Curriculum Vitæ


Curriculum Vitæ
French citizen, born 26 September 1943 in Paris, France
divorced, 2 children: Gaël and Nicolas, 3 grandsons Louka, Simon anf Thomas
Office Address
UMR Sisyphe, Université Pierre et Marie
Case 105, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
Telephone 33 (0)1 44 27 23 73
Fax 33 (0)1 44 27 51 25
[email protected]
On the WEB
Home Address
12 rue Lacuée, 75012 Paris, France
Telephone +33 (0)1 46 28 65 14 / +33 (0)6 13 16 00 43
Diploma and Distinctions
Engineer, Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures de Paris (1967)
Advanced Studies Diploma in Hydrology and Hydrogeology, Université Pierre et Marie
Curie (1968)
PhD, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (1971)
Docteur ès Sciences Naturelles, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (1986)
Doctor Honoris Causa, Technical University of Bucharest (1994)
Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur (2004)
Professionnal Activities
1971-1973 Post Doctorate Fellow at the Centre d'Informatique Géologique, Ecole des
Mines de Paris
1973-1982 Researcher (Chargé de recherche), Centre d'Informatique Géologique, Ecole
des Mines de Paris
1982-2007 Senior Researcher (Maître de recherche), Centre d'Informatique
Géologique, Ecole des Mines de Paris
Since 2007 Emeritus Researcher at Université Pierre et Maris Curie
From 1971 to 1974, sent by Ecole des Mines to the Institut Economique et Juridique de
l'Energie, Grenoble (France)
1975-1976 sent by Ecole des Mines to the Ministère des Richesses Naturelles ( Water
division ) of the Quebec Province (Canada)
Many missions abroad for cooperation, expertise, research and teaching in numerous
Teaching Activities
Head of the Doctoral Course for Quantitative Hydrology and Hydrogeology at the Ecole
Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris (until 2002)
Organizer of the Ecology and Environment Course for Civil Engineers at the Ecole des
Mines de Paris (until 2005)
Chairman of the Pedagogical Committee of the post-graduate Course (Mastère)
Environmental Engineering and Management jointly organized by the Ecole des Mines
de Paris, the Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées and the Ecole du Génie Rural (1991-1993)
Is or has been lecturer in Global Hydrology, Probabilities and Statistics in Hydrology,
Water Use and Management, at :
o Université Paris VII
o Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural des Eaux et des Forêts (Paris, France)
o Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique-Eau (Quebec City, Canada)
o Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis (Tunisia)
o Institut National Agronomique d'Alger (Algeria)
o Institut International d’Ingénierie de l’Eau et de l’Environnement
(Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)
o Civil Engineering Institute of Bucharest (Romania) for several post graduate
courses organized in the framework of the EEC-TEMPUS
o Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)
o Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise (Arlon, Belgium)
Research Activities
From 1968 to 1970, applications of isotopical methods to the study of hydrological,
hydrogeological and limnological processes.
x From 1971 to 1983, studies on the economics of water and water management with a
strong emphasis on mathematical modelling, both for simulation and optimization
Since 1984 especially interested in identification and modelling of rainfall fields at all
time-space scales. In the African Sudano-Sahelian region, designing and operation of a
rainfall gauge network in Burkina Faso (1986-1990). Field measurement campaigns in the
French Guiana rainforest (PEGI Program-1992). Development and application of
geostatistical, fractal and multifractal methods for rainfall field and time series analysis.
Participation in the UNESCO FRIEND-AMHY (Alpine and Mediterranean HYdrology)
project (long time series working group).
Secretary General of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences IAHS
(Appointed 2000, Elected 2003-2007, Reelected 2007-2011)
Member of the IUGG Bureau (Elected 2011)
Member of the IUGG Resolution Committee in the Boulder (1995), Perugia (2007),
Melbourne (2011) and Prague (2015) General Assemblies.
Former President of the Comité National Français de Géodésie et de Géophysique
(CNFGG, French Section of IUGG) (1998-2000 )
Member of the Comité National Français des Sciences Hydrologiques (CNFSH) French
Section of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) (Former
President of the Committee, first elected in 1990, reelected in 1993 until 1998).
Former President of the French National Committee for the International Hydrological
Program (NC-IHP) of UNESCO
Former Hydrological Advisor to the Permanent Representative of France within the
World Meteorological Organization
Conseil Scientifique des Programmes RIO (Inoundation Risk) et RDT (Risk, Decision,
Territory) of the French Ministry for Environnement.
Conseil Supérieur de la Météorologie (Commission Hydrologie)
OTHU (Observatoire de Terrain en Hydrologie Urbaine, Field Observatory for urban
Hydrology) Scientific Committee, Villeurbanne (France)
Scientific Committee Member of the “Revue des Sciences de l'Eau” (Paris, Québec)
Scientific Committee of the Ouranos consortium (Montreal, Canada).
Former Editorial Board Member "Vodohospodársky casopis - Journal of Hydrology and
Hydromechanics" Bratislava-Prague
Editorial Advisory Board "Journal of Applied Hydrology", Association of Hydrologists
of India
Scientific committee of "Journal de l'eau et de l'environnement", ENS de l'hydraulique,
Blida (Algéria)
Initiator of the French-Romanian Hydrological Meetings (4 since 1991) and of the Inter
Celtic Hydrological Colloquia (4 editions since 1996).
Selected Publications
V. Andreassian, J. Margat, G. Thirel, P. Hubert & C. Perrin (2014) What part of
natural flow can be considered a water resource ? 11th Kovacs Colloquium, to be published in
IAHS Publ. 365.
Gaucherel C., Frelat R., Lustig A., Rouy B., Velt C. & Hubert P. (2014) Timefrequency analysis to profile hydrological regimes: Application to Haiti, submitted to
Hydrological Sciences Journal
A. Montanari, G. Young, H. Savenije, D. Hughes, T. Wagener, L Ren, D.
Koutsoyiannis, C. Cudennec, S. Grimaldi, G. Bloeschl, M. Sivapalan, K. Beven, H. Gupta, B.
Arheimer, Y. Huang, A. Schumann, D. Post, M. Tani, E. Boegh, P. Hubert, C. Harman, S.
Thompson, M. Rogger, M. Hipsey, E. Toth, A. Viglione, G. Di Baldassarre, B. Schaefli, H.
McMillan, S. Schymanski, G. Characklis, B. Yu, Z. Pang, V. Belyaev (2013) “Panta Rhei –
Everything Flows”: Change in hydrology and society – The IAHS Scientific Decade 20132022, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58(6), 1256-1275.
Abrate T., Hubert P. & Sighomnou D. (2013) A study on hydrological series of the
Niger River, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 56(2), 271-279.
Maftei,C. %ăUEXOHVFX A., Hubert P., Serban C., Dobrica G. (2012) Statistical Analysis
Rovaniemi (Finland), April 18-20, 2012.
Boukhelifa, M., Touaibia, B. & Hubert P. (2011) Prévention du risque pluvial par
l'élaboration des courbes intensité-durée-fréquence (IDF) : Application à la ville de Tipasa
dans le Nord Ouest algérien, IAHS Publ. 347, 36-42.
Khan S., Savenije H., Demuth S. and Hubert P., Eds (2010) Hydrocomplexity : New
Tools for solving wicked water problems, IAHS Publ. 338, 272 p.
Khan S., Savenije H., Demuth S. and Hubert P. (2010) Tools for analysing
hydrocomplexity and solving wicked water problems : a synthesis, IAHS Publ. 338, 1-10
Hubert P. (2008) Variabilité et changements hydrologiques aujourd'hui et demain,
Revue des Sciences de l'Eau, 21(2), 135-142.
Tchiguirinskaia I., Demuth S. & Hubert P. Editors (2008) River Basins - from
Hydrological Science to Water Management / Bassins versants - de l'hydrologie à la gestion de
l'eau, Proceedings of the IXth Kovacs Colloquium, IAHS Publ. 323, 154 p.
Bhunya P.K., Berndtsson R., Singh P.K. & Hubert P. (2008) Comparison between
Weibull and gamma distribution to derive synthetic unit hydrograph using Horton Order Ratios,
Water resources Research, 44, W04421, doi:10.1029/2007WR006031
Schertzer, D., Hubert, P., Koide, S. & Takeuchi, K. Eds, (2007) Predictions in
Ungauged Basins: PUB Kick-off (Proceedings of the PUB Kick-off meeting held in Brasilia,
20–22 November 2002). IAHS Publ. 309
Schertzer, D. Hubert P. & Lovejoy S. (2007) Scaling, multifractals and predictions in
ungauged basins: where we have been, where we are going ? Predictions in Ungauged Basins:
PUB Kick-off (Proceedings of the PUB Kick-off meeting held in Brasilia,20–22 November
2002). IAHS Publ. 309, 92-101.
Hubert, P., Bader, J.C. & Bendjoudi, H. (2007) Un siècle de débits annuels du fleuve
Sénégal, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 52(1), 68-73.
Tchiguirinskaia, I. Khin Ni Ni Thein & Hubert, P. (2006) Editors, Frontiers in Flood
Research / Le point de la recherche sur les crues, Proceedings of the VIIIth Kovacs Colloquium,
Paris 30 June-1 July 2006, IAHS Publ. 305, 212 p.
Hubert, P. (2005) La prédétermination des crues, C.R. Géosciences 337, 219-227
Kingumbi, A., Bargaoui, Z., Hubert, P. (2005) Investigation on the rainfall variability in
the central Tunisia, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 50(3), 493-508
Tchiguirinskaia, I., Bonell, M., Hubert, P. Eds (2004) Scales in Hydrology and Water
Management / Echelles en Hydrologie et Gestion de l'eau, Proceedings of the VIIth Kovacs
Colloquium, IAHS Publication N°287, 170 p.
Hubert P., Tchiguirinskaia I., Schertzer D., Bendjoudi H., Lovejoy S. (2003) Scaling,
Fractals and Multifractals in Hydrology: Premises and perspectives, Journal of Applied
Hydrology, AHI & Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, XVI-4, 1-9.
Chaouche, K., Hubert, P., Lang, G. (2002) Graphical characterisation of probability
distribution tails, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 16, 342-357.
Bendjoudi H. et Hubert P. (2002) Le coefficient de Gravélius : analyse critique d'un
indice de forme des bassins versants, Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques, 47(6), 921-930.
Schertzer D., Tchiguirinskaia I., Lovejoy S., Hubert P., Bendjoudi H., Larchevêque M.
(2001) Discussion / Evidence of chaos in the rainfall-runoff process / Which chaos in the
rainfall-runoff process ? A comment on "Evidence of chaos in the rainfall-runoff process" by
Sivakumar et al, Hydrological Science Journal, 47, 139-158.
Hubert P., Marin M. (2001) Quelle eau boirons nous demain ? Phare, 128 p.
Hubert P. (2001) Multifractals as a Tool to Overcome Scale Problems in Hydrology,
HSJ special Issue : Can Science and Society Avert the World Water Crisis in the 21st Century ?
Proceedings of the Tokyo Symposium, 24 October 2000, 46(6), 897-905..
Hubert P. (2000) The segmentation Procedure as a tool for Discrete Modeling of
Hydrometeorological Regimes, SERRA (Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk
Assessment, 14, 4-5, 297-304.
Van Der Beken A., Mihailescu M., Hubert P., Bogardi J., editors (1999) Proceedings of
the International Symposium The Learning Society and the Water-Environment / La Société
cognitive et les problèmes de l'eau, ETNET-Environment Water SOCRATES Programme of the
European Commission & UNESCO International Hydrological Program, Paris, 2-4 june 1999,
European Commission Directorate General Science, Research and Development.
Oberlin G., Hubert P. (1999) Refondation du concept de régime hydrologique, Rapport
quadriennal du CNFGG publié avec le concours de l'Académie des Sciences, 269-277.
Hubert P. (1998) Eaupuscule, une introduction à la gestion de l'eau, Seconde édition,
Editions HGA, Bucarest, 222 p.
Parent E., Hubert P., Bobée B., Miquel J. (1998) Editeurs, Méthodes statistiques et
approches bayésiennes en hydrologie / Statistical and Bayesian Methods in Hydrological
Sciences, Comptes rendus de la conférence internationale en l'honneur de Jacques Bernier, Paris
11-13 septembre 1995, IHP V Technical documents in hydrology n°20, SC-98/WS/80,
UNESCO, Paris, 489 p.
Molicova H., Bonell M., Hubert P. (1998) Identifying and modelling the hydrological
patterns within a headwater humid tropical catchment, Proceedings of the Symposium
Hydrology in the Humid Tropic Environment, A.I. Johnson and C.A. Fernandez-Jauregui
editors, IAHS publication 253, 129-136.
Villeneuve J.P., Hubert P., Mailhot A., Rousseau N. (1998) La modélisation
hydrologique, Revue des Sciences de l'Eau, 11, numéro spécial, 19-39.
Hubert P., Servat E., Paturel J.E., Kouame B., Bendjoudi H., Carbonnel J.P., Lubes-Niel
H. (1998) La procédure de segmentation, dix ans après..., Communication &agrave; la
Conférence Internationale ABIDJAN'98, Variabilité des ressources en eau au XXe siècle,
Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) 16-19 novembre 1998, publié dans Water Resources Variability in
Africa during the XXth Century; Servat E., Hughes D., Fritsch J.M. & Hulme M. editors, IAHS
publication no 252, 267-274.
Bendjoudi H., Hubert P. (1998) A propos de la distribution statistique des cumuls
pluviométriques annuels. Faut-il en finir avec la normalité ? Revue des Sciences de l'Eau, 11(4),
Molicova H., Grimaldi M., Bonnell M., Hubert P. (1997) Using TOPMODEL towards
identifying the hydrological patterns in a headwater humid tropical catchment, Hydrological
Processes, 11, 1169-1196.
Molicova H., Hubert P. (1994) Canopy Influence on Rainfall Fields Microscale
Structure in Tropical Forests, Journal of Applied Meteorology, 33, pp 1464-1467.
Hubert P., Carbonnel J.P. (1993) Segmentation des séries annuelles de débits de grands
fleuves Africains, Bulletin du CIEH, Ouagadougou, 92, 3-10.
Hubert P., Tessier Y., Lovejoy S., Schertzer D., Schmitt F. Ladoy P., Carbonnel J.P.,
Violette S., Desurosne I. (1993) Multifractals and extreme rainfall events, Geophysical
Research Letters, 20, pp 931-934.
Cunha M., Hubert P., Tyteca D. (1993) Optimal Management of a Groundwater System
for Seasonally Varying Agricultural Production, Water Resources Research, 29, 2415-2426.
Lebel T., Sauvageot H., Hoepffner M., Desbois M., Guillot B., Hubert P. (1992)
Sahelian Rainfall Estimation : The EPSAT-Niger Experiment, Hydrological Sciences-Journaldes Sciences Hydrologiques, 37, 201-216.
Herrmann R., Hubert P., Kobus H. (1991) Hydraulics and the environment, publication
of the IAHR Workshop on "Matching hydraulics and ecology in water systems", M.E. van
Boetzelaer, L.A. van Geldermalsen, J.K. Vrijling and J.E. Prins editors, Chapter 4: The
subsystems, 4.4 Groundwater, Journal of Hydraulic Research, Volume 29, extra issue, 49-56.
Réméniéras G., Hubert P. (1990) Article Hydrologie de l'Encyclopaedia Universalis,
Paris, Volume XI de l'édition 1990, 796-806.
Carbonnel J.P., Hubert P., Walbadet E., Mermoud A., Bariac T. (1990) Variabilité
spatiale des précipitations soudano-sahéliennes à l'échelle décamétrique, C.R.A.S., t.311, Série
II, 1425-1430.
Hubert P., Carbonnel J.P. (1989) Dimensions fractales de l'occurrence de pluie en climat
soudano-sahélien, Hydrologie Continentale, Paris, 4, 3-10.
Hubert P. (1989) La séparation de l'hydrogramme, apport des méthodes isotopiques,
Hydrogéologie, 3, 143-150.
Hubert P., Carbonnel J.P., Chaouche A. (1989) Segmentation des séries
hydrométéorologiques. Application à des séries de précipitations et de débits de l'Afrique de
l'Ouest, Journal of Hydrology, Amsterdam, 110, 349-367.
Hubert P., Carbonnel J.P. (1988) Caractérisation fractale de la variabilité et de
l'anisotropie des précipitations intertropicales, CRAS, 307, série II, 909-914.
Hubert P., Carbonnel J.P. (1987) Approche statistique de l'aridification de l'Afrique de
l'Ouest, Journal of Hydrology, Amsterdam, 95, 165-183.
Hubert P. (1986) De quelques concepts et outils utiles à la gestion de l'eau, Thèse de
doctorat d'état, Universit‚ P et M Curie, Paris, 310 p.
Certes C., Hubert P. (1985) Application de la programmation logique en hydrologie.
Définition d'un programme d'interprétation automatique des pompages d'essai, Journal of
Hydrology, Amsterdam, 81, 137-155.
Hubert P. (1984) Eaupuscule; une introduction à la gestion de l'eau, Ellipses, Edition
Marketing, Paris, 192 p.
Hubert P. (1984) Exploitation d'un système de deux puits en situation de compétition et
en situation de coordination, Journal of Hydrology, Amsterdam, 70, 353-368.
Jauzein A., Hubert P. (1984) Les bassins oscillants: un modèle de genèse des séries
salines, Sci. Geol. Bull, Strasbourg, 37, 3, 267-282.
Poulin M., Hubert P. (1982) Une méthode de calcul de l'échauffement des rivières;
application à la gestion des rejets thermiques du Rhin, Journal of Hydrology, Amsterdam, 55,
Mariotti A., Germon J.C., Hubert P., Kaiser P., Letolle R., Tardieux A., Tardieux P.
(1981) Experimental determination of nitrogen kinetic isotope fractionation: some principles;
illustration for the denitrification and nitrification processes, Plant and Soil, 62, 413-430.
Marsily G. de, Hubert P., Paschini L., Ramain P. (1976) Modèle d'aménagement et de
gestion d'un grand bassin hydrographique, Hydrological Sciences Bulletin des Sciences
Hydrologiques, XXI, 1, 3/1976, 69-76.
Hubert P. (1971) Etude par le tritium de la dynamique des eaux du lac Léman, Thèse de
Docteur-Ingénieur, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 149 p.
Crouzet E., Hubert P., Olive Ph., Siwertz E., Marcé A. (1970) Le tritium dans les
mesures d'hydrologie de surface; détermination expérimentale du coefficient de ruissellement,
Journal of Hydrology, Amsterdam, 11, 217-229.
Hubert P., Marin E., Meybeck M., Olive Ph., Siwertz E. (1969) Aspects hydrologique,
géochimique et sédimentologique de la crue exceptionnelle de la Dranse du Chablais du 22
Septembre 1968, Archives des Sciences, Genève, 22, 3, 581-604.