Most Common Interview Questions


Most Common Interview Questions
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The Most Common Interview Questions
(, 2012)
Hi, this is Joey with
This is another Marketability Training Minute. Today’s topic is the most common interview questions.
So, I’m gonna give you the broad-brush topics that are the most common interview questions.
The first main bucket (of questions) is work history. What did you do? What were your responsibilities,
what were your achievements and what were your challenges?
What did you like and dislike – about your responsibilities, about the people you worked with, and about
the company?
About you. These questions aim to get the interviewer to understand more about you as a worker; what
are your strengths and weaknesses; what are your work preferences. How do you handle challenges,
setbacks and disagreements? And how do you work with others; are you more solitary or are you a team
The next category is about the company and industry. If you don’t know anything about the company
(that) you are interviewing for, or anything about the industry (that) you’re interviewing within, then it’s a
huge red flag for the company. So, seriously, learn a little bit about the company, know a lot about the
(The) next one is about the future. So, where do you see yourself in five years, (in) ten years? What do
you anticipate doing? What are the job responsibilities (that) you’d like to have? They’ll ask you to
project along down the line.
And lastly, money, salary and benefits. These are some interview questions: what salary are you looking
for, what salary have you had? What kind of benefits have you had, what kind of benefits are you looking
for? – things along that line.
So, that was the Marketability Training Minute. Thanks for stopping by. For more, go to marketability
1. training minute
2. I’m gonna give
3. broad-brush topics
4. bucket (of questions)
5. work history
6. achievements
7. challenges
8. aim to get
9. strengths and weaknesses
10. handle
11. setbacks
12. disagreements
13. to be a team player
14. a huge red flag
15. seriously
16. to project along down the line
17. things along that line
18. benefits
19. thanks for stopping by
petite séance
= I am going to give (je vais donner)
thèmes schématiques, principaux
littéralement « seau », mais dans le contexte = « série »
antécédents professionnels
ont pour but d’amener
forces et faiblesses
contretemps, revers
avoir l’esprit d’équipe
(= un gros drapeau rouge) un gros point négatif
sérieusement, sans plaisanter
de vous projeter dans votre avenir professionel
des choses de ce genre
merci d’être passé, d’avoir visité le site