Aller + place vs. infinitif notes


Aller + place vs. infinitif notes
 Aller = ____________________ Je Tu Il/elle/on/qui Nous Vous Ils/elles I go/I am going The verb “Aller” can be followed by 2 things: 1) a location ex: Je vais à l’école. Tu vas au magasin. Nous allons à Starbucks. 2) another verb ex: Je vais magasiner demain. Il va acheter le livre. When followed by a location, the preposition ‘à’ (in, at, to) is often needed. It may change form though. Masculine location Ex: le cinéma Feminine location Ex : la bibliothèque Vowel sound Ex : l’école Plural location Les Etats-­‐Unis (United States) Proper noun/city Ex : Tim Hortons, Vancouver À + le = au To + the À + la = no change To + the À + l’ = no change To + the À + Les = aux to + the Il va au cinéma He is going to the movies Tu vas à la bibliothèque You are going to the library Je vais à l’école I am going to school Elle va aux Etats-­‐Unis She is going to the United States À (no article) to Je vais à Tim Hortons Nous allons à Vancouver *Just remember : à will never be followed by le or les. Its form will always change. “Au” is a contraction of _____________ and “Aux” is a contraction of ____________ •
Indicates that an action will take place in the future. Has a special name. It is the verb tense called: _______________ The verb following ALLER always remains in the INFINITIVE form. The English and the French patterns for the immediate future are the same. Compare the examples. Ex: Je vais acheter le livre I am going to buy the book Il va épargner son argent He is going to save his money Ex: Tu ne vas pas You are not going magasiner to shop demain. tomorrow Nous n’allons pas dépenser notre argent We are not going to spend our money To form the negative, the NE and PAS go around the _____________ verb. In the case of the FUTUR PROCHE, that verb will always be the verb _________________. A/ Traduisez en Anglais : 1. Je vais à Metrotown. ____________________________________________________ 2. Tu vas à l’école. ________________________________________________________ 3. Elle ne va pas à McDonalds. _______________________________________________ 4. Nous allons au centre d’achats. ____________________________________________ 5. Vous n’allez pas au stade. ________________________________________________ 6. Ils vont aux jeux olympiques. _____________________________________________ B/ Fill in the blank with à / à la / à l’ / au / aux 1. Je vais _________ théâtre (m) 2. Tu vas __________ musée (m) 3. Il va ___________ bibliothèque (f) 4. Nous allons ___________ aréna. 5. Vous allez __________ Surrey. 6. Ils vont ___________ école. Traduisez en Français : Ex : I am going to the store (le magasin) Je vais au magasin. 1. I am going to the movies (le cinéma) _______________________________________ 2. You are going to school. (l’école) __________________________________________ 3. He is going to the park. (le parc) ___________________________________________ 4. We are going to the beach. (la plage) _______________________________________ 5. You (plural) are going to the mall. (le centre commercial) ________________________________________________________________ 6. They (fem.) are going to the department store. (le grand magasin) ________________________________________________________________ 7. Monique and Claire are not going to the gym. (le gymnase) ________________________________________________________________ A/ Traduisez en Anglais 1. Je vais magasiner demain. ___________________________________________ 2. Elle va manger un sandwich. _________________________________________ 3. Nous allons danser. ________________________________________________ 4. Ils vont écouter de la musique. ______________________________________ 5. Tu vas étudier. ___________________________________________________ 6. Vous allez voyager en Italie __________________________________________ 7. Elles vont regarder un film. __________________________________________ 8. Je vais aller au cinéma. _____________________________________________ 9. Elle va pratiquer. __________________________________________________ Traduisez en Français 1. I am going to buy the boots. _________________________________________ 2. You are going to travel. _____________________________________________ 3. He is going to play basketball. ________________________________________ 4. We are going to swim at the beach. ___________________________________ 5. You (pl. ) are going to choose. ________________________________________ 6. They (m. ) are going to ask. __________________________________________ 7. Sebastian is going to go to the movies. _________________________________ 8. Nancy and I are going to sing. ________________________________________ 9. He is going to study at the library. ____________________________________