
General Info ______________________________________________________________________
Born in Montreal, Canada
Citizenship: Canadian
Ancient Philosophy
XXth Century Continental Philosophy, Gender Studies, Ethics
French (first language), English (fluent), German (fluent), Ancient Greek, Latin and
Italian (basic)
University Education ________________________________________________________________
Postdoctoral Studies, Université de Montréal
Title of the research: The Philosopher as Legislator in Plato’s Laws
Ph.D., Philosophy, University of Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne
Thesis: L’Asclépios politique. Étude sur le soin de l’âme dans les dialogues de Platon
(The Political Asclepios. Study of the Care of the Soul in Plato’s Dialogues), 672 p.
Supervisor: M. Dixsaut. Examiners: L. Brisson, G. Leroux, R. Müller, F. Woolf
“Très honorable avec les Félicitations du jury”
D. E. A., History of Philosophy, University of Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne
Thesis: L’Épiméleia dans les dialogues de Platon (Care in Plato’s Dialogues)
Supervisor: M. Dixsaut. Examiner: L. Brisson, Passed with distinction
M. A., Philosophy, Université de Montréal
Thesis: L’Éthique ancienne et la rhétorique comme modèles de l’herméneutique de
Gadamer (Ancient Ethics and Rhetoric as Models in Gadamer’s Hermeneutics)
Supervisor: J. Grondin, Passed with distinction
B. A. in Philosophy and French Language and Literature, Université de Montréal
Dean’s List
Spring 2001
Greek paleography advanced training course, Université de Genève
Département des Sciences de l’Antiquité, Université de Genève and École Normale
Supérieure, Paris-Ulm
Curriculum Vitae - Annie Larivée, August 2010
Employment ______________________________________________________________________
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department, Carleton University
Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department, Brock University
Replacement Professor, University of Ottawa (same status as Assistant Professor)
Part time Professor, University of Ottawa
Part time Professor, Université de Montréal
Professional Honours _______________________________________________________________
Qualification as “Maître de conférence” in France, Conseil National Universitaire
(CNU) (This status allows one to teach in French universities)
Current Research Interests___________________________________________________________
My past and current research is focused on the question of the care of the self and the “techniques of
the self’’ in ancient Greek philosophy as well as in contemporary philosophy.
In the coming years, I plan on writing an extended English version of my forthcoming book Qu’est-ce
que le souci de soi? under the title Towards an Ethics of the Care of the Self. Contemporary
Reappopriation of an Ancient Concept. I also plan on publishing a revised version of my Ph.D.
dissertation entitled : The Political Asclepios. Study of the Care of the Soul in Plato’s Dialogues.
In addition to that, I am deeply interested in Gender Studies. My next research project will most
probably be focused on gender norms and categories in antiquity.
Qu’est-ce que le souci de soi?, forthcoming in the series “Chemins philosophiques”, dir. R. Pouivet,
Paris, Vrin. (Under contract)
The Political Asclepios. Study of the Care of the Soul in Plato’s Dialogues, in preparation. The
manuscript will be submitted to Academia Verlag.
Études sur la République de Platon I. La Justice, M. Dixsaut and A. Larivée (eds.), Paris, Vrin, 2005.
[I was responsible for : translating many texts from English to French, editing all texts,
communicating with the authors, proofreading the whole manuscript, writing the Index
nominum and Index Rerum, writing the Thematic Bibliography in the 2nd vol. I was also in
charge of diverse administrative aspects of the organisation of the International Seminar that
Curriculum Vitae - Annie Larivée, August 2010
led to the publication of this volume]
“De la continuité entre les dialogues socratiques et la République sur la question de l’examen,”
AGLAIA. Autour de Platon, Recueil en l’honneur de Monique Dixsaut, D. Taormina, D. El Murr
(eds.), Paris, Vrin, 8 p. In press
“Foucault and his Use of the Ancients,” Foucault and Philosophy: Subjectivity, Truth and SelfTransformation, R. Dalvi, B. Lightbody (eds.), Lewiston, New York, Edwin Mellen Press, 2010, chap.
7, 117-136. In press
“Choice of Life and Self-Transformation in the Myth of Er,” Platonic Myths: Status, Uses, and
Functions, Eds. C. Collobert, P. Destrée and F. Gonzalez, Brill, series: MNEMOSUNE supplementa,
20 p. Forthcoming
“Foucault et son usage du souci de soi antique,” Les Anciens dans la pensée politique contemporaine,
M. Breaugh, Y.Couture (eds.), Mercure du Nord, 2010, 423-42.
“Malaise dans la cité. Éros et tyrannie au livre IX de la République’’, in Études sur la République de
Platon I. La Justice, M. Dixsaut and A. Larivée (eds.), Paris, Vrin, 2005, p. 169-197.
“Souci et amour de soi. Aristote en dialogue avec le vieux Platon des Lois’’, in Aristote. Éthique à
Nicomaque. Livres VIII et IX, (ed.) G. Samama, Paris, Éditions Ellipses, 2001, p. 93-101.
“Comment construire l’interdit? La sacralisation des normes sexuelles au livre VIII des
Platon,” in preparation.
Lois de
“ ‘Pourquoi rester?’ Maria Chapdelaine, Socrate, et la voix de la Nation”, in preparation.
“Question and Probation in Plato’s Dialogues: Elenchos, Exetasis, Basanos”, in preparation.
“Le Philèbe, un protreptique?” Phoenix, n. 65(1-2), Spring/summer 2011, 12 p. Forthcoming
“Avoir choisi sa vie. Le mythe d’Er comme expérience de pensée”, Revue de philosophie ancienne,
n.1, Mars 2009, p. 87-108.
“L’âme pédagogue du corps. À propos d’une tension entre le Charmide et le Timée”, Études
Platoniciennes IV, J.-F. Pradeau (ed.), Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2007, p. 323-41.
“Du vin pour le Collège de veille? Mise en lumière d’un lien occulté entre le Choeur de Dionysos et le
nukterinos sullogos dans les Lois de Platon’’, Phronesis. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy, no
XLVIII/1, February 2003, p. 29-53.
Curriculum Vitae - Annie Larivée, August 2010
“Le souci de soi dans Être et Temps. L’accentuation radicale d’une tradition antique?’’, Revue
philosophique de Louvain, t. 100, no 4, Nov. 2002, p. 723-741 (in collaboration with A. Leduc).
“Un tournant dans l’histoire de la vérité? Le souci de soi antique’’, Critique, special issue ‘‘Leçons de
Foucault’’, May 2002, no 660, p. 335-353.
“Du souci à l’honneur de l’âme. Aspects de la timè» dans les Lois de Platon’’, Kairos, no 19, 2002, p.
“Saint Paul, Augustin et Aristote comme sources gréco-chrétiennes du Souci chez Heidegger.
Élucidation d’un passage d’Être et Temps (paragraphe 42 note 1)’’, Philosophie, March 2001, p. 30-50
(in collaboration with A. Leduc).
“Comment construire l’interdit? La sacralisation des normes sexuelles au livre VIII des Lois
Platon,” Selected Papers of the ‘Colloque de Tours’, Interdits et genre. Constructions, représentations
et pratiques du féminin et du masculin, held in May 2009.
Audio recording available at: http://msh.univ-tours.fr/site_genre/2010/02/comment-construirel%e2%80%99interdit-la-sacralisation-des-normes-sexuelles-au-livre-viii-des-lois-de-platon/
“La distinction entre possession et usage chez Platon et Xénophon. Une étude comparative sur
l’Euthydème et l’Économique”, Selected Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the
International Association for Greek Philosophy, ‘Philosophy, Art, Technology’, Summer 2010, 13 p.
“The Philebus, a protreptic?” Selected Papers from the VIIIth Symposium Platonicum, J. Dillon and L.
Brisson (eds), Academia Verlag, St.Augustine, 2009, 163-171.
“Combattre le mal par le mal. Socrate et sa méthode de soin homéopathique dans le Gorgias”,
Gorgias-Menon, Selected Papers from the Seventh Symposium Platonicum, M. Erler & L. Brisson
(eds), International Plato Studies vol. 25, Sankt Augustin, Academia Verlag, 2007, 317-324.
“ L’incarnation législative du souci de l’âme dans les Lois: un héritage socratique’’, in Plato’s Laws:
From Theory into Practice, Proceedings of the VIth Symposium Platonicum (Jérusalem), L. Brisson &
S. Scolnicov (eds.), Sankt Augustin, Academia Verlag, 2003, 98-102.
“Critique du politique comme pourvoyeur matériel et thérapeutique de l’âme dans le Politique de
Platon. La leçon du mythe”, Polis and Cosmopolis: Problems of a Global Era, vol. II., Athens, Ionia
Publications, 2003, 91-101.
Xénophon, Économique: “Un éloge des fonctions féminines : égalité dans la complémentarité”, Lire le
genre, Équipe Phéacie, V. Sebillote (ed), Presses de l’Université Paris 1, 3 p. Forthcoming
Curriculum Vitae - Annie Larivée, August 2010
Platon, Lois, VII: “Création des normes et des interdits sexuels : mode d’emploi”, Lire le genre,
Équipe Phéacie, V. Sebillote (ed), Presses de l’Université Paris 1, 2 p. In preparation
Plutarque, Vie d’Alcibiade : “La paranomia d’Alcibiade: transgression et provocation”, Lire le genre,
Équipe Phéacie, V. Sebillote (ed), Presses de l’Université Paris 1, 2 p. In preparation
Translation from English to French of an interview by Danielle Topic with Martha Nussbaum on her
book Hiding from Humanity, Hermes, vol. VII, 2006, p. 8-18.
Translation from German to French: Heinrich Rickert, ‘‘Psychologie des visions du monde et
philosophie des valeurs’’(1920), with an introduction to Neo-Kantianism (‘‘Présentation: le
néokantisme contre la philosophie de la vie à l’orée du XXe siècle’’, Philosophie, Automne 2005, 338 (with the coll. of A. Leduc).
French translation of the International Plato Society’s website, October 2003, (http://www.platon.org).
Thematic Bibliography on Plato’s Republic, in Études sur la République de Platon II. Le Bien, M.
Dixsaut and F. Teisserenc (eds.), Paris, Vrin, 2005, 320-350.
Thematic Bibliography of the book La Connaissance de soi. Étude sur le traité 49 de Plotin, edited by
Monique Dixsaut, with the collaboration of P.-M. Morel & K. Tordo-Rombaut, Paris, Vrin, 2003, 307322.
Index locorum and Index of Subjects, Gorgias-Menon, Selected Papers from the SeventhSymposium
Platonicum, M. Erler & L. Brisson (eds), International Plato Studies vol. 25, Sankt Augustin,
Academia Verlag, 2007, 368-87, 388-89.
M. Migliori, L.M. Napolitano Valditara (eds.), D. Del Forno (co-ed.), Plato Ethicus. Philosophy is life,
Proceedings of the International Colloquium, Piacenza (Italy) 2003, (Sankt Augustin, Academia
Verlag, «Lecturae Platonis 4», 2004). Published in Études Platoniciennes, Belles-Lettres, Paris,
“Bulletin platonicien V”, 2006, 350-57.
Andrea W. Nightingale, Spectacles of Truth in Classical Greek Philosophy. Theoria in its Cultural
Context, (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2004, 311 pages). Published in Études
Platoniciennes, Belles-Lettres, Paris, “Bulletin platonicien V”, 2006, 397-402.
Curriculum Vitae - Annie Larivée, August 2010
Randall Baldwin Clark, The Law Most Beautiful and Best: Medical Argument and Magical Rhetoric in
Plato’s Laws (Lanham-Boulder-New York-Oxford, Lexington Books, 2003, 179 pages). Published in
Études Platoniciennes IV, Bulletin Platonicien VI, J.-F. Pradeau (ed), Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2007,
Wolfgang Detel, Foucault and Classical Antiquity. Power, Ethics and Knowledge, (Trans. David
Wigg-Wolf, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2005. x + 281). Published in Philosophy in
Review, vol. 27, no 2, April 2007, 112-114.
G.E.R. Lloyd, In the Grip of Disease. Studies in the Greek Imagination, (Oxford-New York, Oxford
University Press, 2003, 258 pages). To be published in Études Platoniciennes, Belles-Lettres, Paris,
“Bulletin platonicien V”, 2006, 368-70.
Michel Fattal (dir.), La Philosophie de Platon, tome 1 (coll. L’Ouverture philosophique, Paris,
L’Harmattan, 2001), Études Platoniciennes II, Bulletin platonicien, Paris, Belles Lettres, 2006, 375378.
Francisco Leonardo Lisi (ed.), The Ways of Life in Classical Political Philosophy, Papers of the 3rd
Meeting of the Collegium Politicum (Madrid), Sankt Augustin, Academia Verlag, «Studies in Ancient
Philosophy» 5, 2004, 283 p.), Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, n° 4, 2006, 507.
Platon, Charmide, Lysis, présentation, traduction, notes et bibliographie par Louis-André Dorion,
(Paris, GF-Flammarion, 2004, 316 pages), Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, n° 4,
2006, 513-16.
Bernard Williams, The Sense of the Past. Essay in the History of Philosophy, Edited and with an
introduction by myles Burnyeat, (Princeton and Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2006, 416 pages),
Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, n° 4, 2006, 512.
Livio Rossetti (ed.), Greek Philosophy in the New Millenium, Essays in Honour of Thomas Robinson,
(Sankt Augustin, «Studies in Ancient Philosophy» 6, 2004, 346 pages), Revue philosophique de la
France et de l’étranger, n° 4, 2006, 511.
Philosophie antique. Problèmes, Renaissances, Usages, 2004, no 4 (Dire, démontrer, convaincre),
Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, n° 3/2006, 387.
Les Lois de Platon, Revue française d’histoire des idées politique (Dir. M. Narcy, no 16, 2e semestre
2002). Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, n° 1/2005, 109-110.
Matthias Baltes & Heinrich Dörrie (eds.), Der Platonismus in der Antike, Bd 6.1 & 6.2, Bausteine 151168 & 169-181: Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog,
Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, 2002), Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger no 1, 2005, 105-107.
Pierre Hadot, La Philosophie comme manière de vivre. Entretiens avec J. Carlier et A. Davidson
(Paris, Albin Michel, 2001, 283 p.), Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, no 1, 2005,
Curriculum Vitae - Annie Larivée, August 2010
Georges Leroux, La République de Platon, traduction inédite, intro. et notes (Paris, GF Flammarion,
2002, 801 p.), Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, no 1, 2005, 101-102.
Christophe Rogue, Comprendre Platon (Paris, Armand Colin, coll. Cursus, 2002, 164 p.), Revue
philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, no 1, 2005, 110-111.
Saïd Binayemotlagh, Être et liberté selon Platon (Paris, L’Harmattan, 2002, 291p.), Revue
philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, no 1, 2005, 102-103.
Ann Van Sevenant, Philosophie de la sollicitude (Paris, Vrin, 2001, 194 p.), Les Études
philosophiques, no 4, Dec. 2004, 577-578.
Linda M. Napolitano Valditara, Prospettive del gioire e del soffrire nell’etica di Platone (Trieste,
Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2001, 178 p., préface d’E. Berti), Les Études philosophiques, Bulletin
platonicien II, no 1, 2004, 111-112.
Roselyn Weiss, Socrates Dissatisfied: an Analysis of Plato's Crito (New York-Oxford, Oxford
University Press, 1998, 187 p.), Les Études philosophiques, Bulletin platonicien II, no 1, 2004,115116.
Philosophie antique. Problèmes, Renaissances, Usages, no 2: Questions aristotéliciennes, (Presses
Universitaires du Septentrion, 2002). Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, 2006, 508509.
Philosophie antique. Problèmes, Renaissances, Usages, no 3: Enjeux de la dialectique(Presses
Universitaires du Septentrion, no 3, 2003). Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, 2006,
Pedro Pablo Fuentes Gonzalez, Les Diatribes de Télès (Paris, Vrin, 1998, 620 p.), Les Études
philosophiques, Bulletin platonicien I, no 1, 2003, 129-130.
Uwe Bernhardt, La Rupture de l’intériorité. Le Corbusier et le projet de la modernité (Paris Montréal,
L’Harmattan, 170 p.), Revue d’esthétique, no 42-02, spring 2003, 168-170.
Revue Philosophie antique. Problèmes, Renaissances, Usages, no 1: Figures de Socrate (Paris, Presses
universitaires du Septentrion, 2001, 225 p.), Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, Revue
des revues (Reviews of Journals), no 4, 2002, 503-505.
Michel Narcy, Platon. L’Amour du savoir (Paris, PUF, 2001, 170 p.), Revue philosophique de la
France et de l’étranger, no 3, 2002, 355-356.
Michel Foucault, L’Herméneutique du sujet. Cours au Collège de France 1981-1982, édition établie
sous la direction de F. Ewald et A. Fontana par F. Gros (Paris, Seuil-Gallimard, coll. Hautes Études,
2001, XI-540 p.), Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, no 3, 2002, 349-350.
Dieter Lau, Der Mensch als Mittelpunkt der Welt. Zu den geistesgeschichtlichen Grundlagen des
Curriculum Vitae - Annie Larivée, August 2010
anthropocentrischen Denkens (Aachen, Shaker Verlag, Essener Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte, 2000,
132 p.), Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, no 1, 2002, 97-98.
“Les étudiants Franco-Ontariens vus par un professeur québécois”, Le Droit, Section Forum, 8 Juin
“La Vengeance de l’orignal”, La Rotonde. Journal francophone de l’Université d’Ottawa, Sept. 25,
“Attention : Orignal enragé! En guise de réponse à Mme Malette”, La Rotonde. Journal francophone
de l’Université d’Ottawa, Oct. 23, 2006.
Editorial Responsibilities____________________________________________________________
Proofreading for Publishers
Proofreading of Gorgias-Menon, Selected Papers from the Seventh Symposium Platonicum, M. Erler
& L. Brisson (eds), International Plato Studies vol. 25, Sankt Augustin, Academia Verlag, 2007.
Proofreading of Monique Dixsaut’s books for the philosophical French publisher Vrin: Le Naturel
philosophe (2000, 3rd ed.), Platon et la question de la pensée (2000), Métamorphoses de la dialectique
(2002), Platon (2003).
Proofreading of the Proceedings of the VIth Symposium Platonicum (Jerusalem): Plato’s Laws: From
Theory into Practice, (ed.) L. Brisson & S. Scolnicov, Sept. 2002.
Proofreading of Luc Brisson’s Plato Bibliography published by Vrin, 2001-2002.
Papers Presented__________________________________________________________________
a) at learned societies
“Eros Tyrannos. Alcibiades, Model of the Tyrant in the Republic,” VIIIth Symposium Platonicum,
International Plato Society, Maiko University, Tokyo, Japan, August 2010.
“Sexual Difference and Axiological Subversion in Xenophon and Plato,” Annual Conference of the
Classical Association of Canada, Women’s Network Panel, Québec City, May 11, 2010
“The Distinction between Possessing and Using in Plato and Xenophon. A Comparative Study of the
Euthydemus and the Oeconomicus”, 21st Annual Conference of the International Association for
Greek Philosophy, “Philosophy, Art, Technology”, Cyprus, July 2009.
“Vers une éthique du souci de soi. Foucault et son usage des Anciens”, International Conference,
Curriculum Vitae - Annie Larivée, August 2010
“Antiquité et Temps présent”, Organisers : Centre franco-russe de recherches en sciences humaines et
sociales (CNRS - MAE), and Institut d'Histoire universelle (Académie des sciences de Russie),
Moscow, September 26, 2007.
“The Philebus, A Protreptic?”, VIIIth Symposium Platonicum, International Plato Society, Trinity
College, Dublin, July 28, 2007.
“Combattre le mal par le mal. Socrate et sa méthode de soin homéopathique dans le Gorgias’’, paper
delivered at the VIIth Symposium Platonicum, International Plato Society (IPS), Würzburg, Germany,
July 30, 2004.
“L’art politique comme thérapeutique de l’âme dans le Politique de Platon’’, paper delivered at the
XIVth Greek Philosophy International Colloquium (IAGP), Polis and Cosmopolis. Problems of a
Global Era, Samos, Greece, Aug. 3, 2002.
“Care of the Soul in Plato’s Laws’’, paper delivered at the VIth Symposium Platonicum, International
Plato Society (IPS), Jerusalem, Israel, Aug. 8, 2001.
b) before other academic bodies
“Question et mise à l’épreuve dans les dialogues de Platon : elenchos, exetasis, basanos”, International
colloquium: ‘Question and Answer Literature in Antiquity: from Teaching to Commenting’, 25-26
Sept. 2009, Department of Classics and Religious Studies, University of Ottawa.
“Foucault et l’homosexualité comme mode de vie,” Annual meeting of the CPA, Carleton University,
May 2009.
“ ‘Pourquoi rester?’ Maria Chapdelaine, Socrate, et la voix de la Nation”, Colloque ‘Représentations
littéraires de la/des nation(s) au Québec et au Canada’, Congrès des sciences humaines, Carleton
University, May 2009.
“Comment construire l’interdit? La sacralisation des normes sexuelles au livre VIII des Lois
Platon, Colloque de Tours (France), Interdits et genre. Constructions, représentations et pratiques du
féminin et du masculin, May 15-17, 2009.
Audio recording available at: http://msh.univ-tours.fr/site_genre/2010/02/comment-construirel%e2%80%99interdit-la-sacralisation-des-normes-sexuelles-au-livre-viii-des-lois-de-platon/
“The Myth of Er as Thought Experiment”, Carleton University, Colloquia Series, October, 2008.
“Was Socrates a Schizophrenic?” Carleton University, Colloquia Series, April 3, 2008. Also delivered
at the annual CPA Meeting in Vancouver, on June 4, 2008.
“On Having Chosen One’s Life. The Myth of Er as Thought Experiment”, Platonic Myths: Status,
Uses, and Functions, International Conference, University of Ottawa, May 2008.
“Foucault’s usage of the Ancients”, Brock University, 1st Foucault Circle of Canada Annual
Conference, March 14, 2008.
Curriculum Vitae - Annie Larivée, August 2010
“Foucault et son projet d’une «ontologie historique de nous-mêmes»”, Conference Les Usages des
Anciens dans la pensée politique contemporaine, Université du Québec à Montréal, September, 2007.
“Tyrannie et philosophie comme modes de vie dans la République”, Philosophy Department, UQÀM,
Montreal, March 21, 2007.
“Ancient Philosophy as a Practice of the Self”, Philosophy Department, Carleton University, Ottawa,
March 19, 2007.
“Judith Butler’s Ethical Subversion of the Gnôthi Seauton”, Joint Session CPA – C-SWIP, Panel :
Continental Feminist Philosophy: Constructive Revisions of the Canon, University of Saskatoon, May
29, 2007.
“Techniques of the Self in Plato’s Republic’’, paper delivered at Brock University, Ryerson University,
Université de Sherbrooke, Mar. 17, 28 & Apr. 10, 2006.
“Care of the Soul, Care of the Body. Plato’s Non-Intellectualist Ethics of Virtue’’, paper delivered at
Concordia University, the University of Alberta and Wilfrid Laurier University, Jan. 17, Feb. 4 & Apr.
14, 2005.
“Michel Foucault et le paradoxe du Platonisme’’, paper delivered in the series Work in Progress,
University of Ottawa, Nov.26, 2004.
‘‘L’éthique du souci de soi de Michel Foucault’’, paper delivered at the Université de Montréal, Feb.
17, 2004.
‘‘L’éthique du soin de l’âme. Un nouveau paradigme pour l’interprétation des dialogues de Platon’’,
paper delivered at the University of Ottawa, Feb. 4, 2004.
‘‘Libérer le sujet de l’herméneutique’’, invited lecture on Foucault’s ethics, Seminar directed by
M.Saison, University of Paris X-Nanterre, Dec. 10, 2003.
‘‘L’herméneutique comme exercice spirituel dans la philosophie ancienne et contemporaine. Une
communauté de pensée entre Gadamer et Pierre Hadot’’, paper delivered at the Congrès des Sciences
Sociales et Humaines, Ottawa, May 30, 1998.
Participation in a panel discussion on the topic ‘‘Hermeneutics in contemporary philosophy’’, Société
canadienne pour l'herméneutique et la pensée postmoderne, Ottawa, May 30, 1998.
Participation at the Annual International Colloquium on Hermeneutics, ‘‘Rhetorik
Hermeneutik’’, in the presence of H.-G. Gadamer, Universität Heidelberg, Germany, July 1997.
c) non-academic talks
“Apologie de Simone Weil’’, Talk to the UPSA, University of Ottawa, March 30, 2006.
Curriculum Vitae - Annie Larivée, August 2010
Other Important Forms of Scholarly Productivity________________________________________
Co-organiser with V. Daoust (U. of Ottawa) of the bilingual Panel “Metamorphosis of Gendered
Citizenship,” CPA, Carleton University, May 2009.
Commentary on M. Doucet’s paper “Returning the Favour: Aristotle on Friendship,” Annual meeting
of the Canadian Philosophical Association, Vancouver, June 5, 2008.
Member of the Ancient Philosophy Research Group, University of Ottawa/Carleton (dir. C.Collobert),
Member of Phéacie, research group on the ancient sources of gender categories, Paris, France, 2007now.
Cofounder and member of the group translating and commenting Plato’s Statesman directed by
Monique Dixsaut, University of Paris I - ENS (Ulm), 2000-2007.
Member of the Research Group Hermeneutics and Critical Theory, directed by C. Piché, department of
philosophy, University of Montreal, 1995-1997.
Research Grants___________________________________________________________________
a) Government
SSHRC Standard Research Grant. Title of the research: “Towards an Ethics of the Care
of the Self. Contemporary Use of an Ancient Concept” ($46,000)
Postdoctoral Studies fellowship, SSHRC ($75,056), Result: 30/30
Doctoral Studies Scholarship, SSHRC ($66,500)
Doctoral Studies Scholarship, Fonds pour les Chercheurs et l’Aide à la Recherche du
Québec (FCAR), ($39,000 - I declined this scholarship)
Summer1997 Scholarship for a German Language Course, Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst
(DAAD), Leipzig Universität and Herder Institute, Obtaining of the Mittelstufen
Prüfung Certificate
Master Studies Scholarship, Fonds pour les Chercheurs et l’Aide à la Recherche du
Québec (FCAR, $20,000)
b) University
Research Grant, The Humanities Research Institute, Brock University ($3000)
Curriculum Vitae - Annie Larivée, August 2010
Service to the Profession_____________________________________________________________
a) Office held in learned societies or academic bodies
Elected member of the Board of the Canadian Philosophical Association (CPA), 2008-2010
b) Scholarly assessments
- Jury Member of the selection committee of the book award “Prix Raymond Klibansky -programme
d’aide à l’édition savante,” Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2009-2010
- Manuscript appraisals for the 2010 CPA meeting (Concordia, Montréal), (5 texts).
- Manuscript appraisal for Altérités, Revue d’antropologie du contemporain, Montréal, 2009 (one text).
- Manuscript appraisal for Ithaque, Philosophy Journal of Université de Montréal (one text).
- Manuscript appraisals for the 2009 CPA meeting (Ottawa), (3 texts).
- Manuscript appraisals for Phoenix, Journal of the Classical Association of Canada, 2008-09(3 texts).
- Manuscript appraisals for the French journal Études Platoniciennes, 2008 (one text).
- Manuscripts appraisals for the 2008 CPA meeting (Vancouver), 2008 (2 texts).
c) Other forms of service to the profession
Local representative for the annual meeting of the CPA held at Carleton in May 2009 (Congress of
Human and Social Sciences), 2008-2009
Academic Responsibilities___________________________________________________________
a) Graduate courses taught
2010-2011 Carleton University
PHIL4900 Tutorial on ancient philosophy (Claudia Pace)
PHIL5600 Seminar on Plato’s late dialogues (16 students, cross-listed)
2009-2010 Carleton University
PHIL5400 Tutorial on Foucault (Adele Jourdan, Ali Ramenazi)
PHIL4100/5000 Seminar –Special Topic in Philosophy (14 students)
2008-2009 Carleton University
PHIL5006 Seminar in Philosophy before Modern Period (17 students)
PHIL5400 Tutorial on Aristotle’s Metaphysics (Thomas Whitney)
2007-2008 Carleton University
PHIL 5400 Seminar in Philosophy before Modern Period (16 students)
PHIL 5105, Tutorial on Foucault (Stephen Gardner)
2006-07 Brock University
PHIL 5V09 Seminar on Foucault, (14 students)
b) Undergraduate courses taught
PHIL2005 Ancient Philosophy and the Western Tradition (Fall-Winter) (50 students)
PHIL4300 Seminar on Plato’s late dialogues (16 students, cross-listed)
PHIL2005 Ancient Philosophy and the Western Tradition (Fall-Winter) (50 students)
Curriculum Vitae - Annie Larivée, August 2010
PHIL4100/5000 Seminar on Special Topic in Philosophy (14 students)
PHIL3901 Independent Study on Aristotle’s Ethics (Craig Stewart)
2008-2009 Carleton University
PHIL2005 Western Philosophy before 1600 (Fall-Winter) (50 students)
PHIL4004/5006 Seminar in Philosophy before Modern Period (17 students)
PHIL3009 Topics in European Philosophy: Foucault (35 students)
2007-2008 Carleton University
PHIL2005 Western Philosophy before 1600 (Fall-Winter) (70 students)
PHIL 4003/5400 Seminar in Philosophy before Modern Period (16 students)
PHIL 3009 Topics in European Philosophy: Foucault-Butler, (30 students)
2006-07 Brock University
PHIL2P00 Beginnings of Greek Philosophy, (60 students)
PHIL 2P09Ethics: Major Ethical Theories and Philosophies of Life (60 students)
2005-2006 University of Ottawa
PHI2380 Greek Philosophy: The Birth of Philosophy (60 students)
PHI2780 Philosophie Grecque: La Naissance de la Philosophie (30 students)
PHI3770 Platon: le philosophe comme législateur (25 students)
PHI 3380 Aristotle: The Search for Happiness (25 students)
PHI 1502 Raisonnement moral (125 students)
2004-2005 University of Ottawa
PHI2780 Philo. Grecque: La Naissance de la Philosophie (25students)
PHI3370 Plato: the Philosopher as Legislator (25 students)
2004 Université de Montréal
PHI2805 La République de Platon (25 students)
c) Supervision
- Supervisor of Jason DeRoche M.A. thesis, fall 2009-now
- Supervisor of Muhammad Velji’s MA Research Paper, 2008-09
- Examiner for Paul Simon’s Master’s thesis
- Examiner for Wes Porteous’ Master’s thesis
- Examiner for Adele Jourdan’s Master’s thesis
- Second reader for Jubilee Jackson’s MA Research Paper, 2007-08
- Second reader for Joanna Coates’s MA Research Paper, 2007-08
d) Reading groups and Discussion groups
Fall 2010
Winter 2010
Winter 2010
Fall 2009
Organiser of the Greek Philosophy Reading Group on Plato’s Euthyphron and Ion
Organiser of the Greek Philosophy Reading Group on Marcus Aurelius
Coordinator of the CUPS Weekly Discussion Group
Organiser of the Greek Philosophy Reading Group on Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations
Organiser of the French Philosophy Reading Group on Lévinas’ Totalité et Infini
Organiser of the Greek Philosophy Reading Group on Plato’s Charmides
Organiser of the French Philosophy Reading Group on Simone de Beauvoir
Organiser of the Greek Philosophy Reading Group on Marcus Aurelius
Organiser of the Ancient Greek Study Group
Winter 2008 Organiser of the French Philosophy Reading Group on Foucault and the Judith Butler
Curriculum Vitae - Annie Larivée, August 2010
Spring 2006
Reading Group, Philosophy department, Carleton University
Organiser of the Spinoza Reading Group (Ethics, Book I), University of Ottawa
Administrative Responsibilities and Committee Assignments______________________________
a) Department
- Undergraduate Supervisor, summer 2009-now
- Liaison for the Canadian Philosophical Association, 2008-09
- Curriculum Committee, Carleton University, Philosophy Department, 2008-now
- CDI Committee, Philosophy Department, Carleton University, 2009, 2010
- Promotion committee, Philosophy Department, Carleton University, 2009
- Hiring Committee, Philosophy Department, Carleton University, 2009-2010
- Hiring Committee, Philosophy Department, Carleton University, 2008-2009
- Hiring Committee, Philosophy Department, Carleton University, 2007-2008
- Webmaster, Brock University, Philosophy Department, 2006-07
- Member of the Ph.D Program Committee, Brock University, Philosophy Department, 2006
b) Faculty:
- Promotion committee, FASS, Carleton University, 2009
Professional Affiliations _____________________________________________________________
Full Member of the International Plato Society (IPS) since 2001
Member of the Société des Études Platoniciennes (SEP, France) since 2002
Member of the Société Canadienne d’Études Néoplatoniciennes since 2006
Member of the Canadian Philosophical Association since 2007
Curriculum Vitae - Annie Larivée, August 2010