Cristina Ciancio (Naples, Italy, 17.5.1975). Assistant Professor of


Cristina Ciancio (Naples, Italy, 17.5.1975). Assistant Professor of
Cristina Ciancio (Naples, Italy, 17.5.1975). Assistant Professor of Legal History
(Researcher in tenured position and Professor of Legal History and History) at Law
School of University of Sannio (Benevento, Italy). She has also taught Economic
History at the Politics Faculty of the same University, in the 2004/2005 and
2005/2006. .
2016: Visiting Researcher at Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne in the Research
Unit of IDHE.S (Institutions et Dynamiques historiques de l’économie et de la
société) and at Centre d’études de normes juridiques Yan Thomas of Ecole des
Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, from 1.10.2016 to 15.12.2016
2016: Affiliate Researcher at Max Planck Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte,
Frankfurt am Main, from 1.1.2016 to 31.3.2016
2015: Visiting Researcher at Max Planck Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte,
Frankfurt am Main, from 1.2.2015 to 31.3.2015
2012: Visiting Researcher at Max Planck Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte,
Frankfurt am Main, from 1.9.2012 to 31.10.2012
2011: Faculty Visitor at University of Cambridge (UK), Faculty of Law (Michaelmas
Term 2011)
Bye Fellow at Robinson College
Visiting Fellow at Corpus Christi College.
2011: Bursary at Fourth AHRC-funded Colloquium of Church, Law and Society in
the Middle Ages (CLASMA) Research Network about “Crime and Punishment”, 1920 September 2011, Robinson College, University of Cambridge, UK
2011: Bursary at Third AHRC-funded Colloquium of Church, Law and Society in the
Middle Ages (CLASMA) Research Network about “Law and Change in the Eleventh
and Twelfth Centuries”, 12-13 April 2011, Robinson College, University of
Cambridge UK.
2010: Visiting professor in the Erasmus agreement for university students and
teachers exchanges, at University of Picardie “Jules Verne”, Amiens, Law Faculty, at
the courses of History of Commercial Law and History of political institutions (chair
of prof. Ahmed Slimani) and at the course of Commercial Law – Master II (chair of
prof. Bruno Dondero) on: The influence in Italy of the French pattern of Commercial
Jurisdiction, The abrogation in Italy of Commercial Courts, The Commercial
Jurisdictions in Europe, The Italian legislation on joint-stock company in the XIXthCentury, The Fascisme in Italy (Amiens, 7-10 December 2010)
2010: Bursary at Second AHRC-funded Colloquium of Church, Law and Society in
the Middle Ages (CLASMA) Research Network about “Lawyers, Clients and Church
Courts”, 21-22 september 2010, Robinson College, University of Cambridge.
2009: Visiting professor in the Erasmus agreement for university students and
teachers exchanges, at University of Rennes, Law Faculty, at the courses of History
of Commercial Law (chair of prof. Edouard Richard) and History of Comparative
Law (chair of prof. Sylvain Soleil) on: The influence in Italy of the French pattern of
Commercial Jurisdiction, The abrogation in Italy of Commercial Courts, The
Commercial Jurisdictions in Europe, The Italian legislation on joint-stock company in
the XIXth-Century (Rennes, 1-4 December 2009)
2008 – 2012-2013: member of the Faculty Board of the PHD Program in Civil Law,
entitled: “I problemi civilistici della persona”, registered office at the Department of
Juridical, Political and Social Studies of University of Sannio.
2004: Phd in Economic History at University “Federico II” of Naples, Italy
2004: Attorney at law
2000: Graduated at Law Faculty of University “Federico II” of Naples, Italy, with a
research in Legal History, tutor prof. Raffaele Ajello.
Knowledge of Languages: French (very good) - English (good)
Participation to scientific meetings and academic congresses
a. March 2007 : International Congress « La rapresentation des risques dans
l’espace mediterranée », organized in Aix-en-Provence by the UMR Telemme
– CNRS-Université de Provence, with a paper about « Risques de pénurie de
denrées et panique sociale à Naples durant le royaume de Joseph Bonaparte et
Joachim Murat (1806-1815) », (Aix-en-Provence, 22-23 march 2007)
b. September 2007: European Forum of Young Legal Historians at Fundacion
Tres Culturas of Mediterranean, Seville, with a statement in the Poster-section
about « Socialisation de l’État et légalisation de la société. Force et faiblesse de
la loi pour la construction d’une économie de marché à Naples (1806-1815) »,
Seville 5-9 september 2007.
c. May 2008: Congress organized by the National Board for Bicentenary of
Napoleonic Decade, with a paper about « Il governo della città, il governo
nella città. Le città meridionali nel decennio francese», with a paper about
«Pane e riforme istituzionali: il governo della capitale tra mercato e controllo
sociale nel Regno di Napoli durante il Decennio francese» (Bari, 22-23 may
July 2009 : « Summerkurs Europäische Rechtsgeschichte» directed by Michael
Stolleis and Alessandro Somma at the Max-Planck-Institut für europäische
Rechtsgeschichte of Francoforte, with a paper about
«La juridiction
commerciale entre loi et marché. L’abolition des Tribunaux de commerce en
Italie dans le débat de la fin du XIXème siècle » (Frankfurt, 12-17 july 2009)
March 2010: International Congress «Le prix de la justice. Histoire et
perspectives», organized by the Centre Aquitaine d’Histoire du Droit (CHAD)
University of Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV, with a paper about « Le prix de la
justice dans le débat sur l’abolition des Tribunaux de Commerce en Italie dans
la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle », Bordeaux 12-13 march 2010
May 2010 : Research Meeting «L’amministrazione moderna della Giustizia.
Le Gran Corti Civili del Regno delle Due Sicilie» organized by the
Dipartimento Jonico in Sistemi Giuridici del Mediterraneo-Società, Cultura
Economia of University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, section of Taranto, with a paper
about «Quale giustizia per il mercato? I tribunali di commercio nel dibattito
europeo di fine Ottocento», Taranto 21-22 may 2010.
May 2011: Research Meeting «Letteratura e Diritto Commerciale» organized
by prof. Giuseppe Fauceglia, Departement of International Studies, of Law
and Ethic of Market, with a paper about «Senso dell’onore e brama di ‘roba’.
La legge e gli affari in Verga e Balzac», Salerno, 13 may 2011.
November 2011: Annual Meeting of (ASLH) American Society for Legal
History organized by prof. Amalia D. Kessler and Al Brophy with a paper
about «Justice without judges. Commercial courts between law and market in
the 19th century Europe», Atlanta, Georgia (US), 10-13 November 2011.
November 2012: International Congress « Circulation des modèles juridiques
et formation des réseaux au XIXe siècle : vers un fonds juridique européen ? »
organized by Sylvain Soleil and Anthony Mergey, University of Rennes, with a
paper about « Le réseau constitué autour des commercialistes européens »,
Rennes (France), 14-15 november 2012.
May 2015 : Journées Internationales de la Société d´Hisotire du Droit, « La
controverse. Etudes d´histoire de l´argumentation juridique », organized by
Centre d´Histoire du Droit de la Faculté de droit et de science politique de
Rennes, with a paper about « Le cadavre. Controverse juridiques dans le
royaume d´Italie », Rennes (France), 28-31 may 2015
September 2015 : International Congress « La morte nel prisma criminale.
Secoli XIX e XX », organized by Cristina Ciancio, University of Sannio, and
Marco Cavina, Director of Centro di studio e di ricerca per la Storia della
Giustizia Criminale of University of Bologna, witha a paper about
“Requiescant in pace. Alcune osservazioni sulla profanazione di cadavere nel
Regno d'Italia”, Benevento, 21-22 settembre 2015.
l. November 2015: International Congress « Fodéré à la genèse de la médecine
légale moderne. Doctrines, pratiques, savoirs et réseaux d'experts: des
Lumières au début du XXieme siècle », organized by Frédéric Chauvaud (Uni.
de Poitiers), Patrice Mangin (Centre universitaire romand de médecine légale
Lausanne-Genève), Marc Ortolani (Uni. de Nice – Sophia Antipolis),
Alessandro Pastore (Uni. de Vérone) et Michel Porret (Uni. de Genève), with a
paper about « Médecine, droit et peur. La constatation de décès et les risques
des inhumations précipitées dans le Traité de médecine légale de FrançoisEmmanuel Fodéré », Genève – Uni Bastions, 26-28 november 2015.
m. November 2016 : Congresso nazionale Società Italiana di Storia del Diritto « I
giovani studiosi e la storia del diritto : itinerari di ricerca », with a paper about
«Requiescant in pace. I reati di profanazione di cadavere nel Regno d’Italia»,
Trani 17-19 November 2016