No 16 Telopea Topics - Telopea Park School


No 16 Telopea Topics - Telopea Park School
Telopea Topics
Les Nouvelles de Telopea
No.16 – 16 October 2015
Report from the
Le Mot Du
High School
Secondary News
Primary News
School Term Dates
Contact Us
Uniform Shop
After School Care
Community News
Finance Office
Important Dates
Welcome to Term 4. I wish you all a happy
and successful term. It promises to be an
exciting end to the year with many activities
and events planned. Kerrie Blain is currently
institutions. Kerrie will meet up with
Emmanuel Texier on Wednesday 21 October
to visit the French Embassy and have
further talks with the AEFE, the French
Government Agency for French Schools
Abroad. Kerrie will then be attending the
International Baccalaureate Head of Schools
Conference in The Hague before returning in
Week 4.
19 October - 30 October
21 October
Narrabundah College Subject Selections
22 October
Zone Athletics Carnival
26 October – 30 October
Years 2-5 French National Assessments
La Grande Fete
The P&C Fete, La Grande Fete, will be held on Saturday 7 November and all families and friends are invited to attend and share
in this multicultural event.
Term 4 activities to mark in your diaries
Mark your diaries to share in the fun on that day! Watch out for invitations to musical performances throughout the term, as well
as end-of-year events: Years 6 and 10 Graduations; Year 10 Formal; Presentation Night; and Awards Assemblies.
School Tours
On the 17 September Rob Clements the Secondary Music teacher along with, Natalie Bray, Sara Rapp, Ben Yuen and 49
Secondary students from Years 7-10 undertook the Central Australia Band Tour. On Monday 28 September the 49 students
returned via an express bus with Natalie Bray and Sara Rapp. Rob Clements and Ben Yuen had a slower trip home on the smaller
bus and returned on Wednesday 30 September. The trip visited exciting places such as Renmark, Cooper Pedy, Alice Springs and
Uluru. The students performed at several venues along the trip. A highlight for the students was performing at the School of the
Air studio in Alice Springs. The Jazz Band had everyone in the centre dancing. The culminating performance was at the
Aboriginal Cultural Centre at Uluru. This was the first time non Indigenous performers were permitted to perform at the Cultural
Centre. They brought great credit to the school and I sincerely thank the teachers and students for this. They came back with
many experiences and memories they will treasure forever. Very lucky students!
On the 9 October we also welcomed home the teachers and students who participated in the World Challenge experience to Laos
and Vietnam. A huge thank you to Mary De Poorter and Andrew Livermore for leading this expedition. The students spent some
of their time working on a community project to support communities in Vietnam. A perfect example of "Service as Action" as we
teach our students to be global citizens.
English French Stream (EFS) Science Week K-12
Week 1, Term 4 has been an exciting week as we celebrate EFS Science week. A number of activities have occurred across the
school on different days. We have had a visiting speaker, Professor Arculus an ANU Geologist; secondary students leading
primary students to conduct experiments and enthralling demonstrations for K-1 from Questacon.
Secondary Parent/Teacher interviews
Parent/teacher interviews were held in Secondary in the last week of Term 3. Progress Reports were sent home with all
secondary students at the end of week 9. If you did not receive your child's report, please contact the front office for another
copy. We encourage all parents and carers to work closely with the school to ensure that every child can reach his/her potential.
Communication is vital if we are to achieve this together.
Acting positions Term 4
Thank you to the many teachers who will be undertaking covering roles in the first few weeks of Term 4. I will be acting for
Kerrie Blain, Onawe Siakimotu will be acting Deputy Principal 7-10, Tom Spollard will be acting Deputy Principal K-10, Sheela
Awadhwal will be acting Executive teacher for Science, Megan Taylor will be acting Executive teacher for Physical and Health
Education, Isabelle Reynier will be acting Executive teacher K-2.
Leeanne Hernandez will be acting Business Manager in weeks 2-3, Term 4.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
After considerable research and numerous community meetings BYOD will be piloted in the school in Term 4 in Years 6-10.
Please refer to the BYOD article in this newsletter. For more information please visit the Telopea Park School website: BYOD
Implementation Guidelines @ There are specific pages devoted to BYOD and the information given on
these pages will help answer your questions. Please note the information regarding screen size, technical specifications and the
charge capacity for a device. The safe keeping of any device brought to school is the responsibility of the student. Lockers are
available for Secondary students. For information about school lockers you can contact the School Finance Office.
Parents/Carers are asked to emphasise to their child/ren that the BYOD is for educational purposes.
Gaming is considered a recreational activity and isn’t permitted during classes.
A personal phone will not be permitted for use in classes due to issues with the screen size.
Parents/Carers, we would appreciate your feedback during the BYOD pilot. Please email: [email protected]
with your feedback.
Thank you
Thank you to Tom Spollard for his leadership of the BYOD Committee and his thorough research in developing the
recommendations and guidelines for BYOD at Telopea Park School.
Thank you to the parents, students and teachers who contributed to the BYOD Committee. We appreciate the time and effort
you gave to the school to support and enhance teaching and learning.
Kind regards
Michele McLoughlin
Bienvenue en ce quatrième trimestre que je souhaite à tous satisfaisant et couronné de succès. La fin de l’année sera
passionnante avec de nombreux événements et activités en perspective. Kerrie Blain est actuellement au Danemark en train de
visiter différentes écoles. Kerrie retrouvera Emmanuel Texier le mercredi 21 octobre à Paris pour une série de rencontres avec
l’AEFE (Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger) et le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. Kerrie participera ensuite à la
conférence du Baccalauréat International pour les Chefs d’Etablissements à La Haye avant de revenir en semaine 4.
La Grande Fête
Term 4 2015
12 October – 18 December
Term 1 2016
1 February – 10 April
Term 2 2016
26 April – 1 July
Term 3 2016
18 July – 23 September
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La fête du P&C, la Grande Fête, se déroulera le samedi 7 novembre et toutes les
familles et amis sont invités à participer à ce bel événement multiculturel.
A noter dans vos agendas
N’oubliez pas de noter dans vos agendas les différentes invitations aux
représentations musicales qui auront lieu ce trimestre ainsi qu’aux événements de
fin d’année (Cérémonies de fin d’année pour les Sixièmes et les Années 10, Bal de
fin d’année pour les Années 10 et cérémonies de remises de prix)
Voyages scolaires
Le 17 septembre, Rob Clements, notre Professeur de musique du Secondaire (accompagné de Natalie Bray, Sara Rapp, Ben
Yuen) et 49 élèves du Secondaire ont réalisé la tournée de l’orchestre dans l’Australie du centre. Lundi 28 septembre, nos 49
élèves sont rentrés par bus express avec Natalie Bray et Sara Rapp. Rob Clements et Ben Yuen ont eu un voyage retour plus lent
avec le mini bus de l’école et sont rentrés le mercredi 30 septembre. A l’occasion de ce voyage, les élèves ont visité des endroits
exceptionnels tels que Renmark, Coober Pedy, Alice Springs et Uluru. Les élèves ont pu se représenter dans différents endroits.
L’un des moments forts du voyage pour les élèves fut leur concert au Centre de Culture Aborigène à Uluru. C’était la première
fois que des musiciens non indigènes avaient l’autorisation de jouer dans ce centre culturel. Ils ont magnifiquement bien
représenté l’école et je remercie sincèrement élèves et enseignants pour cela. Ils sont revenus avec de nombreuses expériences
et des souvenirs qu’ils garderont pour toujours. Des élèves enchantés !
Le 9 octobre, nous avons également accueilli les élèves et professeurs qui ont participé au voyage World Challenge au Vietnam
et au Laos. Un grand merci à Mary De Poorter et Andrew Livermore pour avoir mené cette expédition. Les élèves ont consacré du
temps à travailler sur des projets d’aide à des communautés au Vietnam. Un bel exemple d’« Action et Service » alors que nous
apprenons à nos élèves à être des citoyens du monde.
Semaine de la Science (classes de Maternelle à Terminale du courant français)
La première semaine de ce trimestre a été passionnante à l’occasion de la Semaine de la Science pour les classes du courant
français. Un certain nombre d’activités ont été organisées à l’école sur cette semaine. Nous avons eu une présentation du
Professeur Arculus, géologue à l’ANU, et nos élèves du Secondaire ont mené des expériences scientifiques avec les élèves du
Primaire, enfin nous avons eu des démonstrations captivantes par Questacon pour nos élèves de Maternelle et de CP.
Réunions parents-professeurs du Secondaire
Les réunions parents-professeurs du Secondaire ont eu lieu la dernière semaine du Term 3. Les bulletins ont été remis aux
élèves du Secondaire en fin de semaine 9. Si vous n’avez pas reçu le bulletin de votre enfant, merci de bien vouloir contacter le
secrétariat du Secondaire afin d’obtenir un exemplaire. Nous invitons tous les parents et tuteurs à travailler en étroite
collaboration avec l’école afin que chaque enfant puisse atteindre son potentiel. La communication est un point-clé si nous
voulons y parvenir ensemble.
Personnels faisant-fonction au quatrième trimestre
Un grand merci à tout le personnel qui fera fonction au cours des premières semaines du quatrième trimestre. Je remplacerai
Kerrie Blain, Onawe Siakimotu fera fonction de Principale adjointe en charge des élèves de Cinquième à Seconde, Tom Spollard
fera fonction de Principal adjoint en charge des classes de Maternelle à Seconde, Sheela Awadhwal fera fonction d’enseignante
cadre des Sciences, Megan Taylor fera fonction d’enseignante cadre d’EPS, Isabelle Reynier fera fonction d’enseignante cadre en
charge des classes de Maternelle à CE1.
Leeanne Hernandez fera fonction de Business manager en semaines 2 et 3 du quatrième trimestre.
“J’apporte mon ordinateur à l’école” (BYOD)
Après d’importantes recherches et de nombreuses réunions de la communauté scolaire, le projet “J’apporte mon ordinateur à
l’école” sera en phase d’essai au quatrième trimestre pour les classes de Sixième à Seconde. Vous pouvez vous référer à l’article
à ce sujet dans cette newsletter. Pour plus d’informations, vous pouvez consulter le site internet de Telopea Park School – Lignes
directrices de la mise en place du projet BYOD @ . Vous y trouverez des pages dédiées au projet
BYOD qui ont pour but de répondre à vos interrogations. Merci de bien vouloir noter les informations concernant la taille de
l’écran, les spécificités techniques et l’autonomie des appareils autorisés. Chaque élève reste responsable de l’appareil qu’il
apporte à l’école. Des casiers sont à la disposition des élèves du Secondaire. Si vous souhaitez des informations sur les casiers,
vous pouvez contacter l’intendance de l’école.
Nous invitons les parents à parler de l’aspect éducatif du projet BYOD à leur(s) enfant(s)
Les jeux vidéos sont considérés comme une activité récréative et ne sont pas permis en classe.
L’utilisation d’un smartphone ne sera pas autorisée en raison de la taille insuffisante de l’écran.
Chers parents/tuteurs, nous aimerions avoir votre retour sur cette période d’essai du projet BYOD. Vous pouvez envoyer vos
remarques par courriel à [email protected] .
Nous remercions Tom Spollard pour avoir présidé la Commission BYOD et pour toutes les recherches qu’il a effectuées afin de
développer les recommandations et les lignes directrices d’utilisation à Telopea Park School.
Nous remercions les parents, les élèves et les enseignants qui se sont impliqués dans la Commission BYOD. Nous apprécions
énormément le temps que vous consacrez et les efforts que vous faites pour soutenir l’école et améliorer la qualité de
l’enseignement et des apprentissages.
Bien cordialement
Michele McLoughlin, Principale par intérim
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BYOD Soft Implementation Trial
by Tom Spollard
After considerable consultation with the community through the BYOD Committee, School Executive, teachers and students, we
would like to announce that Telopea Park School will be implementing a 'soft launch' BYOD trial program for term 4, 2015. The
BYOD trial will be for students in year 6 to year 10.
The BYOD guidelines are available indirectly via the school's homepage @ or directly via
BYOD Implementation Guidelines @ .
The model of implementation for Telopea Park School is what is referred to as the mixed model. That is, rather than determining
a single device requirement by all students, the school recommended device is a Chromebook (minimum 10" screen) ) or a
device of choice provided it has a minimum 10" screen, six hour battery charge, easy Wi-Fi connectivity and a touch type
After significant discussion, it has been decided that students will not be asked to sign a separate BYOD user agreement policy.
The reason for this is that there has been agreement that the current ICT User Agreement Policy Guidelines and the Student
Welfare Policy cover all parameters required for using a BYOD at Telopea Park School. This includes cyber bullying, inappropriate
access and use of ICT and safe behaviour. Essentially, the prime reason for using any digital device at Telopea Park School is for
teaching and learning purposes only. Please note that digital devices will not replace handwriting, traditional classroom practice
and good pedagogy. Rather, the introduction of BYOD to Telopea Park School will put us in alignment with a National response to
incorporate digital technology as an assistive technology in everyday teaching and learning.
An information site on by the Australian Government on eSafety and Cybersafety resources can be accessed here ( click here to
read more).
Peter Kent, a parent community representative and BYOD committee member writes what BYOD means from a parent's point of
view. I sincerely thank Peter for this contribution.
It is with sincere gratitude that we thank the BYOD Committee, parents, students and teachers who have worked collaboratively
in assisting Telopea Park School on this important journey.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) at Telopea from a parent’s point of view.
By Peter Kent
I want the best for my children, all parents do. Part of wanting the best is ensuring that they have the best preparation for an
uncertain future – this is the ultimate challenge for schools. There is a truism often repeated on the Internet that goes:
Schools are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist,
using technologies that haven’t been invented,
In order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet."
With this in mind I want my children to be expert problem solvers. It is likely they will need a high level of creativity combined
with sharp critical thinking and analysis skills. They will need to be researchers, collaborators, inquirers and skilful
communicators. I want my children to have in their lives the humour, compassion and empathy that comes from understanding
and sharing the cultures of others. Most of all in the uncertain world of the future I want them to be safe online and off-line.
While I want this for my children I understand that these are skills that they need to learn while at school. That is why as a
parent I am encouraged that Telopea Park School is introducing a BYOD program.
To say that children can learn to be creative without technology is true; to say that they can develop critical thinking skills
without a computer is also true. However it is becoming increasingly difficult to say that students can learn to be skilful
communicators in the modern world without regular access to technology. I would say that it is virtually impossible for students
to become well rounded problem solvers, critical inquirers, researchers, communicators, creators etc, without ubiquitous access
to technology to support their learning. So for me the need for BYOD is clear and urgent.
Of course just because increased technology in the classrooms can help prepare my children for the future, there is no guarantee
that it will. Education technology disasters are easy to find on the Internet. I have been a parent representative on the Telopea
BYOD Committee since its inception in 2014. The leadership of the school has spent considerable time exploring the educational
implications of BYOD for Telopea, ensuring that the initiative is driven by teaching and learning, and not by the latest fads or
trends. It is this preparation, this depth of thinking, that gives me confidence that BYOD at Telopea will be a success; that my
children will have the best chance of being prepared for success into the future.
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Humanities Report
This year has been extremely busy for the Humanities faculty and it is hard to believe that we are already half-way through
Semester Two. We are continuing to implement the new Australian Curriculum subjects ‘Civics and Citizenship’ and ‘Economics
and Business’ in Years 7-9 and will be moving to full implementation in 2016.
When students undertake a research assignment they are asked to write a reflection in relation to the IB Approaches to
Learning. Students may be asked to evaluate their research skills, time management or communication skills. Similarly, we
regularly ask students to provide us with feedback on the topics they have studied, especially as we implement new units such
as those mentioned above. Even a simple response to “What worked well? /Even better if..” provides us with valuable feedback
that helps us develop engaging curriculum for the students.
Once again students of Telopea Park School achieved excellent results in the Australian History Competition and the National
Geography Competition, with most scoring distinctions or better. These tests were undertaken during Semester One and use
sources of information to assess a student’s skills and understanding.
In Term 2, Miss Humphries Year 9 Geography classes completed an extremely successful Anglicare Pantry Appeal as part of their
unit on “Food Insecurity in the World”. Anglicare spoke to the students who were shocked by the number of people experiencing
food insecurity in the Canberra region. Student’s enthusiastically backed the appeal, placing posters around the school,
organising the daily collection and packing the goods for delivery. More than 2000 items of non-perishable food and essential
living items were donated to support people in need of emergency assistance. Thank you to all the students, parents and staff
who donated goods to support our local community. A wonderful example of Service as Action.
Year 9 girls helping staff to organise
food items before being transported to
Anglicare. We thank the girls for their
effort. We couldn’t have done it
without you!
Many classes submitted research assignments at the end of last term or are currently completing these, and preparations for the
final assessment tasks will soon be underway. Students need to read carefully the requirements of a task and the feedback
provided by teachers on past assessment tasks and class work. Students should note the suggestions and apply these to the
next task. The class time allocated to work on assignments provides a good opportunity for students to discuss areas of concern
with their teacher.
Finally, thank you to the many parents who managed to make appointments to see their child’s Humanities teacher at the recent
Parent- Teacher Interviews. Times are not always convenient or well-spaced but it means a great deal to the student to know
that we are working together to help them through school. We certainly appreciated the opportunity to talk to parents. A
reminder that the assessment schedules will be distributed shortly. These are an excellent tool to help your child manage their
time effectively as they provide an overview of when assessment tasks are due.
Natalie Bray
Executive Teacher Humanities
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Term 4 is already shaping up to be a very busy term.
The Kindergarten Health Checks occurred on Tuesday and Thursday. Next week, we commence part two of the PIPS testing
which details the progress our kinder students have made in literacy and numeracy since term one. The data will be passed onto
the 2016 year one teachers.
Next week, our year 6 students will sit the NAPLAN Science equating test which will assist the ACARA staff to construct a
suitable Science test for years 5 and 7 in 2016. The students will complete the test online in their classroom. Late last term, the
students logged on and completed a set of practice questions so they would know what to expect. Many achieved a perfect
French Assessments for students in years 2 and 5 will commence on 26 October (week 3) and continue through to 6
As part of their focus on World Wars One and Two, year 5 will be spending the day at the War Memorial on 9 November. They
will be working with an Education Officer in relation to a number of specialised programs on offer.
The K-2 Concert will be held late morning on 03 December. Kindergarten students also have the Teddy Bears Picnic (8th or
11th December, depending on class group) to look forward to later in the term. The event will be held at the Botanic Gardens.
Over the next few weeks, Julian Dugas and I will be relocating our offices to the year two corridor. Please contact Alley or Toni if
you would like to make an appointment to discuss an issue of concern.
Robin Egerton
Deputy Principal
Le Term 4 s’annonce déjà comme bien chargé.
Les visites médicales des élèves de Maternelle ont eu lieu mardi et jeudi. La semaine prochaine commencera la deuxième partie
des tests PIPS qui détaillent les progrès réalisés par nos élèves de Maternelle en anglais et en Mathématiques. Ces informations
seront transmises aux enseignants qui auront en charge une classe de CP en 2016.
La semaine prochaine, nos élèves de Sixième passeront les épreuves-test de NAPLAN en Sciences qui permettront au personnel
d’ACARA de définir un test de Sciences qui conviendra aux élèves de CM2 et de 5ème en 2016. Les élèves passeront les
épreuves en ligne dans leur classe. A la fin du trimestre dernier, les élèves se sont inscrits au test et ont pu se préparer avec des
questions similaires au test. De nombreux élèves ont obtenu un score parfait.
Les évaluations françaises pour les élèves de CE1 et CM2 commenceront le 26 octobre (semaine 3) et se poursuivront jusqu’au 6
Les élèves de CM2 se rendront au Mémorial de la Guerre (War Memorial) le 9 novembre pour faire écho au travail spécifique
réalisé en classe sur la Première et la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale. Ils travailleront avec un formateur sur l’un des nombreux
programmes offerts.
Le concert des élèves de Maternelle à CE1 se déroulera en fin de matinée le 3 décembre. Les élèves de Maternelle seront
également très impatients de participer au Pique-nique des Nounours qui aura lieu au Jardin Botanique (Botanical Gardens) un
peu plus tard dans le trimestre (le 8 ou le 11 décembre, selon les classes).
Mon bureau ainsi que celui de Julien Dugas seront déplacés dans les semaines à venir. Merci de bien vouloir contacter Alley ou
Toni si vous souhaitez nous rencontrer.
Robin Egerton
Principale adjointe
Important dates:
Weeks 2 and 3: PIPS Kindergarten assessment
13th and 15th October: Kindergarten health checks (at school)
4th November, 5:30 pm: prospective Kindergarten parent meeting, Secondary Library (TBC)
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Special News: Year 6 Parents
Year 7 2016 information packs were mailed to parents this week. Please complete and return to Front Office the language choice
form and the Arts/Design selection sheet as soon as possible.
Welcome to Isabelle REYNIER
During Kathy Solomko’s absence, Mrs REYNIER will be acting Executive teacher K-2 for the first four weeks of Term 4. You may
contact her as you would have with Ms Solomko. Welcome to Isabelle and all the best in her new role. We wish Kathy a nice
Mr Julien Dugas, Director/Pedagogical Counsellor for Primary, will be attending an overseas meeting of Directors of French
Schools in Asia Pacific from Tuesday 13th to Friday 16th October 2015.
New office
Over the next few weeks, Robin Egerton and Julien Dugas will be relocating their offices to the Year 2 corridor.
Kindergarten Health Checks
The Kindergarten Health Checks will occur from 13th to 15th October.
PIPS is an Australian test that Kindergarten students sit at the beginning and at the end of the school year.
PIPS testing details the progress our kindy students have made in English literacy and numeracy.
The testing will commence in week 2.
Meeting for prospective Kindergarten parents
A meeting will be held on Wednesday 4th November from 5 :30pm to 6 :30pm for prospective Kindergarten parents. We look
forward to welcoming you in Telopea Park School, to introducing you to all those involved in the school community and to
making you familiar with how our unique bilingual school works.
In November, an open day will enable new students and their families to discover their new school.
K-6 Learning Journeys
At the end of Term 3, all students from Kindergarten to Year 6 have been involved in the Learning
Journeys. Your child has had the opportunity to welcome you in his learning environment and to
showcase what he is doing every day at school. Parents, children and staff have all been equally happy
to share these moments.
Year 1 Yoga classes
Year 1 students have been extremely keen on attending weekly yoga classes throughout Term 3, as
part as their PE curriculum. Children have used the four elements (water, air, fire, earth) and practised
postures such as ‘ the Dog’, ‘the Tiger’ or ‘the Mountain’ . They have also demonstrated their ability to
meditate, manage their balance, express their creativity and gain tremendous flexibility.
Year 4 Thinking Carnival
Year 4 students took part in the Thinking Carnival on 16th September. They had to solve problems enabling them to cooperate
and to express their creativity.
Mrs Harding’s farewell
A year K-6 assembly was held in the last week of Term 3 to farewell Mrs Claire Harding, Executive
teacher for Year 3 to 6 from 2008 to 2014, and honour her outstanding work in our school. Mrs
Harding has always been a very professional and committed educator with outstanding listening
qualities and organizational skills. She carefully orchestrated many events that have marked the
life of Telopea Park School. The proper conduct of school assemblies, book fairs, Harmony days,
NAPLAN testings as well as successful Athletic, Swimming or Cross-Country Carnivals were made
possible thanks to her commitment and her team management.
Thank you Claire and we wish you a happy retirement!
3-6 Concert
The 3-6 concert in Term 3 was all about food. We warmly thank Susan Cribb, Music teacher at Telopea Park School, Maria
Magdic and all the teachers for this great collective work. Congratulations to the students and thank you to the families who
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Poetry Contest :
Once again this year, Telopea students have participated in a poetry contest in French organised by the ACT MLTA ( ACT
Association of French Teachers) under the leadership of Myriam Davies. The Awards Ceremony will be held at the Alliance
française on 29th October.
Many students have been awarded this year.
Poetry contest results :
Kindergarten : Lily de Meyer
Year 1 : Remy Gutman
Elie Tremblay
Year 2 : Isabelle Chiron
1 st
Zoe Tammer
2 nd
Year 3 : Jacinta Cordel-Kamal 1 st
Zoe Brown 2 nd
Year 4 : Coline Moncuquet 1 st
Maëlle Boutraud
Year 5 : Rebecca Dos Santos
2 nd
1 st
Mia Davies 2 nd
Year 6 : Lea Casella
1 st
Thais Boutraud
2 nd
Congratulations to all contestants.
Swap a book
At the initiative of Mrs Dand, our teacher-librarian, students brought books they no longer needed. The books were then sold to
students between one and four dollars for the benefit of a charity. This book exchange helped to reconcile a good action and fun
of reading for those who bought new books.
Veggie Garden Project
Many classes have benefited from the installation of the irrigation system of our educational garden and the coming of Spring to
plant new seeds. You can come and admire our flowers, our vegetables and aromatic plants. A big thank you to the families that
have allowed our garden to be operational.
ICAS Competition 2015
Each year, many Telopea Park School students from Years 2 to 6 participate in the University of New South Wales Academic
Competitions (ICAS).The UNSW ICAS Competitions provide an excellent platform for students to demonstrate their abilities.
These tests provide excellent feedback to students, parents and teachers.
This year, a number of students participated in the ICAS Digital Technologies, Spelling, Writing, Maths and Science Competitions
and achieved overall, very good results. Students who achieved Distinction and High Distinction celebrated their excellent
results at a School Assembly in week 10.
If your child missed out on sitting these tests, please consider registering them in 2016. It is possible to sit individual papers
rather than the full suite of papers.
ICACs results for years 2-6:
Congratulations to the following students and their teachers!
Digital Technologies: 54 students participated. This is the first time we have opted to sit this paper
High Distinction: Mia Harris (year 3)
Distinction: Taliesin Murphy (year 3), Emma Piva (year 2) and Quentin Nguyen Cuu
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Writing: 34 students participated
High Distinction: Rebecca Kriticos (year 3)
Distinction: Jacinta Cordel-Kamai (year 3), Jason Read (year 5), Mia Zarka (year 5) and Helen Read (year 6)
Spelling: 36 students participated
High Distinction: Joshua Lancaster (year 6)
Distinction: Toby Lancaster (year 4)
Science: 46 students participated
Distinction: Aarushi Rao, Maxim Gutman, Louis Bernardoff (year 3)
Isabelle Lang and Estelle Melachroinos-Fromion (year 4)
We are still waiting for the Maths results. Spelling certificates will be issued with the Maths certificates.
Science Week
The Science Week took place in Week 1. All Primary students were involved in scientific activities. Students from Kindergarten to
Year 2 took part in workshops in line with their curriculum, Year 6 students conducted workshops for kindy students and older
students attended lectures.
Les nouvelles du primaire
Bienvenue à Madame REYNIER:
En l’absence de Mme Solomko, Madame REYNIER assurera le poste de coordinateur de cycle 2 (GS/CP/CE1) pendant les quatre
premières semaines du trimestre 4. Vous pourrez la contacter pour les mêmes questions que vous auriez adressées à Mrs
Solomko. Bienvenue Isabelle et bonnes vacances à Kathy.
Absence de Mr Dugas
Le directeur / conseiller pédagogique du primaire, Monsieur Dugas Julien sera en réunion des directeurs des écoles françaises
d'Asie-Pacifique, hors de l’Australie du mardi 13 au vendredi 16 octobre 2015.
Changements de bureau
Les bureaux de Mme Egerton et Mr Dugas vont être déplacés. Ils se trouveront dorénavant dans le couloir des CE1 / year 2.
Visite médicale pour les élèves de Grande Section
Du 13 au 15 octobre, des infirmières assureront la visite médicale des enfants de Grande Section.
PIPS est une évaluation australienne effectuée en début et fin d’année de Grande Section. Elle teste les compétences
mathématiques, langagières et de lecture en anglais. Les élèves de GS commenceront ces évaluations PIPS en semaine 2.
Réunion pour les parents des futurs élèves de GS
Une réunion informative, importante, aura lieu le mercredi 4 novembre de 17 :30 à 18h :30 pour les parents des nouveaux
élèves de Grande section. Ce sera l’occasion de vous accueillir au sein du lycée franco australien de Canberra, de vous présenter
les différents acteurs de notre communauté et de vous expliquer l’organisation de notre école unique et son caractère bilingue.
En novembre, des journées portes- ouvertes permettront aux familles et enfants de découvrir leur nouvelle école.
Voyage au Cœur des apprentissages / K-6 Learning journeys
Le troisième trimestre a été marqué par la “Learning Journey”. Ce voyage au cœur des apprentissages
a concerné toutes les classes de la Maternelle à la Sixième. Ce fut l’occasion pour vos enfants de
vous accueillir dans leur environnement d’apprentissage et de vous présenter leurs travaux scolaires.
Parents, enfants et enseignants ont été ravis de ces moments partagés.
Yoga au CP
Tout au long du troisième trimestre, les élèves de CP ont participé avec plaisir à leurs cours
hebdomadaires de yoga, programme qui fait partie du cours d’EPS. A travers les quatre éléments
(eau, air, feu, terre), les enfants ont expérimenté des postures telles que “le chien”, “le tigre”, “la
montagne”. Ce fut l’occasion de méditer, de gérer son équilibre, d’exprimer sa créativité et de gagner en flexibilité.
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Le carnaval de la pensée pour les CM1
Le 16 septembre, les élèves de CM1 ont eu la possibilité de participer au « Thinking Carnival ». Différents défis ont
permis aux élèves de coopérer et d’exprimer leur créativité.
Au revoir Mrs Harding
Lors d’une assemblée spéciale, l’école a honoré le travail exceptionnel de Mme Harding Claire,
executive teacher en charge des classes de CE2 à Sixième de 2008 à 2014. Madame Harding a
été une professionnelle très investie dans son travail avec des qualités d’écoute et d’organisation
remarquables. Elle a minutieusement orchestré de nombreux évènements qui ont marqué la vie
de Telopea Park School/ lycée franco-australien de Canberra. Le bon déroulement des assemblées,
book fairs, harmony days, NAPLAN et le succès des athletic, swimming carnivals et autre cross
country sont largement redevables à son investissement et à son management d’équipe.
Merci Claire et bonne retraite!
Concert CE2 à sixième
La gastronomie était à l’honneur du concert de 3e trimestre des classes de CE2 à la sixième.
Un grand merci à Madame Cribb, professeure de musique de Telopea Park School, Madame Magdic et aux enseignants pour cet
effort collectif. Félicitations aux enfants et merci aux familles pour leur venue.
Poésie récitée
Comme toutes les années, des classes de Telopea ont participé au concours de poésie en Français organisé par l’Association des
professeurs de français de Canberra, sous l’égide de Myriam Davies, dont la remise des prix se déroulera à l’Alliance Française,
le 29 Octobre 2015.
De nombreux élèves de notre école sont primés cette année.
GS :
Lily de Meyer
1ère place
CP :
Remy Gutman
1ère place
Elie Tremblay
2ème place
Isabelle Chiron
1ère place
Zoe Tammer
2ème place
Jacinta Cordel-Kamal
1ère place
Zoe Brown
2ème place
Coline Moncuquet
1ère place
Maëlle Boutraud
2ème place
Rebecca Dos Santos
1ère place
Mia Davies
2ème place
Lea Casella
1ère place
CE 1:
CE2 :
CM1 :
CM2 :
6ème :
Thais Boutraud
2ème place
Félicitations à tous les participants.
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Echange de livres
A l’initiative de notre bibliothécaire Madame Dand, les enfants ont apporté les livres dont ils n’avaient plus besoin. Les livres ont
été ensuite vendus aux élèves entre un et quatre dollars au bénéfice d’une œuvre caritative. Cet échange de livres a permis de
concilier une bonne action et le plaisir de la lecture pour ceux qui ont acquis de nouveaux ouvrages.
De nombreuses classes ont profité de l’installation du système d’irrigation de notre jardin pédagogique et
de la venue du printemps pour planter de nouvelles graines. Vous pourrez venir admirer nos fleurs, nos
légumes et plantes aromatiques.
Un grand merci aux familles qui ont permis à notre jardin d’être opérationnel.
Comme chaque année, de nombreux élèves de CE1 à 6º ont choisi de participer aux diverses compétitions de l’Université du New
South Wales (ICAS).
Traduction de la partie en anglais à ajouter ici en français s’il vous plait.
Semaine de la science
La première semaine du trimestre 4 célébrera la semaine de la science. Toutes les classes du primaire participeront à des
activités. Ateliers pour les élèves de cycle 2 en accord avec le programme, ateliers organisés par les élèves de sixième pour les
enfants de Grande Section et conférence pour les plus grands.
NEXT P&C MEETING: September 9th at 7pm, Senior Staff Room
THE FETE IS ONLY 4 WEEKS AWAY! Preparations for La Grande Fête are now in full swing. We are excited! There will be great food,
plenty of entertainment, rides, market stalls and much more. La Grande Fête will be a great day out for the whole family!
DURKINS AMUSEMENTS will once again be providing rides entertainment for the brave and spirited. Tickets will soon go on sale via Eventbrite.
Stay tuned for further instructions.
Perfectly timed with your spring clean, we are seeking donations of Tombola jars (filled ready to go), 2nd Hand Books, clothing for Vintage
Fashions, plantings, preserves and handcrafts for La Potager. Donation trolleys are now positioned at the Front and Junior Offices. Please place
your donations in these bins. Remember - no trash or junk.
We have had a great response for the Fête Stall Coordinators – a massive thank you to everyone that has volunteered so far.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! We do need many more helpers to make the Fête a success! You can register online to volunteer to help at the Fête
We are really pleased that the Renault Car Owners Club will again be displaying their amazing cars at La Grande Fête. Prizes will be awarded for
best Renault, Citroen, Peugeot, best modern French car and Best Car on the day.
Most importantly - SAVE THE DATE! Saturday 7th November 2:30 - 7pm.
Join the Fête Fun on Facebook – Follow La Grande Fête on Facebook to
keep up to date with all the latest happenings in the
lead up to the Fête:
Don’t forget about your raffle tickets! Additional books are still available from the
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primary/secondary admin offices if you are one of those eyeing off a prize for the most tickets sold. ALL books and monies are due back ON OR
BEFORE Friday 6 November when the school offices close.
The P&C is placing community news and event announcements into the Skoolbag app. If you have an iOS, Android, or Windows smart phone, you
can download the app from the app stores right now and start using it. Just search for ‘Telopea’ to download the correct app from your app store.
Please note that the steps for downloading the app and setting up permissions differ slightly between devices. Basic instructions for
downloading the app can be found here:
We have been getting some great feedback from parents that the P&C is feeding back to the school. Please continue to write to Debbie
[email protected] with your suggestions for how the school can make the most effective use of this app.
Booking a holiday? Flights for Telopea funds
We have an ongoing agreement with Manuka Flight Centre whereby 1% of all Telopea Park School bookings made through Manuka Fight Centre
will go back to the school. This is open to students, teachers, friends and family, so please ask to speak to Maddie (who is their French speaking
consultant) and mention the Telopea arrangement when making your booking.
Buy shoes and help raise money for Telopea
If you are buying school or sports shoes from The Athlete's Foot, a $5 donation will come back to our school! This is a major fundraiser for our
school in 2015.
Any shoes for anyone in your family: Sport, School or Casual
The Athlete's Foot - Canberra Centre, Tuggeranong Hyperdome, Westfield Woden or Westfield Belconnen.
When purchasing, just tell the staff at Athlete's Foot that you are from our school. Then every pair of shoes you purchase will generate a
$5 donation back to the School. Plus it also contributes towards a reward voucher for your family as well.
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Monday – 8.30 - 9.30am
Tuesday – 2.45 - 3.45pm
Thursday – 8.30 - 11.00am
Order and pay securely on the web:
[email protected]
Place your order over the phone/fax 1300794179 (business hours)
Telopea Park School P&C
Before and After School Care Program
Services eligible for Child Care Rebate and Child Care Benefit
Before School Care, After School Care, Holiday Program
Extra Curricular Activities
Phone: 02 6273 2553
Email: [email protected]
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Join the South Canberra Bears Junior Tennis Club
- Where: The Old Parliament House Gardens (OPH) or Barton Tennis Club (BTC)
- When: Monday (OPH) or Thursday (BTC)
Join the Canberra City Wolves Junior Tennis Club
- Where: Reid Tennis Club
- When: Wednesday After School Programs
More Information and Bookings
- Kids ages 4 - 16 years
- Booking:
- Contact: [email protected] or call Robbie Manzano - 0423 366 014
- Bonus: Free Racket for new players when joining before week 3
If you cannot attend this time or venue you we invite you to join our North Canberra Tigers at Majura Tennis Club, Dickson.
Thanks for your support and we really enjoy teaching tennis to the Telopea Kids in our programs. If you have any questions
please do not hesitate to get in touch.
NSW Crescent
Phone: 61423388
[email protected]
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Proviseur/Head of French Studies
Deputy Principal K-10
Deputy Principal K-6
Kerrie Blain
Emmanuel Texier
Tom Kobal
Deputy Principal 7-10
Conseiller Pédagogique
Michele McLoughlin
Julien Dugas
Business Manager
Mary Ryan
Appointed Member
Mary Welsh
Robin Egerton
School Board Members 2015
Board Chair
Jacinda Still
Staff Member
Nick Rothwell
Staff Member
P&C Member
Laura Beacroft
P&C Member
Hugh Griffin
Student Member
Philippa Evans
Student Member
Divij Madan
French Government
Eric Soulier
Australian Government
French Government
David Atkins
Catherine Hodier
Board Secretary
Katherine Solomko
Mary Ryan
P&C 2015
Paul Haesler
Andrew Medlin
Justin Brown
Before and After School Care
Communication Officer
Lost Property Officer
Initial Fete Coordination Team
Andrea Grazziadelli
Debbie Tuck
Chris Burge
Vice Presidents
Assistant Secretary
Public Officer
ACT P&C Delegate
Grants Officer
Returning Officer
Drew Baker and Emma Burns
Raana Asgar
Catriona Dove
Perry Head
Bernadette Kelly
Peter Roberts
Vaishali Goel, Andrew Medlin, Clair Bannerman, Tran Tang, Nicola Smith
and Jacinda Still
The inclusion of advertisements in this publication is in no way to be interpreted as an endorsement of support by the school.
Readers are responsible for forming their own opinions as to the value or reliability of the information contained in such
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