with the effects of context mismatch
in group work. International Journal of Decision Support Systems (submitted November 15, 2004).

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