TCCA Part 145 approval (VAF)


TCCA Part 145 approval (VAF)
Visualiser un organismes agréé / accepté : Organisme de l’AESA, partie 145, approuvé par TCAC
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Visualiser un organismes agréé / accepté : Organisme de l’AESA, partie 145, approuvé par TCAC
Visualiser un organismes agréé / accepté : Organisme de l’AESA, partie
145, approuvé par TCAC
Numéro de l’organisme agréé :
Nom légal :
Nom commercial :
Lieu de la certification :
Adresse postale :
Vector Aerospace France
Téléphone :
Télécopieur :
Date d'expiration :
Catégorie :
95503 Gonesse Cedex, (FRANCE)
1 boulevard du 19 Mars 1962, BP 50064
95503 Gonesse Cedex
+33 1 30 18 54 44
+33 1 30 18 54 35
Date de modification : 2013-09-30
Appendix 3: Application Form (Transport Canada Form 24-0093)
Transport Canada Form 24-0093
European Maintenance Organisation (MO)application for initial I continuation of a
Maintenance Approval in accordance with the Bilateral Agreement between the
European Union and Canada on CMI Aviation Safety.
For the Applicant:
1. EASA Part 145 MO name: EADS SEGA
EASA Part 145 certificate number FR.145.OOt9
2. Address of MO:i, Boulevard du 19 r~lars 1962, BP 600U, 95503 Gonesse Cedex FRANCE
3. Mailing Address (if different from 2 above):
4. Tei:+33 1 30 18 5444
Fax:+33 1 30 1654 35
E-Mail: erlc.chappat©
5. Please select the type of application and complete the section 6 of the Form
a. Initial CI
b. Continuation ~ TCAC 898-01
6. Application:
I wish to apply on behalf of this MO for an approval to perform maintenance on Canadian
products in accordance with the Agreement concluded between the European Union and
Canada on Civil Aviation Safety.
I understand that a maintenance approval granted under the terms and conditions of the
bilateral agreement between the European Union and Canada is subject to the charges
described in the CAR 1041 and that failure to submit the applicable charge may result in
the suspension or cancellation of an existing maintenance approval.
I additionally understand that no technical investigation in relation with an initial application
to a maintenance approval will be carded out until payment of applicable charge has been
Date: April 1”, 2014
Name & Signature of the MO Accountable Executive: Christian ENZAL.
ii2t?L This application form is to be addressed to the MO’s NM Surveyor, together with
documents supporting the application, and in particular the EASA Supplement to the AMO
Maintenance Policy Manual.
Member State NM Action:
Please forward this application to:
Transport Canada Civil Aviation
Operational Airworthiness (AARTM)
Tower C, Place de Ville
330 Sparks Street, 4th Floor
Ottawa, ON, Canada KIA ONB
‘For information regarding the current fees and charges please refer to the EASA fees and charges regulation
which can be found on the TCCA web site
2 Upon receipt of an application form TCCA will address to the applicant an invoice containing details related to
payment methods.
Transport Canada Civil Aviation Form 24-0093
European MC application for initial I continuation of a Maintenance Approval in
accordance with the Bilateral Agreement between the European Community and
Canada on Civil Aviation Safety.
To be filled by TCCA:
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TCCA hereby confirms that the applicant: EASA Approval Number,~2 /Lf~. tf’Cf 7
has paid the charge in relation with the above described application, and therefore TCCA
authorises the granting! continuation (strike through as required ) by the NM of the CAR 573,
Approval # tcI-°t’o perform maintenance on Canadian products once it has been satistied
compliance of the AM 0 plicable regulatory requirements.
&A c4Tf/ itA)
Please forward this acknowledgement to:
The Applicable EU Member State NM
To be filled by TCCA in ca,’of non-compliance
TCCA hereby informs the applicable NM that
applicant has failed to submit the applicable
charge and that the application! continua)jón of the TCCA Approval is rendered invalid.
(This information is to be forwarded to EASA)
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