manuel tostain - UFR Droit et sciences politiques


manuel tostain - UFR Droit et sciences politiques
* : Références importantes
Approches développementales générales
Approches alternatives à Piaget et Kohlberg
Approches spécifiques
Morale et théories de l’esprit
Débuts de la morale (0- 3 ans)
Morale et action
Justice distributive
Justice immanente
Morale et différence des sexes
Approche psycho-cognitive
Bases (en français)
BEGUE, L. (1998). De la « cognition morale » à l’étude des stratégies du positionnement social : Aperçu
théorique et controverses actuelles en psychologie morale, L’Année Psychologique, 98, 295-352.
Bègue, L. & Emler, N. (2002). Figures du jugement moral : développement, effets comportementaux, variations
idéologiques. In A. Le Blanc, M. Doraï, N. Roussiau et C. Bonardi (Eds.), Psychologie sociale
appliquée : éducation, justice, politique (pp.137-164). Paris : In Press.
BIDEAUD, J. (1980). Développement moral et développement cognitif. Bulletin de Psychologie, n°345, 589601.
Fedi, L. (2008). Piaget et la conscience morale. Paris : Presses Universitaires de France.
FLANAGAN, O. (1996). 3ème partie : Psychologie Morale. Dans Psychologie morale et éthique, pp.231-336,
Paris, Presses Universitaires de France.
KURTINES, W.M ; GEWIRTZ, J.L. (1991). Handbook of moral behavior and development. Vol. 1 : Theory,
Vol. 2 : Research, Vol. 3 : Application. USA, Hillsdale, New Jersey : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Lehalle, H., Aris, C., Buelga, S., & Musitu, G. (2004). Développement socio-cognitif et jugement moral : de
Kholberg à la recherche de déterminants de la différenciation du développement moral. L’Orientation
Scolaire et Professionnelle , 33(2), 289-314.
Moessinger, P. (1989). La psychologie morale. Paris : Presses Universitaires de France.
Piaget, J. (1932). Le jugement moral chez l’enfant. Paris : Presses Universitaires de France.
SANTOLINI, A. (1994). Développement et conceptions du monde social : Jugements et raisonnements moraux.
Dans R. GHIGLIONE ; J.P.RICHARD (Eds). Cours de Psychologie, pp.442-466 Tome 3, Dunod.
TOSTAIN, M. (1999). Psychologie, morale et culture. L’évolution de la morale de l’enfance à l’âge adulte.
Grenoble : Presses Universitaires de Grenoble.
TOSTAIN, M. (1999b). La morale est-elle universelle ? les alternatives actuelles au modèle rationaliste de
Kohlberg, dans W. Doise, N. Dubois et J.L. Beauvois (Eds.), La Psychologie Sociale, Vol. 4 : La
construction sociale de la personne, Grenoble, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 47-57.
Turiel, E. (1998). The development of morality. In W. Damon & N. Eisenberg (Eds.), Handbook of Child
Psychology , Vol. 3 (pp. 863- 932). New-York : John Wiley & Sons.
Turiel, E. (2006). The development of morality. In W.Damon, R. Lerner & N. Eisenberg (Eds.), Handbook of
Child Psychology, Vol. 3 : Social, Emotional, and Personality Development (pp. 789-857). New-York:
Vandenplas-Holper, C. (1987). Le développement moral. In Education et développement social de l’enfant
(pp.107-156). Paris : Presses Universitaires de France.
VANDENPLAS-HOLPER, C. (1999). Piaget, Kohlberg et les post-kohlbergiens : Plus d’un demi-siècle de
recherches sur le développement moral, dans W. Doise, N. Dubois et J.L. Beauvois (Eds.), La
Psychologie Sociale, Vol. 4 : La construction sociale de la personne, Grenoble, Presses Universitaires
de Grenoble, 21-46.
Approches dévelopmentales générales
PIAGET, J. (1928). Logique génétique et sociologie, Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, 1-2,
Piaget, J. (1932). Le jugement moral chez l’enfant. Paris : Félix Alcan.
PIAGET, J. (1933/1976). L’individualité en histoire. L’individu et la formation de la raison, Cahiers Vilfredo
Pareto, Revue Européenne des Sciences Sociales, Tome XIV, n°38/39, Genève, Droz, 81-123.
PIAGET, J. (1941/1965). Essai sur la théorie des valeurs qualitatives en sociologie statique (« synchronique »),
dans Etudes sociologiques, Genève, Droz, 100-143.
PIAGET, J.(1943). Le jugement moral chez l’enfant d’après I.H. Caruso, Archives de psychologie, 29, 170.
PIAGET, J. (1944/1965). Les relations entre morale et droit, dans Etudes sociologiques, Genève, Droz, 172-203.
Piaget, J. (1945/1965). Les opérations logiques et la vie sociale. In Etudes sociologiques (pp. 143-172). Genève :
Piaget, J. (1947/1998). Le développement moral de l’adolescent dans deux types de sociétés : sociétés primitives
et société « moderne ». In De la pédagogie (pp. 169-175). Paris : Editions Odile Jacob.
PIAGET, J. (1951a/1965). L’explication en sociologie, dans Etudes sociologiques, Genève, Droz, 15-100.
Piaget, J. (1951b). Pensée égocentrique et pensée sociocentrique. Cahiers internationaux de sociologie, 10, 3449.
PIAGET, J. (1951c/1976). Le développement chez l’enfant de l’idée de patrie et des relations avec l’étranger,
Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto, Revue Européenne des Sciences Sociales, Tome XIV, n°38/39, Genève, Droz,
PIAGET, J. (1963/1976). Problèmes de la psycho-sociologie de l’enfance, Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto, Revue
Européenne des Sciences Sociales, Tome XIV, n°38/39, Genève, Droz, 161-197.
PIAGET, J. (1966). Nécessité et significations des recherches comparatives en psychologie génétique, dans
Psychologie et épistémologie, Paris, Denoël-Gonthier, 59-79.
PIAGET, J. (1976). Les sciences sociales avec et après Jean PIAGET, Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto, Revue
Européenne des Sciences Sociales, Tome XIV, n°38/39, Genève, Droz.
Approche autour de Piaget
Armsby, R.E. (1971). A reexamination of the development of moral judgments in children. Child development,
42, 1241-1248.
AUSTIN, V.D., RUBLE, D.N., TRABASO, T. (1977). Recall and order effects as factors in children's moral
judgment. Child Development, 48, 470-474.
BACHRACH, R. Et coll. (1977). The relation between locus of control and the development of moral judgment.
Child development, 48, 1340-1352.
BENNETT, M. (1985). The role of information about actors behavior and intentionality in children’s attribution
of personality dispositions. The Journal of Social Psychology, 125, 3, 391-393.
Berg-Cross, L.B. (1975). Intentionality, degree of damage, and moral judgments. Child Development, 46, 970974.
CHABERT, C. (1975). La formation du jugement moral chez l’enfant. Une étude critique à partir des travaux de
Jean Piaget. Thèse de 3ème cycle. Université René Descartes. Paris V ;
CHANDLER, M.J., GREENSPAN, S., BARENBOIM, C. (1973). Judgments of intentionality in response to
videotaped and verbally presented dilemmas : The medium is the message. Child Development, 44, 315320.
De La Taille, Y. (1998). L’éducation morale: Kant et Piaget. Bulletin de Psychologie, 51(5), 347, 569-583.
DURKIN, D. (1961). The specificity of children’s moral judgments, Journal of Genetic Psychology, 98, 3-14.
*Grueneich, R. (1982). Issues in the developmental study of how children use intention and consequenc
information to make moral evaluations, Child Development, 53, 29-43.
Grueneich, R. (1982). The development of children’s integration rules for making moral judgments. Child
Development, 53, 887-894.
Imamoglu, E.O. (1976). Attribution of intentionality as a function of age, outcome quality and affect for the
actor. European Journal of Social Psychology, 6, 1, 25-39.
JOHNSON, R.C. (1962). A study of children’s moral judgment, Child Development, 33, 327-354.
Karniol, R. (1978). Children’s use of intention cues in evaluating behavior. Psychological Bulletin, 85, 1, 76-85.
LICKONA, T. (1976). Resarch on Piaget’s theory of moral development, dans T. Lickona (Ed.)., Moral
development and behavior, New-York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 219-240.
Lourenço, O. (2003). Children’s appraisal of antisocial acts : A piagetian perspective. British Journal of
Developmental Psychology, 21, 19-31.
MacRAE, D.A. (1954). A test of Piaget’s theories of moral judgment, Journal of Abnormal and Social
Psychology, 49, 14-18.
Maryniak, L. (1988). Représentations des règles morales et de leur transgression chez l’enfant et le
préadolescent. Thèse, Université de Paris 13.
MARYNIAK, L., SELOSSE, J. (1985). Représentation de la punition attribuée par le sujet et par autrui dans des
conduites d’appréciation morale chez l’enfant. Dans J. BIDEAUD ; M. RICHELLE (Eds). Psychologie
Développementale : Problèmes et réalités, pp.263-279, Mardaga, Bruxelles.
Millar, S. (1984). Reasons for the attribution of intent in 7 and 9 years old children. British Journal of
Developmental Psychology, 2, 51-61.
Santolini, A. (1982). La compréhension des notions morales chez l’enfant. Thèse, Université de Paris 8.
Van Der Keilen, M., & Garg, R. (1994). Moral realism in adult’s judgments of responsibility. The Journal of
Psychology, 128, 2, 149-156.
Vidal, F. (1998). Immanence, affectivité et démocratie dans Le jugement moral chez l’enfant. Bulletin de
Psychologie, 51(5), 437, 585-597.
VIKAN, A. (1976). Objective and subjective responsability in moral judgment as a function of enactment of role
polarities, Journal of General psychology, 128, 153-161.
Vikan, A. (1978). Attribution of responsibility in ambiguous moral judgment situations. The Journal of
Psychology, 99, 179-185.
WALLON, H. (1933). Le jugement moral chez l’enfant par J. Piaget, Enfance, 63, 1280-1281.
COLBY, A., KOHLBERG, L. (1987). The measurement of moral judgment : Vol 2. Standard Issue Scoring
Manual. Cambridge, UK : Cambrigde University Press.
COLBY, A., KOHLBERG, L., GIBBS, J., LIEBERMAN, M. (1983). A longitudinal study of moral judgment.
Monographs of The Society for Research in Child Development, 48, 1-124.
KOHLBERG, L. (1958). The development of moral thinking and choice in the years ten to sixteen. Unpublished
doctoral dissertation. University of Chicago.
Kohlberg, L. (1969). Stage and sequence: the cognitive-developmental approach to socialization. Dans D.A.
Goslin (Ed.), Handbook of socialization theory and research (pp.347-480). Chicago : Rand Mc Nally.
KOHLBERG, L. (1971). From is to ought. The development of moral concepts. Dans T.H. MISCHEL (Ed).
Cognitive development and epistemology, pp.150-284, Academic Press : New York.
KOHLBERG, L. (1976). Moral stages and moralization. The cognitive developmental approach. Dans T.
LICKONA (Ed). Moral development and behaviour (pp. 31-53). Holt, Rinehart and Winston : New
Kohlberg, L. (1981). Essays on Moral Development, vol 1 : The Philosophy of Moral Development. New-York :
Harper & Row.
Kohlberg, L. (1981). Essays on Moral Development, vol 2 : The Psychology of Moral Development. New-York :
Harper & Row.
KOHLBERG, L. (1986). My personal search for universal morality. Moral Education Forum, 11, 1, 4-10.
KOHLBERG, L., BAR-YAM, M. (1971). Cognitive-developmental theory and the practice of collective moral
education. Dans M. Wollins et M. Gottesman (Eds.)., Group care : An israeli approach. New-York,
Gordon and Breach.
KOHLBERG, L., CANDEE, D. (1983). The relationship of moral judgment to moral action, dans W.M.
Kurtines et J.L. (Eds.), Morality, moral behavior and moral Development, New-York, Wiley
Interscience, 52-73.
Kohlberg, L., & Kramer, R. (1969). Continuities and discontinuities in childhood and adult moral development.
Human Development, 12, 93-120.
* Kohlberg, L., Levine, C., & Hewer, A. (1983). Moral stages : a current formulation and a response to critics.
Suisse: Karger.
KREBS, D.L., VERMEULEN, S.C.A., CARPENDALE, J.I., DENTON, K. (1991). Structural and situational
influences on moral judgment : The interaction between stage and dilemna, », dans William M.
Kurtines et Jacob L. Gewirtz (Eds.), Handbook of moral behavior and development, Vol. 2 : Research,
USA, Hillsdale, New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 139-169.
LALANNE, J. (1975). Une approche pratique du développement moral, Revue de Psychologie Appliquée, 25,
Approches alternatives à Piaget et Kohlberg (autour de Turiel)
Eisenberg et la moral prosociale
CARLO, G., EISENBERG, N., KNIGHT, G.P. (1992). An objective measure of adolescents’ prosocial moral
reasoning, Journal of Research on Adolescence, 2, 4, 331-349.
EISENBERG-BERG, N. (1979). Development of children’s prosocial moral judgment, Development
Psychology, 15, 128-137.
EISENBERG, N. (2000). Emotion, regulation, and moral development, Annual Review of Psychology, 51, 665697.
(1999). Consitency and development of prosocial dispositions : A longitudinal study, Child
Development, 70, 6, 1360-1372.
MILLER, P.A., EISENBERG, N., FABES, R.A., SHELL, R. (1996). Relations of moral reasoning and vicarious
emotion to young chidren's prosocial behavior toward peers and adults. Development Psychology, 32, 2,
HELWIG, C.C. (1995). Adolescents’ and young adults’ conceptions of civil liberties : freedom of speech and
religion, Child development, 66, 152-166.
HELWIG, C.C. (1997). The great justice Debate. Contemporary Psychology, 42, 3, 191-195.
HELWIG, C.C. (1997). The role of agent and social context in judgments of freedom of speech and religion.
Child Development, 68, 3, 484-495.
Helwig, C.C., & Jasiobedzka, U. (2001). The relation between law and morality: Children’s reasoning about
socially beneficial and unjust laws. Child Development, 72, 5, 1382-1393.
Rest (test DIT : Defining Issues Test) (proche Kohlberg)
REST, J.R., COOPER, D., MASANZ, J., ANDERSON, D. (1974). Judging the important issues in moral
dilemmas. An objective measure of development. Developmental Psychology, 10, 4, 491-501.
REST, J.R. (1975). Longitudinal study of defining issues test moral judgment : a strategy for analyzing
developmental change. Developmental Psychology, 11, 6, 738-748.
REST,J.R (1979a). Revised manual for the defining issues test. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press.
REST, J.R. (1979b). Development in judging moral issues. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press.
REST, J.R. (1983) Morality, dans P.H. Mussen (Ed.), Handbook of child psychology, vol. 3 : Cognitive
development, New-York, Wiley, 556-629.
THOMA, S.J., REST, J.R. (1999). The relationship between moral decision making and patterns of
consolidation and transition in moral judgment development, Developmental Psychology, 35, 2, 323334.
NUCCI, L., SMETANA, J.G. (1996). Mothers concepts of young childrens areas of personal freedom. Child
Development, 67, 4, 1870-1886.
SMETANA, J.G. (1981). Preschool children’s conceptions of Moral and Social Rules. Child Development, 52,
SMETANA, J.G. (1985). Preschool children’s conceptions of transgressions : Effects of varying moral and
conventional domain-related attributes. Developmental Psychology, 21, 1, 18-29.
SMETANA, J.G, TOTH, S.L., CICCHETTI, D., BRUCE, J., KANE, P., DADDIS, C. (1999). Maltreated and
nonmaltreated preschoolers’ conceptions of hypothetical and actual moral transgressions,
Developmental Psychology, 35, 1, 269-281.
Turiel (théorie des 3 domaines de jugement social)
HELWIG, C.C., HILDEBRANDT, C., TURIEL, E. (1995). Childrens’ judgments about psychological harm in
social context, Child development, 66, 1680-1693.
HELWIG, C.C., TISAK, M.S., TURIEL, E. (1990). Children’s social reasoning in context : reply to
Gabennesch. Child Development, 61, 2068-2078.
*HELWIG, C.C., ZELAZO, P., WILSON, M. (2001). Children’s judgments of psychological harm in normal
and noncanonical situations, Child Development, 72, 1, 66-81.
LEVY, E., LEHALLE, H. (2002). La catégorisation des infractions aux règles sociales chez les adolescents : audelà des circonstances, les progrès de l’abstraction, Enfance, 2, 187-206.
Nucci, L., Guerra, N., & Lee, N. (1991). Adolescent judgments of the personal prudential, and normative aspects
of drug usage. Developmental Psychology, 27(5), 841-848.
NUCCI, L., TURIEL, E. (1993). God’s word, religions rules, and their relation to christian and jewish children’s
concepts of morality, Child Development, 64, 1475-1491.
SMETANA, J.G., KILLEN, M., TURIEL, E. (1991). Children’s reasoning about interpersonal and moral
conflicts. Child Development, 62, 629-644.
TISAK, M.S., TURIEL, E. (1984). Children's conceptions of moral and prudential rules. Child Development, 55,
TURIEL, E. (1966). An experimental test of the sequentiality of development stages in the child’s moral
judgment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 3, 611-618.
TURIEL, E. (1974). Conflict and transition in adolescent moral development, Child Development, 45, 14-29.
TURIEL, E. (1975). The development of social concepts : Mores customs and conventions. Dans DE PALMA ;
FOLEY (Eds). Moral development. LEA.
TURIEL, E. (1983). The development of social knowledge : Morality and convention. Cambridge : Cambridge
University Press.
* Turiel, E. (1993). Nature et fondements du raisonnement social dans l’enfance. In J.P. Changeux (Ed.)
Fondements naturels de l’éthique (pp.301-318). Paris : Editions Odile Jacob.
Turiel, E., Hildebrandt, C. & Wainryb, C. (1991). Judging social issues : Difficulties, inconsistencies, and
consistencies. Monographs of the Society for Resarch in Child Development, Serial N°224, Vol. 56, N°
Turiel, E., Killen, M., & Helwig, C.(1987). Morality : Its structure, functions and vagaries. In J. Kagan, & S.
Lamb (Eds), The emergence of morality in young children (pp.155-244). Chicago : University of
Chicago Press.
TURIEL, E., SMETANA, J.G., KILLEN, M. (1991). Social contexts in cognitive development, dans Dans
William M. Kurtines et Jacob L. Gewirtz (Eds.), Handbook of moral behavior and development. Vol.
2 : Research, USA, Hillsdale, New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 307-332.
Autres proches de Turiel
Chandler, M.J., Sokol, B.W., & Wainryb, C. (2000). Beliefs about truth and beliefs about rightness. Child
Development, 71, 1, 91-97.
KILLEN, M., STANGOR, C. (2001). Children’s social reasoning about inclusion and exclusion in gender and
race peer group contexts, Child Development, 72, 1, 174-186.
NUCCI, L. (1981). Conceptions of personal issues : A domain distinct from moral and societal concepts. Child
Development, 52, 114-121.
NUCCI, L., WEBER, E.K. (1995). Social interactions in the home and the development of young childrens’
conceptions of the personal, Child development, 66, 1438-1452.
Shaw, L.A., & Wainryb, C. (1999). The outsider’s perspective: Young adults’ judgments of social practices of
other cultures. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 17, 451-471.
WAINRYB, C. (1991). Understanding differences in moral judgments : The role of informational assumptions,
Child Development, 62, 840-851.
ZELAZO, P.D., HELWIG, C.C., LAU, A. (1996). Intention, act, and outcome in behavioral prediction and
moral judgment, Child Development, 67, 5, 2478-2492.
Approche Hoffman
BOYES, M.C., ALLEN, S.G. (1993). Styles of parents-child interaction and moral reasoning in adolescence,
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 39, 551-570.
HOFFMAN, M.L. (1970). Moral development. Dans P.H. MUSSEN (Ed). Carmichael’s handbook of child
psychology, Vol. I, pp.261-359. New York, Wiley.
* HOFFMAN, M.L. (1975a). Moral internalization, parental power, and the nature of parent-child interaction.
Developmental Psychology, 11, 2, 228-239.
HOFFMAN, M.L. (1975b). The development of altruistic motivation. Dans DE PALMA, FOLEY (Eds). Moral
development. LEA.
HOFFMAN, M.L. (1976). Empathy, rôle-taking, guilt, and development of altruistic motives. Dans T. Lickona
(Ed.). Moral Development and Behavior. New-York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
HOFFMAN, M.L. (1983). Affective and cognitive process in moral internalization. Dans E.T. HIGGINS, D.N.
RUBLE ; W.W. HARTUP (Eds). Social Cognition and Social Development, pp.236-274, Cambridge
University Press.
HOFFMAN, M.L. (1991). Empathy, social cognition, and moral action. Dans William M. Kurtines et Jacob L.
Gewirtz (Eds.). Handbook of moral behavior and development. Vol. 1 : Theory, pp 275-302. USA,
Hillsdale, New Jersey : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
HOFFMAN, M.L. (1994). Discipline and internalization, Developmental Psychology, 30, 1, 26-28.
Hoffman, M.L. (2001/2008). Empathie et développement moral : les émotions morales et la justice. Grenoble :
Presses Universitaires de Grenoble.
Autres approches
ANTIPOFF, H. (1928). Observations sur la compassion et le sens de justice chez l’enfant, Archives de
Psychologie, 21, 208-214.
BALDWIN, J.M. (1897/1899). Interprétation morale et sociale du développement mental, Paris, Giard et Brière.
BLOCH, M.A., GRATIOT-ALPHANDERY, H. (1970). Le développement affectif et moral, dans H.
Alphandéry et R. Zazzo (Eds.), Traité de psychologie de l’enfant, vol. 4, Paris, Presses Universitaires de
BOVET, P. (1912). Les conditions de l’obligation de conscience, l’Année Psychologique.
BOYES, M.C., ALLEN, S.G. (1993). Styles of parent-child interaction and moral reasoning in adolescence,
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 39, 4, 551-570.
Bulletin de Psychologie (1992). Numéro spécial sur la compréhension de la politesse par les enfants, n°409.
BURSTIN, J. (1953). Aspects de l’évolution socio-morale de l’adolescent, Enfance, 2, 97-146.
CLAPAREDE, E. (1932). Le mensonge et ses antinomies, Bulletin de la Société Française de Philosophie, 3,
COUSINET, R. (1938). Sur le mensonge chez les enfants, Journal de psychologie normale et pathologique, 35,
DE LA TAILLE, Y. (1995). La genèse de la conception du droit au secret chez l’ enfant, Enfance, 4, 443-450.
DUNN, J., CUTTING, A.L., DEMETRIOU, H. (2000). Moral sensibility, understanding others, and children’s
friendship interactions in the preschool period, British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 18, 159177.
EDER, R.A. (189). The emergent personologist : the structure and content of 3 1/2, 5 ½ and 7 ½ year-olds’
concepts of themselves and other persons. Child developement, 60, 1218-1228.
EVART-CHMIELNISKI, E. (1950). Perceptions fragmentaires des notions sociales et morales chez l’enfant,
Enfance, 3, 154-159.
FERGUSON, T.J., STEGGE, H., DAMHUIS, I. (1991). Children’s understanding of guilt and shame, Child
Development, 62, 827-839.
*FOWLER, R.C. (1998). Limiting the domain account of early moral judgment by challenging its critique of
Piaget, Merrill-Palmer Quaterly, 44, 3, 263-289.
GARCIA, M.J. (1953). A propos du jugement moral chez l’enfant, Enfance, 1, 84-96.
HAAN, N. (1978). Two moralities in action contexts : relationships to thought, ego regulation, and development,
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 36, 3, 286-305.HAAN, N. (1982). Can research on
morality be « scientific » ?, American Psychologist, 37, 10, 1096-1104.
HOGAN, R. (1973). Moral conduct and moral character : A psychological perspective, Psychological Bulletin,
79, 217-232.
* KAGAN, J. (1984). Establishing a Morality, dans The nature of the child, New-York, Plenum, 112-153.
KAGAN, J., LAMB, S. (1987). The emergence of morality in young children. University of Chicago Press.
KAHN, P.H. (1992). Children’s obligatory and discretionary moral judgments. Child Development, 63, 416-430.
* KURTINES, W.M ; GEWIRTZ, J.L. (1991). Handbook of moral behavior and development. Vol. 1 : Theory,
Vol. 2 : Research, Vol. 3 : Application. USA, Hillsdale, New Jersey : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
LANGFORD, P.E. (1997). Separating judicial from legislative reasoning in moral dilemma interviews, Child
Development, 68, 6, 1105-1116.
LEVY, E., LEHALLE, H. (2002). La catégorisation des infractions aux règles sociales chez les adolescents : Au
delà des circonstances, le progrès de l’abstraction, Enfance, n°1 ou 2, 187-206.
MOSHENI, N. (1981). Les relations entre le développement moral et social chez les enfants de 6 à 12 ans,
Enfance, 1-2, 75-84.
OLJENIK, A.B. (1980). Adult’s moral reasoning with children, Child Development,51, 1285-1288.
Pizarro, D.A., Ulhman, E. & Bloom, P. (2003). Causal deviance and the attribution of moral responsibility.
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 39, 653-660.
SELMAN, R.L. (1971). The relation of role-taking to the development of moral judgment in children, Child
Development, 42, 79-91
WALLON, G.H. (1949). Les notions morales chez l’enfant : Essai de psychologie différentielle, Paris, Presses
Universitaires de France.
WONDERLY, D.M., KUPFERSMID, J. (1979). The relationship between moral judgment and selected
characteristics of mental health, Character potential, 9, 111-116.
Approches spécifiques
Morale et théories de l’esprit
Compréhension de la tromperie
BROOMFIELD, K.A., ROBINSON, E.J., ROBINSON, W.P. (2002). Children’s understanding about white lies,
British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 20, 47-65.
BUSSEY, K. (1992). Lying and truthfulness : Children’s definitions, standards, and evaluative reactions, Child
Development, 63, 129-137.
BUSSEY, K. (1999). Children’s categorization and evaluation of different types of lies and truths, Child
Development, 70, 6, 1338-1347.
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