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What is FISP?
Newsletter Spring/Summer 2012
Newsletter Spring/Summer 2012
FISP Administrative Bodies
Results of the International Philosophy Olympiad, Oslo, May 16-19, 2012:
History of FISP
Gold medals: Korea South: Sarah Yoon Lithuania: Tadas Kriščiūnas
The Work of FISP including
Silver medals:
Denmark: Jeff Granhøj
Finland: Aleksi Korpela
FISP Commmittees
Greece: Myrto Vlazaki
India: Nishith Bharat Khandwala
Statutes and Bye-Laws
Bronze medals:
Germany: Niklas Plaetzer
World Congress
Olympiad Regulations
Past World Congresses of
India: Abhinav Suresh Menon
Norway: Stian Follevaag Ersvær
Honorable Mention:
Denmark: Kasper Siim Viftrup
Newsletter Fall/Winter
Guatemala: Vaclav Masek Sánchez
Israel: Guy Yassor
Korea, South: Sun Young Hwang
Latvia: Justine Zepa
Lithuania: Michail Sklaskis
Montenegro: Djuro Ilić
Netherlands: Sadaf Soloukey
Norway: Lars Borge Hellesylt
Portugal: Diogo José Martins Lopes
Romania: Corina Ezaru
Serbia: Darko Perić
„Schönheit offenbart sich nicht selbst, sie wird durch den Menschen enthüllt. Wenn Lin Tang (Orchideen Pavillon),
sein klarer Fluss und die schlanken Bambusrohre nicht von Wang Xizhi (303-361) beschrieben worden wären, sie
wären in den menschenleeren Bergen verschwunden, ohne je gekannt zu werden. "
Liu Zongyuan (773-819).
"Beauty does not manifest itself, but is revealed by man. If Lin Tang (orchid pavilion) and its clear river and slender
bamboo had not been described by Wang Xizhi (303-361), they would have disappeared in deserted mountains
without being known."
Liu Zongyuan (773-819).
« La beauté ne se manifeste pas par elle-même, elle est révélée par les hommes. Si le Pavillon des Orchidées, sa
rivière claire et ses bambous élancés n'avaient pas été décrits par Wang Xizhi (303-361), ils auraient été engloutis
par des montagnes désertes sans que personne ne s'en aperçoive. »
Liu Zongyuan (773-819).
"La belleza no se manifiesta de por sí, sino que es revelada por los humanos. Si el Pabellón de las Orquídeas, su
río claro y sus bambúes elanzados no hubiesen sido descritos por Wang Xizhi (303-361), acaso las montañas
desiertas los hubieran ocultado sin que nadie se enterara."
Liu Zongyuan (773-819).
"The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil."
Hannah Arendt, The Life of the Mind (1978).
„Die traurige Wahrheit ist, dass das meiste Böse von Leuten begangen wird, die niemals entschieden haben, ob sie
gut oder böse sein wollen."
Hannah Arendt, Vom Leben des Geistes (1978).
« La triste vérité est que le plus souvent le mal est fait par des gens qui n'ont jamais fait le choix de vouloir être
bons ou mauvais. »
Hannah Arendt, La vie de l'esprit (1978): Thinking.
"La triste verdad es que casi siempre el mal está hecho por quiénes nunca se han detenido a pensar si querían
hacer el bien o el mal."
Hannah Arendt, La vida del espíritu (1978).
"If [an animal] suffers, there can be no moral justification for disregarding that suffering, or for refusing to count it
equally with the like suffering of any other being. But the converse of this is also true. If a being is not capable of
suffering, or of enjoyment, there is nothing to take into account."
Peter Singer, Animal Liberation (1975).
„Wenn ein Tier leidet, gibt es keine moralische Rechtfertigung, dieses Leiden zu ignorieren oder sich zu weigern, es
als gleichgewichtig mit ähnlichem Leiden irgendeines anderen Wesens zu behandeln. Aber das Umgekehrte ist
ebenfalls wahr. Wenn ein Wesen nicht fähig ist, zu leiden und Freude zu empfinden, dann gibt es auch nichts, was
man in Rechnung stellen sollte."
Peter Singer, Die Befreiung der Tiere (1975).
« Lorsqu'un animal souffre, aucune justification morale ne permet d'ignorer cette souffrance, ni de ne pas la mettre
sur un plan d'égalité avec la même souffrance de tout autre être. Mais l'inverse est tout aussi vrai. Si un être n'est
pas capable de souffrir, ni de jouir, il n'y a rien à prendre en considération. » Peter Singer, La Libération animale
"Cuando un animal sufre, no puede haber ninguna justificación moral para ignorar su sufrimiento, ni para no
asimilarlo al mismo sufrimiento de todo otro ser. Pero el contrario es igualmente cierto. Cuando un ser es incapaz
de sufrir, o de gozar, no hay nada que tener en cuenta."
Peter Singer, Liberación animal (1975).
"Wenn wir die Frage stellen, ob das, was (der Erscheinung) zugrunde liegt, so ist, wie es erscheint, geben wir zu,
dass es erscheint; unsere Frage betrifft nicht das Erscheinende, sondern das, was über das Erscheinende geurteilt
wird. Dies ist aber etwas anderes als, das Erscheinende selbst in Frage zu stellen. Zum Beispiel erscheint uns der
Honig als Quelle von Süssigkeit; dies räumen wir ein, denn wir empfinden süss aufgrund der Sinneswahrnehmung.
Ob er aber auch, was das Urteil betrifft, süss ist, stellen wir in Frage, denn dies ist nicht das Erscheinende, sondern
das, was über das Erscheinende geurteilt wird."
Sextus Empiricus, Grundriß der pyrrhonischen Skepsis I. 10
(2. Jahrhundert n. Chr.).
"And when we question whether the underlying object is such as it appears, we grant the fact that it appears, and
our doubt does not concern the appearance itself but the account given of that appearance – and that is a different
thing from questioning the appearance itself. For example, honey appears to us to be sweet (and this we grant, for
we perceive sweetness through the senses), but whether it is also sweet in its essence is for us a matter of doubt,
since this is not an appearance but a judgment about the appearance."
Sextus Empiricus, Outlines of
Pyrrhonism I. 10 (2nd century AD).
« Lorsque l'on se demande si l'objet sous-jacent est tel qu'il apparaît, on commence par admettre qu'il apparaît.
Notre doute ne concerne donc pas le fait d'apparaître, mais le jugement que l'on se forme à propos de cette
apparence. Il faut par conséquent distinguer ce doute du questionnement qui porterait sur le fait même d'apparaître.
Ainsi, le miel nous apparaît comme étant sucré (ce que nous admettons, puisque nous éprouvons sa douceur à
travers nos sens). Mais nous mettons en doute s'il est doux selon son essence également, car cela ne concerne
pas l'apparence, mais ce qu'on juge par rapport à l'apparence. »
Sextus Empiricus, Esquisses
pyrrhoniennes I. 10 (iie siècle ap. jc).
"Cuando nos preguntamos si el objeto subyacente es tal y como aparece, es que admitimos que aparezca.
Nuestra duda no afecta por lo tanto el hecho de aparecer, sino el juicio que nos formamos a propósito de esta
apariencia. Así, la miel nos aparece come dulce (lo cual admitimos, pues así nos llega por medio de nuestros
sentidos). Pero si intentamos saber si esta dulzura pertenece a su esencia propia, ahí no podemos sino dudar,
pues ya no se trata de la apariencia, sino de un juicio sobre ella."
Sexto Empírico, Esbozos pirrónicos I.
10 (siglo ii).
Société de Philosophie du Québec
Congrès annuel
Le congrès de la SPQ vise à rassembler les chercheurs en philosophie autour
d'un thème rassembleur qui sera pour 2012 : « La philosophie interlocutrice des
sciences et des arts ». Le congrès vise à interroger et analyser les différents
rapports qu'entretient la philosophie avec les arts d'un côté et les sciences
de l'autre côté. Ces rapports sont multiples et ouvrent plusieurs avenues
théoriques. Analyse du discours philosophique comme esthétique ou scientifique,
importance ou nécessité du discours philosophique pour définir ce qu'est la
science ou l'art, et importance ou nécessité de l'art et de la science pour
produire un discours philosophique. Ces questions ont occupé les philosophes
depuis ses origines, et les réponses offertes ont évolué de façons extrêmement
intéressantes et pertinentes pour la compréhension de la philosophie, de ses
objets d'analyse et de sa méthodologie à travers l'histoire et encore
Les chercheurs invités seront donc appelés à aborder le thème proposé de
différentes façons. Le caractère équivoque du thème est nécessaire afin de
mettre de l'avant un évènement rassembleur pour des chercheurs ayant des
domaines de spécialisation divers en philosophie de l'histoire, en éthique, en
philosophie des sciences et en philosophie de l'esprit, en philosophie
esthétique et en philosophie de la littérature, etc. Quelques exemples de
thèmes pouvant être abordés par les congressistes : L'influence et la place
centrale qu'occupent les sciences cognitives et les sciences sociales dans les
discours en philosophie de l'esprit, en éthique et en philosophie sociale et
politique. La pertinence de soumettre la science ou l'art à des normes et à des
critères éthiques. L'analyse philosophique comme discours scientifique ou comme
discours esthétique.
Programme :
Le programme du congrès annuel de la SPQ 2012 est en ligne. Vous pouvez le
consulter sur le site de l'Acfas :
Société française de philosophie
Informations sur l'activité scientifique 2011-2012 et la programmation 2012-2013
1 - Activité 2011-2012
a) Conférences régulières
26 novembre 2011, Yvon Brès : L'attachement (éros et agapè)
21 janvier 2012, Monique Castillo : La politique cosmopolitique : de l'universalisme au pluralisme
17 mars 2012, Jean-Luc Nancy : Que faire ?
2 juin 2012, Michel Malherbe : La philosophie est-elle une chose importante ?
Voir le détail des arguments sur le site de la SFP :
b) Ateliers de recherche (ouverts aux adhérents et plus particulièrement aux doctorants et professeurs du
Atelier "Le monde", sous la responsabilité de Jean-Michel Muglioni et Jacques Doly
Séances : 26 novembre 2011, 21 janvier 2012, 11 février 2012, 24 mars 2012.
Le détail du programme et les textes sont publiés sur l'espace web dédié aux Ateliers
c) Publications
- Bulletin de la Société française de philosophie, 105e année
n°2011 105 1 : Lire, écrire, publier : l'économie k ierk egaardienne du livre (Hélène Politis)
n°2011 105 2 : Changement et pensée du changement : le parcours de la sociologie critique (1970-2011) (Robert
n°2011 105 3 : Réflexions sur les questions d'identité (Vincent Descombes)
n°2011 105 4 : L'attachement, éros et agapè (Yvon Brès)
- Publications en ligne
Une grande partie des travaux et débats de l'Atelier "Le monde année 2011-2012" est en ligne sur l'espace web qui
leur est dédié :
Rappel : 46 "grandes conférences du XXe siècle" sont proposées au téléchargement en intégralité :
2 - Activités de la Société prévues pour 2012-2013
a) Conférences régulières
17 novembre 2012, Yves-Charles Zarka
26 janvier 2013, Henri Coquio
23 Mars 2013, Pierre Guenancia
1er juin 2013, Daniel Schulthess
b) Ateliers de recherche
Poursuite de l'atelier "Le monde" (2e année) sous la responsabilité de Jean-Michel Muglioni et Jacques Doly.
Ouverture de l'atelier "Kierkegaard" sous la responsabilité de Anne Baudart et Hélène Politis.
Les calendriers et les programmes des ateliers sont consultables sur l'espace web dédié aux ateliers
c) Colloque "Kierkegaard" (automne 2013) dans le prolongement de l'Atelier "Kierkegaard".
d) Publications
- Continuation de la série régulière du Bulletin de la Société française de philosophie(publication des conférences et
des débats).
- Poursuite des publications en ligne
Une série de textes de Dina Dreyfus en téléchargement.
Travaux et débats des Ateliers
Les renseignements détaillés et d'autres informations sont accessibles sur le site internet de la Société française
de philosophie
Hungarian Philosophical Society
Charles Taylor (McGill University Montreal) is one of the most distinctive figures in contemporary philosophy who
has made considerable contributions to a wide range of fields including moral theory, theories of subjectivity,
political theory, epistemology, hermeneutics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language and aesthetics.
Csaba Olay (Eötvös University Budapest), the Institut Français Budapest and the Central European University along
with Eötvös University Budapest and the Centre d'herméneutique phénomenologique Paris IV Sorbonne organized
an international bilingual (English – French) conference with the title Charles Taylor - Interpretation, modernity, and
identity on the 5th and the 6th of June 2012 in Budapest. Beside an international team of scholars investigating
different aspects of his oeuvre, Professor Taylor himself gave a talk in French „L'identité de la personne moderne"
and also took time to address the issues raised at the conference.
The lectures of the conference focused on central issues of Charles Taylor's thought. Jean-Claude Gens (Université
de Bourgogne Dijon) treated various problems of intercultural communication (Le défi de l'entente interculturelle).
Christian Berner (Université Lille 3 Charles-de-Gaulle) elaborated presuppositions concerning dialogue and
understanding under conditions of pluralism (Dialogue et compréhension : les communautés d'interprétation à
l'épreuve du pluralisme). Claude Romano (Université Paris 4 Sorbonne) dedicated thoroughgoing considerations to
the concept of the self in Taylor's thought (Le soi implicit). Taylor's basic project of overcoming epistemology was
the topic of David Weberman's talk (Central European University, About the Idea of Overcoming Epistemology), and
Gábor Boros (Eötvös University Budapest) investigated the historical background of Taylor's idea of affirming ordinary
life (On affirmation of ordinary life). Ferenc Hörcher (Pázmány Catholic University) gave an overview on the basic
tenets of Taylor's thought (Sources of the self? Philosophy and literature in Charles Taylor's way of writing), while
Anett Hadházy (Eötvös University Budapest) tried to put Taylor's politics of recognition in contemporary context
(Politics of recognition). Last but not least, Csaba Olay (Eötvös University Budapest) analyzed Taylor's complex
relation to the hermeneutical tradition, especially to Gadamer's hermeneutics (Gadamer and Taylor on
An Overview of the Main Activities of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute (SIPRIn)
From 1st October 2011 to 31st June 2012
The End of the Project of Editing Mulla Sadra's Works
After 20 years of specialized work, the critical edition and revival of Mulla Sadra's works is coming to an end. With
the publication of the fourth volume of the Anthology of Mulla Sadra's Philosophical Treatises, which was published
in spring 2011, there remains only one volume of the works of this famous Iranian philosopher of the 17th century to
be edited and published.
The center for editing Mulla Sadra's works is one of the first scientific-research departments that started its activities
in SIPRIn, and so far it has edited and published 45 Volumes of the works of this prominent philosopher, including
48 treatises and books.
Some of the salient features of the editing method of this Center are as follows:
1. Following a critical and analytic approach to editing the available copies of each work.
2. Defining the method of edition in the most modern and best way which was approved after holding several
specialized board meeting with the presence of national and foreign experts.
3. Benefitting from the supervision of the Supreme Council of Edition over the whole process of editing each book.
4. Following the same method and model in editing all the books.
5. Benefitting from experts in various fields in edition in harmony with the subject of each work.
6. Writing an analytic Introduction to each volume in Persian.
The Establishment of the Research Department of "Philosophy in the Far East and Middle East"
In line with compiling a comprehensive history of philosophy and wisdom, SIPRIn set up the Research Department
of Philosophy in the Far East and Middle East. The activities of this Department center on examining the
development of philosophy and philosophical schools in India, China, Japan, and Mesopotamia. This Center
welcomes the proposals of experts in related disciplines from all over the world.
The 16th Annual Conference to Commemorate Mulla Sadra
The 16th Conference Commemorating Mulla Sadra entitled "The Relationship between Man and the World" was held
on 21st May 2012. This Conference was held at two levels of teachers and students with 150 papers altogether.
From among these papers 30 of them were presented by teachers in the form of speeches and the rest were
presented in the form of brochures and booklets.
One of the main features of this Conference was that more than 1200 university students and high school philosophy
teachers attended it
The Specialized Conference of "Ibn Sina and Islamic Philosophers"
The 12th Conference from the series of the conferences on exploring and revisiting the history of philosophy entitled
"Ibn Sina and Islamic Philosophers" was held with the cooperation of SIPRIn, MIS, and the Scientific Society of
History of Philosophy. This Conference was held in 2 days on 10-11 October 2011 at teachers' and students' levels
with 79 papers. The collection of the selected papers of this Conference will be published in the near future.
Attaining the Scientific Research Ranking of the Quarterly of History of Philosophy
The Quarterly of History of Philosophy succeeded in attaining the scientific-research ranking after the publication of
the sixth issue of the Journal. This is the highest scientific ranking given to journals in Iran and is awarded to them
based on their level of innovation and impact in scientific fields.
The Quarterly of History of Philosophy was indexed in the inventory of specialized philosophical journals of
Philosopher's Index and Isc. Interested people can obtain the related information by visiting ISC
stands for Islamic World Science Citation Center and indexes the journals in this field based on their impact factor.
Holding the Annual Normal General Assembly of the Scientific Society of History of Philosophy
The Second general assembly of the Scientific Society of the History of Philosophy was held with the presence of
its members and a number of philosophy professors of universities in Tehran on 22 February 2011 in the Auditorium
of SIPRIn. In this session the Board of Directors presented a report of the activities of the Society in the previous
year, and then the members discussed and examined all the related points. Finally, the program for the next two
years was approved. The newly-founded Society of History of Philosophy began its work in summer 2008 with 50
Iranian prominent philosophy professors as members.
Devising the Project of "Training Teachers of Philosophy for Children"
The Department of Philosophy and Children Group, affiliated with SIPRIn, has put the project of "Training Teachers of
Philosophy for Children" into effect. This project has been devised with the cooperation of school teachers, experts
in humanities and researchers, and the Department of Philosophy and Children. The purpose of holding these virtual
classes and workshops is to promote the scientific level of teachers of philosophy and children and increase their
Holding the Seminar of “The Relationship between Science and Religion in the Contemporary World”
with the Cooperation of Islamic Azad University
Following its interdisciplinary seminars, the International Mulla Sadra Society held the specialized seminar of “A
Study of the Relationship between Science and Religion in the Contemporary World” with the cooperation of the
faculty members of MIS and the experts at Islamic Azad University on 11 June 2012. In this specialized meeting,
some problems related to the relationship between religion and technology in the 21th century were discussed. A
number of professors in the fields of physics, information technology, theology, and philosophy participated in this
seminar and exchanged their ideas. These interdisciplinary seminars will continue in future.
The Seminar of Joint Thinking between MIS and Television Managers in Tehran Province
A seminar hosting the members of the International Mulla Sadra Society and the managers of Tehran television
network was held on 16 April 2012. In this consulting meeting, the roles and shares of the philosophical and cultural
programs of the Society in this television network were discussed and criticized. Moreover, the scientific and
philosophical strategies for strengthening the cultural aspects of television programs as well as the ways for
benefitting from philosophy and logic in terms of content and method in producing them were discussed.
The Specialized Meeting of “Rethinking the History of Ancient Philosophy, Pre-Socratic Philosophers”
The 13th specialized meeting of “Rethinking the History of Philosophy” focusing on Pre-Socratic philosophies was
held on 13 November 2011. Four papers were presented, examined, and criticized in this meeting. Their titles were:
“Heraclitus: a Bright Night in the Middle of a Dark Day”, “Anaxagoras”, “Pre-Socratics: Meeting Point of the Dialog
between the East and West”, and “Pre-Socratics and Iranian Thought”.
The Specialized Meeting of “The Development of Philosophical Thought in Iran and Ancient Greece”
The 14th specialized meeting of “Rethinking the History of Philosophy” centering on philosophy in ancient times was
held on 22 February 2011. More than 50 Iranian philosophy professors participated in this meeting discussing and
criticizing three papers.
Publication of the Thematic Index of Persian Papers
A thematic index of the total papers published by the Publication Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute
has been published on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the activities of the International Mulla Sadra Society
and SIPRIn. In this Index more than 2000 papers in 50 philosophical categories have been classified and introduced.
This collection includes the papers published during the last 15 years in philosophy journals and collection of
Publication of the English Translation of the Book of Man on the Path of Being
The first book of the three-volume collection of Man on the Path of Being has been published. The writer of this
collection is Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, and Dr. Roya Khoii has translated it into English. The other
volumes of this book will be translated and published in the near future.
The Specialized Meeting of "Gnosis and Islamic Mysticism"
The 15th meeting of the series of the meetings of "Rethinking the History of Philosophy" focusing on gnosis and
Islamic mysticism was held on 27 June 2012 with the cooperation of SIPRIn and the Society of History of
Philosophy. This meeting was devoted to the discussion of the roots of Islamic gnosis in the religious texts of Islam,
gnosis, and ancient Indian philosophy. Dr. Sa'id Rahimian (Shiraz University) and Dr. Hassan Bulkhari (Tehran
University) delivered their speeches on the topics "Roots and Epistemological Origins of the Shi'ite Gnosis in the
First Two Hijrah Centuries" and "A Study of the Influence of Iranian and Indian Philosophy and Gnosis on Islamic
Gnosis", respectively.
Participation in the 18th International Press Exhibition
The 18th International Press Exhibition was held on 24 October 2011 with presence of a large number of general and
specialized journals. SIPRIn participated in this Exhibition with three quarterlies: Kheradname-ye Sadra (with 17
years of publication); History of Philosophy (with 2 years of publication), and Philosophy and Children (with 2 years
of publication). A great number of philosophy masters and authorities from different universities visited SIPRIn's stall
in the Exhibition.
Choosing the Book Problem of Universals in Islamic Philosophy as the Best Book of the Season
Problem of Universals in Islamic Philosophy was chosen as the best book in the field of philosophy by the Iranian
Book House in winter 2011. This book has been written by Dr. Ahmed Asghari and published by SIPRIn.
Presence of SIPRIn's Publication Center in the 25th International Book Fair of Tehran
SIPRIn exhibited its philosophical works, including 210 specialized books in the field of Islamic philosophy and
history of philosophy in the 25th International Book Fair of Tehran. This was the 10th time this Publication Center
participated in the Exhibition. The 25th International Book Fair of Tehran was held on 2-12 May 2012.
Membership of SIPRIn's Publication Center in the Syndicate of Publishers of the Islamic World
In the second International Meeting of Publishers of the World of Islam, which was held on 12-14 November 2011 in
Tehran, SIPRIn and MIS (Mulla Sadra International Society) were accepted as official members of this Syndicate.
Publication of Three Issues of the Scientific-Research Quarterly of Kheradname-ye Sadra
Issues 65-67 of Kheradname-ye Sadra, including 22 papers altogether, were published and are now available to
interested readers. The list of papers in each issue is as follows:
Issue 65:
A Study of the Relationship between Philosophy and Purification of the Soul in the Transcendent Philosophy,
Monireh Seyyed Mazhari
God’s Knowledge of Material Things in Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra’ Philosophies, Reza Akbarian and Zahra
Mahmud Kelayeh
Reality of Revelation in the Qur’an and Islamic Philosophy, Saleh Hassanzadeh
Theological, Philosophical, and Gnostic Interpretations of Verse 18 of Chapter al-Imran, Amir Shirzad
Place of the Intellect in Mulla Sadra’s Sharh al-Usul al-k afi, Nahleh Gharawi Naeeni and ‘Abdullah Mir Ahmadi
Presential Knowledge and Transcending Subjectivism, Isma‘il Sa‘adaty Khamseh
A Study of the Truth’s Being Constitutive or Non-Constitutive in the Sinan Definition of Certain Judgmental
Knowledge, Mas‘ud Umid
Issue 66:
Mulla Sadra and Practical Philosophy, Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei
Philosophy of Transcendent Ethics: Mulla Sadra’s Place among Ethical Think ers, Tuba Kermani
Meaning of Life in Mulla Sadra and Paul Tillich, A‘ala Turani and Ruqayyah Tulu‘i
Guardianship in Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy, Abdul‘ali Shukr
Man and Transcendence: A Narration of Man Based on the Principiality of Existence, Seyyed Mustafa Muhaqqiq
Damad and Muhammed Taqi Janmuhammedi
A Critique of the Epistemological Nature and Scope of Philosophical Concepts in Kant’s Philosophy from the
Viewpoint of the Transcendent Philosophy, Reza Mahuzi
Man in Suhrawardi’s Philosophy, Hassan Seyyed Arab
Logical Relations between Predicative Propositions in Aristotelian Logic, Davood Heydari
Issue 67:
Theory of Gradation in Sadrian Philosophers and Gnostics Believing in the Oneness of Being, Zakariya
Qur’anic Hijab (veil) and its Relationship with Gnostic Hijab, Qudratullah Khayyatiyan
The Impact of Ibn Arabi’s Gnostic Unveilings upon Mulla Sadra’s Philosophical Thoughts, Behzad Murtada’i
Immateriality of Perception and its Flow in Material Existents in the Transcendent Philosophy, Qasim Ali
Kuchenani and Ali Muhammed Ja‘farinejad
Transcendent Theology and Kalam in Mulla Sadra, Fatima Sadiqzadeh Qamsari
Place of Self-Knowledge in the Philosophy of Afdaluddin Kashani (Baba Afdal), Seyyed Mustafa Shahraini
The Distinction between Nominal and Infinitival Existence in Mulla Sadra and its Philosophical Functions,
Muhammed S‘aidi Mehr and Siyavash Asadi
Publication of Three Issues of History of Philosophy Quarterly
Issues 6-8 of History of Philosophy Quarterly were published. These three issues include 21 papers in total, as
Issue 6:
Lawkari, the Last Peripatetic-Sinan Philosopher, Maqsud MuhammadiShankara on Brahman and Personal God, Ali
Naqi BaqershahiJahangir Khan and the Revival of the Transcendent Philosophy, 'Aala TuraniRoots and Bases of the
Ethical-Gnostic School of Shi'ism in the Works and Ideas of the First Majlisi, Ali Karbasizadeh IsfahaniA Study of
the Philosophical Ideas of Sadr al-Din Dashtaki Shirazi, Zakaria BaharnejadSinan Logic, Necessities, and Gaps, Ali
Asghar Jafari WalaniAtomic Theory from Greek Philosophers to Muslim Theologians, Reza Rasuli Sharabiyani and
Sudabeh Dehghani Bidokht
Issue 7:
A Historical – Critical Approach to the Opponents of the Principle of Nothing Proceeds from the One but One,
Seyyed Muhsen Miri (Hosseini)A Study of the Development of the Problem of the Union of the Intellect and
Intelligible until Mulla Sadra's Time, Qasim Purhassan and Muhammed Hadi TavakkuliAn Explanation of the Gradual
Development of the Theories of the Soul's Motion: From the Beginning until its Trans-Substantial Change, Naser
Mo'meniAn Analysis and Explanation of Descartes' Methodological Skepticism, Jamshid Sadri and Gholamreza
RahmaniIbn Arabi's Eschatological Views, Reza Rasuli Sharabiyani and Amir Hussein 'AbdullahiA Descriptive
Bibliography of the History of Islamic Philosophies, Sa'id AnwariPower in Consolation of Philosophy, Murtada
Issue 8:
Whitehead on Substance, Rostam ShahmohammediA Comparative Study of the Annual Destruction and Renewal of
the Universe in Middle-East Mythology, Hossein Heydari and Ali BahariA Dialogue on Aristotle's Philosophy: A
Symbol of the Period of Transition, Hossein Kalbasi AshtariA Study of the Effect of Plato's Political Philosophy on
Farabi's Political Philosophy, Alireza Sadra and Davood ParanUnanimity of Mulla Sadra and Tusi Concerning
Knowledge and the Intellect, 'Abdulhamid RadawiSchool of Shiraz and the Philosophical Foundations of the
Transcendent Philosophy, A'ala Turani and Monireh SoltanahmadiThe Rise of Sadrian Philosophy and its Role in the
Revival of the Philosophy of Islamic Art, Akbar Faydei
The History of Philosophy Quarterly publishes specialized papers in the field of history of philosophy following an
analytic-historical approach. Philosophy professors and researchers can send their papers in relation to this area in
English or Persian to this Journal. After a process of peer-review, the accepted papers will be published in the
BULLETIN of the Russian Philosophical Society
№ 1 (61), 2012. (224 p.)
We hereby announce publication and circulation of the Anniversary Bulletin of the Russian Philosophical Society
No. 1, 2012 (Editor-in-Chief, Professor A.N. Chumakov; Executive Secretary, Professor N.Z. Yaroschuk).The Editor's
Column headlined On the Way to Civil Society opens the issue. Professor Chumakov raises topical social issues
facing the 6th All-Russian Philosophical Congress. The Editorial Board of the Bulletin asks the members of the
Russian Philosophical Society to take part in a survey to indicate the most important names and works in Russian
philosophy. Results of the survey are to be published in the fourth issue of the Bulletin and used for selecting
literature for a digest of the best Russian contemporary philosophical books in the English language.
Read Approaching 6th All-Russian Philosophical Congress about the event to be held in June 27-30, 2012 at Nizhnii
Novgorod. Its topic will be Philosophy in Contemporary World: Dialog of World-visions. Official web-site of the
The preliminary program and on the conditions for participation, information about members of the Organizing and
Program committees, general Congress guidelines are published.
Read Information from the RPhS Regional Branches and Organizations with the information by Prof. E.Troitskii
(Moscow) about the Conference Slavic Unity as the Factor of Strength for Multiethnic Russia held at the Institute of
Philosophy on 14 Sept. 2011; information about activities of the Novosibirsk branch in 2011 and its plans for 2012;
information about the International Day of Philosophy in Ivanovo.
Read News from the Moscow Philosophical Society about the approaching on 18 April 2012 assembly of the
Moscow Philosophical Society; about the roundtable The Role of Intellectual Games in Contemporary Education at
the Moscow City Pedagogical University; about a methodological seminar Socio-humanitarian Sciences in
Engineering Education at the Chair of philosophy, sociology and political science of the MGTU MIREA.
Events and Comments inform about the Days of Philosophy at St. Petersburg dedicated to Value Worlds of
Contemporary Humankind and about a regular conference Topical Issues of the Contemporary Cognitive Science in
Read Problems of Teaching Philosophy for About Contemporary Situation in Methodological Education by Prof.
G.Pribytkov (Biisk).
Managing Education: Modern Approaches publishes Komenskii, a Popular Teacher – 420 by Prof. V.Meskov
(Moscow), information about a regular meeting of the Council of the Association of Philosophical Faculties and
Departments of the Classical Universities of Russia dedicated to a discussion about the structure of philosophical
education in Russian universities in 1991-2011, about an undergraduate academic video-conference 'What is
Enlightenment' by Kant in the Contemporary Context organized by the Science and Education Center at the
Department of Philosophy of the Moscow State University.
Read Topical Issue for Academic Life: Nothing is Excluded, Even Fashion by Prof. A.Krushanov (Moscow).
International Cooperation publishes Russo-Georgian Dialog of Young Professionals by L.Vedmetskaya,
Ph.D.student (St.Petersburg).
Read Philosophical Life Abroad for Philosophy of East and West in the Global Perspective by M.Sergeev, Ph.D.
(USA) and About the Opportunity to Govern, Acknowledge and Exchange Knowledge Without the Help of
Information by N.Popov (Latvia).
Civil Society publishes Civil Society in Russia: Reflection or Reality? by Prof. V.Viktorov (Moscow) and Will Russia
Survive Without Civil Society? by Prof. M.Skibitskii (Moscow).
Read Global Studies for surveys by Prof. A.Pyrin (Moscow) and Constructive Theory of General Systems by
O.Zakharchuk (Moscow).
Published By Way of Discussion are Materialism, Dialectics and Humanism as Characteristics of the Being by Prof.
M.Prokhorov (N.Novgorod), The Problem of Genesis of Quality in Ontology by G.Mezentsev (Moscow),
Anthropocentrism ad the Model of Philosophizing by Prof. T.Dombrovskaya (Kursk), Phenomenon of Spiritual and
Practical Exploration of the World by Prof. M.Chenkao (Cherkessk), Recluse Man by Prof. N.Semionkin (Moscow).
History of the Russian Philosophy publishes Russian Cosmism in Contemporary Mentality by L.Fesenkova, Ph.D.
(Moscow) and Philosophy and Art of the Silver Age in the Destiny of Russia by Assistant Prof. I.Gorina (Leningrad
Philosophy of Health publishes Philosophy of Health and Joy or Consumption? by I.Zabolotskaya, M.D. and Sport in
the Culture of Peace by Prof. V.Barabanova (Rostov-na-Donu).
Feedback presents analytical and critical review of RPhS Bulletin 2011:4 by an independent observer
Prof. V. F. Druzhinin (Moscow) and S. S. Peruanskii, Sc.D. (Moscow).
Polemics is represented by Apocalypse is Canceled by V.Farmakovskii (N.Novgorod).
Read Raising a Problem for Russia in a Strategic Dead End – Is there an Exit? by A.Epishov, Sc.D. (Moscow) and
Socialism and the Golden Billion of Humankind by V. Maksimov (Moscow).
Viewpoint by E.Samoilova, Dr.of Science (Moscow) in Sociopaths and V.Dolzhenko (Moscow) in About Clear
Speech and Meaning as the Program of Future Events.
Standpoint presents The Second Wave of Emigration: the Outpost of the Cold War by Prof. V.Krasikov (Kemerovo).
Read Philosophy and Life for De-medvedevzation of Russia by Prof. G.Smirnov (Ivanovo).
Remark by Prof. A.G.Pyrin (Moscow) – Bluff and Collapse of the Political 'Pop-Art'.
The Page of a Young Philosopher publishes The Limits to Expansion of Faith in Knowledge by A. Katunin
To Be Published informs about the coming publication of an inter-ministerial academic volume Interethnic Consent –
The Basis for Overcoming Extremism and Terrorism, for Building Rule of Law. The Project is headed by Prof.
Read Jubilee for Philosophy at the Plekhanov REU by Prof. A.Samsin (Moscow) to commemorate the 105
anniversary of the university.
Read Philosophical Prose for an essay Antipode Texts by a journalist S.Zhemaitis (Moscow).
Read Philosophers Joke Too for a theoretical article The Comic, Humor and Wit by Maria Musiichuk (Novosibirsk)
and a humoresque by Roman Bilyk (Moscow).
The Poetic Page presents a review of a volume The Poetry of the Russian Philosophers of the XX Century edited by
Mikhail Sergeev and Leonid Stolovic (Boston, 2011) by A.Katsura.
See also book reviews, annotations, book announcements, information about new philosophical books, books and
journals available at the RPhS Presidium, doctoral (20) and candidate (60) dissertations in philosophy defended in
the first quarter of 2012, information about jobs wanted (labor market).
Published also are letters of congratulations on jubilees and other notable events in philosophers' lives and
As usual, the year's fourth issue contains information about the Plan of Conferences of the RPhS for 2012 (86) and
about the Russian Philosophical Society's organizational structure (additionally to No 3): 4 regional branches, 3 field
branches, 1 primary unit of the Moscow Philosophical Society; we also publish the complete RPhS membership list
(5,768 members).
Read the information about the RPhS membership for 2012. Like in other issues of the Bulletin, it is explained that
the Russian Philosophical Society counts as its members only those who have paid the yearly membership fee and
have been consequently included in the current year membership list. They henceforward enjoy all the privileges of
the Society members, including subscription to the RPhS Bulletin. Full membership lists are published yearly in
RPhS Bulletin No. 3 for the year in question.
The Bulletin's subscription index in the Rospechat Catalogue is 79643. Please, send your e-mail messages
addressed to the RPhS Presidium and the RPhS Bulletin Editorial Board to [email protected].
Our Internet websites are;;
To contact the Editors, please, call (495) 609-90-76 or (495) 697-92-98.
(President: Ioanna Kuçuradi, Vice-president: Betül Çotuksöken, Secretary General: Gülriz Uygur, Treasurer: Harun
Tepe, Member of the Executive Board Responsible for Education: Sevgi İyi)
Activities from September 2011 to August 2012
At the National Level
1. Organization, on October 18, 2011, of a round table, in collaboration with the Presidency of Ankara University, to
celebrate the World Philosophy Day. Members of the Society participated in activities organized in schools of
secondary education in various cities of Turkey.
2. Organization of the General Assembly of the Society on November 19, 2011.
3. Organization, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Committee on Philosophy of the Turkish
National Commission for UNESCO, of a seminar on "Teaching Philosophy in Primary and Secondary Education in
Turkey", held in Ankara, on September 29-30, 2011. After the inaugural speeches delivered by the representative of
the Council for Higher Education, the President of the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO, the President of
the Commission for National Education, Culture, Youth and Sports of the Parliament and the President of the
Philosophical Society of Turkey, papers were presented in the session on "Philosophy for Children" by Betül
Çotuksöken, H. Haluk Erdem, Taşkıner Ketenci and Harun Tepe; in the session on "Original Philosophy Books for
Children" by Nuran Direk, İdil Kefeli, Belgin Önal and Tülin Tankut; in the session on "Translated Philosophy Books
for Children" by Müren Beykan, Savaş Kılıç, Fatma Tulum, Abdullah Karaca and J. A. Köprülüyan. In the session on
"Philosophy in Secondary Education papers were presented by Mehmet Ali Dombaycı, Yaşar Küpeli, Gülşen Öz; in
the session on "Philosophy Books for Secondary Education" papers were presented by Sonay Alpay, Yücel Kayıran
and Arslan Topakkaya. An evaluation of the discussions was made by Betül Çotuksöken, Sanem Yazıcıoğlu and
Mustafa Açıkgöz. The sessions were chaired by Nabi Avcı (Chair of the Commission for National Education, Culture,
Youth and Sports of the Parliament), Funda Kocabıyık (General Director of Preschool Education in the Ministry of
the Education), Sedef Sever (Director of the Center for Children Literature, Ankara University), Onur Bilge Kula
(Director General of Libraries and Publications of the Ministry of Culture), Kadir Çüçen (Chair of the Department of
Philosophy, Uludağ University), Betül Çotuksöken (Chair of the Department of Philosophy, Maltepe University) and
Ioanna Kuçuradi (President of the Philosophical Society of Turkey).
4. Organization, in collaboration with the Committee of Philosophy of the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO
and the Presidency of Mersin University, of a seminar on "The Education of Philosophy in Higher Education", held in
Mersin on March 30-31, 2012. After the inaugural speeches held by the President of the Philosophical Society, the
President of Mersin University and the President of the Committee for Philosophy of the National Commission for
UNESCO, papers were presented in the session on "The Education of Philosophy at the University Level" by Sara
Çelik, Şafak Ural, Yavuz Kılıç and Ali Utku; in the session on "Graduate Programmes of Philosphy in the Philosophy
Departments" by Sabri Büyükdüvenci, Kadir Çüçen, Ali Osman Gündoğan and Halil Turan; in the session on
"Possibilities of Employment of Philosophy Graduates" by Betül Çotuksöken, Rahmi Karakuş and Haluk Erdem; in
the session on "The Teaching of Philosophy in Other Departments" by İlhan Kutluer, Mustafa Çevik, M. Tevfik Özcan
and İrem Çağlar Gürsoy; in the session on "The Teaching of Philosophy in the Faculties of Education and LongDistance Education" by Abamüslim Akdemir, Mustafa Günay and Fırat Şenol; in the session on "Quality
Improvement and the Teaching of Philosophy in Higher Education" by Saffet Babür, Mehmet Durman and Sinan
Özbek. Harun Tepe, Betül Çotuksöken, Yavuz Unat, Hasan Ünder, İbrahim Arslanoğlu and Taşkıner Ketenci chaired
the sessions. The session of General Evaluation was moderated by Ioanna Kuçuradi.
5. The yearly Istanbul Seminar on "Philosophy and Literature" was held on December 1-2, 2011 and hosted by
the Department of Philosophy of Koç University. After the inaugural speeches delivered by Ioanna Kuçuradi and
Hülya Durudoğan, papers were presented by İsmail Demirdöven ("From Literature to Philosophy/ From Philosophy to
Literature: What can we learn from Albert Camus"), Hülya Yetişken ("The Value of Mutual Impact of Philosophy and
Literature"), Tuğrul İnal ( "The Philosophy of Surrealism"), Güncel Önkal ( "The Tragedy of the Indıvidual in Hermann
Hesse's Work and Amor Fati"), Sevda Şener (" The Values Reflected in the Action of the Hero in Drama"), Pınar Kür
( "A Different Approach to Media Ethics: An Ethical Questioning of Life Through Literature"), Jale Erzen (Approach
of Turkish Philosophers to Novel"), Yüksel Pazarkaya ("Text Analysis and Numeric Aesthetics"), Abdullah Kaygı
("Different Rerlations between Philosophy and Literature"), Taşkıner Ketenci ("Literature Originating from Philosophy:
Sadism"), Halil Turan ("Heros in Ancient Literature: Ethics and Aesthetics"), Gökçe Çataloluk ("Beyond Word: On
the Different Meanings of Silence"), Ahmet Ulvi Türkbağ ("Sherlock Holmes as a Philosophical Ideal"), Kaan Özkan
(" The Compliance of Power"), Ali Taşkın ("Hume as Man of Letters and his Dialogues"), Mustafa M. Dağlı
("Philosophy and Literature"), Enis Şimşek ("Where does Literature start and Where does it end?"), Yücel Kayıran (
"Poetical Determinism"), Özge Ejder ( "The Solitude of the Literary Work in Maurice Blanchot's Thought), Patrick
Roney ("What Remains to be said after the End of Art"), Lucas Thorpe ( "Memory and Fiction: Mental Time-Travel,
the Belief-Desire Theory of Action") and Stephen Voss ( "The Letter Kills, but the Spirit gives Life"). Zeynep Direk,
Harun Tepe, Çiğdem Yazıcı, Betül Çotuksöken, Gülriz Uygur and Hülya Durudoğan chaired the sessions.
6. Organization, between 7 April and 13 May 2012, of a course on Kant, focusing on his
Ethics. The course was conducted by Ioanna Kuçuradi.
7. Organization of the XVI National Philosophy Olympiad on March 4, 2012, in twelve centres all over Turkey.
– Ioanna Kuçuradi, Etik , Ankara 2011, fifth edition
Projects of Activities in Fall 2012 and 2013
— Organization of a series of seminars, in various cities of Turkey, on philosophers who were born and/or lived in
these cities, starting from Epiktetos.
— Organization, on 29-30 November 2012, of the yearly Istanbul Seminar of the Society, on "Ethical Values and
their Education", hosted by the Department of Philosophy of Maltepe University.
— Organization of the General Assembly of the Society in February 2013.
— Organization of the XVII National Philosophy Olympiad in March 2013.
— Development of a project to promote the teaching of the Philosophy of Law in the Faculties of Law.
Association Internationale des Professeurs de Philosophie (AIPPh)
XX. Internationaler Kongress VA-Nummer:
E50-011112-1 Tagungsort:
Bildungszentrum Schloss Eichholz
„Politische Entscheidungen zwischen Rationalität und Weisheitsanspruch"
"Des décisions politiques entre rationalité et prétention de sagesse"
"Political Decisions between Rationality and Demands of Wisdom"
01. – 04. November 2012
Angesichts der Überschuldung der Nationalstaaten und der globalen Finanzkrise scheinen poli-tische
Entscheidungen in unseren Demokratien aufgrund eines rationalen Kalküls zwischen Wirtschaftsdaten und
demoskopischen Ergebnissen getroffen zu werden. Sicherlich vertrauen die Bürgerinnen und Bürger am ehesten den
Politikern, denen sie hohe rationale Lösungs-kompetenz zuschreiben.Nun legen die Unübersichtlichkeit und die
Komplexität der Daten, auf Grund derer entschie-den werden soll, ebenso ihre geringe Aussagekraft in Hinsicht auf
zukünftige Entwicklungen, allerdings nahe, dass Menschen geneigt sind, Entscheidungen auf intuitive Fähigkeiten
zu-rückzuführen: nämlich sowohl Fakten und Zukunftsprojektionen als auch rechtliche und mora-lische Maßstäbe in
einem einheitlichen Komplex zu sehen, aus dem sich dann eine bestimmte Entscheidung ergibt.
Traditionell wird eine erfolgreiche Einheit aus Wissen und moralischem praktischem Handeln in immer wieder
versuchten Annäherungen als Weisheit bezeichnet. Jahrhunderte lang galt König Salomo als der Staatsführer, der
auf ganz unerwartete Art alle menschlichen Tätig-keitsbereiche in Form von Weisheit zum Wohle seines Volkes
Heute müssen wir uns fragen, ob es eine intellektuelle und moralische Vervollkommnung überhaupt gibt, und wenn
ja, ob sie nicht privaten Individuen vorbehalten ist, die sich viel-leicht nach östlichen Überlieferungen in kohärente
Weisheitshaltungen einüben. Oder gibt es doch ein politisches Erfahrungslernen, das dann, ohne im eigentlichen
Sinn diskursiv und rati-onal zu sein, zu erfolgreichen Entscheidungen führt? Gilt heute der Vorrang einer mühevollen,
oft kleinschrittigen Rationalität oder gilt die Priorität einer zusammenfassenden Sicht der Din-ge von einem höheren
Standpunkt aus? Wer möchte als Politiker nicht als eine alles überbli-ckende, in sich ruhende Persönlichkeit
anerkannt werden?
Die aufgezeigte Fragestellung scheint gerade für den politischen Unterricht in den Schulen wichtig zu sein, da junge
Leute häufig von der rationalen Mühseligkeit des politischen Alltags abgeschreckt werden und nicht selten
Wegweisungen erwarten, die ihrem eigenen Wunsch nach einer zusammenhängenden Entwicklung der
Persönlichkeit entsprechen.
Die Tagung zum Thema „Politische Entscheidungen zwischen Rationalität und Weisheitsan-spruch" soll nun sowohl
politische Entscheidungstheorie als auch östliche Weisheitstraditio-nen reflektieren. Erfahrene und theoriekundige
Politiker werden ihre Sichtweisen als Beitrag aus der Praxis vortragen. Schließlich wird überlegt, wie die Spannung
zwischen politischer Rationalität und intuitiver Wahrnehmung von politischen Verhältnissen für den Unterricht in den
Schulen Europas fruchtbar gemacht werden kann.
En vue des dettes énormes de nos états et à la crise financière globale, les décisions politiques dans nos
systèmes démocratiques semblent être prises sur la base d'un calcul rationel envisageant des données
économiques et des analyses démographiques. Certes, les ci-toyennes et citoyens ont plus de confiance dans les
hommes politiques qu'ils pensent être parfaitement capables de résoudre rationnellement les problèmes.
Alors, les données qui doivent être à la base des décisions sont complexes et peu claires et ne peuvent pas servir à
prévoir l'avenir, ce qui pousse à préférer prendre des décisions de manière intuitive, c'est-à-dire de voir les faits
actuels et ceux à venir en un seul et unique ensemble ainsi que les normes juridiques et morales qui en découlent.
Traditionnellement, on a souvent essayé de considérer comme sagesse cette entité fructueuse de savoir et des
actions morales et pratiques. Pendant des siècles, le roi Salomon fut considéré comme homme d'état exemplaire
qui vivait cette sagesse d'une manière surpre-nante en réalisant toutes les ressources humaines pour le salut de
son peuple.
Aujourd'hui, il faut se demander si une telle perfection intellectuelle et morale existe réelle-ment et, si c'est le cas, si
cette sagesse ne peut être vécue que par des individus, adeptes de doctrines cohérentes en provenance de l'Orient.
Ou bien peut-on apprendre par bon nombre d'expériences politiques une attitude intuitive qui, sans être ni discursive
ni rationnelle, mène à des décisions très largement appréciées? Donne-t-on la priorité à une rationalité à petits pas
ou à une vision unificatrice qui vient d'un point de vue plus haut ? Comme politicien, qui ne veut pas, entant d'homme
politique, être reconnu comme un personnage qui embrasse le tout d'un coup d'oeil et sûr de lui-même ?
Les questions formulées semblent être importantes pour l'instruction des jeunes car ce sont eux qui, souvent, ont
en profounde horreur les difficultés de la vie politique quotidienne et qui
Le congrès international « Les décisions politiques entre rationalité et prétention de sagesse » servira à réfléchir
aussi bien sur la théorie des décisions politiques que sur la tradition de sa-gesse de l'Orient. Des hommes
politiques de grande expérience intéressés à la théorie y par-ticiperont. Enfin, on délibérera sur la manière de faire
fructifier la tension entre rationalité et intuition sur le champ des décisions politiques pour l'enseignement dans les
écoles de l'Europe
In view of the overindeptedness of nation-states and the global financial crisis, political deci-sions in our
democracies seem to be taken on the basis of rational calculation between eco-nomic data and opinion poll results.
People tend to trust those politicians to whom they ascribe a high rational solution competence.
However, we are often confronted with vague and complex data that are on the one hand supposed to form the basis
of decisions and on the other hand bear little relevance as to fu-ture developments. People respond by falling back
on intuitive means for their decision mak-ing. They mix together facts and future prospects as well as legal and
moral criteria, forming an integrated complex on the basis of which decisions are made.
Traditionally, a successful unity of knowledge and practical action according to moral stand-ards (subject to
perpetual reconsideration) is called wisdom. For centuries, King Salomo was regarded as a leader who filled all his
human fields of activity with wisdom for the benefit of his people.
At the present time, we must raise the question whether there is intellectual and moral striv-ing for perfection at all
and if so, whether it is confined to private individuals seeking a coher-ent mindset of wisdom according to Eastern
traditions. Or is there, nevertheless, a learning from experience that leads to successful decisions without being
discursive and rational in the original meaning of the words? Do we nowadays give priority to an arduous step-bystep ra-tionality, or do we give priority to a more synoptic view of things from a higher vantage point? Who as
politicians would not like to be appreciated as personalities resting in them-selves, overlooking everything?
This set of questions seems to be important for political teaching at school because young people are often deterred
from the rational toil of political everyday life and frequently expect instructions that comply with their own desire for
a coherent development of personality.
The international congress on "Political Decisions between Rationality and Demands of Wis-dom" will reflect both
political theory of decision-making and East traditions of wisdom. Expe-rienced and theory-proficient politicians will
contribute their ways of looking at issues based on their practical experience. Finally, we will consider how the
tension between political rationality and intuitive perception of political conditions could be made fertile for schoolteaching in Europe.
Jeudi - Donnerstag - Thursday, 01.11.2012
17.00 Arrivée – Anreise – Arrival
18.00 Uhr Dîner – Abendessen - Dinner
19.00 – 19.45 h
Paroles de bienvenue, Begrüßung, Welcome
Dr. Christian Koecke KAS
Dr. Werner Busch AIPPh
Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission e.V. Bonn
19.45 – 21.15
Quelle attitude devraient avoir les politiciens envisageant la globalization? – Welche Haltung sollten Politiker,
konfrontiert mit der Globalisierung, einnehmen? - Which Attitude Should Have Politicians Confronted with
Globalization? Prof. Dr. Alexander Chumakov (Moskau)
Vendredi – Freitag - Friday, 02. 11. 2012
08.00 – 09.00 Uhr Petit déjeuner – Frühstück - Breakfast
09.00 – 10.30 h
Quelques aspects de la tension entre rationalité et sagesse dans des philosophies indiennes - Einige Aspekte
der Spannung zwischen Rationalität und Weisheit in indischen Philosophien - Some Aspects of the Tension
between Rationality and Wisdom in Indian Philosophies
Dr. Jayandra Soni (Marburg)
10.30 h Café –Kaffeepause - Coffee
11.00 – 12.30 h
La philosophie politique dans l'enseignement -Politische Philosophie im Unterricht – Philosophy of Politics in
Prof. Dr. Johannes Rohbeck (Dresden)
12.30 h Déjeuner – Mittagessen - Lunch
14.00 – 15.30 h
Groupes de travail – Arbeitsgruppen – workshops
Dr. Marek Fajfr (Prag) : L'école, est-elle un espace neutre en idéologie et en politique? - Ist die Schule ein
ideologisch und politisch neutraler Raum? - Is school an ideologically / politically neutral space?
Dr. Gabriele Münnix (Innsbruck) : Philosophie interculturelle, la sagesse et les valeurs morales - Interkulturelle
Philosophie, Weisheit und moralische Werte - Intercultural philosophy, wisdom and moral value
Prof. Dr. Riccardo Sirello (Savona) : Initier au "métier de vivre" -- Einführung in die Lebenskunst - Introduction to
the "Art of Living"
15.30 h Café - Kaffeepause - Coffee
16.00 - 17.30 h
Des expériences politiques - rationnelle ou intuitives? - Politische Erfahrungen - rational oder intuitiv? - Political
Experiences - Rational or Intuitive?
Dr. Christoph Böhr (Düsseldorf)
18.00 h Dîner – Abendessen – dinner
19.00 – 20.30 Uhr
Causerie au coin du feu avec un politicien expérimenté – Kamingespräch mit einem erfahrenen Politiker –
Fireside Talk with an Experienced Politician
Samedi – Samstag - Saturday, 03. 11. 2012
08.00 – 09.00 h Petit déjeuner – Frühstück - Breakfast
09.00 – 10.30 h
L'enseignement de la philosophie dans les écoles ou/et for-mation civique? – Philosophie im Schulunterricht
oder/und staatsbürgerliche Erziehung? - Philosophy Teaching in Schools or/and Civil Education?
Prof. Dr. Aneta Karageorgieva (Sofia)
10.30 h Café - Kaffeepause - Coffee
11.00 – 12.30 h
Groupes de travail – Arbeitsgruppen - workshops
Prof. Dr. Luìs Barbosa (Lissabon): L'extensibilité du soi vers l'action politique – rationnelle ou intuitive? - Die
Entfaltung des Ich in Hin-sicht auf politische Handlungen – rational oder intuitiv? - The Exten-sibility of the Self
towards Political Action – Rational or Intuitiv?
Pekka Elo (Helsinki): Honnêteté et courage dans l'enseignement de la philosophie en Finlande comme part
d'une politique durable –Aufrichtigkeit und Mut im finnischen Philosophieunterricht als Teil ei-ner nachhaltigen
Politik - Honesty and Courage in Finnish Philosophy Teaching in Schools as Part of Sustainable Politics
Lic. Phil. Herman Lodewyckx (Oostende): Philosophie, Sagesse et politique en Afrique: Contribution à une
meilleure compréhension globale? - Philosophie, Weisheit und Politik in Afrika: Beitrag zu einem besseren
interkulturellem Verständnis? - Philosophy, Wisdom and Politics in Africa: a Contribution to a Better Global
Dr. Bernd Rolf (Kevelaer): Orientation de problèmes par des images dans l'enseignement de la philosophie
politique – Problem-orientierung durch Bilder im Unterricht politische Philosophie – Orientation of Problems by
Images in Teaching Political Philosophy
12.30 Uhr Déjeuner – Mittagessen – Lunch
14.00 - 15.30 h
La théorie de l'action politique entre rationalité et weltan-schauung - Politische Handlungstheorie zwischen
Rationalität und Weltanschauung – Theory of Political Action between Rationality and Weltanschauung
Prof. Dr. Michael Quante (Münster)
15.30 h Café –Kaffeepause – Coffee
16.00 – 17.30 h
Échange international d'information – Internationaler Erfahrungsaustausch – International Exchange of
Assemblée générale – Mitgliederversammlung – General Assembly
Dr. Werner Busch (Kiel)
18.00 h Dîner – Abendessen – Dinner
19.00 - 20.30 Groupes de travail – Arbeitsgruppen - Workshops
Dimanche – Sonntag – Sunday, 4.11.2012
8.00 – 9.00 h Petit déjeuner – Frühstück – Breakfast
Départ – Abreise - Departure
Programmänderungen vorbehalten
Die AIPPh wird für diese Tagung von der Haniel Stiftung unterstützt.
Direction du congrès – Tagungsleitung – Chair of the Conference
Dr. Christian Koeck e KAS
Dr. Werner Busch AIPPh
Les Frais du Congrès –Tagungsbeitrag – Charges of the Congress
195 Euro (incl. Séjours et repas - Unterk unft und Verpflegung – stay and meals) 90 € Étudiants – Studenten students
Organisation et enrégistrement -- Gabriele Klesz
Urfelder Straße 22150389 Wesseling/Schloss Eichholz • Fax: 02236-707-54223
Telefon: 02236-707-4223
E-Mail: [email protected]
Prof. Dr. Maria Lacatus (Bukarest): Devrions-nous préparer nos étudiants vers l’irrationalisme de la politique ou
vers des idéals? - Sollten wir unsere Schüler auf die Irrationalität der Politik oder auf Ideale vorbereiten? - Should
We Prepare Our Students for the Irrationality of Politics or Should We Propose Ideals?
Dr. Piotr Wojciechowsk i (Warschau): Des théories belles et la pratique difficile, ou: Avons-nous besoin des
utopies? - Schöne Theorien und schwierige Praxis, oder: brauchen wir heute Utopien?" – Nice Theories and
Difficult Practice, or: Do We Need Utopias?
Invitation to the RVP Conferences in 2012
November 1-3, Johannesburg, South Africa -- "Humanities and Social Sciences in an African Context:
Education for Life" and "Thomisms in Contemporary Africa" (St Augustine College)
November 5-6, Durban, South Africa -- "Religion, Values and Secular Culture" (University of Kwazulu-Natal)
November 6-7, Ibadan, Nigeria -- "Islam and Modernism in Nigeria" (University of Ibadan)
November 8-9, Cape Town, South Africa -- "Religion and Philosophy in the African Context" (University of the
Western Cape)
November 12-13, Harare, Zimbabwe -- "Philosophy, Tradition and Progress in Africa" (University of Zimbabwe)
November 15-16, Addis Abba, Ethiopia -- "Global Challenges and the Vocation of Philosophy" (Addis Abba
November 19-20, Kampala, Uganda -- "Africa in the Emerging New World Order: Development, Culture and
State" (Makerere University)
May 25-27, Wuhan, China -- "Transcendence and Immanence in Confucianism and Christianity" (Wuhan
May 29-30, Wuhan, China -- "Dialogue and Cooperation among Cultures and Civilizations" (Huazhong
University of Science and Technology)
June 2-3, Beijing, China -- "Traditional Values and Virtues in Social Life Today" (Remin [People's] Universtiy
of China)
September 13-14, Poznan, Poland -- "Identities and Modernization" (Adam Mick iewicz University)
February 23-24, Washington, D.C. -- "In Search of Culturally Based Civil Societies" (Russian People's
Friendship University)
April 19-21, Moscow, Russia -- "Philosophy and Spirituality across Cultures and Religious
Traditions " (Russian People's Friendship University)
June 7-8, Ulan-Ude, Siberia, Russia -- "Interrelation of Eurasian Cultures in a Global Age" (Buryat State
* Invitation to the RVP Conferences in 2013*
January 6-7, 2013, Chandigarh, India – "Identity and Otherness" (Panjab University), Contact: Sebastian Velassery
([email protected])
January 10-12, 2013, Varanasi, India – "Values Embedded in Indian Philosophy" (Banaras Hindu University),
Contact: D.N. Tiwari ([email protected])
January 14-15, 2013, Santiniketan, India – "Values and Contemporary Culture: An Indian Perspective" (Visva-Bharati
University), Contact: Asha Mukherjee ([email protected])
July 28-30, 2013, Ioannina, Greece – "Philosophy and Crisis: Responding to Challenges to Ways of Life in the
Contemporary World" (University of Ioannina) Contact: Golfo Maggini, Helen Karabatzaki and Kiki Papanikolaou
([email protected]; [email protected])
August 1-3, 2013, Athens, Greece – "Culture and Philosophy as Way of Life in Times of Global Crisis" (PreCongress Conference) Contact: George F. McLean and Hu Yeping ([email protected]
* Invitation to the RVP Conferences in South Africa*
November 1-3, 2012, Johannesburg, South Africa – "Humanities and Social Sciences in an African Context:
Education for Life" and "Twentieth-Century Thomisms and Contemporary Philosophy" (St. Augustine College of
South Africa), Contact: Gerard Walmsley ([email protected]) (Registration Form)
November, 5-6, 2012, Durban, South Africa – "Religion, Values, and a Secular Culture" (University of KwazuluNata), Contact: Patrick Giddy ([email protected]) (Logistics)
Cape Town
November 8-9, 2012, Cape Town, South Africa – "Religion and Philosophy in the African Context" (University of the
Western Cape), Contact: Yasien Mohamed ([email protected]) (Logistics)
(N.B. As a unique honor, the International Federation of Philosophical Societies (FISP) adds its sponsorship to all
RVP conferences.)
(for information on the RVP activities and the full text of publications please visit )
Gibbons Hall B-12, 620 Michigan Avenue, North East, Washington DC 20064;
Telephone: 202-319-6089; Email: [email protected]; Website:
Copyright 2011 Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie