Index 2003


Index 2003
In dex 2 00 3 , No . 4 – 6 no vembre 2 003
Reg roup em ent de s a ssociatio ns de p a rent s P AN DA d u Q uéb ec
DO CUMENT DE S O UTIEN À LA FO RMAT IO N S UR LE TDAH - CO NNAIS S ANCES ET INTE RVENTIO NS qu i co nstitue le p ro gramm e de fo rm atio n des m inistères de l’Éd ucatio n et de
la Santé et des Serv ices sociaux du Québec à l’ intent io n des intervenants sco laires et
socio -sanitaires est maintenant dispo nib le a ins i que la présentatio n Pow erPo int de ce
pro gramme. Vo us po uvez y accéder par le bia is des sites :
• du Regro upement des asso ciatio ns de parents PANDA du Québec
de l’Asso ciatio n PANDA de la MRC L’Assomptio n
Note : Certaines références pourront, à l’occasion, vous paraître moins
« scientifiques » ou plus typiques des médias populaires. J’ai toutefois jugé
intéressant de les inclure, ne serait-ce que pour vous permettre de voir ce qui
est véhiculé de part et d’autre par rapport au TDAH.
ADHD Drugs - Mixing and Matching
Canadian Journal of CME
By Peter C. Matthews, MB, BS, FRCPC,
MRCPsych, DPM (Eng) DCH (Eng)
Presented for University of Saskatchewan Drug Therapy 2003, March 7, 2003
Anatomic Brain Abnormalities in Monozygotic Twins Discordant for ADHD
F. Xavier Castellanos, M.D., Wendy S. Sharp, M.S.W., Rebecca F. Go ttesman, M.D.,
Deanna K. Greenstein, Ph.D., Jay N. Giedd, M.D., and Judith L. Rapoport, M.D.
Am J Psychiatry 160:1693-1696, September 2003
© 2003 American Psychiatric Association
Brief Report
Index 2003 - no. 4 - 6 novembre 2003
Page 1 de 4
OBJECTIVE: To examine brain-behavior relationships in attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD), the authors obtained magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of
monozygotic twins discordant for ADHD. METHOD: National recruitment was followed
by in-person assessment. MRI scans were measured algorithmically for nine pairs of
monozygotic twins discordant for ADHD. RESULTS: The affected twins had significantly smaller caudate volumes (mean difference=–0.56 ml, CI=–0.92 to –0.21) than
their unaffected co-twins. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide further support for
striatal models of ADHD pathophysiology
Clinical Course of ADHD From Childhood Toward Early Adolescence
Abstract :
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
September 2003 (Volume 42, Number 9)
Steinhausen HC, Drechsler R, Foldenyi M, Imhof K, Brandeis D
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
To study the course of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in late childhood
to adolescence using a multi-informant and multi-assessment procedure.
Subjects were 35 children with ADHD and 35 matched controls with a mean age of
10 years at first assessment. DSM-III-R-based structured diagnostic interviews and
behavioral questionnaires based on parents, teachers, and youth informants were
used. Cross-informant behavioral syndromes were obtained by use of the Child Behavior Checklist, the Teacher's Report Form, and the Youth Self-Report. Subjects
were reassessed after 1.5 and 2.6 years.
Behavioral differences between the two groups were significant for the majority of
scales for all three informants at all three times. Diagnostic interviews revealed a
persistence rate of 46% over 2.6 years. However, there were only few significant
behavioral differences across informants between the nonpersistent and the persistent groups. The fit between interview-derived syndrome scores reflecting subtypes
of ADHD and both parents and youth questio nnaire data was good, whereas for the
teacher ratings it was poor. A high rate of 89% correct classification of the outcome
diagnoses was possible based on behavioral data at time 1.
The study of the course of ADHD should be based both on interview and questio nnaire data and should include several informants. Operationally defined diagnoses
alone may lead to an underestim ation of persistent behavioral problems.
Developmental Pharmacology — Drug Disposition,Action,and Therapy in Infants and Children
Review Article
Index 2003 - no. 4 - 6 novembre 2003
Page 2 de 4
Drug Therapy
Alastair J.J.Wood,M.D.,Editor
N ENGL J MED 349;12, September 18,2003, 1157
Gregory L.Kearns,Pharm.D.,Ph.D.,Susan M.Abdel-Rahman,Pharm.D.,
Sarah W.Alander,M.D.,Douglas L.Blowey,M.D.,
J.Steven Leeder,Pharm.D.,Ph.D.,and Ralph E.Kauffman,M.D.
Extract : Infants and children are far different from adults in terms of societal, psychosocial, behavioral, and medical perspectives. More than 100 years ago Dr. Abraham
Jacobi, the father of American pediatrics, recognized the importance of and need for
age-appropriate pharmacotherapy when he wrote, "Pediatrics does not deal with miniature men and women, with reduced doses and the same class of disease in smaller
bodies, but . . . has its own independent range and horizon."1 As our knowledge of
normal growth and development has increased in the past several decades, so has our
recognition that developmental changes profoundly affect the . . .
Jeunes en difficulté
Hyperactivité (TDAH)
Le cerveau en 3D
Référence fournie par Pierre Vachon
Les clés de ma prison
France Paradis
Magazine Enfants Québec, Vol. 16, No. 3, Nov. 2003, p. 26
L'hyperactivité et les problèmes d'attention chez les jeunes
Roche – Papier - Ciseaux - Pour résoudre les petits litiges,4230,0,102003,472288.shtml
Cyberpresse, vendredi, 24 octobre 2003
Parent, Julie (La Presse)
Teachers Are Most Common Source Of Referral For ADHD
Annals of Family Medicine 1:130-131 (2003)
© 2003 Annals of Family Medicine , Inc.
In this Issue: Continuity of Care
Kurt C. Stange, MD, PhD, Editor
Index 2003 - no. 4 - 6 novembre 2003
Page 3 de 4
(Annals of Family Medicine) -- In light of the substantial increase in the prescribing of
medication for ADHD over the past decade, Sax and Kautz researched the extent to
which teacher recommendations and parental preferences play a role in the diagnosis
and treatment of the disorder. The researchers found that teachers and other school
personnel are often the first to suggest the diagnosis of ADHD.
Variables That Affect the Clinical Use and Abuse of Methylphenidate in the
Treatment of ADHD
Nora D. Volkow, M.D., and James M. Swanson, Ph.D.
Reviews and Overviews
Am J Psychiatry 160:1909-1918, November 2003
© 2003 American Psychiatric Association
OBJECTIVE: Methylphenidate, the most common treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), increases extracellular dopamine in the brain, which is
associated with its reinforcing as well as its therapeutic effects. The authors evaluated
variables that distinguish these two properties.
METHOD: The brain imaging and clinical literatures were analyzed to identify variables
that contribute to the abuse liability as well as to the clinical efficacy of methylphenidate.
RESULTS: Four variables were identified. 1) Dose—there is a threshold for methylphenidate-induced dopamine increases to be perceived as reinforcing and to produce
therapeutic effects. 2) Pharmacokinetics—the reinforcing effects of methylphenidate
are associated with rapid changes in serum concentrations and presumably fast dopamine increases (as achieved with intravenous injection or insufflation), whereas the
therapeutic effects are associated with slowly ascending serum concentrations and
presumably smoothly rising dopamine levels (as achieved with oral administration). 3)
Individual differences—sensitivity to methylphenidate varies across individuals and sets
a threshold for blood and brain levels required for reinforcing effects (drug liking) and
for therapeutic effects (symptom reduction). 4) Context—the effects of methylphenidate are modulated by different settings in abuse (rituals of self-administration and
powerful conditioning) and in clinical use (external demands of low activity and focused
CONCLUSIONS: Reinforcing effects occur when methylphenidate elicits large and fast
dopamine increases that mimic those of phasic dopamine cell firing, whereas therapeutic effects occur when methylphenidate elicits slow, steady-state dopamine increases
that mimic those of tonic firing. Thus, the characteristics of clinical use (low doses administered orally and titrated for therapeutic effects) constrain methylphenidate’s
Index 2003 - no. 4 - 6 novembre 2003
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