Janvier-Février - CRDITED de la Montérégie-Est


Janvier-Février - CRDITED de la Montérégie-Est
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CRDITED de la Montérégie-Est
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Nouveautés Janvier-Février 2013 - CRDITEDME Centre de documentation
2013-03-04 11:14
abus de drogue - abus d'alcool
Motivating substance abusers to enter treatment : working with family member
Smith, Jane Ellen.
New York : The Guilford Press , 2008, c2004.
Résumé : «Filling a crucial need, this book presents Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT),
a time- and cost-effective therapy program oriented to individuals who want to motivate a loved one to seek
help. The authors' nonconfrontational approach teaches concerned significant others (CSOs) how to change
their own behavior in order to reward sobriety, discourage substance use, and ultimately to help get the substance abuser into
treatment. The CSO also gains valuable skills for problem solving and self-care. Step-by-step instructions for implementing
CRAFT are accompanied by helpful case examples and reproducibles.»
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abus de drogue - abus d'alcool
Substance use disorders : a practical guide
Gitlow, Stuart.
Philadelphia, PA : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, , c2000
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The anorexia workbook : how to accept yourself, heal your suffering, and reclaim your life
Heffner, Michelle.
Oakland, CA : New Harbinger , c2004.
Résumé : Structured in a logical, step-by-step progression of exercises, the workbook first focuses on providing
you with a new understanding of anorexia and the ways you might have already tried to control the problem.
Then the book progresses through techniques that teach how to use mindfulness to deal with out-of-control
thoughts and feelings, how to identify choices that lead to better heath and quality of life, and how to redirect the energy
formerly spent on weight loss into actions that will heal the body and mind. Although this book is written specifically as selfhelp for anorexia sufferers, it includes a clear and informative chapter on when you need to seek professional treatment as well
as advice on what to look for in a therapist.
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anxiété - troubles mentaux
The treatment of anxiety disorders : clinician guides and patient manuals
Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press , 2003
Résumé : Dans cette 2e édition entièrement révisée Gavin Andrews et son équipe continuent de s'appuyer sur
les travaux et les méthodes qu'ils ont utilisées avec succès dans la pratique clinique depuis 15 ans. Plus de la
moitié du contenu de cette édition est nouveau, et une toute nouvelle section portant sur le trouble de stress
post-traumatique a été ajoutée. Il s'agit d'une vue d'ensemble unique faisant autorité sur l’identification et le traitement des
troubles de l'anxiété. Ce livre offre à la fois un aperçu théorique et un cadre théorique pour aider les psychiatres et les
psychologues cliniciens dans le traitement efficace des troubles anxieux.
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2013-03-04 11:14
autisme - adulte - diagnostic
Fonctionnements autistiques chez l'adulte : comprendre, diagnostiquer, agir
Brioul, Michel
[Québec] : Presses de l'Université Laval , 2012
Résumé : «En sait-on aujourd’hui davantage que lorsque Léo Kanner en 1943 décrivit pour la première fois la
spécificité de ces pathologies handicapantes ? La confusion qui s’est installée autour de ce diagnostic, les
batailles qui font rage entre les tenants de tel ou tel courant de pensée ne contribuent pas en tout cas à donner
une image fiable de ces étranges individus… Pour autant, ces propos semblent ne concerner que les enfants, comme ci, au-delà
de l’adolescence les autistes disparaissaient, ou, pire n’intéressaient plus personne… Beaucoup, parvenus à l’âge adulte, ne
sont néanmoins pas sortis des affres de cette pathologie invalidante et poursuivent leur cheminement, accompagnés par les
équipes institutionnelles et leurs proches. Les uns et les autres mobilisent toute leur énergie pour aider ces femmes et ces
hommes à moins souffrir, contribuant à la dynamique d’une évolution qui reste potentiellement favorable. Étayant ses propos
sur une longue expérience ou il puise de nombreux exemples dans sa pratique auprès de ces patients, l’auteur s’attache ici à
considérer les différents points de vue, en présentant des pistes de compréhension des multiples dimensions de ces troubles. Il
le fait en s’appuyant sur les acquis de cliniciens reconnus, mais aussi en évoquant des hypothèses plus personnelles et
originales. Il poursuit sa réflexion en proposant une méthodologie de diagnostic qui permet de préciser le niveau et les
modalités du fonctionnement psychique de chacun, afin de conduire à une véritable perspective de soin. Il précise enfin les
modes d’agir qui paraissent les plus appropriés à chaque situation, lesquels sont ouverts aux aspects pédagogiques, éducatifs et
thérapeutiques de la prise en charge.» (Source : site web de l'éditeur)
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The overcoming bulimia workbook : your comprehensive, step-by-step guide to recovery
McCabe, Randi E.
Oakland, Calif. : : New Harbinger , c2003.
Résumé : «This workbook contains tools to help bulimics break the cycle of bingeing and reacting, allowing
them to take control of their lives and make positive behavior changes. Practical advice and real-life examples
reinforce attitudes and offer encouragement. Discover that it is possible to overcome the disorder and live a
happier, more fulfilling life.»
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déficience de l'attention - hyperactivité - adulte
You mean I'm not lazy, stupid or crazy?! : the classic self-help book for adults with attention deficit disorder
Kelly, Kate.
New York : Scribner, , 2006.
Résumé : «"You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid, or Crazy?!" is one of the best-selling titles on ADD ever written. The first book
about adult ADD, and the first one written by adults with ADD, it explores the latest science, diagnostic process, and treatment
options and provides both moral support and practical tips for reducing chaos and disorganization, improving memory, and
forging better relationships at home and work. This updated edition includes almost twenty-five percent new material covering
important developments in adult ADD ... Show more "You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid, or Crazy?!" is one of the best-selling
titles on ADD ever written. The first book about adult ADD, and the first one written by adults with ADD, it explores the
latest science, diagnostic process, and treatment options and provides both moral support and practical tips for reducing chaos
and disorganization, improving memory, and forging better relationships at home and work. This updated edition includes
almost twenty-five percent new material covering important developments in adult ADD research - from ADD's effects on
sexuality to the different ways in which ADD affects men and women. Ramundo and Kelly also examine the often-overlooked
positive effects of ADD. With more than 200,000 copies in print, "You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid, or Crazy?!" is already an
essential reference for anyone facing the challenges of adult ADD. This new edition is a perfect blend of strategies for daily
life and must-have medical information - an inspiring resource that enables the millions of adults living with ADD to finally
take control. »
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2013-03-04 11:14
déficience de l'attention - hyperactivité - adulte
Answers to distraction
Hallowell, Edward M.
New York : Bantam Books, , 1996
Résumé : «In Driven to Distraction, Drs. Hallowell and Ratey revealed why millions of adults and children are
chronic underachievers, caught up in persistent problems in school, at work, and at home. The cause is not
lack of self-discipline, but, rather, an inborn neurological condition, Attention Deficit Disorder, or ADD.»
déficience de l'attention - hyperactivité - thérapie familliale
Family therapy for ADHD : treating children, adolescents, and adults
Everett, Craig A.
New York : Guilford Press , c2001
Résumé : «This book presents an innovative approach to assessing and treating ADHD in the family context.
Readers learn strategies for diagnosing the disorder and evaluating its impact not only on affected young
persons but also on their parents and siblings. Also addressed are the neurobiological underpinnings of ADHD,
and clinical issues that arise when a parent also shows signs of the disorder. From expert family therapists, the volume outlines
how professionals can help families mobilize their resources to manage ADHD symptoms; enhance parent child and marital
relationships; improve functioning in school and work settings; and develop more effective coping strategies. Session-bysession intervention plans for clients at different developmental stages are accompanied by a wealth of illustrative case
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déficience intellectuelle - amour - relation de couple
Aimer pour de vrai
Sachel, Simon
Montréal : Avanti Ciné Vidéo , 2013
Résumé : «Karine et Raphaël ont 18 ans. Ils se sont connus à l’école et depuis, ils sont inséparables. Amoureux
fous, ils projettent de se marier et d’emménager ensemble dans un futur proche. Jusque-là, rien d’anormal.
Certes ils sont bien jeunes, mais ils sont aussi tous les deux atteints de trisomie 21. Un grand défi se pose alors
pour l’entourage des deux tourtereaux. Leurs mères respectives, Chantal et Tania, souhaitent toutes les deux la même chose
depuis la naissance de Raphaël et Karine : l’autonomie de leurs enfants. Il n’est pas impossible d’y arriver, mais le chemin qui
y mène comporte tout de même des embûches et certaines limites. Avec tout le travail et l’acharnement qu’ils y investissent,
les parents d’enfants trisomiques peuvent-ils un jour espérer les voir prendre leur envol en ayant l’esprit tranquille ?»
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2013-03-04 11:14
déficience intellectuelle - film
Les inséparables
Léger, Daniel
Montréal : Office national du film du Canada (ONF) , 2012
Résumé : « Dans leur petite maison de campagne du Nouveau-Brunswick, Jean-Paul et Anne, atteints
respectivement de déficience physique et intellectuelle, vivent un amour qui paraît inébranlable. Agrémentée de
grandes déclarations et de petits cadeaux, de plaisanteries et de surnoms affectueux, leur relation amoureuse
émeut par son intensité et transcende la différence. Ensemble, ils veillent sur les parents, gravement malades, de Jean-Paul.
Avec un respect profond pour ceux qui se livrent à lui, Daniel Léger (Un dimanche à 105 ans) montre l’amour à travers les
yeux de deux personnes handicapées et, ce faisant, propose une inspirante leçon de bonheur. » (Source : site web de l'éditeur)
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The hypomania handbook : the challenge of elevated mood
Doran, Christopher M.,
Philadelphia, PA : Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins , c2008.
Résumé : «This practical, clinically oriented handbook provides up-to-date information on the concept,
causality, diagnosis, pharmacology and behavioral treatment of hypomania - an increasingly recognized
"elevated mood" state of bipolar illness.».
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Beating the blues : new approaches to overcoming dysthymia and chronic mild depression
Thase, Michael E.
New York : Oxford University Press , 2004.
Résumé : «Mild depressions are so insidious that sufferers often don't seek help. They think, "that's just the way
I am. There's really not much I can do about it." As Dr. Michael Thase and science writer Susan S. Lang reveal,
they can do something about it. Persistent mild depression, which afflicts up to 35 million Americans, can be
readily and permanently cured.
In Beating the Blues, Thase and Lang show how chronic mild depression can be relieved by learning strategies that help
sufferers to recognize and change negative and distorted thinking patterns that lead to a downward spiral of pessimism. They
reveal that a combination of medication and therapy has been shown to be the most effective treatment for mild depression,
with an impressive 85% of patients experiencing full relief. Thase and Lang also discuss when a person should seek help from
a therapist and what kinds of therapy seem the most effective. They outline the safer new antidepressants that are helpful for
both mild and severe depressions, detailing each drug's strength and weakness; and examine alternative therapies, including
stress management, physical exercise, acupuncture, supplements, and other mind/body therapies. Finally, they provide indepth discussions of mild depression in children, adolescents, college students, and elderly parents, as well as those with
chronic stress. Beating the Blues is an inspiring and empowering book, offering everything a person needs to know in order to
overcome mild depression.»
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2013-03-04 11:14
diagnostic - douleur - traitement
La douleur : de la souffrance au mieux-être
Rivard, Marie-Josée
Montréal : Trécarré , 2012
Résumé : «Universelle, intimement liée à la condition humaine, la douleur n'en est pas moins mystérieuse. D'où vient-elle ?
Pourquoi arrive-t-il qu'elle ne parte plus, malgré tous les efforts pour la chasser ? Comment garder l'espoir d'une vie normale
et agréable quand on souffre ? Voilà le défi que doivent relever à chaque instant des milliers de personnes aux prises avec une
douleur chronique. Mais aussi ceux qui les entourent. Abondamment illustré de photos et de figures, cet ouvrage explique dans
un langage précis et accessible ce qu'est le phénomène tant psychologique que physiologique de la douleur. Son objectif est
aussi d'informer le grand public sur les nouvelles approches thérapeutiques en douleur chronique. De plus, il fournit des outils
(conseils, techniques) efficaces qui permettent de gérer sa douleur au point d'en devenir l'expert.»
distribution des services - déficience intellectuelle - troubles envahissants du développement - Montérégie
Cadre de référence montérégien pour l’implantation d’un réseau intégré de services en déficience intellectuelle et
troubles envahissants du développement
Beaudoin, Sylvie
Longueuil : Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de la Montérégie , 2012
Résumé : «Le présent cadre de référence a été élaboré en réponse au mandat issu des travaux du réseau clinico-administratif
(RCA) Jeunes et visant : « L’implantation d’un réseau intégré de services pour des jeunes présentant une déficience
intellectuelle (DI) ou un trouble envahissant du développement (TED) et leur famille dans le respect des orientations du MSSS
». Ce mandat a été déposé à la rencontre du RCA Jeunes de décembre 2007 à la suite des constats effectués lors de visites des
établissements à l’été 2007. Ces visites ont permis d’identifier les besoins de consolidation des services en 1re ligne, ainsi que
la nécessité d’arrimages entre les services de 1re et 2e ligne, pour les personnes présentant une DI ou un TED. Le groupe de
travail mandaté pour ces travaux est composé de représentants des services de 1re et 2e ligne, soit les centres de santé et de
services sociaux (CSSS), les centres de réadaptation en déficience intellectuelle et en troubles envahissants du développement
(CRDITED), le Centre montérégien de réadaptation (CMR) ainsi qu’un organisme communautaire, ’Association régionale
Autisme et TED Montérégie (ARATED-M), représentant la clientèle.»
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image de soi - relations interpersonnelles
The body image workbook : an 8-step program for learning to like your looks
Cash, Thomas F.
Oakland, CA : New Harbinger , c1997.
Résumé : «Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to accept and enjoy the way you look instead of
constantly worrying about and criticizing your appearance? What if instead of focusing on your flaws, you felt
confident with the body you have right now? If you don't like what you see when you look in the mirror, you
may not realize that these feelings are entirely within your grasp. You don't need extensive cosmetic surgery, pricey beauty
treatments, or weight loss programs, but you may need to do something even more drastic-change your perspective and the
way you view yourself. The Body Image Workbook offers a comprehensive program to help you stop focusing on your
perceived imperfections and start feeling more confident about the way you look. As you complete the helpsheets in this book,
you'll learn to celebrate your body instead of feeling ashamed of it. This new edition includes discussions of our obsession
with physical appearance and with body-fixing options. It helps you discover your personal body image strengths and
vulnerabilities and then guides you in creating new, life-changing experiences of mindfulness and body acceptance. After
completing this eight-step program, you'll look at yourself in a whole new light-seeing the beauty of the real you.»
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2013-03-04 11:14
milieu scolaire - santé mentale
Theory and cases in school-based consultation : a resource for school psychologists, school counselors, special
educators, and other mental health professionals
Crothers, Laura M.
New York : Routledge , c2008.
Résumé : «This casebook provides an applied perspective regarding school-based consultation, including an
overview of mental health consultation, behavioral consultation, social learning theory consultation, Adlerian
consultation, and ecological/organizational consultation. Along with relevant discussion of the issues in each
case study, critical thinking questions are included for discussion among students and educators regarding school-based
consultation. This text includes many more and diverse case examples than the competing casebooks available, and is
designed to be used in conjunction with any of the established primary texts in Consultation. School-Based mental health
professionals, educators, and graduate students will find Theory and Cases in School-Based Consultation an indispensable
guide in their work and study.»
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mutisme sélectif
Catatonia : a clinician's guide to diagnosis and treatment
Fink, Max,
Cambridge ; New York : : Cambridge University Press , 2003
Résumé : «Catatonia is a syndrome of motor dysregulation found in as many as 10% of acutely ill psychiatric
in-patients. Treatments are well defined and catatonia has an excellent prognosis when they are used. Two
leading neuropsychiatrists describe the features of catatonia; teach the reader how to identify and treat the
syndrome successfully; and describe its neurobiology. »
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neuroleptique - psychotrope
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome and related conditions
Washington, DC : American Psychiatric Publishing , c2003
Résumé : «Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) and other hyperthermic conditions are rare complications
of antipsychotic drugs that can cause discomfort, disability, and even death. As a result, every psychiatrist,
physician, and mental health care professional needs to understand and identify these disorders in time to
prevent a fatal outcome. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome and Related Conditions is an important tool for clinicians, outlining
a framework for understanding, diagnosing, treating, and preventing these little-understood disorders. »
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2013-03-04 11:14
neurologie - troubles mentaux
Brain science and psychological disorders : therapy, psychotropic drugs, and the brain
Kraly, F. Scott.
New York : W.W. Norton , c2006.
Résumé : «Readers with little background in neuroscience and physiology may find themselves at a loss trying
to navigate between the knowns and the unknowns when it comes to understanding the intricacies of the brain.
Brain Science and Psychological Disorders demystifies the field of neuroscience, offering a brisk, digestible
narrative of how malfunctioning neurons and neurochemicals can result in psychological disorders. In doing so, Kraly explains
the roles of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy in helping to repair various mental health problems, including depression and
mania, anxiety, substance abuse, bulimia and anorexia, ADHD, and schizophrenia.»
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neuropsychologie - pédiatrie
The handbook of pediatric neuropsychology
New York : Springer , c2011.
Résumé : « This landmark reference covers all aspects of pediatric neuropsychology from a research-based
perspective, while presenting an applied focus with practical suggestions and guidelines for clinical practice.
Useful both as a training manual for graduate students and as a comprehensive reference for experienced
practitioners, it is an essential resource for those dealing with a pediatric population. This handbook provides an extensive
overview of the most common medical conditions that neuropsychologists encounter while dealing with pediatric populations.
It also discusses school-based issues such as special education law, consulting with school staff, and reintegrating children
back into mainstream schools. It contains over 100 well-respected authors who are leading researchers in their respective
fields. Additionally, each of the 95 chapters includes an up-to-date review of available research, resulting in the most
comprehensive text on pediatric neuropsychology available in a single volume. »
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Constructive psychotherapy : theory and practice
Mahoney, Michael J.
New York : Guilford Press , 2006, c2003.
Résumé : «An invaluable teaching text and clinical resource, this is a book about how to do psychotherapy-how to apply the science of change to the complexities of helping people develop new meanings in their lives.
Explaining constructivist principles and illuminating what a skilled clinician actually does in day-to-day
practice, Michael J. Mahoney shows how to nurture the therapeutic relationship while implementing such creative
interventions as centering techniques, problem solving, pattern work, meditation and embodiment exercises, drama and dream
work, and spiritual exploration. Appendices feature reproducible client forms, handouts, and other useful materials.»
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2013-03-04 11:14
psychothérapie - enfance - adolescence
The adolescent psychotherapy treatment planner
Jongsma, Arthur E.,
Hoboken, N.J. : : John Wiley & Sons , c2006
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thérapie cognitive
Manuel de mindfulness : pratiques et méditations de pleine conscience
Bibas, Laurence
Paris : Eyrolles , 2012
Résumé : «Notre esprit est parfois aussi agité que des singes qui sautent de branche en branche. Essayer de les
calmer ne fait qu'amplifier le stress, l'agitation, les pensées négatives dont nous sommes victimes au quotidien.
Comment remédier à ce déséquilibre et trouver une façon de "mieux être" à la vie et à nous-mêmes ? En nous
reconnectant au moment présent, en acceptant ces pensées et ces émotions y compris les plus difficiles, avec bienveillance : la
Mindfulness, c'est l'art de vivre en pleine conscience, d'harmoniser le corps et l'esprit pour gagner en paix et en authenticité.
Redécouvrir le moment présent cela s'apprend. Ce Manuel de Mindfulness vous accompagne sur huit semaines de pratique à
votre rythme. C'est un "livre à vivre" qui rassemble méditations, exercices, contenus pédagogiques, invitations à la réflexion et
témoignages, dans lequel vous pourrez noter vos progrès pas à pas. Vous retrouverez sur le CD audio 4 heures 40 minutes de
pratiques guidées par l'auteure : Bodyscan (ou conscience des mouvements corporels), mouvements conscients (issus du hatha
yoga) et méditations en position assise.»
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thérapie congnitive - thérapie du comportement - troubles alimentaires
Cognitive behavioral therapy for eating disorders : a comprehensive treatment guide
Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press , 2007
Résumé : «This book describes the application of cognitive behavioural principles to patients with a wide range
of eating disorders - it covers those with straightforward problems and those with more complex conditions or
co-morbid states. The book takes a highly pragmatic view. It is based on the published evidence, but stresses
the importance of individualized, principle-based clinical work. It describes the techniques within the widest clinical context,
for use across the age range and from referral to discharge. Throughout the text, the links between theory and practice are
highlighted in order to stress the importance of the flexible application of skills to each new situation. Case studies and sample
dialogs are employed to demonstrate the principles in action and the book concludes with a set of useful handouts for patients
and other tools. This book will be essential reading for all those working with eating-disordered patients including
psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, counsellors, dieticians, and occupational therapists.»
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transfert de connaissances
Le transfert des connaissances dans le domaine social
Montréal : Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal , 2012
Résumé : « Voici un livre complet, axé sur la théorie et la pratique, qui intéressera les chercheurs et les
utilisateurs des connaissances. Il arrive à point : le transfert des connaissances est un enjeu organisationnel
appelé à connaître une importance cruciale au cours des prochaines années. Le transfert et l’utilisation des
connaissances dans le domaine social restent encore un territoire trop peu exploré. Voilà que ce livre en offre une première
topographie qui montre de façon convaincante comment on peut accélérer la production et la mise à profit de nouvelles
connaissances. »
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trouble bipolaire
Advances in treatment of bipolar disorder
Washington, DC : American Psychiatric Publishing , c2005
Résumé : «Despite works published as recently as 2002, the continuing rapid evolution of new medications and
adjunctive psychosocial interventions for bipolar disorder has made the concise Advances in Treatment of
Bipolar Disorder essential for today's clinicians who want to stay abreast of the latest developments in treating
this complex and challenging mental illness.
Meticulously referenced with numerous tables and illustrations, Advances in Treatment of Bipolar Disorder offers a very
timely and exciting perspective on new ways to treat bipolar disorder. »
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trouble bipolaire - adolescence
The bipolar teen : what you can do to help your child and your family
Miklowitz, David Jay
New York : Guilford Press , c2008.
Résumé : «This reassuring, empowering guide helps parents understand how bipolar disorder is diagnosed in
adolescents, how to find the right treatment, and what the whole family can do to manage the tumultuous ups
and downs. Grounded in David J. Miklowitz's evidence-based family-focused treatment model—which has
been used with teens for over a decade—this is an invaluable parent recommendation. Provided are practical strategies for
recognizing (and responding to) the early warning signs of a manic or depressive episode; teaching teens to deal with
symptoms and maintain wellness; solving medication problems; reducing family stress; minimizing the risks of suicidality; and
collaborating with doctors, therapists, and schools. A dozen reproducible worksheets and forms are included.»
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trouble du spectre de l'autisme
Autism spectrum disorders
New York : Oxford University Press , c2011.
Résumé : «Autism is an emerging area of basic and clinical research, and has only recently been recognized as
a major topic in biomedical research. Approximately 1 in 100 children are diagnosed as autistic, so it is also an
intense growth area in behavioral and educational treatments. Financial resources have begun to be raised for
more comprehensive research and an increasing number of scientists are becoming involved in autism research. In many
respects, autism has become a model for conducting translational research on a psychiatric disorder. This text provides a
comprehensive summary of all current knowledge related to the behavioral, experiential, and biomedical features of the autism
spectrum disorders including major behavioral and cognitive syndromology, common co-morbid conditions, neuropathology,
neuroimmunology, and other neurological correlates such as seizures, allergy and immunology, gastroenterology, infectious
disease, and epidemiology.»
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troubles alimentaires
Self-help approaches for obesity and eating disorders : research and practice
New York : Guilford Press , c2007.
Résumé : «With contributions from leading authorities, this timely professional resource critically examines
available self-help treatments for weight problems and obesity, binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, and
body image disturbances. Practical pointers are offered for guiding clients or patients toward safe, effective
approaches that provide the right level of care, from fully independent strategies to treatments with higher levels of
professional involvement. Chapters review the strengths and limitations of commercial diets, exercise programs, workbooks,
support groups, Internet resources, adaptations of behavioral models, and more, including strategies for long-term maintenance
of weight loss. Special topics include night eating syndrome, childhood obesity, and coping with weight-related
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troubles alimentaires - enfance - adolescence
Eating disorders in children and adolescents
Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press , 2007.
Résumé : «Anorexia Nervosa and other eating disorders are arguably the most complex mental health problems
that a child or adolescent may experience. Numbers seeking help are on the increase, and the complexity of
these disorders challenges even the most experienced clinician. »
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2013-03-04 11:14
troubles alimentaires - femme
Counselling for eating disorders in women : person-centred dialogues
Bryant-Jefferies, Richard.
Oxford : Radcliffe , c2006.
Résumé : «"Counselling for Eating Disorders in Women" focuses on women whose eating patterns have
generated side-effects on other aspects of their lives such as work, health and family. Women with problems
connected with over-eating, under-eating, and poor eating form a significant proportion of counsellors' lists
with a distinctive set of problems and challenges. This book adopts the unique approach of the "Living Therapy" series, using
fictitious dialogue to illustrate the person-centred approach enabling the reader to experience »
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troubles alimentaires - obésité
Eating and weight disorders
Grilo, Carlos
Hove ; New York : Psychology Press , c2006.
Résumé : Eating disorders refer to a range of problems characterized by abnormal eating behaviours and beliefs
about eating, weight, and shape. Eating disorders, which are classified as psychiatric problems, and obesity,
which is classified as a general medical condition, reflect a diverse and perplexing...
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troubles de l'apprentissage - relations interpersonnelles - relation sociales
It's so much work to be your friend : helping the child with learning disabilities find social success
Lavoie, Richard D.
New York : Simon & Schuster, , c2005.
Résumé : Les enfants ayant des troubles de l’apprentissage sont également confrontés à des relations
interpersonnelles et sociales problématiques avec leurs pairs et leur environnement. Ce livre offre des
stratégies et des conseils pour les parents et intervenants des milieux spécialisés sur l’impact d’avoir des
relations interpersonnelles enrichissantes et fructueuses pour des enfants ayant des troubles de l’apprentissage comme des
troubles anxieux, des troubles du langage et de la parole, une déficience de l’attention et de l’hyperactivité, une déficience
visuelle ou des troubles des fonctions exécutives.
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