How to make a watcH witH openmovement


How to make a watcH witH openmovement
How to make a watch with openmovement
Parts & Compoments
Become a member of
the openmovement
association or/and
cooperative and be
part of our common
future (1 billion
humans are members
of cooperatives,
making up for an
economy the size of
Buy parts,
components and kits
in the quantities you
Use your knowhow to finish and
then assemble the
movements, or find
a watchmaker or a
company that does it
for you
Sign the movement
with your brand or
name: it stands for
the level of quality
and finish of the work
you’ve done
Design your watch,
produce the parts and
assemble your own
... add a module of
your own invention
and property
... sell your movements
to a watch-brand
Sign the movement
with the OMmovement identity
(OM 10): it stands for
quality and credit
to the community
of constructors that
worked on it
You can also ...
... make parts on your own with your own finish,
decoration or design based on plans that have been
published under Creative Commons ShareAlike 3.0
license for components that have been prototyped
and tested successfully