Fall 2009 Edition - RTO/ERO District 4 Sudbury


Fall 2009 Edition - RTO/ERO District 4 Sudbury
District 4
From the President’s Desk
Executive Board/Conseil exécutif
2009 - 2010
Jacques Hallé
Carmaine Hall
1st Vice-President/1ère Vice-présidente
Carol Haneberry
2nd Vice-President/2ième Vice-présidente
Dave Hodge
Terry Martyn
Bob Tyler
Past President/Président sortant
Pierrette Nadeau
Peter Niro
Political Action/Action politique
Monique Taylor
Michel Gravelle
Ann Dube
Here we are at the beginning of another active year for all RTO/ERO
members. I am greatly pleased to have the opportunity and the privilege
to serve as your president for another term. As always, I count on the
support and the participation of each and every member.
At this time, I would like to thank all those who took part in this year’s
“Relay for Life.” It was an emotional evening for many members.
What a wonderful way to make our organization known throughout the
community! As RTO/ERO members, we must embrace any situation
which will enable us to make the public aware that our organization not
only protects the rights of retired teachers, but that it also plays an active
role in the betterment of the community.
Are you looking forward to our fall luncheon? At this first get-together for
the year 2009-2010, we will have the privilege of hearing Brian Kenny,
our provincial president, who will be our guest of honour for this event.
Please join us for this meeting at the Howard Johnson Plaza, on Wednesday, October 7. Your executive will be happy to greet you.
I hope you had a nice summer even though the weather was not the
greatest. See you in October!
Enjoy the day! Make the best of each moment.
Jacques Hallé
New Members Board Meeting
(June 2009)
Rencontre des nouveaux membres de l’exécutif
Jenny Ross
Francine Hurtubise
Newsletter Editor/Éditrice
Juliette Lavoie-Gaboury
Jenny Ross
Unit 2 Representative/Représentante Unité 2
Diane Bradley
Inside/ À l’intérieur...
From the President’s Desk........................................... p.1
Mot du président........................................................ p.2
Dates to Remember.................................................... p.2
Membership/Adhédion................................................ p.3
Goodwill/Bienfaisance................................................. p.4
In Memoriam.............................................................. p.6
Awards of Recognition................................................. p.6
Financial Report.......................................................... p.7
Manitoulin/North Shore Newsbeat................................ p.8
Reader’s Corner/Le coin du livre................................... p.9
Relay for Life/Relais pour la vie.................................. p.10
Retired Women Teachers of Ontario (RWTO)............... p.12
Merit Travel...............................................................p.12
Travel Wise/Sécurité en voyage.................................. p.13
Provence et la Côte d’Azur......................................... p.14
Harmonization of Taxes.............................................. p.15
Rencontre de famille/Royal Gathering......................... p.20
Le secret des chiffres/The Power of Numbers.............. p.21
Collage of Spring Luncheon/Déjeuner du printemps..... p.22
RTO/ERO Retirement Planning Workshop.................... p.23
Inscription pour le déjeuner d’automne....................... p.23
RTO/ERO Luncheon Registration................................. p.24
Mot du président
Voilà le début d’une nouvelle année qui se promet d’être remplie d’activités pour tous nos membres
d’ERO. Encore cette année, il me fait énormément plaisir d’avoir l’occasion et surtout le privilège d’être
à votre service à titre de président local. Comme à l’habitude, je compte sur l’appui et la participation
de vous tous, nos membres.
Je désire profiter de l’occasion qui m’est donnée afin de remercier tous les membres qui ont participé
à la marche «Relais pour la vie» en juin dernier. Ce fut une soirée remplie d’émotions! Quel excellent moyen de faire connaître notre organisme au niveau de la communauté. En tant que membres, il
faut profiter de chaque occasion à notre disposition afin que le publique reconnaisse que notre groupe
est un organisme qui défend les droits des enseignantes et des enseignants à la retraite mais qui
s’implique aussi activement dans la communauté afin de la rendre meilleure.
Vous anticipez notre premier déjeuner de l’automne? Et bien, lors de cette première rencontre pour
l’année 2009-2010, vous aurez le privilège d’entendre notre président provincial, Brian Kenny, qui sera
notre invité d’honneur pour cette occasion. Soyez des nôtres lors de cette rencontre au Howard Johnson Plaza le mercredi 7 octobre prochain. Les membres de votre exécutif se feront un plaisir de vous
J’espère que vous avez passé un bel été malgré la température maussade.
«L’important est bel et bien de profiter de chaque instant.»
Au plaisir de vous rencontrer en octobre.
Jacques Hallé
SOCIAL COMMITTEE - Dates to include in your calendar
Executive Meetings: Howard Johnson Plaza, Brady Street at 9:30 a.m.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
General Meetings and Luncheons: Howard Johnson Plaza, Brady Street
10:45-Meet and Greet
11:15-Business/Guest speakers/Elections etc.
Fall Meeting, Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Christmas Luncheon, Thursday, December 3, 2009
Annual Meeting, Thursday, May 13, 2010
Exception: Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2010 (Guest speaker/Coffee & dessert, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.)
•Unit 2 General Meetings and Luncheons – Thursday, October 8, 2009
– Thursday, May 6, 2010
New Retirees’ Luncheon – Thursday, September 17, 2009
Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon – Thursday, June 3, 2010
Pierrette Nadeau
Welcome back to another exciting RTO/ERO year.
A special welcome to the retirees who have joined our ranks since the publication of the last newsletter.
Lucie Bergeron Jacqueline Bernier Robert Bray Cheryl Chamberland Lalitka Chandasiharan Danielle Cholette Rollande Chrétien John Davies Barbara Faulkner Ann Gardiner James Gerhart
Joseph Giusti
Monique Grenier
Georges Guérette
Angela Nadon
John Pitblado
Ray Savignac
Lucie Slobodian
Nicole Trottier - Giusti
Gloria Viverais-Dresler
Franca Zadra
Manitoulin/North Shore
Wesley Brill Andrew Ferguson Gerald Holliday
On September 17, 2009 we will host a luncheon for those teachers who have just retired. Forty-four
invitations were sent.
Many thanks to my Membership team who obtain the names of the new retirees, do follow up phone
calls and assist at the luncheon.
Annette Blais-Laforge & Denise Massimiliano........ AEFO Affiliate Representatives
Eila Talpiainen......................................................... ETFO Affiliate Representative
Angela Ciccone........................................................ OECTA Affiliate Representative
Freda Wilson........................................................... OSSTF Affiliate Representative
Once again Phone Captains are needed to call our 1 505 members four times a year. Please contact
me at 524-3146 if you can be of assistance.
I hope to see you at our Fall Meeting on October 7, 2009.
Ann Dube
OBSERVATION OR A GENERAL TRUTH. 1. The nicest thing about the future is that it always starts tomorrow.
2. Money will buy a fine dog, but only kindness will make him wag his tail.
3. If you don’t have a sense of humour, you probably don’t have any sense at all. 4. Seat belts are not as confining as wheelchairs.
5. A good time to keep your mouth shut is when you’re in deep water.
“When I was young, I admired clever people.
Now that I am old, I admire kind people.”
Once again, we thank you for calling members of our committee with information about RTO/ERO colleagues who might need encouragement or who have reached a milestone. In particular, we appreciate
calls from members or their family with news about events in their lives. If you realize that we have
missed someone, please call now. It is never too late to express our concern, our congratulations.
Honour Guards have been present at funerals of members whenever possible. We do need sufficient
time to contact members who organize this mark of respect and solidarity.
Please, call us as soon as you hear of the death of a retired teacher. If that retired teacher is a member
of RTO/ERO, we will do our best to have an Honour Guard at the memorial service. We remind you that
only 60% of retired teachers are members of RTO/ERO. You have expressed your disappointment when
no Honour Guard was present at a colleague’s funeral; your disappointment underlines the importance
of this final show of support for our colleagues and their grieving families. The gratitude expressed in
thank you cards encourages our committee’s efforts.
“Our family wishes to thank the members of the honour guard who attended the
funeral service for Darryl. It meant a great deal to us to have them there.”
“Vos condoléances et votre témoignage de sympathie nous a apporté
beaucoup de réconfort.”
We have sent cards to express our condolences to members in mourning and have made donations to
charities in honour of their loved ones.
Rick and Maureen Bartolucci – his mother Mary
Solange Berthiaume – ses sœurs, Germaine Levac et Simone Valade
Dolores Duval – her sister Agathe Jacques
Ethel Fournier – her husband Cliff
Hélène Gagnon – son frère Fernand Benoit
Lucien Gervais – sa soeur Marissa Jenkins et sa belle soeur Simone Gervais
Roseline Harrison – son père Wilmon Paulin
Colette Joliat – son père Roger Joliat
Rhéa Lapointe – sa mère Alice Courchesne Ducharme
Léo Lefebvre – sa belle mère Gabrielle Duguay
John O’Brien – his wife Sharon
Kay Oldenberg – her daughter in law Caroline Becket
Marthe Poirier – son père Fernand Poirier
Peter and Lucette Schneider – her mother Marie Ange Carriere
Louise Shonwise – her mother in law Martha
Joanne Sinclair – sa mère Emily Dagenais
Sharon Somers – her father James
Sue Stuart – her mother Flora McDonald Stuart
Rachel Valade – sa belle mère Simone Valade
Denise Warren – her husband Ken
As always, we are touched by the words of appreciation that we receive;
each card is addressed to you, caring RTO/ERO members.
“Kind words and acts uplift spirits during sad and difficult times.
Thank you for uplifting mine.”
“Un bien gros merci pour le don et vos paroles de condoléance.”
The 15 members of the Goodwill/Bienfaisance committee work diligently to ensure that our
RTO/ERO colleagues receive our support, our encouragement, our congratulations. As chair
of the committee, I want to express my appreciation for the calls they make to keep me informed, the hours they spend writing Birthday and Christmas greetings to 170 members, the personal visits they make, and the organizing of the Honour Guards. Most joined our committee
the year they became RTO/ERO members; some, for more than a decade and despite personal
health challenges, continue their kind actions. They are the heart of our association.
This year Pierrette Nadeau will leave our committee; she takes on duties as chair of the Social Committee. We will miss her happy demeanour and the pleasure she expressed about her
contact with members. We look forward to attending her luncheons which will surely reflect
her joy of life.
Pierrette Nadeau quitte notre comité pour entreprendre une autre aventure comme présidente
du comité social. Nous avons hâte de participer aux déjeuners qu’elle organisera et sûrement,
nous y retrouverons sa joie de vivre.
We welcome Paulette Stewart who will take over Pierrette’s work.
Bienvenue Paulette.
Monique Taylor
[email protected]
Goodwill/Bienfaisance Committee Members
Annette Blais-Laforge 675-5985
Bessie Budge
Jean Eaton
Erna Fex
Josie Girolometto
Helen Laidlaw
Vi McDougall
Paulette Stewart Isobel Patchet
Nicole St-Germain Monique Taylor
566 5996
Since our spring newsletter, the names of seven members have been added to our memoriam.
Their former colleagues, students and RTO/ERO friends will share memories at our fall luncheon.
We mourn their loss; we celebrate their lives.
In Memoriam
Delta Coley
Faulkner Simone
Darryl Lalonde
Bill Napier
Gérard Tremblay
Rose Ann Kristerin
At the Annual General meeting on May 6, 2009, the Awards Committee and RTO/ERO DISTRCT 4 took
pleasure in awarding many of our members for their volunteer work within our communities.
The following people received Certificates of Recognition:
Lori Adams
Helga Leblanc
Bessie Budge
Anne Malnachuk
Angela Ciccone
Tara Martyn
Charlotte Duhaime
Isabel Patchett
Claire Ferland
Juliette Pilon
Marc Forget
Annette Rivet
George Hakojarvi
Jeannine Tremblay
Carla Knutson
Carol Vorwerk
Annette Blais-Laforge, Evelyn and Morely Baxter received a Certificate of Recognition along with an
RTO/ERO umbrella for their service to RTO/ERO District 4.
We are also looking for a member who has outstanding service to the community and RTO/ERO or our
If you know of such a person please contact the Awards Committee: Carol Haneberry 566 5895, Ann
Dube 524 3146 or Monique Taylor 673 7319 or 853 4772.
Carol Haneberry
Cash Balance
Checking Account
9 534.75
Investments - GIC
9 780.93
19 339.71
Annual Grant 21 466.55
Bilingual Grant
RPW Grant
1 074.00 RPW Reimburse District 44
District Meetings
2 805.00
25 931.47
45 271.18
Good Will
3 107.35
Senate 1 051.79
2 429.59
Office Expenses
1 838.79
1 143.76
Unit 2
1 500.00
Other Expenses
President’s Workshop
Relay For Life
Comprised of:
14 368.70
30 902.48
21 104.30
Petty Cash
9 780.93
30 902.48
Dave Hodge
Natasha Dupuis enlightened about 50 members with a very thorough and informative presentation on
Osteoporosis. Several handouts were available. The door prizes were won by Alice Craik and Lyn Morin.
The annual elections were held and the executive remains the same.
This executive has served for many years to keep this unit alive, interesting and well-informed. Now
some members are interested in stepping down but replacements seem nowhere in sight. It would be a
shame to let all this work fall to the wayside. Please consider joining our team. There is a lot of
support to guide you.
2009/2010 Executive
Jenny Ross
Claudette Bois
Eva Mayer
Denyse Racine
Goodwill Chair Bessie Budge
Social Convener Patricia Cairns
A reminder to keep your key people informed of any member dealing with illness, the loss of a loved
one or needing a pick-me-up. It is our responsibility to inform a member of the Goodwill Committee.
Goodwill Committee
Espanola & Area Bessie Budge
Elliot Lake
Patricia Cairns
Little Current
Barbara Cranston
East Manitoulin Jane Deyell
West Manitoulin Laila Kiviaho Blind River
Jenny Ross
Our Fall Luncheon will be held on October 8, 2009 at Laurentian Lodge, north of Elliot Lake. Our
guest speaker is Brian Kenney, our Provincial President. Invitations have been mailed to 15 new retirees
inviting them to attend this luncheon as complimentary guests. If you know a new retiree who has not
received such an invite, please contact me.
Jenny Ross 705-869-2055
[email protected]
Thursday, October 8, 2009 at Laurentian Lodge
Social: 11:30
Lunch: 12:00 Meeting: 1:00
In Loving Memory of
Sister Gabrielle White
Sister Gaye entered the Sisters of St. Joseph in September of 1959.
Her career as a teacher and principal took her to many communities throughout the North and the
Bahamas. She ministered wherever she found herself, be it in the classroom, in the parish or in the
civic community.
One did not think of Sister Gaye apart of relationships. Family, community and friends were a vital part
of her life. Apart from her relationship with God and her service to others, nothing seemed more important. Sister Gaye was a woman whose spirit of joy and celebration permeated all her life. She responded to all that life offered with courage, passion, faith and candour. Upon retirement, communities
in Espanola, Florida and India were blessed with her volunteerism.
Sister Gaye was a very active member of the North Shore/Manitoulin Unit of RTO/ERO. We were
blessed to have known her and will miss her dearly.
Jenny Ross
Reader’s Corner…a few delightful reading selections
Joy Fielding…Don’t Cry Now
Barbara Delinsky…While My Sister Sleeps Susan Howatch…The Wonder Worker Jodi Picoult…Perfect
Match Le coin du livre…quelques suggestions pour agrémenter votre lecture
Yves Jacob…Les blés seront coupés
Micheline Lachance…Les filles tombées Patrick Ledrapier...Mortel anasthésique Jacqueline Geoffroy Laroque…Mes rêves piégés
Michelle Robichaud
Did you know that in an argument...
l You should be careful when it ends with ‘NOTHING’ , ‘FINE’, ‘WHATEVER’, ‘THAT’S OKAY’ or ‘DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT’, ‘I GOT IT’.
l GO AHEAD...is usually not a permission.
l Five minutes...usually indicates a much longer time period.
Célébrer, rendre hommage, lutter
Comme survivante je ne peux pas vous exprimer les émotions qui coulent dans mes veines le soir du
Relais pour la vie. De plus, ayant vécu la perte de mon cher conjoint qui a succombé à son cancer,
cette soirée m’est très chère. La majorité des membres de RTO/ERO ont été marqués par le cancer.
Et comme capitaine de notre équipe, je remercie tous les membres qui ont participé et/ou qui ont
contribué. Encore cette année nous avons dépassé toutes les attentes. Et oui! C’est incroyable que
34 de nos membres et 11 membres de nos familles et de nos ami(e)s ont réussi à remettre
12 893 $ à la Société du cancer.
Quelle belle rencontre! Le soleil y était! La bouffe abondait! L’amitié régnait! Grand merci à notre exécutif qui parraine notre équipe en s’assurant que nous avons une belle grande tente, des tables et
quelques chaises pour nos nombreux visiteurs.
À la retraite mais impliqué! C’est comme ça que les gens qui travaillent au bureau de la Société du cancer à Sudbury reconnaissent notre regroupement. Grâce à notre participation au Relais, nous devenons
plus visibles dans la communauté. Quelle façon fantastique de se faire connaître! Que ce soit lors du
Relais ou de la participation à d’autres organismes, continuons à nous impliquer.
J’espère te voir au Relais du vendredi 4 juin 2010! Les formulaires d’inscription (frais de 10 $)
seront disponibles à chacune de nos rencontres. Si tu veux faire une contribution monétaire, tu pourras
le faire à ces rencontres. Merci pour tout l’appui!
Cécile Archambault, capitaine
Merci et félicitations aux membres de l’équipe du Relais 2009!
Thanks and congratulations to all the members of the 2009 Relay team!
(membre de RTO/ERO member)
Anik Archambault
Charlotte Duhaime-Bogomaz Diane Michaud
Cécile Archambault
Suzanne Fortin Madeleine Michel
Mathieu Archambault
Lorraine Gaudrault Raymond Monette
Yann Archambault
Louise Gaudrault Gilberte Mongrain
Judy Bellmore
Denise Glass
Aline Bidal
Giselle Hacquard Suzanne Perrin
Irène Bisson
Carmaine Hall
Suzanne Blais
Jacques Hallé Rolande Ouimet
Annette Blais-Laforge
Francine Hurtubise Marc Robidoux
Diane Bradley
Ronald Hurtubise Nicole Robidoux
Denise Carré
Angie Kajganich Paulette Stewart
Rollande Chrétien
Liliane Lamothe Monique Taylor
Rachel Corbett
Lois Luoma
Fernand Dallaire
Bill MacNeill Pauline Therrien
Lorraine Dallaire
Denise Massimiliano Michel Toupin
Irène Perrin
Louise Proulx
Robert Taylor
Celebrate, Remember, Fight Back
Oh what a night! There are no words to express the emotions that overtake me as a cancer survivor.
The pain and the hope...Having lost my husband to cancer, this event is quite special and dear to my
heart. Most of our members have been touched by cancer in one way or another. It is rewarding to
know that our participation makes a difference.
As captain of our Relay team, I wish to thank the members who participated and/or made a monetary
donation. Your generosity has made this event a success. It’s unbelievable! Yes, again this year we
outdid ourselves! Our team was smaller but the 34 members and 11 family members and
friends managed to collect $12 893. What a success story!
This year the sun cooperated. It was a superb evening! The food was great! The company even better!
Thanks to our executive we have an immense tent, tables and chairs for our numerous visitors. Because of our participation at this event, we are quite visible as a group. It’s nice to hear the comments
of other participants who walk by our tent. Retired but still involved in the community! We are well
known as a group with the local Canadian Cancer Society staff. Be it at the Relay for Life or at various
organizations, let’s continue our involvement!
I hope to see you on Friday, June 4 for the 2010 Relay for Life! Registration forms ($10 registration fee) will be available at all of our meetings/luncheons. Those who wish to make a monetary
contribution will be able to do so at the meetings. Thank you for your support!
Cécile Archambault, team captain
Retired Women Teachers of Ontario/Organisation des
enseignantes retraitées de l’Ontario (RWTO/OERO)
“Happily we bask in this warm September sun,
Which illuminates all creatures…” Henry David Thoreau
September is here again after a notorious non – summer!
At our annual convention in Mississauga in June some motions were passed that are of interest. Due
largely to the efforts of our Jeannine Renaud, the motion to change the name of our organization to
indicate our membership consists of both English and French speaking retired women teachers, was
changed to RWTO/OERO. The acronym OERO translates as “Organisation des enseignantes retraitées
de l’Ontario”.
An interesting fact announced at the June AGM was that there are presently 320 retired women teachers who are 90 + years old province – wide. We were asked to be aware of our own members in that
category and be ready to assist these valuable members if they are in need. Our motto of Caring and
Sharing expresses that we do this on an on-going basis.
The first Sudbury RWTO/OERO meeting of this coming year will be held on Tuesday,
September 29 at the Howard Johnson Plaza on Brady St. As always we invite all retired women
teachers to join us at 10:45 am. Any woman who has taught at any level for any period of time is
a welcome member.
A Silent Auction will be held at this meeting which is always a very popular activity in our branch. The
funds raised go to support our charitable activities. It is a wonderful opportunity to get some early
Christmas shopping done!
As the song goes…“See you in September!”
Erna Fex
Area Director/Past President – 671-2711
Travel Wise /La sécurité - voyage
Be safe while travelling/Veillez à votre santé en voyage
I Drink boiled, bottled water or carbonated beverages.
I Buvez de l’eau bouillie ou en bouteille ou des boissons gazeuses
I Brush teeth with bottled water
I Brossez-vous les dents à l’eau embouteillée
I Wash foods with bottled water
I Lavez les aliments à l’eau embouteillée
I Peel fruit yourself before eating
I Pelez les fruits vous-même avant de les manger
I Boil it, cook it, peel it or forget it!
I Wear sunscreen with SPF 30
I Bouillez-les, cuisez-les, pelez-les ou
I Wear a hat and sunglasses
I Appliquez une lotion solaire de 30 FPS
I Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration
I Portez un chapeau et des lunettes solaires
I Decrease outdoor activities from
dusk until dawn
I Buvez beaucoup d’eau afin de prévenir la
I Diminuez vos activités extérieures entre le coucher et le lever du soleil
Before I Travel:
Avant de partir en voyage :
T Do I have my passport?
T Are all my immunizations up to date?
Ai-je mon passeport?
Mon carnet d’immunisation est-il à jour?
T Do I have my travel immunization
record with my passport?
T Do I have an adequate supply of
T Ai-je suffisamment de médicaments pour la durée du voyage?
T Do I have extended health travel
T Ai-je une assurance médicale supplémentaire pour le voyage?
T Do I have sunscreen and insect repellant?
Ai-je mon carnet d’immunisations avec mon passeport?
T Ai-je une lotion solaire et un insectifuge?
Adapted with the permission of the
Sudbury & District Health Unit
Texte adapté avec la permission du
Service de santé public de Sudbury et district
La première semaine de notre voyage fut consacrée à découvrir la Provence, son art de vivre, ses
traditions, son artisanat : faïence, poterie, parfums, savons, tissus…créations qui témoignent de talents
ancestraux fidèlement transmis.
Le lendemain de notre arrivée, nous visitons Aubagne, ville hautement renommée pour ses santons,
charmants petits personnages en argile peints à la main et qui représentent tous les métiers de la
région. Mais Aubagne est avant tout la ville natale de Marcel Pagnol – célèbre poète, dramaturge et cinéaste. Parmi ses œuvres cinématographiques, on retrouve La gloire de mon père et Le château de ma
mère. Nous avons visité les sites des ‘Souvenirs d’enfance’ de Marcel Pagnol dont sa maison natale et le
cimetière où il repose. Une réception à l’Office du Tourisme où on nous a remis un joli panier contenant
des produits locaux termina cette belle journée.
Notre visite à Marseille fut mémorable grâce à notre guide qui nous a fait apprécier les charmes de cette ville et à une excursion en bateau pour visiter le Château d’If, rendu célèbre par les héros d’Alexandre Dumas dont le comte de Monte Cristo et l’abbé Faria.
Par la suite, il y a eu du temps libre à Aix-en-Provence pour explorer cette merveilleuse cité provençale
et ville natale du peintre Paul Cézanne.
En soirée, nous avons été charmés par le riche patrimoine de contes, légendes, mythes et histoires des
conteurs de la région.
Qui ne se souvient pas des ‘Lettres de mon moulin’ et de ‘La chèvre de monsieur Séguin’ d’Alphonse
Daudet? C’est à Fontvieille que l’écrivain est venu pour se ‘guérir de Paris’ et puiser l’inspiration pour
Impossible de danser sur le pont Bénézet à Avignon puisque le Rhône l’a endommagé depuis longtemps mais nous avons pu admirer le Palais des Papes, résidence princière et forteresse, siège de la
papauté pendant environ un siècle. Arrêt ensuite à St-Rémi, beau village typique provençal, patrie de
Nostradamus et refuge du peintre Van Gogh.
En soirée, il y a eu une conférence sur les traditions provençales : ses danses, chants et costumes, les
bases de sa cuisine aux milles parfums ainsi que les préparatifs entourant la fête de Noël.
Nice, ‘la reine de la Côte d’Azur’, nous attendait pour notre deuxième semaine. Nous avons pu, à notre
guise, explorer cette magnifique ville, flâner sur la Promenade des Anglais, prendre des excursions à
Cannes, Monaco, San Remo…
Enchantés par ce beau voyage, nous sommes revenus la tête et le cœur pleins de beaux souvenirs.
Thérèse Lécuyer
PLANETALL TOURS INC. 1. Enjoy Branson, Missouri, Nov 22 - Dec. 1, 2009.
This is a 10 day tour with 9 top shows.
2. Daytona Beach, Florida, Feb. 12 - Mar. 4, 2010.
3. Daytona Beach & Bahamas Cruise, Feb. 12 - Mar. 4, 2010.
For more information, contact PlanetAll Tours Inc.
1894 Lasalle Blvd., Sudbury
(524-8615) or (1 888-699-9942)
Impact of Ontario Harmonization April 2009
The Ontario budget proposes to harmonize the Ontario provincial retail sales tax (PST) with the federal
Goods and Services Tax (GST) effective July 1, 2010. The new harmonized rate referred to hereafter as
the HST will be at 13%.
The HST will generally be applied using the same value-added tax rules as the GST in that where you
pay the 5% GST today with limited exceptions you will pay the 13% HST starting in July 2010.
At that time, the new HST will eliminate the Ontario PST charged to you today. Where both the GST and
the Ontario PST was charged in the past, you will see little difference going forward in 2010 and expectations are that the price of some of these goods and services should go down in the long run.
Where the GST is recoverable by the business today, so will the HST the business pays going forward
so that the tax would not become a cost embedded in the price you pay. Where the current Ontario PST
applies to purchases, the PST is not a value-added tax like the GST and not recoverable to the business.
As a result, the PST is ultimately passed on to you the consumer.
As not all businesses recover the GST, not all goods and services to consumers will go down with the
new Ontario HST. We detail below how the new HST will specifically affect the goods and services you
buy today.
The harmonization is also part of a more comprehensive budget package. To support the transition to
a single sales tax, the federal government will provide the Ontario government with $4.3 billion in cash
transfer payments. The budget also provides for other compensating measures for both individuals and
businesses affected by the harmonization. As part of this package the personal tax rate will go down
and those measures are also noted below.
These proposals are not law and expectations are that further details may not be provided by the governments until later this summer or fall. The comments below may change as these details are announced.
Transitional rules are expected to cover expenses that straddle the July 1, 2010 implementation date.
NOTE: The discussion that follows is based on proposed tax changes that are not yet law. Each person’s tax situation is unique and you should consult your tax advisor before undertaking any action on
the basis of the following general information.
Your daily life Food: Most basic groceries
at the supermarket are generally not taxable
today for either federal or provincial sales tax
and you should see no change under the new
harmonization. Today both taxes apply to
certain snack foods or prepared foods and that
will be the same with the new 13% Ontario
HST; you will see no substantive change.
However, the price for picking up that quick
coffee or tea will go up. Today the 8% Ontario
PST did not apply to prepared foods priced at
$4.00 or less but the 5% GST is applicable.
Starting in July 2010, the tax be at 13%.
Restaurant meals subject to the 8% PST and
the 5% GST today will be subject to the 13%
after harmonization so you will see no overall
Impact of Ontario Harmonization April 2009
Your social life
Recreation: Your memberships to the
health club, golf course, curling rinks and other
recreational facilities will rise to the 13% HST.
Other fees to use bowling alleys and driving
ranges subject to 5% tax today will also be
13% starting in July 2010.
Medicine: The taxation of prescription
drugs will remain unchanged and tax free.
Same as the dispensing fee you pay now; it
will not be taxable with the new HST.
Home purchases and maintenance:
You will see changes on your home costs.
Buying a new home today will have the 5%
GST and the Ontario PST was imbedded in the
material cost.
Going forward the 13% Ontario HST will apply
to the sale price. Purchasers of new homes for
their primary residence priced under $400,000
will be eligible for a rebate equal to 75% of the
8% provincial component; effectively 6% of the
purchase price. For prices above $400,000, the
rebate is reduced and eliminated after
$500,000. Resale homes will generally not be
subject to the new HST.
The GST you pay today on your home
maintenance cost will increase from 5% to
13%. Expect to see an increase in tax for home
repair and renovation, electricity, internet, fuel
oil, and natural gas. Condo fees exempt of tax
for GST will remain exempt with HST but those
charges for use of guest suites in your condo
will go up to the 13%.
Admission: The price you pay for
performances and entertainment are generally taxable today at a combined effective tax
rate of 15%. You will see this go down to 13%
where the price is more than $4. Unfortunately,
where the price is $4 or less, today’s tax rate of
5% GST will be increased to 13% after harmonization.
Alcohol and tobacco: Tax on alcoholic
beverages is subject to the 5% GST and either
the Ontario PST at 12% or 10% depending on
where purchased. With the HST, the combined
rate will be reduced to 13%. However, the provincial government has stated they will increase
alcohol fee, levies and charges to maintain their
current level of revenue. So, you will not see
the cost go down. The overall cost for
tobacco will also rise as you pay tax at 13%
instead of the 5%.
Services: Most services such as haircuts, legal,
accounting and other professional fees not
subject to the Ontario PST today will be subject
to the 13% HST starting in July 2010. Similarly,
most extracurricular activities, dry cleaning,
laundry service, computer assistance and car
repairs if taxed today will be 13% going forward.
Your travel
Local travel: Taxi service, trains and other
transportation services in Ontario taxed
today at 5% will increase to 13%. However,
transit fares that were exempt of the GST before should remain exempt. Fuel to use your car
will go up with the rise in the tax rate. Hotel accommodation or other short term rentals such
as cottages will be taxed at 13%.
Other purchases: The tax on books,
children’s clothing, footwear, and car seats,
diapers and feminine hygiene products will
remain unchanged as these products will be
eligible for an 8% point-of-sale exemption in
Ontario. However, there are no exemptions for
newspapers and magazines which will be taxed
at 13%.
Travel abroad: International air fare will
not have GST or the new HST although you will
pay tax on certain airport fees. Return airfares
from Ontario to mainland US will still be subject
to tax.
Impact of Ontario Harmonization Your estate planning
April 2009
Ontario lowest personal tax rate, non
refundable credits and surtax
thresholds: Effective January 1, 2010, the
budget proposes to reduce the lowest Ontario
personal tax rate by 1% from 6.05% to 5.05%
(applicable to the first $36,848 of taxable income based on 2009
tax bracket thresholds).
Fees: Consultation for estate planning will rise
to the 13% HST in July 2010. Where the service fee was a financial service exempt of GST
before, the fee will remain exempt after harmonization.
Insurance: Most insurance premiums today
are subject to the Ontario PST at 8% with
the exception of auto insurance. The Ontario
government has stated that they will continue
to tax insurance that is taxed today. Insurance
premiums are exempt of GST so you should see
no additional tax overall.
This change will also result in corresponding
changes to the nonrefundable tax credits such
as the basic, spousal and age. Surtax thresholds will also be adjusted resulting in the potential for higher surtax in 2010.
Ontario sales tax and property tax
credits: The current combined sales and
property tax credits will be eliminated
effective July 2010 and replaced with a new
Ontario Sales Tax Credit (OSTC) and a new
Ontario Property Tax Credit (OPTC). The new
credits would provide for advance
Financial institutions such as brokers, banks and
insurance companies are limited in the amount
of recovery of the GST and HST they pay. This
recovery limitation may cause the financial
services to go up in price as their costs increase
with the new HST.
Funeral arrangement: Where subject to
the 5% GST today, the tax will increase to
13% after harmonization. It is unknown what
changes or transitional measures will be made
for existing prepaid funeral arrangements with
The OSTC will be paid quarterly providing
for a maximum credit of $260 for each adult
and each child. The new OPTC will be equal to
a maximum of $900 for nonseniors and $1,025
for seniors. Both will begin to be phased out for
adjusted family net income of over $20,000 for
single individuals and over $25,000 for families.
Personal tax measures
Sales tax transitional benefit: Eligible
individuals aged 18 and over will receive maximum benefits totaling $300 to single individuals
and $1,000 for single parents and couples to be
paid in three instalments in June and December
2010 and in June 2011. Benefit will be phased
out for single people whose prior year’s income
is over $82,000 and for families whose prior
year’s income is over $166,700.
The Ontario senior homeowners’ property tax
grant for eligible seniors will continue for those
in the low to middle-incomes and will be doubled from $250 to $500 in 2010.
Impact of Ontario Harmonization April 2009
CAUTION: The information contained in this document comprises tax tips only and should not be
considered as tax advice. RTO/ERO assumes no liability for the outcomes that may result from persons using the contents of these tips in their tax planning. Persons using
this information for tax planning are cautioned that the full application of these tax tips is best done
with the advice of their tax advisor. Neither RTO/ERO nor its employees or agents are tax advisors.
This document was prepared for RTO/ERO by Grant Thornton LLP.
Grant Thornton LLP is a Canadian member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd.
Permission is granted to reproduce this document only in its entirety.
Tax Tips is also available at our website: www.rto-ero.org
To get more information, you can also visit the Ontario Ministry of Finance
website at http://www.fin.gov.on.ca and the Canada Revenue Agency
websiteat http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca
Addendum - Grant Thornton LLP paper on HST
Prepared by Arthur Lofsky MBA, Len Domino & Associates
To mitigate the higher taxes on the goods and services described in the paper, the Ontario government
will lower the lowest tax bracket by 16%. Nearly every taxpayer in the Province will save up to $236
per year on their provincial income taxes.
The government is enhancing the existing property tax credit for low and moderate income families by
an additional $270 million per year. This arises because the current sales and property tax credit, as
the name implies, combines sales and property tax relief. With the new sales tax credit being disaggregated, the government has decided to create a discrete property tax credit. This credit is particularly
beneficial for seniors. Seniors will be eligible for up to $1025 per year while non-seniors will be eligible
for up to $900. This is in addition to an increased Senior Homeowner’s Property Tax Grant of up to
$500 beginning this year.
The Ontario government website has a “tax savings” calculator that figures the tax changes for various
taxpayers. For a senior couple earning $50000 per year, they will see $1539 in tax savings in the first
year (2010) to offset any increased outlays from the HST. Ongoing tax relief will be $539 in subsequent
years resulting mainly from the enriched property tax credit ($407) and lower income taxes ($211).[1]
In addition, these same seniors will be eligible for the senior homeowner’s property tax grant (up to
$500) if they own their home and pay property taxes.
The overall tax savings for individuals and families on the personal tax side will be $10.6 billion over 3
years according to government budget documents.
The overall package contains broad tax cuts for business. They total $4.5 billion over 3 years. The
government hopes that the tax cuts, lower compliance costs, and lower input costs that result from the
elimination of the RST will encourage companies to lower prices, increase investment, and help with
the transition.
[1] This couple currently get $79 from the existing Property Tax credit which explains why this couple is ahead by
$539. The total benefit of the new property tax credit and lower income taxes is $618.
Rencontre de famille
La famille Lavoie est bien représentée! On y aperçoit Denise (Lavoie) Perreault, Yvon et Rosaire, sœur
et frères de Juliette Lavoie-Gaboury, notre représentante de Voyages.
Royal Gathering
What a delightful surprise! There was royalty amongst us at our Spring Luncheon. These retired teachers
from Queen Elizabeth and Princess Ann Schools enjoyed their reunion and exchange of memories.
Le secret des chiffres à partager avec les enfants
The Power of Numbers to share with children
12 x 9 + 3 =
123 x 9 + 4 =
1234 x 9 + 5 =
12345 x 9 + 6 =
123456 x 9 + 7 =
1234567 x 9 + 8 =
12345678 x 9 + 9 =
123456789 x 9 +10 =
9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 8888888888
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321
RTO/ERO Spring Luncheon and Meeting/
Déjeuner du printemps et rencontre, mai 2009
On April 30, 2009, RTO/ERO held a retirement planning workshop for all teachers who intended to
retire in the near future. They received different presentations on the several steps they must undertake to better prepare their retirement years. A question period afterwards gave them the opportunity
to seek and receive the answers to all their queries.
Thank you RTO/ERO for the well organized and informative workshop!
le mercredi 7 octobre, 2009
10 h 45 - Retrouvailles - Bar payant
11 h 15 - Réunion d’affaires
12 h 15 - Déjeuner (17 $ la personne)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nom : (imprimez s.v.p.)____________________________________________________­­­­
Montant du chèque : _________________$ (Aucun chèque postdaté, merci)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Veuillez libeller votre chèque à RTO/ERO District 4 et le faire parvenir avec votre formulaire d’inscription AVANT le mardi 29 septembre 2009 à :
Pierrette Nadeau
989, promenade Soloy
Sudbury, ON P3A 1E6
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
10:45 - Meet and Greet - Cash Bar
11:15 - Business Meeting
12:15 - Luncheon ($17.00 per person)
Name: (please print)___________________________________________________
Amount of cheque $ _________________ (Sorry, no post-dated cheques accepted)
Please make cheques payable to RTO/ERO District 4
Send your registration form to Pierrette Nadeau
989 Soloy Drive, Sudbury (ON) P3A 1E6
Deadline for registration to reach Pierrette Nadeau (524-1972) is Tuesday, September
29, 2009.
If you have a change of address or phone number
please contact DIANE VEZEAU at 1-800-361-9888 or
by e-mail: [email protected]
Editor/éditrice: Francine Hurtubise
2779 Raymond St., Sudbury ON P3B 1W7
[email protected]