

Semaine 45 – du 07 au 13 novembre 2011
N° 199
S. Africa firm to stir rivalry with launch of data services-------------------------------------------------------- 2
SOA Software Expands Into South Africa--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
Gabon: Les Pme disposent désormais d'un logiciel sur la propriété intellectuelle ------------------- 3
Partenariat avec le groupe Ericsson: le Ministre des TICs énonce les attentes de l’Algérie ------ 3
S. Africa firm to stir rivalry with launch of data services
Business Connexion, a South African computer firm, is set to start the leasing of IT services, taking on
Safaricom and Kenya Data Networks which recently launched similar facilities.
The firm, which is listed at the Johannesburg Stock Exchange said it plans to rollout data storage,
software and hardware services, among others after it completes hiring executives in December. The
company entered the country last November.
Business Connexion managing director Tony Githuku said that the company is targeting government
and small businesses with its electronic storage facility that will offer data security and delivery of
technology services and software through cloud computing over the Internet to third parties.
The company also plans inject Sh2 billion into the Kenyan business that would also offer software for
services like payroll management, traffic control and motor registration.
Competitive market
“Our entry into this market segment will definitely lead to competition in that we are also targeting
the government,” said Dr Githuku. “We have six years’ experience in cloud computing services giving us a major advantage over our competitors who have just entered into it.”
Safaricom is also eyeing a piece of the cloud computing business after it teamed up with a local IT
firm Seven Seas Technology to diversify its business and reduce its reliance on the competitive voice
The KDN unveiled its Sh600 million data centre targeting government, international and local businesses —signalling rising competition as local companies increasingly look at leasing IT services rather
than buy software and hardware to cut costs.
Regional hub
The government is also going heavy in leasing storage space of its electronic data such as land records, registration of persons and payroll administration — creating a market for technology firms.
Business Connexion has operations in five other Africa countries — Nigeria, Namibia, Mozambique,
Zambia and Tanzania and plans to make Kenya its regional hub citing its strategic location, high
quality IT infrastructure, good regulatory policies and readily available skills.
The company also plans roll out tele-conferencing services which allows for interaction through video
and audio, which is becoming popular with the government and companies looking to cut travel
expenses and speedy work delivery.
SOA Software Expands Into South Africa
Accelerating Market Demand Drives Expansion
Software, a leading provider of SOA governance, cloud and enterprise API Management products, is expanding its international operations to include a presence in
South Africa, the company announced today. The move is in response to accelerating demand for
SOA governance automation solutions in the region. Tony Rolston, a veteran IT executive, will be responsible for the operation in his role as the Managing Director, MEA, to be based in Johannesburg.
"The need for SOA governance automation follows the pathways of global business. As supply chains
connect global systems, companies need strong SOA governance," said Paul Gigg, President and
CEO, SOA Software. "It's natural that we should be a part of this trend and expand into these vital,
growing economies."
Tony Rolston, the new Managing Director, has more than 25 years of experience as an executive in
the information technology industry. Mr. Rolston is a proven leader with both entrepreneurial and
operational skills and has a solid understanding of the local issues, processes and methodologies required to build successful businesses in the region. Prior to basing his operations in South Africa, Tony
was a founding member of DBMX in the UK, a company that developed the Tivoli database monitoring family of products. Subsequent to the company being acquired by IBM, he became Country
Manager for IBM Tivoli in South Africa.
"The South African economy is vibrant and has a large number of enterprises that need to compete
on the world stage," said Rolston. "We are excited to be able to help them deliver reliable business
solutions with strong SOA governance in place."
About SOA Software SOA Software is a leading provider of unified SOA governance, cloud and enterprise API Management products that enable organizations to plan, build, and run enterprise services and open APIs. The world's largest companies including Bank of America, Pfizer, and Verizon
use SOA Software solutions to transform their business. For more information, please visit .
SOA Software, Atmosphere, Policy Manager, Portfolio Manager, Repository Manager, Service Manager, and SOLA are trademarks of SOA Software, Inc.
SOURCE: SOA Software
Copyright 2011 Marketwire, Inc., All rights reserved
Gabon: Les Pme disposent désormais d'un logiciel sur la
propriété intellectuelle
Le logiciel dénommé IP Panorama axé sur la gestion de la propriété intellectuelle, vient d'être présenté aux pays membres de l'Organisation africaine de la propriété intellectuelle (OAPI) dans le but
d'édifier les sociétés grâce au partage de stratégies d'affaires en matière de propriété intellectuelle.
Ce logiciel qui est un outil multimédia et didactique de formation explique clairement l'importance
de la propriété intellectuelle pour les entreprises tout en leur proposant le développement en ligne
des produits éducatifs sur la propriété intellectuelle.
Véritable aubaine pour les pays africains qui doivent nécessairement maîtriser cet outil de promotion
parce que possédant un avantage concurrentiel dans plusieurs domaines
Notons que le logiciel IP Panorama est disponible dans les langues officielles de l'ONU, en ce sens
qu'il est un programme utilisé comme outil pour renforcer la sensibilisation à la propriété intellectuelle.
Source: Gabon News
Partenariat avec le groupe Ericsson: le Ministre des TICs
énonce les attentes de l’Algérie
Depuis quelques temps, le gouvernement algérien multiplie les contacts avec les firmes étrangères
en vue de mettre en place de nouveaux partenariats. Le but : Acquérir un nouveau savoir-faire et
un transfert de technologies, créer de l’emploi et relancer l’industrialisation du pays paralysée par
plus de 10 ans de terrorisme et de crise économique.
Les pouvoirs publics entendent également revoir leur coopération avec des partenaires traditionnels. Pas loin qu’hier, le ministre de la Poste et des Technologies de l’information et de la communication, Moussa Benhamadi, a invité Ericsson, groupe suédois spécialisé en télécommunications, à
œuvrer dans le cadre de leur partenariat, vieux de plusieurs décennies, à un transfert de savoir-faire
et d’expertise en faveur de l’Algérie ainsi qu’à une redynamisation de la société mixte algérosuédoise SITEL.
M. Benhamadi a exprimé ces attentes du secteur national des télécommunications vis-à-vis de ce
partenaire ” historique ” de l’Algérie lors d’un entretien à Genève avec le PDG de la multinationale
suédoise, en marge du sommet mondial des télécommunications (ITU World 2011) qui se tient dans
la ville suisse du 24 et qui prendra fin ce soir.
En attendant la réponse d’Ericsson, l’Algérie a signé dans le courant de la semaine, par le biais du
ministère de la Poste et des Technologies de l’information et de la communication, deux conventions avec les firmes Nokia Siemens Network et Huawei pour la création en Algérie de centres de
formation et d’innovation. Au titre des activités de son secteur, M. Benhamadi a annoncé qu’une ”
commission nationale pour la large bande (haut débit, très haut débit) sera bientôt créée “.
Source: Algérie360.