Online Finding Aid - Columbia University


Online Finding Aid - Columbia University
SOURCE: Gift - William Bcuwn Meloney - December 27^
SUBJECT: Corresppndence of M
Marie Curie and of foer daughters. Eve apri
DATES COVERED: ^ n - id,3
STATUS: (check appropriate description)
Cataloged: ^
Listed: x
Not Organized:
CONDITION: (give number of ^ols., boxes, or shelves)
_ Boxed: 7 hnv&x
(Library) ,^^-iai C.nT\<n*
Spec Ms C o H
The correspondence is largely devoted to various campaigns for raising
money in order to obtain radium for Madame Curie to continue her experiments, and details of the arrangements for her to visit the United States
to solicit funds in person, 2*rs, Meloney (d. I°ii3) was editor of the
Herald Tribune Sunday Magazine* Included are many documents and manuscripts concerr-ing Madame Curie and her work. Also, photographs and
printed materials.
Cataloged Correspondence, Brisbane - Curie
Cataloged Correspondence, Dluska - U.S. Bureau of Standards
Cataloged Manuscripts
Arranged Materials: Miscellaneous correspondence, manuscripts, documents & printed materic
5: Printed Materials:
Miscellaneous printed materials by anc
about Marie and Pierre Curie
6: Printed Materials:
Irene Curie and F. Joliot
7: Memorabilia and Photocopies of letters from Marie Curie
to Marie M. Meloney
Brisbane, Arthur: t.l.s., to Marie Curie Fund, Hi Mar 1921, 1 p.
Ire*ne Joliot Curie: a.l.s., to Marie M, Meloney, 26 Apr n.y., 1 p.
Marie Curie: a.l.s. to Marie M« Meloney, 23 July 1926, 2 p.
2 cablegrams to Marie M. Meloney, 29 Sep 1921 and 16 Apr 1923
Fragment of a letter (one sentence only) to Owen D. Young, n,p., n.d,
envelopes addressed by Madame Curie,
Jusserand, Jean Jules:
Two t.l.s. to Marie M. Meloney, li? May 1922 and 10 Jun 1929,
1 p. each, (plus a third letter, dated i> Jun 1922)
Marie Curie:
The American Gift, t,ms., 7 to 1> pp. (three versions)
The Curie Radium Institute of Paris,, h p«
league of Nations• Committee on Intellectual Co-operation,
Memorandum by Madame Curie, member of the Committee, on the
Question of International Scholarships for the .Advancement
of the Sciences... Geneva, June 16, 1926. Printed document,
6 p o , with several corrections in the hand of Mme. Curie.
The Life of Pierre Curie. t,mso, 102 p. (In French)
Draft of a speech of acceptance of a gift of radium,,, 1 p o
Draft of a speech upon departure from America,,,, 1 p o
Draft of a speech on the International Committee of Intellectual
Cooperation (Learue of Motions),, 2 p o
Draft of a speech upon departure frcm America,', 3 p.
Marie M. Meloney:
"On a late afternoon in early winter..," (Account of a conversation with Mmeo Curie),, 3 p.
Marie Curie:
Action de l a pesanteur sin' l e dep<5t de l a r a d i o a c t i v i t y
i n d u i t e . (> Nov 1907), hbc t r a c t from Le Radium, Journal de
Physique. 2 p .
Action de 1'emanation du radium sur l e s solutions des s e l s de
c u i v r e . (20 Aug 19C8). r e t r a c t from Le Radium, Journal de
Physique. 3 Po
'•••'he discovery of Radium, Address by Madame M, Curie a t Vassar
College, flay Hi, 1921, Ellen S. Richaris Monographs No.2. 5p«
Dosage du radium par l a mesu:-e de I 1 emanation d^gag^e. Extract
ircm Le Radium. Jo-;rna!l_de Physique, t . VII, i'lar 1910. 6 p o
Propriet^s Magn^tiques des Aciers Trempe's. Extract irom the
Bulletin of the Societe d'Encouragement pour 1'Industrie
1'atienale. P a r i s , January, I898. U3 p»
Pamphlets (continued):
Marie Curie:
La Radioactivity. In Revue Scientifique, No. 19, 2e. Sem.,
> Nov 1910, p o i>77-^Ho:
Les Radio-Elements e t leur Applications 0 P a r i s , Conservatoire
National des Arts e t Metiers, 1920 o 39 p o
Les Radio-Elements e t leur C l a s s i f i c a t i o n . Hbctract from an
unidentified source. p«,100-126.
Recherches sur l e s Substances Radioa c tives. P a r i s , Gauthier-Villars,
1901;. (Deuxie'me Edition), Monograph, li>l p«
Sur l a mesure de la constante de l f Emanation du radium, {lk Feb 1910)
.Extract from Le Radium, Journal de Physique. 6 p« (Two copies)
Sur l a variation avec le temps de I 1 a c t i v i t y de quelques substances
radioactives and Sur l a d i s t r i b u t i o n des i n t e r v a l l e s d'emission
des p a r t i c u l e s C^ *alpha 3 du polonium. Two extracts from Le
Radium, Journal de Physique, t o VIII, Sex>, 1911. 2 p # and 3 p .
(Two copies)
Sur le poids atomique du radium. (19 Aug 1907) h p . (Two copies)
Sur l e poids atomique du radium. Extract from Le Radium, Journal
de Physique. (October 190?) k p* (Two copies)
Sur l e s Rayonnements des Corps Radioactifs. Sbctract from an unidentified source, p , 272-303.
Les Theories Rodernes r e l a t i v e s It I 1 S l e c t r i c i t e e t a l a hatieVe.
(Legon d'ouverture du cours de physique gene*rale professe a* la
Sorbonne, l e b Novembre 1906). P a r i s , Editions de l a Revue
Politique et L i t t e r a i r e (Revue Bleue) e t de la Revue S c i e n t i fique, n.d. 29 po
With Pierre Curie:
Conferences Nobel. 1903-1911. P a r i s , L i b r a i r i e Felix Mean, 1912.
(Hxtract from Revue du Hois, t . XIII, No. 73, 1 Jan 1912,
p . i?-2!i.) (Two Copiesj
Conferences Nobelo Same as above, but t h i s copy signed on the cover
by Madame Curie,,
V/ith A. Debierne:
Sur l e polonium. Extract from Le Radium, Journal de Physioue, t . VII,
Feb 1910. 3 p .
* ^~"
With Mo Kamerlingh Qnres:
Sur le ravcnnement du radium h l a temperature de I 1 hydrogene
l i q u i d e . Extract from Le Radium, Journal le Physique, t . X,
Jun 1913. 6 p o (Two copies;
Pamphlets, e t c . , concerning Madame Curie, in whole or in p a r t :
Conferencia, Journal de L'University des Annales. 15 Aug 1922.
En L'Honneur de kadame Pierre Curie et de l a D^'couverte du
Radium. (Speeches delivered a t "une i'§te.. .donnee en 1'honneur
de Kme C u r i e . . . l e 28 a v r i l 1^21...")
26 p . (Two copies)
La Femr.e Polor.aise, Revue jant tons Les Deux nois. Nr. 1,
Janvier-?evri er, 1935©
Inst3/tutu Radowego dla valki z rakiem im. Marji Sklodowskiej-Curie.
ViTarsaw, 1929<> Hi po
Madame Curie at the S t . Lawrence University. October 2> and 26, 1929»
liO po
Pamp&lets Concerning Madame Curie,,., (continued);
Marie Sklodowska-Curie. 1867-193iu (Notice Ne'er ologique lue
au Gonseil de l a Fondation Curie, l e 2k Octobre 19jU). 30 r>.
Radium. In The Story of Pittsburgh, Vol 1, No. 7, August 1921.
( F i r s t National Bank of Pittsburgh). 22 p«
Remarks of the President in Presenting to Madam Curie a Gift of
Radium i r :m the American People. 3 p.m., i*iay 20, 1921.
Washington, Government Printing Office, 1921. 2 p .
The Story of Madame Curie's Gram of Radium, by Charles H. Vicl.
In Radium, Vol XVII, No0 3, June, 1921, p.*37->2. (Radium
Standard Chemical Company, Pittsburgh, Pa.)
Documents, Memorabilia, e t c . ;
Agreement made between the Executive Comrittee of '-/omen or the Marie Curie
Radium Fund and Madame Marie Curie. Document signed by Marie Curie and
Marie Haltingly Meloneyo 2 p o
Seven signed photographs of Madame Curie.
Photograph of Herbert Hoover with Madame Curie, signed by Hoover.
Receipts for registered leLtei-s, signed by Madame Curie. 8 Feb 1922* 7 Oct, 1922,
Postage stamp issued in honor of Madame Curie. (2 examples)
J J JEwtr cards headed "Faculty des Sciences de P a r i s , " signed by Madame Curie.
Four c a l l i n g cards of Madame Curie, and one signature (clipped from a l e t ~ . f r ) .
ivi^htea^ programs, i n v i t a t i o n s , e t c . , of events honoring Madame Curie.
/ 9 SbgJafcSttLphotographs of Madame Curie, hf.r laboratory, e t c ,
"Dried plant leaves, gathered by Madame Curie a t iiont Blanc, 7 Aug 1933•
Agreement between the Marie Curie Radium Fund and the Equitable Trust
Company of New York, > Oct 1921. t . d . s . , 5 p .
Papers and Correspondence r e l a t i n g to the purchase of mesothcrium for Madarf
Papers and Correspondence relating to the gift of radium to Madame Curie.
Academic cap worn by Madame Curie when receiving degrees in this country.

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