

#24 - September 2013
colorsbyboomerang #24 - September 2013
#24 - September 2013
On attend d’un support media qu’il porte le message de la Marque au plus près de son public.
Qu’il contribue efficacement à l’établissement d’une relation plus étroite entre elle et lui.
Qu’il propose les solutions les plus efficaces pour maximiser chaque contact, pour générer davantage d’interactivité.
Pour répondre aux attentes des annonceurs, Boomerang se déploie.
Boomerang Media, réseaux d’affichage Indoor: la garantie du meilleur taux de mémorisation tous médias confondus.
Boomerang Field, l’expérience client: un savoir-faire éprouvé, du sur-mesure sur le terrain, au bénéfice exclusif de la marque.
Boomerang Pixel, le Digital, les médias sociaux: pour amplifier la campagne, créer le buzz et susciter les échanges.
We vereisen van een mediadrager dat hij de doelgroep en de boodschap van een merk dichter bij elkaar brengt.
Dat er gestreeft wordt naar het bekomen van een standvastige relatie tussen beide partijen.
Tevens verwachten we dat elk contact met de doelgroep maximaal wordt benut en dat interactiviteit centraal staat.
Daarom engageert Boomerang zich maximaal om aan deze verwachtingen van de adverteerders te voldoen.
Boomerang Media, Indoor media: garandeert het hoogste memorisatiepercentage in de mediamix.
Boomerang Field, klantenbeleving: de know-how om oplossingen op maat aan te bieden, aangepast aan de noden van het merk.
Boomerang Pixel, sociale media en digitale communicatie: de noodzakelijke aanvulling op een campagne, streeft ernaar buzz te creëren en de interactiviteit
te bevorderen. 3 divisions : 1 universe - 1 brand - 1 philosophy
what’s inside?
Fost Plus (
Gini campaign
Put your waste where it belongs
Telenet scoort met Boomerang
boomerang field
The Ultimate Icebreaker
boomerang media
Sporting Telenet invades the toilets
Defining examples of our efforts in the past months
boomerang pixel
colorsbyboomerang #24 - September 2013
Put your waste
where it belongs
Fost Plus engageert toiletgaand Zaventem!
Vanaf midden juni tot midden september verwelkomden we Fost Plus gedurende deze ganse periode op ons luchthavennetwerk in Brussels Airport. Met de steun van de OVAM en Fost Plus wou Brussels Airport de uitdaging
aangaan om de miljoenen reizigers op de luchthaven aan te zetten tot correct sorteren. Meer dan 1.768.750 reizigers werden
door deze sensibiliseringscampagne verleid. Slogans zoals “Put your waste where it belongs” en “Your paper and cardboard can become toilet paper” hebben de luchthavenpassagiers daadwerkelijk naar de juiste vuilnisbakken geleid.
Een toename van het ingezamelde quantum PMD met factor 10. Voorheen zamelde men 400 kg per maand in, nu 4.000kg/maand.
Fost Plus à l’aéroport
Entre mi-juin et mi-septembre, nous avons eu la chance d’accueillir le client Fost Plus sur notre réseau à
Brussels Airport. Avec le soutien de l’OVAM et de Fost Plus, Brussels Airport a voulu relever le défi d’enseigner le bon
tri des déchets aux nombreux voyageurs estivaux. Plus de 1.768.750 de voyageurs ont été séduits par cette campagne de
sensibilisation. Les slogans : “Put your waste where it belongs” et “Your paper and cardboard can become toilet paper” ont
incontestablement encouragé ces passagers à jeter leurs déchets dans la bonne poubelle.
Une multiplication par 10 du quantum PMD récolté. De 400 kg par mois jusque là à 4000 kg par mois aujourd’hui.
Fost Plus|Mosquito|Space|PTOC
boomerang media
400 aero frames
June - September 2013
Fost Plus
goal - To motivate people recycling
the right way
solution - Visibility of backlit
A3 frames in Brussels Airport
colorsbyboomerang #24 - September 2013
The exclusive, face2face & b-mat
Gini - The Ultimate Ice Breaker
Armando Testa|Havas Media|Posterscope
boomerang media
400.000 cards|11.750 faces|3.055.000 b-mats
April - July 2013
goal - To get people to
participate in a photo contest
by Facebook likes
solution - Set-up of a
complementary media mix during
3 different waves
results - 7.000 online players and
1842 uploaded pictures
A boost of 20.000 extra Facebook
fans in +/- 16 weeks time
First Facebook Page for soft drinks
that generates engagement
The Ultimate Icebreaker
according to Gini
The Ultimate Icebreaker
Gini had deze zomer maar één missie : de zoektocht naar “The Ultimate Ice breaker”. Consumenten konden zich kandidaat stellen
voor de volgende Gini-campagne door het uploaden van haar of zijn ultimate icebreaker-foto via (of via een applicatie) of
door zich te laten fotograferen door de “spotters” van Gini in hun meest trendy bars in België. Een jury selecteerde uiteindelijk één
gelukkige winnares die publiek werd gemaakt via onze mediakanalen. Voor Gini betekende dit niet alleen een nieuw, sexy & hot
gezicht, maar tevens ook een extra push voor het merk zelf wegens haar visibiliteit in het uitgebreid horecanetwerk van welgeteld
2.000 touchpoints met the cards, b-mat en face2face.
The Ultimate Icebreaker
Cet été, Gini s’était lancé à la recherche du “Ultimate Ice breaker”. Le but : inviter les consommateurs à se porter candidat en tant
qu’égérie de la prochaine campagne Gini. Pour ce faire, il suffisait d’uploader sa photo sur le site de Gini (ou via une app créée pour
l’occasion), ou se faire photographier par les « spotters » envoyés par Gini dans les bars branchés du pays. Un jury a finalement
sélectionné l’heureuse élue, qui a été présentée au public sur nos supports. Pour Gini, cela signife non seulement un nouveau visage
hot & sexy associé à la marque mais aussi un important push dans l’univers horeca grâce à notre couverture optimale dans plus de
2.000 touchpoints the cards, b-mat et face2face.
colorsbyboomerang #24 - September 2013
Telenet scoort
met Boomerang
Sporting Telenet
Voor de actie «Sporting Telenet» transformeerde Boomerang de toiletten tot een ludiek voetbalstadium. Hiervoor
werd het face2face-netwerk ingeschakeld in de mannentoiletten. Daarenboven werd dit netwerk in 25 toiletten
aangevuld met speciale plasmatjes (met balletje en goal) in de urinoirs. Van de uitverkoren heren onder ons werd
verwacht dat ze hun uiterste best deden om het balletje recht in de goal te mikken. Dankzij de samenwerking met
These Days, Vizeum en Posterscope gaf Boomerang met deze plasmatjes een extra dimensie aan zijn netwerk.
Sporting Telenet
Dans le cadre de l’action « Sporting Telenet », Boomerang a renforcé son dispositif face2face en intégrant dans les
urinoirs un tapis urinoir avec ballon et goal ; on se serait cru au stade. Objectif : que le chanceux se retrouvant
face au dispositif s’en donne à cœur joie pour marquer ! Grâce à la collaboration de These Days, Vizeum et
Posterscope, Boomerang a proposé, avec ces tapis urinoir, une dimension extra ludique au réseau.
face2face & media extension
Sporting Telenet
These Days|Vizeum|Posterscope
boomerang media & field
1.150 faces & 25 urinal mats
July 2013
goal - Create extra visibility linked
to the Telenet face2face campaign
solution - Placement of urinal mats
in the urinals of male restrooms
colorsbyboomerang #24 - September 2013
boomerang media
500 aero frames
August - September 2013
goal - To sign a petition against
oil spill by mobile activation
solution - Visiblity of backlit
A3 frames in Brussels Airport &
Brussels South Charleroi Airport
results - 1300 subscribers and
16.000 website visitors in two
weeks time
Tommy-Boss|Chrono Diffusion
boomerang media
750 frames|320 alarm covers
July 2013
Tommy - Boss
goal - To increase brand awareness
and sales in a POS environment
solution - A3 frames in women’s
changing rooms and visibility on
the alarm covers of Galeria Inno
colorsbyboomerang #24 - September 2013
Face2Face & b-mats
BNP Paribas Fortis - Hello Bank
Mundocom|Havas Media|Posterscope
boomerang media
2.250 faces & 600.000 b-mats
July 2013
Hello Bank
goal - To promote the new
online banking account of
BNP Paribas Fortis
solution - Set-up of a face2face
and b-mat campaign
Vedett - Extra Blond!
boomerang media
1.150 faces
August 2013
goal - To increase brand awareness
of one of Vedett’s products
solution - A complementary
face2face campaign in ladies’
and men’s rooms
colorsbyboomerang #24 - September 2013
Nestlé Belgilux
boomerang field
Over 13.000 tastings in
more than 100 companies
May - June 2013
Dolce Gusto
goal - To increase brand and
product awareness towards
active population
solution - Product demonstration
and tasting at strategic moments
in companies with more than
200 employees
POS animation
Haribo / Haka
boomerang field
52.000 samples
May - July 2013
goal - To introduce the new
Dragibus Bi-Cool to parents
and their children
solution - One-to-one sampling
of Dragibus Bi-Cool samples and
discount coupons to parents
An animated walking Golden Bear
and a photographer invite children
and parents to take a picture together
with the mascot and recieve this
picture via e-mail
colorsbyboomerang #24 - September 2013
Tabasco - BBDO Live
boomerang field
70 pizzaparties visited
May 2013
goal - To communicate towards
students that pizza tastes way better with
Tabasco on it
solution - Imagine your usual pizza
delivery boy, replace his moped by a
shiny red vintage motorcycle, give him
the shape and look of a lonely hero,
the grin, candor and charm from Joey
(Friend’s TV Show), and you’ll almost get
our «Hot Tony». Because he is dedicated
to his mission (the delivery of free pizzas
around town) you should never argue
with him about Tabasco: a real pizza
MUST have Tabasco on it.
Why? Because it tastes way better!
To attract such a character in front of
you and get your pizza reward, you
have to convince him of your trueness.
That’s what was asked from students in
the major Belgian cities, by organizing a
pizza party and explaining through a
dedicated facebook page why Tony
should visit them!
We must admit that Tony had a hard time
choosing the elected among so many
enthusiastic candidates, but eventually
70 of the purest pizza lovers did enjoy a
visit of «Hot Tony» at their pizza parties,
and discovered his magical Tabasco trick
on pizzas!
Face2Face iPad integrated campaign
Belfius MasterCard|Boondoggle|Initiative
Outdoor Services
boomerang media
300 faces|10 integrated iPad structures
July 2013
goal - To inform people about
the possibilities of the Belfius
MasterCard abroad
solution - Set-up of a face2face
beach campaign with a selection
of an iPad integration in 10
locations at the Belgian coast
colorsbyboomerang #24 - September 2013
Offline + Online
boomerang pixel
July 2013
goal - To develop the new visual identity of
the Eurochambres Economic Forum (EEF).
Creation and realisation of the Eurochambres
Economic Forum website for a biennial event
and to enable the client to manage the website
content himself
solution - Creation and realisation of the
visual identity for EEF (logotype and global
design). Responsive design and integration of
a Content Management System (CMS) which
enables the client to manage the content
P.O.S. animation
Heinz Say it with a bottle - HAKA
boomerang field
More than 1.900 labelled
Heinz Tomato Ketchup bottles sold
Belgium - Luxembourg - May, June and July 2013
goal - Give the consumer the
possibility to customize his bottle
by printing a personal message on
the front label of the top down bottle
and increase the sales of the Heinz
tomato ketchup 500ml
solution - In-store activation with
setup of a large range of powerful
visibility material including a
labelling desk. Consumer is
proactively approached by the Heinz
crew and is offered to customize
directly a Heinz top down bottle and
get a discount coupon of 0,25 €
colorsbyboomerang #24 - September 2013
The exclusive
Share a Coke|Pinkeye|UMWW|Outdoor Services
boomerang media
500.000 cards pre-stamped by bpost
July 2013
Share a Coke
goal - To generate extra visibility
and exclusivity to stimulate the
right targets to play and even
send the postcards for free
solution - Set-up of a display
branded campaign with total
exclusivity on the boomerang
Fanta|Pinkeye|UMWW|Outdoor Services
boomerang media
500.000 cards
June 2013
goal - To generate extra visibility
and exclusivity to stimulate the
right targets to play
solution - Set-up of a display
branded campaign with total
exclusivity on the boomerang
colorsbyboomerang #24 - September 2013
Channel marketing - media extension
Storck - Vizeum - Posterscope
boomerang field
150.000 b-mats
80.000 samples within 200 touch points
May 2013
goal - To promote Merci chocolate to
women on the occasion of
Mother’s Day
solution - One-to-one sampling at
the counter desk within a tailor-made
network of 100 hairdressing salons
mostly visited by women. Visibility
was generated by topcards, mirror
stickers and discount vouchers
One-to-one sampling with coffee/tea
or bill within a b-mat network of 100
touchpoints. Visibility was generated
by b-mat in 4 visuals including
discount vouchers
colorsbyboomerang #24 - September 2013
goal - To inform people about the
HD TV summer offer for the brand
Luxgsm-P&T Discovery HD
boomerang media
450 faces
Luxembourg|July 2013
solution - Set-up of a national
Face2face campaign through
our networks
goal - To inform people about
prices for European destinations
and awareness for the brand
boomerang media
Luxembourg|June 2013
solution - Set-up of a national b-mat
campaign through our networks
#24 - September 2013
boomerang media
boomerang field
boomerang pixel
avenue Ariane 31 Arianelaan
Bruxelles 1200 Brussel
tel +32 (2) 556 44 90 fax +32 (2) 556 44 99
[email protected]
route de Longwy 167
L-1941 Luxembourg
tel +352 26 97 74 - Fax: +352 26 97 74 11
[email protected]
imprimé sans alcool dans le respect de l’environnement
(énergie verte, encres végétales et vernis acrylique)
gedrukt zonder alcohol, met respect voor het milieu
(groene energie, plantaardige inkten en acrylvernis)

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