The DGA`s Basic Research Policy (BRP


The DGA`s Basic Research Policy (BRP
Executive summary
p. 2
Part I
: Challenges and general policy
p. 5
Part II
: Scientific guidelines
Part III
: Multi-disciplinary
p. 59
Executive summary
The prospective content of the White Paper on “Defence and national security” confirmed the
strategic role of research and innovation in the adaptation of our defence systems to
operational requirements and to medium and long-term threats, for the emergence of
tomorrow’s breakthrough technologies or the sustainability of critical skills.
To preserve long-term objectives and make the most of scientific advances, approximately 15%
of the budget of upstream defence studies is devoted each year to basic research and
technology to finance the studies at a high scientific level or significant innovation.
The Scientific policy and objectives document, or BRP, constitutes the DGA’s reference
document in the domain of scientific research, upstream technology and innovation. It focuses
the investment effort of the Defence sector on low technology readiness levels. As a tool used
to communicate with all major civilian research stakeholders, major corporations, SMEs,
universities and schools, it publicises the major scientific themes that the Defence sector wishes
to specifically support, presents the plans of action implemented by the DGA to support this
policy and, in return, expects the mobilisation of top players in research and innovation around
these issues. A large part of these themes also constitutes major civilian research priorities: by
positioning itself in the early stages of technology readiness, the BRP often deals with dual
The BRP is an upgradeable document, updated every two years and enhanced continually by
exchanges with the scientific and industrial communities.
This document is divided into four sections: after outlining the challenges at stake and the
general policy, it presents the tools and action methods implemented and then describes the
guidelines of each of the nine scientific domains in which the DGA has identified defence and
security requirements, before presenting multi-disciplinary research guidelines.
Its content has considerably evolved compared with the previous edition, in terms of focus of
effort as well as the scientific themes considered or instruments used.
In certain directions already identified in 2006, actions must be pursued, even intensified for
some. They notably consist of:
● reinforcing consultation, cooperation and partnerships with civilian research stakeholders.
The idea in particular is to increase cooperation with certain organisations such as the
National research agency, develop collaboration with regional players, establish links with
new players who have emerged in the meantime such as the Agency for the evaluation of
research and higher education (AERES) and of course take into account the profound
evolution of the research context caused by the law relative to the liberties and
responsibilities of universities (LRU) so as to collaborate differently with universities and
● enhancing the effort dedicated to innovative SMEs via already diversified support systems
(exploratory research and innovation projects, partnership with OSEO-Innovation,
involvement in competitiveness clusters) by mobilising new stakeholders around defence
and security issues;
● pursuing our investment in training via research, involving new partner entities
(organisations, industrial companies, local authorities) by the co-funding of a larger number
and greater variety of thesis projects;
● beyond information exchanges, developing European collaboration on basic R&T projects.
The European scale is also an opportunity to unite R&T efforts and the European defence
agency supports this ambition. In addition to the national synergies it encourages between
civilian research and defence and security research, the BRP must facilitate the emergence
and implementation of unifying projects on basic R&T with our partners;
● based on identified scientific priorities, mobilising the scientific skills specific to the DGA, its
related schools or research organisations and partner laboratories.
Regarding the evolution of the themes, a ninth scientific domain, “Environment and
geosciences” has been created. The multi-disciplinary themes have been updated and now
have new priorities. Three new themes have emerged: Sustainable development, Robotics for
Defence and Sciences for global security and defence. Three previously identified multidisciplinary themes, Modelling, Biotechnologies and Information sharing, have not been
renewed even though they remain of interest.
Finally, the principal evolution of the tools relates to the systematic effort made to capitalise
and disseminate the results, targeting the first projects which are now coming to fruition.■
Scientific domains
Multi-disciplinary themes
Information engineering
Fluid and solid physics and mechanics
Micro and nano-electronics
Materials and Chemicals
Men – Systems
Environment and Geosciences
Sustainable development
Robotics for Defence
Sciences for global security and defence
– Part I –
and general policy
Defence should continually seek to adapt itself to a constantly evolving world, both by
matching its capacities to the geopolitical environment and by evolving these capacities using
the new potential resulting from the evolution of science and technology. Due to the specific
lifecycle of Defence systems, this evolution should be anticipated as far in advance as possible,
both in terms of technology and in terms of usage.
The official white paper on Defence and National Security (Livre blanc 2008 pour la Défense et
la Sécurité nationale) underlines the strategic role of Research and proposes an increased
effort in terms of research and technology in order to integrate these new technologies into
Defence Systems and to encourage the synergy between civilian and defence and security
research. For optimal efficiency, this ambition should be shared between nations, especially
with the European Union.
Between 2003 and 2007, the French military budget for research and technology saw a steady
increase from €400 million in 2003 to €660 million in 2007, and the abovementioned official
white paper indicates that this trend will continue. Within this overall budget, the DGA
specifically dedicates 15 percent to the lower Technological Readiness Levels (see Figure 1). This
specific investment is crucial for the advanced detection of promising technologies.
The main goal of the Politique et Objectifs Scientifique (BRP) booklet, of which this is a
translation, is to direct this investment towards the most promising technologies, in
collaboration with the scientific and academic community.
At the lowest levels of technological readiness, research and innovation rarely involve any
Defence specific aspects. On the contrary, many historical examples show that they usually
result in civilian and military applications. To optimize the research effort, it is thus essential to
collaborate with Civilian Research.
The international « Technology Readiness Level » scale is a measure used to describe the maturity
level of evolving technologies. This scale has nine levels ranging from basic research and
technology (levels 1-4) to successful operations (level 9).
1. Basic principles observed and reported.
2. Technology concept and/or application formulated.
3. Analytical and experimental critical function and/or characteristic proof of concept.
4. Component and/or breadboard validation in laboratory.
5. Component and/or breadboard validation in relevant.
6. System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment.
7. System prototype demonstration in an operational environment.
8. Actual system completed and 'flight qualified' through test and demonstration.
9. Actual system 'flight proven' through successful mission operations
Figure 1: TRL scale
Basic Research Policy
• DGA 2009 •
A particularly essential issue is to balance the funding policy of civilian research and to preserve
the funding level of technologies whose planned applications are more specifically Defence
oriented. Indeed, it is essential that these technologies are not neglected. In order to bridge
Civilian and Defence research, several kinds of action are necessary. They range from the dayto-day collaboration with the Civilian Research Agencies to high level strategic planning. The
ultimate goal is to avoid duplication and, for a moderate cost, obtain a high return on
investment in Research and Technology for Defence.
Where operating procedures are concerned, Private Finance Initiative contracts or
collaborations at European level are typical actions which can be shared between Civilian and
Defence Research.
The restricted national budget, the high level of US investment in this area and the increasing
Asian research potential are major arguments in favour of a European policy for Research and
Science. Defence also has a role to play in this policy. Indeed, a sound scientific basis is a
compulsory requirement for the well-being of the Defence industry.
With a few exceptions, the future is now envisaged on a European scale. The pooling of
resources and skills in terms of defence-related R&T must enable a broadening of the area of
investigation while reducing the risks and the timeframe for obtaining the results. It is also a
way to structure the European DTIB, upstream of the programmes, which eventually
contributes to its rationalisation.
In terms of cooperation, the DGA is supported by existing structures such as the group of
signatories to the Letter of Intent (LOI), the European Defence Agency (EDA) or the 7th FPRD.
The EDA must not only strive to steer large-scale technology demonstrators but also to support
basic R&T programmes. Even though these programmes, due to their low technology readiness
level, do not have the political visibility of technology demonstrators, they are nonetheless
needed to consolidate the scientific capabilities required to preserve Europe’s technological
independence in certain strategic defence sectors in the long term.
1 > “Technological breakthrough” LOI group
Since 1998, the legal framework of the Letter of Intent (LOI) has brought together Europe’s six
largest armament producing countries (France, Sweden, Germany, UK, Italy and Spain), who
own approximately 90% of the European Union’s industrial defence capabilities and represent
97% of R&T expenditure on defence in Europe. With the creation of the European defence
agency in 2004, the activities carried out within this group have progressively turned into a
forum for reflection, consultation and harmonisation of national procedures. The working
group on technological breakthrough created under its authority has notably established a
joint diagnosis on the potentially disruptive effects of certain emerging technologies; it aims
at making proposals on long-term research themes and collaborations for future multi-lateral
R&T projects. This think tank should pursue its collaborative reflection and development
proceedings, with a view to contributing to the EDA’s prospective reflection and the
implementation of research programmes within the agency.
2 > Innovative Concepts and Emerging Technologies Programme (ICET)
Beyond the R&T programmes already launched by the Agency (1) or being developed, it was
deemed appropriate to promote among our partners the relevance of a joint effort under the
authority of the EDA on defence-related research and technology as upstream as possible. This
type of initiative based on scientific projects has several objectives:
- jointly cover more comprehensively the very broad range of emerging technologies, which
can no longer be explored unilaterally at national level;
- give rise to better proposals by the simple expansion of the geographical scope of the
scientific and technological offer;
(1) E.g.: so-called B category ad hoc projects, joint investment for the protection of armed forces in an urban
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
- finance projects with significant technical risks but highly rewarding;
- develop and foster networks between stakeholders for defence-related research;
- offer more balanced cooperation to countries with significant scientific skills but without a
developed defence industry, as it is often difficult to involve these countries in R&T
cooperation on more industrial projects.
This ICET programme, focusing on low technology readiness levels (TRL 1 to 4), targets
innovative SMEs and academic and industrial laboratories, by mobilising their efforts around
defence issues, inspired by the civilian networks coordinated by the European community.
It should become effective in the autumn of 2008, for an initial 2-year period and with a €15.6
million budget, to which France contributes €5 million. It will unite the joint efforts of 11
countries based on the following 8 initial themes:
Non linear control design;
Integrated navigation architecture;
Nanotechnologies for soldier protection and sustenance;
Structural health monitoring;
Remote detection of hidden items;
Nanostructures (electro-optical and other);
Radar technologies / processing;
Radar technologies / components.
Managed by the Agency in the form of a joint investment in which each country invests in a
joint budget, it will operate by means of calls for projects relating to themes selected for their
importance in terms of defence, the associated breakthrough perspectives, the ambition of
their scientific and technical objectives and their expected benefits with regard to reinforcing
the European research and innovation potential.
ICET’s challenge lies in its effective ability to mobilise European laboratories and SMEs around
innovative projects and to involve new partners in the next editions of the programme,
thereby progressively broadening the themes tackled and the joint financial budget. To raise
its profile, the Agency would be well-advised, for this type of highly prospective project, to
adopt a “DARPA”(2) -type logic of abundance, which consists of assessing a large number of
emerging concepts and technologies to reduce the risk of missing out on those which contain
actual breakthroughs.
3 > 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development
The pivotal role of research was acknowledged by the European Council which met in Lisbon
in March 2000. The Council gave the Union the objective of becoming the world’s most
competitive and dynamic knowledge economy in the upcoming decade. The framework
programme for research and technological development (FPRD) is the Union’s pivotal
instrument for the reinforcement of scientific and technological skills via the funding of
research actions initiated by companies, including SMEs, research centres and universities.
Although its scope is deemed civilian, the research conducted includes a significant dual
element of considerable interest to the Defence sector.
The seventh FPRD, which covers the 2007-2013 period, has been allocated a budget of over €50
billion, considerably more than previous allocations. This subsidising mechanism is completed
by a further €10 billion over the same period via loans from the European investment bank
(EIB) to finance research work. Given that the average project funding rate is 50%, the overall
research activity supported by the European Commission and the EIB within the European
Union should amount to approximately €120 billion. Even though it is only a fraction of this
amount, the contribution of the 7th FPRD to dual research is nonetheless significant for French
defence-related technology and research in light of the underlying financial budget.
A large part of this work is of interest to the Defence sector, notably the programmes relative
to energy production and storage, life sciences, genomics and biotechnologies for health,
technologies for the information society, nanotechnologies and nano-sciences, multipurpose
(2) Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency
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materials, aeronautics and space, sustainable development and security, with the European
security research programme (ESRP).
While the DGA is already strongly committed to reflections on the ESRP, it must improve its
knowledge of the subjects developed and project stakeholders in the other domains of the
FPRD in order to enhance the synergy with its own R&T objectives.
While they cannot be considered exhaustive, the DGA’s actions envisaged with regard to the
FPRD notably consist of:
- establishing closer links with the directorate general for research and innovation (DGRI) in
charge of monitoring and coordinating FPRD programmes, to establish a collaboration
method on subjects of dual interest;
- promoting participation in the FPRD projects of the organisations supervised by the DGA and
coordinating scientific debriefing actions;
- ensuring complementarity between DGA projects and FPRD projects in dual interest
domains. This should limit the funding of the ministry to the Defence complements of FPRD
dual research, thereby fully benefiting from the programme’s leverage effect.
At the bilateral level, exchanges of researchers, PhD candidates, post-PhD candidates covering
subjects of interest to Defence will be developed using existing procedures (ERE, ESEP…) (3).
This form of cooperation is especially favoured with the United States.
The French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL), an emblematic example of
cooperation in bilateral defence research, offers the basis for a future European research
centre in the field of Defence and Security. The Institute's move to open up to other European
partners must be continued, just like its move to work more closely with civilian academic
labs (4).
The White Paper proceedings underline the importance of reinforcing and sharing the
research and technology effort with our European partners in order to maintain the key skills
required by our country for the development of tomorrow’s equipment. All the synergies
between defence and security research as well as between defence and civilian research are
implemented, insofar as these synergies preclude the Defence ministry from investing in the
same subjects. The dual research of the 7th FPRD is an example of this. These synergies are
integrated into the evaluation of the financial R&T requirements of the ministry of Defence.
Where research and technology are concerned, the BRP is the reference document for the
DGA. It aims at providing the guidelines for all actions in this field and also serves as a basis for
communication with all partners, inside and outside the Defence sector, nationally and
internationally. It should be coherent with the DGA’s strategic plan for low levels of
technological readiness.
The BRP is an evolving document which is updated at least every other year. It is also
periodically evaluated, together with its resulting actions.■
(3) ERE: Education and Research Abroad (Etudes et Recherches à l’Etranger), ESEP: Engineer and Scientist Exchange Programme
(4) A mixed ISL-CNRS unit is currently being set up in the field of nanomaterials
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
Basic Research Policy
• DGA 2009 •
- Part II -
Scientific guidelines
The scientific guidelines of the BRP are generally already identified DGA concerns, notably via
the PP30, but they also relate to new themes the Defence relevance of which must be
confirmed. The scope of application can extend beyond 2020 or fulfil the shorter-term
requirements of a technological capability and the scientific support of the contributing PEAs.
The importance of a scientific theme for the DGA can relate to four types of issue:
● The theme, resulting from a capability, operational or technological requirement, is
already identified as a priority, possibly critical, for Defence. This requirement is then
detailed in a guidance document (5) and integrated into the BRP. In this case, the objective
of the BRP is to resolve the scientific and technological issues and challenges of this theme.
● The theme is being developed within the scientific community and is likely to offer strong
breakthrough potential. The support of the Defence sector, in this case, aims at assessing
the potential and relevance of the subject for the Defence sector, in collaboration with
civilian research stakeholders. The financial investment must be progressive and focused
on the possible preparation of a larger-scale R&T plan.
● The theme is emerging and detected based on weak signals. The support of the Defence
sector consists of providing development opportunities to bring the project to a higher
readiness and awareness level, sufficient to trigger the management mechanisms of
project-based research in collaboration with civilian research or the armament industry
depending on the specific Defence nature of the subject.
● Support for the maintenance of the scientific basis, in particular in the domains identified
as strategic or relating to a sovereign mission. The excellence of academic and industrial
laboratories or of defence institutions concerned is required. The integration of renowned
researchers into these teams, with knowledge of defence issues, is part of this challenge
The guidelines presented above do not constitute an exhaustive list. On the contrary, the BRP
is an open and upgradeable document. The number, name and scope of the scientific domains
have evolved since the previous edition. In addition, the DGA does not rule out supporting
research propositions on subjects coming from the scientific community, as they complement
those tackled in this document.
The guidelines of the BRP do not presume the systematic DGA support of all the projects within
its scope. Prior to any financial support, a case-by-case study is carried out to check the
relevance of the project for defence requirements and its complementarity with existing
Each scientific domain identifies several priority themes on which the DGA wishes to
specifically focus in the next two years.
Upstream study guidance document, 30-year prospective plan (PP30), Strategic R&T plan, Guidelines
for technological unifying projects
Basic Research Policy
• DGA 2009 •
Domain 1
• Information transfer. Signal Processing, Communications. IT Security, Cryptology. Sensor
• Information Processing. New Image Acquisition Modes, Image Processing, Video
Processing. High Level Processing: Fusion, Inference, Learning, Scene Analysis, Processing
Architecture. Speech and Document Analysis. Algorithm Evaluation and Assessment.
• Modelling, Analysis and Optimisation of Systems. System of Systems, Complex Systems
with Preponderant Software, Embedded Systems. IT: Distributed Systems, Safety of
Programming Languages, Supercomputing. Black box / Grey Box Modelling.
• Automation and Control Systems. Planning and Resource Allocation, Control, Robotics,
Evolving Systems.
The I2 domain comprises the fundamental information and communication science and
technology. On the one hand, it deals with all the methods and tools which enable the preprocessing, transmission, analysis and display of information to its user once it has been
digitalised (i.e. regardless of the nature of the sensor): these are dealt with in the “Information
Transfer” and “Information Processing” themes. On the other hand, as the user will often be
a system (an information system, a robot, etc.), the domain also deals with the modelling,
study, control and on-site analysis of artificial systems which have been assigned a particular
task: these constitute the topics of the other two themes – “Modelling, Analysis and
Optimisation of Systems” and “Automation and Control Systems”. Finally, the domain will also
include all the methods necessary for mastering the information processing systems: these
constitute the “IT” topic of the third theme (“Modelling, Analysis and Optimisation of
Systems”). Thus, the segmentation into four themes dealing respectively with transmission and
processing of information then modelling and control of systems mirrors the “seeing”,
“looking into”, “understanding” and “acting” sequence of actions.
As far as the I2 domain is concerned, there is a strong duality between civilian innovation and
Defence innovation: many technologies are controlled by civilian applications for which the
innovation cycle is rather short. However, Defence offers all these technologies an unparalleled
range of applications which in itself differentiates Defence from the civilian domain. These
application contexts are concomitant with strict requirements concerning accuracy and
robustness under strenuous conditions, reactivity in unrestrained and hostile environments,
adaptability – or even a capacity to evolve towards autonomy – in the face of changing
situations and a speedy execution for embedded equipment.
These application contexts generate important scientific challenges, which link civilian and
Defence research, from the improvement of civilian technologies to the increased research into
insufficiently provided domains. A further challenge is the conception of optimised systems
requiring technologies which have to remain operational in extremely varying conditions –
unlike civilian systems which operate under normal conditions.
The aim of the “Information Transfer” theme is the transmission (with the highest possible
quality of service) of various contents (from bitstreams to complex packets) at the highest
possible speed, taking into account the transmission channel, which is limited by operational
conditions (such as, for instance, the limitation of the radio spectrum), and degraded by all
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
sorts of physical perturbations. Transmissions have to be controllable – despite often resorting
to open communication protocols – sometimes with strict security requirements, added to
which there may be ciphering procedures when security requires secrecy; conversely, the ability
to analyse ciphered messages from unknown sources is required, which involves new scientific
challenges as far as methods and tools are concerned.
The “Information Processing” theme deals with extremely different information sources, from
those that are physical in origin – from audible sounds or ultrasounds, seismic signals and
speech, or (near visible or thermal) images, single or a group of several spectral bands (multi/
hyper-spectral images), to the radar, with its different modes of acquisition, and the lidar …;
or those that have a symbolic origin, such as written documents, databases, the fusion of data
and images, the web …, or even a human origin! Each processing operation concerning these
sources consists of preparing, analysing and combining them so as to yield high level
information, as complete and as compact as possible : the scientific challenges therefore
involve the detection and classification of objects, the understanding of scenes, the processing
of documents, the extraction of semantics, etc., together with, as far as Defence is concerned,
the search for specific information data and the automation of processing with the lowest
possible error (i.e. false alarm) rate. Furthermore, modern systems are no longer monolithic
and, beyond the computation of results, the “Information processing” theme also deals with
the sharing of information between different users, systems and software, as well as the
objective evaluation of results which involves greater scientific challenges.
Figure 1-1: Hyperspectral image filtering (in false colours)
using a PARAFAC-based tensorial approach.
Quality of the filtering is greatly improved by taking into
account the main image directions (0°, 15°, 45°, 83°). An
increase in the PSNR greater than 3 dB, in relation to more
classical techniques, is gained.
The scientific challenges of the “Modelling and analysis of systems” theme deal with every IT
aspect, but within a Defence context (as far as network operations), i.e. those aimed at
controlling complex systems with preponderant software. Here we can find aspects concerning
the operating systems, programming languages and software for embedded equipment – in a
context where one of the main preoccupations is that of reliability (for instance, being sure
that the task is performed within a given time) – but also aspects concerning complex systems
and systems of systems. Finally, supercomputing aspects, notably concerning simulation,
generate other Defence-related challenges.
With regard to systems which evolve within perturbed environments, the challenge of the final
“System Control” theme is either to enable them to perform their mission despite noisy or
incomplete data, under possibly degraded conditions (in case of breakdown or partial
destruction for instance), or to take human intervention into account; the systems considered
may be isolated automatons, such as guidance problems, or cooperative systems, such as
1 > Information Transfer
Whenever information is not used on site (for instance when a scene is observed from a
distance by an abandoned sensor), it has to be transmitted to an information system
interacting with client applications. Its transfer is limited by the physical characteristics of the
transmission channel and organised according to the properties of the client application, all
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within a military usage context; at that level, the physical nature of the information is of little
importance: for any given channel, one may similarly transmit files containing infrared pictures
or numerical data, whereas one cannot similarly transmit a real-time video via an ad hoc
network and a very large file containing raw satellite data via a radio link. Signal processing
must compensate for the physical world fluctuations while IT deals with building network
protocols with the required qualities.
Signal processing intervenes notably in the transmitting channel modelling, with for instance
FMT techniques – which enable the compensation of propagation losses – or, more generally,
coding – which enables adaptation. Technical improvements in the field of transmission also
involve new scientific challenges, such as the development of aerial systems (MIMO, SIMO,
active aerials, etc.), the reduction in spectral bands and the sharing of frequencies. Beyond
signal processing, discrete mathematics (Operational Research in particular, or the Error
Correcting Codes theory) provides answers to questions on the integrity of transmitted signals.
With regard to tactical networks, Defence requirements are characterised by the use of radio
transmission technologies with mobility and flexibility constraints which are distinctive
features of military operations. Notably, the absence of a permanent telecommunication
infrastructure and the evolution towards the interconnection between all the battlefield data
(with a view to their exploitation, their updating, etc.) generate interoperability problems on
top of other problems pertaining to the telecommunication system (QoS, latency, bandwidth,
routing, mobility constraints). The need for interoperability is even more important at
semantic level and requires the development of new concepts, new languages and new tools.
Apart from operational aspects, some of the important scientific challenges relate to security
problems which today go much further than the mere use of ciphering: for instance, cognitive
radio aims at gathering, using the same device, vocal and data transmissions with different
confidentiality levels; this leads to complex security problems designated by the term “multilevel”. Solving these problems will require new ciphering systems with homeomorphic public
keys. Another more technological aspect consists of high speed-low power ciphering systems
within these new radios.
The question of sensor networks is of particular interest to Defence. Sensor networks – i.e.
groups of sensors and actuators embedded into a real environment and transmitting digital
data to an information system – involves numerous problems (power management, QoS,
reconfiguration) as well as that of exploiting the collected data. Scientific issues are about lowlevel protocols, resource sharing techniques, network coding, virtual MIMO and localisation
and routing through such networks.
2 > Information Processing
Tactical superiority provided by information control is only achieved when information
processing is fully automatic, notably due to the amount of data to be processed. However, the
expected levels of robustness and accuracy can only be achieved if the algorithms take into
account the physical nature of the data – which leads to the conclusion that no generic lowlevel information processing exists. Moreover, modern information processing software must
be adaptive, robust and accurate so as to obtain the lowest false alarm rate in military
applications. Research has to focus on new and promising approaches to achieve such
demanding goals.
Modern imaging devices (multispectral, hyperspectral, polarimetric, terahertz cameras, lidar,
SAR in multistatic configuration…) provide amounts of raw data with quite different physical
natures. As mentioned above, new imaging devices require new image processing concepts
and multidimensional signal processing techniques, geometric stochastic methods, information
geometry or new methods for inverse problems must also be considered. Different acquisition
modes may also be simultaneously used in Defence applications.
In most information systems, still images are replaced by videos, and computer scientists have
to cope with new problems. Video compression, indexing and understanding are usually
achieved by different kinds of techniques. Promising research trends in video compression
include the use of Markovian techniques coupled with optimisation, new redundant
transformations yielding compact hierarchical signal approximation and allowing image
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
descriptor computation, and developments involving sensor networks. New developments in
multimodal recognition and indexing will be adopted for video indexing. For video
understanding, Defence research will address incremental and online learning, particularly in
the case of moving scenes, and track-and-detect approaches with a unified framework.
Among the higher-level research potential, image and data fusion methods (in particular
approaches dealing with data loss, uncertainty, heterogeneity and asynchronism), methods for
scene analysis and understanding, and processing architectures (providing a unified framework
between low and high level processing) will be favoured. Related applications are, for
instance, the optimal management of sensor networks. On top of the information pyramid,
Semantic Information Processing is also of particular interest, for the purpose of analysing
large amounts of data, like for Internet analysis and retrieval, or the analysis and indexing of
Speech and Language Processing research topics of interest deal with discourse analysis (in the
case of multiple languages), speaker and language identification, multi-word terms and theme
recognition for text and audio processing as well as oral automatic translation. Document
Recognition research is mostly concerned with improving traditional approaches so as to allow
automatic handwritten document recognition as well as composite (including text, pictures,
tables and logos) and possibly degraded document processing.
Overall, the evaluation of information processing techniques includes scientific goals. Such an
issue is very important for comparing and improving algorithms, and ultimately for validating
complex systems.
3 > Modelling, Analysis and Optimisation of Systems
Infocentric systems, which aim at collecting and gathering all types of information, must be
studied further. Scientific orientations, which involve IT, mostly tackle complex systems,
networks, distributed systems and human-computer interaction (the latter being detailed in
section 9 of this document). Defence applications require the specification of softwareintensive complex systems, the modelling, testing and control of complex systems, reliability
and safety from the early stages of the system design and specification.
Many other points have to be addressed, including software agility, safety and decision in
asynchronous distributed systems. The safety problem, crucial for many operational systems
such as UAVs, will be addressed by studying safe software and system behaviours.
With a real system, a mathematical model may be used for analysis or control purposes. Black
box techniques, which aim at modelling a behaviour without any prior knowledge of the real
system, are interesting when Physics laws result in too complex a model. However, a little
knowledge may sometimes be introduced to significantly improve prediction results, leading
to a “Grey box” model.
Modelling complex systems may be out of reach of conventional computing. Supercomputing
– in particular in the case of battlefield simulation – is another part of the research program.
New concepts will be used for programming petaflop and exaflop computers – possibly
inspired by those used in today’s multicore systems – and will be shared by various users.
Despite a few scientific goals which possess some military features, there is a very strong
duality between civilian and Defence needs. Nevertheless, there is one research area of strong
military interest: the quantum computer.
4 > Automation and Control Systems
This theme includes a wide range of topics, from classical automatic control to system testing or
robotics – which is detailed in a separate interdisciplinary chapter. All kinds of control systems
are considered, from simple ones to complex multi-objective systems with man-in-the-loop.
The advanced aspects of classical automatic control are studied for localisation, guidance and
navigation applications, including topics like system identification, multiscale control and
variable-complexity control. Less traditional aspects relate to modelling and control of hybrid
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dynamic systems (i.e. whose state space is a product of continuous and discrete variables), as
they can describe a lot of Defence electronic equipments. It can be noted that related research
in the civilian domain is carried out on multi-agent systems, in the fields of IT and artificial
More research on uncertain non-linear dynamic systems has to be conducted to optimise real
systems. This research would take into account system model approximations and data
Resource allocation and planning are Defence-oriented applications of optimisation
techniques. Approaches to be favoured are combinatorial, multicriteria and probabilistic
approaches, or even games theory.
Other topics in this theme are system assessment, safe system design, fault detection and
isolation, which need further development.
1 > Semantic Information Processing (SEM)
It is commonplace nowadays to claim that information is everywhere and that, as a result,
finding the right information (mathematically: according to a set of criteria optimizing a
specific goal) is very difficult. Defence applications have to cope with similar problems:
communication networks, surveillance and information systems transmit and generate
significant amounts of complex information which cannot be processed with low level
algorithms. The challenge is to build high-level processing units (which demand a lot of
computing power) so as process video streams and communication packets with little
possibility of a false alarm as automatically as possible.
Methods for processing, aligning, merging low-level and high-level information (from syntactic
to semantic information) extracted from still images, videos, speech, text and the Internet are
being considered. The framework includes theoretical approaches, algorithms as well as
evaluation methods. Topics of interest are data fusion, learning techniques, data mining, HCI,
even Artificial Intelligence.
Defence applications are numerous, from scene understanding to weak signal detection.
2 > Communicating Heterogeneous Systems (SHEC)
Interest in classical communication networks has been waning for a decade due to the increase
in wireless networks. Bridging this technological gap allows a network to be an unstable set of
relations through which heterogeneous nodes may communicate using very different
protocols. Despite very appealing versatility and the attraction of low cost technology, such ad
hoc networks have to be carefully studied in order to meet Defence requirements.
Routing, connectivity and coverage properties are of primary interest on the battlefield;
latency time and Quality of Service are also important properties. In addition to civilian
expectations, the Defence sector must investigate the security of communications through such
networks, since messages have to be sent to the right destination despite the lack of
centralised control. The impact of uncontrolled transactions (involving cell-phones, portable
computers, GPS, terminals, RFID etc.) must also be taken into account. However, interesting
new concepts like abandoned sensors with embedded intelligence may be introduced.■
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
Domain 2
• Solid physics and mechanics. Fatigue reliability of structures: operational design and
monitoring; overall and local loading, complex dynamic stress; vibration forecast and
• Fluid physics and mechanics. New complex unsteady aerodynamic and hydrodynamic
flows; local flow characteristics: boundary layer, turbulence, instability, control etc., flow
• Heat, energy transfers, reactive flow. Innovative energy sources and related thrust
systems; unsteady multi-phase turbulent reactive flow; engine combustion; yield,
instability control, signature reduction; explosions, fires.
• Operational monitoring of complex systems.
• Fluid or reactive flow control.
This domain includes crucial subjects for the development of vehicle and weapon systems in
the aeronautic, naval and terrestrial sectors. Research into these subjects contributes to
technological innovations which can improve the operational capabilities of the systems, as
well as to the significant enhancement of the design methods, combining numerical simulation
tools with experimental approaches. For many systems, the multi-disciplinary study and
optimisation phases of a concept require the consideration of the objectives or constraints
inherent in these disciplines.
Scientific advances in this domain naturally affect both civilian and military applications; for
example, the improvement of platform mobility and operational availability (reliability, shelf
life, reduced maintenance), cost reduction (design, ownership costs), the consideration of
environmental demands (consumption or pollutant emission reduction).
Other operational demands or constraints are more specific to defence systems, notably the
security concerns associated with the use of energy or ordnance materials in land or embedded
weapon systems, the use of specific platforms such as submarines, the stealth requirements of
the systems, resistance to aggressions and survival ability following an aggression, the usage
conditions more stringent or complex than in the civilian sector (landing of air vehicles on
naval platforms, driving and firing conditions of land vehicles etc.). The evolution of energy
sources is naturally a crucial research theme for defence applications; explosions also constitute
a significant research theme closely linked with security concerns.
Despite an already long history, many scientific problems remain totally unresolved in these
disciplines. While the improvement of numerical methods constitutes a significant issue of the
domain, the complexity and variety of the research themes involve the sustained vitality of
multi-disciplinary research, requiring the cooperation of physicists, investigators and applied
mathematicians or numericians. The scientific efforts in the different disciplines must also cover
multi-physics coupling phenomena (structure – fluid – thermal – acoustic – control).
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• DGA 2009 •
Extended to reactive systems and energetics, continuum mechanics relates to non-equilibrium
phenomena with their non-linear characteristics (spatiotemporal structuralisation, reactive
front propagation, disruption phenomena, intermittence, waves, wake, plume etc.). These
disciplines are part of numerous sectors other than defence or transport, such as earth and
universe sciences or biomechanics. Difficult subjects for which physical analysis is essential, such
as the breaking of waves, boundary layer separation, transonic flow, vortex breakdown or
deflagration-to-detonation transition, must be awarded special attention.
To illustrate the research themes of interest for the definition of defence applications, three
research initiatives carried out in the past few years are briefly described below.
Large-scale numerical simulation of unsteady turbulent flows (DGA thesis at the Jean Le
Rond d’Alembert Institute – Paris VI University): this approach is a good compromise
between calculation accuracy and simulation cost of unsteady complex flows found in
many industrial applications. This work focused on the study of subgrid models (modelling
of the smallest turbulence structures) and the impact of numerical methods (stabilisation
techniques resulting in numerical diffusion) on the behaviour of these models. More
specifically, a multi-scale subgrid model was studied. This approach, after development
and implementation, was successfully tested on an isotropic turbulence case. This method
was subsequently applied to a complex flow case above an open cavity, corresponding
with an actual industrial requirement in the aeronautical sector (adverse acoustic and
structural effects) and with the simulation of passive control systems upstream of the
cavity, to analyse the pressure fluctuation reduction mechanisms in the cavity.
Figure 2-1: Large-scale simulation of the flow above an open cavity (left) and the effect of a “spoiler” type passive
control system located upstream of the cavity (right).
Physical analysis of the bubble wake of a surface ship (DGA thesis at IRPHE-Marseille): the
bubble wake formed behind surface ships is a way to detect their passage (acoustic
signature). Following the DGA’s analysis of aerial observations, this work focused on the
study of the decisive role of propellers on the length of the wake, and more specifically on
the following phenomena: bubble concentration near the propeller by suction of the
surrounding bubbles or by cavitation, possible fragmentation of the captured bubbles and
transport via vortex flow downstream of the propeller and the rise of the bubbles to the
surface. Several experimental campaigns were carried out to study these phenomena; they
made it possible to define laws of physics which notably establish the influence of the
propeller operation characteristics and conditions on the length of the wake.
Figure 2-2: Aerial view of the bubble wake behind a ship propelled by two shaft lines.
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
Micro-drone concepts for urban observation (REI – UMR Heudiasyc Compiègne Technology
University, DGA thesis and ISAE research grant): this work relates to micro-drone concepts
whose missions require successive high and low speed (or stationary) flight phases. The
research primarily relates to aeropropulsion performance and autonomous flight control
aspects (notably the low-speed/high-speed transition). The images below illustrate two
concepts studied and compared by ISAE: a fixed-wing concept (twin-engine biplane
concept in “booster” propelling mode) and a ducted counter-rotating dual-rotor vehicle.
Figure 2-3: Two prototypes designed by ISAE for the MAV’07 competition (3rd US-European Workshop & Flight
Competition on Micro Air Vehicle System, Toulouse, September 2007)
1 > Structural dynamics – operational design and monitoring
The design of defence system structures such as vehicle or weapon systems naturally requires a
focus on the materials underpinning every achievement (see “Materials and Chemicals” domain).
Even for tried and tested concepts, the cost reduction or structural lowering logic means that the
materials are pushed to their usage limits and a “lean design” approach is adopted. For structural
or thermostructural materials possibly providing other functions (sound absorption, thermal
insulation etc.) or energy materials used in propulsion systems, it is essential to control their
characteristics and behaviour to optimise the overall architecture of defence systems.
> Fatigue reliability of structures
Structural design is currently mostly based on regulatory determinist approaches, notably
regarding the definition of a range of determinist loads and material characteristics generally
derived from fatigue tests; the application of safety factors is involved to take uncertainties into
account (material defects, manufacturing hazards, uncertainties regarding the environmental
conditions and operational constraints). This approach does not quantify the safety level
associated with the design approach. There is a research focus on the use of probabilistic design
approaches for the design phase as well as the operational monitoring of fatigue stressed
• design phase: identify the parameters with most impact on structural reliability, correlate
between the safety level and the safety factors applied, analyse the margins associated with
the determinist design process etc.
• operational phase: guarantee reliability level and minimise maintenance costs (optimise the
planning process, the nature of inspections and maintenance operations, update the safety
level according to the inspection results etc.).
For monitoring the health state of operational structures, additional research focuses on the
development of monitoring systems (detection, characterisation and monitoring of corrosion,
cracking or separation phenomena etc.).
> Complex dynamic stress, vibration forecast and reduction
Structural vibration forecast is crucial and can be generalised to non-linear structural
deformation configurations (flapping wings for micro-drones for example, flexible airfoil with
Basic Research Policy
• DGA 2009 •
controlled twisting). This requires accurate knowledge of the dynamic loads of the structure from
various and combined origins such as: the fast dynamic impact phenomena (solid/solid,
fluid/solid) of composites, aero and hydro-elastic or thermomechanical phenomena, airbursts or
underwater bursts etc.
The technologies used to reduce vibrations or noise (passive, semi-active or active) or adaptive
interfaces between combined systems also constitute significant areas of research.
2 > Fluid mechanics
This discipline has reached a certain maturity level and the numerical simulation of complex flows
has considerably improved; the efforts in this domain must be pursued (simulation of turbulent
vortex flows, of multi-physics aspects and couplings). However, basic physical phenomena still
represent scientific sticking points which require research to improve their comprehension, an
essential stage prior to modelling or simulation. For example, the transition from laminar to
turbulent flow is insufficiently documented and constitutes a problem for forecasting the flow
near wings or blades, for studying low-speed flight or for forecasting the stall phenomenon.
Other phenomena also suffer from insufficient forecasting ability (separated flows, self-propelled
wake, gyrating flow, impacting or transverse jets etc.).
Research must also help assess the potential of innovative concepts, for example active flow
control strategies using mechanical or fluid micro-systems or plasmas used for wake reduction,
high-lift systems, mixture activation, signature reduction etc.
In the hydrodynamics domain, the main scientific guidelines relate to:
• high-Reynolds-number unsteady free-surface flow around complex geometries;
• two-phase flows (cavitation, bubble wake, submerged wake in a stratified and turbulent
environment etc.), acoustic and non-acoustic signatures;
• modelling of the non-linear evolution of wave fields, of the dynamic platform responses and
the study of wave breaking phenomena;
• hydrodynamics of towed bodies or submarines in launch phase.
In the internal or external aerodynamics domain, the following themes are of interest:
• high-Reynolds-number three-dimensional turbulent flow, transonic flow, jet flows, impacting
or transverse jets, gyrating flow;
• flow instability and laminar/turbulent transition mechanisms;
• boundary layer separation and lifting body stalling phenomena;
• interactions between shock waves or between shock waves and the boundary layer;
• wake and self-propelled wake, vortex wake dynamics (large-scale), vortex breakdown, airfoilvortex interactions;
• aerothermal, aeroacoustic phenomena.
The combinations with thermal or acoustic phenomena, for example, are obviously of interest,
notably for signature control or reduction. With regard to acoustics, the research themes to be
developed relate to aero, hydro or vibroacoustic coupling phenomena and cavitation
phenomena. The advances sought relate to the improved pertinence of the models (simulation
of acoustic sources and acoustic propagation mechanisms), the strategies and technologies to
control/reduce signatures (absorbing materials, active wall etc.).
Reactive flows (see following chapter) also require the consideration of multi-physics aspects.
Reactive, unsteady turbulent and multi-phase flows are a key issue in the internal aerodynamics
of engine platforms or weapon systems: solid propellant engines, aerobics (ducted rocket, ramjet engines etc.), hybrid systems.
3 > Energetic and reactive systems
The evolution of energy sources is obviously a crucial issue for defence applications: hydrogen or
alternative fuel production and storage, decentralised energy production (micro energy sources
for propulsion or power generation, photovoltaic sensors etc.). On-board energy constitutes a
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
real challenge: on-board energy storage, conversion and release, used for propulsion and the
operation of equipment and controls. The management and control of on-board energy and
associated technologies have major effects on the performance, architecture and reliability of the
systems (autonomy, weight, volume) and the atmospheres generated. The energy theme relates
to several scientific domains and is subject to a multi-disciplinary section of the BRP.
This theme concerns research areas more specific to the domain. For example, the use of
alternative fuel requires in-depth studies on atomisation, which also remains an important
subject for consumption reduction. As for the development of micro sources of energy (microdrone propulsion etc.), micro-turbines are an option to be examined.
As with fluid flows, the control of reactive flows is an important theme, notably for combustion
or the production of on-board energy. The use of plasmas is a crucial combustion improvement
option which has yet to be fully explored (flame stabilisation for lean mixtures); other relevant
plasma process applications relate to ion propulsion, electromagnetic stealth, decontamination
or sterilisation.
The acoustic and thermal signatures of combustion gases remain major concerns, in line with
environmental concerns. In this respect, active combustion control has a definite role to play in
the energy saving domain.
The multi-scale and multi-physics modelling of solid propellant combustion phenomena is a key
scientific issue for the defence sector. It can give result in technological breakthroughs in terms
of material functioning simulation and control.
Explosions obviously constitute a very important research area for defence and security; from a
fundamental point of view, this domain has a lot in common with astrophysics. The associated
basic physical phenomena have yet to be fully mastered, such as the deflagration-to-detonation
transition. Fires and fire propagation are also major concerns: pool fire (petroleum), fire in a
confined environment, wildland fire. Radiation phenomena are at the heart of these problems
and also relate to the thermal signature of missiles.
1 > Monitoring systems for the operational monitoring of complex systems
These systems are of considerable interest for the optimisation of preventative maintenance
operations of complex system structures (increased availability, reduced cost of ownership) or,
more generally, for the surveillance of all kinds of vital components of platforms or weapon
systems (air, sea and land). The technological progress achieved in the domain of materials, in
particular sensors or actuators (miniaturisation, low energy consumption or energy autonomy,
communication and networking) can lead to sizeable evolutions in monitoring systems: for
example, usage in areas difficult to reach (sensors integrated into a composite structure for
example), in a hostile environment (high temperature, electromagnetic disturbance etc.),
vibration level control in turbine engines, surveillance of stored systems (weapons, ammunitions
etc.). On this subject, special attention should be paid to the development of fault monitoring
models and algorithms (physical models, learning algorithms based on the observation of
historical data), estimated risk of failure over a specific scope or estimated residual lifespan,
techniques for the detection and monitoring of corrosion, cracking or separation phenomena
and algorithms estimating the environmental conditions encountered.
2 > Fluid or reactive flow control
This theme relates to the study of innovative strategies, the simulation and experimentation of
flow control techniques; based on the use of low-energy mechanical (MEMS), fluidic or electrofluidic microactuators, these techniques are promising application prospects for external or
internal flows (for example, use of plasmas for combustion control). From a scientific point of
view, plasma process control (aerodynamic or chemical effects) is the least mature process at the
moment and research on this topic should be pursued. On a more academic level, this issue
relates to a new type of physics (global reaction of a flow to a local micro-action) and makes it
possible, for example, to improve the control of complex transient phenomena.■
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• DGA 2009 •
Domain 3
The domain covers:
• Acoustics
• Electromagnetism
From a few Hz, up to 100 GHz
The “waves” domain involves all technologies and applications for:
• Communications
• Detection (radar – sonar)
• Imaging
• Guidance and navigation
• Electronic warfare
• Electromagnetic compatibility
• Directed energy weapons (Generation / Protection)
Priorities of the domain have been chosen because of their potential to apply an
innovative concept (time reversal techniques) or an emerging technology (new materials):
• Time reversal techniques: communications, detection (radar, sonar) and directed energy
• Metamaterials: smart antennas and new stealth concepts
Three basic physical phenomena are common to all these technologies: wave generation,
propagation and detection. They use generic systems (synthesizers, amplifiers, antennas,
detectors, sensors, etc.) belonging to extremely cross-sectional basic technologies that sometimes
involve other domains (electronics, components, materials, etc.). The issues of this domain consist
of detecting and promoting basic technologies capable of contributing to the improvement of
existing techniques, as well as discovering new solutions related to:
• Communicating farther, discreetly and reliably in a perturbed (natural) and aggressive
(electronic warfare) environment, which requires extremely powerful and compact energy
sources and intelligent, adaptive and impulse antenna technologies
• Detecting, identifying, locating and visualizing without being seen: ultra low frequency sonar,
time reversal techniques, bistatic modes, interferometry, polarimetry, adaptive stealth
• Disrupting or destroying electronics: high-power microwave weapons and intelligent
electromagnetic weapons
For defence applications, the approach, while primarily involving digital simulations and the use
of solutions resulting from applied mathematics, will integrate as often as possible the physical
understanding of the problem and measurements resulting from experimental approaches.
The following examples illustrate some of the past actions carried out in the domain of “wave”
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
Figure 3-1: Submetric SAR (Synthetic aperture radar) imaging, associating polarimetry, interferometry and multistatism techniques
Figure 3-2: Time reversal focusing
Figure 3-3: Nanopulse bioelectromagnetic effects on cells (electroporation effects)
1 > Radiation generation and measurement
An effort is required to improve technologies related to basic components of electromagnetic
and acoustic generators and sources, associated antennas systems, and multi-range
measurement sensors:
• Primary power sources (Marx, Tesla – resonant transformers..),
• New concepts of antennas, closely related to the use of new functional materials
(metamaterials, EBG - electromagnetic band-gap…): integration of antennas into the
structure of carriers, multichannel (MIMO applications), multifunction, reconfigurable
antennas (cognitive radio applications) as well as very wide band antennas and radomes,
• Acoustic sensors.
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• DGA 2009 •
2 > Propagation
Improved very wide-band research related to propagation in complex mediums is required:
• Earth-space propagation using new techniques to compensate for propagation losses in the
EHF and Ka bands,
• Urban and foliage medium propagation problems: terrestrial propagation in a perturbed
medium or in the presence of obstacles, forest cover (vegetation and agricultural), in both
naval and urban environments (outside buildings, but also through the walls inside
• Underwater acoustic telecommunications: developing an understanding of deep water and
shallow water channel propagation,
• Multi-antenna techniques applied to acoustic communications,
• Ultra low frequency acoustic propagation and detection techniques.
3 > Detection – Imaging – Stealth
The acoustic and electromagnetic domains are similar in the following ways.
> Acoustic detection
Research must continue on the following:
• ultra-low frequency sonar,
• active sonar in reverberating environment (shallow and deep water),
• adaptive sonar (echolocation, MIMO, time reversal, …).
> Acoustic imaging
Techniques of acoustic imaging must be developed for:
• classification and imaging in reverberating environment (applications for mine detection and
harbour protection),
• multistatism applications,
• the use of a “swarm” sonar system.
> Electromagnetic detection
Main subjects of interest are:
• Various applications of SAR (synthetic aperture radar): high-resolution polarimetric images,
high-resolution Ku band images, images obtained in multi - bistatic modes with
interferometry as a component. The objective is to improve the ability to clarify and identify
illuminated areas and objects,
• Detection through cover (foliage penetration, through walls etc.) using low frequencies or
other frequencies, UWB….
• Passive detection: the radar community’s interest in passive detection and localization
systems has been steadily growing in the past few years. This interest is mainly related to the
attraction of low frequencies (< 1 GHz), in particular for their anti-stealth capacities as well
as the opportunities provided by the large variety of existing transmitters,
• Inverse problems for imaging: they are typically twofold because they originate in
applications such as the non-destructive evaluation of material structures, biomedical
engineering, characterization of the environment (oil prospecting, detection of hidden or
submerged targets) as well as the characterization of electromagnetic or acoustic
transmissions. These problems remain complex and require the availability of optimized
sources and sensors, as well as resources for modelling and simulating these phenomena and
for processing the associated signal.
> Stealth
The principal areas of research are:
• Active stealth, in particular the use of new materials,
• Use of plasmas in the air to reduce the contribution to the radar cross-section of certain
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
reflecting points, and plasmas confined in a chamber (radome) intended to mask antennas,
also appear promising,
• Underwater electromagnetic signature prediction.
4 > Electromagnetic weapons (and protection)
Studies conducted over the past decade on high-power microwaves have led to a significant
expansion of the threat assessment. Known as intentional electromagnetic interference (IEMI),
this term covers all intentional electromagnetic threats, ranging from the highest to the lowest
level threats which could be aimed at targeted families. There is therefore a need for both very
high-power generic sources with a small volume (ultrafast high-voltage switching, flexible
parameters, high-power wideband antennas, etc.) and protection for systems (front door
access – high frequency heads, LNA, LNB – electronic components, etc.).
Studies must be undertaken on low insertion loss high frequency limiters, protection for
electronic circuits by diodes or filters as well as so-called “intelligent” protection solutions
(software, circumvention, etc.).
5 > Simulation/modelling
This is one of the primary areas of this domain, required for predicting wave propagation and
scattering characteristics. In fact, if the scientific community is well versed in conventional
methods (integrals, finite elements, finite differences, FDTD, etc.), an effort must be made to
develop hybrid methods (multi-scale, multi-physical – e.g.: electromagnetic, thermal,
mechanical), fast methods (fast multipole method) or stochastic methods (Mode-stirred
reverberation chamber (MSRC) or power balance). These efforts must take into account
complex multi-scale geometries, material anisotropy, as well as their dispersive, non-linear
6 > Electromagnetic compatibility
Electromagnetic compatibility covers three broad domains of activity:
• Compatibility between equipment
• Compatibility with the environment
• Compatibility between systems
These problems are currently handled empirically, after the fact, while the electromagnetic
environment is constantly increasing and more and more “wide band”. Work, related to
modelling and simulation in particular, must be improved in these domains to be able to
respond effectively to problems which are becoming more and more common (because of the
proliferation of radio sources and the increasing transmitter power) and which are seldom
taken into account prior to a project: the objective is to consider compatibility from the system
design phase.
Simulation and modelling will contribute to anticipating and solving these problems. Typically
dual by nature, they can benefit from technological advances on the civilian side.
7 > Waves and biology
For Defence, the problems of coupling wave/biological structures primarily relate to directed
energy weapons and more precisely high-power electromagnetic or microwave weapons. In
this case, it will be necessary to undertake studies to evaluate the level of non-lethality (for
users, or possibly human targets) of these so-called non-lethal weapons.
Many studies have been conducted on quantifying energy absorbed by tissues (mainly for cellular
phone applications). But, in the context of high-power microwave weapons, whose pulse duration
is very short (less than several microseconds), it will be necessary to conduct further studies on
“microdosimetry”, the athermal effects and the analysis of interactions at cellular level.
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• DGA 2009 •
Priorities of the domain have been chosen because of their potential to apply an innovative
concept (time reversal techniques) or an emerging technology (new materials):
• Time reversal techniques: communications, detection (radar, sonar) and directed energy
• Metamaterials: smart antennas and new stealth concepts,
Development and applications of electromagnetic time reversal techniques
These techniques, widely used
in acoustics, appeared two to
three years ago in the
electromagnetic community;
their applications, which are
promising and diversified,
offer a number of prospects
likely to be of interest to
• Discreet communications:
involving several sources,
independent communication
channel with antenna. The
environment, the more the
device is effective and
S ar
2008 View
2008 2012
Figure 3-4: The following figure illustrates the possible roadmap (TRL:
Technical readiness level – versus time) for time reversal applications.
• Electromagnetic weapons: capacity to locate a target in a complex environment (scattering,
reverberating, etc.) and to focus a beam on this target with the possibility of destroying or
damaging it by time/space wave amplification (signal focusing and compression),
• Detection, localization and identification of intruders or targets in a complex environment:
protection of buildings, zone defence, detection of helicopters lying in wait behind a curtain
of trees, target classification, anti-stealth. The echo returned by the target in the complex
environment is perceived as noise, which is used to locate and identify the target with high
Development and applications of metamaterials
Metamaterials are defined as
materials with “unusual”
These properties can be used
for specific applications in
acoustic, electromagnetic or
optical domains.
The most famous application is
the “cloaking” phenomena
developed in the laboratory by
John Pendry in 1999.
Today, a lot of applications
properties etc.) are possible
due to the development of
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
2008 View
Figure 3-5: The following figure illustrates the possible roadmap (TRL:
Technical readiness level – versus time) for metamaterial applications;
Domain 4
The general area of Micro and Nanoelectronics covers the needs in next generation electronic
components for Defence applications. Electronic components are critical elements for improving
the performance of military weapons. They can provide not only technical superiority, but also a
means to reduce cost, weight and dimensions. With regard to components available on the
civilian market, electronic components for Defence applications have to be low cost, radiation
resistant and able to operate in hostile environments. In addition this area supports research
activity into the contribution of nanoelectronics and nanotechnologies in general as well as to
the performances of detectors and sensors. Consequently research proposals on “new
functionalities with reduced dimensionality” will be considered with interest
Scientific and technical proposals have to fulfil two main objectives; the first one is aimed at
improving existing components and functionalities in terms of performance, cost and integration.
The second objective is aimed at fostering new concepts and ideas that would overcome actual
physical limitations or would provide new functionalities for components in general
The following research topics are of particular interest and will be developed in the next section:
• Nanotechnologies applied to electronics
• Micro et Nano Electro Mechanical systems
• Micro sources of Energy
• High Frequency components and circuits
• Materials and substrates
• Manufacturing technologies and processes, hybridisation, integration and packaging
The following examples illustrate some of the past actions carried out in the area of micro and
is a project aimed at developing a powerless device to
track down mechanical shocks in order to monitor storage
conditions of equipment. This device has the following
electromagnetic radiations, simple to operate and low
Silicon Nanowires used as biochemical sensor.
The objective is to explore the potential of nano-objects
such as silicon nanowires to detect biological threats.
Longer term the objective is to design and fabricate
individual bio sensors with high selectivity, high sensitivity,
wireless communication capabilities as well as low power
Basic Research Policy
• DGA 2009 •
The Office for advanced research and innovation (OARI) of the DGA invites applications for
projects funded in areas listed below:
• Nanoelectronics in particular any nanotechnology that can significantly improve components
for Defence applications.
It is well known that progress in electronics can be made using two different approaches. The
first one is the top down approach by which performance improvement is achieved by the
reduction in size of basic components and a higher integration level. This approach is at the
heart of the IRTS roadmap and is strongly supported by civilian research. OARI’ activity in this
area is limited to an active scientific outlook.
The other approach is the bottom up approach the objective of which is to achieve simple
electronic functions using basic building blocks at molecular level. Many topics in this area may
have defence applications and are considered of interest, in particular: spintronics, molecular
electronics, organic electronics, bio electronics and also the use and properties of nano-objects
such as carbon nanotubes, nanowires etc…
• Micro and Nano Electro Mechanical Systems
The contribution of MEMS technology to size reduction and performance improvement of
existing electronic functions as well as its ability to carry out new functions is well known. The
number of defence applications for MEMS is very broad, from HF components to biological
sensors. Reliability however remains a concern as well as the ability of MEMS components to be
operated in extreme environments and proposals in this area will be welcomed. Integration of
mechanical, optical, magnetic actuation with wireless capabilities as well as low power
consumption is the next goal to be achieved.
• Micro-sources of energy
Efficient Micro-sources of energy are of particular interest if components and sensors have to
be used in embedded or in-field applications. In addition the development of micro drones has
specific requirements. With this in mind, the following topics are of interest: micro batteries,
micro fuel cell, thermoelectric or magnetic microgenerators, photovoltaic cells and in general
all harvesting technologies as well as all innovative devices for energy transmission or energy
• Advanced RF components and circuits
Advanced RF components and circuits have extended applications in electronic warfare,
detection, decoying, antennas arrays, reception and HF signal processing in particular when
involving high power and large bandwidth operations as well as extreme reliability.
Technical breakthroughs are likely to come from the GaN technology where limitations in
frequency, power and reliability have still to be investigated. Other systems such as III-V
materials (GaAs, InP) are of interest. In addition, new signal processing techniques and
propagation conditions are necessary to improve device performance. Priority actions should
therefore focus on :
− Performance improvement of power amplifier with high linearity
− Microwave photonics
− Simulation techniques
− Optimisation of monolithic integration of devices such as low loss and low crosstalk
switches, high selectivity tunable filters, high quality oscillators, modulators,
demodulators, arrays of antennas
• Materials and substrates
New material systems and substrates are required to develop new HF components and circuits..
Efforts should therefore focus on: SiGe compounds, III-N compounds using GaN technology,
Antimony based material and associated compounds, SiC for high temperature operation.
Other substrates than Silicon should also lead to device improvement. Active scientific research
will be carried out on SiO, strained SiO (sSiO), sSiGeOI: strained Silicon-Germanium on Insulator.
• Finally it should be pointed out that integration, interconnection and packaging technologies are
of interest to reduce cost and improve reliability.■
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
Domain 5
The photonics domain addresses all technologies and applications based on the use of
electromagnetic radiation from THz frequencies to γ-rays:
• light sources,
• detectors,
• optical fibres,
• imaging systems,
• spectroscopy techniques,
• atomic clocks,
• inertial sensors,
• plasmonics,
• metamaterials,
• nanophotonics,
• quantum information.
Optical technologies possess significant potential for a large number of military applications and
they are considered a key technology in several domains. Optical systems are primarily used for
imaging and an important effort is devoted to improving the capabilities of next generation
observation systems. The general objectives in this domain consist of firstly improving the
performance of already deployed concepts (e.g. night vision systems with increased identification
range), and secondly exploiting the potential of innovative approaches to develop new
functionalities. In this domain, the use of new spectral bands (THz, γ rays) has promising potential
for the realisation of ‘penetrating’ imaging systems, capable of detecting concealed weapons or
The Ministry of Defence is also interested in other applications of photonics. An important effort
will be devoted to the development of new spectroscopy techniques for the detection of
biological/chemical agents, and explosive substances. In addition, research activities oriented
towards the development of high-performance matter-wave interferometers for next
generation inertial sensors, or the study of advanced concepts for quantum computing will also
be encouraged. We can also mention laser systems for the neutralisation of adverse threats:
optical countermeasure systems, and in the longer term, high-energy laser weapons.
In the military domain as in other application domains, photonic technologies offer principally
the possibility of acquiring improved observation capability. Imaging systems are therefore
considered a key element of the military intelligence system and represent an important part of
photonics activity in the defence area. In this domain, all research activities focus on the same
objective: acquire a better vision. Among the main objectives, it is vital to improve the resolution
of imaging systems in order to extend their identification range. It is also necessary to examine
new approaches to reveal adverse targets, and explore innovative concepts that could offer an
imaging capability through opaque media.
There are interesting perspectives for the detection of hazardous substances (explosives,
biological/chemical agents), which is considered a scientific priority for the MOD. Recent statistics
have revealed the dramatic impact of Improvised Explosive Devices on our armies, and it is critical
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• DGA 2009 •
to develop technological solutions for the detection of explosives or biological/chemical agents,
offering ultra-high sensitivity, identification capability and optimised selectivity.
Optronic systems are also expected to play a future key role in the protection of military
platforms or zones. In the short term, optronic countermeasure systems will offer increased
protection against infrared seekerhead. In the longer term, the potential of high energy laser
weapons, capable, for instance, of destroying a cruise missile at a distance of a few km, is being
carefully examined. In this domain, it is necessary to improve the performances of laser sources,
as well as the optics for the focalisation through a turbulent atmosphere of the laser beam on a
fast-moving target. There are potentially interesting perspectives in the use of high power
femtosecond lasers.
Ultimately, photonics possess important potential for the development of high performance
instruments necessary for the guidance and navigation of military platforms. This equipment is
developed to provide real-time, accurate and reliable measurement of the position and motion,
which is required by all kinds of military platforms, including autonomous and remotely
controlled devices. The major research activities in this domain aim at developing new atomic
clocks, essential for radio navigation systems, and preparing a next generation of inertial sensors,
based on matter-wave interferometers.
1 > Imaging systems
> Detectors
Photodetectors are a fundamental element of imaging systems and their characteristics have a
direct impact on overall system performance. It is therefore essential for the Ministry of Defence
to maintain a high level of activity in this domain in order to provide the Army with improved
observation capacities. Several topics are currently being examined:
- Low-light-level detection will receive a careful attention and an important program has been
created to develop the technology bricks necessary to achieve top-level performance: next
generation light intensifier tubes, EBCMOS, and avalanche photodiode array technologies.
- There are interesting perspectives for cooled infrared detectors. Many studies are under way to
improve the performance of HgCdTe focal plane arrays. In particular, research aimed at
controlling extrinsic p-type doping, essential for the creation of p-n structures, is an example.
Some progress is necessary to reduce the pixel size and realise large focal plane arrays (>
megapixels), and to develop multispectral detectors. Finally, the creation of avalanche
photodiode arrays is a major objective for applications such as hyperspectral or active imaging,
in which the power levels to be detected are extremely low. Simultaneously, research activities
involving nanostructured materials or superlattices could lead to a breakthrough in this domain.
- Significant progress is expected with uncooled IR detectors. General objectives are focused on
the pitch reduction (below 20 µm) and reduction of the Noise Equivalent Temperature
Difference (below 50 mK). Research will also be conducted to explore the potential of new
materials and investigate the added value of nanotechnologies.
- In terms of Read Out Integrated Circuit, the development of microlithography techniques in
recent years now creates the possibility of integrating complex electronic circuits into extremely
small footprints. It is therefore possible to integrate electronics at pixel level that allow a
significant increase in functionalities of the focal plane array: local correction of defects and
non-uniformity, implementation of image processing algorithms, like tracking objects of
interest. These techniques will play an essential role, particularly in sensor networks, which will
lead to an amount of data which is completely unmanageable using traditional approaches.
> ‘Penetrating’ imaging systems
For the last couple of years, technological progress has opened the door to a new generation of
imaging systems capable of seeing through opaque materials in the wavelength domains
commonly used. More precisely, the use of electromagnetic waves in the THz spectral window
(100 GHz - 20 THz), and X or γ rays possess very interesting propagation properties since a large
number of materials turn out to be transparent in these spectral domains. These properties can
be exploited to develop imaging systems capable for instance of detecting concealed weapons
or explosives.
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
The low-frequency part of the THz domain (100 GHz – 1 THz) is very interesting for this kind of
functionality and the next step for the DGA consists of developing the components (mainly
detectors) to meet the specifications required for operational use. Many questions remain
regarding the potential of high frequency THz waves, or X rays, and the DGA will carry out a
detailed analysis aimed at evaluating the added value of these approaches for several defence
and security applications.
> Hyperspectral imaging
The general idea behind this approach consists of exploiting the spectral characteristics of an
image in order to extract maximum information from a complex scene and lead to the
identification of a hidden object of interest. Significant work remains to be done on this topic in
order to identify the potential of this technology and bring it to a higher Technology Readiness
Level. Future activities will include construction of databases to gather relevant information,
determination of characteristic signatures and development of algorithms for the processing of
hyperspectral images. Eventually, preliminary design studies will be conducted to compare
potential architectures of active and passive hyperspectral imaging systems, and specify
appropriate components.
> Extremely high resolution and wave-front correction
This section addresses imaging techniques for very high angular resolutions (less than a few
µrad). Adaptive optics is considered a promising approach for the next generation of long range
military observation systems, primarily terrestrial, which suffer rapidly from turbulence. An
important issue with these approaches is the appearance of a restricted isoplanatic angle. The use
of multiconjugate techniques could provide an interesting solution to this problem.
In the longer term, optical aperture synthesis will provide a significant increase in resolution and
lead to performances that so far have been completely unimaginable, such as earth observation
with metric-resolution from a geostationary orbit.
The DGA objectives in this domain are improving the definition of the potential of
multiconjugate adaptive optics, developing optical aperture synthesis techniques and promoting
the development of new components for adaptive optics.
> Protection of observation
This topic refers to techniques for protecting imaging systems (including the naked eye) against
continuous wave or pulsed lasers. In this domain, scientific activity will be focused on optical
limitation, in particular for the visible, near and mid-infrared ranges. Anything contributing to
the development of a fast, wide field-of-view optical switch will also be closely examined by the
DGA. Progress is also expected in the development of hardened detectors and the reduction of
Laser Cross Section of observation systems, by various methods at the detector level or by
appropriate optical architectures.
2 > Lasers and active systems
> Laser technologies
Many promising perspectives are identified to improve the performances of laser sources in
various spectral bands.
In the short wavelength region (1-2 µm), developments are driven by applications like active
imaging or, in the long term, high energy laser weapons. For this kind of application, the main
objective is to develop the technologies required to achieve increased output power. The
research effort will be concentrated on the new monocrystalline materials (low quantum defect
material), the improvement of fibre lasers and recombination techniques, and the development
of ceramic materials. This effort will also include various actions dedicated to explorative
concepts based on diode lasers.
Mid and far infra red sources (3-5 et 8-12 µm) are essential for military applications like optronic
countermeasures, optics detection and spectroscopy systems necessary for the detection of
explosives and biological/chemical agents. Significant effort will be devoted to the
improvement of quantum cascade lasers, with an objective to reach output power levels above
1 Watt at ambient temperature. In addition, research projects will be launched to develop the
technologies required for the generation of high power femtosecond pulses in these spectral
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> Use of femtosecond pulses
The extremely high peak powers of femtosecond lasers opens up a new region of the parameter
space which will lead to new applications. The current objective of the DGA consists of evaluating
the potential of this technology for applications such as optronic countermeasures, hyperspectral
active imaging and B&C detection. In this domain, it is necessary to conduct studies on
atmospheric propagation phenomena of femtosecond pulses, on laser/matter interactions, and
to improve our understanding of this approach for B&C (LIDAR, LIBS) detection. Conclusions must
also be made on the possibility of guiding an electric discharge or an electromagnetic pulse along
a femtosecond filament.
Interest in femtosecond sources for the secondary generation of hard radiation, which could lead
to the development of techniques such as gamma-ray imaging, also deserves to be mentioned.
> Laser beam transport
For a large number of military applications, such as optoelectronic countermeasure systems and
active imaging, small footprints are required. For this reason, transport of the beam from a
delocalised source to the optical head, results in a considerable simplification of the integration
problem. In this domain optical fibres, in particular microstructured fibres, present characteristics
that can be exploited to achieve this functionality. Scientific activities are under way to develop
low-loss fibres for the mid-infrared region, with potential additional functions like
supercontinuum generation.
The power densities associated with high energy laser weapons require the use of largedimension optics with high laser damage thresholds. The DGA activity in this domain consists of
evaluating the damage characteristics of various materials and thin films, in order to define
adequate processes to improve their resistance to intense laser radiation.
> Spectroscopy techniques
The use of spectroscopy techniques is of significant interest in the detection and identification of
biological and chemical agents, as well as explosives. The scientific strategy proposed by the DGA
consists of exploring new approaches likely to offer increased sensitivity and selectivity, for the local
and distant detection of dangerous matter. This work will include advanced concepts in IR, THz,
Raman, fluorescence, Laser Induced Breakdown spectroscopy. The potential of nanostructured
surfaces for the generation of surface enhanced resonances will also be analysed in detail.
> Quantum information
Research on quantum information is of undeniable interest, either to guarantee secure data
transport or for the realisation of a quantum computer. On this topic, the DGA’s approach consists
of a scientific watch. The objective is to remain in close contact with the best research teams in
this domain and follow the evolution of technological progress. Some funding can be envisaged
for specific activities that could lead to significant progress in the field, or for exploring the
feasibility of new applicable concepts.
3 > Time metrology and
inertial sensors
> Atomic and ion clocks
The use of alkaline vapours for the
definition of time references, which
could be used in radio navigation
systems or for the synchronisation
of command systems, is an
interesting prospect. There are two
major objectives. The first is the
development of micro-atomic
population trapping. These devices
will help improve the performance
of radio navigation receivers by
reducing the acquisition time and
by offering increased protection
against jamming.
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
Figure 5-1: This atom chip is used to trap a cloud of alkali atoms at
extremely low temperatures. The interrogation of the atomic sample is
performed on the chip and leads to a high performance atomic clock.
(SYRTE-Observatoire de Paris)
The second is dedicated to the scientific analysis of concepts based on the use of trapped
particles. The idea is to investigate the performance level that could be achieved in terms of
stability and accuracy, with approaches avoiding the use of microwave cavities that limit the
compactness of the traditional atomic clocks
> Inertial sensors
Matter-wave interferometry is considered a very promising approach for the development of
ultra-high performance inertial sensors, like gyroscopes or accelerometers based on cold atoms.
Significant work remains to be done to bring these techniques to an acceptable level of technical
maturity, explore new concepts that could extend the limits of the technology, but also to refine
the analysis on the operational usage of these devices.
4 > Metamaterials-plasmonics
Recent developments in the field of metamaterials and plasmonics have opened up very
interesting perspectives for defence and security applications. Although an impact on
operational applications is not expected in the short term, research activities in this domain
remain close to the application. A large number of proposals have been published in scientific
literature for new objects based on nanostructures, likely to offer radically different
characteristics compared with traditional approaches. Many of them are of great interest:
superlenses, cloaking, optical lumped nanocircuits, but also use of plasmonics for the realisation
of new optical components or surface enhancement of resonances. The potential for disruption
associated with these approaches is considered very high.
A significant effort and many years will be necessary to confirm the potential of these
technologies and bring them to an appropriate level of technical maturity. The strategy proposed
by the DGA consists of closely following the scientific evolution in this domain, and providing
adequate support to the scientific community in order to define the optimal exploitation of these
new tools for military applications.
1 > Detection of dangerous substances
On this topic, the DGA’s objective is to explore the most promising approaches for the detection of
improvised explosive devices and biological/chemical agents. The effort will focus on two main
activities. Firstly the DGA will support scientific developments dedicated to ‘penetrating’ detection
techniques. This work will include activities on the improvement of components for THz imaging
systems or compact neutron interrogation systems, as well as a detailed analysis of X-ray imaging
systems for the detection of concealed explosives.
Secondly, the DGA will carefully examine any proposition likely to significantly improve the detection
sensitivity of spectroscopy approaches. Some promising prospects have been identified in IR
spectroscopy with the use of high power quantum cascade lasers (photoacoustic, cavity ring down
spectroscopy), but also in the field of Raman and fluorescent spectroscopy or Laser Induced
Breakdown Spectroscopy. The use of nanostructured substrates for resonance enhancement will also
be examined in detail.
2 > Innovative technologies for optical countermeasures
Several topics have been identified as very promising for next generation optical countermeasure
systems. Initially the effort will be focused on the development of high power quantum cascade lasers.
The idea is to achieve mid IR sources capable of delivering a high average output power (> 1 W), with
an acceptable yield (> 10 %) and a high beam quality at ambient temperature. To obtain these
performances, technological development activities will be launched to find solutions based on InP for
the required maturity level. Simultaneously, research will be conducted to investigate the potential of
antimonides for the realisation of high power quantum cascade lasers at shorter wavelengths (34 µm).
Subsequent effort will focus on the use of high power femtosecond lasers. In this domain, the DGA
will conduct studies to acquire a detailed understanding of the nonlinear propagation of ultra short
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Figure 5-2: Quantum cascade laser based on antimonides (IES, CNRS-UM2)
pulses through the atmosphere. Long distance propagation experiments will be conducted in order to
characterise the behaviour of filaments under various experimental conditions, and evaluate the
efficiency of non linear countermeasure systems on different types of cameras. Eventually, there will
be research into the development of the technologies necessary for the generation of high power
femtosecond pulses in the 3-5 µm region.■
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
Domain 6
• Composite, organic, metallic and ceramic materials for structures, protection and penetration.
Design, behaviour models, processes, test methods.
• Composite, metallic and ceramic materials for high temperature applications, superalloys.
Control of the shelf life.
• Passive and intelligent functional materials. Electrical, electromagnetic, optical, thermo-optical,
piezoelectric and acoustical properties for advanced functional applications.
• Bio-processed materials, eco-compatible coating materials, X-catalytic treatments for chemical
and biochemical protection, decontamination, pollution control and anti-corrosion applications.
Functional surfaces and interfaces, surface structures for physicochemical detection of toxic or
explosive traces.
• Materials for electrical energy storage, electrochemical capacitors and high power/energy
batteries. Miniaturisation and thermal management techniques.
• Energy materials for propulsion (solid and liquid propellants), detonation science (pyrotechnical
compounds). Hydrogen management and storage.
• Calculation and scaling methods, process and behaviour modelling and simulation, rheology.
• Emerging transversal concepts: nanomaterials, biomimetics, biomaterials, metamaterials.
• Alternate materials and methods for environmental and health protection.
Materials and chemistry are very important for defence applications, and the corresponding
scientific domain is involved in the design of many military systems.
Moreover, the specific characteristics of the end-use of materials in the defence sector often
requires performance much more demanding than that of civilian needs and their development
is nearly always linked to overcoming major technological obstacles.
Finally, defence applications of materials must demonstrate their eco-compatibility under all
circumstances and their compliance with current regulations, as is the case with civilian
The scientific orientation of the domain aims, of course, at decisive technological breakthroughs
and progress that make it possible to achieve material solutions that perform better with respect
to defence requirements. The other challenge is to continue opening the field up to new
opportunities or discoveries, which will themselves create new operating conditions.
French civilian research in the field of materials, structured around the “Materials and Processes”
project programme of the National Research Agency (ANR), uses the same approach: strongly
“market oriented” towards the end users and industrial needs, it also includes studies of very
advanced “technological” fundamental concepts in order to attain ultimate performances.
Moreover, as many new concepts appear, access to nanometric dimensions requires multiscale
analysis of phenomena, whereas materials themselves become metasystems, integrating many
multidisciplinary aspects (chemistry/optics, mechanics/electromagnetism, thermal/mechanics etc.).
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• DGA 2009 •
The interest of defence in the “Materials and Chemistry” domain results in the functional analysis
of generic operational needs, so that the domain can be described schematically by three interest
areas (or sub-domain) dealing with specific required capabilities:
• endurance capabilities under severe conditions,
mechanical and/or thermal, for external (armour,
warheads) or internal needs (aero-engines,
combustion chambers).
The need to improve the mechanical performance of
composite materials results in a lot of research and
played a major role in lightweight armour
development for low impact (bullets, fragments).
Recent PHD work on carbon nanotubes supported by
the DGA, showed that the extreme limit of 800 J/g
could be reached in the case of large nanotubes fiber
(polyaramid fibres have less than 35 J/g).
Figure 6-1: Highly resistant carbon nanotubes
fibres (cl. CRPP- Bordeaux)
This work resulted in fruitful industrial developments (pilot line for processing single fibres), very
promising for many future defence and security applications.
• functional capabilities destined for specific usage
such as concealment, camouflage and detection,
biological or chemical decontamination and
detection alert, protection against corrosion effects.
Studies on devices for stealth applications have paved
the way for new materials with controlled
electromagnetic properties. A “metamaterial” whose
reflection properties are electrically controlled has
been set up and tested on an operational scale.
Photonic Bandgap material processing is applied to a
radome shape and adjusts cut-off efficiency at more
than 20db on the narrow spectral waveband to be
Materials for electrical energy storage
are the object of worldwide
competition, as applications of “fully
electrical vehicle” concepts make
increasing appearances on the
international market.
Some results obtained recently as part
of an REI contract with a French SME
resulted in the high performance of
electro-chemical polymers, with storage
capacities from 5 to 10 J / cm3.
Energy Density (J/cc)
• energy storage and management
capabilities, in the field of
electrochemical storage or supply,
and in the field of fuels for
Figure 6-2: Controllable transparency radome
prototype (cl IEF Paris sud et EADS)
NO significant improvement
during the last 15 years!
New Metallization
1980 1990
Figure 6-3: Electrochemical storage materials efficiency
(Piezotech – 2008)
These developments will lead to high energy density capacitors, and have potential in the fields
of hybrid vehicles, on-board electronic device supply and many high pulsed power driven
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
Scientific trends and orientations follow the above classification.
1 > Endurance capabilities under severe mechanical and thermal conditions
> Behaviour under mechanical stress
This involves materials resistant to mechanical strain in all its forms (static and dynamic,
instantaneous or cyclic). It primarily involves the properties of metals (notably dense metals), but
hybrid solutions are currently being studied as well as the use of lighter components. The primary
scientific orientations are:
- ultra-fine grain materials and new high-impact-strength alloys, metallic glasses,
- new processes for complex materials (SPS etc.), nanostructures, and nanocomposites
(nanotubes), shear thickening materials,
- impact modelling, the simulation of dynamic effects (fragmentation) primarily by multi-scale
For the “structure” aspect, the primary focus is on new advanced concepts for achieving in
particular both rigidity and lightness, notably:
- new components for composite organic materials (new resins, new concepts of high
performance reinforcement fibres),
- new light alloys, complex metal alloys.
All these orientations must take into account improvements in reliability and scaling tools using
integrated material/structure co-design approaches, as well as a better understanding of the
danger of defects and their in-service consequences, all of which leads to a better estimation of
the remaining potential.
> Thermal or thermo-mechanical behaviour at extreme temperatures
This involves materials subject to severe thermal stress. The materials and their components
concerned by this extreme stress are found primarily in power engine assemblies (chambers, rotor
blades), nozzle partitions and more generally on surfaces exposed to heat (missile heads,
exhausts etc.).
The primary orientations aim at supporting the exploration of:
- new ceramics for thermal barriers, ultra-refractory applications (ionic propulsion) and all
associated new evolutions for deposition processes ,
- metallic and intermetallic superalloys ,
- ceramic or metallic matrix composites with high resistance to thermo-mechanical stress and
advanced auto-repair modes ,
- modelling and understanding of coupled radiation and conduction transfers on a basic scale,
in connection with the observed thermo-mechanical effects.
These topics are essentially dealt with by large aerospace companies (engines, planes, missiles) so
that the principal actions are conducted as part of the DGA’s upstream study programmes.
2 > Advanced functional materials
> Functional behaviour in the field of electromagnetism, optics, acoustics,
piezoelectric etc. - smart materials and systems.
The interaction of materials with periodic fields (electromagnetic, optics, acoustics, etc.) is a rich
set of themes with many applications in the “Waves” and “Photonics” scientific domains (see
relevant sections of this document). The “materials and chemistry” scientific domain primarily
deals with processes for creating materials and metamaterials with specific interaction vis-à-vis
the fields in question. The targeted applications are those for stealth, windows (IR, radar, sonar),
but also vibration control, or shape control, and emerging components for transducers
Research in the domain of electromagnetism and optics includes:
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• DGA 2009 •
- materials and metamaterials with defined (passive) impedance (shields, multi-layer absorbers,
multiferroics) or monitored impedance,
- the photonic band gap systems (PBG), for the entire domain of the electromagnetic spectrum
Research in the fields of acoustics and piezoelectric focuses on:
- highly absorbing composites and anechoic systems,
- synthesis of high-efficiency piezoelectric electro-active components,
- integration of smart materials via active or semi-active technologies for echo concealment or
> Chemical and biochemical behaviour. Surface treatment and functionality.
Corrosion control
Chemical and biochemical treatments play an essential role in obtaining specific properties for
materials in their functional environment and materials with coupled properties (sensor –
separation – catalysis), this behaviour also being qualified in terms of eco-compatibility.
The themes relating to this behaviour lead to the study of inhibition materials for pollution
reduction or decontamination, in particular:
- advanced antifouling coatings in the marine environment compatible with environmental
protection regulations,
- materials and technologies for preventing NBC contamination or pollution, such as those using
catalytic degradation, effluent complexing and advanced filtering technologies.
Moreover, this also includes specific studies on surface functionality and chemical component
trapping for the detection of chemical threats. Priority themes concern:
- imprint materials for chemical or biochemical detection,
- reactive surface tracers by sensitive species (chromophores and luminophores).
The surface of materials with regard to its micro(nano)mechanical interactions with the external
environment is also considered in this section. Main orientations are:
- functional deposition or structuring of super-hydrophobic or super-hydrophilic substances (for
hydrodynamic purposes)
- surface treatment, lubrication and reduction of dry friction,
- general material assembly (bonding, welding etc.), with an understanding of their properties
using associated modelling tools.
Finally, studies on detecting, preventing, treating and controlling all corrosion effects are
included in this part of the “Materials and chemistry” domain. The main challenges relate to
advanced protection coatings, compatible with the regulations on environmental protection
3 > Materials for energy storage and energy materials for propulsion
> Materials for energy storage and management. Electro-chemical
This part of the scientific domain is of increasing importance, due to the recent collaboration
with the civilian program “stock-e” conducted by the National Research Agency, supported by
the DGA. The main topics of interest are:
- materials for direct energy conversion (thermo-electrical, photoelectrical etc.),
- materials for electro-chemical storage (capacitors and supercapacitors, batteries) and for
improving the operation and miniaturisation of fuel cells (polymer electrolyte, ceramic
membranes, etc.)
- materials for thermal management (thermal bridges etc.).
- superconducting materials for magnetic energy storage (super SMES).
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
> Advanced innovative energy materials: hydrogen, propellants.
This part deals with energy materials for pyrotechnical applications (explosives, actuators) and
propulsion (fuels, solid and liquid propellants). The main themes are linked to:
- an increase in the performance of materials for propulsion (propellants), while guaranteeing
required levels of security,
- research into storage methods (organic-inorganic hybrid materials, hydrides) or synthesis
related to hydrogen supply systems
- prevention and control of instability phenomena in reactive components, for better control,
diversification and utilisation security of these systems (application for reduced-risk energy
material concepts).
Priority actions require support by MRIS contracts (REI) and PHD grants, relative to specific
defence applications. They should also be supported by civilian agencies (ANR).
Priority themes relate to principal capabilities of materials and concern:
Imprint materials and reactive tracers for ultimate molecular detection
This theme contains multidisciplinary aspects. It deals with the need of sensors for both defence
and home security purposes. Imprint materials and reactive tracers (chromophores,
luminophores), set up and used by and for biologists, are based on fundamental and innovative
processes dealing with material sciences and chemistry (soft chemistry). New sensor techniques
should be able to detect the presence of matter down to only a few molecules.
Nanostructured, nanocomposite materials for lightweight armour protection
This theme involves both defence and security requirements. Nanostructures obtained by new
processes (such as spark plasma sintering) or new materials such as liquid metals (or metallic
glasses) must demonstrate their strong potential for increasing resistance and hardness, and their
behaviour must be better understood. Materials with fluid/solid rheology (shear thickening
fluids) are also of interest to defence in the domain of individual or collective protection.
High efficiency electro-chemical components for on-board energy storage.
The importance of this theme has been growing substantially over the last two years. Topics of
interest include improving materials and processes for a new generation of batteries (Li-Ion,
electrodes and electrolytes) and innovative materials for capacitors and supercapacitors.
Some actions concerning civilian applications are supported by the DGA and the National
Research Agency as part of a programme called “energy storage”.
Implementing these emerging technologies will require increased synergy between chemistry
and processes, in association with the improvement in local or “on-site” characterisation
Future materials resulting from multiphysics optimisation processes, with complex structures, will
benefit from with this approach, as their behaviour will be demonstrated using modelling tools
valid for all pertinent scales.■
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• DGA 2009 •
Domain 7
The biology domain addresses the Nuclear, Radiological Biological and Chemical (NRBC) threat
from a biological perspective, and research in biology which may present a specific interest for
defence. Four main themes are defined:
• Risk assessment, knowledge of agents
• Detection, identification, early diagnostic
• Physical protection, decontamination
• Medical counter-measures
• Microbiology, infectious diseases
• Forensic microbiology
• Nanobiotechnologies
Links to programmes of the French National Research Agency (ANR): certain subjects have a
common interest with an ANR programme. This is the case in the “biology and health” area of
the programme concerning infectious diseases; in the “Engineering, processes and security” area,
the actions of which deal with the fight against bioterrorism; in the “Ecosystems and sustainable
development” area, programmes dealing with genomics and the search for contaminating
agents (in particular biological toxins and micro-organisms) in the environment.
The perception of the biological, chemical and radiological threat changed because of the
extension of its spectrum and the reduction in the level of losses considered acceptable. The list
of infectious agents which represent a threat in terms of provoked biological risk widened. The
eventuality of terrorist usage, its feasibility and its impact were demonstrated in 1995 by the
chemical attack in the Tokyo subway, and by the anthrax contaminated envelopes in 2001 in the
biological domain. This increases the need to protect those outside military forces and brings
defence and security issues closer together. Both events illustrate the unpredictable effects of
these non conventional weapons. A few envelopes contaminated by an infectious but not
contagious biological agent (and without any sophisticated system of dispersal or preparation),
causing a few casualties in a single country, induced worldwide disruption which lasted several
weeks; the chemical attack in Tokyo with several thousand injured had only a local impact.
Finally, the necessity to take into account an urban environment means that civilian populations
can also be the collateral casualties of attacks against military forces.
The scientific orientations of the “biology” domain aim primarily at improving our capacity to
analyse biological risk, to detect and restore capabilities.
Achieving the aforementioned objectives requires a capacity of appropriate and permanent
surveillance in any condition compatible with a dispersal of aerosols. This is reflected by
requirements in terms of portability, mobility, and adaptation to environmental conditions. This
protection must also apply to the logistical support structures and others.
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
1 > Chemical threat
The potential of a chemical weapon depends not only on the intrinsic toxicity of the product, but
also on the simplicity of production, its stability, dispersal, behaviour in the environment etc. As
chemical weapons are subject to an efficient international control agreement, threats from a
State are at present considered unlikely. The priority will be to improve sampling, analysis and
decontamination procedures. There is also a need for immediate therapeutic countermeasures.
2 > Biological threat
In the context of bioterrorism, even localised contamination may be enough for the attackers.
Conversely, minor difficulties for a state organisation may constitute major difficulties for a
terrorist group (for example in terms of access to the most dangerous micro-organisms). For this
reason of accessibility, pathogenic micro-organisms considered irrelevant in terms of military
threat could be relevant in a bioterrorist context.
Reflection on the biological threat cannot ignore the risks potentially associated with genetic
engineering technologies nowadays globally called synthetic biology. The potential spectrum is
obviously very wide. However, the feasibility of such developments by a few individuals remains
doubtful because it is currently impossible to predict the effect of a genetic modification on the
global behaviour of a micro-organism, for example in terms of virulence. Any genetic
modification must be tested to verify that the modified micro-organism is still virulent and the
practical realisation of such tests requires access to significant facilities.
Toxins of biological origin belong to the so-called intermediate spectrum. They are chemical
weapons stemming from a biological agent and incapable of multiplying. They must be tackled
from two points of view, by both chemists and biologists.
1 > Physical Protection
Chemical weapons can act on any point of contact and physical protection equipment was
developed according to these criteria. Biological weapons will generally act after ingestion or
inhalation. The more serious consideration of biological risk thus justifies envisaging physical
protection in different ways.
Many currently available biological detection systems have high false alarm rates and the delay
in raising the alarm may mean that masks are worn for a long duration. In this context, masks
must be improved so that they can be worn for longer periods. New filters must be developed
taking advantage of new techniques for the destruction or capture of biological particles.
Synergies with the work completed in the civilian domain to counter the risks of viral pandemics
can be researched (Figure 1).
Figure 7-1: Test bench for protective masks against live pathogenous agents.
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• DGA 2009 •
2 > B-detection and diagnosis
Detection aims at determining the arrival or presence of toxic or infectious agents, and consists
of an alarm capacity and raising the alarm. It would be desirable to develop devices
simultaneously integrating capabilities to detect B and C. The intrinsically very different nature
of these two categories does not facilitate this objective. Biological and chemical agents differ
so significantly that it would be very challenging to search for universal solutions. Microorganisms are highly complex, and genetically heterogeneous (compared with the well-defined
and highly specific molecular structure of a chemical agent). Non-pathogenic micro-organisms
with essentially identical chemical composition are ubiquitous in the environment, and lethal
doses of pathogens correspond with an extremely low mass. Furthermore while for the chemical
domain the alarm must be raised within minutes, in the biological domain, considering the
incubation time, an alarm raised within hours of the exposure will still be extremely useful.
Biological detection is a major priority. The long-term objectives in the field of detection are the
development of detectors of a biological alert with appropriate sensitivity and accuracy capable
of non-stop analyses in several minutes with an acceptable rate of false alarms. Such objectives
are scientifically and technologically very ambitious. In this domain, miniaturisation
(nanobiotechnologies) will be essential.
There are two interesting possibilities to identify a potentially harmful aerosol: a generic
detection capable of identifying the aerosol as artificial, or the specific identification of a
pathogenic agent. The generic approach would require the discovery of characteristics giving
sufficient accuracy and sensitivity. For the second, the main target is genetic material, or the
detection of specific surface antigens of the relevant micro-organisms, or the analysis of all the
constituents to produce specific spectrums. These technologies must aim at improving the
following parameters: sensitivity, accuracy, multiplexing, speed, flow processes, portability and
operating costs.
Diagnosis is a different problem which cannot however be completely separated from
detection. On the one hand the applicable technologies are often common and, on the other,
the capacity to produce a very early diagnosis (before the appearance of the symptoms) could
constitute a certain last resort detection device (in which the target, human, animal or plant, is
the sensor). Diagnosis is a major domain of biomedical research. Defence is more specifically
interested by very early diagnosis, and the diagnosis of infectious agents which are usually not
significant issues in terms of public health.
3 > Identification and forensic microbiology
The respective roles of field laboratories and laboratories of expertise in biodefence may evolve,
according to the miniaturisation of equipment and improvement in the means of communication
and information exchange (remote assistance for field teams by the expert laboratories:
biologists, chemists, microbiologists).
It is likely, for example, that the capacity of genotyping or sequencing of biological agents to
search for the source of a suspected biological attack, currently considered the domain of support
laboratories, will at least be partly realised by the field laboratory with the increasing availability
of adapted technologies. The support laboratory will have to carry out analyses which are
possible because of new technologies of massive sequencing of all nucleic acids present in a
complex sample.
4 > Counter-proliferation, biosecurity
The more recent biological domain is a priority, with problems very different from those of a
chemical risk in terms of control of precursors and processes. For the moment and at least for
some time still, the agents of the biological threat are likely to be natural agents. Also, while for
a field microbiologist it is theoretically possible to isolate extremely pathogenic bacteria directly
in the environment (in endemic areas), in practice this operation requires advanced training and
knowledge of the environment. It also requires the evaluation of the virulence of the new
Consequently, the collection of strains of dangerous pathogens has to be the object of a
particular attention in terms of traceability of the agents. Scientific and technical advances in
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
these domains are necessary to develop successful tools and standards, recognised worldwide by
communities of microbiologists and control institutions.
5 > Decontamination
The search for “soft” (not aggressive for the equipment, the least toxic possible for the user and
the environment, with a long shelf life at a reasonable cost) products, capable of restoring a site
or material contaminated by a biological agent, is a priority. This issue is complex because it
requires the reconciliation of strong biocide activity (decontamination efficiency) and low toxicity
(this is partially linked to the ability to kill micro-organisms).
6 > Medical Countermeasures
In the chemical domain as well as in the biological domain, it is often very difficult, for the agents
of the threat, to evaluate therapeutic products in vivo (the problem of defence can be compared
on this point with that of orphan disease research). Even if certain biological agents still
constitute public health issues (although generally modest) in some countries (zoonosis), the path
and the natural dose of infection are not generally those of the provoked risk.
> Medical Protection in the chemical domain
Despite years of research, there is still no satisfactory protection against chemical agents even as
ancient as mustard gas or neurotoxic agents. It is hoped that progress in pharmacogenomics, in
molecular modelling, in proteomics can lead to new possibilities.
> Medical Protection in the biological domain
In this domain, defence is, for certain aspects, a relatively modest player, that follows and uses
the work of biomedical research. This will be, for example, the case in the field of the research
on new antibiotics or antivirals, the discovery of new vaccine approaches and the understanding
of resistance mechanisms. On certain subjects however, (for example tropical infectious diseases,
epidemiology) military health services are well recognised players.
For biological agents, the priority is for wide-spectrum products that will have been tested on
humans against major public health pathogens (antibiotic and antiviral drugs are well-known
examples of such products).
The development of customised vaccines in a very short timeframe will also be promoted.
This list of priorities does not mean that more traditional research will not be supported. It is
important to keep in mind that the majority of the research and evaluation work of new approaches
in the domain can be conducted on simulants (non pathogenic micro-organisms) or inactive extracts
(Figure 2). Two main French biodefence institutions, the Bouchet Study Centre (CEB) and the Institut
de recherche biomédicale des armées (IRBA), can be involved in identifying the most relevant
biological model.
1 > Microbiology, infectious diseases, including those of agronomic interest
Research to improve the knowledge of virulence factors and mechanisms will be encouraged
(knowledge of pathogenic micro-organisms for humans or for economically important resources
(agriculture), plasticity of genomes, molecular epidemiology, forensic microbiology). Work will be
encouraged into predicting, based on sequence data, the antigenic structure of the surface of
micro-organisms. Methods enabling the deduction of culture conditions necessary for the growth
of a micro-organism from its genomic sequence are of special interest.
The recent technological breakthrough in the field of nucleic acid sequencing can be applied to
the study of unknown biological samples to search for the presence of a pathogenic agent
(including RNA viruses) without prior suspicions.
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Figure 7-2: Development of biological micro-detectors
2 > Nanobiotechnologies for the real time detection of micro-organisms and
pre-symptomatic diagnosis
The development of micro-detectors which enable the real time follow-up and detection of
micro-organisms in the atmosphere, the characterisation of the microbiological contents of a
biological sample or the early diagnosis of an infection, will be encouraged. The need for
innovation relates in particular to the identification of several agents simultaneously with little
or no specific reagents (Figure 2). ■
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
Domain 8
This domain relates to the consideration of the human element in defence systems.
More specifically, it encompasses:
• Individual protection against environmental constraints;
• Operational capability preservation;
• Medical support of armed forces during operations;
• Man-machine interfaces (MMI);
• Man as systemic component.
• Soldier monitoring;
• Brain-computer interfaces;
• Adaptation mechanisms.
The Man and systems domain is artificially singled out because:
• few developments relate exclusively to the human element of operational systems;
• the priority for the efficiency of the equipment developed and their appropriation by users is
to take into account properties of those who will operate them, from the earliest innovation
or design stages;
• this domain must facilitate the identification and consideration of the principles governing
survival and the individual and collective behaviour of man in the very limited social and
technical context of Defence operations.
This domain is dual by nature, of interest to the civilian and military partners, as armed forces
personnel are above all human beings. The principle of future weapons systems is to exploit as
naturally as possible the natural properties of man, even via advanced technological devices.
Military particularity resides less in the nature of the constraints than in their intensity or
combination. Here also, the Defence interest reflects the concerns of the other areas of
application sharing fundamental characteristics such as a high-risk activity, the use of advanced
technology, time and environmental constraints and interactivity of the players. Finally, it should
be pointed out that defence requirements are often in line with developments in biological and
medical domains widely supported by civilian research and funded by large research support
organisations, both national and international. All possibilities of transfer to benefit military
personnel must be examined.
Technological progress leads to the emergence of complex weapons systems which demand more
physical and psychological resistance of the combatant, more skills, more mental efficiency, more
knowledge, more operational expertise, more speed and more interaction between those
involved. The safety of the personnel and of the man-system combination requires better
knowledge of the physical, psychological and sociological mechanisms which govern the
behaviour of operators in active situations. The knowledge and consideration of the users’
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• DGA 2009 •
characteristics are a way to improve the man-system combination when designing weapons
systems as well as regarding medical assistance to the personnel. Simple knowledge of the
physical and behavioural mechanisms is often insufficient to predict potential operational
situations. A modelling of these mechanisms identifying variation factors must be added to this
Finally, the constant reduction in armed forces personnel raises the issue of the added value
inherent in each workstation. Man, a prime element of the Defence system, should no longer put
up with existing equipment. He must have technical systems at his disposal so as to give it his all.
The Defence interest with regard to personnel therefore focuses more specifically on two major
• combatant homeostasis and health because the environment in which military interventions
occur is often so difficult on the major functions of the human body as to be life-threatening.
The idea is to specify the scope of tolerance and the protection resources likely to broaden this
scope. If the combatant’s health deteriorates, the care and repair duty must be of the highest
medical standard available while taking into account the circumstances of the intervention.
For example, as part of the modelling of the human body’s tolerance to the constraints of combat
situations, the DGA is currently supporting an REI project for the development of a software
solution capable of predicting the muscular comfort limitations of body segments subject to the
gravitational and inertial effects of individual weapons. The challenge of the “PAM-Muscle”
software is not only to model the biomechanical constraints incurred by the body segments
depending on the weight of the equipment and the user’s posture but also to take into account
the appearance of stress signs.
Figure 8-1: Modelling of the biomechanical constraints associated with the use of individual weapons (Pam-muscle
project, ESI Group)
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
• man’s behaviour and how to predict, orient or optimize it. While man’s ability to make a
decision and process information remains limited and erratic, and error is an intrinsic
characteristic of mankind, human operators’ creative ability to make a decision in an
unforeseen and complex situation is second-to-none. The objective is to define the conditions
for a synergy between the operator and the controlled systems in order to limit the information
load and stimulate the decision-making processes and complementarity between individuals.
Thus, by successively financing a doctoral thesis and an REI project to analyse the different
cognitive stages involved in the perception of shapes and objects, as well as their relationship
with the observer’s consciousness, the DGA encourages the emergence of new concepts on the
role of the attention on these different perception forms and on the influence of the context in
which the information is presented. The results directly affect the information presentation
methods on military interfaces. Among the multitude of visual information available, not all
pieces of information are consciously taken into account. Some of them, known as subliminal
information, fail to reach consciousness, while others fully reach consciousness and can be
reported and described by the observer, and others yet reach a pre-conscious stage in which the
information is available but not accessible due to insufficient attentional resources. This preconscious stage is in between the previous two and its consequences on the decision-making
process remain to be specified.
Figure 8-2: Study of the different stages of consciousness of an information during its presentation (Project on the neural
basis of context-related and attentional influences on perception, Sid Kouider, ENS’s cognitive and psycholinguistic
sciences Laboratory; figure based on Kouider & Dehaene’s article published in 2007 in the “Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society of London” magazine)
The “Man and System” domain, although cross-sectional, remains intuitive. It involves scientific
literature published by expert teams from different disciplines, sharing the desire to model
human properties and behaviour. Only the development and consideration of tried and tested
formalisms and concepts can be integrated into the defence scope.
1 > Combatant homeostasis and health
> Individual protection against environmental constraints
The effects of the different environmental parameters on man (temperature, pressure,
acceleration, radiation etc.) are currently well documented for continuous constraint profiles or
constraints with regular and progressive variations. The data most often relates to an isolated
environmental constraint and fails to analyse iterative exposure. Theoretical knowledge and
predictive models are insufficient when it comes to the variation rates experienced by the armed
forces and the effects of a combination of constraints. In addition, the protection resources
available to the personnel must benefit from the development of new materials, more efficient
and predictive control systems, the miniaturisation of technologies to improve the efficiency/cost
ratio for the operator.
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• DGA 2009 •
> Operational capability preservation
Even when well protected, the operational capability of military personnel progressively
deteriorates during prolonged combats. Systems designed to monitor the physical and cognitive
state of the combatant must be proposed by exploiting technological advances and
miniaturisation processes. These systems must take into account the central and peripheral
mechanisms underpinning the operator’s physical and mental performance, integrate several
variables to improve reliability and enable a diagnosis within a relevant timeframe in relation
to the military dynamics. Combatant protection equipment must delay the deterioration of
operational capabilities and therefore preserve personnel integrity in the short and long term.
This research must therefore help preserve the health of personnel in operations by offering
adapted preparation, monitoring the tolerance to constraints and also providing appropriate
recovery methods as soon as the combatant is no longer exposed to the constraint. In this
context, sleep deprivation represents a critical factor of the operators’ capabilities in
operational conditions. Recent progress, achieved in the development of methodological tools
enabling the detection of impulse control disorder among operators suffering from sleep
deprivation, have yet to specify the impact of the different attention deterioration factors on
cognitive processes and orient the necessary reorganisation of shift work in the armed forces or
the definition of behavioural and/or pharmacological resources likely to limit this type of
> Medical support of armed forces during operations
The development of means of communication enables the exchange of high-flow data in
complex digital formats. Medical skills, integrating the most recent scientific advances and
available outside of the intervention area, can therefore be used to treat the wounded wherever
the armed forces are deployed. This approach was initiated as part of the “Telemedicine” PEA.
These technical exploits and the scope of the functionalities available must however be adapted
to the requirements of the different stakeholders and time constraints of the technical actions.
Regarding the rehabilitation of wounded personnel or of the personnel affected physically,
cognitively or psychologically by the operational conditions, the biotechnological advances are
paving the way for new motor and/or sensory compensation systems. These systems, still in their
infancy, must be perfected to provide genuine autonomy.
Finally, special attention must be paid to combatant support following an external operation as
the deployment conditions in hostile environments are likely to affect the combatants’ psyche. In
this respect, post-traumatic stress disorder etiopathogeny, diagnostic and treatment must be
2 > Human behaviour
> Man-machine interfaces for perception and command
To preserve system efficiency and security, the trend is to increase the amount of information,
both off-line (instructions, procedures etc.) and on-line (alarms, detailed descriptions of the
situation etc.) with the risk of increasing information processing costs for the operator. It would
be interesting to analyse how the human operator manages this information and what
strategies are developed to select and process this information in complex situations. To
optimize the flow of information taken into account by the operator and minimize perceptive
conflicts, the interfaces must factor in the natural psycho-physiological mechanisms of human
perception. These mechanisms remain insufficiently documented for the dynamic exposure
conditions in a military context and for the formats used by military technologies (sensor or
sensor fusion images, extension of perceptive domains, virtual or augmented reality, sensory
compensation etc.).
The operator’s ability to simultaneously interpret the data from the different sensors and virtual
information must be accurately determined, initially for visual and audio information and
subsequently for new sensory combinations, thereby diversifying the available sensory sources.
The flow, nature and combination of information in military interfaces raise the issue of the
flexibility of the cognitive processes underpinning the perception process. The attentional factors
which guide the selection of information in this data inflow remain insufficiently documented at
this level of parameter interference and task complexity.
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
Finally the time course and determinants of the decision-making process and activity control
must be specified in order to improve the definition of the source and correction of human error,
the relationship between available information and response. The treatment of uncertainties,
the impact of emotional, moral or ethical aspects, of the judgment and decision must be taken
into account at individual and collective level. The effects of time constraints on these decisionmaking mechanisms must be determined as they frequently affect the decision in an actual
> Man as systemic component
The scale of the workstation is no longer representative of the operator’s intervention domain
because the relational complexity of the organisational systems creates numerous links between
individual activities. In addition, robotics developments are creating close relationships between
human players and automatons at variable levels of sophistication and autonomy depending on
the context. Therefore man must be considered an element of a cooperative system of varying
scope and dynamics. The issue of communication is key in this system and must be tackled in
terms of content, flow and continuity of the information transmitted, information validity
period, emergence or transparency of the exchanged flows, scope of local treatments, decisionmaking hierarchy and trust in local performance. Certain communication and human behaviour
procedures are difficult to transpose as they largely require implicit aspects or emotional
exchanges which have yet to be formalised. The benefit of the cognitive neuroscience of social
behaviour will be of particular interest for the analysis of the interaction between the different
weapons system stakeholders. Social psychology findings, showing the modifications in
individual cognitive architectures during the adaptation process to a collective task, combined
with research in electrophysiology, highlighting the synchronisation of interacting operators’
brain wave patterns, should result in an original approach and a method to study collective
working conditions.
The human added value of the cooperative system is based on the consideration of cognitive and
psychosocial concepts and models developed for open and extremely interactive situations. The
dynamic and adaptive dimension of interaction and cooperation processes within distributed
systems is necessary to guarantee the impact of this research on the efficiency of operational
systems. Special attention is paid to the learning mechanisms used to optimise training for a
better use of the systems. The simulation of action conditions is an ideal way to develop these
skills; the design and operational criteria of this equipment has yet to be specified at individual
as well as organisational level in order to generate effective gains in operational situations.
> Resilience
Increasingly sophisticated technologies, the interdependence of operators, the sometimes
unforeseeable nature of the situations to be dealt with, the presence of risks associated with the
decisions: all this requires improved system reliability and the understanding of man’s role in the
development and maintenance of this reliability. The operational environment, i.e. the physical
environment of the action, the internal condition of the combatant, his/her relationships with
technology or the system’s stakeholders, is particularly unstable. Events seldom follow the
anticipated course. The resistance to disturbance factors is essential for the success of the
missions. In a socio-technical system, this resistance is primarily and appropriately guaranteed by
the resilience of the operators who adapt their action strategies or create new system usage
procedures. Theoretical data fails to reflect the adaptive processes required, at individual and
organisational level, to deal with the disturbances, most often unforeseeable, which contaminate
the systems. This is a major risk for the concept of network operation; the local and global
treatment of this complexity has yet to be formalised. The psychological, cognitive and
behavioural processes leading to tackle difficult situations via cohesion, self-confidence and
training must be examined more in depth. The identification of these processes must result in the
development of innovative techniques to control mental fatigue and stress on an individual and
collective scale.
Responsiveness is also based on the integrated management of heterogeneous documents. The
idea is to upgrade existing systems from pure rationality to the consideration of management
strategies implemented by the agents, at individual or group level, to facilitate the use of the
documents during the accomplishment of the main task and analyse the impact of document
formats on the agents’ management activities. It would be interesting to create links between
cognitive psychology, ergonomics and linguistics when tackling these issues.
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• DGA 2009 •
3 > Differential approach
Biological systems are never strictly identical. Man is of course no exception to this rule. This
variability between individuals is reflected in all human, physiological, cognitive and sociologic
aspects. The idea is to perfect our knowledge of the interactions between physiological
operation and cognitive operation or between cognitive operation and emotional operation in
order to understand intra and inter-individual variability of human information processing.
This variability becomes critical in extremely complex organisations where increasingly
sophisticated technologies exploiting various human properties are implemented. The system is
therefore only optimal for the average man, which is why a differential approach to the
capabilities of a group of operators is required to determine compliance with established models,
or to identify the adjustment criteria for more eccentric operators. This approach, which
complements the modelling process, is not currently favoured by the scientific community. It must
be encouraged and completed by the identification of criteria defining the recruitment scope to
fill new positions, selection criteria, medical limitations as well as personnel education curriculum
and job evolution throughout their career in order to take into account the operators’
performance variations.
1 > Soldier monitoring
Soldiers’ exposure to combat environments which can have negative effects on their
performance or health must be limited to preserve the personnel and durably maintain the
presence of the armed forces in theatres of operations. The miniaturisation of electronic
components and the development of nanotechnologies have opened new perspectives for
biological and physiological parameter sensors, the synchronous analysis of which enables the
monitoring of the soldier’s physical and cognitive capabilities. The solutions must focus on
technologies offering temporary, optional, non-invasive and non-binding usage. Combat
equipment will be enhanced by the integration of these new prevention techniques.
2 > Brain-computer interfaces
Considerable progress in non-invasive imaging techniques (functional MRI, magnetoencephalography, electro-encephalography etc.) and more invasive technologies open new
possibilities to observe and act on the human brain. These investigation methods highlight the
hierarchically distributed coding strategies implemented by the brain to analyse and store the
information generated by the environment and to plan an action. The updating of the neuronal
basis of mental processes improves our understanding of cognitive processes and human
behaviour. The signals detected and interpreted can be treated to identify the dynamic perception
and decision-making processes in the brain but also to interact in real time with higher cognitive
functions. This knowledge is expected to result in intelligence aids to increase the operator’s
efficiency and operational capabilities. The real-time combination of localised cerebral activities
with computers or artificial systems is looming. This direct interaction between thought process
and weapons system command may, in a few specific cases, significantly reduce the operator’s
response time.
3 > Adaptation mechanisms
Apparent in the biological, organic, systemic or organisational domains, adaptation mechanisms
are a key aspect of the human element. To deal with the iterative introduction of new
technologies in working environments, they have constantly been solicited in armed forces for
which staged generation equipment is the rule, due to the duration of the programmes. The
progress made in terms of human knowledge is on a totally different scale to that of
technological innovation, which seems to speak in favour of continued adaptation. However, this
concept is insufficiently documented, covering very different mechanisms with varying
development conditions, limitations, stability, residual effects or transfer.■
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
Domain 9
• Oceanic domain :
o Bathymetry, gravimetry and geomagnetism ;
o Marine geology and acoustic oceanography ;
o Oceanic circulation ;
o Swell and sea status modelling ;
o Marine biochemistry.
• Meteorology and physics of the atmosphere :
o Forecast of local and low-layer atmospheric phenomenon ;
o Precipitating systems, radiations, clouds, complex media ;
o Ocean/atmosphere interactions and sprays.
• Continental environment :
o Soils and characterization of surface status ;
o Atmosphere/soils/vegetation interactions ;
o Urban environment.
• Numerical geography – Positioning information.
• Coastal environment.
• Sprays.
The scientific domain of “Environment and Geosciences” plays an essential role in the knowledge
of the physical environment, its parameters and interpretations of the acquired data. The
scientific issues of the “Environment and Geosciences” domain involve:
- the knowledge of natural media, the determination and interpretation of their parameters for
an understanding as precise and accurate as possible of the environment and, thus, an
optimum adaptability mainly for fast dynamic events;
- the interaction with other scientific domains of the MRIS (i.e. “Information Engineering”,
“Materials and Chemistry”, “Biology”, “Micro and nano electronics”, “Photonics” and
“Waves”) for both (i) the implementation of methods and equipement for the acquisition of
single innovating data (transverse technologies), and (ii) the modeling and the transmission of
the data to operational centres;
- the anticipation of new environmental requirements and the application of European and
international standards.
For Defence, interest in the “Environment and Geosciences” domain mainly relates to the
thorough knowledge of the evolving environment of forces in the theatres of operations, and
therefore the improvement and best adaptation of their capabilities.
The domain can be characterised by four objectives:
- location and navigation, guidance, calculation and follow-up of trajectories;
- detection and recognition, information;
- discretion, stealth and camouflage;
- mobility: feasibility, traversability.
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• DGA 2009 •
The knowledge of meteorological parameters (wind, clouds, humidity, temperature) and of the
environment (hydrography, geography, oceanography), on average and small scales, plays an
essential role in the setting-up of terrestrial referential networks (automated cartography),
whatever the milieu.
Moreover, these parameters will induce variations in wave and radiation propagation, as they are
able to influence the discretion of specific systems (nuclear weapon submarines) and the
emission/reception of the communication systems, and ultimately restrict the evolution of the
armed forces. These variations have to be integrated in real-time into the systems to define and
modify the trajectories (optimal routes, ballistic and targeting, natural or constructed obstacles),
according to the strategic flows concerned.
Two research projects supported by the DGA within the framework of Research and Innovation
Projects, illustrate two research themes of interest to the defence sector, mainly for navigation
(accurate study of the environment) and detection (“mine warfare”).
1 > Oceans
Research in the oceanic domain is mostly dual and benefits from the support of the whole
oceanographic scientific community who mainly works on the improvement, treatment and
REI “Monitoring method of the classification of sea beds”: project concerning the
implementation of an analytical methodology by multi-sensor fusion of the space-time evolution
of the classification of sea beds (NATO classification of “under-water vegetation”). The objective
of the project was the characterisation of specific zones in terms of their capacity to conceal
objects on the sea floor via two parameters, roughness on a small scale and the fluctuations of
the acoustic properties according to the time variability of the sea floor.
Figure 9-1: REI “Sea floor”, 2007.
“Acoustic” map of a kelp field”
REI “Network of Automated Oceanic Observation with Gliders”: implementation of simulation
tools and sea experiments to evaluate the observation capacities in real time of the oceanic
environment via a series of submarine gliders.
Figure 9-2: REI “Gliders”, 2007.
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
exploitation of measurements. Data is acquired by satellite observations and on-site
measurements, with the aim of implementing and qualifying numerical models describing the
ocean and its evolution.
The Defence interest, originally focused on oceanic basins due to problems associated with
dissuasion forces (nuclear launch submarines and underwater warfare), focuses nowadays on the
modelling of smaller theatres of operation, mainly in coastal and littoral milieus. Moreover, the
diversification of naval operations and intervention areas, with little known characteristics,
results in an increase in environmental parameters to be defined for future systems.
A description, as accurate, precise and rapid as possible, of the ocean and its evolution is
therefore required to be integrated into information and command systems for the driving of
military operations.
Operations in shallow oceanic domains, mainly in coastal and near deep-sea zones, require a
good knowledge of the water-sediment interface (acoustics, roughness, reflection/refraction,
interaction with the vegetation), as well as an in-depth study of the streams, mainly on (1) the
continental slope (moving currents), and (2) the continental plateau near the sea shore where
high-frequency phenomena (tide, wind) often dominate the dynamics. However, the “deep seatype” phenomena (seasonal currents, medium scale turbulences, etc.) remain determinant
factors for navigation for more than one day.
Finally, research focusing on relationships with the global climate and the effects of global
warming must not be neglected, mainly in terms of (i) integration of changes in dynamics and
(ii) the rapid evolution of physical and chemical parameters of oceanic water bodies in forecast
and decision-making models.
> Bathymetry, gravimetry and geomagnetism
The overall objective is to improve the resolution and precision of bathymetric (in particular for
coastal and littoral areas) and geophysical fields by using all available data: spatial altimetry and
gradiometry, gravimetric satellites, multi-beam probes and laser bathymetry. The main interest
for Defence is linked to security, mainly for underwater navigation, and to stealth and detection
The precise determination of the Earth’s shape (resolution from medium to short wave length)
would also improve altimetry data assimilation for both the modelling of oceanic circulation and
the definition of the hydrographic zero in coastal areas with links to topographic land surveys.
This theme regroups the study of the gravity field and its variations through time, the general
distortion of the Earth, as well as horizontal and vertical movements of the terrestrial crust that
have to be included in global models.
From a more prospective view, the accurate knowledge of variations and anomalies of the
geomagnetic field can be used for a better understanding of phenomena closely linked to
electromagnetic effects and signature of hydrodynamical processes (swell, streams, vortex, etc.).
> Marine geology and acoustics
Marine geology and sedimentology are of particular interest in coastal and littoral domains for
under-water warfare (geoacoustics), mine warfare (burying), navigation security
(displacement/movement of sand dunes) and landing operations (mobility and erosion of shallow
sea beds).
Studies of major interest focus on sediment geotechnics and thickness (physical and geoacoustic
properties), as well as shallow sea bed dynamics in coastal and marine domains. This section
particularly focuses on (i) the exploitation of mechanical and sedimentological measurements, (ii)
the development of analytical techniques of geophysical and sedimentological data (sonar and
sounder imaging), and (iii) the coupling of sedimentology and hydrodynamical models
(transportation, suspension, impact of roughness on streams, etc.).
The general framework is the acoustic recognition of the marine milieu for the needs of
submarine warfare, including (i) the observation and characterisation of the milieu for an
understanding of the effects of the environment on acoustic propagation, reverberation and
ambient noise, and (ii) the impact of the environment on sonar systems.
> Oceanic circulation
This theme concerns the oceanic dynamic on an average and small scale. Defence interest mainly
relates to submarine warfare (acoustic impact), mine warfare (drift), special operations (current
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thresholds). Oceanic circulation is an essential element for biogeochemical models as well as for
interfaces and coupling with biogeochemical and atmospheric models, specifically for daily to
seasonal processes.
Major themes are linked to (i) the study of processes on specific spatial and temporal scales
(mainly in the coastal domain) based on satellite and/or on-site data analyses and on numerical
modelling, (ii) the improvement of already existing or on-going models, (iii) the mesh-based
parameterisation or parameterisation of unresolved processes (e.g. linked to the development of
mixing layers), and (iv) the data assimilation and setting-up of realistic models on specific areas.
> Swell and sea status modeling
The characterisation and modelling of the sea surface status are of utmost importance for
navigation security and drift models.
The oceanic surface is subject to two major phenomena, constantly interacting and which have
to be clearly understood and predicted: (i) the swell, undulating movement of the sea surface
created by a wind field far from the observation zone, and (ii) the “wind sea”, generated by the
progressive action of local winds.
Observations and measurements of waves, identified by their direction, wave length, height and
period, physical parameters (reflection, refraction, diffraction), in relation to both the
bathymetry and the wind (itself parameterised by its strength, duration and length of the fetch)
are essential for marine forecasting (prevision, cartography).
Modelling the sea status (tide measurements, spatial altimetry, SAR and other radars) helps to
characterise the roughness of the marine surface as well as the foam and spray production.
Finally, the interaction with marine currents and the direct effect of the wind on the sea surface
(which also contributes to evolution of the deep sea) have to be taken into account in relation
to the bathymetry. On the nearby seashore, the swell breaking, the appearance of littoral
streams, the interaction with sediment transportation (changes in the beach slope and profile)
are of particular interest (evolution of the coast profile, landing and impact on harbour
infrastructures etc.).
> Marine biochemistry
In this paragraph, the themes of interest are linked to the optic properties of the water and to
the bioluminescence (or “cold light”). The bioluminescence corresponds with the production of
light by oceanic organisms, independently of the natural surrounding light at the moment of this
production. This phenomenon is very important for surface or submarine military operations,
light wakes visible from very far away being created by the turbulence generated by boats.
As for turbidity, the interest mainly focuses on the primary production chain whose evolution
essentially depends on the ocean dynamic. Interaction between the dynamics and the primary
production as well as the knowledge of the evolution of this primary chain (observations, model
updating), from a daily to a seasonal scale, are the main themes to be developed.
To summarise, it appears that the recognition, via on-site measurements, of both zoo- and phytoplanktonic organisms, whether or not they are bioluminescent, and the optimal conditions of
their apparition and development (spatial and temporal variability, appearance probability) are
At satellite level, the principal area of research mainly relates to the exploitation of “water
colour” measurements, in relation to the definition of sea clutters.
2 > Atmosphere
Since the atmosphere constitutes a “noise” source for electromagnetic observation data of
terrestrial and marine surfaces, the interpretation of this data requires the definition of
appropriate correction methods. The simulation of the atmosphere (the cloud and its
environment) and of the propagation in this milieu (radiation and transfer), by nature
heterogeneous and incomplete, requires:
- knowledge of the natural emission of landscapes at various frequencies,
- an understanding of dynamical, thermodynamical and microphysical processes, determining
the radiation properties of the transparent atmosphere, sprays and clouds,
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
- the definition of atmospheric transmission properties (radiation transfer at low optic
frequencies : infrared, micro-waves, radio, etc.), and the build-up of inversion schemes.
> Precipitating systems, radiation, clouds, local atmospheric phenomena
Local on-site meteorological observations need to be reinforced, mainly for environmental
measurements at various wave lengths such as albedo measurements (visible and near thermic
infrared band), determination of daily cloud masses (visible), location of thick clouds related to
storms or front zones (thermic infrared band and microwave) or identification and genesis of fog
(emissivity at 3.7 µm, medium-scale modelling). The study of the various existing cloud types
(genesis, altitude, evolution, dissipation) and of their influence on the propagation of radiations
(reflection, refraction, diffraction) remains topical.
> Oceans/atmosphere interactions and sprays
Sprays are produced by dynamical processes such as the swell and the “wind sea” and influence
the thermodynamic parameters at the atmosphere/ocean interface. They play an essential role in
oceanic cloud formation. Specific studies have to be implemented on the genesis conditions of
these sprays (composition, size), on their concentration and their transportation (turbulent
vertical evolution, sources and “wells”), in direct relation to their influence on the propagation
of electromagnetic waves at various frequencies and on meteorological phenomena that are
essential for navigation and detection. Finally, meso-scale modelling will be used for the precise
parameterisation of processes occurring in the outermost layer of the atmosphere.
3 > Terrestrial environment
> Soil and soil surface status
Soils, often considered as complex heterogeneous milieus, very difficult to model, have a strong
influence on the evolution capacity of the forces (mobility, projection).
Soils thus require special attention in the definition of environmental parameters: (i) intrinsic
properties such as water storage capacity, dampening and permeability, resistance, degree,
elasticity of compaction, temperature and emissivity, roughness, clay content, (ii) specific
structural properties, and (iii) interaction with surface hydrological systems and groundwater.
Topography may also enable the identification of the sensitivity of the area to runoff/flood and
permeability/saturation processes, by the rationalisation of both hydrographic networks and
slope indexes.
> Interaction with the vegetation
Understanding the functioning of continental surfaces requires the study of specific evolution
scenarios of vegetation, in response to climatic (on a local, regional and global scale via the
evolution of hydrological influences) or anthropogenic factors.
Several techniques characterised by various wave signatures (more specifically from 0.5 to 2.5 µm)
can be used such as sub-surface imaging, geological radars, seismology, micro-waves, infra-red
band, passive and/or active hyper frequencies. Moreover, satellite techniques provide essential
information, when there is a way to overcome the atmospheric component (clouds, sprays, etc.),
for the characterisation of soils (temperature, humidity) and/or of vegetation types.
> Urban milieu
The urban milieu, with the development of megalopolis, requires precise cartography (both 2D
and 3D) and study as it strongly influences the physical (wave and radiation propagation,
fluctuation of local weather types by the production of urban sprays) and dynamical (trajectories,
distribution and particle flows) parameters of the environment.
In conclusion, the main objective of this theme “Continents” is to achieve a cartography,
classification and space-time modelling by soil and/or vegetation type, mainly for inaccessible
areas and in relation to their occupation (human footprint).
4 > Digital geography – Georeferenced information
In conjunction with the evaluation and control of system performances, this domain will be
developed in collaboration with the I2 scientific domain. The development of innovating
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techniques and calculation methods would enable the efficient recording, merging,
interpretation and dissemination of a large amount of accurate and realistic data, in real time,
integrating local, regional and global variability on different time scales.
This domain mainly concerns the creation of automated geographical data for the realisation of
maps, either general or devoted to specific environmental parameters (buildings, vegetation,
soils, networks –roads, surface streams etc.), with data acquisition by image integration (radar,
metric radar, satellite).
The integrated approach in generating up-to-date maps of proven operational interest due to
the significant reactivity, will potentially be applied to the implementation of optimised maps
from “damaged” images (i.e. very limited amount of information and low resolution images)
obtained in sensitive and inaccessible areas (via drones).
1 > Coastal environment
The coastal environment is where the forces require precise mapping (a priority location) in order
to be able to move as discreetly as possible. It is thus of the utmost importance to study and
quantify the various factors governing the functioning and morphodynamical evolution as well
as the impact of littoral (continental interaction and influence) and shallow oceanic areas.
Scientific domains to be developed are as follows:
- knowledge of physical, sedimentary and biogeochemical processes;
- acoutic characterisation (milieus and sediments, at very low frequencies);
- upwellings, slope currents and associated flows;
- sedimentary avalanches, suspended matter and turbidity;
- modelling of the sea status and current modelling, streams, swell ; use of meso-scale models;
- sprays (in relation to the second priority action described below) : surface bubbles, wave loping,
ocean/atmosphere interaction etc.;
- littoral erosion and evolution of the coast line (i.e. rapid dynamics, rise in sea level).
Moreover, during modelling of the sea status (generally via spectral methods in average phase
that allow the comparison of simulated and observed heights, either in-situ or by satellite), errors
can represent more than 30% in coastal areas. The modelling of the swell remains extremely
difficult as it is characterised by non-linear behaviour (breaking). The data concerning the
shallow marine zones (sandbanks and silting, particle transfer, erosion etc.) needs to be more
2 > Sprays
The study of sprays is of obvious interest for operational forecasts, from recognition (visibility) to
guidance and navigation, and concerns the entire atmospheric cycle of sprays from the emissions
(“sources”) and their composition, chemical evolution and mixing during advective and/or
convective transportation, to deposition areas (“wells”).
With the help of imaging techniques, satellite observation and forecasting scenarios, this research
aims at (i) estimating the impact of sprays on the radiation assessment (distribution, flows) and
radiation propagation, and (ii) determining and quantifying the contribution of local emissions
(natural and/or anthropogenic, with a specific approach for urban areas) to the atmospheric column.
Sprays also have a very significant local impact. The high content of fine particles in urban and
peri-urban atmospheres resulting in air pollution, radiation and optic distortions, is a genuine
health risk (particles smaller than one micron).
Finally, the modelling of time-space spray variations (“principal source of uncertainty concerning
the estimation of future climates”, Intergovernmental panel on climate change, 2001), on a global
scale (desert dust, marine sprays), separately and in relation to different scenarios of climate
evolution (i.e. IPCC or Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) will be encouraged. ■
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- Part III -
Social, economic, industrial change and energy and environmental issues have created new
research requirements. The frontiers between the disciplines created in the 19th century have
become blurred and material as well as immaterial objects no longer fit into the discipline
classification. Furthermore, the development of new technologies is no longer solely technical
but must also factor in relationships with human stakeholders: ergonomics, man-system
interface, psychological and social aspects. For all these reasons, it is essential to enhance multidisciplinarity, as it often generates breakthrough innovations and is one of the key factors in
defence activities. All major military applications are multi-disciplinary by nature and take into
account the major current trends of miniaturisation, digitisation, autonomy, complexity etc. Six
main multi-disciplinary research themes have been selected in light of their strong impact on
1 > Sustainable Development
Although markedly dual, the research relating to the “Sustainable Development” research
theme corresponds with a crucial challenge for defence policy in terms of adaptation to the
new applicable regulations at national and European level.
The actions which may be undertaken within the DGA will limit “Defence” exemptions as
much as possible while focusing on the implementation and availability of substitution
compounds. This limitation is therefore part of an anticipated position which mostly concerns
“banned” substances (toxic waste disposal) but also the substances which will disappear from
the market because of the simple supply and demand mechanism.
The principal themes envisaged in this respect are as follows:
> Substitution of materials and compounds
With the application of already specified bans and the implementation of the REACH
European regulation (Registration Evaluation Authorisation of CHemicals), relating to the
production, use and import of certain toxic compounds, it is becoming necessary to substitute
these materials and compounds in defence equipment. This theme encourages research on
alternative and innovative materials and their eco-compatibility in the medium and long term:
• implementation of soft and green chemistry methods to design materials;
• ageing study via the implementation of new non-destructive methods of on-site
characterisation as materials and systems evolve;
• development of metal-biopolymer, ceramic-biopolymer or polymer composites generated by
Research on the replacement of noxious substances must be supported by studies on the usage
and “lifecycle” characteristics of the equipment (ageing, recycling, dismantling), in relation to
its reliability (resistance) in a military environment.
This relates, among other things, to themes such as new coating materials (marine
environment), surface treatment (bioactive) or the replacement of metals (for example lead
> Hazardous waste and substances
This theme primarily covers the themes of decontamination and remediation, in terms of
processes as well as applications such as, for example:
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• treatment and stripping with limited or no wastewater: development of catalysis techniques,
wastewater treatment and recycling (if any);
• complexing of contaminated wastewater for air, water etc. confined filtering and
• implementation of catalysts to enable cascading or tandem reactions (cascading catalysis,
tandem catalysis);
• the new catalysts enable the conversion of biomass into monomers, interesting precursors of
functional materials.
From an environmental point of view (ecological engineering), the primary objective is to
decontaminate unusable soil:
• heating for thermal desorption for hydrocarbons,
• extraction by volatility process, especially for volatile organic and organohalogen
• biological degradation (biodegradability, bioremediation, phytoremediation) for pollution
by organic contaminants, phenol, cyanide, hydrocarbons, pesticides but also arsenic and
heavy metals.
This theme may be completed by projects designed to monitor and model the “runoff/infiltration/evaporation” cycle, in combination with the regeneration of vegetation.
> Depletion of energy resources
The depletion (and therefore cost increase) of energy resources requires the reduction in fossil
energy consumption, energy storage (mostly electricity) and the development of renewable
energy sources. This theme is developed further in the energy-related multi-disciplinary
One of the primary objectives of this theme for the Defence sector is the development of
isolated and fully autonomous energy sources (power supply for sensors, systems set up in a
hostile and difficult to reach environment, self-heating clothes etc.), focusing on several
• improve engines and reduce the energy dependence on fossil resources;
• develop photovoltaic energy, with research on new alloys and organic cells with improved
• thermoelectricity, combining low thermal (“glass”) with high electrical conductivity
(“metal”), via studies on metal/oxide combinations in various forms (thin layers, nanostructures);
• energy storage: capacitors and super-capacitors (carbons), fuel cells, accumulators (electrical
and electrochemical, redox systems).
It should however be pointed out that this research on new energy sources, production and
storage must take emissions into account from one end of the chain to the other, also referred
to as “from the well to the wheels” (energy balance, carbon footprint etc.).
> Environment and health impact studies for any new study
Regarding the “precaution principle” and in accordance with the recommendations of the
ministry for the environment and sustainable development, this environmental impact study
theme corresponds with an “environmental and health” section associated with the
development of technologies such as nanotechnologies (multi-disciplinary section of the POS)
and biotechnologies.
The problems (pollution, risks) associated with the new technologies are to be dealt with in the
same way as all other scientific, technological and industrial activities:
• theoretical risk assessment and impact consideration from the design phase (identification,
danger, exposure, protection) to be included in the contractual charges;
• participation in the development of evaluation and certification standards;
• theoretical and empirical determination of the impact of production techniques and
materials (lifecycle) on the environment (map of hazardous substances, storage, preservation
of natural resources, adaptation, assessments);
• Basic Research Policy • DGA 2009
• search for and, if possible, application of eco-design principles;
• anticipation of the risks and empirical impact (ageing, dismantling and recycling of end-oflife objects).
2 > Energy
As weapons systems constantly improve their performance in terms of projection and mobility,
they must integrate, into their core functionalities, advanced devices resulting from advanced
technology. This context makes energy issues a priority, regardless of the requirements: supply,
transformation or simply storage of electrical, magnetic, thermal or mechanical energy. These
capabilities are thus strongly related to military force effectiveness.
Multidisciplinary aspects involved in the needs of energy in the field of defence are an
opportunity to develop fruitful synergies in order to obtain current or future energy solutions.
An example concerns the synergy of information sciences and sensor technologies for the
smart management of energy. Another example is the combination of biology and chemistry
sciences in the exploitation of biomass products. Moreover, synergy can be enhanced between
thermokinetics and materials sciences in the design of storage systems and energy production
The main segments characterising energy systems (from an operational point of view) related
directly to the needs of forces on the battlefield:
• Power (pulse, interrupted or continuous supply),
• Energy (range capability),
• Weight (portability),
Most operating systems are derived from combinations of the above.
> Power and Energy: management of fossil and alternative fuels
This section relates to recurrent applications that consume a large amount of available energy:
mobility of aircraft, buildings, vehicles, power supply to new combat systems that use pulsed
or continuous energy. Many solutions are contained in the civilian technology offer, some of
these solutions being researched by specific defence laboratories or organisations (gas
supplying services, general support services). Scientific issues encompass a lot of
multidisciplinary domains: mechanics, thermal effects, chemistry, computer sciences, and
biology. They concern in particular:
• solutions involving smart management and improved hybridisation of engine systems
(almost 25% energy saved could be a realistic objective).
• propellants with high specific impulse (nanoloads and nanothermites),
• solutions involving new synthetic carbofuels and biofuels, as well as biomass, combined with
the increased efficiency of engines,
• promising applications relating to hydrogen, as a fuel, for “Diesel-Hydrogen” engines
• development of high power energy fuel cells (up to 100 kW), some prototypes of which are
already in service.
Finally, energy requirements for isolated bases, which could be fulfilled using high power solar
concentration plants.
> Energy and portability: a rapidly evolving segment.
This section relates to applications that generally have lower power requirements, used on the
battlefield: portable power unit for soldiers to supply various detection, transmission and
calculation systems; on-demand discrete monitoring systems; energy required for abandoned
sensors. Availability and reliability of these sources is an important factor (storage, safety and
resistance to impact). In this sector, where chemistry, material sciences and micronanotechnologies are strongly linked, the main priorities are:
• materials for micro fuel cells (with nanostructured catalysts and interfaces), bio nano fuelcells. Solid storage of hydrogen (metallic hydrides, hydrates, metallic-free components etc.)
are complementary themes of this domain,
• future thermoelectric microsources (even bio-thermoelectric),
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• new completely organic photovoltaic sensors, bio-photovoltaic sensors (photosensitive
• future solar cell generation, compatible with solar spectrum and with improved energy
efficiency, along with an improved integration capacity.
• new electric microgenerators using microturbofans.
> Power and portability: challenges for storage.
This last segment, which focuses on the priorities of both the “Materials and chemistry”
domain and the “Energy” multidisciplinary section, is devoted to systems which can deliver
large amounts of energy, in a controlled way. The principal elements involved in these systems
are capacitor and supercapacitor components, but also high power connection and commuting
devices. High power microbatteries are also concerned. Expected synergies can be found in the
domains of materials (ceramics or polymers), chemistry and power electrotechnologies. Main
topics of interest are:
• materials and processes for electrical storage and capacitor techniques for high energy
density (up to 5 to 10 kJ/l) with improved resistance, and electrode reliability.
• new electrochemical techniques for the implementation of higher power batteries (e.g.:
Lithium based ), improved electrolytes and associated interfaces,
• materials and systems for thermal power management applications: heat wells, thermal
bridges and insulators with monitored thermophysical properties etc.
• Magnetic storage: superconducting application systems.
This segment involves close collaboration with and financial support from the ANR (French
National Research Agency).
Energy techniques are quickly evolving. Recent results in the field of intercalation components
predict the future performance of capacitor properties (up to 100 F/g). These advances will
enable the use of new pulsed power systems (high power microwaves gun, high power laser
flash, electromagnetic launcher, ULB radars etc.). Further developments combining quantum
physics, material sciences and thermokinetics will lead to major breakthroughs in the
upcoming decades (cold fusion, magnetic quantum, frictionless engines etc.).
3 > Imaging
Imaging systems are complex objects that require high level competences in various domains,
from basic components to system architectures or image processing. This topic is the object of
careful attention in the following domains: information processing, waves, micro & nanoelectronics, photonics and “Man and systems”.
Recent conflicts have clearly illustrated the strategic importance of observation resources for
military actions, and it is necessary to develop technological solutions that will enable our
armed forces to acquire a complete and thorough knowledge of a theatre of operations.
Imaging systems have been in service for many years and have demonstrated a very high level
of technological maturity for some well-established functionalities. However, significant
progress is expected in this domain over the next years and there are promising prospects to
significantly improve the performance of observation systems in terms of detection and
identification range, or to offer new functionalities.
Increasing angular resolution is a major objective for extending the range of our observation
systems. In this domain, an important technological effort is needed at component level with,
for instance, the pitch reduction for infrared detectors or the sensitivity increase of mm-wave
receptors. Research must also be carried out at system level on multi-channel radar techniques,
associating polarimetric and/or interferometric synthetic aperture radar, as well as multistatic
approaches. Over the longer term, optical aperture synthesis should lead to increased angular
resolution, but very significant technological complexities are expected. Eventually, adaptive
optic techniques for the compensation of atmospheric turbulence might also play a key role in
the development of long range identification systems.
Another breakthrough area is the improved exploitation of the electromagnetic field scattered
and emitted by a scene, in particular the analysis of its spectral characteristics and polarisation.
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Thus, multi/hyper-spectral or polarimetric imaging must make it possible to improve
discrimination between an object of interest and the environment in which it evolves. At a
higher level, the fusion of images from different imaging systems (optical in different bands
and radars) must lead to a maximal exploitation of complementarities between sensors.
Significant work remains to be done on a fundamental level for a better understanding of the
potential of this type of approach, but also on a technological level for high-performance
components and architectures compatible with military integration constraints. The use of
these vector images relies on highly developed image processing techniques and also involves
advanced cognitive approaches.
Technological advances in the domain of active imaging, radar and optics should result in the
emergence of imaging capabilities in 3D, which have great potential in urban scenarios.
However, significant technological effort is required to advance towards high technical
maturity levels, in particular with the development of detector arrays with very low response
times and very high sensitivity.
Imaging through opaque milieus, which constitutes one of the oldest desires of humanity,
could become a reality in the years to come. Indeed, electromagnetic radiation in the THz
range (100 GHz to several THz) possesses remarkable penetration characteristics for different
types of material such as fabric, plastic, vegetation and building materials. These radiations are
also characterised by strong interaction with the majority of explosives and biochemical agents
which can be identified thanks to a specific spectral signature. Approaches of this type could
lead to functions such as the detection of concealed weapons, explosives or biochemical
agents. Another concept, based on ultra wide band radar approaches associated with time
reversal techniques, is also interesting for imaging through a wall or behind a curtain of
vegetation. The detection of buried objects is another example of a defence need which can
hopefully be fulfilled subsequent to progress in radar tomography, X-ray imaging, or neutron
There are many questions on which direction to take for the development of these
technologies for our applications, and a detailed reflection has been initiated to identify the
highest priorities at component, system architecture and data processing levels.
Finally, with the development of drone systems and networks of abandoned sensors, the
miniaturization of devices and the increase in their functionalities is an essential area of effort
in which significant progress is expected. Thus, various paths likely to result in a significant
improvement in the compactness of infrared imaging systems are under investigation.
Increasing the field of view is another example of interesting applications and approaches based
on specific optical architectures combined with suitable image processing which could, for
example, offer 360° observation with adequate resolution. The DGA is also behind a significant
effort in the domain of programmable artificial retinas to allow the integration of high-level
functions such as detection, characterization and tracking objects of interest in the focal plane
array. These developments should lead to the implementation of compact and autonomous
imaging systems capable, for example, of generating an alarm when a specific event occurs.
For each of these topics, the human factor needs to be taken into account. Indeed, the quality
of the interface between an operator and the system has a direct impact on the overall
performance and the human capacity to extract relevant intelligence from the significant data
flow the operator receives. Next generation images (sensor fusion, hyperspectral, polarimetric
or 3D imaging) will have significant cognitive load, and it is necessary to define optimized and
efficient solutions to guarantee the possibility of conducting a fast and relevant decision
process. Therefore, the DGA feels that research must be conducted into this topic, in conjunction
with technological developments, in order to define design guidelines for the construction of a
global approach that will allow us to develop instruments with optimal performances.
4 > Nanotechnologies and nanosciences
It is now well established that nanotechnologies will be of significant interest to the next
generation of weapons. As for civilian applications, military applications of nanotechnologies
seem endless and technical breakthroughs are expected in the near and long term future.
The gain in using nanotechnologies is not only the reduction in size, weight and cost but also
the exploitation of new physical or chemical properties that appear only when dimensions
reach nanometer scale.
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Nanotechnologies and nanosciences represent a field which is too large to be covered
exhaustively, which is why it is necessary to focus on a limited number of topics. Therefore the
office for advanced research is seeking scientific contributions to the development of:
• Soldier protection and sustenance
• Nanomaterials for enhanced mechanical, thermal and electrical properties
In the general area of soldier protection, the topics of interest are:
• Flexible armour, individual IFF, repellent fabric, engineered uniform, integrated stealth
technology devices
• Embedded bio and chemical sensors with communications capabilities and low-energy
• Micro-sources of energy: micro-batteries, micro fuel cell, thermoelectric or magnetic microgenerators, photovoltaic cells and in general all harvesting technologies as well as all
innovative devices for energy transmission or conversion
• Remote, integrated and automated medical monitoring and treatment in real time
Enhanced material performance due to nanoscale effects are also of interest. This should
concern in particular materials for bio-decontamination using catalysis, toxic species detection,
propulsion as well as bulk metallic glasses, materials with improved mechanical strengthening
properties, nanoporous materials for fuel cell membranes and materials which would
contribute to Infra-Red or acoustic stealth technology.
5 > Robotics for Defence (ROD)
The fictional robots in science-fiction novels are progressively turning into credible partners in
today’s world. However, any robotic success is almost always the result of the anticipation or
control of specific real-world hazards, the exceedingly large variety of which would mean the
failure of any existing machine if it was not relatively under control.
This type of preparation is not conceivable for defence robotics, which differs from civilian
robotics by its extremely varied usage contexts, environments which cannot always be
controlled and difficult missions which require re-planning. Defence robotics is fully justified in
DDD contexts (Dull, Dirty and Dangerous), i.e. when it is necessary to reduce human exposure
in dangerous situations by replacing humans, when a particularly hostile context means that a
specialised robot will perform the mission more efficiently than a trained human being or
when it is advisable to let robots perform tiresome, repetitive or dangerous tasks.
Based on this premise, a lot of missions can potentially be robotised: for example mine
sweeping, field reconnaissance, notably in case of NRBC threat (nuclear, radiological,
bacteriological or chemical) or IED (improvised explosive device), the uninterrupted
surveillance of the battlefield over long periods of time or the supply of the units.
The difficulty in equipping the human teams involved in all these missions with virtual partners
lies in the fact that it is not yet conceivable to design a generic robot which could be adapted
to the requirement. This is due to an exceedingly large variety of design choices – such as the
robot size, driving force, travelling mode, specific instrumentation – and a exceedingly broad
range of expected performances – notably its level of decisional autonomy, its “intelligence”.
For air, sea or land robots, each of the faculties required for the abovementioned missions
poses specific problems and unresolved scientific issues.
Amongst the scientific domains concerned are notably the “Information Engineering” and
“Man and Systems” combination, which examines fundamental faculties such as learning
ability – from effective remote operation modes to a certain autonomy – operating safety –
regarding the consideration of the human being in the loop (up to the sharing of authority)
as well as for aspects relating to the man/robot interface – or the analysis of the situation.
The robust perception of the theatre in which the robot is involved and its precise location are
obviously essential characteristics, which mostly relate to the “Micro and nanoelectronics”
domain for the design of new, more efficient and less bulky sensors, actuators and calculators
as well as the “Optics” domain for location aspects.
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The “Waves” domain is also involved in order to ensure communication between man and
robot or between robots: communication for the purposes of remote control, remote
operation, information feedback, etc. These connections can be electromagnetic (air-land
robot) as well as acoustic (underwater robot) or optical. Generally operating on low power,
they must be able to withstand all types of aggression such as interference, offensive electronic
warfare or more simply the physical environment (electromagnetic or acoustic) of the
The “Materials and Chemicals” domain is also required for the development of new efficient
materials and for energy-related aspects. For example, current technologies are extremely
detrimental to mobility (the batteries being too heavy) or, conversely, energy autonomy. With
regard to another aspect, the operational credibility of the platforms requires the use of very
robust and light materials.
The ROD aspect therefore concerns all scientific and technological aspects associated with the
multi-disciplinary design of robot systems, such as control architectures, the study of mobility
and means of locomotion specific to robotised platforms or the functional complementarity
between robots and the other systems present in the theatre of operation, including
cooperation between heterogeneous robots and inter-operability with operational
information systems. Special attention will also be paid, in addition to traditional approaches
and architectures, to upgradeable and reconfigurable systems, the systems inspired by animal
behaviour and the systems integrating simulation, perception and interaction. As part of an
even more prospective approach, innovative and futuristic concepts – for example “smart
dust”, controlled living systems, exoskeletons etc. – will also be encouraged.
6 > Sciences for Security and Defence (S2D)
In the last few years, a body of extremely inter-disciplinary research covering numerous
security components – such as public and civilian security, territorial security, health security or
computer security – has developed at national (ANR) as well as European level (7th FPRD). The
White Paper on Defence and Security advocates the pooling of research efforts in this domain,
specifying that the idea is to reinforce the synergies of Security and Defence R&T programmes.
The DGA has identified a sizeable part of the R&T activities likely to contribute to security
missions. This dual characteristic is all the more apparent for research work the readiness level
of which (TRL 1 to 3) does not factor in the constraints associated with a specific usage. This
inter-disciplinary aspect will therefore focus on high-level research of primary interest to the
Defence sector and the dual nature of which enables Security applications.
All the scientific domains of the POS are concerned by this global applicative concept for
detection, surveillance and intelligence, prevention and protection applications.
Information technologies are involved in the activities relative to surveillance and intelligence,
with research concentrating on information processing so as to improve the processing of
signals acquired for detection, surveillance and modelling purposes, with biometric and “ManSystem” aspects, notably for the dynamic interpretation of the situations and crisis
management. In addition, research aimed at protecting computer infrastructures will be
supported, in particular for cryptology, network security and traffic analysis, Internet analysis
or computer virology issues, to name but a few.
The detection of hazardous materials (explosives, biological or chemical agents) is a very active
domain. Any approach likely to improve the rapidity, selectivity and sensitivity of our threat
detection capability is encouraged. Ground-penetrating imaging techniques (millimetre or
THz, neutron, IMS, NMR imaging systems) and the development of new spectroscopic
approaches for the realisation of ultra-sensitive and selective sensors are worth mentioning.
Beyond detection, research on the protection of the first respondent against RBC risks will also
be promoted, by means of new and more resistant – or active – materials and by providing
augmented visualisation and communication capabilities. More upstream research may also
focus on resource management and chemical and bacteriological risk dissemination issues.
Finally, the DGA is interested in protection systems with, from a scientific point of view, a
significant effort on innovative technologies for optronic countermeasures which is the object
of a priority action in the “Photonics” domain. As for other approaches, innovative
electromagnetic systems can be efficient to combat MANPADS or IED terrorist threats
(Improvised Explosive Devices) or to stop vehicles remotely.■
Basic Research Policy
• DGA 2009 •
Direction des systèmes de forces et des stratégies industrielle,
technologique et de coopération (D4S)
Mission pour la recherche et l’innovation scientifique (MRIS)
MRIS - 7 rue des Mathurins - 92221 BAGNEUX CEDEX
Tél. : +33 (0) - Fax : +33 (0)
DGA / Comm - 02 - 05/2009 • Photos : DGA/Comm - F. Vrignaud, BD Médias, DR