SANMO Presentation


SANMO Presentation
Dr Ilyes BAGHLI , born July 21, 1968 in Algiers.-ALGERIAPrimary education, middle, secondary and university in Algiers.
Married in 1997 and have three children: a son of 15 years and two
daughters: 10 and 03 years old.
Countries visited: Spain, England, Wales, France, Tunisia, Morocco,
Austria and Germany .
Sport: Skate-board and Swimming.
Hobbies : Stamps.
Graduated in Low Relief Pattern 1981 at the School of Fine Art in
Major jury Bachelor's degree of Science in 1986.
Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Algiers in 1992.
Installed as a Private-Medicine Doctor since 1992:
Nedroma: 1992-1998
National Service: 1998-1999.
Tlemcen: 2000.
Ras El Ma: 2001-2014.
Mesotherapy: 2005-2006.
President of the Regional College of Mesotherapy Tlemcen.2007-2010
Osteopathy and Acupuncture 2006-2007.
Nutrition and Orthomolecular Medicine at Salzburg-Austria- in 2009.
Allergy in Algiers from 2009 to 2010.
Relaxation Therapy in Heidelberg in 2010.
04/01/2011 Approval of the Algerian Society of Nutrition and Medicine
19/02/2011 Accession to the International Society for Orthomolecular
Medicine in Toronto, Canada.
27/10/2011 Organization 1 ' seminar Nutrition and Orthomolecular
* Bulletin ORTHO 1 on June 9, 2011
* C1S1 – First SANMO Seminar for Training on Nutrition and
Orthomolecular Medicine 27-28 October 2014 Algiers with participation
of Dr Heidi Thomasberger and Dr Florian Goetzinger From Wien
* First interview: 27/12/2011 on Le Temps d'Algérie:
* 2012 SANMO ACTIVITIES : Invitation of
-five Austrian Conferenciers:- Pr George Birkmayer.- Dr Heidi
Thomasberger. - Dr Florian Goetzinger.- Dr Sabine Wied-Baumgarnter.Dr Monika Fuchs.-and two Algerian Professors :-Pr Hafida Merzouk from University of
Tlemcen.- Pr Mustapha Oumouna from University of Médéa.
* Participation of Dr Tahar Naili, vice-Président of SANMO to the 41'
ISOM-CONFERENCE from 27 to 29 april 2012 at Vancouver-Canada.
* Organisation of four 04 seminars of the Cycle I for continous training in
Nutrition and Orthomolecular Medicine :
- Seminars C1S2-3, on 26-27-28 Avril 2012 with the participation of
Pr Hafida Merzouk, Dr Monika Fuchs, Dr Sabine Wied-Baumgartner and
Dr Florian Goetzinger.
- Seminar C1S4 on 01 au 02 juin 2012 with the participation of Pr
Mustapha Oumouna and Dr Heidi Thomasberger.
- Seminar C1S5 on 12 au 13 octobre 2012 with the participation of
Pr George Birkmayer, Pr Hafida Merzouk, Pr Mustapha Oumouna and
Dr Heidi Thomasberger.
* Edition Publication of 2 Bulletins : Ortho2 et Ortho3.
* Press-Papers :
 Two interviews:
04-01-2012 on: Le Midi-Libre published on Ortho2.
"L'harmonie hygiéno-diététique passe par une bonne alimentation."
03-10-2012 on: Le Midi-Libre published on Ortho3.
"La présence de Birkmayer est une réelle opportunité pour l'Algérie."
 Interview TV on Canal Algérie-15/10/2012, conducted by Dr Tahar
NAÏLI with review on seminar held on 12 to 13 oct. 2012 Algiers
with interviews of Dr Ilyes BAGHLI, Dr Heïdi Thomasberger and Pr
Jörg Birkmayer.
 Officiel website of SANMO:
 SANMO website linked to ISOM Europe site:
 Two web-blogs of SANMO:
 One page facebook of SANMO:
- Six Seminars.
- Publication of six bulletins Ortho: "Ortho4 à Ortho9"
- Publication of Handbook Ortho-DZ1 of 712 pages
- Publication of activities of SANMO on:
* Website:
* Blogs:
* Page facebook of "Algerian Society for Nutrition and Orthomoléculaire
- Creation on YOUTUBE of SanmoTV where are reported direct TV
transmissions on Canal Algérie
-Seminar C1S6 on 23 to 24 jan. 2013 with the participation of Pr Atsuo
Yanagisawa, Pr Mustapha Daidj, Dr Heidi Thomasberger, Pr Mustapha
Oumouna and Pr Chafika Mehdid. During this seminar, Bulletin Ortho4 144 pages- has been diffused.
-Publication on N'15 of Feb 2013 of Santé-Mag the interview of Pr Atsuo
Yanagisawa: La vitamine C, tue les cellules cancéreuses.
-Seminar C2S1 Algiers, on 22 to 23 march 2013 with the participation of
Pr George Birkmayer, Pr Hafida Merzouk, Pr Patrick Curmi and Pr
Chafika Mehdid. During this seminar, bulletin Ortho5 -148 pages- has
been distributed
-Conference at University of Tlemcen, on 25 march 2013 of Pr George
Birkmayer on NADH and the transition from organic medicine to
mitochondriale medicine.
-Seminar C2S2 Algiers, on 24 to 25 may 2013 with the participation of Pr
Hafida Merzouk, Pr Michel Narce and Pr Mustapha Oumouna. During
this seminar, Bulletin Ortho6 -160 pages- has been distributed
-Seminar C2S3 Algiers, on 28 to 29 june 2013 with the participation of Pr
Hafida Merzouk, Pr Mustapha Oumouna and Pr Chafika Mehdid. During
this seminar, bulletin Ortho7 -172 pages- has been distributed.
-Seminar C2S4 Algiers, on 20 to 21 sept. 2013 with the participation of
Pr Thomas Edward Levy, Pr Hafida Merzouk, Pr Mustapha Oumouna
and Pr Chafika Mehdid. During this seminar, bulletin Ortho8 -180 pageshas been distributed.
-Seminar C2S5 Algiers, on 25 to 26 oct. 2013 with the participation of Pr
Gilbert Henri Crussol, Pr Mustapha Oumouna, Pr Smail Meziani and Pr
Chafika Mehdid. During this seminar, bulletin Ortho9 -140 pages-, and
the handbook Ortho-DZ1 -712 pages- were distributed
-Participation, on 02/11/2013 at the International Book Exposition SILA
with a conference on the expérience of SANMO in scientific edition.
2013 Press-Papers published.
- Press-paper published on Ortho5 concerning seminar held on 25 au 26
janvier 2013:
* Les japonais ralentissent la croissance du cancer en Algérie, on
« L'Expression » of 21/01/2013.
* La vitamine C, nouvelle approche thérapeutique pour le cancer by Pr
Atsuo Yanagisawa on « le midi-libre ».
* Cancer: Des spécialistes préconisant l'utilisation de la vitamine C by
intra-veineuse by « APS », on 25/01/2013.
* Le Pr Atsuo Yanagisawa, Président de l'ISOM et de la JCIT by Ourida
Ait-Ali on « le midi-libre » of 30/01/2013.
* Bonne nouvelle pour les cancéreux ! by Mr Zohir Mebarki on
l'Expression du 31/01/2013.
* Cancer, mieux comprendre pour mieux affronter by Dr tahar naili, on
« midi-libre » of 06/02/02013.
- Press-paper published on Ortho6 concerning seminar held on 22 au 23
mars 2013:
* Interview of Pr George Birkmayer: "L'impact de ma présentation en
Algérie était énorme" by Ourida Ait-Ali on « le midi-libre » 06/03/2013.
* Interview of Pr Hafida Merzouk: "La médecine cellulaire permet une
nouvelle compréhension de l'origine des maladies" by Ourida Ait-Ali on
« le midi-libre » 06/03/2013.
* Paper of Dr Tahar Naili: "Reggane..., une cicatrice indélébile." on
« midi-libre » of 14/02/2013.
* Une nouvelle molécule pour le traitement des maladies cellulaires
bientôt en Algérie by APS, 27/03/2013.
- Press-paper published on Ortho7 concerning seminar held on 24 au 25
mai 2013:
* Vitamines et minéraux, traitements de plusieurs pathologies dont le
cancer, selon Dr Ilyes Baghli by APS 26/05/2013.
* Discours d'ouverture du Dr Ilyes Baghli, lu par le Pr Atsuo Yanagisawa,
Président de l'ISOM lors de l'ouverture de la 42' session de la
conférence internationale annuelle de médecine orthomoléculaire à
Toronto au Canada du 26 au 28 avril 2013.
- Press-paper published on Ortho8 concerning seminar held on 28 au 29
juin 2013:
* Des spécialistes en nutrition ont relevé samedi à Alger, les vertus
thérapeutiques du chocolat noir et ses bienfaits sur la santé de l'être
humain, notamment en ce qui concerne la protection du système cardiovasculaire. by APS 29/06/2013.
* La médecine orthomoléculaire, le défi d'aujourd'hui par Rabéa
Ferguene on « Horizons », 30/06/2013.
* Vantées par des spécialistes en nutrition, les vertus du chocolat noir
by: « Liberté », 30/06/2013.
- Articles de presse publiés sur Ortho9 concernant le séminaire du 20 au
21 septembre 2013:
* DK-News Forum with the participation of Pr Thomas Edward Levy, Pr
Mustapha Oumouna, Dr Tahar Naili and Dr Ilyes Baghli: Le traitement du
cancer par méga-doses de vitamine C.
* Le Pr Thomas Edward Levy défend à Alger, la thérapie du cancer à,
base de vitamine C. by APS, 21/09/2013.
* Le Pr américain Thomas Edward Levy défend la thérapie du cancer à
base de vitamine C: un médicament miracle anti-cancer? par DK-News,
le 22/09/2013.
* Lutte contre le cancer: La vitamine C, remède miracle? par InfoSoir, le
* Lutte contre le cancer: Le Pr américain Thomas Edward Levy défend la
thérapie à base de vitamine C, by El Moudjahid du 22/09/2013.
* Traitement du cancer et des pathologies lourdes, le Pr Thomas Levy
prône de méga-doses de vitamine C by F. Zohra on « Le Soir d'Algérie »
of 22/09/2013.
* La vitamine C contre le cancer by Rabéa Ferguene on « Horizons »,
* Vitamines et minéraux, traitements dont plusieurs pathologies dont le
cancer on « Le temps d'Algérie » 04/09/2013.
* L'autre traitement du cancer by Zouhir Mebarki on « l'Expression »
Publication on N'25 Dec 2013 of « Santé-Mag » of the interview:
- Pr Smail Meziani, Président of Européen Institut of anti-oxydants.
pages 10 - 11.
- Pr Gilbert Henri Crussol: Les vertus, pour la santé de la vitamine C.
pages 26 - 27.
On Ortho8 pages139 to 145 is published a study conducted at the
Laboratoiry of the Université of Tlemcen by Pr Hafida Merzouk, Dr Ilyes
Baghli and Dr Amel Mejdoub on "Vitamine C et NADH: Protection de la
fonction des lymphocytes en présence des pesticides"
 SANMO is continuing its mission of training for new inscriptions
and of perfectionnement for Ortho-Dz Drs.
 Election of Dr Ilyès BAGHLI, President of SANMO, on Assemblée
Générale Exceptionnelle held on 11/01/2014 for a 05 five years
mandat till 10/01/2019.
 organisation of the 1' International Conference of SANMO from 24
to 25 jan. 2014.
 January 24, 2014 : Awards of Antoine Bechamp Institut
 The 4 releases of Algeria Press Service about the first
international conference in Algiers SANMO 24 to 25 January
 The 4 "live" on Canal Algerie TV:
 01/25/2014 • Pr Atsuo Yanagisawa of Japan, President of the
 25/10/2013 • Pr Gilbert Henri Crussol of Spain, President of the
Institute Antoine Bechamp and Pr Meziani Smail of France,
President of the European Institute of Anti-oxidants.
 09/20/2013 • Pr Edward Thomas Levy U.S., author of six books in
orthomolecular medicine and Professor Mustapha Oumouna, an
immunologist at the University of Medea.
 • 26/03/2013 with Professor George Birkmayer Austria, inventor of
 Dr Ilyes BAGHLI. President SANMO.
SANMO Experience in
scientific edition
Ortho Bulletins 1 to 5, reviewed and classified by different
ORTHO-DZ 1 will be followed by ORTHO-DZ 2 after the end of
the CYCLE 2 training and development SANMO in January
2014 etc.
The ORTHO-DZ is a concept of development of scientific
publishing as support training and continuing development
on niches of modern medicine in its molecular vision and its
nano-technological support.
SANMO with eager members training and development a
basic scientist program to harmonize the elements of
scientific knowledge.
An organization of operation of seminars to enable the
members to find themselves on the basis of a scientific and
technical program.
An inter-active exchange between SANMO members and
facilitators and trainers of international rank.
A focus on the BASICS, courses, and CONFERENCES of the
scientific sector. Attention to the partners invited by
assistance of simultaneous on-line for a continuity in the
experience of the partnership.
Instant recovery of these elements on a support newsletter
for the current period. Recommendations to members of the
SANMO for harmonious formatting of their articles.
Summaries in Arabic, french, English and keywords to find
common interests.
The thesaurus of terminology of the words most perdurants
in the same article and this in several working languages:
french, English, German, Arabic, tamazight.
Genesis of a Thesaurus of Orthomolecular medicine in
Publishing in color, a reorientation towards edition black and
white with the exception of the 4 pages of coverage.
The choice of the bright to a more austere and more readable
Bookbinding stapled the first 2 numbers to bookbinding in
the Bulletins ORTHO collage, then the binding sewing for
ORTHO-DZ. Monitoring of management to allow the release of
the Bulletin on the morning of the first day of the next
A single stress during these epics, the availability of the
sources of financing for our publishing activities.
Trust in our partners and sponsoring our national media, to
make our operations efficient.
Calibration of our activities compared to the international
level within the ISOM.
Optimism in the social, cultural and scientific member
SANMO development.
The first age of the SANMO wants to be in good health with
the kindness of those who focus on well-being and
The ORTHO - DZ 1 of the SANMO Handbook is in your hands
to ensure continuity, and long life.
Later he was the first volume of a series scientific and
medical to which you have contributed to the existence of the
following volumes to enhance the quality of your personal
library and all scientific libraries works!
Dr. Ilyès BAGHLI
President of SANMO
-SANMO is an Algerian learned Society, related non-profit,
established on the principle of the old Vienna Circle to
discuss the themes according to different visions, with as
basic principle: an innovative and creative spirit in a
pedagogical approach.
-Continuing medical education is open to physicians,
pharmacists, dentists, biologists, chemists, biochemists,
microbiologists, agronomists, veterinarians and dieticians on
the basis of a continuous course of six seminars with
obligation to publish on the Bulletin Ortho to be recipient of
SANMO-ISOM certification. Training will be continued by a
continuous development because it is a non-repeating
evolutionary program.
-The publication of bulletins ORTHO is a follow-up to each
seminar to ensure complete archiving of all communications
discussed at each seminar, the SANMO is at its Ortho12,
avecOrtho11 in the process of finalization for its 13' seminar
which is scheduled for 28-29 March 2014 in Algiers.
-The different seminars tracks in two days: Friday-Saturday to
allow the presence of all and especially their availability for
work and family responsibilities, cumulation 16 h for each
seminar with the participation of two to three national
teachers of different universities and two or three
international teachers of different nationalities.
-The Austria was the first nation to participate in the
undergraduate program.
-During the second cycle, the Austria joined other
nationalities: Japan, USA, and France.
List of national speakers:
-Pr Hafida Mason biologist the University of Tlemcen.
-Pr Mustapha OUMOUNA immunologist from the University of
-Pr Chafika MEHDID an Odontologist from the University of
List of international speakers:
-Pr George BIRKMAYER - Vienna - Austria. -Dr. Heidi
-Dr. Monika FUCHS - Austria.
-Dr. Sabine WIED - Linz - AuSTRIA.
-Pr Atsuo YANAGISAWA - Kamakura - Japan - - Pr Thomas
Edward LEVY - Mississippi - USA - Pr Gilbert Henri CRUSSOL
- Lezaka - Spain - - Pr Patrick CURMI - France
- Pr Michel NARCE - France
List of teachers from the Algerian diaspora in France:
- Pr Mustapha DAIDJ - Marseille –
- Pr Smail MEZIANI – NancyBook References SANMO:
ORTHO-DZ HANDBOOK : Birth of experience in scientific
publishing. ORTHO-DZ 1 is a collection of 712 pages of the