Expo AQA GCSE French


Expo AQA GCSE French
Mon temps libre
Contrôle oral: Computers
(Student Book pages 42–43)
Topics revised
Talking about computers
Students will have to take part in a conversation
on a specific topic as part of their Speaking
Controlled Assessment. They will hear a
Speaking Controlled Assessment model
conversation in three parts and do exercises
focused on the language used in it. These
exercises, along with the advice/activities on
how to improve speaking performance in the
Grade Studio, will help them prepare to take
part in a conversation of their own on a similar
What do you use your computer for and why?
4 je l’utilise surtout pour faire mon travail scolaire
5 pour faire des recherches pour mes devoirs
1 You will hear a model conversation.
First predict which French phrases
Stacey will use to answer the first
three English questions above. Listen
and check.
Explain to the students that they will hear a
sample of the kind of conversation they are
expected to have in the Speaking Controlled
Assessment. First they will do a preparatory
exercise: they need to predict which of the French
phrases listed Stacey will use to answer the first
three English questions in the Conversation
Content box. Students then listen to check their
– Alors, Stacey, on va parler de la technologie. Comment
utilises-tu ton ordinateur?
– J’ai un ordinateur dans ma chambre et je l’utilise tout le
temps! Je l’utilise surtout pour faire mon travail scolaire.
Je vais souvent sur Internet pour faire des recherches
pour mes devoirs. À mon avis, l’Internet est très éducatif
et très utile.
– Quel est ton site Web préféré?
– Un de mes sites préférés est Wikipédia. C’est une
encyclopédie en ligne où on peut trouver des informations
sur tout. C’est génial pour les devoirs. Mais j’adore aussi
YouTube. C’est un site où on peut regarder des vidéos
marrantes ou bizarres.
What is your favourite website? Describe what sort of
site it is.
2 un de mes sites préférés est …
7 c’est une encyclopédie en ligne
8 c’est un site où on peut regarder …
Do you prefer to download music or buy CDs? Why?
3 personnellement, je préfère …
1 ça coûte moins cher
6 c’est plus rapide
2 Listen again and note down in
English how Stacey answers the first
three questions in the Assessment
Students listen to the conversation again. They
write Stacey’s answers to the first three questions
in the Conversation Content box in English.
1 She uses her computer for school work in particular.
She does research for her homework on the Internet.
She thinks it’s very educational and useful.
2 Her favourite websites are: (a) Wikipedia, an online
encyclopaedia where you can find information about
everything and (b) YouTube, where you can watch funny
or weird videos.
3 She prefers downloading on to her iPod because (a) it’s
quicker and (b) it’s cheaper than CDs, though she does
buy CDs from time to time.
3 Listen to the second part of Stacey’s
conversation and fill in the gaps.
Students now listen to the second part of Stacey’s
conversation and complete the gap-fill version of
the transcript.
With a good class you could ask pupils to read the
text and try to work out the answers first and then
use the recording to check.
– Est-ce que tu préfères télécharger de la musique ou
acheter des CD et pourquoi?
– Personnellement, je préfère télécharger de la musique sur
mon iPod parce que c’est plus rapide. De plus, ça coûte
moins cher que les CD. Mais j’achète des CD de temps en
temps aussi.
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Mon temps libre
Contrôle oral: Computers
– À ton avis, l’Internet est-il important pour rester en
contact avec tes amis?
1 les deux
2 je vais utiliser mon ordinateur, je vais sortir
3 c’est ma mère qui va payer, ma mère et moi, on va …
acheter, on va aller au cinéma
4 What was the last film she saw/Quel est le dernier film
que tu aies vu? (Accept … que tu as vu?)
5 Perfect: j’ai vu Harry Potter, j’ai beaucoup aimé le film
Present: C’est le sixième film, J’adore cette série de
C’était: C’était passionnant
– Ah, oui, pour moi il est très important! J’utilise l’Internet
pour envoyer des e-mails à mes copains. De plus, tous
mes copains ont des blogs où on tchate et où on s’envoie
des photos. J’ai aussi une bonne copine qui habite aux
États-Unis, donc on ne se voit pas souvent, mais on reste
en contact par Internet. C’est chouette, ça!
– Quand as-tu utilisé l’ordinateur pour la dernière fois?
– J’ai utilisé mon ordinateur hier soir. J’ai fait des
recherches sur William Shakespeare pour mes devoirs
d’anglais. C’était assez difficile et un peu ennuyeux
parce que je n’aime pas l’anglais. Mais après, je me suis
un peu amusée: j’ai téléchargé la dernière chanson de
mon groupe préféré et j’ai envoyé un e-mail à ma copine
américaine. Ensuite, je me suis couchée parce que j’étais
très fatiguée.
Also shown in bold in the audioscript.
1 qui 2 donc 3 chouette 4 utilisé 5 fait 6 C’était
7 parce que 8 après 9 préféré 10 Ensuite
5 Now it’s your turn! Prepare your
answers to the task in exercise 1 and
then have a conversation with your
teacher or partner
Students participate in a conversation text on their
own use of computers in the style of a Controlled
Assessment task. They should use all the support
supplied, here and elsewhere on the spread:
4 Now listen to the final part of
Stacey’s interview and answer the
Students listen to the third and final part of
Stacey’s conversation and answer the questions on
it. These questions focus on linguistic detail. You
may need to play the recording more than once.
– Et qu’est-ce que tu vas faire le week-end prochain? Tu
vas encore utiliser ton ordinateur ou tu vas sortir?
– Les deux! Comme d’habitude, je vais utiliser mon
ordinateur pour tchater avec mes copines et pour
envoyer des e-mails. Ma mère et moi, on va aussi acheter
un cadeau d’anniversaire pour mon père en ligne. Il adore
le golf, donc on va lui acheter un livre sur le golf, mais
puisque je n’ai pas de carte de crédit, c’est ma mère
qui va payer! À part ça, je vais sortir samedi soir avec
mes amis. On va aller au cinéma pour voir une nouvelle
comédie. J’aime toutes sortes de films, mais surtout les
– Quel est le dernier film que tu aies vu?
– Samedi dernier, j’ai vu Harry Potter et le Prince de Sang
Mêlé. C’est le sixième film des aventures de Harry Potter,
un film d’après le livre de J. K. Rowling. J’adore cette
série de livres et j’ai beaucoup aimé le film aussi. C’était
passionnant et assez émouvant.
the English questions in the Conversation
Content box on p. 42
their answers to exercises 1–4
Stacey’s responses, adapted to talk about
the Grade Studio advice on the language to
the sample structure for the text
the list of features to check in their finished text
They should also try to predict what the
unprepared question from you/their partner
might be.
Each student takes part in a conversation as
the person answering the questions. If they are
working with a partner, they will take turns asking
and answering. Remind the person asking the
questions to have an unprepared question ready,
i.e. a question on a topic which is related to but
not covered in the main part of the conversation.
If possible, record the conversations (or have the
students record themselves). They can then swap
recordings with a partner, listen to each other’s
version and offer comments on how it might be
improved. A simple marking system is suggested
(one/two/three stars for listed categories).
Students should then identify two or three areas
which they would like to improve next time they
do an extended speaking task.
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Mon temps libre
Contrôle oral: Computers
The Grade Studio support for speaking activities is
differentiated, allowing students to identify and work
towards their target level (Grade C, Grade B/A,
Grade A*). Encourage students to adopt the techniques in
these sections in all extended speaking activities.
Read through and discuss the Grade Studio section
together. This gives students the support they need to
improve their speaking and contains some short activities
to help them put the suggestions into practice.
Also draw students’ attention to the Épate l’examinateur!
feature: this highlights language that students can include
to particularly impress the examiner.
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Mon temps libre
Contrôle écrit: Un de mes films préférés
(Student Book pages 44–45)
Topics revised
Writing about a favourite film or book
1 Find the French equivalent of these
phrases in the text and copy them
3 Are the following statements True
(T), False (F) or Not Mentioned
Students read Guillaume’s text on one of his
favourite films and find the French for the English
phrases listed. Some vocabulary is glossed for
Students read the text again and decide whether
the statements in English are true (T), false (F)
or contain information not mentioned in the text
veut se marier avec
est attaqué par
veut le tuer
la mort de son père
possède des pouvoirs dangereux
réussit à vaincre ses ennemis
cependant, tout finit bien
drôle et triste en même temps
les effets spéciaux
la vedette du film
dans le rôle principal
vraiment doué comme acteur
2 Connectives, which are used
to join sentences or ideas, or to
introduce sentences, make a text
more interesting. Read the text again.
List and translate into English the
connectives used.
Students listen to the conversation again. They
write Stacey’s answers to the first three questions
in the Conversation Content box in English.
parce que
de plus
which, who
then, next
(in order) to
what’s more
NB Exercise 3 in the Contrôle écrit sections is
always in the form of an exercise from the AQA
Reading exam.
3 NM 4 T
5 NM
6T 7F 8F
4 You might be asked to write about
a film you have seen or a book you
have read as a Controlled Assessment
task. Use the Grade Studio to help
you prepare.
Students read through the language support
material supplied in preparation for doing their
own extended writing task in exercise 5.
The Grade Studio section gives students the support they
need to structure and improve their writing. The support
is differentiated, allowing students to identify and work
towards their target level (Grade C, Grade B/A, Grade A*).
Encourage students to adopt the kind of approach taken
in this section in all extended writing activities.
Also draw students’ attention to the Épate l’examinateur!
feature: this highlights a structure that students can
include to particularly impress the examiner.
5 Now write an article about one of
your favourite films or books.
Students write their own text on a favourite film
or book in the style of a Controlled Assessment
task. As well as the Grade Studio guidelines on
the language to include, they should use all the
support supplied here:
the advice on sourcing ideas and language
the sample structure for the text
the list of features to check in their finished text
Students could swap texts with a partner and check
each other’s work, offering suggestions for how it
might be improved.
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